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Gospelbearing Beginnings

In the mid-1990s, the world witnessed a series of launches—the popularity of the World Wide Web, with over four million reported dialup users; the release of Windows 95, a record-breaking debut that went on to change tech as we know it; and the trending legendary WWJD bracelet, a movement that sparked Christian interest throughout the world. In the midst of these colossal, culture-shifting creations was another origin story—that of American Heritage Girls.

In 1995, Patti Garibay welcomed a group of parents into her home to discuss what was next for their girls. Knowing they couldn’t continue with their beloved scouting organization after God was made “optional” in the promise, it was time to step out in faith and develop something new. Patti felt God’s tug on her heart, and with the support of her family and friends, she answered the call. But Patti’s story is not one of unwavering confidence or instant success. Patti’s story is AHG’s story—she was not called because she was equipped; she was equipped because she was called. God has a plan and a calling in place for each and every one of His children. American Heritage Girls is committed to leading girls to the cross, to the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ, and guiding them in discerning the vocation God has laid out for their lives. This commitment to the gospel and evangelizing through faith, service, and fun is what sets AHG apart.

“We started with 12 girls and three adults, all in one Troop. Today, there are over 59,000 Members in all 50 states. God has done an amazing work through AHG, touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of girls and adults with the gospel message,” said Patti. As the Executive Director of American Heritage Girls, Inc., Patti is at the helm of orchestrating the kingdom-work of the ministry, but as a grandmother to a secondgeneration American Heritage Girl in the Tenderheart Program Level, Patti has a first-row seat to the legacy impact of the ministry she created nearly 30 years ago. What started as a program for a select group of frustrated families has blossomed into something more. AHG is a solution to the pressure and doubt in the hearts and minds of girls 5 to 18 years old across the country. It’s an answer to the struggle parents have in raising their daughters in today’s culture. Why? Because everything about AHG is rooted in Jesus. As a Christ-centered ministry, AHG has the responsibility to share the gospel and evangelize to today’s girls. AHG isn’t merely about girl power; AHG is about girl power because of God’s power. AHG is God’s ministry, and He is using it to develop the next generation of leaders our world so desperately needs.

The Significance Of The Ahg Parent

When ministering to children, there are two factors to consider: how we get more girls into the program, and how to best impact them once they’re in. While AHG is committed to creating more opportunities to join (through growth initiatives to start more Troops, increasing accessibility of individual family Trailblazer membership1, etc.), and creating more impactful programming to engage the girl (like new G.R.I.T. with Grace sessions, games, devotions, and more), one key factor anchors ongoing programmatic success— family involvement.

Research proves, time and again, that parents are the most influential players in the discipleship of their children2. When we factor in that the majority of Christians come to Christ before the age of 18, we must recognize the crucial role that parents play in the success of the American Heritage Girls Ministry. When Troops are run, supported, and encouraged by actively involved parents of participating girls, the program’s evangelistic component is most able to thrive. In considering the way AHG evangelizes today’s girls, one must also account for the transformational role it can play in the faith life of an entire family. AHG isn’t meant to be one more drop-off on the calendar—it’s designed to involve family in the discipleship of their daughter. Even better, when AHG and its brother ministry Trail Life USA are offered simultaneously, mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons are all welcomed into the family ministry experience together.

The AHG Program offers experiences, resources, and community to girls and parents alike that result in a lasting, eternal impact. Developmental research shows that children who are surrounded by a loving community of adults are more likely to flourish3. Children’s ministry that works hand-in-hand with parents is instrumental in forming lifelong faith in the next generation. Parents, too, find community in AHG that offers faithful accountability and support. It’s been said “it takes a village to raise a child” but so often in our siloed, digital world, parents feel isolated. For those looking for “their people”, a God-honoring support system to come alongside them in raising a Godly girl—AHG is that village. AHG is the arrow in the discipleship quiver of tens of thousands of families nationwide— with thousands more to join the ranks in the coming years!


We are living in a Post-Christian culture. “Post-Christianity” is known to be the loss of the primacy of the Christian worldview in political affairs, especially in our Western world where Christianity had previously flourished, in favor of alternative worldviews such as secularism or nationalism. In fact, recent Pew Research modeling predicts that by 2070, Christianity will be a minority faith in our nation4 In just a few decades, the selfproclaimed Christian Americans are expected to dip to about 35% of the population. When the premises of faith, morality, and purity are stripped from society as we once knew it, the need for strong, effective, and lasting children’s discipleship programming is clear. Together we can build up the next generation of anchored believers.


As Barna Research Group’s Faith for Exiles put it, we need more “resilient disciples”5. The study found that among Gen Z twentysomethings, only 10% possessed the key behaviors and indicators of this noted resilient faith, including church community involvement outside of regular services, a Biblical worldview, a personal relationship with Jesus, and an express desire to make a difference in the world. Authentic community, Biblical worldview training, discipleship, and service—these are all integral to the experience that every American Heritage Girl encounters. When faith is cultivated and tended in a setting that influences every facet of a girl’s life—from forging friendships to independent learning, fine-tuning servant leadership qualities to connecting with a faithful mentor—a girl’s Christian identity goes beyond Sunday service and bursts into everyday experiences. With this firm foundational understanding of her created identity, a girl can begin to discern her vocation, or God’s call for her life. This process, as believers see it, to carry out her unique journey to holiness or sanctification.

Discernment In Discipleship

The building blocks of enduring belief include the knowledge of God’s love and His plan for each of His children—by teaching our girls how to discern His callings, we set them on the path to lifelong faith and church community involvement. Girls can develop their discernment skills, even from a young age. This AHG Program Year, encourage the girls in your Troop, especially Pioneers and Patriots, to devote their hearts and minds to discovering God’s calling.

As believers, we are each called to live the charge of Matthew 28:19-20, to make disciples of all nations. How we’re led to do that, through career, relationship, and mission, is a speciallyformed way, a vocational calling as unique as our own individual physical selves! Celebrate individual talents, explore new life skills and interests through badgework, discover new ways of serving others, and remain prayerful that the Spirit of the Lord would make known the right path!

AHG has proven to be an effective catalyst for building women of integrity who follow Christ. AHG’s legacy has been the spread of Christ’s redeeming love in our world, ultimately growing His Kingdom. The Holy Spirit has left an indelible mark on the hearts of generations of girls through AHG. In nearly 30 years of ministering to girls, families, and communities nationwide, we can already see the impact AHG’s legacy is making. Hundreds of thousands of girls and adults have participated in the Kingdom-building work of AHG. Communities across the country are changed thanks to intentional and sustainable service projects. Hearts have been softened to the gospel by the courageous and kind girls in neckerchiefs and sashes. An incredible legacy has been built through AHG, and with God at the center of all we do, we know He is calling us to continue making this everlasting impact. Join us in praying for the communities yet to be changed by God’s hand through AHG, and the generation of girls who will come to recognize their identities as Daughters of the King.

1 americanheritagegirls.org/trailblazer

2 Fuller Youth Institute, Sticky Faith, fulleryouthinstitute.org/stickyfaith

3 Child Trends, Caring Adults: Important for Positive Child Well-Being, Publication #2013-54

4 pewresearch.org/religion/2022/09/13/modeling-the-future-of-religion-in-america

5 https://www.barna.com/research/of-the-four-exile-groups-only-10-are-resilient-disciples/#:~:text=Resilient%20disciples%20are%20Christians%20who,and%20death%3B%20and%20(4)

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