IT’S A NEW SEASON! Are you fit for it?
IN THIS ISSUE It’s a New Season Tiffany James In This Season I Will Gina Dacus Year of the Lord’s Favor Pastor Will Byrns
AGN FEB - 2011
“Seeing is believing at Trinity Christian Schools” Pre-School – Elementary - Junior High - Senior High Trinity Christian Schools is more than a private Christian schoolit’s a family. We partner with our parents to equip our students spiritually, academically, physically, and socially to become effective Christian leaders in their communities. Christ is our model. Take a closer look at TCS every Wednesday * Admission Tours *Orientation *Observe Classrooms Time: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Come and see us in action. Visit our beautiful secure campus. Enjoy refreshments while meeting our administrators and staff. Learn about the exciting new programs and vision of Trinity Christian Schools. Personal tours available daily by appointment Call today for your appointment! We are committed to small class sizes. Therefore, space is limited. (925)625-9014
Trinity Christian Schools Pre-School Elementary Junior High Senior High
It’s here... Why wait any longer?
School of Theology President Pastor Tyrone Holmes
HEOLOGY 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
The School of Theology is a comprehensive 22 course program that enables students to start and pursue a Biblical education based on a foundation of Biblical studies. Students will have the opportunity to graduate from the School of Theology and then continue their education towards a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. The goal of the School of Theology is to equip men and women of God to develop and use their spiritual gifts for the work of the ministry in the Body of Christ.
It’s time to fulfill the calling that God has for your life.
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IT’S A NEW SEASON! Examining the life of the believer as a whole. � Marriage - Is it full of love and joy? � Finances - Will you be able to retire? � Ministry - Is there a balance? � Prayer Life - Do you have one? � Health - Eating right and getting exercise? � Other?
Are you fit for it? Happy New Year!! – By Tiffany James People prepare themselves for the New Year in many ways. Some wait for prophetic words while others make New Year’s resolutions. Even though both of these are great ways to enter into the New Year, they are also the reasons many people begin well and full of excitement but normally become frustrated and disappointed. Do you know how many prophetic words go out right before the New Years? Yet, many treat those words as fortunes in fortune cookies. Can’t wait to open it and read it. We get excited about a word that feels as if it speaks to our destiny and then we put it in our pocket never giving that word another thought and can’t wait to open the next one. Do you know that millions of people set goals and expectations for themselves each year as a part of their New Year’s resolutions but less than a quarter of them keep their resolutions after the first month into the New Year? That’s because we have turned that which was suppose to encourage us to keep pressing forward and that which was supposed to keep us committed and hold us accountable to what we need to do for ourselves into a tradition; an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior. The prophetic words we receive should be confirmaCont. on page 14
A New Year 8
Tiffany James It’s A New Season Are you fit for it? Author Gina Dacus In this season... I will A New Creation Scriptures from the Bible
Rev. Austin Miles Prominent Filmaker Passes
Musicians Corner Fasting Ramiro Amador
Good News Publishing USA Publisher - Pastors Hanoum / Dellinger Editor-In-Chief - Will Byrns Managing Editor - Gina Dacus Copy Editor - Cathy Huffman Reporters/Columnists Susan Holmes, Austin Miles Saed & Linda Awwad, Priscilla Stanley, Linda Sizuela Gina Dacus, Don Huntington, Ramiro Amador, Don Kwong & Inga Mork Distribution Mgr - Jerry Gebrosky Solano Dist. - Jeanne Byrns Graphics - Will Byrns Photography - Tim & Jane Vaughn
Special Report 19
Lakita Humber Can I Afford To Give An Offering?
5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley CA 94561 ofc: (925) 625-9570 fax: 625-9003 Email: Send releases, letters and reprint requests to the Email or address above. (c) Copyright 2010 Mountain View Christian Center. All rights reserved. - Member OneNewsNow Christian Newspaper Assoc. Good News America covers local, national and world news headlines and stories. The views and opinions expressed in this literature do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of America’s Good News.
Author Gina Dacus
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In This Season...
I Will By Gina Dacus While it may be tempting to stay stuck on what happened last year, the fact remains that we have entered a new season. Just as the leaves fall from trees when summer is ending and flowers start blooming in the spring, God has divinely given the same transition opportunity to those who remain faithful. Although last year may have been the most difficult time in your life, do not rebel against this new season. Shake off the residue from last year’s experience and press in towards your God given assignment. As February quickly arrives, some may be asking, “Can I really do it again? Can I handle another financial crisis when it feels as if I barely made it to this point? Can my marriage take another hit? Can I find a job soon?” People are asking so many questions asking about the possibility of can, when God wants to know “will”. Will you remain in me? Will you trust me at the beginning of an end? God so intricately removed the unnecessary from your life to prepare you for your real assignment. All he is asking is that you trust him. God removed many obstacles that previously stood between you and him because He desires that you experience an intimacy with him like no other. It was in those dark places and uncertain times that many of us got on our knees and our faces crying out to the father like never before. Everything that we previously counted on to get us through tough times tumbled last year like a three-legged table – unstable and unreliable. During these life-changing moments, God himself comforted us to sleep and provided us with direction and on time blessings. As a result, we did not give up. Yes, in 2010, we learned that God truly never leaves us and on him, we can rely. In Philippians 3:12-14, Paul encourages us to forget the things of the past and press forward to what lies ahead. So look at this season with a new perspective. Start this season with an anticipation of what is to come. Luke 9:62 says that no one who enters into the process of plowing looking back is fit for the kingdom of God. Fit in this case refers to being well placed and ready for use. Do you know that God used 2010 to well place and position you to give him the glory in 2011? Everything that you went through prepared you for this right now moment. Know that God is so faithful that he will take that experience of barely surviving and use it as a testimony to encourage others for years to come. Can you trust him? Can you trust the one that has been your refuge in your trying times to transition you to your next assignment? Can you let go of the past so that you live in the present preparing for your future? May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope. (Romans 15:13 Amplified)
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“Woman To Woman” IN DUE SEASON By: Susan Holmes The term “In Due Season” is not one commonly used among us these days, but was used throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. It simply means God’s appointed time! God has a good due season for everything, it is His time table, His clock, His plan and Season not ours! God ordains natural and spiritual seasons to provide the greatest natural and spiritual fruit bearing and growth. It is important to recognize the season that God has us in and respond appropriately to that season to insure continued spiritual growth and a life that bears Godly fruit. With each season in the natural and spiritual world comes change, we must yield to it just as nature yields to it! Jesus said in Acts 1:7 “It is not for you to become acquainted with and know what time brings (the things & events of time & their definite periods) or fixed years and seasons (their critical niche in time) which the Father has appointed (fixed & reserved) by His own choice and authority and personal power.” This makes me think of women who are pregnant, they are given a “Due Date” for the birth of their baby from the doctors but are told it really is in within a two week window of that due date that most births take place. Only God the Creator of all and of time knows exactly when the “Due Season” for His new creation is. Even though man does his or her best to figure it out or even help God out to speed up the process, if left in His hands, His timetable is perfect. We can cry about how uncomfortable and miserable we are, walk till our legs can’t take it, eat special pizza, drink Castrol oil, pray, you name it, only God is in control of His appointed time for delivery. He may use the help of doctors who He has imparted His wisdom to, but God is in charge of everything! Galatians 4:4 tells us of Jesus’ appointed birth, “But when the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman…” God also has an appointed time for each one of us to receive the free gift of Salvation by accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “In the time accepted and in the day of salvation have I called thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.”In Titus 1:3 Paul says, “And now in His own appointed season/time He has made manifest (made known) His Word and revealed it as His message through the preaching entrusted to me by command of God our Savior.” Just as in the natural, spiritually we experience winter, spring, summer, and fall. In virtually every area of our lives; ministry, marriage, spiritual growth, business, finance, relationships, etc. we are in different seasons all at the same time. These individual aspects of life will experience seasons similar to what we face each year we live. Winter is a time that we are uncomfortable; a time to get warm and intimate with God, a time to rest physically and to exist on what has been stored from the previous harvest. It is a time of gaining direction for planting, to glean from past mistakes, to repair and prepare for the coming spring. Spring is a time of planting and activity, a time of work and effort to carry out instructions gained in winter, a time of great spiritual and physical energy and a time that great energy is required. It is a time of plowing new and sometimes hard ground and a time to fertilize the soil with prayer. Summer is a time of watering (praying) and weeding (doing warfare over) the freshly planted crop. It is a time in which the crop is in potential danger from the heat of summer, thus the need for much watering. It is also the time we begin to see the first evidence of our planting (First the stalk, then, the ear, then the full colonel in the ear.) Fall is the time of harvest; a time where the physical evidence of our hard work during previous seasons has arrived. It is a time of Thanksgiving, a time of refreshing and a time for storing for the winter that is sure to come. Fall is a time of utilizing the harvest, of good stewardship and proper dispersing of what has been harvested. God has given us awesome promises in His Word to us in Galatians 6:7-10, “For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap. For he who sows to his own flesh (lower nature, sensuality) will from the flesh reap decay and ruin and destruction, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for “IN DUE SEASON” and at the appointed time we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. So then, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good (morally) to all people (not only being useful or profitable to them, but also doing what is for their spiritual good and advantage). Be mindful to be a blessing, especially to those of the household of faith (those who belong to God’s family with you, the believers.” God has divinely appointed Seasons in our lives as recorded in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, “To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up. A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away. A time to rend and a time to sew, a time to keep silence and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. In closing, I want to remind you that God is in control even when your life seems out of control, here is where trusting Him comes in. Do we trust Him at all times? It’s easy to say yes when everything in life is the mountain top experience in our walk with Him. We must also trust Him when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death experience fearing no evil because we know that our Good Shepherd is walking beside us knowing where the green pastures are to feed us and the springs of living water to quench our thirsty souls. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, He is faithful! He is the Author, Developer and Finisher of your faith! Only He knows how to bring us to completion, He can be trusted! All scripture is from the Amplified Version of the Bible.
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Year of the Lord’s Favor By Will Byrns
We are now heading into the month of February and this is going to be a great year to remember! How do I know that 2011 will be so memorable? Isaiah 61 keeps being brought before me. It’s the year that we proclaim acceptable to the Lord and the year of the Lord’s favor. A year to preach good tidings to the poor, heal the broken hearted and proclaim liberty to the captives and open the prison to the bound. This chapter in the book of Isaiah tells me that the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me to do all these things. But it is not just upon me, it’s upon us all who believe and have faith that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and our Savior. Luke 10:19 gives us that authority and we all need to step into that position and exercise that power given to us. Many Christian are reluctant to do just that and walk around feeling defeated. This is a year to fully understand who you are ‘In Christ’. Jesus said himself, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” In verse 20 Jesus also states… “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” That’s right, REJOICE! Our names are written in heaven. What could be better than that for you and your children? These words are inspirational truths on a spiritual level, but on a natural worldly level what do we usually expect to find when it comes to a New Year? As I started searching online for answers, I happened to notice a Christian website that had the 10 most common New Year’s resolutions. Well, to be honest, there are no surprises here.
1) Get in shape and eat healthier 2) Get out of debt 3) Stop smoking 4) Start budgeting 5) Get a new job 6) Start a business 7) Spend more time with family 8) Save or make more money 9) Get your life organized 10) Give more
These are all great goals to strive for, but when it comes down to it who is the one that gives us the strength to change all of these situations? Psalm 121:1,2 tells me this… I will lift up my eyes to the hills— From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. We are to put spiritual matters before worldly matters every time in our walk with God. Yes, we need to eat healthier and maybe lose some weight, but what should our real motivation be? Should we eat better just so we can look more attractive to the opposite sex or be in better shape to play sports at a higher level? The real motivation should be to honor our temple that God has entrusted us with. Being in better shape will mean that we can be used by God to a greater degree. The same principle applies when it comes to managing our finances. What is our main purpose and drive? Is it so we can continue to lavish ourselves with more material things? Or is it to be better steward’s of what God has blessed us with in order to be a blessing to others. Please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying we need to sell everything we have and give it all away causing you and your children to live in a state of poverty and in lack of basic needs. It’s ok to have things; just don’t let things have you! You will experience real joy if you are in a place that allows you to bless others. It truly is better to give than receive. Remember… this is the year of the Lord’s favor! A year to preach good tidings to the poor, heal the broken hearted and proclaim liberty to the captives and open the prison to the bound. This year, show a true desire and hunger to be used by God to a greater degree. Don’t just pray ‘God, please feed the hungry in this world.’ Get up and put your faith into action; you be his hands and feet and help feed the hungry. And when it comes to the sick and brokenhearted; you pray over them; you break strongholds that are oppressing them; you proclaim healing for the sick in the name of Jesus. You have been given that authority by Christ himself. It’s a new season, so stand up and claim the victory for yourself and for others that need the Christ in you!
It’s a new Season Cont. from page 5 tion to what God has already spoken and give us encouragement and guidance in that very thing. Our New Year’s resolutions should not be something we’ve become accustomed to doing, something we just write down, or post on our refrigerator towards the end of the year. We should resolve to do the things that we already started walking in and things we need to do to hold us accountable to that walk, but instead many of us are stuck in tradition and we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves because haven’t prepared ourselves Spiritually, mentally, or physically. We haven’t entered into a position of trust with God who helps us to prepare for what He has next for each of us. Did you know Jesus himself did away with tradition himself when He was here on earth? Take the Sabbath day for instance the Pharisees misinterpreted the intentions of the Sabbath and made it a burden for the people to observe instead of a day that was supposed to be set apart and holy. A day for which God’s people could rest and worship. A day to put aside all of their worldly efforts and give thanks to the one that made all things possible. Yes, to trust in the one who came to fulfill the law. It’s time for us to move out of the norm, move out of customary acts and move into a position of Trust with the only one who is able to exceedingly and abundantly above do all you could think and ask. Proverbs 3:6 (Amplified Bible) In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. To trust is to have assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. It is who and where your confidence has been placed. In 2011, in what position do you walk? Many people are making new resolutions or looking for a new prophetic word for 2011 while standing and walking in a position of fear. Fear is a fact. Yet, God has not given us the Spirit of Fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind. Many are standing and walking in a position of doubt because we are still listening to that inner critic, the critics around us, or we are still listening and comparing ourselves to the success or failures of others and not realizing we learn by our mistakes and they do not dismiss our destinies. Many are also walking in a position of disobedience wanting the promises of God, but we still want to do things our way because it's what is familiar to us. Yet, His word states obedience is better than sacrifice. It’s time to move out of tradition and routine. It’s time to move into a position of trust with God. Possess the knowing that His character is true and unchangeable. Trusting His word that states, He is not a man that He should lie or the son of man that He has to repent. If God said it, He will do it and when He does it, He will make it good. You might not understand it right now but all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called by His name. This past year should have brought you into a position of trust because the fact that all else failed from jobs, relationships, friendships, finances, contracts, and man’s promises you are still here and entering into a new year of possibilities. You should know that God kept you! God wants us to trust Him. Recently in my time with the Lord, I heard him ask me do I still trust Him. And I responded with a Yes! He begin to show me people who had been so hurt and disappointed this year and they blamed Him which caused a relationship of mistrust to creep in. When you’ve been hurt by someone you’ve loved and trusted, it’s hard for you to put your heart back on the line again. God wants you to know He didn’t hurt you and He didn’t leave you. He is going to use what the enemy tried to use for your destruction. God is going to use what the enemy he tried to cause you to shrink back and question the promises over your life. God said He is going to use it for your good and His Glory if you just trust Him. Without Trust, you can’t enter into Intimacy with God because fear, doubt, and disobedience will enter into your life and cause you to draw back from Him. He is not looking for how well you can preach. He is not looking for all the resolutions you can make to Him. He is not looking to see if you read all the prophetic words, He is not even looking at how good you were last year. He is looking for you to enter into a Trust Relationship with Him. Remember it was trust that caused Peter to step out and walk on water towards Jesus. It was trust that made the Roman Centurion’s servant healed just by Jesus speaking that he would be. It was trust that made the three Hebrew boys enter into the fiery furnace and come out without being burned. It was trust that allowed Peter to fall asleep even though he was in prison and that same trust that caused him to be freed by an Angel. So, as the Donnie McClurkin songs states no matter what “I will trust you Lord”. I asked myself the question, “Are you fit for the New Year?” My response to that question is Yes because I am in the precise position God requires me to be in -- a position of Trust which allows me to enter into Intimacy with God!!! If I have intimacy with the creator of all creations then I have everything.
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Are you fit for it?
What New Year’s Resolution Should a Christian Make? By Priscilla Stanley New Year’s resolutions date back to the Babylonian period where after removing the ability of their kings presence would do as they pleased. When their king would return they would have a fresh start focusing on their duties at hand. There is nothing mystical between December 31st and January 1st. The bible does not speak of resolutions nor does it speak against. But if we as Christians decide to make one, what kind of resolution should be made? Some common ones made are to quit smoking, stop drinking, manage our finances better and spend more time with family. Number one is losing weight and exercising. These are all great goals and yes, a resolution is a goal. Many of us can and will take these resolutions to the extreme, me included. I come from a period in my life where I set such high goals with physical training that it became more important than anything else. One day while reading my bible I turned to 1 Timothy 4:8 where I read and reread which says, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” Wow, I came to realize most resolutions and goals are for physical things. The majority of New Year’s resolutions, even among Christian are in relation to physical things. This is not what God intended to become so important in our lives. What about setting resolutions and goals to prosper the Kingdom of God. Many Christians make New Year’s resolutions to pray more, read the bible everyday and attend church more often. These are fantastic resolutions or goals. Most resolutions or goals are short lived. It is said that by June we are back to what we were doing December 31st when we made our resolution. To say you are going to start or stop a certain activity needs to be motivated by something other than saying you are going to do it. Proverbs 16:9 says, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Resolutions and goals give us direction, but following God should be your primary goal. You do not know what the year ahead will bring, but if the Lord determines your steps and you are following where he leads, you can be sure your life will have purpose. When you keep your eyes on the goal, you will not stray from God no matter what difficulties you encounter. I realize resolutions have already been made and many of us are working to keep them. It is not too late to pray to God for wisdom regarding your resolution. Pray for wisdom how to fulfill the goal and rely on His strength to help you. As you accomplish each step of your goal, give God the glory. “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 My resolutions this year are to continue what I am doing; giving more of me each day to do the Lords work. Today I find it hard to look to a resolution or goal without the receiver of the reward being my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Mary Fairchild whose website is wrote the following poem for Christians: Instead of making a New Year’s resolution Consider committing to a biblical solution Your promises are easily broken Empty words, though earnestly spoken But God’s Word transforms the soul By His Holy Spirit making you whole As you spend time alone with Him He will change you from within
A new creation! Romans 6:4 Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 2 Corinthians 3:6 who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. Isaiah 65:17 [ The Glorious New Creation ] “ For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Galatians 6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. Psalm 40:3 He has put a new song in my mouth—Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD. Song of Solomon 7:13 The mandrakes give off a fragrance, And at our gates are pleasant fruits,All manner, new and old, Which I have laid up for you, my beloved. Ephesians 4:17 [ The New Man ] This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, Ephesians 4:24 and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.
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Aaryn’s Story... From Tough Beginnings to a Future Full of Hope By Brandie Bauer, Social Worker We enjoy sharing stories of “our” children as they grow up, leave our program and embark on new journeys. These are an encouragement to us all! Aaryn entered foster care at the age of 9. Aaryn was placed in the Agape Villages home of Jon and Sherry Dunn at the age of 17. Prior to being placed with the Dunns, Aaryn wasn't making the grades that she was capable of, nor was she thinking about attending college. The Dunns helped Aaryn to under-stand that academics were her ticket to a better life after foster care. She graduated high school in June 2009 and was emancipated from the foster care system. Aaron is now attending Chabot College with a focus on getting her nursing degree. She is also funding braces for her teeth. She has no outside financial help and is relying completely on student aid. There are times when she struggles financially, but she is determined to work her hardest in school. While in foster care, Aaryn was angry with God. She would say things like, “if God was real, I wouldn’t be in this situation.” After she emancipated, Aaryn sent me a message that talked about the fact that God is always carrying you through tough times. This made my heart smile. I was so thankful that her foster parents had taken her faithfully to church every Sunday and that she had welcomed Christ into her heart. Aaryn has stayed close to the Dunns, asking their advice and babysitting for them. And I am happy to say that Aaryn and I stay in touch also. Aaryn knows that I will always have her best interests at heart. Aaryn said at the Dublin Christmas party, "I never would be here without the love and support of my Agape foster parents." We pray God‟s continued blessing on you, Aaryn! For more information or to make a tax-deductible gift, please contact Agape Villages Foster Family Agency 3160 Crow Canyon Pl. Ste 120 San Ramon, CA 94583 866-922-4273
Foster Parents Needed! Consider this...what if you were a child who needed a foster home and Agape Villages was called to help? Yes, you would hope a family would care. This is, in effect, what we deal with almost every day. There remains a tremendous need in our state for more foster homes for children of all ages, especially children 8 years and older and sibling groups. Agape seeks strong Christian families to partner with us to meet this need. For more information on foster parenting, call Isaura Roots at the Agape Villages office, 800-566-2225. AGN - Pg. 18
Can I Afford to Give an Offering? By Lakita Humber “The only investment I ever made which has paid consistently increasing dividends is the money I have given to the Lord.” - J.L. Kraft, head of the Kraft Cheese Corporation When mapping out financial priorities, some may ask “when is the best time to start giving?” Is it after the debt is paid off, when your financially secure, when the retirement is fully funded or when it feels right? I submit that giving is not a priority that should be based on your convenience, but rather it is a matter of the heart. The Bible does not tell us to give once we’ve reached a certain financial milestone, giving is a sacrifice that when approached with the correct attitude is done out of love. And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.” (Luke 21:1-4) A mite is a Roman coin that was worth the least amount in that day. This woman made a sacrifice, and even though numerically it may not have been considered much, Jesus said she gave more than all. Her giving was not regulated or motivated by her net worth. Her giving was a testimony of her trust and love for God. It All Belongs to God Say this with me: “It’s not my money…It’s God’s money!” Everything belongs to the Creator! Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. (Job 41:11) This mindset shifts our giving from self-centered to God-centered. It’s no longer a question of “can I afford to”, but rather….”God, this is your money, you’ve entrusted me with it…now, what would you have me to do” “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Lakita is the author of Personal Finance Journey. She loves the Lord and is dedicated to learning more about excellent stewardship. She is a computer systems administrator by day and personal finance blogger by night. Aside from personal finance, Lakita enjoys working with youth ministries and dance ministries. More information can be found at
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Prominent Family Values Filmmaker Dies in Idaho
by Rev. Austin Miles A prominent filmmaker who put God and family values first in his productions proved to the industry that a heavy market exists for family friendly films and they bring in a big profit as well. One of his current feature films, “Friends For Life,” a touching action-filled story featuring four incredible wolf pups was extremely well received by the public and was embraced by critics who wrote glowing reviews. To our sorrow, this announcement just came in from Grizzly Adams Productions: Coeur d’ Alene, Id—Longtime filmmaker and television producer, Charles E. Sellier, Jr. passed away unexpectedly on January 31st at his North Idaho home, according to longtime business associate David Balsiger. Sellier was 67. At the time of his death, Sellier was the President/CEO of Grizzly Adams® Productions. The company produces and markets family-oriented and faith-based feature films, television series, and documentaries worldwide. Best known for creating the iconic long running NBC television series, The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams in the late 1970s, Sellier personally wrote and produced more than 30 feature films and 230 television shows during his show business career spanning four decades. Eleven of his theatrical films are among the top 100 all-time independent grossing films, (non-studio releases), with six of those releases ranked in the top 25. For over 25 years, Martin Leuenberger of Baker City, Oregon, has maintained a close friendship with Sellier and served as corporate counsel for Grizzly Adams® Productions, Inc. He stated that “I have never had the pleasure or privilege of any other legal relationship where hard work and ethical and moral objectives were the guiding principles. These were the result of Chuck’s uncompromising belief in and loyalty to God, family and country.In today’s world, that sounds like a cliché, but Chuck lived it and it illuminated his voluminous legacy. He can’t be replaced with anything remotely alike.” Sellier recently entered into a multi-million dollar agreement with PassmoreLab in San Diego, to convert 500 back library shows to 3D for 3D TV broadcasting and Blu-ray 3D DVD distribution. The first two 3D shows-Friends for Life, a family feature film with wolves, and Fabric of Time, an Easter documentary taking a scientific look at Christ’s resurrection, are scheduled to be released as Blu-ray 3Ds in stores this Easter. “Chuck was a truly gifted individual,” notes Balsiger, vice president of marketing, and senior producer with the company. “Both an artist and a computer geek, he could write an original screenplay, produce the movie, and then market the show generating amazing audience enthusiasm. Chuck was an industry pioneer in pre-testing film projects using sophisticated research techniques—opinion polling, generational science and neuromarketing.” In the early 1980s, according to the Washington Post, “Sellier put together one of the longest strings of multi-million dollar money-making movies in the business.” At that time Associated Press said, “He used the most sophisticated computer technology ever applied to show business.” Actor Orson Welles said, Sellier was “light years ahead of the rest of the industry.” Paul Klein, a former head of programming at NBC called Sellier-“A brilliant and amazing innovator.” “His approach to the business of filmmaking will undoubtedly be studied by generations of filmmakers at film schools around the world,” says Darryl Howard, long-time friend, director of research and 3D sales for Grizzly Adams.According to Howard, Sellier was developing a new feature film installment of the Grizzly Adams franchise during the months leading up to his death. “Chuck believed that there were valuable lessons in the Grizzly Adams character, especially in today’s troubled times,” explains Howard. “Like Grizzly Adams, Chuck was a good man, one of honor and principle. He worked arduously, never straying from his core values. He made films for families, without sex or violence. He was a gentle man who celebrated the human spirit, respected everyone and everything that shared this globe—including deer and wild turkeys that he cared for in the Idaho back country.” Along with his impressive record in the television and motion picture industry, Sellier was also a bestselling co-author of several books, including million-copy best-sellers The Lincoln Conspiracy, In Search of Noah’s Ark, and The Life and Times of Grizzly Adams, among others. Sellier was a thirty year member of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, a member of the Writer’s Guild of America, a member of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers), and a member of the National Religious Broadcasters Association. In 1980, he was nominated for an Emmy Award for his work on the children’s program, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The family requests that Sellier’s life be remembered through donations to his passion, the ABC Foodbank. Contributions can be mailed in care of Grizzly Adams Productions P.O. Box 298, Baker City, OR 97814. Further information is available through the Grizzly Adams website at http://
g n i t s a F By Ramiro Q. Amador I would like to start out by giving God all the praise and Glory for allowing me to share my perspective on the subject of fasting from a performer’s point of view. “Thank You Jesus” Like most of you the challenge of fasting for 21 days is with in itself at one point or another - difficult. Working an 8-hour job and fasting with co-workers, sitting next to you chomping down on a Big Mac, Chinese food, Cookies, etc. (You get the picture). On top of that you're experiencing dizziness, and you've become light-headed. However, knowing that you're doing this all for the love of God – is Awesome! Amen? The challenge of professional musicians while fasting is just as difficult if not more, because of the unique lifestyle. While touring and being on the road, some may not have the discipline or the resources that's needed to support the fasting commitment to the Lord. One suggestion in preparing for the road and touring starts with creating a list of the foods like vegetables, fruits, and snacks that will help you in maintaining the discipline that is needed. Another suggestion is to surround yourself with brothers and sisters in Christ for spiritual support who may also join you in fasting while touring. I pray your fasting experience will bring you closer to the place of God's presence and love. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled (Matt. 5:6)
AGN - Pg. 23
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Antioch Library’s Grand Openingby Rev. Austin Miles For a writer, the opening of a new library is always a happy occasion. Especially when it does so with a magic touch, as presented by prestidigitator Timothy James, a tall, slim man with a distinctive sculptured face that instantly draws you to him as a confident man who knows exactly what he is doing. So you settle back expectantly from the instant he walks in the room where he makes the impossible possible. Possessing a great sense of humor and in full command of his audience, it is no wonder that he has become so popular. The room for his Saturday Jan.29th show was quickly jam-packed with both adults and kids. The seats quiclky filled up. Those who didn’t get a chair lined up across the entire back wall and sides James has built quite a following in Northern California with his library shows, kids shows, trade shows, corporate events, comedy clubs, shipboard cruises. He is also involved in the California Magic Dinner Theatre in Martinez, California. He will be performing there the first week in March. To say he is a top notch entertainer does not do him justice. He is far more than that. For example, using just a piece of rope, he held the audience spellbound for over 15 minutes with incredible effects that left audience members with dropped jaws. While this performance was billed for kids, the adults including this one, were every bit as flabbergasted, amazed, dumbfounded and even laughing out loud no matter what had been on their mind when they came in. This of course defines a true entertainer. His “patter” lines were original. His bit with a “raccoon” in a small garbage can marked, “Danger!” was a masterpiece. The life-like way the raccoon moved, the objects that it used, a ladder that draped over the side, a flag of surrender and the final feat where a little girl from the audience held out a ‘safety net. A toaster between them began to smoke, a deck of cards that had been shuffled with a secretly chosen card suddenly blew out of the toaster in a stream, the puppet like the human cannonball of the circus, shot out and flew though that stream, landing safely in the net with the selected card pinned to its nose. The spanking new Antioch (California) Commmunity Center Library building is itself a jewel in the “Gateway of The Delta” as the area is called. It houses one of the finest gyms in the area where a basketball game was being held on this grand opening day. There are community rooms for banquets, special meetings and presentations. There is a full computer section off the library which is small at the moment since this is just being started, but the librarian will order patrons any book they want from other libraries which is sent over for checkout. The Antioch Community Center-Library is located next to Prewitt Family Water Park on 4703 Lone Tree Way, a main thoroughfare in Antioch, California, which is between San Francisco and Sacramento. It is well worth stopping by. They have a ballroom that can be used as a theatre, seating 700, or for dining, They have an outdoor Amphitheater seating 300 and a plaza that can seat 116 guests….ideal for author’s readings and much more. Watch for magician Timothy Jamea who might just come to your local library. His sleight of hand is superb! Or, better yet, book him for your event. His website is: Rev. Austin Miles is a pastor-chaplain at Mountain View Christian Center in Oakley, California. To see the writer play a magician in the movie, Mack and Myer For Hire, check the June 2010 archives of this website, www.revaustinmiles. com and click on title, “You’ll Never Guess Who Guest Star is in This Comedy.”
a WOW With a Magic Touch
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[ Character of the New Man ] Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; Colossians 3:11-13 (in Context) Colossians 3 (Whole Chapter)
Revelation 2:17
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“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it.”’
2 Kings 4:42
[ Elisha Feeds One Hundred Men ] Then a man came from Baal Shalisha, and brought the man of God bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley bread, and newly ripened grain in his knapsack. And he said, “Give it to the people, that they may eat.”