Our Team Nuestro Equipo
AnAnthologyofpoemsfromthe Poet-AthletesofAmericaSCORESNewYork

AnAnthologyofpoemsfromthe Poet-AthletesofAmericaSCORESNewYork
"Watch Me Fade" Assita L
"Why?" Ashley A
"Two Feet, One Step at a Time" Amiel T
"Mistreated" Valentina B
"Abortion Rights" MS 161
"Imagine (Imaginate)" PS 98
"I'm Unstoppable" Emily D
Upper Manhattan Brooklyn
"Watch Me Fade" Assita L
"Why?" Ashley A
"Two Feet, One Step at a Time" Amiel T
"Mistreated" Valentina B
"Abortion Rights" MS 161
"Imagine (Imaginate)" PS 98
"I'm Unstoppable" Emily D
"PS 249" Daneesha P "
If I Was a Feeling" Katherin R
"I Am" Mariana B
"Mi Partido" Mateo
"About Me" Melanie R
"Our Team" by PS 375
"PS 249" by PS 249
Coaching for Change Academy
"Nothing New" Kayla S
"The Power of Power" Johanna S
You watch, YOU WATCH me fade away, You stand, YOU STAND there while I decay, You point, YOU POINT your gun at me, You look around, YOU LOOK AROUND to see my life go free.
I did nothing wrong, NOTHING WRONG to you, You don’t know the pain, KNOW THE PAIN, That you put me through, The wound runs deep, RUNS DEEP, All across my body it traveled, The blood starts to trickle, STARTS TO TRICKLE, Until touching the grounds gravel.
Lying on the ground, I gasp for air, GRASP FOR AIR,
will this be the last bit of oxygen I share, OXYGEN I SHARE, I see a brilliant bright light, a warm light, filled with hope, FILLED WITH HOPE, Dreams once I could touch, now I need a telescope, NEED A TELESCOPE.
You WATCHED, YOU WATCHED me fade away, You STOOD, YOU STOOD there while I decay, You POINTED, YOU POINTED your gun at me, You LOOKED AROUND, YOU LOOKED AROUND
To see my life go free.
POW! A bullet, A BULLET… passes by, It’s the bullet versus people… THE PEOPLE ASK WHY??
Who got hurt? The unknown witnesses say, There’s blood on his shirt! Says ed lady with no delay,
POW! A bullet, A BULLET… passes by, The people are still asking, STILL ASKING WHY??
IN REPLY, the people say “HEY! That’s not right!”
Why are these bullets, flying throughout this calm night?
POW! A bullet, A BULLET… passes by, The scene is another neighborhood, and the people still ask WHY??
The parents say it hurt, IT HURTS! To say goodbye, The child was only 14, ONLY 14, and yet they died?
We try to DENY, and say it’s not our fault, Guns need to be locked, CLINK, CLINK!... YES.. locked in a vault!
When that happens, the will no longer fly by, The people won’t be hurt anymore, and less people will be asking….WHY…
Ifyoucan’trun,YOUSPRINT, Ifyoucan’tsprint,YOUJOG, Ifyoucan’tjog,YOUWALK…YOUWALKANDNEVERSTOP, Becauseifyoustop,youwon’tgetpassedyourgoals!
Youwon’tfeelsuccessful, Youwon’tgetthroughthoseBADPEOPLEinyourlife, You’llletyourthoughtsTRAPYOUinaBADMINDSET… JUSTSTOP!...JUSTBREATHE…
Make the world a better place
In you and me is a better trace
Shoutout love anywhere
Treat others good everywhere
Right things are good things
Evil is bad, worse than sad
All people have to be nice
The world has love
Not small like a mice
Even bigger than ever, the world has love
Do you have love for the world?
I think you do
Should we introduce more love and peace on the earth?
Abortion, abortion…How cruel can you be?
Abortion, abortion… Is this a procedure
That you're doing for free?
Pro-Choice, and Prolife… are not just words they say, Pro-life can happen, but Pro-Choice is THE ONLY WAY!
ABORT MISSION!, ABORT MISSION! The doctor says, But do I REALLY want to LOSE A CHILD??
Are they that important, or is my MIND just RUNNING WILD?
If I ABORT my child, Would I LOSE a part of ME??
Will I Still be the same?? Only TIME will see…
Can you see yourself as a fetus, all NESTLED in that womb??
When you thought about having kids, Did you ever think about a DAY OF DOOM?? Apparently, MEN have the right to dictate
What our bodies can do??!
Even with protesting and fighting, I guess that can’t STOP THEM TOO!
When you pick up your pens, to help FINALIZE YOUR laws, I hope you understand the amount of PAIN it will CAUSE! RAPES and ASSAULTS, sometimes produce UNWANTED PREGNANCIES…
When it happens in YOUR FAMILY, let’s see which side… WILL YOUR CHOICE BE??!
Why does MY BODY matter, when YOU want it too??
MY body, my choice, do you need me to give you a clue?
My body, my choice, and my mind Were made to be carefree, My body, my choice, my mind, and my spirit, Believe these things wholeheartedly.
Men who think they have the right, THE RIGHT, To speak about my body, The entitlement makes them think, THEM THINK, They can declare opinions ON ANYBODY, MAAAAAN! You think you have THE RIGHT… To make rules about my body?
Your entitlement is ridiculous! Did you even ASK ANYBODY??
They say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one.
Imagine all the people smiling and being hopeful.
Imagine all the people being responsible.
Imagine all the people giving a home To people in need.
Imagine all the people in peace With no fighting or wars.
They say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one.
Imagine all the people living as one under the sun.
Imaginate todas las personas y el mundo libre de tristeza.
Imagine all the people giving the poor people food.
Imagine all the people living in a world without discrimination.
They say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one.
Imagine all the people giving kindness to all.
Imagine all the people loving the world by not throwing trash.
Imagine all the people being grateful And having infinite peace.
Imagine all the people of the world
Being nice to each other.
They say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will be as one.
Imaginate todas las personas sin enfermedades.
Imagine all the people feeling happy like a rainbow
On a Lucky Charms cereal box.
Imagine all the people believing they can do anything.
Imagine all the people caring for the Earth like they used to.
They say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one.
Imaginate todas las personas libres sin sufrimiento.
Imagine all the people caring for each other.
Imagine all the people not judging each other, And instead accept each other.
Imagine all the people being positive.
They say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will be as one
I’m unstoppable
We are powerful
We do what is right
I am a leader
We are all leaders
We are unstoppable
You are great
Don’t say you are nothing
Say you are everything
You are not weak
You are worthy
You are useful
You are unstoppable
You are beautiful
We are powerful
We are unstoppable
It is our time to shine
I am funny because I tell good jokes
Like how does the chicken cross the road...say how Using their super fast blasters
I am humble because I do my work Which is division and multiplication
I am caring because I find the nearest adult
When my friend has a chest pain or tears in their eyes, Those are all the things that makes me
Deneesha P from PS 249
Ps 249 is like my heart because of all the Amazing friends and teachers
The sport clubs are the best
This is the best school, everyone is like family to me
My school is very hard working people
Because my school is working to Give food to the homeless
That's why I love PS 249
PS 249 is the best blue ribbon school in Brooklyn
I would be freedom, Like being a bird
Flying with freedom
In the air flying calmly Without anything on my mind Just enjoying myself
I Am
By Mariana B By Mariana BI Am the sister of Mamdou
I love my hair, it is special to me
I am kind and grateful to the clouds in the sky
Through my love of people, I can help my community By working together
If I was a feeling
Para mi en siguiente partido
Voy a ir dando todo por el equipo
Dando por la escuela voy a dar
Los siguientes partidos con mi
Covazo por que somos Ps 249
Somos America SCORES para mi Yo me siente en todo los
Partidos come Barcelona vs Real Madrid
Hasta donde pueda voy a dar
Lo que yo pueda
If I could be named again
My name would be rose
Because I’m pretty I’m caring
And like the thorns I am sharp
I’m not afraid to stand up for myself
Wind flys through the rose petals but instead
Wind flys through my long thin dark brown hair
All of this Together
Makes the perfect Melanie
We are a good Team
Everyone understands what is our goal
We are a diverse Team
Our team knows each other by name
Our teammates collaborate
We play well together
We know teamwork and show respect
Our team is awesome
Our team is compassionate
Our team is generous
We show affection to those in need
We are kind and always excited to be here
Our team is good at passing
We have good foot work
Win or lose we always have fun
We all are winners if we play as a team
Our team is great and we do our best all the time
I like our team because we are all treated equally
My team is a wonderful
We are a dream team.
Teamwork Equality
Amazing Magnificent
When we walk on the field
Our opponents already know the deal We are a solid team
We do excellent Who against us
No one
I want to be the reason a change is made, But more than fifty-five years, tell me what has changed
More than fifty-five years,
And Martin Luther King Jr still shared his dream. They treat us like animals then when the streets talk, We get put in handcuffs
Now all of sudden we needa be tamed, They treat us like we gotta be tamed
This isn’t a game
We shouldn’t take the blame.
A lot of black kids feeling like they wrapped up in a cage
And all of us needa stay on the same page,
Us kids can’t separate the person from the uniform
Because that uniform, is killing our Fathers, brothers, sisters and our Mothers
Instead of showing your kid it’s okay to have black friends, They grow up knowing it’s okay to not see color.
Let’s all act like the dream for black folks
To grow old with their children isn’t already shattered
Because when they get sick of us, They decide to stick a bullet into us
Acting as if they didn’t take our blackness for a weapon. The hate you give will be the hate you get in return.
Until then white people skin is they shield, When cops pull us over, did we really commit the crime?
Or did my skin tone commit the crime?
They feel the need to do what they want
Cause when we speak
We get shot down to the ground
They don’t bluff, they don’t show mercy, They get charged once for gun violence, But we, get put into a casket for eternity
Now you explain to me how that is supposed to Make sense to me.
Death.. I never feared, but why do young girl & young boys
Need to fear,
We keep expressing our deepest sympathies
To the ones who keep killing without remorse
We keep expressing our deepest sympathies
So they can hear our screams
The screams they crafted upon us
How many more black folks have to die
Before they realize, this isn’t right?
They must think we, losing ourselves over this, With all the drama on the streets, With every single heartbeat, I refuse to put my hand down,
I’ll stay bruised and beat from all my battles
But I’m still undefeated, I’m fighting all these demons With every angel at my feet.
I thought all men were created equal But they aren’t treated
As though it was true. This isn’t Nothing New.
Of the provoked mode
Switched as we walk on roads
To ends that are closed
A head towards the clouds
Never seemed so heavy
A heart towards the ocean
Never moved so aggressively As I think and feel
My emotions tend to misguidedly burn beneath my surface
Juvenile tendencies incited open mildly
Just like my Mother Earth
We are the outer core Of land and shore but
Are we sure that our insides are not as engraved with all the pain we’ve endured
I am exactly like the planet in which I plant my feet
Which implants the soil that is enriched beneath me
Provided roots for a solid foundation
For the man who made me
And for a man who made the nation
Society lies a lil sweetly Sourness comes from the honest truth
It also comes from the forbidden fruit
Some of us forget to see In a man-made world
To a man-made girl
With a man-made vanilla and chocolate swirl
I will not surrender
There have been no disciplinary actions To the allegations of my time
You’ve murdered me
As you’ve murdered my trees
You have disposed of me
As you’ve disposed of my needs
You have neglected me
As you have neglected my peace
Can I spin slowly on my axis
Break my ground
Flood my crossroads
And whirl my way into an alternative placement
Can I have the power?
That generates more power
To fuel my feet to flea towards the seven seas
I choose my heart, as it guides my mind
Tell me what do you see
But tell me what you see through the eyes of the blind
Become condition to start noticing the small things in life
It’s not so sublime
Think about the power
The power of our society
The power of your potential
The power of your earth
Own it
You can move mountains
Role over valleys
Fly over bodies of water
Believe in you
It's the power of all powers
So show it