American High Key Club | July 2020

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July 2020 | Volume 1 | Issue 1 american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club.


EDITOR’S NOTE: HOW DO YOU FEEL? Hello all and happy July! I’m super excited and proud to present American High Key Club’s very first issue of it’s monthly newsletter! We’re definitely in our baby bird stages, but I’m looking forward to the day that we lift off! I hope everyone’s summer has been wonderful so far! It’s been an unordinary one, for sure. In light of recent times, take care to stay educated and aware of not

only yourself, but those around you as well! We at Key Club can’t wait to bring to you the absolute best events you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home! Remember to always wear masks when you go outside and stay healthy! ‘Till next month!

Jennifer Kim

TABLE OF CONTENTS: 02. 04. 06. 10. 12. 13.

Editor’s Note Officer Introductions June Recap Local Updates Division Updates Quarantine Awareness

|Angela Wu, President 1. “Beauty is not who you are on the outside; it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you.”— Shannon L. Alder. 2. My Key Club goal is to build a more united community between officers and members! 3. Fun fact: I have very flexible fingers. |Charitha Gangi, Vice President 1. “Purpose fuels passion.” 2. In the upcoming term, I definitely hope to strengthen our club’s foundation because we’ve always focused on building up! 3. Some fun facts about me: I watch a lot of anime so please recommend me some!! I’m allergic to mushrooms LOL. I’d love to visit Japan one day :)) |Kirti Raj, Secretary 1. “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, then make that change.”—Michael Jackson. 2. My goal for this term is to reach 500 service hours for our club and learn how to be the best secretary as possible! 3. A fun fact about myself is that I’m extremely ticklish and I love |Jagannath Prabhakaran, Treasurer 1. “What’s a motto? Idk. What’s a motto with you?” 2. I’m super excited to BEE your treasurer for the next term! This term I would love to create many events and fundraisers to bring our Key Club community together, while raising money for PTP and MNT. 3. A fun fact about myself is I love playing with my dog :)) |Bella Jiang, Bulletin Editor 1. “Embrace the chaotic good.” 2. My Key Club goals are to hold more service events to help those in need and to befriend more Key Clubbers beyond our school chapter! 3. Fun fact: I am trying to learn how to unicycle!

Meet your 2020

|Katelyn Bui, Membership Task Officer 1. “It’s a bad day, not a bad life.” 2. I want to be able to meet so many new people this year and improve our club in anyway I can. I hope I will unlock many new memories this year 3. (hopefully with boba in them, my fav drink!) |Jennifer Kim, Publicist 1. “Love all, trust a few, do harm to none.”—William Shakespeare 2. This term, I want to be attend as many events as I can and befriend the other Key Clubbers within our division as a whole! 3. Fun Fact: I love collecting books. I also have over 200 hours on Animal Crossing New Horizons! |Emily Jeng, Club Communications Chair 1. A motto I live by is to work hard and put in my best effort in everything I do. 2. I am super excited to be a part of the Key Club officer team and am looking forward to meeting new people within the Key Club community, as well as participating in service events! |Shakshi Sharma, Fundraising/Activities Commissioner 1. “It’s not a dead end, it’s a plot twist.” 2. A goal of mine is to create unique activities that are still fun and interactive despite our circumstances! 3. A fun fact about me is that I love to roller skate :))

|Rishita Dhalbisoi, Sophomore Representative 1. “Work smarter, not harder.” 2. My goal for this term is to get more invested in the club and meet new people! 3. A fun fact about me is that I love avocados :)

0-21 “Keyboard”!

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400 HOURS. $300 PTP. $180 MNT. A NEW TERM.



A virtual experience unlike any other… Standing for Key Club Training Conference, this year’s KCTC was the first I’ve ever been to. Regardless of whether or not this was your first though was moot though, I think. Having over 400 Key Clubbers all over the CNH district in a single Zoom call was a surreal experience. Ultimately, I believe I still got to see the heart of KCTC—workshops and bonding included!


double good fundraiser. For our July fundraiser, AHS Key has organized a Double Good Fundraiser, where you and your loved ones can order popcorn which will be shipped to your house (no direct contact so it’s be 100% safe!). All the funds raised will be donated to the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), one of our preferred charities! Not to mention, our fundraiser is doubly acting as a merch and boba competition, allowing any one of our members and officers to enter to win free Key merchandise and boba! Want to participate? All you will need to do is download the app “Double Good” and make your own pop up shop for AHS Key’s fundraiser. Join using the event code: DNX QXM. You will be able to start sharing your link from July 16th and you will have 4 days to sell popcorn to as many people as possible. The winner will be announced towards the end of the fundraiser. Good luck!

letters of love. With COVID-19, it is incredibly easy to feel lonely and isolated from others. This issue is affecting seniors in particular, many of whom are unable to see their loved ones currently. That’s why we’ve organized a service event dedicated to writing physical letters and cards for the elderly through Love For The Elderly's Letters of Love project! Letters are a simple yet great way to make conversations with someone to make them feel loved and appreciated! We will also be watching Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse while card making together! On Saturday, July 25th from 3-4 PM, look forward to this Zoom/Netflix Party combo! Emails with the links will be sent the day before if you RSVP at by July 23rd! Visit Love For The Elderly's website if you would like more information! [ ]

division happenings

Virtual service events held division-wide by multiple schools for an entire week!

Check out the promo!:

STAY SAFE DURING QUARANTINE. On Monday, July 13th, Governor Gavin Newsom reinstated the halt to all indoor activities at most facilities. In light of the renewed lockdown, make effort to follow proper quarantine protocols.

Stay at home. Of course, it’s okay to take a short walk, but avoid large crowds in general and always maintain a safe distance away from others. Always wear a mask. If you do find yourself needing to stay out for a long period of time, always wear a mask. It saves lives. Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds and with soap. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Hands can carry some of the most germs. Seek care early. If you do begin to show symptoms of having contracted COVID-19, such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, get tested early.

We, at American High School Key Club, stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. We do not and will not tolerate racial intolerance, hate, or injustice in the space that we have created. It’s time for change.



American High @americankeyclub School Key Club

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