Global Voices: Today's Top Leaders & Changemakers

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Global Voices today’s top leaders & changemakers

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World Leaders Martti Ahtisaari

A former president of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Ahtisaari steered Finland through its accession to the European Union. Since then, he has continued his work in international peace mediation and conflict resolution, and is currently a member of The Elders.

Oscar Arias

While president of Costa Rica, Dr. Arias was awarded the 1987 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in ending political violence in Central America. He champions such issues as human development, democracy, and demilitarization, and continues to travel the globe spreading his message of peace and hope.

Joyce Banda

Sworn in as the first female president of the Republic of Malawi on April 7, 2012, President Banda is a champion for women, children, and the underprivileged, hailed as one of Africa’s most powerful women by Forbes magazine. She is founder of The Joyce Banda Foundation International.

Kim Campbell

The Right Honorable Campbell is Canada’s first female prime minister and the co-founder of Club of Madrid, an organization dedicated to strengthening democracy worldwide. She is an authority on international politics, conflict resolution, democratization, international trade, and leadership.



World Leaders Jimmy Carter

The 39th President of the United States (197781), Carter has spent his career working to promote peace and wellbeing in the world. He is internationally known for his role in mediating Ethiopia’s civil war, overseeing elections in Panama and Nicaragua, and monitoring elections in Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

Shirin Ebadi

Iranian lawyer and activist Ebadi made history as the first Muslim to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for her courageous defense of human rights in Iran. One of the most respected voices of this complex nation, she speaks on democracy and the fundamental rights of all individuals.

César Gaviria

Former Colombian president Gaviria is known as a conflict mediator, supporter of regional integration, and defender of human rights. He served as the first elected Organization of American States Secretary General, and serves on the board of Oceana, a global organization working to reduce pollution.

Felipe González

A distinguished Spanish politician, González was the longest-serving prime minister of Spain to date. Known for guiding Spain through a period of modernization, he also played a role in securing the country’s entry into the European Economic Community (EEC).


World Leaders Mikhail Gorbachev

One of the 20th century’s most pivotal leaders, President Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his extraordinary leadership and democratic reforms that ended the Cold War. Today, he continues to lead the way toward peace and global democracy.

Vaclav Klaus

As president of the Czech Republic, Klaus served as a free-market economist and co-founder of the Civic Democratic Party. One of Eastern Europe’s most influential post-Communist leaders, he was previously finance minister in the former Czechoslovakia, presiding over revolutionary economic reforms.

Bernard Kouchner

A medical doctor by training, Kouchner is the co-founder of Doctors Without Borders, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning humanitarian organization that dispatches medical service personnel to the developing world. He was the French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs until November 2010.

Chandrika Kumaratunga

Kumaratunga, the first female president of Sri Lanka, is known for her energy, intellect, and liberal political philosophy. She offers unique experience, having led a nation through such challenging incidents as the 2004 tsunami, acts of terrorism, and assassination attempts on her own life.



World Leaders Ricardo Lagos

As former president of Chile, Lagos was a strong, popular leader known for spearheading the country’s impressive economic growth while adopting democratic and social reforms. Now, as president of the Club of Madrid, he continues to promote democracy and reform across the world.

Mahathir bin Mohamad

The longest-serving prime minister of Malaysia, Mohamad is known for overseeing the country’s transition to becoming an industrialized nation. Providing political stability, his tenure and reforms led to a period of rapid economic growth; he is still credited as one of Asia’s most influential leaders.

Mary Robinson

As the first female president of Ireland, Robinson is known for elevating the status of the nation. Formerly the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the executive director of the Ethical Globalization Initiative, she now serves as president of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and as UN Special Envoy for the African Great Lakes Region.

Jenny Shipley

As prime minister of New Zealand, Shipley held a key role in leading reforms in social welfare, health, women’s affairs, transport, state services, and state-owned enterprises. Today she remains involved in women’s leadership, rights, and governance issues, and directs a number of companies both in NZ and offshore.


World Leaders Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

Internationally known as Africa’s “Iron Lady,” Johnson Sirleaf, the president of Liberia, is the first woman to lead an African nation. A Harvardeducated former World Bank economist, she promotes peace, justice, and democratic rule, while working tirelessly to end the corruption that has plagued her country.

Desmond Tutu

A Nobel Peace laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu served as South Africa’s voice of conscience during its long struggle against apartheid as head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. He continues to speak out for causes of justice, peace, and reconciliation throughout the world.

Lech Walesa

Walesa, the first democratically elected president of Poland, won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts leading the Solidarity Labor Movement, which led to the downfall of Poland’s Communist leadership. An influential global leader today, he offers a unique perspective on the new world economic order.

José Zapatero

A forward-thinking politician, Zapatero was prime minister of Spain for two terms, during which time he oversaw attempts at peace negotiations with the Basque nationalist movement ETA. He is the father of the Alliance of Civilizations, an international initiative adopted as an official UN program in 2007



Business Anat Baron

An entrepreneur, filmmaker, and strategic consultant, Baron is an innovative leader and the former head of Mike’s Hard Lemonade, where she was credited with turning the company into a $200 million brand within three years. She also produced the documentary Beer Wars.

Rick Belluzzo

A 30-year tech-industry veteran and former president and COO of Microsoft, Belluzzo is the CEO of Quantum Corporation, a data protection business. An expert in corporate culture, he has led several Fortune 500 companies through change, teaching hands-on reorganization and management.

Richard Branson

A global entrepreneur known for his unique vision, creative management style, and brilliant ability to motivate employees, Branson is the branding guru behind Virgin Group, Ltd.—an empire that includes over 360 companies in the areas of entertainment, travel, and lifestyle.

Troy Carter

Credited as the “force behind Lady Gaga Inc.,” Carter is the pop superstar’s manager and the driving force behind her brand’s digital strategy. Together, the two have created the Backplane, a social platform that aims to power interestspecific online communities that integrate social media feeds.


Business Ram Charan

A highly acclaimed business advisor, Charan’s expertise spans from profitable growth to corporate governance to global organization. For 35 years, he has worked behind the scenes at such companies as GE, KLM, Novartis, and Verizon, coaching some of the world’s most successful CEOs.

Robin Chase

As co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the largest car-sharing company in the world, and founder and CEO of GoLoco, an online ridesharing community, Chase has had a profound impact in changing the way people think about traditional auto transportation.

Rebecca Costa

Costa authored the critically acclaimed The Watchman’s Rattle: A Radical New Theory of Collapse, which offers a genetic explanation for current events, emerging trends, and individual behavior. She shares solutions for adapting, thriving, and making better decisions in today’s fast-moving, complex world.

Richard D’Aveni

D’Aveni, a professor of strategic management at Dartmouth, is a strategist best known for his work on hypercompetition. Offering innovative insights into the worlds of strategy and business, he is a seasoned speaker, having delivered over 500 addresses to corporate audiences worldwide.



Business Roger Fisk

Fisk was a member of the Obama team since Day 1 of the first presidential campaign in 2008. Working as an on-the-ground operative, he played an integral behind-thescenes role, including having done trade missions throughout China and India for the Administration. Previously, he worked for Secretary of State (then Senator) John Kerry.

Howard Gardner

A psychologist and Harvard professor, Gardner is a pioneering intellectual thinker known for his theory of multiple intelligences. Offering insights into the mental aptitudes necessary for success in the ever-changing 21st century, he enriches organizations with effective methods of leadership during turbulent times.

Stéphane Garelli

Garelli is a world authority on competitiveness, having pioneered research in the field for decades. Also closely connected to the world of business, he is on the board of directors of Le Temps—a leading French-language Swiss newspaper—and served as senior adviser to Hewlett-Packard.

Maelle Gavet

Gavet is the CEO of Russia’s largest e-commerce company, OZON Holdings, often referred to as “the of Russia.” Under her leadership and vision, OZON’s four diversified businesses grew revenue by 84 percent in 2011, with sales topping $300 million.


Business Peter Guber

As founder and CEO of Mandalay Entertainment, Guber is one of the most successful executives and entrepreneurs in the entertainment and media industries. He has produced such films as Rain Man, Batman, and Flashdance and brings his business and marketing acumen to audiences worldwide.

Gary Hamel

A leading business thinker, Hamel is recognized for his innovative management approach. He leads the effort to build the world’s first management innovation lab, where progressive companies and scholars can work together to accelerate the evolution of management.

Mike Hayes

A 20-year veteran of the US Navy SEALS, Hayes translates the lessons he learned in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as in the White House to the corporate world in order to help organizations develop stronger leadership and improve their bottom line.

Kathy Ireland

Ireland is a supermodel, author, and CEO and chief designer of Kathy Ireland Worldwide, which designs home products and apparel. Called one of the “50 most influential people in fashion� by Fairchild Publications, she is also active in numerous charities, particularly those surrounding healthcare.



Business Frans Johansson

Johansson is the best-selling author of The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures. His latest book, The Click Moment, focuses on the concept of randomness, explaining that some of the best ideas come from seemingly random combinations.

Earvin “Magic� Johnson

An American basketball legend, Johnson enjoyed a 12-year NBA career. He is also an entrepreneur and the chairman and CEO of Magic Johnson Enterprises, which provides high-quality products and services primarily to ethnically diverse and underserved communities.

Charles Leadbeater

A world leader in the field of organizational innovation and creativity, Leadbeater develops ideas about entrepreneurship, innovation, public policy, and the knowledge economy for organizations of all sizes. He wrote Living on Thin Air, which discusses how knowledge has become the most creative force in the modern economy.

Costas Markides

Markides is currently the chair of strategic leadership at the London Business School. An expert on strategic management thinking, his research interests include the management of diversified firms and the use of innovation and creativity to achieve strategic breakthroughs.


Business Dick Parsons

The former chairman of Citigroup and Time Warner, Parsons is lauded for his ability to steer organizations to success by leveraging connections and building relationships. He is a member of President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, an advisory panel on jobs and the economy.

Deborah Perry Piscione

Piscione is a seasoned media entrepreneur and an expert on Silicon Valley. She wrote 2013’s Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Everyone Else Can Learn About the Innovation Capital of the World, which has been called a “must read for anyone who wants to learn from Silicon Valley’s success.”

Jonas Ridderstråle

Ridderstråle is one of the world’s most influential and respected management experts. He wrote the bestseller Funky Business: Talent Makes Capital Dance, a Bloomsbury best business book of all time, and was ranked #23 on the 2009 Thinkers 50, the biennial ranking of management thinkers.

Robert Safian

Safian is editor and managing director of the award-winning business magazine Fast Company, where he oversees all editorial operations and guides advertising, marketing, and circulation efforts. Under his direction, it has garnered a reputation for highlighting what is new, innovative, and creative in business.



Business Dan Schawbel

Called a “personal branding guru” by The New York Times, Schawbel is the managing partner of Millennial Branding, a Gen-Y research and consulting firm. He is the author of the #1 internationally best-selling career book Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future. His upcoming book is Promote Yourself.

John Sculley

The former president of PepsiCo and CEO of Apple, Sculley is a recognized technology and marketing expert. He shares his insights into the emergence of “third-wave companies”— those that transform their products and services in response to changes in the economy, social habits, and customer interests.

Martha Stewart

Arguably the most recognizable and trusted name in the lifestyle industry, Stewart is an Emmy Award-winning TV host, entrepreneur, and best-selling author. She is relied on by millions for her useful “how-to” information on everyday living—from cooking and gardening to healthy living and home renovation.

Michael Treacy

Treacy has committed his career to helping companies achieve market leadership. His books have garnered international attention, and he is currently engaged in a major study that seeks to understand the performance discipline that allows certain companies to routinely achieve peak performance.


Business Donald Trump

A model businessman, Trump is a dealmaker, philanthropist, and star of the NBC hit show The Apprentice. With global business acumen, he continues to set the standards of lucrative success in real estate, gaming, sports, and entertainment.

Ted Turner

A media mogul, philanthropist, and authority on leadership and business, Turner founded CNN and Turner Classic Movies. Dedicated to his global vision that we can all help change the world by “giving back and never giving up,� he is known for his $1 billion pledge to support UN programs and causes.

The Winklevoss Twins

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss were launched into the public eye in 2004, when they filed a lawsuit against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg claiming that they were the true creators of the revolutionary social platform. After nearly a decade of litigation, they are sharing their side of the story.

Sheldon Yellen

The CEO of BELFOR Holdings, Inc., a holding company which operates the global leader in integrated disaster recovery, Yellen became recognized for his compassionate management style after being featured on the hit series Undercover Boss. He is known for the philosophy of putting his people first.  



Big Data Allison Cerra

Cerra is vice president of marketing, communications, and public affairs for AlcatelLucent’s America region. She co-authored Identity Shift: Where Identity Meets Technology in the Networked-Community Age, in which she shares an informed roadmap of where big data can take a company in the way of better decision making.

Rick Smolan

An expert on the emerging topic of “big data,” Smolan has put his skills as a photographer to the task of mapping humankind in his newest project, The Human Face of Big Data. The book shares snapshots of people’s lives along with answers to questions about their dreams, interests, and views.

Beth Simone Noveck

As the former US Deputy Chief Technology Officer, Noveck was responsible for developing the Obama Administration’s policy on government innovation. A foremost expert on big data, she wrote Wiki Government: How Technology Can Make Government Better, Democracy Stronger, and Citizens More Powerful.

David McCandless

A data journalist and information designer, McCandless champions the use of data visualizations to explore new directions for journalism and to discover new stories in the seas of data surrounding us. His blog and book, Information Is Beautiful, are dedicated to visualizing ideas, issues, knowledge, and data.


Celebrity Maria Bello

An internationally renowned actress and women’s rights activist, Bello has appeared in such films as Coyote Ugly and A History of Violence. She co-founded We Advance, a Haitibased women’s movement and NGO, which advocates for Haitian women’s full political, economic, and social participation.

Francis Ford Coppola

One of the most innovative and influential filmmakers of our time, director, producer, and screenwriter Coppola is the man behind such landmark films as The Conversation, Apocalypse Now, and The Godfather franchise. In addition to making films, he is also the proprietor of Francis Ford Coppola Winery.

Michael Douglas

A prominent actor, director, and producer, Douglas has built his career working on politically influential and controversial films. A UN Messenger of Peace and longtime champion of social and environmental causes, he speaks out for human rights and nuclear non-proliferation.

Richard Dreyfuss

An Oscar-winning actor and outspoken political and social activist, Dreyfuss has taught at Oxford and is a driving force in the movement to revitalize the true meaning of civics. He offers a thoughtful perspective on the Middle East and US foreign policy, promoting solutions to the Arab/Israeli conflict.



Celebrity George Foreman

A world heavyweight champion, successful entrepreneur, and ordained minister, Foreman credits a good part of his success to his spirituality. The author of God in My Corner, he shares his empowering personal journey of reinvention, motivating audiences by presenting tools to overcome life’s challenges.

Bear Grylls

One of the world’s most recognizable faces of survival and outdoor adventure, Grylls spent three years in the British Special Forces where he perfected many of the survival skills he showcased on the hit wilderness survival show Man vs. Wild. He wrote the #1 bestseller Mud, Sweat, and Tears.

Josep “Pep” Guardiola

Guardiola is a Spanish footballer who will become manager of the German Bundesliga club Bayern Munich in the 2013-14 season. Previously a defensive midfielder who spent the majority of his playing career with FC Barcelona, he was part of the “dream team” that won Barcelona’s first World Cup.

Goldie Hawn

A gifted actress, director, producer, and entrepreneur, the Academy Award-winning Hawn is a woman of many talents. A strong proponent of finding balance in life, she believes that each of us has the power to create our own happiness and works to encourage the interconnectedness of society.


Celebrity Diane Keaton

An actress, director, and producer, the Oscarwinning Keaton has over 50 films under her belt, including The Godfather, Something’s Gotta Give, and Father of the Bride. Admired for her intelligent humor, she speaks on gender and aging, being fearless, and the importance of balancing work and family.

Larry King

In a celebrated career spanning four decades in broadcasting, King has interviewed some of the most compelling figures of our time as host of Larry King Live. Although the groundbreaking show went off the air in December 2010, just after its 25th anniversary, the Emmy Awardwinning host remains the man responsible for one of CNN’s highest-rated programs.

Eva Longoria

Perhaps best known for her role on the ABC mega-hit Desperate Housewives, Longoria is a philanthropist at heart. She has won numerous awards for her altruistic endeavors for Hispanic and charitable communities, and is the National Spokesperson for PADRES Contra El Cancer (Parents Against Cancer).

Sophia Loren

One of Italy’s most revered and talented actresses, Loren has appeared in such films as Houseboat with Cary Grant, Grumpier Old Men with Jack Lemmon and the late Walter Matthau, and Prêt-à-Porter, for which she earned a Golden Globe nomination.



Celebrity Jane Seymour

An award-winning actress, artist, best-selling author, and entrepreneur, Seymour is known for her leading roles on television, in film, and on Broadway. Also an ardent activist, she has worked tirelessly for over 20 years to improve the lives of children around the world.

Sharon Stone

Award-winning actress Stone first commanded audiences’ attention in the 1992 blockbuster Basic Instinct. Since then she has proven one of the most riveting actresses of the day, while also dedicating her time and effort to supporting organizations serving struggling communities.

Jeffrey Tambor

A veteran of film, television, and the Broadway stage, Tambor has earned multiple Emmy nominations for roles in such series as The Larry Sanders Show and Arrested Development. He draws on themes of creativity, authenticity, and self-awareness to share a message about reconnecting with one’s desires and dreams.

Mike Tyson

A larger-than-life legend both in and out of the boxing ring, Tyson is tenacious and talented. His career in entertainment spans blockbuster movies (The Hangover), television (Taking on Tyson), and the stage, where he recently debuted his one-man show, “Undisputed Truth.”


Digital Media Kevin Colleran

As Facebook’s pioneering sales executive and one of its first ten employees, Colleran helped guide such Fortune 100 companies as Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola through the process of becoming present and engaged in the online space. In 2010, he was named one of New York’s 100 Coolest Tech People by Business Insider.

Riley Crane

A senior postdoctoral fellow at MIT, Crane has focused his research on understanding the hidden patterns behind collective social behavior. He has spent the last several years applying his models to such diverse systems as YouTube and the humanitarian response to the Asian tsunami.

Soraya Darabi

As the former manager of digital partnerships and social media at The New York Times, Darabi established award-winning online campaigns for the media giant. The co-founder of, she serves as a valuable resource for any company looking to enhance brand presence, maintain customer loyalty, and capture new customers.

Sam Graham-Felsen

A pioneer in the rapidly growing field of emerging media, Graham-Felsen was a key member of President Obama’s online campaign team, playing a pivotal role in the landmark campaign’s success. Now a regular consultant to corporations and nonprofits, he is an expert on how the Internet is changing business as we know it.



Digital Media Chris Hughes

A co-founder of Facebook and the mastermind behind, two of the most successful Internet startups in modern history, Hughes is known for developing technologies that make social communication easier and more efficient. He is publisher and editor-inchief of The New Republic.

Dave Morin

The creator of the first social marketing campaign ever while working at Apple, Morin moved on to join Facebook as one of the earliest members of its team. A pioneer in social marketing, he was co-creator of Facebook Platform and Facebook Connect, and proved instrumental in expanding the groundbreaking site’s capabilities.

Joe Rospars

Rospars is the founding partner of Blue State Digital, a full-service agency that develops and executes multi-platform digital and social marketing programs for some of the world’s leading brands. For both the 2008 and 2012 campaigns, he was President Obama’s principal digital strategist and advisor.

Chris Sacca

A leading Silicon Valley venture investor focusing on consumer web, mobile, and wireless technology, Sacca was formerly head of special initiatives at Google. Now a formal advisor to Twitter, he also served as telecommunications, media, and technology advisor for the Obama campaign.


Economic Issues Daniel Altman

Economist Altman has penned economic columns for such publications as The Economist and The New York Times, where he was one of the youngest-ever members of its editorial board. He currently serves as director of thought leadership at Dalberg Global Development Advisors and president of North Yard Economics, a nonprofit consulting firm serving developing countries.

Jagdish N. Bhagwati

A prominent international trade theorist, Bhagwati is credited with providing the intellectual case for the economic reforms now underway in India. A professor of economics and political science at Columbia University, he has made contributions to immigration policy and to the new theory of political economy.

Michel Camdessus

The former managing director of the IMF, previously Camdessus was appointed Administrateur Civil in the French Civil Service and joined the Treasury in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Policies. He also served as financial attachĂŠ to the French delegation at the European Economic Community in Brussels.

Jacques Delors

The man behind the Single European Act, the first modification of the Treaty of Rome, and the reform of funding for the European Community, the Honorable Delors is an influential French economist and politician, and the only person to have served two terms as president of the European Commission.



Economic Issues David Galenson

A professor of economics at the University of Chicago and associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, Galenson is an economic historian known for his analysis of intellectual development and creativity—specifically, for his theory on the experimental versus conceptual thought process.

Jeffrey Garten

A professor at Yale School of Management and former Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade, Garten pens a monthly column for BusinessWeek that addresses the challenges facing global business leaders. He is a leading authority on globalization, economy, trade, and foreign policy.

José Manuel González-Páramo

As one of the few economists with frontline knowledge of the European currency and markets, González-Páramo served as a member of the executive board of the European Central Bank from 2004-12 and was a member of the governing council of the Eurosystem’s principal policymaking body.

Dean Karlan

As the founder and president of Innovations for Poverty Action, a nonprofit that solves social and development problems, behavioral economist Karlan has made it his mission to solve global poverty. He is the author of More Than Good Intentions, which introduces readers to the practical, socially entrepreneurial side of economics.


Economic Issues Paul O’Neill

O’Neill has a wealth of experience in finance and economics, most notably serving as United States Secretary of the Treasury from 200102. He is currently the secretary and treasurer of Alcoa Inversiones España, and has served as director of Celanese Chemicals since 2004.

Christopher Pissarides

Pissarides received the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences—along with Peter Diamond and Dale Mortensen—for their work on “markets with friction.” He specializes in the economics of labor markets and the effects of economic fluctuations, growth, and structural change on employment.

Nouriel Roubini

One of the most renowned economists of his generation, Dr. Roubini is widely recognized for predicting the collapse of the US housing market and the global recession of 2008. Called one of Fortune’s “10 new gurus you should know,” he was a senior economist for international affairs on the White House Council of Economic Advisors.

Xavier Sala-i-Martin

Sala-i-Martin is the chief economic advisor to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, as well as a professor of economics at Columbia University in New York. A respected economist, he is also a consultant to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).



Economic Issues Yashwant Sinha

An author, ex-civil servant, senior politician, and the former Finance Minister of India, Sinha is widely credited for pushing through several major reform measures that put the Indian economy on a firm growth trajectory.

Pedro Solbes

Formerly the European Commissioner of Economic Affairs, Solbes facilitated the integration of the Euro currency throughout Europe. Currently, he is the chief of the Senior Advisory Board of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), overseeing international accounting policies and procedures worldwide.

Joseph Stiglitz

The winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics, Stiglitz’s work helped explain the circumstances in which markets do not work well and how selective government intervention can improve performance. He is known for his role in creating a new branch of economics, “The Economics of Information.”

Paul Volcker

Volcker has worked in the US Federal Government for almost 30 years, culminating in two terms as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. He currently heads President Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.


Energy & Sustainability Ian Bowles

An energy and environment innovator with experience in foreign policy and clean energy entrepreneurship, Bowles served as an environment and natural resources advisor on the White House staff for President Clinton. Most recently, he served as Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs for Governor Patrick of Massachusetts.

Gro Harlem Brundtland

The former prime minister of Norway, directorgeneral of WHO, and chair of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Dr. Brundtland now serves as a UN Special Envoy on Climate Change. She is a leader in addressing issues surrounding healthcare, economic sustainability, and the environment.

Robert Bryce

One of America’s most prominent energy journalists, Bryce is a senior fellow with the Center for Energy Policy and the Environment at the Manhattan Institute. His work on energy and other topics have appeared in dozens of publications, including The Wall Street Journal and The Atlantic Monthly.

Alexandra Cousteau

A passionate environmentalist and the granddaughter of celebrated French explorer Jacques Cousteau, Alexandra has devoted her life to advocating the importance of preserving the waters of our planet. It is sustaining such resources, says Cousteau, that will lead to a healthy earth and productive societies.



Energy & Sustainability Jonathan Foley

A regular advisor to corporations and governments worldwide, Foley envisions a future built on sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and thriving ecosystems. He addresses such global sustainability issues as food and land use, climate change, fresh water, and biodiversity.

Joseph P. Kennedy

After over a decade of service in the US House of Representatives, Kennedy founded Citizens Energy Corporation, a nonprofit with an aim to provide low-cost heating oil to the poor and elderly. As chairman and president, he grew the organization by incorporating the largest energy conservation firm in the US.

Alexander Likhotal

A former adviser to President Mikhail Gorbachev, Likhotal is now president and CEO of Green Cross International. A wise and experienced voice on the social, economic, and political future of an increasingly climate-conscious world, he offers insight into managing the global environmental crisis.

Suketu Mehta

The author of the award-winning book Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found, Mehta has written and spoken widely on the future of global cities, immigration, and development. He explores how our planet, already maxed out in some areas, can handle the projected future increase in world population.


Energy & Sustainability Ralph Nader

The world’s most renowned consumer advocate and former Green Party candidate for President, Nader has always been a voice of the people on the issues that matter most, including healthcare, public safety, the environment, ethics, education, and economic and social equality.

Rajendra Pachauri

Dr. Pachauri is chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which, in 2007, was jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with former US Vice President Al Gore. He continues to draw attention to, and seek a solution for, the ever-increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Raj Patel

An author, journalist, and food policy expert, Patel works tirelessly to find ways to improve the global food system. He discusses the growing worldwide crisis in his international bestseller, Stuffed and Starved. His latest book is The Value of Nothing: How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy.

Vaclav Smil

Smil has broken new ground in the fields of energy, environmental and population change, food production and nutrition, technical innovation, risk assessment, and public policy. Called “one of the smartest people in the world” by Bill Gates, he works to debunk popular energy myths.



The Future Peter Diamandis

As chairman and CEO of the X Prize Foundation, Dr. Diamandis leads the world in designing and launching large incentive prizes to drive radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. Inspiring and moving audiences to action, he believes that there is no challenge that cannot be overcome.

Richard Florida

One of the world’s leading public intellectuals on economic competitiveness, demographic trends, and cultural and technological innovation, Florida is an urbanist who has written several global bestsellers, including The Rise of the Creative Class, called “one of the best business books of all time.”

Michio Kaku

Dr. Kaku is an internationally recognized authority in Einstein’s unified field theory and an expert in predicting trends affecting business, commerce, and finance. He has authored several bestsellers and can be seen as host of the Science Channel’s Sunday programming lineup.

Watts Wacker

One of the most celebrated and influential minds in modern business, Wacker is the founder and director of FirstMatter, where he has focused his attention on creating “a new kind of think tank.” He wrote The Visionary’s Handbook and is considered one of the world’s most respected futurists.


Global Issues Zbigniew Brzezinski

Brzezinski is a counselor and trustee for the Center for Strategic and International Studies as well as a professor of American foreign policy. Previously he has served as a national security advisor to the President of the United States; in 1981 he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Mike Chinoy

A former foreign correspondent for CNN, Chinoy is the author of the acclaimed book China Live: People, Power and the Television Revolution. As part of the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles, he focuses on security issues in North Korea, China, and Northeast Asia.

Jared Cohen

The director of Google Ideas and a former State Department advisor, Cohen is a master at utilizing technology to create solutions for the complex problems facing businesses, organizations, and governments in the 21st century. His new book, co-authored with Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt, is The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations, and Business.

Rob Gifford

An acclaimed NPR correspondent, Gifford shares his compelling adventure along Chinese Route 66 in the best-selling China Road. Bearing witness to China’s current social and economic revolution, he reveals how the future of the West is inexorably linked to the fate of 1.3 billion Chinese citizens.



Global Issues Anand Giridharadas

A columnist for The New York Times and its global edition, The International Herald Tribune, Giradharadas is The Times’ first Bombay-based correspondent in the modern era. He is an expert on India’s transformation, corporate takeovers, terrorism, outsourcing, poverty, and democracy.

Anil Gupta

A leading expert on strategy, globalization, and emerging markets, Gupta is chief advisor to the China India Institute. He is the author of Global Strategies for Emerging Asia and co-author (with Haiyan Wang) of Getting China and India Right: Leveraging the World’s Fastest-Growing Economies for Global Advantage.

Jesse Jackson

A former presidential candidate and civil rights activist, Rev. Jackson is one of the most influential voices of political and social activism. Called “the great unifier,” he has played a pivotal role in virtually every movement for empowerment, peace, civil rights, gender equality, and economic and social justice.

Robert D. Kaplan

Kaplan is chief geopolitical analyst for Stratfor, as well as the author of numerous books on foreign affairs and travel. Called one of “100 top global thinkers” by Foreign Policy, he is a provocative essayist who has written about how increases in population, urbanization, and resource depletion are undermining governments.


Global Issues Parag Khanna

The world’s leading geo-strategist, best-selling author Khanna is a respected voice on the future of global affairs. He was the former foreign policy advisor to President Obama during his historic campaign, and currently serves as senior research fellow and director of the Global Governance Initiative at the New America Foundation.

Naomi Klein

Klein is an award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist, and author of the international bestseller The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Exploring the flaws of neoliberal economics and globalization, she explores the connections between the environment, economy, and politics.

Nicholas Kristof

A Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The New York Times, Kristof is a dedicated human rights advocate who explores such issues as global health, poverty, and gender in the developing world. As co-author of Half the Sky, he brings to light shocking stories of the oppression of women around the world.

Ana Palacio

The former foreign minister of Spain, Palacio was the first female to serve in the position— the highest post ever filled by a woman in the Spanish government. Also a lawyer and former member of the European Parliament, The Wall Street Journal recognized her as one of the top “75 Global Opinion Leaders.” Palacio serves on the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.



Global Issues John Prendergast

A global human rights activist, former US policy advisor, and co-chair of The Enough Project, Prendergast fights to stop genocide by “promoting peace, providing protection, and punishing the perpetrators.� He co-authored, with actor Don Cheadle, Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond.

Dan Rather

As a CBS News anchorman and reporter, Rather was the face of the news for decades, delivering some of the most defining moments in recent history. Having reported from frontlines around the globe, he continues to chronicle the events shaping our world as host of Dan Rather Reports on HD Net.

Josh Rushing

Rushing went from being a US Marine Corps Captain conducting daily press briefings in Iraq to a celebrated military correspondent and analyst for Al Jazeera English. The author of Mission Al Jazeera: Build a Bridge, Seek the Truth, Change the World, he delivers news from a unique prism of experience, reporting with an international perspective.

Haiyan Wang

Wang is managing partner of the China India Institute, a research consultancy that creates winning global strategies with a focus on leveraging the transformational rise of China and India. She has spent the last 20 years consulting for and managing multinational business operations in China and the US.


Global Issues Paul Wolfowitz

As a former US Ambassador to Indonesia, US Deputy Secretary of Defense, and president of the World Bank, Wolfowitz is known for his advocacy of reform and interest in international economic development issues. Currently, he is a visiting scholar at American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

Bob Woodward

As assistant managing editor of The Washington Post, Woodward rose to journalistic prominence with Carl Bernstein when he won a Pulitzer Prize for exposing the Watergate scandal. With experience few can match, his writing follows almost 40 years of politics in the US, from presidencies to conflicts overseas.

Sheryl WuDunn

A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, WuDunn shares her unique perspective on economic, political, and social topics related to the global economy, China, and emerging markets. As coauthor of Half the Sky, she also brings to light shocking stories of the oppression of women around the world.

Muhammad Yunus

The founder and managing director of Grameen Bank and a Nobel Peace Prize winner for his pioneering work in establishing microcredit initiatives throughout developing nations, Yunus continues to work tirelessly to eradicate poverty through efforts that empower the poor.  



Social Entrepreneurs Rye Barcott

As co-founder of the nonprofit Carolina for Kibera, a combat veteran, and an author, Barcott offers an abiding message of collaborative leadership, illustrating how a small group of committed people from different backgrounds can make a profound impact by forming diverse, nimble teams to tackle challenges.

Caroline Casey

A visually impaired social entrepreneur, Casey is recognized for her pioneering approach to changing perceptions of disability. Focusing on business and media, she works to enhance the relationship between disability and society and is the founder of Kanchi, a nonprofit that aims to change attitudes and behaviors toward people with disabilities.

Tal Dehtiar

Dehtiar founded OlibertĂŠ Footwear, the first shoe company to work exclusively in Africa in order to make premium shoes. Offering distinct and rugged designs, the company is projected to build a thriving middle class in the country by creating one million jobs by 2025.

Hugh Evans

An international humanitarian known for his bold and daring vision, Evans is the founder and CEO of the Global Poverty Project. Working to eradicate extreme poverty, he urges audiences to take meaningful action to make a difference that will create impact.


Social Entrepreneurs Graham Hill

A serial entrepreneur and “do-gooder,” Hill helped push the sustainability movement to the mainstream with his respected environmental website,, a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information. He is also the author of Ready, Set, Green: Eight Weeks to Modern Eco-Living and the founder of Life Edited.

Kathy LeMay

LeMay turned her childhood passion for giving into her life’s work with an activism career that started when she worked with women survivors of the siege and rape-genocide camps in war-torn Yugoslavia. The founder and CEO of Raising Change, she has raised over $150 million for global causes.

Dan Pallotta

Pallotta is the author of the widely popular Uncharitable and its follow-up, Charity Case, in which he explores the grave misunderstanding of charity and proposes a movement to transform the public’s way of thinking. A pioneering social entrepreneur, he speaks on many issues including corporate responsibility.

Peter Thum

Driven by what seemed like an impossible vision to provide clean drinking water to developing nations, Thum founded Ethos Water. Now a popular bottled water sold in Starbucks, the brand has since donated millions to nonprofits that fund safe water initiatives for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.



Science Leonard Mlodinow

As co-author of The Grand Design with Stephen Hawking, Mlodinow explores the four-year effort to answer the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. Also a former TV writer for such shows as MacGyver and Star Trek: TNG, he most recently authored The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives.

Pranav Mistry

One of the inventors of SixthSense, Mistry is a science and technology entrepreneur. Among his other inventions are Mouseless, an invisible computer mouse; intelligent sticky notes that can be searched and located and can send reminders and messages; and a pen that can draw in 3D.

Steve Squyres

Squyres is best known as the face and voice of NASA, having made history as the principal investigator of the Mars Exploration Rover Project and its pioneering drive across the planet’s surface by two high-tech robotic rovers. He shares insights on the historic mission as well as never-before-seen photos.

David Suzuki

The chair of the David Suzuki Foundation, Suzuki is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist, and broadcaster. His radio and television programs—including Discovery’s The Brain and PBS’s The Secret of Life—are renowned for presenting complex natural sciences in a compelling and easily understood way.


Technology Steve Wozniak

A Silicon Valley icon, Wozniak helped shape the computing industry with his design of Apple’s first line of products. In 1976, he and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer, Inc. He has since been inducted into the Inventors Hall of Fame and has been involved in many business and philanthropic endeavors.

Anousheh Ansari

Ansari earned a place in history as the first astronaut of Iranian descent and as the first female private space explorer. Now the CEO, chairman, and co-founder of Prodea Systems, a digital technology company, she works to enable social entrepreneurs to bring about radical global change.

Sarah Lacy

As senior editor at TechCrunch, Lacy covered business in Silicon Valley for over a decade. Currently the founder, editor-in-chief, and CEO of the tech news site PandoDaily, she embarked on a hunt for the best talent in the developing world, a journey she shares in the book Brilliant, Crazy, Cocky: How the Top 1% of Entrepreneurs Profit from Global Chaos.

Jon Landau

An Academy Award-winning producer, Landau holds the distinction of having produced the two highest grossing movies of all-time, Avatar and Titanic. He shares his vision, extensive industry knowledge, and unique experience working directly with high-caliber creative talent.



Technology Jeff Jarvis

Named one of the 100 most influential and respected media figures in the world by the World Economic Forum, Jarvis writes about media, technology, and business. He is the author of What Would Google Do? and Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way We Work and Live.

Ayesha Khanna

Khanna is founder and director of the Hybrid Reality Institute, a think tank focused on the intersection of technology trends, data intelligence, and geopolitics. A technology and innovation strategy expert, she co-authored Hybrid Reality: Thriving in the Emerging Human-Technology Civilization.

Josh Rubin

Rubin, the founder and editor-in-chief of Cool Hunting, is an interaction designer constantly looking to bridge the gap between design and technology. He motivates creatives and businesspeople alike by demystifying the relationship between these seemingly foreign but totally interdependent roles.

David Pogue

As the Emmy Award-winning host of NOVA ScienceNow, Pogue offers an edgy take on science as he is immersed in hilarious and dangerous situations. Also the personaltechnology columnist for The New York Times, he is known for his Missing Manual series of computer and technology books, which now includes 120 titles.


APB Speakers International represents thousands more speakers. To view our full roster, visit Ahtisaari, Martti................2 Altman, Daniel................22 Ansari, Anousheh............38 Arias, Oscar......................2 Banda, Joyce....................2 Barcott, Rye....................35 Baron, Anat......................7 Bello, Maria....................16 Belluzzo, Rick...................7 Bhagwati, Jagdish N........22 Bowles, Ian....................26 Branson, Richard...............7 Brundtland, Gro Harlem...26 Bryce, Robert..................26 Brzezinski, Zbigniew........30 Camdessus, Michel..........22 Campbell, Kim..................2 Carter, Jimmy...................3 Carter, Troy......................7 Casey, Caroline...............35 Cerra, Allison..................15 Charan, Ram....................8 Chase, Robin....................8 Chinoy, Mike...................30 Cohen, Jared..................30 Colleran, Kevin................20 Coppola, Francis Ford.......16 Costa, Rebecca.................8 Cousteau, Alexandra........26 Crane, Riley....................20 Darabi, Soraya................20 D’Aveni, Richard................8 Dehtiar, Tal.....................35 Delors, Jacques...............22 Diamandis, Peter.............29 Douglas, Michael.............16 Dreyfuss, Richard............16 Ebadi, Shirin.....................3 Evans, Hugh...................35 Fisk, Roger.......................9 Florida, Richard...............29 Foley, Jonathan...............27 Foreman, George............17 Galenson, David..............23 Gardner, Howard...............9 Garelli, Stéphane..............9 Garten, Jeffrey................23 Gavet, Maelle....................9 Gaviria, César...................3 Gifford, Rob....................30 Giridharadas, Anand........31

González, Felipe................3 González-Páramo, José Manuel....23 Gorbachev, Mikhail............4 Graham-Felsen, Sam.......20 Grylls, Bear.....................17 Guardiola, Josep “Pep”......17 Guber, Peter....................10 Gupta, Anil.....................31 Hamel, Gary...................10 Hawn, Goldie..................17 Hayes, Mike....................10 Hill, Graham...................36 Hughes, Chris.................21 Ireland, Kathy.................10 Jackson, Jesse................31 Jarvis, Jeff......................39 Johansson, Frans.............11 Johnson, Earvin “Magic”....11 Kaku, Michio...................29 Kaplan, Robert D..............31 Karlan, Dean...................23 Keaton, Diane.................18 Kennedy, Joseph P...........27 Khanna, Ayesha..............39 Khanna, Parag................32 King, Larry......................18 Klaus, Vaclav....................4 Klein, Naomi...................32 Kouchner, Bernard.............4 Kristof, Nicholas..............32 Kumaratunga, Chandrika....4 Lacy, Sarah....................38 Lagos, Ricardo..................5 Landau, Jon....................38 Leadbeater, Charles.........11 LeMay, Kathy..................36 Likhotal, Alexander..........27 Longoria, Eva..................18 Loren, Sophia.................18 Markides, Costas.............11 McCandless, David...........15 Mehta, Suketu................27 Mistry, Pranav.................37 Mlodinow, Leonard...........37 Mohamad, Mahathir bin......5 Morin, Dave....................21 Nader, Ralph...................28 Noveck, Beth Simone.......15 O’Neill, Paul....................24 Pachauri, Rajendra...........28 Palacio, Ana....................32

Pallotta, Dan...................36 Parsons, Dick..................12 Patel, Raj.......................28 Piscione, Deborah Perry....12 Pissarides, Christopher.....24 Pogue, David..................39 Prendergast, John............33 Rather, Dan....................33 Ridderstråle, Jonas..........12 Robinson, Mary.................5 Rospars, Joe...................21 Roubini, Nouriel...............24 Rubin, Josh.....................39 Rushing, Josh.................33 Sacca, Chris....................21 Safian, Robert.................12 Sala-i-Martin, Xavier........24 Schawbel, Dan................13 Sculley, John...................13 Seymour, Jane................19 Shipley, Jenny...................5 Sinha, Yashwant..............25 Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson........6 Smil, Vaclav....................28 Smolan, Rick..................15 Solbes, Pedro..................25 Squyres, Steve................37 Stewart, Martha..............13 Stiglitz, Joseph................25 Stone, Sharon.................19 Suzuki, David..................37 Tambor, Jeffrey................19 Thum, Peter....................36 Treacy, Michael................13 Trump, Donald................14 Turner, Ted.....................14 Tutu, Desmond.................6 Tyson, Mike....................19 Volcker, Paul...................25 Wacker, Watts.................29 Walesa, Lech....................6 Wang, Haiyan.................33 Winklevoss Twins, The......14 Wolfowitz, Paul...............34 Woodward, Bob...............34 Wozniak, Steve...............38 WuDunn, Sheryl..............34 Yellen, Sheldon...............14 Yunus, Muhammad..........34 Zapatero, José..................6

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