ADVANCED PRACTICE PROVIDER COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mary S. Vetter, ANP, Chair Amanda W. Charlton, NP Heidi Drescher, PA Sarah M. Enslin, PA-C Janet L. Gripshover, CRNP Victoria M. B. Howard, PA Rhonda D. Jankovich, NP Michele Kissous-Hunt, PA-C Lenore Lamanna, ANP Karen K. Luken, NP
Tamara K. Lundberg, FNP, MSN Keisa M. Lynch, DNP, APRN, FNP Sharon R. Magalona, NP Gabriella McCarty, NP Gina Mileo, NP Nicole Mitchell, NP Rebecca S. Mooney, CRNP Monica R. Nandwani, NP Sarah C. O'Neil, PA Kimberly D. Orleck, PA-C
OBJECTIVES 1. Develop and provide relevant educational and professional resources for GI and Hepatology APPs. 2. Identify challenges in APP practice, share ideas, define best practices and create solutions that enhance delivery of services for patients. 3. Increase APP awareness of and engagement with the College.
COMMITTEE REPORT The Advanced Practice Provider Committee was approved and established by the ACG Board of Trustees in 2018 with a diverse group of initially ten members, expanded in 2021 to 30 members from various practice backgrounds and locations.
The Committee, in conjunction with the Educational Affairs Committee and the Education Universe editors, is developing an online GI education series for APPs. This curriculum is a series of modules that covers both organ systems and disease states in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. It is geared towards APPs new to practice or new to GI. Ten modules have been identified and include the areas of: esophagus, IBD, GI bleeding, functional, pancreaticobiliary, small bowel, stomach, mixed subject area, hepatology and colon. An additional module for the in-patient APP, “Essentials for the APP Hospitalist,” is in development.
Mary S. Vetter, ANP
The Basics of IBD module was the first to be launched on the ACG website in 2021 and includes 8 talks. The module features a comprehensive educational program that provides clinical updates in IBD and is designed to allow the APP learner to increase their knowledge and develop strategies that can be implemented into practice. Advanced APP Curriculum Stage two of the online curriculum development will be the development of advanced education modules in areas such as IBD and hepatology for the experienced APP. Other 2021 Projects 1. Committee members participated and provided feedback at the ACG 2021 Annual Meeting Planning Subcommittee meeting in January 2021, held virtually. 2. ACG APP Resource Center. This is found under the membership tab on the main ACG website: advanced-practice-providers Features of the webpage include an ACG APP monthly member spotlight, links to educational resources, training and fellowship programs, ACG member benefits and resources, career opportunities, clinical guidelines, access to the GI Circles, professional development resources and patient education materials. 3. APP Committee Member, Monica Nandwani, DNP, participated as a moderator for the ACG Virtual Grand Rounds: Allyship and Action: In Solidarity Against Anti-Asian Racism, May 13, 2021:
The content presentations are 15-30 minutes in length so users can easily complete each talk. Users will be able to obtain CME credits by answering 3-4 questions at the conclusion of each presentation. This program can readily be integrated into an APP Orientation Program for GI/Hepatology Practices.
2020–2021 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 51
Introduction to GI Module The primary goal of the Committee is to provide education and resources to advanced practice providers to further advance knowledge and best practices in gastroenterology and hepatology.
Karen P. Perls, PA Jannine A. Purcell, CNP Alfred T. Reyno, PA Shayla A. Schoenoff, PA Leslie A. Shaw, PA-C Sarah W. Sherman, NP Margot R. Sweed, CRNP Jason J. Thomas, PA Margaret A. Walker, PA