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School of Theology Enrollment - Page 8

Feb 2009 Vol. 6 Iss. 2



Missionaries Without Passports By Geannine Mijares In John 12:31, Jesus said ”But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” At the time He was telling a crowd of people, who had come to worship Him, about His death on the cross. Yet, His words remain true even today and they are alive and active at Trinity Christian Schools in Oakley, CA. In November, we at Trinity Christian Schools were asked by Dawn Caldera (a part of Mountain View Christian Center’s church body) to host a visit from Jr. High exchange students from Japan. As we began to pray, God made it very clear that the purpose of this visit was for us to take this amazing opportunity to proudly and boldly share our faith with young people from across the world and preach the Good News of our Savior Jesus Christ. Excitement about the visit began when our Jr. and Sr. High students sent and received personal letters to and from Japan. TCS teachers and student government leaders joined with me to pray that God would use us to shine the light of Jesus and open the hearts of our new Japanese friends to receiving salvation through Jesus.

Trinity Christian Schools Jr. and Sr. High students took advantage of this photo opportunity with the Japanese exchange students. The students were blessed in being able to send and receive personal letters from the exchange students across the world. On Monday, January 12th, as the Japanese students arrived, we were surprised to meet not only the Japanese students, but their teachers, the principal of one of their schools, tour planner Junji Oridate, school nurse Mafako Mikani, city office worker Kyoko Komagapa and the Superintendant of Yokohama City Board of Education, Hiroaki Kafhiwaya!!! Little did we know that God would honor us with a visit from some of their highest city educational officials.

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE World News Briefs Page 5

As chapel began, our TCS students led worship with songs by Hillsongs United. We then used the rest of our time in chapel to share a message of the amazing freedom that we have, to be able to preserve the act of worshipping Christ in everything we do, just

School of Theology Page 8

Cont. on page 2

History of the Middle East Page 9 Unrest in the Middle East As violence continues to escalate in the Middle East, many are wondering why, or if things will ever change? Saed Awwad is a Palestinian man and now a born again Christian. He grew up in the Middle East and offers up insightful information on what is now known as the ‘Holy Land.’ Let Saed and Linda Awwad take you down a road that may answer some of the questions you have about the people and places of that region. Look to page 9 for Part I in a IV Part series on the ‘History of the Middle East.’

Good News Publishing 5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley, CA. 94561

Saed & Linda Awwad Pulpit of the Publisher .................. 3A World News Briefs ..................... 5A Saed & Linda Awwad .................. 9A Easter Eggstravaganza ................ 11A

Easter Eggstravaganza Page 11

Restaurants .............................. 16A Families on Fire .................................17A Senior Moments ........................19A Christian Business Directory .......21A

PRSRT STD US Postage Postal Customer Wesco Graphics PAID


America’s Good News

Missionaries Without Passports cont. Cont. from Cover Story as the founders of our nation purposed when they established our great country. Yet, our Japanese visitors were told that this freedom does not just come from a flag colored with red, white and blue stars and stripes or even a governmental document that is specific to the United States. Our freedom comes from Jesus Christ himself and the liberty that He offered us when He gave His life for us and that no matter what country we are from, we can have freedom through Him, because JESUS IS GLOBAL!!! Our gracious Japanese translator, Kimi Asuma, interpreted a clear message into the Japanese language, “If you take anything back to your country, from ours, it’s the truth that; Jesus is the Son of God, He died for your sins, gave you the ability to become everything the Father in Heaven intended for you to be when He was creating you and that His Word is the ultimate truth.” At the close of chapel, we gave the listeners the opportunity to respond by giving their lives to Jesus Christ and becoming a follower of His. At first, no hands were raised. Then to our pleasure, the first hand to be raised was the brave hand of the Superintendant of the Yokohama

City Board of Education. His courage prompted hands being raised all around the room following Him in becoming Christians. As the day progressed the Japanese students joined classes for lessons taught by Trinity’s teachers. I had the extreme pleasure of being able to escort Japanese Jr. High School Principal, Shogo Fato and Jr. High English teacher Yoshiya Ishikawa on a tour of Trinity classrooms and was able to compare and contrast thoughts about educational practices in both countries. We were challenged by the tremendous respect that the Japanese students had for their teachers and education. They shared their observation that our teachers were highly skilled and our students were positively self-motivated to participate in their learning. During lunch time we laughed together over United States and Japanese “junk-food” including pizza, ice cream, Dr. Pepper (which one of the Japanese students said tasted like medicine), Pokey sticks, seaweed, rice cakes and Japanese caramel candy. At the end of day, our student body was lead in making origami airplanes and painting Japanese characters. We

were honored to be presented with many wonderful Japanese gifts including beautiful Japanese scarves, head bands, games, examples of Japanese currency and a humorous sushi clock that we will cherish forever. When leaving, the Japanese officials requested information about our school, to take back to their country. Included with our brochures and flyers, were copies of America’s Good Newspaper! And as final requests were made, the one that blessed us the most came from the Superintendant of the Board of Education Hiroaki Kafhiwaya when he asked for a Bible to take back with him. You see, I had just recently received a brand new Amplified Version of the Bible from a friend that gives in depth words that explain the original Greek and Hebrew meanings to make God’s word very clear. A few days before the visit, a member of our church had a dream that people in our ministry would be challenged to give a Bible away in the week following the challenge. Little did I know that the Bible our school would be giving away would go to the Superintendant of the Yokohama Board of Education. When receiving it, he informed me that he would be entering the Bible into his city library. This man’s

courage to choose Jesus and to boldly take it back to his country where he is already a leader lets me know that he has been chosen by God to be a WARRIOR of the gospel as well. God has blessed our school in many different ways, but the greatest thing that He can bless us with is the opportunity to win souls for Jesus Christ. During this visit, our staff and students were able to shine the light of Jesus Christ in a way that will be carried back across the world and we didn’t even have to leave our school. You see, Jesus said that if we lift Him up, He will draw all men to Himself. As we are committed to lifting up the name of Jesus at Trinity Christian Schools, I believe He will keep sending people our way so that we can lead them to Him and build His kingdom. We were given the chance to be world missionaries, and we never even had to get passports. As we took the risk, in faith, God was able to use us as WARRIORS for Christ and be a part of such an esteemed educational leader in Japan committing to Jesus Christ. We pray that God will use that man, to take the Word of God back with him and influence everyone in his school district and city to respond to Jesus in the same way.


America’s Good News

From the Pulpit of the Publisher Genesis 32:24 ------ God is Blessing! By Jerry Hanoum Sometimes your toughest battles will be God, not the devil. There’s a “Jacob” in every one of us, and God wants to deal with him. The same God who asked Jacob, “What’s your name?” will ask you to identify yourself too. Until you are willing to face yourself, nothing in your life will change. God had to break Jacob in order to bless him. He got his blessings at the same time he got his LIMP. Do you really want the blessing of God upon your life? Before you answer that, consider these questions carefully: 1. Am I willing to let go of what I want, if it is not God’s will for me? 2. Do I covet what others have, instead of waiting on God’s provision for me? 3. Am I always talking about “My Rights” because I have not surrendered them to the Lord?

4. Do I truly love others and think of them first? 5. Am I practicing the daily disciplines of prayer and Bible reading? 6. Am I allowing GOD to do my public relations, instead of promoting myself? 7. Am I expressing joy in the midst of adversity, and through it, trusting God to produce in me the character Jesus? 8. Am I taking “risks” in obedience to Christ, instead of giving in to fear and “Playing it safe”? Your answer to these questions will determine your discipleship, your direction, and your destiny-----but above all, it takes one action to be blessed by God---Ps 42:2-----”My soul thirsts for God”

What comes to mind when you think of the word GODLINESS? Rules and regulations? Religious people who point their fingers and say, “THOU SHALL NOT”? Little wonder why so many folks avoid us! Is godliness even possible in this age of fast-lane drivers and internet-shoppers? Or do we need to return to the days of Little HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE in order to be godly? NO! Godliness is not a rulebook; it is an attitude of heart. It has little to do with how a person looks, (Although that’s hard for some of us to get beyond) or even what they drive or own. Even bigger It has nothing to do with our personal preferences or “THE STANDARDS” some of us like to impose on others. Listen to this-I Sam 16:7---”Godliness is “an inside job. The longer I think about this, the more I’m convinced that a per-

Publisher of America’s Good News

Pastor Jerry Hanoum

son who is truly Godly, is one ....... whose heart is sensitive towards God..........who takes God and His Word seriously..........and who hungers and thirsts for more of Him. David said--Ps 42:2--That’s it--wow---- simple! You can be rich or poor, young or old, urban or rural, follower or leader, black or white, brown or yellow, active or quiet, married or single, Democrat or Republican, and none of that matters. What matter is that you have an inner craving to know Him... to listen to Him... and to walk with Him-----Blessing of God inside out.

America’s Good News


God’s Girls

of Destiny Club for Girls ages 5 to 14 Created with a purpose & plan

Starting February 1, 2009 Sundays 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Royal Rangers Reaching, teaching, & Keeping Boys for Christ For Boys ages 5 to 14 What is Royal Rangers? Royal Rangers is a ministry that reaches across the United States and in over 65 nations around the world. It motivates boys spiritually through Bible study and memorization, devotionals, and Christian role models. Boys are strengthened mentally by an advanced awards-based weekly program. Furthermore, the boys increase their physical prowess by participation in age-specific activities and recreation. Finally, they are introduced to the community and naturerelated activities to develop their social skills and awareness.

Starting February 1, 2009 Sundays 5:00pm to 6:30pm

“GRACE� Girls Running After Christ Everyday A New Outreach Ministry for Girls! We need you to join the Leadership team to teach God’s Daughters how to grow up to be Women of God!

“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for good and peace and not evil, to give you a hope and a future.� Jeremiah 29:11 For more information contact: Pastor Susan Holmes susangoodnews@sbcglobal.net 925-625-9570

Facts About Royal Rangers Purpose of the Royal Rangers Ministry 1. to evangelize boys for Christ 2. to develop the total boy for Christ (spiritually, physically, mentally and socially) 3. to keep boys in our churches

For more information Contact Mark at 925-308-4579.

God’s Girls and Royal Rangers will meet at Mountain View Christian Center - Located at 5000 Amaryllis Street in Oakley, CA 94561




America’s Good News


World News Briefs

Courtesy of OneNewsNow

Schools clinics cause ‘sexual dysfunction,’ ‘health crisis’ Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow Great Britain wants sexual health clinics in every secondary school so children can receive services without parental consent. According to a British newspaper, about one-third of the schools have clinics now, and some are mobile units that can travel from school to school offering birth control, the “morning-after” pill, and referrals for abortions. the study, commissioned by the government, recommends the clinics to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies. However, Leslee Unruh of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse says the message children receive is to pursue sexual activity instead of being cautious about it. “Parents are paying for sexual dysfunction, and kids are ending up paying emotionally. And there’s going to be a sexual health crisis with sexually transmitted diseases,” she contends. “they’re going to see emotional damage done to these kids because they’re encouraging underage sex instead of curbing it.” Unruh believes children should be taught about saving intimacy for marriage. “they need to talk about sexual integrity,” she adds. “they need to be teaching that the most important sex organ is the mind -- and if you can’t control it, you cannot control any other part of your life.” What is happening in england, Unruh contends, is an indication of what could happen in America if abstinence education is not a part of the educational process for children.

Park ranger tries to silence evangelism Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow Liberty Counsel has filed suit in federal court against the North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation. According to a Liberty Counsel press release, members of Grace Baptist Church were visiting Fort Macon State Park along the North Carolina coast when they shared their faith with some other park visitors. Mat Staver, head of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University’s School of Law, picks up the story. “Several members of the Baptist church were in this public park having good times together, swimming, having group games and having a picnic when they wanted to be able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with some people in the park,” he explains. Staver notes the conversation was cut short. “they were approached by park officials saying that you could not communicate with anyone else in the public park unless you have a permit,” he says. the park ranger cited title 15A, Section 12B.1105 of the North Carolina Administrative Code, which says “a person shall not hold any meeting, or exhibitions, perform any ceremony, or make any speech, unless he has a permit.” Staver suggests the policy is patently unconstitutional and based on the religious content of the message. “this kind of prior permission requirement on speech is a license on speech -- [a license] that is not allowed by the First Amendment,” he contends. “It absolutely prohibits spontaneous expression.” Liberty Counsel wants to make sure members of the church or any other church in the city have full rights under the Constitution.

Got any extra Bibles? Send them overseas... Allie Martin - OneNewsNow Christians in the United States are being encouraged to regift their extra Bibles this Christmas season. According to research by Christian Booksellers Association and Zondervan Publishers, the average American Christian family owns nine Bibles and is in the market for more. that statistic has prompted Christian Resources International (CRI) to call on American Christians to regift new or used Bibles by sending them overseas. Fred Palmerton is executive director of CRI and says copies of God’s Holy Word can be hard to come by for pastors and Christians in places such as Africa and Asia. “these remote villages...have very, very little money,” he explains. “Go to Africa -- remote villages, no money, and no bookstores.” CRI is trying to make it easy for Christians to regift their Bibles for believers overseas. “this is a great opportunity, through ‘Bare Your Bookshelf,’ for an average Christian home to sit down with their children -- or if they don’t have a family, themselves -- to sit down in front of their computer and apply for one of these precious souls’ contact information, and we will send them what they need to put their Bible in a postal mailer and send it overseas,” he points out. the website isBareYourBookshelf.com. It costs about $13 to ship a Bible overseas.

Copyright 2007 American Family News Network - Used by permission."

Contra Costa Ministers Conference Pastor Alex Toeaina coming in February “Father, if there is anything left for me to do, I will serve you for the rest of my life.” those words followed a near fatal car accident…since then Pr. Alex toeaina has been laboring faithfully and has never turned back. Alexander toeaina grew up in the Hunter’s Point housing projects in SF. He transferred to SJSU on a full-ride football scholarship and there he majored in Criminology, Psychology and Music. even though Alex’s parents pastored one of the world’s largest Samoan Full Gospel churches, it took a near fatal car accident to bring spiritual change into his life. Alex lost any hope to play in the big leagues, but Jesus Christ turned a tragic accident into opportunity for this young man. After marrying Fia tautalatasi,

Alex was ordained and became pastor of the church that would become Soul’d Out Christian Center. Although news of teen-aged killings ran rampant in Hunter’s Point, Pr. Alex and Fia could never be prepared for the shocking news of the shootings and tragic deaths of 3 local teenagers. This second life defining event resulted in their commitment to establish Christian childcare, job training and a youth sports program called “What About the Children.” A network was formed with then SF Mayor Willie Brown, the SF Police Dept., SFUSD, Asian Pacific Islanders, and other organizations. this effort left a major imprint in the Hunter’s Point community. Recognized by the mayor and many officials for the tremendous contribution and impact their ministry

made in reducing crime and strengthening families, they are now eager to be established in their new location in Antioch, CA. this ministering family has now acquired 40 acres in Antioch, with groundbreaking ceremonies scheduled for February 28, 2009. Pastor Alex has been married to Fiaau tautalatasi toeaina for 25 years and they have 6 children, all who serve in the ministry. Wednesday, February 25, 2009 the Nines Restaurant 100 Summerset Drive Brentwood Golf Course Brentwood, CA 11:45 AM to 1:30 PM $20. 00 per person

Pastor Alex and his lovely wife, Fiaau Tautalatasi Toeaina

If you are interested in attending the Contra Costa Ministers Conference, contact Ron or Pat Reagan for more information at 925-240-1242 or email pmreagan11@comcast.net Please RSVP by Friday Feb. 20th

America’s Good News


Men of Vision Solidarity for 2009 Staff Report From the opening worship song “Shout unto to God with a voice of TRIUMPH,” you knew that this men’s gathering was going to be different. It was bold, it was real - and it was full of God’s presence in the sanctuary. Men were praising the Lord with confidence and unity. The battle cry continued with the words, “The enemy has been defeated, and death couldn’t hold you down – We’re gonna lift our voice in victory, we’re gonna make our praises loud.” This worship and praise set the tone for the evening and the dust never even had a chance to settle. The Bible speaks of praise to our Father in Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” After the powerful worship Senior Pastor Jerry Hanuom, announced to the men that MVCC is starting up a Royal Rangers program (boys 5-14yrs). “This will strengthen our young men so that they know what it means to respect God and their parents,” said Pastor Jerry. A man of God then stepped up and shared his testimony for the first time before a group. We try to keep the personal testimonies that are shared in this men’s group confidential. Sometimes we change the names or just keep it on a first name basis, so we’ll just call this gentleman, Mike. He shared that since he was 20 years old he’s had a major heart problem. This heart problem had kept him in fear for most of his life. “This fear extended into every area of my life,” Mike stated. “I started being fearful of my finances

“As a new Christian, I went straight to the red letters in the Bible to see what Jesus had to say to me,”

and also started worrying about the relationship that I had with my wife. I started to cover up my fears with alcohol and then developed anxiety issues, which led me to take prescription drugs to combat these feelings. The Doctors told me that I needed heart surgery and I even tried to avoid that because of fear. Finally, the Lord helped me overcome my fear and I agreed to the surgery,” exclaimed Mike. Mike’s surgery was a success and his health is much better now. He gives glory to God for all the positive changes in his life. “As a new Christian, I went straight to the red letters in the Bible to see what Jesus had to say to me,” Mike said with a smile. “I have humbled myself enough to wash feet when I had the opportunity and now my business is also being blessed more than ever before.” There was another stirring testimony yet to come. Todd was next up to address the mighty men of God. “I was raised in a Christian home and went to church. I always had Christians around me,” said Todd. “Then things started to change when my parents got divorced, my mom remarried and my step dad became abusive. So I started drinking in High School and eventually went into the military to get away from all the drama. One night I got really drunk and I had reached the end of my rope. I asked a friend if I could go to church with him the next day. Well, that day I rededicated my life to God and from that point on my life turned, but I still had things to work out. I met a woman and was about to get

married, so myself and my fiancé were going to marital counseling. My Pastor had told me that I had anger issues. At first I tried to deny it, but later realized he was absolutely right. I went to prayer and gave it to God and soon I could feel that huge weight lifting off of my chest. I had learned the discipline of forgiveness,” said Todd. Todd then shared Matthew 18 in the Bible where it speaks of forgiveness, and then he closed with this. “I’ve learned to be quick to forgive. If anyone has anger issues, give it to God.” Keoni Clifford was then appointed as the new ‘Men of Vision Director.’ His message was ‘Solidarity for 2009.’ Keoni referenced 1 Peter 5:7-10 (New International Version) Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong,

firm and steadfast. Keoni implemented some new ideas for the men’s group that will be starting soon. He stressed the importance of putting your family first and is looking forward to regularly scheduled Father/ Son events geared toward camping, hiking and other activities. Monday Night Football is also in the works for the men when they get together. Keoni then shared from his heart on how pride had kept him from listening to his wife about an issue that she had brought to his attention for years. He compared it to the reality of how men can be lost in a car and drive around forever, never asking for directions because of pride. The whole group burst into laughter when he told this story, as I believe every man present could relate to t his. Pastor Jerry closed the men’s meeting in prayer and there were several new commitments from men who gave their life to Christ. Praise the Lord for men getting saved and becoming a new creation!

If you’re a man that is looking for help and needs strength and encouragement from other men, check out ‘Men of Vision,’ the third Monday of every month, starting at 6:30pm at Mountain View Christian Center located at 5000 Amaryllis Street in Oakley, CA 94561. Call 625-9570 for more information.

1 Kings 10:9 Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king, to maintain justice and righteousness. Psalm 63:3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. Matthew 12:18 Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.

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America’s Good News


Faith in the marketplace From the Editor’s Desk By Will Byrns Your Faith… Is it a priority in your business decisions and in your day to day life at the office/jobsite? When you walk with the Lord you should also be a man/woman who walks with integrity. Here is a famous quote that carries a great deal of weight when you truly dwell upon the meaning of integrity. “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.” ~ Alan K. Simpson Also, as a believer, it is paramount that you create a sense of trust and respect with your business associates. Regardless of differences, religion, positions, titles, ages, or other types of distinctions, always treat others with professional respect and courtesy. If you lead by example and exercise integrity, trust and respect, people will most likely grow to have respect and trust for you also. You are building a relationship that will last and have an opportunity to share who you really are in Christ. “They don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” ~ Author Unknown

Sharing your faith in the workplace

Do you find yourself sharing your faith at the office or workplace? Most certainly, every one of us can struggle with sharing our faith in public at times, but the Lord tells us in Luke 9:26- “If anyone is ashamed of me


and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.” (NIV) So the scripture we would use to strengthen us when we waiver is found in Romans 1:16- “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (NIV) Be not ashamed of who you are in Christ. I would encourage you to be bold and hold your head high knowing that you are a servant to the King of Kings. As stated in the book of Romans, the gospel is the power of God for salvation of all who would believe. It doesn’t get any better than that. Look for opportunities to plant seeds whenever possible. It may be just a small seed that could produce fruit years down the road, but that’s ok. It’s still a seed that was planted. Whatever you do, don’t beat them over the head with the Bible and get too preachy with a non-believer, as that can just push them away. Always exude the love of Christ in bringing in a new believer, just as Christ corrected you in love.

Networking with people of Faith

Believers in Christ give their first fruits to advance the Kingdom of the Lord. With tithes, offerings and the giving of their time and labor, they

“we are funding the advancement of the very same thing we are fighting against.”

grow the comtimes the Lord will lead munity in posius to businesses such as tive ways that these in order to plant are pleasing to seeds and minister. our Father in But that is definitely not Heaven. When always the case. With fellow believall this being said, be ers network, mindful of where you ~ Will Byrns spend your resources. the seeds that are planted Financial strength produce a and networking can harvest of multiplication. Would you help the body of Christ spread the donate a large sum of money to an gospel. Mark 13:10 (King James organization that promotes alternative Version) “And the gospel must first be lifestyles and/or the abortion industry? published among all nations.” Well, that’s exactly what is happening America’s Good News has a with the dollars you spend without mission to publish a gospel message even knowing it. There are major car here in Northern California and companies, fast food restaurants and beyond. We are blessed to publish other corporations that are taking the scriptures and Christ centered dollars you spend there and in turn, testimonies in our paper that reaches making large financial contributions out to over 100,000 readers and we to fund campaigns and agendas that are very grateful to the businesses are in total opposition to your faith. that support us in our efforts to touch Again, we are funding the advancepeople with a message of salvation. ment of the very same thing we are Without them it would not be possible fighting against. Does that make to bring the gospel into your home and any sense at all? Well, it’s true! I do also the homes of people who don’t realize that it is almost impossible to know the Lord? Each newspaper is avoid this situation entirely as you like one little missionary evangelizing go about your day in the world. You to the lost, made possible only by the would have to spend hours upon people and businesses that give to this hours of research on a regular basis ministry. to know exactly what percentage of Now that’s exercising your faith in profits from various corporations that the marketplace! are funding campaigns that come into direct opposition of your faith. Many

Heart Health

By Joann Saporito Ahh, February silently lulls in. Many of us have gingerly tucked away our Christmas lights and decorations and are preparing for a blissful spring. Before spring, however, comes February-the month of love. What a perfect opportunity to speak about matters of the heart; heart health that is. And yes, as a nurse I could share with you many tips: the importance of exercising off any newlyfound holiday pounds (for some of us, we’d rather tuck those away than the Christmas decorations!), the value of a healthy diet that includes green leafy vegetables, fiber, and low-fat food choices, and the benefits to your cardiac system obtained with stress reduction. But tips such as these are really found in abundance on a daily basis. Wouldn’t it be more exciting to talk about love? Many relate February to Valentine’s Day. Sweethearts, still basking in the joy and wonder of gifts given and received at Christmas, now find themselves once again returning to shopping for the most absolute and

perfect gift for that special someone. Will it be candy in a heart-shaped box? A sentimental card? A bouquet of her favorite flowers? A home-made candle-lit dinner waiting when he gets home? A self-made CD mixed with the best love songs? (Ok, we older folks can relate to that-admit it. But we used tapes). Truly, shopping for that perfect Valentine’s Day gift can be particularly difficult for what can possibly outwardly convey to someone the depth of your internal love and devotion? As I pondered this, I found myself reading the in the book of John and I realized how amazing it is that the perfect gift is exactly what our Father has given to us. The Bible shows us that “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him” (John 4:9, New International Version). And that was just the beginning! I love my husband dearly but there is not a gift he could buy, make, or give that could top what God did for me (and for him!). What

an incredible and completely unmatchable gift the Lord has bestowed upon all of us. And by coming to better understand our personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we are better able to share ourselves with our sweetheart. If you think about this, there truly is no better gift a man or woman can convey to their love than their undying devotion and a powerful desire to form a stronger union under the cover and blessings of our Lord. Yes, I will say a heart-healthy diet needs to start with the right kinds of food that provide sustenance. We do need to stay fit, and reducing stress has enormous cardiac benefits. I pray this kind of health for all of us. But first, I will pray that we start with

feeding our hearts the greatest ‘soul food’the Word. There is no better love expressed, no greater story, and no deeper promise. By growing closer to God, we are more capable of giving ourselves to our spouse here on earth. This is, after all, what God intended; that we become one with Him and then with our mate. And building on our personal relationship with God and then our relationship with our mate will fill the soul with peace (thereby reducing stress. See the connection?). Give your sweetheart the gift of your faith; this will likely increase their faith, feeding encouragement and love into your relationship. Many blessings to you all!

America’s Good News


It’s here... Why wait any longer?



NEW SEMESTER STARTS IN JANUARY 2009! The School of Theology is a comprehensive 22 course program that enables students to start and pursue a Biblical education based on a foundation of Biblical studies. Students will have the opportunity to graduate from the School of Theology and then continue their education towards a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. The goal of the School of Theology is to equip men and women of God to develop and use their spiritual gifts for the work of the ministry in the Body of Christ. The School of Theology is now open for new enrollment. God is training His people to know the WORD OF GOD and how to exercise the WORD. Let’s get ready for what God is doing in our land. Let those that have an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying.

All classes are being taught at MVCC 5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley, Ca. 94561 Classes will be held on Thursdays @ 6:30 – 8:00 pm * Old Testament Survey * Spiritual Authority * Creative Bible Study Methods Sundays @ 7:00 - 8:30pm * Intercessary Prayer * Ministry of the Holy Spirit To enroll in the School of Theology you can come to our location and pick-up an enrollment package. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”


Exodus 15:13 In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. Leviticus 19:18 Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

Author Don Piper comes to First Family Church

Best–selling author, speaker, actor, syndicated columnist, former CBS & CBN Television network executive, former youth minister, education minister, senior adult minister, Baptist Student Ministry director, long-time single adult pastor and senior pastor, Don Piper has worn many hats. Having been in fulltime Christian ministry since 1984, he most recently served as Minister of Education and Single Adults at First Baptist Church, Pasadena, TX. Piper is in great demand in pulpits across the United States and around the world as a conference leader on effective prayer ministry, the reality of Heaven, single adult issues and as an evangelist. He has led revival meetings and seminars all over North America and Europe. Don Piper is a dynamic speaker and the author of New York Times bestseller, 90 Minutes in Heaven - a True Story of Death and Life (Fleming Revell, 2004). For the past three years, he has traveled across the country and around the world sharing his message of hope and healing. In 1989, Don was on his way back from a church conference when an 18-wheeler struck his Ford Escort head on. He was killed instantly - pronounced dead by four sets of EMTs. Shortly after the accident, a pastor from the same conference arrived on the scene and began praying for “the man in the red car.” God worked a miracle and sent Don back to a broken body. To date, 34 surgical procedures have taken place. He walks only as a result of miraculous and in some cases medically unexplainable circumstances. During the time he was dead, Piper was granted the extreme privilege of glimpsing Heaven itself. Don’s experience in Heaven gives him a unique insight into eternity and a strong desire to tell others about Christ. His difficult recovery allows him to identify with the heartbroken and crestfallen, ministering to them with the understanding of someone who’s been there. His goal is to help bitter people become better, to turn disappointments into divine appointments. He calls it “finding a new normal” and he’s made it his life’s work. His dramatic story has been retold on such network TV programs as “The Today Show on NBC” and “The Coral Ridge Hour” with D. James Kennedy and “The 700 Club.” He has been a guest on numerous TV talk shows including Daystar’s “At Home Live,” Canada’s “100 Huntley Street,” TBN’s “Praise The Lord,” “Life Today” with James Robison, “HelpLine,” local and network newscasts, and in numerous publications across America. Recently, his book was featured in Newsweek Magazine. Now in its 41st printing, 90 Minutes in Heaven has sold more than 2.7 million copies in the United States. It also is enjoying worldwide success as a bestseller in Sweden, Australia, Canada, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Dawn Parouse Production, a Holllywood-based film studio, secured movie rights for 90 Minutes in the summer of 2007. Don’s follow up book, Daily Devotions Inspired by 90 Minutes of Heaven (Berkeley), contains stories compiled from his extensive travel. His third book, Heaven Is Real: Lessons on Earthly Joy, from the Man Who Spent 90 Minutes in Heaven (Berkeley), was released in August 2007 and continues to do well in both secular and Christian markets. Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven First Family Church at 201 E. 18th St. Antioch, CA 94509 (directly across from Wienerschnitzel and in the same building as Xtreme Fitness) on February 8, 2009 Time: 9 & 11 am worship services Website:www.firstfamily.us For more info 925.706.1238

America’s Good News


Let’s Look At The History Part I in a series of IV By Saed & Linda Awwad President George Washington was quoted as saying, “We should not look at history unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience.” this historical perspective on the history of Israel and Palestine will seek to educate and clarify what’s brought us to this point. We will present a historical timeline from the time of Moses until present day. Our desire is to clarify the events that have transpired while answering many of your historical questions. Moses led the Israelites from egypt. After that, and under Joshua’s direction, they conquered the Land of Canaan. the Assyrians conquered Israel in 722 B.C. and the Babylonians (Iraqis) conquered Judah around 586 B.C. the Babylonians (Book of Daniel) destroyed Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem, and exiled a large number of the Jews. 50 years later in 636 B.C., the Persian (Iranian) king Cyrus (Book of ezra) conquered Babylonia. Cyrus allowed a group of Jews from Babylonia to rebuild Jerusalem and settle in it. However, a large number of Jews remained in Babylonia.

In 331 B.C. Alexander the Great conquered the Persian empire and he allowed the practice of Judaism. In 167 B.C. the Jews revolted under the leadership of the Maccabeans and they established a large degree of autonomy, forming a kingdom with its capital in Jerusalem: Palestine, from Roman to Ottoman Rule. About 61 B.C., Roman troops under Pompei invaded Judea and battered Jerusalem in support of King Herod. Judea had become a state of Rome. Initially, Rome was ruled by the Herodian dynasty. the land was divided into districts of Judea, Galilee, Peraea and a small trans-Jordanian section, each of which eventually came under direct Roman control. the Romans called the large central area of the land, which included Jerusalem, Judea. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Judea, in the early years of Roman rule. Roman rulers put down Jewish revolts in about 70 A.D. and 132 A.D. In 135 A.D., the Romans drove the Jews out of Jerusalem, following the failed Bar Kochba revolt. the Romans named the area Palaestina, at about this time. the name Palaestina, became Palestine in eng-

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lish, is derived from Herodotus, who used the term Palaistine Syria to refer to the entire southern part of Syria, meaning “Philistine Syria.” Most of the Jews who continued to practice their religion fled or were forcibly exiled from Palestine, eventually forming a second Jewish Diaspora. However, Jewish communities continued to exist, primarily into Galilee, the northernmost part of Palestine. Palestine was governed by the Roman empire until the fourth century (300’s A.D.) and then by the Byzantine empire. In time, Christianity spread to most of Palestine. the population consisted of Jewish converts to Christianity and paganism, peoples imported by the Romans, and others who had probably inhabited Palestine continuously. During the seventh century (600’s A.D.) Muslim Arab armies moved north Arabia to conquer most of the Middle east, including Palestine. Jerusalem was conquered about 638 A.D. by the Caliph Umar (Omar) who gave his protection to its inhabitants. Muslim powers controlled the region until the early 1900’s. the rulers allowed

Saed & Linda Awwad

Christians and Jews to keep their religions. However, most of the local population gradually accepted Islam and the Arab-Islamic culture of their rulers. Jerusalem (Al-Quds in Arabic) became holy to Muslims as the site where, according to tradition, Muhammad (the prophet of Islam) ascended to heaven after a miraculous overnight ride from Mecca on his horse (AlBuraq). the Al-Aqsa mosque was built on the site regarded as the area of the Jewish temple. The battle in this land continues, to this very day, over the possession of this site. We’ll continue this historical perspective in the next issue of America’s Good News.

America’s Good News


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Are you a Woman Of Worth?

Women of Worth

Proverbs 31:10

Come and hear the Word of the Lord for today’s woman. Pastor Kim Moreno, the Assistant Pastor and Worship Leader at MVCC, will be leading us in worship and teaching on the powerful, life-changing truths of understanding our position and calling as women in the Body of Christ. Learn what it means to be a Daughter of the King; how this is the day and the hour God is calling His daughters to rise up, be healed and walk in the fullness of all He created us to be.

WOW Monday February 2nd Doors open at 6:30pm 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley 625-9570

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America’s Good News


Easter Eggstravaganza 2009 The 6th Annual

250,000 EGGS!


Staff Report, Brentwood CA It’s known as the ‘LARGEST EGG HUNT ON THE WEST COAST,’ and this is no surprise for the local residents in East County as this year’s ‘Easter Eggstravaganza’ will boast ONE QUARTER MILLION EGGS! That’s right, 250,000 Eggs will be scattered everywhere as children and adults scurry and shuffle to scoop them up in their baskets on Saturday April 11th at Liberty High School in Brentwood, CA. Expected attendance throughout the day will be in the neighborhood of 60,000. Trinity Christian School is going to be the main sponsor of this year’s event and is looking to bless the children of this community in a big way. With their brand new facility in Oakley, T.C.S. has not only experienced an exponential growth in the number of students that are now attending, but is meeting the challenge to exceed the national standards academically. To entertain the multitudes at the gathering there will be approx. 50 inflatables and pony rides for the kids. There will also be 12,000 hot dogs, cotton candy and popcorn for everyone. The most amazing thing about this huge event is that it is all FREE!!! Last year there were FREE bikes and Easter baskets given away for prizes and this year there will also be FREE prizes to ad excitement to the festivities. Helping Hands (an outreach ministry of MVCC) will also be at the Eggstravaganza to give away food and clothing to those that are in need. They will be accepting non-perishable food items so you will have an opportunity to help those in need as well. This event has now been a blessing to all of Contra Costa County for six straight years. Every year, the local residents look forward to the ‘Largest Egg Hunt on the West Coast,’ calling the ‘Easter Eggstravaganza’ their very own. The organizers need your help!!! In order to put this event on for the community each year for free they need more sponsors. They are looking for sponsors in several different areas, e.g. the donation of bottled water, hot dogs and/or monetary gifts, just to name a few. If you or your business can help in any way please contact Pastor Joe Seeley at 925-625-9570.


Numbers 14:19 In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people, just as you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now. Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.


Sunday services at 9:00am & 10:45am Wednesday 7pm MVCC located at 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley CA 925.625.9570

A bilingual service at 5:00pm every Sunday


America’s Good News

“Networking By Word Of Mouth” By Susan Holmes What is the first thing that you do when something wonderful and exciting has happened in your life? What do you do when you have found the best sale on that pair of shoes that you have wanted, or the outfit that you have been searching for? What do you do when you have finally lost the unwanted pounds that you have been working so hard to shed? I bet the answer to all of these questions are the same; you quickly go and tell someone the good news! God created each of us with the ability to network by word of mouth! In the age of technology that we live in when we hear the word network, most of us think of computers, cell phones, internet, satellite, and even newspapers. But the age old way to spread news of something since the time of creation is to let it spread by way of word of mouth. We have the ability to spread good news that lifts others up or to use the words of our mouth to spread the cancer of gossip that tears others down, which is one of the things that God says that He hates. All throughout the Bible are facts about God that were spread by word of mouth from generation to generation. News of God’s hand of favor on Israel ran before them and behind them,

so much that it caused fear to be in the hearts of their enemies, when they walked in obedience to God. We, as God’s children are commanded to also tell of the glorious wonders and faithfulness of God to our children and to our children’s children. This is networking by word of mouth! The word “tell” is in 561 verses of the Bible. In 80 verses, Jesus said “I tell you the truth.” In some of those 80 verses, Jesus repeated the phrase more than one time. To tell means to speak the truth, show, declare, rehearse, report, bring word, speak of, and preach. Jesus told us in Mark 5:19, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” In Acts 5:20 it says that we are to “Go, stand in the temple courts and tell the people the full message of this new life.” We are to follow the example of our Lord Jesus who was the best networker who was ever. He used every second of his life to tell others the truth about the Kingdom of God. It didn’t matter who He was speaking to He presented the truth in ways that the hearers could believe and receive the truth into their own hearts. When that truth is received it will transform the lives of the hearers. The same will happen for us, as we

If you look closely, right between their heads you will notice that (L to R) Autumn and April Fuller are in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. with a copy of America’s Good News. A big thank you to the Fuller Family for taking the Good News to the Capitol! open our mouths and tell others the truth of the relationship that we have with our best friend Jesus. As we tell others about our experience with the Living God through faith in Jesus Christ, they also can believe and receive His truth. Then they will join our network team and they will go share with their family, friends and co-workers. It’s what they call the domino effect, the truth of new

life in Jesus Christ will continue spreading on and on until the return of our Lord Jesus. Until then, I pray that we will all rise up with a holy boldness to use every opportunity and Divine appointment that we are given to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the word of mouth network that we have been given!

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America’s Good News

Young Women of Worth

Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children

YWOW Spotlight: “Identity Theft” by Pastor Julie Jackson Starting the year out right young women and women of every age fi lled the sanctuary at Mountain View Christian Center for the “Young Women of Worth” meeting. YWOW as it is fondly called, is an outreach ministry to young women and teen age girls from the community and surrounding areas. Held every three months, this ministry was birthed in the heart of Assistant Pastor Kim Moreno. Pastor Kim’s compassion and love for ministering to women was a natural foundation for reaching out to the younger generation. The January pre-meeting was abuzz with excitement as the women fi lled their plates with delectable goodies, shared laughter with old and new friends alike, in anticipation of the night’s meeting and the word that the Lord would bring through Pastor Kim and other YWOW team members. The evening began with heartfelt worship and was followed by a special treat; the BSU dance team from Heritage High School ministered in dance, performing a magnifi cently graceful dance mesmerizing the audience. Pastor Geaninne Mijares, Principal of Trinity Christian School spoke a word in due season addressing the young women with truth and transparency. As she shared with a raw exposed heart, she touched many women young and old with the biblical truths and her testimony. “Who will fi ght for you? Jesus is the one who will

fi ght for you. Jesus paid for our lives with the price of His life. When you’re hurt He won’t ever reject you.” The Lord gave Pastor Kim Moreno a word for the women on “Identity Theft”. She boldly spoke, “The enemy is a master at identity theft.” “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” 1 Peter 5:8. The wisdom, passion and boldness that Pastor Kim brought forth was forged in devout time of prayer seeking the Holy Spirit for his wisdom and revelation knowledge. Pastor Kim shared, “You are made in His image. God is what makes you.” She spoke on forgiveness, citing that “It is hardest to forgive yourself”. She shared regarding the hard hitting issues that young women are dealing with today, of which no other generation before them has had to deal with. Pastor Kim minced no words, as she boldly spoke truth and addressed these issues head on, all the while keeping every statement based on biblical principles. She addressed the mothers and older women asking them “Do you know what your children are doing? We must handle our children correctly”. It is vitally important that in these times we are aware of where our children are and what

they are doing. Pastor Kim challenged the women that “For every struggle in your life, God wants to do something in you! He wants you to know Him. The Lord goes with you. Give Him a chance! The evening ended with a song bathed in the anointing of the Lord as Pastor Kim invited women to the altar, where many accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, strong holds were broken and the presence of the Lord was as a sweet fragrance in the temple. ‘Young Women of Worth’ meets every three months, on the fi rst Monday. ‘Women of Worth’ is an adult ministry for women and seeks to show women the richness of life in Christ. WOW meets the fi rst Monday of every month. YWOW and WOW events start at 6:30pm – They both meet at Mountain View Christian Center located at

Above - The house was full of young women worshipping the Lord. Right - Pastor Kim, the heart and soul behind Women of Worth. 5000 Amaryllis Street in Oakley. Contact (925) 625-9570 for more information. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you..” Jeremiah 1:5. God formed each of us with an identity, we were created in His perfect image. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him…” Genesis1:27.

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America’s Good News

HOMEOWNERS IN AMERICA ARE FIGHTING BACK! CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FORECLOSURE DEFENSE CENTER Sponsored by Freedom from Foreclosure LLC Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for the lack of Knowledge: because thou hast rejected Knowledge. Our #1 goal is to keep people in their homes and to FIGHT BACK!!! The foreclosure epidemic is wiping out homeowners, neighborhoods and cities with no relief in sight. We’re in a KATRINA and you’re on your roof top looking for help and no one is coming!!! There are over 1,300 foreclosures each day in California alone.


1) You’re 2+ Months behind in your Home Mortgage? 2) You’ve received a Notice of Default from your lender? 3) You have a Trustee Sale Date of your home? 4) You’ve received a 3 day Notice to Vacate the property? 5) You’ve received an Unlawful Detainer? 6) You’re unable to work out a modifi cation with your lender, even with good credit? 7) You have no equity in the home? 8) You’re unable to sell your home? Philemon 1:7 9) Foreseen Homelessness? Your love has given me great joy 10) You’ve fi led Bankruptcy? and encouragement, because 11) You just don’t know what to do? you, brother, have refreshed the


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hearts of the saints.

Author Gina Dacus

Loving God’s Way

February is the month where a refl ection of love takes place on various levels. The anticipation of Valentine’s Day creates a seasonal atmosphere where love becomes a universal language. From young to old, greeting cards and gifts are exchanged expressing and professing the affection or level of love among people. Yet, this is also the time of year where love is evaluated and those suffering from broken heart experiences feel alone and excluded from the seemingly bliss of everyone else’s relationship. Even during this love celebration time, the day to day discrepancies people experience can shift the atmosphere from joy to sadness. Love defi ned in the world’s terms is here today and gone tomorrow. In fact, the world’s defi nition of love has spilled over into the believer’s life and the two have


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Romans 8:35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

When you find yourself willing to barter God’s word with what you’ve learned or your need to feel justified, it is time to renew your mind.

become unequally yoked. In the world, love can be based on how you feel and what you receive from others. This conditional exchange creates a dysfunctional love process that is subject to change on a moment’s notice. When you love conditionally, you will fi nd it diffi cult to keep a constant level of love in your life. In the world’s belief system, you have the right to love and hate others in the same day. The feeling becomes associated with your experience and the outcome determines future interactions with others. As a result, love becomes associated with experiences such as failures in our lives -- failed relationships, failed dreams, and failed purposes. It then becomes become diffi cult to demonstrate unconditional love and compassion to others without the feeling of wanting something in return. Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to use the truthfulness of God’s word to realign the love in your life. No matter how off track you’ve become, the word of God is specifi c and clear in defi ning love expectations in the believer’s life. In 1 John 4:19, it says that we love because He fi rst loved us. Therefore, all conditions that we placed on people need to be removed. If you are struggling in doing so, Ephesians 3:19 indicates that the love of Christ surpasses knowledge. No matter what others have said or done, your love should not be based on their actions. In 1 Corinthians 13:8, the word of God confi rms that love never fails. Therefore, I know that I won’t be unsuccessful in obeying God’s process. It was designed to work. The world’s belief system may indicate that you can take your love back or limit your love based experience. When you fi nd yourself willing to barter God’s word with what you’ve learned or your need to feel justifi ed, it is time to renew your mind. Failure to do so creates a modern day Judas complex and we know what happened to him. As Roman’s 12:2 instructs, do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. When you do so, you live out scripture by proving the will of God which is good, acceptable and perfect. You become renewed when you are able to receive the word of God in your mind and change takes place in your heart, words and actions. Consider the word of God which says, “Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15 NASB). Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14 NASB).


America’s Good News

The Black Face Canary in The Coal Mine Ultimate Faith In The Marketplace by Rev. Austin Miles (Oakley, California) What if God told you to approach and witness to the meanest man on the work crew? That happened to a mildmannered man in West Virginia whom I encountered during an evangelistic tour. He had come to my services each night where I urged the congregation to make a strong stand for Jesus wherever they are and be willing to follow God’s instructions at all times and that He would make a way to carry out the assigned task. After hearing the message, Ned, a coal miner, as most in that area were, came to me sharing his determination to openly witness for Jesus in the marketplace...which is where he worked. Indeed, he told me, he was going to do that the very next day. We prayed together that his witness would be effective. The next evening he came to the service and shared with me about the Lord’s work that day. It was diffi cult to tell by his face how the day had gone so I was eager to

hear his words. He related that he had labored through the morning shift without working up the courage to witness to anyone. Ned, who was somewhat on the shy side, really was not close to anybody in the mine, and nobody would come to sit with him during lunch time so he always ate alone. This time, however, before picking his spot to sit down and eat what was packed in his metal lunch box, he offered a daring prayer up to God saying that if He would send someone to sit with him during lunch that he would consider that a sign to witness to that person about Jesus. He seemed to be pretty safe since nobody would ever sit with him. He opened his lunch box, took out a sandwich and quickly wrapped cellophane around it to prevent the airborne coal dust from covering it. However, God heard that prayer as he hears them all. No sooner had the words come out of his

mouth, when Ned looked up to see the meanest man in the coal mine walking in his direction. Despite himself, Ned moved and swayed like someone tilting the pinball machine to alter the direction of the ball. The man didn’t turn or go past him (as Ned hoped) but kept coming, stopped by Ned, and said, “Mind if I join you?” Before he could answer, the burly man plopped down beside him, coal dust fl ying in all directions as he did so, and unwrapped his lunch. Ned’s heart skipped a beat. His unexpected lunch partner was the most feared, hated, vulgar man in the mine. He was tough, ornery and was known for his violent temper. His language was terrible and he never hesitated to get into a fi ght. Ned was a man who kept his word, especially to God so he gulped hard, then spurted out, “Wouldn’t you like to be a son of The King?” The man smacked

Rev. Austin Miles

his lips a couple of times as he fi nished a bite of a sandwich, then said, “Sure!” Ned shared with him the plan of salvation, led the man in the Sinner’s Prayer, and the meanest man in the coal mine was marvelously saved. With God, all things are possible. If you are faithful, and live according to the Word, He will do the rest. Rev. Austin Miles began his ministry as an evangelist who traveled throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas. He has made two trips to the Holy Land, conducted a baptism ceremony in the Jordan River, and once took 17 ministers from 10 denominations to Israel for an all-expense sponsored trip which included a nightly seminar by Rev. Miles titled, Preach It Right.

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America’s Good News



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America’s Good News

Families on Fire

Hebrews 1:9 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

What’s My Name? By Andrew Pate I remember that my name was once Rachel. I used to go out with my friends, hang out at clubs, and was in the mainstream for the latest fashion trends. I had a cool job, fast car, and a trendy apartment across from the park downtown. That was before I met Jim. When I met Jim life turned from great to awesome. We had so much fun. He was romantic, funny, and had a great job. I was on top of the world when he asked me to marry him, and couldn’t wait for our life to unfold together. After a short year of marriage I found out I was pregnant with twins. Life since their birth has been wonderful, but it has also been a blur of diapers, long nights alone, and mountains of laundry. Now my name is Mom, and my days are hard. I have a slight memory of the girl I used to be, but it seems very far away. I remember that my name was once Jim. I used to play basketball

YOUTH by Jorge Guevara You don’t know what you really have, until you don’t have it any longer. i.e. a warm bed, a house, or even land. I didn’t really think about how blessed I am until I had but a glimpse, and a lot of time to think about what some people actually have to go through and how well I had it. I’ve been fi shing twice, both times I’ve caught nothing, but it was nice being out on a boat. When you’re out on the water, you don’t really have a care at all. It seems to all drift away once you drift away. Sometimes you even forget you’re fi shing and so you’ll miss a catch. I had the opportunity to go out yesterday with some friends, and the day was beautiful. Over 12 hours of fi shing and none of us caught anything. Our plan was simple, go out and come back with at least fi ve 80 pounds of sturgeon, but like it says in Proverbs 16:9 “A person may plan his own journey, but the LORD directs his steps,” and sturgeon was not in our near future, as we found out. Around 7 pm, out of nowhere, a beautiful starlight night, within fi ve minutes and without warning, it became a foggy, dark, freezing maze that seemed to have no end. We were about 200 yards out from our dock and suddenly we were lost in a forest of clouds.

with friends, barbeque every weekend, and knew all the greatest clubs to hang out at. I was a Junior Executive at the fi rm and was living a crazy life. That was before Rachel came into my life. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and it was life’s goal to get to know her. When she agreed to marry me I felt like the king of the world. It was like I had found what I had always been looking for. Then I was promoted to a partner at the fi rm and my work load grew by the day. Every successful trial seemed only to bring more case work. I started putting in twelve to fourteen hour days, and dinner with my wife and kids started to become a distant memory. I used to have fun, now I can hardly stand myself. There is just something missing. When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist, other

say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you,” he asked, “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you man, but by my Father in Heaven.” Matthew 16:13-17 How many of us are walking through life with a hole in our lives? Instead of living the life that God has designed for us, it feels like we are just going through the motions. Finding our true identity in Jesus Christ is the only way to truly be fulfi lled. He gives us the answer to the question of “why”, and through Him our lives have meaning. The everyday challenges of life can beat a married couple down to the point of being robotic in nature. The only way to break the

Pastor Joe & Shelby Seeley

cycle is to surrender to Christ and to surround yourself with Christian couples who are dedicated to building themselves and their marriages through Jesus Christ. To this end we would like to invite you to Families on Fire at Mountain View Christian Center. Classes are every Sunday at 9:00am and you will meet couples from every background and age group who are working through many problems that you face daily. The difference is that they have placed their identity and confi dence in Jesus, and work together to support couples who want to deepen their daily lives. Families on Fire meets at Mountain View Christian Center located at 5000 Amaryllis Street in Oakley CA. For more information call 925-625-9570

“Think About It” After deciding to sit there and wait it out, we fi shed for about another hour, but the current was so strong no one caught anything. We then came out with a variety of elaborate plans on how to get back to shore, from following the stars to using our phone GPS system. None of them worked. The more and more that we tried fi nding a way out on our own the more we got lost in the dense fog and went off course. It kind of makes me think of how sometimes we try to do things on our own. “Not by might nor power but my spirit, says the Lord.” Zech. 4:6. But we take control of our own problems and don’t ask God what to do. What happens? We get lost and the more we try, the more lost we get, the deeper we get into a situation that if we would have just trusted in the Lord to begin with we could have avoided the problem altogether. So what did we do? We kept going getting more lost, and fi nally about 5 hours later, literally, we called the coast guard. We dropped anchor and waited for close to three hours. That gave me plenty of time to think and refl ect on what I am writing about right now. Then the cold set in and it started getting wetter as the dew of the fog started to soak our tiny boat and we had nowhere to go.

That was only a little bit of time for me, and I just wanted a hot shower and my bed. But what happens to the people that don’t have that option? What happens to the people that don’t have fresh clothes to put on, a warm meal, a family to go home to or even a bathroom to use? Something you don’t really think about until you’ve had a few PB&J’s and a lot of water and juice. Do we continue living our own lives, selfi shly, going through life oblivious to others, not caring? I don’t want to live my life that way. Matthew 25: 30-40 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.”Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When

did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?” “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ It seems as though GOD can take a little too much time in answering our prayers. Keep in mind, HE is GOD. It’s in HIS time that HE will answer and HE knows what is best for our lives, so be patient. HE is always faithful. Be thankful for what you have. We are blessed, so remember wherever you are in life trust in the Lord with all you heart: Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. The coast guard fi nally got to us; we were about three miles away from our dock, when we originally were about a hundred yards away. Think about it!


America’s Good News

Worship Services If you are interested in having your church listed on the Worship services page, call Ron or Pat Reagan at 925-240-1242 Bread of Life Community Church

Rev. Edward L. Riley 1923 Delta Road, Knightsen 925-625-9081 - www.bolcc.net email: edwardriley@sbcglobal.net

Church on the Rock

Pastor Lin Goodyear 9:30am Traditional 11:00am Contemporary 50 Walton Lane (off Lone Tree) Antioch, CA 94509 925-706-2842

The Light Ministries

Pastor Larry Roper 405 West 6th Street Antioch, CA 94509 925-778-1639

Agape Bible Fellowship & Ministries Inc.

Pastor: Dr. John Ojewole Pizzazz Event Center 640 W. 2nd Street Antioch, CA 94509 Tel. 925-265-1134/ 848-6240 Email: info@agapebm.org Website: www.agapebfm.org Sunday Bible Study: 10:00AM Sunday Worship: 11:00AM Prayer fellowship: Tuesdays 7PM Youth Ministry: Fridays 6:30PM

Our Father’s House

Apostle Larry Johnson 2980 Railroad Ave, 2nd floor Pittsburg, CA 925-457-3358 Fridays 7 pm, Sundays @ 10 am & 5 pm

New Lifeline Ministries

4246 Empire Ave. Oakley Sunday service 10am Wed. Bible Study 7:30pm 925-625-1982

Destiny Christian Center

Bishop Gregory Bell Sunday 10:30am Service Wed Worship & Study 7:30pm 132 O’Hara Av. Oakley 925-679-1361

Mariner’s Church

Byron Middle School Gym 9 am Children/Teen Sun Sch. & Nursery 9:15am Adult Sunday School ~ 10:30 am High School “Hang Time” ~ 6:30 pm Tue. Bible Study ~ 10 am Wednesdays Pastor Jim Kraft ~ 634-0800 Office: 5545 Drakes Ct., Discovery Bay

Live Oak Community Christian Center

5471 Live Oak Av. Oakley 925-625-2556 Worship Services Sunday 10am Marriage Bible Study Mon 7:30pm Kingdom Men Tuesday 7:30pm Ladies Bible Study Tue 7:30pm Youth Group Wed 7:00pm Home Cell Groups Fri 7:30pm Saturday Morning prayer 8am

His Presence

Christian Worship Center Location: Hilton Concord 1970 Diamond Blvd 94520 Sunday’s 10:00am starting Tuesday bible study 7:30 pm Mail to: 1145 2nd St. Ste A #161 Brentwood, CA 94513 ph# 925-265-2070

Grace Bible Fellowship Pastor Kirkland Smith Sunday 8am & 11:15am Tues 7pm Prayer Wed 6am 913 Sunset Dr. Antioch, CA 94509 925-522-2017

The Carpenter’s Shop Int’l Prs. Jerry and Penny Slavens P.O. Box 2083 Antioch, CA 94531 925-778-0800 925-778-0804 fax carpenters.shop@sbcglobal.net www.thecarpentershop.org Saturday Service 11am - 1pm

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Catholic Church 500 Fairview Ave Brentwood Saturday Vigil 5:00, 6:30[sp] Sunday Masses 7:30, 9:00 and 12:30 Spanish 10:45 and 2:00 pm Daily 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM 925-634-4156 email: ihmchurch@sbcglobal.net

Unity on the Delta

Pastor Robert Waldon Sunday Service - 10:00am At Comfort Suites 5549 Bridghead Road, Oakley Ph - 925-754-5343 Genesis 2:22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise— the fruit of lips that confess his name.


Faith Worship Center

Anthony E. Blackman, Sr. Pastor 2170 Harbor St. Pittsburg, CA 94565 Service - Sundays 10:00am Wednesdays 7:00pm 925-427-0976

Christ Temple Full Faith Ministry Inc. Pastor Damon Pierson Worship service 1pm 901 B st.Antioch CA 925-978-6273 Crossroads Christian Center Heritage High-Multipurpose Rm. 101 American Ave. Brentwood 925-516-7795 Sunday Service 10:30am Tuesday Bible Study 7pm Pastor Andrew G. Miley

Calvary Chapel Crossroads Pr. John Snoderly 1771 Vineyard Dr., Antioch Phone 925-778-2011 Services: Sundays at 10 AM

Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7 PM

www.cccrossroads.org email: church@cccrossroads.org

Calvary Fellowship

Pastor Dave Perata Discovery Bay Elementary School SundayService10:00AM 1700 Willow Lake Road 925.626.3525

Mid week Bible Study Thursday 7PM 1555 River Lake Road in Discovery Bay

The Orchard Church

Heritage High School Theater 101 American Ave Brentwood Service at 10am Sundays Pastor Steve (925) 325-5020 theorchardchurch.com

The East Bay Pentecostals 605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2012 Pastor Joel R. Bryant Sunday Services 10am & 5pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm Friday Youth 7pm International Christian Ministry

Grace Lutheran Church 195 Alvarado Ave Pittsburg, CA 94565 Rev Tuma Johnson 550-5573

Mountain View Christian Center

5000 Amaryllis Oakley Ca 94561 925-625-9570 SERVICES Sundays 9am & 10:45am Sundays 5:00pm Spanish - Bilingual Wednesdays 7pm Soldiers in Christ - Jr. High Wed 7pm Souled Out - High sch. Wed 7pm

Rejoyce Christian Center

Pr. Kenny Ogunfunmi Sunday Service 10:30 AM 90 Village Dr. Brentwood 94513 925-628-5589 - 925-513-4535 fax pastor@rcconline.net - email

Gateway Church

Pastor Joe & Danille Hernandez Sundays 10AM Life Groups Youth and Kids Ministry 847 Arnold Dr. Martinez, CA 94553 925.335.9519 www.gatewaychurch.us

Outreach Ministries Birthright of Brentwood

Helping pregnant women facing personal crisis. Call 925-634-1275 with your tax deductible contribution.

Good News Jail and Prison Ministry,

Contra Costa County Martinez Detention Facility 1000 Ward Street, Martinez, CA 94553 925-335-4638 www.goodnewsjail.org Contact: Chaplain Len Maselli

School of Theology

Royal Family Kids Camp

4725 Evora Rd.Concord, CA www.rfkcconcord.com Rick Fuller, Director 925.207.7240

Family Life Center of Brentwood 605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2016 Ministering to families in need: Homework Help, Social Services (Food Stamps, Healthy Families) Food Pantry, Clothing & More Thursdays at 7pm Echo of Christ Ministries For

5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley more info on the conflict in the Middle Enroll Now and start studying the East - Call 866-317-3626 Word of Godwww.echoofchrist.org Contact Pastor Tyrone @ 925-625-9570 Helping Hands

Minister Travis Mozeke Grace Bible Fellowship Overcomers 925.727.8788

Food & Clothing to those in need Every Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30pm 5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley 925.625.9570


America’s Good News

Senior Moments The Necessity of Love

Financial Forum “Your Work of Faith”

By Priscilla Stanley The month of love is upon us, I thought I would look at the different types of love. There are many ways we show love. We all know the love of a mother for her new born child. From the moment she holds her new baby she is taken back by a new depth of love. She may not have even known she was capable of such love. It is amazing how love doesn’t diminish no matter how many more children she may have. Abraham and Sarah were childless and wanted a child desperately. When God granted their hearts desire, Abraham fell facedown; he laughed and said to himself, “Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?” Genesis 17:17 We all share a common love even if we haven’t had a child. That is love of family where we have a common bond of kinship. We grow up with our families and share many of the same characteristics. Same color hair, eyes and personality traits. As children we will fight to the end to protect their name. Last month I told the story of Boas and Ruth. How Ruth so loved her mother-in-law that she went with her to Naomi’s homeland and married Boas. After Ruth gave birth to a child scripture says, the women said to Naomi; “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a kinsman-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.” Then Naomi took the child, laid him in her lap and cared for him. Ruth 4:14-16 We love our friends and our friends love us. It’s amazing how we can come to love friends as family members. I grew up calling many of my parent’s friend’s aunt and uncle. The bond was that of family. The prophet John wrote it so clearly what friends are to one another. “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” John 4:11-12 When we become an adult we fall in love with that special person. They make our life complete, we want to have a family with them. The love story of Jacob for Rachel is one that I truly love. It shows how much a person will do for the love of someone the want to share their life with. Jacob was in love with Rachel and said to her father, “I’ll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.” So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her. Genesis 29:18-19 The love I cherish more then any other is unconditional love. For me loving is never asking for ones self, but caring for the other. I have recently had two wonderful experiences with women I love. I call them my heart children because I never birthed them but have a mothers love for them. Both of these women have struggled to become free of alcohol addiction. No matter what, I needed them to know that I loved them, no matter how far they were with their disease. I had to be tough but loving, which is not easy when you are talking with someone who doesn’t love themselves. They are both a success story in their recovery. One has started a new life in Arizona with her son. She has brought her father to the Lord along with two women. She told me that those who she associates with now find it hard to believe she had such a problem. The other still lives with me, her marriage has been restored and they have custody of their two children. I now have a family of four to love. I love my three biological children who have blessed me with grandchildren and great grandchildren. I can’t describe my love for them, they complete me. I am now reaping the rewards of the love I have for every one of my children and grandchildren who are flesh of my flesh and those of my heart. The Lord has shown me how to love unconditionally as he loves me. I try to live my life by the scripture from Psalm 36:911: “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart.” We as seniors need to think about how we love. Many of us have become judgmental and forgot the unconditional love from our childhood. We have set limits on our love for those we love. Let’s not forget we also need unconditional love. Hug your child, grandchild, family member and friend as often as you can. Show them the importance they bring to your life.

By Donald Kwong Recently, I was thinking about a friend who owns and operates a small business from which a ministry operates. I felt compelled to ask, “What if God doubles your ministry?” Periodically in 2008, I would find myself asking him that same question. In the process of asking this question, I found that I was changing my thoughts about what the question really was about. My thought was about the ministry, but I began to see that the ministry and the business are tied together. As we start 2009, the firm is poised to double in size. As I was thinking about his business, I recalled the words of 1 Thessalonians 1:3 “as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope” I used to think that “work of faith” deals with the religious compartment of one’s life. ‘God must mean Bible teaching, or Sunday School work, or feeding the poor.’ However, may I suggest that you give me a moment for another look at this “work of faith”? If you explore the word “work”, you will find it is the Greek word, ergon, which in the Greek Lexicon means: 1. business, employment, that which any one is occupied a. that which one undertakes to do, enterprise, undertaking 2. any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind 3. an act, deed, thing done: the idea of working is emphasized in opp. to that which is less than work What you are doing right now at your office, factory or construction site… this is what the Apostle Paul had in mind when he said, “We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work [your business, your employment, your enterprise, your business undertaking, your product, your gainful occupation] produced by faith…” Paul wasn’t just a missionary, he was a tentmaker, a businessman used by God to spread the Gospel. Like Paul, what is the only pleasing way to do business? “By faith.” It is the only way to please God in business. Where in your business is it evident that your work is done “in faith”? When I think of my friend where God is doubling his business, I wonder if the sales targets are the ones God gave? For any business owner today, are your plans made under his guidance? Are there goals that can only be accomplished if God intersects your month or quarter or year with a miracle? Does your work include standing for the transformation of people—in prayer, HR practices, education and discipline? This “work of faith” — is it increasing the footprint of the kingdom of God in your sphere of influence? Is your whole household being transformed into the likeness of Christ? I want you to pause for a moment and pray for local businesses, and thank God for their “work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope.” Your business may be one of many in cities around the world who have just enlisted their companies in kingdom work. Pray for them. Or pray to kindle or rekindle your own passion to be 100% business, and 100% ministry. If you’re in need of practical and godly counsel in the areas of budgeting, stewardship, debt management; and would like to meet me for biblically financial coaching, please contact me through America’s Good News. The service is free, but will require your time, dedication and honesty on your part. Any financial information provided will be kept confidential. America’s Good News can be contacted at 925.625.9570

Good News Publishing USA

Servicio Bilingue

Publisher - Pastors Hanoum / Dellinger Editor-In-Chief - Will Byrns Managing Editor - Susan Holmes Copy Editors - Julie Jackson & Cathy Huffman Reporters/Columnists Susan Holmes, Rev. Austin Miles Saed & Linda Awwad, Priscilla Stanley, Julie Jackson, Andrew Pate, Geannine Mijares, Juan Prieto, Diana Dobbie, and J.R. Oak Distribution Manager - Frank Quiros Solano County Distribution - Jeanne B. Graphics - Will Byrns & Jake Carter

5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley CA 94561 ofc: (925) 625-9570 fax: 625-9003 Email: mvcc2@sbcglobal.net Send releases, letters and reprint requests to the Email or address above. (c) Copyright 2008 Mountain View Christian Center. All rights reserved. - Member OneNewsNow Brentwood Chamber of Commerce Christian Newspaper Assoc.

America’s Good News covers Local, National and World news headlines and stories. The views and opinions expressed in this literature does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of America’s Good News.

Espanol y Ingles r With Pasto Presencia de Dios Donde: Mountain View Joe Seeley Christian Center Lugar: 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley CADA DOMINGO: 5 PM

for more info call 625-9570

Bilingual Service Spanish and English Presence of God Where: Mountain View Christian Center Location: 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley EVERY SUNDAY 5:00PM


America’s Good News

Calendar Freedom Recovery Ministry

“In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may RECOVER themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” 2 TIMOTHY 2:25-26 Offers the following services: COUNSELING AND EDIFICATION - OVERCOMING STRONGHOLDS: 1)ANGER ISSUES 2)COMPULSIVE ADDICTIONS 3)RENEWING OF THE MIND MEN/WOMEN SUPPORT GROUPS BIBLICAL INSTRUCTION FOR LIVING & WALKING TRIUMPHANTLY IN CHRIST Freedom Recovery Ministry will be starting a NEW support group based on the WORD OF GOD at MVCC on every Friday, @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm starting Friday, January 30th 2009. It’s time to experience your Victory this year in 2009. Jesus is the KEY to tearing down strongholds. For more information contact: Pastor Tyrone Holmes @ 925 625-9570 ext 108

Delta Women’s Connection

“A FINE TIME FOR TEA” ~ENJOYING AN ENGLISH TRADITION~ Tuesday, FEBRUARY 17, 2009 $18.00 Inclusive -- 11:00 a.m. - Seating 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Luncheon & Program At “Nines” at the Brentwood Golf Club 100 Summerset Drive, Brentwood, CA Feature: KATHY THILL, owner of “A Fine Time for Tea” of Brentwood : Enjoy the English tradition of a High Tea and a specially prepared lunch while Kathy tells of the time tested traditions of sipping tea. Guest Speaker: Betty Childs Betty worked as a model and in the Aerospace Industry in her quest for the “American Dream”. Her discoveries along the way turned life’s rejections into acceptance, and insecurities into confidence. For reservations, Dannette (925) 634-7540 or Joyce (925) 513-7644 Please respond by February 9, 2009.

Learn Chinese

Saturdays at Diablo Valley College, LA Building 321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill *Language Classes: 1 - 2:50 pm Pre-K - 12th Grade *Cultural Classes: 3 - 3:50 pm Chinese Calligraphy, Painting, Chess, Knots, Yo-Yo, Folk Dance, Folk Singing, Abacus & Mental Math, Martial Arts, Handcrafts, Poetry Reading, Western Painting, AfterSchool Tutoring, Applied Conversation. *High School Foreign LanguageCredit *Adult Chinese Conversation Class for Beginners for registration, please visit www.CoCoCs.org or email: cccs1976@gmail.com www.CoCoCs.org CCCS is 501(c) 3 nonprofit ID#: 68-0040243

Here are just a few locations that you can find a copy of












Women Of Worth Proverbs 31:10 Monday - Feb. 2nd 7pm-8:15pm (doors open at 6:30pm) Mountain View Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley 925-625-9570

Men’s Fellowship Every 3rd Monday Doors open 6:30-teaching at 7pm Sponsored by Mountain View Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley 20/10 Vision 925-625-9570

Author Don Piper at First Family Church On Sunday, February 8th we will be having special guest speaker, Don Piper, with us. He is the author of 90 Minutes in Heaven, a book that details his experiences during the 90 minutes that he was declared physically dead following a car accident in 1989. He kept his story quiet for so long and eventually began to feel that God was prompting him to share his story w/ the world. He then wrote the book, outlining what heaven was like, and now travels and shares his testimony with others. His book is not esoteric, as many people’s “out of body” experiences are, but rather, his experiences are biblically accurate and true to Scripture. Event: Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven Location: First Family Church @ 201 E. 18th St. Antioch, CA 94509 Date: February 8, 2009 Time: 9 & 11 am worship services Website: www.firstfamily.us Info: 925.706.1238 Here is a link to Don’s own website and a media page should you need any other info:http:// www.donpiperministries.com/media.asp

A Place of Learning Mark your calendars for Saturday, January, 31, 2009 for the 2nd Annual A Place of Learning “School House Rock” fundraiser. Tapas style dinner, local wines, micro brews and soft drinks will be served beginning at 6PM at the beautiful Shadow Lakes Golf Club Event Center, 401 Country Club Drive , Brentwood , CA . Entertainment begins at 7PM and features local “celebrity” artists & entertainers, raffle prizes, silent auction and sponsor recognition. * A nonprofit organization providing free one-on-one tutoring for under-privileged children of Brentwood , primarily in reading and math. * Currently tutoring 52 students with another 16 on the waiting list. * Focusing on elementary school children with potential to reach several hundred children in the community. * Featuring 45 volunteer tutors who are primarily local senior citizens augmented by high school students satisfying high school community service graduation requirements. For tickets please contact Bill Foster at 925-783-6147. To join contact David Wahl at 925634-1812 or at wahlfmly@sbcglobal.net

Meals on Wheels

Needs Volunteers for all routes! Deliver meals on small routes in Brentwood, Oakley, Bethel Island & Discovery Bay If you have 1.5 hrs. / Week available and would like to HELP call Karen at 625-4545

Mary’s Sanctuary, Inc. is looking to purchase an apartment complex in East Bay. Godly investment opportunities available. Please call Den 925-625-1915, or 925-625-5047.

FAITH BASED HELP PROGRAMS SHEPHERD’S GATE VICTORY OUTREACH-PITTSBURG Christ Centered services for 2328 Willow Pass Rd (925) 432-0937 Battered/homeless Women & Children Christian Recovery Program 605 Sycamore Brentwood CA Drug & Alcohol (925) 308-7507 Pastor Tony & Marie Rodriquez DOVE AVIATION Is looking for volunteers to help with CHRISTIAN HELP CTR their ministry on local and internation2166 Sacramento Street al levels. Dove is involved in Mission , Vallejo, CA 94590 Trips (925)584-7079 (707) 553-8192 Food, Clothing, Shelter - Transitional Living MISSION OUTREACH Helping the homeless in Antioch LOVE -A-CHILD MISSIONS Hot Meals, Clothing along with Homeless Recovery Shelter other resources. (925) 727-8678 Rehabilitative services for homeless women and children. HELPING HANDS (925) 458-5663 Food & Clothing to those in need Email- info@love-a-child.org Every Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm MISSION SOLANO 740 Travis Blvd. Fairfield CA (707) 422-1011 Daily Meals, Transitional Living Daily Shower, Shelter New Life Programs Brother Raymond

5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley (925) 625-9570

IRON SHOP Men’s Recovery Group CHRISTIAN 12 STEP 925-525-9957 1745 East 18th Street Antioch


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America’s Good News

The Titans Are Here! New Christian AAU Basketball Club Launches When the dad of a promising 10 year old basketball player sat back and observed the AAU tournament circuit last year, it became increasingly clear that something was, for lack of a better term, missing. That father then began a search for a Christian AAU basketball club that had become successful. That father soon found the Triad Titans, a club in North Carolina, founded by a similar dad who teamed up with a former professional player, former Bulls NBA championship player Rusty LaRue, to launch a competitive basketball club that teaches fundamental basketball in a Christian environment, setting a high standard for coaches and student-athletes alike. The Triad Titans have since added over a dozen teams under their banner, and have won numerous titles, including state and national championships, all while honoring God both on and off the court, and building character to last a lifetime. Not long after, in the summer of 2008, the two dads, Mike Ketchel, of Discovery Bay and Ted Meade, of the NC Triad Titans, began conversing via phone calls and emails. Ted was enthused about a new club in California wanting to mirror what the Triad Titans had done. “Basically, Ted and I hit it off right from the start, and he gave me a green light to use any parts of the Triad Titans program to help us create and build our Trinity Titans program out here,” says Coach Ketchel, who then sought help and guidance of several like-minded advisors. Coach Greg Bowie, a former H.S. All American and college standout, joined the Trinity Titans coaching staff as pro trainer, co-director, and coach. Coach Ketchel currently coaches the Gateway Christian School Boys Basketball Team. Coach Bowie assists with Gateway, as well as the Freedom H.S. Freshman Boys Team. Other advisors include former McDonalds H.S. All American

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Roderick Jefferson, former professional player Lance Nave, former varsity coach at Liberty H.S. Jerry Dellinger, and several of the area’s top current high school coaches. The response to the Titans has been exciting. Tryouts have been held over the past few months, and the Trinity Titans have already expanded from a single 12 & Under team, due to the strong level of interest and player turnout. The Titans will now host 12U, 13U, and 15U teams during the 2009 season, possibly a developmental team for younger players, and, soon, a Showcase Division team. Tryouts are continuing on an individual basis. Competition will start soon in regional tournaments, and all serious players are still encouraged to tryout, between the ages of 10 and 15. Call 925-727-9778 (Coach Bowie), and 925-321-2957 (Coach Ketchel) for additional information. The Trinity Titans have non-profi t status, and sponsorships are most welcome.

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America’s Good News



America’s Good News

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