Campus Speakers

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campus s p e a k e r S T h e M a g a z i n e f o r T o d ay ’ s C a m p u s E v e n t P l a n n e r s

Volume 1 Issue 1

+ IN THIS ISSUE Distinguished Lecturers Get the most out of your endowed events Diversity Speakers Compelling stories from inspirational leaders Pop Culture Icons Cool programs that draw crowds


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Great Campus Events Begin Here. About the Cover

This issue’s cover features four APB speakers who have dedicated their lives to the promotion of peace, justice and equality. From L-R:

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Africa’s “Iron Lady” and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Sirleaf restored freedom and strong economic growth to Liberia. President Mikhail Gorbachev One of the 20th century’s most pivotal leaders, Gorbachev’s extraordinary leadership and democratic reforms helped to end the Cold War. Archbishop Desmond Tutu A renowned human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Tutu strives to spread peace, justice, democracy and an end to racial divides worldwide. Dan Rather One of the most iconic reporters of our time, Emmy-winner Rather offers unmatched insights into world events and the future of journalism.

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Campus Speakers, APB’s new publication showcasing the best and brightest programs for your school. In this issue, you’ll learn how some of the world’s greatest presenters educate, entertain and inspire audiences like yours. For over 50 years, APB has been the leader in bringing campus, alumni and endowment events to life. When you book an engagement through APB, you can be assured that you will not only receive the perfect speaker, but also the engaging content and dynamic presentation that will make your program one to remember. Contact APB today. And make every event worth talking about.

The best in the business.”

American Program Bureau A Global Agency

-University of North Florida

“Thank you again to the American Program Bureau for offering the most outstanding array of thoughtful and powerful leaders to the nation’s campuses. They are inspiring a new generation!” -University of Dayton


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A White House correspondent for The New

Vice chair of voter registration for the

The President of Harlem Children’s Zone,

York Times and bestselling author of Days

DNC and the first African American to run

an agency dedicated to helping inner city

of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House,

a major presidential campaign, Brazile

youth, Canada is a visionary for education

Baker has been immersed in Washington

gives inspiring talks on civility in politics,

reform and community development. Based

throughout the Obama, Bush, and Clinton

diversity and race relations in the age of

on proven results, Canada’s speeches teach

Administrations giving him unparalleled

Obama. A regular contributor on ABC and

cutting-edge solutions that foretell the

access to the powers that shaped the last two

CNN, she encourages youth to work within

future of U.S. education and improve the

decades of American history. Learn More >

the system to strengthen it. Learn More >

lives of children everywhere. Learn More >




Co-founder of Blackboard and current CEO of

Director of Google Ideas and co-author

After crossing more than 1,700 miles of the

Social Radar, Chasen helps teachers, students

of The New Digital Age with Eric Schmidt,

Australian Outback with four camels and

and institutions effectively incorporate

Cohen forecasts the future of technology

a dog, Davidson chronicled her feat in the

technology as a learning tool, and find ways

and its impact on society. Named a “Top

bestselling book, Tracks, which will be turned

to improve engagement in the classroom.

100 Global Thinker” by Foreign Policy, Cohen

into a major motion picture in 2014. Davidson

Using his insight and wit, Chasen gives

also has authored several bestsellers on the

is a powerful voice who inspires audiences

audiences a preview of the next phase

growing radicalization of the Middle East

to dream big and develop innovative

of the edtech revolution. Learn More >

and the groups behind it. Learn More >

ways to reach one’s goals. Learn More >

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Co-founder of Facebook and Editor-in-Chief

An expert on Einstein’s unified theory field,

A pioneering news veteran and anchor of

of The New Republic, Hughes embodies

Kaku explores the science of tomorrow. His

CNN’s John King, USA, King offers insight

today’s brightest young innovators. A man

new book, The Future of the Mind, publishing

into the most important political, social,

of ideas, he changed the face of politics by

in 2014, explores the secrets of the human

cultural and media trends of today.

coordinating President Obama’s 2008 social

brain. A popular host for the Science /

Using his conversational and interactive

media campaign. Hughes is an exciting

Discovery Channels, Kaku is renowned

style, King makes the biggest stories in

presenter who shows audiences how to

for making the complexities of science

Washington highly accessible. Learn More >

succeed in today’s digital world. Learn More >

accessible to everyone. Learn More >




An award-winning journalist and author of

A two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning

One of America’s most outspoken social

The Shock Doctrine, Klein is a powerful and

columnist and author of Half the Sky,

critics, Lee revolutionized both the

provocative voice on topical issues such

Kristof is an astute human rights advocate

landscape of independent cinema and the

as climate change, corporate influence on

and chronicler of humanity. The premier

role of black talent in film. Offering original,

culture and government, free trade and

human rights journalist today, Kristof makes

politically-inspired and thought-provoking

resource privatization. Klein’s next book,

complex stories feel human, and offers a

keynotes, Lee challenges audiences’

scheduled for Fall 2014, will address global

compassionate look at global health, poverty

cultural assumptions about race, class

environmental disparities. Learn More >

and other third-world issues. Learn More >

and gender identity. Learn More >


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A tireless advocate for women and girls,

The lead tech columnist for Yahoo!, bestselling

Acclaimed author of the book Reign of

Newsom created the award-winning

author and host of NOVA ScienceNow, Pogue

Error, Ravitch is the foremost champion

documentary Miss Representation, which

examines the impacts of new technology

of U.S. public schools. Drawing on over

exposes how the media contributes to the

on individuals and organizations. A highly

40 years of research, she critiques today’s

underrepresentation of women in positions

entertaining and humorous speaker,

most popular ideas on school restructuring

of power. An electrifying speaker, Newsom

Pogue merges science and music into his

including privatization, standardized testing

inspires audiences to transform culture so

presentations, making the world of technology

and punitive accountability, and offers a

everyone can fulfill their potential. Learn More >

fun for every audience. Learn More >

clear plan for improvement. Learn More >




The first female president of Ireland and

A renowned environmentalist, Shiva

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Suskind has

former UN Commissioner for Human

shares her inspiring life of environmental

written some of America’s most important

Rights, Robinson is a global humanitarian,

activism, from promoting healthy, quality

works of nonfiction, framing national

environmentalist and distinguished

food to advocating for farmers’ rights and

debates while exploring the complexities

member of The Elders. One of Time’s “most

biodiversity. A committed proponent for

of humanity. With the ability to convey

influential people,” she teaches audiences

social justice, she speaks passionately about

complex stories in compelling ways, Suskind

about the importance of meaningful,

placing the needs of the people ahead of

electrifies audiences with his take on ethics,

social responsibility. Learn More >

the needs for corporate profit. Learn More >

power and perseverance. Learn More >

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Michael Eric Dyson

Sharing messages of equality and justice,

The inspirational coach behind the hit film

Hailed by Essence as one of the 50 most

Bond has been a prominent leader of

Remember the Titans, Boone transformed a

inspiring African Americans, Dyson has

the Civil Rights and Economic Justice

racially divided football team into a united

revitalized the role of public intellectual

Movements for over 40 years. The former

group of state champions. Delivering

with his provocative discussions on race

head of the NAACP, he delivers powerful

messages of respect, teamwork and

and diversity. Melding scholarly insight with

speeches on the past and future of

community involvement, Boone shows

contemporary culture, his talks reach beyond

civil rights, and analyzes diversity’s

how working together towards a common

race and address the universal commonality

impact in shaping laws. Learn More >

goal breeds success. Learn More >

of American concern. Learn More >

MyrlieEvers-Williams Wife of slain civil rights activist, Medgar Evers,

SybrinaFulton & TracyMartin

HillHarper One of the stars of Covert Affairs, Harper

Evers-Williams became the first woman to

The parents of Trayvon Martin, Fulton and

is committed to creating the best

lead and restore the credibility of the NAACP

Martin are dedicating their lives to transforming

opportunities for children. A strong and

during a time when it was surrounded by

tragedy into change. Through their powerful,

articulate voice for hope, education, and

scandal and controversy. She continues

honest presentations, they are inspiring

commitment, he discovers ways to improve

her activism on behalf of racial and gender

audiences to unite together in pursuit of social

America’s social climate while inspiring

equality by encouraging audiences to

justice, enhanced understanding and improved

audiences with his message of “taking your

work together for change. Learn More >

protection for every child. Learn More >

biggest dream and doubling it.” Learn More >


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Clarence B. Jones

The man who discovered The Butler,

A trailblazer in news and investigative

The draft speechwriter for Dr. Martin Luther

Haygood shares the true story behind this

journalism, Hinojosa gives a voice

King, Jr., Jones was pivotal in drafting

award-winning film and best-selling book.

to America’s Latino community and

King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, inspiring

Inspiring and fascinating, Haygood brings to

addresses the social and civic issues facing

millions to work towards racial equality.

life this tumultuous time in American history,

this growing population. A fascinating

In his moving keynotes, Jones shines a

analyzing the cultural revolution that ended

presenter, Hinojosa brings to life the stories

historical light on the nation’s Civil Rights

segregation while drawing parallels to his

that define America’s changing cultural

Movement and motivates audiences to

own, personal experience. Learn More >

and political landscape. Learn More >

take on today’s social issues. Learn More >

Eric Liu



A former White House advisor, Liu gives a

Playing a monumental role in the Civil

A legal theorist and mentor to Barack and

voice to a new generation of Asian Americans.

Rights Movement, Nash helped form the

Michelle Obama, Ogletree is known for

Speaking on the power of being part of

Nashville Student Movement to desegregate

his work in ensuring the Constitutional

something larger than oneself, he addresses

the city’s lunch counters, and coordinated

rights of all Americans. Currently the Jesse

topics such as mentorship, imagination

the Freedom Rides. Also the founder of

Climenko Professor at Harvard Law School,

and identity, sparking an awareness that

SNCC, Nash and her long commitment to

he promotes equality by insisting that the

we are always influencing one another and

using non-violence to seek racial justice

justice system uphold the Constitution

creating new possibilities. Learn More >

will inspire all audiences. Learn More >

without prejudice. Learn More >

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Susan L. Taylor

A policy analyst who challenges

Appearing on ABC News for three decades

The soul of Essence magazine for over

preconceptions about the global economy,

and hosting the hit series, What Would

three decades, Taylor was the driving

Patel paints a clear picture of how a fair society

You Do?, Quiñones captivates audiences

force behind one of the most celebrated

and sustainable economy are fully achievable.

with his personal story of overcoming

African American owned business

Through his moving presentations, he

adversity and stresses the importance of

success stories. A dynamic, energetic and

rouses audiences to seek solutions that

education. An authority on diversity, he is

spiritual presenter, Taylor shows audiences

enhance global equality and improve

a powerful voice on social issues such as

how to realize their strengths and take

the world’s food system. Learn More >

race, gender and sexuality. Learn More >

charge of their lives. Learn More >




The daughter of Archbishop Desmond

A popular Fox News analyst, Williams is the

Promoting educational equality for all

Tutu, Naomi Tutu is a renowned expert on

foremost champion of moderation as a way to

students, Wu is the epitome of the American

third-world development. An advocate for

move our country forward. Also a renowned

dream. The first Asian professor to serve

tolerance with a global perspective, her

chronicler of the Civil Rights Movement –

on the law faculty at Howard University, he

personal stories and passion for human

authoring Eyes on the Prize and My Soul Looks

inspires audiences to view diversity through

dignity inspire audiences to fight for social

Back in Wonder – he encourages audiences

a different lens, supported by his thought-

justice and discover ways to deal with

to embrace compromise, find common

provoking book Yellow: Race in America

conflict in a productive manner. Learn More >

ground and work together. Learn More >

Beyond Black and White. Learn More >


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Talented and multifaceted, Bialik – best

Known for his roles on AMC’s Breaking

Niece of Lord Julian Fellowes, the creator

known for her roles on Blossom and The Big

Bad, NBC’s Homicide and Revolution, and in

of Downton Abbey, Jessica Fellowes is the

Bang Theory – has a Ph.D. in neuroscience

several Spike Lee films, Esposito is a vocal

best-selling author of The World of Downton

and practices natural living. A highly-

advocate on the issues of race, culture, and

Abbey and The Chronicles of Downton

engaging speaker, she merges her sense

youth leadership. Through his engaging

Abbey. In her entertaining and educational

of humor and intellectual prowess to

and moving lectures, Esposito inspires

program, Fellows offers a behind-the-

take on subjects as wide-ranging as

audiences to seek social justice and strive

scenes look at this popular drama and the

science, religion and family. Learn More >

for a better tomorrow. Learn More >

historical context behind it. Learn More >




Credited with creating the urban apparel

‘The Situation’ rose to fame as a cast

Star of Arrested Development, Tambor and

market, John is the founder of FUBU and

member of MTV’s #1 show, Jersey Shore.

his hilarious program inspire audiences

the branding guru on ABC’s Shark Tank. A

Now a successful entrepreneur, Sorrentino

to recapture their enthusiasm for life and

driven visionary, John uses his entertaining

uses his humorous and candid program

follow their dreams. A true life-affirming

and revealing programs to draw upon his

to offer a revealing look at how this

event, his presentations show everyone

own experiences as a means of inspiring

reality star followed his passion, fell down

how to unleash their creativity and

audiences to be more proactive in life and

hard, and picked himself up to become

dismiss the fears that prevent them from

the pursuit of their dreams. Learn More >

stronger than ever before. Learn More >

achieving their full potential. Learn More >

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A former Marine and bestselling author

NYT best-selling author of Townie and

Author of The Color of Water and The Good

of It Happened on the Way to War, Barcott

House of Sand and Fog – a National Book

Lord Bird, the 2013 National Book Award

shows the huge impact that small, diverse

Award finalist – Dubus shares his inspiring

winner for Fiction, McBride touches upon

teams of people can make, and that leaders

journey that took him from a life of violence

life’s rich lessons by exploring the nature of

often emerge in the service of others. In

to acclaimed author. In his engaging

identity, race and heritage. In his moving and

his eloquent programs, he teaches how

presentations, he speaks on the importance

interactive presentations, McBride speaks on

to connect talent with opportunity to

of never surrendering to fear and overcoming

the human experience and the common

spark change from within. Learn More >

personal challenges. Learn More >

good that unites us all. Learn More >




Exploring parallel lives, Moore asks: “Why

Author of Enrique’s Journey, which recounts

The first Asian-American reporter to win a

does one man become a Rhodes Scholar

one Honduran boy’s odyssey to reach his

Pulitzer Prize, WuDunn co-authored Half

while the other goes to prison for murder?”

mother in the U.S., Nazario has spent two

the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity

Based on his groundbreaking book, The

decades covering social issues and fostering

for Women Worldwide, which addresses the

Other Wes Moore, Wes’ programs contrast

the national debate on immigration reform.

challenges facing women around the globe.

his life with that of another “Wes Moore” to

With a reporter’s eye, she humanizes

In her eye-opening presentations, WuDunn

deliver messages on the power of choice

immigration and offers solutions to change

offers concise action points that empower

and the definition of leadership. Learn More >

the national dialogue. Learn More >

audiences to help others. Learn More >


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A hometown basketball star, Herren realized

A U.S. Congressman for 16 years, Kennedy is

The writer and producer of Bully, Lowen

his dream of playing in the NBA only to

a champion for mental health treatment and

speaks on the culture of bullying and

lose it to addiction. A subject of ESPN’s 30

removing the stigma of psychiatric disorders.

offers an essential guide to dealing with

for 30, Herren shares his story with students

A founding member of the Addiction,

antagonism and intimidation. In her

to show the importance of making smart

Treatment and Recovery Caucus, Kennedy

revealing and moving presentations,

decisions and staying on track, and

challenges audiences to transform policy and

Lowen examines how this growing

spreads the message that it is never too

allocate resources to help in the treatment

problem transcends racial, ethnic and

late to follow your dreams. Learn More >

of neurological diseases. Learn More >

economic borders. Learn More >




Two decades after being drugged and

Author of the bestselling Odd Girl Out, the

A recognized bullying expert and inspiration

raped by a fellow student, Seccuro brought

first book to explore cruelty in young girls,

behind the film Mean Girls, Wiseman wrote

her perpetrator to justice, as documented in

Simmons sheds light on the struggles

her latest book, Masterminds & Wingmen,

her memoir Crash Into Me. A victims’ rights

many girls face. A skilled presenter, she

to examine the culture of boys and their

advocate, she shares her inspiring and

coaches girls on balancing self-image,

interpersonal dynamics. Her keynotes

emotional story, shedding light on dating,

emotional intelligence and relationships,

provide tools for understanding school

domestic violence and the importance

empowering them to grow into

bullying and a framework for creating a

of bystander intervention. Learn More >

confident, assertive adults. Learn More >

culture of dignity and respect. Learn More >

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+ Distinguished Lecturers Baker, Peter..........................................3 Brazile, Donna....................................3 Canada, Geoffrey..............................3 Chasen, Michael...............................3 Cohen, Jared.......................................3 Davidson, Robyn..............................3 Hughes, Chris.....................................4 Kaku, Michio.......................................4 King, John............................................4 Klein, Naomi.......................................4 Kristof, Nicholas................................4 Lee, Spike..............................................4 Newsom, Jennifer Siebel............5 Pogue, David......................................5 Ravitch, Diane....................................5 Robinson, Mary.................................5 Shiva, Vandana..................................5 Suskind, Ron.......................................5

+ Diversity Bond, Julian.......................................6 Boone, Herman..............................6 Dyson, Michael Eric......................6 Evers-Williams, Myrlie.................6 Fulton, Sybrina & Martin, Tracy.....6 Harper, Hill.........................................6 Haygood, Wil....................................7 Hinojosa, Maria...............................7 Jones, Clarence...............................7 Liu, Eric.................................................7 Nash, Diane.......................................7 Ogletree, Charles...........................7 Patel, Raj..............................................8 Quiñones, John..............................8 Taylor, Susan L.................................8 Tutu, Naomi......................................8 Williams, Juan..................................8 Wu, Frank............................................8

+ pOP CULTURE Bialik, Mayim......................................9 Esposito, Giancarlo.........................9 Fellowes, Jessica...............................9 John, Daymond................................9 Sorrentino, Michael “The Situation”....9 Tambor, Jeffrey..................................9

+ CAMPUS READS Barcott, Rye.......................................10 Dubus, Andre..................................10 McBride, James..............................10 Moore, Wes.......................................10 Nazario, Sonia..................................10 WuDunn, Sheryl............................10

+ STUDENTS AT RISK Herren, Chris....................................11 Kennedy, Patrick............................11 Lowen, Cynthia..............................11 Seccuro, Liz.......................................11 Simmons, Rachel...........................11 Wiseman, Rosalind.......................11

View APB’s Complete Roster of Nearly

2,000 Campus Speakers at: American Program Bureau A Global Agency 800.225.4575

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