s a c i r ’ e m d o A o G s w e N March, 2010
Can we achieve it without knowing God?
INSIDE: Rev. Austin Miles The Power of Love Don Huntington Love Your Way Into Health
By Andrew Pate
It’s An Action Verb
The world’s view of love has been twisted and perverted by Satan. The world sees love as an emotion that they feel only after they receive their desires. Either by selfish acts or empty words, many people only feel loved once they get what they think they need. I looked up love on and found the following definitions: “Love is a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that of rising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness; an intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.” Satan knows that he cannot compete against the true love of God so he has perverted and confused its meaning. Love is used to express almost all of our likes: I love steak! I love football! I love the summer time! The term love has been misused and twisted for so long that without a positive example from the church the world doesn’t stand a chance in understanding it. Hollywood is one of the easiest examples of how perverted love has become. On screen, love is portrayed as lust, and off screen, actors are imitating this perversion by changing partners like some of us change socks. And then the media catch hold of the dirty details and the world eats it up in the form of gossip. The Bible portrays love in a much
different light. It is not an emotion that can change with the direction of the wind, but an action that can change the path of nations. We see examples of God’s love in action even before he had formed the world: Ephesians 1:4-5 “For he chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.” (NIV, 1997) Even before we were created God knew that we would fall and He started to set a plan in motion through Adam which would eventually bring His redemption to us through His son Jesus Christ. What is important to understand here is that God doesn’t just love us. He is love. Love is an attribute of God, and this means that He is unconditionally committed to our well-being. How awesome is it to know that the creator of the universe has unconditional love for you. To know that no matter what your past holds, if you come to Him humbled and asking for forgiveness, it will be given to you. Romans 8:35,36-39 Paul says, “Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in
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danger or threatened with death! No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Jesus Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears of today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can not keep Gods’ love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” You might say, “I understand what you’re saying but why is life so hard? Why does living feel more like a desperate struggle than the joy the bible talks about?” The short answer is that we live in a fallen world. Life is tough, but God is good and he is our biggest cheerleader. We need to understand that joy does not mean lots of earthly possesions that will bring temporary happiness, but instead it is the awesome feeling that knowing someday you will spend eternity with the God who breathed life into the first man He created. He is with you when you fall down urging you to get up and dust yourself off. He is there when you get yourself in too deep and you cry out for His protection. He is there, holding back the hordes of hell, when you finally break and realize that He is the only way to life. And he is there leading the choirs of Heaven in rejoicing for you at your choice to accept His son into your heart. When you were saved God Himself stopped the actions of Heaven and led a rejoiceful shout at your choice for salvation through redemption. God loved us so much that He gave us His only son. In doing so he created a righteous path that man could use to reach Him. He also took away every excuse man might have for not serving Him. No matter what trials and valleys that we may go through, and no matter how much pain and suffering we must endure, none of it comes close to the life of Jesus Christ. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” We have all heard this verse many times, but we need to really let it move through us. It does not say that for God so loved the world that he watched a child be born and hoped that it would be raised a righteous man, and maybe that man would lead men to Him. This verse is God’s love in action! For God so loved the world that He GAVE his only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die. God knew that everyone would not believe. He knew that even though His Son was going to live a perfect life, and that He would be beaten beyond recognition for us, that many people would still not believe. Even though He knew this, He gave His Son in case just one person believed in Jesus’ message and was saved. God’s love is an action verb.
The Strength and POWER of LOVE!
Love propels people to greatness. It ove is the glue that holds together the majesty opens one’s being so that The Holy Spirit, without of the Bible coupled with the power of Christ. It can restriction can pour in full power for spectacular produce phenomenal results if we dare to love fully. answers to prayer and the right words to say at the Indeed, love is a vital part of our lives and service. right time as well as an anointing of perfect peace It is THE element that brings success if deeply and joy, the two things that all people desire most. implanted, or, failure if we neglect it. As clearly stated This means we not only must be endowed in 1 Corinthians 13, “without love, we are nothing.” with love, but that love must extend to those who Without love, we really can give nothing or have power have misused us or attacked us like on 9/11. To over anything. harbor any resentment or dislike for anybody or Love gives life, encouragement and assurance. It group of people is to absolutely restrict any power by Rev. Austin Miles is the power to salvation, healing, and it can even affect Jesus may want to give. But, how do you love people like one’s looks. The application of love should be in the realm of that who attacked us? It is the ability to bypass the evil duty for everyone who is called a Christian. and have an overpowering desire to see them saved and spared People die due to lack of love. Now read that again. This has from the horrors of hell. And once they are saved, they can no proven to be true. In the days of Soviet Communist Russia, it was longer be an enemy. noted that babies in state orphanages were dying at an alarming The Apostle Paul, exhibited this divine love every day of rate, which made little sense. The babies were well cared for, his life. I can’t think of any one in history who experienced more given the food needed, had clean warm beds to sleep in, and lively mistreatment, ridicule, physical violence (that put permanent play rooms. After careful investigation a startling conclusion was scars over his entire body), false accusations and slander than reached. While these babies were provided all creature comforts the Apostle Paul. Despite such conditions, he was always the and necessities, there was one thing missing, the thing that was the gentleman, respectful to all. deciding factor between life and death. One example is how he shuffled out into the amphitheatre Nobody on staff ever picked up a baby, held it, hugged it, to face King Agrippa and Queen Bernice along with 20,000 spoke loving words or even made eye contact with any of the spectators there to mock him. Coming out to the center amidst babies. That finding proved to be THE factor in the deaths. The jeers, Paul managed to scan the crowd with his deep set eyes. absence of love, cuddling and eye contact proved to be deadly. And Along with those eyes, Paul in his heart had genuine love for it’s not just babies that are affected. A newspaper article told of a those who heckled him, wanting nothing more than to see them prominent businessman who was found slumped over his desk with grasp the truth about Jesus Christ whom he served. Gradually, a fatal gunshot wound to his head. A note found next to him stated, the crowd began to quiet down and leaned forward respectfully “Nobody ever said, thank you.” Even money could not overcome to hear everything Paul had to say. (Acts 26.) the deficit of love, acceptance or appreciation. He showed total respect for Agrippa as he spoke. I believe Animals are affected by love or the lack of love. An experiment that many in that crowd gave their hearts to Jesus as a result and was carried out with two poodles. One was given every comfort that no doubt many churches were built after that event, which was any poodle could hope for. A nice bed, toys of every kind to play usual wherever Paul addressed people. with, and more than enough to eat. However that was it. The keepers This writer has been in awe of Paul from an early age and would come in, leave the food and depart, never petting the dog, strives to be more like him. Learning the lesson of the power of cuddling with it, playing with it or even talking to it. love from the great Apostle is having a positive effect on this The second poodle was kept in a cage, too small to really be ministry and my personal life. It is a daily determination and comfortable, given barely enough to eat. However, the owner came commitment to come as close to that divine love as possible, not in several times a day, took the poodle out of the cage, held it, only for the sake of the Gospel, but for me personally, and my hugged it, petted it and said, “My you are so PRETTY. You’re the family. best dog in the world.” That little poodle even though deprived of a Rev. Austin Miles is a staff pastor at Mountain View Christian lot, was a happy dog. Center in Oakley, California, teaches an elective class (Speech/ The first poodle who had everything (except contact love) died Communications) in the Trinity Christian School and is Dean of in a very short time. The second poodle lived to a ripe old age with a Students at the accredited School of Theology. He has been certified wagging tail. by The State of California as a college instructor. Visit his website by going to:
I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul. Psalm 31:7
3 - America’s Good News
CAN LOVE IMPROVE OUR HEALTH? Put your whole self in with Don Huntington
FOOD... IN TIMES OF GREAT NEED Mountain View Christian Center in Oakley, CA hosts Angelfood pick up site. 4 - Good News Contra Costa
an to Woman
16-Christian Dating on the internet
18-Worship Services
27-School of Theology
28-CCMC IN 2010
"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with a passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, --I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! --and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
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Good News
We must begin to love in order that we may not fall ill, and we must fall ill if, in consequence of frustration, we cannot love. (Sigmund Freud) You put your whole self into life by engaging others in a genuinely loving fashion. Something new came into my life when I read Freud’s observation, the key quote of this chapter. I had known for years that I ought to love because love is required from me by the demands of Heaven. I now also realize that I must have love in my heart because Freud says it is the only way to remain healthy. Perhaps Freud even connected loving to physical health. I think a lot of wretched people in this world have fallen into the illness that Freud refers to because they feel that the sources of their love have been withdrawn: lovers have left them, parents have harmed them, friends have betrayed them.... They probably feel that they aren't being loved anymore but Freud would apparently say that their real problem, in fact, is that they have stopped loving. I am not able to begin loving simply because Freud says it is important that I do so or because the Bible says I must. I need a principle of love to enter my life from without — shining into my soul as life-giving sunshine floods into the darkest recesses of a garden after a long winter — warming my heart and stirring into bloom the seeds of affection, generosity, and especially commitment. Love that springs from grace has an indomitable quality. I am free because the inflow of grace has filled me to the point that people cannot escape my love. They are able to withdraw so that my love can no longer affect them
Put Your Whole Self In By Don Huntington
Love Your Way Into Health (they do it all the time), but they are unable to do anything that would lessen my regard for them or cause my commitment to them to cease. Even the disdain that others might show towards me, although it is unpleasant, isn't complicated by any unhealthy sense of personal rejection or by feelings of having been affronted in some way. I love unloving and unlovable people because I am simply paying forward the love that I have myself received. I don’t love them for who they are; I love them for what I have become. Love begins with my family. My love for Rae, my wife, becomes less anxious and more healthy each year. I've become a one-woman man and that eliminates in a single stroke the difficulty,
anger, and anxiety that otherwise would afflict me and drag me down. Years ago I read the following story on the Internet. I think it is true. The story makes me laugh and cry. It fills my heart with hope: A few years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win. All, that is, except one little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back. Every one of them. One girl with Down's Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said: "This will make it better." Then all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line. Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. These children were engaging fully in life as they displayed this quality of love for each other. Love becomes a power within me enabling me to do those things that make me a complete, psychologically healthy human being. Such love provides the ability to eliminate the frustration Freud talked about and, with complete health, to hold other people’s hands on the way towards the finish line. Every day! Today! What a wonderful way to live! What a life! How healthy it feels! Try This 1. Tell three people today, “I love you” to whom you have never said the words before. (Don’t tell them about this assignment!) 2. Observe the effect that deliberately loving on other people has on your own sense of wellness and joy.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:35 The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands.
John 12:25 The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 8 - America’s Good News
Angel Food Grand Opening a Success in Oakley at Mountain View Christian Center
Bringing food to a community in need. Photos by Tim Vaughn Pictured below - Pastor Carleton Booker with the delivery drivers.
by Lindasue Sizuela
ountain View Christian Center in Oakley opened its doors on Saturday, January 23, 2010 to a muchneeded hand-up to people and families who are in need of quality food at a low price. It was to our satisfaction and privilege to host the first Angel Food Ministry program in our area. Pastor Carleton and Angela Booker are the co-directors for a new ministry outreach to the people of East County called ‘Angel Food Ministries.’ Angel Food Ministries is a non-profit, nondenominational food cooperative committed to providing food assistance to families throughout the United States. Angel Food was founded in 1994 by Pastors Joe and Linda Wingo and their family with the intent of helping their neighbors in Northeast Georgia where many textile mills had closed. Beginning with 34 families, today Angel Food Ministries proudly serves hundreds of thousands every month. “We can’t possibly reach everyone,” said Pastor Carleton Booker. “But there are other churches in surrounding communities that can reach their area. If a church in Pittsburg partners up with us they can bless families close to them that need this food program. I want to bring churches together to fulfill the need that Jesus talks about in Matthew 25:35.” For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. (NIV) Angel Food Ministry crosses all denominational lines, involves all nationalities, and includes all economic levels. No one is excluded and EVERYONE QUALIFIES. There are no qualifications, minimums, income restrictions, or applications. This program brings people together in a common effort and creates a sense of unity and purpose to all who participate. Hundreds of medium-sized boxes of food (at $30.00 per unit) were distributed of both fresh and frozen meals. One unit of food assists in feeding a family of four for one week with restaurant quality food. However, each month’s menu is different. Angel Food Ministry feeds over 500,000 families a month in 44 states, originating in Monroe, Georgia in 1994. If you want to know more go on line at www.angelfoodministries. com and put in your zip code to locate your host site, or you can call 1-877-FOOD-MINISTRY. Deadline to place orders for March is the 18th. Distribution date is March 27 at Mt. View Christian Center, 5000 Amaryllis Street, Oakley, Ca 94561. If you are an individual belonging to a church or a pastor of a church and you want to know how to start this wonderful food program at your business or place of worship call Pastor Carleton Booker at 925-625-9570 X226 and find out how you can help. 9 - America’s Good News
Once the food is brought in, the volunteers create an assembly line for easier distribution.
Love is patient,
love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13
10 - Good News Contra Costa
Good News Publishing USA Publisher - Pastors Hanoum / Dellinger Editor-In-Chief - Will Byrns Copy Editor - Cathy Huffman Reporters/Columnists Susan Holmes, Rev. Austin Miles Saed & Linda Awwad, Priscilla Stanley, Andrew Pate, Linda Sizuela Gina Dacus, Juan Prieto, Diana Dobbie, Don Kwong, Inga Mork & Johnny Jones Distribution Mgr - Jerry Gebrosky Solano Dist. - Jeanne Byrns Graphics - Will Byrns Photography - Tim & Jane Vaughn 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley CA 94561 ofc: (925) 625-9570 fax: 625-9003 Email: Send releases, letters and reprint requests to the Email or address above. (c) Copyright 2008 Mountain View Christian Center. All rights reserved. - Member OneNewsNow Christian Newspaper Assoc. Good News America covers Local, National and World news headlines and stories. The views and opinions expressed in this literature does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Good News America.
12 - Good News Contra Costa
WORLD NEWS r e t u p m o K e Th and our Kids
‘Virtual community’ for home schooling
From cyber-scared to cyber-savvy Allie Martin - OneNewsNow A non-profit organization dedicated to keeping children safe online has launched a major initiative to get parents involved. Enough is Enough (EIE) is kicking off Internet Safety 101, a comprehensive program for parents, educators, and other adults who need knowledge and resources to protect kids from dangers on all Internet-enabled devices Donna Rice Hughes, president and chairman of EIE, says the campaign is made up of a four-part DVD teaching series, a workbook, and a website. “Most of the Internet safety programs for parents are primarily web-based, and in our experience we found that parents and others really like to use traditional media to learn,” she explains. “So we developed a program so it cannot only be used by individuals, but it can also [be used] by small and large groups alike. Hughes adds that parents must go from being cyberscared to cyber-savvy. “It’s very easy to feel overwhelmed or ill-equipped when it comes to protecting your children in a digital age,” she empathizes. “At Enough is Enough, our goal is to come alongside parents and first of all, help them recognize that they don’t need to have a PhD in Internet technology to be a really good and effective cyber-parent. In fact, in our safety section, we spend as much time talking about safety rules that parents need to implement, as well as the software tools. EIE’s Internet Safety 101’s national partners include the U. S. Department of Justice, AOL, MySpace, Verizon, and Microsoft.
13 - America’s Good News
Allie Martin - OneNewsNow The American Family Association has launched an online, virtual community for homeschool families. Under the banner “Providing Resources to Equip and Inspire Your Home School,” The HomeSchool Channel recently launched with the goal of helping “re-establish the home as the center of instruction and discipleship by providing high-quality, biblically-based resources.” Jeff Chamblee, program director of The HomeSchool Channel, tells more about the website. “It’s an online, virtual community where homeschool families can gather [from] all across the world and share their life experiences, share photos, videos, ideas on education, curriculum, that sort of thing,” he explains. “It’s a unique place where people can get together and just encourage one another and strengthen one another.” The program director adds that the centerpiece of the channel is a video player that streams around the clock, playing documentaries, interviews with other homeschool families, footage from homeschool conventions nationwide, and other supplemental material. He also says the project is not just about education. “One of our main goals is to encourage fathers and mothers to have a vision for their families and their homes and disciple their children and to exalt Christ in the middle of all of that,” Chamblee notes. He estimates that 50 to 100 people are registering at the site daily.
God's Love and Ours... Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7
14 - Good News America
15 - Good News Contra Costa
Christian dating... Can you find true love on the internet? Staff Report Christian dating services and directories are everywhere, and they all seem to claim they are one of the “best Christian dating websites.” It can be incredibly difficult for good Christians to find suitable partners who share their commitment to their faith. But many of these websites have helped to bring people together and we should be thankful that these services have fostered thousands upon thousands of relationships, from friends to pen pals to marriage! If you’re having trouble finding a good Christian woman/man, you might want to expand your tent stakes in your quest for a soul mate. When reviewing a Christian dating service, consider a few components including functionality, outreach and adherence to Christian beliefs. You should look for sites owned and operated by Christian owners and organizations and sites that offer a large network of single Christians for you to choose from. If you care enough about your faith to pursue a partner of the same faith, obviously you don’t want to be brought together by a deceitful company. Be diligent in your research to help you to choose the right Christian dating service that helps you find that perfect someone you’ve always dreamed about! Here are just some of the dating websites that are available to Christians looking for love on the internet:, Singles of Faith, Singles Christian Network, eHarmony and Christian Singles Connection. Also check out Big Church Dating, / Christian Mingle and Christian Connection Matchmaker. Let’s face it... dating these days is hard, especially for Christians who want to honor God in their relationships. You want to find a good Christian dating service, but with so many to choose from, how do we make the right choice? After much research and reviewing independent studies there have been two that stand out above the rest. and Single Christian Network have accumulated the highest ratings compared to other Christian dating websites. We are not endorsing these websites and saying these are the right ones for you, or that the other sites listed are the wrong sites. Only you can make that choice. But we want to encourage you to do a little research yourself and use discretion in finding the appropriate site for you. In closing, I would suggest that the first thing you should do in looking for that significant other is to pray that the Lord would send them to you. It’s so much easier going to our Father first in prayer. But that is something you already know… right?
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Love between a Grandparent
and Grandchild
by Priscilla Stanley Grandparents and grandchildren... why is it so often a challenge to have a relationship with each other? Why do we find a lack of peace between the adults that puts the child in the middle of their dispute? I understand many adult children and their parents have unresolved issues. As seniors, sometimes we find it difficult to let go of parenting and allow our children to raise their children. Many times the in-law relationship is questionable and problems arise. Most of the time it is the daughter-in-law and the mother-inlaw with their husbands caught in the middle. Sometimes the grandparent has a new spouse who has a hard time sharing their mate. Why do adults let it get so out of hand that children suffer? As a grandparent, is it so important to step in and interfere with your child raising their child? Did we do everything the way our parents did? Of course not, and yet most of us did a great job. The relationship between a grandparent and grandchild is wonderful. Child need and desire this unconditional love. It’s time for adults to become adults and think of the children. We want so much for these little ones but allow our emotions to get in the way. Remember the importance of your grandparents in your life or the absence of them. I can almost guarantee that every adult as a child wanted a deep and profound relationship with their grandparents. You were blessed if you did. Now let the children in your family have the same. If you asked a child who they would want to spend time with, 90% of the time they will say their grandparent. They will tell you their grandparent is always so excited to see them, no matter what else is going on, and they get a good feeling when they are with. So just being excited to see them is enough? What’s so special about that? Grandparents make their grandchildren feel important. Grandparents take the time to listen to them. They marvel at their grandchild’s talents and skills. Grandchildren also have a positive influence on grandparents’ lives. They help us realize the importance of good health and safety factors around us. We feel a sense of importance in their lives. Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers. Proverbs 17:6 What is the secret to a successful, fulfilling, long-lasting grandparent–grandchild relationship? Something as simple as making each other feel important and loved. It is estimated that there are 70 to 80 million grandparents in the United States. Grandparents come in all shapes, sizes, ages, abilities, viewpoints, lifestyles, and energy levels. Parents also play a big role in the grandparent– grandchild relationship. Without the efforts of parents, grandparents and grandchildren would not have the opportunity to spend time together and build a connection. Whatever the relationship between the parent and the grandparents, it is usually in the best interests of the child to have a connection with grandparents—if only to let them know that one more loving adult thinks they are important. Jesus said in Mark 9:27, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me.” Jesus is love and that is what He wants from us. Love of each other and with love all can be conquered. To truly love the child we must love each other first. Nothing should keep families separated. If we love our small children, then we must learn to deal with the issues and love each other.
17 - America’s Good News
Church on the Rock
Faith Worship Center
Pastor Craig Dale Pr. Anthony E. Blackman 9:30am Traditional 2170 Harbor St. 11:00am Contemporary Pittsburg, CA 94565 50 Walton Lane (off Lone Tree) Service - Sundays 8:00am &10:0 Antioch, CA 94509 925-706-2842 Wednesdays 7:00pm 925-427-0976
The Light Ministries
Pastor Larry Roper 405 West 6th Street Antioch, CA 94509 925-778-1639 Agape Bible Fellowship Pastor: Dr. John Ojewole 605 West Madill St. Antioch Tel. 925-709-4424 Email: Website: Sunday Worship: 10:30am Group Bible Study: 9:30am Prayer fellowship: Tuesdays 7pm Youth fellowship: Fridays 7pm Prayer Vigil: last Friday of month 9pm
Kings Chapel Pr. Phillip Marocco 320 Worrell Rd. Antioch, CA 925-756-7315 Sun. 10:00am and 6:00pm Tue. 7:00pm Youth and Adult Bible study www
Destiny Christian Center
Bishop Gregory Bell Sunday 10:30am Service Wed Worship & Study 7:30pm 132 O’Hara Av. Oakley 925-679-1361
Unity on the Delta
Pastor Robert Waldon Sunday Service - 10:00am 50 Sand Creek Road, Ste. 140 Brentwood, CA 94513 Ph - 925-754-5343
Bread of Life Community Church
Pastor Edward L. Riley 18 O’Neill Court Oakley 925-625-9081 - email:
Fu P W 101
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Catholic Church 500 Fairview Ave Brentwood Saturday Vigil 5:00, 6:30[sp] Sunday Masses 7:30, 9:00 and 12:30 Spanish 10:45 and 2:00 pm Daily 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM 925-634-4156 email:
Mariner’s Church
Crossroads Christian Center Heritage High-Multipurpose Rm. 101 American Ave. Brentwood 925-516-7795 Sunday Service 10:30am Tuesday Bible Study 7pm Pastor Andrew G. Miley
Calvary Chapel Crossroads
Byron Middle School Gym 9 am Children/Teen Sun Sch. & Nursery 9:15am Adult Sunday School ~ 10:30 am High School “Hang Time” ~ 6:30 pm Tue. Bible Study ~ 10 am Wednesdays Pastor Jim Kraft ~ 634-0800 Office: 5545 Drakes Ct., Discovery Bay
Delta Oaks Presbyterian Church
3195 Contra Loma Blvd. Antioch (925) 516-2735 Sunday’s 9:30AM Sunday School all ages 11AM Sunday evening Pioneer Club for kids, JH and SH Youth Groups, and an Adult Study. Home Bible and Prayer meeting during the week.
18 - America’s Good News
Pr. John Snoderly 1771 Vineyard Dr., Antioch Phone 925-778-2011 Services: Sundays at 10 AM Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7 PM email:
Calvary Fellowship
Pastor Dave Perata Discovery Bay Elementary School SundayService10:00AM 1700 Willow Lake Road 925.626.3525 Mid week Bible Study Thursday 7PM 1555 River Lake Road in Discovery Bay
Mountain View Christian Center
Pr. Jerry Hanoum 5000 Amaryllis Oakley Ca 94561 925-625-9570 Sundays 9am & 10:45am Sundays 5:00pm Spanish Wednesdays 7pm Soldiers in Christ - Jr. High Wed 7pm Souled Out - High sch. Wed 7pm
Christian Worship Center Location: Holiday Inn Concord 1050 Burnett Ave 94520 Sunday’s 10:00am starting Tuesday bible study 7:30 pm Mail to: 1145 2nd St. Ste A #161 Brentwood, CA 94513 ph# 925-405-9620
Grace Bible Fellowship Pastor Kirkland Smith Sunday 8am & 11:15am Tues 7pm Prayer Wed 6am 913 Sunset Dr. Antioch, CA 94509 925-522-2017
Rejoyce Christian Center
Christ Temple
ull Faith Ministry Inc. Pastor Damon Pierson Worship service 1pm West 9th St.Antioch CA 925-978-6273
Pr. Kenny Ogunfunmi Sunday Service 10:30 AM 90 Village Dr. Brentwood 94513 925-240-0380 - email
Lighthouse Christian Center
His Presence
1210 Stoneman Ave Pittsburg, Ca 94565 (925) 432-3808 Pastors Jason & Peggy Younger Sundays 9:30 & 11:15am Wednesday: Prayer & Healing Service 7:00pm
Fountain of Life Church Pastor: Ronald Mixon 111 W. 10th St. Antioch, CA 94509 Next to Antioch City Park on A St. (925) 755-8779 E-mail: Sunday Worship:10:00AM Wednesday: Intercessory Prayer: 7-7:30PM Bible Study:7:30-8:30PM
Gateway Church
Pastor Joe & Danille Hernandez Sundays 10AM Youth and Kids Ministry 847 Arnold Dr. Martinez, CA 94553 925.335.9519
International Christian Ministry
Grace Lutheran Church 195 Alvarado Ave Pittsburg, CA 94565 Rev Tuma Johnson 550-5573
The East Bay Pentecostals 605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2012 Pastor Joel R. Bryant Sunday Services 10am & 5pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm Friday Youth 7pm
The Carpenter’s Shop Int’l New Lifeline Ministries 4246 Empire Ave. Oakley Sunday service 10am Wed. Bible Study 7:30pm 925-625-1982
The Orchard Church
Heritage High School Theater 101 American Ave Brentwood Service at 10am Sundays Pastor Steve (925) 325-5020
Prs. Jerry and Penny Slavens P.O. Box 2083 Antioch, CA 94531 925-778-0800 925-778-0804 fax Saturday Service 11am - 1pm
Our Father’s House
Apostle Larry Johnson 2980 Railroad Ave, 2nd floor Pittsburg, CA 925-457-3358 Fridays 7 pm, Sundays @ 10 am & 5 pm
If you are interested in having your church listed on the Worship services page, call Ron or Pat Reagan at 925-240-1242 19 - America’s Good News
Birthright of Brentwood
Helping Hands
Helping pregnant women facing personal crisis. 925.634.1275
Food & Clothing to those in need Every Thursday 5:30 - 6:30pm 5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley 925.625.9570
School of Theology
5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley Enroll Now and start studying the Word of GodContact Pastor Tyrone 925.625.9570
Iron Shop
Men’s Recovery Group CHRISTIAN 12 STEP 925.525.9957 1745 East 18th Street Antioch
Christian Help Ctr
Community Resources A Place of Learning
Location: 315 Orchard Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1043 Brentwood, CA 94513 For Questions Please contact Director: Laura Ceja Telephone Numer: 925.240.5146
2166 Sacramento Street, Vallejo, CA 94590 707.553.8192 Food, Clothing, Shelter - Transitional Living
Minister Travis Mozeke Grace Bible Fellowship Overcomers 925.727.8788
Love -a-Child Missions
Homeless Recovery Shelter Rehabilitative services for homeless women and children. 925.458.5663 Email-
Mission Solano
740 Travis Blvd. Fairfield CA 707.422.1011 Daily Meals, Transitional Living Daily Shower, Shelter New Life Programs
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Royal Family Kids Camp
4725 Evora Rd.Concord, CA Help for foster kids Rick Fuller, Director 925.207.7240
Shepherd’s Gate
Christ centered services for battered/homeless women & children 605 Sycamore Brentwood CA 925.308.7507
Family Life Center of Brentwood
605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 925.634.2016 Ministering to families in need: Homework Help, Social Services (Food Stamps, Healthy Families) Food Pantry, Clothing & More Thursdays at 7pm
Echo of Christ Ministries
For more info on the conflict in the Middle East - Call 866.317.3626
N o one has ever seen God;
but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:12
19 - America’s Good News
Woman To Woman By Susan Holmes
“The Love Story Of Heaven”
I can sum up the first 20 years of life with the line of this famous song, “I was looking for love in all the wrong places” and then was left with a broken, wounded heart but still looking for love! Our world programs us that we need to earn love. How many times have you heard, “If you really loved me you would prove it to me by…?.” Our self-talk is just as bad, “If you were only prettier or built different then you would be loved!” The lines might be a little different, but the strategy is the same, to make us feel that we are unlovable and that we have to earn love. This, my friend, is a straight-up lie, birthed out of the pit of hell and whispered to every heart ever created! The truth is that love is not a warm emotional feeling that is earned. True love is a person named God. He (LOVE) desired to have a relationship with each one of us so to fulfill His desire; He created each one of us just the way that we are. I like to say it this way, “He didn’t have one like us and He wanted one like us, so He made us!” Even if we have an identical twin, each one is uniquely and wonderfully made with different gifts, talents, fingerprints and personalities. The Bible (the Greatest Love Story ever written) says in Psalms 139: 13-18 “For You did form my inward parts: You did knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will confess and praise You for You are fearful and wonderful and for the wonder of my birth! Wonderful are Your works, and my inner self knows right well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret and intricately and curiously made as if embroidered with various colors in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days of my life were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them. How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, Oh God! How vast is the sum of them! If I could count them, they would be more in number that the sand. When I awoke, could I count to the end I would still be with You.” Another awesome truth is that God loves us even before we love Him and He is the one who proves His love for us, quite opposite to what the world’s lie is. God’s love story tells us in Romans 5:8 that “God shows and clearly proves His own love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ the Messiah, the Anointed One died for us.” Guess what? God, the Lover of our soul, also promises us that nothing can separate us from His love for us. How awesome is that? His promise is in Romans 8: 35-39 “Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love? Shall suffering and affliction and tribulation? Or calamity and distress? Or persecution or hunger or destitution or peril or sword? Even as it is written, for thy sake we are put to death all the day long: we are regarded and counted as sheep for the slaughter. Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. For I am persuaded beyond doubt that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The best part about God loving us is that He created us to personally experience His love each and every day of our lives. It blesses me to hear about what God is doing in the lives of others around me, but I’m most blessed when I know the love of God personally in my own life. This reality has already been prayed for each and every one of us, and so we can say “Amen” and expect to experience God’s love daily. This prayer can be found in our love letter from Heaven in Ephesians 3:17-19 “May Christ through your faith actually dwell and make His permanent home in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love. That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints (God’s devoted people) the experience of that love, what is the breadth and length and height and depth of it; that you may really come to know practically, through experience for yourselves the love of Christ, which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience that you may be filled through all your being unto all the fullness of God, may you have the richest measure of the divine Presence and become a body wholly filled and flooded with God Himself”. This is the greatest “Love Story Of Heaven!” We don’t just need to read about this awesome love and dream that we could be the characters in the book. The author and finisher of this wonderful “Love Story” had each of us already in His mind when He wrote it. He is holding out His Holy Hand of Love to you and asking you to give your heart that is longing to be loved to Him. I guarantee that you will be sharing your personal experience of His love to others, you just can’t help it. When I was 20 years old I met Love Himself and gave my heart to My Lord Jesus! My life has never been the same since and I am compelled to share His Love with everyone I meet so that they also can experience Him for themselves! (All scriptures are from the Amplified Version of the Bible)
22 - America’s Good News
Love is all you need... Or is it?
by Will Byrns It was the Beatles that wrote and recorded “All You Need Is Love” back in 1967. But approximately 2000 years before that, it was Christ that spoke these words in Matthew 22:37-39 “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Jesus gave us a true purpose and a clear direction on the priority of love and how we should express our love. First of all, love God with everything we have. Then, love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Love is by far the most powerful emotion that God has given to us. So, with that said, is love all that we need? What the Bible says about Faith, Hope and Love Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. This passage is from 1 Corinthians 13 and is one of the most recited chapters in the Bible. Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love is patient. Love is not self-seeking. It always trusts and always hopes. Love is the greatest of these! Can we really live this out? When it comes to movies, music, work or family… Love is the most reoccurring theme by far. In movies the most common script is always; boy meets girl; boy falls in love with girl; boy and girl have problems; boy and girl realize they love each other unconditionally, reunite, get married and live happily ever after. Or do they? Love can give us the best feeling in the world and it can also give us the greatest of pain. We can love so deeply that it hurts. It hurts when it doesn’t go as planned. It hurts when the ones we love get hurt. There is always the other side of the coin when it comes to our emotions that God created in us. When we say that we love unconditionally God will always test us in this and it will be thrown into the refiner’s fire. If the love is true your actions will reflect the verses written in 1 Corinthians 13. We have all heard the sayings – Love makes the world go around. Love is a many splendid thing. Love is bliss. Love of my life. Love will find a way. Love is the answer. So, is Love all we need? It may not be all we need, but it’s the first place we should start, just as Christ said… Love God with all your heart, this is the first and greatest commandment. Love cast out all fear, love never fails and we are even supposed to love our enemies. When Christ was on the cross dying for us, He said forgive them Father for they know not what they do. That is unconditional love! We shouldn’t just know this by word, but we need to live it out in our daily lives. Christ should always be 23 - Good News the example of how we should live and love. Let unconditional loveContra reign!Costa
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School of Theology President Pastor Tyrone Holmes
2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
The School of Theology is a comprehensive 22 course program that enables students to start and pursue a Biblical education based on a foundation of Biblical studies. Students will have the opportunity to graduate from the School of Theology and then continue their education towards a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. The goal of the School of Theology is to equip men and women of God to develop and use their spiritual gifts for the work of the ministry in the Body of Christ.
CCMC Luncheon Creates Buzz by The Fly on The Wall At last, the new regular monthly meetings of the Contra Costa Minister’s Conference (CCMC) has re-started for this New Year. It was so good to be back on the wall to overhear everything, even though that wall had been cleaned and caused a problem for The Fly who tried to land, and slipped down the wall, became airborne and almost crashed before pulling out of it just in a split second of time, avoiding the crash that could have changed the future. Adding insult to the humiliating fall, just before pulling out of it, a hand, holding a 110 degrees Magazine, swatted wildly at me. Can you imagine? As if I wasn’t having enough of a problem, somebody tries to make things worse. .Shame on you! Anyway, the meeting began with Pat and Ron Reagan welcoming the capacity crowd, and you have never been really welcomed until you have been welcomed by Pat and Ron, who then introduced Pastor Jerry Dellinger of Mountain View Christian Center who opened with prayer, then led the Pledge of Allegiance. After Ron introduced the pastors present, he introduced The Inspired Catholic Voices who kicked off the meeting with a strong opening song, “In The Name of Jesus We Come.” The Inspired Catholic Voices, Leila, Leona, and Luana are favorites of The Fly. They are absolute professionals who could hold their own on any program. The enthusiastic and very personable singers are elegantly dressed, yet understated with such good taste that they exude refreshing class. They are growing in popularity. Watch for their C.D.s. Pastor Carleton and Angela Booker did a Cameo appearance to discuss The Angel Food Program which supplies food to families at an amazing low cost (since it is direct with no middleman). The Bookers have been chosen to head that ministry in East County. Their brief appearance was so effective and compelling that several ministers present signed their churches onto the program. Since that meeting, the program has been spotlighted in area newspapers including The Brentwood Press and the Contra Costa Times (East County edition). Don Huntington, the founder and editor of 110 Magazine was the keynote speaker. A lively speaker, who doesn’t let the audience out of his grasp for one second, gave his take on the world, God, society, and his own life. It was one quip after the other that kept everyone howling with laughter. The Fly had to hang on to keep from slipping off the wall again. Especially when he led the audience into The Hokey Pokey at the start of his talk. It was a fun time while being a very informative time. He also gave the gathering some wonderful poignant moments with a simplicity of depth that touched the hearts of everyone. He is always a joy to listen to. The audience gave him a standing ovation. Ron Reagan gave a call to action, and discussed the 37th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade which will be looked back upon as the most inhuman, brutal, cruel act ever to be implemented legally in history. He introduced Congressional Candidate, David Harmer, running for the 11th Congressional District. He certainly shared the feelings and goals of everyone present. Being a Fly, I cannot vote. This is not right--it’s discrimination! Power to the Flies! The Inspired Catholic Singers closed the program with another excellent presentation. They do more than sing a song, they present their songs. Blaine Steiner, a Bishop of the Mormon Church gave the closing prayer. The Fly is happy to be able to look forward to the coming monthly meetings at The Nines. The Fly is heading off to The Buzz Inn where the walls have a little more traction. 28 - America’s Good News
Coming to CCMC in March Date: Wednesday, March 24 Location: The Nines, Brentwood Golf Course 100 Summerset Dr., Brentwood Time: 11:45 AM to 1:30 PM Cost: $20.00 per person Jim Hyde, Antioch Chief of Police Chief Hyde comes to Antioch well qualified; with previous law enforcement assignments which include Homicide, Gang Unit, Narcotic/ Gang Task Force, SWAT, Career Criminal Apprehension, and Patrol with the Sacramento Police Department. Jim has seen spectacular results by assisting in the formation of the Youth Intervention Network; working to stem the tide of youth violence, by involving community leaders with the troubled kids and their parents. “Chief Hyde is Antioch’s Top Cop, who is conducting his public safety activities as a ministry or calling, with an attitude of service and sacrifice that everyone around him finds to be uplifting and inspiring. Also known as a “Cop’s Cop” he stands behind his officers and does not forget them if they become ill or injured.” Dennis Jeglum, Antioch Police Commission “We’re fortunate to have a man of Jim Hyde’s caliber at the helm of the Antioch Police Department. We in the faith-based community should do everything we can to assist him and his department toward the goals that they have set for themselves on behalf of we the people.” Don Huntington, editor 110 Degrees magazine “You will be inspired and informed as Police Chief Hyde talks about involving others to make a difference in maintaining the strength of a community.” To RSVP, or for further information, contact Ron or Pat Reagan at 925-240-1242 or by Friday March 19, 2010
SNIPPETS MVCC Newscast Debuts A unique newscast originating in the Mountain View Christian Center Studio has been launched and is receiving excellent comments. It went on the air this week and can be seen on Tangle, a very popular Christian video site and Youtube.. The program features tidbits of current news in 10 minute segments which the public loves--short, sweet and meaningful. Various news teams will be seen. The first telecast features Angelia Baxter and Rev. Austin Miles. News stories on the premier telecast can be seen on capitolhillcoffeehouse. com which is a prominent Washington D.C. news site that is read by every congressman there, as well as Both have a link to the video. The video can also be seen by going to the website www. and scroll down to the story.
LOVE SCRIPTURES John 13:35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” John 15:9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. Romans 12:10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Frank Turek to speak at First Family Church “Come hear Frank Turek on March 21st. He is co-author of the book “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist,” along with Dr. Norman Geisler. Frank has an apologetics ministry that crosses the country speaking on college campuses and in churches. He also hosts his own radio show, as well as a televised program. Frank will be speaking in both of our worship services on Sunday March 21st, as well as coming back later that same evening for a special 6pm service. You’ll want to come yourself and invite as many people as you can. This is going to be a fantastic opportunity to see a fantastic speaker/writer. Come join us! For more info visit or call the office at 925.706.1238” Who: Dr. Frank Turek Where: First Family Church; 3415 Oakley Rd in Antioch Date and times: March 21st @ 9 & 11 am & 6 pm our website: His website (if you want more info on him): Price: FREE!
1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” — 1 Corinthians 8:3 But the man who loves God is known by God. 1 Corinthians 13:2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
30 - America’s Good News
1 Corinthians 16:14 Do everything in love.
“Seeing is believing at Trinity Christian Schools” Pre-School – Elementary - Junior High - Senior High Trinity Christian Schools is more than a private Christian school-it’s a family. We partner with our parents to equip our students spiritually, academically, physically, and socially to become effective Christian leaders in their communities. Christ is our model. Take a closer look at TCS Every Wednesday * Admission Tours *Orientation *Observe Classrooms Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Special early decision discount available for a limited time) Come and see us in action. Visit our beautiful , secure campus. Enjoy refreshments while meeting our administrators and staff. Learn about the exciting new programs and vision of Trinity Christian Schools. Also, personal tours available daily by appointment Call today for your appointment! We are committed to small class sizes, therefore, space is limited. (925)625-9014
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