American High Key Club | October/November 2020

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October/November 2020 | Volume 1 | Issue 3 american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club. american high key club.


Table of Contents Happy Jingle Season! EDITOR’S NOTE: Hello my Kir-bees!!! October and November were strong months for Key Club! I very much enjoyed our Among Us-themed October service week— what a wild ride it was trying to eliminate the division presidents to find the imposter (red was mad sus). Our spirit of service flew high that week and I was so proud to see how engaged we all were! Of course, as soon as Halloween passes, I consider it fair game to call it holiday season when November 1st comes around. This year, I want to practice more my gratitude and mindfulness. By now, I have a feeling most of us have accumulated that infamous Zoom burnout. In Korean, we use a phrase to boost each other up and it’s one word—“Fighting!” So, keep you chin up and stay “fighting!”

Soar!g O" of Service,

Jennifer Kim Publicist

02 Editor’s Note 03 Note from the VP 04 Local Updates 06 October Recaps 08

November Updates

10 Division Updates 12 Seasonal Updates

12 Quarantine Awareness

note from your vp

Hey Key Clubbers!! In case you don’t know me, my name is Charitha Gangi and I am your Vice President for the term. I’m honored to be able to communicate with you all this month through the newsletter. I hope school (and life in general) has been going great for you all. I know that November has been stressful for me so I’m glad break has come. Please make sure to take a break from Zoom and spend some time with your family !! AHS Key, as well as the division, has some very interesting events lined up for the month, so I hope we’ll get to see you there. I am so thankful and appreciative for everything you all do. I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and a restful break. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out to any members of our officer team (we have new additions)!! Please show some love to our AMAZING publicist for making these newsletters, as well :)) Hope to meet you all throughout the month and as we move into holiday season. It’s crazy to think this rollercoaster of a year is coming to an end !!

Much Love,

Charitha Gangi Vice President

meet our newest “ D | Diana Morimoto, Freshman Rep of Fundraising/Service Committee "Do your best because that's the best that you can do." My goal for Key Club is to get even more people excited and passionate about events and fundraising. I like painting my nails, drawing on procreate, and re-reading some of my favorite books.

A | Ambreen Joy, Freshman Rep of Outreach Committee “Trust the magic of new beginnings.” My main goals for Key Club are to increase member participation and increase outside interest in the club! I like to play the piano/guitar and do nail art.

“keyboard keys”! D | Darren Kuboyama, Fundraising and Activities Commissioner "You can feel stressed and tired, but you can never give up because giving your best effort is better than giving nothing." In Key Club, I greatly look forward to having an amazing term and working with the other officers. A fun fact about me is that I am a 3rd-degree black belt in Taekwondo. :))

T | Trisha Konkimalla, Fundraising and Activities Commissioner As apart of Key Club, my main goal is to help as many people in our community as possible. I also love watching Netflix and listening to music!

J | Jay Wu, Communications Chair “Cows are cool.” Hi! I'm Jay, and I'm a Key Club Communications Chair. During this term, I'm excited to contribute my skills to refine Key Club's communication and management, expand my worldview, and develop my initiative and leadership skills. Some fun facts about me: I'm left-handed, I like to code, and I enjoy playing video games with friends.


October G#eral M$t!g By Rishita Dhalbisoi, Sophomore Representative On the afternoon of October 25th, we hosted our general meeting for the month of October. The meeting’s theme was Harry Potter, as attendees specified their Hogwarts houses and were then divided into teams. Each team competed in a series of games and activities to try and lead their teams to victory. The meeting started with a quick recap of the club’s progress over the month and the announcement of the interclub Murder Mystery service week that took place the week after. The battle between the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins followed and was constitutive of Mafia rounds and of course, Among Us. Overall, the meeting was a great bonding experience, with a competitive, between key club members of all grades and Hogwarts houses!

er recap

Hea%hcare Hallo-gr's By Bella Jiang, Bulletin Editor On October 24, AHS UNICEF and AHS Key Club joined forces to host an inter-club service event, Healthcare Hallo-grams! To get into the spooky spirit, attendees participated in a few rounds of Halloween icebreakers, which I was in charge of finding. One was Zoom-ed In, where you were shown a very zoomed in photo of an item and were tasked with guessing what it was. Another was Guess Who?, where club officers had to pretend to be a Halloweenrelated thing (ranging from autumn activities to candy to monsters) and the attendees had only 15 yes-or-no questions to ask before guessing what they were. From there, we moved on to the service event,

Bella’s super c"e orig'i gho(

where we made ghost and candy origami with festive notes to donate to Washington Hospital as a way to decorate their halls this October! During the planning process, it was really fun to work with the UNICEF officers, and I learned a lot about the history of their club and their annual trick-ortreating event. I found the event super fun overall and look forward to collaborating with more clubs in the future!


Home Alone: Lost in Service

Have you been wondering how quarantine holidays would work? Well, according to Kevin McCallister, it is quite the blast ... until two conmen try to break into your house in hopes of robbing your residence. Quite unfortunate (and not COVID-19 safe), we know‌ So, come join us at our Home Alone themed service weekend (11.28-29 from 3-4PM) as we fend our houses from the adversaries while using our intellectual prowess in making traps through service.

11.28 Letters of Gratitude Letters will be written to the staff/ administration of AHS as a way to express our gratitude for all the effort being put in to ensure we have a safe learning environment.

11.29 Love Letters for Literacy Literacy packets will be made for children of lowincome families, in the effort of equipping the families with the tools to teach their children the basics of learning to read!


r updates

November General Meeting Coming Soon‌

11.30.20 Save the date.



$11.50 WHY

$7.00 → Key Club International $4.50 → CNH District (That’s our district!)


should you pay for your dues this term?


•put Key Club on college apps •apply for scholarships & more should you pay for your term?Online Store recognized awards AHSdues Eaglethis Outfitters •run for officer positions •vote in officer elections •get coverage for any injuries that may occur at Key events

Friday, November 20th



club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals. club goals.

250/400 HOURS. $543/$300 PTP. $0/$180 MNT. ALWAYS PROGRESSING.

D12E Ser Blankets. Pumpkins. Garlands. Origami. Cards. Pumpkin bread. Composting. These were only some of the service opportunities we covered during our division’s service week in October. I was overjoyed to see so many participants from schools all over the division working together to create fulfilling memories.

The October DCM this month provided a most chaotic finale to the week-long worth of events. And I found out that red was actually not the impostor (sorry Angela!). Overall, what a fun way to celebrate service with more service. Check out on the next page our FAC Shakshi’s *amazing* narrative on the event that started it all off…

rvice Week Bl)k*s of Care By Shakshi Sharma, Fundraising and Activities Commissioner On Monday, October 26 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., Key club held its first event of the Murder Mystery Service week! The service week lasted from October 26th to the 30th, with presidents from each school getting ejected every day of the week for “supposedly” being the imposter. With the event called, “blankets of care,” nearly 45 key clubbers joined together on a zoom call to sew, or cut and tie, blankets for those who needed it during this cold winter season. Being a collaborative effort involving Mission San Jose and American, I was able to see some familiar faces as well as many new ones from our neighboring schools! The event started off with some critical thinking, sorry I meant a few clues that got everyone wondering who the impostor could possibly be. Avantika and Angela were the centers of discussion for the first event, as they were the presidents responsible for organizing the first event of the week, with Avantika getting ejected towards the end based on a google form vote. I voted for Angela . . . for no specific

reason . . . If you have been keeping up, you may know who was the impostor, so was I right in voting off Angel? You tell me ;) (Editor’s note: unfortunately no haha). Anyways, after gaining a few of those clues, we played the “guess the emoji” game with quite a few interactive messages being left in the chat. Everyone enjoyed playing this game, to say the least! Then, we got into the service portion of the event where we watched a no-sew tutorial for making blankets. Everyone had been working extremely hard in making their unique blankets, filled with care of course, while some music had been playing in the background to get everyone in a good mood. We finished off by taking a group picture, holding up our division sign, and ended on a great first day! For those who dropped off the blankets at Emily Vu or Jackie Wang’s house, they had been donated to LOV so people in need of them could receive the blankets immediately. The key club family hopes to see you at our next event and provide service to all those that need it. Until then, goodbye Kirbies!

division recap cont.

The annual Ducks for Bucks fundraiser ended on October 2nd, with all money raised going towards PTP!

A successful Krispy Kreme fundraiser towards PTP ended this month, successfully raising money for the cause!

September 19th-20th blessed us with a successful RTC as always even in spite of quarantine conditions to create a spirited and fulfilling experience through video game themed activities and workshops!

The November DCM that took place on the 21st is still fresh in our minds as we constructed beautiful pop-up Thanksgiving cards while instructed by the lovely Kristine Dinh.

On 11/14-15, Our Division 12 East helped host college workshops in this Kiwanis Family event for students like us!

The Turkey Pop-up! Thumbnail/Concept Credit to Crafts n Creations on YouTube!

division spotlight!

Our division is super excited to present to us their Bingo Board of Service! It will be a near month-long service opportunity running till December 19th, 11:59 PM! Fill out any bingos for the change to dare the DLT and earn stickers! OR aim for a blackout and get entered in a raffle for free Key merch! Anyone want to race me? ;) Ready, set, serve! Instruction Form: Service Hour Submission Form:

What are the Ke grateful for this

Frontline Workers “I’m thankful for all the frontline workers who I’m thankful for all the frontline havewho puthave their at workers put health their health to help us risk attorisk help usduring during these difficult times. these difficult times.” -Ambreen Joy (9)

Friends & Family “Everyday I look forward to spending more time with the important people in my life and making as many memories as possible before I head off to college!” -Emily Jeng (11)

ey Club Officers s Thanksgiving? Key Club I am thankful for all the people who have helped make the opportunity to serve and meet new people even in a virtual platform possible !! -Charitha Gangi (11)

The Little Things "Avocado toast and coffee” -Kirti Raj (11) “Being happy today!” -Katelyn Bui (11)

C!sum" Mindfulness (During Black Friday This Year)

Shop Smart. Prevent the influx of e-waste, plastic waste, and fast fashion that perpetuate the cycle of unethical consumer habits in America every November. If you do plan on spending a little extra cash this upcoming weekend, we recommend shopping locally at thrift shops and supporting small businesses. Below are only some examples of local businesses to consider for your holiday shopping (courtesy of on IG)! Books: x Recycle Bookstores x Kinokuniya SanJose Music: x Rasputin x Needle to the Groove Retail: x Cukui x Loft Toys/Games: x Game World x Time Tunnel Toys Thrift Shops: x My Attic’s Charm x Classic Loot

We, at American High School Key Club, stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter Movement. We do not and will not tolerate racial intolerance, hate, or injustice in the space that we have created. It’s time for change.

QUARANTINE ISN’T OVER YET. STAY SAFE. On Monday, November 16th, Governor Gavin Newsom reinstated the halt to all indoor activities at most facilities in California. In light of the renewed lockdown, make effort to follow proper quarantine protocols as always.

Stay at home. Of course, it’s okay to take a short walk, but avoid large crowds in general and always maintain a safe distance away from others. Always wear a mask. If you do find yourself needing to stay out for a long period of time, always wear a mask. It saves lives. Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds and with soap. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Hands can carry some of the most germs. Seek care early. If you do begin to show symptoms of having contracted COVID-19, such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, get tested early.



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