7th Annual
The College takes great pride in the GI community’s passionate and unwavering commitment to support colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention. In 2015, ACG introduced a prize to annually recognize the innovative and impactful CRC awareness efforts: SCOPY — Service Award for Colorectal Cancer Outreach, Prevention & Year-Round Excellence. This year’s judges awarded a total of 24 SCOPY Awards to an outstanding slate of CRC awareness champions. Their initiatives demonstrated a dedication to reaching underserved communities, increasing screening among patients who delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, creativity in leveraging new forms of media and integrating pop culture to grow awareness among new audiences, and an understanding that collaboration is key in raising CRC awareness and increasing screening rates. Three judges (recognized on the next page) pared down the remarkable efforts to this outstanding group of winners. Importantly, this booklet also recognizes and commends the many submissions deserving an Honorable Mention. The passion and dedication of ACG members to communicate the vital message of CRC screening and prevention is evident in every initiative. Learn more and be inspired by this year’s projects by visiting the ACG website at gi.org/SCOPY. We are very grateful to everyone who committed their time and energy to envisioning, planning, and delivering these CRC awareness programs. Very Truly Yours,
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG Chair, ACG Public Relations Committee
David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG ACG President (2020–2021)
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG Chair, ACG Public Relations Committee; Chief, Gastroenterology Section, SSM Health St. Anthony Hospital; Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Oklahoma; Oklahoma City, OK
Justin Kosirog, MD University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK
Nicholas McDonald, MD University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN
Tackling colon cancer is a team effort. That’s why Baptist Health and Jaguars star running back James Robinson have partnered to spread the word about the importance of getting a colorectal cancer screening. Don’t put off a colorectal cancer screening – it could help save your life. When colorectal cancer is found at an early stage, before it has spread, the survival rate is about 90%, according to the American Cancer Society. Unfortunately, only 40% of colorectal cancers are found at this early stage. If you are at higher risk, you may be eligible to get screened sooner.
Care Connection December 2019 A Baptist Health Team Member Magazine March/April 2021
Screening age Patients 50 and above should be covered by insurance, and patients age 45-49 should check with their insurance provider to see if they are covered.
Colonoscopies or Cologuard Colonoscopies require some at-home prep followed by a brief 30-minute procedure that involves diagnosing and in some cases removing any polyps found in your colon. For those with average risk, you may also be eligible for a Cologuard screening, an at-home test which detects altered DNA and blood in your stool. If a positive test result is found using Cologuard, you will be referred for a diagnostic colonoscopy, which could mean an additional out-of-pocket cost. Ask your insurer for details.
To learn more about your screening options and schedule your appointment, call 202-4YOU or visit baptistjax.com/coloncancerscreening.
James Robinson
Running back for the Jacksonville Jaguars
© Baptist Health 2021
Trust your gut and put your fears behind you. Lynn Sherman
Director of Community Engagement Co-chair of African American Employee Resource Group
A new life Colorectal cancer patient had great family support.
African Americans are about 20% more likely to get colorectal cancer and about 40% more likely to die from it than most other groups. Don’t put off a colorectal cancer screening – it could help save your life. When colorectal cancer is found at an early stage, before it has spread, the survival rate is about 90%, according to the American Cancer Society. Unfortunately, only 40% of colorectal cancers are found at this early stage. If you are African American and at higher risk, you may be eligible to get screened sooner. Screening age Patients 50 and above should be covered by insurance, and patients age 45-49 should check with their insurance provider to see if they are covered.
Colonoscopies or Cologuard Colonoscopies, considered the gold standard for colon cancer screening, are not as intimidating as you may think – they require some at-home prep followed by a brief 30-minute procedure that involves diagnosing and in some cases removing any polyps found in your colon. For those with average risk, you may also be eligible for a Cologuard screening, which detects altered DNA and blood in your stool. Cologuard screenings can be done entirely at home. If a positive test result is found using Cologuard, you will be referred for a diagnostic colonoscopy, which could mean an additional out-of-pocket cost. Ask your insurer for details.
To learn more about your screening options and schedule your appointment, call 202-4YOU or visit baptistjax.com/coloncancerscreening.
© Baptist Health 2021
Best Bowel Prep Video Erica D. Duh, MD & Jason B. Samarasena, MD, FACG University of California Irvine; Irvine, CA
Prep for the Prep: The Impact of Patient Education on Quality of Colonoscopy
Aiming to address the common issue of inadequate bowel prep, Dr. Duh and Dr. Samarasena developed a video on how patients can achieve optimal bowel prep, empowering them as a partner in the process. The video is a resource that helps to standardize the colonoscopy experience at UC Irvine and is available in English, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Arabic, Korean, and Spanish.
Best Collaborative Video Adjoa N. Anyane-Yeboa, MD, MPH
Massachusetts General Hospital; Boston, MA
Increasing Awareness Around Colorectal Cancer Screening in Boston: Voices in the Black Community
Dr. Anyane-Yeboa leveraged partnerships with local health centers and leaders in the community to develop a video to increase awareness around colorectal cancer screening in Boston. The video is specifically targeted to the Black community, given the high rates of incidence and mortality in this population, and is currently being shown in many health care facilities across the region.
Best BestCommunity CommunityService ServiceDelivery Deliveryand and Comprehensive ComprehensiveCommunity CommunityEducation Education Initiative InitiativebybyaaHealth HealthSystem System Sita SitaS.S.Chokhavatia, Chokhavatia,MD, MD,MACG MACG The TheValley ValleyHospital; Hospital;Ridgewood, Ridgewood,NJ NJ
Resumption Resumptionofofthe theFast FastTrack Track(Open (OpenAccess) Access)Screening Screening Colonoscopy ColonoscopyProgram Program
Dr. Dr.Chokhavatia Chokhavatiadeveloped developedthe theFast FastTrack Trackcolonoscopy colonoscopyprogram, program,which which includes includestelephone telephonescreening screeningfor foreligibility, eligibility,eliminating eliminatingthe theneed needfor foranan additional additionalconsultation consultationvisit visitprior priortotoa acolonoscopy. colonoscopy.This Thiswas wasparticularly particularly beneficial beneficialduring duringthe theCOVID-19 COVID-19pandemic, pandemic,limiting limitingexposure exposuretotoothers. others. The TheFast FastTrack Trackprogram programhas hasa adedicated dedicatedAPN APN(Nurse (NurseNavigator) Navigator)and and has hasstreamlined streamlinedthe theprocess processofofgaining gainingaccess accesstotocolonoscopy. colonoscopy.The The program programbecame becamekey keytotominimizing minimizingwait waittime timeand andexposure exposuretotoothers others prior priortotothe theprocedure procedureand andstrategies strategieswere weredeveloped developedtotoprotect protect patients patientsfrom fromCOVID-19 COVID-19exposure exposureininthe thehospital hospitalwhen whenthey theycome comeininfor for their procedures. their procedures.
Best BestCoordinated CoordinatedCommunity CommunityAwareness Awareness Campaign CampaignbybyaaPrivate PrivateGI GIPractice Practice Gastroenterology GastroenterologyAssociates Associatesand andEndoscopy EndoscopyCenter Center of North of NorthMississippi Mississippi Oxford, Oxford,MS MS
“It’s “It’sa aDate” Date”
Gastroenterology GastroenterologyAssociates Associatesand andEndoscopy EndoscopyCenter CenterofofNorth NorthMississippi Mississippi created createdthe the“It’s “It’sa aDate” Date”campaign campaigntotobe beattention-grabbing, attention-grabbing,catchy, catchy, relatable, relatable,educational, educational,and andmotivational. motivational.The Thepremise premiseofofthe thecampaign campaign isisthat thatsetting settinga adate datefor fora acolorectal colorectalcancer cancerscreening screeningisisnot notsomething something one oneshould shouldput putoff. off.This Thiseffort effortencourages encouragespatients patientstotomake makethe thecall calland and get geta ascreening screeningscheduled. scheduled.InInother otherwords, words,“Don’t “Don’twait waittotoset setthe thedate.” date.” Assets Assetswere weredeveloped developedfor fortelevision, television,social socialmedia, media,print, print,radio, radio,and and community communityengagement. engagement.
Best BestCRC CRCPrevention PreventionRap Rapfrom fromRising Rising Stars StarsininInternal InternalMedicine MedicineResidency Residency Erica EricaD. D.Duh, Duh,MD MD&&Nathan NathanPark, Park,MD MD
UC UCIrvine IrvineDepartment DepartmentofofInternal InternalMedicine; Medicine;Irvine, Irvine,CA CA Colorectal ColorectalCancer CancerAwareness AwarenessRap Rapwith withFlowLytely FlowLytely
Dr. Dr.Duh Duhand andDr. Dr.Park Parkcreated createdaashort shortrap rapthat thatdiscusses discussescolorectal colorectalcancer cancer screening screeningrecommendations recommendationsand andinformation informationabout aboutCRC. CRC.The Thevideo video aims aimstotoincrease increaseawareness awarenessusing usingaamedium mediumnot notcommonly commonlyused usedininCRC CRC awareness awarenesscampaigns campaignsand andreflects reflectstheir theirshared sharedpassion passionfor formusic. music.
Best BestDigital DigitalTracking TrackingTool Tool Karolina KarolinaN. N.Dziadkowiec, Dziadkowiec,MD MD&&Peter PeterM. M.Stawinski, Stawinski,MD MD University UniversityofofMiami MiamiMiller MillerSchool SchoolofofMedicine Medicine Palm PalmBeach BeachRegional RegionalCampus; Campus;Atlantis, Atlantis,FL FL
Bowel BowelHabit HabitTracker Tracker– –Colon ColonCancer CancerAwareness AwarenessProject Project
Internal Internalmedicine medicineresidents residentsDr. Dr.Dziadkowiec Dziadkowiecand andDr. Dr.Stawinski Stawinski collaborated collaboratedtotodevelop developand anddesign designaaunique uniqueiOS iOSsmartphone smartphone application, application,Flare FlareTracker, Tracker,that thatisisfree freetotodownload. download.The Theapp appisisaa user-friendly user-friendlysymptom symptomdiary diarydesigned designedfor forhealthy healthypatients patientsand andthose those suffering sufferingfrom fromdigestive digestiveproblems problemstototrack trackchanges changesinintheir theirbowel bowelhabits habits and andrecord recordcolonoscopy colonoscopyand andendoscopy endoscopyscreening screeningand anddiagnostic diagnostic procedures. procedures.Patients Patientscan canspecifically specificallytrack tracktheir theirbowel bowelhabits habitsusing using the theBristol BristolStool StoolChart, Chart,along alongwith withfactors factorsincluding includingstress stresslevels, levels,sleep sleep patterns, patterns,diet, diet,and andother otherenvironmental environmentaltriggers triggersknown knowntotocause cause GI disturbances. GI disturbances.
Best Employee Screening Outreach Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL
Colon on the Virtual Corner
The University of Alabama at Birmingham is one of the largest employers in the state with 55% of UAB employees eligible for colorectal cancer screening and 69% of eligible employees up to date with their CRC screening. They developed a virtual event for employees about colorectal cancer screening and awareness, which included digital health content, a video, and a virtual event survey to “attend” the event. Employees on a UAB medical plan were encouraged to interact virtually with the informational health education web content for the month of March 2021, with those completing the quizzes earning points in their wellness account, My Health Rewards.
Best Foreign Language Patient Outreach Greater Brooklyn Gastroenterology Care Brooklyn, NY
“Get Scoped and Live”
Greater Brooklyn Gastroenterology Care conducted a radio broadcast in Haitian Creole and English by Dr. Brunhilde Jouberth Helias that was also livestreamed on Facebook. Dr. Helias stressed the importance of colonoscopy in screening, diagnosing, and sometimes treating colon cancer. She emphasized how the findings of a colonoscopy, either from a normal bowel or at any stage of the development of colon cancer from polyp to advanced cancer can save lives.
Best BestHigh-Impact High-ImpactInitiative Initiativefor for an anUnderserved UnderservedPopulation Population The TheAssociation AssociationofofBlack BlackGastroenterologists Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists and Hepatologists CRC CRCPublic PublicService ServiceAnnouncement Announcement&&ABGH ABGHRoundtable RoundtableSeries: Series: Colorectal ColorectalCancer Cancerininthe theCOVID-19 COVID-19Era Era The TheAssociation AssociationofofBlack BlackGastroenterologists Gastroenterologistsand andHepatologists Hepatologists came cametogether togethertotocreate createa aPSA PSAtotoprovide provideaccurate accurateand andaccessible accessible information informationabout aboutcolorectal colorectalcancer cancerfor forthe theBlack Blackcommunity. community.The ThePSA PSA was wasdistributed distributedacross acrossmultiple multiplesocial socialmedia mediaplatforms platformsincluding includingTwitter, Twitter, Instagram, Instagram,and andFacebook, Facebook,and andhas hasbeen beenretweeted retweetedororshared sharedover over700 700 times, times,including includingbybycelebrity celebritycolorectal colorectalcancer cancerawareness awarenessadvocates advocateslike like Ms. Ms.Katie KatieCouric Couricand andcolorectal colorectalcancer cancersurvivor, survivor,anti-racism anti-racismactivist activistand and author, author,Mr. Mr.Ibram IbramX.X.Kendi. Kendi.InInaddition, addition,ABGH ABGHheld helda avirtual virtualroundtable roundtable open opentotothe thepublic publicand andled ledbybyphysician physicianscientists scientistsand andclinical clinicalexperts experts from fromABGH, ABGH,colon coloncancer cancersurvivors, survivors,and andpatients patientsundergoing undergoingtreatment treatment for forcolorectal colorectalcancer, cancer,who whodiscussed discussedapproaches approachestotoprevent, prevent,treat, treat,and and beat beatcolorectal colorectalcancer cancerininBlack Blackpeople peopleamidst amidstthe thepandemic. pandemic.
Colon Colon cancer cancer is the is 2nd the 2nd leading leading cause cause of cancer of cancer death death in the in US the US
MoreMore Americans Americans will die willthis die this yearyear fromfrom colon colon cancer cancer thanthan werewere killed killed in action in action during during the Vietnam the Vietnam War War MoreMore thanthan 1/2 of 1/2 patients of patients whowho die die fromfrom colon colon cancer cancer could could havehave beenbeen saved saved by early by early screening screening A FITAtest FIT test can be candone be done in the in the comfort comfort of your of your home home and and doesdoes not require not require a bowel a bowel preparation preparation
WhatWhat is FIT? is FIT?
FIT is FIT a colorectal is a colorectal cancercancer screening screening test that testlooks that looks for microscopic for microscopic bloodblood in theinstool. the stool.
AskAsk your your doctor doctor about about howhow to get to get FIT!FIT!
Best BestInitiative InitiativetotoAddress AddressCOVID COVID CRC CRCScreening ScreeningBacklogs Backlogs US USVeterans VeteransHealth HealthAdministration, Administration,National National Gastroenterology GastroenterologyProgram Program Washington, Washington,DC DC
Addressing AddressingGaps GapsininColorectal ColorectalCancer CancerScreening ScreeningDuring Duringthe the COVID-19 COVID-19Pandemic Pandemicand andBeyond Beyond
#113 Attn: Laboratory #113 Attn: Laboratory System Health Care Health Care System VA Central California VA Central California 2615 E Clinton Avenu 2615 E Clinton Avenu Fresno, CA 93703 Fresno, CA 93703
Attn: Laboratory #113 Attn: Laboratory #113 VA Central California HealthVA Care Central System California Health Care System 2615 E Clinton Avenue 2615 E Clinton Avenue Fresno, CA 93703 Fresno, CA 93703
VA Central California VA Central HealthCalifornia Care System Health Care System
The TheVHA VHANational NationalGastroenterology Gastroenterologyand andHepatology HepatologyProgram Programembarked embarked upon uponananeffort efforttotoencourage encourageprogrammatic programmaticmailed mailedFIT FITscreening screeningacross across the theVA. VA.This Thiseffort effortincluded includedpresentations presentationsatatthe theNational NationalChief ChiefMedical Medical Officer/Chief Officer/ChiefQuality QualityManagement ManagementOfficer OfficerCall, Call,the theNational NationalPrimary Primary Care CareCall, Call,the theHealthcare HealthcareOperations OperationsCall Calland andother othernational nationalleadership leadership meetings. meetings.An Anadditional additionalmemo memowas wasdistributed distributedinstructing instructingfacilities facilitiestoto develop developprocesses processestotodistribute distributeFIT FITkits kitstotoveterans veteransdue duefor forscreening. screening. Several SeveralVA VAfacilities facilities(e.g., (e.g.,Fresno, Fresno,Las LasVegas, Vegas,and andSeattle) Seattle)have havebegun begun totolaunch launchformal formalprogrammatic programmaticmailed mailedFIT FIToutreach outreachtotoveterans veteranswho who are aredue duefor forscreening. screening.This Thisprogram, program,which whichincludes includesa aprimer primerletter letterand and robocall robocallreminders, reminders,isisbeing beingrolled rolledout outacross acrossVISN VISN21, 21,a aregion regionthat that includes includesnorthern northernCalifornia, California,Nevada, Nevada,and andHawaii. Hawaii.Other Otherregions regionsare are learning learningfrom fromthe theVISN VISN2121example. example.
Best BestInternational InternationalEffort Effort Jinnah JinnahPostgraduate PostgraduateMedical MedicalCentre Centre Karachi, Karachi,Pakistan Pakistan
Colorectal ColorectalCancer CancerAwareness AwarenessSeminar Seminar
Jinnah JinnahPostgraduate PostgraduateMedical MedicalCentre Centreconducted conducteda aCRC CRCawareness awareness seminar seminarthat thatinvolved involvedtwo twocolorectal colorectalcancer cancersurvivors survivorswho whoare arealso also doctors doctorsand andheads headsofofinstitutions. institutions.They Theyshared sharedtheir theirvideos videosofofthe theentire entire experience experienceofofsymptoms, symptoms,diagnosis, diagnosis,and andmanagement managementand andarranged arranged ananawareness awarenessseminar seminaron onscreening screeningcolonoscopy colonoscopyand andshared sharedit iton on social media. social media.
Best BestMulti-Channel Multi-ChannelColorectal ColorectalCancer Cancer Awareness AwarenessCampaign CampaignbybyaaUniversity University Shima ShimaGhavimi, Ghavimi,MD MD
Joan JoanC.C.Edwards EdwardsSchool SchoolofofMedicine, Medicine,Marshall MarshallUniversity; University; Huntington, Huntington,WV WV Promoting PromotingColorectal ColorectalCancer CancerScreenings ScreeningsininAppalachia Appalachia
Dr. Dr.Ghavimi Ghavimiand andMarshall MarshallUniversity Universitydeveloped developeda amultifaceted multifacetedcampaign campaign totoincrease increasecolorectal colorectalcancer cancerscreening screeningand andawareness awarenessininWest WestVirginia, Virginia, which whichfaces facessignificant significanthealth healthcare caredisparities. disparities.The Thecampaign campaignincluded included emails; emails;digital, digital,print, print,and andnewspaper newspaperads; ads;local localTV TVcoverage; coverage;and and grassroots grassrootsadvocacy advocacyefforts effortsbybyDr. Dr.Ghavimi. Ghavimi.The Thecampaign campaignaims aimstoto open openmore moredoors doorsinto intoexpanded expandedinsurance insurancecoverage, coverage,research, research,and and policy policychange changefor forunderserved underservedpatients patientstotoreceive receivethe theprevention preventionand and screening screeningthey theyneed. need.
Best Multi-Channel Media Campaign Featuring Survivor Stories Colon Cancer Coalition Edina, MN
Get Screened MN
Get Screened MN is a collaboration between the Minnesota-based Colon Cancer Coalition, Minnesota Oncology, MNGI Digestive Health, and Colon & Rectal Surgery Associates (CRSAL). The campaign encouraged Minnesotans to resume colorectal cancer screenings. The 30-second radio and television spots feature three colorectal cancer survivors, sharing their patient status and encouraging Minnesotans to stop putting off their cancer screening appointments after the COVID-19 health care delays and shortages, broadcast across dozens of local radio stations and shared widely on social media.
Best Patient Testimonial & Compelling Call-to-Action Southeast Health Cape Girardeau, MO
Colonoscopy Vlog
Southeast Health created a vlog of a patient’s colonoscopy experience from beginning to end to help educate, inform, and decrease fear and anxiety. They filmed each aspect of the patient journey and had honest dialogue about each step and expectation, including key educational pieces. The video was posted to YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Combined with their tips and tricks for a colon prep, the video series reached over 10,000 community members.
Best Print Media Tactic to Advance Engagement and Education Baptist Health, Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center & Borland Groover Jacksonville, FL
Trust Your Gut—Get Screened for Colon Cancer
Baptist Health and Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center partnered with Borland Groover to promote the importance of colon cancer screenings throughout Northeast Florida with a comprehensive education campaign. This integrated marketing and communications campaign included a combination of print, digital and social tactics appealing to both their community as a whole and their internal audience of Baptist Health employees due for screenings.
Best Video Series by a GI Fellow Karissa Lambert, MD
East Carolina University/Vidant Medical Center
Colon Cancer Awareness on TikTok: Patient Edition
Dr. Lambert developed a series of short videos on colorectal cancer answering common questions. She leveraged the reach of social media by posting the videos to TikTok and using current trends on the platform, reaching more than 1,000 social media users.
Grand GrandSCOPY SCOPY Benjamin Benjamin H.H. Levy, Levy, MD MD
Mount Mount Sinai Sinai Hospital; Hospital; Chicago, Chicago, IL IL
Tune Tune It Up: It Up: A Concert A Concert To To Raise Raise Colon Colon Cancer Cancer Awareness Awareness
Dr.Dr. Levy Levy organized organized a virtual a virtual concert concert in partnership in partnership with with thethe ACG ACG Public Public Relations Relations Committee Committee to raise to raise awareness awareness of colorectal of colorectal cancer, cancer, featuring featuring famous famous musicians musicians such such as as Rufus Rufus Wainwright, Wainwright, Lisa Lisa Loeb, Loeb, thethe Chicago Chicago Symphony Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra, and and more. more. The The concert concert was was streamed streamed worldwide worldwide onon March March 31.31. In addition In addition to the to the video video performances, performances, Dr.Dr. Levy Levy enlisted enlisted thethe help help of gastroenterologists of gastroenterologists and and nurse nurse practitioners practitioners in developing in developing sixsix short short video video PSAs PSAs about about colorectal colorectal cancer cancer screening, screening, as as well well as as a brief a brief message message from from Katie Katie Couric. Couric. The The concert concert is still is still available available on-demand on-demand (gi.org/concert) (gi.org/concert) and and garnered garnered an an audience audience of 4,100 of 4,100 within within thethe firstfirst three days. three days.
ConsistentCreativity Creativity SCOPY SCOPYConsistent &&Commitment CommitmentAward Award Ronald Ronald K. K. Hsu, Hsu, MD, MD, FACG FACG
Capitol Capitol GI,GI, Sutter Sutter Independence Independence Physicians; Physicians; Roseville, Roseville, CACA Prep Prep forfor Quality Quality
In collaboration In collaboration with with hishis daughter, daughter, Kacey, Kacey, and and son, son, Ryan, Ryan, Dr.Dr. Hsu Hsu developed developed a 90-second a 90-second animated animated video video that that highlights highlights thethe steps steps of a ofsplit a split dosing dosing bowel bowel prep prep to clean to clean outout thethe entire entire colon colon before before a a colonoscopy colonoscopy and and thethe importance importance of achieving of achieving a thorough a thorough view view of the of the entire entire colon colon in order in order to find to find and and remove remove all all polyps. polyps. This This is Dr. is Dr. Hsu’s Hsu’s 5th5th SCOPY SCOPY Award Award winwin and and he he is recognized is recognized in 2021 in 2021 forfor hishis consistent consistent and and enthusiastic enthusiastic participation participation in CRC in CRC Month Month each each year. year.
16 16
DigitalOutreach Outreachforfor SCOPY SCOPYDigital CRC CRCAwareness AwarenessAward Award Gastro Gastro Health Health Miami, Miami, FL FL
Gastro Gastro Health Health 2021 2021 Colon Colon Cancer Cancer and and Screening Screening Awareness Campaign Awareness Campaign
The The Gastro Gastro Health Health team team launched launched a CRC a CRC awareness awareness campaign campaign in January in January 2021, 2021, using using a combination a combination of tactics of tactics to appeal to appeal to as to as large large of an of an audience audience as as possible, possible, including including educational educational facts facts and and statistic statistic infographics, infographics, powerful powerful colorectal colorectal cancer cancer survivor survivor stories, stories, news news articles articles and and interviews, interviews, and and humorous humorous images. images. The The campaigns campaigns were were posted posted onon their their website website and and across across social social media media channels channels including including Facebook, Facebook, Instagram, Instagram, Twitter, Twitter, and and LinkedIn. LinkedIn.
GoWith WiththetheFlow FlowAward Award SCOPY SCOPYGo forforOn-Point On-PointRap RapLyrics Lyrics
University University ofof California California Irvine Irvine GIGI Department Department Irvine, Irvine, CACA
DJDJ GoLytely GoLytely Featuring Featuring Paul Paul thethe Polyp Polyp
The The UCUC Irvine Irvine GI GI Department Department created created a humorous a humorous informational informational raprap to to educate educate thethe public public onon thethe importance importance of screening of screening forfor colorectal colorectal cancer, cancer, using using thethe theme theme song song from from The The Fresh Fresh Prince Prince of Bel-Air. of Bel-Air. The The raprap united united thethe GI GI Department Department at Chao at Chao Comprehensive Comprehensive Digestive Digestive Disease Disease Center Center and and putput a fun a fun twist twist onon getting getting a colonoscopy a colonoscopy forfor colorectal colorectal cancer cancer screening, screening, inspiring inspiring people people to get to get their their colonoscopies colonoscopies by by alleviating alleviating their their fears. fears.
18 18
High-Impact Media Campaign
Allegheny Health Network Ellwood City, PA
Eye on Awareness, Outreach, Prevention and Screening
Dr. Katie Farah and Allegheny Health Network launched a media campaign in the Pittsburgh area, sharing information with viewers on the importance of colorectal cancer screening, screening opportunities at AHN, and addressing safety concerns related to colonoscopy during the pandemic. This effort included a local TV segment and collaboration with a local radio station. A colorectal cancer survivor shared his experience with viewers and explained that a colonoscopy is nothing to fear. In addition to this media outreach, AHN launched a colorectal cancer awareness campaign with digital banner ads, social media, Hulu TV, and print ads.
It Takes a Village Award
Mayo Clinic Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Rochester, MN
Mayo Clinic Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Allied Health Staff Supports Colorectal Cancer Awareness
Rebecca Williams, Mayo Clinic fellowship program coordinator and social media manager, worked with allied health staff leaders in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology to create a social media campaign showcasing the staff’s commitment and support to all of their patients across various interest groups to raise awareness and encourage colorectal cancer screening. Allied health staff from each interest group created their own themes, including a contribution by the endoscopy nurses of a video tour of how patients check in for their colonoscopy and what happens in an effort to lessen the anxiety patients may feel.
“LOL”Award Award SCOPY SCOPY“LOL” Eyad EyadGharaibeh, Gharaibeh,MD, MD,Gebran GebranKhneizer, Khneizer,MD MD&& Benjamin BenjaminD.D.Schmidt, Schmidt,MD MD
Department DepartmentofofInternal InternalMedicine, Medicine,Mercy MercyHospital; Hospital;St.St.Louis, Louis,MO MO #scope45 #scope45
Dr. Dr.Gharaibeh, Gharaibeh,Dr. Dr.Khneizer, Khneizer,and andDr. Dr.Schmidt Schmidtcreated createda acomedic comedic educational educationalhip-hop hip-hopvideo videothat thatmade madethe theSCOPY SCOPYjudges judgeslaugh laughout outloud. loud. Their Theirgoal goalwas wastotoraise raisecolorectal colorectalcancer cancerscreening screeningawareness awarenessamong among communities communitiesthat thathave havebeen beenhistorically historicallysubjected subjectedtotodisparities disparitiesinin colorectal colorectalcancer cancerincidence incidenceand andmortality. mortality.They Theyused usedmodern modernslang slangand and hip-hop hip-hoplyrics lyricstotoexplain explainconcepts conceptsabout aboutpolyps, polyps,colonoscopies, colonoscopies,and and colorectal colorectalcancer cancerprevention. prevention.Many ManyAmericans Americanshave haveidentities identitiesimbued imbued with withpop popculture cultureand andmusic, music,sosothey theyaimed aimedtotomake makea aculturally culturallyand and linguistically linguisticallycongruent congruentresource resourcethat thattargets targetsthe theneeds needsand andbarriers barriers ofoftheir theirintended intendedpopulation, population,using usingsatire satiretototranscend transcendthe thetraditional traditional formal formalapproach approachtotopatient patientcounseling. counseling.
SpecialRecognition RecognitionAward Award SCOPY SCOPYSpecial Jacqueline JacquelineGaulin Gaulin
™™ Gastro GastroGirl Girl &&GIGIOnDEMAND, OnDEMAND,LLC. LLC.
The TheCollege Collegewould wouldlike liketotoextend extenda aspecial specialthanks thankstotoJacqueline JacquelineGaulin Gaulin for forher herrole roleininhelping helpingtotoestablish establishthe theSCOPY SCOPYAwards, Awards,beginning beginninginin 2015. 2015.Ms. Ms.Gaulin’s Gaulin’svision visionfor fora aplatform platformtotohighlight highlightthe thesubstantial substantial effort effortput putinto intocolorectal colorectalcancer cancerscreening screeningand andawareness awarenessefforts effortshas has continued continuedtotoinspire inspireGIGIprograms programsand andpractices practicestotoparticipate. participate.Each Each year, year,the theprojects projectsincrease increaseinincreativity creativityand andevolve evolveasasnew newtactics tacticsare are employed. employed.Her Herdesire desiretotoacknowledge acknowledgethe thehigh-quality high-qualityoutreach outreachofofthese these programs programshas hasgiven givenSCOPY SCOPYAward Awardwinners winnersand andparticipants participantsa agreat great sense senseofofpride. pride.
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SCOPY Special Recognition for Exemplary Participation in “Ride Or Stride for 45” Challenge March 2021 ACG applauds the extraordinary efforts of the following members whose participation in the virtual ACG “Ride or Stride for 45 Challenge” during March 2021 brought this event to life. When called upon to go the distance and run, walk, or bike for 45 miles in March to bring attention to new ACG guidelines calling for colorectal cancer screening beginning at age 45, this group rose to the occasion. They are role models for the GI community who demonstrate the highest levels of commitment, enthusiasm, and energetic support for colorectal cancer screening. The College is proud to celebrate their leadership with this SCOPY Special Recognition for Exemplary Participation as a way to honor how — through both their words and their actions — they are leading by example when it comes to prioritizing good health and educating about colorectal cancer screening in their communities.
David A. Greenwald, MD, FACG
Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Fearless Leader of “Ride or Stride for 45” and 45 Burpees Too!
Seth A. Gross, MD, FACG NYU Langone Health
Best Ride or Stride Champion and Peloton Prince
Neena S. Abraham, MD, MSc, (Epid), FACG Mayo Clinic Arizona
Peloton Promotion & Heroic Desert Hiking
Tauseef Ali, MD, FACG Oklahoma University
Going the Distance with Most Miles Flown Dedicated to CRC Awareness (to Pakistan!)
Fritz Francois, MD, FACG NYU Langone Health
Keeping Up the Friendly Competition #FleetFeet
Adam C. Ehrlich, MD, MPH, FACG Temple University
Pure Grit Award for Running His First 5K in Years
Sophie M. Balzora, MD, FACG NYU Langone Health
Going the Distance with Grace and Grit
Aline Charabaty, MD, FACG
Johns Hopkins University/Sibley Hospital Inspiring Action and Uplifting Others
Darrell M. Gray, II, MD, MPH, FACG The Ohio State University/Anthem, Inc. Involving the Whole Family in #RideOrStridefor45
Joseph J. Jennings, MD Georgetown University
#1 on ACG Peloton Group Ride Leaderboard March 13th aka “Baby Gaga”
Joshua M. Steinberg, MD
Gastroenterology of the Rockies
#GItwitter Influencer for CRC Screening
Alexander Z. Jow, MD
Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Medicine Best Cherry Blossom Bike Ride
Reezwana Chowdhury, MD Johns Hopkins University
Champion of the Virtual 5K
Amy S. Oxentenko, MD, FACG Mayo Clinic Scottsdale
Double Down: 90 Miles is the New 45 Miles
Ronald K. Hsu, MD, FACG Sutter Rosedale Endoscopy
BIKE.RIDE.BIKE 500 Miles across California and WALK.WALK.WALK in Northern California
Millie D. Long, MD, MPH, FACG
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Big 45th Birthday 5K Fun
Anita Afzali, MD, MPH, FACG The Ohio State University
Knock Out Colorectal Cancer: Take That CRC!
Alexa R. Weingarden, MD, PhD Stanford University
Outstanding Example of #GIDocsWhoRun and Endorse CRC Screening
Zain A. Sobani, MD
University of New Mexico
Burning 4500 Calories Definitely Counts for “Ride or Stride for 45”
Aasma Shaukat, MD, FACG University of Minnesota
Braving the Cold to Run for CRC Awareness
Mark B. Pochapin, MD, FACG and Gertrude NYU Langone Health
Ride or Stride or Drive (in Style) for CRC
Patrick E. Young, MD, FACG Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
Hitting the Trails for CRC Screening
Mentions Mentions
“2021 Colon Cancer Awareness Campaign,” University
Gastroenterology; Providence, RI
“45 Day Blitz for Screening at 45,” Santa Maria Gastroenterology;
Santa Maria, CA
“Bhatti GI Helping Support Colon Cancer Awareness,” Bhatti GI;
Chaska, MN
“BidBlue for Colorectal Cancer Alliance (CCA),” Happy Colon Foods;
Oklahoma City, OK
“Cancer Doesn’t Discriminate…Awareness for All…Reaching the
Unreachable Via Music…,” Carlos Keebo Santos; Ocala Regional Medical Center; Ocala, FL
“COLCAST (Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Screening Uptake),”
Saint Michael’s Medical Center, Internal Medicine Residency; Newark, NJ
“Colon Cancer Awareness: Blue Day 2021 at MMMC,” Methodist
Digestive Health; Mansfield, TX
“Colon Cancer Awareness,” Gregory Lam, MD; Cincinnati GI;
Cincinnati, OH
“Colon Cancer Awareness: Wear Blue Day,” Franciscan Health;
Olympia Fields, IL
“Colon Cancer Screening Initiatives During the COVID-19 Pandemic;
A Simple but Multifaceted Approach,” The Brooklyn Hospital Center; Brooklyn, NY
“Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month,” Nicole Mitchell, MD; Capital
Digestive Care; Silver Spring, MD
“Connecticut GI Dress in Blue Day,” Connecticut GI; Rocky Hill, CT “COVID-19 Pandemic Northern California Free Virtual Community
Seminar on Colon Cancer, “ Sutter Roseville Endoscopy Center; Roseville, CA
“Fit Gut Colon Cancer Awareness Series,” Vani Paleti, MD; BSW Health
System; Georgetown, TX
“GCSA ‘Save Your Seat’ Campaign,” Gastroenterology Consultants of
San Antonio; San Antonio, TX
“Get Screened for Colon Cancer,” Rockville Internal Medicine Group;
Rockville, MD
“Husbands, Wives, and Neighbors—Every Colon Needs to be Saved,“
Neelima Reddy, MD; TDDC Baton Rouge; Baton Rouge, LA
“Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening in Resident Continuity Clinic,”
Kanika Garg, MD, Jeff Bulger, MD, and Laura Zimmermann, MD, MS, FACP; Rush University Medical Center; Chicago, IL
“Improving Communication of Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation
Through the Use of Visual Aids in At-Risk Populations: A Randomized Single Center Study in an Urban Hospital,” The Mount Sinai Hospital; New York, NY
“It Begins With Us! Use of an Interactive Online Case to Educate
a National Audience of Trainees on Updated CRC Screening Guidelines,” Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai; New York, NY
“LMHSColonHealth.org: Don’t Delay! Contact Your Physician for a
Colon Cancer Screening,” Licking Memorial Health Systems; Newark, OH
“Mailed FIT Screening to Improve Colorectal Screening in a Safety-Net
Population,” Dell Medical School; Austin, TX
“March To Get Screened,” Borland Groover; Jacksonville, FL “Screening is Colorblind,” Digestive Health Institute – Cooper
University at Willingboro; Willingboro, NC
“TikTok and Instagram CRC Awareness,” Jennifer Fijor, MD;
Washington Gastroenterology; Seattle, WA
“Time for a Colonoscopy? CRC Awareness Campaign,”
Gastroenterology Consultants; Reno, NV
“UCLA Health Virtual and Social Media Campaign,” UCLA Health;
Los Angeles, CA
“UVA Health ‘I Did It.’ Colorectal Cancer Awareness Video Campaign,”
UVA Health; Charlottesville, VA
“We Go Blue for You,” St. Jude Heritage Medical Group; Fullerton, CA “Your March-ing Orders…Schedule your Colonoscopy!” Cancer
Treatment Centers of America, Atlanta; Newnan, GA
AMERICAN COLLEGE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 6400 Goldsboro Road, Suite 200 Bethesda, MD 20817 Visit ACG: gi.org Access ACG Patient Resources: patients.gi.org