ACG Case Reports Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed journal overseen by gastroenterology and hepatology fellows to help determine case studies and images for publication to benefit trainees, as well as established physicians, in the management and treatment of conditions and diseases within the field. Expecting an increase in submissions in 2020, the Digital Communications and Publications Committee and the ACGCRJ Editorial Board recommended an additional Editor-in-Chief and an additional Associate Editor, which turns over in July of every year. Additionally, a mentorship program was approved, and 12 volunteers from the Digital Communications and Publications Committee and 3 volunteers from the Pediatric GI Committee were matched into mentor groups with the ACGCRJ Editorial Board to discuss decisions and reviews. Each mentor volunteers 10-12 hours per month. The 12-member Editorial Board saw a 56% increase in original submissions throughout 2020. As of July 2021, we saw a further 14% increase, but the submissions number is returning to pre-pandemic level. Due to this increase, the acceptance rate dropped from 29.1% to 17.4% to ensure the quality of the published manuscripts. As manuscript submissions increase, expanding the peer reviewer pool is key to avoid reviewer fatigue. Over the past 12 months, 54% of reviewers queried agreed to review a manuscript for ACGCRJ, and 94% of reviewers returned the manuscript review on time (within 14 calendar days).
96 | 2020–2021 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
The Journal launched a Twitter account [@ACGCRJ] in July 2021, and in the first month there were 25 tweets, reaching the 204 followers. The new Editorial Board was announced on Twitter, along with headshots of all Associate Editors and the Co-Editors-in-Chief. Since the feed started, the most tweeted article was from February 2020, “Gastric Electrical Stimulators Causing Erosion Through the Colonic Wall.” This article was downloaded four times per day in July, on average. More than a year into the pandemic, the editorial team has persevered due to their ability to adapt and their dedication to the Journal amidst these challenging circumstances. Ahmad N. Bazarbashi, MD, and Isabel A. Hujoel, MD, finished out their pandemic year as Co-Editors-in-Chief and passed the torch to Katherine A. Falloon, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic, and Judy A. Trieu, MD, MPH, of Loyola University Medical Center. Neal Mehta, MD; Sobia Laique, MD; Sanchit Gupta, MD; Ramzi Mulki, MD; and Cassandra Fritz, MD, also rotated off the editorial board this past summer. Number of Submissions
Acceptance Rate (%)
Journal Turnaround Time First Decision (Days)
*As of July 19, 2021