2022 August/September ACJ

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August/September 2022


The Official Publication of the American Chianina Association 1708 N. Prairie View Road PO Box 890 • Platte City, MO 64079 816.431.2808 • 816.431.5381 (fax) www.chicattle.org Production by American Chianina Journal ACJ (ISSN 1068-8021) is published quarterly at PO Box 890, Platte City, MO 64079. Subscription price is $25 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Platte City, MO and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to: POACJBOX 890 PLATTE CITY, MO 64079 2019 YEAR LETTER “G” 2020 YEAR LETTER "H" 2021 YEAR LETTER “J” 2022 YEAR LETTER “K” STAFF Dustin Hurlbut Chief Executive Officer dustin@chicattle.org(605)380-8052 Jennifer Roach Executive Director jennifer@chicattle.org Stephanie Snook Registrar/MembershipCoordinator stephanie@chicattle.org Heather Counts Director of Shows & Activities ACJ Editor heather@chicattle.org(517)214-0927 18 2022 National Junior Heifer Show Coverage 68 2022 Chiangus Classic Show Coverge 74 ACA Board of Director Nomination Form 76 Youth Beef Industry Congress Recap 80 Upcoming ACA Nationally Sponsored Shows Listing 93 ACA Board of Director’s Meeting Minutes CONTENTS COLUMNS 4 A Word from the CEO…Dustin Hurlbut 6 ACA Ladies Auxiliary Update 10 ACA Board of Directors Update 14 AJCA Board of Directors Update 16 ACA Bulletin 82 New Adult Members 83 Upcoming Events 86 New Junior Members 94 Advertiser Index On the Cover: The 2022 National Junior Heifer Show was another resounding success!AMERICAN C H I ANINA ASSOCIATION AC A 50 th ANNIVERSARY 1972-2022 2 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

For more than 50 years, SLC has been raising Chianina cattle. From Fullbloods to Chiangus, Chianina cattle have been a staple at SLC. We have bulls and females, both fullblood and Chiangus, for sale at all times. We invite you to visit the ranch and view the cattle. The Schrick FamilyRanch located in Millsap, TX • 817-597-8970 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 3


The ACA is also celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year! We are setting up an online store with 50th Anniversary memorabilia and merchandise. This store will allow you to order things ahead of time and get just what you want. We will have a handful of things in Louisville this fall at our an nual meeting, but encourage you to take advantage of the online store. Watch for more info on that coming soon!

The Association has a few things in the works for this fall. One of the most exciting is we have been working with the Midland Bull Test in Columbus, Montana, to include a divi sion for Chi/Chiangus in their sale. If you have an interest in sending some bulls to Midland Bull Test please contact me so I can get you the details. This could be a really great opportunity for our breeders.


t sure has been a fast-paced summer! It all started with one of our biggest events of the year – Junior Nationals in Louisville, Ky. When we arrived in Louisville it was 103 and we thought it was going to be a hot, miserable week again. Little did we know that by move in day, we would top out at 82 degrees and had some very nice temps all week. The facility there is air conditioned, and there was plenty of room for cattle and people to be comfortable. It takes a lot of planning and time to pull off a Junior National and there are lots of little details that a lot of people don’t realize. We are fortunate enough to have one of the best junior advisers in the business with Heather! She puts in count less hours to make sure everything is nearly perfect for our section of the show. We had some great interns this year and we have a great working relationship with the Blake, Lindsey, Josh and Rylee on the Maine-Anjou side of things. We all put a lot of work into it year-round so our kids have the best experience possible! We have the industry talking about how much fun the kids have at our junior national!


by Dustin Hurlbut, CEO, American Chianina Association

We are also planning a 50th Anniversary Celebration to take place during our National Show in Louisville this November. We have some special things planned so please make plans to attend. We hope to see you there!

The office was shut down for a couple days while Jennifer, Stephanie & Heather got things we could salvage moved out of the office and Jennifer & Stephanie relocated to a temporary office. They will work from this temporary loca tion until construction can be finished on the remodeling.

With state fair season just starting, it is another exciting time of the year for everyone. So many juniors get to see their hard work and dedication they have put into their cattle pay off. Some are concluding their project while others are gearing up for the fall/winter run of shows and still some are hunting for their next investment in genetics to go another year. I will be out and about at some state fairs and making some herd visits looking at cattle that are selling this fall. Let me know if you are needing anything or just a second opinion on cattle I have seen. I will also be looking at cattle for the -C- The Difference National Sale held in Oklahoma City in January.

Speaking of remodeling, the new roof is in place and the

I’ll conclude my article with a few things about our office. As most of you know, we had a storm come through Platte City this summer that ripped the roof off our building. This allowed many inches of rain to enter the building which caved in all the ceilings, and soaked and wrecked most ev erything we had. We did manage to save some things from the office but for the most part it was a major loss.


building is completely cleaned out. Estimates are it could be 6 to 8 months before we are moved back in, but it is more likely it will be close to a year to get everything done to be able to move back to Platte City. I want to thank everyone for their patience while the office was closed for a few days while we worked through everything with the building. We take for granted when everything runs smoothly and we have no problems. But when something like this happens and you have to up and move everything, computers get ruined and you have to wait on the telephone company to come move your phones to the new office it just takes time. Jennifer and Stephanie did a great job of trying to keep up with things coming in during that week. Oh, and did I mention this happened right before we left for Junior nation als? We had a lot of stuff going on all at one time! As we look toward the busy fall season, please reach out if there is anything the association can help with. I encourage you to take advantage of the Cow Catch Up registration special we have going if we have older animals to register. This is a great way to get your herd caught up an at affordable price. We have many fall shows coming up and lots of excitement is building. Hope to see you down the road.


oming off a great summer, I think time passes by more quickly each and every year. We’re well into the heat of state fairs, gearing up for weaning and fall sale season will be here before we know it. Life truly never slows down.


by Kelsey Evans, President C

It’s hard to believe junior nationals was already 2 months ago. It was an exciting time for the auxiliary as we hosted our second annual “Social” which was a great success, welcoming both new faces and long time supporters. Combined with a short meeting, the ladies really brought some great ideas to the table that we’re planning to put into action over the course of the next 12 months. Stay tuned for lots of excite ment!Junior Nationals always brings change as we crown new royalty. We’d like to thank Hannah Ziegler and Kyal Browne for their dedication and leadership to our auxiliary, association and breed during their time as Queen and Princess. Both young ladies did a phenomenal job and we wish them the best.

Crowned as the new ACA National Queen is Cheyenne Kiser from Morning View, Ky. Cheyenne served previously as our National Princess and we look forward to her year of service ahead. Lindy Kiser was crowned as our ACA National Princess. I know she and her sister are looking forward to serving together and representing the Chianina and Chiangus breeds at various shows and events.  Our scholarships were also presented during the banquet at the NJHS. Luke Jen nings, Cheyenne Kiser, Wyatt Shinn and Tyler Louden were all presented with an aux iliary scholarship. Personally, it’s always a true pleasure to interview each applicant and hear about them and their long term plans. Wishing each one of them success as they begin their collegiate careers.

Interested in joining the Ladies Auxiliary? Scan the QR code, print and fill out the application and return with dues to: Barb Garrett ACLA Secretary/Treasurer 5772 N US Highway 35, Williamsburg, IN 47393 Kelsey Evans – President At Large Director • Kentucky 859.553.3059 • kelseyculpevans@gmail.com Segayle Foster – Vice President Southwest Region Director • Texas 806.445-2496 • segaylef@yahoo.com Barb Garrett – Secretary/Treasurer Northeast Region Director • Indiana 765.969.0921 • barb@barbgarrett.com Jessica Cheesman Northeast Region Director • Indiana 765.468.7405 • jessicalcheesman@gmail.com Marna Higgins Southeast Region Director • Tennessee 615.273.2656 • higgmarna@aol.com Amelia Weaver Southeast Region Director • Tennessee 615.636.3942 • ahiggins0807@gmail.com Shawnda Foster Southwest Region Director • Texas 806.652.2383 • shawndafoster@att.net Bridget Schaefer Northwest Region Director • North Dakota 701.725.4902 Kaylee Tracy Northwest Region Director • Nebraska 308.660.7069 • kaylee@tracycattle.com Becky Sheets At Large Director • Indiana 765.714.1200 • rsheets462@aol.com Sue Comer • Scholarship Chair Indiana • 765.874.2228 Royalty Coordinator Kelsey Evans • 859.553.3059 OFBOARDS DIRECTORS LADIES AUXILIARY Auxiliary Happenings

See everyone in Louisville!




Reminder! ACA Board of Director Nomination Forms are due Sept. 15. Forms can be found on the ACA website or by contacting Heather at heather@chicattle.org. 10 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

forever.Tillnext time, Segayle New

OFBOARDS DIRECTORS ACA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ryan Dunklau – President Northwest Region • Nebraska • Term expires 2023 402.369.2025 • dunkcattleco@gmail.com Justin Tracy – Vice President At Large Director • Nebraska • Term expires 2023 308.962.4255 • justin@tracycattle.com Segayle Foster – Secretary Southwest Region • Texas • Term expires 2022 806.445.2496 • segaylef@yahoo.com Andy Higgins, Treasurer Southeast Region • Tennessee • Term expires 2023 615.330.6446 • higg1andy@aol.com Neal Branscum At Large • Kentucky • Term expires 2024 606.872.5395 • nealbrascum@hotmail.com Ken Culp, III, Ph.D At Large Director • Kentucky • Term expires 2022 859.227.7506 • ken.culp@uky.edu Derek Evans At Large • Kentucky • Term expires 2022 217.218.0242 • derek@summitflooring.us Jeff Miller At Large • Indiana • Term expires 2024 765.414.4547 • jeffmillershowcattle@yahoo.com Colton Prescott Northeast Region • Indiana • Term expires 2024 260.729.2713 • crprescott92@yahoo.com Keith Schrick At Large • Texas • Term expires 2023 817.366.6435 • wine@schricksliquors.com Nate Tice At Large • Iowa • Term expires 2024 717.926.0874 • tice152@gmail.com Tyler Winegardner At Large • Ohio • Term expires 2022 419.236.4375 • tylerwinegardner@icloud.com

What a fast, furious and hot summer it has been. I don’t know about you but I am ready for all things fall brings, especially a break in the summer heat. Our cows and crops desperately need it along with lots of rain. In West Tex as we are in a severe drought and having to make hard decisions daily to survive.

In todays day and world, change is something all cattleman are having to adapt to as we are dealing with uncharted waters. With our daily costs of feed, mineral, medicine and everything else increasing it’s getting harder to be able to keep it all together.However, sometimes change can be a good thing and in this season of my life that’s exactly what the good Lord has called me to do. I have moved 90 miles north to Amarillo, Texas, and began a new job in August. The Lord’s ways are always better than our own and sometimes he calls us to make a change in our life for us to live out the life he has prepared for us individually. I challenge all junior and adult members to take a moment to see what the Lord is calling you to do in your own life. Whether that is a struggle you know you need to fix in your everyday life or a physical address change. However big or small, He calls us to constantly lean on him in all things, and with hard times upon us I challenge you to do the same. With this new season in my own life I will not be able to run for re-election at the end of my term in November. I hope someday down the road I can serve again be cause it has truly been a dream come true. I have grown up in this Association and it has been an honor to give back to the same organization that helped make me into the person I am today. Thank you all for giving me this opportunity I will cherish Season Means Beginnings by Segayle Foster, Secretary & Southwest Region Director


The excitement and buzz from one of our breed's best Junior Nationals is still strong as we move into state fair season and fall time sales. We are very fortu nate to have lots of wonderful families who purchase cattle from us nationwide and we love to watch them exhibit at the Junior National. The National Junior Show every year is something we all love and can’t wait to see and spend time with those show families throughout the country. We as a breed are in such a great spot with our lead ership in Dustin and Heather. As board members and as a membership we should feel wonderful and grateful for the people we have in place. I hope all of you are as excited and optimistic as I am about what this next year has in store for our breed and this industry. We have a great future ahead and I hope you are ready to jump on board and join the momen tum. It's going to be a great year!

No Better Time… by Tyler Winegardner, At Large Director

In my opinion there is no better time to be in the Chianina breed and cattle business than right now!




OFBOARDS DIRECTORS AJCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Berren Strope, President At Large • Nebraska • Term expires 2023 402.340.7188 • berrenstrope@oneillschools.org Maddie Smith, Vice President At Large • Texas • Term expires 2024 903.904.1598 • msmith9605@gmail.com Josie Wilkins, Secretary/Treasurer At Large • Arkansas • Term expires 2025 479.214.1250 • josiebeth1@gmail.com Shea Whaley, Public Relations At Large • Iowa • Term expires 2023 515.851.9206 • sheawhaley22@gmail.com Adrienne Bryant At Large • Missouri • Term expires 2025 573.489.1614 • starglow44@gmail.com Jillian Bryant At Large • Missouri • Term expires 2023 573.489.4732 • jillian.bryant.business@gmail.com Morgan Baker At Large • Texas • Term expires 2024 940.329.1774 • morgandockann@gmail.com Ray Beneker At Large • Ohio • Term expires 2024 513.907.3985• crbeneker@aol.com Cole Lehnert At Large • Tennessee • Term expires 2025 931.279.2149 • colelehnert@gmail.com Wyatt Shinn Northeast Region • Indiana • Term expires 2025 765.914.9831 • wyattm2003@gmail.com Hannah Smith Southeast Region • NC • Term expires 2023 828.371.8726 • hannah.smith@students. macon.k12.nc.us Madeline Sonnenfeld Northwest Region • Nebraska • Term expires 2024 308.832.7215 • madeline.sonnenfeld@gmail.com

Thanks to greatDirectorsAJCA2021-2022theBoardofforayear!

As I enter my final year on the board, every moment that I get means a little more. Working the ring, attending junior board meetings and of course, wearing the pur ple jacket, are that much more special to me because of it. But I know that we have a full year left of major shows, regional shows and everyone’s favorite - junior nation als. I look forward to a great year serving as your President, and when the time comes for me to hang up my jacket, I will forever be proud to say I served on the AJCA Board of Directors.

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun by Berren Strope, President & At Large Director

I seems like yesterday that I was a 15-year-old high school sophomore campaign ing to be on the AJCA Board of Directors. Now I’m 17, entering my senior year of high school, applying for college and serving as the President of the AJCA Board in my final year. As I enter my final year on the board, I think back to my first year and the memories and people I met along the way. I was one of two guys serving on the board at the time which made it extra intim idating for my 15-year-old self. But I quickly learned that being on the board meant that we were all family. The people on the board are what truly made those major shows and my first junior nationals as a board member truly special. It may sound cliché to say, but it’s the people you meet and the friends you make along the way that make this experience worth it. I’ve had the opportunity to meet many different juniors and breeders, but also have gotten the chance to meet some amazing people on the AJCA board, as well as others. I can almost guarantee you that there are people I would not have gotten the chance to meet had it not been for the junior board. I’ve made lifelong friends because of this experience and it is easily the most rewarding part of it in my opinion.





n incredible time was had by all this year in Louisville, Kentucky, at the The Great Kentucky Campout! Many juniors from across the United States gathered in what many would describe as the most fun-filled week of summer! Junior members spent their time giving speeches, going head-to-head in quiz bowl matches, participating in salesmanship, showing their cattle and of course, playing a few competitive games of kickball. I would be willing to speak for several of my peers on this statement – during this week a lot of fun was had, a lot of memories were made and a lot of dreams came true!

Be The Change

by Josie Wilkins, Secretary/Treasurer & At Large Director

The biggest change that I hope to make in the associ ation is dedicating more time and resources to finding effective ways to get more cattlemen and cattlewomen ex posed to the benefits of being a member of the Chianina Association. I feel that it is a priority to communicate di rectly with state advisors in hopes of organizing state field days prior to each Junior National Show. In doing this, my goal is to not only promote the show as a gateway to increasing the awareness and enrollment in the junior association, but also to facilitate preparation for the Na tional Junior Show. This will create a habit of involvement, partnership and trust between the board of directors and their region’s state programs. It goes without saying that opportunities in terms of fundraising and exposure for the juniors involved would increase tenfold. I am extremely honored to have been elected to the ju nior board! I am excited to serve with some of the hardest working juniors across the United States. I am confident that we will continue to make positive strides for our asso ciation. Thank you to all of you who voted with confidence in my ability to be a leader. The legacy of a respected junior board member is one that I am blessed to be a part of and will proudly devote my time and effort to uphold!

My name is Josie Wilkins and I am proudly serv ing as the 2022-2023 American Junior Chianina Associ ation Secretary/Treasurer. I grew up watching my Uncle Cody show Chianina cattle. His passion for showing cattle led him to managing a show cattle operation in Arkansas where he now markets Maine-Anjou and Chianina cattle. I have aspired to be a member of the Junior Chianina Board since the first time I picked up a show stick and entered the ring at a national show. This year I was finally old enough to run, so I decided it was time that I step up to the plate. My passion drives me to be a strong advocate in all facets of the cattle business. Part of the reason for that is because I have been showing in the Chi breed since I was nine years old, as well as the fact that I live and work on a cattle operation. More importantly though, it has been my experiences with my peers and mentors in the show industry that sparked my interest in taking on a leader shipTherole.AJCA has made big strides in the last few years. The improvements have shown that the association holds their existing members to the high est priority, but, that member ship could use a big boost in numbers in my opinion. As juniors, it is time that we start doing a better job of promoting the breed.



Interested in serving on the ACA Board of Directors? There are 4 positions up for election this year. There are 3 At-Large positions available as well as the Southwest Region Director position. Interested candidates should submit a Board of Director Appli cation by Sept. 15 to the ACA office. Remember, your application must be signed by 3 active ACA members. You can find the application in this issue of the ACJ as well as on the ACA website. There is also a link to a digital application as well. If you have any questions, please contact Heather at 517-2140927 or heather@chicattle.org.

Attending the ACA National Show in Louisville in November?

The American Chianina Association is celebrating 50 years this year and we are planning some special events during the ACA National Show in Louisville in November. Please make plans to attend the 50th Anniversary reception on Monday, November 14 on the grounds of the NAILE. Watch for more information coming soon. We hope to see you there.

Board of Director Applications Due Sept. 15


ACA to Celebrate 50 Years during NAILE

2022-2023 All-American Shows Announced The shows listed below have been designated as All-American Point Shows for the 2022-2023 show season. Points will be tallied from junior and open shows if applicable. • National Junior Heifer Show • Eastern Regional Junior Show • Western Regional Junior Show • State Fair shows open to all exhibitors • World Beef Expo • American Royal • North American International Livestock Exposition • Cattlemen’s Congress • National Western Stock Show • Ft. Worth Stock Show Keep Contact Info Current to Receive Important ACA Correspondence The ACA utilizes various ways to contact our members, but your information must be accurate in order to receive the most up to date info. Please confirm your information on your DigitalBeef account periodically. We ask that all members include an email address on your membership as this is one of the best ways for us to disseminate information to our membership quickly. If you have questions or need assistance in updating your infor mation, please contact the office. Submit Upcoming Sales & Events Do you have an upcoming sale or event that needs to be listed on the ACA upcoming events? Send this info to at heather@ chicattle.org and we will add it to our upcoming events listing in the ACJ as well as on the website. This is a free service to our members. Don’t miss out. Photos Needed for Breed Promotion The ACA is in need of current photos to use for breed promotion throughout various publications, brochures and other media. While you are out in your pastures, take some photos of your cattle and email to Heather at heather@chicattle.org. We need photos of bulls, females, calves, herds, feedlot photos, kids working with their calves and more. The options are endless. Thanks for your assis tance is helping us promote this breed we all love.

ACA National Show Hotel Headquarters

The ACA has a block of rooms reserved at the Crowne Plaza hotel just outside the grounds. This is a convenient location for those attending the show. When calling to make a reservation, please as for the Group Code: ACA. The rate is $139/night and rooms must be reserved by Oct. 31 in order to receive the group rate. Contact the hotel at 502-367-2251.

If the judge has said this to you... "This animal just quit working for you and gave up." Then you need... So use this product... Endurance Exhale Exhale "I'd like to freshen this one up upon handle " Muscle Hydration Swell Swell "This one needs more depth of body and outward shape " Rib shape and fill Swell Sor well or Stretch Stretch "This one gives up the extra mass, bulk and power of the one in front of it " Muscle mass and dimension Muscle-InMuscle-InMotion Motion "I'd like to see this one cleaner fronted and more trim." Burn fat Sculpt Sculpt "This one is too hard in their overall look and appearance. He/she needs softened up." More cover and bloom Fat F'N' at 'N' Fluffy Fluffy THE STOCK TSHOW HE STOCK TSHOW HE STOCK SHOW KIDS' KCHEAT IDS' KCHEAT IDS' CHEAT SHEET SHEET SHEET FIND MORE INFO ON THESE PRODUCTS AND A DEALER NEAR YOU AT WWW SHOWRITE COM AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 17

he Great Kentucky Campout was the S’most fun week of the summer! We camped, we s’mored, we danced, we kickballed and we showed! Such a fun filled week! And, add a visit from Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo, and the week was top-notch! With more than 800 head of cattle, 520 kids and 26 states represented, The Great Kentucky Campout was a blast from start to finish. We are so grateful for the families who choose to spend a week of their summer at the show. And to our generous sponsors, THANK YOU for helping make this week one that we won’t soon forget! Enjoy the recap of the week on the following pages. Congratulations to all the exhibitors and their families for a great week!



Prospect Steers 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION Owned BMW Bandit 925J Exhibited by: Beckett Winegardner, Harrod, Ohio Bred by: Winegardner Show Cattle, Lima, Ohio Sire: Here I Am • Dam: BMW Candy 512B RESERVE CHAMPION Bred & Owned HLn teMptation Exhibited & Bred by:Justin Herlan, Bluejakcet, Okla. Sire: Winchester • Dam: Cloudy RESERVE CHAMPION Owned GRAND CHAMPION Bred & Owned Cait CHaMp Exhibited & Bred by: Caitlyn Skiles, Stephenville, Texas Sire: Front & Center • Dam: TKEM Miss Evans Lady 208D Judge: Nick Fitzsimmons AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 19

Progress Steers 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION Owned Mater Exhibited by: Adam Miller, Gridley, Ill. Bred by: Caleb Streitmatter, Rensselaer, Ind. Sire: Here I Am • Dam: STRE Winnie’s Destiny RESERVE CHAMPION Owned rJC in God We trust 1J Exhibited by: Macie Riley, Washington Court House, Ohio Bred by: Ryan Johnson, Mitchell, S.D. Sire: In God We Trust • Dam: KCRJ Kyra 704E GRAND CHAMPION Bred & Owned Horn LanGford Quattro 4J Exhibited & Bred by: Wesley Langford, Okmulgee, Okla. Sire: 1 Oak • Dam: HORNS 048 RESERVE CHAMPION Bred & Owned BWHs Ldt sCooBy Exhibited & Bred by:Berren Strope, O’Neill, Neb. Sire: Cash On Delivery • Dam: TGS Baby 20 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Bred & Owned Bulls 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION KHKH Bo’s drivin 0912J Exhibited & Bred by: Kendall Harper, Alapaha, Ga. Sire: JDSF/WVW Driver 118D Dam: SULL Myrtle Bo 5440C RESERVE CHAMPION ard ridGe Last CaLL Exhibited & Bred by: Kat Branscum, Nancy, Ky. Sire: Ard Ridge En Fuego 1711 Dam: Ard Ridge Ann Taylor Judge: Lydell Meier AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 21

Bred & Owned Chianina 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION LaW QB Exhibited & Bred by: Annisten Warnock, Urbana, Ind. Sire: Dual Threat 305A Dam: DS Ynot 403B RESERVE CHAMPION Jrip BKCe MoniCa 182J Exhibited & Bred by: Jackson Rippeon, Mount Airy, Md. Sire: BOE Epic Dam: TTBR Bertha 701G ET Judge: Nick Fitzsimmons 22 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Bred & Owned Chianina Divisions EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE RAYB Boom Babe 4K Exhibited by: Raymond Beneker, Hamilton, OH Sire: Getcha Some ET • Dam: GOET Boom Baby SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION JRIP BKCE Monica 182J Exhibited by: Jackson Rippeon, Mount Airy, MD Sire: BOE Epic • Dam: TTBR Bertha 701G ET EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION Dede ExhibitedET by: Morgan Dykstra, Wayland, MI Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Dixie SENIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE KMEM Miss Kitty 12J Exhibited by: Koy Moonen, Glenco, OK Sire: KMEM 224E • Dam: KRM Rosie 21C SUMMER YEARLING CHAMPION LAW ExhibitedQB by: Annisten Warnock, Urbana, IN Sire: Dual Threat 305A • Dam: DS Ynot 403B SUMMER YEARLING RESERVE BRKR Suzy 19J Exhibited by: Laramie Barker, Kendallville, IN Sire: HDLY Dual Threat 824F • Dam: BRKR Roxie 19G LATE SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION PDM Niykee J100 Exhibited by: Paige Miller, Torrington, WY Sire: BMW Onset • Dam: KBHC Miss Gucci LATE SPRING YEARLING RESERVE BRKR ExhibitedBlairby: Kylee Barker, Kendallville, IN Sire: BMW Onset • Dam: BRKR Whinnie EARLY SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION SKSK Just Like Trudy 515J Exhibited by: Korie Kersten, Gretna, NE Sire: SKSK Title Shot 86E • Dam: MCCO Trudy 515C JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION Marge ExhibitedETby: Morgan Dykstra, Wayland, MI Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Dixie JUNIOR YEARLING RESERVE NSC Dax’s Gigi Exhibited by: Dax Noteboom, Sheldon, IA Sire: Daddys Money 55Z • Dam: ASCC Glinda 925G ET SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION CRK Here For A Good Time ET Exhibited by: Metts Stalvey, Alapaha, GA Sire: Silveiras STyle 9303 • Dam: SHRL Princess AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 23

Bred & Owned Chiangus 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION tCC patsy 025J Exhibited & Bred by: Grant Taylor, Winchester, Ky. Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 Dam: GOP Miss Delilah 642D RESERVE CHAMPION roCKin r tiffany Exhibited & Bred by: Kaylee Rowlett, Medina, Tenn. Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 Dam: HIGG Estee 750E Judge: Nick Fitzsimmons 24 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Bred & Owned Chiangus Divisions SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION TCC Patsy 025J Exhibited by: Grant Taylor, Winchester, KY Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 • Dam: GOP Miss Delilah 642DE SENIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE BRKR Roo 1J Exhibited by: Reid Barker, Kendallville, IN Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 • Dam: RSRS Mignonne 33F EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION MFC Y Not 210K Exhibited by: Carter McCauley, Cambridge, OH Sire: Cardinal Bravo 40G • Dam: BMW Y Not 211H ET SUMMER YEARLING CHAMPION WLCF Ms Sky 162J Exhibited by: Cole Lehnert, Lawrenceburg, TN Sire: WLCF Bellarin Bartholomew • Dam: WLCF Skylar SUMMER YEARLING RESERVE FLF Ms ExhibitedJadeby: Hannah Smith, Franklin, NC Sire: WWSC Slider • Dam: TR Florence PCA LATE SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION MD Fancy Like 12J Exhibited by: Tatum Miller, Big Spring, TX Sire: WCR Cadillac • Dam: HALO MEFC Miss Couture JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION MD My Maria 88J Exhibited by: Tatum Miller, Big Spring, TX Sire: Gateway Follow Me • Dam: HIGG Fire Away 88F SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION Rockin R Tiffany Exhibited by: Kaylee Rowlett, Medina, TN Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 • Dam: HIGG Extee 750E 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 25

Owned Chiangus 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION HiGG taBitHa 123J et Exhibited by: Marcie Harward, Richfield, N.C. Bred by: Higgins Farms, Watertown, Tenn. Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 Dam: HIGG You Hear Me RESERVE CHAMPION BMW aCe 2 127H et Exhibited by: Kevin Hesser, Leesburg, Ind. Bred by: Lillie Skiles, Dalhart, Texas Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 Dam: Rockn Ace 2 413B Judge: Lydell Meier 26 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Owned Chiangus THIRD overall HiGG aLLure 107J Exhibited by: Rob Oakley, Livingston, Tenn. Bred by: Higgins Farms, Watertown, Tenn. Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 Dam: HIGG Allure 307A FOURTH overall WvW Miss Harper Exhibited by: Kendall Harper, Alapaha, Ga. Bred by: Woodhaven Farms, Lebanon, Tenn. Sire: JDSF/WVW Driver 118D Dam: LAF Blackcap 186 FIFTH overall LLW Card CaroLines CHaneL 536J Exhibited by: Macie McCollum, Bellevue, Texas Bred by: Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, IL Sire: Somewhere In The Middle Dam: LLW CARD Carolines Chanel 36C 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 27

EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE RSRS ExhibitedKhaleesiby:Michaela Steveson, Terre Haute, IN Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: RSRS Believe Kellie SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION TCC Patsy 025J Exhibited by: Grant Taylor, Winchester, KY Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 • Dam: GOP Miss Delilah 642D EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION CHBB ExhibitedKimberby:Macey Banter, Eaton, IN Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: LUTS Angel Power SENIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE HF Diamond Queen 848J Exhibited by: Emma Grafft, Middletown, OH Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: HF Diamond Queen 45E SUMMER YEARLING CHAMPION DAJS Diana 124 Exhibited by: Berren Strope, O’Neill, NE Sire: DAJS Ah Cool Cat 530 • Dam: DAJS Kate 2015B SUMMER YEARLING RESERVE HIGG Robin 141J Exhibited by: Kelbie Rowlett, Cypress Inn, TN Sire: HIGG Timeless 8F • Dam: HIGG Ms Country 941G LATE SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION HIGG Tabitha 123J ET Exhibited by: Marcie Harward, Richfield, NC Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 • Dam: HIGG You Hear Me LATE SPRING YEARLING RESERVE LLW Card Carolines Chanel 536J Exhibited by: Macie McCollum, Bellevue, Texas Sire: Somewhere In The Middle • Dam: LLWCARD Carolines Chanel EARLY SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION SRR Miss Sally 645J ET Exhibited by: Hadleigh Vogel, Rockport, IN Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: SRR Sassy Sally EARLY SPRING YEARLING RESERVE BWM HR Ynot 143J Exhibited by: Luke Jennings, Felicity, OH Sire: WLE Legit B30 • Dam: BMW Ynot 1G ET JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION HIGG Allure 107J Exhibited by: Rob Oakley, Livingston, TN Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 • Dam: HIGG Allure 307A JUNIOR YEARLING RESERVE MD My Maria 88J Exhibited by: Tatum Miller, Big Spring, TX Sire: Gateway Follow Me • Dam: HIGG Fire way 88F Owned Chiangus Divisions 28 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Owned Chiangus Divisions SENIOR YEARLING RESERVE WVW Miss Harper Exhibited by: Kendall Harper, Alapaha, GA Sire: JDSF/WVW Driver 118D • Dam: LAF Blackcap 186 COW/CALF CHAMPION WVW Miss Grace Exhibited by: Kendall Harper, Alapaha, GA Sire: JDSF/WVW Driver 118D • Dam: LAF Lucy 66 SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION BMW Ace 2 127H ET Exhibited by: Kevin Hesser, Leesburg, IN Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: Rockn Ace 2 413B 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 29

Owned Chianina 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION Miss WortHy 1H et Exhibited by: Spencer Goettemoeller, Winchester, Ind. Bred by: Mitchell Udell, Sioux City, Iowa Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 Dam: JSUL Red Thunder 9015W RESERVE CHAMPION tssC GaMe on GirLs 1061J et Exhibited by: MacKenzie Neal, Lewisburg, OH Bred by: Schaeffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, IN Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 Dam: JSUL Who’d Playing 6973D ET Judge: Lydell Meier 30 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Owned Chianina THIRD overall MpJ W/C fetty’s finest 146J et Exhibited by: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Bred by: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 Dam: JSUL Who Dat Fetty 6322D ET FOURTH overall sLiK JaLynn’s pride 33H Exhibited by: Samantha Podzimek, Mitchell, S.D. Bred by: Jackie Sleichter, Abilene, Kan. Sire: We Need More Dam: JSUL Jalynn’s Mist 6675D ET FIFTH overall H/f WHo dat fox et Exhibited by: Caitlyn Skiles, Stephenville, Texas Bred by: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 Dam: SSUL Who Dat Darling 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 31

EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE Dede ExhibitedET by: Morgan Dykstra, Wayland, MI Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Dixie SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION BMW Ace 127J ET Exhibited by: Ryker Winegardner, Harrod, OH Sire: Plum Creek Paradox • Dam: BMW Ms Ace 422C EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION FXFR DJ CPF Hot Tamale 88K ET Exhibited by: Chloe King, Tiffin, OH Sire: SSUL Right Direction ET • Dam: SUL Tamale SENIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE KEMP Miss Journee 113J ET Exhibited by: Rylee Short, Masonville, IA Sire: TJSC End Game • Dam: JSUL Evans Lady 1379 SUMMER YEARLING CHAMPION JSUL Fetty’s Pride 1407J ET Exhibited by: Bret Pembrook, Fairview, OK Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Fetty 6322D SUMMER YEARLING RESERVE JSUL Who Dat Jazmin 1124J ET Exhibited by: Trace Titus, Alexis, IL Sire: Conley No Limit • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Sultry 7186 LATE SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION MPJ W/C Fetty’s Finest 146J ET Exhibited by: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Fetty 6322D LATE SPRING YEARLING RESERVE DSSF Candy Cane 106J ET Exhibited by: Emma Yochum, Hillsboro, OH Sire: SULL Ferrari 6597D • Dam: Candy Apple 426Z EARLY SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION H/F Who Dat Fox ET Exhibited by: Caitlyn Skiles, Stephenville, Texas Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: SSUL Who Dat Darling EARLY SPRING YEARLING RESERVE BMW FRYE Lucy 324J ET Exhibited by: Reece Richardson, Arapaho, OK Sire: BMW Onset • Dam: BMWC Lucy 224E JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION TSSC Game On Girls 1061J ET Exhibited by: MacKenzie Neal, Lewisburg, OH Sire: Silveiras Style 5153 • Dam: JSUL Who’d Playing JUNIOR YEARLING RESERVE JSUL TSSC Dat Prime 1009J Exhibited by: Coldar Cunningham, Darlington, IN Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: SSUL Who Dat Darling Owned Chianina Divisions 32 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Owned Chianina Divisions SENIOR YEARLING RESERVE JSUL Who Dat 0538H ET Exhibited by: Bret Pembrook, Fairview, OK Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Raptor COW/CALF CHAMPION Miss Worthy 1H ET Exhibited by: Spencer Goettemoeller, Winchester, IN Sire: Silveiras Style 9303 • Dam: JSUL Red Thunder SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION SLIK Jalynn’s Pride 33H Exhibited by: Samantha Podzimek, Mitchell, SD Sire: We Need More • Dam: JSUL Jalynn’s Mist 6675D 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY COW/CALF RESERVE TSSC MFS Who Dat Biz 20H ET Exhibited by: Maddie Smith, Athens, TX Sire: SAV Bismarck 5682 • Dam: JSUL Who Dat Lady AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 33

Owned Chi-Composite 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY GRAND CHAMPION niKL riHannas ruBy 130J et Exhibited by: Wyatt Lange, Clyde, Kan. Bred by: Jake Nikkel, McPherson, Kan. Sire: MINN Class On Class 77E Dam: Kruse Missie Primo 147 RESERVE CHAMPION tssC ready to roLL 1234J Exhibited by: Coldar Cunningham, Darlington, IN Bred by: Schaeffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, IN Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 Dam: SSUL Right Tamale 4104 Judge: Nick Fitzsimmons 34 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Owned Chi-Composite THIRD overall JsuL priMo’s GirL 36J Exhibited by: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Bred by: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 Dam: JSUL Who’s Crystal 443 FOURTH overall CMCC HiGH rent 0015H et Exhibited by: Chancee Clark, Muldrow, Okla. Bred by: Moore Cattle Co., Madill, Okla. Sire: BOE Epic Dam: BK Ain’t High 3015 FIFTH overall BK JG Honey run 0005H Exhibited by: Abree Belcher, Blakesburg, Iowa Bred by: Buck Cattle Co., Madill, Sire:BOEOkla.Epic Dam: CMCC Color Run 512 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 35

EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE PCM Muy Calliente K01 Exhibited by: Presley McQueen, Fairmount, GA Sire: Good As It Gets ET • Dam: 3J Agness SENIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION KMEM Jailbird 181J ET Exhibited by: Koy Moonen, Glenco, OK Sire: Monopoly • Dam: SUES Victorias Dream 018A EARLY JUNIOR HEIFER CALF CHAMPION KMEM Kisses 26K ET Exhibited by: Elle Moonen, Glenco, OK Sire: NMR Maternal Made • Dam: ACR Juanada 4104 Owned Chi-Composite Divisions NO PHOTO AVAILABLE NO PHOTO AVAILABLE SENIOR HEIFER CALF RESERVE CLA Jam Box 1032J ET Exhibited by: Jaycie Perrier, Bartlesville, OK Sire: Daddys Money 55Z • Dam: KWR Miss Pretty Please SUMMER YEARLING CHAMPION TSSC Ready To Roll 1234J Exhibited by: Coldar Cunningham, Darlington, IN Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: SSUL Right Tamale SUMMER YEARLING RESERVE GOET Miss Holly 75J Exhibited by: Rodalyn Dunham, Boerne, TX Sire: 1 Oak • Dam: SVV Blackberry’s Sensation NO PHOTO AVAILABLE LATE SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION JSUL Primo’s Girl 36J Exhibited by: Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: JSUL Who’s Crystal LATE SPRING YEARLING RESERVE ALAP Katie Babe Exhibited by: Caitlyn Skiles, Stephenville, Texas Sire: Made 2 Order • Dam: ALAP Sweet Pea 162E EARLY SPRING YEARLING CHAMPION NIKL Rihannas Ruby 130J ET Exhibited by: Wyatt Lange, Clyde, KS Sire: MINN Class On Class • Dam: Kruse Missie Primo NO PHOTO AVAILABLE EARLY SPRING YEARLING RESERVE HEFN CRKS Susan May 121J Exhibited by: Reagan Rodgers, Savannah, MO Sire: In God We Trust • Dam: HEFN CRKS Daisy May JUNIOR YEARLING CHAMPION TSSC SULL She’s The One Exhibited by: Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, IN Sire: HPF Quantum Leap • Dam: TSSC She’s A Lady JUNIOR YEARLING RESERVE ABEN Blackberry 112J ET Exhibited by: Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa Sire: Prime Time ET • Dam: DSF Red Crystal Kiya NO PHOTO AVAILABLE 36 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Owned Chi-Composite Divisions SENIOR YEARLING RESERVE BK JG Honey Run 0005H Exhibited by: Abree Belcher, Blakesburg, IA Sire: BOE Epic • Dam: CMCC Color Run 512 COW/CALF CHAMPION WSCC STECK Lucy DT 046H ET Exhibited by: Keagan Steck, Woodstock, MN Sire: Dual Threat 305A • Dam: DUNK MW Lucy MB 610 SENIOR YEARLING CHAMPION CMCC High Rent 0015H ET Exhibited by: Chancee Clark, Muldrow, OK Sire: BOE Epic • Dam: BK Ain’t High 3015 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 37

2. THOM 650’s IGWT 48J ET, exhibitd by Ansley Lee Maronde 3. BHHC Macho J019, exhibited by Josie Heston DREW Maverick 141J, exhibited by Samuel Greer Jones Class 531 Progress Steers










1. RJC In God We Trust 190J, exhibited by Payton Rodgers 2. Luke, exhibited by Charlee Jones MCF MR Gone Virals Dog 11J, exhibited by Kutter Dorsey 4. Codeine 836J, exhibited by Parker Lockhart 5. M4 Mosey, exhibited by Maelee Dean 6. HIA 25, exhibited by James Keen Jr. Class 530 Progress Steers 1. Mickey, exhibited by Cheyenne Dawson

Steer Show Class Placings









1. BWHS LDT Scooby, exhibited by Berren Strope 2. BMW Steer 1J ET, exhibited by Baleigh Schricker JHLS Billy, exhibited by John Haven Stalvey M4 Big Man, exhibited by Maddie Dean 5. Goose, exhibited by Samuel Greer Jones PRES Garrett 173J, exhibited by Garret Cox Class 532 Progress Steers Mater, exhibited by Adam Miller Darius, exhibited by Klayton Bremer DUNK Juan 16J, exhibited by Gavin Richards BWC Blue 32J, exhibited by Colby Cooper Rando, exhibited by Kyra Lehman Here I Am Dreamin, exhibited by Charlotte Schultz Class 533 Progress Steers


1. BKMN Bear 85K, exhibited by Carson Beckman Class 526 Prospect Steers HLN Temptation, exhibited by Justin Herlan Class 527 Prospect Steers BMW Bandit 925J, exhibited by Beckett Winegardner Class 528 Prospect Steers CAIT Champ, exhibited by Caitlyn Skiles M4 DA Baby, exhibited by Mary-Richard Dean 3. RJC Man Among Boys 149J, exhibited by Shalee Conrad 4. Sprout, exhibited by Tyler Shreve 5. HIA 24, exhibited by James Keen Jr. Class 529 Progress Steers



1. HORN Langford Quattro 4J, exhibited by Wesley Langford FAIR Saul 140J ET, exhibited by Lisa Horton CPRU Blue I AM 212J, exhibited by Kendall Leonhard TF Joe 27J, exhibited by Kinsey Kraushaar Black Jack, exhibited by Paige Hadden WSS Ace 103, exhibited by Colton Boggess Class 534 Progress Steers James, exhibited by Londyn Rolen Peachy, exhibited by Madison Love Tank, exhibited by Cade Henderson Class 535 Progress Steers



1. RJC In God We Trust 1J, exhibited by Macie Riley GSC Mr Cinco ET, exhibited by Karly Lowes


2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY Class 525 Prospect Steers







2. FLF

Tatum Miller Class 554 1. MD My Maria 88J,



2. NSC Dax’s Gigi,

Kersten Class 547 1. Marge ET,


Barker Class 546 1. SKSK Just Like Trudy 515J,

Class Placings Class


Bred & Owned Bulls Class Placings 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY Class 536 1. Ivy League 150K, exhibited by Avery Rowlett Class 537 1. GOP Jet Black 117J, exhibited by Kennedy Evans Class 538 1. KHKH Bo’s Drivin 0912J, exhibited by Kendall Harper Class 539 1. Ard Ridge Last Call, exhibited by Kat Branscum Class 540 1. Clinto Clinto Clinto, exhibited by Tyler Loudon 2. KDJF Crimson 454J ET, exhibited by Kenda Folkerts



Bred & Owned Chianina Class Placings Class 541 Dede ET, exhibited by Morgan Dykstra RAYB Boom Babe 4K, exhibited by Raymond Beneker Betty, exhibited by Westin Pletcher Class 542 1. HR 4L Ace 30J ET, exhibited by Austin Hunker MFC Lady of Joyce 125J ET, exhibited by Carter McCauley CHBB Jo Jo, exhibited by Kade Banter Class 543 JRIP BKCE Monica 182J, exhibited by Jackson Rippeon KMEM Miss Kitty 12J, exhibited by Koy Moonen SKCH Ivey, exhibited by Spencer Cass Class 544 LAW QB, exhibited by Annisten Warnock BRKR Suzy 19J, exhibited by Laramie Barker PLK BP Destiny 2J, exhibited by Bo Pospichal exhibited by exhibited by Kylee exhibited by Korie exhibited by Morgan Dykstra exhibited by Dax Noteboom For A ET, exhibited by Metts Stalvey & Owned Chiangus 550 MFC Y Not 210K, exhibited by Carter McCauley 551 TCC Patsy 025J, exhibited by Grant Taylor Roo 1J, exhibited by Reid Barker 552 WLCF Ms Sky 162J, exhibited by Cole Lehnert Ms Jade, exhibited by Hannah Smith exhibited by exhibited by Tatum exhibited by Steveson exhibited by

Paige Miller 2. BRKR Blair,



Class 553 1. MD Fancy Like 12J,


Miller 2. SEXY Khione RSRS,





Class 549 1. CRK Here

Good Time


Class 555 1. Rockin R Tiffany,



Class 545 1. PDM Niykee J100,

Owned Chiangus Class Placings 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY Class 556 1. RSRS Khaleesi, exhibited by Michaela Steveson Class 557 1. CHBB Kimber, exhibited by Macey Banter Class 558 1. TCC Patsy 025J, exhibited by Grant Taylor 2. BRKR Roo 1J, exhibited by Reid Barker Class 559 1. HF Diamond Queen 848J, exhibited by Emma Grafft 2. HIGG Tabitha 142J, exhibited by Avery Rowlett 3. TR Jewel PCA, exhibited by Hannah Smith Class 560 1. DAJS Diana 124, exhibited by Berren Strope 2. HIGG Robin 141J, exhibited by Kelbie Rowlett 3. WLCF Ms Sky 162J, exhibited by Cole Lehnert 4. FLF Ms Jade, exhibited by Hannah Smith Class 561 1. WSCC Hennessy 87H ET, exhibited by Kennedy Lockhart 2. BMW Y Not 419J ET, exhibited by Mcky Lambert 3. Moore Forever Lady 50J, exhibited by Carson Beckman 4. WSCC Miss Me 55J, exhibited by Austin Rogers 5. TR/WVW Jackie 2CA, exhibited by Macie Clarke Ledford Class 562 1. HIGG Tabitha 123J ET, exhibited by Marcie Harward 2. LLW CARD Carolines Chanel 536J, exhibited by Macie McCollum 3. BMW Ace 2 409J ET, exhibited by Cali Baldwin 4. EVNS Josephnie 089J ET, exhibited by Addie White 5. MD Fancy Like 12J, exhibited by Tatum Miller Class 563 1. SRR Miss Sally 645J ET, exhibited by Hadleigh Vogel 2. BMW HR Ynot 143J, exhibited by Luke Jennings 3. HIGG DS Cali 187J, exhibited by Michael Barnett 4. PRES Molly 163J ET, exhibited by Cole Langston 5. BMW Ace 2 325J ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis 6. BMW Y Not 327J ET, exhibited by Remi Earnhart 7. EVNS Jenevieve, exhibited by Maddie Smith Class 564 1. HIGG Allure 107J, exhibited by Rob Oakley 2. MD My Maria 88J, exhibited by Tatum Miller 3. PRES First Lady 162J, exhibited by Garret Cox Class 565 1. WVW Miss J-Vanka, exhibited by Kendall Harper 2. SEXY Khione RSRS, exhibited by Michaela Steveson Class 566 1. BMW Ace 2 127H ET, exhibited by Kevin Hesser 2. GHLC Dawn’s Hattie 086H, exhibited by Tillman Derossett Class 567 1. WVW Miss Harper, exhibited by Kendall Harper 2. Ard Ridge June Bug 01H, exhibited by Kat Branscum 3. Rockin R Tiffany, exhibited by Kaylee Rowlett Class 568 1. WVW Miss Grace, exhibited by Kendall Harper 40 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Owned Chianina Class Placings 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY Class 569 1. Ynot Kyla 210K ET, exhibited by Cecilia Mursinna 2. LNGE That Sexy Sultry, exhibited by Lindy Kiser 3. Betty, exhibited by Westin Pletcher Class 570 1. FXFR DJ CPF Hot Tamale 88K Et, exhibited by Chloe King 2. Dede ET, exhibited by Morgan Dykstra Class 571 1. LADD Juanita 214J, exhibited by Maci Scher 2. JSUL PCC Who’s Dat 1556J ET, exhibited by Bryson Pembrook 3. CHBB Jo Jo, exhibited by Kade Banter Class 572 1. BMW Ace 127J ET, exhibited by Ryker Winegardner 2. Winslow’s Follow The Rose ET, exhibited by Benjamin Archer 3. WSCC Sultry 02J, exhibited by Avery Morris Class 573 1. J98 Fifi, exhibited by Linden Teague 2. CLA Juice Pops 1031J ET, exhibited by Josie Heston 3. SKCH Ivey, exhibited by Spencer Cass Class 574 1. KEMP Miss Journee 113J ET, exhibited by Rylee Short 2. TDOG Smooth Moves 101J, exhibited by Alainey Marie Breaux 3. SLIK Jalynn’s Classy 14J ET, exhibited by Shea Whaley 4. KEMP Miss Joselyn 11J ET, exhibited by Caroline Tilton 5. TDOG What A Secret 105J ET, exhibited by Alainey Marie Breaux Class 575 1. DAJS Sheez It 918, exhibited by Tyler Loudon 2. ERR Makin Aces 610J, exhibited by Baleigh Schricker Class 576 1. LJR Ms Who DA Kind 117J, exhibited by William Miller 2. LAW QB, exhibited by Annisten Warnock 3. BRKR Suzy 19J, exhibited by Laramie Barker 4. BMW HR Ynot 165J ET, exhibited by Kaylee Jennings 5. PINK Millie Mae 129J, exhibited by Brynleigh Sherman 6. RJC Who’d Playing 1159J ET, exhibited by Shalee Conrad 7. PRES Midnight Madness 136J ET, exhibited by Emma Helsinger Class 577 1. DJ Who Dat Sultry Queen 110 ET, exhibited by Abby Emberson 2. J22, exhibited by Grant Taylor 3. BWM HEIN Sunflower 507J ET, exhibited by Landon Calvelage 4. DJ Limitless Queen ET, exhibited by Wyatt King 5. TSSC She So Sassy 1094J, exhibited by Emily Jones 6. RAYB Maternal Miracle 3J, exhibited by Bradley Allgeier 7. FRA Ella 65J, exhibited by Hadley Brown 8. ALCC Trixie, exhibited by Camden Patton 9. Miss Phenomenal 5J, exhibited by Dakota Wollenburg Class 578 1. JSUL Fetty’s Pride 1407J ET, exhibited by Bret Pembrook 2. JSUL Who Dat Jazmin 1124J ET, exhibited by Trace Titus 3. LJR Ms Follow Da Blonde ET, exhibited by Kyal Browne 4. DUNK Lucy 152J, exhibited by Rylie Lanum 5. MIL Scout 106J ET, exhibited by Kiptyn Felton 6. Stylish Betty 9J, exhibited by Conner Unger 7. PRES Fully Loaded 132J ET, exhibited by Kade Banter 8. KDJF Ms 67 71J, exhibited by Maesa Folkerts Class 579 1. TBSC Josie 120J, exhibited by Spencer Goettemoeller 2. BECK Shelby 144J, exhibited by Brynna Herndon 3. JSUL Darling Primo 1403J ET, exhibited by Maddie Smith 4. BRKR Blair, exhibited by Kylee Barker 5. FLNM Split J50, exhibited by Dakota Lee DeVore 6. KBSC Shake It 110J, exhibited by Halle Recker 7. PICK Y Not 306J, exhibited by Mallory Shaarda 8. BATN Anna, exhibited by Anna Brown Class 580 1. DSSF Candy Cane 106J ET, exhibited by Emma Yochum 2. PDM Niykee J100, exhibited by Paige Miller 3. JSUL Who’s Dat 1081J ET, exhibited by Maddie Dean 4. BMW Ace 2 417J ET, exhibited by Austin Hunker 5. ASCC Jolie 127J, exhibited by Kyle Dolieslager 6. BFSC Who Dat Styles, exhibited by Mason Cass 7. WSC Jasmine’s Jolene, exhibited by Colton Boyer 8. CCAF Blue Sasha 003J, exhibited by Delaney Klingaman Class 581 1. MPJ W/C Fetty’s Finest 146J ET, exhibited by Sara Sullivan 2. LMAN JBOY Paris 187J ET, exhibited by Madison McCullough 3. J8 Sha-Nae-Nae, exhibited by Annabelle Wesley 4. BMW Ace 406J ET, exhibited by Landree Warnock 5. Jewl, exhibited by Lillie Grace Vogt 6. BDCC AGRF Pam 120J, exhibited by Garrett Luallen 7. JSUL Who Dat Primo 1070J ET, exhibited by Claire Cheesman 8. PICK Dixie 27J, exhibited by Emma Shaarda AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 41

Owned Chianina Class Placings 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY Class 582 1. BMW FRYE Lucy 324J ET, exhibited by Reece Richardson 2. KFF Josie ET, exhibited by Kalen David Felton 3. BTM Sassy 3J ET, exhibited by Rylee Verhelle 4. LMAN JBOY Paige 185J ET, exhibited by Rebecca Pullins 5. MIL Smilin Queen 115J ET, exhibited by Gavin Hunt 6. TSSC Who Dat Asking 0201J ET, exhibited by Maddie Smith 7. BMW Ace 320J ET, exhibited by Garrett Hensel 8. CHBB Jacey, exhibited by Elizabeth Jo Miller 9. TSSC BT Sultry’s Sensation ET, exhibited by Baylor Hoffman Class 583 1. H/F Who Dat Fox ET, exhibited by Caitlyn Skiles 2. UDE Stylin’ Thunder 22J ET, exhibited by McKlay Gensini 3. BMW STCC Libby 305J, exhibited by Reece Richardson 4. JSUL Dat MVP 1215J ET, exhibited by Kaitlyn Lowes 5. OMF Lucy 101J ET, exhibited by Owen Fennig 6. JSUL PCC Dat Limit 1184J ET, exhibited by Kalyn Chambers 7. TSSC Along Came Polly 1031J ET, exhibited by Haley Polley 8. TSSC Jamie’s Sultry, exhibited by Madison Love 9. HR On Delilah 05J ET, exhibited by Claire French 10. PF Cindy, exhibited Schyler Crocker 11. Pixie ET, exhibited by Matthew Flasher 12. BD Black Widow, exhibited by Emma Helsinger Class 584 1. JSUL TSSC Dat Prime 1009J ET, exhibited by Coldar Cunningham 2. WSCC STECK Ace PR 104J ET, exhibited by Addison Brueggeman 3. JSUL Who Dat 1005J ET, exhibited by Sara Sullivan 4. NIKL Miss Crystal 124J ET, exhibited by Bayler Hurlbut 5. TSSC CRKS Who’s Looking Now ET, exhibited by Samantha Podzimek 6. JSUL TSSC Who Da Girl 1032J ET, exhibited by Kutter Prinz 7. JSUL TCLC Ace 123J ET, exhibited by Max Eaton 8. PRES Felicia 106J ET, exhibited by Wyatt Shinn Class 585 1. TSSC Game On Girls 1061J ET, exhibited by MacKenzie Neal 2. JSUL PCC Total Girl 1071J ET, exhibited by Ansley Lee Maronde 3. Miss About Class 123J, exhibited by Maddax McCollum 4. JSUL Emily’s Who Dat 1073J ET, exhibited by Emily Jones 5. STECK Betty Lou 105J ET, exhibited by Lindsey Vasquez 6. RJC Miss Heatwave J112, exhibited by Isaac Johnson 7. CFBC Miss Shasta Daisy, exhibited by Luke Lukowski 8. NSC Dax’s Gigi, exhibited by Dax Noteboom Class 586 1. Jolene ET, exhibited by Londyn Rolen 2. JPP Sheeza Dime 2010J, exhibited by Jacie Wolfinger 3. WLCF Here She Is, exhibited by Cole Lehnert 4. JBOY Jaylnn 1041J ET, exhibited by Paige Hadden 5. YNOT Kayla Jo 102J ET, exhibited by Aiden Brinker Class 587 1. JSUL Who Dat 0538H ET, exhibited by Bret Pembrook 2. REIB Miss Shelby 325, exhibited by Parker Chestnut Class 588 1. Who Dat Shawty 100H ET, exhibited by Reagan Beneker 2. DYEX Aurora 227H ET, exhibited by Drew Dyehouse Class 589 1. SLIK Jalynn’s Pride 33H, exhibited by Samantha Podzimek 2. CRK Here For A Good Time ET, exhibited by Metts Stalvey 3. BATN Sherry Ann, exhibited by Anna Brown Class 590 1. TSSC Whos Playin Who 0201H ET, exhibited by Olivia Neal 2. KBIC Jalynn’s Calypso, exhibited by Elly Cheeseman Class 591 1. Miss Worthy 1H ET, exhibited by Spencer Goettemoeller 2. TSSC MFS Who Dat Biz 20H ET, exhibited by Maddie Smith 42 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022


1. NELL Jean 126J, exhibited by Kelbie Rowlett 2. JSUL Lucy 1557J, exhibited by Cheyenne Kiser Class 595 PCM Miss Cruella 33J, exhibited by Presley McQueen 2. Bang, exhibited by Blake Neill 3. Ms Pearl 253J, exhibited by Dean Clark Class 596










1. CLA Jam Box 1032J ET, exhibited by Jaycie Perrier



1. BTY Chocolate 164J, exhibited by Maci Beckman Class 599







1. JBW Maybree’s Grace, exhibited by Mayci Wilkins 2. KHKH Koda 0610J, exhibited by James Keen Jr. Class 600 1. TSSC Ready To Roll 1234J, exhibited by Coldar Cunningham 2. GOET Miss Holly 75J, exhibited by Rodalyn Dunham 3. GOET Miss Simply Destiny, exhibited by Bria Herndon BEEH Clarabell 9J, exhibited by Bailey Hall 5. LL Miss Goldilocks 105J, exhibited by Raelynn Rose Unwin VMH Broadway Girl 599J, exhibited by Katy Cooper Class 601 BMW Destiny Girl 1508J, exhibited by Morgan Neill 2. KMEM Mrs Just Dreaming 148J ET, exhibited by Reid Utterback 3. KJD Elvira, exhibited by Boden BAys BMW Scarlett 521J, exhibited by Audrey French Class 602 HF Diamond Girl 108J, exhibited by Brody Barnard JBOY Tammy 189J ET, exhibited by Guy Callaway HR Chloe 20J, exhibited by Barrett Evans Bella Bean, exhibited by Brynleigh Sherman HJLP Mousey 15 ET, exhibited by Jasmin Speth RBPF Pruets Miss Martini, exhibited by Brady Tracy MRH Minnie ET, exhibited by Emma Helsinger Class 603 JSUL Primo’s Girl 36J, exhibited by Sara Sullivan ALAP Katie Babe, exhibited by Cailtyn Skiles NSSC SSC Lizzo’s Destiny J101, exhibited by Mallory Hanen Miss Joleen, exhibited by Nathan Hayden HR JEweled Ace 1992J, exhibited by Blaine Evans Evelyn, exhibited by Grace Wellman Class 604 NIKL Rihannas Ruby 130J ET, exhibited by Wyatt Lange HEFN CRKS Susan May 121J, exhibited by Reagan Rodgers CCKF Cookie 3J, exhibited by Carmen Knotts AGC 15J, exhibited by Delaney Moore Lucky Lady, exhibited by Cade Henderson Class 605 Take High Class, exhibited by Addison Brueggeman BKMT Just A Dream, exhibited by Chancee Clark DUEL AR1 J102 ET, exhibited by Paige Miller Liana, exhibited by Leddy White JSUL Who Dat Sky 1265J, exhibited by McKalynne Helmke DAJS Ms Boundleess, exhibited by Camden Patton Joslin, exhibited by Halle Mae Wade Class 606 ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, exhibited by Lydia Recker BMW STCC Mya 213J, exhibited by Claire Sennett HR Eloise 54J, exhibited by Brady Evans GOET Jazzy 31J, exhibited by Haley Dean RACS Ms Jackie O 1701, exhibited by Ela Rogers LADD Jammer 102J ET, exhibited by Emmery O’Hara Class 607 TSSC Sull She’s The One, exhibited by Braylen Schaeffer JSUL Who Dat Sherbert 1164J ET, exhibited by Charlei Hazelrigg HR Cha-Cha Smooth 59J, exhibited by Garrett Hensel Ard Ridge Mustang Sally 107J, exhibited by Drew Dyehouse












2. JBOY Tammy 17J ET, exhibited by Luke Leith 3. KMEM Journey 1030J, exhibited by Devin Morton Class 597







2. Ms Far Fetches 302J, exhibited by Drew Beattie 3. Loki, exhibited by Madison McDonald Class 598





Owned Chi-Composite



1. KMEM Jailbird 181J ET, exhibited by Koy Moonen




Class Placings 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY Class 592 MCCF Karma, exhibited by Sophia Shobe Class 593 1. KMEM Kisses 26K ET, exhibited by Elle Moonen PCM Muy Calliente K01, exhibited by Presley McQueen CEBC Miss Nala, exhibited by Courtney Bockman Class 594

Owned Chi-Composite Class Placings 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY Class 608 1. TCLC Tatmale 031H ET, exhibited by Tyler Miller 2. KBSC Samantha 099H, exhibited by Hollynn Rieck 3. JSUl PCC Who Dat Mary 0523H, exhibited by AJ Pospichal Class 609 1. CMCC High Rent 0015H ET, exhibited by Chancee Clark 2. BK JG Honey Run 0005H, exhibited by Abree Belcher 3. TDOG Miss Wishbone 035H, exhibited by Alainey Marie Breaux 4. FLEM Bernies Molly, exhibited by Ty Conklin Class 610 1. BKMT Hot & Exceptional 0017H, exhibited by Devin Morton 2. LADD Hackin’ Memphis 004H ET, exhibited by Cameron Luedtke Class 611 1. WSCC STECK Lucy DT 046H ET, exhibited by Keagan Steck 44 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY AJCA Awards AJCA HERDSMAN OF THE YEAR Tatum Miller – Texas ALL-AROUND CHAMPIONS 1st Place: Maci Beckman - Illinois 2nd Place: John Haven Stalvey - Georgia 3rd Place: Brynna Herndon - Oklahoma 4th Place: Greer Jones - Alabama 5th Place: Tyler Loudon - Iowa 6th Place: Bayler Hurlbut – South Dakota 7th Place: Laramie Barker – Indiana 8th Place: Kylee Barker – Indiana 9th Place: Madison McCullough – Iowa 10th Place: Jacie Wolfinger – Nebraska ACA ROYALTY Queen – Cheyenne Kiser, Kentucky Princess – Lindy Kiser, Kentucky AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 45

Contest Results Sweepstakes ROOKIE SWEEPSTAKES 1st Place: Hannah Fox 2nd Place: Maci Beckman 3rd Place: Laramie Barker JUNIOR SWEEPSTAKES 1st Place: Kylee Barker 2nd Place: Greer Jones 3rd Place: Brynna Herndon INTERMEDIATE SWEEPSTAKES 1st Place: John Haven Stalvey 2nd Place: Maddix Small 3rd Place: Emma Yochum SENIOR SWEEPSTAKES 1st Place: Tyler Loudon 2nd Place: Dexter Small 3rd Place: Delaney Moore 2022 NatioNal JuNior Heifer SHow, louiSville, KY46 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Contest Results Photography Senior DiviSion 1st Kassidy Bremer 2nd Payton Farmer 3rd Shea Whaley 4th Olivia Bellah 5th Luke Jennings 6th Emily Jones 7th Bryson Smith 8th Kiley Codner 9th Wyatt Shinn 10th Isabella Hardy IntermeDiate DiviSion 1st John Haven Stalvey 2nd Sadie Moore 3rd Emma Yochum 4th Blake Herdman 5th AJ Pospichal 6th Hannah French 7th Jacie Wolfinger 8th Klayton Bremer 9th Emma Grafft 10th Annabelle Wesley Junior DiviSion 1st Greer Jones 2nd Metts Stalvey 3rd Campbell Manross 4th Bo Pospichal 5th Tyson Fox 6th Ty Conklin 7th Kinley Smith 8th Emma Hall 9th Finley Dick 10th Kailyn Martin rookie DiviSion 1st Hannah Fox 2nd Carlie Stalvey 3rd Bayler Hurlbut 4th Lane Johnson 5th Altman Stalvey 6th Hazel Hall 7th Georgia Flowers 8th Addie Johnson 9th Ty Johnson 10th Leddy WhiteAUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 47

Senior DiviSion 1st – Delaney Moore 2nd – Tyler Loudon 3rd – Dexter Small 4th – Luke Jennings 5th – Emily Jones IntermeDiate DiviSion 1st – Maddix Small 2nd – Brady Tracy 3rd – Annabelle Wesley 4th – Rylee Verhelle 5th – Drew McCullough 6th – Madison McCullough 7th – John Haven Stalvey 8th – Bailey Hall 9th – Kaylee Jennings 10th – Emma Yochum Junior DiviSion 1st – Gavin Richards 2nd – Greer Jones 3rd – Kutter Dorsey 4th – Connor Yochum 5th – Brynna Herndon 6th – Karly Lowes 7th – Brian Herndson 8th – Emma Hall 9th – Ashlyn Verhelle 10th – Carson Beckman rookie DiviSion 1st – Maci Beckman 2nd – Hannah Fox 3rd – Hazel Hall 4th – Audrey French 5th – Altman Stalvey 6th – Carlie Stalvey 7th – Bayler Hurlbut 8th – Weston Grauer 9th – Hadley Brown Contest Results Videography 48 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Contest Results Public Speaking Senior DiviSion 1st Malina Lindstrom 2nd Delaney Moore 3rd Tyler Loudon 4th Brenna Wilkins 5th Madisen Joliff 6th Haley Polley 7th Olivia Bellah 8th Emily Jones 9th Kiley Codner 10th Tyler Rice IntermeDiate DiviSion 1st John Haven Stalvey 2nd Charlie Hazelrigg 3rd Jacie Wolfinger 4th Abby Tlach 5th Sadie Moore 6th Hannah French 7th Madison McCullough 8th Addyson Lehman 9th Emma Yochum 10th Holly Rieck Junior DiviSion 1st Brynna Herndon 2nd Emma Helsinger 3rd Metts Stalvey 4th Kylee Barker 5th Lane Rigdon 6th Karly Lowes 7th Greer Jones 8th Landree Warnock 9th Macie Ledford 10th Reid Barker rookie DiviSion 1st Hannah Fox 2nd Laramie Barker 3rd Gracie Reed 4th Caroline Sankey 5th Emery Fox 6th Eden Christian 7th Altman Stalvey 8th Rylee Helsinger 9th Maci Beckman 10th Bayler HurlbutAUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 49

Senior DiviSion 1st – Malina Lindstrom 2nd – Hunter Perrier 3rd – Jason Calhoun 4th – Tyler Miller 5th – Mallory Shaarda 6th – Chancee Clark 7th – Kassidy Bremer 8th – Austin Rogers 9th – Lydia Recker 10th – Dexter Small IntermeDiate DiviSion 1st – John Haven Stalvey 2nd – Tyler Shreve 3rd – Alexa Lowe 4th – Rylie Lanum 5th – Maddison Griffin 6th – Londyn Rolen 7th – Carter Boyd 8th – Jaycie Perrier 9th – Max Eaton 10th – Raegan Beneker Junior DiviSion 1st – Gavin Richards 2nd – Kylee Barker 3rd – Skylan Dyson 4th – Reid Barker 5th – Kat Branscum 6th – Emma Hall 7th – Rylee Short 8th – Reagan Rodgers 9th – Greer Jones 10th – Carson Beckman rookie DiviSion 1st – Laramie Barker 2nd – Maci Bekcman 3rd – Easton Kaiser 4th – Chesney Prinz 5th – Presley McQueen 6th – Elle Moonen 7th – Case Conley 8th – Kolt Harper 9th – Lane Johnson 10th – Dawson Pletcher Contest Results Judging 50 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Contest Results Salesmanship Senior DiviSion 1st Tyler Loudon 2nd Dexter Small 3rd Haley Polley 4th Tyler Miller 5th Benjamin Archer 6th Laina Teague 7th Madisen Joliff 8th Mallory Shaarda 9th Kiley Codner 10th Paige Hadden IntermeDiate DiviSion 1st Payton Rodgers 2nd Emma Yochum 3rd Madison McCullough 4th Jacie Wolfinger 5th Raymond Beneker 6th John Haven Stalvey 7th Bailey Hall 8th Drew McCullough 9th Mikell O’Hara 10th Maddix Small Junior DiviSion 1st Tyson Fox 2nd Brynna Herndon 3rd Brayden Cummings 4th Greer Jones 5th Kutter Dorsey 6th Kat Branscum 7th Emmery O’Hara 8th Macy Banter 9th Maggie Griswold 10th Lilly Christian rookie DiviSion 1st Hannah Fox 2nd Maci Beckman 3rd Bayler Hurlbut 4th Laramie Barker 5th Carlie Stalvey 6th Hadley Brown 7th Hazel Hall 8th Eden Christian 9th Kennedy Evans 10th Altman StalveyAUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 51

SupplySullivanbysponsoredshowmanship Senior DiviSion 1st – Chancee Clark 2nd – Kassidy Bremer 3rd – Sara Sullivan 4th – MacKenzie Neal 5th – Wyatt Lange 6th – McKalynne Helmke 7th – Hunter Perrier 8th – Macie Riley 9th – Schyler Crocker 10th – Tyler Loudon IntermeDiate DiviSion 1st – Jacie Wolfinger 2nd – Madison McCullough 3rd – Adam Miller 4th – Ryen Carlson 5th – Rylee Lanum 6th – Reid Utterback 7th – Carson Rieck 8th – Kennedy Lockhart 9th – Emma Yochum 10th – Josie Wilkins Junior DiviSion 1st – McKlay Gensini 2nd – Charlee Jones 3rd – Kat Brasncum 4th – Brynna Herndon 5th – Reid Barker 6th – Mayci Wilkins 7th – Landree Warnock 8th – Braylen Schaeffer 9th – Maddax McCollum 10th – William Miller rookie DiviSion 1st – Maci Beckman 2nd – Presley McQueen 3rd – Annisten Warnock 4th – Bayler Hurlbut 5th – Carmen Knotts 6th – Hadley Brown 7th – Laramie Barker 8th – Chloe King 9th – Audrey French 10th – Leddy White Contest Results Showmanship 52 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Contest Results Quiz Bowl Senior DiviSion – FirSt Place Dexter Small, Maddix Small, Maggie Chandler & Justin Herlan Senior DiviSion – SeconD Place Laina Teague, Kendra Folkerts, Linden Teague & Rylee Folkerts IntermeDiate DiviSion – FirSt Place John Haven Stalvey, Maelee Dean, Mikayla Dean & Frank Hazelrigg IntermeDiate DiviSion – SeconD Place Barrett Evans, Hannah French, Kaylee Jennings & Linde Helsinger Junior DiviSion – FirSt Place Reid Barker, Kylee Barker, Carson Beckman & Maci Beckman Junior DiviSion – SeconD Place Connor Yochum, Asa Minton, Brayden Cummings & Emma Helsinger rookie DiviSion – FirSt Place Addie Johnson, Lane Johnson, Ty Johnson & Dax Noteboom rookie DiviSion – SeconD Place Laramie Barker, Kylee Pettigrew, Brooks Pettigrew & Brynleigh Sherman AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 53

Contest Results Team Fitting Senior Division A special thank you to Platinum Sponsor Sullivan Supply for sponsoring the Team Fitting Contest. Your continued support of the juniors is greatly appreciated! SeconD Place Chancee Clark, Carlee Clark & Chloe Clark thirD Place Kassidy Bremer, Lydia Recker & Addyson Lehman Fourth Place Riley Jansen, Tanner Curtin & Payton Rodgers FiFth Place Morgan Dykstra, Londyn Rolen & Baleigh Schricker Sixth Place Will Morris, Bryce Armstrong & Max Krempasky Seventh Place Bentley Moscrip, Kendall Leonhard & Bryce Clayton eighth Place Jaden Elam, Cameron Luedtke & Tyler Shreve ninth Place Maelee Dean, Maddie Dean & John Haven Stalvey tenth Place Parker Chesnut, Kade Banter & Anna Kelly FirSt Place McKy Lambert, Denby Grosenbacher & Adam Miller 54 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Contest Results Team Fitting Intermediate Division A special thank you to Platinum Sponsor Sullivan Supply for sponsoring the Team Fitting Contest. Your continued support of the juniors is greatly appreciated! SeconD Place Greyson Belcher, Klayton Bremer & Carson Rieck thirD Place Jaelin Wolfinger, Jacie Wolfinger & Abby Stallbaumer Fourth Place Madison McCullough, Drew McCullough & Macy Schroeder FiFth Place Denver McKay, Reign Scasta & Berkley McKay Sixth Place Abree Belcher, Jentry Johnson & Hollynn Rieck Seventh Place Alexis Enlow, Leo Enlow & Josie Heston eighth Place Braden Durst, Matthew Flasher & Kinsey Kraushaar ninth Place Eric Shaarda, Kaitlyn Lowes & Remi Earnhart tenth Place Reid Utterback, Warner Ott & Reece Richardson FirSt Place Parker Lockhart, Kennedy Lockhart & Kelton Arthur AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 55

Contest Results Team Fitting Junior Division A special thank you to Platinum Sponsor Sullivan Supply for sponsoring the Team Fitting Contest. Your continued support of the juniors is greatly appreciated! SeconD Place Rylee Short, Scout Lock & Carter Schroeder thirD Place Reid Barker, Kylee Barker & Laramie Barker Fourth Place Will Miller, Charlee Jones & Maddax McCollum FiFth Place Kendall Harper, Metts Stalvey & Greer Jones Sixth Place Isaac Johnson, Keagan Steck & Tyson Fox Seventh Place Asa Minton, Connor Yochum & Brayden Cummings eighth Place Landree Warnock, Kale Felton & Kiptyn Felton ninth Place Brynleigh Sherman, Grady Harrison & Delaney Ott tenth Place Garrett Luallen, Wyatt Luallen & Westin Pletcher FirSt Place Chloe Rodgers, McKlay Gensini & Reagan Rodgers 56 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Contest Results Team Fitting Rookie Division A special thank you to Platinum Sponsor Sullivan Supply for sponsoring the Team Fitting Contest. Your continued support of the juniors is greatly appreciated! SeconD Place Kia Jones, Hannah Fox & Chandler Jones thirD Place Bayler Hurlbut, Caroline Sankey & Coldar Cunningham Fourth Place Hadley Brown, Hazel Hall & Dax Noteboom FiFth Place Elijah Wollenburg, Kennedy Hamilton & Charlotte Johnson Sixth Place Altman Stalvey, Carlie Stalvey & Kolt Harper Seventh Place Kennedy Evans, Brooks Evans & Tillman Derossett FirSt Place Annisten Warnock, Beckett Winegardner & Ryker Winegardner State Sweepstakes Iowa State Herdsmanship Oklahoma AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 57

2022-2023 AJCA Board Officers: Berren Strope, President; Maddie Smith, Vice President; Josie Wilkins, Secretary/Treasurer; Shea Whaley, Public Relations BOard MeMBers: Morgan Baker, Hannah Smith, Madeline Sonnenfeld, Ray Beneker, Cole Lehnert, Wyatt Shinn, Adrienne Bryant & Jillian Bryant Courtney Bockman, Nebraska; Tatum Miller, Texas; Taylor Pinkerton, Indiana; Trace Helser, Nebraska (not pictured) Thank you all for your service to the AJCA. You have made a positive impact on the junior board and the junior members of the association. Your future is bright and we can’t wait to see all you accomplish! RETIRING AJCA MEMBERSBOARD 58 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Lil’ Campers A huge thank you to Platinum Sponsor Sure Champ for their continued support of our Junior National and especially the Little’s program. The continued support they give to our juniors is greatly appreciated! Sponsored by Thank You Interns A huge THANK YOU to our four interns! Jacob BrandtSandersonMolyneuxHaleyRingkobMaddieO’Leary We couldn’t have pulled the show off without you! Your help was invaluable! We wish you the best in your future endeavors! AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 59


The American Junior Chianina Association is so fortunate to have many generous & outstanding sponsors who help make the junior national a huge success each year. We appreciate their continued support of our junior program and are thankful for the partnership with them to create the most fun event of the summer. When you see any of the sponsors listed on this and the following pages, please be sure to thank them!

Thank You Platinum Sponsors


Thank You Support SponsorsAmy Cowan Austin Breeding AACE Wash Systems Barton Cattle Carlson Cattle Co. Cattlemen’s NicholsGoodRichlandFullPrimeTimeCentralHerndonBradBormann-LissCongressBehymerCattleCo.BrianLoweBrianWordenCattleDriveLiveLifeSciencesChrisDahlkeClintMackeyConleyCattleConnieBobekCopeland&SonsCoryDavisAgriMarketingCummingsCarouselLineShowCattleMillsCattleCo.Dave&TamGrauerDeJongRanchEastviewMainesHermosaCattleCo.DougMcCollumDunkCattleCo.DustinClarkCattleCo.EdCuppCircleFarms,JoshWinslowFarms,GarthSimpsonVibesMagnawaveTherapyGrauerShowCattleHaydenFarmsShowCattleJacksonCattleCo.MatlockFarms,Leon&LoisPrestonFamilyKohlhaasFamilyJasonWaldockCryoGenetics,JaySteenhoekSL&JennaCraftJeremy&AndreaClarkJoeLehmanCrallShowCattleJolliffFamilyJosh&MarissaStreitmatterJustinCloptonKevinWendtAuctioneerKynleeDaileyLesleySchmidtLeviRosenmeyerMarcOlsonMattGainerMeganHunt Nagel Cattle Co. National Western Stock Show Small Family Vickland Show Cattle Pettigrew Farms Philip Collins PKL Show Cattle Rashele Blakley Ray Adams HR Cattle/Phantom Halter Roger Vander Veen Rick & Rosemary Carlson Rusty Schaeffer/TiceSarahWilliamsHunkerCattle Co. Schrage Rice Cattle Co. Scott Webb Shannon Cook Photography Shawn VanSickleWayneTurkeyTonyStallbaumerShowstringMcCollomUSAFamilySueHardingTedLeinMuirCattleCo.ThorsonCattleTimMcCullough&BrandyJeffsFeatherRanchVanVorhisFamilyWhaleyCattleWillBanksYochumFamilyKerstenCattlePospichalFamilyRyan&MollyBarker&SaraBeckmanRickHumphreyTracyCattleCompanyStalvey’sAtCreekCattleDiamondsintheRoughMcPeakFamilyStropeFamilyCockrellFamilyCattleCompanyReimannRanchDunn-RiteShowCattleMenteCattleCluxtonFamilyCattleEricDunfeeAndrewHamannBobMillerJJBockmanHumphreyAgrimarketingSimmonsCattleCompanyShowstringUSAKalmbachFeeds Showgirl Style Farm House Merc Cattle Mafia Brenda Dudderar Purple Power Nutrition Red Barn Creations Baden Baldy High Plains FancyRockyGenesource/TheGatheringBrandCo.JeffTownsendMarkDicksonEbersoleCattleCompanyChuck&AceMcHattonCalvinFryarO’HaraLand&CattleTimbercrestLand&CattleCircleFCattleCo.MountainMaine-AnjouLandgrafCattleCompanyRimpelShowCattleGrauerShowCattle605Sires&DonorsJonesShowCattleRJCattleCo.WildLeef-LeefersFamilyOurPerspectiveOhlrichsCattleCo.MinnaertShowCattleDuelloCattleCo.BremerShowCattleBlackGoldSupplements4JFamilyPartnershipBluePrintCattleCompanyMooreCattleCompanyBeauprezLand&CattleHermosaCattleCompanyAndisClippersCreekFarmofthePrairieCrossAustinBurnhartJosie,Abby&MayciWilkinsDreamLeatherHannahImgrundJimmyMatlockFamilyTalmoRanchGettingerChiangusSam&KatyRuckerGrand‘OlePlaceFarmsJayWadeJohnsonGarryHawesGreenFamilyFarmsCampbellCoJordan&AmandaHoltTheShowCattleConnectionCattleMafiaBenchmarkGraphicsBryantFarms Higgins Farms Comer Cattle Co. Signature Signs Ernie TroySweetHoosierDanRaiderDominguezRedMeatsTravisOliverBrianGurneyChesnutFamilyJeffMillerSteaks/DrewMillerShelbyDeHavenWilliamMilashoskiSheetsChiangusNextLevelPhotographyRedBarnCreationsTeaFashions&FloralsHHHShowCattle77MileMeatCo.AmandaShinnAndrewHamannBrodieAbneyPhotographyCattleVisionsDawnMaconVogtJohnCainParkinsonCattleCo.PrescottCattleStockshowProsBeckett/BeckettChiangusJasonAndrewsShowCoatSolutionsFormulaofChampionsCowHenSowCountryLaceBoutiqueSnakeRunCattleCo.GeigerShowCattleCaffeeRanch4RFarms&ShowCattle4LFarmsMelroeFarmsSteckCattleStephanieCroninInc.JustinHoltCattleArdRidgeCattleCo.MSCattleCo.APShowCattleWoodhavenFarmsWeaverLeatherBlackGoldSupplementsClassicGeneticsGarrettShowCattleDicksChiangusEvansCattleCompanyValleyVistaFarmsKyleChristiansen 62 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022






Reserve Grand Champion Female – BMW Ace 2 127H ET Exhibited by Kevin Hesser, Leesburg, IN • Bred by Lillie Skiles, Dalhart, TX Sire: Colburn Primo 5153 • Dam: Rockn Ace 2 413B 2022 Chiangus Classic Futurity Grand Champion Female – HIGG Allure 107J Exhibited by Rob Oakley, Livingston, TN • Bred by Higgins Farms, Watertown, TN Sire: PVF Blacklist 7077 • Dam: HIGG Allure 307A Judges Val Louisville,JuneBillDanShieldsHarkerWiderman21,2022Kentucky 68 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

2022 Chiangus Classic Futurity Third Overall Female –LLW CARD Carolines Chanel 536J Exhibited by Macie McCollum, Bellevue, TX Bred by Lucas Wisnefski, Wyoming, IL Sire: Somewhere In The Middle ET Dam: LLW CARD Carolines Chanel 36C Fourth Overall Female –WVW Miss Harper Exhibited by Kendall Harper, Alapaha, GA Bred by Woodhaven Farms, Lebanon, TN Sire: JDSF/WVW Driver 118D Dam: LAF Blackcap 186 Third Overall Female –WSCC Hennessy 87J ET Exhibited by Kennedy Lockhart, Fort Gibson, OK Bred by Willow Springs Cattle Co., Prairie Grove, AR Sire: WSCC Perfect Storm 63E ET Dam: WCC Conley Bar Maid 599 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 69

Reserve Grand Champion Bull Ard Rioge Last Call Exhibited by Kat Brascum, Nancy, KY Bred by Kat Branscum, Nancy, KY Sire: Ard Ridge En Fuego 1711 Dam: Ard Ridge Ann Taylor 2022 Chiangus Classic Futurity Grand Champion Bull –Clinto Clinto Clinto Exhibited by Tyler Loudon, Creston, IA Bred by Tyler Loudon, Creston, IA Sire: MEFC Unanimous 562C Dam: Jensen Daesro Beauty 631 70 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022




3.2.1. ACA Member Number ACA Member Number ACA Member Number

Procedure for Electing Members to the ACA Board of Directors ACA Board of Directors Nominating Petition

The nomination and election procedure is outlined below:

4) The candidate receiving the most votes from each region, or for the at-large positions, will be declared the winner.

Segayle Foster, Derek Evans and Tyler Winegardner are eligible for re-election. Due to term limits, Ken Culp is not eligible for re-election.

• Southeast (states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia & West Virginia)

Board of Director positions up for election this year, 2022, are the Southwest Region and three (3) at-large positions. All directors will be elected for a three-year term. No more than four (4) per sons from the same region shall serve on the Board of Direc tors at any one time. If you live in the Southwest Region and wish to nominate an active ACA member within that region, please complete the form below.Ifyou wish to nominate an at-large director, please use the nom ination form below.

Zip Signature of Nominee Date Submitted

I hereby agree to faithfully perform all duties of the ACA Board of Directors if elected to serve. must be endorsed by three active members of the ACA. If the nomination is for the director ship of a region, all three persons endorsing the nominee must be ACA members from said region.

The undersigned hereby nominates the above named person as a candidate for election to the ACA Board of Directors for the named region or at-large. print & sign your name) The person named below is being nominated to be a director for: (Check appropriate line) Please see above for states within each region Region At-Large

3) The ballots must be returned to auditing agency. All ballots must be postmarked ON or BEFORE October 20, 2022.

• Northwest (states of Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington & Wyoming)

• Southwest (states of Arizona, California, Kansas, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas & Utah)


Each year the active adult membership of the ACA will elect four directors based on the updated region alignment. The ACA regions are as follows:


1) A nominating petition, which appears in the August ACJ, must be completed and returned to the Association office by Sept. 15, 2022.


2) Ballots with the names of the nominees will be mailed to the ACA membership on Oct. 1, 2022.


5) Each active ACA member may cast one vote for each at-large director position open each year and one vote for the regional di rector of his or her particular region when being elected.

Name Telephone State

• Northeast (states of Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is land, Vermont & Wisconsin)


of Nominee Home Telephone Address Other



– Youth Beef Industry Congress


Seven American Junior Chianina Association board members, and advisor Heather Counts, attended the 2022 Youth Beef Industry Congress in April. This conference (held every other year) gives junior boards the opportunity to network with other junior beef association boards as well as take part in leadership, career and industry learning sessions. The 2022 YBIC was held in College Station, Texas and hosted by the American Junior Brahman Association and the Junior Beefmaster Breeders Association. The location gave our juniors a chance to visit Texas A&M University and learn more about the beef industry in the southern United States. A highlight of the event was visiting 44 Farms and learning about their operation, their branded beef program and more.Advocating for agriculture was a big focus of the conference as well. Industry leaders spoke to the juniors about the need to tell the agriculture story, no matter how big or small, to those we come in contact with. Advocating for our way of life is vital for our success. “If we don’t tell our story...who will?” Wise words to think about. The final day of the conference included a panel of industry leaders who hold various positions. One highlight was listening to former AJCA board member, Jennifer Ann Scasta, talk about her time as a junior board member as well as the path that has lead her to her current position at Texas A&M University. The junior board wrapped up the weekend at an Escape Room, using teamwork skills to escape before time ran out! What a fun time! Attending these leadership conferences is a great learning tool offered to our junior board members. They had a great time networking with other juniors as well as learning from some of the best in the industry. Enjoy their recap of the conference.

AJCA board members at 44 Farms

I had so much fun at YBIC; it is something I will cherish for ever! A part of the Conference that I enjoyed was the 44 Farms tour; it was really neat to see such a beautiful ranch. I also really enjoyed the night at Big Shots; that was so much fun! The last thing that I enjoyed was the escape room with the board; that was a great way to work together!  I learned lots of very good information while attending the con ference! One thing that stood out to me was about advocating for agriculture. I was listening to some Instagram stories yesterday, and this stood out and reminded me about advocating and its importance. I think now more than ever, we as cattle producers and ranchers need to advocate and get involved with politics because of everything in the world today and how much negative feedback and comments we get about our industry. I think just one sentence could go a long way in educating consumers and is something I know I need to do a better job of.

Shea Whaley…

YBIC was such an amazing opportunity and I’m so glad I got to be part of it! First off with me only being a sophomore in high school it opened a lot of new doors for an educational path for me. All the keynote speakers were incredibly amazing and really helped you think about why we are in Ag and how we should advocate for it. It was all about telling your story and using certain techniques that you can apply to your career path that will cer tainly help you in the long run. Collier Farms and 44 Farms were amazing. I loved getting to see how their operations worked so that I could learn from them on how I could use it in the future. I learned that no matter how big or small, old or young you are, you can make an impact on the agricultural industry. It was truly a good life lesson to learn.


Maddie Smith…



The first day we visited ST Genetics and had a keynote speaker along with a panel of advocacy speakers. ST Genetics was a mas sive operation that had several interesting parts to it. It was a lot of fun to explore the different parts and learn about them. That evening, we traveled to the Hildebrand Equine Complex to have dinner and listen to several speakers. The first speaker was Dr. Torri Lienemann, who had an incredible story for us to listen to and learn from. The second speakers were a panel of three talking about how to be better advocates in the cattle and agricultural industry.Thesecond day was packed full of tours of several farms and several different speakers. The farms that we visited were Collier Farms and 44 Farms. Both were large operations, like ST Genetics, that had many interesting parts in it. Both operations used dif ferent cattle breeds than we use in Nebraska which made it very interesting to learn about. In the afternoon, after the tour of 44 farms, we had a keynote speaker and a marketing panel. The key note speaker was a young lady that had started her own boutique centered around advocating for agriculture. The marketing panel consisted of four people talking about how to better market agri culture. Both were a lot of fun to listen to. The third and final day was filled with educational sessions from speakers like Jon DeClerk, Kalli Ellis & Jennifer Ann Scasta. The sessions taught us different skills like public speaking, advocating for agriculture and how to better present ourselves. Lastly, we finished the day by listening to a closing speaker who gave some lasting advice for us to consider. The tours of the different operations were great learning oppor tunities to see how different operations work and what works best for them. The speakers provided great advice for people to listen to and learn from. All in all, YBIC was a great learning experience with a lot of fun packed into it.

Attending YBIC in late April was a very eye opening experience for me. During my time in College Station, Texas, I got to listen to lectures from the most influential people in our industry and visit some amazing places. I enjoyed the chance to spend time with my friends on the junior board and it was very rewarding to meet and work with people my age that are as passionate about the beef in dustry as I am. Of everything I learned, my greatest takeaway from YBIC is that everyone has a place in agriculture. It doesn’t matter if you breed show heifers for phenotype improvement or if you want to increase feed efficiency for market steers…we should all support each other!

Raymond Beneker…

Madeline Sonnenfeld…

YBIC was a great event where I was able to learn many aspects about the cattle industry. We toured several different cattle oper ations and genetic facilities. My favorite place we visited was ST Genetics. In the future I want to be a cattle embryologist so it was interesting to see what they all did there. Another facility that was super interesting to visit and learn about was 44 Farms. Being able to learn about their marketing and seeing how they run their operation was super interesting. It was a great opportunity to spend time with the Chianina ju nior board and be able to visit with other breed board members. There were endless opportunities to meet others who are very prominent in the cattle industry. It was an amazing experience I would recommend to anyone on a breed board to attend.


Open Show Judge: Kyle Shoufler

Upcoming AcA nAtionAlly SponSored ShowS

866-888-0620 Rate: $139/night • Cutoff

AmericAn royAl liveStock Show kAnSAS city, mo Show Date: Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022 - 4 p.m. Entry Deadline: Sept. 10, 2022




Arrival Date: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022

Open Show Judge: Brandon Callis Junior Show Judge: Kyndal Reitzenstein -c- the difference nAtionAl SAle city, ok Date: Saturday, Jan. 7, 2022 – 11 a.m. Deadline: Nov. 1, 2022 weStern Stock Show co Show Date: Monday, Jan. 16, 2023 Junior Show – 8 a.m. Open Show following junior show Deadline: Nov. 20, 2022 Date: Friday, Jan. 13, 2023

Open Show Judge: Brian Fox Junior Show Judge: Brian Barragree fort worth Stock Show ft. worth, tX Show Date: Friday, Jan. 27, 2023 Junior Show – 1 p.m. Open Show – 3 p.m. Deadline: Nov. 15, 2022 Arrival Date: Jan. 25-26, 2023


Junior Show Judge: Tim Schaeffer Louisville, KY or date: Oct. 31,

Open Show Judge: Scott Bayer Junior Show Judge: Krisha Geffert nAile JUnior Show loUiSville, ky Show Date: Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022 - 9 a.m. Entry Deadline: Oct. 1, 2022 Arrival Date: Thursday, Nov. 10-Friday, Nov. 11, 2022 Show Judge: Todd Herman AcA nAtionAl Show – nAile loUiSville, ky Show Date: Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022 - 8 a.m. Entry Deadline: Oct. 1, 2022

for more informAtion on Any of the Upcoming ShowS, contAct: Heather Counts, Director of Shows & Activities 517-214-0927 or heather@chicattle.org AcA nAtionAl Show hotel informAtion Headquarters Hotel: Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport 830 Phillips Lane •


40209 (502) 367-2251




Arrival Date: Thursday, Nov. 10-Friday, Nov. 11, 2022 Show Judge: Scott & Andrew Foster cAttlemen’S congreSS oklAhomA city, ok Chiangus Junior & Open Show: Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023 - 1 Chianinap.m.Junior & Open Show & Chi-Composite Junior Show: Monday, Jan. 9, 2023 - 9 a.m. Entry Deadline: Nov. 15, 2022 Arrival Date: Thursday, Jan. 5, 2023



GEORGIA Wyatt Sheppard 179 Sheppards Switch Sylvania, GA 30467 IDAHO Riley Stump & Jordan Cates Little Stump Ranch 190N N Fair Ave Filer, ID 83328 INDIANA Austin Egloff J & AE Livestock 2247 E 1600 N Lincoln City, IN 47552 Laura KoeppenKoeppenFamily Farm 384 E 100 Valparaiso,SIN 46383-9520 Jason Trafalgar,4322MonicaW6549BrookeMichigantown,4550OstlerIvyWinchester,183CornerstoneNewcomFarmsN300WIN47394-8531OstlerFamilyFarmsE400NIN46057ReiboldtSKirkerRdCollegeCorner,IN47003WallenS450WIN46181-9048 IOWA Corbin James James Cattle Co 5036 35th St Searsboro, IA 50242-7552 KANSAS Reilly Ritter 804 Ivory St Oakley, KS 67748-2108 MARYLAND Hannah D Story 515 Cosden Rd Barclay, MD 21607-1291 MISSOURI A.J. & Claire Deornellas 9752 Pike 12 Frankford, MO 63441 Derek Palmyra,4876PowellGrantSarcoxie,21731ParadeisAspenRdMO64862-8100&ShelbyPowellGeneticsHighway168MO63461-2310 MONTANA Russell Dietz 9017 Barton Pl Shepherd, MT 59079-3508 NEBRASKA Ty 34445Groth295 St Monroe, NE 68647-5020 NEW MEXICO Zoe Walker 1601 Springfield Rd Roswell, NM 88201-9109 NORTH CAROLINA Emmett Lahay 4668 W Langley Rd Elm City, NC 27822-9024 OHIO Macy Roell 2051 Farmersville W Alex Rd Farmersville, OH 45325-9242 Souder Family Cattle 7466 Gooselick Rd Ripley, OH 45167-8641 Hannah J Topmiller 9111 State Route 28 Pleasant Plain, OH 45162 Nicholas Zinni Zinni Cattle 1089 Shelton Rd Salem, OH 44460-9730 OKLAHOMA Brian 10197EdwardsEdwardsFarmsNWChibitty Rd Lawton, OK 73507 Jeffrey & Jacque Moss Cimarron Cattle Co 21271 N 2855 Rd Kingfisher, OK 73750-7073 Lonnie Robertson 1313 S Portland Ave Newcastle, OK 73065-4352 Carroll Taylor PO Box Edmond,6753OK73083-6753 SOUTH DAKOTA Payton Geppert 20174 N Hwy 1806 Fort Pierre, SD 57532 Mark Milbank,48228Mikkelson155thStSD57252-6304 TENNESSEE Melinda Perkins & Murray Per Perkinskins Family Cattle 595 Buchanan Rd Buchanan, TN 38222 TEXAS Kimberly Brazoria,4141DuboseJohnnaBrownwood,12900VisionTravisHamlin,16576ColeClayCommerce,5880BurtJesseColeman,251DiamondKaitlinBells,848BradleyBetsySanta7628AlexanderAlexanderCattleCoAvenueE1/2Fe,TX77510-8864BradleyCattleServicesOneMileLnTX75414-2437SellarsBrannonKBarRanchPrivateRoad4741TX76834-2001BurtFarmsFm1563TX75428-5544ColeCattleCompanyCountyRoad136TX79520-5741DavisLivestockCountyRoad105TX76801-8433&DustinDuboseCattleCoCountyRoad461ATX77422-6510 NEW MEMBERS NEW ADULT MEMBERS 82 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

28 Snake Run Cattle Co. Online Steer & Heifer Sale, SC Online Sales Oct. 1 Entry Deadline – NAILE, Louisville, Ky.


2023… Jan. 7 -C- The Difference National Sale, Cattlemen’s Congress, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1 pm

Jan. 9 Cattlemen’s Congress Junior & Open Chianina & Junior Chi-Composite Shows, Oklahoma City, Okla., 9 am

15 Pembrook Cattle Co., Annual Fall Production Sale, At the Ranch, Fairview, Okla.,

Oct. 1 pm

10 Entry Deadline – American Royal, Kansas City, Mo. Sept. 10 Goettemoeller Show Cattle Online Sale Sept. 15 Deadline – ACA Board of Director Applications Due Sept. 19 Dunk Cattle Co. Bid-Off Sale, Wayne, Neb. Sept. 22-25 World Beef Expo, Milwaukee, Wisc.

Oct. 28 CK Cattle 2022 Headquarters Sale, Hope Hull, Ala., Noon Nov. 1 Consignment Deadline – ACA -C- The Difference National Sale

Jan. 27 Ft. Worth Stock Show Youth & Open Chianina & Chiangus Shows, Ft. Worth, Texas, 1 pm


Oct. 20 American Royal Open & Junior Chianina, Chiangus, Chi-Composite & High-Percentage Shows, Kansas City, Mo., 4 pm

June 18-24 National Junior Heifer Show, Grand Island, Neb.

Oct. 20 Board of Director Ballots Postmark Date

Austin Dunn Ddd Show Cattle 16387 County Road 341 Terrell, TX 75161-0769 Jeff 1422HowardStanley St Sweetwater, TX 79556-1921 Corey SchaferSchaferCattle Co 133 N Elm St Woodson, TX 76491-1501 Donald Mack Sellars Sacred Rock Ranch 223 Private Road 4741 Coleman, TX 76834-2001 Trinity Shed 6180 Franklin Rd Moody, TX 76557-3139 Cody Turner TNT Cattle Company PO Box 1818 Waco, TX 76703-1818 Rodney Wood Wood Chianina 333 Shepherd Rd Sherman, TX 75090-3448 NEW MEMBERS 2022… Aug. 27 Kentucky State Fair Open Chianina & Chiangus Shows, Louisville, Ky., Noon Aug. 31 Nebraska State Fair Open Chianina/Chiangus Shows, Grand Island, Neb., 9 am Aug. 31 Western Regional Junior Show, Grand Island, Neb., immediately following open shows

Jan. 8 Cattlemen’s Congress Open & Junior Chiangus Shows, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1 pm


Nov. 5 Winegardner/Klingaman 26th Annual Harvest of Excellence Sale, Allen County Fairgrounds, Lima, Ohio, 1 pm EST Nov. 13 Junior Chianina & Chiangus Shows, NAILE, Louisville, Ky., 9 am, Broadbent, Arena Nov. 15 Entry Deadline – Cattlemen’s Congress, Oklahoma City, Okla. Nov. 14 ACA 50th Anniversary Reception & Celebration, Louisville, Ky., Time TBA Nov. 15 ACA General Membership Meeting, NAILE, Louisville, Ky., 1 pm, West Hall Nov. 15 Entry Deadline – Ft. Worth Stock Show, Ft. Worth, TX Nov. 16 ACA National Chianina & Chiangus Shows, NAILE, Louisville, KY, 8 am, Freedom Hall Nov. 20 Entry Deadline – National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colo.

Jan. 16 National Western Stock Show Open & Junior Chianina & Chiangus Shows, Denver, Colo., 8 am

Steer Rewards Program Payouts for Major Fat Shows, Influential Shows &Minor Shows If your steer qualifies, please send results documentation and photo to Heather Counts at heather@chicattle.org. Once info is received, a payout will be sent from the ACA office. For questions, please contact Heather at 517-214-0927. 84 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Payout$250 If a Chianina steer is not selected as Grand Champion, $125 will be paid to the Reserve if he qualifies. Box - city,

RequiRements: R A. Steers must be registered and transferred to an ACTIVE junior member on or before the entry deadline. (The actual day the work was done) B. Awards will be paid to the junior member after both an official photograph and press release from show officials have been received by the ACA (information can be emailed to heather@chicattle.org). C. If the show offers a division for Chianina steers, the steer must be shown as a Chianina. majoR Fat steeR mshows Payout-$2000-Moneysplit50/50betweenbreederandowner A. American Royal B. North American International Livestock Exposition C. National Western Stock Show D. Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo E. Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo


Payout$500 If a Chianina steer is not selected as Grand Champion but a qualifying steer places in the Top 5, a graduated scale will be used. ($400 for Reserve, $300 for third, $200 for fourth and $100 for fifth) for the highest placing steer in the show. steeR shows

mo | 816-431-2808 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 85



If a Chianina steer is not selected as Grand Champion but a qualifying steer places in the Top 5 a graduated scale will be used. ($800 for Reserve, $600 for third, $400 for fourth and $200 for fifth) for the highest placing steer in the show. steeR shows

Greater than 200 head of steers exhibited or a State Fair or Expo

Chianina Steer Rewards Program Rules AmericAn chiAninA AssociAtion | Po


<200 head of steers and >100 head of steers exhibited

ALABAMA Ryleigh Lance 1780 County Road 643 Cullman, AL 35055 London Steele 7967 Bromley Rd Bay Minette, AL 36507 ARKANSAS Jace Dillon 403 6th Ave SE Gravette, AR 72736 Jake 14386MyersKillarney Dr Siloam Springs, AR 72761 Laney Osbon 381 Madison 6329 Wesley, AR 72773 CALIFORNIA Sutter Lincoln,3150LoganWoodland,32640Danekas-LohseCountyRoad19CA95695MoneloGladdingRdCA95648 FLORIDA Cayson Albritton 12248 State Road 62 Parrish, FL 34219 Dean Clark 479 Sumner Rd Wauchula, FL 33873 Shalee Conrad 9702 Gallagher Rd Dover, FL 33527 Eli 1147PollardCounty Road 720 Moore Haven, FL 33471 GEORGIA Cole 1315EastonBellview Rd Rockmart, GA 30153 Lauryn Edwards 13420 Highway 121 Hoboken, GA 31542 Grace McClain PO Box Clarkesville,2673GA 30523 Robert Strickland 978 Booger Hill Rd Danielsville, GA 30633 Charlee Anne Walls 810 Lower Brookfield Rd Tifton, GA 31794 ILLINOIS Natalie Hill 14847 Willow St Grafton, IL 62037 Colton Huls 610 Wingstem Dr Saint Joseph, IL 61873 Charlotte Schultz 1330 N 3000 East Rd Windsor, IL 61957 INDIANA Bennett Ayres 604 E Columbia St Flora, IN 46929 Cali Winchester,2812BaldwinE100SIN 47394 Boden Bays 4513 W 100 S Anderson, IN 46011 Larissa Butler 6124 W Old Road 28 Frankfort, IN 46041 Mason Cass 1534 E 1050 S Ladoga, IN 47954 Garret Cox 3798 E 500 S Lynn, IN 47355 Aubre Neal 8180 E County Rd 500 S Greensburg, IN 47240 Avery Tincher 5812 N County Road 200 E Orleans, IN 47452 Brady Tracy 2965 W County Road 350 N Danville, IN 46122 Maci 11696WhitakerS125W #35 Vanburen, IN 46991 TJ 1843Goecke220th St State Center, IA 50247 IOWA Baylor Hoffman 242 N Fayette St Lamoni, IA 50140 Mikayla Meyer PO Box Hospers,93IA 51238 Asher Short 3202 285th St Masonville, IA 50654 KANSAS Emilee Diekmann 2419 1400 Ave Woodbine, KS 67492 Grayson Dunbar 3520 Douglas Rd Richmond, KS 66080 Mallory Hanen 12406 E 69th Ave Buhler, KS 67522 Lawson Jones 3032 Mink Rd Abilene, KS 67410 Lena Jones 215 S Bluff Ave Wichita, KS 67218 Wyatt Lange 2163 N 230 Rd Clyde, KS 66938 Barrett Voboril 202 E 10th St Strong City, KS 66869 KENTUCKY Noah Adams 1390 Logana Pike Nicholasville, KY 40356 Staton Bowman 319 Swope Ln Lancaster, KY 40444 NEW MEMBERS NEW JUNIOR MEMBERS 86 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

MARYLAND Carleigh Black 27719 Lambs Meadow Rd Kennedyville, MD 21645 Christopher Martin Jr 2485 Roberts Station Rd Church Hill, MD 21623 Mason Martin 2485 Roberts Station Rd Church Hill, MD 21623 MICHIGAN Lisa 22514HortonEMichigan Ave Marshall, MI 49068 Rachel Kempker 2558 56th St Fennville, MI 49408 MINNESOTA Caleb Balaton,1113CodyWoodstock,1134JadenJackson,87844Vancura560thAveMN56143Weinkauf160thAveMN56186Wichman150thAveMN56115 MISSOURI Kara 17376BulenState Route H Arbela, MO 63432 Vivian McGaugh 1400 N Jefferson St Carrollton, MO 64633 Payton Rodgers 15100 County Road 341 Savannah, MO 64485 Reagan Rodgers 15100 County Road 341 Savannah, MO 64485 MONTANA Emmery O’Hara 811 Redant Ln Fort Benton, MT 59442 NEBRASJA Baker Mc303ByankaWaco,1002DakotaYork,1906GraceOneill,88709OliverSchuyler,1071RobertBartlett,49812HenryHoskins,55995Behmer850thRdNE68740ThomasParkerHighway70NE68622RochefordRoad12NE68661KaytonShane486thAveNE68763WellmanRoad10NE68467WollenburgRoadUNE68460WoodParkAveCook,NE69001 NEW YORK Adalynn Grace Blankenship 4968 State Highway 51 West Burlington, NY 13482 John James Bond 15133 S Quaker Rd Gowanda, NY 14070 OHIO Bradley Allgeier 5278 Walnut Grove Rd Hamilton, OH 45013 Joshua Baggs 1148 Lorelei Dr Fayetteville, OH 45118 Colton Boggess 9781 Grabill Rd New Vienna, OH 45159 Guy 38680CalawaySumner Rd Pomeroy, OH 45769 Landon Dean Calvelage 20311 Road U20 Fort Jennings, OH 45844 Haley Dean 7499 Farmers Rd Martinsville, OH 45146 Kennedy Hamilton 4035 W New Market Rd Hillsboro, OH 45133 Madison Hiener 848 Stevens Rd Waterford, OH 45786 Chloe King 502 W Township Road 58 Tiffin, OH 44883 Wyatt King 502 W Township Road 58 Tiffin, OH 44883 Luke 1019LeithPrivate Drive 6636 Pedro, OH 45659 Wyatt Luallen 4670 Mollies Rock Rd Adamsville, OH 43802 Addison Marker 4115 State Route 47 Ansonia, OH 45303 Mckinze Moler 12193 Hamer Rd Georgetown, OH 45121 Rebecca Pullins 44710 Carr Rd Coolville, OH 45723 Macie Riley 5083 Old Us 35 SE Washington Court House, OH 3788Lane43160RizorTownship Road 115 Mount Gilead, OH 43338 Tucker Shepard 12509 County Road O Napoleon, OH 43545 Lincoln Winter 6183 State Route 705 New Weston, OH 45348 OKLAHOMA Mikayla Berg 21923 E Industrial Rd Wellston, OK 74881 Hannah Christian 22020 County Road 1560 Stonewall, OK 74871 Sarah 22020ChristianCountyRoad 1560 Stonewall, OK 74871 Kailynn Cox 29232 N County Road 3050 Foster, OK 73434 Kyson 29232CoxNCR #3050 Foster, OK 73434 Avery 10197EdwardsNWChibitty Rd Lawton, OK 73507 Kord Fenton PO Box 396 Poteau, OK 74953 Mila Hanza 807 SE 3rd St Lawton, OK 73501 Kaden Kennedy 15748 E 630 Rd Hennessey, OK 73742 NEW MEMBERS AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 87

Emma McLain 30401 49061BrysonGlencoe,HarvestOK74032PembrookSouthCounty Road 249 Fairview, OK 73737 Kate Sherrill PO Box Pawnee,205OK 74058 Raegan Wilbourn 917 County Street 2932 Tuttle, OK 73089 Braden Wilson 16685 NS 406 Rd Nowata, OK 74048 Sam 16685WilsonNS406 Rd Nowata, OK 74048 PENNSYLVANIA Tessa Espy 5302 Spruce Creek Rd Tyrone, PA 16686 Erin Long 341 Bardine Rd New Alexandria, PA 15670 TENNESSEE Michael Barnett 2400 Old Dover Rd Woodlawn, TN 37191 TEXAS Brynlee Berend 396 Private Road 2698 Alvord, TX 76225 Brystol Berend 396 Private Road 2698 Alvord, TX 76225 Hadlee Brazil 6903 County Road 619 Farmersville, TX 75442 Jadyn Brooks 5715 Underhill Ln Silsbee, TX 77656 Naomi Browning 3139 Pleasant Cove Ct Houston, TX 77059 Payton Defoor 8801 County Road 1129 Godley, TX 76044 Kassidy Dieckow 12570 Fm 1346 Saint Hedwig, TX 78152 Cy Royse5316AustinHouston,11002MadisonShiner,1534HavenWaxahachie,555AveryKosse,2265RemingtonPetersburg,POBrodyGilmer,3280EricksonFm593TX75644CreedEvansBox72TX79250FikesLCR706TX76653FincherComptonLnTX75167FloresCountyRoad342TX77984FordSageberryDrTX77089GarzaCountyRoad2591City,TX75189 Aiden Glueck 4079 Cat Spring Rd Cat Spring, TX 78933 Kendall Griffin 3926 Mackey Rd Howe, TX 75459 Bradyn Gunn 7628 Avenue E 1/2 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Mason Hall 123 N 6th St W Mount Calm, TX 76673 Emma Hollis 104 Tanglewood Dr Amarillo, TX 79118 Riley Jenkins 180 N Homer Alto Hwy Pollok, TX 75969 Caden Jessup 337 Bentwood Dr Boerne, TX 78006 Delaney Klingaman 21 Wasp Creek Rd Boerne, TX 78006 Aiden Lorberau PO Box 2120 Alice, TX 78333 Cutter Lowe PO Box Denison,709BraydenMontgomery,12781KadenChester,218TX75936MasonBethelRoadTX77356McAlisterYellowJacketRdTX75020 Tucker Parkinson 3050 Cheyenne Rd Levelland, TX 79336 Lauren Pendley 982 Bluffs Ave Bowie, TX 76230 Kasen Ramirez 820 Fm 1389 S Seagoville, TX 75159 Canon Redwine 2856 Highway 79 Throckmorton, TX 76483 Haley Rogers 9801 NE 27th Ave Amarillo, TX 79108 Lauren Sanders 1819 Sawdust Rd Spring, TX 77380 McKenzie Sebesta PO Box 7 Snook, TX 77878 Sullivan Shanks 1021 Fm 2817 Rd Wharton, TX 77488 Skyla Shannon 801 Valley Springs Rd Cherokee, TX 76832 Ashley Simpson 147 Amy Longview,StTX 75605 Mason Smoot 105 Dillard Ln Bergheim, TX 78004 McKyla Swierc 890 Hwy Muleshoe,84TX 79347 NEW MEMBERS NEW JUNIOR MEMBERS 88 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Mylie Turner 1178 CR Lexington,416TX 78947 VIRGINIA Jack Begoon 164 Stonewall Ln Grottoes, VA 24441 Lillyana Woods 22559 Twin Oaks Rd Abingdon, VA 24211 Noah Tyler Woods 22599 Twin Oaks Rd Abingdon, VA 24211 WISCONSIN Zoie W6859DonovanStateRoad 81 Monroe, WI 53566 Emma Campbellsport,N1462GinardRiverDr WI 53010 Dallas 19128HavensNLake Blanchardville,RdWI 53516 Charlotte Johnson N6864 Box Elder Rd Shawano, WI 54166 NEW MEMBERS AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 89

ACA National Show Schedule Thursday, November 10 Arrival of cattle Friday, November 11 Junior Show Check In • 1-3 pm • ACA Booth Saturday, November 12 Open Show Check In • 10 am - Noon • ACA Booth AJCA Board Meeting • 1 pm • West Hall AJCA Exhibitor & Membership Meeting • 2 pm • West Hall Sunday, November 13 NAILE Junior Chianina & Chiangus Shows • 9 am • Broadbent Arena Monday, November 14 ACA Board of Director Meeting • 1 pm • West Hall ACA 50th Anniversary Reception & Celebration • Time TBA • West Hall Tuesday, November 15 ACA Annual Membership Meeting & Annual Awards Presentation • 1 pm • West Hall Wednesday, November 16 ACA National Chianina & Chiangus Shows • 8 am • Freedom Hall Hotel Headquarters: Crowne Plaza Hotel • 830 Phillips Lane • 502-367-2251 Rate: $139/night • Cutoff Date: Oct. 31, 2022 • Group Code: ACA 90 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

at the Cattlemen’s Congress Consignment Deadline: Nov. 1, 2022 Heifers | Bulls | Bred Females Saturday, January 7, 2023 11 am | Oklahoma City, OK For more info or to ConsignDustin Hurlbut:: 605-380-8052 Heather Counts:: 517-214-0927 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 91

DO YOU CARE HOOVESABOUT+HAIR? INFLUENCE HAIR QUALITY + SUPPORT HOOF INTEGRITY WITH MoorMan’s ShowTec Shazam! Show Feed Specialist 800-217-2007AN_ShowFeedHelp@adm.comwww.MoorMansShowTec.comKrishaGeffert–307-760-0327 Now Available in California! 92 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Old Business: Sire Test Recap – The docility scores on the bulls were great. Most of the bulls were choice Yield grade 3s. Dustin will have a recap of the data to be able to disperse to the public by junior nationals. -C- The Difference National Sale Recap – The commission was again 12%. Total expenses were $20,745 and the sale grossed $173,000. A very positive event. Updated Booth – The staff has updated the booth and a new Backdrop. They have also updated the pamphlet, sire directories and other promotional items.

American Chianina Association Spring Board Meeting • April 2, 2022 • Platte City, MO Tracy called the meeting to order 8:19 a.m.Board

Present: Justin Tracy, Andy Higgins, Colton Prescott, Nate Tice, Keith Schrick, Ken Culp, Tyler Winegardner, Segayle Foster, Neal Branscum.

Committee Reports: Rules and Regulations – The protest rule was discussed. An update to the rule was presented and the committee moved to accept the new wording.



Secretary’s Report – Foster gave the sec retaries report. Evans moved to accept the secretary report as read. Prescott seconded. Motion

“Protests - Protests must be submitted to the CEO (or board president in the absence of a CEO) in writing at least 24 hours prior to the beginning of judging or within 24 hours of the conclusion of judging. Written protests must be accompanied by a $500 fee and three (3) signatures of current ACA members. Judging procedures will not be interrupted for protest investigation and depending upon the basis of the protest, a decision may be withheld until a complete investigation is made. If the protest is upheld the $500 will be refunded. Prescott seconded. Motion passed. Performance and Genetic Abnormality –NoShowReportand Sale – discussed in new busi nessRecognition – The committee presented names for Breeder of the Year, Commer cial Cattlemen of the Year, National Show Honoree and Promoter of the Year. Evans moved to accept the nominations. Schrick seconded. Motion passed. Junior and Youth Programs - no report Building and Grounds – The electrical system is getting outdated. Parking lot is still a issue. A new sign out front and logo off the back of the building was discussed.

New Business: Chiangus Classic Judges List for 2022. The committee presented a list of judges for the board to approve. Evans made a motion to accept the judges list. Culp seconded. MotionChianguscarried.Classic – 2022 show rules ap proval. Foster moved to amend rule #2 to read “ The Chiangus Classic will follow all the General Show Rules for ACA national sponsored shows.” Evans seconded. Motion passed. Culp moved to strike Rule 16 and replace with the new ACA Show Protest Rule. Schrick seconded. Motion passed. Culp moved to replace the word “heifer” with “fe male” in Rule 12,13 and 14. Schrick second ed. Motion passed. Culp made the motion to accept the amended Chiangus Classic Rules and Regulations. Schrick seconded. MotionSchedulespassed.for 2022-2023 shows: Cattleman’s Congress: Sale Saturday Jan uary 7, Chiangus Show, Jan. 8, Chianina & Chi-Composite Shows, Jan. 9. National Western – Monday, January 16 Louisville – no schedule yet American Royal – Heather reported we have been moved to the second week which is good news. Shows will be Thursday Octo ber 20 at 4 pm. Fort Worth – no schedule yet but assum ing no changes.

Officer’s Reports

Higgins suggested that Dustin get quotes and get back to us. Promotions, Benefits and Marketing – no report.Budget and Finance – no report Chianina Beef – no report Long Range Planning – no report

Staff Present: Dustin Hurlbut, Heather Counts, Stephanie Snook, Jennifer Roach. Absent: Ryan Dunklau and Jeff Miller

Treasurerpassed.Report- Higgins gave the finan cial report. Memberships and registrations are up. Higgins will explore investments op tions and report back. Culp moved to accept treasurer’s report. Schrick seconded. Motion passed. Staff Reports: Stephanie reported on registrations, transfers, adult memberships, junior mem berships, adult activity fees, junior activity fees. We are up across the board in numbers from where we were in 2021. We increased junior activity fee to $50. The Board needs to Jennifer:discuss. DNA department is going good. Black Herefords is going strong. Heather: Cattleman’s Congress was great. Denver was down but it was that way across the board for all breeds. The Junior auction is on April 26. May 2 is the entry and own ership deadline for junior nationals. Judges have been confirmed. Lydell Meier and Nick Fitzsimmons will be show judges. John and Melissa Davis are the showmanship judges. The YBIC conference is April 28 - May 1 and 8 junior members are going. Dustin: OKC, Denver, Ft. Worth were great events. Sale season has been busy and making a lot of trips for sales. Office staff has been great and a well-oiled machine. Look ing into trade show options for promotions.

US Beef Breeds Council – Dustin gave a update on industry genetic patents. National Pedigreed Livestock Council: Dustin and Heather plan to attend the confer ence May 3-6 in Kansas City. Dustin shared with the board some costs to attend key trade shows and events. No deci sion made at this time.

Updated Judges List: Evans moved to go into executive session. Higgins seconded. Board entered executive session at 11:16 a.m.Schrick moved to exit executive session at 11:20 a.m. Tice seconded. Motion carried. Culp moved to adopt the slated judges for upcoming shows. Winegardner seconded. Motion passed.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES ADVERTISER INDEX 5J/2GTHR Chianina ...........................95 ADM/Showtec ....................................92 Ard Ridge Cattle Co. 95 -C- The Difference National Sale 91 Champagne Farms ............................95 Dunk Cattle Company .......................8-9 Foster Brothers Farms ........................96 Gettinger Chiangus 95 GG Cattle Company 95 Goettemoeller Show Cattle 66-67 Groveland Hills Farm .........................95 Higgins Farms ...................................96 KG Farms ...........................................95 KQM Chiangus 7 Melroe Farms 96 Pembrook Cattle Co. .................... 12-13 RiverBend Farm .................................96 Riverview Farm 95 Rock Family Chiangus 96 RSE Farms ..........................................95 Schaefer Chiangus .............................96 Schrick Land & Cattle Ltd................ 3, 96 Sexton Cattle 95, IBC ShowRite Feeds 17 Snake Run Cattle Co. 71 Sullivan Supply............................ 72-73 TransOvaTalmoSverduk,SureChamp........................................75David&Luann....................96Ranch95Genetics81 Ventura Farm .....................................95 VKR Cattle Company ..........................95 Walco Farms 95 Walter G. Mizes Ranches 96 Wendt, Kevin .....................................96 Whispering Pines ..............................96 Willow Oak Chiangus Ranch .............96 Winegardner Show Cattle IFC-1 Woodhaven Farm BC 94 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Cow Catch Up – Foster moved to run the Cow Catch Up promotion July 1 through Au gust 31 with costs the same as last year. Culp seconded. Motion passed. Adding an Older Senior Yearling Division (May-August) at Junior Nationals - no deci sionBoardmadeArticles – Colton Prescott and Neal Branscum for will write for Herdbook. YBIC – Culp moved we reimburse each ju nior director $200 for travel expense to YBIC. Schrick seconded. Motion passed. Higgins made a motion to have a checkbox on registrations to request a mailed/physi cal paper. Winegardner seconded. Motion passed.Thenext board meeting will be during Ju nior Nationals. The meeting will be Monday, June 20 at 9:30 a.m. Fall meeting currently scheduled for Sept. 30 - Oct 1. The ACA is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. The staff is working on a special cel ebration during NAILE. Culp made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:53 p.m. Schrick seconded. Motion passed.

RANCHTALMO Chiangus & Chiford Cattle Wayne & Jill Miller, Owners P.O. Box 68 • Talmo, GA 30575 Phone: (706) 693-4133 or Fax: (706) 693-4359 Email: talmoranch@aol.com Web site: www.talmoranch.com Roddy Sturdivant mobile (770) 372–0400 office (770) 921–3207 Rob Postin home (706) 759–2220 barn (706) 759–2209 Farms, Inc. P.O. Box Stephens,330GA 30667 RSE Garland Gehrke 6600 Locust Rd., Delavan, IL 61734 (217) 725-0521 • tgehrke19@gmail.com KG Farms VisitorsWelcomeAlwaysILLINOISIOWA Sexton Chiangus SXTN Empire Lyle & Stephanie Ty & KeifferAshley Ainsworth, IA (319) 461-6337 – Lyle (319) 461-0519 – Ty sextoncattleia@gmail.comwww.sextoncattleia.com GEORGIA Jeff Gettinger 3464 S 325 E Rushville, IN 46173 (765) 561-4434 Sam Gettinger (765) s.gettinger@yahoo.com561-3130 Gettinger Chiangus Selling Chianina & Simmental Bulls, Heifers & Steers INDIANA LeonardOwners: & June Branscum: (606) 871-7859 Neal & Rebekah Branscum: (606) 872-5395 814 Ard Ridge Rd. Nancy, KY 42544 Office & Fax: (606) 871-9454 Fullblood Chianina Bulls & AvailableFemales Chris & Brandhi Howard 5365 West Highway 36 Sharpsburg, KY chris.howard@bath.kyschools.us606.247.215440374www.champagnefarm.com Champagne Farms KENTUCKY K Carl & Gail Vanderkolk Focused on Chiangus Genetics • Ace & other traditional Chiangus semen for sale • Limited number of Nevada Nights embryos for sale Dorr, MI • (616) 896-9433 • mail@burnips.com VKR MICHIGAN 5J/2GTHR Chianina We specialize in half blood to fullblood. Calving Ease • High % High Performance Semen available at Nichols Cryogenics Black Ice – 95% Homozygous Black Mama’s Boy – Fullblood 5J Big John – 85.55% ChiangusHeterozygous Polled Jim & Connie Johnson 5J Chianina Cell: jjncj1962@gmail.com515.745.3649 Joel & Dina Johnson Harvey Creek ChianinaCell: 515.577.3721 Jerry & Jean Johnson2GTHR Chianina Cell: 2gthrchi@gmail.com515.314.8939 IOWA 248-627-6197 • 586-808-1817 Registered A.I. Chimaine – Steers, Bred Cows & Heifers Clean, Gentle, Broke to Tie Groveland Hills Farm Janet Haering 380 N. Brandt Road Ortonville, MI 48462 NEW JERSEY RIVERVIEW FARM NOW OpenCow/CalfBullsAVAILABLE:&CowsPairs&BredHeifersBullCalves Adam F. Ambielli 412 Trimmer Road Califon, New Jersey (908) ambielli@earthlink.net832-2526 FULL BLOOD CHIANINA GENETICSCHI DIRECTORY AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | 95

OHIO Steve & Barb Melroe 8005 Hwy. 32 Gwinner, ND 58040 Steve (701) 680-0622 Tyler (605) 695-3295 Profit Through Performance 1st Sunday in March Bull Sale www.melroefarms.com Long Valley, South Dakota Rock Family Chiangus Brandon & Sanna Rock 605.685.8480 – cell 605.462.6151 –sbrock@goldenwest.nethome BreedingChiangusStockForSale SOUTHTENNESSEEDAKOTA John Coble, Consultant • (406) 254-2548 Scott Coble, Herd Manager • (423) 921-4221 Business Office: Old Mills Square 215W. Broadway St., Ste. D, • Rogersville, TN 37857 (423) 272- 0225 Richard Alan Arnold, President & Manager Willow OakChiangus Ranch BOTTOM LINE GENETICS FOR PROFIT MINDED CATTLEMEN • Watertown, Tennessee • John :: 615.207.4555 Andy :: 615.330.6446 Show heifers & genetics always available Jan & Brandon Johnson P.O. Box 475 Dunlap, TN 37327 Jan: 423-240-4411 Brandon: email:bj294422@yahoo.com423-447-7838www.riverbendcattle.com NORTH DAKOTA Bryan & Jerry Schaefer P.O. Box 28 • Des Lacs, ND Bryan: (701) schaeferchiangus@yahoo.com721-8091Jerry:(701)720-2061schaeferchiangus@srt.com Visit us at www.schaeferchiangus.com Yearling & Two Year Old Bulls For Sale Private Treaty. Contact Bryan for info. David and DarLee Foster 570 FM 2883 Lockney, TX 806-983-7221806-652-382479241homemobileOffice:806-652-3351 WWW.FOSTERBROSFARMS.COM Jody and Shawnda Foster 1231 CR 57 Lockney, TX 806-983-7225806-652-238379241homemobileFax:806-652-3738 Email: fosterbros@att.net Charles McDonald Ranch Manager/Herdsman Hwy. 281 North • Hico, TX 76457 (254) 796-4070 • (254) 485-0152 cell Fax (254) 796-2330 Fullblood Chianina bulls and females always available. Walter G. Mizes Ranches Call for formationinKeith & Dana Schrick Business: (817) 613-0724 Cell: (817) 366-6435 Chiangus | angus | Chianina | italian Fullblood | Club Calves Jason Schrick Business: (817) 596-0799 Cell: (817) 366-8511 TEXAS PENNSYLVANIA Place Your Ad Here Advertise in the Chi Genetics Directory • $45/issue • Ability to change ad with each issue • Keep your name in front of the mem bership • Discount for pre-paid yearly ads • Contact Heather or Dustin to place your Heather:ad heather@chicattle.org or 517-214-0927 Dustin: dustin@chicattle.org or 605-380-8052 GENETICSCHI DIRECTORY 96 | CHIANINA JOURNAL | AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2022

Semen Available Introductory Price – $25/unit Genomic Tested Semen available Now! 27.5% Chi John & Debbie Woodroof Lebanon, www.woodhavenfarmtn.com615.330.4195Tennessee Raising Quality Chiangus Cattle for more than 30 years. David Stephens Madisonville,jdstep1@gmail.com423.337.1650Tennessee Stephens Farms Tad & Lacy Harper Alapaha, twistedfitterz@gmail.com229.392.4711Georgia KHKH Bo’s Drivin – Driver son CHampion B&o Bull – 2022 nJHs 2022 DerBy ClassiC, oCala, Fl WvW miss Harper – Driver DaugHter 4tH overall CHiangus HeiFer – 2022 nJHs 4tH overall HeiFer – 2022 CHiangus ClassiC granD CHampion CHi HeiFer – 2022 ga Jr nat’l WvW miss graCe – Driver DaugHter CHampion CoW/CalF pair – 2022 nJHs granD CHampion CHiangus HeiFer – 2021 nJHs JDSF/WVW 118D NEWS FLASH – Driver was the top show points bull in the 2022 NJHS Chiangus Show & #9 on the 20212022 Show Sire of the Year List!

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