Celebrating Achievement
Contents THE YEAR IN REVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ACG LEADERSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
ACG LECTURESHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
The J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecturer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Board of Governors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Amrita Sethi, MD
Emily Couric Memorial Lecturer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Marcia Cross
David Y. Graham Lecturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 David A. Johnson, MD, MACG
David Sun Lectureship in Postgraduate Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG
The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecturer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG
ACG AWARDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG
Community Service Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG
The Distinguished Mentorship and Teaching Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Michael Camilleri, MD, DSc, MACG C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP, FACG
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG
International Leadership Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Douglas R. Morgan, MD, MPH, FACG
Master of the American College of Gastroenterology. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Gary W. Falk, MD, MS, MACG Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, DM, MACG Frank G. Gress, MD, MACG Kim L. Isaacs, MD, PhD, MACG Irving M. Pike, MD, MACG Richard I. Rothstein, MD, MACG Michael F. Vaezi, MD, PhD, MSc (Epi), MACG
NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Terasa M. Astarita, MS, APRN, ANP-BC, BCPA Andrea A. Gossard, CNP
Samuel S. Weiss Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG
ACG Governors’ Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ACG International GI Training Grant Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ACG Abstract Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ACG Institute & The Center for Leadership, Ethics & Equity. . . . . . . 54 ACG's Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Advanced Practice Provider Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Archives Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Awards Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Constitution and Bylaws Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Credentials Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Digital Communications and Publications Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Educational Affairs Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 FDA Related Matters Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Finance and Budget Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Innovation and Technology Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 International Relations Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Legislative and Public Policy Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Membership Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Patient Care Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Pediatric Gastroenterology Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Practice Management Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Practice Parameters Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Professionalism Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Public Relations Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Research Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Training Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Women in Gastroenterology Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
ACG's Academic Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
The American Journal of Gastroenterology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
ACG Case Reports Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Evidence-Based Gastroenterology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 2023 ACG Fellows (FACG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Past ACG Presidents & Chairs ACG Board of Governors. . . . . . . . . . 113 Past ACG Awards Recipients & Special Lecturers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
The Year in Review
2022-2023: Things Are Looking Bright NEW HEADQUARTERS FOR THE COLLEGE A move to newly renovated office space for the ACG staff in January 2023 kicked off a new era in the history of the College. Thanks to the vision of ACG Executive Director, Brad Stillman, and the hard work of his Deputy Executive Director, Maria Susano, 11333 Woodglen Drive offers modern, comfortable, and well-equipped workspace for the ACG staff and creates flexible conference and meeting space that can accommodate ACG committees and other meetings. In early July, the Educational Affairs Committee convened in the new offices for their annual abstract selection meeting to identify clinical science for the Annual Scientific Meeting. The new office in North Bethesda, Maryland is close to public transportation and local amenities—including a Marriott within walking distance—making this a convenient location for ACG committee meetings and staff gatherings. The ACG office building investment is part of a larger new mixed residential-commercial development which expects to see additional groundbreaking in 2024.
ACG's new headquarters offer flexible work spaces that can accommodate ACG committees and other meetings.
The new office in North Bethesda, Maryland, is modern, comfortable, and well-equipped for ACG staff and visitors.
The year has been marked by new programs, commitment to core priorities, and dramatic challenges relating to insurance coverage of GI procedures. The College celebrated the launch of ACG Endoscopy School in December 2022 and continued to be guided by its core commitment to meeting the needs of practicing GI clinicians. Our members faced dramatic challenges in the area of prior authorization, particularly those posed by United Healthcare’s (UHC) proposed plans to require prior authorization for a large number of common endoscopic procedures. Under pressure from ACG, patient advocates, and medical societies, UHC ultimately walked back on its ill-conceived plans. UHC reframed its plans to propose what they are now calling “advance notification” and the situation continues to evolve as GI practices understand more fully the implications of these new UHC requirements. Nevertheless, this shift would not have been possible without the College’s work along with many other organizations to rally our members, collaborate across GI and medicine, and help bring the voice of GI patients and clinicians to the forefront. ACG leaders, including ACG President, Dr. Daniel Pambianco, and Dr. Dayna Early, Chair of the Board of Governors, participated in numerous media interviews on this topic and ACG’s Legislative & Public Policy Council (led by Dr. Louis Wilson) and the Board of Governors sprang into action driving a campaign of letters to state insurance regulators. The ACG leadership participated in high-level negotiations with UHC corporate leadership, and, in each facet of ACG’s response to the UHC proposal, the College acted in the best interest of patients and providers and engaged collaboratively and effectively with peer organizations. Dr. Pambianco also joined advocates for a powerful patient rally in front of UHC Headquarters on May 31st. Events this year underscore Dr. Pambianco’s description of ACG as an organization that helps its members “drive positive change, expand our knowledge, and further enhance the care we deliver.”
Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG ACG President
Dayna S. Early, MD, FACG Chair, ACG Board of Governors
ACG Board of Trustees, October 2022
ACG President, Dr. Daniel Pambianco, joins protest at United Healthcare headquarters organized by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation in Minnetonka, MN, on May 31, 2023. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 3
EDUCATION ACG 2022 Charlotte A pillar of ACG’s mission is educational excellence in clinical gastroenterology, hepatology, and endoscopy. In 2022, thanks to the work of Dr. Brooks Cash and the incredibly hardworking members of the ACG Educational Affairs Committee, the Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course in Charlotte, NC, in October offered a timely, insightful, and meaningful learning experience for College members. For 2023, Dr. Anita Afzali assumed the reins of the Educational Affairs Committee and her committee has planned a program for the ACG 2023 Vancouver meeting that is marked by extraordinary opportunities to expand your professional horizons and interact with your peers while you experience current and clinically relevant teaching and improve your practice of gastroenterology through the exchange of ideas. ACG Virtual Grand Rounds ACG Virtual Grand Rounds has generated more than 80,000 interactions with learners in more than 300 sessions since early March of 2020! This weekly webinar series provides opportunities for the GI community to access free clinical education at Noon and 8 pm Eastern. Notable expert faculty cover clinical challenges in gastroenterology, hepatology, and endoscopy, while special ACG VGRs focus on ACG clinical guidelines as well as career development topics. Learn more and explore future programs at gi.org/ACGVGR. All the past lectures become part of the ACG Education Universe online learning platform where they can be accessed with a free login. In 2023, Dr. Linda Anh Bui Nguyen delivered one of the most popular weekly Virtual Grand Rounds of the year, "Cannabis for Gastrointestinal Disorders: Everything You Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask."
Dr. Charles J. Kahi gave another of the most popular VGRs in 2023, "Colon Polypectomy Techniques: Big Polyps, Small Polyps, and Everything in Between."
* As of 8/15
MOST POPULAR TOPICS IN 2023: Cannabis for Gastrointestinal Disorders: Everything You Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask Linda Anh Bui Nguyen, MD Colon Polypectomy Techniques: Big Polyps, Small Polyps, and Everything in Between Charles J. Kahi, MD, MSc, FACG
WATCH & LEARN: All Virtual Grand Rounds recordings are available at education.gi.org
GUIDELINES COVERED IN 2023 • Acute Liver Failure • Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease • Diagnosis and Management of Gastrointestinal Subepithelial Lesions • Management of Patients With Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding • Diagnosis and Management of Biliary Strictures • ACG-AGA Clinical Practice Guideline: Pharmacological Management of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation PATIENT ADVOCATE WEBINAR • Crash Course in Caring for the Emerging Adult with IBD
GI APP Training Modules on Education Universe The College’s APP Committee has made a significant and meaningful contribution to the College’s educational resources for APPs by developing a robust suite of educational modules that aim to immerse APPs in essential knowledge for the care of patients with GI and liver disorders. Topics include colon, IBD, GI bleeding, esophagus, pancreaticobiliary, stomach, small bowel, mixed subject area, functional disorders, hepatology, and the GI in-patient. To date, there have been over 19,000 views of the APP Module videos and more modules are planned covering topics in advanced IBD and advanced hepatology. This excellent resource can be found at universe.gi.org/appmodule.asp. 4 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
New: Standard Slide Sets on UC and CRC ACG this year introduced two presentation-ready, semi-customizable MS PowerPoint clinical slide decks for your unique teaching and learning needs. These comprehensive slide decks contain content reviewed and approved by ACG and are intended to provide GI and community clinicians with general information on patient assessment, treatment, and management. In addition to the slides, each of the files includes speaker notes. The College recognizes with thanks the authors and reviewers for these new programs. Authors of the Colorectal Cancer Screening & Surveillance Slide Deck include Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG; Mohammad Bilal, MD, FACG; and Jennifer M. Kolb, MD, and the reviewers include Joseph C. Anderson, MD, MHCDS, FACG, and Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG. For the Ulcerative Colitis Slide Deck, the authors include Jill K. J. Gaidos, MD, FACG; Chung Sang Tse, MD; and Rachel W. Winter, MD, and the reviewers include Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG, and Samir A. Shah, MD, FACG.
INSIDE THE JOURNALS Guidelines The Red Journal had a highly productive year with the publication of ACG clinical guidelines, adding to the catalogue of evidence-based clinical recommendations from the College. • In January, Alberto Rubio-Tapia, MD, and colleagues updated the guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease, and Brian C. Jacobson, MD, MPH, FACG, and co-authors developed a new guideline on Diagnosis and Management of Gastrointestinal Subepithelial Lesions. • Dr. Neil Sengupta and colleagues published Updated ACG Clinical Guidelines on the Management of Patients with Acute Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding in February 2023 that provide a framework for the management of a hospitalized patient. • In March, guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Biliary Strictures by Joseph Elmunzer, MD, MSc, et al. provide clinicians with evidencebased guidance on the approach to patients with extrahepatic and perihilar strictures, focusing on diagnosis and drainage. • AJG coordinated joint publication of new guidelines from ACG in partnership with AGA on Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (CIC) in June. Dr. Lin Chang (for AGA) and Dr. William D. Chey (for ACG) led co-authors on a systematic review of OTC and prescription therapies. The ACG-AGA CIC guidelines are the first to offer evidence-based recommendations on the supplements senna and magnesium oxide. • Acute Liver Failure was the focus of a June 2023 ACG Clinical Guideline by Alexandra Shingina, MD, MSc, et al. which offered recommendations on the evaluation and management of ALF, when to refer for liver transplantation, and time-sensitive, etiology-specific interventions. Red Journal Special Issues In March, AJG published a special issue exploring GI diseases across the lifespan. With implications for practice and research, the issue focused on pediatrics, transition to adulthood, and geriatric GI disorders. Recognizing that challenges abound when managing patients in the extremes of age with GI disorders, the editors sought to address diagnostic dilemmas, screening strategies, medication delivery, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, and communication between patients, families, and providers. A call for manuscripts generated significant submissions for an AJG Special Issue on Endoscopy that will publish in October 2023. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 5
INSIDE THE JOURNALS, continued Updated ACG Pregnancy Monograph An updated ACG Pregnancy Monograph published as a Supplement to The American Journal of Gastroenterology in October 2022. The College, under the auspices of the Women in GI Committee and in collaboration with the ACG Institute for Clinical Research and Education, commissioned this newly updated third edition of the monograph. The objective of this compendium is to provide the current best practice approaches and guideline-based recommendations in the treatment of various GI and liver disorders and endoscopy practice in pregnancy and the postpartum period. CTG: Adding to the Clinician’s Toolbox In 2022, Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Brian Jacobson, and his editorial board introduced a new feature: The Clinician’s Toolbox. These articles provide an in-depth exploration of a single diagnostic test used in gastroenterology, pancreatology, or hepatology and are meant to help busy clinicians understand the important nuances associated with the highlighted tests. In 2023, CTG published, “Understanding Our Tests: Hydrogen-Methane Breath Testing to Diagnose Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth” by Aylin Tansel, MD, MPH, and David J. Levinthal, MD, PhD. This narrative review provides a comprehensive overview of breath testing paradigms including the indications for testing, how to Brian C. Jacobson, administer the test, and how patient factors influence breath testing results, MD, MPH, FACG and describes complementary and alternative tests for diagnosing SIBO. CTG issued a call for papers on current and emerging
ACG Case Reports Journal Turns Ten trends in AI as it impacts gastroenterology and will To mark the tenth anniversary of ACGCRJ in 2023, the Co-Editors-in-Chief, Nicholas McDonald, MD, and publish a special issue in October 2023. Tomoki Sempokuya, MD, wrote an editorial on the evolution of this compendium of fascinating cases edited by GI fellows-in-training. One notable measure of success is that ACGCRJ received 900 submissions for 2022, compared to 300 in 2015. With a 5-year acceptance rate of 20 percent, the Journal is becoming more competitive and received its first impact factor in the summer of 2023. One of the greatest strengths of ACGCRJ is that it gives its editors opportunities to sharpen their editorial skills. Dr. McDonald and Dr. Sempokuya collaborated with Mohammad Bilal, MD, FACG, on an article, “How to Be a Great Peer Reviewer.” In December 2022, they released a podcast with CTG’s Dr. Brian Jacobsen on this topic in which they discussed the peer review process and how to write high-quality reviews.
Nicholas McDonald, MD
Tomoki Sempokuya, MD
The ACG Board of Governors, the ACG Legislative and Public Policy Council, and the ACG National Affairs Network (NAAN) had a very busy year advocating for ACG members and patients. The top priorities included fighting cuts to Medicare reimbursement, opposing burdens on patient access to treatment due to prior authorization and step therapy protocols, eliminating cost-sharing for colorectal cancer screening, and advocating for policies that reduce practice management and staffing challenges. LPPC Chair, Dr. Louis Wilson, Visits Capitol Hill in December 2022 Louis J. Wilson, MD, FACG, Chair, ACG Legislative & Public Policy Council, traveled to Washington for meetings with legislators on Capitol Hill to share the GI perspective on Medicare reimbursement and the need for Congress to prevent cuts. Dr. Wilson met with Members of Congress including Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN); Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR); Rep. Marianette MillerMeeks, MD (R-IA); Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV); and Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA). (Left) Louis J. Wilson, MD, FACG, Chair of ACG’s Legislative & Public Policy Council, on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, December 6, 2022. (Right) Jannel Lee-Allen, MD, represented the College on Capitol Hill on March 10, 2023, for the Congressional Black Caucus’s Health Equity Braintrust where she discussed the importance of eliminating health inequity in colorectal cancer screening rates in Black and Brown communities.
ACG Advocacy Day Nearly one hundred ACG advocates from over 40 states canvased Capitol Hill on April 20, 2023 representing clinical gastroenterology and GI patients. Members of the ACG Board of Governors and ACG Institute’s Early Career Leadership Program participated in over 175 meetings with legislators and staff in Washington, DC. A highlight of the powerful slate of legislative visits was a “Political Grand Rounds” luncheon moderated by ACG Legislative & Public Policy Council Chair, Louis J. Wilson, MD, FACG. The group heard from 8 Members of Congress, many of whom were practicing physicians prior to getting into politics. The special lunch event Dayna S. Early, MD, FACG Chair, ACG Board of Governors included a wide array of perspectives from legislators including U.S. Senator Bill
Sen. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) and ACG President, Dr. Daniel Pambianco
Dr. Andy Tau (ECLP) and Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX)
Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG Vice Chair, ACG Board of Governors
Rep. Kim Schrier (D-WA) and ACG Governor for Washington, Dr. Kunjali Padhya 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 7
PUBLIC POLICY, continued Cassidy (R-LA), a hepatologist. Other physicians serving in Congress who spoke to ACG included U.S. Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-ID); U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX); U.S. Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX); and U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier (D-WA). The session kicked off with comments from U.S. Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV) and remarks by U.S. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR) and U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX). In the afternoon, ACG leaders had a meeting to brief senior staff of the HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. There is continued frustration in the GI field about prior authorization policies and a general sense that GI practices are stretched and stressed. The focus of ACG Advocacy Day was representing the interests of GI patients while educating congressional leaders on the issues that matter in clinical GI practice, including reforming Medicare reimbursement and addressing the obstacles of prior authorization. ACG’s key messages and specific legislative requests included seeking support for The Safe Step Act (S.652/H.R. 2630); asking Congress to enact an inflationary update to Medicare physician payments (H.R. 2474); and urging lawmakers to champion efforts to reform and/or restrict prior authorization requirements.
ACG Governor for Oregon, Dr. Donald Lum, and Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-OR)
Vice Chair, ACG Board of Governors, Dr. Sita Chokhavatia; ACG President, Dr. Daniel Pambianco; and Chair, ACG Board of Governors, Dr. Dayna Early
Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-ID) and ACG Legislative & Public Policy Council Chair, Dr. Louis Wilson
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), and ACG Governor for Illinois, Dr. Russell Cohen
Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and ACG Governor for Louisiana, Dr. Neelima Reddy
ACG Board of Governors and Early Career Leadership Program participants
Every March brings Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month which serves as an excellent reminder for ACG members to spread the message of the lifesaving benefits of colorectal cancer screening through active participation in education and public awareness efforts in their local communities. Ride Or Stride For 45 Challenge In this virtual challenge, the College invited the entire GI community to bike, hike, run, walk, or row 45 miles in March (or 45 minutes per day during the month) to show support and enthusiasm for preventing colorectal cancer beginning at age 45 for all average risk adults. Learn more and see more photos from 2023: bit.ly/ACGRideOrStride45.
ACG Governor for Washington, DC, Dr. Aline Charabaty, gathered an early morning crowd at the Washington Monument for a walk and chance to support Ride or Stride for 45 on Sunday, March 12, 2023.
Tune It Up Concert for Colorectal Cancer Awareness Dr. Benjamin Levy of the ACG Public Relations Committee invited musical guests for a virtual concert event that brought together the ACG community to focus attention on colorectal cancer screening. So many artists from an incredible array of musical genres donated their time and performances to ACG’s Tune It Up Virtual Concert to Raise Awareness of Colorectal Cancer, including Jon Baptiste, Rufus Wainwright, the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra, and the Knights Chamber Orchestra. A duet with veteran blues singer Buddy Guy and newcomer Ally Venable was a memorable performance in a year which also featured virtuoso violinists Hilary Hahn and Rachel Barton Pine. Listen to the recording: gi.org/concert. ACG Supports Fight CRC’s United in Blue Installation On March 13, 2023, on the National Mall, ACG President, Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG, represented ACG in a rally sponsored by advocates from Fight Colorectal Cancer at their “United in Blue” installation. ACG is one of the organizations standing with this group of CRC patients, survivors, and caregivers who gathered in Washington, DC, to visit legislators and bring attention to colorectal cancer and the trends in young-onset disease. The dramatic installation of 27,400 blue flags near the U.S. Capitol was a visual representation of those younger than 50 who will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2030.
PATIENT VOICE & PATIENT EDUCATION ACG actively finds ways to put the experience of patients with GI and liver disease at the center of the life of the College, by exploring patient-centered care, celebrating patient perspectives and publishing concise, elegant patient education “one-pagers” in ACG MAGAZINE. This year ACG supported and amplified the work of patient advocates and included a patient voice at the Annual Scientific Meeting. Actress Marcia Cross will share her experience as an anal cancer survivor, patient advocate, and co-founder of the HPV Alliance as the keynote speaker for the Emily Couric Memorial Lecture at ACG 2023 in Vancouver.
(Left) Personal stories and direct insights from patients help inform GI fellowship training and patient engagement on the cover as part of the “Trainee Hub” section edited by Katie Dunleavy, MB, BCh, BAO. (Right) This cover story on the biopsychosocial model of care in disorders of gut-brain interaction puts the focus on collaborative, patient-centered care and features a Q&A with Douglas A. Drossman, MD, MACG.
Patient Education One-Pagers Working with authors of recent ACG clinical guidelines, the ACG MAGAZINE has published a series of one-page patient education handouts that can also be downloaded from gi.org/patients. These overviews are presented in accessible language and a clear, elegant format with links and QR codes for patients to learn more and access more detailed patient information online. Recent additions include Celiac Disease (Alberto Rubio-Tapia, MD); Gastroparesis (Michael Camilleri, MD, MACG); and Chronic Idiopathic Constipation (Lin Chang, MD, FACG and William D. Chey, MD, FACG). World IBD Day For the second year, Dr. Tauseef Ali, Chair of the College’s Public Relations Committee, led the charge on ACG’s observance of World IBD Day on May 19. Updates to the educational flyer for 2023 included putting COVID vaccines in the context of other preventive measures and emphasizing the importance of adherence to medications even if patients are feeling fine. This updated at-a-glance educational piece features statistics as well as recommendations on preventive health and vaccines derived from ACG’s guidelines. Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG, Chair, ACG Public Relations Committee
10 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
Actress Marcia Cross is an anal cancer survivor and cofounder of the HPV Alliance who will deliver the Emily Couric Memorial Lecture.
The ACG Institute for Clinical Research & Education is the engine that generates some of the most important work within the College in terms of fostering leadership competencies in gastroenterologists, funding clinical research, and delivering in meaningful ways on the vision of the Center for Leadership, Ethics & Equity. Signature programs support opportunities to develop clinician-leadership at all career stages and strengthen educational experiences for GI trainees through the Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorships and the Visiting Scholars in Equity, Diversity & Ethical Care. The Institute is committed to providing timely education for GI clinicians through disease specific “schools” – Hepatology School, IBD School, Functional GI Disorders School, and, since December 2022, Endoscopy School. Neena S. Abraham, MD, MS (Epid), MACG Director, ACG Institute for Clinical Research & Education
In 2023, the Institute awarded $2,217,688 to support outstanding clinical research in gastroenterology. Overall, since 1994, over $29 million in awards have funded 721 investigators.
“Institute in Focus” reports on myriad activities and accomplishments.
2023 Junior Faculty Development Awardees
Adam S. Faye, MD, MS NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Michael Li, MD, MPH University of California, San Francisco
Kira Newman, MD, PhD University of Michigan
Theresa Nguyen Wenker, MD, PhD Baylor College of Medicine
2023 ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG NYU Grossman School of Medicine “Association of Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy and Risk of Metachronous Advanced Neoplasia at Surveillance Colonoscopy: Results from a National Colonoscopy Registry”
2023 ACG Health Equity Research Award Christopher Vélez, MD Massachusetts General Hospital “Improving Digestive Healthcare in Sexual and Gender Minority Communities”
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ACG INSTITUTE, continued Early Career Leaders The extraordinarily talented cohort of the ACG Institute’s Early Career Leadership Program (ECLP) culminated their experience by participating in ACG Advocacy Day with the ACG Board of Governors in April. The ECLP program evolved to replace the Young Physician Leadership Program (YPLSP) as an immersion in leadership skills and policy advocacy training for physicians 1 to 5 years out of fellowship. The program directors are Allon Kahn, MD, and Elizabeth R. Paine, MD, FACG, both of whom are YPLSP alumni. New! Clinical Research Leadership Program This year the ACG Institute introduced the Clinical Research Leadership Program (CRLP) as an offering of the Institute’s Center for Leadership, Ethics & Equity. This unique interactive program provides funded GI clinician investigators with the skill set to start, grow, and maintain success as research leaders. Course Directors Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), MACG (Director of the ACG Institute); Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG; and Rena H. Yadlapati, MD, MSHS, FACG, envisioned a daylong program covering practical topics on operations, strategy, and financial success, as well as core leadership skills. Faculty, who are themselves clinical investigator leaders, included Lisa L. Strate, MD, MPH, FACG; Brennan M. R. Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACG; Marcia R. Cruz-Correa, MD, PhD; and Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, MACG, former Director of the ACG Institute.
The 2022-2023 ECLP cohort met in Washington, DC, and were joined by ACG President, Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG (center front) and ACG Trustee, Patrick E. Young, MD, FACG (far right back).
2023 ACG Clinical Research Leadership Program Participants
Visiting Professorships Edgar Achkar Visiting Professors & Visiting Scholar in Equity, Diversity & Ethical Care The Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorship presented a new opportunity to institutions through the ACG Institute’s Center for Leadership, Ethics & Equity by allowing them to select the new ACG Visiting Scholar in Equity, Diversity & Ethical Care. The objective for this new program is to educate institutions on the best ways to create awareness around the issues and challenges related to delivering equitable care, respecting diversity, and instilling ethical decision making.
Dr. Christopher Vélez at Thomas Jefferson University (April 13, 2023): As an ACG Visiting Scholar in Equity, Diversity & Ethical Care, Dr. Vélez addressed topics including reducing electronic medical record bias, how to assist in transitions out of incarceration, and bias towards transgender individuals. He also presented GI grand rounds on cystic fibrosis related GI disorders.
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Dr. Amy Oxentenko at UConn (March 1, 2023): Dr. Oxentenko presented hospital grand rounds on “Celiac Mimickers” and GI grand rounds during her EAVP visit to UConn.
Increasingly, groups of GI physicians are observing the impact of current GI protocols on the environment and raising concerns about sustainability— disposing of items used in GI procedures that could be recycled, large amounts of waste going to landfills, excessive energy use, and other routines that contribute to the large carbon footprint of GI. This includes the refuse commonly produced by GI care and procedures. Two of the physicians involved in the College’s programs and publications on environmental sustainability, Dr. Swapna Gayam and Dr. Rabia A. de Latour, contend that efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of GI practices is preventive care for current and future generations, and that even small changes can have a lasting impact on environmental and practice sustainability. ACG published a suite of resources reflecting recent efforts by the College to bring attention to this emerging issue and offer guidance and inspiration on ways to advocate for and implement harm-reduction measures and strategies in your practice including a link to a recent conversation with Drs. Gayam and de Latour. Learn more at gi.org/resources-on-environmental-sustainability-in-gi. Swapna Gayam, MD, FACG Rabia A. de Latour, MD
TRAINEES NACGF Winners: Distinguished ACG prioritizes programs for GI fellows during their training to reach them with Achievement Awards at the North opportunities to learn, network, sharpen their clinical and research skills, and help them American Conference of GI Fellows to flourish. Standout educational programs include ACG Virtual Grand Rounds: Career went to Katie A. Dunleavy, MB Edition, the North American Conference of GI Fellows (NACGF), and well as programs BCh BAO; Yuying Luo, MD; and Achintya D. Singh, MD. These rising such as IBD 101 for first year fellows co-sponsored by ACG and NYU Langone Health. stars demonstrated exceptional The ACG Second Year Fellows Course offers a select group of 125 trainees nominated presentation skills at NACGF 2023 in by their programs an all-expense paid trip to a high impact program that features Washington, DC, in early March. hands-on endoscopy training.
But the most fun, engaging, and competitive programs pit trainees against each other for trophies and bragging rights. The undisputed jewel in the crown is GI Jeopardy, ACG’s favorite quiz show. Each year the spirit of competition comes alive with a nail-biting, edge of your seat game that matches the wits of five teams of brave trainees before a live audience. Not to be outdone, the stakes are also high for competitors in ACG’s EndoTitans Hands-On Challenge who test their knowledge and technical abilities in a competition that culminates in a live skills challenge in the ACG Endoscopy School Hands-On Workshop Center.
GI Jeopardy Winners: Taking home the coveted trophy from ACG 2022 were Hussam Tayel, MD, and Brian Kim, MD, from St. Luke's University Health Network in Bethlehem, PA, who prevailed in an intense live competition.
(Left) Reigning 2022 EndoTitans: Kelly Zucker, DO (PGY-3 University of Arizona) and Joshua Hudson, MD (PGY-2 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill), were the 2022 EndoTitans Champions among competitors from their respective year in training. (Right) Dr. Kelly Zucker and Dr. Joshua Hudson with the ACG EndoTitans Referees in 2022. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 13
EXPANDING THE PIPELINE OF FUTURE TALENT Summer Scholars The Summer Scholars Program is an initiative of the ACG Committee on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion that pairs medical students from groups underrepresented in medicine with mentors for a research project, and provides a stipend of $5,000. The DEI Committee believes that a formalized mentorship and clinical research program is one pipeline to increase representation of underrepresented groups in medicine in academic gastroenterology careers.
2023 ACG Summer Scholars
Bethlehem Michael David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Cynthia Okafor University of Texas Medical Branch
Elias Arellano Villanueva, MS University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
“Prescriptions for Success” Program for High School Students An annual tradition since 1999, ACG members inspire students at a local high school in the city of the Annual Scientific Meeting as a strategy to cultivate the pipeline in GI and medicine through the ACG Committee on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. The 2022 visit to Hawthorne Academy of Health Sciences in Charlotte, NC, also included members of the College’s APP Committee.
Inspiring the Future: (Left to Right) John T. Bassett, MD, FACG; Mary Vetter, ANP, Past Chair, APP Committee; Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG, Chair DEI Committee; Victor Chedid, MD; Shayla Schoenoff, PA; Corlan Eboh, MD; Sophia Lichenstein-Hill, DNP; Belen Tesafaye, MD; and Baharak Moshiree, MD, MSc, FACG
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2023 J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecturer
The J. Edward Berk Distinguished Lecturer, formerly known as the Stuart Lecturer, is a person prominent in gastroenterology or a related area. This individual is nominated by the President and the appointment is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. This lectureship was established in recognition of the significant contributions made by J. Edward Berk, MD, MACG, to clinical gastroenterology during his long and distinguished clinical and academic career. A nationally and internationally renowned physician and teacher, Dr. Berk also served as ACG President from 1975-1976.
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Amrita Sethi, MD Changing the Course of Pancreatic Cancer: Identifying Innovation in Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Amrita Sethi, MD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York. She is the Director of Interventional Endoscopy and the Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship Program Director. Dr. Sethi completed her general GI fellowship at MCV in Richmond, VA, and then her advanced endoscopy fellowship at the University of Colorado. She started at Columbia in New York in 2008 and has remained there since. Dr. Sethi's clinical practice and research interests include ERCP, cholangioscopy, therapeutic EUS, ESD, POEM, and other areas of third space endoscopy, endoscopic innovation, and endoscopic education. She has spoken extensively on these topics and served as course faculty during numerous live endoscopy courses, both nationally and internationally. Dr. Sethi is the founder and president of Women in Endoscopy (WIE), a global organization started to foster mentorship and promote leadership for women in interventional endoscopy. She is also the Vice-Chair for AGA’s CGIT. In 2020, she was awarded the Master Endoscopist Award by the ASGE. Lastly, she served as the President of the New York Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (NYSGE) in 2020 and helped to lead the NY GI community through the COVID crisis.
Marcia Cross HPV Related Cancers – Are Your Patients Being Misdiagnosed?
As an actress, Marcia Cross is best known for her role as Bree Van de Kamp on the ABC hit series Desperate Housewives for which she was nominated for three Golden Globes and one Primetime Emmy. A graduate of The Juilliard School, she began her career doing plays at The Williamstown Theatre Festival, The Hartford Stage Company as well as the The Old Globe Theatre in San Diego where she was cast as Viola in Twelfth Night and Silvia in Two Gentlemen of Verona. Marcia also starred in the television series Melrose Place and the critically acclaimed Everwood.
The Emily Couric Memorial Lecture was developed by the ACG, the Virginia Gastroenterogical Society (VGS) and the Old Dominion Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates (ODSGNA) to honor Virginia State Senator Emily Couric, who lost her battle with pancreatic cancer in October of 2001. Senator Couric was a strong advocate for healthcare issues, particularly in her instrumental work to pass the nation’s first legislation mandating health insurance coverage for colorectal cancer screening. The Emily Couric Lecturer is someone prominent in the field of GI cancer related topics. This individual is nominated by the President following consultation with the VGS and the appointment is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.
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Marcia Cross is the co-founder of THE HPV ALLIANCE, an organization that is committed to educating the public about the HPV virus and the cancers it can cause. Her own diagnosis and treatment of anal cancer inspired her to speak out to help destigmatize the shame that too often accompanies this cancer. She is fiercely dedicated to saving lives through prevention, early detection, and patient and doctor education. No one should lose their lives because of this virus.
2023 Emily Couric Memorial Lecturer
2023 David Y. Graham Lecturer
The David Y. Graham Lecturer is a distinguished individual in the field of gastroenterology. The presenter is chosen by the President and is subject to approval by the Board of Trustees. This named lectureship was established in 2004 in recognition of the many contributions to clinical gastroenterology by David Y. Graham, MD, MACG. The lectureship was made possible through a donation by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Meretek Diagnostics, Inc. Dr. Graham gave the inaugural presentation.
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David A. Johnson, MD, MACG Intestinal Microbiome: Answer to All GI Ailments? David A. Johnson MD, MACG, FASGE, MACP, is Professor of Medicine/Chief of GI at Eastern VA Medical School (EVMS). He has published extensively, contributing over 700 articles/ chapters/invited reviews and edited/co-edited seven books. His focus has been GERD, gut microbiome, sleep disorders, and CRC screening. He edited “Gut Microbiome: New Understanding and Translational Opportunities for Disease” (2015) and “Esophageal Disease and the Role of the Microbiome” (2022). He co-directed the 2020 VA Catalyst grant on microbial GERD effects. Dr. Johnson’s ACG involvement includes Past President, Trustee, Governor, Institute Board Member, Chair of the Quality Council Task Force, and member of the Awards, Credentials, Educational Affairs, Publications, Constitution and Bylaws (Chair), and Nominating (Chair) Committees. Additionally, executive committee and Treasurer of the ACG/ASGE GIQuIC and executive committee of the GI Political Action Committee (GIPAC). He co-chaired the ACG North American Conference for GI Fellows meeting for 17 years (1991-2008) and was co-director for the ACG Annual Postgraduate Course in 1994. He co-founded the National Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee and co-chaired that Committee for 10 years. From 2000-2018, he served on the GI Multi-Society CRC Screening Task Force and ACG guidelines committee for CRC screening and has co-authored these screening national guidelines and other ongoing national guideline publications from 2000-present (17 total). Dr. Johnson has delivered the following ACG named lectures: Emily Couric (2010), The American Journal of Gastroenterology (2006), J. Edward Berk (2015), and David Sun (2018), and received the following ACG awards: Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement (2012), Master (2013), William D. Carey (2015) and Samuel S. Weiss (2021). Other awards include the 2022 ACP Community Education Award, 2019 Master of the ACP, 2012 National Institutes of Health “Great Teacher” (first non-NIH GI physician), 2016 AGA “Distinguished Educator,” Virginia GI Society “Master of Gastroenterology” and “Presidential Award,” EVMS Distinguished Internal Medicine Faculty, Dean’s Outstanding Faculty, and the Distinguished Community Faculty Awards. Dr. Johnson served on the ABIM (Gastroenterology) Board of Examiners (2012-2017), multiple journal editorships, and directed the first CRC trial on colonoscopy (1988). He led with VA State Senator Emily Couric to put through the historic first legislation mandating CRC colonoscopy screening as the preferred standard. This set the model for other states which followed with similar legislation mandating CRC screening.
Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG In With the New, While Managing the Old: How to Care for the Changing Face of Those With Liver Disease
Dr. Kwo has published over 200 original articles in journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, The American Journal of Gastroenterology, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Journal of Hepatology, and others. He is currently an Associate Editor for Clinical and Molecular Hepatology and has served on the editorial boards of multiple journals including Hepatology, Hepatology Communications, and the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. He has served on numerous ACG committees including the Educational Affairs Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, International Relations Committee, and was the Chair of the ACG Credentials Committee. He is a director of the ACG Hepatology Circle, as well as the ACG Hepatology School and served on the ACG Board of Trustees from 2015 to 2022. Along with other ACG members, he authored the ACG Practice Guideline Evaluation of Abnormal Liver Chemistries in 2017. Dr. Kwo is the recipient of multiple awards for his clinical care and teaching at Indiana University and Stanford including the Outstanding Young Clinician Award, the Distinguished Teaching Award, and the Trustee Teaching Award at Indiana University. He most recently received the Stanford University Department of Medicine Master Teacher Award.
The David Sun Lectureship in Postgraduate Education was established by Mrs. Sun in memory of her husband. Dr. Sun died at the peak of his career. He was an outstanding gastroenterologist and investigator. The speaker, with a distinguished background in gastroenterology or an allied field, is chosen by the President and Course Directors of the Postgraduate Program subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees.
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Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG, is currently the Director of Hepatology and Professor of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. He received his bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at Oberlin College, his medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine, his internal medicine training at University of Maryland, and his Gastroenterology/Hepatology training at Mayo Clinic Rochester. Dr. Kwo was Professor of Medicine at Indiana University and the Medical Director of Liver Transplantation where he distinguished himself in the field of viral hepatitis and served as the principal investigator for multiple seminal trials that established the efficacy of direct acting antiviral agents for the treatment of both nontransplant and post-transplant hepatitis C infection. His clinical and research interests are in novel therapeutic approaches to treat viral hepatitis including hepatitis B and C elimination and other chronic liver diseases.
2023 David Sun Lecturer
2023 The American Journal of Gastroenterology Lecture
Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG Using Epidemiology to Inform Clinical Practice in Gastroenterology Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG, a graduate from the University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine, and the UCLA Division of Gastroenterology Fellowship Training Program, is Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Bingham Chair in Gastroenterology Research; and Director, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Clinical and Research Centre at the University of Manitoba. His main research interests are primarily related to IBD, in terms of optimizing management approaches, exploring predictors of clinical outcomes, and disease etiology including related to the gut microbiome. Dr. Bernstein has been a pioneer in Canada in harnessing administrative health data to study chronic immune diseases and in developing a population-based database, the University of Manitoba IBD Epidemiology Database, that has both served as a model for the development of other similar databases in other provinces as well as a unique tool to study IBD. More recently, he has been actively involved in exploring the biological and clinical intersection between different chronic immune mediated inflammatory diseases. He has published over 680 peer-reviewed articles, 29 book chapters, and is a co-editor of one of the seminal gastrointestinal clinical-pathology textbooks. As of April 2023, his Scopus H-Index is 98 and he has had over 45,000 citations.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology lecture was established in 2003 to provide a forum for the Editors of the College’s flagship scientific publication to select a key scientific topic for debate or discussion based on their evaluation of key controversies in clinical gastroenterology.
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In 2009, Dr. Bernstein was named the inaugural Bingham Chair in Gastroenterology at the University of Manitoba. In 2012, he was elected to the Royal Society of Canada-Life Sciences Division of the Academy of Science. In 2019, he was awarded the Crohn’s and Colitis Canada Research Leadership Award.
2023 Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Award
Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG, is staff gastroenterologist in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition with joint appointments in the Department of Colorectal Surgery and the Taussig Cancer Institute at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. She forged a 30-year career in the care of patients and families with a hereditary predisposition to gastrointestinal cancer. Her professional time is balanced between endoscopy, cancer prevention research, patient management, and patient and physician education. She has international recognition in her areas of expertise and is a frequently invited visiting professor. Dr. Burke has benefited from continual external research funding since 1995 through the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, and the American College of Gastroenterology to perform clinical research, the majority of which focuses on prevention, particularly chemoprevention, of colorectal neoplasia in both patients with the hereditary gastrointestinal cancer syndromes, as well as sporadic adenoma and colorectal risk. In 2023, she was awarded the Cleveland Clinic’s George Crile Founders award in research, notably being only the fourth female clinical researcher at Cleveland Clinic to receive this honor over the past 23 years. Other areas of investigative interest include burnout, microaggression and impostor phenomenon mitigation, gender parity in medicine, ergonomics, early onset colorectal neoplasia, and colorectal cancer screening. She has authored over 250 peer-reviewed publications, hundreds of abstracts, numerous guidelines, and mentored tens of medical trainees and junior staff. In 2022, she was awarded the Cleveland Clinic Internal Medicine Residency Program Research Mentor of the Year. Dr. Burke was associate editor for The American Journal of Gastroenterology and current reviewer for GUT, Gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, BMJ, NEJM, Endoscopy, and PlosOne, to name a few.
The Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Award, formerly the ACG Clinical Achievement Award, is presented to not more than one Member/Fellow of the College in any year and is made in recognition of distinguished contributions to clinical gastroenterology over a significant period of time. Specific criteria include, in addition to a career of distinguished clinical practice of gastroenterology, contributions in patient care, clinical science, clinical education, technological innovation, and public and community service.
Dr. Burke is the Director of the section of polyposis and Program Director for the newly incepted “Carol A. Burke, MD-Sheetz Family Endowed Fellowship in Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancer” in the Weiss Center for hereditary colorectal neoplasia at the Cleveland Clinic. She is a founding member of the Digestive Disease Institute Womens’ Leadership Coalition. Her past leadership roles included Vice Chair for Research and Education and Chair of the GI Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. Dr. Burke joined the ACG Board of Trustees in 2005 and was the third female President of the College in 2016-2017. She is a past president of the Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancer (CGA) and received the CGA Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in hereditary GI cancer in 2020. She currently is a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guideline on Genetic/ Familial High-Risk Assessment: Colorectal; the Clinical Operations Committee for the National Cancer Institute ClinCap Consortium; the World Gastroenterology Organisation Scientific Programs Committee; GIQuIC Registry colonoscopy subcommittee; and ACG representative to the United States Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer. She enjoys traveling, biking, hiking, gardening, yoga, and visiting her identical twin daughters Rana and Rima in Pittsburgh and Columbus, respectively, with her husband George Jurjus.
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2023 Community Service Award The Community Service Award is bestowed upon an ACG Member who has initiated or has been involved in volunteer programs or has provided extensive volunteer service post-training. The service must have been performed on a completely voluntary basis and not for the completion of training or position requirements. Such service may include but is not limited to the following: community education programs (e.g., colon cancer awareness); working in free clinics; mentoring advocacy groups or local government committees; teaching in under-served schools related to health education; and political work on committees for comprehensive health insurance or other issues. In 2023, this award is being given to the following two individuals.
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG
Dr. Ali is a Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and has served on the ACG Legislative and Public Policy Council, International Relations, Training, Educational Affairs, Nominating, Bylaws, Membership, and Public Relations Committees. He chaired the Public Relations Committee from 2020-2023. Dr. Ali has also served as the ACG Governor for Oklahoma and on the Board of Directors of the ACG Institute. He has been awarded the ACG Junior Governors' Award (2018) and Senior Governor's Award (2022) for his exceptional contributions and commitment to services to the Board of Governors. He is also a faculty moderator for the ACG and CCF IBD Circle, an online physician discussion forum. Dr. Ali regularly tweets through his educational Twitter account @ibdtweets and is the founder and moderator of the international social media IBD Journal Club (@ibdclub). He has been involved in multiple social media advocacy and patient awareness programs. He has advocated U.S. healthcare policies and founded the hashtag #respectmyprescription to share existing issues with prior authorization and denials of medications and diagnostic investigations. Dr. Ali has successfully established a multidisciplinary and comprehensive Crohn's and Colitis Center in a private health care system. For his exceptional services to the ministry and community, he was awarded the prestigious St. Luke Award by his healthcare system. His passion for IBD education in the community is also reflected by his authoring a book for patients and their caregivers. His book, Crohn's and Colitis for Dummies, by Wiley Publisher is one of the bestselling gastroenterology books on Amazon. For the last two years, Dr. Ali has successfully led the colon cancer awareness walks with more than 300 participants in Oklahoma. He has also extended his services to Pakistan, where he initiated colon cancer awareness activities at his alma mater, King Edward Medical University, with special arrangements for colon cancer lectures and kicking off a colon cancer walk in 2022. In addition, he has contributed to many ACG SCOPY submissions through his community work and has been a leader in ACG's #RideOrStrideFor45 campaign to promote colorectal cancer awareness in March of each year.
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Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG, is a consultant gastroenterologist and IBD specialist at SSM Health Saint Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma. He is the executive medical director of SSM Health Digestive Institute and Director of the Crohn's and Colitis Center. He is a clinical associate professor at the University of Oklahoma and serves as adjunct faculty at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Ali graduated from King Edward Medical College, Pakistan (2001). He completed his internal medicine residency (2006) and Gastroenterology fellowship program (2009) at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. He also completed the CCFA visiting IBD fellowship at the University of Chicago (2008).
2023 Community Service Award (cont.) Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG, is a Clinical Professor at the University of California Davis School of Medicine. He is the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Governor for Northern California and the USA (West) Regional Advisor for the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. He completed his Gastroenterology and Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Fellowship at the University of California, Davis Medical Center, where he served as the Director of Endoscopy for the GI Fellowship Program and is the current Medical Director of the Sutter Roseville Endoscopy Center. Dr. Hsu has made persistent efforts to raise awareness for colorectal cancer. He has authored articles for news releases, produced animations, spoken at seminars, and given interviews to local TV and radio stations. He created the Colorectal Kid cartoon character, a mascot featured in his animation series “Breaking the Barriers.” Dr. Hsu connected two healing disciplines to aid the community during the COVID pandemic by directing Bridging Medicine and Music – Seminar and Concert in 2022. Physician experts, including ACG presidents and governors, presented at a virtual round table. Dr. Hsu energized young musicians and performed with the Davis Senior High School Baroque Ensemble in the concert curated by his two violin mentors, music directors from UC Davis and Davis Senior High School. This program was live streamed to ACG members and the public. In 2023, American Violinist Rachel Barton Pine endorsed Bridging Medicine and Music. Her performance was aired on cable networks and featured at the annual ACG Tune It Up virtual concert. Sutter Health also featured Dr. Hsu in an educational video highlighting the new recommendation of CRC screening starting at age 45. This year, he led a joint community event with the California Colorectal Cancer Coalition, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, and Fight Colorectal Cancer to host Light the Capitol Blue – An Awareness Rally to Fight Colorectal Cancer at the State Capitol in Sacramento. This event provided a tour inside a mega inflatable colon and displayed 5,530 blue flags in memory of the Californians projected to die from colon cancer in 2023. ACG, UCD Health, and Sutter Health endorsed the program. Dr. Hsu mentored UC Davis GI fellows to conduct a pilot project, Lost in Translation No Longer: Colorectal Cancer Screening, to increase CRC screening rates in the non-English-speaking communities in Sacramento. The project won the UC Davis GME High-Value Care Competition Award 2022/2023. The group also created an ACG Colorectal Cancer by the Numbers infographics flyer in ten languages to raise public awareness. Dr. Hsu has provided free screening colonoscopies to underserved and uninsured individuals in his practice for many years. He also volunteers yearly to direct and speak at the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation (CCF) Patient and Family Education Symposium in Sacramento and Oakland since 2008. He was program director for the CCF Regional Professional Education Symposium since 2020 and has received eight consecutive ACG SCOPY Awards.
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2023 The Distinguished Mentorship and Teaching Award The Distinguished Mentorship and Teaching Award recognizes an ACG Member who has provided meaningful and sustained contributions to trainees/colleagues in gastroenterology. Such contributions could include mentorship or teaching to help develop the mentees’: (1) overall scientific growth and career or life planning; (2) practice of high-level clinical gastroenterology; (3) skills to perform high quality clinical research; (4) skills to present and publish results of clinical research, or quality improvement; (5) involvement in professional society, healthcare organization or leadership development. In 2023, this award is being given to the following two individuals.
Michael Camilleri, MD, DSc, MACG Michael Camilleri, MD, DSc, MACG, is Professor of Medicine, Pharmacology, and Physiology at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, and Consultant in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He was recognized with the Atherton and Winifred W. Bean Professorship in 2001 and as a Mayo Distinguished Investigator in 2008. He formerly held the position of Dean of Development at Mayo Clinic. He joined the staff of Mayo Clinic in 1990.
C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP, FACG C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP, FACG, is currently a Professor of Medicine, Director of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, and Program Director of Gastroenterology Fellowship Training at the Division of Gastroenterology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis. He went to Medical School at Calicut Medical College in South India, where he also completed his rotating house-officer training, and three years of training in general internal medicine. He continued his training in the United Kingdom, with senior house-officer jobs culminating in Membership of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP). Dr. Gyawali then joined internal medicine residency at Barnes Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. He completed fellowship training in gastroenterology at the same center, and joined the faculty of the Division of Gastroenterology, Washington University in St. Louis in 1999, where he has remained since then. Dr. Gyawali’s academic interests include esophageal motility disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and other benign and functional esophageal disorders. He directs the Gastroenterology Fellowship Training Program at Washington University School of Medicine and has been involved in the training of over 120 gastroenterology fellows throughout his career. He also directs gastrointestinal motility centers affiliated with Washington University and is involved in motility testing using high-resolution manometry, ambulatory esophageal pH and impedance monitoring, wireless pH monitoring and endoscopic functional lumen imaging probe (FLIP). He is actively involved in clinical research involving benign esophageal disorders as well as neurogastroenterology and motility, and has mentored medical students, internal medicine residents, gastroenterology fellow trainees, and early career faculty members, both at Washington University School of Medicine and at other medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Dr. Gyawali has served on the American College of Gastroenterology’s Patient Care Committee and is currently an associate editor of The American Journal of Gastroenterology. He has published over 280 original articles, as well as multiple invited reviews and book chapters. He is part of several consensus committees, including the Chicago Classification, the Lyon Consensus, the Padova Consensus, the Wingate Consensus, and the Rome IV and V Esophageal committee. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 25
Dr. Camilleri’s research interests include clinical enteric neurosciences, gut neurohormonal control, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, and pharmacology/pharmacogenomics. He has published ~1300 articles (H-index 104 and >40k citations, >35k without self-citation). He has received numerous awards and honors including the Joseph B. Kirsner Award and the Julius Friedenwald Medal from the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), and the Ismar Boas Medal from the German Society of Digestive and Metabolic Disease. He has mentored more than 80 national/international postdoctoral fellows/scientists. Dr. Camilleri is Past President of the AGA and the American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society, the founding editor of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and is currently an associate editor of Gut.
Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG
2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award recognizes an ACG Member whose work in the areas of clinical practice, research, teaching and/or leadership has demonstrated an emerging or sustained commitment to the values of diversity, health equity, and inclusion. These efforts are demonstrated by the awardee’s significant contributions to promote diversity, inclusion, and/or cultural competency including, but not limited to, the development of educational programs or curricula, community engagement initiatives, research, or promotion of pathways or programs to support individuals from racial, ethnic, and/or gender groups that are under-represented in medicine. Such endeavors may be through mentorship, sponsorship or cultivation of partnerships that advance the diversity, equity, or inclusion within medicine.
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Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG, is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati (UC) and specializes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). She is also Executive Vice Chair for Internal Medicine and the Associate Chief Medical Officer at UC Health. Prior to joining UC, she built the first standalone multidisciplinary IBD Center at The Ohio State University and served as the center’s Medical Director. Dr. Afzali began her medical career at the University of Washington – Harborview Medical Center, the largest safety net hospital in the Pacific Northwest. As a strong advocate for vulnerable and underserved populations, she developed their first multidisciplinary IBD program. She spearheaded several initiatives to improve patient access and reduce health disparities. Disease outcomes for IBD patients were optimized by providing social worker and financial counseling resources, improving health literacy through hosting patient education programs and multi-lingual educational content, and offering free vaccination clinics. Dr. Afzali is an outcomes researcher, clinical trialist and principal investigator of nearly 30 clinical trials. Early in her career, she recognized the poor representation of underrepresented minorities in clinical trials. While at Harborview, she partnered with industry sponsors to provide appropriate educational resources for patients from all backgrounds. She then served on the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation as Chair of the IBD Disparities and Health Maintenance Steering Committee to promote research in health equity. This early work in clinical trial advocacy has evolved to her service as steering committee member of the inaugural American Gastroenterological Association Clinical Trials Bootcamp, designed to recruit, train, and equip underrepresented minority physicians practicing in rural or underserved areas on clinical trials, to enhance patient access and increase diversity of investigators. As Vice-Chair of the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) Publications Committee and Co-Editor of the WGO quarterly newsletter, Dr. Afzali has leveraged these global platforms to promote and enhance diverse perspectives in medicine. She is Chair of the American College of Gastroenterology Educational Affairs Committee which also allows her to promote inclusivity and engage diverse speakers and topics. She is a co-founder of IBD Horizons, a non-profit educational organization tailored to improve knowledge and standardize IBD care. Dr. Afzali has a strong commitment to promotion of women in the field of GI and medicine. She is a global invited lecturer on gender disparities in medicine. She co-founded Scrubs & Heels, a professional network that provides leadership skills and career advancement tools for women to achieve professional success in gastroenterology. Born in Afghanistan, Dr. Afzali is a strong advocate for gender equity across the globe and uses her voice and community engagement to raise awareness and support. She completed medical school, residency, and fellowship at the University of Washington. A lifelong learner, she also obtained a Master’s in Public Health and recently a Master's in Health Care Management for physician executive leadership and business administration from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Douglas R. Morgan, MD, MPH, FACG Douglas R. Morgan, MD, MPH, FACG, received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University (AOA). He completed his postgraduate training in internal medicine and gastroenterology at UCSF, and earned an MPH in Epidemiology at UC Berkeley. He has held faculty appointments at the University of North Carolina and Vanderbilt University and was recruited to the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama (UAB) in 2018. He is currently a Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, and Division Director of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at UAB. Dr. Morgan’s central research interest is cancer epidemiology and prevention in Hispanic-Latino populations in Latin America and the U.S. The specific focus is gastric adenocarcinoma research in the low/middle income countries (LMICs) of northern Central America, a geopolitical region named the Central America Four (CA-4: Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador). An important achievement has been the advancement of cancer control initiatives and cancer registries in Central America through advocacy and training. He was Director of the first-ever CA-4 Cancer Informatics Congress (2014), which was the foundation for the NCI Cancer Control Leadership Forum for Central America (2016).
Dr. Morgan served as a Peace Corps engineer in Honduras, an experience that inspired his medical career. As a trainee, he implemented an AIDS education initiative in Honduras with the underground female sex worker and gay communities, and rotated in the Rio Grande Valley primary care clinics for immigrants and migrant farm workers. As faculty, he ‘reconnected’ with Central America as a volunteer physician in Honduras and Nicaragua following Hurricane Mitch, which opened the door for a career focus on cancer prevention in the region. Dr. Morgan was the founding Co-Director of the UNC SOM International Office, and founding Director of the UNC-Nicaragua Program. He was Director of Latin America sites for the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health. He has supported numerous U.S. trainees (medicine, nursing, public health) who have participated in the clinical and research rotations, ranging from 1-12 months. In addition, many Central America trainees have been part of the research teams, and a select group have entered competitive U.S. residency/fellowship programs and are now on faculty at top tier U.S. AMCs. Dr. Morgan was the founding PI-Director of the grant-funded UNC Center for Latino Health (CELAH). This unique clinical and educational infrastructure serves Latino populations, primarily recent immigrants from Mesoamerica. In recognition, he received the North Carolina Diamante Award in Science and Health in 2010, and the Ohtli Award in 2011, the highest award for foreign nationals from the government of Mexico. He is indebted with enduring gratitude to his family (Lynne, Bryn and Camille), to outstanding mentors, and to the deep friendships with colleagues and their families in Central and Latin America.
The International Leadership Award is given to an ACG Member in recognition of outstanding and substantial contributions to gastroenterology, to the College and to the international gastroenterology community. Substantial contributions internationally may include, but are not limited to, the training of individuals from other countries who have gone on to become leaders in gastroenterology in their community, leadership in international organizations that has resulted in improvement in the care of patients, and participation in humanitarian efforts. Nominations are solicited and reviewed by the Awards Committee with input from the International Affairs Committee and the Board of Governors. The recipient must be approved by the ACG Board of Trustees. The award will be given when appropriate at the ACG Annual Meeting and may not necessarily be given annually.
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Dr. Morgan is a staunch supporter of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG). He served as Chair of the International Relations Committee, 2016-2019. One important achievement was the reduction of annual fees for international members from LMICs. Dr. Morgan has been invited to serve as ACG delegate for multiple international Congresses in Latin America since 2011. He currently is a member of the Practice Parameters Committee.
2023 International Leadership Award
2023 Master of the American College of Gastroenterology Recipients As a result of their recognized stature and achievement in clinical gastroenterology and/or teaching, and because
of their contributions to the College in service, leadership, and education, the following individuals have been recommended by the Awards Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees for designation as Master.
Gary W. Falk, MD, MS, MACG Gary W. Falk, MD, MS, MACG, is currently Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (Penn). He received his undergraduate and medical school training at the University of Rochester before going to George Washington University for his medical internship and residency. After a clinical and research fellowship at the University of Michigan, he was a member of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Cleveland Clinic from 1986-2010 before moving to Penn where he was Director of the Esophageal Program from 2010 to 2023. While in Cleveland, he also received a master’s degree in clinical research from Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Falk's clinical research has focused on Barrett’s esophagus, early detection and prevention of esophageal adenocarcinoma, and novel therapeutic strategies and natural history of eosinophilic esophagitis. He has been part of multidisciplinary NIH U54 funding in both Barrett’s esophagus and eosinophilic esophagitis over the past 10 years. Contributions of his research group include the significance of high-grade dysplasia in Barrett’s esophagus, including biopsy forceps yield and findings of unsuspected cancer at esophagectomy, the use of cytologic sampling as an alternative to biopsy-based surveillance, and the development of the concept of cytology specimens as a platform for molecular based biomarker studies. Other studies in Barrett’s esophagus have focused on epidemiologic observations related to the role of Helicobacter pylori in the disease along with issues of age and gender in the development of cancer. Collaborations with other centers have led to studies on familial risk, molecular imaging paradigms, chemoprevention, radiofrequency ablation, and endomicroscopy. Dr. Falk has served the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) on multiple committees including Training, Research, Public Relations, GI Program Directors, Practice Parameters, Esophageal Section Abstract Selection, Annual Meeting Program Selection, and Publications. He was an Associate Editor of The American Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG) from 2003-2009 and is currently a member of the AJG Editorial Advisory Board. Dr. Falk has served on the faculty of multiple ACG Regional Postgraduate Courses as well as at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. He has also been a co-author of the two most recent ACG Barrett’s Esophagus Guidelines. Dr. Falk is a Past-President of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and current Chair of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) Clinical Practice Section of Digestive Disease Week (DDW). He is a recipient of the Sidney Cohen University of Pennsylvania GI Fellowship Teacher of the Year Award, University of Pennsylvania GI Clinical Excellence Award, AGA Distinguished Clinician Award, and AGA Imaging & Advanced Technology Section Research Mentor Award.
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Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, DM, MACG Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, DM, MACG, FASGE, AGAF, FRCP (Glasgow & London), is presently the Director of the Institute of Gastrosciences and Liver Transplant at Apollo Multispecialty Hospitals in Kolkata, India. He has served as the editor-in-chief for the Journal of Digestive Endoscopy, the official publication of the Society of Gl Endoscopy of India (SGEI), for the last 10 years. Dr. Goenka’s enormous contribution to gastroenterology earned him numerous honors, including Sisco-Pentax oration by the SGEI, the J. Mitra Award from the Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISG), Research Fellowship by the Indian National Association for Study of the Liver (INASL), the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Physicians of India, and the IM Modi Award for Excellence in Medicine from the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. This year at DDW, he was awarded the International Service Award by the American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). Dr. Goenka has been associated with the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) for the last 24 years having been appointed as a direct Fellow of the College (FACG) in 1999. He has also served as ACG Governor for India for the last 6 years during which he was instrumental in enrolling around 1,000 physicians from India as members of ACG. Dr. Goenka also initiated the Best of ACG meetings in India as course Co-Director. These meetings were attended by a large number of gastroenterologists and were hugely appreciated. He was also awarded the prestigious International Leadership Award by ACG in 2020.
Dr. Goenka has been a medical teacher for the last 35 years, and he has been a mentor to both national board-enrolled students and short-term trainees from all over the world, including those in Europe, Africa, Bangladesh, Bhutan and the U.S. He is Convenor of Specialty Board of Medical Gastroenterology of India, thereby being instrumental in policy decisions of GI training in India. He has served as the national secretary and president of the SGEI, and was also the national president of ISG last year. He is an adjunct professor of gastroenterology at the Medical School of Wisconsin. Dr. Goenka has served on the International Committees of ASGE and ACG. He was elected as the president of Asia-Pacific Digestive Week in 2019, and organized the largest Asia-Pacific meeting of Gastroenterology in 2019. He also serves on the Governing Council of the Asia Pacific Association of Gastroenterology, and is presently the chief co-editor of the periodical e-WGN from the World Gastroenterology Organisation. Overall, Dr. Goenka has made a difference in the medical field in general and gastroenterology and endoscopy in particular.
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Dr. Goenka has published around 300 scientific articles and book chapters, and he is involved in collaborative works with institutes like Johns Hopkins and University of Pittsburgh.
2023 Master of the American College of Gastroenterology Recipients (cont.) Frank G. Gress, MD, MACG Frank G. Gress, MD, MACG, is an academic Interventional Gastroenterologist practicing in New York, NY. He completed medical school at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and his Internal Medicine Residency at Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, NY, followed by a Fellowship in Gastroenterology at The Brooklyn Hospital and the State University of New York, Health Sciences Center & Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, under the direction of Dr. Maurice Cerulli. After completing his GI fellowship, Dr. Gress went on to complete an Advanced Endoscopy Fellowship at the Indiana University (IU) Medical Center under the mentorship of Dr. Robert Hawes. It was at IU where Dr. Gress developed his interest in the emerging technology of Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS), during its early days of clinical development. He has contributed significantly to advancing the technology from a diagnostic modality to an interventional platform including describing techniques for fine needle aspiration (FNA) and biopsy (FNB) for sampling and Celiac Plexus Neurolysis and Block. Dr. Gress has contributed important clinical endoscopic research including emerging techniques and clinical applications for interventional endoscopy and has contributed to developing training guidelines and training programs for advanced endoscopy training. He has published over 100 original research articles in peer review journals, numerous invited book chapters and editorials, and has edited two highly regarded EUS textbooks: Endoscopic Ultrasonography 4e and the Atlas of Endoscopic Ultrasonography 3e, to support those seeking EUS training or wishing to learn more about interventional endosonography. These texts are recognized as important teaching resources for many trainees and advanced/interventional fellowships. In addition, Dr. Gress has mentored over 60 interventional endoscopy fellows during his career and his advanced/interventional fellowship is a sought-after opportunity for fellows desiring to learn advanced endoscopy. Dr. Gress has been involved in the field of Interventional Endoscopy for almost 30 years with leadership roles at prestigious GI Centers of Excellence including Indiana University Hospital, Duke University Hospital, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, and Mount Sinai Hospital where he is now Professor of Medicine and Chief, Gastroenterology & Hepatology at Mount Sinai South Nassau and Medical Director, Center for Interventional Endoscopy. Dr. Gress has had the honor to be invited as faculty to many national and international live endoscopy courses, as well as serving as a course director at many courses including those at his own institutions. With over 30 years of experience in the medical field, Dr. Gress has extensive clinical and research experience in interventional endoscopy, pancreatic disease, gallbladder/bile duct diseases, esophageal disorders, and the endoscopic diagnosis and management of GI malignancies. He has participated in numerous multicenter and collaborative studies involving such areas as ERCP, interventional EUS, endoscopic resection techniques, and pancreatitis, and has authored papers and reviews on these topics. Dr. Gress has been an active member of many professional medical organizations for many years and has served in leadership roles with the national GI societies (American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and the American Gastroenterological Association), as well as with the American College of Physicians. In 2010, Dr. Gress also served as President of the local GI society, New York Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. He currently serves on the ACG Innovation and Technology Committee and is the ACG Governor, representing Long Island, NY. He has also served on the ACG Public Relations Committee and was formerly ACG Governor for Brooklyn.
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Kim L. Isaacs, MD, PhD, MACG Kim L. Isaacs, MD, PhD, MACG, is a Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received her PhD in Basic Health Sciences (1981) and MD (1984) from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. She then completed internal medicine residency (1987), chief residency (1988), and gastroenterology fellowship (1991) at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. She was the first female gastroenterology fellow at UNC and the first female gastroenterology faculty member at UNC in 1991. Dr. Isaacs has been very active in the clinical care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, endoscopy, and fellow education. She started the clinical trials program for inflammatory bowel disease at the University of North Carolina in 1991 and was Co-Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center at UNC from its inception until 2019. The UNC IBD clinical trials group has been involved with most of the major trials in drug development in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease over the past three decades. Dr. Isaacs was a co-author on the 2018 American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Guideline on the Management of Crohn’s disease in Adults. She has published multiple articles, guidelines, and book chapters in the area of inflammatory bowel disease. She was member, then chairperson of the ACG Practice Parameters Committee from 2010-2015. She is honored to have been a long-term mentor in the ACG Mentoring Program, allowing her to provide career guidance to young gastroenterologists interested in inflammatory bowel disease. Dr. Isaacs considers her greatest accomplishment to be the raising of her family and has two children who are pilots in the Army and Coast Guard.
Irving M. Pike, MD, MACG, a graduate of Emory University, received his medical school education at the Medical College of Georgia. His postgraduate training was completed in Dallas, Texas at the University of Texas Southwestern Health Science Center, Parkland Hospital and Dallas VA Medical Center, Internal Medicine Residency (1981), Gastroenterology Fellowship (1983). Following his training he began practicing gastroenterology in Virginia Beach, Virginia. While practicing in Virginia Beach, Dr. Pike helped the community of gastroenterologists form Gastrointestinal and Liver Specialists of Tidewater, PLLC, a practice of over 40 physicians and providers. He served as a community faculty member for the Eastern Virginia Medical School. Dr. Pike served as Chief of Staff of Sentara Bayside Hospital and President of the Virginia Beach Medical Society. In 1986, his practice introduced office-based endoscopy to the Commonwealth of Virginia which is now the predominant form of ambulatory endoscopy in Virginia. Dr. Pike has served on the American College of Gastroenterology's (ACG) Archives Committee, Credentials Committee, Practice Management Committee, Nominating Committee and Finance and Budget Committee. He was Chair of the Practice Management Committee, Finance and Budget Committee, and Nominating Committee. He served as Co-Chair of the 2005 ACG/ASGE Task Force for the Development of Quality Indicators for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and again as Co-Chair of the Task Force in 2015 for the update of these indicators. In 2007, Dr. Pike started a grass roots Benchmarking Advisory Committee which became the prototype for the GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC), a gastroenterology quality registry established in 2010, which has grown to become a resource for establishing important national quality metrics in gastroenterology. GIQuIC is a source for important clinical research while being a tool to support the improvement of performance by the over 4,500 gastroenterologists utilizing the registry. He served as GIQuIC’s first President (2009-2017). Dr. Pike served three terms as Trustee for the College and served in each elected officer position, including President (2017-2018). He is honored to have presented the Emily Couric Lecture (2015). Dr. Pike currently serves as ACG Trustee for Administrative Affairs. During his time practicing in Virginia Beach, Dr. Pike began working in administrative part-time roles for Sentara Health Care, eventually serving as Vice President of Medical Affairs for the hospital where he was practicing. In 2012, Dr. Pike moved to Alamo, California to accept the role of John Muir Health’s first Sr. VP and Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Pike retired from this role in the summer of 2021. He and Randy, his wife of 50 years, continue to reside in Alamo. Most recently, Dr. Pike served as Co-Director of the University of California San Francisco Network Physician Leadership Academy.
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Irving M. Pike, MD, MACG
2023 Master of the American College of Gastroenterology Recipients (cont.)
Richard I. Rothstein, MD, MACG Richard I. Rothstein, MD, MACG, is the Chair of the Department of Medicine at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC), the Senior Vice President for the Medical Specialties Service Line at Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H) and the Joseph M. Huber Professor of Medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. He is also the Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs at Geisel and a Professor of Surgery. Dr. Rothstein is a graduate of the Boston University School of Medicine (1980) and did his residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in Worcester, MA (1980-1983). He pursued his fellowship training in gastroenterology at DHMC, joining Geisel’s faculty in 1985. Dr. Rothstein was Director of Gastroenterological Research and Director of the Gastrointestinal Motility Lab before becoming the Section Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in 1997, a position he held for 15 years. He enjoys mentoring learners at all levels, including medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty colleagues. Dr. Rothstein was a member of the D-H Board of Governors and served on the D-H Board of Trustees. He has served as Chief Academic Officer for the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health System. Dr. Rothstein served as the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Governor for New Hampshire (1996-2002) and as a Regional Councilor. During his engagement on the ACG Educational Affairs Committee, he helped plan the ACG Annual Scientific Meetings and Postgraduate Courses. He also served as Chair of CME Accreditation while on the Educational Affairs Committee. Dr. Rothstein greatly enjoyed his opportunities to teach when invited to participate on the faculty of ACG meetings and courses. In 2012, Dr. Rothstein became an inaugural member of the Academy of Faculty Master Educators at the Geisel School of Medicine. He has participated actively in national and international educational programs concerning current and future endoscopic technologies. His main areas of academic research involve endoscopic device development and therapeutic intervention for gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus, natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), and obesity. His work was at the vanguard of innovation in these areas, and he served as principal investigator for numerous clinical trials to determine the efficacy and safety of these novel technologies. He has been consistently funded in his research efforts for over 38 years and has continuously published papers, chapters, and abstracts in his areas of interest. When not engaged in his clinical or academic work, you may find him in his woodworking shop turning wooden bowls.
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Michael F. Vaezi, MD, PhD, MSc (Epi), MACG Michael F. Vaezi, MD, PhD, MSc (Epi), MACG, is currently a Professor of Medicine and Otolaryngology at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. He is the Associate Chief and Clinical Director of the Division, Director of the Center for Swallowing and Esophageal Disorders, and Director of Clinical Research. Dr. Vaezi has served on the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Research Committee and the Publications Committee which he also chaired from 2006-2008. He is the lead author of the ACG Diagnosis and Management of Achalasia Guideline. He is the past Chair of the EGD Section of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the outgoing Associate Editor for Gastroenterology, and member of the AGA Research Council.
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Dr. Vaezi received a BS degree in Chemistry at Birmingham-Southern College in Birmingham, Alabama. He then went to the University of Alabama at Birmingham and received his PhD in Bio-Organic Chemistry. From there, Dr. Vaezi went to the University of Alabama School of Medicine where he received his MD degree in 1992. He completed a four-year academic residency in internal medicine in a program focused on clinical research at the University of Alabama Hospitals in Birmingham, Alabama. Subsequently, he completed his fellowship in gastroenterology at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation where he was elected as the Chief Fellow. He also received a Master’s in Epidemiology and Clinical Research from Case Western Reserve University.
2023 NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence The NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence recognizes a distinguished nurse practitioner or physician assistant who is an ACG APP Member and has shown long-standing contributions to advancing clinical practice in the field of gastroenterology (GI) and hepatology. These efforts are demonstrated by the awardee’s substantial contributions in GI in the areas of practice expertise, leadership, mentoring, and collaborative activities that have an impact at the state, regional, national or international level. In 2023, this award is being given to the following two individuals.
Terasa M. Astarita, MS, APRN, ANP-BC, BCPA Terasa M. Astarita, MS, APRN, ANP-BC, BCPA, is helping to transform digestive care experiences and outcomes for the millions of Americans who struggle with GI disorders. Her impact is significant through her daily work with individual patients, in scaling access to evidence-based care via telehealth delivery, and in shaping the role of advanced practice providers (APPs) in collaborative clinical workforces. Ms. Astarita is a nurse practitioner nationally certified by the ANCC with over 20 years’ experience as an Advanced Practice Provider in gastroenterology and hepatology. As a founding member of the Oshi Health clinical team, she shaped the pivotal role that nurse practitioners and APPs play in Oshi’s care delivery as the quarterback of an integrated, collaborative care team. Oshi Health provides high-quality research-based GI care virtually in a revolutionary care delivery organization where patients have access to a specialized team of clinicians delivering care, including often overlooked dietary and behavioral health interventions that are proven to improve outcomes in GI. As Oshi’s clinical team grows to deliver care nationwide, Ms. Astarita models clinical excellence in the areas of intake, diagnosis, and care plan development and coordination. She serves as a leader and mentor to other APPs and all members of the Oshi Health care delivery team. As an extension of her clinical expertise, Ms. Astarita is a board-certified health advocate and a committed caregiver to her motherin-law. She is also a RYT© 500 (Registered Yoga Teacher), and passionate about helping to create a healthier community through wellness initiatives and making yoga more accessible within her community. Ms. Astarita is a dedicated advocate for advancing GI care and healthcare more broadly and an active member of the American College of Gastroenterology as well as the American Gastroenterological Association, staying at the forefront of best practices and groundbreaking research in gastroenterology.
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Andrea A. Gossard, CNP Andrea A. Gossard, CNP, is an Associate Professor of Medicine and a Director of NP PA Practice at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Her clinical and research interests are focused on the diagnosis and management of cholestatic and autoimmune liver diseases including primary sclerosing cholangitis, primary biliary cholangitis, and autoimmune hepatitis. Ms. Gossard is an Associate Fellow of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, member of the Governing Board, and Chair of the Hepatology Associates Special Interest Group. In addition to her American College of Gastroenterology membership, she is a member of the American Gastroenterological Association. Ms. Gossard was one of the founding members of Gastroenterology and Hepatology for Advanced Practice Providers (GHAPP), an association led by Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) and committed to education and professional development of APPs. She remains on the GHAPP Board of Trustees.
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Ms. Gossard has a passion for advancing the NP and PA professions and has worked tirelessly on this effort as demonstrated by multiple leadership roles over nearly two decades. In her personal time, she enjoys running, traveling with her husband and four children, and spending time at the lake.
2023 Samuel S. Weiss Award
The Samuel S. Weiss Award was established as a service award in commemoration of the founding father of the ACG, Samuel S. Weiss, whose efforts and initiative resulted in the establishment of the College in 1932. It is presented periodically, and not necessarily annually, to a Fellow of the College in recognition of outstanding career service to the American College of Gastroenterology. Nominations are solicited and reviewed by the Awards Committee and the recipients must be approved by the ACG Board of Trustees.
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Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FRCP, FACP, MACG, FRCPI, MWGO, is the David M. Underwood Chair of Medicine in Digestive Disorders, Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical Director of the Lynda K. and David M. Underwood Center for Digestive Disorders, Professor of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College at Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, Texas, and Adjunct Professor of Medicine at Texas A and M University. A native of West Cork in the most southerly corner of Ireland, Dr. Quigley attended Hamilton High School and Glenstal Abbey School and went on to graduate MB BCh BAO from the medical school at University College Cork (UCC), Ireland, where he also completed internship. He trained in internal medicine in Glasgow, Scotland where he also began his training in gastroenterology under the direction of Dr. Geoffrey Watkinson. Following a two-year research fellowship on gastrointestinal motility at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota under the direction of Dr. Sidney Phillips (which led to the award of MD by thesis) he completed training in internal medicine and gastroenterology in Manchester, UK where he served as a Lecturer in Medicine at the University of Manchester under Professor (now Lord) Leslie Turnberg. In 1986, he joined the faculty at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska where he rose to become a Professor of Medicine and ultimately served as Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Returning to Cork in 1998, he served as Dean of the Medical School at UCC for seven years and was a principal investigator at the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Center (now Institute) from its inception. He took up his current position in January 2013 as the foundation chief of the division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Houston Methodist Hospital. Over the years, Dr. Quigley has served as the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Governor for Nebraska, Director of the ACG Postgraduate Course and on several ACG Committees. He is a past editorin-chief of The American Journal of Gastroenterology and served as President of the College in 2008-2009. He also served as President of the World Gastroenterology Organisation. He has authored over 1,000 publications which include editing or coediting 22 books or monographs. He has received numerous awards and honorary titles world-wide. Dr. Quigley has been married for over 40 years to Dr. Una O’Sullivan and they have four children: Joanna, Killian, Finola and Aisling and five grandchildren; they have been a constant source of pride, support, and happiness. Interests outside of medicine include literature, music and sport and rugby, in particular. Despite his many overseas moves, Dr. Quigley remains a passionate supporter of Munster and Irish rugby.
2023 ACG Governors’ Awards The following three awards, presented for the first time in 1996, are given by the Board of Governors in recognition of outstanding service and commitment to the Board and to the College.
The ACG Junior Governor’s Award is given to an ACG Governor in the first term of service. Nominees demonstrate a clear commitment of service to the Board of Governors and show potential for future growth within the organization. Awardees have demonstrated service on ad hoc committees, national affairs, local and state legislative efforts, recruitment, correspondence with constituents, participation in regional meetings, speakers bureau or other special projects.
Christine Y. Hachem, MD, FACG Christine Y. Hachem, MD, FACG, is the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Governor for Missouri and a teaching physician at Saint Louis University. She specializes in esophageal diseases, motility disorders, and cystic fibrosis. Dr. Hachem received her medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine and completed her residency in internal medicine at Washington University in Saint Louis. She then completed her GI fellowship at Saint Louis University. Dr. Hachem is serving as the co-director of the Endoscopy School Hands-on Workshop Center for the 2023 ACG Annual Meeting. She has been a member of several ACG Committees including Educational Affairs where she chaired The American Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG) Journal CME sub-committee and the SelfAssessment Test sub-committee, Practice Parameters, Training, Women in Gastroenterology, and the Patient Care Committee which she chaired from 2019-2022. As ACG Governor for Missouri, Dr. Hachem has advocated for patients and physicians at both state and national levels. She attends the annual ACG Governors fly-ins and works closely with her local Missouri state GI society.
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2023 Junior Governor’s Award
2023 ACG Governors’ Awards (cont.)
2023 Senior Governor’s Award The ACG Senior Governor’s Award is given to an ACG Governor in the second or third term of service. Awardees have demonstrated a strong commitment to the Board of Governors in various areas such as service on ad hoc committees, national affairs, local and state legislative efforts, recruitment, correspondence with constituents, participation in regional meetings, speakers bureau or other special projects.
Russell D. Cohen, MD, FACG Russell D. Cohen, MD, FACG, AGAF, is a Professor of Medicine at the Pritzker School of Medicine in the Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology at the University of Chicago. He is the Co-Director of the Digestive Diseases Center, Director of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, and the Co-Director of the Advanced IBD Fellowship Program at UChicago. He currently serves as the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Governor for Illinois and Regional Councilor. Dr. Cohen earned his BS in biological sciences at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and his MD with honors at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. He completed his residency in internal medicine at Beth Israel Hospital/Harvard Medical School in Boston, and his fellowships in gastroenterology, senior fellowship in inflammatory bowel diseases, and was a Health Studies Scholar at the University of Chicago. Dr. Cohen's research interests include investigations of experimental pharmacological therapies, as well as studies analyzing quality of life and the economics involved in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. He has been Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator for nearly 200 research projects in his field. Dr. Cohen is an editor of three medical textbooks, and has coauthored more than 200 publications and video presentations. His work is published in prestigious scientific journals such as Gastroenterology, The American Journal of Gastroenterology, and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. He is a reviewer for multiple journals, including New England Journal of Medicine, Gastroenterology, Gut, and The American Journal of Gastroenterology, and is a former Associate Section Editor of the journal Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Dr. Cohen is the recipient of multiple honors and awards, and is named in Best Doctors in America, America’s Top Gastroenterologists, Top Doctors in the Chicago Metro Area, and Chicago Magazine’s Top Doctor in Gastroenterology. Dr. Cohen has served on numerous ACG Committees including Legislative and Public Policy, Membership, Nominating, Public Relations, and Research.
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Neil H. Stollman, MD, FACG
Dr. Stollman received his medical degree from the New York University School of Medicine and completed his Residency and Chief Residency in Internal Medicine at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University in New York. He also completed fellowships in gastroenterology and advanced therapeutic endoscopy at Jackson Memorial Hospital, University of Miami School of Medicine. Dr. Stollman has an academic and research interest in several areas, including Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) for C. difficile infection, diverticular disease, and eosinophilic esophagitis. His significant contributions to these topics have played a pivotal role in shaping recent national practice guidelines.
Dr. William D. Carey was elected Governor for Northern Ohio in 1987 and served as Chairman of the Board of Governors from 1988-1990. He has served the College as Treasurer and Trustee, and has chaired numerous College Committees. Dr. Carey is the first Chairman of the Board of Governors to be elected as President of the American College of Gastroenterology (1993). In honor of his years of distinguished service and because of the example he has set for other Governors an award will be given in his name. This award is reserved for an exceptional individual who has served the Board and the College with distinction. Nominees must show clear demonstration of outstanding contributions to the College such as service within leadership positions, participation in educational efforts, committee service or participation in research related activities. Governors serving their final term or those emeritus Governors who have completed service will be eligible to receive the award. Nominees must have a strong history of meritorious service to the Board of Governors.
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Neil H. Stollman, MD, FACG, is a member of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) Board of Trustees, and is currently the Chief of the Division of Gastroenterology at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland, California. Additionally, he is an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of California San Francisco. Dr. Stollman has served as the ACG Governor for Northern California for seven years (and was honored with the Junior Governor Award in 2015). In 2018-2020, he was Chairman of the Board of Governors. During his tenure, he contributed to various committees, including the Patient Care Committee, Clinical Guidelines, Credentials Committee, Nominating Committee, Membership Committee, and Educational Affairs Committee, as well as the Legislative and Public Policy Council.
2023 William D. Carey Award
2023 ACG International GI Training Grant Awards 2023 International GI Training Grant Recipient The ACG and the International Relations Committee are pleased to announce the recipient of the International GI Training Grant. This program, initiated in 1995, provides partial financial support to physicians outside the United States and Canada to receive clinical or clinical research training or education in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in selected medical training centers in North America. One grant of $10,000 has been awarded this year.
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Partha Pal, MD, DNB, MRCP (UK) Hyderabad, India Dr. Partha Pal from India plans to study Interventional IBD techniques, indications, and the finer details of endoscopic treatment of strictures, abscesses, and fistulas related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to augment his training as he works toward his goal of performing the procedures independently in his country and thus improving patient outcomes. Dr. Pal will train at Allegheny Health Network in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania under the direction of Dr. Gursimran S. Kochhar for 8 weeks. He intends to set up the first interventional IBD unit in his center of excellence of IBD at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology to not only serve the IBD patients, but also train other fellows in interventional IBD to disseminate the knowledge and skill throughout the country. Dr. Pal also intends to do collaborative research in this area where there is lack of prospective, controlled studies and literature is limited mainly to case reports/series/retrospective studies.
Yuying Luo, MD New York, New York Dr. Yuying Luo from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, plans to study at the Maastricht University Medical Center under the direction of Prof. Daniel Keszthelyi for four weeks.
The ACG and the International Relations Committee are pleased to announce the recipient of the North American International GI Training Grant. This program provides partial financial support to U.S. and Canadian GI fellows in training or GI physicians who have completed their training within the last 5 years, to receive clinical or clinical research training or education in Gastroenterology and Hepatology outside of North America. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited gastroenterology fellowship program or be a GI physician who completed their training within the last 5 years, and must also be citizens of the United States or Canada. One grant of $10,000 has been awarded this year.
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Dr. Luo's training will help her acquire fundamental skills in building a prospective, and longitudinal patient cohort specifically for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) where diagnostic criteria may be in flux; identify the critical clinical infrastructure needed to build a center of excellence for neurogastroenterology and integration with clinical research; and learn about innovative modalities for treating DGBI including neurostimulation and research methodology such as discrete choice experiments. Ultimately, she hopes this will also encourage more international collaboration in an underfunded area of gastroenterology and positively impact outcomes for patients with DGBI.
2023 North American International GI Training Grant Recipient
2023 Abstract Awards OUTSTANDING RESEARCH AWARDS These fourteen awardees are selected from among all abstracts submitted, with one winner in each category, excluding Clinical Vignettes/Case Reports, Endoscopy Video Forum and Pediatric GI. The award recipients are selected by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee.
Biliary/Pancreas Category Treatment of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Patients With Chronic/Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis Improves Treatment Satisfaction and Decreases Healthcare Utilization: Interim Findings From the PACT-CP Registry Jodie A. Barkin, MD, FACG1, Yasmin G. Hernandez-Barco, MD2, Samer Al-Kaade, MD3, Rahul Pannala, MD4, Janine Twal, PharmD5, Jennifer Pack, MSN, ACNP-BC6, Trudi Delk, PharmD7, Valerie J. Powell, BS, MS8, David C. Whitcomb, MD, PhD9; 1University of Miami, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, 2Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 3Mercy, Sunset Hills, MO, 4Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, 5Aimmune Therapeutics, a Nestlé Health Science Company, Bridgewater, NJ, 6 Nestle Health Science, Bridgewater, NJ, 7Aimmune Therapeutics, a Nestlé Health Science Company, Bridgewater Township, NJ, 8CorEvitas, LLC, Ringoes, NJ, 9University of Pittsburgh, UPMC, and Ariel Precision Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA
Colon Category Tenapanor Treatment Success for IBS-C Symptoms Increases With Duration of Therapy Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACG1, Yang Yang, PhD2, David Rosenbaum, PhD2; 1Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, 2Ardelyx, Inc., Waltham, MA
Colorectal Cancer Prevention Category Association Between Cold Snare Polypectomy Rate (CSPR) and Existing Endoscopist Quality Metrics: A New Frontier in Colonoscopy Quality Measurement? Seth D. Crockett, MD, MPH1, Rajesh Keswani, MD, MS2, Audrey H. Calderwood, MD, MS3, Jennifer Holub, MPH4; 1Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, 2Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, 3Dartmouth Health, Lebanon, NH, 4GI Quality Improvement Consortium, Ltd., Bethesda, MD
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Esophagus Category Efficacy and Safety of the Selective Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Receptor Modulator, Etrasimod, in Adult Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Primary Results From the Phase 2 VOYAGE Study Evan S. Dellon, MD, MPH, FACG1, Margaret H. Collins, MD2, Albert J. Bredenoord, MD3, Hamish Philpott, MBBS, MRCP, PhD4, Luc Biedermann, MD5, Márjori Dulcine, MD, MSc6, Thai Nguyen-Cleary, MD7, Chinyu Su, MD7, Jin Yu, PharmD8, Fabio Cataldi, MD9, Hanzhe Zheng, PhD7, Wenjin Wang, PhD7, Natalie V. Springveld, MD, PhD10, John C. Woolcott, PhD7, Ikuo Hirano, MD11; 1Center for Esophageal Diseases and Swallowing, and Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, 2Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, 3Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands, 4Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN), Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospitals, University of Adelaide, Elizabeth Vale, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, 5University Hospital Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 6Pfizer Brazil, São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 7Pfizer Inc., Collegeville, PA, 8Pfizer Inc., Spring House, PA, 9Arena Pharmaceuticals, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Pfizer Inc., San Diego, CA, 10Pfizer AG, Zürich, Switzerland, 11Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL
Functional Bowel Disease Category Effects of COVID-19 in Patients With Gastroparesis: An Analysis of Patients in the NIH Gastroparesis Registry Henry Parkman, MD1, Katherine Yates,2, Richard McCallum, MD3, Kenneth Koch, MD4, Irene Sarosiek, MD5, Robert S. Bulat, MD6, Thomas Abell, MD7, Braden Kuo, MD8, Zubair Malik, MD1, Gianrico Farrugia, MD9, Bruno Chumpitazi, MD10, Robert Shulman, MD11, Laura Miriel, BS12, James Tonascia, PhD12, Frank Hamilton, MD13, Pankaj Pasricha, MD, MBBS14, Madhusudan Grover, MD9; 1Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; 2Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD; 3TTUHSC, El Paso, TX; 4Wake Forest Universtiy, Wake Forest, NC; 5Texas Tech, El Paso, TX; 6Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD; 7University of Louisville, Louisville, LA; 8Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA; 9Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; 10Baylor College of Medicine, Bruno, TX; 11Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; 12Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; 13National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; 14Mayo Clinic Arizona, Scottsdale, AZ
General Endoscopy Category Endoscopist and Procedure-Level Factors Associated With Increased Adenoma Detection With the Use of a Computer-Aided Detection Device Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG1, David Lichtenstein, MD2, Daniel Chung, MD3, Sahin Coban, MD4, Yeli Wang, PhD5, Emma Navajas, BS5, Daniel Colucci, BS5, Shrujal Baxi, MD5, William Brugge, MD6; 1New York University Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY; 2Boston Medical Center, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA; 3 Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 4University of North Dakota, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, Grand Forks, ND; 5Iterative Health Inc., Cambridge, MA; 6Mount Auburn Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
GI Bleeding Category
Practice Management Category
The Clot Thickens – Hemostatic Powder as Primary Therapy in Non-variceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: An Updated Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis of Randomized Clinical Trials Dalton A. Norwood, MD1, Eleazar E. Montalvan-Sanchez, MD2, Chad Burski, MD3, Ramzi Mulki, MD4, Sergio A. Sánchez-Luna, MD4, Ali Mir Ahmed, MD3, Kondal Kyanam, MD4, Shajan Peter, MD3; 1UAB Minority Health and Health Equity Research Center, The University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL; 2Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; 3University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL; 4Basil I. Hirschowitz Endoscopic Center of Excellence, The University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL
"Open Table" Approach for Colonoscopy Direct Patient Self Scheduling via Patient Portal: A Pilot Program Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG1, Gary Kalkut,1, Mark Pochapin, MD, FACG1, Lucas Saland,2, Arielle Nagler, MD1; 1NYU Langone Health, New York, NY; 2Horace Greeley High School, New York, NY
Rising Incidence and Poor Survival of Enteropathy-Associated T-Cell Lymphoma Isabel A. Hujoel, MD1, Margaux Hujoel, PhD2; 1University of Washington, Seattle, WA; 2Broad Institute, Boston, MA
IBD Category
Stomach Category
Monitoring IBD by Intestinal Ultrasound Decreases Time to Treatment Change and Time to Remission in Comparison to Conventional Management Noa Krugliak Cleveland, MD1, Emma A. Picker, BA1, Natalie K. Choi, BA1, Scott Friedberg, MD2, David K. Choi, PharmD1, David T. Rubin, MD, FACG1; 1University of Chicago Medicine, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Chicago, IL, 2 University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Effect of Chronic Gastric Electrical Stimulation on Regeneration of Gastric Interstitial Cells of Cajal in Gastroparesis Patients Irene Sarosiek, MD1, Mohammad Bashashati, MD2, Ryan Torelli, BS3, Osvaldo Padilla, MD4, Brian Davis, MD5, Richard McCallum, MD4; 1Texas Tech, El Paso, TX; 2University of Texas Austin, Austin, TX; 3PLF School of Medicine, El Paso, TX; 4TTUHSC, El Paso, TX; 5Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX
Efficacy and Safety of EUS-Guided Hepatogastrostomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Vishali Moond, MD1, Priyadarshini Loganathan, MD2, Bhargav Koyani, MBBS3, Parth Patel, MD4, Shahab R. Khan, MBBS5, Lena L. Kassab, MBA6, Saurabh Chandan, MD7, Babu Mohan, MD, MS8, Arkady Broder, MD1, Douglas G. Adler, MD9; 1Saint Peter's University Hospital / Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ; 2University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX; 3Ascension Saint Francis Hospital, Evanston, IL; 4Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Chicago, IL; 5Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 6Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; 7Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE; 8University of Utah Health School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT; 9Center for Advanced Therapeutic (CATE), Centura Health, Porter Adventist Hospital, Peak Gastroenterology, Denver, CO
Liver Category Patterns of Abnormal MUC1 Expression in Patients with PSC and Cholangiocarcinoma Pamela Beatty, PhD1, Irene Yan,2, Fadi Francis, MD1, Raouf Nakhleh, MD2, Denise Harnois, DO3, Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, MACG2, Tushar Patel, MBChB2, Jana G. Hashash, MD, MSc, FACG2; 1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; 2Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; 3Mayo Clinic Florida, Jacksonville, FL
OUTSTANDING RESEARCH BY FELLOWS-IN-TRAINING AWARDS These fourteen awards are presented to a fellow-in-training on the basis of all abstracts submitted, with one winner in each category, excluding Clinical Vignettes/Case Reports, Endoscopy Video Forum and Pediatric GI. The award recipients are selected by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee.
Biliary/Pancreas Category Prospective Evaluation of Procedural Factors Related to False Negative Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) in Patients With Extrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma Manik Aggarwal, MBBS, Eric J. Vargas, MD, MS, John Martin, MD, Bret Petersen, MD, Aliana Bofill-Garcia, MD, Ryan J. Law, DO, Andrew Storm, MD, Barham Abu Dayyeh, MD, MPH, Vinay Chandrasekhara, MD; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Colon Category Early Onset Colorectal Cancer Mortality Is Higher in the Southeast U.S. and Significantly Associated With Poor Food Environment William K. Oelsner, MD, Arslan Kahloon, MD, Priya Vijayvargiya, MD; University of Tennessee HSC College of Medicine Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN
Obesity Category Development of a Virtual Reality-Based Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Simulator Utku Erden, BS1, Doga Demirel, PhD1, Onur Toker, PhD1, Suvranu De, PhD2, Mark A. Gromski, MD3; 1Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, FL; 2Tallahassee, FL; 3 Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 43
Interventional Endoscopy Category
Small Intestine Category
2023 Abstract Awards (cont.) Colorectal Cancer Prevention Category
IBD Category
Surveillance Colonoscopy After Endoscopic Resection of Large Laterally Spreading Tumors (≥20 mm) Detects High-Risk Synchronous Lesions Paul P. Shao, MD1, Wassem Juakiem, MD2, Leila Neshatian, MD, MSc3, Samer ElDika, MD4; 1Stanford University, Redwood City, CA; 281st Medical Group, Keesler Medical Center, Biloxi, MS; 3Stanford, Redwood City, CA; 4Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
Comparative Effectiveness of Upadacitinib vs Ustekinumab for Ulcerative Colitis at 8-16 Weeks: A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study Rahul Dalal, MD, MPH1, Govind Kallumkal, MD2, Heidy Cabral, BS, MD1, Salam Bachour, MD, MS1, Edward Barnes, MD, MPH, FACG3, Jessica R. Allegretti, MD, MPH1; 1Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, 2 University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, 3University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
Esophagus Category COuGH RefluX: Externally Validated Risk Prediction Score for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Symptoms Amanda J. Krause, MD1, Alexander Kaizer, PhD2, Dustin Carlson, MD, MS3, Walter W. Chan, MD, MPH4, Chien-Lin Chen, MD, PhD5, C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP6, Andrew Jenkins, MD4, John E. Pandolfino, MD, MSCI, FACG3, Vinathi Polamraju, MD7, Ming-Wun Wong, MD, PhD5, Maddi Greytak, BA8, Rena Yadlapati, MD, MS9; 1University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, 2University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO, 3Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, 4Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, 5 Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation and Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan, 6Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, 7Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, 8UC San Diego Health, La Jolla, CA, 9University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA
Functional Bowel Disease Category Efficacy of a Digital Prescription Mobile Application for Adults With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Mythili Pathipati, MD1, Luisa Scott, PhD2, Allen Griser, MS3, Kyle Staller, MD, MPH1; 1 Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 2Mahana Therapeutics, Austin, TX, 3 Mahana Therapeutics, Charlotte, NC
General Endoscopy Category Interventions to Improve the Quality of Screening-Related Colonoscopy: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials Rishad Khan, MD1, Marcus Vaska, MLIS2, Yibing Ruan, PhD2, Kareem Khalaf, MD1, Nasruddin Sabrie, MD1, Nikko Gimpaya, MEd1, Michael Scaffidi, MD, MEd3, Rishi Bansal, MD4, Darren Brenner, PhD2, Grigorios Leontiadis, MD, PhD4, Samir Grover, MD, MEd1, Nauzer Forbes, MD, MSc2; 1University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 3Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada, 4McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
GI Bleeding Category Over-The-Scope Clip vs Conventional Endoscopic Therapy for Bleeding Peptic Ulcers: An Updated Meta-analysis Sahib Singh, MD1, Babu Mohan, MD, MS2, Neil Sharma, MD3, Rakesh Vinayek, MD1, Sudhir Dutta, MD1, Michelle Le, MD4, Douglas G. Adler, MD5; 1Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, MD; 2University of Utah Health School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT; 3Parkview Health, Fort Wayne, IN; 4University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE; 5Center for Advanced Therapeutic (CATE), Centura Health, Porter Adventist Hospital, Peak Gastroenterology, Denver, CO 44 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
Interventional Endoscopy Category Selective Common Bile Duct Cannulation Time During Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography: Effects of Dexamethasone Muhammad Nabeel Shafqat, MD1, Najam-us-Sehar Saeed, MBBS, FCPS2, Salman Javed, MBBS, FCPS3, Muhammad Adil, MBBS4, Ghania Shafqat, MBBS, FCPS5, Fatima Akram, MBBS, FCPS5, Miqdad Haider, MD6, Auj Chaudhry, MBBS1, Sohail Khan, BSc7, Faizan Zahoor, MBBS, FCPS1; 1District Headquarter Hospital Gujranwala, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan; 2Gujranwala Medical College, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan; 3Services Institute of Medical Sciences, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan; 4District Headquarter Hospital-Gujranwala Medical College, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan; 5Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan; 6Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom; 7Instituite of Business and Information Technology, University of Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Liver Category Patients Receiving Simultaneous Liver-Kidney Transplant Have Improved In-Hospital Outcomes Compared to Patients in the Safety Net Pathway Richie Manikat, MD, Sudharshan Achalu, BA, Meera Bhargava, MS, Allison Kwong, MD, Xingxing Cheng, MD, Nakia Chung, MD, Paul Kwo, MD; Stanford University School of Medicine, Redwood City, CA
Obesity Category Outcomes of Anti-Obesity Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Agonists vs Revisional Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty for Weight Regain After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Case-Control Real World Experience Firas Bahdi, MD1, Sagar Shah, MD2, Fadi Dahoud, BSc1, Julia L. Boland, MD2, Maryam Farooq, MSEd1, Philip Kozan, MD2, Christopher Paiji, MD2, Jennifer Phan, MD3, Stephen Kim, MD2, Adarsh Thaker, MD2, Erik Dutson, MD2, Na Shen, MD1, V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS2, Danny Issa, MD2; 1David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 2UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, 3Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA
Practice Management Category Understanding the Landscape: The Emergence of AI, ChatGPT, and Google BARD in Gastroenterology Rajmohan Rammohan, MD, Melvin Joy, MD, Dilman Natt, MD, Sai Greeshma Magam, MD, Achal Patel, MD, Tulika Saggar, MD, Abhishek Tadikonda, MD, Jiten Desai, MD, Ana Rivera, MD, Paul Mustacchia, MD, MBA; Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, NY
Small Intestine Category Video Capsule Endoscopy in the Elderly Luis Chavez, MD, Bhavi Trivedi, MD, Jeff Angelo Taclob, MD, Sherif E. Elhanafi, MD, Monica Botros, MD, Ishan Al-Bayati, MD, Ricardo Badillo, MD, Vishwajeet Singh, PhD, Alok Dwivedi, PhD, Marc Zuckerman, MD; Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX
Stomach Category Quantification of Interstitial Cells of Cajal in the Gastric Muscles of Patients With or Without Gastroparesis Shazia Rashid, MD1, Michelle Neice, MD1, David Okuampa, MD1, Hailey Canezaro, MS1, Ross Dies, MS2, Karan Sachdeva, MD1, Elizabeth Armstrong, BA1, Victoria Andrus,1, Maryam Mubashir, MD1, Syed Musa Raza, MD1, Nazar Hafiz, MD1, James Traylor, MD2, Hidehiro Takei, MD2, Qiang Cai, MD, PhD, MACG1; 1LSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA; 2Louisiana State University, Shreveport, LA
ACG AUXILIARY AWARDS These three awards are presented by the Auxiliary to the best scientific paper or poster submitted by a fellow-in-training. The award recipients are selected by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee.
Optimizing Surveillance Strategies for Gastric Cancer in Lynch Syndrome: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Ji Yoon Yoon, MD, MSCR1, Emily Leven, MD1, Chin Hur, MD, MPH2, Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG3, Aimee Lucas, MD, MS1; 1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY; 2Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY; 3 Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Azizullah Beran, MD1, Mouhand FH. Mohamed, MD2, John Guardiola, MD1, Tarek Aboursheid, MD3, Alejandra Vargas, MD4, Khaled Elfert, MD5, Hala Fatima, MD1, Jeffrey Easler, MD1, Mohammad Al-Haddad, MD1, Nabil Fayad, MD1, Patrick E. Young, MD6, Samir A. Shah, MD7, Douglas K. Rex, MD8; 1Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN; 2Brown University, Providence, RI; 3Ascension Saint Francis Hospital, Chicago, IL; 4Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA; 5SBH Health System, Bronx, NY; 6Uniformed Services University, Gaithersburg, MD; 7 Gastroenterology Associates, Inc., Providence, RI; 8Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Fellow-in-Training Recipient Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma Presenting as Bilateral Breast Masses Yahia Al Turk, MD1, Raneem Takkeaddin, MD2, Zafar Quader, MD1, Michael Maitar, MD1; 1Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL; 2Damascus University, Springfield, IL
Physician (non-trainee) Recipient Therapy Associated Polyposis: A Case Series Hadie Razjouyan, MD, MPH, Thomas McGarrity, MD, Jason Aynardi, MD, Laurie Peiffer; Penn State University, Hershey, PA
ACG/NAOMI NAKAO GENDER-BASED RESEARCH AWARD This award, presented in conjunction with the ACG Women in Gastroenterology Committee and supported by Naomi Nakao, MD, ScD, FACG, is given to the best paper or poster, from all abstracts submitted, related to identifiying gender-based differences in gastrointestinal diseases as determined by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee. Women’s Health Disorders in a Celiac Disease Population: A Nationwide Cohort Analysis Rama Nanah, MD1, Arjun Chatterjee, MD2, Robana Nanah, MD3, Jehad Almasri, MD, MSc4, Osama Hamid, MBBS1, Ahmed Eltelbany, MD, MPH1, Claire Jansson-Knodell, MD1, Alberto Rubio-Tapia, MD2; 1Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, 2Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, 3University of Aleppo, Cleveland, OH, 4University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
ACG/RADHIKA SRINIVASAN GENDER-BASED RESEARCH AWARD This award, presented in conjunction with the ACG Women in Gastroenterology Committee, is named in memory of Radhika Srinivasan, MD, MACG, and is given to the best paper or poster, from all abstracts submitted, related to identifiying gender-based differences in gastrointestinal diseases as determined by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee. Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in Patients With Eosinophilic Esophagitis on Steroids Julton Tomanguillo Chumbe, MD, Frank Annie, PhD, Mark Ayoub, MD, Lauren Searls, DO, Vishnu Naravadi, MD; Charleston Area Medical Center, West Virginia State University Charleston Division, Charleston, WV
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Characteristics and Associations of Celiac Disease in Minorities Kara DiJoseph, DO1, Scott Weismiller, MD2, Paddy Ssentongo, MD1, Shannon Dalessio, BA1, Kofi Clarke, MD3; 1Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA; 2Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA; 3Penn State Health, Hershey, PA
ACG CASE REPORTS JOURNAL AWARDS These two awards are given to the best posters in the Clinical Vignettes/Case Reports category as determined by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee.
2023 Abstract Awards (cont.) ACG GOVERNORS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN CLINICAL RESEARCH The ACG Board of Governors presents five awards chosen from among all abstracts submitted. The award recipients are selected by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee.
Fellow-in-Training Recipients Disparity in Orthotopic Liver Transplant Listing With Respect to Race and Access to Care: An Analysis of the National Inpatient Sample 2016-2020 Christopher Chhoun, DO1, Fanchen Zhou, MBA2, Nielsen Gabriel, DO3, Marisa Pope, DO4, Neethi Dasu, DO5, Yaser Khalid, DO6, Jonathan Foster, DO1, Kwan Lau, MD3; 1Jefferson Health, Cherry Hill, NJ; 2University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 3Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; 4Jefferson Health, Stratford, NJ; 5Jefferson Health, New Jersey, NJ; 6Wright Center for GME/Geisinger Health System, Scranton, PA Plant-Based Meals Generate Lower Ammonia and Have a Unique Metabolomic Signature Compared to Meat-Based Meals Despite Similar Baseline Microbiome in Patients With Cirrhosis: A Randomized Clinical Trial Bryan D. Badal, MD, MS1, Andrew Fagan, BS2, Victoria Tate, RD2, Travis Mousel, RN2, Mary Leslie Gallagher, FNP2, Puneet Puri, MD2, Michael Fuchs, MD, PhD2, Brian Davis, MD2, Jennifer Miller, MD2, Masoumeh Sikaroodi, PhD3, Patrick Gillevet, PhD3, Leroy Thacker, PhD1, Jasmohan Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG4; 1Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 2Richmond VAMC, Richmond, VA, 3 George Mason University, Manassas, VA, 4Virginia Commonwealth University and Richmond VAMC, Richmond, VA
Physician (non-trainee) Recipients Impact of Gut Decontamination by Rifaximin in Patients With Predicted Severe Acute Pancreatitis: A Pilot Study Shivam Kalia, MBBS, MD1, Preetam Nath, MBBS, MD, DM2; 1Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa, India Skin Glue for Prevention of Fluid Leaks Following Therapeutic Paracentesis: A Randomized Trial Ahmed Alobaidi, MD1, Syed Rahman, DO1, Parvez Mantry, MD2, Kenneth Raney, MD1, Brad Pirtle, DO1, Hassan Allahrakha, DO3, Huda Khan, MD1, Minyang Cui, MSc4; 1Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Dallas, TX; 2Methodist Liver Institute, Dallas, TX; 3Methodist Dallas, Dallas, TX; 4Clinical Research Institute, Dallas, TX
The Impact of a CT Angiography-Guided Protocol for Severe Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding on Utilization and Outcomes David Wan, BS, MD1, Tracey Martin, MD2, Tamasha Persaud, MD1, Kevin Chan, MD3, Sunena Tewani, MD4, Patrick Scanlon, MD5, Patrick T. Magahis, BA1, Steven N. Mathews, MD6, Aiya Aboubakr, MD7, Lindsay Clarke, MD8, Srikanth Palanisamy, MD9, David Bodnar, MD1, Sara Murphy, DO, MS10, Brett Fortune, MD, MS11, Wenna Xi, PhD1, Jennifer I. Lee, MD1, Anuj Malhotra, MD12; 1Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY; 2SSM Health, St. Louis, MO; 3New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell, New York, NY; 4Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, West Windsor, NJ; 5New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell, New York, NY; 6New York-Presbyterian/Well Cornell Medicine, New York, NY; 7New York Presbyterian-Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; 8Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA; 9Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA; 10Mount Sinai, New York, NY; 11Montefiore Einstein, Bronx, NY; 12New York University Langone Health, New York, NY
ACG INTERNATIONAL AWARD The International Award is selected from the best scientific papers on the basis of abstracts submitted in any category and is presented to one recipient. The primary author may not be based in or be a citizen of the U.S. or Canada and all work must have been performed outside the U.S. and Canada. The award recipient is chosen by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee. Seladelpar Treatment Resulted in Correlated Decreases in Serum IL-31 and Pruritus in Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC): Post-Hoc Results From the Phase 3 Randomized, Placebo-Controlled ENHANCE Study Andreas Kremer, MD, PhD, MHBA1, Marlyn Mayo, MD2, Gideon Hirschfield, PhD3, Cynthia Levy, MD4, Christopher Bowlus, MD5, David Jones, PhD6, Charles McWherter, PhD7, Yun-Jung Choi, PhD7; 1University of Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX, 3Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Toronto, ON, Canada, 4University of Miami Health System, Miami, FL, 5UC Davis, Davis, CA, 6Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 7 CymaBay Therapeutics, Newark, CA
ACG LAWLOR RESIDENT AWARD The Lawlor Resident Award is presented annually in memory of the late Edward Lawlor, an executive of SmithKline & French, who had a distinguished career of outstanding contributions to the ACG and the gastroenterology community at large. The recipient is selected on the basis of abstracts submitted by residents-in-training. The recipient is chosen by the ACG Educational Affairs Committee. Sessile Serrated Lesion Detection Rate in Individuals With Positive Fecal Immunohistochemical Test Undergoing Colonoscopy: Results From a Large Nationwide Veterans Affairs Database Natalie Wilson, MD1, Anders Westanmo, PharmD2, Amy Gravely3, Mohammad Bilal, MD2, Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG4; 1University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 2Minneapolis VA Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, 3 Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN, 4NYU Langone Health, New York, NY
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THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY BOARD OF TRUSTEES is responsible for managing the affairs of the College. This includes overseeing all business required to carry out the objectives of the College, including election of Fellows and Members of the College, all publications and meetings as well as other programs and resources. As part of these responsibilities, the Board of Trustees obtains regular reports from and approves of the work of each Committee. The Board of Trustees includes the officers of the College as well as 10 Trustees elected from among the membership. Additionally, there are several ex officio members of the Board of Trustees, including the Director of the ACG Institute for Clinical Research and Education, Editors-in-Chief of The American Journal of Gastroenterology, and a designated Trustee for Administrative Affairs. This year has seen the College emerge fully from the pandemic and return in full to our efforts to support the needs of an ever-changing clinical GI landscape. As the structure of practices evolves, challenges put in place by insurers and regulators demand a response, and the needs of our patients continue to grow, the College has taken steps to embrace the best lessons learned during the pandemic, especially the way we can use technology to enhance collaboration while taking advantage of the increased opportunities to again gather together in person to learn and network on behalf of our members and their patients. We continue to introduce new and enhanced programming while returning to some of the tried-and-true programs that are most impactful such as live meetings, our legislative fly-in, and enhanced programs around leadership. We have retained a hybrid Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course again in 2023 as we push to meet our members where they are. The enhancements we have seen to the ACG Education Universe, including the outstanding educational modules for our advanced practice provider members and virtual grand rounds programs, both domestic each week and internationally as well, set the standard for top notch virtual clinical education in GI. Ultimately, our “North Star” continues to be providing not only top-quality clinical education and practice resources but also the important opportunities to gather with one another, learn from one another, and enjoy the collegiality that is a hallmark of our organization. This key operating philosophy of the College to “meet members where they are” shows up organizationally, with our Board of Governors representing the membership at the state and local level but also in the type of education and other resources we produce and provide for members and patients alike. The Board of Trustees represents a diverse geographical and subspecialty group as well as a wide variety of practice settings. This diversity has allowed the Board of Trustees to provide key guidance and direction for developing and continuing the strong, scientific clinical foundation supported by practical tools for practice management that have been employed throughout this year notwithstanding the challenges faced by our members as well as the organization itself. This combination of broad representation as well as a focused mission and vision of the organization that concentrates exclusively on the needs of GI clinicians and their practices, has led to the College being the professional home for a record number of members this year. Lastly, the Board of Trustees recognizes the outstanding efforts of the administrative staff in helping to build an incredibly strong organization that is well positioned to thrive no matter what challenges are presented.
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Vice President
Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG Charlottesville, VA
Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG Scottsdale, AZ
Amy S. Oxentenko, MD, FACG Rochester, MN
Costas H. Kefalas, MD, MMM, FACG Akron, OH
William D. Chey, MD, FACG Ann Arbor, MI
Immediate Past President
Past President
Trustee for Administrative Affairs
Director, ACG Institute
Chair, Board of Governors
Samir A. Shah, MD, FACG Providence, RI
David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG New York, NY
Irving M. Pike, MD, MACG Alamo, CA
Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), MACG Scottsdale, AZ
Dayna S. Early, MD, FACG St. Louis, MO
Vice Chair, Board of Governors
Co-Editor, AJG
Co-Editor, AJG
Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG Ridgewood, NJ
Jasmohan S. Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG Richmond, VA
Millie D. Long, MD, MPH, FACG Chapel Hill, NC
Jean-Paul Achkar, MD, FACG Cleveland, OH
Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG New York, NY
Immanuel K. H. Ho, MD, FACG Philadelphia, PA
James C. Hobley, MD, MSc, FACG Shreveport, LA
Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, MACG Chapel Hill, NC
Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG New York, NY
Neil H. Stollman, MD, FACG Oakland, CA
Renee L. Williams, MD, MHPE, FACG New York, NY
Patrick E. Young, MD, FACG Bethesda, MD
“Advancing gastroenterology, improving patient care” 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 49
Trustee David J. Hass, MD, FACG Hamden, CT
THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY BOARD OF GOVERNORS is one of the most unique aspects of the American College of Gastroenterology. Governors are ACG Fellows that are elected from the membership of a particular state or region. There are currently 77 Governors across seven different regions in the U.S. and abroad. The Board of Governors acts as a two-way conduit between the College's leadership and the membership at-large. This helps the College make certain it is meeting the evolving needs of the membership. In April the ACG Board of Governors and the ACG Early Career Leadership Program participated in the 2023 ACG Advocacy Day, meeting with their respective Representatives and Senators in Washington, DC. Among the highlights was the “Political Grand Rounds” luncheon with eight Members of Congress. ACG leaders also met with senior staff of HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. ACG recognizes the frustration in the GI field about prior authorization policies and reimbursement. GI practices are stretched and stressed. The focus of ACG Advocacy Day was to represent the interests of GI patients while educating congressional leaders on the issues that matter in clinical GI practice, including reforming Medicare reimbursement and addressing the obstacles of prior authorization. The legislative agenda includes: Support The Safe Step Act (S.652/H.R. 2630) A policy priority for ACG is to urge lawmakers to put patients first by supporting the Safe Step Act and urge others to become co-sponsors. The bill requires insurers regulated under ERISA to implement a clear and transparent process to request an exception to a step therapy protocol. Enact Inflationary Update to Medicare Physician Payments (H.R. 2474) This legislation provides an annual update to the Medicare physician fee schedule, tied to inflation and as measured by the Medicare Economic Index (MEI). The bill puts in place an annual physician conversion factor (CF) update starting in 2024 based on the MEI, which reflects physician practice cost inflation. Champion Efforts to Reform/Restrict Prior Authorization The advocacy day was also a great opportunity to share examples of the worsening burden prior authorization requirements present for GI practices. We are grateful to the leaders of the College, including ACG President, Dr. Daniel Pambianco, and Dr. Louis Wilson, who serves as Chair of the College's Legislative & Public Policy Council. We also thank all those who devoted their time and energy to making ACG Advocacy Day 2023 a success!
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Chair, Board of Governors
Vice Chair, Board of Governors
Dayna S. Early, MD, FACG St. Louis, MO
Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG Ridgewood, NJ
U.S. Governors
Governor for Alaska
Governor for Arizona
Governor for Arkansas
Governor for California – Northern
Brian F. Sweeney, Jr., MD, FACG
Shabana F. Pasha, MD, FACG
Gary A. Thomas, MD, FACG
Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG
Governor for California – Southern A
Governor for California – Southern B
Governor for Colorado
Governor for Connecticut
Governor for Delaware
Brennan M. Spiegel, MD, FACG
Fouad J. Moawad, MD, FACG
George R. Winters III, MD, FACG
Jill K. J. Gaidos, MD, FACG
David R. Beswick, MD, FACG
Governor for District of Columbia
Governor for Florida – Northern
Governor for Florida – Southern
Governor for Georgia
Governor for Hawaii
Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG
Jose M. Nieto, DO, FACG
Alison Schneider, MD, FACG
Julia F. Massaad, MD, FACG
Ankur Jain, MD, FACG
Governor for Idaho
Governor for Illinois
Governor for Indiana
Governor for Iowa
Governor for Kansas
Raquel Croitoru, MD, FACG
Russell D. Cohen, MD, FACG
Mohammad Al-Haddad, MD, MSc, FACG
William B. Silverman, MD, FACG
Mojtaba S. Olyaee, MD, FACG
Governor for Kentucky
Governor for Louisiana
Governor for Maine
Governor for Maryland
Governor for Massachusetts
Luis S. Marsano, MD, FACG
Neelima G. Reddy, MD, FACG
Mark R. Lena, MD, FACG
Rakesh Vinayek, MD, FACG
Adam S. Cheifetz, MD, FACG
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Governor for Alabama Mohamad A. Eloubeidi, MD, FACG
Board of Governors (cont.)
Governor for Michigan
Governor for Military
Governor for Minnesota
Governor for Mississippi
Governor for Missouri
Shanti L. Eswaran, MD, FACG
John Gancayco, MD, FACG
Prasad G. Iyer, MD, MS, FACG
Vonda G. Reeves, MD, MBA, FACG
Christine Y. Hachem, MD, FACG
Governor for Montana
Governor for Nebraska
Governor for Nevada
Governor for New Hampshire
Governor for New Jersey – Northern
Timothy D. Johnson, MD, FACG
Derrick D. Eichele, MD, FACG
Tomas Hinojosa, Jr., MD, FACG
Joseph C. Anderson, MD, MHCDS, FACG
Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG
Governor for New Jersey – Southern
Governor for New Mexico
Governor for New York – Brooklyn
Governor for New York – Long Island
Governor for New York – Manhattan
Adam B. Elfant, MD, FACG
Michael K. Bay, MD, FACG
Pierre Hindy, MD, FACG
Frank G. Gress, MD, MACG
Brian P. Bosworth, MD, FACG
Governor for New York – Northern
Governor for New York – Southern
Governor for North Carolina
Governor for North Dakota
Governor for Ohio – Northern
Shivangi T. Kothari, MD, FACG
Thomas A. Ullman, MD, FACG
Thomas M. Swantkowski, MD, FACG
John T. Bassett, MD, FACG
Sapna V. Thomas, MD, FACG
Governor for Ohio – Southern
Governor for Oklahoma
Governor for Oregon
Governor for Pennsylvania – Eastern
Governor for Pennsylvania – Western
Andrew B. Chun, MD, FACG
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG
Donald F. Lum, MD, FACG
Joyann A. Kroser, MD, FACG
Ralph D. McKibbin, MD, FACG
Governor for Puerto Rico
Governor for Rhode Island
Governor for South Carolina
Governor for South Dakota
Governor for Tennessee
Willie Vazquez, MD, FACG
Alyn L. Adrain, MD, FACG
Brenda J. Hoffman, MD, FACG
Jorge A. Gilbert, MD, FACG
Rathi Narayan, MD, FACG
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Governor for Texas – Northern
Governor for Texas – Southern
Governor for Utah
Governor for Vermont
Governor for Virginia
Jay N. Yepuri, MD, MS, FACG
Harish K. Gagneja, MD, FACG
Ann D. Flynn, MD, FACG
Peter L. Moses, MD, FACG
Anne G. Tuskey, MD, FACG
Governor for Washington
Governor for West Virginia
Governor for Wisconsin
Kunjali Padhya, MD, FACG
Justin T. Kupec, MD, FACG
Deepak V. Gopal, MD, FACG
Canadian Governors
Governor for Atlantic Provinces
Governor for Ontario
Governor for Western Provinces
Steven E. Gruchy, MD, FACG
Nikila C. Ravindran, MD, FACG
Yvette Leung, MD, FACG
Governor for Brazil
Governor for Central America
Governor for India
Governor for Italy
Governor for Japan
Wilson R. Catapani, MD, FACG
Marisabel Valdez, MD, FACG
Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, MACG
Edoardo G. Giannini, MD, PhD, FACG
Kazuhide Higuchi, MD, PhD, FACG
Governor for Mexico
Governor for Pakistan
Governor for Portugal
Governor for United Kingdom
Governor for West Indies
Oscar T. Teramoto-Matsubara, MD, FACG
Arif A. Nawaz, MD, FACG
Guilherme G. Macedo, MD, PhD, MACG
Sharat C. Misra, MD, FACG
Mike O. Mills, MD, FACG
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International Governors
THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY INSTITUTE FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION promotes the College's commitment to clinical research and physician and patient education. The ACG Institute's record to date is a source of pride, particularly its significant and expanding support of young clinical investigators. The ACG Institute has grown since its introduction in 1994, both in terms of the breadth of its investment in clinical GI investigators and the scope of its activities, which now include leadership development and education for physicians and patients. The success of the ACG Institute is due, in large part, to the commitment and support of the ACG Institute Board of Directors, the ACG Board of Trustees, the Board of Governors, and all the members who have participated in and continue to be part of, the Institute's work. Learn more about the Institute programs and commitment to learning, leadership, and clinical research in the Institute in Focus – a booklet showcasing the programs and important deadlines for the Institute's various offerings. The ACG Institute Center for Leadership, Ethics and Equity (The LE&E Center) The LE&E Center addresses the contemporary need for leadership training, equitable delivery of care, and ethically based decision-making with a suite of training programs and activities to provide transformational tools and experiences to GI clinicians. The programs under the LE&E Center include:
\ NEW – The ACG Emerging Leaders Program \ The ACG Early Career Leadership Program \ The ACG Advanced Leadership Development Program \ The ACG Clinical Research Leadership Program \ The ACG Health Equity Research Award \ The ACG Visiting Scholar in Equity, Diversity & Ethical Care \ Scholarships for High School Students through the Prescriptions for Success: Careers in Medicine High School Visit
54 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
Clinical Research Awards The ACG Institute awarded over $2.2 million in funding for clinical research in 2023 and will support the 2024 ACG Clinical Research awards for the following categories:
\ Junior Faculty Development Award ($450,000 total / $150,000 per year) \ Established Investigator Bridge Funding Award ($300,000 total / $150,000 per year) \ ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy ($50,000 / 1 or 2-year) \ ACG Health Equity Research Award ($75,000 / $50k year-one, $25k year-two based on progress) \ Clinical Research Award ($50,000 / 1-year) \ Pilot Research Award ($15,000 / 1-year) \ Resident Clinical Research Award ($10,000 / 1-year plus travel to ACG 2023) \ Medical Student Research Award ($5,000 / 6-10 weeks / plus travel to ACG 2023) NEW – ACG Emerging Leaders Program The Emerging Leaders Program aims to provide leadership training for fellows-in-training who are U.S.-based ACG member physicians (in their 3rd or 4th year of GI fellowship training) to explore their leadership potential. This program will reach fellows-in-training to develop, build, and maintain success as future leaders. Participants are immersed in coursework covering the skills needed as they look ahead to their career post-fellowship and begin to take on more leadership roles. The program includes a mix of lectures, Q&A, breakout sessions, role-playing exercises, and networking. ACG Early Career Leadership Program
The next class will meet at ACG 2023 and convene again in Washington, DC, with the ACG Governors in April 2024 for the legislative fly-in.
2022 / 2023 ACG Early Career Leadership Program Participants and Course Directors
ACG Advanced Leadership Development Program The Advanced Leadership Development Program aims to develop a cohesive group of peer leaders who will serve as problem-solving consultants for each other and the College. This program offers midcareer U.S.-based physicians (10-20 years post-fellowship completion) the opportunity to deepen comprehensive leadership skills. The first cohort met in 2022, and the program includes in-person and online courses. 2022 ACG Advanced Leadership Development Program Participants and Course Directors
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The Early Career Leadership Program develops future leaders in clinical gastroenterology by providing leadership and policy training to early-career U.S.-based ACG member physicians (1-5 years postfellowship completion). This immersive program of leadership training covers topics including impactful networking, emotional intelligence, negotiation, group dynamics, and team building.
The ACG Institute for Clinical Research & Education (cont.) ACG Clinical Research Leadership Program This signature program of the ACG Institute's Center for Leadership, Ethics & Equity will help train clinical investigators as scientific leaders, team managers, financial stewards of research dollars, and mentors. This unique interactive program will provide funded ACG clinician investigators with the skill set to start, grow, and successfully maintain an independent research program. The program aims to provide leadership training for early to mid-career clinical investigators who are U.S.-based ACG member physicians (between 2-15 years out of fellowship training) with active or recent ACG or Federal funding as a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator.
2023 ACG Clinical Research Leadership Program Participants and Faculty
ACG Edgar Achkar Visiting Professorships This program, which honors former ACG Institute Director, Edgar Achkar, MD, MACG, enables GI fellowship programs to host high-quality visiting professors to enhance the training program by providing lectures, small group discussions, and one-on-one visits with trainees and faculty. Additionally, this program allows community gastroenterologists to learn from an expert through an evening event or medical grand rounds. This year, the LE&E Center supported five ACG Visiting Scholars in Equity, Christopher D. Vélez, MD, served as the Visiting Scholar Diversity & Ethical Care. These diversity in Equity, Diversity & Ethical Care at Jefferson University. scholars educate institutions on the best ways to create awareness around the issues and challenges of delivering equitable care, respecting diversity, and instilling ethical decision-making. The ACG Visiting Scholars are an initiative of the LE&E Center. The G.U.T. Fund The Fund Grows, Uplifts & Transforms clinical GI.
Amy S. Oxentenko, MD, FACG, visits the fellows at the University of Connecticut.
The G.U.T. Fund is the ongoing campaign of the ACG Institute that makes possible innovative Institute programs such as the ACG Visiting Scholar in Equity, Diversity, and Ethical Care, Junior Faculty Development Awards, the Emerging Leadership Program, the Early Career Leadership Program, the Advanced Leadership Development Program, the Clinical Research Leadership Program, and much more. The G.U.T. Fund is supported by the ACG community, individual gifts, and industry contributions. Thousands of ACG members and supporters annually make philanthropic gifts that take the programs of the ACG Institute from GOOD to GREAT. Donors may make annual contributions or multi-year gifts to meet their philanthropic goals. Testamentary gifts and planned gifts are encouraged to guarantee the work of the ACG Institute far into the future and for ACG members to leave a lasting legacy of their life's work. Additional Programs To learn more about the ACG Institute's programs or to support the work of the Institute through the G.U.T. fund, please visit: gi.org/acg-institute or read the Institute in Focus booklet available online.
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ACG Institute 2022-2023 Board of Directors
Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), MACG Director, ACG Institute
Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG Chair, ACG Educational Affairs Committee
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG
Stephen T. Amann, MD, FACG
Delbert L. Chumley, MD, MACG
Timothy B. Gardner, MD, MS, FACG Chair, ACG Research Committee
Amy S. Oxentenko, MD, FACG ACG Vice President
Mark W. Russo, MD, MPH, FACG
Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG
Rena H. Yadlapati, MD, MSHS, FACG
Bradley C. Stillman, Esq. ACG Executive Director
Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), MACG Director, ACG Institute
Uchenna A. Agbim, MD Advocacy
Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG Equity
Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG Leadership
Lisa L. Strate, MD, MPH, FACG Research
Bradley C. Stillman, Esq. ACG Executive Director
Eric Esrailian, MD, MPH, FACG Ethical Care
2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 57
The LE&E Center Advisory Board
THE COMMITTEES OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY are where most of the “real” work of the College takes place day to day. Many of the most important and impactful policy decisions and new and ongoing projects and initiatives approved by the Board of Trustees begin with ideas generated and developed by various College committees. Indeed, the College leadership has often said that the committees are the lifeblood of ACG. In 1985, the College already had 18 different committees with over 100 members serving on them. By contrast, in 2023 the College has 24 separate committees, many of which have a number of subcommittees to handle the expanding workload for these critical pieces of our organization. Today, there are more than 800 members serving on committees. This level of engagement and participation provides a critical source of growth, strength, and leadership for the College. As the number of members in the organization has grown and the scope of activities has expanded exponentially, it is the committees that have been the engine driving this growth and making membership in the College ever more valuable and meaningful for our members and their patients. We invite you to take some time to review the incredible work and accomplishments of the ACG committees which is being done on your behalf as a member of the College. The committee membership has been selected for the next year and work is already underway. However, if you see something that sparks your interest for further engagement with your College, please visit the Committee section of the ACG website and fill out the online Join A Committee Form. Committee appointments are made each summer and new terms start in October.
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ADVANCED PRACTICE PROVIDERS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Monica R. Nandwani, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, Chair Sarah M. Enslin, PA-C, Vice Chair Mallory Anderson, FNP Corrie T. Berk, NP Amanda W. Charlton, NP Ricketta H. Clark, DNP Anthony Derencius, PA-C Kathleen A. Ferrell, PA Timothy Gebhart, FNP-C Janet L. Gripshover, CRNP Candice Hallmon, NP Liza Hillel, NP Victoria M. B. Howard, PA
Rhonda D. Jankovich, NP Michele Kissous-Hunt, PA-C Lenore Lamanna, ANP Sophia Lichenstein-Hill, DNP Victoria S. Louwagie, PA Karen K. Luken, NP Keisa M. Lynch, DNP, APRN, FNP Sharon R. Magalona, NP Gabriella McCarty, NP Nicole Mitchell, NP Rebecca S. Mooney, CRNP Kimberly D. Orleck, PA-C Sarah F. Osorio, NP
OBJECTIVES 1. Develop and provide relevant educational and professional resources for GI and Hepatology APPs. 2. Identify challenges in APP practice, share ideas, define best practices and create solutions that enhance delivery of services for patients. 3. Increase APP awareness of and engagement with the College. 4. Promote optimization of the role of APPs to enhance GI practice capacity and efficiency.
Education Subcommittee ACG APP GI Training Series: Introduction to GI Modules The primary goal of the Committee is to provide education and resources to advanced practice providers to further advance knowledge and best practices in gastroenterology and hepatology. The Committee, in conjunction with the Educational Affairs Committee and the Education Universe editors, has developed an online GI education series for APPs. This curriculum is a series of modules that covers both organ systems and disease states in gastroenterology and hepatology. It is geared towards APPs new to practice or new to GI/Hepatology. A total of 11 APP modules encompassing 92 lectures have been created and published in content areas including: colon, esophagus, functional, GI bleeding, hepatology, IBD, inpatient, mixed subject area, pancreaticobiliary, small bowel, and stomach. These
Monica R. Nandwani, DNP, RN, FNP-BC
modules are presented by APP and physician content experts and provide a total of 44.5 CME credits. Users can obtain CME credits by answering questions at the conclusion of each presentation. Content presentations are 15-30 minutes in length so users can easily complete each lecture. The modules are available for viewing on the ACG Education Universe: universe.gi.org/appmodule.asp and have been viewed over 19,000 times as of June 2023. The APP Education Subcommittee has conducted a review of the existing modules which will enable users to earn pharmacology continuing education credits for applicable modules. The APP GI Training Series can be readily integrated into an APP orientation program, used for adjunctive learning for GI/Hepatology practices, or to obtain continuing education credit required to meet certification requirements. These modules will be periodically reviewed and updated to remain relevant and consistent with current guidelines and best practices. Advanced APP Curriculum Stage two of the online curriculum development will be the development of advanced education modules in areas of IBD and hepatology, geared for the experienced APP. Awards Subcommittee NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence The NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence was developed in 2022. The APP Awards Subcommittee reviews nominations and forwards recommendations to the ACG Awards Committee for one community and one academic practice recipient. This award represents an opportunity to recognize an NP or PA who is a member of the College and has shown long standing contributions to advancing clinical practice. We are excited to announce this year’s recipients are Terasa M. Astarita, NP (community practice) and Andrea A. Gossard, CNP (academic practice). We encourage all ACG members to nominate an outstanding NP or PA for next year’s award. Three letters of recommendation are required for candidates (first letter must be from an ACG member who is either a nurse practitioner, physician assistant or physician; second 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 59
The ACG Advanced Practice Providers Committee was established by the ACG Board of Trustees in 2018. The Committee was initially comprised of a group of ten members. By 2023, it has expanded to 39 members from diverse practice backgrounds and locations. The Committee also has 4 subcommittees: Education, Awards, Practice Management, and Social Media and Member Engagement. If you are an APP ACG member and would like to join the APP Committee beginning in the fall of 2024, you can find more information on the ACG website: gi.org/about/committees.
Sarah C. Patel, PA Karen P. Perls, PA Jannine Purcell, CNP Alfred T. Reyno, PA Jamie D. Sanchez, RN, MSN, FNP-C Shayla A. Schoenoff, PA Sarah W. Sherman, NP Kristina F. Skarbinski, FNP Amy L. Stewart, FNP-C Jason J. Thomas, PA Hilary R. Ugras, NP Mary S. Vetter, ANP Lisa Zimmerman, PA-C
ACG's Committees (cont.) Advanced Practice Providers Committee (cont.) letter must be from a supporting physician who directly works with the nominee; and third letter may be from a practice administrator such as division or practice chair, APP supervisor/manager or equivalent practice/ office manager). Additional details for the NP/PA Award for Clinical Excellence nomination guidelines can be found on the ACG website: gi.org/about/awards/award-nomination-guidelines. APP Abstract Award The APP Awards Subcommittee, in conjunction with the Educational Affairs Committee has created a new APP Abstract Award. One award of $1,000 will be given to the primary author of the best abstract submitted by a certified nurse practitioner or physician assistant. This will be presented for the first time at the 2024 ACG Annual Scientific Meeting.
In July 2022, the subcommittee launched the ACG GI APP Group on Facebook and membership is growing rapidly. If you are an ACG APP member interested in joining the conversation with your colleagues via a private Facebook group, please send an email to info@gi.org and we will provide more information on access. The subcommittee also created an Advanced Practice Providers Working in Gastroenterology and Hepatology LinkedIn Group. Click the QR codes below to join. ACG GI APP Facebook Group:
Practice Management Subcommittee The goals of the Practice Management Subcommittee are to provide APP members with information relevant to practice operations, quality, safety, coding, and reimbursement. Toolbox Article This year, the APP Practice Management Subcommittee worked with the ACG Practice Management Committee to publish a Toolbox article, “Incorporating Advanced Practice Providers into GI Practice: Enhancing GI Care.” This article discusses multiple important aspects of incorporating APPs into a GI practice including APP-Physician collaboration, scope of practice, orientation and onboarding, education, leadership structures, and billing/reimbursement. The Toolbox Article was published in July 2023 and can be viewed on the ACG website: webfiles.gi.org/links/pm/ IncorporatingAdvancedPracticeProvidersintoGIPracticeEnhancingGICare.pdf. APP Survey The Practice Management Subcommittee designed and distributed an APP survey with the objective of assessing the current landscape of APPs in GI practices (collecting information on years of experience, role, areas of specialty, practice settings, leadership structures, practice expectations, compensation) with the goal of using this information to inform future projects. Social Media and Member Engagement Subcommittee The goals of the APP Social Media Subcommittee are to increase awareness of ACG resources and topics pertaining to APPs via various social media platforms, increase APP engagement, and create a venue to connect APPs with colleagues nationally and internationally.
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Advanced Practice Providers Working in Gastroenterology and Hepatology LinkedIn Group:
Other Projects 1. APP Committee representatives participated in the ACG 2023 Annual Meeting Planning Subcommittee meeting in January 2023. 2. ACG APP Resource Center: This is found under the membership tab on the main ACG website: gi.org/advanced-practiceproviders. Features of the webpage include an ACG APP monthly member spotlight, links to educational resources, training and fellowship programs, ACG member benefits and resources, career opportunities, clinical guidelines, access to the GI Circles, professional development resources, and patient education materials.
authorized by the Board of Trustees, championed by the Archives Committee, and edited by Lawrence Schiller, MD, MACG. The book (ISBN: 978-0-578-75242-6) is currently available for purchase at a special ACG member reduced price: members.gi.org/store. Additionally, complimentary copies of the book have been sent to more than 200 GI fellowship programs throughout the United States for the fellows in training. Several program directors subsequently contacted ACG to request additional complimentary copies, which have been provided.
Kenneth R. DeVault, MD, MACG, Chair Robert E. Kravetz, MD, MACG Irving M. Pike, MD, MACG John W. Popp, Jr., MD, MACG Rowen K. Zetterman, MD, MACG
Kenneth R. DeVault, MD, MACG
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS This Committee shall be responsible for gathering, assembling, maintaining and restoring records, photographs and historical memorabilia relating to past and present College activities, and organizing and displaying these materials periodically to the Membership, and compiling articles or monographs relating to the history of the College.
COMMITTEE REPORT Update on current and ongoing activities:
As the historical basis of the display, we are very fortunate that there is a history of the Women in GI Committee written by Robyn G. Karlstadt, MD, MACG. Part of the work of developing the display included updating this history as a valuable contribution to the archival work needed for the ACG centennial in 2032. Centennial Celebration Preparations ACG’s centennial will take place in 2032. Early planning for this milestone has begun to include the gathering of historical documents, interviews, and events. A Centennial video and accompanying publication are in the early conceptual stages.
ACG Member Recognition Each year the American College of Gastroenterology recognizes physicians who are completing 25 and 50 years of membership with a pin and certificate. In addition, members who advance to Fellowship in the College receive a copy of the A Look Back book. Historical Articles for ACG MAGAZINE The Archives Committee has three ongoing historical series that are published in ACG MAGAZINE. The first group are articles produced by our previous chair, Robert E. Kravetz, MD, MACG, entitled “A Look Back.” These articles describe artifacts that illustrate the history of gastroenterology. A second group of articles, “50 and 25 years ago in the Red Journal,” highlights the development of our field over the last half century. Finally, the Archives Committee has sponsored a third series of articles, “The Discoverers,” focusing on the contributions of individual gastroenterologists. The first of these featured Dr. Peter Gibson describing the development of the low FODMAPs diet, the second is an interview with Dr. John Fordtran about the discovery of GoLYTELY©, and the third was an interview with Dr. Douglas Drossman about the evolution of the concept of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction. Additional articles are in development.
A Look Back: Reflections on Medical History & Artifacts from the Pages of The American Journal of Gastroenterology The “A Look Back” article series appeared from 1999-2010 in the Red Journal, featuring the medical device collection with commentary by Robert E. Kravetz, MD, MACG. More recently, these same articles have been re-published regularly in the ACG MAGAZINE. These items and more from Dr. Kravetz’s collection are featured in a 200-page book 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 61
Historical Exhibit at ACG Annual Meeting An important initiative of the Archives Committee is the Historical Exhibit produced by ACG staff and displayed during the Annual Meeting. For 2023, the exhibit commemorates the 1993-1994 transition of the Women in GI Committee from Ad Hoc status to a full committee and the role of women in ACG.
ACG Past Presidents’ Interviews and Oral Histories For almost 30 years, video recordings of interviews with ACG Past Presidents have been collected and digitized. These are being reviewed by members of the Archives Committee and inventoried. Additionally, the oral histories of noteworthy leaders will be taken through virtual interviews.
ACG's Committees (cont.) AWARDS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Ronald J. Vender, MD, MACG, Chair Jessica R. Allegretti, MD, MPH, FACG Kathy P. Bull-Henry, MD, MBA, FACG Prabhleen Chahal, MD, FACG Grace H. Elta, MD, MACG Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, MACG Fritz Francois, MD, FACG Jorge L. Herrera, MD, MACG
Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG Shivangi T. Kothari, MD, FACG Baharak Moshiree, MD, MSc, FACG Vonda G. Reeves, MD, MBA, FACP, FACG Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACG Roy K. Wong, MD, MACG Jay N. Yepuri, MD, MS, FACG
Ronald J. Vender, MD, MACG
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS This Committee shall be responsible for coordinating all awards presented by the College, including plaques or certificates of appreciation and consideration of new awards.
OBJECTIVES 1. Comprehensive evaluation of award nominees. 2. Review and Update the Awards section of ACG website.
COMMITTEE REPORT 2023 Award Recipients Berk/Fise Clinical Achievement Award Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG Community Service Awards Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG Distinguished Mentorship and Teaching Awards Michael Camilleri, MD, MACG C. Prakash Gyawali, MD, MRCP, FACG
62 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG International Leadership Award Douglas R. Morgan, MD, MPH, FACG Master Awards Gary W. Falk, MD, MS, MACG Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, DM, MACG Frank G. Gress, MD, MACG Kim L. Isaacs, MD, PhD, MACG Irving M. Pike, MD, MACG Richard I. Rothstein, MD, MACG Michael F. Vaezi, MD, PhD, MSc (Epi), MACG NP/PA Awards for Clinical Excellence Terasa M. Astarita, NP Andrea A. Gossard, CNP Samuel S. Weiss Award Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG
Michael K. Bay, MD, FACG, Chair Alyn L. Adrain, MD, FACG Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG Joseph G. Cheatham, MD, FACG Sapna V. Thomas, MD, FACG Darrell D. Wadas, MD, FACG
Hetal A. Karsan, MD, FACG, Chair Promila Banerjee, MD, FACP, FACG Lea Ann Chen, MD, FACG William D. Chey, MD, FACG Meredith M. Clary, MD Prasad G. Iyer, MD, MSc, FACG Jonathan S. Levine, MD Benjamin H. Levy, III, MD Brian D. Liem, DO, FACG Mihir K. Patel, MD, FACG Alison Schneider, MD, FACG Micheal S. Tadros, MD, FACG Sasha Taleban, MD, FACG Julie Tobak, MD, FACG Shivakumar Vignesh, MD, FACG J. Brendan Wiggins, MD
Michael K. Bay, MD, FACG
Hetal A. Karsan, MD, FACG
This Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the Constitution and Bylaws of the College and recommending changes or additions to the Board of Trustees and Membership.
This Committee shall be responsible for reviewing all applications for Associate Membership, Advanced Practice Provider Membership, Resident/Trainee Membership, Membership, International Membership and Fellowship, and shall report its recommendations to the Board of Trustees at least twice annually.
OBJECTIVES 1. Monitor the programs, committees, and College activities, in order to incorporate any applicable changes or updates to the Bylaws. 2. Make suggestions to the Board of Trustees as appropriate regarding changes or updates to the Bylaws.
COMMITTEE REPORT The Committee had no Bylaws changes to recommend this year. The Bylaws are available for all members to review on the ACG website at webfiles.gi.org/docs/about/ACGBylaws.pdf.
1. Evaluate applications for membership to the College. 2. Work with the Governors so that criteria for Advancement to Fellowship are clear and encourage them to review membership yearly and contact members who seem eminently qualified for advancement. 3. Work with the Governors so that criteria for direct election to Fellowship are clear.
COMMITTEE REPORT The Credentials Committee met in person in October 2022 and by Zoom meeting in January 2023, April 2023, and June 2023. The Committee reviewed a total of 389 applications for Membership, Fellowship, and International Membership and made the following recommendations to the Board of Trustees: • 4 candidates were elected directly to Fellowship • 69 candidates were advanced to Fellowship • 151 candidates were elected to Membership • 165 candidates were elected to International Membership The Chairman reviewed and approved 1,201 applications for Resident/Trainee Membership and approved 668 applications for Associate and Advanced Practice Provider Membership from August 1, 2022-July 31, 2023. The total number added to the rolls by this report is therefore 2,189. The Committee will meet during the October Annual Meeting to consider additional applications for the period of June 2023 through October 2023. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 63
3. Promulgate changes to the Bylaws to the membership.
ACG's Committees (cont.) DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Parakkal Deepak, MD, FACG, Chair Shubha Bhat, PharmD, MS Abhishek Bhurwal, MD Steven L. Brint, MD, FACG Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu, MD, FACG Jeremy S. Ditelberg, MD, FACG Katie A. Dunleavy, MB BCh BAO Katie A. Falloon, MD Ronnie Fass, MD, MACG Jill K. J. Gaidos, MD, FACG
Ahmet Gurakar, MD, FACG Noah M. Hall, MD, FACG Dmitriy Kedrin, MD Trilokesh D. Kidambi, MD Truptesh H. Kothari, MD, MS, FACG Elizabeth V. Marsicano, MD Eric Montminy, MD Andrew M. Moon, MD, MPH Rafael A. Mosquera, MD, FACG Dhruvil K Radadiya, MD
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS This Committee shall have primary responsibility for oversight and strategic direction of the College websites and member publications, and shall curate content from ACG’s official scientific journals.
OBJECTIVES 1. Advise the College staff on the general direction, and key objectives for scientific, member communications and online communities. 2. Curate the content on the College’s Website and provide insight and user feedback. 3. Serve as the Editorial Board for the ACG MAGAZINE. 4. Mentor the ACG Case Reports Journal Editorial Board. 5. Identify appropriate communication channels.
COMMITTEE REPORT Evidence-Based GI, An ACG Publication, Dr. Philip S. Schoenfeld, Editor Since its launch in October 2021, EvidenceBased GI (EBGI) has continued its pattern of accomplishment and innovation. In an editorial in November 2022, Editor-in-Chief Philip S. Schoenfeld, MD, MSEd, MScEpi, FACG, reflected on EBGI’s inaugural year, “….[W]e’ve created multiple initiatives to enhance the educational value to members of ACG while remaining faithful to our core mission: providing evidence-based summaries of the best GI clinical research. GI research published in top general medicine journals, including New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine, and The Lancet is highlighted since these journals aren’t routinely reviewed by many ACG members. We’re dedicated to filtering the ‘wheat from the chaff’ to identify the 1%-2% of published GI research that is relevant to your 64 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
Erik F. Rahimi, MD Zeeshan Ramzan, MD, FACG Sanam D. Razeghi, MD Brett W. Sadowski, MD Nizar H. Senussi, MD Rucha M. Shah, MD Benjamin Tharian, MD, FACG Shifa Umar, MD
Parakkal Deepak, MD, FACG practice by utilizing evidence-based medicine critical appraisal techniques to identify well-designed studies that produce unbiased and clinically important results.” EBGI continues with its monthly publications and podcasts supported by a high level of social media engagement thanks to the group of EBGI Social Media Ambassadors. With weekly Wednesday “Tweetorials,” this dedicated group of GI fellows is supporting the EBGI editorial board by creating excitement and generating attention for the publication. Thanks to their efforts, the EBGI Twitter/X feed that launched in January 2023 has over 1,300 followers, as of August 2023. The monthly content can be accessed either as individual articles via gi.org/EBGI or as full issues formatted as a PDF that can be downloaded for easy reading. ACG Case Reports Journal (ACGCRJ) The committee helps support the GI fellows-in-training who serve on the ACG Case Reports Journal Editorial Board. Dr. Katie Falloon, a member of the committee and former Co-EIC of ACGCRJ along with Dr. Deepak, helped review the 21 applications for positions on the 2023-2024 board. Recommendations on a final board of two co-Editors-in-Chief and a group of Associate Editors are presented to the Board each June as part of the ACGCRJ report.
Members of the 2022-2023 ACGCRJ Editorial Board
ACGCRJ at 10 Years: “Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?” For the tenth anniversary of ACGCRJ, the Co-Editors-in-Chief, Tomoki Sepokuya, MD, and Nicholas McDonald, MD, wrote an editorial reflecting on the past, present, and future of the Journal. Read: bit.ly/ACGCRJ-at-10. Dr. McDonald and Dr. Sempokuya also wrote an editorial and recorded a “Beyond the Case” podcast on what constitutes a high-quality peer review. “How to Be a Great Peer Reviewer” published in December 2022. Social Media for ACG’s Three Journals @AmJGastro – Twitter/X Feed for The American Journal of Gastroenterology Since its launch in late September 2020, the @AmJGastro Twitter feed has grown to more than 8,800 followers as of August 2023, up from 6,296 followers as of September 2022. Active dialogue with authors who have been sharing links and comments on Red Journal papers and media coverage of ACG guidelines have in large part driven Twitter engagement for @AmJGastro. The College routinely re-tweets @AmJGastro posts through its Twitter handle @AmCollegeGastro, which has in excess of 37,100 followers with a goal of extending the reach and familiarizing the GI community with Red Journal science. @ACG_CTG – Twitter/X Feed for Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology CTG launched a Twitter/X presence in May 2021 and has 900 followers as of August 2023, up from 600 followers as of September 2022. The open access nature of this publication is ideal for social media sharing and Editor-in-Chief Brian C. Jacobson, MD, MPH, FACG, is actively engaged in sharing articles. The editors are committed to engaging via social media about key articles and interacting with authors. @ACGCRJ – Twitter/X Feed for ACG Case Reports Journal The ACG Case Reports Journal Twitter/X feed which launched in late June, 2021, now has more than 1,200 followers as of August 2023, up from fewer than 800 in September 2022.
ACG MAGAZINE is a glossy print quarterly publication offered as a signature benefit of ACG membership. As of August 2023, ACG MAGAZNE has published 21 issues since its launch in early 2017 and featured original contributions by scores of ACG members. The editorial team is always eager to hear from College members with story ideas and professional news. 2022 Issue 4: The cover story for ACG MAGAZINE 2022-4 celebrated the milestone of ACG’s 90th anniversary and created an opportunity to increase the audience for the historical project “ACG at 90: How It Started. How It’s Going.” beyond those who attended the ACG 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting in Charlotte. Working with designers from Fathom Creative in Washington, DC, the magazine team formatted the display for ease of reading and to create a way to save a print version of this information for posterity.
2023 Issue 2: Working with the ACG Patient Care Committee, ACG MAGAZINE published a cover story feature article, “Collaborative Patient-Centered Care: The Biopsychosocial Model of Care in Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction: Q&A with Douglas A. Drossman, MD, MACG, and Johannah Ruddy, MEd, of the Rome Foundation.” The article also reviews their recent book, Gut Feelings: The Patient Experience. The Q&A with Dr. Drossman is centered around questions suggested by the ACG Patient Care Committee regarding maximizing physician-patient communication in the treatment of disorders of gut-brain interaction. Dr. Scott Gabbard, Chair of Patient Care, reviewed the book for ACG MAGAZINE. Magazine Special Section: Trainee Hub Dr. Katie Dunleavy, a GI fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN is the current editor of the ACG MAGAZINE “Trainee Hub” section. She envisions and invites collaborators to develop articles of particular interest and relevance to GI fellows. In addition to the cover story she created the first issue of the year, Dr. Dunleavy has written about research by busy clinicians inspired by Dr. Patrick S. Katie Dunleavy, Kamath and his AJG Lecture in 2022. She MB, BCh, BAO wrote a thoughtful reflection on the North American Conference of GI Fellows in which she participated in 2023. She is a member of the Digital Communications & Publications Committee and is active on social media, helping to extend the reach of the Trainee hub articles and the magazine generally.
2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 65
2023 Issue 1: Dr. Katie Dunleavy, section editor of the magazine’s “Trainee Hub,” interviewed nine patient advocates living with a range of GI and liver disorders for a cover story, “Teaching with the Patient Voice: Integrating Patient Advocates into GI Fellowship Training.” The article features the perspectives of Tina Aswani-Omprakash, Jessica Caron, Erica Dermer, Ryan Piansky, Jeffrey Roberts, Alison Rosen, Alison Rothbaum, Brad Swiftney, and Melissa Adams VanHouten.
ACG's Committees (cont.) Digital Communications and Publications Committee (cont.) “GI Eye” Photo or Image The “GI Eye” photography series was introduced in 2021 as a forum for GI clinicians whose hobby and passion is photography to share wellcomposed photos from their lives and travels of any (non-endoscopic) subject that captures their imagination. The response to this special feature has been very positive and photographers are welcome to submit images. Recent contributors include: • Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, MACG, “Danube Waltz: Széchenyi Chain Bridge, Budapest” (2022-4) • Amy N. Stratton, DO, FACG, “Harmony: Undersea Photos at Mikomoto Island, Japan” (2023-1) • Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG, “Contemplating Eternity, the Camel Way: Pyramids of Giza, Egypt” (2023-2) • Linda Anh Bui Nguyen, MD, FACG, “Perspectives: The Tuileries Gardens, Paris” (2023-3) Ways to Contribute to ACG MAGAZINE ACG MAGAZINE seeks to identify contributors and story ideas which strengthen readers’ connection to the College and to their GI colleagues. ACG MAGAZINE serves as a venue to showcase the expertise and insights of ACG volunteer leaders, including the ACG Governors and many ACG committees. This demonstrates to readers the close connection their colleagues have with the College, the opportunity to contribute to ACG efforts, and how the College and the membership at large benefit from ACG member participation. ACG MAGAZINE welcomes story suggestions from all College members on an ongoing basis: ACGMag@gi.org. Read all issues of ACG MAGAZINE by visiting gi.org/ACGMagazine. Cross-Committee Collaborations The Digital Communications & Publications Committee and the magazine editorial team are grateful to several ACG committees for partnerships in publishing articles of interest to the College’s membership. Several notable and longstanding collaborations have been an important part of the success of the magazine. Recent examples of articles developed through committees and featured in the pages of ACG MAGAZINE include: Collaboration with FDA Committee • FDA Drug and Biologic Therapy Labels (2023-1) Collaboration with Innovation Committee • Innovator Interview: Dr. Bara El Kurdi in Conversation with Dr. Seth Gross (2023-1) Collaboration with International Committee • Dr. Evaristus Chukwudike: International Training Grant recipient (2023-1) • Dr. Artemis Trikola: International Training Grant recipient (2023-2) • Dr. Stella-Maris Chinma Egboh: International Training Grant recipient (2023-3) • Dr. Kartik Natarajan: International Training Grant recipient (2023-3) 66 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
Collaboration with Public Relations Committee (Infographics) • World IBD Day (2022-2) • Acid Reflux and GERD (2022-3) Collaboration with Patient Care Committee • Cover Story: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care with Dr. Douglas Drossman and Johannah Ruddy (2023-2) Collaboration with Practice Management Committee • Tools to Help Manage Prior Authorization: Concepts to Help Decrease the Hurdles (2022-3) Collaboration with Professionalism Committee • Embracing Access to Physicians and Establishing Boundaries, Sarah Horst, MD, MPH, FACG (2023-2) • Reclaiming Control of Your Schedule: Help Decrease Your Risk of Burnout, Amanda Pressman, MD, FACG (2022-4) Collaboration with Women in GI Committee • Conversations with Women in GI: Dr. Gaidos and Swapna Gayam, MD, FACG and Rabia de Latour, MD (2023-2) • Conversations with Women in GI: Dr. Gaidos and Anca Pop, MD (2022-4) • Conversations with Women in GI: Dr. Gaidos and Lauren Nephew, MD (2022-2) • Conversations with Women in GI: Dr. Gaidos and Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD, FACG (2022-3) • Paving the Way Forward: Women in Gastroenterology, Aby, et al. (2022-3) ACG Foodies e-Book • Published an e-book compilation of recipes and reflections, “Gastronomy and Gastroenterology: The Culinary Connections Collection, from the pages of ACG MAGAZINE,” edited by Dr. Christina Tennyson, Dr. Vani Paleti, and Dr. Alexander Perelman, the #ACGfoodies. (October 2022) ACG Blog ACG Blog (gi.org/ACG-Blog) and the weekly “Know ACG. Know GI.” email newsletter receive positive engagement and visibility among ACG members. These serve as platforms to promote critical deadlines and administrative news and to feature content from AJG, CTG and ACG Case Reports Journal, the Practice Management Toolbox, and the ACG Education Universe Video of the Week. The ACG President also publishes views and updates via ACG Blog. News surrounding topics like clinical research awards and colorectal cancer awareness activities, e.g., SCOPY Awards and advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill, are also featured on the blog.
DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG, Chair Abdillahi M. Abdinoor, MD Suha Abushamma, MD Tonya L. Adams, MD Somaya A. M. Albhaisi, MD Cassidy Alexandre, MD Mazer R. Ally, MD, FACG Adjoa N. Anyane-Yeboa, MD, MPH Sumant Arora, MD Fray M. Arroyo-Mercado, MD Sindhu Chadalawada, MD Victor Chedid, MD Lanla Conteh, MD Kalpit H. Devani, MD Corlan O. Eboh, MD Erina N. Foster, MD, FACG Cassandra D. Fritz, MD Venu Gangireddy, MD Lafaine Grant, MD Damanpreet K. Grewal, MD Vineet S. Gudsoorkar, MD Alexandra Guillaume, MD Nour Hamade, MD
Dominique E. Howard, MD, FACG Daniel S. Jamorabo, MD Alyson M. Johnson, MD Olufemi Kassim, MD Gordon Kim, DO Kondal R. Kyanam Kabir Baig, MD, FACG Adam C. Lessne, MD Zubair A. Malik, MD Jose R. Martin, MD, FACG Tracey Martin, MD Barani S. Mayilvaganan, MD, FACG Matthew B. McNeill, MD Cecilia Minano, MD Jose M. Nieto, DO, FACG Luis Miguel Nieto, MD Kenneth O. Obi, MD, FACG Leybelis Padilla, MD Krunal Patel, MD Sonali Paul, MD, MS Stephanie D. Pointer, MD Maricela Rangel-Garcia, MD Vonda G. Reeves, MD, MBA, FACP, FACG Benjamin D. Renelus, MD
Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG
OBJECTIVES 1. To heighten awareness of issues and strategies related to diversity, equity and inclusion by which the College can best serve the interests of all members and their patients. 2. To work collaboratively with other committees in providing input through a healthy equity lens on programming such as educational, research and community engagement activities conducted by the College. This includes serving as an advisory group to the College on health disparity-related issues among racial, ethnic, gender, LGBTQ+ and other minority groups that the College can be a leader in addressing through programming for all members and patients. 3. To promote and advocate for inclusive representation in College leadership and work with other committees to increase participation, visibility, and advancement of members from underrepresented backgrounds in College-related activities such as appointments as faculty of ACG educational programs. 4. To help educate students from minority populations and underserved groups about careers in medicine and gastroenterology, through outreach, mentorship and research opportunities. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 67
This Committee shall be responsible for heightening awareness of issues and strategies related to diversity, equity and inclusion by which the College can better serve the interests of all members and their patients. The Committee will work collaboratively with other committees in providing input through a healthy equity lens on programming such as educational, research and community engagement activities conducted by the College. This includes serving as an advisory group to the College on health disparity-related issues among racial, ethnic, gender, LGBTQ+ and other minority groups that the College can be a leader in addressing through programming for all members and patients. The Committee will also promote and advocate for inclusive representation in College leadership and work with other committees to increase participation, visibility, and advancement of members from underrepresented backgrounds in College-related activities such as appointments as faculty of ACG educational programs.
Nicolette J. Rodriguez, MD Dalbir S. Sandhu, MD, FACG Abhishek Seth, MD, FACG Kevin Y. Song, MD Belen A. Tesfaye, MD Nyree K. Thorne, MD Shifa Umar, MD Kenneth J. Vega, MD, FACG Vaibhav Wadhwa, MD Christina P. Wang, MD Shani H. Woolard, MD
ACG's Committees (cont.) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (cont.)
COMMITTEE REPORT The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee continues to work harmoniously to fulfill its mission to inform the College about health care issues among diverse population groups through a variety of programs: 1. The annual #DiversityinGI Virtual 5k celebrates the diversity of the GI profession, shines a light on a critical issue in gastroenterology and medicine, and creates a fun, healthy, and thoughtful event. Registrants run or walk on their own, log their activity online, take photos in race “swag” and celebrate via social media during the ACG 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting in October. The Virtual 5K is a chance for the entire GI community to show their support, get some exercise, and connect via social media in the weeks surrounding the ACG 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting (October 20-25, 2023). In total, the race raised more than $30,000 to support the ACG Summer Scholars Program. 2. The DEI Committee will be holding the inaugural ACG LGBTQ+ Pride Night Reception on Sunday, October 22, 2023, from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm Pacific, in Vancouver during the Annual Meeting. The Committee looks forward to welcoming LGBTQ+ attendees and allies to a safe and inclusive gathering for networking, mentorship and more. 3. The Summer Scholars Program is an 8 to 10-week structured clinical research experience for medical students in the U.S. from underrepresented racial/ethnic minority groups. The subcommittee, led by Dr. Somaya Albhaisi, selected the following recipients for the program: a. Elias Arellano Villanueva (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley); Mentor: Prasad G. Iyer, MD, MSc, FACG (Mayo Clinic) b. Bethlehem Michael (UCLA); Mentor: Helen B. Murray, MD (Massachusetts General Hospital) c. Cynthia Okafor (University of Texas Medical Branch); Mentor: Danny Issa, MD (UCLA)
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4. The Prescriptions for Success Program awarded three senior high school students from Hawthorne Academy of Health Sciences in Charlotte, North Carolina — Camora McRae, Taylor Slaughter, and Jaleah Spruill — the ACG Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Healthcare Scholarship, which includes an award of $1,000 for those students who are interested in higher education and a career focused on healthcare. 5. The Committee partners with the ACG Institute’s LE&E Center on the Health Equity Research Award (HERA). The 2023 recipient, Christopher Vélez, MD, of Massachusetts General Hospital, received a two-year award of $75,000 ($50k in year-one and $25k in yeartwo based on project progress). Applications for 2024 are due by December 4, 2023. 6. The Bonus On-Demand Session from ACG 2022 entitled, “Leadership, Diversity, Ethical Care, and Equity” was presented as a Virtual Grand Rounds on June 8, 2023. The session was moderated by Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG, and the speakers were Sonali Paul, MD, MS, Cassandra D. Fritz, MD, and Lauren D. Nephew, MD. A full recording can be found online on the ACG Education Universe.
EDUCATIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Christina Y. Ha, MD, FACG Fady Haddad, MD Andrew J. Han, MD Phillip K. Henderson, DO Edith Y. Ho, MD, MS, FACG Erik A. Holzwanger, MD Nicholas A. Hoppmann, MD Jennifer Horsley-Silva, MD Dominique E. Howard, MD, FACG Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG David P. Hudesman, MD, FACG Sumant Inamdar, MD Mohammad K. Ismail, MD Prasun K. Jalal, MD, FACG Laith H. Jamil, MD, FACG Pichamol Jirapinyo, MD, MPH Tonya R. Kaltenbach, MD, MS, FACG Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG Abraham R. Khan, MD, FACG Zubair Khan, MD Harshit S. Khara, MD, FACG Gursimran S. Kochhar, MD Shivangi T. Kothari, MD, FACG Pujitha Kudaravalli, MD Anand Raman Kumar, MD, MPH Stephen J. Lanspa, MD, FACG Luis F. Lara, MD Galen Leung, MD Darrick K. Li, MD, PhD Ian Lustbader, MD, FACG Mitchell A. Mahmoud, MD, FACG Lisa B. Malter, MD, FACG Emad Mansoor, MD
Noel B. Martins, MD Dejan Micic, MD, FACG Fouad J. Moawad, MD, FACG Mayssan Muftah, MD V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS, FACG Rishi D. Naik, MD Udayakumar Navaneethan, MD, FACG Judy W. Nee, MD Saowanee Ngamruengphong, MD Philip N. Okafor, MD, MPH, FACG Veeral M. Oza, MD Elizabeth R. Paine, MD, FACG Nasim Parsa, MD Neha V. Patel, MD, FACG Viral D. Patel, MD, FACG Pallavi Patil, MD Srikrisha V. Patnana, MD Jessica R. Philpott, MD, PhD, FACG Douglas K. Pleskow, MD, FACG Violeta B. Popov, MD, PhD, FACG Shreya Raja, MD S. Devi Rampertab, MD, FACG Rajani Rangray, MD Nikila C. Ravindran, MD, FACG Andrew R. Reinink, MD Seth J. Richter, MD, FACG Brett W. Sadowski, MD Ahmed Saeed, MD Tahira Saifuddin, MD, FACG Niloy Jewel Samadder, MD, FACG Jason B. Samarasena, MD, MBA, FACG David A. Schwartz, MD, FACG Neeral L. Shah, MD, FACG
Adjoa N. Anyane-Yeboa, MD, MPH Thomas M. Attard, MD Alexis Bayudan, MD Justin G. Brandler, MD Cuckoo Choudhary, MD Silvio W. de Melo, Jr., MD Vivian Figueroa Diaz, MD Brian M. Fung, MD Holly S. Greenwald, MD Alexandra Guillaume, MD Isaac Jaben, MD Jami A.R. Kinnucan, MD Noa Krugliak Cleveland, MD
Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG Irving Levine, MD Rajiv T. Majithia, MD, FACG Anjali Malkani, MD Mark C. Mattar, MD, FACG Benjamin D. McDonald, MD, PhD Andrew Moore, MD Megan E. Murphy, MD Inessa Normatov, MD Philip N. Okafor, MD, MPH Patrick I. Okolo, III, MD, MPH, FACG Amit Patel, MD, FACG Anjana A. Pillai, MD, FACG
Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG Amol Sharma, MD, MSc, FACG Kaveh Sharzehi, MD Mohamed Shoreibah, MD Asim Shuja, MD Jacob M. Skeans, MD Scott M. Smukalla, MD Kyle D. Staller, MD, MPH Arun C. Swaminath, MD, FACG Guru Trikudanathan, MD Asad Ur Rahman, MD Venkata Ranga Reddy Valluru, MD Kenneth J. Vega, MD, FACG Lavanya Viswanathan, MD, MS, FACP David W. Wan, MD, FACG Kenneth K. Wang, MD, FACG Xiao Jing Wang, MD H. Christian Weber, MD, FACG Rashad C. Wilkerson, DO Robert J. Wong, MD, MS, FACG Mohammad Yaghoobi, MD, FACG John Erikson L. Yap, MD Sonia S. Yoon, MD
Education Universe Editorial Board David T. Rubin, MD, FACG Editor Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACG Associate Editor Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG Associate Editor Lisa B. Malter, MD, FACG Associate Editor Fouad A. Otaki, MD Associate Editor Mitchell L. Shiffman, MD, FACG Associate Editor
Kamron Pourmand, MD Francisco C. Ramirez, MD, FACG Zeeshan Ramzan, MD, FACG Mona Rezapour, MD Yolanda Rivas, MD, FACG Neeral L. Shah, MD, FACG Amandeep Singh, MD Christina M. Steinhauser, DO Matthew J. Stotts, MD Sarah B. Umar, MD Kelly M. Zucker, DO
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Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG, Chair Elham Afghani, MD Monjur Ahmed, MD, FACG Joseph Ahn, MD, MS, MBA, FACG Olga C. Aroniadis, MD, MSc, FACG Sharjeel Arshad, MD Akwi W. Asombang, MD, MPH, FACG Ayse Aytaman, MD, FACG Jodie A. Barkin, MD, FACG Sean Bhalla, MD Asmeen Bhatt, MD, PhD Shrinivas Bishu, MD Wojciech C. Blonski, MD Peter S. Buch, MD, FACG Daniel W. Bushyhead, MD Freddy Caldera, DO, MS, FACG Steven L. Carpenter, MD, FACG Shannon Chang, MD, MBA Khadija H. Chaudrey, MD Raquel E. Davila, MD, FACG Larry M. Deppe, MD Banreet Dhindsa, MBBS Ahmed M. Dirweesh, MD David T. Dulaney, MD Ryan K. Fawley, MD Adam S. Faye, MD Paul Feuerstadt, MD, FACG Frank K. Friedenberg, MD David Fudman, MD Harish K. Gagneja, MD, FACG Seema R. Gandhi, MD, FACG Aaron S. Goldberg, MD, FACG Shilpa Grover, MD, MPH
ACG's Committees (cont.) Educational Affairs Committee (cont.)
ACG 2023
Over 4,900 abstracts were submitted, and nearly 70 of the top-rated abstracts were selected for oral presentation.
This Committee shall be responsible for all Postgraduate educational activities of the College including the Annual Postgraduate Course and the Scientific Program for the Annual Meeting of the College (including the solicitation of abstracts, the selection and invitation of special guest speakers, and the printing and distribution of the final Scientific Program). It shall be responsible for reviewing and approving all continuing education courses submitted to the College for approval or co-sponsorship, and enforcing all administrative and financial guidelines for the conduct of such courses. The Director of the Annual Postgraduate Course of the College shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
OBJECTIVES 1. Develop the final program for the Annual Scientific Meeting, including clinical symposia, bonus (formerly breakfast) sessions, and abstract presentations. 2. Develop CME and MOC activities, including Regional Postgraduate Courses, one-day Courses/Schools, Self-Assessment Tests, Virtual Grand Rounds, etc. 3. Curate and archive current content and develop new content for the Education Universe. 4. Evaluate and endorse international meetings to address the needs of our international members.
COMMITTEE REPORT The Educational Affairs Committee is committed to maintaining ACG’s role as a leading provider of high quality continuing medical and professional education for digestive disease health care providers. The Committee continues to establish state-of-the-art educational activities in a variety of venues and formats to allow ACG members and others to be lifelong learners regarding the prevention, treatment, and cure of digestive diseases. The Committee does so by soliciting suggestions and recommendations from our distinguished members and Fellows, as well as reviewing member-based needs assessment data, and data analyses of attendee evaluations from past meetings. The Committee looks forward to and will continue to bring quality CME to clinicians in the field of gastroenterology. The Educational Affairs Committee and its Subcommittees met on three occasions over the last year. The full committee met in October to discuss the past and upcoming year. The Annual Meeting Program Planning Subcommittee met in January 2023 to plan the educational offerings for the 2023 Annual Meeting. ACG 2023 is being offered as a hybrid event both live in Vancouver and with virtual components in October 2023. The Abstract Selection Subcommittee then met in July 2023 to select oral presentations, poster presentations, and abstract awards for the 2023 meeting.
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For the eleventh year, the College offered an Endoscopy Video Forum abstract category. Video abstracts focusing on endoscopic techniques, as well as challenging or unique cases, were invited for submission. Six abstracts were selected for presentation at the 11th Annual Endoscopy Video Forum. Authors of accepted videos will present their videos in person and answer questions from the judges and the audience. During the session, the audience, along with the judges, will vote to select the best video of ACG 2023. Forty-two of the top abstracts were identified as award recipients, each awardee receiving a $1,000 prize, including: 3 ACG Auxiliary Awards, 2 ACG Case Report Journal Awards, 28 Outstanding Research Category Awards (14 specifically for Trainees), 5 ACG Governors Awards for Excellence in Clinical Research, 2 Gender-Based Research Awards (the ACG/Naomi Nakao and ACG/Radhika Srinivasan Gender-Based Research Awards), 1 International Award, and 1 Lawlor Resident Award. In addition, late breaking abstracts of exceptional scientific merit were considered for oral presentation at the Annual Meeting. 4,258 abstracts were selected for poster presentation in 2023. Experts and College leaders will once again be asked to select the top presenter from their assigned categories and award them with an Outstanding Poster Presenter designation, distinguished by a red ribbon on the poster in Vancouver as well as a certificate of recognition following the meeting. The final program for the ACG 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting was developed collaboratively after extensive discussion with the Educational Affairs Committee, chaired by Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, MHCM, FACG, with input from ACG President Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG, and the ACG Board of Trustees. The program includes 15 bonus (formerly breakfast) sessions, 12 clinical symposia, nearly 70 oral presentations, and 4,258 poster presentations. On Friday, October 20, 2023, three additional educational offerings are available: 1. GI Pathophysiology – led by Course Co-Directors, Darwin L. Conwell, MD, MS, FACG, and Ikuo Hirano, MD, FACG, will feature live and streaming sessions from 7:00 am-12:30 pm Pacific. 2. What’s New in GI Pharmacology Course – led by Course Co-Directors, Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACG, and William D. Chey, MD, FACG, will feature live and streaming sessions from 1:45 pm-5:20 pm Pacific. 3. Practice Management Summit: Adaptation Is the New Norm – Creating Opportunity in Challenging Environments – led by Course Co-Directors, Manoj K. Mehta, MD, FACG, and Michelle L. Hughes, MD, will feature live sessions from 1:45 pm-6:30 pm Pacific, with ondemand sessions available following the course.
Access to courses on the digital platform will be available to both live and virtual attendees until March 31, 2024. Virtual-only attendees will be able to select an All Access Pass that includes all three ACG Friday courses paired with the Postgraduate Course and the Annual Scientific Meeting. A second all access pass option allows for the addition of the ASGE Friday Endoscopy Course. On October 21-22, 2023, the Postgraduate Course will be held under the leadership of Course Co-Directors Shivangi T. Kothari, MD, FACG, Baharak Moshiree, MD, MSc, FACG, and Renuka Umashanker, MD, FACG. The Self-Assessment Test, prepared under the direction of Olga C. Aroniadis, MD, MSc, FACG, with content from the Postgraduate Course faculty and Educational Affairs Committee members, will be distributed once again in booklet form to all in-person Postgraduate Course attendees; online access will be provided for ALL Postgraduate Course attendees. After completion of the SAT, learners will receive: • A personalized scoring profile, including overall and category scores as well as comparison data to their peers. • Detailed answers and explanations. • Supporting references with links in the online version to PubMed for further study. • An evaluation form to obtain AMA PRA Category 1 credits™ and ABIM MOC points. Additional Educational Initiatives/Projects Live Educational Offerings In addition to planning this year’s Annual Meeting educational activities, the Educational Affairs Committee has continued to work on the following future educational initiatives and projects: ACG’s IBD School & Southern Regional Postgraduate Course December 1-3, 2023 Renaissance Hotel Nashville, Tennessee 2024 Meetings ACG’s Endoscopy School & ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course January 26-28, 2024 Aria Resort Las Vegas, Nevada ACG/LGS Regional Postgraduate Course March 1-3, 2024 DoubleTree by Hilton New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana
ACG’s IBD School & ACG Eastern Regional Postgraduate Course Date and Property TBA ACG’s Hepatology School & ACG Midwest Regional Postgraduate Course August 23-25, 2024 Radisson Blu Mall of America ACG’s Functional School & ACG/VGS/ODSGNA Regional Postgraduate Course September 6-8, 2024 Williamsburg Lodge Williamsburg, Virginia ACG 2024 October 25-30, 2024 Pennsylvania Convention Center Philadelphia, PA Navigating the ABIM’s MOC Program The American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) continues to update the requirements for its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. ACG strives to do everything it can to make ABIM’s MOC process simple for members to navigate. As such, the College has MOC modules available for members at satest.gi.org and sapmoc.gi.org to make ABIM’s MOC process as easy as possible to fulfill. ACG continues to offer ABIM MOC points for all live meetings including the regional postgraduate courses, Friday Schools, as well as all the courses and bonus sessions at ACG 2023. ACG Online Self-Assessment Test The 2021 through 2023 Self-Assessment Tests (SAT) are available online, with each test featuring more than 300 multiple choice questions organized by organ system. The online SAT tracks user responses, provides overall/category scores and comparison data to other testtakers, as well as detailed explanations for each answer, and linked references for further study. This user-friendly study tool is an excellent choice for members who are preparing for the board/recertification exam, need CME/MOC credits, or are simply looking for a way to keep current in gastroenterology. ACG Education Universe The ACG Education Universe is an online, self-directed CME program that provides a way for all gastroenterologists to access outstanding tools in preparing for the GI boards, recertification, or obtaining necessary CME credits outside of the ACG meetings. Users can choose the topics they want to learn about, the format of the information, and how much time they want to devote to learning any given topic. A wide variety of educational materials including lectures, journal articles, and learning 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 71
2023 Meetings
ACG/FGS Annual Spring Symposium March 8-10, 2024 Naples Grande Beach Resort Naples, Florida
ACG's Committees (cont.) Educational Affairs Committee (cont.) modules allow the user to cater to their needs and interests. The system also tracks how much CME users earn and can print certificates, or a statement of CME credits completed. The ACG Education Universe also hosts a “Training Pathway” available to GI Program Directors and fellows that provides educational materials (lectures, journal articles, and self-assessment test questions) organized into categories that align with the GI Core Curriculum. Program Directors have the ability to assign homework to their GI trainees, comprised of content of their choosing, and monitor the trainees’ progress and completion of assignments. The Training Pathway also includes “A Gastroenterology Fellowship Program Director’s Toolkit: Utilizing Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) to Teach and Evaluate Fellows’ Performance in Communication, Professionalism, and Other Key ACGME Competencies.” ACG worked with NYU Langone School of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, to develop and make this Toolkit available. It includes all of the necessary instructions, materials, and templates needed for a training program to offer a comprehensive OSCE program. The materials include detailed clinical scenarios with evaluation objectives and related ACGME milestones; OSCE station set-up instructions; indepth character profiles and dialogue cues for the standardized patients or professionals; instructions for the participating fellows; checklists to assist the standardized patient and faculty observers in providing verbal feedback to the fellows; sample fellow report cards and evaluation surveys; and instructions on how to use these materials. Importantly, each clinical case is developed with the goal of evaluating the fellows’ performance in accordance with designated ACGME milestones. Virtual Grand Rounds In response to the changing needs of GI clinicians during the COVID-19 pandemic, ACG began offering Virtual Grand Rounds in March 2020. These weekly webinars are offered on Thursdays from 12:00 noon-1:00 pm Eastern and are rebroadcast from 8:00 pm-9:00 pm Eastern. They are open-access and offered on a variety of clinical GI topics. Registration for this popular activity has surpassed 76,000 clinicians. The College plans to continue offering these Virtual Grand Rounds as a valuable element of ACG’s educational programming. The majority of Virtual Grand Rounds are offered for both CME and ABIM MOC points. International Monthly Webinar Series The OPGE (Pan American GI Society) Monthly Webinar series was initiated in March 2019. Starting in March 2021, this opportunity was opened up to all international GI societies. Past and future topics can be accessed at gi.org/education/international-virtual-grand-rounds.
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New APP Abstract Award Category for ACG 2024 A new abstract award has been approved for launch with the ACG 2024 abstract selection process. The Outstanding Research Award by an APP offers up to one stipend in the amount of $1,000 to the primary author of the best abstract submitted by a certified nurse practitioner or physician assistant. International Endorsed Courses In an effort to expand the ACG’s educational offerings to our international members, the Committee approved the following 2023 international courses for endorsement by the College: First International All Women GI Endoscopy Live Workshop Women in GI Endoscopy AIG Hospital February 24-25, 2023 Hyderabad, Telangana, India WGO Climate Course for Global Gastroenterology WGO Climate Webinar Series – Online March 8-June 28, 2023 Seoul International Digestive Disease Symposium 2023 Grand Walkerhill April 8-9, 2023 Seoul, Korea ISHEN 20.23 International Society for Hepatic Encephalopathy & Nitrogen Metabolism September 27-29, 2023 Bad Zwischenahn, Germany EGHS-ACG Regional Meeting November 17-19, 2023 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
FDA RELATED MATTERS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Eric D. Shah, MD, MBA, FACG, Chair George G. Abdelsayed, MD, FACG Dawn M. Beaulieu, MD, FACG Kendall R. Beck, MD Kalyan R. Bhamidimarri, MD, MPH, FACG James B. Canavan, MD, PhD Amanda K. Cartee, MD Saurabh Chawla, MD, FACG Jacqueline N. Chu, MD H. Matthew Cohn, MD
Neal D. Dharmadhikari, MD Linda A. Feagins, MD, FACG Brian D. Ginnebaugh, MD Lawrence Goldkind, MD Stephen Hasak, MD Yasmin G. Hernandez-Barco, MD Justin T. Kupec, MD, FACG Vladimir M. Kushnir, MD, FACG Benjamin H. Levy, III, MD Jasbir S. Makker, MD, FACG
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS This Committee shall be responsible for maintaining and strengthening the College’s relationship with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as providing topical information to The American Journal of Gastroenterology and other ACG publications and meetings regarding GI drugs and devices that have been reviewed and/or approved by the FDA.
OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain and enhance an ongoing relationship with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
2. Provide updates, via The American Journal of Gastroenterology, SmartBrief, the ACG website, other media, and workshops or symposia, for our members on key issues stemming from FDA policies or decisions. 3. Serve as a resource for members to report adverse events (AEs) more easily.
COMMITTEE REPORT ACG FDA Related Matters and Innovation & Technology Committees Joint Symposium On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, the ACG FDA Related Matters Committee and ACG Innovation & Technology Committee will host a joint-committee symposium: “Moving Bariatric and Metabolic Device Innovation to Reality in Your Office.” The workshop will provide an overview of the regulatory issues on bariatric and metabolic devices, including an overview of the clinical trials, the reimbursement process, and incorporating into your clinical practice.
Eric D. Shah, MD, MBA, FACG
The ACG-FDA Fellowship Program The in-person ACG-FDA fellowship program continues to be on hold due to COVID-19. The Committee hopes to resume the application process in 2024. The ACG Board of Trustees approved the creation of the ACG-FDA GI Fellows Program. The program provides funding to support up to two fellows to participate each year along with a stipend to attend the ACG Annual Meeting to present and discuss the fellow's experiences. The fellow(s) will subsequently become a member of the FDA Related Matters Committee. FDA Network of Experts The College is also a member-organization of the FDA’s “Network of Experts.” This program is a vetted network of partner organizations and their member scientists, clinicians and engineers who can provide the FDA rapid access to expertise when it is needed to supplement existing knowledge and expertise within the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) and the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). FDA Committee Manuscripts The Committee routinely drafts manuscripts related to the FDA and clinical gastroenterology. These manuscripts are published in the Red Section of The American Journal of Gastroenterology or hosted on the FDA Committee section of the ACG website. FDA Safety Alerts & Meetings The Committee continues to highlight and notify ACG members when the FDA publishes safety alerts and other regulatory updates pertaining to clinical gastroenterology. ACG notifies membership through various communications tools and social media. The ACG FDA Related Matters Committee continues to host these safety alerts and recalls on ACG’s website. Committee members continue to monitor and attend important hearings at the FDA on behalf of the College.
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• To serve in an advisory role concerning gastroenterology products. • To assess impact of FDA decisions regarding drugs/devices and to inform ACG leadership and members. • To provide suggestions for the FDA GI Drug Advisory Committee. • To develop and maintain collaborative programs with the FDA.
Suresh Kumar Nayudu, MD, FACG Young Oh, MD, MS Harini Rathinamanickam, MD Fayez S. Sarkis, MD Tilak U. Shah, MD, MHS, FACG Adam F. Steinlauf, MD Chung Sang Tse, MD Eric J. Vargas, MD Shivakumar Vignesh, MD, FACG
ACG's Committees (cont.) FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE and services for the College membership on an ongoing basis. This model is in place for both the College and the ACG Institute for Clinical Research and Education where it was successfully implemented a number of years ago and has provided both security and flexibility that has enabled effective short and long-term planning. As we continue to operate during these times of uncertainty for GI practices in all settings, the College has benefited enormously from the financial security that the careful financial stewardship over many years have provided to the College for the benefit of the membership.
MEMBERS William D. Chey, MD, FACG, Chair Kenneth R. DeVault, MD, MACG Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG Costas H. Kefalas, MD, MMM, FACG Paul Y. Kwo, MD, FACG Jonathan A. Leighton, MD, FACG Irving M. Pike, MD, MACG
William D. Chey, MD, FACG
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS In cooperation with the Treasurer, this Committee will develop an annual operating budget and submit it to the Board of Trustees for approval. It will be the responsibility of this Committee to review the financial conditions of the College on a continuing basis and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding dues, investments, contributions and all other financial aspects of the College.
OBJECTIVES 1. Conduct annual audit and budget review. 2. Work with the Executive Director to prepare a new budget for presentation to the Board of Trustees at the Annual Meeting. 3. Review the performance of the College’s investment reserves. 4. Continue to refine the oversight functions of this Committee in the activities of the College.
COMMITTEE REPORT The Finance and Budget Committee reviews the overall financial status of the ACG and the ACG Institute. When appropriate, they make recommendations on how to finance the College’s activities and maintain adequate financial reserves, including recommending a budget for the coming year. The 2024 budget has been developed and approved by the Committee and sent to the Board of Trustees for review and approval. This year, the committee reviewed the audited 2022 Financial Statements for the College and the ACG Institute and recommended approval by the Board of Trustees. Previously, the College implemented changes to the cash balance reserve policy employed by the College recommended by the Committee which resulted in additional funds being made available to support the investment reserves of both the College and the Institute. In recent years, the College has implemented an endowment spend model that provides additional annual revenue to support the College budget each year based on an agreed upon percentage of investment reserves put forth by the Committee. The objective is to protect the investment principle while allowing the maximum amount of funds possible to support programs 74 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
This Committee continues to oversee transfers of funds to the ACG and the ACG Institute’s investment reserves to provide for the ACG and the ACG Institute’s long-term financial security and resource growth for the College in accordance with ACG policy, regardless of the ups and downs in the investment markets. The Committee is also responsible for overseeing and, when necessary, altering the College’s Investment Policy. After a very rough 2022 in the stock and bond markets, this year has seen a meaningful turn around and the College has continued to fulfill our investment goals and is closely watching the recommendations of the investment managers regarding short- and long-term market movement. The College and the ACG Institute continue to follow an investment policy which has multiple independent money managers following the same policy to enable easier comparison. The College’s investments are currently split between two investment firms, each relying on independent money managers following the same overall investment policy which gives flexibility in what specific investments or investment classes are employed. This model allows the Committee to compare the performance of one firm against the other as well as against key broader market benchmarks. This permits the Committee to consider restructuring our distribution and perhaps changing one of the managers depending on return-on-investment analysis. Performance evaluation is reviewed monthly by our Executive Director and Vice President, Finance and quarterly by the Committee. The Committee has also elected to continue its practice of holding an in-person meeting with one of the investment firms during the Annual Meeting where they will see a presentation of the College’s performance as well as the overall market situation. Since the changes put into place in 2008, the cost to manage the investment funds has been treated as a budgeted expense item rather than a deduction from the investment accounts. The Board of Trustees agreed with the Committee that this would not only increase transparency of the cost of investment management but also increase the investment yield over the long term. The ACG Investment Guidelines are reviewed at least annually and received some minor updates in 2021 to adjust some of the limits on various classes of investment holdings at the request of the investment managers in response to the pandemic impacts on the markets. The cash balance reserve policy requires that 50% of the annual operating budget to be available in either cash or other liquid assets. We are continuing to consider and review different investment vehicles for the College’s financial reserves, including a property investment which includes the College’s new home which staff moved into at the beginning of 2023, and all of which will adhere to the investment policies of the College.
INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG, Chair Vladimir M. Kushnir, MD, FACG, Vice Chair Paul A. Akerman, MD, FACG Amer AlSamman, MD Ganesh S. Aswath, MD Thomas J. Borody, MD, FACG Alan Brijbassie, MD, FACG Adam Buckholz, MD Daniel Castaneda, MD Prabhleen Chahal, MD, FACG Jean Chalhoub, MD Alyssa Y. Choi, MD Marta L. Davila, MD, FACG Bara El Kurdi, MD
Sarah M. Enslin, PA-C Balwant Singh Gill, MD, DNB Daniel J. Greenwald, MD Frank G. Gress, MD, MACG Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG Daniela Guerrero Vinsard, MD Yasmin G. Hernandez-Barco, MD Prasad G. Iyer, MD, MSc, FACG Laith H. Jamil, MD, FACG Toufic Kachaamy, MD Adam J. Kichler, DO Christopher Y. Kim, MD, FACG Swati Pawa, MD, FACG Ryan B. Perumpail, MD
OBJECTIVES To evaluate innovation and technology needs in the field of gastroenterology and hepatology for our members. The Committee is comprised of members with specific expertise and interest in GI technology. There are also liaisons from related ACG Committees to align work and avoid duplicative projects.
Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG
ACG Technology E-Blasts The Committee develops a series of technology e-blasts providing a brief summary of technology-related abstracts presented at previous ACG Annual Meetings. ACG FDA Related Matters and Innovation & Technology Committees Joint Symposium On Tuesday, October 24, 2023, the ACG FDA Related Matters Committee and ACG Innovation & Technology Committee will host a joint-committee symposium: “Moving Bariatric and Metabolic Device Innovation to Reality in Your Office.” The workshop will provide an overview of the regulatory issues on bariatric and metabolic devices, including an overview of the clinical trials, the reimbursement process, and incorporating into your clinical practice.
ACG Members Education The committee provides educational guidance on new technology and endoscopy, focusing on practical tips for the GI clinician and use of technology as a means to reduce physician burnout. The committee works with ACG course directors and leaders to help develop this guidance.
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Tech Assessments and Subject-Matter Expertise ACG routinely receives coverage-determination assessment requests from insurers dealing with new technology. This committee provides the subject matter experts and formulates ACG’s response/feedback to these organizations.
Aparna Repaka, MD Peter J. Sargon, MD Drew B. Schembre, MD, FACG Omer Shahab, MD Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG Amandeep K. Shergill, MD, FACG Manish B. Singla, MD, FACG Anthony Sofia, MD Jason R. Taylor, MD, FACG M'hamed Turki, MD Sachin B. Wani, MD Brandon A. Wuerth, MD
ACG's Committees (cont.) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sarah K. McGill, MD, MSc, FACG, Chair Bincy P. Abraham, MD, MS, FACG Patricia Ajayi-Fox, MD Muhammad A. Altaf, MD Sunil P. Amin, MD Avinash Aravantagi, MD Bhavana Bhagya Rao, MD Somasundaram Bharath, MD, FACG Moheb Boktor, MD, FACG Gregory Brennan, MD Wilson R. Catapani, MD, FACG Saleem Chowdhry, MD Kenechukwu O. Chudy-Onwugaje, MD Sonja P. Dawsey, MD Silvio W. de Melo, Jr., MD, FACG Uzoamaka Kimberly Dike, MD Moamen Gabr, MD Neil P. Galletly, MD, FACG Edoardo G. Giannini, MF, PhD, FACG
Balwant Singh Gill, MD, DNB Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, MACG Nalini M. Guda, MD, FACG Kazuhide Higuchi, MD, PhD, FACG Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG Madhu S. Iyengar, MD Mahendran Jayaraj, MD Afrin N. Kamal, MD Hamid Kamran, MD, FACG Kunut Kijsirichareanchai, MD, FACG John J. Kim, MD, FACG Na Li, MD, PhD Gene K. Ma, MD Guilherme G. Macedo, MD, PhD, MACG Anand Madan, MD, FACG Mitchell A. Mahmoud, MD, FACG Amir Masoud, MD, FACG Julia F. Massaad, MD, FACG Mike O. Mills, MD, FACG
Sharat C. Misra, MD, FACG Kiran R. Nakkala, MD, FACG Arif A. Nawaz, MD, FACG Borko Nojkov, MD Shabana F. Pasha, MD, FACG Mukesh S. Paudel, MD Swati Pawa, MD, FACG Pranav Periyalwar, MD, FACG Jobin Philipose, MD Sarah K. McGill, MD, FACG Nikila C. Ravindran, MD, FACG Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD, MSc Amandeep Singh, MD Oscar T. Teramoto-Matsubara, MD, FACG Virendra Tewari, MD, DM Kevin Tin, MD David J. Truscello, DO Luis R. Valdovinos, MD Santhi S. Vege, MD, MACG
7. Evaluate the international component of the ACG website.
This Committee shall be responsible for developing materials and program concepts to address the needs and interests of the College’s international membership and promoting the ACG in the international community.
8. Work with the Board of Governors to clarify roles and responsibilities of International Governors.
OBJECTIVES 1. Examine the Annual Meeting for enhancements that would make it more attractive and comfortable to international members by identifying topics of global interest. 2. Consider issues that would make membership of the ACG more attractive and feasible for international gastroenterologists. 3. Consider tangible benefits of membership for international members. 4. Review College publications to identify those which would have value to international members. 5. Establish guidelines for co-sponsorship of carefully selected international meetings by the ACG; coordinate planning of these programs working closely with the Educational Affairs Committee. 6. Oversee the applications and selection of the recipients of the International Training Grants and review the formal final report from the recipients of their experience, including a letter from their mentor. 76 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
9. Perform periodic surveys of international members regarding ACG services to work towards developing materials and programs specifically designed to address the needs and interests of our international members. 10. Host the International Attendee Reception at the ACG Annual Meeting.
COMMITTEE REPORT International Training Grants The Committee is responsible for soliciting applicants and evaluating proposals for two international training grants. One grant supports a gastroenterologist from outside the U.S. to come for training in North America. The other provides support to send a member practicing in North America for short-term specialized training abroad. The Committee collaborated with ACG staff to more intensely market the International GI Training Grants which led to a robust response from applicants this year: 15 applications for the International Grant and 5 for the North American Grant. The applications were reviewed and scored by the Grant Review Subcommittee, and subsequently discussed by the full Committee, with approval of the Board of Trustees.
2023 International Training Grant Awardees – $15,000 Dr. Partha Pal from India plans to study Interventional IBD techniques, indications, and the finer details of endoscopic treatment of strictures, abscesses and fistulas related to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) to augment his training as he works towards his goal of performing the procedures independently in his country and thus improving patient outcomes. He will train at Allegheny Health Network in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania under the direction of Dr. Gursimran S. Kochhar for 8 weeks. He intends to set up the first interventional IBD unit in his center of excellence of IBD at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology to not only serve the IBD patients, but also train other fellows in interventional IBD to disseminate the knowledge and skill throughout the country. He also intends to do collaborative research in this area where there is lack of prospective, controlled studies and literature is limited mainly to case reports/series/retrospective studies. 2023 North American International Training Grant Awardee – $10,000 Dr. Yuying Luo from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, plans to study at the Maastricht University Medical Center under the direction of Prof. Daniel Keszthelyi for four weeks. Her training will help her acquire fundamental skills in building a prospective, and longitudinal patient cohort specifically for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) where diagnostic criteria may be in flux; identify the critical clinical infrastructure needed to build a center of excellence for neurogastroenterology and integration with clinical research; and learn about innovative modalities for treating DGBI including neurostimulation and research methodology such as discrete choice experiments. Ultimately, she hopes this will also encourage more international collaboration in an underfunded area of gastroenterology and positively impact outcomes for patients with DGBI. Subcommittees • Oversees the ACG International Facebook page, whose membership is over 2,300, and frequently posts ACG content to members • Collaborate with ACG’s International Governors • Work with ACG’s social media staff for international colon cancer awareness and other initiatives International Training Grants
• The subcommittee is working with the ACG International Governors and international GI Societies to create joint webinars. • In 2023, the following international webinars took place: • February 15, 2023: Mexican Association of Gastroenterology, “Post-COVID-19 Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction/ Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders” • February 28, 2023: Indian Association of Gastroenterology, “Endoscopic Management for Chronic Pancreatitis” • April 19, 2023: University of Calabar Teaching Hospital Nigeria, “EoE in Pediatrics” • May 16, 2023: Mexican Association of Gastroenterology, “Biologics in IBD (presented in Spanish)” • June 30, 2023: Italian Society of Gastroenterology, “Upper GI Bleeding: An ACG Guideline” • August 1, 2023: Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology, “Focal Liver Lesions: Diagnosis and Management” • August 22, 2023, Mexican Association of Gastroenterology, “Gastroparesis” Other Initiatives • Publish profiles highlighting ACG International Members in the ACG MAGAZINE. The first profile of Fabian Emura, MD, FACG, will be published in the Fall Issue. • The Committee is pleased to continue to support the International Attendee Reception which takes place on Sunday, October 22nd from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm Pacific at ACG 2023 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. ACG Endorsement / Participation in International Meetings The Committee works with international societies to identify opportunities for the College to affiliate with international societies, as well as to endorse and support international meetings through participation of ACG leaders as faculty. The following were endorsed/ supported in 2023. ACG Endorsement / Participation in International Meetings:
• For 2024, the subcommittee will create an instructional guide with tips for filling out the application and plans to do a call for preceptors to develop a list of host institutions and training opportunities in North America.
Indian Society of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting January 5-8, 2023 Jaipur, India ACG sponsored 2 faculty members for this meeting.
• Starting with the 2024 grants, U.S. Green Card Holders/Permanent Residents are now eligible to apply for the North American International Training Grant.
Japanese Gastroenterology Association 19th Annual Hybrid Meeting February 3-4, 2023 Tokyo, Japan ACG sponsored 1 faculty member for this meeting.
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Social Media
International Webinar Series
ACG's Committees (cont.) International Relations Committee (cont.) Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting February 23-26, 2023 Lahore, Pakistan ACG sponsored 1 faculty member for this meeting. Best of ACG in India March 10-12, 2023 Chennai, Mumbai and New Delhi, India Seoul International Digestive Disease Symposium 2023 April 8-9, 2023 Seoul, Korea ACG endorsed this course. Association of West Indian Gastroenterologists (AWIG) Annual Meeting April 20-22, 2023 Montego Bay, Jamaica ACG sponsored 1 faculty member for this meeting. ISHEN 2023 September 27-29, 2023 Bad Zwischenahn, Germany ACG endorsed this course. PanAmerican Congress October 8, 2023 Santiago, Chile ACG is sponsoring 2 faculty members for this meeting. Mexican Association of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting November 18-22, 2022 City of Merida, Yucatan, Mexico ACG is sponsoring 2 faculty members for this meeting. Indian Society of Gastroenterology Annual Meeting December 21-24, 2023 Bangalore, India ACG sponsored 2 faculty members for this meeting.
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LEGISLATIVE AND PUBLIC POLICY COUNCIL MEMBERS Louis J. Wilson, MD, FACG, Chair Dayna S. Early, MD, FACG, Vice Chair Alyn L. Adrain, MD, FACG Manasi Agrawal, MD, MS Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG Stephen T. Amann, MD, FACG R. Bruce Cameron, MD, MACG Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG
Russell D. Cohen, MD, FACG Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, MACG Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG Christopher Y. Kim, MD, FACG Caroll D. Koscheski, MD, FACG Joyann A. Kroser, MD, FACG Baharak Moshiree, MD, MSc, FACG Jose M. Nieto, DO, FACG Amy S. Oxentenko, MD, FACG
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS The ACG Legislative and Public Policy Council will engage in policy development and provide analysis regarding national affairs, public policy, and practice management to improve the legislative, regulatory, and practice management activities, and provide for a process to better align these initiatives to enable practicing gastroenterologists to provide optimal patient care.
OBJECTIVES The ACG Legislative and Public Policy Council is designed to align the legislative, regulatory, practice management activities, and related communications of the College.
Louis J. Wilson, MD, FACG
The Council reviews feedback from the ACG Board of Governors, projects underway/planned by the ACG Practice Management and FDA Related Matters Committees, as well as ACG’s current state/ national advocacy initiatives. From there, the Council will finalize recommendations regarding ACG’s public policy and practice management initiatives, including: 1. Recommending agenda and topics for the ACG Board of Governors and ACG Advocacy Day. A highlight of the 2023 ACG Advocacy Day was the “Political Grand Rounds” luncheon with eight members of Congress, led by Chair Louis Wilson, MD, FACG. 2. Recommending feedback/topics from ACG Governors for the ACG Practice Management and FDA Related Matters Committee’s consideration. The Council provides health practice legal and coding advice for members. These membership benefits help ACG members navigate through the myriad of legal and coding challenges GI practices face on a day-to-day basis. 3. Recommending topics to pursue at the state and local level and identifying key stakeholders and local partners. Working with the ACG Board of Governors, national/state medical societies, and patient advocates across the country, the Council was also instrumental in stopping United Healthcare from implementing prior authorization rules for many GI services (scheduled to begin June 1). 4. Aligning these recommendations across the College’s relevant committees of jurisdiction, coalitions, and leadership. 5. Working with the College’s communications teams and committees to develop a communications strategy, highlighting these initiatives to the ACG membership at-large.
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The Council is made up of a Council Chair, Chair of ACG Board of Governors (Council Vice-Chair), Vice-Chair and Past-Chair of ACG Board of Governors, 5 U.S. Regional Councilors, Chair and Vice-Chair of ACG Practice Management Committee, Chair of FDA-Related Matters Committee, Chair of ACG Quality Council, various ACG Physician Representatives to outside organizations, 6 At-Large ACG members, and the ACG Vice-President (liaison to ACG Board of Trustees, 1-year term).
Ramona O. Rajapakse, MD, FACG March E. Seabrook, MD, FACG Eric D. Shah, MD, MBA, FACG Brian F. Sweeney, Jr., MD, FACG Sapna V. Thomas, MD, FACG Patrick E. Young, MD, FACG
ACG's Committees (cont.) MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG, Chair Alyn L. Adrain, MD, FACG Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG John T. Bassett, MD, FACG Russell D. Cohen, MD, FACG
Nicole H. Harrison, MD Keerthana Kesavarapu, DO Jose M. Nieto, DO, FACG Nikila C. Ravindran, MD, FACG Brian F. Sweeney, Jr., MD, FACG
Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG
This Committee shall be responsible for encouraging qualified individuals to apply for membership in the College and for assessing the value of membership, ensuring that the College addresses the needs and desires of all its constituents, enhancing membership participation in College activities, and facilitating communications with potential applicants.
ACG membership has grown to well over 19,000 members with continued growth in all categories of membership. The Membership Committee is led by the Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors and comprised of the ACG Governors Regional Councilors, and at least one representative from each of the following: an advanced practice provider, a trainee member, an early career/junior faculty member, and a member in private practice. ACG Governors continue to promote membership locally and play an active role in seeking out members who may qualify for Fellowship in the College and encouraging such members to apply for FACG status.
OBJECTIVES 1. Ensure the continued membership growth of the ACG in all categories. 2. Recruit more women, under-represented minorities, advanced practice providers, and practice leadership (e.g., managers) into the membership. 3. Continue outreach to GI Program Directors and GI trainees for membership. 4. Recognize the impact of membership diversity through programs and projects designed to meet the specific and unique needs of different groups of College members. 5. Provide our members with tools and resources to allow them to provide the best care for their patients. 6. Support our members with resources and mentorship to enhance their professional success. 7. Continue efforts to encourage qualified members to apply for Advancement to Fellowship in the College. 8. Evaluate member satisfaction and institute follow-up on issues to ensure continued member satisfaction and increase participation in College activities. 9. Provide recommendations to the Board of Trustees on membership issues, requests, retention, and recruitment.
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The Committee has been working on the following initiatives over the past year: ACG Committee Cross Collaboration The Membership Committee is cross collaborating with the Practice Management and Innovation and Technology Committees to develop a comprehensive manual for non-clinical endoscopy center staff to serve as an educational tool for our members and their staff. The Endoscopy Unit Orientation Manual will be available for members to download in October 2023. Membership Recruitment The Committee focused their recruitment efforts this year on reaching out to non-member attendees from our Annual Meeting, Abstract Presenters, Regional Meetings, and Virtual Grand Rounds. Each campaign was segmented by audience, geared around the application deadlines, and showcased ACG benefits.
PATIENT CARE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Scott L. Gabbard, MD, FACG, Chair Allan W. Barbish, MD, FACG Allison M Bush, MD Jennifer X Cai, MD, MPH Matthew A. Chin, MD Michael V. Chiorean, MD, FACG Cuckoo Choudhary, MD Justin A. Crocker, MD, FACG John DeBanto, MD, FACG Sravanya Gavini, MD Ari M. Grinspan, MD, FACG Lauren T Grinspan, MD, PhD Jeffery Groce, MD Milli Gupta, MD Victoria M. B. Howard, PA Elizabeth S. Huebner, MD, FACG
Rizwan Jafri, MD Neha Jakhete, MD Daniela Jodorkovsky, MD, FACG Ariel Jordan, MD Avanija Kanmanthareddy, MD Ashwani Kapoor, MD, FACG Sundip S. Karsan, MD, FACG Maia Kayal, MD, MS Dennis Kumral, MD Stephen W. Landreneau, MD, FACG Alisa Likhitsup, MD Jared S. Magee, DO Patrick K. McCabe, MD Muhammad A. Memon, MD James D. Morris, MD, FACG Neilanjan Nandi, MD
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS The Committee shall be responsible for educating the membership in all matters pertaining to office management, patient education, and practice of gastroenterology.
OBJECTIVES 1. Provide up-to-date, balanced education on gastrointestinal disease and procedures to patients 3. Increase Patient Engagement with the College
COMMITTEE REPORT The ACG Patient Care Committee is charged with developing educational materials for ACG members and patients. Digital health information is an important resource for patients and the Committee works to ensure the College is offering accurate and up-to-date topics via the ACG Website’s Patient Education pages at patients.gi.org. A major activity of the Committee is to oversee and update sections of the patient education site.
Scott L. Gabbard, MD, FACG
Patient Care Website Updates 2023 has been a busy year for the committee. The year consisted of updating the ACG Patient Care webpage, patients.gi.org, to make sure the content is recent and relevant. Committee members were asked to update the content and create new content in areas that are regularly seen in practice but not included in the previous patient care resources. The committee has also begun to enhance the usability of the patient care pages by working with experts towards making sure each page meets a 6th grade literacy level and modifications to make the website look more modern and contain more images and diagrams. Next steps include enhanced searchability, the addition of QR Codes, and the addition of sharing tools. ACG and GastroGirl Podcasts and Red Journal Questions The New Media Subcommittee presents relevant content in new and engaging ways including patient-centered podcasts and patientcentered questions submitted to the Red Journal editors who record a new topic each month. GastroGirl hosts a podcast each month where Jackie Gaulin interviews expert physicians on various patient-centered topics. Epic One-Pager ACG has partnered with Epic to add clinical resources for patient files that physicians can print as part of the patient after-visit summary. These one-pagers are a simple summation of the particular disease state they are dealing with and will have a QR code that leads them to the ACG Patient Care site. These documents will include IBD-centered documents that will be produced in conjunction with the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 81
2. Stewardship of the content of the ACG Patient website
Leila Neshatian, MD, MSc Guillermo A. Ortiz, MD Ami J. Panara, MD Malav P. Parikh, MD Neil D. Parikh, MD Brian P. Riff, MD Richard P. Rood, MD, FACG Abbas H. Rupawala, MD Rohit Singhania, MD, FACG Abhinav Tiwari, MD Drew Triplett, DO Ganesh R. Veerappan, MD, FACG Jean S. Wang, MD, PhD, FACG Allison L. Yang, MD
ACG's Committees (cont.) PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Yolanda Rivas, MD, FACG, Chair Muhammad A. Altaf, MD Thomas M. Attard, MD Adrian Chapa-Rodriguez, MD Sandeep Kumar Gupta, MD, FACG Girish Hiremath, MD, MPH
Prasanna K. Kapavarapu, MD Anjali Malkani, MD Inessa Normatov, MD Joseph Runde, DO Joe Woolley, DO
Yolanda Rivas, MD, FACG
This Committee shall be responsible for promoting the exchange through the College both for what ACG can do to better serve the interests of pediatric gastroenterologists and pediatric patient populations and serving generally as a channel through which pediatric gastroenterologists can contribute to the improvement and benefit of the College and its members, assisting with efforts to actively encourage membership of pediatric gastroenterologists in the College, developing means to increase participation and visibility of pediatric gastroenterologists within the College generally, encouraging submission of papers relating to pediatric gastroenterology to The American Journal of Gastroenterology, and identifying and bringing forth ideas to make the ACG Annual Meeting more attractive to pediatric gastroenterologists.
1. We continue to reach out to all Pediatric GI Fellowship Program Training Directors by email to encourage pediatric GI fellows to join the ACG and attend the Annual Meeting.
4. Future project: Assessing adult GI practitioner readiness for providing care to adolescent and young adult patients with special GI needs as they transition from pediatric care to adult health care models.
1. Increase the membership level of pediatric gastroenterologists in the ACG. 2. Promote the benefits of ACG membership for pediatric gastroenterologists. 3. Increase level of involvement in the ACG Annual Meeting by pediatric gastroenterologists. 4. Encourage the submission of abstracts for the Annual Meeting. 5. Encourage the submission of manuscripts to The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 6. Encourage increased Committee representation by pediatric gastroenterologists.
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2. The Committee worked with the ACG Education staff for the fourth consecutive year to secure American Board of Pediatrics MOC points for the 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course. 3. Dr. Cheryl Gariepy submitted a guidance document on transitioning pediatric patients with pancreas disease to adult care to The American Journal of Gastroenterology. The manuscript was published online in August 2022 and was included in the print edition of the 2023 AJG Special Issue: Lifespan of GI.
Subcommittee members, Drs. Inessa Normatov, Adnan Altaf, and Joseph Runde are designing a survey study to address gaps in training that adult GI attendings encounter when taking care of adolescents and young adults.
PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Stephen T. Amann, MD, FACG, Chair Sapna V. Thomas, MD, FACG, Vice Chair Nitin K. Ahuja, MD, MS Joseph C. Anderson, MD, MHCDS, FACG Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG Jeffrey Berinstein, MD Joseph A. Cappa, MD, FACG Amanda W. Charlton, NP Andrew C. Elden, MD Deepinder Goyal, MD Neil R. Greenspan, MD, FACG Abhishek Gulati, MD David J. Hass, MD, FACG Pierre Hindy, MD, FACG
Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG Michelle L. Hughes, MD Syed M. Hussain, MD Srinivas Kalala, MD, FACG Rashid H. Khan, MD, FACG Jagpal S. Klair, MD Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG James T. Kwiatt, MD Melissa Latorre, MD, MS Pavan K. Mankal, MD, FACG Manoj K. Mehta, MD, FACG Richard E. Moses, DO, JD, FACG Jagdish S. Nachnani, MD Rathi Narayan, MD, FACG
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS This Committee shall be responsible for developing the practice management course held at the ACG Annual Meeting, any other regional or national practice management courses, coordination of College publications and educational efforts related to managed care issues and representation of the clinical GI practitioner concerns and perspectives to insurers, health plans, networks and other payor related entities.
OBJECTIVES 1. Develop and produce an effective annual Practice Management Course, which is held in conjunction with the ACG Annual Meeting.
3. Develop, expand, and update educational materials for the Practice Management section of the ACG website and Education Universe, including the “ACG Practice Management Toolbox.” 4. Create practice management resources to enable members to be more effective and efficient in their practices. 5. Work in conjunction with other committees such as Legislative Affairs and Public Policy and FDA Related Matters, in order to develop and disseminate practical information expeditiously to ACG members.
COMMITTEE REPORT Practice Management Summit at ACG 2023: Adaptation Is the New Norm – Creating Opportunity in Challenging Environments The Committee plans and hosts the ACG Practice Management Course/ Summit during the ACG Annual Meeting. This year’s course focuses on the challenges of GI practices today, but also celebrates GI practices for
Stephen T. Amann, MD, FACG
continuing to successfully navigate our way through the patient care and operational challenges brought by COVID-19. This year’s course directors are Manoj Mehta, MD, FACG, and Michellle Hughes, MD. Practice Management Committee Toolbox The Toolbox is a series of short articles, written by committee members, that provide ACG members with easily accessible information to improve their practices. Each article covers an issue important to private practices and physician-lead clinical practices. They include a brief introduction, a topic overview, specific suggestions, helpful examples, and a list of resources or references. The Practice Management Committee is confident this series will provide valuable resources for members striving to optimize their practices. The committee continues to produce and solicit new content for the Toolbox. Recent examples include healthcare compliance, improving phone management and patient flow, tips on contract negotiations with insurers, and a guide to set up telehealth services. The committee has published several toolbox topics as articles in 2023 issues of ACG MAGAZINE, as well as the Practice Management Toolbox Highlights E-Magazine. The members of the Practice Management Committee continue to strive to serve the ACG membership. We are eager to keep everyone informed on current policies impacting your GI practice, but also arm you with the tools necessary to thrive in turbulent practice environments. We will continue to pursue new projects and generate ideas to help our members with practice operations and management. We are always open to and appreciate feedback from members of the College.
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2. Expand practice management sessions at the College’s Regional Postgraduate Courses.
Vu Q. Nguyen, MD Shireen A. Pais, MD, FACG Neal C. Patel, MD Shajan Peter, MD, FACG Dany A. Raad, MD Tarun Rai, MD Vonda G. Reeves, MD, MBA, FACP, FACG Eric D. Shah, MD, MBA, FACG Nirav R. Shah, MD, FACG Brian J. So, MD Andrew Ukleja, MD Renuka Umashanker, MD, FACG Bennie R. Upchurch, MD, FACG
ACG's Committees (cont.) PRACTICE PARAMETERS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Neil Sengupta, MD, FACG, Chair Jana G. Al Hashash, MD, MSc, FACG Joseph C. Anderson, MD, MHCDS, FACG Andrea L. Betesh, MD Talal Khurshid Bhatti, MBBS Mohammad Bilal, MD Shrinivas Bishu, MD Kathy P. Bull-Henry, MD, MBA, FACG Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACG Walter W. Chan, MD, MPH, FACG Adam S. Cheifetz, MD, FACG Steven B. Clayton, MD, FACG Nayantara Coelho-Prabhu, MD, FACG Michelle S. Cohen, MD Stanley M. Cohen, MD, FACG Jose D. Debes, MD Shashank Garg, MD Mohit Girotra, MD, FACP, FACG Maneesh Gupta, MD Simona S. Jakab, MD Arun B. Jesudian, MD, FACG
Jennifer M. Kolb, MD Jonathan S. Levine, MD Joseph K. Lim, MD, FACG Jimmy K. Limdi, MD, FACG Wai-Kit Lo, MD Millie D. Long, MD, MPH, FACG John G. McCarthy, MD Douglas R. Morgan, MD, MPH, FACG Parvathi A. Myer, MD Sravanthi Parasa, MD James S. Park, MD, FACG Amit Patel, MD, FACG Nancy S. Reau, MD, FACG Chanakyaram A Reddy, MD Mark S. Riddle, MD, DrPH, FISTM Mark W. Russo, MD, MPH, FACG Shervin Shafa, MD Brijen J. Shah, MD Sunil G. Sheth, MD, FACG Eun J. Shin, MD Humberto Sifuentes, MD
Harminder Singh, MD, FACG Preetika Sinh, MD Zachary L. Smith, DO Chandrashekhar Thukral, MD, PhD Adam M. Tritsch, MD Mihir S. Wagh, MD, FACG Mohammad Yaghoobi, MD, FACG
Neil Sengupta, MD, FACG Lauren Gerson GRADE Program Members Bryan G. Sauer, MD, MSc (Clin Res), FACG, Chair Edward L. Barnes, MD, MPH, FACG Katarina B. Greer, MD, MS Epi Shilpa Grover, MD, MPH John J. Kim, MD, MPH, FACG Berkeley N. Limketkai, MD, PhD, FACG Emad S. Qayed, MD, MPH, FACG Shailja C. Shah, MD Robert J. Wong, MD, MS, FACG Rena H. Yadlapati, MD, MSHS, FACG
This Committee shall be responsible for reviewing state-of-the-art research and establishing peer-reviewed consensus recommendations for publication by the College regarding the then-current viewpoint of several key experts on the treatment of digestive disorders by gastroenterologists and other physicians.
The past year again was very productive for the Practice Parameters Committee. Six practice guidelines were published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG) in 2023, including a joint guideline with the American Gastroenterological Association. As of this report writing, two guidelines are under peer review at the Journal, and 11 guidelines are in development. Over the past three years, the committee has completed and published 18 guidelines.
OBJECTIVES 1. Develop practice guidelines that reflect the current, state-of-theart scientific work based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. 2. Update previously published guidelines as new information becomes available.
Published in 2023 • • • • •
January: Diagnosis and Management of GI Subepithelial Lesions January: Diagnosis and Management of Celiac Disease February: Management of Patients with Acute Lower GI Bleeding March: Diagnosis and Management of Biliary Strictures June: ACG-AGA Clinical Practice Guideline: Pharmacological Management of Chronic Idiopathic Constipation • July: Acute Liver Failure Guidelines The following 2 guidelines are currently in editorial review: • The Management of Acute Pancreatitis [Update] • Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease
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The following 11 guidelines are currently in development: • • • • • • • • •
Bariatric Endoscopy Esophageal Eosinophilia and Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) Focal Liver Lesions Gastric Premalignant Conditions Gastrointestinal Polyp Syndrome Heliobacter pylori [Update] Immunotherapy Induced GI, Pancreatic, and Hepatic Toxicity Nutrition in Liver Disease Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: Management of IBD in the Setting of PSC • Perioperative Risk Assessment and Management of Patients with Chronic Liver Disease • Small Bowel Bleeding
GRADE Methodologists For each guideline, the GRADE system is utilized to evaluate the strength of the recommendations (from high to low) and the overall quality of evidence (strong or conditional). In 2023, the Board of Trustees approved five new GRADE Methodologist positions. Applications open to join the GRADE team on September 1, 2023. The new members will attended an in-person training at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in Winter/Spring 2024. The Committee thanks Katarina B. Greer, MD, MS Epi, and Rena H. Yadlapati, MD, MSHS, FACG, for their dedicated work as part of the GRADE team. Meeting Summary The committee met at an in-person meeting in May, and each of the committees sub-committees met twice to discuss developments in their fields that would warrant updates or new guidelines. The committee is meeting at ACG 2023 in Vancouver, Canada on Monday, October 23.
IBD Rapid Update/Living Document: • Rapid Update in Crohn’s Disease • Rapid Update in Ulcerative Colitis • Rapid Update in Preventative Case in IBD For each of the above guidelines, an authoring panel of topic experts will be or has been invited to participate, and a member from the committee has been assigned to each guideline to assure that the timeline is followed.
ACG's Committees (cont.) PROFESSIONALISM COMMITTEE MEMBERS Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACG, Chair George G. Abdelsayed, MD, FACG Ali M. Ahmed, MD Ahmad M. Al-Taee, MD Edward L. Barnes, MD, MPH, FACG Divya B. Bhatt, MD Mohammad Bilal, MD Shirley Cohen-Mekelburg, MD Andrew D. Feld, MD, JD, FACG
Alexandra Guillaume, MD Robert Hirten, MD Sara N. Horst, MD, MPH, FACG Leo C. Katz, MD, FACG Alexander T. Lalos, MD, FACG James F. Marion, MD Omar Mousa, MD Ramzi H. Mulki, MD Alexander Perelman, DO
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS The Professionalism Committee shall be responsible for promoting professionalism within the ACG, gastroenterology, and medicine. The Committee will be the College’s primary forum for maintaining and promoting professionalism, focusing on patient-centered care, improving the patient-physician relationship and providing resources for the College’s membership to address issues of personal wellbeing.
COMMITTEE REPORT The Professionalism Committee and its collaborators have created an online ACG Wellness Central this year. It is hoped that this project will have a significant positive impact on ACG members by providing specific resources to improve wellness. The ACG Wellness Central has multi-media resources designed to provide general burnout information, recommendations for things you can do at home to promote wellness, recommendations for things you can do at work to promote wellness, and resources for organizations seeking to improve wellness. The Committee has promoted professionalism through a series of articles published in the ACG MAGAZINE. These have included “I Had a Complication – Now What?,” “How to Respond to a Legal Summons,” “Reclaiming Control of Your Schedule: Help Decrease Your Risk of Burnout,” and “Embracing Access to Physicians and Establishing Boundaries.” For the Winter 2023 issue of the magazine, we will be focusing on wellness.
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Meena A. Prasad, MD Amanda B. Pressman, MD, FACG Mark Real, MD Aparajita Singh, MD, MPH Karolina Siniakowicz, DO Patrick A. Twohig, MD Kimberly N. Weaver, MD
Richard S. Bloomfeld, MD, FACG
The Professionalism Committee is working with the Practice Management Committee on a series of Toolbox articles. The first, “Reclaiming Control of Your Schedule: Help Decrease Your Risk of Burnout,” was authored by Dr. Amanda Pressman and was published in December of 2022. It can be found on the ACG website here: webfiles.gi.org/links/pm/ ReclaimingControlofYourScheduleHelpdecreaseyourriskofburnout.pdf. In the summer of 2023, the Committee submitted a manuscript to The American Journal of Gastroenterology: “Professionalism in the Management of Endoscopic Adverse Events – Consensus Document from the American College of Gastroenterology Professionalism Committee.” Topics covered include informed consent, complication reporting, communication with patient/family, ownership (admit, clinic follow up, arrange for surgery), coordinating with colleagues, asking for help, documentation, follow up, post discharge follow up, and litigation.
PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEMBERS Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG, Chair Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG David R. Beswick, MD, FACG Amanda C. Cheung, MD Maithili V. Chitnavis, MD, FACG Reezwana Chowdhury, MD Robin L. Dalal, MD Mohamad El Zein, MD Katie A. Falloon, MD Adam J. Goodman, MD, FACG Danny Issa, MD
Ankur Jain, MD, FACG Allon Kahn, MD Adam C. Lessne, MD Benjamin H. Levy, III, MD Scot M. Lewey, DO, FACG Phillip C. Lindholm, MD Dana J. Lukin, MD, PhD, FACG Farah Monzur, MD, FACG Sajan Jiv Nagpal, MD Neilanjan Nandi, MD Linda Anh B. Nguyen, MD, FACG
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS This Committee shall be responsible for coordinating all public relations activities between the College and the professional and lay public.
COMMITTEE REPORT About the PR Committee
Strategic Communications Goals: Awareness of ACG, Gastroenterology and Digestive Health The core objectives of ACG’s PR and communications efforts are to celebrate the ACG membership and the GI community; advance public awareness of the field of gastroenterology and digestive health; spotlight excellent clinical research in GI, hepatology, and endoscopy; and serve as a source of credible, accessible, and impactful patient education and disease awareness materials for College members, patients, the media,
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG
and the general public. Through the College’s digital presence and social media channels, the PR Committee amplifies the activities of our ACG members and aims to build a sense of community for the College. Social media is a critical channel to feature clinical science presented at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting as investigators share their findings with the larger GI community and build their professional reputations. ACG now has more than 37,100 followers on Twitter/X as of August 2023 (up from 31,900 a year ago). Despite the radical changes rocking the Twitter/X space in the past year, ACG continues to grow its community of followers and drive the conversation within GI while celebrating and connecting with the generation of gastroenterologists who use social media to network and share clinical and professional insights. Overall, physician engagement with social media helps advance awareness of the GI field and ACG’s priority programs. LinkedIn is another important channel for news from the College on key programs and priorities including public policy updates. #DiversityinGI Virtual 5K At the intersection of healthy physical activity, cultural awareness, and social media engagement, the Diversity in GI Virtual 5K, a signature offering of the ACG PR Committee in collaboration with the ACG DEI Committee. The virtual race celebrates the GI community, shines a light on a critical issue in gastroenterology and medicine, creates a fun, healthy, and thoughtful event with potential for widespread social media visibility and engagement, not to mention enthusiasm from a vocal constituency of ACG members who run! In its third year, the event generated $30,000 in sponsorships as Ironwood returned as a sponsor and Takeda added its sponsorship support. All proceeds benefit the ACG Summer Scholars mentorship program for medical students and residents 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 87
An active and dedicated group of clinicians support the College’s educational priorities and interface with consumer media and the medical press. Identifying and promoting excellent clinical research and elevating the reputation of the College with consumer and health media are key objectives for the PR Committee. Work to raise awareness of GI and liver diseases throughout the year and in conjunction with various health observances is a priority. The PR Committee helps to enhance the College’s social media presence and participates in the conversation relating to clinical GI happening on ACG’s social media channels including Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Signature initiatives of the PR Committee include the annual SCOPY Awards along with innovative public awareness efforts in conjunction with Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The PR Committee is charged with a review of research abstracts presented at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting with a goal of identifying innovative and newsworthy GI clinical science as the basis for the College’s media outreach.
Anjana A. Pillai, MD, FACG Atoosa Rabiee, MD Francisco C. Ramirez, MD, MACG Shawn Shah, MD Tyson J. Sievers, MD Pooja Singhal, MD, FACG Joshua A. Sloan, DO David W. Victor, MD, FACG Jamile Wakim-Fleming, MD, FACG
ACG's Committees (cont.) Public Relations Committee (cont.) from groups underrepresented in medicine. Participation in 2022 was robust with over 250 registrations. A new component in 2022: morning “Fun Runs” in Charlotte at ACG 2023. These very early morning runs added a “real life” component to the virtual race in conjunction with the Annual Scientific Meeting and were a welcome activity for a core group of dedicated runners. Team leaders for the morning runs included Dr. Sophie Balzora, Dr. Baha Moshiree, and Dr. Dana Lukin.
#ACG2022 Engagement and Influencers For ACG 2022, social media engagement with the College using the hashtag #ACG2022 peaked on Monday, October 24, and Tuesday, October 25, 2022, with a total estimated 69.3 million impressions in the week surrounding the meeting which saw 11,566 posts involving over 2,300 individuals. Twitter (now “X”) continues to be an important tool for GI physicians to share clinical and professional insights, and advance awareness of ACG’s priority programs. #IRL In Real Life Social Media Meetup at #ACG2022 A highlight of the Annual Scientific Meeting for the Public Relations Committee was the second annual “In Real Life Meetup” reception celebrating ACG members active on social media connecting in person for networking. This year the event was sponsored by Medtronic GI. The attendance was even larger than 2021 with an overflowing room of enthusiastic participants.
ACG IRL In Real Life Social Media Meetup
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The Committee launched a new “Social Media Acumen” award presented to 51 winners. This award celebrates outstanding social media engagement by physicians across the career span. The unifying thread among this diverse group of winners is a consistent positivity in sharing their knowledge and experience with a larger audience in a way that generates attention for GI and liver health and showcases the best of the GI profession. The program was co-hosted by Dr. Tauseef Ali and Dr. Amy Oxentenko. The positive reaction from attendees was inspiring for everyone involved and deeply appreciated by event sponsor, Medtronic GI. Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Highlights 2023 45 is the New 50 was ACG’s key theme for 2023 Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. A new set of educational materials and social media banners was created and shared with the ACG membership and featured prominently the College’s messaging with patients and the public and enhanced the offerings of the online Colorectal Cancer Community Education Toolkit.
Among the educational materials ACG highlighted in March 2023 was a one-page handout developed by the Patient Care Committee and the ACG Board of Governors addressing the NordICC trial published in NEJM in October 2022 that generated significant media attention that gave false impressions to patients and the public about the role and effectiveness of colonoscopy in colorectal cancer screening. This plain language overview offered clarification and underscored the safety and importance of colonoscopy.
Ride Or Stride For 45 Virtual Challenge In this virtual challenge, the entire GI community was invited to bike, hike, run, walk, or row 45 miles in March (or 45 minutes per day during the month) to show support and enthusiasm for preventing colorectal cancer beginning at age 45 for all average risk adults. A highlight was a Peloton group ride on March 18th in which dedicated fans had an intense workout with instructor Alex Toussaint. Strong participation and real dedication marked the second year of this inspiring virtual event.
Dr. Pambianco at Fight CRC’s “United in Blue” Installation On March 13, 2023, on the National Mall, ACG President Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG, represented ACG in a rally sponsored by advocates from Fight Colorectal Cancer at their “United in Blue” installation. ACG is one of the organizations standing with this group of CRC patients, survivors, and caregivers who gathered in Washington, DC, to visit legislators and bring attention to colorectal cancer and the trends
Tune It Up Concert March 30, 2023 In its third year, “Tune It Up: A Concert to Raise Colorectal Cancer Awareness” featured dynamic performances by 25 musicians. Notable stars such as Jon Batiste, Rufus Wainwright, Ben Kweller, and violinist Hilary Hahn, along with a group of musicians from a wide range of genres, all donated their time and performances to support colorectal cancer awareness efforts. The virtual concert also included a video message from celebrity cancer advocate Katie Couric recorded in 2020. Benjamin Levy, MD, a member of the PR Committee has served as “Tune It Up” Concert Director and coordinated all the musical guests. Dr. Levy, a cellist and gastroenterologist, says he is always looking for ways to combine music and medicine. It’s not too late to listen to the recording at gi.org/concert. PR Committee member Dr. Ben Levy has been concert master for the “Tune It Up” concerts since 2021.
The College was grateful to Dr. Mark Pochapin for hosting a special broadcast of SiriusXM Chief’s Rounds to bring attention to the concert with ACG’s Dr. Aasma Shaukat and Dr. Austin Chiang who was visiting NYU Langone on the day of the broadcast. Musical guests included concert director Dr. Ben Levy and singer/songwriter Maddie Poppe and K.F. Jacques, an artist whose work spans hip-hop and opera. Dr. Levy was also featured on Chicago’s WGN Channel 9 Morning News on March 29th.
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Dress in Blue Day 2023 ACG celebrated “Dress in Blue Day” on Friday, March 3, 2023. ACG encouraged its members to share photos of their community CRC awareness activities and their colleagues dressed in blue, the color of colorectal cancer awareness. Throughout the month, engagement remained high with many members and GI practices sharing the many creative ways they educate their communities about colorectal cancer prevention. ACG Governor for South Texas Dr. Harish Gagneja and his staff at Austin Gastroenterology had a blast!
in young-onset disease. The dramatic installation of 27,400 blue flags near the U.S. Capitol was a visual representation of those younger than 50 who will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2030 unless more is done to screen and educate.
ACG's Committees (cont.) Public Relations Committee (cont.) Lighting the Capitol Blue May 2023 ACG Governor for Northern California, Ronald Hsu, MD, FACG, received support from ACG and the communications team for the community education event in Sacramento, CA, that he organized with the California Colorectal Cancer Coalition, the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, and patient advocates from Fight Colorectal Cancer. ACG served as a promotional partner for this event organized by Dr. Hsu on May 18, 2023, at the state capitol in California. The organizers also created a memorial flag display on the west lawn of the statehouse to help educate residents about how to prevent and detect colon cancer early. Dr. Ronal Hsu, Governor for Northern California, organized a CRC awareness event at the state capitol in Sacramento.
World IBD Day For the second year, Dr. Tauseef Ali led the charge on ACG’s observance of World IBD Day on May 19. Updates to the educational flyer for 2023 included putting COVID vaccines in the context of other preventive measures and emphasizing the importance of adherence to medications even if patients are feeling fine. This updated at-a-glance educational piece features statistics as well as recommendations on preventive health and vaccines derived from ACG’s guidelines. The College also includes a reference to The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation’s “Open Restroom Movement” and info to download their bathroom locator app. World Digestive Health Day 2023 World Digestive Health Day in 2023 landed on Memorial Day, but nevertheless the College was honored to participate with the World Gastroenterology Organisation (WGO) in observing World Digestive Health Day (WDHD) on Monday, May 29th. The theme for WDHD 2023 was “Your Digestive Health: A Healthy Gut from the Start.” WGO’s goal was to help increase understanding of normal functions of the GI tract and to help people identify when to seek GI care for symptoms.
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ACG utilized social media to add to the sense of solidarity with the global GI community on #WDHD2023 and to share its “Gastroenterology 101” flyer featuring GI anatomy, diseases of the GI tract and liver, as well as information on common GI procedures. (bit.ly/ACG-GI-101)
SCOPY Awards 2023 Now in its ninth year, the 2023 SCOPY Award will go to 21 recipients from among 55 applicants. The review committee always includes fellowsin-training who, along with Dr. Ali and ACG staff, assess the merits, originality, creativity, novelty, and impact of the submissions. This year Dr. Rashmi Advani and Dr. Daniel Guerrero Vinsard supported the review. The annual awards ceremony at the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting will be Monday, October 23, 2023, from 5-6 pm Pacific. The “SCOPY Awards & #ACG2023 #IRL In Real Life Social Media Meetup Reception" is an opportunity to bring together committed GI physicians and their staffs to celebrate the best, most creative, and most innovative ways to carry the lifesaving message of colorectal cancer screening. Over the years, this event has developed into a high-energy forum for sharing practical examples of successful strategies and compelling public awareness campaigns initiated by gastroenterologists, their staffs, and GI fellows. ACG 2023 #IRL Social Media Meetup and Awards at SCOPY Reception The ACG Social Media Acumen Awards will be presented this year at the same event as the SCOPY Awards on Monday, October 23, 2023, at 5:00 pm Pacific, the “SCOPY Awards & #ACG2023 #IRL In Real Life Social Media Meetup Reception.” These awards recognize outstanding engagement by ACG members whose exemplary use of social media educates, uplifts, or illuminates key issues in clinical gastroenterology and hepatology and/or supports connections and fosters community in the field of GI. Review of “Newsworthy” Abstracts In August, the committee undertakes one of its most significant tasks, the review of scientific abstracts to identify those with particularly “newsworthy” findings. The PR Committee’s goal is to identify “hot topics” as well as noteworthy clinical science. These abstract selections serve as the clinical/scientific basis for press outreach and a series of informative “Author Insights” that are published on the ACG Blog and selected posters receive a special designation in the poster hall, both onsite and online.
RESEARCH COMMITTEE MEMBERS Timothy B. Gardner, MD, MS, FACG, Chair Manasi Agrawal, MD, MS Mohammad F. Ali, MD Naim Alkhouri, MD Christopher V. Almario, MD, FACG Joseph C. Anderson, MD, MHCDS, FACG Akwi W. Asombang, MD, MPH, FACG Jordan E. Axelrad, MD, MPH Gyorgy Baffy, MD, PhD, FACG Bubu A. Banini, MD, PhD Edward L. Barnes, MD, MPH, FACG Alfred S. Barritt, MD, MSCR, FACG Divya B. Bhatt, MD Brian P. Bosworth, MD, FACG Darren M. Brenner, MD, FACG Jennifer X. Cai, MD, MPH Audrey H. Calderwood, MD, MS, FACG Dustin A. Carlson, MD, MSCI Austin L. Chiang, MD, MPH Alyssa Y. Choi, MD
Raymond K. Cross, MD, MS, FACG Parakkal Deepak, MD, FACG Scott L. Gabbard, MD, FACG Srinivas Gaddam, MD, MPH Tamas A. Gonda, MD Lucinda A. Harris, MD, FACG Edith Y. Ho, MD, MS, FACG Jennifer Horsley-Silva, MD Robert J. Huang, MD Pichamol Jirapinyo, MD, MPH Patricia D. Jones, MD, MSCR Afrin N. Kamal, MD Colleen R. Kelly, MD, FACG Sahil Khanna, MD, FACG Bharati Kochar, MD, MS Nikhil A. Kumta, MD, MS, FACG Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACG Theodore R. Levin, MD, FACG Peter S. Liang, MD Bruce A. Luxon, MD, PhD, FACG
COMMITTEE REPORT ACG Grant Review Process This January, the ACG Research Committee met over Zoom and in person, to review the submissions for the ACG 2023 Research awards. This hardworking group completed an extensive review of all submitted grants. In assessing the applications for 2023, the ACG Research Committee utilized the Cadmium grant system. All grants were evaluated on a nine-point scale in line with NIH grant scoring practices. After preliminary review and scoring by three assigned reviewers, applications were further discussed, and a priority score for funding was assigned. The Committee’s typical process is that approximately one-third of the lowest-scoring grants are triaged without extensive discussion, and the rest have extensive discussion and re-scoring by the Committee at the meeting. The Committee pays meticulous attention to conflicts of interest and rigorously assesses the scientific merits and feasibility of all grants. After prioritizing the quality of the science, the Committee discusses the appropriate cut-off lines denoting science of adequate quality to merit funding. Each applicant, whether successful or not, receives a
Timothy B. Gardner, MD, MS, FACG
written critique of the grant so that improvements can be planned for subsequent submissions either to the College or elsewhere. Overall, the investigators selected for the 2023 ACG clinical research awards were the top candidates of an outstanding group of applicants and should produce research of which the College will be proud. Funding for 2023 Clinical Research For 2023, the ACG Institute for Clinical Research and Education awarded $2,218,535 in support of outstanding clinical research in gastroenterology based on the review and recommendations of the ACG Research Committee. This year, ACG will support four Junior Faculty Development Awards at an overall level of $1,800,000 over three years, a substantial investment that recognizes and supports promising clinical researchers. There were 23 applications for this career development award. The Research Committee recommended funding for the Health Equity Research Award, at an increased rate of $75,000 ($50,000 year-one and $25,000 year-two based on progress) to support actionable science that will translate to reducing health and/or healthcare disparities. One investigator received funding at a level of $75,000 over two years. This year the Committee funded an award for the ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. This joint society award supports a study utilizing data from the GIQuIC quality benchmarking registry. From among 50 submissions for the 2023 Clinical Research Award and Pilot Research Award, the Research Committee recommended funding 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 91
The ACG Research Committee is responsible for the annual review of applications for Clinical Research Awards and Junior Faculty Development Awards funded under the auspices of the ACG Institute for Clinical Research & Education. The Research Committee makes recommendations for clinical research funding to the ACG Board of Trustees which approves the awards.
Julia McNabb-Baltar, MD, MPH Thomas E. Mellor, DO Baharak Moshiree, MD, MSc, FACG Cynthia A. Moylan, MD, MHS Eric S. Orman, MD Konstantinos Papamichail, MD Francisco C. Ramirez, MD, MACG Karthik Ravi, MD Jessica B. Rubin, MD Richard J. Saad, MD, MS, FACG Brett W. Sadowski, MD Eric D. Shah, MD, MBA, FACG Shawn Shah, MD Amit Singal, MD, MS Siddharth Singh, MD, MS Vikesh K. Singh, MD Sebastian Strobel, MD Christopher D. Vélez, MD
ACG's Committees (cont.) Research Committee (cont.)
ACG/ASGE Epidemiologic Research Award in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
for eight investigators for a total of $258,352. A total of four investigators received pilot awards at the $15,000 level with the remainder receiving clinical research awards at the $50,000 level.
The College, in partnership with ASGE, supports one or two-year awards of up to $50,000 for projects involving the use and outcomes of gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy within the GI Quality Improvement Consortium (GIQuIC).
The Medical Resident Clinical Research Award and the Medical Student Research Award categories recognize and support promising trainees as they develop careers in clinical research in gastroenterology and hepatology. Additionally, these awards provide an opportunity to travel to the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting. For these award categories, the Research Committee recommended funding five Medical Resident Clinical Research Awards for a total of $44,989 and three Medical Student Research Awards for a total of $14,400. Junior Faculty Development Award The College is proud to support four Junior Faculty Development Awards this year. The ACG Junior Faculty Development Grant is a three-year award designed to support a junior faculty member with outstanding promise to establish an independent, productive career in gastroenterology or hepatology. The primary goal of this career development grant of $150,000 per year for each of the three years is to assist promising clinical researchers to develop research and careers that have a direct bearing on clinical gastrointestinal practice. This includes assistance to a junior faculty investigator to ensure that a major portion of the investigator's time is protected for clinical research. The ACG Board of Trustees approved four Junior Faculty Development Awards recommended by the ACG Research Committee at their February 2023 meeting: Adam S. Faye, MD, MS: NYU Grossman School of Medicine — Optimizing Preoperative Care for Older Adults with IBD Michael Li, MD, MPH: University of California, San Francisco — Predictors and Biomarkers of Immune-Related Toxicities and of Treatment Response to Immunotherapy in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Kira Newman, MD, PhD: University of Michigan — Clostridioides difficile Susceptibility in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Theresa Nguyen Wenker, MD, PhD: Baylor College of Medicine — A Health Informatics Approach to Reduce Missed Opportunities for Barrett’s Esophagus Screening Health Equity Research Award The College supports Health Equity Research Awards of up to $75,000 for actionable science that will translate to reducing health and/or healthcare disparities, thereby promoting health equity. This two-year award provides funding to faculty or practicing gastroenterologists/ hepatologists in the community who have pilot data for funding at $75,000 ($50,000 year one and $25,000 year two based on progress). Christopher Vélez, MD: Massachusetts General Hospital — Improving Digestive Healthcare in Sexual and Gender Minority Communities
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Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG: NYU Grossman School of Medicine — Association of Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy and Risk of Metachronous Advanced Neoplasia at Surveillance Colonoscopy: Results from a National Colonoscopy Registry Clinical Research Award Each year, the College offers Clinical Research Awards of up to $50,000 for original clinical research. The mission of this awards program is to fund innovative research that is patient-care oriented. The Committee also considers proposals for pilot awards (up to $15,000) within this category. ACG 2023 Clinical Research Awards (up to $50,000) Manasi Agrawal, MD, MS: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai — Epidemiology and Gut-Skin Immune Pathogenesis of the Association Between Crohn’s Disease and Hidradenitis Suppurativa Joseph C. Anderson, MD, MHCDS, FACG: Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth — Incomplete Polyp Resection during Colonoscopy: Development and Testing of a New Colonoscopy Quality Metric Bryan Badal, MD, MS: Virginia Commonwealth University — Serial MultiOmic Analysis After Equi-Caloric Vegetarian, Vegan, and Non-Vegetarian Meals in Cirrhosis and Impact on Hyperammonemia David J. Cangemi, MD: Mayo Clinic Jacksonville — Effectiveness and Safety of Virtual Reality for the Treatment of Functional Dyspepsia ACG 2023 Clinical Research Awards – Pilot Grants (up to $15,000) Patricia Bloom, MD: University of Michigan — Pilot Study to Explore Microbiome Changes with Lactulose in Cirrhosis Sarah McGill, MD, MAC: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill — Understanding Gastrointestinal Alpha-gal Syndrome Brynn D. O’Laughlin, MD: Children’s National Medical Center — Investigating Microbiome and Metabolome Changes with Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Chronic Granulomatous Disease-Associated Colitis Jeremy Puthumana, MD, MS: Yale University — Biomarkers for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of AKI in Patients with Cirrhosis Medical Residents and Medical Students Awards These grant categories provide support for research by junior colleagues. The Medical Resident Clinical Research Award offers up to $10,000 for original research under the mentorship of a more senior ACG member. The Medical Student Research Award offers a summer research experience for medical students, supporting up to $5,000 in living expenses, to be completed under the supervision of a mentor who is an ACG member.
These two award types will support travel to the ACG Annual Scientific Meeting as part of the experience. 2023 Medical Resident Clinical Research Award (up to $10,000) Kate E. Lee, MD, MS: Duke University Medical Center — Interval Colonoscopy Screening for the Detection of Dysplasia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Sanjana Rao, MD: University of Miami — Utilizing Patient Navigation and Education to Improve Disparities in Transplant for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Natalie Sun, MD: Boston Medical Center Corporation — Clinico-Pathological Analysis of Rectal Neuroendocrine Tumors Melinda Wang, MD, MHS: University of California San Francisco — Effects of Ustekinumab on PSC Outcomes among Patients with Moderate to Severe IBD Dina Zaret, MD: Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai — Who, What, and When? A Retrospective Evaluation of Palliative, Supportive, and End of Life Care for People with Liver Disease 2023 Medical Student Research Award (up to $5,000) Kaitlyn Boyle, BA, MS: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School — Identification of Epigenetic Factors that Protect against Crohn’s Disease Development in those at High Genetic Risk for Disease Steven M. Hadley, Jr., BA: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine — SOCCER: Study Of forCeps Cannulation during ERcp Gemma Postill, BMScH: The Hospital for Sick Children / University of Toronto — Understanding Multimorbidity in the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Population with Machine Learning
ACG's Committees (cont.) TRAINING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Anne G. Tuskey, MD, FACG, Chair Mohannad Abou Saleh, MD Sushil K. Ahlawat, MD Badr Al-Bawardy, MD Omeed S. Alipour, MD Lydia L. Aye, DO Hasan H. Bader, MD Mohammad Bilal, MD Jason M. Brown, MD Chad M. Burski, MD Saurabh Chawla, MD, FACG Victor Chedid, MD Tenzin Choden, MD Bradford J. Chong, MD Rahul S. Dalal, MD, MPH Amaninder Jeet S. Dhaliwal, MD Scott R. Douglas, MD Nikki Duong, MD Adam L. Edwards, MD Adam C. Ehrlich, MD, MPH, FACG Derrick D. Eichele, MD, FACG
Mohamed Elkhouly, MD Matthew Fasullo, DO Hala Fatima, MD, FACG Ryan Flanagan, MD, MPH Jeanetta W. Frye, MD Mohammed R. Gandam, MD Aaron S. Goldberg, MD, FACG Prateek S. Harne, MD Muhammad K. Hasan, MD, FACG Erin T. Jenkins, MD Jennifer Katz, MD Scott A. Larson, MD, PhD, FACG Jeffrey H. Lee, MD, MPH, FACG David Limsui, MD, FACG Suma S. Magge, MD Lisa B. Malter, MD, FACG Gautam Naresh Mankaney, MD Rebecca Matro, MD Neal A. Mehta, MD Klaus Mergener, MD, PhD, FACP, FACG Farah Monzur, MD, FACG
Rishi D. Naik, MD Marianna Papademetriou, MD Alana B. Persaud, MD Dhruvil K. Radadiya, MD Gordon T. Robbins, MD George Salem, MD Sergio A. Sanchez-Luna, MD Danial H. Shaikh, MD Kaartik Soota, MD Indu Srinivasan, MD Adam C. Stein, MD Dharma B. Sunjaya, MD Cesar A. Taborda, MD Micheal S. Tadros, MD, FACG Sarah B. Umar, MD Madhu Vennikandam, MD Mukund Venu, MD, FACG David W. Victor, MD, FACG Xiao Jing Wang, MD Eugene F. Yen, MD, MBA, FACG Dana Zalkin, MD
Anne G. Tuskey, MD, FACG
This Committee shall be responsible for coordinating activities, programs and outreach relating to training programs and trainee members of the College.
Postgraduate Course Trainees Luncheon The popular Trainees’ Luncheon at the Annual Meeting will resume this year on Sunday, October 23rd. The luncheon will feature a faculty panel to discuss “From Fellow to Future: Charting Your Path in Gastroenterology,” discussing their experiences in their early career.
OBJECTIVES 1. To explore opportunities to encourage more participation by fellows-in-training in ACG. 2. To develop meetings and educational events for trainees. 3. To continue to update and expand the Trainees Section of the ACG website. 4. To promote mentoring of trainees by the College’s members. 5. To encourage the networking of trainees amongst each other and faculty at ACG meetings. 6. To encourage more interest and guidance among Internal Medicine residents in a future career in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
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The panel will include Austin Chiang, MD, MPH, Hasan Bader, MD, Andy Tau, MD, Diana Snyder, MD, and Patricia Sanchez, MD. Hasan Bader, MD, and Sarah Umar, MD were the course directors for this event. GI Jeopardy This year will mark the twenty-first year of the GI Jeopardy competition, which remains very successful and more and more popular among trainees. The online preliminary (pre-test) round of GI Jeopardy ran early-July through early-August. This preliminary competition resulted in five teams being invited to the live competition, based on the number of questions correctly answered and, if necessary, the amount of time spent taking the test. The finalists this year are Brooklyn Hospital Center, Creighton University, Duke University, National Capital Consortium, and University of Iowa.
Each of these programs was invited to designate two competitors for the final round on Saturday, October 21st. Qualifying teams received airfare and housing for the Vancouver meeting. The winning team members from the live Jeopardy competition will each receive a $1,000 travel grant toward the 2024 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We expect another spirited competition this year with audience participation questions, so come prepared to help out during the live competition! 2nd Year Fellows Course The annual ACG 2nd Year Fellows Course will take place in January 2024 in the Washington, D.C. area. It will be chaired by Chad Burski, MD, Jason Brown, MD, and Indu Srinivasan, MD. Small group breakout sessions and general sessions will again be featured as well as Handson sessions in endoscopy, capsule endoscopy, and manometry. Expert speakers are invited, and the attendees are given one-on-one time with the experts, another unique mentoring opportunity. Program directors are invited in August to nominate a 2nd year fellow from their program to attend the course. After the nomination period closes, the College randomly selects 125 fellows and fully funds their travel for the course. Board Review Question of the Week The 2022/2023 Grand Prize Winner of the online Board Review Question of the Week competition was Suha Abushamma, MD, from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. She received a $1,000 travel grant toward the 2023 Annual Meeting in Vancouver.
To stimulate ongoing participation in the Question of the Week, we also offer a quarterly prize of free access to one of ACG’s Online SelfAssessment Tests for the participant who answers the most questions correctly each quarter (must answer at least 75% of the questions each quarter to be eligible).
At the Annual Meeting in Vancouver, on Sunday, October 22nd, a reception will be held for participants of the ACG Mentoring Program, giving mentors and mentees the opportunity to meet in person to connect, discuss goals, and reflect on their experiences together. Virtual Grand Rounds – Career Edition In conjunction with the Women in Gastroenterology Committee, the Training Committee launched a new Virtual Grand Rounds series geared to trainees and junior faculty. The most recent webinar, “Growing the Pipeline of LGBTQ+ in GI and Hepatology,” took place on September 20, 2023. Sessions are held throughout the year (typically the third Wednesday of the month) and feature a 20-minute expert talk, followed by a 40-minute Q&A session with up to four panelists. ACG Case Reports Journal The ACG Case Reports Journal (ACGCRJ) is a peer-reviewed, openaccess journal publishing high-quality, interesting gastroenterology and hepatology case reports. Edited by GI fellows, it is published online for free to all readers, and feature images and videos in addition to case descriptions. In addition, there are no submission or publication fees for authors. ACGCRJ is fully indexed, and while it does not have an impact factor, the Journal is included in the Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, which is included in their Core Collection. ACGCRJ is very popular and will continue to afford GI trainees the opportunity to gain experience with publishing cases and reviewing manuscripts. We are currently publishing volume 10.
Online Resources for Residents Dr. Mohammad Bilal is leading the Committee’s efforts to create an online resource center for GI fellowship applicants. The webpage was added on May 1, 2021, to the Trainees section of the ACG website. This includes new resources for residents interested in GI fellowship and will guide them through the GI fellowship match and throughout the start of their fellowship training. In addition, the subcommittee held a Virtual Grand Rounds webinar on April 26, 2023, with over 350 attendees, to provide guidance to prospective applicants into the Match application process. Following the success of the two virtual events, the Committee will host an in-person event at the Annual Meeting specifically designed for residents. “Navigating the GI Match – Tips and Tricks for Applicants” will take place on Monday, October 23rd, from 10:30 am-11:30am Pacific. 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 95
The current round of questions can be found in the Trainees section of the ACG website. The Grand Prize Winner will be determined by weekly participation and the highest number of correct answers to the questions (must answer at least 75% of the questions to be eligible) and will receive a $1,000 travel grant for the 2024 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Trainee Mentoring Program In conjunction with the Women in Gastroenterology Committee and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, the Training Committee will continue with the Mentoring Program. The program’s objective is to provide residents and fellows in training access to faculty from diverse practice models, academic departments, and geographic regions. The program will continue to foster casual dialogue between mentors and mentees, while affording residents and trainees the opportunity to gain valuable guidance and career advice from faculty not accessible to them in their training programs.
ACG's Committees (cont.) WOMEN IN GASTROENTEROLOGY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Kara M. De Felice, MD, Chair Elizabeth S. Aby, MD Paula G. Adamson, MD Sangeeta Agrawal, MD, FACG Jana G. Al Hashash, MD, MSc, FACG Yamam Al Saadi, MD Jessica R. Allegretti, MD, MPH, FACG Heba Ashraf, MD Lydia L. Aye, DO Katherine E. Boland, MD Tamara R. Brodsky, MD, MBA Tanya Bruckel, MD Chau B. Che, MD, FACG Cynthia Cherfane, MD Reezwana Chowdhury, MD Yong Yan Cui, MD Lara T. Dakhoul, MD Xheni Deda, MD
Karina Fatakhova, MD Seema R. Gandhi, MD, FACG Swapna Gayam, MD, FACG Shima Ghavimi, MD Stephanie L. Gold, MD Yesenia Greeff, MD Shelly Gurwara, MD Autumn P. Hines, DO Pegah Hosseini-Carroll, MD, FACG Victoria M. B. Howard, PA Kathryn E. Hutchins, MD Asma Khapra, MD Tamara Koritarov, DO Calley H. Levine, MD Paola M Lopez-Marte, MD Nikhitha Mantri, MD Neena Mohan, MD Sumana Moole, MD
RESPONSIBILITIES AS STATED IN THE ACG BYLAWS This Committee shall be responsible for identifying and evaluating issues that pertain to women in the field of gastroenterology and formulating means to assure that desired goals are met.
OBJECTIVES 1. Encourage participation, membership, and advancement of female gastroenterologists in the ACG. 2. Promote research and understanding of the gender differences in gastrointestinal diseases. 3. Encourage women to pursue a career in gastroenterology and provide resources to aid in their success. 4. Foster mentors for students, residents, and fellows in medical training programs.
COMMITTEE REPORT Navigating, Networking, and Negotiating Your First Job Workshop This workshop was developed to provide fellows and junior faculty the skills needed when negotiating for positions and the tools for effective networking, both essential in the development of effective leaders. This workshop will be held in-person at the Annual Scientific Meeting on Friday, October 20, from 5:45 pm-9:00 pm Pacific, and it is co-chaired by Drs. Kathryn Hutchins and Pegah Hosseini-Carroll.
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Sudha Pandit, MD Alyssa M. Parian, MD, FACG Kumkum S. Patel, MD Priya M. Roy, MD Sheila Rustgi, MD Naemat Sandhu, MD Susanne Shokoohi, MD Uzma D. Siddiqui, MD, FACG Diana L. Snyder, MD Jennifer A. Spanier-Stiasny, DO, FACG Radha A. Tamerisa, MD Camille S. Thelin, MD Judy A. Trieu, MD, MPH Lavanya Viswanathan, MD, MS, FACP Lan S. Wang, MD Melinda Wang, MD Uni Wong, MD Julie Yang, MD, FACG
Kara M. De Felice, MD
Career Opportunities for Women in GI Luncheon This program is an innovative career symposium held in conjunction with the ACG Postgraduate Course. The program is directed toward female residents, trainees, and junior faculty. Female ACG members from various gastrointestinal subspecialties and practice settings give an overview of their career choices in gastroenterology and engage in dialogues about how to be a successful woman in GI. Drs. Jana G. Al Hashash and Judy A. Trieu are serving as co-chairs this year. The luncheon will occur at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 21, from 12:20 pm-1:35 pm Pacific. Virtual Grand Rounds – Career Edition The Committee, in collaboration with the Training Committee and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, hosts a series of Career edition webinars to help fellows and faculty address various issues. The five topics being held in 2023 include Malpractice/Dealing with Lawsuits, How to Maximize Billing/Prior Authorizations, GI Side Gigs, Contract Negotiations, and Growing the Pipline of LGBTQ+ in GI. These webinars are held from April through September, typically on the third Wednesday of the month, and feature a 30-40 minute expert talk followed by a Q&A session with up to four panelists. Attendance varies on the popularity of a topic. Drs. Asma Khapra and Lan S. Wang are cochairs of this task force.
Female Representation and College Participation Drs. Sangeeta Agrawal and Jessica R. Allegretti are co-chairing the Task Force for FACG Advancement, with the initial goal being to increase the number of female members who have achieved FACG status, which would lead to comparable rates of FACG status between men and women in the College. The Committee is creating a Top 10 List of why someone should get FACG status, and tips on how to apply. The task force is interviewing women on how FACG has helped them in their careers. A final document will be published on the ACG Blog and shared through an email marketing campaign, encouraging more women to apply for FACG. Women in GI Online Task Force The goal of the Women in GI Online Task Force is to increase the online presence of women in GI, and to promote ACG initiatives and projects focused on women in GI. This task force is co-chaired by Drs. Lydia Aye and Elizabeth Aby. This task force is working with the authors in creating a series of podcasts based on the Pregnancy Monograph published last year.
Supporting Women in Advanced Endoscopy Initiative This task force was created in 2016 after several Women in GI Committee members expressed interest in finding ways to provide support and promote careers for women in advanced endoscopy. The focus of this task force is to identify gaps in our support of this group of women in GI and determine ways to provide that support best. The task force, led by Drs. Julie Yang and Seema Ghandi are considering doing an ergonomics workshop, ideally hands-on but at least virtual, for women. Well Being and Work-Life Balance Task Force The task force, led by Drs. Cynthia Cerfane and Alyssa Parian are planning on a group yoga session at ACG 2023. Leadership Conference Women in GI Committee chair, Dr. Kara De Felice, along with Board of Trustees Liaison, Dr. Aasma Shaukat, are exploring bringing back the Leadership Conference held by the Women in GI Committee before the pandemic.
Education and Promotion of CRC Screening in Women This initiative was started in 2015 to support the ACG in CRC Month initiatives. Drs. Sheila Rustgi and Neena Mohan accomplished the following for 2023: promoted #bejeweledinblue, promoted the blue lights campaign, wrote a blog post as a call to action for GIs to partner with local Ob/Gyns, and promoted the ACG Find a Physician tool as a way for patients to find a local GI of a preferred sex/gender.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology
Since it began publishing in 1934 as the official peer-reviewed journal, The American Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG) has been considered the American College of Gastroenterology’s flagship journal and the crown jewel of the organization. It has long been the leading general GI clinical journal and impacts the delivery of quality care on a daily basis. The College remains committed to publishing the most relevant high quality clinical gastroenterology and hepatology science in the form of original research, review articles and consensus papers related to new therapeutic modalities as well as disease management. Other notable sections include the Red Section, ACG Clinical Guidelines, and images and videos of the month. Each issue of the Red Journal includes CME opportunities. Every member of the College receives a free subscription to AJG. Led by co-Editorsin-Chief Jasmohan Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG, and Millie Long, MD, MPH, FACG, the international editorial board looks for cutting edge manuscripts that can be adapted immediately to clinical practice.
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology The College expanded its publishing titles with the creation of a Gold Open Access journal, Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology (CTG), in 2016. With an eye toward bridging the gap from bench to bedside, CTG looks to fulfill an unmet need for clinicians and scientists by welcoming novel cohort studies, early-phase clinical trials, qualitative and quantitative epidemiologic research, hypothesis-generating research, studies of novel mechanisms and methodologies including public health interventions, and integration of approaches across organs and disciplines. CTG also welcomes hypothesis-generating case series, methods papers, and translational research with clear applications to human physiology or disease. Led by Editor-in-Chief Brian Jacobson, MD, MPH, FACG, CTG follows a double-blind peer review process, overall seen as a more impartial process that limits biases. Dr. Jacobson begins his second 3-year term as Editor-in-Chief in 2024. 98 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
ACG Case Reports Journal The ACG Training Committee launched the ACG Case Reports Journal (ACGCRJ) because it recognized the changing nature of academic publishing, which discouraged publication of case reports due to their low likelihood of citation—an important avenue for GI and hepatology trainees as well as private practitioners to publish scientific papers in peer reviewed journals. ACGCRJ provides an Open Access peer-reviewed publishing outlet for GI fellows, private practice clinicians, and other healthcare providers to share interesting case reports. ACGCRJ publishes case reports, images, videos, and letters to the editor in all topics of gastroenterology and hepatology. The editorial team is made up exclusively of GI fellows-in-training who work under the oversight of the Digital Publications and Communications Committee. The ACGCRJ was created to help fulfill ACG’s commitment to providing growth and learning opportunities for GI and hepatology fellows, and helps fellows meet core curriculum requirements for non-patient care activities. All case submissions must have a GI and hepatology fellow-in-training or a resident interested in pursuing fellowship as the lead author. Cases authored by private practice clinicians and other healthcare providers who might traditionally face difficulty publishing with leading journals are also welcome. Publication fees for ACG members are wavied as part of their exclusive member benefit.
Evidence-Based Gastroenterology
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ACG Evidence-Based GI (EBGI) evaluates GI and Hepatology research articles published by using evidence-based criteria to identify the highest quality studies. The editors create structured abstracts outlining the published study, and provide expert commentary on the article. The summaries are written by the Associate Editors, who comment on articles published in non-GI focused, high impact journals as well as those published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology. The criteria from the “User’s Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice, 3rd edition” (2015) is used to create the structured abstracts, assess the methodologic quality of studies, and explain study results for practitioners with limited knowledge of statistics. EBGI aims to fill an unmet need for members in private practice who do not have institutional access to non-ACG subscription publications. Readers can catch up on research quickly, keeping up to date on studies and trends in GI. Look for issues delivered to your inbox monthly. Additionally, podcasts of each article are available to the public and indexed on audio services such as Spotify and iTunes.
The American Journal of Gastroenterology (AJG) finishes its second year under the co-leadership of co-Editors-in-Chief (EICs) Jasmohan Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG, and Millie Long, MD, MPH, FACG. Since their start, the EICs tasked themselves with focusing on the reader, author, and reviewer to ensure a well-rounded journal experience. The editors remain dedicated to publishing important content. In 2023, the Journal published six guidelines and two special issues – “Lifespan of Medicine” in March and “Endoscopy: Pushing the Limits” in October. The Journal began to expedite randomized controlled trials (RCTs) submitted to the Journal in 2022 and has seen a rise in RCT submissions since the initiative launched. As of this report’s writing at the end of July, 80% more RCTs have been submitted in 2023 than in all of 2021. This increase in submission of RCTs shows that authors know AJG is the home of reliable and fast dissemination of important information. We have published RCTs on a wide variety of topics since beginning the rapid review process. A study from Japan investigated if the use of a traction device would increase resection speed when using a scissortype knife. A Chinese study looked at if using 3-D imaging devices would aid in the detection of polyps and adenomas during colonoscopy. A group of investigators from the University of Michigan and Harvard Medical School examined if taking sips of pickle juice could improve muscle cramp severity in patients with cirrhosis. All submitted RCTs are evaluated at submission by the editors to select papers for fasttrack peer review that have the potential to change practice, add to the literature, and have the greatest impact on GI and hepatology research. Expediting the review process allows for clinicians to incorporate results straight from the journal page to the bedside quickly, but while still undergoing a rigorous review process. While the rapid review is only for select RCTs, the editorial board reviews each manuscript selected for rapid review as thoroughly as any other article, and they are brought to the weekly editor’s meetings for discussion and decision. As of August 1, 11% of submitted RCTs were selected for rapid reviews. Our rapid reviews would not be possible without our reviewers. We recognize that peer review is a time-consuming process and are indebted to our talented pool of reviewers who help to ensure that we publish the best clinical science in gastroenterology and hepatology. We are now proud to offer a multifaceted approach to reviewer appreciation. Reviewers who complete at least five high-quality reviews for AJG in a calendar year will receive a waiver for their ACG membership fee.
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We are excited to announce that the first reviewers to earn the honor are Edward Barnes, MD, MPH, FACG, Jeremy Louissaint, MD, Daniel Sifrim, MD, Joseph Anderson, MD, MHCDS, FACG, Anand Kulkarni, MD, David Katzka, MD, FACG, and Nir Bar, MD. We will be celebrating our top journal reviewers at the Journals Reception on Sunday, October 22. Look for our listing of other reviewers acknowledged at the ACG Meeting in Vancouver. This past March, the special issue, “Lifespan of GI,” featured articles on how to manage patients with GI conditions across a broad spectrum of ages. The issue had 13 full articles, seven reviews, and two brief communications focused on pediatrics, transition to adulthood, and geriatric GI disorders. Reviews range from topics as varied as pediatricadult transition for pancreatic disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gut microbial modification, and screening for GI cancers. The issue included a series of “When to Stop” articles discussing advancing age and when/if to end surveillance of pancreatic cysts, colorectal neoplasia in IBD, liver cancer, and colon cancer. This October’s issue, “Endoscopy: Pushing the Limits,” features expert advice from two experts on performing high quality, safe, cost-effective, and efficient colonoscopies, a review of endoscopic dysplasia surveillance in IBD, a discussion of the pros and cons of artificial intelligence and endoscopy, in addition to seven RCTs. Lastly, recognizing the multi-dimensional contributions towards obesity and the increasingly important role of the gastroenterologist in its management, the editors have published a call for submissions for our Spring 2024 special issue on “Obesity.” Submit your high-quality, clinically relevant human research pertaining to epidemiology, interventions, complications, and outcomes for the “Obesity” special issue by December 1, 2023. Our newest resource for authors is the Visual Abstract Image Directory, which launched in September. Over the last year, the ACG art department worked with graphic designers to compile a directory of GI and hepatology related images for authors to use when creating visual abstracts for the Journal. These images are free to use for authors, and we hope that this directory will inspire authors to create visual abstracts for all submitted articles and encourage more visual expression that is easier to communicate to busy readers. All editors will be attending the semi-annual retreat in New Orleans, Louisiana in March 2024. The editors and editorial board are excited to develop the Journal further, and welcome feedback on what members want to see featured in the pages of AJG.
2023 Editorial Board Co-Editors-in-Chief
Jasmohan S. Bajaj, MD, MS, FACG Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and Central Virginia Veterans Healthcare System Richmond, VA
Millie D. Long, MD, MPH, FACG University of North Carolina School of Medicine Chapel Hill, NC
Editorial Advisory Board
Brooks Cash, Houston, TX Raymond Cross, Baltimore, MD Mark Pimentel, Los Angeles, CA Aasma Shaukat, New York, NY Hugo E. Vargas, Scottsdale, AZ
Maisa Abdalla, Loma Linda, CA David Alpers, St. Louis, MO Joseph Anderson, Hanover, NH Giovanni Barbara, Bologna, Italy Alan Barkun, Montreal, Quebec, Canada A. Sidney Barritt, Chapel Hill, NC Charles N. Bernstein, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada David Binion, Pittsburgh, PA Audrey H. Calderwood, Lebanon, NH Andres Cárdenas, Barcelona, Spain William D. Chey, Ann Arbor, MI Claudia PMS de Olivier, São Paulo, Brazil Jason Dominitz, Seattle, WA Gary Falk, Philadelphia, PA Stevan A. Gonzalez, Fort Worth, TX Ikuo Hirano, Chicago, IL Samuel Ho, San Diego, CA Sen-Yung Hsieh, Taoyuan, Taiwan Gianluca Ianiro, Rome, Italy Patricia D. Jones, Miami, FL Allon Kahn, Phoenix, AZ David Katzka, Rochester, MN Sahil Khanna, Rochester, MN Timothy Koch, Roanoke, VA Bharati Kochar, Boston, MA Anand Kulkarni, Raichur, Karnataka, India Dennis Kumral, Charlottesville, VA Uri Ladabaum, Palo Alto, CA Sandeep Lakhtakia, Telangana, India Angel Lanas, Zaragoza, Spain Lena Lapidot, Tel Aviv, Israel Jonathan Leighton, Scottsdale, AZ Jimmy Limdi, Manchester, UK Pablo Luna, Buenos Aires, Argentina Mathias Mandorfe, Vienna, Austria
Red Section Editors Neeral Shah, Charlottesville, VA George Smallfield, Richmond, VA
Associate Editors Jessica Allegretti, Boston, MA Seth Crockett, Chapel Hill, NC John DiBaise, Scottsdale, AZ Jennifer Flemming, Kingston, Canada Juan Gallegos-Orozco, Salt Lake City, UT C. Prakash Gyawali, St. Louis, MO Sara Horst, Nashville, TN Michael Kappelman, Chapel Hill, NC Benjamin Lebwohl, New York, NY Christopher Ma, Calgary, Canada Baharak Moshiree, Charlotte, NC V. Raman Muthusamy, Los Angeles, CA Max Petrov, Auckland, New Zealand Joseph Pisegna, Los Angeles, CA Yaron Rotman, Rockville, MD Joel Rubenstein, Ann Arbor, MI Allison Schulman, Ann Arbor, MI Tilak Shah, Weston, FL
Deputy Associate Editors Andrew Moon, Chapel Hill, NC C. Roberto Simons-Linares, Cleveland, OH
Benson Massey, Milwaukee, WI Gil Melmed, Los Angeles, CA Nahum Méndez-Sánchez, Mexico City, Mexico Hiroto Miwa, Hyogo, Japan Steven Moss, Providence, RI Joseph Murray, Rochester, MN James Neuberger, Birmingham, UK Kavish Patidar, Indianapolis, IN Francesca Ponziani, Rome, Italy Natalia Queiroz, Sao Paulo, Brazil Eammon Quigley, Houston, TX Surinder Rana, Chandigarh, India Yehuda C, Petah Tikva, Israel Sammy Saab, Los Angeles, CA Richard Saad, Ann Arbor, MI Fergus Shanahan, Cork, Ireland Nicholas Shaheen, Chapel Hill, NC Prateek Sharma, Kansas City, MO Daniel Sifrim, Leuven, Belgium Tracey Simon, Boston, MA Tyler Stevens, Cleveland, OH Christina Surawicz, Seattle, WA Elliot Tapper, Ann Arbor, MI Alok Thakur, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India Hidenori Toyoda, Ogaki, Japan Jonel Trebicka, Frankfurt, Germany Arvind Trindade, New Hyde Park, NY Santhi Swaroop Vege, Rochester, MN Michael Vaezi, Nashville, TN John J. Vargo, Cleveland, OH Ken Wang, Rochester, MN Bechien Wu, Los Angeles, CA Qing Xie, Shanghai, China Rena Yadlapati, La Jolla, CA Eric Yoshida, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 101
Senior Associate Editors
The editors of Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology (CTG) began 2023 with a continued focus on the reviewer experience. As reviewers are a vital piece of the editorial process and serve as the foundation of medical advancement—all papers submitted to the Journal undergo vigorous review—the editors aimed to improve the quality of reviews and help reviewers understand the publication process and their role within it. In the second year of double-blind peer review, submissions are streaming in at the same rate as 2022 which means that our authors have not been deterred by the change in peer review process. As of the July issue, CTG has published 54 articles, including eight review articles, two randomized controlled trials, and one Clinician’s Toolbox. The top read paper in 2023 is the Clinician’s Toolbox article by Aylin Tansel, MD, MPH, and CTG Associate Editor David J. Levinthal, MD, PhD, “Understanding Our Tests: Hydrogen-Methane Breath Testing to Diagnose Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth,” published in the April issue of the Journal. Another article published in the April issue, “ABX464 (Obefazimod) Upregulates miR-124 to Reduce Proinflammatory Markers in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases,” has the Journal’s highest Altmetric score in 2023 (which measures news and social media attention). This article by authors at the University of Montpellier and Abivax was covered by 14 news outlets worldwide, and already has been cited in three articles published in 2023. The Journal enjoys a worldwide audience range, and the editors look forward to unveiling a new journal cover to reflect this scope in 2024.
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This October, CTG will launch its first themed special issue under Dr. Jacobson’s tenure. The “AI in GI” special issue seeks to explore the confluence of artificial intelligence and gastrointestinal disorders. Articles in the issue look at developments in artificial intelligence to identify reflux events in esophageal PH/impedance studies, the role of AI in colorectal polyp management, predicting cirrhosis from CT scans, and a proof of concept study on the automatic detection and differentiation of anorectal motility patterns. This hot topic issue is sure to make a splash with readers interested in the next wave of AI. Working with a dedicated team of Associate Editors, the Journal has held a steady acceptance rate of 23% since 2021. As of this fall, Andrew Tai, MD, is stepping down from his role as Associate Editor. The Journal thanks him for his time as the liver section editor, and welcomes our new editor, Ashwani K. Singal, MD, MS, FACG, from the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Dr Singal's clinical and research interests include alcoholic liver disease, MAFLD, renal injury in cirrhosis, and liver transplantation. Brian Jacobson, MD, MPH, FACG, took over as Editor-in-Chief in 2021 and will begin his second 3-year term this January. Dr. Jacobson aims to focus his second term on raising the Journal’s impact factor and ensuring gender and race and ethnicity reporting by authors reflects the latest style-guide recommendations by the American Medical Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
2023 Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief
Brian C. Jacobson, MD, MPH, FACG Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA
Associate Editors John Kim, MD, FACG Division of Gastroenterology, Loma Linda University Health Loma Linda, CA
Eugenia Shmidt, MD, FACG Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
David Levinthal, MD, PhD Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pittsburgh, PA
Andrew Tai, MD Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
Violeta Popov, MD, PhD, FACG Department of Medicine, NYU Grossman School of Medicine New York, NY
Jennifer Weiss, MD, MS Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Madison, WI
ACG Case Reports Journal (ACGCRJ) is an open-access (OA) peerreviewed journal overseen by gastroenterology and hepatology fellows to help determine case studies and images for publication to benefit trainees, as well as established physicians, in the management and treatment of conditions and diseases within the field. The Journal is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), PubMed/ PubMed Central, and the Web of Science. 2023 is the 10th anniversary of the Journal. To kick off this celebratory year, 2022-2023 Co-Editors-in-Chief Nicholas M. McDonald, MD, and Tomoki Sempokuya, MD, published an editorial on the state of the Journal and goals for the future. They also reached out to the Journal’s first Editor-in-Chief, Mohammad Yaghoobi, to publish an editorial and recorded a “Behind the Case” podcast with them on the Journal’s founding, history, and future initiatives. These editorials were published in the May 2023 issue of the Journal and the podcast was posted on the gi.org podcasts page, Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts in June 2023. Newly appointed Co-Editors-in-Chief for 2023-2024, Khushboo Gala, MBBS, and Vibhu Chittajallu, MD, will be soliciting editorials from the editorial board on some of the most unique cases published in each subject area throughout the Journal’s history to continue the anniversary celebration. The Journal has also made peer reviewer engagement, education, and retention a primary focus. In addition to the yearly reviewer acknowledgement published in the Journal, in early 2023 the Journal recognized peer reviewers who completed reviews in 2022 on the ACG’s reviewer recognition page for all journals.
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Additionally, co-Editors-in-Chief, Nicholas M. McDonald and Tomoki Sempokuya, published an editorial with Mohammad Bilal, MD, titled, “How to Be a Great Peer Reviewer,” and recorded a companion podcast. These materials are now included in the Journal reviewer invitation and have been shared widely with our pool of early career researchers. Social media promotion of articles has led to increased visibility for the Journal. Editors are encouraged to promote articles, and the ACG Communications team manages the account. A recent article published in the January 2023 issue titled, “It Can't Be a Coincidence: A Comparison of Cases of Autoimmune Hepatitis After Vaccination Against COVID-19,” was tweeted 361 times in 11 countries. It ranks behind the 2019 article, “An Unusual Finding of a Ladybug on Screening Colonoscopy,” which continues to gain attention five years post publication; it has been tweeted 16,539 times in 11 countries. The 2022-2023 co-Editors-in-Chief completed their terms on June 30, 2023, and passed the torch to Khushboo Gala, MBBS, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and Vibhu Chittajallu, MD, of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. The new editorial board appreciates the mentors from the Digital Communications and Publications Committee who volunteer with the Journal.
2023-2024 Editorial Board Co-Editors-in-Chief
Vibhu Chittajallu, MD University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Cleveland, OH
Khushboo Gala, MBBS Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
Associate Editors Nicholas Placone, MD University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA
Smit Deliwala, MD Emory University Atlanta, GA
Shazia Rashid, MD Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport, LA
Banreet Dhindsa, MD New York University Langone Health New York, NY
Achintya Singh, MD Metrohealth Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH
Yue-Sai Jao, MD University of Puerto Rico San Juan, PR
Gianna Stoleru, MD University of Virginia Medical Center Charlottesville, VA
Robert J. Pattison, MD, MPH HCA Healthcare Las Vegas, NV
Muhammad Nadeem Yousaf, MD University of Missouri School of Medicine Columbia, MO
Vaishnavi Boppana, MD University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM
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Evidence-Based Gastroenterology (EBGI) launched in October 2021 in conjunction with the ACG Annual Meeting. Each month since, Associate Editors review selected GI and hepatology related articles that are published in non-GI journals, providing a structured abstract that outlines the main question the article address, details the design, setting, patient groups, and the interventions used, and discusses the results and outcomes. Editors provide a commentary on why the article is important and how the conclusions compare with their own practice. Lastly, the editors identify areas for future research on the subject. The publication’s goal is to highlight key GI articles published in general medical journals to assist practitioners and fellows in staying up to date on important articles and information that readers may not have free access to otherwise. This past year, EBGI focused on bringing the publication to social media. In January 2023, @ACG_EBGI launched, moving their weekly “tweetorials” to their own channel. The account gained 1,274 followers in the first six months. The team of Social Media Ambassadors works with Associate Editor, Joseph Sleiman, MD, to develop tweetorials that illustrate the important take aways of each summary. These tweetorials will be available to journal clubs for reuse as slides starting in fall 2023. Published monthly, the e-TOCs are sent to all members. The editors curated a thematic issue in March as part of Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, focusing on the role of colorectal cancer prevention through the performance of high-quality colonoscopy.
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The “In Case You Missed It” special issue from 2022 led to the development of an article type of the same name, providing readers with a look back at important studies published in the past few years. EBGI covers papers published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, New England Journal of Medicine, Annals of Internal Medicine, JAMA, and Lancet, among others. Each issue is accompanied by podcasts with the editors discussing their analysis, and Editor-in-Chief, Phil Schoenfeld, asking how each editor uses the advice or recommendation in the article in their own practice. This year, Jacqueline Gaulin—ACG’s own GastroGirl—has co-hosted three podcasts bringing in her patient-focused view to the practice-based segment. All podcasts are included in the table of contents each month and indexed on most podcast platforms. The EBGI podcast has over 1,300 dedicated listeners.
2023 Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief
Philip Schoenfeld, MD, MSEd, MScEpi, FACG Gastroenterology Section, John R. Dingell VA Medical Center Detroit, MI
Associate Editors Jessica Allegretti, MD, MPH, FACG Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endoscopy Brigham and Women’s Hospital & Harvard Medical School Boston, MA Jennifer Kolb, MD Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Parenteral Nutrition VA Greater Los Angeles & David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Los Angeles, CA Bharati Kochar, MD, MS Division of Gastroenterology Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School Boston, MA
Jeffrey Lee, MD Department of Gastroenterology, Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco, CA Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente Northern California Oakland, CA
Swati Patel, MD Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center & Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical Center Aurora, CO
Philip N. Okafor, MD, MPH Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL
Nicole E. Rich, MD, MSCS Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases UT Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX
Sonali Paul, MD, MS Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Department of Medicine, The University of Chicago Chicago, IL
Shria Kumar, MD Division of Digestive Health and Liver Diseases University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine Miami, FL
Taiwo Ajose, MD Michelle Baliss, DO Aileen Bui, MD Romy Chamoun, MD Kashyap Chauhan, MD Aastha Chokshi, MD Arjun Chatterjee, MD Sophia Dar, MBBS, MSEd Jalpa Devi, MBBS Lovekirat Dhaliwal, MD Anoushka Dua, MD Chukwunonso Benedict Ezeani, MD Aimen Farooq, MD Umer Farooq, MD Hannah Winthrop Fiske, MD Devika Gandhi, MD Dheera Grover, MBBS Maryam Bilal Haider, MD
Social Media Subcommittee Leaders Mohamad I. Itani, MD Carl Kay, MD Muhammad Zarrar Khan, MD Zubair Khan, MD, FACP Frances Lee, MD Camille Lupianez Merly, MD Clive Jude Miranda, DO Jack F. Mlabasati, MD Mouhand Mohamed, MD, MSc Eleazar Montalvan-Sanchez, MD Nazli Begum Ozturk, MD Omar Tageldin, MD Sean-Patrick Prince, MD, MPH Jassimran Singh, MD Noor Syed, MD Fnu Vikash, M.Med, MD Muhammad Sheharyar Warraich, MBBS
CRC Awareness Month Team Aileen Bui, MD Romy Chamoun, MD Frances Lee, MD Twitter & Patient Advocate Aimen Farooq, MD International GI Fellowship Outreach Jalpa Devi, MBBS
Tweetorial Review Michelle Baliss, DO National GI Fellowship Outreach Mouhand Mohamed, MD, MSc Trainee #SoMe Impact Study Leads Noor Syed, MD Muhammad Sheharyar Warraich, MBBS
Ambassador Training Committee Lovekirat Dhaliwal, MD Zubair Khan, MD, FACP
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Social Media Ambassadors
Joseph Sleiman, MD Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA
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ACG'S VISION: The ACG is the preeminent professional organization that champions the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of digestive disorders, serving as a beacon to guide the delivery of the highest quality, compassionate, and evidence-based patient care. OUR MISSION is to enhance the ability of our members to provide world class care to patients with digestive disorders and advance the profession through excellence and innovation based upon the pillars of:
Patient Care
Practice Management
Scientific Investigation
2023 ACG Fellows (FACG) The College has been meeting the needs of GI clinicians since its inception in 1932. The designation of Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology (FACG) is bestowed upon select members in recognition of significant professional achievement and superior competence within the field of gastroenterology. The FACG designation represents achievements that highlight your dedication to your profession. Show your colleagues, staff, and patients your commitment to the profession and apply for Advancement to Fellowship. View the requirements and benefits here: gi.org/membership/advancement-to-fellowship. MEMBERS WHO ADVANCED TO FELLOWSHIP THIS YEAR
Ayokunle T. Abegunde, MD, FACG
Thomas Abell, MD, FACG
Dustin M. Albert, MD, FACG
Ralph Alhalel, MD, FACG
Jodie A. Barkin, MD, FACG
Edward L. Barnes, MD, FACG
Muhammad Z. Bawany, MD, FACG
Dawn B. Beaulieu, MD, FACG
Mohammad Bilal, MD, FACG
Alejandro Canas-Coto, MD, FACG
Joseph Y. Chang, MD, FACG
Victor Chen, MD, FACG
Matthew A. Chin, MD, FACG
Maithill V. Chitnavis, MD, FACG
Reezwana Chowdhury, MD, FACG
Kenechukwu O. Chudy-Onwugaje, MD, FACG
Kevin M. Cronley, MD, FACG
Narayan Dharel, MD, FACG
Sandra El-Hachem, MD, FACG
Fabian Emura, MD, FACG
Hala Fatima, MD, FACG
Sean Fine, MD, FACG
Robert J. Fontana, MD, FACG
Mark S. Friedman, MD, FACG
Juan Gallegos-Orozco, MD, FACG
110 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
Andrew B. Gentry, MD, FACG
Steven Gruchy, MD, FACG
Toufic Kachaamy, MD, FACG
Allon Kahn, MD, FACG
Amanullah Kalhoro, MD, FACG
Ashwani Kapoor, MD, FACG
Vinay K. Katukuri, MD, FACG
Karen Krok, MD, FACG
Nikhil Kumta, MD, FACG
Vladimir Kushnir, MD, FACG
Jeffrey P. LaFond, MD, FACG
Gregory M. Lam, DO, FACG
Yvette Leung, MD, FACG
David B. Liang, MD, FACG
Pavan K. Mankal, MD, FACG
Dejan Micic, MD, FACG
Farah Monzur, MD, FACG
Andrew M. Moon, MD, MPH, FACG
Jong Ho Moon, MD, FACG
Suzanne K. Morrissey, MD, FACG
Pedro Moutinho-Ribeiro, MD, FACG
Thiruvengadam Muniraj, MD, FACG
Traci T. Murakami, MD, FACG
Inessa Normatov, MD, FACG
Laura A. Pace, MD, FACG
Parth J. Parekh, MD, FACG
Walter Park, MD, FACG
Neha V. Patel, MD, FACG
Viral Patel, MD, FACG
2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 111
Divyangkumar Gandhi, MD, FACG
2023 ACG Fellows (FACG) (cont.)
Jessica Philpott, MD, PhD, FACG
Rayburn F. Rego, MD, FACG
Mariquit D. Sendelbach, DO, FACG
Nirav R. Shah, MD, FACG
Raina Shivashankar, MD, FACG
Eugenia Shmidt, MD, FACG
Aijaz A. Sofi, MD, FACG
Umair Sohail, MD, FACG
Rhonda F. Souza, MD, FACG
Tagore Sunkara, MD, FACG
James H. Tabibian, MD, FACG
Sasha Taleban, MD, FACG
Haleh Vaziri, MD, FACG
Cihan S. Vurdaydin, MD, FACG
Pascale M. White, MD, FACG
I. Dewa N. Wibawa, MD, FACG
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Past ACG Presidents & ACG Board of Governors Chairs 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 2014-2015 2013-2014 2012-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 2002-2003 2001-2002 2000-2001 1999-2000 1998-1999 1997-1998 1996-1997 1995-1996 1994-1995 1993-1994 1992-1993 1991-1992 1990-1991 1989-1990 1988-1989 1987-1988 1986-1987 1985-1986 1984-1985 1983-1984 1982-1983 1981-1982 1980-1981 1979-1980 1978-1979 1977-1978 1976-1977 1975-1976 1974-1975 1973-1974 1972-1973 1971-1972 1970-1971 1969-1970 1968-1969 1967-1968 1966-1967 1965-1966 1964-1965 1963-1964
Providence, RI New York, NY New York, NY Rochester, MN Walnut Creek, CA Cleveland, OH Jacksonville, FL Chicago, IL Rockwall, TX New Haven, CT Dallas, TX San Antonio, TX Philadelphia, PA Houston, Texas Rochester, MN Norfolk, VA Mobile, AL Columbia, SC Indianapolis, IN Houston, TX Cleveland, OH Omaha, NE New Orleans, LA Seattle, WA Knoxville, TN Baltimore, MD Great Neck, NY Cleveland, OH Cleveland, OH Bronx, NY Miami, FL Houston, TX Miami, FL New Orleans, LA Memphis, TN New York, NY Grand Rapids, MI Kansas City, MO Jackson, MS New York, NY Philadelphia, PA New York, NY New York, NY Washington, DC New York, NY Burlington, MA Irvine, CA Atlanta, GA Palm Desert, CA New York, NY Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN New York, NY New York, NY New Orleans, LA Bessemer, AL Big Canoe, GA Brooklyn, NY Cleveland, OH
*Edward J. Krol, MD, FACG *Theodore S. Heineken, MD, FACG *Louis Ochs, Jr., MD, FACG *Henry Baker, MD, FACG *Joseph Shaiken, MD, FACG *Frank J. Borrelli, MD, FACG *C. William Wirts, MD, FACG *Arthur A. Kirchner, MD, FACG *James T. Nix, MD, FACG *Lynn A. Ferguson, MD, FACG *Sigurd W. Johnsen, MD, FACG *Felix Cunha, MD, FACG *William W. Lermann, MD, FACG *C. J. Tidmarsh, MD, FACG *Horace W. Soper, MD, FACG *William R. Morrison, MD, FACG *Anthony Bassler, MD, FACG *G. Randolph Manning, MD, FACG *Isidor L. Ritter, MD, FACG
1962-1963 1962 1961 1960-1961 1959-1960 1958-1959 1957-1958 1956-1957 1955-1956 1954-1955 1953-1954 1952-1953 1951-1952 1950-1951 1949-1950 1948-1949 1936-1948 1932-1936 1932
Chicago, IL Glen Ridge, NJ New Orleans, LA Boston, MA Milwaukee, WI New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Los Angeles, CA New Orleans, LA Grand Rapids, MI Passaic, NJ San Francisco, CA Pittsburgh, PA Montreal, Canada St. Louis, MO Boston, MA New York, NY New York, NY New York, NY *Deceased
PAST ACG BOARD OF GOVERNORS CHAIRS 2020-2022................................................................................Patrick E. Young, MD, FACG 2018-2020..................................................................................Neil H. Stollman, MD, FACG 2016-2018...................................................................Costas H. Kefalas, MD, MMM, FACG 2014-2016............................................................................. Immanuel K. H. Ho, MD, FACG 2012-2014..........................................................................Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG 2010-2012...........................................................................David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG 2008-2010.................................................................................... Samir A. Shah, MD, FACG 2005-2008............................................................................Francis A. Farraye, MD, FACG 2004-2005.................................................................Richard P. MacDermott, MD, FACG 2002-2004........................................................................... Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACG 2000-2002................................................................................ Roy K. H. Wong, MD, FACG 1998-2000..................................................................................... Edgar Achkar, MD, FACG 1996-1998...................................................................................Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG 1994-1996.............................................................................. P. Gregory Foutch, DO, FACG 1992-1994........................................................................................Luis A. Balart, MD, FACG 1990-1992.....................................................................................David A. Peura, MD, FACG 1988-1990 .................................................................................William D. Carey, MD, FACG 1986-1988....................................................................... Albert C. Svoboda, Jr., MD, FACG 1984-1986....................................................................................E. Marvin Sokol, MD, FACG 1982-1984................................................................................. Gerald H. Becker, MD, FACG 1981-1982 ....................................................................................E. Marvin Sokol, MD, FACG 1980-1981.......................................................................................Alvin M. Cotlar, MD, FACG 1976-1980................................................................................. Robert L. Berger, MD, FACG 1973-1976............................................................................... Richard N. Meyers, MD, FACG 1970-1973.................................................................................. Albert M. Yunich, MD, FACG 1969-1970..................................................................................Edward I. Melich, MD, FACG 1968-1969......................................................................................... Manuel Sklar, MD, FACG 1967-1968 .................................................................................Edward I. Melich, MD, FACG 1966-1967.........................................................................Warren Breidenbach, MD, FACG 1965-1966..................................................................................Edward I. Melich, MD, FACG 1964-1965...................................................................... Edward J. Nightingale, MD, FACG 1962-1964..............................................................................Stanley Sidenberg, MD, FACG 1959-1962........................................................................................Libby Pulsifer, MD, FACG 1958-1959 ..................................................................................... Dale W. Creek, MD, FACG 1955-1958........................................................................... Henry G. Rudner, Sr., MD, FACG 1954-1955..........................................................................................Henry Baker, MD, FACG 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 113
ACG PAST PRESIDENTS Samir A. Shah, MD, FACG David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG Sunanda Kane, MD, FACG Irving M. Pike, MD, FACG Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG Kenneth R. Devault, MD, FACG Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACG Ronald J. Vender, MD, FACG Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACG Delbert L. Chumley, MD, FACG Philip O. Katz, MD, MACG Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, FACG Amy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, FACG David A. Johnson, MD, MACG Jack A. Di Palma, MD, FACG John W. Popp, Jr., MD, FACG Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG Frank L. Lanza, MD, FACG Edgar Achkar, MD, FACG Rowen K. Zetterman, MD, FACG *Luis A. Balart, MD, FACG Christina M. Surawicz, MD, FACG Sarkis J. Chobanian, MD, FACG *Marvin M. Schuster, MD, FACG Seymour Katz, MD, FACG Joel E. Richter, MD, FACG William D. Carey, MD, FACG Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, FACG Arvey I. Rogers, MD, FACG David Y. Graham, MD, FACG Jamie S. Barkin, MD, FACG Chesley Hines, Jr., MD, FACG *Myron Lewis, MD, FACG *Arthur H. Aufses, Jr., MD, FACG *John P. Papp, MD, FACG *Walter H. Jacobs, MD, FACG *James L. Achord, MD, FACG Jerome D. Waye, MD, FACG *Franz Goldstein, MD, FACG *Burton I. Korelitz, MD, FACG Sidney J. Winawer, MD, FACG Richard G. Farmer, MD, FACG *William S. Rosenthal, MD, FACG *F. Warren Nugent, MD, FACG *J. Edward Berk, MD, FACG *John T. Galambos, MD, FACG *Angelo E. Dagradi, MD, FACG *Richard H. Marshak, MD, FACG *Mitchell A. Spellberg, MD, FACG *Joseph E. Walther, MD, FACG *Henry Colcher, MD, FACG *David A. Dreiling, MD, FACG *Murrell H. Kapla, MD, FACG *John M. McMahon, MD, FACG *Maxwell R. Berry, MD, FACG *Milton J. Matzner, MD, FACG *Robert R. Bartunek, MD, FACG
Past ACG Awards Recipients & Special Lecturers PAST BERK/FISE CLINICAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD RECIPIENTS (formerly the ACG Clinical Achievement Award) 2022 Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG 2021 Nicholas J. Talley, AC, MD, PhD, MACG 2020 William D. Chey, MD, FACG 2019 Jamie S. Barkin, MD, MACG 2018 Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG 2017 Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG 2016 Linda Rabeneck, MD, MACG 2015 Peter A. Banks, MD, MACG 2014 Edgar Achkar, MD, MACG 2013 Philip O. Katz, MD, MACG 2012 David A. Johnson, MD, MACG 2011 Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG 2010 Roy K. H. Wong, MD, MACG 2009 Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACG 2008 Rowen K. Zetterman, MD, MACG 2007 Joel E. Richter, MD, MACG 2006 Seymour Katz, MD, MACG 2005 David B. Sachar, MD, MACG 2004 Alvin M. Zfass, MD, MACGa 2003 Arthur H. Aufses, Jr., MD, MACG 2002 Cyrus Rubin, MD, FACG 2001 Jerome D. Waye, MD, MACG 2000 Bergein Overholt, MD, MACG 1999 Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG 1998 Leslie H. Bernstein, MD, FACG 1997 Sidney J. Winawer, MD, MACG 1996 Burton I. Korelitz, MD, MACG 1995 David Y. Graham, MD, MACG 1994 Howard Spiro, MD, FACG 1993 F. Warren Nugent, MD, FACG 1992 Henry D. Janowitz, MD, FACG 1991 John T. Galambos, MD, FACG 1990 Leon Schiff, MD, FACG 1989 James L. A. Roth, MD, FACG 1988 J. Edward Berk, MD, MACG 1987 Leonidas Berry, MD, FACG PAST COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENTS 2022 Jean S. Wang, MD, PhD, FACG 2021 V. G. Mohan Prasad, MD 2020 Hari S. Conjeevaram, MD, FACG 2019 Seshadri T. Chandrasekar, MD, DM, D.Sc, FACG 2018 Louis J. Wilson, MD, FACG 2017 Amar R. Deshpande, MD, FACG 2016 David J. Hass, MD, FACG 2015 Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH 2014 Timothy B. Gardner, MD, MS, FACG 2013 Richard T. McGlaughlin, MD 2012 March E. Seabrook, MD, FACG 2011 Joseph D. DiMase, MD, FACG
114 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
PAST DISTINGUISHED MENTORSHIP AND TEACHING AWARD RECIPIENTS 2022 Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACG 2021 Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, MACG Dawn T. Provenzale, MD, FACG Satish S. C. Rao, MD, PhD, FACG PAST DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION AWARD RECIPIENTS (formerly the Minority Digestive Health Care Award) 2022 Rachel B. Issaka, MD 2021 Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG 2018 Renee L. Williams, MD, FACG 2017 Darwin L. Conwell, MD, MS 2016 Maria T. Abreu, MD 2014 Fritz Francois, MD, FACG 2013 Frank A. Hamilton, MD, MPH, MACG 2008 Abbasi J. Akhtar, MD, FACG 2007 LaSalle D. Leffall, Jr., MD, FACG PAST INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP AWARD RECIPIENTS 2022 Seshadri T. Chandrasekar, MD, FACG 2021 Nalini M. Guda, MD, FACG 2020 Mahesh K. Goenka, MD, FACG 2019 Manoop S. Bhutani, MD, FACG 2018 Francis K. L. Chan, MD, FACG 2017 Mark D. Topazian, MD, FACG 2015 Guilherme G. Macedo, MD, PhD, FACG 2014 Henry Cohen, MD, FACG 2013 Toshifumi Hibi, MD, PhD, FACG 2012 Flavio Steinwurz, MD, FACG 2011 Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG PAST MASTER RECIPIENTS Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), MACG Sami R. Achem, MD, MACG Edgar Achkar, MD, MACG James L. Achord, MD, MACG Arthur H. Aufses, MD, MACG Bruce R. Bacon, MD, MACG John Baillie, MB, ChB, MACG Luis Balart, MD, MACG Simmy Bank, MD, MACG Peter A. Banks, MD, MACG Jamie S. Barkin, MD, MACG K. Orrin Barrow, MBBS, MACG Ivan T. Beck, MD, MACG Gerald Becker, MD, MACG Robert L. Berger, MD, MACG J. Edward Berk, MD, MACG Harold Bernhard, MD, MACG David E. Bernstein, MD, MACG Leslie H. Bernstein, MD, MACG Leonidas H. Berry, MD, MACG H. Worth Boyce, Jr., MD, MACG
Eugene M. Bozymski, MD, MACG S. Philip Bralow, MD, MACG Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG W. Scott Brooks, MD, MACG Qiang Cai, MD, PhD, MACG R. Bruce Cameron, MD, M.A.T., MACG Michael Camilleri, MD, MACG William D. Carey, MD, MACG Donald O. Castell, MD, MACG Sarkis J. Chobanian, MD, MACG Sita S. Chokhavatia, MD, MACG Delbert L. Chumley, MD, MACG Harris R. Clearfield, MD, MACG Edwin M. Cohn, MD, MACG Henry Colcher, MD, MACG Juan R. Colon-Pagan, MD, MACG Michael D. Crowell, PhD, MACG Angelo E. Dagradi, MD, MACG Kenneth R. DeVault, MD, MACG Jack A. Di Palma, MD, MACG David Dreiling, MD, MACG Douglas A. Drossman, MD, MACG Sudhir K. Dutta, MD, MACG Grace H. Elta, MD, MACG Atilla Ertan, MD, MACG Richard G. Farmer, MD, MACG Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, MACG Ronnie Fass, MD, MACG Sidney M. Fierst, MD, MACG Warren Finkelstein, MD, MACG Joseph F. Fitzgerald, MD, MACG Ira L. Flax, MD, MACG Martin H. Floch, MD, MACG Amy E. Foxx-Orenstein, DO, MACG P. Gregory Foutch, DO, MACG James T. Frakes, MD, MACG Barbara B. Frank, MD, MACG Martin L. Freeman, MD, MACG Gerald Friedman, MD, MACG John T. Galambos, MD, MACG Martin D. Gelfand, MD, MACG Lauren B. Gerson, MD, MSc, MACG Franz Goldstein, MD, MACG David Y. Graham, MD, MACG Victor W. Groisser, MD, MACG Frank A. Hamilton, MD, MPH, MACG Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, MACG Jorge L. Herrera, MD, MACG Theodore Hersh, MD, MACG Chesley Hines, MD, MACG Basil I. Hirschowitz, MD, MACG Richard A. Hunt, MD, MACG Walter H. Jacobs, MD, MACG Wasim Jafri, MD, MACG David A. Johnson, MD, MACG Robyn G. Karlstadt, MD, MACG
Marvin M. Schuster, MD, MACG Ashok N. Shah, MD, MACG Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, MACG Mitchell L. Shiffman, MD, MACG Jerome H. Siegel, MD, MACG E. Marvin Sokol, MD, MACG Stuart J. Spechler, MD, MACG Mitchell A. Spellberg, MD, MACG Howard Spiro, MD, MACG Radhika Srinivasan, MD, MACG Frederick Steigmann, MD, MACG Flavio Steinwurz, MD, MACG Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACG Albert C. Svoboda, Jr., MD, MACG Nicholas J. Talley, MD, MBBS, PhD, MMedSci, MACG Juan T. Tomasini, MD, MACG Esther A. Torres, MD, MACG Fumiaki Ueno, MD, MACG Jorge E. Valenzuela, MD, MACG Santhi S. Vege, MD, MACG Ronald J. Vender, MD, MACG Arnold Wald, MD, MACG Joseph E. Walther, MD, MACG Jerome D. Waye, MD, MACG Richard L. Wechsler, MD, MACG William E. Whitehead, PhD, MACG C. Noel Williams, MD, MACG David W. Williams, MD, MACG Sidney J. Winawer, MD, MACG Roy K. H. Wong, MD, MACG Rowen K. Zetterman, MD, MACG Alvin M. Zfass, MD, MACG PAST NP/PA AWARD FOR CLINICAL EXCELLENCE RECIPIENTS 2022 Monica Nandwani, DNP, RN, FNP-BC Kimberly D. Orleck, PA-C PAST SAMUEL S. WEISS AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY RECIPIENTS 2022 Delbert L. Chumley, MD, MACG 2021 David A. Johnson, MD, MACG 2020 Eugene M. Bozymski, MD, MACG 2019 Alvin M. Zfass, MD, MACG 2018 Peter A. Banks, MD, MACG 2017 John W. Popp, Jr., MD, MACG 2016 Richard G. Farmer, MD, MACG Burton I. Korelitz, MD, MACG Sidney J. Winawer, MD, MACG 2015 Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACG 2014 Jamie S. Barkin, MD, MACG 2013 Jack A. Di Palma, MD, MACG 2012 Martin H. Floch, MD, MACG 2011 Frank L. Lanza, MD, FACG 2008 Robert E. Kravetz, MD, MACG
2006 William D. Carey, MD, MACG 2005 David Y. Graham, MD, MACG 2004 Edgar Achkar, MD, FACG 2002 Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG 2001 Joel E. Richter, MD, MACG 2000 Seymour Katz, MD, FACG 1998 Rowen K. Zetterman, MD, FACG 1997 Arthur H. Aufses, Jr., MD, MACG 1996 Arvey I. Rogers, MD, MACG 1995 Jerome D. Waye, MD, MACG 1994 J. Edward Berk, MD, MACG 1993 Arthur Lindner, MD, MACG 1992 Franz Goldstein, MD, MACG 1991 James L. Achord, MD, MACG 1990 Robert L. Berger, MD, FACG 1989 Angelo E. DaGradi, MD, MACG 1987 Joseph E. Walther, MD, MACG 1986 Richard L. Wechsler, MD, FACG 1984 John P. Papp, MD, MACG 1982 Daniel Weiss, BS, MA 1980 David A. Dreiling, MD, MACG 1978 Henry Colcher, MD, MACG 1976 Murrel H. Kaplan, MD, FACG 1974 Robert R. Bartunek, MD, FACG 1972 Milton J. Matzner, MD, FACG PAST JUNIOR GOVERNOR’S AWARD RECIPIENTS (formerly the Freshman Governor’s Award) 2022 Vonda G. Reeves, MD, MBA, FACG 2021 Alyn L. Adrain, MD, FACG 2020 Anne G. Tuskey, MD, FACG 2019 Harish Gagneja, MD, FACG 2018 Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG 2017 David A. Schwartz, MD, FACG 2016 Tedd P. Cain, MD, FACG 2015 Neil H. Stollman, MD, FACG 2014 Douglas G. Adler, MD, FACG 2013 Felice Schnoll-Sussman, MD, FACG 2012 David T. Rubin, MD, FACG 2011 Caroll D. Koscheski, MD, FACG 2010 Costas H. Kefalas, MD, FACG 2009 James S. Leavitt, MD, FACG 2008 Immanuel K. H. Ho, MD, FACG 2007 March E. Seabrook, MD, FACG 2006 Flavio Steinwurz, MD, FACG 2005 Edward L. Cattau, Jr., MD, FACG 2004 Myron H. Brand, MD, FACG 2003 Samir A. Shah, MD, FACG 2002 R. Bruce Cameron, MD, FACG 2001 Jay J. Mamel, MD, FACG 2000 Warren Finkelstein, MD, FACG 1999 Massimo Crespi, MD, FACG 1998 Rashad Dabaghi, MD, FACG 1997 Peter M. Pardoll, MD, MACG 1996 Peter F. Purcell, MD, FACG 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 115
Philip O. Katz, MD, MACG Seymour Katz, MD, MACG John J. Kelly, MD, MACG Ali Keshavarzian, MD, MACG James F. King, MD, MACG Burton I. Korelitz, MD, MACG Robert E. Kravetz, MD, MACG Shiu-Kum Lam, MD, MACG Frank L. Lanza, MD, MACG Eric R. Lee, MD, MACG Sum P. Lee, MD, PhD, MACG Suzanne Lemire, MD, MACG Joseph W. Leung, MD, MACG Myron Lewis, MD, MACG Charles J. Lightdale, MD, MACG Arthur E. Lindner, MD, MACG G. Richard Locke, III, MD, MACG W. Elwyn Lyles, MD, MACG Richard P. MacDermott, MD, MACG Guilherme Macedo, MD, PhD, MACG Willis C. Maddrey, MD, MACG Nirmal S. Mann, MD, MS, PhD, DSc, MACG John McMahon, MD, MACG Peter R. McNally, DO, MACG George W. Meyer, MD, MACG William A. Millhon, MD, MACG H. Juergen Nord, MD, MACG Timothy T. Nostrant, MD, MACG F. Warren Nugent, MD, MACG Bergein F. Overholt, MD, MACG Joel F. Panish, MD, MACG John P. Papp, MD, MACG Peter M. Pardoll, MD, MACG Moses Paulson, MD, MACG Daniel Pelot, MD, MACG David A. Peura, MD, MACG C. S. Pitchumoni, MD, MACG John W. Popp, Jr., MD, MACG Daniel H. Present, MD, MACG Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG Linda Rabeneck, MD, MACG Francisco C. Ramirez, MD, MACG George B. Rankin, MD, MACG Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG Joel E. Richter, MD, MACG Arvey I. Rogers, MD, MACG William S. Rosenthal, MD, MACG David B. Sachar, MD, MACG Michael A. Safdi, MD, MACG Richard E. Sampliner, MD, MACG Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, MACG Melvin Schapiro, MD, MACG Eugene R. Schiff, MD, MACG Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, MACG Edward S. Schneir, MD, MACG Bernard M. Schuman, MD, MACG
Past ACG Awards Recipients & Special Lecturers (cont.) PAST SENIOR GOVERNOR’S AWARD RECIPIENTS 2022 Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG 2021 Jeffry L. Nestler, MD, FACG 2020 Wilmer Rodriguez, MD, FACG 2019 Stephen T. Amann, MD, FACG 2018 Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG 2017 Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG 2016 Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG 2015 David H. Cort, MD, FACG 2014 Kenneth J. Chang, MD, FACG 2013 David E. Bernstein, MD, FACG 2012 James S. Leavitt, MD, FACG 2011 March E. Seabrook, MD, FACG 2010 John R. Saltzman, MD, FACG 2009 Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG 2008 David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG 2007 Scott M. Tenner, MD, MPH, FACG 2006 Barbara B. Frank, MD, FACG 2005 R. Bruce Cameron, MD, FACG 2004 Joseph W. Leung, MD, FACG 2003 Warren Finkelstein, MD, FACG 2002 Martin D. Mark, MD, FACG 2001 Timothy J. Nostrant, MD, FACG 2000 J. Mark Lawson, MD, FACG 1999 Florian M. Cortese, MD, FACG 1998 William H. Hall, MD, FACG 1997 John W. Popp, Jr., MD, FACG 1996 Delbert L. Chumley, MD, FACG PAST WILLIAM D. CAREY AWARD RECIPIENTS 2022 James C. Hobley, MD, MSc, FACG 2021 Costas H. Kefalas, MD, MMM, FACG 2020 Whitfield L. Knapple, MD, FACG 2019 Immanuel K. H. Ho, MD, FACG 2018 Caroll D. Koscheski, MD, FACG 2017 Daniel J. Pambianco, MD, FACG 2016 Brooks D. Cash, MD, FACG 2015 David A. Johnson, MD, MACG 2014 Flavio Steinwurz, MD, FACG 2013 David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG 2012 Samir A. Shah, MD, FACG 2011 W. Elwyn Lyles, MD, FACG 2010 Edgar Achkar, MD, MACG 2009 Francis A. Farraye, MD, MSc, FACG 2008 Peter M. Pardoll, MD, MACG 2007 R. Bruce Cameron, MD, FACG 2006 Roy K. H. Wong, MD, FACG 2005 Harry E. Sarles, Jr., MD, FACG 2004 John W. Popp, Jr., MD, FACG 2003 Ronald J. Vender, MD, FACG 2002 Douglas K. Rex, MD, FACG 2001 Jack A. Di Palma, MD, FACG 2000 Delbert L. Chumley, MD, FACG 1999 P. Gregory Foutch, DO, FACG 1998 Luis A. Balart, MD, MACG 1997 Rowen K. Zetterman, MD, MACG 1996 Christina M. Surawicz, MD, FACG 116 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
PAST NORTH AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL GI TRAINING GRANT AWARD RECIPIENTS 2022 Rahul S. Dalal, MD, MPH, Boston, MA Andrew M. Moon, MD, MPH, Chapel Hill, NC 2021 Giselle Mahoro, MD, Philadelphia, PA 2020 Edward Barnes, MD, MPH, Chapel Hill, NC 2019 Robert J. Huang, MD, Stanford, CA 2018 Hassan Siddiki, MD, MS, Chapel Hill, NC 2017 Tracey G. Simon, MD, Boston, MA 2016 Gene K. Ma, Philadelphia, PA 2015 Jennifer Y. Pan, MD, Stanford, CA 2014 Akwi W. Asombang, MD, Columbia, MO 2013 Ryan J. Law, MD, Rochester, MN 2012 Hamed Khalili, MD, Boston, MA 2011 Amit Bhatt, MD, Cleveland, OH 2010 Jenny Sauk, MD, New York, NY 2009 Tonya Kaltenbach, MD, Palo Alto, CA 2008 Anna M. Buchner, MD, PhD, Jacksonville, FL PAST INTERNATIONAL GI TRAINING GRANT AWARD RECIPIENTS 2022 Stella-Maris Chinma Egboh, MD, MSc, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria Kartik Natarajan, MBBS, MD, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 2021 Evaristus S. Chukwudike, MBBCh, FWACP, Calabar, Nigeria Artemis Trikola, MD, MPH, MSc, Athens, Greece 2019 Vikrant Sood, MD, New Delhi, India 2018 Luis Raúl Valdovinos Garcia, MD, Mexico 2017 Irina Cazacu, MD, Romania 2016 Sally A. Bampoh, MD, Ghana 2015 Piyush Somani, MD, India 2014 Oriol Sendino-Garcia, MD, Spain 2013 Salome Bandoh, MD, Ghana 2012 Wiriyaporn Ridtitid, MD, Thailand 2011 Nikhil Anil Nadkarni, MD, India 2010 Avelyn Kwok, MD, Australia 2009 Andres Duarte Rojo, MD, Mexico 2008 Ling Yi Zhang, MD, MS, China 2007 Ian Homer Y. Cua, MD, Philippines 2006 Alberto Rubio Tapia, MD, Mexico 2005 Aldo Javier Montano-Loza, MD, Mexico 2004 Ender Fakioglu, MD, Turkey 2003 Kyoto Ito, MD, Japan 2002 Ratha-korn Vilaichone, MD, Thailand 2001 Mohamed El Sadany, MD, Egypt 2000 Harshad C. Devarbhavi, MD, India 1999 Marko Duvnjak, MD, Croatia 1998 Eliza Maria de Brito, MD, Brazil 1997 Jan Gunnar Hatlebakk, MD, Norway Marisa Fonseca Magalhaes, MD, Brazil Sri Prakash Misra, MD, India
Dervis Bandres, MD, Venezuela Orsolya I. Halmos, MD, Hungary Issa Marie Nigl Navarrete, MD, Mexico Rajko Ostojic, MD, Croatia Seren Ozenirler, MD, Turkey Shayong Yu, MD, China Lars Aabakken, MD, Norway Carlos Midrani Boyle, MD, Mexico I. Soykan, MD, Turkey J. Woo, MD, Korea
PAST J. EDWARD BERK DISTINGUISHED LECTURERS (formerly ACG Distinguished Lecture) 2022 Bruce E. Sands, MD, MS, FACG: The Promise and Progress of New Approaches to Treating the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2021 William D. Chey, MD, FACG: The End of the Beginning: Megatrends in Gastroenterology 2020 Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG: A Septuagenarian’s Evolving Reflections on the Practice of Medicine 2019 Linda Rabeneck, MD, MPH, MACG: PostColonoscopy Colorectal Cancer: How Are We Doing? 2018 Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG: Fake News and Alternative Facts on Personalized Medicine in IBD 2017 John J. Vargo, II, MD, MPH, FACG: Are Our Patients Sleeping Safely and Soundly? The State of Endoscopic Procedural Sedation in 2017 2016 Kenneth K. Wang, MD, FACG: Endoscopy 2020: Preparing for the Future 2015 David A. Johnson, MD, MACG: Sleep Effect on GI Health and Disease: Eyes Wide Open? 2014 Richard A. Kozarek, MD, FACG: GI and Endoscopic Training for the Future Gastroenterologist 2013 Christina M. Surawicz, MD, MACG: Avoiding Burnout: Finding Balance Between Work and Everything Else 2012 Mark Feldman, MD, FACG: Is Gastric Secretion Still Relevant? 2011 Seymour Katz, MD, MACG: Management of the Elderly IBD Patient: A Wake-up Call 2010 Donald O. Castell, MD, MACG: Academic Mentoring 2009 Michael F. Sorrell, MD, FACG: Gastroenterologist/Hepatologist: Identical or Complementary? 2008 Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG: Advances in Colonoscopy: New Platforms, New Techniques, New Imaging Technology: What Do They Mean? 2007 M. Brian Fennerty, MD, FACG: Alice in Wonderland: The Endoscopist of the Future and the Gastrointestinal Mucosa Through the ‘New’ Looking Glass
1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968
Howard A. Spiro, MD, FACG: From Parsnips to Pomegranates – A Look Back at Gastroenterology Basil I. Hirschowitz, MD, FACG: Clinical Perspectives of Gastric Secretion Charles E. Code, MD, FACG (Hon.): The InterDigestive Gastrointestinal Housekeeper Baruch S. Blumberg, MD, FACG (Hon.): The Relation Between HBsAG and Hepatic Carcinoma Charles S. Lieber, MD, FACG: Alcohol and the Liver: Progress Through 1978 Joseph B. Kirsner, MD, FACG (Hon.): The Biomedical Problems Presented by Inflammatory Bowel Disease Basil C. Morson, MD, FACG (Hon.): Biopsy of the Colon and Rectum in Inflammatory Disease Thomas C. Chalmers, MD, FACG (Hon.): What Should Distinguish a Gastroenterologist? Lloyd M. Nyhus, MD, FACG (Hon.): New Frontiers in Treatment of Duodenal Ulcer Henry L. Bockus, MD, FACG (Hon.): The Doctor Image Henry Colcher, MD, FACG: Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 1972 Irving M. Arias, MD, FACG (Hon.): Jaundice–1972 Hans Popper, MD, FACG (Hon.): The Problem of Hepatitis Richard H. Marshak, MD, FACG: Ulcerative Granulomas and Ischemic Colitis David A. Dreiling, MD, FACG: Basic Mechanism in Pancreatic Secretion
PAST DAVID SUN LECTURERS 2022 Sanjiv Chopra, MD: The Two Most Important Days: Reflections on Lasting Happiness and Living With Purpose 2021 Jerome D. Waye, MD, MACG: Colon Polyps: Going and Gone 2020 Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc (Epid), FACG: Cardiogastroenterology: Intersectional Thinking to Meet New Clinical Needs 2019 Miguel D. Regueiro, MD, FACG: The IBD Medical Home and Neighborhood: It Takes a Village 2018 David A. Johnson, MD, MACG: Translational Approaches to Common GI Diseases... Thinking Out of the Box...The Future is Now! 2017 Gary W. Falk, MD, MS, FACG: Screening and Surveillance of Barrett’s Esophagus: Where Are We Now and What Does the Future Hold? 2016 Nicholas J. Talley, MD, MBBS, PhD, MMedSci, FACG: Functional Disease of the Gastrointestinal Tract: Is There a Light at the End of the Tunnel?
William D. Chey, MD, FACG: Food: The Main Course to Disease and Wellness 2014 Thomas A. Scully, JD: The Cloudy Future for Physicians: Reimbursement and Practice Changes in the Post-ACA Era 2013 Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH: Gastroenterology and Public Health in the Era of Health Reform 2012 Douglas A. Drossman, MD, MACG: Helping Your Patient by Helping Yourself: How to Improve the Patient-Physician Relationship 2011 Gregory B. Haber, MD, FACG: Challenges in ERCP — Lessons Learned 2010 Tom R. DeMeester, MD, FACG: Détente in the Therapy of GERD 2009 Fergus Shanahan, MD, FACG: Gut Microbes: From Bugs to Drugs 2008 William J. Sandborn, MD, FACG: The Future Direction of IBD Care 2007 H. Worth Boyce, Jr., MD, MACG: Esophageal Dilation: A Perspective of 45 Years of Experience: Pearls, Perils and Pitfalls 2006 Anthony N. Kalloo, MD, FACG: Natural Ofifice Transgastric Endoscopic Surgery: Dawn of a New Era 2005 Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG: Optimizing the Impact and Safety of Colonoscopy in Colon Cancer Prevention 2004 Richard L. Sampliner, MD, FACG: Current Controversies in Barrett’s Esophagus 2003 Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG: Superior Mesenteric Arterial Emboli and Acute Mesenteric Ischemia: An Update 2002 Christina M. Surawicz, MD, FACG: The Differential Diagnosis of Colitis 2001 Lawrence R. Schiller, MD, FACG: Chronic Diarrhea 2000 Teresa Wright, MD: Hepatitis C in the Next Decade 1999 Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG: New Therapies for the Treatment of IBD 1998 David Y. Graham, MD, MACG: Treatment of H. pylori – 1998 1997 Rowen K. Zetterman, MD, FACG: Alcoholic Liver Disease 1996 Rodger Haggitt, MD, FACG: Dysplasia in Ulcerative Colitis: A 20-Year Odyssey 1995 David Skinner, MD: Esophageal Surgery – 1995 1994 Thomas Starzl, MD: Gastrointestinal Organ Transplantation for the 1990s – An Outcome Analysis. Can We Afford the Technology in the Era of Cost Containment? 1993 Cyrus E. Rubin, MD, FACG: Small Bowel Pathology 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP | 117
2006 Joel E. Richter, MD, MACG: Eosinophilic Esophagitis: New Disease or Old Friend in Disguise? 2005 Bruce R. Bacon, MD, FACG: Hereditary Hemochromatosis – What We Have Learned Since the Discovery of HFE 2004 Brian Saunders, MBBS, MD, MRCP: Colonoscopy in Evolution 2003 Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG: Demystifying Motility; Gut Motor Dysfunction in Clinical Practice 2002 Roger Williams, CBE, MD: Improved Treatments for Decompensated Liver Disease Including Liver Support Devices 2001 Richard P. MacDermott, MD, FACG: Immunology and Therapy of IBD 2000 Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG: Patients’ Attitudes and Apprehensions About Endoscopy: Calming Troubled Waters 1999 Marcia Angell, MD: Evaluating Media Stories of Health Risk 1998 Kees Huibregtse, MD: The Endoscopic Approach to Benign Bile Duct Strictures and Leaks 1997 David Wingate, MD: Small Bowel Motility – Out of the Closet and into the Clinic 1996 Guido Tytgat, MD: Conditions Mimicking Crohn’s Disease 1995 David Y. Graham, MD, MACG: Peptic Ulcer Disease: The Rest of the Story 1994 Eugene R. Schiff, MD, FACG: Long Term Treatment of Chronic Viral C Hepatitis 1993 Jerome Kassirer, MD, FACG: Making Decisions with Patients: Fixing the Flaws 1992 Willis C. Maddrey, MD, FACG: Chronic Hepatitis – 1992 1991 Robert H. Blank, MD: Rationing Medicine: Hard Choices in the 1990’s 1990 Vay Liang Go, MD: Brain-Gut Interaction: Relevance to Clinical Gastroenterology 1989 Professor Dame Sheila Sherlock: Liver Disease – The Next Decade 1988 Thomas Almy, MD (Hon.): The Gastroenterologist and The Graying of America 1987 John Fordtran, MD, FACG (Hon.): Recent Insights into the Pathogenesis of Chronic Diarrhea 1986 Henry D. Janowitz, MD, FACG: The Natural History of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Therapeutic Decisions 1985 Norton J. Greenberger, MD, FACG (Hon.): Pathophysiological Approach to the Patient with a Diarrheal Disorder 1984 Henri Sarles, MD: Management of Pain in Chronic Pancreatitis 1983 Denis P. Burkitt, MD: The Role of Fibre in the Prevention of Common Intestinal Disease
Past ACG Awards Recipients & Special Lecturers (cont.) PAST DAVID SUN LECTURERS (cont.) 1992 Peter Cotton, MD, FACG: Malignant Obstructive Jaundice: A Real Challenge 1991 Sum P. Lee, MD, FACG: Pathophysiology of Gallstone Formation: Romancing the Stone 1990 Marvin Sleisenger, MD: GI Diseases in the Immunocompromised Host 1989 Laszlo Safrany, MD, FACG: Bile Ducts, Common Duct Stones, and Pancreatitis 1988 Scott J. Boley, MD: Colon Ischemia – The First 25 Years 1987 William Y. Chey, MD, FACG: Ulcerogenic Tumor Syndrome in 1987 1986 David H. Van Thiel, MD, FACG: Liver Transplant – The Role of the Gastroenterologist 1985 James W. Freston, MD, FACG: The Therapy of Peptic Ulcer Disease: Where are We? 1984 Henri Sarles, MD: Pathogenesis of Alcoholic Chronic Pancreatitis – A Secretory Concept 1983 Thomas C. Chalmers, MD, FACG: The Clinical Trial 1982 Sidney J. Winawer, MD, FACG: Surveillance of GI Cancer 1981 Paul D. Webster, III, MD, FACG: Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis 1980 Paul Sherlock, MD, FACG: Current Concepts of the Epidemiology and Etiology of Colorectal Cancer 1979 I. N. Marks, MD, FACG: Crossroads in Peptic Ulcer Therapy 1978 Rosalyn S. Yalow, PhD: Radioimmunoassay in Gastroenterology 1977 J. Edward Berk, MD, FACG: New Dimensions in the Laboratory Diagnosis of Pancreatic Disease PAST THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY LECTURERS 2022 Patrick S. Kamath, MD: The Transformative Power of Research Carried Out by Busy Clinicians 2021 Amy S. Oxentenko, MD, FACG: Hidden in Plain Sight: Bringing Women Into the Scope of Gastroenterology 2020 Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MSc, FACG: Foregut Endotherapy: Cutting Edge Technology for 2020 and Beyond 2019 Ciarán P. Kelly, MD, FACG: Celiac Disease: Myths and Mysteries 2018 Nicholas J. Talley, AC, MD, MBBS, PhD, MMedSci, MACG: What Causes Functional GI Disorders? The Latest Data and Insights
118 | 2022–2023 ACG AWARDS & LEADERSHIP
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
2007 2006
Corey A. Siegel, MD, MS: Refocusing IBD Patient Management: Personalized, Proactive, and Patient-Centered Care Tram T. Tran, MD, FACG: Hepatitis C: The Past, the Present, and the Future Brennan M. Spiegel, MD, MSHS, FACG: How Information Technology Will Transform Gastroenterology Charles N. Bernstein, MD, FACG: Treatment of IBD: Where We Are and Where We Are Going David T. Rubin, MD, FACG, & Stephen M. Collins, MBBS: The Emerging Role of the Microbiome in the Pathogenesis and Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG: Fecal Transplantation for Persistent C. difficile Infection Professor Peter Gibson: Food Choice as a Key Management Strategy for Functional Gastrointestinal Symptoms Douglas A. Drossman, MD, MACG: Abuse, Trauma and GI Symptoms: Is There a Link? Loren A. Laine, MD, FACG: PPI-Clopidogrel Interaction: Fact or Fiction? Christopher C. Thompson, MD, FACG: Endoscopic Management of Obesity; and Michael Sarr, MD: Reoperative Bariatric Surgery, When to and Not to Anthony N. Kalloo, MD, FACG, & Jeffrey L. Ponsky, MD, FACG: NOTES: Just Because We Can, Should We? David A. Johnson, MD, MACG, Robert E. Schoen, MD, MPH & Gregory S. Cooper, MD, FACG: Colon Cancer Screening: When to Start and Stop Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG & William J. Sandborn, MD, FACG: Steroid-Refractory Severe Acute Ulcerative Colitis: Infliximab or Cyclosporine Arthur Boudreaux, MD, Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG & Gregory Zuccaro, Jr., MD, FACG: The Use of Anesthesia in Endoscopy – A Critical Examination David Y. Graham, MD, MACG & Jay L. Goldstein, MD, FACG: Emerging Data on NSAIDs, GI Complications and Implications for Your Practice
PAST DAVID Y. GRAHAM LECTURERS 2022 Emeran A. Mayer, MD: Why Do All Diseases Start in the Gut? 2021 Marla C. Dubinsky, MD: Navigating the Road From Precision to Prevention in IBD 2020 Ira M. Jacobson, MD, FACG: From Hepatitis C to COVID-19: Can We Triumph Again?
2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG: Mentoring Mentors Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG: Management of Patients With Colorectal Polyps: A Personalized Approach Based on Etiology Sunanda V. Kane, MD, MSPH, FACG: On Becoming a Successful Leader: An Amazing Journey or the Road to Nowhere? Philip O. Katz, MD, MACG: A View From the Other Side of the Bed: Lessons Learned Ikuo Hirano, MD, FACG: Eosinophilic Esophagitis 2015: From Acid Reflux to Food Allergy Naga P. Chalasani, MD, FACG: Idiosyncratic Drug-induced Liver Injury: What Have We Learned in the Last Decade? Eamonn M. M. Quigley, MD, MACG: Leadership in Medicine 2013: Do We Need a New Approach? John Fordtran, MD, FACG: Factitious Disease Irving Waxman, MD, FACG: Endotherapy for Barrett’s Esophagus: Cure or Quagmire Grace H. Elta, MD, FACG: GI Training: Where Is It Headed? Peter J. Kahrilas, MD, FACG: Esophageal Motor Disorders in Terms of High Resolution Pressure Topography: What has Changed? Lawrence J. Brandt, MD, MACG: Colon Ischemia: Respice, Adspice, Prospice Walter L. Peterson, MD, FACG: Evidence Based Medicine: What Does it Mean for Gastroenterology—Present and Future? Amnon Sonnenberg, MD, MSc, FACG: The “Incredibly Simple” Solution to the Cohort Phenomenon of Peptic Ulcer Francis K. L. Chan, MD: Use of NSAIDs in a COX-2 Restricted Environment David Y. Graham, MD, MACG: Helicobacter pylori and Gastric Cancer: The Problem – The Solution
PAST EMILY COURIC MEMORIAL LECTURERS 2022 Aasma Shaukat, MD, MPH, FACG: Colon Cancer Screening: What Do We Need to Build and Who Will Come? 2021 Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG: Changing the Narrative on Colorectal Cancer Prevention: Translating Stories to Partnership, Policy, and Practice 2020 Katie Couric: From Grief to Advocacy to Activism 2019 Suresh T. Chari, MD, FACG: Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer: Problems, Promise, and Prospects
2017 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008
2007 2006
David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG: 80% Colorectal Cancer Screening by 2018: How Did We Do and Where Do We Go From Here? Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG: Colon Cancer: Polyps, Prevention, and Progress David E. Fleischer, MD, FACG: Why the Esophageal Health of a Masai Tribesman in Kenya Matters to GI Docs in the U.S. Irving M. Pike, MD, FACG: National Registry Benchmarking for Colonoscopy Quality: The “High Road” Toward Improving the Performance of Colonoscopy and Cancer Prevention Stephen B. Hanauer, MD, FACG: Cancer in IBD: The Colon and Beyond Nicholas J. Shaheen, MD, MPH, FACG: Can We Prevent Cancer in Barrett’s Esophagus? Carol A. Burke, MD, FACG: Optimizing the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Robert H. Hawes, MD, FACG: Current Diagnosis and Management of Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas David A. Johnson, MD, MACG: Colon Cancer Screening: Evolution to Eradication... Dennis J. Ahnen, MD: The AdenomaCarcinoma Sequence Revisited–Has the Era of Genetic Tailoring Finally Arrived? Kenneth E. L. McColl, MD: Why Has Adenocarcinoma Moved from the Stomach to the Esophagus and Where Does Sex Come In To It All? Peter A. Banks, MD, MACG: Pancreatic Cancer: Present Understanding and Future Prospects Douglas K. Rex, MD, MACG: What is Needed to Transform Colonoscopy into a Truly Protective Strategy Against Colorectal Cancer?
PAST JEROME MARKS MEMORIAL LECTURERS 2012 Lawrence S. Friedman, MD, FACG: Gastroenterology Then and Now – 1932-2012