AmCham Annual Directory 2010

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AmCham Morocco

Annual Directory 2010


Annual Directory 2010




From the Desk of the President


Kamal Kassis Dear AmCham Members & Partner Organizations, It is with great pride that the Board of Directors reflects on AmCham’s growth during 2009 in terms of both membership and activities. By continuing to grow as an organization, AmCham will be better able to serve and assist members to benefit from FTA trade and investment opportunities in both markets. AmCham is very thankful to all its partner organizations including the US Embassy, USAID, MCC, OBG, CGEM and other key government agencies whose efforts were tremendous in promoting MoroccanAmerican business relations and in boosting business reforms. The AmCham gala ball tonight is an opportunity to celebrate these relations and to award, for the third year running, the Prestigious AmCham-OCP Trade & Investment Award 2009. The award is for member companies who exhibit innovative and successful trade and investment strategies, and who also are leaders in the field of ethical business conduct. We look forward to working with our members, partner organizations, and future members in 2010 and beyond. All of us at AmCham are sincerely grateful for your support and dedication, and look forward to expanding and promoting trade and prosperity between the U.S. and Morocco.


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Banque populaire

Imaginez l’avenir en grand









Parce que la croissance de votre entreprise est stratégique, et que vos ambitions et vos projets méritent d’être assimilés et pris en charge au quotidien, la Banque Populaire vous accompagne au Maroc et à l’étranger, en vous apportant l’écoute et le conseil de ses experts, une offre diversifiée et novatrice, ainsi que le soutien nécessaire à l’atteinte de vos objectifs de croissance.

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Le Mot du Président


Kamal Kassis Chers membres de l’AmCham et partenaires, C’est avec grande fierté que le Conseil d’Administration se penche sur la croissance faite par l’AmCham en 2009 tant en terme de composition qu’en terme d’activités. En continuant à se développer en tant qu’organisation, l’AmCham sera mieux en mesure de servir et d’aider les membres à promouvoir le commerce bilatéral et l’investissement et à mieux bénéficier des opportunités offertes par l’ALE dans les deux marchés. L’AmCham est très reconnaissante à toutes ses organisations partenaires, y compris l’ambassade américaine, l’USAID, MCC, Oxford Business Group, CGEM et d’autres organismes gouvernementaux clés, dont les efforts ont été considérables dans la promotion des relations maroco-américaines d’affaires et dans la mise en œuvre des réformes. Le bal de gala de l’AmCham cette année est une occasion de célébrer ces relations et d’attribuer, pour la troisième année consécutive, le prestigieux prix AmCham-OCP du commerce et de l’investissement maroco-américain 2009. Ce prix récompense les entreprises membres qui développent des stratégies innovantes et réussies dans le commerce et l’investissement tout en présentant le leadership éthique dans la conduite de leurs affaires. Nous nous réjouissons de travailler avec nos membres, les organisations partenaires, et les futurs membres en 2010 et au-delà. Nous tous à l’AmCham sommes sincèrement reconnaissants pour votre soutien et votre dévouement au développement et à la promotion du commerce et de la prospérité entre les États-Unis et le Maroc.


Annual Directory 2010


AmCham Morocco welcomes


Samuel L. Kaplan as new US Ambassador to The Kingdom

Samuel L. Kaplan Samuel L. Kaplan was sworn in as U.S. Ambassador to The Kingdom of Morocco on September 18, 2009. Mr. Samuel L. Kaplan is a founding member of Kaplan, Strangis and Kaplan, P.A. established in 1978. He serves as president of the firm which engages in the general practice of law, strictly limited, however, to non-litigation matters. Mr. Kaplan received his B.B.A. degree (with a major in accounting) with distinction from the University of Minnesota (1957) and his J.D. degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Minnesota (1960) where he was president of the University of Minnesota Law Review, and received the Order of the Coif. He served as an adjunct professor of law during the early years following law school graduation. He is often a visiting lecturer at law school classes and speaker at continuing legal education programs. Mr. Kaplan currently serves as a member of Board of Directors of The Minneapolis Club. Mr. Kaplan has served on the boards of directors of several publicly held companies. He presently serves on the board of directors of Piper Jaffray Companies. Mr. Kaplan and his partner, Ralph Strangis, own numerous nursing homes and senior housing facilities in the Upper Midwest. They are also owners of apartment facilities in the St. Cloud, Minnesota area. In 1988, Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Strangis organized Windsor Bancshares, Inc. which owned Bank Windsor, operating at several locations in the State of Minnesota. That company was later acquired by Associated Banc-Corp. Mr. Kaplan was also an organizer and former president and director of Banking Corporation of Florida, which owned First Florida Bank in Naples, Florida. That company was later acquired by Synovus Financial Corp. Mr. Kaplan has been engaged in numerous community and charitable activities and was formerly a long-time member of the board of The Harry Kay Charitable Foundation. He is a past president of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation. Mr. Kaplan has long been involved in Democratic Party affairs and served as chairman of Senator Paul Wellstone’s successful 1990 and 1996 election and reelection campaigns. He now serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Wellstone Action. He was substantially involved in Tom Harkin’s 1992 and Bill Bradley’s 1996 presidential campaigns in Minnesota, as well as R.T. Rybak’s campaigns for Mayor of Minneapolis and campaigns for numerous congressional candidates. He also served as one of the chairs of John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign in Minnesota. He was a member of the National Finance Committee of Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign. Mr. Kaplan is married to Sylvia Chessen Kaplan. They have six children and thirteen grandchildren.


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AmCham souhaite la bienvenue à Monsieur Samuel L. au Royaume du Maroc


Kaplan, Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis

Samuel L. Kaplan M. Samuel L. Kaplan a prêté serment en tant qu’ambassadeur des Etats-Unis auprès du Royaume du Maroc, le 18 Septembre, 2009. M. Samuel L. Kaplan est membre fondateur et président du cabinet juridique Kaplan, Strangis et Kaplan, créé en 1978 ; ce cabinet s’adonne à la pratique générale du droit, mais se limite strictement à des affaires non litigieuses. M. Kaplan est actuellement membre des Conseils d’Administration du Club Minneapolis et de Piper Jaffray Companies et a également figuré au sein des Conseils d’administration de plusieurs entreprises publiques. M. Kaplan a obtenu en 1957 un BA ou licence en Administration des affaires en comptabilité, avec mention, et un doctorat en droit (JD) avec mention bien (magna cum laude) à l’Université de Minnesota (1960) où il a dirigé la Revue juridique et s’est vu décerner ‘l’Order of the Coif.’ Il a été professeur assistant de droit au cours des premières années après l’obtention de son diplôme. M. Kaplan est souvent invité comme chargé de cours dans des facultés de droit et donne des conférences dans le cadre de programmes continus d’enseignement juridique. M. Kaplan et son associé, Ralph Strangis, possèdent de nombreuses maisons de retraite et centres du troisième âge dans plusieurs Etats du centre nord des Etats-Unis. Ils sont également propriétaires d’immeubles dans la zone de St. Cloud (Minnesota). En 1988, M. Kaplan et M. Strangis ont fondé la Windsor Bancshares, Inc. qui possédait la Banque Windsor et opérait dans plusieurs régions de l’Etat du Minnesota. Cette entreprise a été plus tard acquise par Associated Banc-Corp. M. Kaplan a également été le président directeur général de la Banking Corporation of Florida, à laquelle appartenait la First Florida Bank à Naples (Floride). Cette société a été ultérieurement acquise par Synovus Financial Corp. M. Kaplan s’est livré à de nombreuses activités communautaires et caritatives et a été longtemps membre du Conseil de la Fondation ‘The Harry Kay Charitable’. Il a également été président de la Fondation juive de Minneapolis (Jewish Foundation). M. Kaplan a été longtemps impliqué dans les affaires du Parti démocrate et a présidé les campagnes du sénateur Paul Wellstone, celle de 1990 ayant abouti à son élection et celle de 1996 à sa réélection. Il est aujourd’hui membre du Conseil d’Administration de Wellstone Action. M. Kaplan a été essentiellement impliqué dans les campagnes présidentielles de Tom Harkin en 1992 et de Bill Bradley en 1996 dans le Minnesota, ainsi que dans les campagnes de R.T. Rybak pour le poste de maire de Minneapolis et celles de plusieurs candidats au Congrès. Il a également été l’un des dirigeants de la campagne présidentielle de John Kerry en 2004 dans le Minnesota et membre du comité national de financement (National Finance Committee) de la campagne présidentielle de Barack Obama. M. Kaplan est marié à Sylvia Chessen Kaplan et a six enfants et treize petits-enfants


Annual Directory 2010




OUR MISSION The chamber’s mission is to provide support to businesses, Moroccan and American, through advocacy, information, networking and business support services.

BACKGROUND AmCham Morocco was established in 1966 by a network of Moroccan and American companies under the auspices of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington,D.C. Today AmCham membership totals 280 members of which 55% are Moroccan, 40% American, and 5% other nationalities

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Events • Forums, seminars, workshops, and lunch debates • The AmCham–OCP Trade and Investment Award • The AmCham Gala Ball • The AmCham Golf Challenge • AMPA-AmCham Bridges • Discover American Week • U.S. Business roundtable Services • Advice and assistance on business development • A documentation center, including company directories, databases, and business guides • Special publications, such as guides to obtaining residency in Morocco and to trade and investment • A CV database on the FTA site ( • Discounts in hotels, restaurants, and other businesses • Business Executive Visa Program • Business Referrals Publications • A monthly electronic newsletter • An annual directory • The AmCham site ( • The FTA site ( • The AmCham Trade and Investment Guide Networking and Advocacy • Liaison with the U.S. and Moroccan governments • Partnerships: the U.S. Embassy and Foreign Commercial Service, USAID, MCC, Al Akhawayn University,

the Ministry of National Education, the CGEM, and the Oxford Business Group (OBG).




THE COMMITTEES Commerce and Industry Committee / Free Trade Agreement Chairperson: Danielle Tobias Issues: The AmCham contribution to the implementation and promotion of the FTA, the AmCham - OCP Trade and Investment Award, and business environment.

Events Committee Chairperson: Azzedine Kettani Issues: Assists in the organization of AmCham events. Education Committee Chairperson: Karl Stanzick Issues: Supervises AmCham’s role in the endowment fund managed jointly with Al Akhawayn University and the partnership university entreprise.

Corporate Citizenship Committee Issues: Works on various AmCham corporate citizenship initiatives. OSAC Committee (overseas Security Advisory Council) Issues: Liaison with U.S. firms regarding security.





NOTRE MISSION La mission de la chambre est de fournir un soutien aux entreprises, marocaines et américaines, à travers le plaidoyer, l’information, les réseaux et services de soutien au développement des affaires.

HISTORIQUE AmCham a été créé en 1966 par un groupe d’entreprises marocaines et américaines, sous les auspices de la Chambre de commerce américaine à Washington, DC. AmCham totalise 280 membres, dont 55% sont marocains, 40% américains et 5% d’autres nationalités.

LES PRODUITS ET SERVICES Les événements • • • • • • •

Forums, séminaires, ateliers et débats Le Prix AmCham-OCP du Commerce et de l’Investissement Maroco-Américain Le bal de gala annuel Le tournoi de golf La conférence annuelle AmCham-AMPA La semaine américaine au Maroc La table- ronde sur l’investissement américain au Maroc

Les services • Conseil sur le monde des affaires au Maroc et aux Etats-Unis • Un centre de documentation, incluant des bases de données, des annuaires, et des opportunités


• Des publications spéciales, telles que le guide de l’obtention de résidence au Maroc et le guide du

commerce et de l’investissement

• Une candidathèque sur le site de l’ALE ( • Des remises accordées aux membres • Business Executive Visa Program ( BEP) réserve les rendez-vous pour les entretiens de visa le 1er et le

3ème Mercredi de chaque mois pour le personnel des sociétés membres de l’AmCham.

• Références d’affaires : L’AmCham fournit, selon vos besoins, une lettre de recommandation pour les

membres en train de faire une soumission locale ou internationale.

Les publications • • • • • •

Le bulletin mensuel La revue annuelle Le site web de l’AmCham ( Le site web de l’ALE ( Le guide du commerce et de l’investissement Un rapport annuel sur le Maroc en partenariat avec Oxford Business Group (OBG)

Networking et Plaidoyer • Assurer la liaison antre les membres de l’AmCham et les gouvernements américain et marocain • Des partenariats avec l’Ambassade et le service commercial des Etats-Unis, avec l’USAID, MCC,

l’université AL Akhawayn, avec le Ministère de l’Education nationale, avec la CGEM, et avec l’Oxford Business Group (OBG).




LES COMITES Comité de Commerce et d'Industrie (CIC) / Accord de Libre Echange (ALE) Présidente : Danielle Tobias

Le comité de Commerce et d’Industrie dirige des initiatives de plaidoyer, CIC apporte également le soutien de l’AmCham à l’ALE entre le Maroc et les Etats-Unis, et identifie des nouveaux opportunités d’affaires.

Comité d'Education Président : Karl Stanzick

Le Comité d’Education gère principalement le fonds de dotation en partenariat avec l’Université Al Al Akhawayn. Le comité travail également avec IYF, EFE, ALEF, et d’autres Universités au Maroc.

Comité d'Evénements Président : Azzedine Kettani

Le Comité d’Evénements aide dans l’organisation des événements d’affaires et des événements sociaux.

Comité de l’Entreprise Citoyenne (CCC) Le CCC développe et réalise des programmes dédiés à l’éducation, la philanthropie, et/ou la résponsabilité sociale.

Conseil Consultatif de Sécurité Outre-mer (OSAC) Le Comité de Sécurité s’occupe d’informer les sociétés Américaines au Maroc sur les questions de sécurité.



Why join AmCham Morocco

1. Networking opportunities

Events: AmCham hosts special events throughout the year. These events represent an excellent networking opportunity, and allow members and guests to listen to the views of prominent political and business speakers from the government, international agencies, and the private sector. Additionally, AmCham organizes the AmCham Trade and Investment Award, an Annual Gala Ball and two Golf challenges. Committees: AmCham Morocco has five committees: Commerce and Industry, Corporate Citizenship, Executive Education, Events and Security Committee (OSAC). Committees meet regularly throughout the year to plan and develop the AmCham’s activities and research. These committees provide a forum for AmCham members to raise issues about the business climate and draft position papers to solicit government action on issues such as IPR, taxes, custom duties, education, security, corruption, and others. AmCham members are invited to join one or several committees of their choice by sending an e-mail to the Managing Director at: Information and publications: A monthly electronic newsletter An annual directory Trade and Investment Guide Morocco: The report by OBG The AmCham web site : ( The FTA web site : ( 2. Advocacy

AmCham Morocco along with the U.S. Embassy and the Foreign Commercial Service of the US Consulate advocate for business environment issues and work closely with the Moroccan and the U.S. Governments to improve the business climate for U.S. companies established in Morocco and for AmCham members in general. 3. Business opportunities and referrals

Business opportunities: members receive and submit business opportunities, such as offers to buy or sell products, requests for trade partners or investors, and notifications of import/export opportunities. Business referrals: AmCham provides members with referrals necessary for international tenders and procurements. 4. Expedited Visa appointments

Business Executive Visa Program (BEP). The AmCham and the US Consulate are pleased to provide the Business Executive Visa Program (BEP). This program reserves visa appointments at the Consulate on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month for the employees of AmCham member companies, simplifying and shortening the visa process. Please note, the BEP pertains only to the reservation of visa appointments, and not to the outcome of visa requests. 5. Promotional Opportunities

AmCham website: AmCham Morocco website is an attractive channel for reaching your target customers. Corporate logos and Websites display are available for members.

Why join AmCham Morocco


AmCham monthly electronic newsletter: AmCham monthly newsletter is sent to 4 000 e-mails monthly both in Morocco and in the USA. AmCham members are eligible for special discounts on Ads and logos placed in the newsletter.

AmCham Annual Directory: All members and their companies are featured in this complete crossreferenced directory, published every year and referred to by thousands of Moroccans and international users. Mass e-mails campaigns: Members can use the AmCham e-mail database for their marketing and sales campaigns. 5. Developing your human resources capacity building

AmCham CV database: AmCham offers a variety of services for human resource development. A CV database is available on the FTA website. 6. Member discounts

As a valued member of AmCham, you will also receive special discounts on products and services offered by member companies using your membership card especially hotels and restaurants. You are also subjects to discounts from AmCham MENA composed of AmCham Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon ( For more information on the AmCham and membership, please visit our website: For advertising matters, corporate logos and websites display, please contact Aicha Mahdad at 0522 25 07 36-0522 25 07 37 - or by e-mail at:










On March 27th, AmCham organized a roundtable on US Investment in Morocco featuring special guests Minister Ahmed Reda Chami and the Chargé d’Affaires of the US Embassy, Robert Jackson. The event addressed, firstly, the positive trends of both U.S. investment in Morocco and trade between Morocco and the USA since the implementation of the FTA in 2006, and secondly, the changes in the current Moroccan business environment and associated challenges. In his opening remarks, Kamal Kassis, AmCham President reported that there are currently 120 U.S. companies and nearly 50 distributors of major US brands present in the Moroccan market and that U.S. Direct Investment in Morocco has been increasing since the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement, nearly doubling from 107 million USD in 2006 to 193 million USD in 2007. This increase in FDI is combined with the creation of 100,000 jobs, direct and indirect, and significant contributions to community development and Corporate Social Responsibility. Mr. Kassis noted that U.S. investors are today targeting new sectors in Morocco such as tourism, with the recent investment of Octogogne Hotels, and the high-tech sector, such as aeronautics and automobile with the recent investment of Minco and Delphi automotive. For most of these companies, Morocco is a platform for production and export to different countries. The DCM, Robert Jackson added that U.S. - Morocco bilateral trade has more than doubled since FTA implementation and that the U.S. Government has invested heavily in targeted technical assistance and capacity building in order to ensure that Morocco also benefits from the commercial partnership. Mr. Jackson praised the ability of Moroccan firms to compete on the US market, despite the high level of competition. He described the reasons to invest as three-fold: diversification of target markets, increasing saturation of the European market (especially in the textile sector), and evidence of existing success stories between the US and Morocco. Mr. Jackson reinforced the commitment of the US government to support the efforts of Moroccan businesses, and stated that the US government will “remain fully engaged on the policy and practical level to resolve outstanding issues”. Two events will target these issues in the near future – the second FTA Review in Washington (May), and a business forum in Morocco (June) – both intended to “discuss how to maximize the benefits and seize existing and new FTA opportunities.”

Amcham Board and Minister Chami

Rick Ortiz, Commercial counselor, DCM Rob Jackson, Minister Chami and Kamal Kassis, Amcham President

Over 120 U.S. companies attended the event



Minister Ahmed Reda Chami’s remarks focused on the improvement of the business climate in Morocco and the recently signed “Pact for Industrial Emergence”, which will enhance key sectors’ productivity and competitiveness. These sectors include offshoring, automobile, aeronautics, electronics, BPO and ITO. Minister Chami stressed the drastic changes and reforms that Morocco has undertaken and is still undertaking at the social, political and economic level. He assured the participants that Morocco enjoys a sound and stable economy, thanks to a reduced budget deficit (below 3%), controlled inflation (below 3%), and stable money. Morocco expects a 5% growth in 2009 despite the international economic downturn. He added that further structural reforms are in progress at the administrative and judicial level. As part of these reforms, the Ministry of justice signed the Pact for Industrial Emergence and will reinforce mediation and arbitration. He also mentioned that a new committee, led by the Prime Minister, was put in place to deal with reforms and enforcement. Lastly, Minister Chami announced that the new AMDI “Agence de Developpement des Investissements” will actively promote Morocco as an attractive place for international investment. The AMDI will have offices in five main countries, including the USA. U.S. CONSUL GENERAL ELISABETH MILLARD HOSTS A U.S. BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE AT HER RESIDENCE TO DISCUSS CONCRETE EXAMPLES OF BUSINESS CHALLENGES IN MOROCCO May 27th, 2009 – Casablanca:

Held on May 27th, this roundtable was organized jointly by the U.S. Commercial Service (FCS) in Morocco and the American Chamber of Commerce in Morocco (AmCham). The event was launched as a follow-up event, at the request of U.S. business representatives who attended the first U.S. business roundtable on March 27th, featuring Minister Ahmed Reda Chami and the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires, Robert P. Jackson. At the March roundtable, Minister Chami spoke about the multiple reforms that the government has made to improve the business environment. He noted, however that more reforms are needed and could be implemented in an effort to improve the business environment. To this end, Minister Chami asked business representatives and organizations to detail what is currently working well, what still needs improvement, and how further reforms can best attract more U.S. firms and investment.

Rik Ortiz, Commercial Counselor, Bill Conner, Harley Davidson, Elisabeth Millard, US Consul General

The May 27th roundtable was moderated by Bill Conner of Harley-Davidson Casablanca. Mr. Conner shared some of the difficulties he has experienced in starting a branch office in Morocco, mainly in dealing with several government agencies. Other U.S. companies’ business challenges included Regional Investment Center’s cross training of employees in order to better serve as one-stop shops; financing; convertibility of the Moroccan dirham; and obtaining a credit card that is valid beyond Morocco. Collecting accounts receivable was another central topic, in addition to unfair competition, the labor code, and judicial reform. Numerous participants raised the issue of continued IPR infringements. Almost all participants agreed that this type of roundtable was very instrumental to resolving common problems by sharing business concerns and ideas, and the group expressed interest in meeting at least quarterly. The meetings could be hosted by different firms at their premises, with coordination provided by the AmCham.




On March 20th, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Christopher Wilson met with the AmCham FTA committee members to discuss pending issues related to the US-Morocco Free Trade Agreement and to learn more about trade barriers faced by Moroccan exporters. This discussion will help the USTR to prepare in advance the agenda items Mr. Christopher Wilson, Assistant USTR of the Second Joint Government FTA Committee Meeting, which will be held in May in Washington, D.C. AmCham conveyed to Mr. Wilson that the Morocco-USA FTA is operational and is producing results both in terms of trade and investment; moroccan exports, however, could do better and could seize more opportunities in the USA. AmCham participants raised questions about sanitary measures and restrictions on fresh products such as blueberries and tomatoes. Other concerns included rules of origin, cumulative rules of origin with MENA countries, reconciliation of trade statistics as well as technical assistance for exporters. Mr. Wilson assured AmCham members that the Government of the United States is committed to the effectiveness of Morocco-USA FTA and will make every effort to tackle trade barriers. For more information on the USTR, please visit their website at:




AmCham Egypt hosted leaders of AmChams from around the world in Cairo during the period from April 27th-29th, 2009. The purpose of the visit was to build relationships with the different organizations, share management experiences and best practices, discuss the roles of the different AmChams in promoting trade and investment between their respective countries and the United States, explore opportunities for joint cooperation between the different organizations, as well as to showcase Egypt’s economy and culture. The following AmCham representatives participated in the three day visit; AmCham Australia, AmCham Albania, AmCham Bahrain, AmCham Cyprus, AmCham Greece, AmCham Jordan, AmCham Lebanon, AmCham Morocco, AmCham Montenegro, AmCham Russia, AmCham South Africa, and AmCham Tunis. During the visit, AmCham Egypt held an orientation meeting to familiarize its guest with its activities. Guests expressed their interest in learning more about AmCham Egypt‘s scope of work, its wide membership base, and the variety of services being offered. The delegation also got the chance to meet with H.E. Dr. Ahmed Nazif, the Prime minister at his office in the Smart Village. During the meeting, His Excellency highlighted the role that AmCham plays as one of Egypt’s leading business organizations and a strong representative of the private sector that has played a major role in shaping Egypt’s reform agenda. A special reception was hosted on April 27th, in honor of the visiting delegation at Le Deck at the Sofitel Cairo Hotel. Attendees included members of the AmCham Egypt Board of Governors, Committee Officers, Corporate Partners, and representatives from the different embassies. Guests enjoyed a spectacular view of the Nile River. On their last day, all guests were escorted on a day tour of the Pyramids and the Egyptian Museum.


On April 14th, the AmCham and the US Consulate of Morocco introduced the Business Executive Program (BEP). Under the provisions of the program, special visa appointments will be reserved at the Consulate for Moroccans travelling to the US on business. Specifically, the US Consulate plans to reserve the first and third Wednesdays of every month for BEP visa appointments. Only direct employees of AmCham member companies may request a visa appointment under the BEP. The sponsored employee must be travelling for business purposes directly supporting the goals of his or her company. Family members of the interested employee are also eligible to apply for visas under the BEP, specifically B2 visas. The AmCham itself will be responsible for the reserving and scheduling of BEP appointments on the appropriate days. The BEP is the first in a series of steps to respond to the concerns of Moroccan businessmen and businesswomen regarding the entry process into the US. The BEP will enable Morocco-US business trips for companies that have a limited timeframe in which to organize their travel arrangements. As the barriers between Morocco-US travel are reduced, it is the strong hope of both the AmCham and the US Consulate that trade and business relationships between the two countries will continue to increase at an even faster rate. The scope of the BEP does not extend beyond that of visa applications. The process of obtaining a visa and entering the US is, for the moment, unchanged. These policies will surely come under examination, particularly in light of the recent visit by Ambassador Michael Kirby on March 2nd, but further changes in the system will continue to proceed on a step-to-step basis. Despite continuing reservations that may exist concerning entrance policy into the US, the BEP stands as a sign of commitment to the improvement of the system, and by itself marks a step in the right direction towards successful commerce between the two countries.



Nearly 60 representatives of the Moroccan business community attended the presentation, which was led by Mary Polley and Miguel Ordonez of the US Consulate. The program’s functional inauguration occurred on the 22nd of April, 2009.

Mary Polley, Consular Affairs, US Consulate

Danielle Tobias, Secretary General; Rabia El Alama, Managing Director; Rick Ortiz; Miguel Ordonez, Consular Affairs


On May 13th, the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), Outsourcia, Xceed, and the AmCham organized a joint event addressing the current state and future of outsourcing in the MENA region. Guest speaker Youssef Chraibi presented an overview of the market and outlined potential sectors for growth in the years to come. Overall, Morocco presents the strongest outsourcing profile across the region. Morocco handles almost 50% of all French outsourcing contracts. Tunisia is the closest concurrent, but is limited due to its employee base, linguistic concerns, and technical skills. Morocco employs 27 000 workers in the field of outsourcing, compared to 10 000 in Tunisia. Moroccan outsourcing centers are aiming to create 100 000 new jobs by 2015. A fairly recent development, outsourcing has evolved into a major industry in less than 10 years. Initially focusing on call centers providing client support, more than 50% of all current client-management projects are outsourced. Recently, outsourcing has developed two new main services, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO). ITO provides technical assistance and IT skills to companies and individuals, whereas BPO is a more overarching endeavour in which entire company operations are managed and maintained by an outsourcing center. Ultimately, BPO holds the most potential for companies, but due to its complexity, its success depends on a welldeveloped market. The company and the outsourcing center need to build trust and continuity via a full commitment on the part of the company, and a large ability and stability of the outsourcing center. The IAOP helps guide the development of outsourcing by establishing professional norms and serving as a resource for companies both using and supplying outsourcing services. Outsourcia, a french company with outsourcing centers in Casablanca, provides call center, ITO, and BPO services. Rabia El Alama, Amcham; Youssef Chraibi, Outsoucia; Adel Danish, Xceed Egypt; Ihab Chaoui, Xceed Morocco

the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), Outsourcia, Xceed, and the AmCham organized a joint event addressing the current state and future of outsourcing in the MENA region. Over 60 companies attended the event




AmCham Morocco held the Annual General Assembly for 2009 on June 2nd at the Royal Mansour Méridien Hotel. AmCham President Kamal Kassis presented the activities and events that the AmCham organized and developed over the course of 2008, and discussed ideas for future events to come over the following year. The event finished with a speech by Mr. Abderrahim El Hafidi, Director of Electricity and Renewable Energy in Morocco. Over 2008, the AmCham organized three roundtables, four high-official meetings, four joint events with partner organizations, and six debates on current topics of interest in the business community. The mission of the AmCham wasmodified to address a more detailed, action-oriented approach to serving its members. In addition, the percentage of members who represent American companies increased by 6%, representing an increased presence of American companies on the Moroccan market. Achievements from 2008 included successful negotiations between the Virginia Port Authority and the Tangiers Mediterranean Special Authority, increased bilateral trade, and a special award given to ex-Ambassador Thomas Riley for his work on the FTA. The AmCham has strengthened its contributions to CSR by receiving students at the AmCham office. A relatively new service, students from Northwestern University and from Al Akhawayn University have already attended on two separate occasions. In addition to CSR, the AmCham reorganized its Commerce and Industry Committee (CIC) and sent a general invitation to join to member companies. Finally, two new services were created in order to address the needs of members: the Business Executive program helps reserve expedited visa appointments for direct employees of member companies, and online registration enables easy and reliable registration for all AmCham events. The event concluded with a speech by Mr. Abderrahim El Hafidi, Director of Electricity and Renewable Energy in Morocco, on behalf of Madame Amina Benkhadra, Minister of Energy, Mines, Water, and the Environment. Mr. El Hafidi outlined Morocco’s current energy and environmental policies. Members were given time to voice questions and concerns at the end of the assembly. 1


1 Over 100 Amcham members attended the General Assembly 2 Mr. Abderrahim El Hafidi, Director of Electricity and Renewable Energy in Morocco




Through the support of the U.S. Department of State’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI), the International Executive Service Corps (IESC) held four Trade Promotion Seminars during May and June. The last of these conferences was held in Casablanca on June 9th. The purpose of the seminars was to provide business sector specialists and United States government experts an opportunity to share their insights on how to best profit from the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. At the current day, both the US and Morocco are looking to actively increase their exports to their partner country. This is reflected in the balanced growth in bilateral exchanges since the implementation of the FTA, and, as both countries are benefitting, establishes a win-win relationship between the two countries. Experts from APHIS addressed the need for productivity and competitiveness in the exportation process, and expressed an effort to streamline the regulatory process. Likewise, the US Standards and Conformity Assessment System was described as reliable, flexible, and responsive. The system was explained as a “bottom-up” approach, in which users drive the standards process. Worker’s rights were promoted as a segue to a favorable business environment, with core labor standards reflecting the International labor movement. Additionally, it was noted that the global economic crisis may be an opportunity to review worker’s rights and labor codes. David Bult of Green Sahara Furniture shared his experience on the Moroccan market, highlighting as advantages a protected investment by rule of law, 100% full foreign ownership, proximity to the US, and an ease in shipping and customs. Edwards Global (EGS), the largest single exporter of US Franchises, portrayed the US as a strong center of franchises due to well-established names, systems, support, and marketing - predictors of success on any market. The FTA has benefited both Morocco and US in terms of agricultural exports. Despite this mutual growth, Morocco has continued to be challenged by certain US standards on food exports, long phase-out periods of certain US tariffs, difficulties with US customs, and discrepancies between Moroccan and US trade statistics. Throughout the seminar, experts pointed to quality, delivery, price, and innovation as keys to success on the US market. The importance of niche products and good partnerships on the international market was also highlighted.




AmCham held a lunch-debate on Thursday, February 5th at the Sheraton Hotel to brief members on MCA bidding opportunities and to introduce the legal entity in charge of MCA projects’ implementation known as APP. The Millennium Challenge Account consists of a five-year grant of $697.5 million to Morocco and is managed by a government agency called Agence du Partenariat pour le Progrès (APP), which is in charge of implementation and execution of the program. APP works closely with seven main partners including the Ministry of Agriculture, the fisheries corporation (ONP), the Secretariat of State in charge of handicrafts (SECA), the agency in charge of Fès rehabilitation (ADER), OFPPT, INDH and ANPME. The sectors covered by MCA include fruit tree projects ($US 300.9 million), small-scale fisheries ($US 116.2 million), artisan crafts ($US 111 million), financial services ($US 46.2 million) and enterprise support ($US 33.9 million). APP procurement Manager, Mr. Daani, described the process of bidding as open, transparent, and in compliance with international standards. He stressed that there is no preference for U.S. or domestic contractors and that contractors’ payment is made either through the common payment system or an authorized account for amounts less than or equal to US $500,000. Mr. Moncef Ziani, General Manager of CID, a Moroccan company that won an 18 million US$ contract, made a testimonial at the event about their experience with bidding for MCA projects. Mr. Ziani described the process as transparent and competitive. He also stressed that bidding is not only for big companies and encouraged small companies to bid by joining a network of other Moroccan and international small companies.

Rabia El Alama, Amcham; Muneera Salem-Murdoch, MCC; Mourad Abid, Director of APP; Ahmed Daani, Director of purchasing at APP




On March 2nd, AmCham hosted a lunch in honor of Ambassador Michael Kirby, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs at the State Department. This lunch was attended by 56 participants representing Moroccan and American companies from multiple sectors of the economy. The meeting addressed the U.S. visa process and entry procedures for business travellers to the United States. Ambassador Kirby presented an overall policy of re-evaluation concerning visa processes worldwide. He noted that the United States is facing a substantial decrease in passport applications (down 25%) and is predicting a decrease in visa applications (down 15%). In light of the current economic crisis and with the new administration in place, the US seeks to re-establish a healthy travel and entrance policy, in order to stimulate the economy and tourism. Ambassador Kirby indicated a possible augmentation in the number of US consulate officers working in Morocco, in an effort to reduce the waiting time necessary to obtain a US visa. The attendees strongly noted that the US Customs entry policies at airports are the major deterrent to travel to the United States. Several businesses described the entrance policy – including waiting time, conditions, and questioning – as disrespectful and unnecessary.




Four international law students from Northwestern Law School attended a Business Environment Briefing at the AmCham Office. Northwestern Law School is located in Chicago, Illinois, and is considered one of the premier law schools in the country. The Casablanca visit was followed by a visit to the cultural center of Fès. The students expressed interest in the current state of IPR Protection as well as the newly created commercial courts. AmCham director Rabia El Alama presented statistics on Foreign Direct Investment in Morocco, and outlined the incentives offered by Morocco, in particular the fiscal, geographic, and political benefits. Mrs. El Alama confirmed the presence of a diverse range of skilled labor, and emphasized the benefits of newly redeveloped labor codes. This is in part based off the testatments of US AmCham member companies who, when researching skilled laborers for their Morocco-based projects, quickly found candidates meeting their requirements. Chicago and Casablanca have been sister cities since 1982. AL AKHAWAYN UNIVERSITY LECTURE ON “APPROACHING THE US MARKET”

April 1st, 2009 - A class of 13 students fom Al Akhawayn University (AUI) travelled from Ifrane to Casablanca for a lecture on key business strategies on the US market. Led by Nicolas Hamelin, Assistant Professor of Marketing & Management at AUI, the class of international marketing students all expressed future interest in business opportunities with the US. AmCham director Rabia El Alama presented the main sectors in the US market by percentage, and evaluated their relative successes and failures in the recent past. Mrs. El Alama noted the wide range of possibilities present on the US market due to the socioeconomic, political, and geographic diversities of the US population . The lecture represents AmCham’s committment to preparing Morocco’s future business leaders for successful commercial endeavors with the US economy.

MISCELLANEOUS Total bilateral trade through the first quarter of 2009 down 57% in comparison to 2008, Moroccan exports fall 45%, American exports fall 32%

Total Moroccan-American trade was at $452 million the first quarter of 2009, a decrease of 57% compared to the same period the previous year ($708 million). Moroccan exports were down 45% at $127 million compared to $233 million in first quarter 2008, while U.S. exports dropped 32% to $325 million compared to $475 million in first quarter 2008. Compared to the first year of FTA implementation in 2006, US-Moroccan bilateral trade has increased a balanced 71%, representing a 72% increase in US exports and a 68% increase in Moroccan exports. Nevertheless, Morocco has yet to maximize its benefits under the agreement, especially in the textile, clothing, leather, and food sectors, which enjoy particularly favorable tariff and rules of origin provisions. Leading Moroccan exports for first quarter 2009 were salt, sulphur, and stones which dropped from $79 million to $44 million (-45%) followed by electrical machinery, primarily semi-conductors and integrated circuits (-6% at $19 million) and woven apparel (-39% at $12 million). Moroccan preserved food exports were down 26% at $10 million, base metals were down 86% at $1 million, perfumery and cosmetics fell 20% to $1.3 million, whereas prepared meat stayed nearly even at $8.5 million (-1%). Edible fruits and nuts and miscellaneous grain and seed experienced growth as compared to first quarter 2008 with $12.4 million and $728 thousand, respectively (+33% and +99%).



American exports also experienced mixed results in first quarter 2009. Electrical machinery increased to $13.9 million (+39% compared to 2008), continuing a steady growth in the field. Vehicle exports also experienced a remarkable increase to $22.8 million (+304%), as compared to a slight decrease over the 20072008 period. Food waste and animal food increased to $16.6 million (+9%), while machinery and mineral fuel and oil remained nearly level at $24.8 million and $60.2 million respectively (+3% and +2%). Miscellaneous grain and seed fell 25% to $20.5 million, though this is an improvement from the 47% decrease experienced over 2007-2008. Cereals fell 94% to $6.1 million, plastic was down 18% at $16.7 million, aircraft fell 32% to $69 million, fats and oil experienced a decrease of 78% to $11.7 million, and dairy, eggs, and honey fell to $2.5 million (-80%). Iron and steel continued their rapid expansion (+4051%) to $12,1 million. Optic, photo, and medical instruments experienced a healthy growth (+51%) to $8.4 million along with special classification provisions and cotton (+42% to $6.8 million and +248% to $3.7 million). The source of these statistics is the United States Department of Commerce (U.S. Census Bureau). AMBASSADOR THOMAS RILEY RECEIVED THE AMCHAM FTA AWARD IN RECOGNITION OF HIS TIRELESS EFFORTS ON MOROCCO-USA FTA

November 29th, 2008 – Casablanca: Ambassador Thomas Riley was given the AmCham Free Trade Agreement Award at the annual gala ball in recognition of his tireless efforts in negotiating and implementing the Morocco-USA FTA. After his arrival in post in January 2004, Ambassador Riley was actively involved in negotiating and implementing the FTA. In 2005, he led the first FTA caravan in Morocco, participated at the Morocco Gateway Advantage Trade and Investment mission to the USA, and spoke at the Middle East Free Trade Agreement (MEFTA) conference in London on the new business and economic opportunities created by the FTA in Morocco. AmCham wishes all the best to Thomas and Nancy Riley. GREEN SAHARA FURNITURE, DARI COUSPATE, TECHNIQUES SCIENCE-SANTÉ (T2S) AND P&G WON THE AMCHAM-OCP TRADE AND INVESTMENT AWARD 2008

Green Sahara Furniture, Dari Couspate, Techniques Science-Santé and Procter & Gamble were the winners of the AmCham-OCP Moroccan-American Trade and Investment Award 2008. Green Sahara Furniture and Dari Couspate both received the Merchandise Category Award for Export to the U.S., T2S received the Merchandise Category Award for Import from the U.S., and Procter & Gamble received the Investment Category Award. AMCHAM TO REVAMP COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY COMMITTEE AND INVITES MEMBERS TO JOIN THE COMMITTEE

This year, AmCham has decided to revamp its Commerce and Industry Committee (CIC), which leads the Chamber’s advocacy and policy initiatives, identifies and researches key business and economic issues, and coordinates the Chamber’s internal and external activities in developing the economic and investment climate in Morocco. During the past ten years, CIC has played a key role in the improvement of the business climate in Morocco, with projects including the business environment survey, which resulted in position papers soliciting government action on business environment such as the rigidity of the labor code, lack of IPR protection, contraband and counterfeit, high corporate and revenue tax, customs delays, bureaucracy, and corruption. Today, Morocco has been able to tackle most of these issues by introducing an amended IPR law, a flexible labor code, a reduced rate for corporate tax, reduced rates for revenue tax, regional investment centers, efficient customs, commercial courts, and less bureaucracy. In order to continue to the improvement of the Moroccan business environment, the AmCham is calling on



members to join the CIC and use it as a platform for their business environment and market access issues. CIC will continue coordinating AmCham support for the FTA between Morocco and the United States as well as the identification of new business opportunities in both markets. Overview of the US Food Labeling requirements

Selling food products in the United States requires manufacturers to follow strict guidelines to ensure a smooth flow of goods from factory, to importer, to retailer, and finally to the consumer’s table. Food labels on products sold in the United States must have the product name (product identity statement); the manufacturer’s name and address; the net contents in terms of weight, measure, or count; a list of ingredients; and, in most cases, a Nutrition Facts label. To insure consistent presentation of information so consumers can easily compare food products, each component of the label is defined by regulations in terms of placement, terminology, and type size. Regulation of food labeling falls primarily under the jurisdiction of two federal agencies: the Food and Drug Administration ( and the United States Department of Agriculture ( The FDA and USDA learn of non-compliant labels on foods via random checks, checks during inspections, and reports from consumer groups, individual consumers, competitors, etc. FDA classified voluntary recalls of numerous food products that were attributed to labeling violations discovered during an FDA label review. The agency initiated one of these recalls because a bakery product formulated with sugar was falsely labeled as “sugar free.” The remaining recalls were conducted because the products contained ingredients that were not listed in the ingredient statement. Many of these recalls involved the failure to list allergenic ingredients, which can result in serious to moderate adverse health consequences to allergic consumers. Ensuring accurate nutrition information and truthful, non-misleading nutrient content and health claims will continue to be areas of emphasis in the FDA’s NLEA Compliance Program. FDA will continue to apply its resources, in conjunction with food safety initiatives, to efforts that ensure that consumers have accurate nutrition information and truthful food labeling information so that they can make informed choices when selecting and purchasing foods. Through accurate nutrition label information, consumers can select food products that assist them in implementing the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Rick Ortiz heads for Mexico after four years as the US Commercial Counselor for Morocco and Tunisia

The AmCham Board of Directors hosted a farewell dinner for Rick Ortiz, US Commercial Counselor for Morocco and Tunisia, at the Quai de Jazz Restaurant. Rick Ortiz will depart for Mexico after having served in Morocco for four years, where he will be in charge of the Foreign Commercial Service at the US Consulate. The Board praised Rick Ortiz for all his efforts and hard work during his time in Morocco. He was given a certificate of merit to acknowledge his contribution to AmCham activities and for serving as an ex-officio Board member of AmCham for all four years.





Communiqué October 2009

The AmCham monthly newsletter, Communiqué, combines photographs, text, corporate logos and paid advertising. It covers AmCham events, news from partner organizations and member companies, and the list of newly subscribed members. Each issue is written and produced in-house using PageMaker, and is then converted into a PDF file for distribution to nearly 4 000 email subscribers. Approximately 600 copies of the electronic version of each issue are also downloaded from the AmCham web site.

67, boulevard Massira Al Khadra • Third Floor • Apt. 6 • Casablanca • Morocco Tel (212) 522 25 07 36/37/51 • Fax (212) 522 25 07 30 • AmCham site: • FTA site:

AmCham Morocco welcomes Samuel L. Kaplan as new US Ambassador to The Kingdom

Samuel L. Kaplan was sworn in as U.S. Ambassador to The Kingdom of Morocco on September 18, 2009. Mr. Samuel L. Kaplan is a founding member of Kaplan, Strangis and Kaplan, P.A. established in 1978. He serves as president of the firm which engages in the general practice of law, strictly limited, however, to non-litigation matters. Mr. Kaplan received his B.B.A. degree (with a major in accounting) with distinction from the University of Minnesota (1957) and his J.D. degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Minnesota (1960) where he was president of the University of Minnesota Law Review, and received the Order of the Coif. He served as an adjunct professor of law during the early years following law school graduation. He is often a visiting lecturer at law school classes and speaker at continuing legal education programs. Mr. Kaplan currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of The Minneapolis Club. Mr. Kaplan has served on the boards of directors of several publicly held companies. He presently serves on the board of directors of Piper Jaffray Companies.

Mr. Kaplan and his partner, Ralph Strangis, own numerous nursing homes and senior housing facilities in the Upper Midwest. They are also owners of apartment facilities in the St. Cloud, Minnesota area. In 1988, Mr. Kaplan and Mr. Strangis organized Windsor Bancshares, Inc. which owned Bank Windsor, operating at several locations in the State of Minnesota. That company was later acquired by Associated Banc-Corp. Mr. Kaplan was also an organizer and former president and director of Banking Corporation of Florida, which owned First Florida Bank in Naples, Florida. That company was later acquired by Synovus Financial Corp. Mr. Kaplan has been engaged in numerous community and charitable activities and was formerly a long-time member of the board of The Harry Kay Charitable Foundation. He is a past president of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation. Mr. Kaplan has long been involved in Democratic Party affairs and served as chairman of Senator Paul Wellstone’s successful 1990 and 1996 election and reelection campaigns.

Al Akhawayn University Executive MBA Program

Give yourself the EEC edge! – A two-year program in both Casablanca and Ifrane – Expert world-class faculty – Flexible program with extensive distance learning component – Crowned by a tailored business English proficiency program Contact us: call (022) 21 71 47 or email

Ambassador Samuel L. Kaplan He now serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Wellstone Action. He was substantially involved in Tom Harkin’s 1992 and Bill Bradley’s 1996 presidential campaigns in Minnesota, as well as R.T. Rybak’s campaigns for Mayor of Minneapolis and campaigns for numerous congressional candidates. He also served as one of the chairs of John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign in Minnesota. He was a member of the National Finance Committee of Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign. Mr. Kaplan is married to Sylvia Chessen Kaplan. They have six children and thirteen grandchildren. Inside this issue... AmCham welcomes Ambassador Kaplan 1 Gala Ball & AMATIA 2009


Fitch rating for Morocco


Member company news


RESUME EN FRANÇAIS Communiqué, le bulletin électronique mensuel de l’AmCham, est distribué à plus de 4 000 abonnés par courrier électronique et à peu près 600 exemplaires de chaque édition sont téléchargés de notre site web. L’annuaire de l’AmCham (ci-dessous), qui est toujours lancé lors de la soirée de gala annuelle, présente la structure et les activités de la Chambre.

ANNUAL DIRECTORY 2010 The Annual Directory that you are now reading, like the monthly newsletter, is intended to be an informative and attractive publication that showcases AmCham activities in a coherent and structured way. The section covering the year’s activities is divided into four key organizational priorities: Events, Publications, Services, and Advocacy and Networking, and an organizational chart places the various structural aspects of the Chamber in their wider context. Bilateral trade statistics and lists of useful contact information round out this document of reference.



THE FREE TRADE AGREEMENT WEB SITE The United States/Morocco Free Trade Agreement web site, launched in March 2004, was produced by AmCham Morocco with funding from the U.S. Government (MEPI program) and with the technical expertise of Rabatbased IT firm Pyxicom. The site offers a wealth of information: • The FTA itself (summary and full text versions), • A simplified process for calculating the tariff impact of the FTA for a given product, • Studies and reports on the Moroccan economy, • Bilateral trade data by U.S. State and product categories, • A wide range of information and diagnostic questions for potential Moroccan exporters, • The AmCham Morocco Trade and Investment Guide for U.S. business people, • A CV database, and numerous links and contacts. In the first nine months of 2009, the number of people visiting the FTA web site was 150 000 (an average of 15 000 per month). File downloads were exceeded 60 000, and the most popular downloads related to U.S. government technical assistance for the FTA, summaries of the agreement, the textile and clothing sector, how to calculate the tariff impact of the agreement, the contact information chapter of the AmCham Trade and Investment Guide, and the Moroccan Customs Service.

RESUME EN FRANÇAIS Le site web de l’accord de libre-échange maroco-américain a été lancé en mars 2004 à la suite de longs mois de préparation. Le site a été élaboré par la Chambre de Commerce Américaine grâce à un financement du gouvernement des Etats Unis (programme MEPI) et à l’expertise technique d’une entreprise des NTI basée à Rabat, Pyxicom.



THE REPORT: MOROCCO 2009 The Report: Morocco 2009, produced by Oxford Business Group (OBG) in collaboration with AmCham, the Moroccan Investment Development Agency and CFG, features detailed analysis of economic and political trends in Morocco. Topics featured in this year’s edition include banking, capital markets, insurance as well as key sectors developments and challenges including construction and real estate, energy, environment, agriculture, healthcare and education. Copies of the Report: Morocco 2009 are available at the AmCham offices and on sale on line at OBG web site:

RESUME EN FRANÇAIS L’édition 2009 du Rapport: Maroc traite de façon analytique les dernières tendances économiques et politiques, est désormais disponible aux bureaux de l’AmCham ou en vente en ligne sur le site de la maison d’édition (



SERVICES Events AmCham hosts monthly lunches and social events throughout the year.These events represent an excellent networking opportunity,and allow members and guests to network with prominent political and business leaders from the government,international agencies,and the private sector. Committees AmCham members can join committees of their choice.AmCham Morocco has four committees:Corporate Citizenship committee,Commerce and Industry/FTA committee,Education committee and OSAC committee. These committees provide a forum for AmCham members to raise issues about the business climate and draft position papers to solicit government action on issues such as IPR,taxes,custom duties,education,sec urity,corruption,and others. Publications AmCham members receive a monthly electronic newsletter,an annual directory as well as an annual report on Morocco published in collaboration with Oxford Business Group. Advocacy AmCham Morocco along with the U.S.Embassy and the Foreign Commercial Service of the US Consulate lobby for business environment issues and work closely with the Moroccan and the U.S.Government to improve the business climate for U.S.companies established in Morocco and for AmCham members in general. Business matchmaking AmCham members can browse and submit business opportunities,such as offers to buy or sell products,requests for trade partners or investors,and notiďŹ cations of import/export opportunities. CV database AmCham CV database offers a variety of services for human resource development. Promotional opportunities The AmCham Morocco and FTA web sites are an attractive channels for reaching your target customers. AmCham member database and web sites are listed for free on the AmCham web site.Corporate sponsorship and banners display are also available for members for DH 20 000 per year. Member discounts As a valued member of AmCham,you will also receive special discounts on products and services offered by member companies using your membership card especially hotels and restaurants.The list can be downloaded here on the web site.



Preferential Rates for AmCham Members – Year 2010 Hotels Sheraton Hotel & Towers Casablanca Contact: Miss Aïcha Mahdad (AmCham) Tel: 0522 25 07 36/37 Email :

• • • •

Single Room: 1500 Dhs Double Room: 1700 Dhs Breakfast : included Tax: 39,60 Dhs

Le Royal Mansour Meridien Casablanca Contact : Mr. Mohamed Douqchi Tel: 0522 54 60 30, Mobile: 0661 09 23 51 Email:

• • •

Superior Single Room: 1800 Dhs Superior Double Room: 2000 Dhs Breakfast: 260 Dhs, Tax: 49,50 Dhs

Hyatt Regency Casablanca Contact: Miss Aïcha Mahdad (AmCham) Tel: 0522 25 07 36/37 Email :

• • •

Deluxe Single or Double Room : 2300 Dhs Breakfast : 260 Dhs Tax: 49,50 Dhs

Kenzi Towers Casablanca Contact: Miss Karima Boutayb Tel: 0522 97 80 00, Fax: 0522 95 80 90 Email:

• • •

Single Room: 1500 Dhs Double Room: 1700 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 49,50 Dhs

Golden Tulip Farah Casablanca Contact: Miss Aïcha Mahdad (AmCham) Tel: 0522 25 07 36/37/51 Email:

• • •

Single Room: 1350 Dhs Double Room: 1500 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 39,60 Dhs

Idou Anfa Hotel Casablanca Contact: Mrs. Malika Sebti Tel: 0522 20 01 36, Fax: 0522 47 23 77

• • •

Singe Room: 950 Dhs Double Room: 1300 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 19,80 Dhs

Kenzi Basma Casablanca Contact : Mr. Mohamed Bouazzioui/Mrs. Najat Haddadi Tel: 0522 47 13 36, Fax: 0522 26 89 36 Email :

• • • •

Classic Single Room: 750 Dhs Classic Double Room: 850 Dhs Suite Junior: 1500 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 19,80 Dhs

Kenzi Farah Marrakech Contact: Mr. Zouhair Sakhi Tel: 0524 47 74 00, Fax: 0524 43 82 16 Email:

• • •

Single Room: 750 Dhs Double Room: 950 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 28,60 Dhs

• • •

Single Room : 700 Dhs Double Room: 900 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax : 28,60 Dhs

Ramada Almohades Casablanca Contact: Miss Hayat Toula Tel: 0522 20 59 16 Email:

• • •

Single Room : 730 Dhs Double Room : 960 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax : 19,80 Dhs

Le Palace d’Anfa Contact: Miss Aïcha Mahdad (AmCham) Tel: 0522 25 07 36/37 Email :

• • •

Single Room: 1350 Dhs Double Room : 1550 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax : 39,60 Dhs

Golden Tulip Farah Rabat Tel : 0537 23 74 00, Fax : 0537 72 21 55 Email :

• • •

Single Room: 1150 Dhs Double Room: 1250 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax : 40 Dhs

Kenzi Sémiramis Marrakech Contact : Mr. Adil Badir/Miss Sanaa Callaf Tel: 0524 43 13 77 Email:



Kenzi Menara Palace Marrakech Contact : Mr. Amine Bouhafa Tel: 0524 45 99 00, Fax: 0524 45 99 01 Email :

• • •

Le Méridien N’Fis Marrakech Contact : Ms. Najat El Hakim Tel: 0524 33 94 00, Fax: 0524 33 94 05 Email:

• Double or Single Room: 980 Dhs (Standard) • Breakfast: 170 Dhs, Tax: 28,60 Dhs Valid until: December 21st, 2010

Atlas Médina & Spa Marrakech Contact: Mr. Ahmed Kaddouri Tel: 0524 33 99 99 -00, Fax: 0524 42 00 19

• • •

Premium Single Room: 1400 Dhs Premium Double Room: 1550 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 39,60 Dhs

Single Room: 1200 Dhs Double Room: 1400 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 28,60 Dhs

Golden Tulip Farah Marrakech • Single or Double Room: 560 Dhs Contact: Ms Nadia Radiane Breakfast : included Tel: 0524 44 89 52, Fax: 0524 44 69 27 Tarif valid for Moroccan & Residents in Morocco Email: Atlas Asni Marrakech Contact: Mr. Ahmed Kaddouri Tel: 0524 33 99 99 -00, Fax: 05 24 42 00 19

• • •

Ramada Almohades Tanger Contact: Mrs. Mounia Ouali Tel: 0539 32 47 86 Email:

Low Saison : • Single Room:750 Dhs, Double Room: 850 Dhs High Saison : • Single Room: 900 Dhs, Double Room: 1050 Dhs • Breakfast : included, Tax: 15,40 Dhs

Single Room: 660 Dhs Double Room: 840 Dhs Breakfast : included, Tax: 16,50 Dhs

Rent a Car

Avis Reservation Tel: 0522 97 40 00, Fax: 0522 97 55 44 Email:

• • • • • • • •

Renault Logan or similar : 385 Dhs/day Peugeot 206 XR or similar : 460 Dhs/day Renaut Kangoo : 520 Dhs/Day Renault Logan Laureate : 520 Dhs/day Renault Clio Classic or similar : 585 Dhs/day Peugeot 307 ou Peugeot 308 : 690 Dhs/day Peugeot 407 or similar : 1025 Dhs/day Toyota 4x4 or similar : 1415 Dhs/day

AmCham MENA discounts AmCham members are also eligible for discounts from AmCham MENA composed of AmCham Algeria,Bahrain, Jordan,Egypt,Tunisia and Lebanon.More information can be found on AmCham MENA web site (



Business Executive Visa Program

Welcome to the Business Executive Visa Program (BEP) The AmCham and the US Consulate are pleased to announce the Business Executive Visa Program (BEP). This program provides expedited appointments for AmCham members and their families travelling for business purposes. The BEP reserves appointments for visa interviews on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month for the employees of AmCham members. The BEP does not exempt applicants from the old visa requirements. All applicants must still fill out the US Consulate visa application online and must still pay the visa fee. If you are not available on the 1st or 3rd Wednesday of the month, you can still obtain an appointment directly on the U.S. Consulate Web site. Emergency Business Travel In the case where you imperatively need an appointment before the next 1st or 3rd wednesday of the month, applicants need to send a request explaining the emergency by email to the US Consulate at: If you have questions regarding the BEP, feel free to call Aïcha Mahdad at 0522 25 07 36-37. Please note that all documents must be printed on company letterhead and must be originals. The documents must be sent to the AmCham office by 10:00 am the Monday prior to the appointment.

Step 1 : Register Your Company Prior to booking visa appointments under the BEP, the member company must register using the form above. Please fill out this form on company letterhead, and have up to three Authorities from your company sign the signature forms. Only one signatory/authority is required to start using the BEP (you only need one signature to register). Please send the original to the AmCham office. This registration must only be done once.

Business Executive Program: Company Registration Form Company Information

Company Name:


Number of Employees:

Year Established:



Description of company activity – products and/or services: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Estimated number of visa applications your company will request over the next year:


Business Executive Program: Authorized Signature 1 Authorized signatures

Please provide 3 samples of signature of each authorized executive who will sign application letters on behalf of visa applicant your company is supporting. Authorized Signature 1 Name: Title:











Business Executive Visa Program

Step 2 : Apply for a Visa Appointment Prior to applying for an appointment, your company must be registered with the BEP (see step 1). If your company is already registered, fill out this form, on company letterhead, for each visa applicant. The applicant must bring the original copy, on company letterhead, to the Consulate the day of the appointment, along with the other non-immigrant visa forms. Business Executive Program: Visa Request Letter Personal Information

Name :


Date of Birth ::


Company::................................................................................................................ Date of Hire ::.........................................................................................................................

Position ::


Annual Salary ::


Travel Information

Passport number :


Intended duration of stay : Destination(s) in the US :

Intended date of Travel :




Intended Business Travel Purpose – Whom you will visit and for what purpose : ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Who will cover your cost of travel to the United States? : ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Name of Authorized Signatory: Title:



Signature of Authorized Signatory:


Step 3 : Contact the AmCham At this time, you should reserve your appointment by contacting the AmCham by phone (0522 25 07 36) or email at You also need to send the original copies of all documents needed for the dossier - step 2 and/or step 1 above - on company letterhead. In a short time, we will confirm your visa appointment time. Non-Immigrant Visa Application (NIV) Please follow the steps below to obtain a NIV. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

1. Fill in and print form DS-156 ( 2. Pay the Visa fee (US$ 131) at any BMCI branch except Gauthier & Rue d’Alger and keep the receipt as proof of payment. 3. Provide two (2) special sized photos (5cm x 5cm) 4. For all male NIV applicants between the ages of 16-45, fill in and print form DS-157 5. Have a passport that is valid for at least six months after intended date of travel and which has available visa pages. The validity needs to be sufficient to cover the entire stay in the U.S. The items below are not mandatory, but may help in the overall process of obtaining a visa: • • • • •

Proof of employment and salary 3 recent bank statements Explanation of your trip’s purpose in letter form from your company Invitation from American businesses that you will visit on your trip Proof of hotel reservation



Trade show list 2010

Event Name

Date and Location


2010 International CES (ConsumerElectronics)

January 7th to 10th Las Vegas, NV

Vidya Desai 202-482-2311 John Kelley 703-907-4309

AG CONNECT Expo 2010 (Agricultural Chemicals)

January 13th to 15th Orlando, FL

Mark Wells (202) 482-0904 John Blomberg (414) 298-4167

International Builders’ Show 2010 (Architectural/Constr./Engineering SVC)

January 19 to 22 Las Vegas, NV

Joseph English 202-482-3334 Denise Miller 202.266.8190

International Poultry Expo/International Feed Expo 2010 (Agricultural Chemicals)

January 27th to 29th Atlanta, GA

Amanda Ayvaz 202-482-0338 Charles Olentine

World of Concrete 2010 (Architectural/Constr./Engineering SVC)

February 2nd to 5th Las Vegas, NV

Graylin Presbury 202-482-5158 Jackie James 972-536-6379

American International Toy Fair 2010 (Toys/Games)

February 14th to 17th New York, NY

Eugene Quinn 202-482-0578 Joan Wyche 212-675-1141

MAGIC Marketplace Winter 2010 (Apparel)

February 17th to 19th Las Vegas, NV

Shelby Peterson 202-482-5531 Rob Weinstein (818) 227-4433

Graphics of the Americas (GOA) (Printing/Graphic Arts Eq.)

February 25th to 27th Miami, FL

Helen Simpson-Davis 202-482-1882 Adham Faltas 1-800-749-4855

International Hospitality Week 2010 (Apparel)

March the 7th to 10th Las Vegas, NV

Vidya Desai 202-482-2311 Liza Wylie 203-227-9875

International Home and Housewares 2010 (Books/Periodicals)

March 14th to 16th Chicago, IL

Amanda Ayvaz 202-482-0338 Derek Miller 847-692-0161





Trade show list 2010

Event Name

Date and Location


CTIA Wireless 2010 (Information Services)

March 23rd to 25th Las Vegas, NV

Kevin Haley 202-482-6434 Sarah Bublitz 202.736-3245

International Security Conference West 2010 (Security/Safety Eq.)

March 24th to 26th Las Vegas, NV

Edward Kimmel 202-482-3640 Amie Cangelosi 203-840-5322

The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) 2010 (Oil/Gas Field Machinery)

April 3rd to 7th Houston, TX

John Klingelhut 202-482-4403 Pam Plagens 713-209-3106

IPC APEX EXPO 2010 (Electronics Industry Prod/Test Eq.)

April 6 to 8 Las Vegas, NV

Joseph English 202-482-3334 Kim Sterling 847-597-2805

International Franchise Expo 2010 (Franchising)

April 9 to 11 Washington, D.C., DC

Mark Wells (202) 482-0904 Corali Romero (201) 226-1130

National Association of Broadcasters Show (NAB) (Audio/Visual Eq.)

April the 12th to 15th Las Vegas, NV

Helen Simpson-Davis 202-482-1882 Margaret Cassilly 202-429-3189

High Point Market Spring 2010 (Furniture)

April 17th to 22nd High Point, NC

Shelby Peterson 202-482-5531 Brian Casey 336-869-1000

National Hardware Show & Lawn and Garden World 2010 (General Consumer Goods)

May the 4th to 6th Las Vegas, NV

Vidya Desai 202-482-2311 David Tobin 203-840-5919

Waste Expo2010 (Environmental Technologies)

May 4th to 6th Atlanta, GA

Amanda Ayvaz 202-482-0338 Kimberly StolďŹ 203-358-4252

Electric Power 2010 (Coal)

May 18 to 20 Baltimore, MD

Mark Wells (202) 482-0904 Hunter Jones (832) 242-1969









Trade show list 2010

Event Name

Date and Location


Textile & Sewn Products Industry Week (SPESA Expo, Techtextil N.America, ATME-I/ MEGATEX) (Textile Fabrics)

May 18th to 20th Atlanta, GA

Sean Timmins 202-482-1841 Clay Tyeryar 703-538-1789

National Restaurant & Hotel Show (NR) (Food Processing/Packaging Eq.) http//

May 22nd to 25th Chicago, IL

Carol Rudman 202-482-0905 Patti Beese 312/853 2525

Premiere Orlando 2010 (Cosmetics/Toiletries)

June 6th to 7th Orlando, FL

Edward Kimmel 202-482-3640 Ed McNeill 407-265-3131

InfoComm 2010 (Audio/Visual Eq.)

June 9 to 11 Las Vegas, NV

Graylin Presbury 202-482-5158 Nataly Gabra-Mariam (703) 273-7200, 3520

Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo 2010 (Agricultural Services)

July 17 to 20 Chicago, IL

Shelby Peterson 202-482-5531 Jennifer London (312) 604-0240

American Association for Clinical Chemistry 2010 (Health Care Services)

July 25th to 29th Anaheim, CA





Eugene Quinn 202-482-0578 Gail Mutnik 202 835-8739 Joseph English 202-482-3334 Jim Wulfekuhle 404-693-8333

International Woodworking Machinery & Furniture Supply Fair-USA� 2010 (Forestry/Woodworking Machinery)

August 25th to 28th Atlanta, GA

International Baking Industry Exposition (IBIE) (Food Processing/Packaging Eq.)

September 26th to 29th Las Vegas, NV

Carol Rudman 202-482-0905 Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes 619.298.1445 x116

Graph Expo 2010 (Computers/Peripherals)

October 3rd to 6th Chicago, IL

Eugene Quinn 202-482-0578

ADA’s 151st Annual Session and World Marketplace (Dental Eq.)

October 9th to 12th Orlando, FL

Vidya Desai 202-482-2311 Michael Barry 312-440-2757



Trade show list 2010

Event Name

Date and Location


The AAPEX/SEMA Show: Automotive Aftermarket Industry Week 2010 (Automotive Parts/Services Eq.)

November 2nd to 5th Las Vegas, NV

Shelby Peterson 202-482-5531 Judy Novak 708-226-1300

American Film Market 2010 (Films/Videos)

November 3rd to 10th Santa Monica, CA

Sean Timmins 202-482-1841 Copil Yanez 310/446-1088

PACKEXPO International 2010 (Food Processing/Packaging Eq.)

November 9 to 13 Chicago, IL

Helen Simpson-Davis 202-482-1882 Ryan Olkewicz 703-243-8555

Greater NY Dental Meeting 2010 (Dental Eq.)

November 26th to 1st of December New York City, NY

Carol Rudman 202-482-0905 Dr. Robert Edwab, Executive Director 212 398 6922

PowerGen 2010 (Architectural/Constr./Engineering SVC)

December 14th to 16th Orlando, FL

Amanda Ayvaz 202-482-0338 Kendra McColloch 918-831-9859




Déménagements & Transports nationaux et internationaux Garde-meubles • Transit • Contrôle • Agréage

SIEGE SOCIAL, DIRECTION & SERVICES COMMERCIAUX 257-259, Bd. Abdelmoumen - Casablanca • Maroc Tél. : +212 (0) 5 22 86 01 43 LG Mobile : +212 (0) 6 63 72 56 46 / 6 65 16 91 01 Fax : +212 (0) 5 22 86 01 44 E-mail : •




Imm. Escoffy, Place Mohammed V Tél. : +212 (0) 5 37 20 77 45 Fax : +212 (0) 5 37 70 86 30

Imm. Al Watanya, Bd. Mohammed V Tél. : +212 (0) 5 28 84 00 04 Fax : +212 (0) 5 28 84 00 32

139, Avenue Beethoven Tél. : +212 (0) 5 39 94 13 03 / 5 39 94 45 12 Fax : +212 (0) 5 39 94 45 11

ADVOCACY AmCham is periodically approached by members seeking help in the resolution of business issues, be they purely private sector issues or questions involving the government. A good recent example is the collaboration of AmCham with the U.S.Embassy;Commercial Service, and the Moroccan Customs Department to facilitate duty-free FTA entry of U.S. exports transiting via European ports.We encourage member companies experiencing difficulties to contact us so that we can assess the best course of action in conjunction with other relevant agencies.

PRINCIPAL PARTNERSHIPS AmCham maintains a number of partnerships with other organizations in order to pursue mutually beneficial projects. These organizations include: The U.S. Embassy, the U.S. Commercial Service, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Millennium Challenge Corporation to ensure AmCham members are fully involved in trade missions, meetings with visiting U.S. officials, and development programs relevant to business.







The current priority is the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) and intra-maghreb trade. The AmCham FTA/ Commerce and Industry Committee, chaired by Danielle Tobias (Laprophan), coordinates these efforts with those of the Embassy, FCS, MCC and USAID.

Y *











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Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. AmCham and Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane jointly supervise an endowment fund intended to enhance the skills of Moroccan private and public sector managers. The National Education Ministry. AmCham has worked closely with the Sidi Othmane (Casablanca) District of the National Education Ministry to build four new classrooms and other facilities at Abdeljalil Ben Hida School on the rural outskirts of Casablanca, and to equip the El Maari and Abou El Alaa Educational Centers. The Moroccan Employers Federation (CGEM). AmCham and the CGEM cooperate closely on a range of business nvironment issues of relevance to both Moroccan and American investors and traders. The Oxford Business Group. AmCham provides advice and assistance to the Oxford Business Group, publisher of Morocco: The Report. Morocco: The Report offers updated in-depth analysis of the Moroccan economic and political scene.




AmCham MENA Council was established in 2004 to foster regional cooperation and to promote greater business opportunities between the United States and the Middle East North Africa region. The Council’s goals and values include commitment to free trade, opening of regional markets, protection of intellectual property rights, and accession to international agreements.The Council is charged with the following objectives and strategy initiatives: • The effective and cohesive linking of the various Members’ organizations. • The identification and promotion of Middle East Free Trade Agreements and related opportunities amongst the Members. • The institutionalization of the ongoing coordination between the Members and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. • The promulgation of rules and procedures relating to the coordination and cooperation among Members. • The support of and for regional integration and business partnerships. • The creation and coordination of formal programs on and for the promotion of U.S. business opportunities. • The preparation and exhibition of regional conferences. • The promotion of U.S. exports of products and services. • The fostering of increased awareness among Middle Eastern manufacturers and producers of export opportunities to the U.S. through free trade agreements and other opportunities. • The support for and promotion of various investment and trade initiatives. • The reformation and liberalization of the various regulations pertaining to business operations and investments. • The coordination of trade policy initiatives among the Members and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. • The increase of U.S. trade with the MENA region. • The provision of services to and generalized support for innovative business and professional project investments. • The creation and institutionalization of a regional Middle East Free Trade Agreement, similar to the EU, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, etc. AMCHAM MENA COUNCIL MEMBERS Please visit AmCham MENA’s members at: AmCham Egypt AmCham Jordan AmCham Lebanon AmCham Morocco AmCham Tunisia AmCham Algeria AmCham Bahrain Under Construction


List of Amcham members


Annual Directory 2010

List of Amcham members


3M Maroc

Fadi Medlej, Director General La Coline II, Lotissement 33 Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 79 77-40 Fax: 0522 33 57 84 Business activity: Telecommunication, electrical, chemical, medical, graphics, adhesives, abrasives, office supplies and more

A. Lazrak Immobilier

Rachid Lazrak, Director General Zénith Millénium, Imm. 2, Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 87 94 00 • Fax: 0522 87 94 80 Business Activity: Real estate

A. Saaidi & Consultants

Mohamed Hdid, Manager 4, Place Maréchal, Casablanca Tel: 0522 27 99 16 – 0522 29 90 11 Fax: 0522 22 10 24 Business Activity: Auditing, consulting, tax services

Agriculture and Agribusiness Development Program in Morocco (Chemonics)

Mario Kerby, Director General 138, Av. Hassane Ben Ennouamane OLM-Suissi, Rabat Tel: 0537 75 01 02 – 0537 75 00 01 Fax: 0537 75 89 52 Business Activity: USAID project (run by Chemonics international)

Agro Health

Othmane Aqallal, Director 110, Boulevard Yaacoub El Mansour Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 98 11 23 to 26 Fax: 0522 98 11 27 Business Activity: Integrated extra-virgin olive oil production

AGTT (Agence Générale de Transit et de Transport)

Pierre Galvan, President Farid Zenined, Director General 61, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 30 85 77 • Fax: 0522 30 04 04 Business Activity: Freight forward, transport & logistic, forwarding agent specialized in over weight and over size tranports


Jean Luc Martinet, President Florence Frayssinet, Administrative Officer 28, Bd. Kennedy Quartier Anfa, Casablanca Tel: 0522 94 22 11 Fax: 0522 94 44 55 Business Activity: Invesment holding company

Akwa Group

Aziz Akhannouch, President Ali Wakrim, Vice President Youssef Iraqui Housseini, Financial Director Km 7, Route de Rabat, Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 04 11 Fax: 0522 35 26 82 Business Activity: Holding company

Aladin Shoes

El Miloudi Chekkab, President Najib Benchekroun, Director General Km 17, Route 114, Bouskoura B.P. 79, Casablanca 20180 Tel: 0522 33 40 41 – 0522 33 49 09-32 Fax: 0522 33 45 16 Business Activity: Manufacturer of men & women shoes

Alliances Developpement Immobilier

Nafakh-Lazraq Mohamed Alami, President Farida Lazraq, Administrator 16, Rue Ali Abderrazak, Casablanca Tel: 0522 99 34 80 Fax: 0522 99 34 81 Business Activity: Property & real estate promotion

Alomra Group International

Driss Benomar, Manager 207, Bd. Zerktouni, 6ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 94 67 20 Fax: 0522 39 36 61 Business Activity: Consulting and Assistance on investments

Alpha Assurances

Youness Rhallam, President of the Board of Directors Immeuble Zénith, Lotissement Attaoufik Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 85 93 70 Fax: 0522 58 46 05 to 06 Business Activity: Insurance (all types)

List of Amcham members

Amal Links

Najib Serghini, PDG N°20, Rue Arabie Saoudite V.N., Fès 30000 Tel: 0535 62 49 77 – 0535 94 48 69 Fax: 0535 65 26 14 Business Activity: Production of Furniture (Shopping baskets, moses baskets , chairs, sofas, lanterns) made of palm, willow, jonc and other vegetal materiel

American Academy Casablanca

Jody Mulder, Principal 21, Rue des Papillons Oasis, Casablanca Tel: 0522 25 88 06 • Fax: 0522 25 87 39 Business Activity: School

American University of Leadership, PIIMT

Anass Lahlou, President Ounsa Achour, Director General 45, Avenue Ouled Said, Bir Kacem Souissi, Rabat Tel: 0537 75 67 11 • Fax: 0537 75 67 88 and Business Activity: American & Moroccan higher education


Karim Baazet, President Suzanne Moyer, Director General 88, Lot. Andalous n°1, Hay Essalam, Salé 11000 Tel: 0537 81 49 63 Fax: 0537 81 49 61 Business Activity: Internatioanl business development & facilitation


Joseph Phillips, Country Director 35, Rue Oukaimeden, Agdal, Rabat Tel: 0537 67 50 81 to 82 Fax: 0537 67 50 74 Business activity: Training and testing; information and services for studies in the U.S.A.

Arab Bank PLC Morocco

Abderrahim Saher, Director General Taha Ferdous, Financial Director 174, Boulevard Mohammed V, Casablanca Tel: 0522 22 31 52 • Fax: 0522 20 02 33 Business Activity: Bank

Archi Design

Youssef Derouich, Architect 2, Avenue Hassan Souktani, Casablanca Tel: 0522 22 74 24 • Fax: 0522 22 74 23 Business Activity: Architecture



Albert Levy Bencheton, General Manager Lotissement Zakaria N° 3, Bd. Chefchaouni Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 66 79 40 • Fax: 0522 35 87 27 Business Activity: Sportswear manufacturer

Atlantic Gulf Company (AGCO)

Mehdi Al Adlouni, General Manager 17, Rue Beht, n°12, Agdal, Rabat Tel: 0537 77 59 48 • Fax: 0537 77 07 87 Business Activity: Import-export (fruit & vegetables)

Atlas Veterinaire

Baha Eddine Shanableh, Director General 252, Boulevard Ziraoui, n°19, Casablanca Tel: 0522 29 44 44 • Fax: 0522 26 44 44 Business Activity: Manufacturing of veterinaire medicines and rest, member of villaged farms group

Atlas Voyages

Othman Chérif Alami, General Manager 44, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 75 69 – 0522 31 16 07 • Fax: 0522 30 35 80 Business activity: Travel agency and tour operator


Abdeslam Alami, President Mohamed Lahrichi, General Director Rue Aïcha Bent Haimoud, Q.I. Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 11 62 – 0522 35 16 65 • Fax: 0522 35 16 21 Business Activity: Weaving

Attijariwafa Bank

Abdeslam Taadi, Director of Promotion, investment and Partnership 2, Bd. Moulay Youssef, Casablanca Tel: 0522 46 97 53 • Fax: 0522 22 38 08 Business Activity: Bank

Auto Nejma Maroc

Zakaria Hakam, Chief Executive Officer Km 10, Route d’El Jadida, Casablanca Tel: 0522 65 09 90 • Fax: 0522 65 08 25 Business Activity: Automobile sales and maintenance (Mercedes, Daewoo, Ssangyong, Chrysler)

Avon Beauty Products

Tarik Sellami, Director General 2, Lotissement Attaoufik, Rue Ibn El Koutia Quartier industriel Oukacha, Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 67 96 85 • Fax: 0522 67 96 94 Business Activity: Direct selling of beauty products

List of Amcham members


Bank Al Amal

Faïçal Lahlou, Director General 288, Boulevard Zerktouni, Casablanca Tel: 0522 22 69 26 to 27 Fax: 0522 22 69 30 Business Activity: Financing

BCP (Banque Centrale Populaire)

Hanane El Boury, Director of International Relations 101, Boulevard Zerktouni, Casablanca Tel: 0522 46 93 75 Fax: 0522 48 76 28 Business Activity: Bank


Jamyl Bouayad, General Manager 257-259, Boulevard Abdelmoumen, Casablanca Tel: 0522 86 01 43 Fax: 0522 86 01 44 Business Activity: Worldwide moving & freight forwarding

Ben For Trade

Fatna Bentbib, President Samah Bentbib, Engineer Programmer Younes Baddy, Technical Director Lot. Miamar, Rue 1, N° 25&27, Californie, Casabanca Tel: 0522 71 94 73 • Fax: 0522 71 94 73 Business Activity: Printing & art graphic, marketing of electrical, computer and electronic equipment

Bennani & Associés LLP

Mehdi Bennani, Attorney 157, Boulevard d’Anfa, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 96 02 Fax: 0522 95 96 10 Business Activity: Law firm

Bennes Marrel Maroc

Adil Zaidi, President Director General 32, Rue Abou Ishake Chirazi, Mâarif, Casablanca Tel: 0522 23 65 55 Fax: 0522 66 66 56 Business Activity: Manufacture and assembly of semi tow (Bennes)

Benyben Succursale

David Benchaya, Director General Parc d’activité Oukacha 1 Hangar 7, Bd My Slimane, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 27 61 • 0522 35 26 49 • 0522 35 17 94 Fax: 0522 35 12 44 Business Activity: Sports products; footwear, apparel and accessories (Nike, Adidas, Reebok)

Best For

Chafik Bejdadi, Chairman Nadia Ounaceur, Director General 5, Rue Oued Tensift, Quartier Parc, Casablanca 20000 Tel: 0522 32 09 96 – 0522 47 18 14 Fax: 0522 32 09 97 – 0522 47 18 15 Business Activity: Manufacturer of cleaning materials


Driss Bencheikh, Director General Bd. Chefchaouni, Route 110, Rue E Quartier Industriel Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 35 31 Fax: 0522 35 11 36 Business Activity: Manufacturer and distribution of biscuts

Blue Star Apparel

Marcos Arrobas, General Manager B.N. Rama Prasad, Manager N° 10, Douar Lakloucha Commune Urbaine de Lissasfa, Casablanca Tel: 0522 65 11 58 to 60 Fax: 0522 65 11 53 Business Activity: Garment manufacturer

BMCE (Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur)

Jaloul Ayed, Director General of Corporate and Investment Banking 140, Avenue Hassan II, Casablanca Tel: 0522 49 89 50 – 0522 49 89 51 Fax: 0522 26 98 60 Business Activity: Bank

BMCE Capital Bourse

Youssef Benkirane, President Mehdi Bouabid, Executive Board Anass Mikou, Executive Board 140, Avenue Hassan II, Casablanca Tel: 0522 48 10 01 Fax: 0522 48 10 15 Business Activity: Brokerage company, Advisory, financial Market and trading

BMCI (Banque Marocaine pour le Commerce et l’Industrie) Mohamed Kettani Hassani, Director of Large Entreprises & Institutions Dept. and of Structured Financial Products 26, Place des Nations Unies, Casablanca Tel: 0522 46 15 78 – 0522 46 12 83 Fax: 0522 26 60 44 Business Activity: Bank

List of Amcham members

Bourchanin & Cie

Said Lamrani, Director General 72, Boulevard Ibn Tachfine, Casablanca Tel: 0522 30 75 54 Fax: 0522 30 45 70 Business Activity: Distribution of food products

Brink’s Maroc

Najib Fassi Fihri, Managing Director Africa Immeuble B, N° 24 & 25 Parc d’Activité Oukacha 1 Bd. Moulay Slimane, Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 34 59 30 Fax: 0522 34 59 31 Business Activity: Funds and value transport

Bull Maroc

Mehdi Kettani, President Director General Technopark Route de Nouacer, B.P. 16415 Casablanca Tel: 0529 01 42 00 Fax: 0529 01 42 40 Business Activity: consulting & engineering, integration and development, outsourcing, networking & security

Bureau Francis LeFebvre

Wilfried Le Bihan, Manager 7, Rue Assilah, Casablanca 20000 Tel: 0522 22 86 86 – 0522 48 14 82 – 0522 27 77 18 Fax: 0522 48 14 78 Business Activity: Law firm (business and labor law, tax for corporate and personal.

Business Realties

Hind Lahlou, Partner Mohamed Charif Houachmi, Partner Ahmed El Kettani, Partner 36A, Bd. d’Anfa, 4ème étage, n°48, Casablanca Tel: 0522 26 32 60 Fax: 0522 26 31 18 Business Activity: Real estate corporate solutions

Cabinet Abdellatif El Quortobi

Abdellatif El Quortobi, General Manager 57, Boulevard Abdelmoumen, Appt. B9-B10 Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 26 36 70 – 0522 26 12 51 Fax: 0522 29 95 03 Business Activity: Accounting, auditing, recruitment, consulting and tax services


Cabinet Masnaoui (Mazars Brand)

Abdelkader Masnaoui, President 104 bis, Bd Abdelmoumen, 4ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 23 36 96 • Fax: 0522 23 18 39 Business Activity: Auditing and accounting services, legal, tax, financial consultancy, corporate and management consulting.

Cadbury Morocco

Pierre Battikha, Director General 16, Rue des Asphodèles, Boulevard Ghandi B.P. 5157, Mâarif, Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 77 73 00-10-20-30 Fax: 0522 25 90 94 Business Activity: Candies and gum, manufacture and distribution


Ali Youssefi, President Lotissement La Colline, Imm. Les Quatres Temps 5ème étage, Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca 20190 Tel: 0522 97 44 45 • Fax: 0522 97 43 96 Business Activity: Explosives and mining equipment

Cargill Maroc

Larbi Hamdouch, General Manager 7, Rue Latifi El Mekki, Casablanca Tel: 0522 45 90 00 • Fax: 0522 30 80 59 Business activity: Agribusiness, cereals

Carlson Wagon-Lit Travel

Rachid Barmaki, Managing Director Mustafa Jaoulane, Director of General Affairs 5, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 00 39 • Fax: 0522 27 79 32 Business activity: Tour and travel agency

Carnaud Maroc

Mohamed Riadi, Director General Route Secondaire 110, Quartier Industriel Aïn Sebaâ B.P. 2650, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 62 20 • Fax: 0522 35 26 02 Business Activity: Packaging (metal & aluminum)

Casablanca American School

Allen Hughes, Director Route de la Mecque, Lotissement Ougoug Quartier Californie, Casablanca 20150 Tel: 0522 21 41 15 Fax: 0522 21 24 88 Business activity: School

List of Amcham members


Casablanca Harley-Davidson (Transworld Motorsports Maroc)

William Allan Conner, Manager 96, Bd. De la Grande Ceinture, Aïn Diab, Casablanca Tel: 0522 79 71 14 Fax: 0522 79 82 28 Business Activity: Casablanca Harley-Davidson franchise (Motorcycle dealership; Harley-Davidson, Buell, Keeway, Maxxstar

CDG (La Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion) Anis Alami, President & General Manager Place Moulay El Hassan, B.P. 408, Rabat Tel: 0537 76 55 20, Fax: 0537 76 49 62 Business Activity: Bank

CEMA-Bois de l’Atlas

Hassan Lamrani Karim, PDG Rachid Marhoum, Financial Director Route de Bouskoura, Sidi Maârouf B.P. 13203, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 98 00 Fax: 0522 22 07 50 Business Activity: Wooden board manufacturer

Centrale Laitière

Driss Bencheikh, Director General Khalid Abdelbaki, Financial Director Twin Center, Tour A, 3ème étage, Anlge Bd. Zerktouni et Bd. Massira Al Khadra, Casablanca Tel: 0529 08 96 00 Fax: 0529 08 99 11 Business Activity: Dairy

Century 21 Maroc

Mohamed Samir Benmakhlouf, Chairman 22, Rue Najib Mahfoud, Place Ollier Quartier Gauthier, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 21 20 – 23 Fax: 0522 20 37 86 Business Activity: Buy, sell, rent real estate property, management and commercial real estate

CGI (Companie Générale Immobilière) Mohamed Ouanaya, President Abdeslam Boumehdi, Director General Espace Oudays, Avenue Mehdi Benbarka B.P. 2177, Hay Riad, Rabat Tel: 0537 23 94 76 Fax: 0537 56 48 82 Business Activity: Real estate

Chaabi LLD

Omar Filali, Director General Belkacem Chifaoui, Financial Director 2, Rue d’Avignon, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 72 00 Fax: 0522 36 77 87 Business Activity: Long term rental of vehicules


Lamiae Dassouli, Director General Zone Industrielle de Mohammedia Lotissement n°61, Mohammedia Tel: 0523 30 37 52 to 53 Fax: 0523 30 37 54 Business Activity: Water maintenance (Distributor of GE Water products)

CID (Conseil Ingénierie et Développement) Moncef Ziani, Director General Charia Maâ Al Ainine, Secteur 22, Hay Riad, Rabat Tel: 0537 71 11 20 to 21 Fax: 0537 71 10 87 Business Activity: Counseling and engineering

Ciments du Maroc

Mohamed Chaibi, Administrator and Managing Director Boulevard Panoramique, Lotissement N°30 Californie, Casablanca Tel: 0522 85 94 50, Fax: 0522 52 23 08 Business activity: Cement manufacturer

Cisco Systems Inc.

Hassan Bahej, Director General Lotissement La Colline II, Lot N°10, 2ème étage Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 42 40 40- 60 Fax: 0522 58 31 32 Business Activity: Facilate Cisco products sales and marketing


James Morrow, President Director General Zénith Millenium, Lot. Attaoufik 1 Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 48 96 00 Fax: 0522 48 96 97 Business activity: Bank

List of Amcham members

CNIA Saada

Moulay Hafid El Alamy, General Manager 216, Boulevard Zerktouni, Casablanca Tel: 0522 47 40 40 Fax: 0522 20 60 81 – 0522 49 26 63 Business Activity: Insurance

Coca Cola Export Corporation

Imad Benmoussa, Director General Chemin Tercière 1029, Sidi Maârouf, B.P. 8062 Oasis Casablanca Tel: 0522 43 51 00 Fax: 0522 33 58 02 Business Activity: Soft drinks

Colgate Palmolive

Pascal Tronche, General Manager Boulevard Fatima Bent M’Barek Azlif Quartier Industriel, Aïn sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 85 49 to 56 Fax: 0522 66 93 99 Business Activity: Soaps, cleansers, cosmetics and personal care products


Ali Abdelmoula, General Manager Angle Rue Masalla et Avenue de France, Tanger 90000 Tel: 0539 32 00 32 Fax: 0539 32 58 90 Business Activity: Freight forwarding


Saida Lamrani Karim, President Ali Fassi Fihri, Director General 9, Bd. d’Oujda, Casablanca Tel: 0522 30 22 11 – 0522 30 03 18 Fax: 0522 30 60 82 www.comicom;ma Business Activity: Marketing of tractors

Congress Star

Omar Bencheikh, Director General Farida Sefrioui, Financial Director 15, Rue Al Madina, Hassan, Rabat Tel: 0537 20 41 39 Fax: 0537 70 74 75 Business Activity: Simultaneous transaction and equipment, conference allied services

Conserves TAM

Mohamed Zakrani, President Director General Bd. des Zénatas, Mohammedia Tel: 0523 32 10 08 – 0523 32 28 35 Fax: 0523 32 35 80 – 0523 32 52 65 Business Activity: Food processing industry and frozen


Cooper Maroc

Ayman Cheikh Lahlou, Strategy Director 41, Rue Mohamed Diouri, Casablanca Tel: 0522 45 32 00 Fax: 0522 30 48 53 Business Activity: Manufacturer, importer and distributor of pharmaceutical products


Ahmed Moamah, Director General Fatima-Zahra Moamah, Commercial Director 34-36, Boulevard d’Oujda, Casablanca Tel: 0522 40 00 19 – 0522 40 00 24 Fax: 0522 40 00 33 Business Activity: Import and distribution of automotive chemical product, spare parts for cars and trucks

Crédit du Maroc

Jamal Lemridi, Director General Member of the Management Board 48-58, Boulevard Mohammed V, Casablanca Tel: 0522 47 73 25 – 0522 47 76 44 Fax: 0522 27 42 77 Business Activity: Bank

Cristal Strass

Francesco Voltolina, President Director General Yassine Amor, Financial Director Zone Industrielle, B.P. 536, Settat 26000 Tel: 0523 72 92 11-05 Fax: 0523 72 92 24 Business Activity: Manufacturer of Chandeliers and components in Cristal and glass

Current Best Approach

Ismail Chajai, Managing Director 67, Rue Abou Alaa Zahr, Appt. 6, Quartier des Hôpitaux Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0665 30 12 29 Fax: 0522 86 04 53 Business Activity: Facilities and property management, recruitment and training, IPR, sourcing and procurement

Dar Ad-Damane

Rachid Bekkali, General Manager 288, Boulevard Zerktouni, Casablanca Tel: 0522 29 74 05 to 06 – 0522 47 46 41 Fax: 0522 29 74 07 Business Activity: Financing


Dari Couspate

Mohamed Khalil, Director General Quartier Industriel Ezzahra, Oulja, Salé Tel: 0537 80 87 21 – 0537 80 87 38 • Fax: 0537 80 87 43 Business Acitivity: Manufacture of pasta and cousous

Delphi Automotive Systems Maroc

José Carlos Jimenez, Director General Route de Rabat Km 7, Tanger 90 000 Tel : 0539 32 98 01 • Fax : 0539 32 98 09 Delphi Packard Tanger Zone Franche d’Exportation Ilot. 53, Lot. N°1, Tanger 90 000 Tel : 0539 39 87 00 • Fax: 0539 39 87 09 Business Acitivity: Wiring harnesses

Dell S.A.S.

Anwar Dahab, Director General Mohamed Ech-Rami, Financial Director Immeuble 6, Complexe Zénith Millenium Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 50 97 00 • Fax: 0522 50 97 01 Business Activity: Business center for Dell products

Development Alternatives

Lara Goldmark, Chief of Party 28, Avenue Mehdi Ben Barka Souissi, Rabat Tel: 0537 65 66 12 – 0537 65 83 57 • Fax: 0537 63 95 28 Business Activity: Consulting firm implementing the USAID imporving the business climate in Morocco project

DHL Maroc

José Maria Teixeira, Director General 114, Lotissement La Colline, Route Nouasseur Casablanca Tel: 0522 32 15 31 • Fax: 0522 97 25 13 Business Activity: Express mail services

Diana Holding

Brahim Zniber, President Director General Thami Khettam, Financial Director Cc/SNV, Quartier Industriel, Témara Tel: 0537 61 35 14 • Fax: 0537 61 35 12 Business Activity: Holding


Essaid Bellal, General Manager 14, Rue Al Mourtada, 1er étage, Quartier Palmier Casablanca Tel: 0522 23 78 25 – 0522 23 77 57-67 • Fax: 0522 23 78 01 Business Activity: Consulting, recruitment, and training

List of Amcham members

Distrisoft Maroc

Karim Radi Benjelloun, General Manager 3, Rue Ibnou Sina, Angle Rue Mimosa, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 70 00, Fax: 0522 95 70 30 - 20 Business Activity: Distributor of HP, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco computers

Domaines Agricoles Benzit

Mohamed Benzit, President Omar Benzit, Director 110, Rue Moussa Ibn Noussair, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 25 64 – 0522 27 16 53 (prod: 0528 55 11 13) Fax: 0522 22 07 35 Business Activity: Production and export of fresh fruits (peaches, nectarines, avocados)

Dorlian B Associés

Jacques B. Dorlian, Managing Partner 6, Rue Najib Mahfoud, Quartier Gauthier Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 13 51 Fax: 0522 20 08 94 Business Activity: Accounting, auditing, management consulting, tax & advisory services

EACCE (Etablissement Autonome Contrôle et de Coordinations des Exportations) Saâd Benchakroune, Director General 72, Angle Boulevard Mohamed Smiha Rue Mohamed Baâmrani, Casablanca Tel: 0522 30 80 85 Fax: 0522 30 25 67 – 0522 30 61 58 Business Activity: Quality control and coordination of food exportation

Eaton Power Quality

Kassem Benhaddou, Director General Espace Porte d’Anfa, Imm. 17B 2ème étage, N°5, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 77 40 Fax: 0522 95 77 41 Business Activity: Uninterriptuble power supply from Eaton’s electrical, Eaton powerware, MGEoffice protection system

Eco Medias (l’Economiste)

Khalid Belyazid, General Manager 70, Bd. Massira Al Khadra, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 36 00 Fax: 0522 36 59 26 Business Activity: Press edition broad casting

List of Amcham members

Eli-Lilly Suisse

Akram Derkaoui, Finance Manager 209, Boulevard d’Anfa, Casablanca Tel: 0522 39 55 49-55 Fax: 0522 39 56 12-41 Business Activity: Pharmaceuticals

EMS Chronopost International Maroc

El Jilali Antari, Chief Executive Officer Eddihaji Ennadif, Financial & Administrative Director 110, Boulevard Zerktouni, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 75 75 – 0522 48 28 28 Fax: 0522 48 75 75 – 0522 20 40 20 Business Activity: Express mail and parcels

Entreprise Génie Energitique (EGE)

Youssef Fatarehine, Directeur General Complexe ERAC, 29, Bd. Mohammed VI Imm. F3, n°11, 3ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 89 87 Fax: 0522 44 96 07 Business Activity: Air conditioning, heating system, plumping, ventilation and fire protection

Ernst & Young et Associés

Bachir Tazi, Partner in Charge 37, Boulevard Ben Kadour, 4ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 79 00 Fax: 0522 39 02 15 Business Activity: Accounting, auditing, consulting and tax services

Equal Phone(Outsourcia)

Youssef Chraibi, President Franck Polizzi, Director General 4, Rue Oumeima Sayeh, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 34 80 • Fax: 0522 36 64 68 Business Activity: Contact and call center, BPO-ITO training

Ets. Max Assidon

Sion Assidon, General Manager 26, Rue de Khouribga, B.P.11111, Casablanca Tel: 0522 30 15 31 • Fax: 0522 30 41 76 Business activity: Automobile spare parts


Hassan Alami, President Farid Cherrat, Director General 69, Bd. La Corniche (ex-Palais de Glace) Ain Diab, Casablanca Tel: 0522 79 95 00 • Fax: 0522 79 84 47 Business Activity: Import and distribution of lighting appliances


Exchanges & Communication s.a.

William Mills, President Abdelkader Chennaoui, Administrator Immeuble Dar Salam, Rue Ibn Jahir, Lot.11 Lot. Bayrouni, Bourgogne, Casablanca 20053 Tel: 0522 39 59 22 Fax: 0522 39 59 01 Business Activity: Importer of English-language educational material


Mohamed Moussawi, General Manager 6, Route de Biougra, Ait Melloul, Agadir Tel: 0528 24 18 20 – 0528 24 05 69 – 0528 24 16 36 Fax: 0528 24 18 20 Business activity: Irrigation equipment and seeds (representative of Harris Moran Seed Co.)

Fast Global Logistics

Ali El Amri, President Complex Borj Lyacout, Imm. A, 2ème étage N°2, Angle Av. Lallay Lyacout et Rahal El Meskini Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 78 90 Fax: 0522 31 91 41 Business Activity: Freight forwarding & logistics services


Mehdi Bencherki, President Mohamed Bakkali, Director General 298, Bd. Mohammed V, Casablanca Tel: 0522 45 80 45 Fax: 0522 44 23 20 Business Activity: Express mail services


Malika Talab, President Abdallah El Ouinkhir, Financial Director 30, Rue Abou Faris Al Marinie, Rabat Tel: 0537 20 33 88 Fax: 0537 20 45 78 Business Activity: Law firm providing legal tax and financial sercies

Financial Services Volunteer Corps

William Fellows, Director 26, Bd. Al Massira Al Khadra, 3ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 31 20 to 24 Fax: 0522 39 38 40 Business Activity: Financial services consulting

List of Amcham members


First Rest International

Nacer El Alami, President 3, Rue Bab Mansour, Espace Porte d’Anfa, Casablanca Tel: 0522 94 10 07 Fax: 0522 94 10 80 Business Activity: Fast-food restaurant (McDonald’s)

Fromageries Bel Maroc

Chakib Seddiki, General Manager Rue l’Ecrivain, Aïn Borja, Casablanca Tel: 0522 61 85 04 Fax: 0522 62 07 97 Business Activity: Food (processed cheese)

Fromagerie des Doukkala

Said Moudafi, Director General 138, Boulevard d’Anfa, Immeuble Etoile d’Anfa 4ème étage, Appt. 13, Casablanca 20050 Tel: 0522 95 70 63 Fax: 0522 36 00 16 Business Activity: Cheese manufacturing and marketing

Fromagerie Italienne (Fromital)

Haj M’barek Farah, President Hassan Farah, Director General Lot. 14, Zone Industriel Tassila III, Agadir, CP 80650 Tel: 0528 33 30 33 – 0528 33 26 81 Fax: 0528 33 40 24 Business Activity: Manufacturer of cheese and other dairy products

Fruit of the Loom Textile

Brian Kennedy, Manager Km 8, Route de Kenitra, Laiaida-Bouknadel, Salé Tel: 0537 82 22 69 – 0537 82 22 88 Fax: 0537 82 23 74 Business activity: Garments and textiles


Abrahem Ghazarian, Director General 24, Lotissement la Colline, Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 49 74 00 Fax: 0522 58 16 33 Business activity: Security services provider

Gate One Ventures

Mohamed Dekkak, President John Habib, Executive Vice President 65, Rue Moussa Bnou Noussair, Appt. 63, Casablanca Tel : 0522 26 90 90 Fax : 0522 27 88 18 Business Activity: Financial consultancy services

General Development Holding

Jamal Chaqroun, President Karim Chaqroun, Director General 4-6, Rue Mélouia (ex-Lapébie), Casablanca 20000 Tel: 0522 49 03 48/53 – 0522 29 31 16 Fax: 0522 49 02 43 Business Activity: Holding

General Dynamics

David Champion, General Manager 3°ERRM, Zone Militaire, Nouasseur, Casablanca Tel: 0522 53 86 47 – 0522 53 90 80 Fax: 0522 53 82 40 Business Activity: Defense contractor

General Electric International Inc.

Kamal Kassis, National and Regional Executive Director 5, Boulevard Abdellatif Benkadour, 7ème étage Casablanca Tel: 0522 94 49 61 to 63 Fax: 0522 94 49 60 Business activity: Power systems, electrical systems, appliances, aircraft engines, lighting, medical systems

Genpact Morocco

Patrick Cogny, President Ali Seddougui, Director General Business Center, Plateau 401, Technopolis 11100 Sala Al Jadida Tel: 0538 01 90 64/62 Business Activtiy: Business process outsourcing

Ghizo Plast

Tahar L’Houari, General Manager 35 Impasse Rue Ibnou Katir, Mâarif, Casablanca Tel: 0522 99 06 09 – 0522 99 49 60 – 0522 99 49 01 Fax: 0522 99 10 09 Business Activity: Special packaging for apparel

Global Education

Jack Rusenko, President Angle Avenue Omar Alkhayam & Boulevard Sidi Abderrahmane, Hay Erraha, Casablanca 20200 Tel: 0522 94 38 00 Fax: 0522 94 38 01 Business Activity: Education, George Washington Academy

Global Network Systems

Jamal Mendoun, General Manager Lotissement Taoufik, Immeuble 2 bis, 1er étage, Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 58 11 92, Fax: 0522 58 11 87 Business activity: Electronic Data Interchange (GE joint venture)

List of Amcham members

Golden Tulip Farah Casablanca

Gildas Renaux, Director General Ahmed Boutarta, Financial Director 160, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 45 81 00 Fax: 0522 44 73 98 Business Activity: Hotel

Gourri Transit

Najia Gourri, PDG Rue Ibn Haitem et Avenue Prince Heritier Immeuble Al Mahmoudia, Bureau n°3, Tanger Tel: 0539 94 08 19 – 0539 94 13 71 Fax: 0539 94 08 19 Business Activity: Transit

Gras Savoye Maroc

Naïma Smires Kettani, President and Managing Director Angle Rue Ferret et Bd. My Youssef, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 36 17 – 0522 20 34 61 – 0522 20 35 75 Fax: 0522 20 36 05 Business Activity: Counseling, placement, insurance and reinsurance

Green Sahara Furniture, Inc.

David Bult, Director General 27, Rue 28 Metsoua, Oulfa, Casablanca 6855 Thornview SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Tel: +1 616 656 5393 GSM: 0614 97 52 14 Business Activity: Manufacturer of uniquely-designed, handcrafted furniture product lines; also custom work, including furniture, cabinetry, doors, and architectural millwork for the US and Moroccan markets


Mohamed Mekouar, General Manager Allée des Cactus, B.P. 2586, Aïn Sebaâ Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 33 41 – 0522 35 90 97 Fax: 0522 35 03 52 Business Activity: Industrial packaging

Groupe Aceca

Khalid Aouzal, Director General 253-255, Boulevard Massira Al Khadra Casablanca Tel: 0522 77 87 87 – 0522 23 75 75 Fax: 0522 25 78 50 – 0522 25 97 03 Business Activity: Insurance


Groupe AFMA

Farid Bensaid, President Omar Tazi, Director General Abdelwaha Nougaoui, Deputy Director General 22, Bd. Moulay Youssef Casablanca 21000 Tel: 0522 42 80 00 - 93 Fax: 0522 42 80 21 -10 Business Activity: Insurance

Groupe Benkirane

Ali Benkirane, General Manager 38, Rue Jean Jaurès, Casablanca Tel: 0522 26 96 05 – 0522 26 48 67 Fax: 0522 20 21 07 Business Activity: Holding company (fishing, agribusiness, real estate)

Groupe CMCP (International Paper)

Marc Van Lieshout, President Director General Bd. El Hanch Ben Bouazza Z.I. Ain Sebaâ, Casablanca 20250 Tel: 0522 66 78 78 Fax: 0522 34 26 00 Business Activity: Corrugated packaging and cartonboard

Groupe ONA

Moûtassim Belghazi, President Hassan Ouriagli, Director General 60, Rue d’Alger, Casablanca Tel: 0522 43 21 00 Fax: 0522 29 93 18 Businesss Activity: Mining, agro-industry, distribution, finance activities, new growth activities and holding


Fouad Jellal, Director General Lotissement La Colline, N° 10, Sidi Maârouf Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 37 37 – 0522 43 64 00 Fax: 0522 97 37 26 Business activity: Computers, computer equipment, and printers

High Atlas Foundation

Kate McLetchie, Country Directory Morocco P.O. Box 21081, New York, NY 10025, U.S.A. Tel: 0537 77 38 50 – 001 464 688 4153 Business Activity: Serving rural Moroccan communities

List of Amcham members


Hightech Payment Systems

Samir Lamrissi, EVP Marketing & Sales Casanearshore Park, Shore 1 Secteur A 1100, Bd. Al Qods, Sidi Maârouf Casablanca 20190 Tel: 0529 95 60 00 Fax: 0529 01 40 97 Business Activity: Electronic payment systems development & maintenance, including consulting, audit, training and project management services


Mohamed Hassan BenSalah, President 20, Rue Mostafa El Mâani, Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 07 01 Fax: 0522 31 37 44 Business Activity: Holding

Hyatt Regency Casablanca

Christian Le Prince Monfort, General Manager Place des Nations Unies, Casablanca Tel: 0522 43 12 34 Fax: 0522 43 12 22 Business Activity: Hotel

IBM Maroc

Abdallah Alaoui Rachidi, President Director General Ali Aqallal, Human Resources Director Immeuble le Zénith, Lotissement Attaoufik Route de Nouasseur, Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 25 97 – 0522 97 27 97 Fax: 0522 97 27 32 Business Activity: IT sector; computer hardware, software and services

Ifriquia Plastic

Salah Gacimi, Director General Route 110, Km 11.5, Bd Chefchaouni, Aïn Sebaâ Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 45 45 – 0522 35 12 62 Fax: 0522 35 06 19 Business Activity: Plastics

Imagine Design

El Mostapha Mohammed Alaoui, President Rabia Boujibar, Director General 15, Rue Ibnou Jabir, Aïn Diab Casablanca Tel: 0522 79 78 30 to 31 Fax: 0522 79 78 28 Business Activity: Architecture & design

Immo d’Or

Youssef Naji, Associate 131, Bd. Abdelmoumen, N°17, 4ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 60 65 40 - 0523 33 01 11 Fax: 0523 33 01 12 Business Activity: Construction & real estate


Mohamed Abdelmoumen, President Rachid Abdelmoumen, Director General 88, Boulevard Moulay Slimane, Casablanca 20250 Tel: 0522 35 42 05 Fax: 0522 34 20 10 to 11 Business Activity: Development and production of safety glass for the automotive industry and windows panes for the building and others industries


Cecilia Rota, Power of Attorney 5, Rue de l’Océan, Casablanca Tel: 0522 40 42 01 Fax: 0522 40 42 44 Business Activity: Interior design

Intel Corporation

Khaled El Amrawi, Regional Director Abdelaziz Benettaib, Development North Africa Twin Center, Tour Ouest, 16ème étage Angle Bd. Zerktouni et Massira Al Khadra Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 95 83 57 Fax: 0522 95 80 23 Business Activity: Semiconductor manufacturer including desktop, mobile, and server computer, digital entertainment devices and networking and communications products


Saida Britel, President 5, Rue Mohamed Faker, Imm. Semiromis 11ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 48 46 48 Fax: 0522 48 46 74 – 0522 54 21 01 Business Activity: Advertising agency

International Cargo Logistics

Khalid Chakib, President Driss Maatouk, Director General 465, Av. Ambassadeur Ben Aicha, Roches Noires Casablanca Tel: 0522 24 21 10 to 11 Fax: 0522 24 21 12 Business Activity: Shipping & freight forwrding

List of Amcham members


International Concept Management Inc.

Kamel Global Service

International Duty Free Shops

Kenzi Menara Palace Hotel

Peter DiGrazia, President 2530 East Foresight Circle, Grand Juncton CO 81505 U.S.A. Tel: 1 970 241 6864 Fax: 1 970 257 1088 Business Activity: Design & build large aquarium for Morocco Mall

Almario Quijano, General Manager Zone Frêt, Aéroport Mohammed V, Nouasseur Casablanca Tel: 0522 53 92 48 Fax: 0522 53 90 53 Business activity: Duty-free sales

Jacob Delafon Morocco

Phillipe Cros, Director General Zone Industrielle, Route de Tétouan B.P. 1093, Tanger Tel: 0539 32 97 00 Fax: 0539 32 97 31 Business Activity: Sanitary products

Jet Sakane

Karim Amor, Chief Executive Officer Rachid Lamghari, Director General 16-18, Lotissement Attaoufik Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 35 25 Fax: 0522 97 37 45 Business Activity: Low-cost housing and information technology

Jorf Lasfar Energy Company

Majid Iraqui, President B.P. 99 Sidi Bouzid, Jorf Lasfar El Jadida Tel: 0523 38 90 00 Fax: 0523 34 51 72 Business Activity: Electricity generation

Johnson & Johnson Morocco

Maurice Kupfer, Managing Director Lotissement La Colline Immeuble Les Quatre Temps Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca 20190 Tel: 0522 97 77 77 Fax: 0522 97 77 97 Business Activity: Personal care and hygienic products

Kamal Khalil, Manager 3, Rue Sidi Bannour 2ème étage, Résidence Zohor N°14, Aïn Borja, Casablanca Tel: 0522 62 15 15 Fax: 0522 61 53 67 Business Activity: Olive oil, argan oil and natural cosmetic products

Abdelatif Kabbaj, President Didier Rosas, Director General Zone de l’Agdal, Bd. Mohammed VI Marrakech 40000 Tel: 0524 45 99 00 Fax: 0524 45 99 02-01 Business Activity: Hotel

Kenzi Tower Hotel

Marc Saunier, General Manager Said Khass, Resident Manager Angle Bd. Zerktouni et Bd. Massira Al Khadra Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 89 89 Fax: 0522 95 80 90 Business Activity: Hotel

Kettani Law Firm

Azzedine Kettani, Attorney-Professor of Law 8, Rue Lahcen Basri, Casablanca Tel: 0522 43 89 00 Fax: 0522 20 59 25 • 0522 27 26 17 Business Activity: Law firm


Fouad Lahgazi, Partner Azzedine Benmoussa, Founder Avenue Bir Kacem, Souissi, Rabat Tel: 0537 63 37 02 to 06 Fax: 0537 63 37 11 Business activity: Accounting, auditing, consulting, and tax services

Kraft Foods Maroc

Ali Benhayoune, Managing Director Rue Ibn Laknane, B.P. 2529, Aïn Sebaâ Casablanca Tel: 0522 67 86 66/40 Fax: 0522 67 34 80 Business Activity: Production and marketing of food products

List of Amcham members


La Maison du Sauna

Rabéa Moumni Lahbabi, Manager 27, Rue Ferrhat Hachad, Casablanca Tel: 0522 26 93 54 Fax: 0522 22 32 92 Business Activity: Sauna equipment & accessories

Laboratoires Pharma 5

Abdallah Lahlou Filali, President Yasmine Lahlou Filale, Vice President 21, Rue des Asphodèles, Mâarif extention, Casablanca Tel: 0522 33 44 73 – 0522 23 62 15 Fax: 0522 33 43 70 Business Activity: Development, manufacturing, distribution, import and export of generic pharmaceutical products

Lahlou Law Firm

Mohamed Saâd Lahlou, Attorney 2, Angle Bd. My Youssef et Hassan Souktani Résidence Bellevue, 5ème étage, N°15, Casablanca Tel: 0522 27 83 13 Fax: 0522 27 83 14 Business Activity: Law firm


Farid Bennis, President Ali Bennis, Vice President Hassan Bennis, Vice President Danielle Tobias, Export Manager 16-18, Boulevard Emile Zola, Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 58 00 to 06 0522 29 44 50/52 0522 66 33 20 Fax: 0522 44 43 98 0522 26 01 34 0522 66 25 89/97 Business Activity: Pharmaceuticals

Le Carré Rond

Salaheddine Aboulghali, President Stephane Rochard, Director General 48, Bd. Rahal Meskini, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 20 25 Fax: 0522 22 72 48 Business Activity: Real estate, media & com

Le Royal Mansour Méridien Hotel Renzo Correzzola, Director General 27, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 21 12 – 0522 31 30 11 Fax: 0522 29 54 90 Business Activity: Hotel

Les Ateliers AM

Ahmed Mamam El Hak, Director General Fatima Barakat, Director Parc Industriel Bouskoura, Lot. N°68 B.P. 198, Casablanca 20180 Tel: 0522 32 06 88 to 89 Fax: 0522 32 03 54 Business Activity: electromectronic maintenance: alternator, electric engines, power transformer

Les Celliers de Meknès

Omar Aouad, Director General 11, Rue Ibn Khaldoun, Meknès Tel: 0535 52 03 60 Fax: 0535 52 75 06 Business Activity: Wine production

Les Eaux Minérales d’Oulmès

Miriem BenSalah Chaqroun, Chief Executive Officer Zone Industielle Bouskoura, Casablanca Tel: 0522 33 47 42 to 46 Fax: 0522 33 47 52 – 0522 33 49 07 Business Activity: Production, bottling and distribution of mineral waters (Oulmès, Sidi Ali)

Les Grandes Semouleries du Maroc

Yasmine Benjelloun Sellami, Director Cité Oukacha, B.P. 2649 , Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca 20250 Tel: 0522 35 47 53 Fax: 0522 35 48 09 Business activity: Cereals, seeds, herbal medicines

LGMC (Les Grandes Marques & Conserveries Chérifiennes Réunies) Karim Ayouche, Administrator 7, Rue des Aït Ba Amrane, Casablanca Tel: 0522 24 19 80 • Fax: 0522 40 29 37 Business Activity: Canned food


Mohamed Loutfi, Director General Aziz Al Yatimi, Financial Director 29, Bd. Mohammed VI, Imm. F3, N°12, Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 67 26 • Fax: 0522 44 24 59 Business Activity: Electrical construction


Serge Soucek, General Manager Morocco 50, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0520 42 12 00 – 0520 42 12 30 Fax: 0520 42 12 20 Business Activity: Airline

List of Amcham members


Belaid Rais, General Manager Rue Albert Samain, Lotissement 6, Cité Plateau B.P. 15892, Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 25 74 28 – 0522 23 10 46 – 0522 25 62 02 Fax: 0522 23 07 23 Business activity: Food products (import and distribution)

Maghreb Steel

Fadel Sekkat, President Othman Benmlih, Director General RN 9, Km 10, B.P. 3553, Ahl Loughlam, Casablanca Tel: 0522 76 25 00 Fax: 0522 76 25 03 Business Activity: Manufacturing of steel coils and panel sandwich

Maroc Fer

Mehdi Sounni Berrada, Director General Zone Industrielle Sidi Maârouf, Ouled Haddou Casablanca 20190 Tel: 0522 33 58 44 • Fax: 0522 32 11 50 Business Activity: Negoce

Maroc Leasing

Ali Harraj, President 57, Angle Rue Pinel et Bd. Abdelmoumen, Casablanca Tel: 0522 42 95 12 • Fax: 0522 42 95 00 Business Activity: Leasing

Maroc Modis

Gregory Petit-Peucelle, Director General Lot. 82, Rue 801, Q.I. Sidi Brahim II Fès 30080 Tel: 0535 73 71 21 • Fax: 0535 73 72 69 Business Activity: Manufacturing of lingerie


Mawarid Marocaine

Fouad Rahmouni, General Manager 3, Rue Abdelkader Mazini, 2ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 52 73 to 75 Fax: 0522 20 41 58 Business Activity: Fast-food franchise (Pizza Hut)


Mhammed Tazi, President 75, Rue de Normandie, Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 23 78 78 – 0522 25 96 54 Fax: 0522 23 79 79 Business Activity: Sole agent importer and distributor of fine chemicals, raw materials for the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries


Abdel Sefrioui, Director General 154, Avenue Mohammed V, Appt. 9, Marrakech Tel: 0524 43 87 42 Fax: 0524 44 68 99 Business Activity: Corporate travel and property development

Mediaedge-CIA Morocco

Nourdin Rhaleb, President Asmaa Fahmi, Director General 157, Bd. d’Anfa, Quartier Racine, Casablanca Tel: 0522 36 13 33 • Fax: 0522 36 03 09 Business Activity: Media & communication agency


Mohamed El Mandjra, CEO Lotissement la Colline, Immeuble les 4 temps Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0665 55 10 65 • Fax: 0665 55 12 44 Business Activity: Telecommunications

Maroc Rubans

Driss Alami, President Rue Omar Ibnou Abdelaziz, La Villette, Casablanca Tel: 0522 62 37 90/81 – 0522 62 38 38 Fax: 0522 62 38 31 Business Activity: Manufacturer of woven & printed labels

Mars Morocco

Pierre Guillet, Regional Manager Maghreb 20-22, Résidence Sans Pareil, Lot. Attaoufik Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca 20190 Tel: 0522 58 65 00 • Fax: 0522 58 65 01 Business Activity: Snackfood (Snickers, mars, twix, bounty, M&M’s, galaxy), Pet Care (Pedigree, Whiskas, chapie), Food (Uncle ben’s, dolmio & ebly)

Microsoft Maroc

Bertrand Hommell, Regional Director Twin Center, Tour A, 15ème étage, Bd. Zerktouni, Mâarif, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 61 63 – 0522 95 61 50 •Fax: 0522 95 85 85 Business Activity: Computer software


Abdallah Alaoui, President Youssef Karam, Director General 383, Boulevard Ibn Tachfine, Casablanca Tel: 0522 61 88 76 – 0522 61 88 83 • Fax: 0522 61 88 84 Business Activity: Yamaha products, motorcycles, fishing and lifting equipment

List of Amcham members



Belkacem Raji, President R.P. N°1, Km 12,5, Sidi Bernoussi, Casablanca Tel: 0522 73 80 83 – 0522 73 91 33 Fax: 0522 73 49 83 Business Activity: Purchasing and sales of Cereals

Minco Products

Guy Beauménil, Director General Jean-Pierre Guenier, Factory Director Aéropôle Aéroport Mohammed V, B.P 15, Nouasseur Casablanca Tel: 0522 53 62 50 • Fax: 0522 53 87 59 Business Activity: Temperature sensors, flex heater and princted circuit, used in electronics components and sensors

Modaline Holding

Mourad Karroum, Director General Yasmina Mouhtadi, Sales Manager Lotissement 95, Z.I. Ben M’sick Sidi Othman Casablanca 20450 Tel: 0522 71 78 18 • Fax: 0522 72 75 37 Business Activity: Textiles industry

Modern Contracting

Murad Mohamed Murad, President Shirif Murad, Director General 104, Résidence Al Badr, Quartier Beaucite Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca 20500 Tel: 0522 35 35 34 • Fax: 0522 35 35 49 Business Acitivity: Construction


Aboubaker Arbai, Vice President 42, Zone industrielle, Route de Tétouan Tanger Tel: 0539 35 00 63 – 0539 35 10 17 • Fax: 0539 35 03 76 Business Activity: Yarn spinning, apparel and home textiles


Boubker Chaoui, Managing Director N°90, Zone industrielle Ouest Mohammedia Tel: 0523 31 95 50 • Fax: 0523 31 51 04 Business Activity: Radio communication operator & service provider

MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme)

Yasmine Benjelloun, Country Manager 7, Rue Assilah, Bourgogne, Casablanca Tel: 0522 29 58 03-04-25-32-35-38 Fax: 0522 29 58 64 Business Activity: Pharmaceuticals

MTDS (Morocco Trade and Development Services)

Karl Stanzick, Managing Director 14, Rue 16 Novembre, Agdal, Rabat Tel: 0537 67 48 61 to 62 Fax: 0537 67 48 63 Business activity: Telecommunications, internet services, management consulting services

Nemotek Technologies

Jacky Perdrigeat, President Abdessalam El Bouhdidi, HR Director Technopolis Park, Rocade Rabat-Salé BP 5306, Sala Al Jadida 11100 Tel: 0538 01 40 00 • Fax: 0538 01 40 10 Business Activity: Design & manufacturing of micro electronics

New Zealand Milk Products Morocco

Ahmed Nassreddine Doublali, Chairman 3-5, Rue Abou Bakr Al Wahrani, La Villette, Casablanca Tel: 0522 62 38 17-21 – 0522 62 38 22 to 23 Fax: 0522 62 41 55 – 0522 60 09 80 Business activity: Import and distribution of various products


Belgacem Raoudi, Director General Aïcha Naciri, Officer Operations Administration Avenue Farhat Hachad, Angle Oued Zem Appartement 5 & 6, 3ème étage, Mohammedia Tel: 0523 32 72 05 Fax: 0523 32 72 06 Business Activity: Marine and cargo surveys, testing, insurance loss, adjusting, pre-shipment inspection, textile, merchandise inspection and industrial products

OCP Group

Mostafa Terrab, Director General Mohamed El Hajjouji, Financial Director 2, Rue Al Abtal, Hay Erraha, Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 99 81 13 • Fax: 0522 99 83 28 Business Activity: Extration, treatment and valorisation of phosphates and phosphate derivatives (phosphoric acid, fertilizers)

Octogone Hotels / Terre Resort & Spa

Christian Rivadalla, Director General Wahat Sidi Brahim, Palmeraie Marrakech Commune Oulad Belaguid 40000 Tel: 0524 33 40 60 • Fax: 0524 30 11 78 Business Activity: Hotel, Spa and Restaurant

List of Amcham members

OFPPT (Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Promotion du Travail) Larbi Bencheikh, Director General 231, Boulevard Ibn Tachfine, Casablanca Tel: 0522 40 22 50 – 0522 43 51 20 Fax: 0522 40 36 50 Business Activity: Job promotion and training

Olive Branch Tours

Akli Benachir, President 35, Rue Al Oraibi Jilali, Casablanca Tel: 0522 22 39 19 – 0522 22 03 54 - 0522 26 14 16 Fax: 0522 26 09 76 – 0522 20 36 79 Business activity: Travel agency and tour operator

OMP (Omnium Marocain de Pêche)

Mohamed Laraki, President Chakib El Khaier, Secretary General 6, Rue de la Fraternité, 1er étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 03 11 to 12 • Fax: 0522 95 03 14 Business Activity: Fishing

ONDA (Office National des Aéroports)

Abdelhanine Benallou, Director General Aéroport Mohammed V, Nouasseur, Casablanca Tel: 0522 53 90 05 – 0522 53 97 17 Fax: 0522 53 99 01 Business Activity: Airports operating and air navigation control

ONP (Office National des Pêches)

Majid Kaissar El Ghaib, Director General 13-15, Rue Lieutenant Mahroud Mohammed B.P. 16243, Casablanca Tel: 0522 24 05 51 – 0522 24 55 53 • Fax: 0522 24 23 05 Business Activity: Promotion of fishing sector


El Houssine Oucouc, Director General North Africa Souad Barka, Marketing Manager 2, Lotissement Attaoufik, Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 70 00 • Fax: 0522 97 28 42/38 Business Activity: Software

Oulamine Law Offices, P.C.

Réda Oulamine, President 2, Rue Aboulfaid El Masri Immeuble JP II, étage 4, Appartement C4 Quartier Gauthier, Casablanca Tel: 0522 22 82 85• Fax: 0522 22 82 86 Business Activity: A multidisciplinary law firm with an emphasis on business and corporate law


Pepsi-Cola Maghreb

Aziz Najeb, Maghreb Countries Manager Marouane Cherif, Country Manager Morocco 16, Rue Ali Abderrazak, Immeuble Mirabeau II 1er étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 77 87 40 Fax: 0522 77 87 48 Business Activity: Soft drinks

Petrole du Maghreb

Ahmed Bouaida, President Director General Rachid Boumahdi, Financial Director 42, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 01 71 – 0522 31 38 20 Fax: 0522 31 89 92 Business Activity: Import & distribution of petroleum and chemical products

Pharmaceutical Institute

Azeddine Sedrati, Director General RS 203, Route Akreuch, Oum Azza, B.P. 4491, Aïn Aouda Tel: 0537 74 82 84 to 86 Fax: 0537 74 86 39 Business Activity: Import, distribution and manufacture of pharmaceutical products

Philip Morris

Ahmed Benzarti, General Manager for Morocco and Tunisia 12, Rue Abou Hassan Achâari Casablanca Tel: 0522 22 27 18 – 0522 22 14 16 Fax: 0522 26 09 90 Business Activity: Tobacco products (representation office)


Mohsine Sekkat, President Yassine Benmlih Fath, Director General Rue Houcine Ben Mohamed Ben Ahmed, N°111 Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 49 06 0522 35 59 14 Fax: 0522 34 22 36 Business Activity: Transformation of plastic materials

Polydesign Systems

Julianne M. Furman, Director General Zone Franche Boukhalef, Lot. 18B, Tanger Tel: 0539 39 94 00 0539 39 94 19 Fax: 0539 39 35 24 Business Activity: Manufacturing of interior trim parts for the automotive industry

List of Amcham members


Polynaf (Exxon Mobil Chemical) Abdelaziz Ouzane, Managing Director 139, Angle Bd Mers Sultan, Rue Zerhoune, Bureau 25 4ème Etage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 49 06 06 - 0522 49 11 13- 0522 49 11 14 Fax: 0522 49 03 04 Business Activity: Sales office

Powertrans Bouchra Chennaf, President Director General 4, Rue Abdewahab Az-Zakak, 1er étage, N°4, Casablanca Tel: 0522 30 59 59, Fax: 0522 30 31 02 Business Activity: Freight forwarder, national & international transport and negoce

PriceWaterhouseCoopers Aziz Bidah, Partner in Charge 101, Boulevard Massira El Khadra Casablanca Tel: 0522 77 90 11 – 0522 77 90 00 Fax: 0522 31 30 91 – 0522 99 11 96 Business Activity: Accounting, auditing, consulting and tax services

Procter & Gamble North West Africa Pascal Houdayer, Director General 95, Boulevard Abdelmoumen Casablanca Tel: 0522 85 75 80 – 0522 85 76 57-11 Fax: 0522 85 77 96 Business Activity: Cleaning products, soaps, detergents, food products

Professional Investment Consultants David Martin, President 19, Rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 Luxembourg Tel: +352 27 62 30 50 Fax: + 352 26 25 76 40 Business Activity: Regulated independent financial advisor providing financial planning advice to international employees & expatriates (Representing: HSBC, Credit Suisse, Merill Lynch, Citibank, AIG…)

Qalam Wa Lawh Center

Jessica Freeland, President Adil El Khiyari, Director General 31, Rue Qadi Ben Hamadi Essenhaji, Soussi, Rabat Tel: 0537 75 57 90 Fax: 0537 63 36 44 Business Activity: Teaching Arabic as a foreign language to mostly American & European students group, private & custom courses available

Qatar Airways

Joseph Cusmano, Area Manager Sami Debbiche, Sales Manager 62, Bd. d’Anfa, Angle Bd. Moulay Youssef Casablanca 20000 Tel: 0522 29 54 54 Fax: 0522 26 70 96 Business Activity: Air transportation services for passangers and cargo

Rabat American School

Paul W. Johnson, Director C/o American Embassy, B.P. 120, Rabat Tel: 0537 67 14 76 Fax: 0537 67 09 63 Business Activity: School


Abdellatif Bourezgui, President Karim Bourezgui, Commercial Director 80, Zone Industrielle Sud Ouest, Mohammedia Tel: 0523 32 64 32 to 33 Fax: 0523 32 64 34 Business Activity: Manufacturer of shoes for women, children & babies


Hicham Ziatt, Chief Executive Officer 145, Zone Industrielle Sahel, Had Soualem Tel: 0522 96 43 77 to 80 Fax: 0522 96 43 81 Business Activity: Specializes in the design and manufacture of transport trailers and tanks in conformity with the European standards RTMDR-ADR

Regus Maroc

Kawter Moreno, Sales Manager Twin Center, Tour Ouest, 16ème étage, Angle Boulevard Zerktouni, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 80 21 Fax: 0522 95 80 23 Business Activity: Business center (instant offices)

List of Amcham members




Royal Air Maroc

Schwartz Amex Representative

Karim Tazi, General Manager Angle Boulevard Moulay Ismail et Ancienne Route de Rabat, Casablanca Tel: 0522 34 35 33 to 34 Fax: 0522 34 35 36 Business Activity: Mattresses, sponges, weaving

Driss Benhima, President Abderrafia Zouiten, Director General Hassan Amri, Financial Director 47, Rue Allal Ben Abdellah Centre Allal Ben Abdellah, 6ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 91 24 08, Fax: 0522 91 22 12 Business Activity: Airline

Saba & Co.

Joseph Sanbar, President Driss El Hajjaji, Director General 185, Bd. Zerktouni, 4ème étage, Appt. 7 Casablanca 20100 Tel: 0522 25 15 30 Fax: 0522 25 16 03 Business Activity: Intellectual property attorneys and counsels/protection and enforcement of IP rights


Jamal Ba-amer, Administrator and Director General B.P. 89-101, Mohammedia Tel: 0523 31 93 93 – 0523 31 22 44 Fax: 0523 31 24 10 Business Activity: Oil refining

Savola Morocco

Anouar Benazzouz, Director General Amal Tajeddine, Financial Director RP N° 7, Route de Marrakech, Zone Indutrielle Berrechid Tel: 0522 53 56 56 Fax: 0522 32 41 22 Business Activity: Edible Oil (Afia, AlArabi, Hala, Maysour)

Scal Avis

Jacques Toledano, President Hassan Adyadou, Human Resources Director Immeuble Les Alizés, Lotissement N° 33 La Colline II, Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 55 55 – 0522 97 40 00 Fax: 0522 97 55 00 Business Activity: Car rental

Abdellatif Guerraoui, Presient Director General 64, Avenue Lalla Yacout, Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 21 15 to 26 – 0522 31 85 26 Fax: 0522 31 89 15 Business Activity: Automobiles, trucks and related parts

Nazha Ibba, Senior Territory Manager/Amex Morocco 2, Avenue Hassan Souktani, 4ème étage, Appt. 10 Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 35 52-58 Fax: 0522 20 35 82 Business Activity: Cards and travel related services

SCJ Wax Ltd. Maghreb

Maurice Andraos, General Manager 6, Rue Najib Mahfoud, 5ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 27 20 48 Fax: 0522 27 22 55 Business Activity: Marketing of fast moving consumer goods

SCRA (Société Cherifienne de Remorquage et d’Assistance) Steve O’Hana, General Manager 67, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 30 18 Fax: 0522 31 31 43 Business Activity: Ship towing


Rachid Lebbar, Managing Director B.P. 210, Usine El Assam, 14 000 Kénitra Tel: 0537 37 84 96-99 Fax: 0537 32 98 98 Business Activity: Agar-Agar (Medicinal herbs & plants)


Badr Kanouni, Director General Zone Industrielle de Settat, B.P. 668, Settat Tel: 0523 72 90 00 Fax: 0523 72 90 20-19 Business Activity: Fabrics (Denim & flats)

Seven Events

Kamal El Mostafa Abanouas, President Nawal Abanouas, Director General Jalal Abdeddaim, Director Damaris I, Dar Bouazza, Casabanca Tel: 0522 27 32 33 Fax: 0522 27 32 35 Business Activity: Group of restaurants

List of Amcham members


Sheraton Hotel Towers Casablanca

Ismail Sidky, General Manager 100, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 43 94 02 Fax: 0522 43 94 01 Business Activity: Hotel


Rachid Tazi, Chief Executive Officer Quartier Industriel, B.P. 182, Aïn Slougui, Meknès 50000 Tel: 0535 50 14 70 to 75 Fax: 0535 50 08 68 Business Activity: Apparel (active sport and uniforms)


Rachid Charkaoui Tanjy, President Abderrahmane Boukhalkhal, Director General 46, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 01 58 – 0522 31 21 73 Fax: 0522 31 05 56 Business Activity: Insurance and reinsurance

Simmons Maroc

Abdelaziz Tazi, President Director General Mohamed Zahraoui, Sales Director 2, Allée des Sauges, Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 01 16 to 17 – 0522 35 09 88 Fax: 0522 35 05 75 – 0522 66 12 79 Business activity: Mattresses


Tariq Obaide, President Antony Mallinson, Marketing Manager 87, Bd. Nador, Polo, Casablanca Tel: 0522 21 16 80 Fax: 0522 21 36 33 Business Activity: Higher education (Sunderland University)


Amine El Baroudi, Chief Executive Officer Othman El Baroudi, Financial Director 45, Lot. Azli, Quartier Industriel, B.P. 588, Marrakech Tel: 0524 38 85 00 Fax: 0524 38 85 25 Business Activity: Tea and infusion


Said Taieb, President Director General Karim Berrada, Financial Director 159, Bd. La Résistance, 6ème étage, N°12, Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 24 14 • Fax: 0522 44 36 22 Business Activity: Freight forwarding


Hassan Bennani-Smirès, Vice President Z.I. Bouskoura, B.P. 203, Casablanca 20180 Tel: 0522 59 30 00 – 0522 59 03 91 Fax: 0522 59 02 74 Business Activity: Holding


Thierry Sabouret, Director General Angle Rues Rahal Ben Ahmed et Saint Saens, Casablanca Tel: 0522 40 02 23 Fax: 0522 24 95 57 Business Activity: Press, books and multimedia products (importer and distributor)

Société Bernitex

Abderrahman El Bernichi, President Bachir El Bernichi, Director General Redouane Azizi, Responsable Casablanca B.P. 493, Avenue de la Gare, Guercif Tel: 0535 20 01 77 Fax: 0535 20 06 58 Business Activity: Apparel

Société Bodor

Rachid Morabit, President Driss Morabit, Director General 8, Angle Rue Ait Baha, Bd. de Bordeaux, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 02 77 Fax: 0522 29 67 85 Business Activity: Manufacturer, import and distributor of agricultural seeds

Société Générale

Jérôme Guiraud, Managing Director Khalid Chami, Director, Large Enterprises Division 55, Boulevard Abdelmoumen, Casablanca Tel: 0522 43 88 88 Fax: 0522 29 88 09 Business Activity: Bank

Société Immobilière Hani

Mohamed Najib El Ofir, President 57, Avenue de la Corniche, Aïn Diab, Casablanca Tel: 0522 79 80 70-88 Fax: 0522 79 80 86 Business Activity: Property & real estate promotion, import-export, international negoce

Société Marocaine de Projets Touristiques Taib Moussif, Director of General & Legal Affairs 75, Rue N°4, Lot. Chantimar Ciel, Casabanca Tel: 0522 39 33 48-50 Fax: 0522 39 11 74 Business Activity: Fast-food restaurant (KFC)

List of Amcham members


Société Najm Immobilier


Société Riche - Bois


Abid Bouazzaoui, President Zakaria Bouazzaoui, Director General Av. Med Belhassan El Ouazzani, Villa N°2, Agdal, Rabat Tel: 0537 68 68 95 to 96 Fax: 0537 68 68 97 Business Activity: Real estate

Lahcen El Baz, Director General Radouane El Baz, Financial Director Angle Rues Cascade d’Ouzoud et Abdelwahed El Marrakchi, Oukacha, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 49 60 Fax: 0522 35 51 01 Business Activity: Construction and interior design (woodwork, alumunium, false ceiling)


Abdelmalek Zbadi, Director General 1, Rue l’Ecrivain, La Villette Casablanca Tel: 0522 62 65 50 Fax: 0522 62 46 92 Business Activity: Petrolem coke, foundry coke, thermal sector: heating, solar, hydraulcis, air conditionning


Victor El Baz, General Manager 84, Avenue Lalla Yacout, Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 81 81 Fax: 0522 31 97 12 Business Activity: Automobiles (Chrysler, Daihatsu, Jeep)


Abdelhai Bessa, Director General 57, Avenue Abou Bakr Seddik Zone Industrielle Hay Rahma, Salé Tel: 0537 85 20 64 – 0537 85 20 73 Fax: 0537 85 19 44 Business Activity: Children’s wear


José Enrique De la Rubiera, President Twin Center, 18ème étage, Tour A Angle Boulevard Zerktouni et Massira Al Khadra Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 41 00 Fax: 0522 95 86 43 Business Activity: Concrete production

Loïc Morin, President Director General 193, Avenue des F.A.R., Casablanca Tel: 0522 45 47 02 to 03 Fax: 0522 30 60 35 Business Activity: Automobile

Abdelkader Bouamri, President Mohamed Essendoubi, Director General Souâd Lahlou, Marketing Director 131, Bd. Abdelmoumen, 4ème étage, Appt. 17, Marrakech Tel: 0661 20 53 19 Fax: 0524 32 82 89 Business Activity: Property development and decoration


Omar Tazi, President Lamia Tazi, Directeur General B.P. 1, Zone Industrielle Bouskoura, Casablanca Tel: 0522 32 01 01 Fax: 0522 33 41 09 Business Activity: Pharmaceutical

Steelcase Strafor

Stephane Lamouille, General Manager 59, Boulevard Hassan II, Mohammedia 20550 Tel: 0523 31 04 00 Fax: 0523 32 03 94 – 0523 31 04 06 Business activity: Office furniture and household appliances

Stroc Industrie

Nabil Ziatt, Chairman 4, Rue des Tabors, Oasis, Casablanca Tel: 0522 99 15 70 – 72 Fax: 0522 99 09 80 Business Activity: Building and industrial construction

SunLight Power Maroc

Ahmed Jahit, Director 6, Rue Taineste, Angle Rue d’Agadir, Hassan, Rabat Tel: 0537 66 10 32 – 0537 66 10 34 Fax: 0537 66 10 37 Business Activity: Sun power energy for rural areas

Suzuki Maroc

Abdelhanine Belmahi, General Manager Angle Boulevard Ba Hmad et Rue Oudayas, Casablanca Tel: 0522 24 04 04, Fax: 0522 24 04 10 Business Activity: Automobile, motorcycles and OBM

List of Amcham members


Taqa North Africa

Majid Iraqui, Director General 2, Lot. Mandarouna, Route Sidi Maârouf Business Center, 4ème étage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 73 80 • Fax: 0522 97 25 40 Business Acitivity: Energy

Tate & Lyle Morocco

Abdelkrim Rahbaoui, Plant Manager Boulevard Abdelali Benchekroun, Quartier Est B.P. 2607, Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca 20300 Tel: 0522 67 82 66 • Fax: 0522 35 91 79 Business Activity: Starch & glucose

Team/Young & Rubicam

Nourdin Rhaleb, Director General 157, Boulevard d’Anfa, Casablanca Tel: 0522 36 40 60 • 0522 36 02 96 • Fax: 0522 94 17 84 Business Activity: Advertising

Techniques Science-Santé (T2S)

Abderraouf Sordo, General Manager 28, Rue des Pelicans, Oasis, Casablanca Tel: 0522 25 00 70 • Fax: 0522 25 01 76 Business Activity: Import and sale of medical equipment


Said El Hadi, President of the board of directors Nabil El Kerdoudi, Promotion & Communication Manager Twin Center, Tour A, 14ème étage, Angle Bd. Massira Al Khadra, Casablanca Tel: 0522 95 55 00-09 • Fax: 0522 95 89 76 Business Activity: Management of the TangiersMediterranean Port and Free Zone project


Jamal Mourtada, President Director General Route Desserte des Usines, Km 11,6 Autoroute Casablanca – Rabat, Aïn Sebaâ, B.P. 2632 Casablanca 20250 Tel: 0522 75 44 42 • Fax: 0522 75 44 55 Business activity: Construction equipment

Trarem Afrique

Abdeljalil Bennis, President Samir Bennis, Director General Fadel Rhoulam, Deputy Director General 43, Bd. Moulay Slimane, Casablanca 20300 Tel: 0522 24 46 65-67 • Fax: 0522 24 15 65 Business Activity: Manufacturer and expert of office installations

Telecom Partners

Travel Blank Morocco

The Enduring Sun Trading Company

Travel Link

Slimane Boulanoire, President Majid Lahlou, Director General 16-18, Lotissment Attaoufik, Imm. Jet Business Class Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0522 97 33 23 • Fax: 0522 97 37 93 Business Activity: Telecommunication & electriciy

John M. Peterson, Director General Said Jabiri, Projet Manager 219, Boulevard Zerktouni, Angle Brahim Roudani N°13, Casablanca • Tel: 0522 23 70 44 Business Activity: Purchasing & export of agri products to the USAm primarily dried fruits, vegetables and nuts

TM Isstishara

Adnane Drissi, President 131, Bd. Abdelmoumen, 4ème étage, N°17, Casablanca Tel : 0522 22 54 09 • Fax : 0522 22 08 83 Business Activity: Consulting in strategy, lean six sigma, system integration

Lahoucine Khabid, President Director General Appt. N°10, Immeuble 154, Avenue Abdelkarim Khattabi, Gueliz, Marrakech Tel: 0526 97 93 76 Fax: 0524 42 24 91 Business Activity: Luxury customized travel

Ahmed Nait, President Miloud Beramdane, Director General Marrakech Plaza N°401, Immeuble D Place 16 novembre, Marrakech Tel: 0524 44 87 97 • Fax: 0524 44 88 39 Business Activity: Incoming travel agency

Tube & Profil

Abdelhamid Souiri, President Director General 75, Boulevard de la Grande Ceinture Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 35 72 82 – 0522 35 75 20 – 0522 35 12 17 Fax: 0522 35 15 34 Business Activity: Tubes

List of Amcham members

U.3.COM (Union Components for Communication and Commerce)

Abderrahim Mouttaqui, Director General Abdelmajid Moutttaqui, Financial Director 60, Rue Slaoui, Quartier de la Gare, Belvedère Casablanca Tel: 0522 40 96 40 • Fax: 0522 40 93 68 Business Activity: Telecommunication and internet services, importation of computers, computers equipment and printers, numerical photo kiosks

UGGC & Associés

Patrick Larrivé, Attorney 93, Boulevard Massira Al Khadra, Casablanca Tel: 0522 77 44 30 – 0522 77 44 40 Fax: 0522 23 86 66 Business Activity: Law firm; providing legal advice, mostly in the field of foreign investments, M&A and financing, also public procurement contracts, BOT, tax law, litigation and arbitration

UGP (Union Générale Pharmaceutique)

Lahcen Senhaji, President 100, Rue Bachir Al Ibrahimi, Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 80 81 Fax: 0522 30 86 53 Business Activity: Distribution of pharmaceutical products


Mohmad Sakhy, Director General DB Nejma B 408, N°307, Hay Hassani, Casablanca Tel: 0522 89 80 30 • Fax: 0522 91 49 48 Business Activity: Import & export of electronic goods (PC, Laptops, Cameras ..) network installation and services


Naji Arouch, President Samir Kaissouni, Director General 528, Bd. Goulmima, Bourgogne, Casablanca Tel: 0522 20 33 10 – 0522 48 54 92 – 0522 29 95 27 Fax : 0522 29 95 32 Business Activity: Telecommunication, security products, air traffic control, airport and railway equipment

United Parcel Service (UPS)

Khalid Basri, President General Manager 210, Boulevard Zerktouni, Casablanca Tel: 0522 48 36 36 • Fax: 0522 48 35 56 Business activity: Express mail services


Univers Motors

Abdelhaq Laraki, Administrator Boulevard de la Corniche, Aïn Diab, Casablanca Tel: 0522 79 78 40 Fax: 0522 39 13 31 Business Activity: Distribution of cars (Honda) and boats (Zodiac & Johnson)


Abdelkrim El Eulj, President Ilias El Eulj, Director General Jihad Tazout, Purchase Responsible Route d’El Jadida, Km 9, Z.I. Lissasfa, Route 1077 Casablanca Tel: 0522 90 10 61 Fax: 0522 90 10 62 Business Activity: Canned Food (Fish, vegetables, fruits), sauces, jam, vinergar, honey and condiments

Valmont Maroc

Abdelhak El Fellah, Director General Route Principale N°7, Zone Industrielle Berrechid Berrechid 26100 Tel: 0522 33 72 06 Fax: 0522 53 47 88 Business Activity: Light pole manufacturer

Value Pass

Imad Haddour, Director General Technopark, Route de Nouaceur, BP 16570 Bureau 460-461, Casablanca Tel: 0522 21 84 49 Fax: 0522 52 14 55 Business Activity: Information systems integration (SAP, Microsoft dynamics)

Visa International

Mohamed Touhami Elouazzani, Director General Casabanca Business Center, Lotissement Mandarona 300 Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca 20153 Tel: 0522 58 22 20 Fax: 0522 58 22 22 Business Activity: Electronic payment

Visual Impact

Nabil Mikou, General Manager 40, Rue Al Oukhouane, Beauséjour, Casablanca 20200 Tel: 0522 39 37 27 Fax: 0522 39 37 18 Business Activity: LED screens, software solutions in digital signage (SCALA), large & small format digital punting (VUTEK)

List of Amcham members


Waga Engineering et Distribution

My Abdelhafed Kanzi Belghiti, General Manager 5, Boulevard Abdellatif Ben Kaddour, 7ème étage Casablanca Tel: 0522 94 52 32 Fax: 0522 94 26 32 Business Activity: Purchasing consultant and aerospace & telecom product distribution in Morocco and the Arab world

Wall Street Consulting

Ilham Boularhmane, President 169, Bd. Yacoub El Mansour, 5ème étage, Casablansa Tel: 0522 36 36 15 Fax: 0522 89 38 25 Business Activity: Financial consulting, equity/market research, data publication, training and investment reserach

Walsman & Associates

Steven Joseph Wills, Manager 82, Rue Soumaya, Angle Bd. Abdelmoumen, Casablanca Tel: 0522 99 09 58 to 59 • Fax: 0522 99 09 60 Business Activity: IBM lotus notes

Western Union FSI

Khalid Fellahi, Regional Vice President Africa 14, Avenue Mers Sultan, 3ème étage, Casablanca 20000 Tel: 0522 42 84 01 Fax: 0522 42 84 15 Business Activity: Financial services


Ihab Shawi, Director General Casanearshore, Shore 5, N°1, 1100, Bd. Al Quods Sidi Maârouf, Casablanca Tel: 0529 01 03 02 Fax: 0529 01 03 01 Business Activity: Contact Center

Xerox Maroc

Hani Michel, Regional Manager for North & West Africa La Colline II, Sidi Maârouf, Rés. Les Alizés, Casablanca Tel: 0522 88 95 20 – 0522 97 45 45 Fax: 0522 97 44 40 Business activity: Office automation, systems and imaging products

YKK Maroc

Denis Thuillier, Director General Nadir El Alami, Financial Director Route 110, Lotissement Badr, N°6 Zone Industrielle Aïn Sebaâ, Casablanca Tel: 0522 34 29 15 Fax: 0522 35 25 70 Business Activity: Material for fastening system

Ynna Holding

Omar Chaabi, Executive Vice President 233, Boulevard Mohammed V, Casablanca Tel: 0522 44 79 00 Fax: 0522 30 37 14 Business Activity: BTP & real estate, industry, tourism, retailers (Grande distribution)


Mohamed Fouad Filali Dahmani, Administrator Iman Centre, Angle Boulevard Moulay Abderrahman & Rue de la Plage, Casablanca Tel: 0522 45 04 50 • Fax: 0522 45 04 88 Business Activity: Chartering and freight forwarding

Zurich Assurances Maroc

Berto Fisler, President Director General 106, Rue Abderrahmane Sahraoui, Casablanca Tel: 0522 27 90 15 Fax: 0522 49 17 29 Business Activity: Insurance and reinsurance


Key contact information


Annual Directory 2010


Useful Information for Doing Business in Morocco


American Chamber of Commerce in Morocco (AmCham) Mrs. Rabia El Alama, Managing Director Tel: 0522 25 07 36/37/51 Fax: 0522 25 07 30 AmCham web site: FTA web site: Email:

Casablanca Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services

Mr. Ahmed Moussi Messaoudi, Director, International Division Tel: 0522 26 43 27 – 0522 26 43 71 Fax: 0522 26 84 36 Web site: Email:

Moroccan Agency for Development and Investment (AMDI) Mr. Fathallah Sijilmassi, Director General Tel: 0537 67 34 20 to 21 Fax: 0537 67 34 17 – 0537 67 34 42 Web site: Email:

Moroccan American Trade and Investment Council (MATIC) Mr. Jean Abinader, Executive Director 1101 Vermont Ave. NW, Suite 411 Washington, D.C. 20005 Tel: 1 202 587 0855 Email:

Moroccan Embassy in Washington, DC

Mr. Aziz Mekouar, Ambassador Tel: 1 202 462 7719 – 1 202 462 7979 Fax: 1 202 462 7643 – 1 202 462 3577- 1 202 462 1327

Moroccan Economic Observatory (CMC) Mr. Ahmed Laaboudi, Economist Tel: 0522 22 40 56 to 57 Fax: 0522 29 41 21 Web site: Email:

Moroccan Employers Federation (C.G.E.M.) Mr. Mohamed Horani, President Tel: 0522 99 70 00 Fax: 0522 98 39 71 Web site: Email:

National Small Business Promotion Agency (ANPPME) Ms. Latifa Echehabi, Director General Tel: 0537 70 84 60 - 0537 70 66 30 Fax: 0537 70 76 95 Web site:

Regional Investment Center Casablanca (CRI Casablanca) Mr. Hamid Ben Elafdil, Director General Tel: 0522 48 18 88 - 0522 48 18 72 Fax: 0522 48 18 54 Web site:

Regional Investment Center Rabat (CRI Rabat) Mrs. Ijlale El Oufir, Deputy Director Tel: 0537 77 64 00 Fax: 0537 70 25 94 Web site:


Customs Service

Mr. Abellatif Zaghnoun, Director General Tel: 0537 57 90 00, Fax: 0537 71 78 15 Web site: Email:

Center for Renewable Energies (CDER) Mr. Said Mouline, Director General Tel: 0537 68 39 86 Fax: 0537 68 39 87 Web site:

Electricity Corporation (ONE)

Mr. Ali Fassi Fihri, Director General Tel: 0522 22 41 65 - 0522 66 80 80 Fax: 0522 20 56 98 Web site:

Fisheries Corporation (ONP) Mr. Majid Kaissar El Ghaib, Director General Tel: 0522 24 05 51 - 0522 24 55 53 Fax: 0522 24 23 05 Web site:

Foreign Exchange Authority (Office des Changes)

Mr. Mohamed Bougroum, Director General Tel: 0537 27 74 26 Fax: 0537 72 12 85 Web site: Email:

Useful Information for Doing Business in Morocco

Intellectual and Industrial Property Agency (OMPIC) Mr. Adil El Maliki, Director General Tel: 0522 33 54 86 Fax: 0522 33 54 80 Web Site:

Hydrocarbon and Mining Corporation (ONAREP)

Mrs. Amina Benkhadra, President Director General Tel: 0537 23 80 00 Fax: 0537 28 16 26 Web site:

Northern Provinces Development Agency (Agence du Nord) Mr. Fouad Brini, Director General Tel: 0537 77 60 42 – 0537 77 60 55 Fax: 0537 77 60 46

National Employment Placement Agency (ANAPEC) Mr. Kamal Hafid, Director General Tel: 0522 60 07 01 Fax: 0522 60 07 18 Web site:

National Tourism Promotion Agency (ONMT) Mr. Abbas Azouzi, Director General Tel: 0537 67 40 13 Fax: 0537 67 40 15 Web site:

National Airport Authority (ONDA)

Mr. Abdelhanine Benallou, Director General Tel: 0522 53 90 05 - 0522 53 97 17 Fax: 0522 53 99 01 Web site:

National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) Mr. Mohamed Benchaaboun, Director General Tel: 0537 71 84 00 Fax: 0537 20 38 62 Web site:

Phosphates Corporation (OCP)

Mr. Mostafa Terrab, President Director General Tel: 0522 23 06 31/36 • Fax: 0522 25 09 99 Web site:

Marsa Maroc

Mr. Mohamed Abdeljalil, Director General Tel: 0522 23 23 24 • Fax: 0522 25 81 58 Web site:


Railways Corporation (ONCFM)

Mr. Mohammed Rabie Khlie, Director General Tel: 0537 77 72 72 - 0537 77 82 82 Fax: 0537 77 78 57 Web site:

Samir (Oil refinery)

Jamal Ba-amer, Administrator Director General Tel: 0523 31 93 93 - 0523 31 22 44 Fax: 0523 31 71 88 – 0523 31 69 56 Web site:

Social Security Agency (CNSS)

Mr. Said Ahmidouch, Director General Tel: 0522 54 70 61 Fax: 0522 24 55 40 Web site:

Tanger – Med Special Agency (TMSA)

Mr. Said El Hadi, President of the Board of Directors Tel: 0522 95 55 00-09 Fax: 0522 95 89 76 Web site:

Tax Department

Mr. Nouredine Bensouda, Director General Tel: 0537 77 66 84 - 0537 77 01 40 Fax: 0537 77 55 76 Web site:

Transportation Agency (ONT)

Mr. Mohamed Lahbib El Gueddari, Director General Tel: 0537 79 78 42 to 49 Fax: 0537 79 78 50 Web site:

Vocational Training Agency (OFPPT) Mr. Larbi Bencheikh, Director General Tel: 0522 40 22 50 Fax: 0522 40 36 50 Web site:

Potable Water Authority (ONEP) Mr. Ali Fassi Fihri, Director General Tel: 0537 75 84 38 Fax: 0537 75 31 28 Web site:


U.S. Embassy, Economics Department (Rabat) Mr. Michael De Tar, Economic Counselor Tel: 0537 76 22 65 Fax: 0537 76 39 84 Web site:


Useful Information for Doing Business in Morocco

U.S. Embassy, Economics Department (Casablanca) Mr. Luis Mendez, Economic Counselor Tel: 0522 26 45 50 Web site:

U.S. Embassy, Agriculture Department

Dr. Hassan Ahmed, Attaché Agricole North Africa Tel: 0537 76 22 65 Fax: 0537 76 54 93 Web site: Email:

U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) U.S. Consulate Casablanca

Ms. Jane Kitson, Commercial Counselor Tel: 0522 26 45 50 Fax: 0522 22 02 59 Web site:


Mr. John Groarke, Director Tel: 0537 63 20 01 • Fax: 0537 63 20 20 Web site:


Foreign Nationals Registration Office (Brigade du Contrôle des Etrangers) Rabat

Tel: 0537 72 70 88 (See also the Guide to Obtaining Residency on the main page of the AmCham web site:

Foreign Nationals Registration Office (Brigade du Contrôle des Etrangers) Casablanca Tel: 0522 98 98 47 (See also the Guide to Obtaining Residency on the main page of the AmCham web site:


>> Banking and finance > Banks Arab Bank

Mr. Abderrahim Saher, Country Manager Tel: 0522 22 31 52- 0522 22 41 69 Fax: 0522 20 02 33 Web site:

Attijariwafa Bank

Mr. Abdeslam Taadi, Director of Promotion, Investment & Partnership Tel: 0522 29 88 88 • 0522 22 41 69 • Fax: 0522 22 38 08 Web site:

Banque Centrale Populaire (BCP)

Mrs. Hanane El Boury, Director of International Relations Tel: 0522 46 93 75 Fax: 0522 48 76 28 Web site:


Mr. Jaloul Ayed, Director General of corporate and investment banking Tel: 0522 49 89 50 to 51 Fax: 0522 26 98 60 Web site:

Banque Marocaine pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BMCI)

Mr. Mohamed Kettani Hassani, Director of Large Enterprises and Institutions department and of Structured Financial Products Tel: 0522 46 15 54 • 0522 46 12 83 Fax: 0522 27 17 51 Web site:

Banque Marocaine pour l’Afrique et l’Orient (BMAO) Mr. Tariq Sijilmassi, President Tel: 0522 30 70 70 Fax: 0522 30 16 73 Web site:

Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (CDG) Mr. Anis Alami, President Director General Tel: 0537 76 55 20 Fax: 0537 76 49 62 Web site:

Caisse Nationale du Crédit Agricole (CNCA) Mr. Zouhir Fassi Fehri, Deputy Director General Tel: 0537 20 82 19 to 26 Fax: 0537 70 78 32 • 0537 20 82 55

Citibank Maghreb

Mr. James Morrow, President Director General Tel: 0522 48 96 00 0522 48 96 03 Fax: 0522 97 41 97 Web site:

Crédit Immobilier et Hôtelier (CIH)

Mr. Ahmed Rahhou, President Director General Tel: 0522 47 90 00 Fax: 0522 47 94 89 Web site:

Useful Information for Doing Business in Morocco

Crédit du Maroc

Mr. Jamal Lemridi, Director General and Member of the management Board Tel: 0522 47 76 68 Fax: 0522 47 74 28 Web site:

Société Générale

Mr. Jérôme Guiraud, Managing Director Tel: 0522 43 88 88 Fax: 0522 29 88 11 Web site:

Union Marocaine des Banques (UMB)

Mr. Ahmed Assaid Al Faidi, Director General Tel: 0522 20 01 82 Fax: 0522 20 01 82 Email:

> Underwriting institutions Bank Al Amal

Mr. Faïçal Lahlou, Director General Tel: 0522 22 69 26 • 0522 22 69 28 Fax: 0522 22 69 30 Email:

Dar Ad-Damane

Mr. Rachid Bekkali, Director General Tel: 0522 29 74 05 to 06 • 0522 47 46 41 Fax: 0522 29 74 07 Web site:

Caisse Centrale de Garantie (CCG) Mr. Larbi Bellaha, Director General Tel: 0537 71 68 88 0537 71 39 99 Fax: 0537 71 57 15 0537 71 22 44 Web site: www.ccg,ma

> Financial services Casablanca Finance Group (CFG) Mr. Amine Alami, Director General Tel: 0522 25 50 50 Fax: 0522 25 22 10 Web site: Email:

Upline Securities

Mr. Hassan Ait Ali, Director General Tel: 0522 95 49 60-61 Fax: 0522 95 49 64 Web site:



Mr. Abdellatif Idmahama, President of the Board Tel: 0522 36 25 55 • Fax: 0522 36 28 38 Email:

Casablanca Finance Markets (CFM)

Mr. Younes Benjelloun, Director General Tel: 0522 25 50 50 Fax: 0522 98 11 12


Mr. Abdelhak Errakhmi, President Director General Tel: 0522 36 87 76 Fax: 0522 36 87 84 Web site:

>> Other Casablanca Stock Exchange

Mr. Karim Hajji, President Tel: 0522 45 26 26 to 27 Fax: 0522 45 26 25 Web site: Email:

International Finance Corporation (IFC, a World Bank Group) Ms. Joumana Cobein, Director General Tel: 0537 65 24 79 Fax: 0537 65 28 39

Association of Moroccan Banks (GPBM) Mr. El Hadi Chaibainou, Director General Tel: 0522 36 24 25 Fax: 0522 36 49 48

World Bank Representation in Morocco

Ms. Françoise Clottes, Resident Representative Tel: 0537 63 60 50 • Fax: 0537 63 60 51 Web site:


>> Exporting from Morocco Maroc Export

Mr. Saâd Benabdellah, Director General Tel: 0522 30 22 29 to 10 • Fax: 0522 30 17 93 Web site: Email:

Moroccan Exporters Association (Asmex) Mr. Abdellatif Bel Madani, President Tel: 0522 26 10 33 - 0522 20 22 15 Fax: 0522 48 41 91 Web site:


Useful Information for Doing Business in Morocco

National Foreign Trade Council (CNCE) Mr. Mohamed Bouayad, Secretary General Tel: 0537 26 28 10 to 11 Fax: 0537 26 28 09 - 0537 70 71 69 Web site: Email:

Textile and Clothing Industry Association (AMITH) Mr. Mohamed Tamer, President Tel: 0522 94 20 84 - 0522 94 84 85 Fax: 0522 95 05 87 Web site:

Moroccan Export Testing Agency (EACCE) Mr. Saâd Benchakroune, Director General Tel: 0522 30 80 85 Fax: 0522 30 25 67 – 0522 30 61 58 Web site:

Moroccan Export Insurance Company (Smaex) Mrs. Nezha Lahrichi, President Director General Tel: 0522 25 20 89 • Fax: 0522 25 20 97 Web site:

>> Importing from the U.S. U.S. Foreign Commercial Service (FCS) Ms. Jane Kitson, Commercial Counselor Tel: 0522 26 45 50 Fax: 0522 20 02 59 Web site:


>> Cultural and academic exchange with the U.S. Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane

Mr. Amine Bensaid, Vice President for Academic Affairs Tel: 0535 86 20 00 • 0535 86 20 05 Fax: 0535 56 71 42 Web site:

Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange (Fulbright Commission)

Mr. James Andrew Miller, Executive Director Tel: 0537 76 41 09 • 0537 76 04 68 Fax: 0537 76 88 52 Web site:

Dar America

Tel: 0522 22 14 60 • Fax: 0522 29 91 36 Web site: Email:

American Language Center Casablanca Mr. David Neuses, Director Tel: 022 27 77 65 Fax: 022 20 74 57 Web site:

American Academy Casablanca

Mrs. Jody Mulder, Principal Tel: 0522 25 88 06 • Fax: 0522 25 87 39 Web site:

American University of Leadership, PIIMT Mr. Anass Lahlou, President Tel: 0537 75 67 11 • Fax: 0537 75 67 88 and


Mr. Joseph Phillips, Country Director Tel: 0537 67 50 81/82 Fax: 0537 67 50 74 Web site: Email:

Casablanca American School

Mr. Allen Hughes, Director Tel: 0522 21 14 16 • Fax: 0522 21 24 88 Web site: Email:

Rabat American School

Mr. Paul W. Johnson, Director Tel: 0537 67 14 76 Fax: 0537 67 09 63

Tangiers American School Tel: 0539 93 98 27 to 28 Fax: 0539 94 75 35 Email:

George Washington Academy

Mr. Jack Rusenko, Director Tel: 0522 98 38 00 • Fax: 0522 98 39 45 Web site: Email:

>> English-speaking associations and clubs Churchill Club

Mrs. Stella Fizazi, President Tel: 0522 79 72 80

American International Women’s Club Mrs. Najia El Menjra, President Tel: 0522 94 32 30 Email:

Useful Information for Doing Business in Morocco

American Club Rabat

Mrs. Sandra Hmamouch, Director General Tel: 0537 76 22 65 Fax: 0537 76 56 61 Email:

High Atlas Foundation

Kate McLetchie, Country Directory Morocco Tel: 0537 77 38 50 • USA : 001 464 688 4153 Email: Web site:

HOTELS, AIRLINES & LEISURE >> Hotels in Casablanca and Rabat Sheraton Casablanca & Towers Tel: 0522 43 94 94 Fax: 0522 43 94 37

Le Royal Mansour Méridien Casablanca Tel: 0522 31 21 12 Fax: 0522 31 25 83

Hyatt Regency Casablanca Tel: 0522 43 12 34 Fax: 0522 43 13 30

Kenzi Tower

Tel: 0522 97 80 00 Fax: 0522 95 80 90

Golden Tulip Farah Casablanca Tel: 0522 45 81 00 Fax: 0522 44 73 98

Idou Anfa Casablanca (4 stars) Tel: 0522 20 00 29 Fax: 0522 20 02 35

Accor Hotels

Tel: 0522 97 78 00 • 0522 97 78 09 Fax: 0522 97 48 52 • 0522 97 48 99

Palace d’Anfa

Tel: 0522 95 42 00 Fax: 0522 36 63 21

Ramada Hotels

Tel: 0522 22 66 68 • 0522 22 66 70 Fax: 0522 22 66 76

Riad Salam Casablanca

Tel: 0522 39 13 45 • Fax: 0522 39 13 13


Tour Hassan Méridien Rabat

Tel: 0537 70 42 01 Fax: 0537 72 54 08 • 0537 73 18 66

Villa Mandarine (Rabat) Tel: 0537 75 20 77

>> Airlines Royal Air Maroc

Tel: 0522 31 41 41 Fax: 0522 44 10 19 Web site: Email:


Tel: 0520 42 12 00 • 0520 12 12 30 Fax: 0520 42 12 20 Web site: Email:


Tel: 0522 31 39 50 Fax: 0522 31 44 62 Web site: Email:

Qatar Airways

Tel: 0522 29 54 54 • Fax: 0522 26 70 96 Web site :

Air France

Tel: 0522 29 40 40 • 0522 46 18 63 Fax: 0522 46 18 65 Web site:

>> Restaurants L’Aéropostale (French cuisine) Tel: 0522 36 02 52 Address: 6, Rue Molière, Casablanca

Al Mounia

Tel: 0522 22 26 69 Address: 59, Rue du Prince Moulay Abdellah, Casablanca

A Ma Bretagne (French Cuisine)

Tel: 0522 36 21 12 - 0522 39 79 79 Fax: 0522 94 41 55 Address: Sidi Abderrahmane, Boulevard de la Corniche, Casablanca

Beyrouth (Lebanese restaurant) Tel: 0522 30 87 98 Address: 7, Rue Karatchi, Casablanca


Useful Information for Doing Business in Morocco

Le Cabestan (Fish Specialties)

Tel: 0522 39 11 90 Fax: 0522 39 37 55 Address: 90, Route de la Corniche, Casablanca

Chez Ernesto (Italian food)

Tel: 0522 39 57 48 Address: Rue du Phare, la corniche, Casablanca

Dar Beida and Café M (Hyatt Regency Hotel) Tel: 0522 43 12 34 Address: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Place des Nations Unies, Casablanca

L’Entrecote (Grill restaurant)

Tel: 0522 27 26 74 Address: 78, Avenue Mers Sultan, Casablanca

Golden China (Chinese restaurant)

Tel: 0522 27 35 26 Address: 12, rue El Oraïbi Jilali (ex. Foucauld), Casablanca

La Mer (Fish Specialties)

Tel: 0522 36 12 71 • 0522 36 33 15 Address: Boulevard de la Corniche, El Hank, Casablanca

Ryad Zitoun

Tel: 0522 22 39 27 • 0522 22 48 18 Fax: 0522 27 28 90 Address: 31, Boulevard Rachidi, Casablanca

>> Golf courses Golf d’Amelkis Marrakech Tel: 0524 40 44 14 Fax: 0524 40 44 15

Royal Golf Casablanca-Anfa Tel: 0522 36 10 26 • 0522 36 53 55 Fax: 0522 39 33 74

Royal Golf Dar Es-Salam Rabat Tel: 0537 75 58 64 Fax: 0537 75 76 71

Royal Golf Mohammedia Tel: 0523 32 46 56 Fax: 0523 32 11 02

Royal Golf and Resort Benslimane Tel: 0522 27 17 85 Fax: 0522 27 17 79

Royal Golf El Jadida Tel: 0523 35 41 41 • 0523 35 41 42 Fax: 0523 35 54 44


Moroccan Government Officials


Annual Directory 2010


Mr. Abbas El Fassi, Prime Minister Tel: 0537 76 27 09 Fax: 0537 73 10 10 Mr. Fouad Zaimi, Advisor Web site:

Mr. Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of the Interior Tel: 0537 76 42 43 • 0537 76 09 20 Fax: 0537 76 74 04 Mr. Houcine Benharbit, Chief of Staff

Mr. Taieb Fassi Fihri, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tel: 0537 76 43 57 Fax: 0537 66 01 62 Mr. Taieb Chaoudri, Chief of Staff Web site:

Mr. Abdellatif Maâzouz, Minister of Foreign Trade Tel: 0537 73 56 37 Fax: 0537 70 32 31 Ms. Fatima Maafiri, Chief of Staff Tel: 0537 73 60 74 Fax: 0537 70 32 31 Web site:

Mr. Abdelwahed Radi, Minister of Justice Tel: 0537 72 02 53 Fax: 0537 72 37 10 Office of the Secretary General Tel: 0537 73 22 74 • 0537 73 57 25 Fax: 0537 73 47 25 Web site:

Mrs. Yasmina Baddou, Minister of Health Tel: 0537 66 08 85 Fax: 0537 76 84 01 Web site:

Mr. Bensalem Himich, Minister of Culture Tel: 0537 20 94 94 Fax: 0537 20 94 00 Web site:

Mr. Mohamed Boussaïd, Minister of Tourism Tel: 0537 76 09 05/97 Fax: 0537 76 36 33 Web site:

Moroccan Government Officials

Mr. Karim Ghellab, Minister of Transport and Equipment Tel: 0537 76 06 95 Fax: 0537 76 48 25 Web site:

Mr. Ahmed Chami, Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Economic Upgrading Tel: 0537 76 15 08 • 0537 76 18 78 Fax: 0537 76 62 65 Mr. Mohammed Chraibi, Chef de Cabinet Tel: 0537 76 15 66 Fax: 0537 76 76 26 Web site:

Mr. Salaheddine Mezouar, Minister of Economy and Finance Tel: 0537 76 55 04 Fax: 0537 76 40 81 Mr. Chafiqui, Chief of Staff Tel: 0537 76 27 15 Fax: 0537 76 40 81 Web site:

Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture and Fishing Tel: 0537 76 05 29 Fax: 0537 76 33 78 Web site:

Mr. Ahmed Akhchichine, Minister of National Education, Higher Education Tel: 0537 66 10 18 • 0537 77 20 48 Fax: 0537 70 27 35 • 0537 77 90 01 Site Web:

Mrs. Amina Benkhadra, Minister of Energy and Mining Tel: 0537 68 88 93/94/95 Fax: 0537 77 47 21 Web site:

Mr. Jamal Aghmani, Minister of Employment Tel: 0537 76 27 63 • 0537 76 03 60 • 0537 76 03 18 Fax: 0537 76 88 81 • 0537 76 21 90 Mr. Abdelaziz Addoum, Director of Labor Tel: 0537 28 18 61 Fax: 0537 28 18 61



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