A special issue dedicated to
May 2009 Vol. 6 Iss. 5
Pulpit of the Publisher
The first Sunday in June, Pastor Jerry will be teaching every Sunday & Wednesday on the Book of Revelation. Call for service times. You won’t want to miss these “end time” messages.
925-625-9570 Don’t miss
Mother’s Day on May 10th
at Mountain View Christian Center A special Mother’s Day gift for Mothers 5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley 625-9570
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By: Susan Holmes Does God still hear and answer prayers like He did for those we read about in the Bible? Whose prayers will God answer? How do I know that God will listen to my prayers and answer them? Are there special ways to pray for God to answer my prayers? Does God have favorite children whose prayers He will answer and other children whose prayers He does not answer? If God loves everyone, why do bad things happen to good people? Why do some people get healed and others don’t? Why do children and even babies sometimes suffer and die? It seems that we are always full of so many questions. Does God really care about the questions that are in our hearts but are so afraid to ask? The answer is YES! God the Holy Spirit inspired men to write His own personal love letter to you called the Bible. The answers to most of our questions are in this love letter. I am fully confident that any questions that God in His wisdom has not spoken to us about in His Word, will be personally answered by Him when we spend eternity in His presence in heaven. God loves each and every one of us with a love that our human minds can’t fully understand. We simply need to trust Him by faith that He does love us and knows everything in our hearts and minds even when we ourselves can’t put into human words the things that are hidden deep in our hearts. God knows what is in the very core of our being. He also fully understands the thoughts, questions, emotions and even our reactions to things at
By: Priscilla Stanley It is the time we spend being conscious of being in the presence of God, and of desiring to know and love Him more each time. If we can see praying as not only something we set aside a particular time for each day but as something we can do as we work, run, eat, wait for appointments and yes, even sleep, then God will be our constant companion. We will be able to turn to Him easily when we most need Him in those difficult and discerning moments. Although we can pray at any time, there are two times that are very important in our Christian journey; the first being the first thing we do upon awakening. We hand ourselves into God’s care for the day and ask Him to teach us and show us what His will is for us. We ask Him to give us His grace to do it, and we thank God for the rest of the day. The second is at the end of the day when we look back on the day, thanking God for it, confessing our failures and sins, forgiving any injury to us. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil”, 1 Peter 3:12 There are many different kinds of prayer. Public prayer is when we join our fellow Christians to celebrate at church. Our time in church should always be prayerful in preparation to receive the Holy Spirit. It certainly is not the time to catch up on news. Private prayer consists of various kinds of prayers such as praise when our hearts are full of joy and love for God. Thank Him when our hearts are full of appreciation for God and His gifts of love and goodness, often from others. Confess when our hearts are full of repentance for our sins against
Both articles continued on page 2
Massive support from the surrounding communities for the largest Egg Hunt on the West Coast!
Oakley CA Staff Report Senior Pastor, Jerry Hanoum of Mountain View Christian Center, said, “build it and they will come”… and boy did they come! All day long the crowd was streaming through the front entrance with smiles on their faces and Easter baskets in hand as they walked out onto the Freedom High School basin grass. Their eyes first gazed upon the midway with over 50 inflatables, which included bouncers, rock climbing walls, gyro spinners, lazar tag maze, King Kong giant slides and more. Then there were the 250,000 Easter eggs to be snatched up over the seven egg hunts throughout the day. But wait, this is just the beginning. There were pony rides, a petting zoo, face painting, 16,000 hot dogs, cotton candy and popcorn. Free clothing was also being given out by Helping Hands ministry. Sorry, not finished yet; don’t forget the prizes – over 200 Easter baskets and close to 100 BIKES were given out! Yes, approximately 100 bicycles given away and everything, the whole day long, was all for FREE! Why? Because Jesus paid the price at Calvary.
Photos Courtesy: Tim Vaughn & Will Byrns A word from the Publisher............ 3A World News Briefs ..................... 5A Saed & Linda Awwad .................. 7A School of Theology ..................... 9A
Cont. on Page 13 Restaurants .............................. 16A Worship Services ..............................18A Financial Forum ........................19A Events Calendar ...........................20A
America’s Good News
Prayer is communicating with God
Cont. from cover story all times. God may seem to be a mystery to us, but we are not a mystery to Him! I personally find it very comforting to know that the Creator of the Universe knows everything about me, yet still loves me. That is truly Amazing Grace! Although God knows our needs and what is in our hearts before we even are aware of them, Jesus said that we are to pray and ask God to meet our every need. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-8, “Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who keeps on asking, receives; and he who keeps on seeking, finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, the door will be opened.” We sometimes make the matter of prayer a very complicated thing, but prayer is really very simple. Prayer is simply communicating with our Heavenly Father who wants us to have a personal relationship with Him. What kind of healthy relationship would you have with your husband, children, and friends if there was no communication? We would say nowadays that we would have dysfunctional relationships if there was no communication. Our Lord Jesus’ relationship with the Heavenly Father is our perfect example to follow to see how we can walk daily with our Abba Daddy. The four Gospels are full of accounts where Jesus spent His days and nights communicating with Heavenly Father in prayer. I challenge you to read through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to see when, where and how Jesus communicated with our Heavenly Father in prayer. Then step out in faith and follow Jesus’ examples of prayer for your life and the lives of others around you. I guarantee that you will experience a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Father of Glory!
What is Prayer? Cont. from front page cover story God, those we have offended and even against us; Intercession when our hearts are full of concern about the need of others. Silent prayer is my favorite; this kind of prayer allows us to listen to God, to be conscious of God within, and in a sense just soak in God. It is indeed a very precious time, and without it we do not make much progress in our prayer life. So it is something we should do each day. I find the best time is early in the morning when the world is still relatively quiet, and the bustle of the day’s routine is still silent. When we first begin a silent prayer, it is best to practice it in the context of our morning prayer or meditation. When I first began, I did it for a few minutes and as I grew in this practice I wanted to spend much more time, even more that is practical for daily commitments. So I learned to snatch a few moments in between those commitments to be quiet and lift up my heart to my loving God. I love to offer prayer throughout the day and night as I go about my business. Sometimes they are prayers of help, sometimes a thank you, sometimes a prayer for someone in need, sometimes an offering of praise and gratitude and sometimes an act of repentance. They are usually very simple and short but they help me to know that I cannot do anything on my own; that God is the giver of everything and that no man is an island. We meditate when we read passages of scripture or holy writings in a prayerful way. That is we seek God’s guidance to understand what we read, and to give some insight into our daily lives and our own spiritual journey. Usually, when we spend time meditating or reflecting, we pray first and then read the passage, reflect upon what we have read, make some determination in regards to ourselves, and pray for grace to fulfill that area. It is one of the ways which helps us to know the mind, teaching and will of Trinity. Prayer is the foundation with which we build our relationship with God. Imagine asking someone you don’t know to help you with something very personal. You would have zero chance of that happening. However, if that same person’s daughter asked for help, it would be no problem. Relationship matters. With God, when the person is actually a child of God, and belongs to God, he knows them and hears their prayers. Jesus said, “ I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father and I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15 When it comes to God then, do you really know him and does he know you? Do you have a relationship with him that warrants God answering your prayers? Or is God pretty distant, pretty much just a concept in your life? If God is distant, or you’re not sure that you know God, you can begin a relationship with him right now.
America’s Good News
IS JESUS COMING BACK? By Jerry Hanoum Great question. Everything in the Bible brings us to the 1st and 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. The Book of Revelation and other New and Old Testament scriptures are coming alive like they were freshly painted on canvas. The economic chaos, military over power, and terrorist threats touch every person and country in the world today and the Bible speaks of all of it. I have some great news I want to share with you. It is the most exciting news report you could ever hear, especially in such turbulent times. It is a headline that will take the world by storm and cause the body of Christ to rejoice. The headline I want you to imprint on your mind and in your heart is this: JESUS IS COMING BACK! Now, to some people that headline may make a lot of waves in a negative way, simply because they have never heard of the return of the Lord before, or because they do not believe in Jesus; but I want you to know this headline is true, and it is getting ready to take place now! Jesus Christ is alive and He is preparing to return to earth and set up His Kingdom. This event will start off with the rapture, or the catching away of the body of Christ, and will culminate with His return and establishment of His divine government on the Earth. Believe me, you have a lot to look forward to.
“For those who know Jesus and are submitted to His leadership, His return will be a time of glorious celebration and excitement.”
The Word makes many references to the return of the Lord and the events that will surround ~ Jerry His coming. Matthew 24 is Jesus’ prophetic outline of the signs of the end of the age. Spoken by the Son of God Himself, the verses give several things to look for that will signal His return is at hand. For example, when His disciples asked Him what some of the indications would be, He said in verses 4-12: “…Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in diverse places. All these are the beginning of sorrows… and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity
shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Everything Jesus prophesied in the passage is happening with increased frequency and intensity. Deception and darkHanoum ness are rampant in the world today, as well as wars and new rumors of wars between nations surfacing almost daily; not to mention food shortages worldwide, new diseases emerging, and natural disasters taking place regularly. In addition, it seems that now more than ever, people do not have the love of God in their hearts toward each other. The general atmosphere has become ruled by fear and selfishness. In the midst of all the chaos taking place, the headline I shared with you is a welcomed report. For those who know Jesus and are submitted to His leadership, His return will be a time of glorious celebration and excitement. He is coming for His people, and is preparing to establish His government of righteousness. If you have not made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, or if you are a believer but know there are areas in your life you need to improve, now is the time to get your house in order. We can prepare ourselves by making sure we walk in love to-
Publisher of America’s Good News
Pastor Jerry Hanoum
ward others, live by faith, obey His Word, forgive those who hurt us, and repent of any sin in our lives. Doing these things on a continuous basis is the best way to prepare for Jesus when He comes back. I encourage you to trust in God no matter what is going on around you. He has made a way of escape for every person; it is just up to us to take advantage of what He has done for us. He died for our sins so we would not have to be subject to the world and its confusion. Accepting Jesus into our hearts is the best thing we can do to secure a future in such uncertain times. Now ask yourself, “Am I ready for His return?”
This summer starting in June, Pastor Jerry will be teaching every Sunday and Wednesday on the Book of Revelation. Call for service times, you will not want to miss these end time messages. 925-625-9570
America’s Good News
Men of Vision Left - Pastor Keoni Clifford brought a relevant message that men received willingly. Below - Sammy Johnson and the worship team singing, ‘Shout to the Lord.’
Left - Brian Donnally calling upon men to step up and make a difference in a child’s life.
Just for today! Staff Report Oakley CA The men may have come for the fellowship, or maybe the food, but they received a timely message from Pastor Keoni Clifford at the ‘Men of Vision’ gathering on April 20th at MVCC in Oakley. Pastor Jerry Dellinger opened the meeting up sharing his inner thoughts, “Don’t let anything steal your joy. I’ve tried it with God, and I’ve tried it without Him. When you get up, from the very beginning of that day until the end of the day give Him praise no matter what happens, your life will be different; you will be strong in the Lord.” Brian Donnally asked for the men to do something useful with their time by doing the Lord’s work. “There is a golf tournament coming up in June to benefit the Royal Family Kids Camp and I want to encourage all of you to participate in any way that you can,” said Brian. “These kids have grown up suffering from many types of abuse, neglect or abandonment and they need to see men making a positive difference in their lives.” After Brian spoke, several men signed up to help out, so this year’s camp will be a blessing to those children in need. Praise God. Keynote speaker and ‘Men of Vision’ director Pastor Keoni Clifford, addressed the men with a message that everyone there could relate to. “I came to the Lord in prayer and asked on what He would want me to speak. I said show me Lord; where do we need to be as men of God? It starts with the head of the home, and that’s each and every one of you. The last three months at the men of vision gatherings we have seen many men get set free. Strongholds are being broken and men are getting saved. Some of us have been pushed for decades and many of us here tonight have said, ENOUGH! So while in prayer, I said to God, there has to be more. There has to be more to life than this, and there is. You can never stand taller than when you’re on your knees praying to God.” “‘Just for Today’ is the title for tonight’s message,” said Pastor Keoni. He then encouraged all of the men to be more Christ-like with the right attitude. “Just for today,” he said, “I will communicate and care for my family. Just for today, I will seek wisdom and understanding from the Lord. Just for today, I will make and keep proper commitments. Just for today, I will earn and properly manage my finances. Just for today, I will deepen and live out my faith. Just for today, I will model generosity, embrace and practice good values.” Men were beginning to understand that we need to take each day as it comes and be the best we can be for our Lord and for our families. When you look too far down the road sometimes or take the whole weight of the world on your shoulders it can be overwhelming. You need to rely on God’s strength and make Him the one in charge. Pastor Keoni said with joy in his heart, “you need to let love rule in your lives men.” This was a simple statement, but yet powerful, just as Christ said in Mark 12:29-31 “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ‘The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Pastor Keoni referred to the movie ‘Facing the Giants’ in saying, “we need to be a stonewall and not give an inch to the enemy.” He closed the gathering asking men, “Do you want to be the man of God that He has called you to be? Just for today, we need to step up and make the commitments that we talked about tonight. Just for today, men raise your hands if you stand in agreement with me and with each other. Raise your hands if you hunger to do it God’s way and let Him shape you.” Every single hand in the sanctuary was raised committing to the Lord and their families. Just for today... men were as one body in Christ, standing in agreement for eternity. Call 925-625-9570 for information on the next ‘Men of Vison’ gathering.
America’s Good News
World News Briefs Make a difference, be different Allie Martin - OneNewsNow The pastor of a Florida mega-church says it’s time for Christians in America to influence culture -- instead of the other way around. Tullian Tchividjian is the new pastor at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale. The grandson of evangelist Billy Graham, Tchividjian was chosen recently to pastor the well-known church that founded by the late Dr. D. James Kennedy. On Easter, Tchividjian delivered his first sermon as that church’s senior pastor. He says the church in America has nearly forgotten the biblical message of self-sacrifice and humility. “American culture is bombarding us with the idea that we need to be pursuing comfort and convenience,” he laments. “That we need to spend our life getting to the front, not going to the back; that we need to spend our life preserving ourselves, not sacrificing ourselves for others.” In his new book, Tchividjian outlines the problem and challenges Christians to be the true counter-culture. The book is titled Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different.
Copyright 2007 American Family News Network - Used by permission."
PALESTINIAN CHRISTIAN, SAED AWWAD ADDRESSES CCMC GATHERING Reported by The Fly on The Wall The Contra Costa Minister’s Conference (CCMC) has become such a valuable fixture in Contra Costa County that other areas now want to bring a similar program to their own cities and towns. It’s a non-denominational fellowship of community leaders who meet monthly to discuss issues of the day and how to make their communities a better place to live and work. And it is having a positive effect on the area. The March 25th luncheon meeting held at The Nines opened with a peppy welcome from Pat and Ron Reagan. They then introduced Pastor Anthony Blackman of Faith Worship Center in Pittsburg to open with prayer and lead the Pledge of Allegience. Pastor Blackman is poised, energetic and means business when it comes to The Lord. It is always a treat to hear him. Kim Moreno, Worship Leader and Associate Pastor of Mountain View Christian Center, is an extremely gifted singer. She belted out “We Speak To Nations”, which was so powerful that it brought the audience out of their seats. Then again, any song she sings becomes powerful in her hands. Pat Reagan welcomed and thanked the pastors present and introduced distinguished guests. Pastor Mike Dillman of First Assembly of God in Manteca made a cameo appearance to speak about the elaborate Memorial Day Service held at his church each year. Pastor Dillman, a Vietnam Veteran with incredible stories to tell, puts his heart into this annual tribute. He electrified the CCMC when he was a featured speaker last year. The keynote address was given by colorful speaker, Saed Awwad. A PalestinianChristian, he appeared with full, elegant Arab clothing. He is very knowledgeable about the history of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict through the ages and not only gives a clear picture of both sides of the dispute but he also displayed a good sense of humor that delighted his audience. After Ron Reagan gave a “Call to Action” (what we can do to make our community better), Pastor Len Goodyear, pastor of the Methodist Church On The Rock in Antioch, gave the closing prayer. He will soon be retiring from his church and moving to Oregon, to the good fortune of those who live in that area. Needless to say, he will be greatly missed here. Pastor Jerry Slavens of The Carpenter Shop in Antioch, gave a closing tribute with a western version of “The Blood’s Still There,” with a splendid deep melodious voice. Everyone would have been happy to hear more from him. Personal Fly Note: Thousands of readers lamented that The Fly Report for the February CCMC was not published due to a mishap. Something startling happened at that meeting that caused The Fly to fall off the wall, land in Pastor Jerry Hanoum’s coffee cup and scrambled out of it just before Pastor Jerry lifted the cup to take a giant sip. Phew! This mishap put The Fly back on crutches. But The Fly was able to catch David York, son of Pat and Ron Reagan, who is a Franciscan Brother of Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside of San Diego, who gave an excellent brief overview of the Catholic history of Lent. Missed a lot of Pastor Alex Toeiana of Soul’d Out Christian Center in San Francisco who we know has lived through some harrowing experiences. But the real highlight of that meeting (to this coffee-drenched Fly) was the introduction of Pastor Jackie Smith of the Antioch Salvation Army Church (with the rank of Captain) who would lead the closing prayer. Wearing her uniform, she was taken to the lectern in a wheel chair. That put tears in the eyes of The Fly; A woman determined to serve and honor God under any and all conditions. She spoke a very tender,-embracing prayer with elegance and joy. Her presence and grace inspired and encouraged all of us...even this Fly who fell off the wall. Yes, Captain Rev. Jackie Smith is a real example of what a Christian should be.
Somalia land of pirates, land of persecution Allie Martin - OneNewsNow
While Somalia has made headlines recently for its pirates who cause havoc on the high seas, there are also tough times for Christians in the African nation. For years, Somalia has been devastated by war, drought, flooding, famine, and terror attacks. The country has no government, constitution, or any legal provision for the protection of religious freedom. Jerry Dykstra with Open Doors USA explains that Christians in the east African country are easy targets. Although ten believers were murdered there last year, Dykstra says inroads are being made for the gospel. “We need to praise the Lord for that,” Dykstra shares. “Many of Somalia’s Christians have come to the faith from Islam, so they’re Muslim-background believers.” Somalia is 99 percent Muslim, with 4,000 to 5,000 Christians. It ranks fifth on Open Doors’ current “World Watch List” of nations persecuting Christian believers, and is one of two African nations among the ten worst persecuting nations.
Coming to the Contra Costa Ministers Conference
May 27th
The Nines Restaurant, Brentwood Golf Course 100 Summerset Dr. Brentwood, CA 94513 11:45 AM to 1:30 PM
Cost $20.00
Judge Lois Haight Superior Court Judge, Juvenile Court, Contra Costa County Judge Lois Haight was a prosecutor in Oakland, California when she first became involved in crime victim-related issues. Soon after her husband was called to Washington to serve in the Reagan Administration, the U.S. Department of Justice invited Haight to chair the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime. Once the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime initiative was under way and Haight began to travel the country to meet with victims and victim advocates, she realized the extent of the problems they were facing. People were not taking the plight of victims seriously. The criminal justice system was way out of balance in the favor of offenders and the public was unaware or indifferent. Furthermore, the degree to which victims were blamed within the justice system and in the public eye was shocking. The principle strategy of the President’s Task Force on Victims of Crime was to talk directly with the victims about their experiences. The second important strategy was to focus the attention of the policymakers and the media on crime victim issues. Following the publication of the Final Report, Lois Haight took 350 trips around the United States as Assistant Attorney General, giving press conferences and talking to legislatures, Governors and the judiciary. Judge Haight is recognized nationwide as a premier family law judge. She has been a guest speaker and a lecturer at many colleges and law schools, including Stanford, Princeton, Harvard, and many judicial colleges. Among many awards and honored positions, Lois was chosen California Judge of the Year, in 2003. She is currently the Chief Judge of the Juvenile Court in Contra Costa County, California. Join us to hear Judge Haight address important issues with the CCMC audience, such as the necessity of court appointed special advocates (CASA) in the cases where children have been abused, abandoned or molested; and balancing the need for prison ministries with helping and supporting the innocent victims of crime. To RSVP, or for further information, contact Ron or Pat Reagan at 925-2401242 or pmreagan11@comcast.net
America’s Good News
East County National Day of Prayer May 7th
World News Briefs cont.
Miss USA Contestant Inspires Millions by Standing Firm
By Rev. Austin Miles (AGN-TCL) April 22, 2009 Carrie Prejean who holds the title, Miss California, was ready to be crowned Miss USA. She had earned the highest number of points in all categories of the contest and was seen as the new Miss USA. An openly “gay” celebrity blogger who goes by the name, ‘Perez Hilton’, took advantage of his appointment as a judge of the pageant by asking her this question: “Should every state follow Vermont in legalizing same-sex marriage?” Ms. Prejean politely answered, “I think it is wonderful that we live in a country where we have choices. However, in my country, and in my family, I was taught that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I don’t want to offend anybody but that’s how I was raised.” “Perez” immediately gave her a zero which cost Ms. Prejean the title that she had already won and he went into a hissy fit calling her vile names on various websites with such statements as, “She gave the worst answer in pageant history (?) and she lost because she’s a dumb b**** with half a brain.” On subsequent TV interviews the beauty said that she knew her answer would cost her the crown. In her own words she said, “It’s not about being politically correct, for me, it’s about being biblically correct.” She said she would give the same answer if she had the chance to do it again. The Miss USA Pageant is to show outward and inward beauty along with a moral lifestyle. Ironically it was in giving a truthful moral answer to the question that cost her the crown; a question that should never have been asked. Curiously, on the Today Show, the sexually confused “Perez Hilton” screamed, “She should have left her politics and religion out of this.” How’s that again? Millions of viewers will testify that it was Perez Hilton who brought politics to the pageant, not Ms. Prejean, who simply gave a truthful answer to a question that was asked of her. But the beauty queen gave an example and challenge to all Christians to stand firm in their faith without compromising biblical principles. She will receive far greater rewards than those given by the beauty pageant. Their reward is limited. God’s rewards are not. Carrie Prejean received a worldwide round of applause for displaying truthfulness, standing firm with her beliefs in God and The Holy Scriptures and for being the ultimate inspiration to millions of young people. She is the best role model America could ever hope for. It should be a given that churches all across America will invite the real Miss USA to be a guest speaker. She has shown us all how to stand firm and to remain faithful to God and His Word. Another round of applause would be appropriate.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I read your article in this months paper regarding our NEW President. I found the article interesting in that I am a Christian woman who does support President Obama. I am a Christian first, then democrat. I was pleased to see HOW you did end the article reminding us that “Prayer is the Solution”. During the Bush years I was on my knees every day, asking the Lord to please forgive our sins as a Nation and to please keep his loving arms around President Bush. I too agree that God did know beforehand who would be President and established it, just as he did George Bush. Below, please find another scripture, advising all people to love!
Christians! Wake up! I wanted to say this is the most Christian thing I have ever read in your paper. This has always been my thoughts. I am a Democrat but even when he was pulling us under I prayed for Bush and so did my Democratic friends. Thank you for reminding people what the Bible says to do.
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, LONG SUFFERING; Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. COLOSSIANS 3:12-13
When you’re the Editor of America’s Good News paper you get your fair share of unpleasant phone calls, letters and emails, to put it lightly. I expected our article on President Obama in the April issue titled ‘Christians Wake-up’ to peg the needle. With over 100,000 readers, to my surprise all we had received were positive comments. Praise God for the Good News!
God Bless, Elizabeth Jensen
In Christ, Will Byrns
Pray for our leader and our country. Joanne Oertwig, Brentwood
Cornerstone Fellowship office in Towne Centre in Brentwood at 12 Noon - 1 PM. Light snacks will be provided. Vice Mayor Eric Stonebarger, business leaders, local pastors, and ministry leaders will take part in leading this very special day - Prayer - America’s Hope! National Day of Prayer coordinator - LizBeth Fletcher, in her own words. “I have always seen this as an area wide event! As I have the opportunity to meet more people in this area, I see it expanding. It is when we, as believers, can come together as one to ask our Lord for His wisdom and mercy for our leaders, churches, military, government, businesses, and education. God answers the prayers of His people. So when we come together to pray (talk) with Him, we are following what He asked us to do. I believe that God has His hand on this particular area of the county. There are some wonderful opportunities here to come together and share His love and there is an openness to His love. The vision for this began because Delta Women’s Connection, an active group of Bible believing women, asked the city council for it and, I see it growing with many churches and more people of God coming together to lift up His name every year. This year will be a little different since we will be indoors. What that offers us is the advantage of not being confined because of the weather, gives us chairs, facilities, etc. We will still be in the center of town and hope that MANY churches and businesses will participate with their members who are here during the day. This is a time when we show how we, who love Christ, are unified in our spirit of sharing the love and power of our God for all aspects of our lives!” For information on the East County National Day of Prayer, call event coordinator LizBeth Fletcher at 925-634-7844
Antioch National Day of Prayer May 7th Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at 7am at Humphreys Restaurant in Antioch. $15.00 for the breakfast. Call for more info 925 757 2020 1 Kings 8:54 When Solomon had finished all these prayers and supplications to the LORD, he rose from before the altar of the LORD, where he had been kneeling with his hands spread out toward heaven. Ezra 8:23 So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. Nehemiah 1:6 …let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel. I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s house, have committed against you. Psalm 17:1 Hear, O LORD, my righteous plea; listen to my cry. Give ear to my prayer—it does not rise from deceitful lips.
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America’s Good News
Let’s Look At The History Let’s Look at the History (part 4 of 5) By Saed & Linda Awwad The Holocaust – During World War II (1939-1945), many Palestinian Arabs and Jews joined the Allied forces, though some Palestinian and Arab leaders were sympathetic to the Nazi cause. Jews had a special motivation for fighting the Nazis because of Nazi persecution of Jews and growing suspicions that the Nazis were systematically exterminating the Jews of Europe. These suspicions were later confirmed, and the extermination of European Jews came to be known as the Holocaust. The threat of extermination also created great pressure for immigration to Palestine, but the gates of Palestine were closed by the British White Paper. In 1941 the British freed Jewish Haganah underground leaders in a general amnesty, and they joined the British in fighting the Germans. Illegal Immigration - The Jews of Palestine responded to the White Paper and the Holocaust by organizing illegal immigration to Palestine from occupied Europe, through the “Institution for Illegal Immigration” (Hamossad L’aliya Beth). Illegal immigration (Aliya Bet) was organized by the Jewish Agency between 1939 and 1942, when a tightened British blockade and stricter controls in occupied Europe made it impractical, and again between 1945 and 1948. Rickety boats full of refugees tried to reach Palestine. Additionally, there were private initiatives, an initiative by the Nazis to deport
Saed & Linda Awwad Jews and an initiative by the US to save European Jews. Many of the ships sank or were caught by the British or the Nazis and turned back, or shipped to Mauritius or other destinations for internment. The Patria (also called “Patra”) contained immigrants offloaded from three other ships, for transshipment to the island of Mauritius. To prevent transshipment, the Haganah placed a small explosive charge on the ship on November 25, 1940. They thought the charge would damage the engines. Instead, the ship sank, and over 250 lives were lost. A few weeks later, the SS Bulgaria docked in Haifa with 350 Jewish refugees and was ordered to return to Bulgaria. The Bulgaria capsized in the Turkish straits, killing 280. The Struma, a vessel that had left Constanta in Rumania with about 769 refugees, got to Istanbul on December 16, 1941. There, it was forced to undergo repairs of its engine and leaking hull. The Turks would not grant the refugees sanctuary. The British would not approve transshipment to Mauritius or entry to Palestine. On February 24, 1942, the Turks ordered the Struma out of the harbor. It sank with the loss of 428 men, 269 women and 70 children. It had been torpedoed by a Soviet submarine, either because it was mistaken for a Nazi ship, or more likely, because the Soviets had agreed to collaborate with the British in barring Jewish immigration. Illegal immigration continued until late in the war,
apparently without the participation of the Mossad l’aliya Bet. Despite the many setbacks, tens of thousands of Jews were saved by the illegal immigration. Displaced Persons - After the war, it was discovered that the Germans had murdered about six million Jews in Europe, in the Holocaust. These people had been trapped in Europe, because virtually no country would give them shelter. The Zionists felt that British restriction of immigration to Palestine had cost hundreds of thousands of lives. The Jews were now desperate to bring the remaining Jews of Europe, about 250,000 people being held in displaced persons camps, to Palestine. Partition - The United Nations Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP) recommended that Palestine be divided into an Arab state and a Jewish state. The commission called for Jerusalem to be put under international administration. The UN General Assembly adopted this plan on Nov. 29, 1947 as UN Resolution (GA 181), owing to support of both the US and the Soviet Union, and in particular, the personal support of US President Harry S. Truman. Many factors contributed to Truman’s decision to support partition, including domestic politics and intense Zionist lobbying, no doubt. Truman wrote in his diary, however, “I think the proper thing to do, and the thing I have been doing, is to do what I think is right and let them all go to hell.”
The Jews accepted the UN decision, but the Arabs rejected it. The resolution divided the land into two approximately equal portions in a complicated scheme with zig-zag borders. The intention was an economic union between the two states with open borders. At the time of partition, slightly less than half the land in all of Palestine was owned by Arabs, slightly less than half was “crown lands” belonging to the state, and about 8% was owned by Jews or the Jewish Agency. There were about 600,000 Jews in Palestine, almost all living in the areas allotted to the Jewish state or in the internationalized zone of Jerusalem, and about 1.2 million Arabs. The allocation of land by Resolution 181 was intended to produce two areas with Jewish and Arab majorities respectively. Jerusalem and environs were to be internationalized. The relatively large Jewish population of Jerusalem and the surroundings, about 100,000, were geographically cut off from the rest of the Jewish state, separated by a relatively large area, the “corridor,” allotted to the Palestinian state. The corridor included the populous Arab towns of Lod and Ramla and the smaller towns of Qoloniyeh, Emaus, Qastel and others that guarded the road to Jerusalem. We’ll conclude this historical perspective next month with part 5 of 5.
Health “The Importance of Your Scheduled Check-ups” By Joann Saporito Just as we all need a spiritual “check-up” on a daily basis we also must take care of our bodies by regularly visiting a doctor. But many of us recoil at the thought of going to the doctor for a physical examination. We will wait until symptoms are so bad that by the time we go, we have to be admitted to the hospital! Perhaps we fear needles, are afraid of finding out there is something REALLY wrong, or we cannot afford the visit. There are numerous reasons for this reluctance but many more reasons as to why we should go when it is appropriate. What do I mean by appropriate? Historically, annual physicals were recommended by respected associations such as the American Medical Association (AMA) from the 1920’s even into the 1970’s (The Annual Physical Exam, 2005). In fact, many physicians still tell their patients to see them annually but the reasoning behind these scheduled visits may not necessarily be for your health. Often the physician is trying to maintain the doctor-patient relationship, or keep you, their customer, satisfied with their practice (The Annual Physical Exam). This frequency is not recommended anymore; however, due to patients being prescribed unnecessary tests and medications as well as the rising costs-billions of dollars annually (Annual Physical Exams Lead to, 2007). So how do you know when to go to the doctor? What is considered a good schedule to keep? Well, you should always go see a doctor when you are not feeling well or have any symptoms of potential illness or infection such as pain, fever, visible redness or oozing wounds. If you are feeling fine and are looking for general guidelines the following can apply: For women: • Mammograms: every 1-2 years after age 40 • Pap smears: at least every 3 years once sexually active, or after age 21 • Cholesterol checks: Starting at age 45, or at age 20 if you have high risk factors for coronary artery disease • Blood pressure: Starting at age 18 • Blood test for diabetes: Every 3 years starting at age 45, or at age 18 for those with high risk factors such as obesity or a family history of diabetes
Colorectal cancer tests: Starting at age 50 and speak with your doctor about the type of test and frequency to follow • Osteoporosis tests: Starting at age 65, or at age 60 for women with risk factors for osteoporotic fractures For men: • Cholesterol checks: At age 35, or at age 20 if you have risk factors for coronary artery disease • Blood pressure: Starting at age 18 • Blood test for diabetes: Every 3 years starting at age 45, or at age 18 for those with high risk factors such as obesity or a family history of diabetes • Colorectal cancer tests: Starting at age 50 and speak with your doctor about the type of test and frequency to follow • Prostate cancer screening: Speak with your doctor about the test and the frequency to follow (Frequency of Examinations, 2007). Keep in mind these are general guidelines that are recommended for generally healthy individuals. You should speak with your doctor about your own risk factors and the schedule of screening exams and physicals you should maintain. Of course, be sure to pray daily to receive your spiritual “check-up” My blessings and prayers go out as always to all of you for good health and long happy lives. May the Lord bless you in your paths and endeavors! •
References: Annual Physical Exams Lead to High Costs and Potentially Unnecessary Testing, Says University of Pittsburgh Study. (November, 2007). Healthcare Financial Management. Retrieved April 8, 2009, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3257/is_11_61/ai_n21118634/ Frequency of Examinations. In Physical Examination. (Oct. 12, 2007). Retrieved April 9, 2008, from http://yourtotalhealth.ivillage.com/physical-examination.html?pageNum=1#1 The Annual Physical Exam. (July, 2005). The McDougall Newsletter, 4(7). Retrieved April 8, 2009, from http://www.d rmcdougall.com/misc/2005nl/july/050700physical.htm
America’s Good News
“ALABASTER BOX” By Pastor Julie Jackson Prayers can open your “alabaster box”. In the Bible, Matthew 26:7 tells us of the woman who stored a most precious commodity in her alabaster jar. “a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table”. The woman poured her most valuable commodity on Jesus’ head. We all have a most valued and prized commodity. It does NOT necessarily have to be of material worth, but can be of great spiritual wealth. How often do we pray for a period of time over a situation, see no results and have a tendency to ease off on our praying? Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and the one who seeks, finds, and to the one who knocks, it will be opened”. When we don’t see an immediate answer to our prayers we are not to ease off but continue to press in with our prayers. The Word tells us to seek and to knock. When we “seek” we are “intent on finding.” Are your prayers intent on being answered? Knocking is even more persistent prayer then seeking. When we knock in the natural, we generally have to wait for someone to answer the door. If we know someone is home and we know that they will eventually answer the door, we are intensely persistent in continuing to knock. We do not allow the delay in answering to deter us from getting an answer. We continue to knock and knock and knock until the door is opened to us. This is how we are to be in prayer. We are to continue to knock until we receive an answer. Prayer is more powerful than any force on earth, any friend or foe. Prayer moves heaven to move on our behalf when we pray. There are many answers in heaven to prayers that have never been uttered. God has all we need; we must do our part and pray. Without prayer, many would perish, never get healed or saved. Many a grandmother and mother have spent years praying for their loved ones. There is a story of a gentleman who prayed for 65 years for his best friend to accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. This man faithfully prayed every day for his friend, never missing one day. Even the day he lost his wife and when illness was claiming his own life, he continued to pray. Still his friend had not yet accepted Jesus. The day came when this Godly man passed away. As they were lowering his casket into the grave his friend threw himself on the ground and gave his life to Jesus Christ. The man of prayer knew that one day his prayer for his friend would be answered, so he had continued to pray year after year. This man’s “alabaster box” was the salvation of his friend. We are to pray on a regular basis. Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”. Jesus’ life was a life of prayer. He knew the intimate relationship with his heavenly Father was based in prayer. Prayer was not an afterthought or something taken lightly by Jesus, but was vital and life sustaining for Him. We are to emulate Jesus in our prayer life. Matthew 6:9-15 known as the “Lord’s Prayer” is a model prayer for us. It helps and guides our prayers in line with the Lord’s will. Commit yourself to a daily time of prayer. You will find a transformation take place in your life, one that will draw you into a closer more intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father. When your prayers are not answered immediately, continue to seek, continue to knock, continue to bombard heaven with your prayers! The Lord is waiting for your prayers. He has the answers!
Simple Prayer, Big Action Young Adult’s Ministry/College Age By Jordan Koester Have you ever stopped to think, “Why is it that we, as Christians, stop and pray over our food?” If you look in the Bible you see Jesus pray over the food to bless and multiply it. “… Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves...” (Matthew 14:19) If you know the whole story here then you know that Jesus was able to feed a great amount of people with a small amount of food. Jesus had faith that His task would be accomplished because He operated in faith without doubt. Doubt is what hinders us from receiving the blessing when we pray. Even prayer over our meals can be hindered by doubt. However, I am not writing to bring a corrective or a “this is how you must do it” kind of message. I am writing to share with you the amazing turn of events that happened when I prayed over my food. It all started when I was eating with a friend for a late dinner at Uno’s after hitting the gym. We gave thanks for the food like normal, from the heart. After prayer we both stopped when we heard someone say, “Hey, I’m a brother too!” He was a host at the restaurant who, after hearing our prayer, told us how it blessed him. It didn’t stop there. We ended up being able to pray with the host in the middle of the restaurant. We prayed for the new friend and brother in Christ. We asked how we could pray for each other. We learned a great amount about each other in a short time just by opening our hearts and being “real”. It was clear that we had stepped into a divine meeting set up by our Father. My friend and I left that meal feeling very blessed. I don’t think either of us ceased from our excitement from that evening. Now, if it just stopped there it would have been enough in itself but the story goes on. My new friend called and was able to make it to our men’s ministry the following Monday night. It was a great evening and we got to know each other more. About two weeks later he called me and wanted to give something to me. Not really knowing what it was about I agreed and said lets just meet up for lunch at Applebees because I sure knew I was getting hungry. Upon meeting I noticed a brown paper bag in his hand. I didn’t think too much of it. When we were seated we started talking about our lives. After talking for a bit I realized just what was in the bag. To protect the people of the story let’s call it an item of sin, an idol. After further discussion, I found out that my new friend felt led by God to be set free from his bondage and to give the idol to me. I was so honored. You see, I once shared in the same sin as this young man. So there I was with the same friend that I met through prayer in a restaurant about to pray over our food. I offered to have him take the honor of praying and he accepted with a smile. After another heart-felt prayer, we heard a voice say to us; “Hey, brother, I hope you said a prayer for me.” We looked over to see an elderly man, pumping his fist, articulating his emotion, and smiling at us. We both just smiled and we engaged in a great conversation with this other table. We basically had a small church service inside of this restaurant. There I was standing in the middle of the isle in Applebees with linked hands, praying. The whole restaurant had become a witness to our joy. My friend and I made some great, wise friends that day. We became so encouraged by the amazing joy in finding the common bond in Christ. There is so much more that happened but perhaps I can share about this next time. However, it is better to leave you wanting more. I will say this though. I took the idol back to my office after lunch and smashed it to a powder as they did in the Old Testament. My friend has been growing and we both were able to share the whole testimony at our group the following Monday night. That led into a whole other string of awesome events. We have not seen the elderly couple again, but I trust I will see them again in heaven if not again on this earth. The biggest thing I learned from all of this is the importance and power of prayer. The simple prayer of two hungry young men over a meal can lead to amazing things in the Kingdom of God. So please don’t think lightly of your prayers. Bless your food in public. Be the alien to what is normal. Jordan Josiah Koester J.koester@calltocourage.com Call to Courage (Men’s Ministry) Young Adult’s Ministry (College Age) Sold Out Soldiers in Christ (High School and Junior High)
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America’s Good News
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The School of Theology is a comprehensive 22 course program that enables students to start and pursue a Biblical education based on a foundation of Biblical studies. Students will have the opportunity to graduate from the School of Theology and then continue their education towards a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. The goal of the School of Theology is to equip men and women of God to develop and use their spiritual gifts for the work of the ministry in the Body of Christ.
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America’s Good News
Blessings Bestowed at Opening Day Boat Parade McHale’s Navy and a Viking ship take their place in the parade.
Reverend Austin Miles gives a wave as he welcomes everyone to the new boating season during the Opening Day Parade at the San Joaquin Yacht Club on Bethel Island. Rev. Miles encourages all to receive a blessing over their watercraft and themselves before heading out onto the high seas. “The only boat that took off last year before I had a chance to bless it broke down and was towed back for an emergency blessing,” said Rev. Miles. The Reverend reminded everyone how much time Jesus had spent on the water. He then prayed over the Yacht’s speaker system for a safe and joyful summer on the Delta.
Exodus 9:29 Moses replied, “When I have gone out of the city, I will spread out my hands in prayer to the LORD. The thunder will stop and there will be no more hail, so you may know that the earth is the LORD’s.
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America’s Good News
PRAYER-THE INVISIBLE FORCE By Rev. Austin Miles Prayer is such a valuable instrument in ministry (as well as in personal lives) that Oswald Chambers, whose devotional, “My Utmost For His Highest,” has become the most beloved devotional in the world, titled one of his books, ‘Prayer-A Holy Occupation.” Prayer is a vital Christian discipline that cannot be neglected if one expects to have a successful life and ministry. To be sure, prayer is not to be executed idly or off the cuff. Prayer is work. It is an act of the will and it is obedience surrounded by dedication to God. Prayer can be difficult but nothing successful in life has ever been accomplished without difficulty and effort. It takes effort to pray but the rewards are spectacular. Charles Spurgeon, a 19th Century London Preacher was so good that he is known as, “The Prince of Preachers.” When he was 27 years old, he was preaching to crowds of 6000 people in London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle His masterful sermons are still in print today. A visitor to his church asked one of the members the secret of Spurgeon’s success. “Follow me, and I’ll show you,” the member said as the visitor followed him into the basement of the church, where he saw 400 intercessors praying for their pastor while he was preaching in the sanctuary. “This,” the member said to the visitor, “is the secret of Mr. Spurgeon’s success.” We prepare our hearts with prayer. E.M. Bounds in his classic book, “Power Through Prayer” said, “ A prepared heart is much better than a prepared sermon. A prepared heart will make a prepared sermon. A prayerless ministry is the undertaker for all God’s truth and for God’s Church. He may have the most costly casket and the most beautiful flowers, but it is a funeral notwithstanding the charmful array. A prayerless Christian will never learn God’s truth; A prayerless ministry will never be able to teach God’s truth. Prayer is the preacher’s mightiest weapon. An almighty force in itself; it gives life and force to all.” Mr. Bounds then goes on to say, “The preacher must have had audience and ready access to God before he can have access to the people.” In other words, be with God in prayer before you talk to anyone else. David Brainerd, who battled a mortal illness as he ministered to the Indians, wrote in his diary, “I love to be alone in my cottage where I can spend much time in prayer.” Before going into an Indian encampment, he would pitch his tent not too far from the entrance, then pray that he would find favor and that souls would be saved. This particular night, the Indians knew he was there and, led by the chief, they quietly slipped into the area and surrounded the tent. On his knees, with hands lifted in the air, Brainerd was praying fervently. The Chief was about to give the order to storm the tent and kill Brainerd but suddenly stopped as he saw something inside. A rattlesnake was slowly crawling into the tent where Brainerd was praying. The chief held up his hand to keep the Indians in their place while he watched, fascinated with what was happening. The rattlesnake got next to Brainerd, coiled up ready to strike, then, put its head down and slowly crawled out of the tent as Brainerd continued to pray, totally oblivious to the drama that was unfolding around him. Astonished, the chief put down his hand and said, “Friend of the Great Spirit!” and they all backed away and returned to their camp. The next morning, Brainerd approached the camp not knowing what to expect. The chief himself was there to greet him and said, “Friend of the Great Spirit, welcome to our camp.” David Brainerd preached his message and the entire tribe gave their hearts to Jesus.
To have an effect on the world, we must be adamant about our prayer life, and never heed the enemy’s whisper that you are too busy or too tired to pray. Prayer is the area where we can completely defeat Satan if we determine ourselves to do so. Rev. Austin Miles, who believes that there is a seed of greatness in everyone without exception, once had an international television program titled, “You Are Special”.
2 Samuel 24:25 David built an altar to the LORD there and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. Then the LORD answered prayer in behalf of the land, and the plague on Israel was stopped. 1 Kings 8:28 Yet give attention to your servant’s prayer and his plea for mercy, O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.
A Beacon of Hope
Lighthouse Church in Pittsburg
By Diana Dobbie Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version) 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Pastors Jason & Peggy Younger have been married for over 20 years and share a unique joint ministry as pastors of Lighthouse Church located in the town of Pittsburg. The couple met at Bible College and for Pastor Jason, he knew on their first date that they were meant to be together. Their current mission at Lighthouse Church is simple; providing hope to its members and to effectively teach the Word of God, by relating the message to everyday life and providing practical solutions to problems. Recently, the church finished a well received teaching called “The Forty Days of Love” which Pastors Jason and Peggy taught together about agape love. Lighthouse Church has a unique past history. The church was established about 65 years ago. It was one of the first multicultural churches in the area. The actual church building was built in the 1960’s and has been a welcome beacon of hope on Stoneman Ave. Furthermore, it is close to Pastor Jason’s heart as it was once ran by his father, Bill Younger. Another main attraction of this church is that it hosts two preschools, Little Promises and Bridgeway Preschool located off- campus on Oakley Road as well as Christian Center School, a K - through 12th grade school
comprising of approximately 160 students. The school’s main focus is to let kids grow God’s way. It is open to the public and they also offer after- school programs such as martial arts, guitar, drums, kid’s college, homework club and daycare programs. Recently, Lighthouse Church has been witnessing an increasing interest and attendance among teenagers who want to learn more about God. It’s good to know that blessings come in all sorts of packages and during these tough economic times, people, situations and resources do collide in a positive fashion. Lighthouse Church has experienced two such blessings. Recently, a severe windstorm wreaked havoc and unfortunately irreparable damage was done to the school gym. Fortunately, the insurance company will be building a new gym. Secondly, the church is in the process of building a café to support the congregation by encouraging fellowship after the services. A former café owner donated over $10,000 in machines and equipment. Open doors await anyone who wants to learn about God in a safe environment. Everyone is invited to either come to service or get information about the school. Currently Lighthouse Church has two Sunday Services - 9:30am and 11:15am. Wednesdays at 7:00 pm is the prayer and healing service. They are located off Loveridge Road at 1210 Stoneman Ave., Pittsburg, CA (925) 432-3808.
FAMILIES ON FIRE “Blended Families” By Andrew Pate With over half of all families being blended families, or step families, Families on Fire feels that it is important to address the special challenges that these marriages face on a daily basis. Unlike a traditional marriage where the relationship between the husband and wife have time to develop before beginning a family, children precede the marriage in a blended family. Often, depending on the reasons for the separation of their biological parents, the children are not willing partners and can be antagonistic towards their new family. This poses difficult challenges for many newly remarried couples. But there are steps that you can take as a couple to smooth the transition and at the same time create the foundation for a strong marriage and family. The first thing that newly married couples need to do is to protect and prioritize their marriage. Their marriage is the foundation that the rest of the family will build upon. In many cases, this
will mean that past hurts will need to be dealt with and forgiven. Unforgiveness, if left unchecked, will manifest itself in marriages in negative ways. Painful separations caused by adultery or abuse will carry over into new marriages. It is important to first identify your past hurts. We identify our past hurts by praying to the Holy Spirit for revelation of anything that has hurt us. The next step is to forgive those who have hurt us. It is important to understand that when we forgive we are not saying that what they did was right, but that whatever happened will no longer hold us captive. When we forgive, we free ourselves from the past so that we can build a solid future. In a blended family, the relationship between the husband and wife will set the standard for the entire family. The second aspect of a successful blended family is for both parents to act as a united front in making decisions that are related to the children. Both parents must
be in constant communication so that the children are not allowed the opportunity to play their emotions and manipulate them. Spouses need to act as a team, and be seen acting as a team, for all of their decisions. This can be very difficult because it means that biological parents will have to give up ownership of their children to their new spouses. Non-biological parents will also have to take ownership and responsibility. All children must be treated equally. Finally, it is important that discipline be properly administrated to your children. In most cases, it is wise to allow the biological parent to enforce the discipline. Although the biological parent is enforcing, it is equally important that the non-biological parent is part of the decision making process for what rules will be enforced. Even though they have different jobs in relation to discipline, both parents have equal responsibility in defining the parameters of discipline in their households. If you have a policy of being
Pastor Joe & Shelby Seeley united and fair, your new family will reap the benefits. Jimmy Evans, from Marriage Today, said that most blended families take approximately 2-3 years to gel together. Do not become discouraged if your new family is not getting everything worked out overnight. Like any relationship it takes time. The good news is that the same Godly principles that guide traditional marriages are the same for blended families. We would like to invite you to Families on Fire, which meets at Mountain View Christian Center, every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. You will find couples from every walk of life who have valuable experiences that will bless you and encourage you as you begin to learn how to transform your marriage and family into everything that God has planned it to be. We look forward to meeting you. Take care and God Bless.
America’s Good News
EGGSTRAVAGANZA DRAWS R Everyone knows that Spiderman, Snow White and the Easter Bunny read America’s Good News, but who is holding the paper? (Could it be?)
Pictured above - Miguel, a big bike winner! His mother Erica noted, “It’s our third year here and this one’s the biggest and best yet. I also would like to thank everyone who organized this event, God bless them.” Pictured to the rightDevyn Taw, also a bike winner. Read quote in feature story.
Pictured above - Bike winner Savanna Coffee. Read quote in feature story. Pictured above right - Bike winner Christina,who is 5 years old. Her mother Heather Scharf said, “I love this event and we come every year, but we have never come with the expectation of winning a bike though, this is a major blessing.” Christina is learning the truth about Easter, what it really means and how special it is. Far right in picture is Barbara Scharf – “This event keeps growing every year and we love this new location.”
Saturday, June 27th 9:00am-4:00pm Trinity Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley, Ca. 94561
Free Community BBQ— Waterslides & Bouncers— Gospel Music -Entertainment—Fellowship Free Clothing Distribution THIS YEAR’S COMMUNITY PROJECT: Donation of Canned Goods & Clothing for “Helping Hands Ministry”
Pictured left to right> Assistant Pastor, Tyrone Holmes and Senior Pastor, Jerry Hanoum of Mountain View Christian Center, providing a spiritual covering for the Eggstravaganza.
Pictured to the right - “Hey Spiderman, got any eggs?”
Got-A-Party – Brentwood Pony – Up – Newcastle Scoops / Play-n-c United Rentals Straw Hat – Ahern – Stockton Black Bear Di Charley’s Subs – Brentwood Pulte H Philly Cheesesteak – Brentwood City of Chuck E Cheese – Brentwood Liberty Unified Subway – Oakley Oakley Police Dep Mountain Mikes – Oakley Williams Sanitat Gelato – Brentwood Enchanted Par Pete’s Coffee – Brentwood Trinity Chri Hanoum Esta
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor fo
America’s Good News
Organizers of the Eggstravaganza Left to Right - Men of Vision Pastor Keoni Clifford and Pastor Joe Seeley
Photos Courtesy: Tim Vaughn & Will Byrns
Above - “If I can just reach my hand around her back, I think I can reach that full basket of eggs.”
Les Schwab – Oakley Mini Pony Club café – Brentwood Wells Fargo – Brentwood – Brentwood Fremont Bank – Brentwood iner – Oakley Hope for the heart - Hayward Homes Shepherd’s Kitchen – Brentwood Oakley d School District Smart and Final – Brentwood Costco – Antioch pt. / Sheriffs Dept. Dellinger Concrete tion – Brentwood Helping Hands Ministry rties – Antioch Ayer’s Easter Eggs istian School
Cont. from front cover story Savanna Coffee spun the prize wheel and won a bike. She was overwhelmed with joy and couldn’t stop giggling. “This is great that the church has come together for the kids who are in real need. Many people don’t have money this year and this is a blessing,” said her father, Rodney Coffee. Devyn Taw was also a big bike winner. AGN had the chance to speak with her and her mother Chari Taw, at the event. “This is really nice for the church and the school to do this for everyone. This is the highlight of our day and we believe in the Lord as our personal savior,” said Chari. Pastors Jerry Hanoum and Jerry Dellinger are the co-founders of Mountain View Christian Center and Trinity Christian Schools. They started the Eggstravaganza phenomena six years ago on a small field at the previous church location on Harvest Park Drive in Brentwood. “We are not looking to see what the community can bring to our church, but what our church can bring to the community,” said Pastor Hanoum. Pastor Dellinger added a few words of his own to the mix; “We use the tools of television, newspaper print, and large community events only as a medium to draw people to the love of Christ. We’re not into programs, but how God changes people’s lives once they become involved with the activities.” Since their humble beginnings in Brentwood, there are now two mighty men of God that have stepped up to organize the event. Pastor Joe Seeley and Pastor Keoni Clifford have been heading up this mega event now for the past two years and shared their thoughts on the day of the event. Pastor Joe Seeley exclaimed, “the Easter Eggstravaganza is a beacon of hope because so many people have never experienced an event such as this, that is totally FREE. We have stood firm with the motto and theme that we brought forth over six years ago at the first Eggstravaganza, “Jesus Paid the Price at Calvary.” I would like to thank the City of Oakley for welcoming us with open arms and showing us that the city has a heart for people. Each year we continue to grow and to see God touch the lives of many through the Easter Eggstravaganza. Whether it’s an Easter basket, bicycle, or Easter eggs, these are seeds being planted, developing into a huge harvest for the kingdom of God for years to come.” Pastor Keoni Clifford added, “all I can say is this is a huge blessing to thousands of kids representing every age group. This is by far a bigger facility and we are still busting out at the seams. Praise God! We have close to 100 bikes to give away and they are already being given out like hotcakes.” Several on hand estimated the crowd to be somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty five to sixty thousand people. The next day after the event on April 12th, 2009, MVCC hosted a play titled “Barabbas.” Tiffany Pena directed the play and the shear intensity of the characters and the script riveted the audiences. Written and narrated by Pastor Hanoum, the play documented the life and times of Jesus and Barabbas from their birth unto the crucifixion of Christ. Knowing that he was a murderer, the story gave insight as to how Barabbas may have felt being set free. The scenes flowed effortlessly depicting how Christ gave his life up for him, for you, for me, and for us all. The Good News… After four plays that day, there were over one hundred people that committed their life to Christ during the altar calls. All glory, honor and praise to God. God is doing some amazing things at Mountain View Christian Center (MVCC) through this body of believers. The church has been in existence for six short years and has brought forth Trinity Christian Schools, The Jesus Celebration, America’s Good News, The School of Theology and The Easter Eggstravaganza. There is also an explosive choir led by worship leader, Pastor Kim Moreno. If you don’t have a home church, I would encourage you to stop by and check out MVCC at 5000 Amaryllis Street in Oakley. This church is definitely making an enormous impact for Christ in Northern California and beyond.
ates – Oakley
or next year’s event please call 925-625-9570.
Smiling children and a bunny A perfect combination
America’s Good News
Women of Worth
WOW Declares: My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer By Gina Dacus On the first Monday of the month, cars were lined up in front of Mountain View as the women of the community fellowshipped, worshipped and prayed in spirit and in truth. Although the woman’s ministry called WOW also provides a specific program for the youth called (YWOW) on a quarterly basis, both young and old could be found intermingling within the church. As Pastor Kim stated, “The most exciting thing about our growth is the different churches and denominations. WOW meetings beckon women to come with an idea that we can fellowship, worship, pray, laugh, cry and celebrate all in an atmosphere of freedom ushered in by the Lord. At this month’s meeting, the intensity of the word Pastor Kim delivered was certainly led by the Holy Spirit. Pastor Kim challenged the women by saying, “If you are going to become a house of prayer, it’s going to be shaken.” To emphasize her point, she showed a clipping of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz as her house was taken up in a storm and shaken by the impact of the tornado. Some of you may be able to relate as you find yourself weathering a storm right now. The pressure in your life as created by financial difficulties, the role of a mother, wife, career mother, friend and daughter, can create a pulling and tugging that emulates the storm in the Wizard of Oz. Yet, if you attempt to manage any of it without prayer, you will fail. As Pastor Kim stated, “If we don’t establish prayer in our homes, churches, private time, none of this will matter.” Pastor Kim then challenged the women to evaluate the motives behind why they do what they do. “It is very easy to get caught up in the act of doing. Pretty soon, we become overwhelmed with all of our ‘tasks’ that we eliminate time with God and prayer. We find ourselves managers of our lives and others and we don’t turn to God for direction.” Pastor Kim challenged the women to examine the spirit behind their actions. “With what purpose do you serve or minister?” she asked. Pastor Kim also challenged the women to create and maintain an atmosphere of prayer in their environments. The established atmosphere should be mobile and transferable to anywhere that you go. In II Corinthians 3: 15, the word of God states that we are a fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. As Pastor Kim stated, “Do you have an aroma when you leave a place?” What aroma flows in your home? What aroma do you leave in your workplace? Take the time right now to evaluate your atmosphere. Do a sniff test in your environment. Is the aroma of Christ present? The aroma of Christ should counteract anything that tries to overtake your atmosphere. This process can be established by your continual prayer and desire to see the power of God abound in your life. As James 5:16 states, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.
The Memorial
Women of Worth Pastor Kim Moreno and Shelby Seeley
Women of God At the Marriot Courtyard Hotel in San Francisco JUNE 18-20, 2009 Thursday-Friday-Saturday
Weekend Celebration
in Manteca
“One Nation Under God”
Author Gina Dacus
Conference Fees: 3-Day Conference (No Hotel Stay) — $63.00 for Thursday, Friday & Saturday
One-Day Conference — $21.00 a day 3-Day Hotel Stay Conference — 2 per Room * $215.00 Per Lady/ 4 per Room * $125.00 Per Lady
(The required deposit due is half the price of the option picked)
MAY 22ND, 23RD, 24TH AND 25TH They are expecting over 10,000 people...the speakers are 90 plus year of age from WWII, Battle of the Bulge, also the last “Navajo Code Talker”. People will honor those how have served the United States Military at the Welcome Homes Heroes Memorial Commemoration on May 23, 24 and 25. The weekend of events featuring musical performances, aircraft flyovers, military hardware display and fireworks will be the First Assembly of God Church on 486 Button Ave. in Manteca. The Traveling Tribute includes the names of more than 4,000 men and women who have died in the war since Sept 11, 2001, will be dedicated on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. as a vintage aircraft flies above. Admission is free. For more information call 239-1371 or visit www.thememorialweekend.com.
America’s Good News
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America’s Good News
5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley, CA
OPEN: Sunday 7:45am—1pm Wednesday 5:30pm—9pm
Also open before and after most MVCC functions & special events. Come enjoy our full service coffee bar serving mochas, lattes and espresso drinks. Grab a candy bar or fresh baked pastry to complement your coffee. Then browse our books, clothing and gifts in the bookstore.
~Coming Soon~
A Night Out hosted by Holy Grounds
Holy Grounds will be hosting a fun safe alternative to going out on a night on the town. We will transform into a lounge complete with comfy seats, coffee bar and snack shop. From karaoke to open mic night, A Night Out is sure to be fun for all ages. Join us for fun, friends and fellowship. Dates and times to be announced. Psalm 141:2 May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. Matthew 6:5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
America’s Good News
By Coach Mike By early April, college basketball had crowned UNC as the #1 men’s team, and U-Conn as the #1 women’s team, and both teams were so good, it was downright scary. Great athletes, great coaches, and not a weak spot among them. Among the Final Four in the women’s tournament was #2 ranked Oklahoma University, and OU had not one, but two stars from our own backyard! One of those was 6’4” All-American center Courtney Paris. Courtney has led the Sooners for the past three + years, helping Oklahoma reach the very top tier of women’s college basketball. (This year’s team was eliminated in the semi-finals, in a last minute nail-biter by Louisville, despite Courtney’s 16 points and 11 rebounds). Courtney is also not the only Paris family member at OU. Her twin sister, 6’3” starting senior forward Ashley, moved into the starting lineup in 2007 and has become one of the top players in the Big 12 conference, averaging over 15 PPG and 10 RPG this season. She’s been a team leader in her own right, very much a part of OU’s success over the past 4 years (.831 – the best 4 year winning percentage in Big 12 history). But it is still Courtney who draws all the media attention. Courtney was named one of four finalists for the 2009 Honda Sports Award for women’s college basketball, an award given to the top women’s player. In 2009, Courtney became the first four-time All-American recognized by the Associated Press and U.S. Basketball Writers Association. She was also just the eighth to become a fourtime honoree of the 10-member State Farm Coaches’ All-America team. Courtney led the Sooners in scoring and rebounding, averaging 15.9 points and 13.6 rebounds. The Piedmont, Calif., native set 20 NCAA records in her career and became the first college basketball player in history, regardless of gender or division, to record 2,500 points and 2,000 rebounds in a career. But you won’t see Courtney getting all caught up in the headlines and praise being heaped upon her. Instead, she realizes that basketball is something she can use to share her faith in Jesus Christ. One of eight sports-minded siblings, and daughter of three time Super-Bowl Champion 49er and now ordained minister and public speaker, Bubba Paris, high achievement, athletics and faith have always been a part of her life. In addition to being one of the nation’s premier basketball players, Courtney is a leader in OU’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes campus ministry program. When the pressures of being a high profile athlete at a top D-1 university began to weigh on Courtney early on, her basketball coach, Sherri Coale, advised Courtney to put her faith first, then family, academics, and basketball, in that order. Now, how many coaches do you think would have the courage and wisdom to say that?
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Putting God first, and having a relationship with God, helps a player, coach, or anyone, deal with those major defeats that do inevitably come, both in life as well as on the playing field. How do we develop that relationship? Reading God’s word is a great place to start. Communicating to God from our hearts, on a daily basis through prayer, is essential as well. Congratulations to Courtney and Ashley Paris for great collegiate careers, and for knowing that, even in the midst of setbacks and defeat, we indeed have victory in Jesus Christ. At the end of the game, it is that victory that matters most. GAMEPLAN: If we take Coach Coale’s advice, to place our faith first, then family, and everything else (school, job, sports…) after, we will have an essential balance that is key to success in all things. Playing to win is great, but we all need to realize that true victory comes through Jesus Christ. SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? ....No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” ~Romans 8:35.37 “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”~ 1 Corinthians 5:57 “I will not fail you, nor forsake you.” ~ Joshua 1:5 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11-12. Athletes and Coaches: For more information on the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, please see www. FCA.org. Contact Coach Mike at 925-392-3835 or mketchel@athleticquest.net.
Left to Right - Courtney and Ashley Paris
America’s Good News
John 1:1-5 The Word Became Flesh In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
Worship Services
If you are interested in having your church listed on the Worship services page, call Ron or Pat Reagan at 925-240-1242 Bread of Life Community Church
Rev. Edward L. Riley 1923 Delta Road, Knightsen 925-625-9081 - www.bolcc.net email: edwardriley@sbcglobal.net
Church on the Rock
Pastor Lin Goodyear 9:30am Traditional 11:00am Contemporary 50 Walton Lane (off Lone Tree) Antioch, CA 94509 925-706-2842
The Light Ministries
Pastor Larry Roper 405 West 6th Street Antioch, CA 94509 925-778-1639
Agape Bible Fellowship & Ministries Inc.
Pastor: Dr. John Ojewole Pizzazz Event Center 640 W. 2nd Street Antioch, CA 94509 Tel. 925-265-1134/ 848-6240 Email: info@agapebm.org Website: www.agapebfm.org Sunday Bible Study: 10:00AM Sunday Worship: 11:00AM Prayer fellowship: Tuesdays 7PM Youth Ministry: Fridays 6:30PM
Our Father’s House
Apostle Larry Johnson 2980 Railroad Ave, 2nd floor Pittsburg, CA 925-457-3358 Fridays 7 pm, Sundays @ 10 am & 5 pm
New Lifeline Ministries 4246 Empire Ave. Oakley Sunday service 10am Wed. Bible Study 7:30pm 925-625-1982
Destiny Christian Center
Bishop Gregory Bell Sunday 10:30am Service Wed Worship & Study 7:30pm 132 O’Hara Av. Oakley 925-679-1361
Mariner’s Church
Byron Middle School Gym 9 am Children/Teen Sun Sch. & Nursery 9:15am Adult Sunday School ~ 10:30 am High School “Hang Time” ~ 6:30 pm Tue. Bible Study ~ 10 am Wednesdays Pastor Jim Kraft ~ 634-0800 Office: 5545 Drakes Ct., Discovery Bay
Live Oak Community Christian Center
5471 Live Oak Av. Oakley 925-625-2556 Worship Services Sunday 10am Marriage Bible Study Mon 7:30pm Kingdom Men Tuesday 7:30pm Ladies Bible Study Tue 7:30pm Youth Group Wed 7:00pm Home Cell Groups Fri 7:30pm Saturday Morning prayer 8am
His Presence
Christian Worship Center Location: Hilton Concord 1970 Diamond Blvd 94520 Sunday’s 10:00am starting Tuesday bible study 7:30 pm Mail to: 1145 2nd St. Ste A #161 Brentwood, CA 94513 ph# 925-265-2070
Grace Bible Fellowship Pastor Kirkland Smith Sunday 8am & 11:15am Tues 7pm Prayer Wed 6am 913 Sunset Dr. Antioch, CA 94509 925-522-2017
The Carpenter’s Shop Int’l Prs. Jerry and Penny Slavens P.O. Box 2083 Antioch, CA 94531 925-778-0800 925-778-0804 fax carpenters.shop@sbcglobal.net www.thecarpentershop.org Saturday Service 11am - 1pm
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Catholic Church 500 Fairview Ave Brentwood Saturday Vigil 5:00, 6:30[sp] Sunday Masses 7:30, 9:00 and 12:30 Spanish 10:45 and 2:00 pm Daily 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM 925-634-4156 email: ihmchurch@sbcglobal.net
Unity on the Delta
Pastor Robert Waldon Sunday Service - 10:00am 50 Sand Creek Road, Ste. 140 Brentwood, CA 94513 Ph - 925-754-5343
Lighthouse Christian Center 1210 Stoneman Ave Pittsburg, Ca 94565 (925) 432-3808 Pastors Jason & Peggy Younger Sundays 9:30 & 11:15am Wednesday: Prayer & Healing Service 7:00pm
Fountain of Life Church
Pastor: Ronald Mixon 111 W. 10th St. Antioch, CA 94509 Next to Antioch City Park on A St. (925) 755-8779 E-mail: ronmixon@sbcglobal.net www.thefountainoflifechurch.org Sunday Worship:10:00AM Wednesday: Intercessory Prayer: 7-7:30PM Bible Study:7:30-8:30PM
Faith Worship Center
Anthony E. Blackman, Sr. Pastor 2170 Harbor St. Pittsburg, CA 94565 Service - Sundays 10:00am Wednesdays 7:00pm 925-427-0976
Christ Temple Full Faith Ministry Inc. Pastor Damon Pierson Worship service 1pm 101 West 9th St.Antioch CA 925-978-6273 Crossroads Christian Center Heritage High-Multipurpose Rm. 101 American Ave. Brentwood 925-516-7795 Sunday Service 10:30am Tuesday Bible Study 7pm Pastor Andrew G. Miley
Calvary Chapel Crossroads Pr. John Snoderly 1771 Vineyard Dr., Antioch Phone 925-778-2011 Services: Sundays at 10 AM
Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7 PM
www.cccrossroads.org email: church@cccrossroads.org
Calvary Fellowship
Pastor Dave Perata Discovery Bay Elementary School SundayService10:00AM 1700 Willow Lake Road 925.626.3525
Mid week Bible Study Thursday 7PM 1555 River Lake Road in Discovery Bay
The Orchard Church
Heritage High School Theater 101 American Ave Brentwood Service at 10am Sundays Pastor Steve (925) 325-5020 theorchardchurch.com
The East Bay Pentecostals 605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2012 Pastor Joel R. Bryant Sunday Services 10am & 5pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm Friday Youth 7pm International Christian Ministry
Grace Lutheran Church 195 Alvarado Ave Pittsburg, CA 94565 Rev Tuma Johnson 550-5573
Mountain View Christian Center
5000 Amaryllis Oakley Ca 94561 925-625-9570 SERVICES Sundays 9am & 10:45am Sundays 5:00pm Spanish - Bilingual Wednesdays 7pm Soldiers in Christ - Jr. High Wed 7pm Souled Out - High sch. Wed 7pm
Rejoyce Christian Center
Pr. Kenny Ogunfunmi Sunday Service 10:30 AM 90 Village Dr. Brentwood 94513 925-628-5589 - 925-513-4535 fax pastor@rcconline.net - email
Gateway Church
Pastor Joe & Danille Hernandez Sundays 10AM Life Groups Youth and Kids Ministry 847 Arnold Dr. Martinez, CA 94553 925.335.9519 www.gatewaychurch.us
Outreach Ministries Birthright of Brentwood
Helping pregnant women facing personal crisis. Call 925-634-1275 with your tax deductible contribution.
Royal Family Kids Camp
4725 Evora Rd.Concord, CA www.rfkcconcord.com Rick Fuller, Director 925.207.7240
Family Life Center of Brentwood 605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2016 Ministering to families in need: Homework Help, Social Services (Food Stamps, Healthy Families) Food Pantry, Clothing & More Thursdays at 7pm School of Theology Echo of Christ Ministries For
5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley more info on the conflict in the Middle Enroll Now and start studying the East - Call 866-317-3626 Word of Godwww.echoofchrist.org Contact Pastor Tyrone @ 925-625-9570
Helping Hands
Minister Travis Mozeke Grace Bible Fellowship Overcomers 925.727.8788
Food & Clothing to those in need Every Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30pm 5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley 925.625.9570
America’s Good News
CAMINANDO A LA NUEVA JERUSALEM El Poder de la Fe Parte final By Juan Prieto “La Fe” es la condicion que DIOS nos ha dado, para prometernos perdonar nuestros pecados y esta no tiene virtud alguna, sino va aferrada a los meritos de JESUCRISTO, nuestro remedio para el pecado. Pues esta FE presenta la perfecta obediencia de CRISTO, en vez de nuestras transgresiones. Cuando creemos de corazon que CRISTO es nuestro Salvador personal, entonces de acuerdo a su promesa infallible, DIOS nos perdona nuestros pecados, y no solo eso sino que nos justifica gratuitamente. Y esto es posible porque CRISTO como nuestro sustituto y fiador, a muerto por nosotros en su expiacion y justificacion por lo tanto… “Mas ahora que habeis sido libertados del pecado y hechos siervos de DIOS, teneis por vuestro fruto la santificacion , y como fin, la vida eterna.” ROMANOS 6:22 “Mi DIOS, pues suplira todo lo que os falta conforme a sus riquezas en Gloria en Cristo Jesus. Todos necesitamos Fe y DIOS suple nuestra necesidad de FE.” FILIPENSES 4:19 “Digo, pues, por la gracia que me es dada, a cada cual que esta entre vosotros, que no tenga mas alto concepto de si, que el que debe tener, sino que piense de si con cordura, conforme a la medida de FE que DIOS repartio a cada uno.” ROMANOS 12:3 Es bueno saber que DIOS a cada uno de nosotros a repartido una medida de FE. Pero que debo de hacer con esta medida de FE? !Debemos de practicar esta FE! Asi que la Fe es por el oir, y el oir, por la palabra de DIOS. “Pero digo: No han oido? Antes bien, Por toda la tiera ha salido la voz de ellos y hasta los fines de la tierra su palabras.” ROMANOS 10:17,18. “Por medio de las cuales nos ha dado preciosas y grandisimas promesas, para que por ellas llegaseis a ser participantes de la naturaleza Divina, habiendo huido de la corrupcion que hay en el mundo a causa de la concuspicencia; vosotros tambien, poniendo toda diligencia por esto mismo, anadid a vuestra FE virtud; a la virtud conocimiento; al conocimiento, dominio propio; al dominio propio, paciencia; a la paciencia piedad; a la piedad, afecto fraternal; y al afecto fraternal Amor.” 2 PEDRO 1: 4, 5, 6, 7. Por que, recordemos!!! “Porque no tenemos lucha contra sangre y carne, sino contra principados, contra potestades, contra los gobernadores de las tinieblas de este siglo, contra huestes espirituales de maldad en las regiones celestes.” EFESIOS 6:12 Es una lucha incesante en la cual los angeles caidos, aumentan sus ataques, enganos, artificios, para hacer caer a todo ser humano, pero no podremos rechazar los ataques del enemigo, sino es con la Armadura de DIOS. Por lo tanto, tomad toda la ARMADURA DE DIOS para que podais resistir el dia malo, y habiendo acabado todo, estar firmes. Estad pues firmes, cenidos vuestros lomos con la VERDAD, y vestidos con la coraza de JUSTICIA, y calzados los pies con el apresto del EVANGELIO DE PAZ. Sobre todo, tomad el escudo de la FE, con que podais apagar todos los dardos de fuego del maligno. Y tomad el yelmo de la SALVACION, y la espada del ESPIRITU, que es la palabra de DIOS. EFESIOS 6:13-18 Es pues la FE la certeza de lo que se espera, la conviccion de lo que no se ve. HEBREOS 11 En la realidad, el poder y el amor de DIOS. La unica evidencia que tenemos de la promesa es nuestra FE. La substancia de nuestra FE es la recompensa. La vida de un cristiano es vivida enmedio de una promesa y una recompensa. La FE es la condicion dada por DIOS. Querido Lector, acepte la promesa!, ejercite la FE, pues la Fe se manifesta bajo las obras, no solo es creer, creer, sino actuar y actuar en armonia con los mandamientos de DIOS. Y obtenga la recompensa. FE es la Puente entre la promesa y la recompensa. Porque de esta manera os sera otorgada amplia y generosa entrada en el reino eterno de nuestro senor y Salvador JESUCRISTO. 2 PEDRO 1:11 Os digo que pronto les hara justicia, pero cuando venga el hijo del hombre, hallara FE en la tierra? LUCAS 18:8 MARANATA
Good News Publishing USA Publisher - Pastors Hanoum / Dellinger Editor-In-Chief - Will Byrns Managing Editor - Susan Holmes Copy Editors - Julie Jackson & Cathy Huffman Reporters/Columnists Susan Holmes, Rev. Austin Miles Saed & Linda Awwad, Priscilla Stanley, Julie Jackson, Andrew Pate, Geannine Mijares, Juan Prieto, Diana Dobbie, and J.R. Oak Distribution Manager - Frank Quiros Solano County Distribution - Jeanne B. Graphics - Will Byrns & Jake Carter
5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley CA 94561 ofc: (925) 625-9570 fax: 625-9003 Email: mvcc2@sbcglobal.net Send releases, letters and reprint requests to the Email or address above. (c) Copyright 2008 Mountain View Christian Center. All rights reserved. - Member OneNewsNow Brentwood Chamber of Commerce Christian Newspaper Assoc.
America’s Good News covers Local, National and World news headlines and stories. The views and opinions expressed in this literature does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of America’s Good News.
Financial Forum “Are you happy?” By Donald Kwong I know so many people who are sick and tired. They are sick and tired of being sick and tired. When it comes to money, they are weary of the lives they are living, being in debt, struggling daily to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. In spite of our conditions, the Word reminds us that we should rejoice always. Do we value God’s Word enough to follow it? For many of us, our checkbooks say more about what we value than any other thing. It may show what you find important, what you spend, how much you save, and to whom we give. This is part of the reason why Jesus spoke so much about money. Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables dealt with money or possessions. The Bible offers about 500 verses on prayer, and about that same number on faith. There are more than 2,350 verses dealing with money and possessions. The Lord addresses money because it matters so much to us, and our welfare is so important to him. We think that money can make us happy, yet many of the richest people I know are miserable. We think money can give us influence, but the money we have is a heavy burden. “If therefore you have not been faithful in the use of worldly wealth, who will entrust the true riches to you?” – Luke 16:11 How we handle money affects our relationship with the Lord. Our relationship with God will grow stronger if we handle what He has provided according to the Scriptures. “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” – Matthew 6:24 Oftentimes, the name of someone’s golden calf they worship is money. They offer up their lives to Jesus, but think that they can handle money by themselves. Money cannot be allowed to compete with God. When you have problems, where do you head? The Bible? Look, you have two choices, God’s way or the way men create. Isaiah 55:8 reminds us, “For My thoughts are your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.” Are you tired of handling money your way? Do you want to know how to be happy? Want true contentment? Contentment is mentioned seven times in the Bible, and six times it refers to money. Look at what Paul says in Philippians 4:11-13: “I have learned to be content in whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is like to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Contentment is a process. It is a state of mind. People have to learn to be content. The first step is to realize that God owns everything. Psalm 24: 1 states that “The earth is the Lord’s and all it contains.” If you believe that anything belongs to you, then that item will affect your attitude. If something “good” happens to that item, then you’re happy; something “bad”, then you’re sad. How about giving it up to God and being content? Give up your ownership and “rights” to your stuff and give it back to the Lord. Instead of asking the Lord what to do with your money, ask him what to do with the money He is allowing you to be a steward of. Ultimately, it is about getting closer to God and knowing His desire for you. It is like the bumper sticker that states – NO GOD, NO PEACE. KNOW GOD, KNOW PEACE.
Servicio Bilingue
Espanol y Ingles r With Pasto Presencia de Dios Donde: Mountain View Joe Seeley Christian Center Lugar: 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley CADA DOMINGO: 5 PM
for more info call 625-9570
Bilingual Service Spanish and English Presence of God Where: Mountain View Christian Center Location: 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley EVERY SUNDAY 5:00PM
America’s Good News
Calendar Relay For Life of Oakley
May 2nd & 3rd 2009 Freedom High School Basin. We invite and encourage you to join this major community effort in the fight against cancer by making an in-kind donation, a monetary donation, or by forming a Team of 10-15 people to participate in the event. www.relayforlife.org/oakleyca THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information, please contact Kevin Romick- kevin@romick.net 2063 Main St PMB#250 Oakley, Ca 94561 925-382-0733 “There is no finish line until we find a cure”
Healthcare with Faith Communities Basic Preparatory Course for Parish Nurses June 7 -10, 2009 (Sunday – Wednesday) Mercy Center (Burlingame CA)
This course prepares participants to establish and grow Health Ministry within a faith community.
RNs will be awarded CEU’s and Faith Community Nurse Certificate for full participation. *Approved by the International Parish Nurse Resource Center and Ca. BRN for 36 CEU. For more information, please visit www.hmassoc.org or contact the Instructor: Marion DePuit, RN, BSN. FCN, Program Manager Faith and Health Partnership America Casillas - Assistant Community Health Alliance (925) 363-7588
What was LOST at the ‘EASTER EGGSTRAVAGANZA’ on Saturday, April 11th in Oakley, CA may have been FOUND! If you lost anything while enjoying the event that day please call 925-625-9570 & leave a description of the items lost, your name & a phone # w/Dee at MVCC reception desk. Dee will then check with the 2009 Lost & Found team to see if those items were ones that were turned in & someone will get back to you shortly. A few lost items that were turned in seem pretty important, like prescription glasses (uh, one pair that was turned in seems like they must be VERY necessary!); a cute pair of children’s shoes (ok, so you have to describe them correctly to pick them up); a couple of single shoes too (what, you were having too much fun in the bouncer to remember both of your shoes when you left?); a few clothing items as well!! Sorry, no cell phones were turned in to the team!! We did hear at least one had gotten lost that day, but unfortunately no one turned it in to our Lost & Found team!! AND remember, next year after you visit the event, IF you lose something be sure to check with our First Aid/Lost & Found team stations BEFORE you leave so maybe you can take what you misplaced home with you that same day IF we find it!! We hope you had a GREAT time at the Eggstravaganza & look forward to seeing you again next year… Your First Aid/Lost & Found crew 2009
Here are just a few locations that you can find a copy of
Freedom Recovery Ministry “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may RECOVER themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will” 2 TIMOTHY 2:25-26 Offers the following services: COUNSELING AND EDIFICATION - OVERCOMING STRONGHOLDS: 1)ANGER ISSUES 2)COMPULSIVE ADDICTIONS 3)RENEWING OF THE MIND MEN/WOMEN SUPPORT GROUPS BIBLICAL INSTRUCTION FOR LIVING & WALKING TRIUMPHANTLY IN CHRIST Freedom Recovery Ministry will be starting a NEW support group based on the WORD OF GOD at MVCC on every Friday, @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm starting Friday, January 30th 2009. It’s time to experience your Victory this year in 2009. Jesus is the KEY to tearing down strongholds. For more information contact: Pastor Tyrone Holmes @ 925 625-9570 ext 108
Delta Women’s Connection Of Brentwood, invites you to attend: “FASHION ON A DIME” ~Shopping Smart in Today’s Economy~ Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:30 a.m. - Seating 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - Luncheon & Program & Door Prizes $18.00 Inclusive At “Nines” at the Brentwood Golf Club 100 Summerset Drive, Brentwood, CA Featuring: High Fashion “Budget Style” Learn to shop on a “dime” but look like a million. Inspirational Speaker/Vocalist/Recording Artist: Ms. Lillie Knauls Internationally acclaimed singer reveals the source of her music in her story “Song of Songs”. For reservations, call Dannette (925) 634-7540 or Joyce (925) 513-7644 Please respond with your reservation on or before May 11, 2009.
Jubilee Saturday May 30th, 2009 6:00pm Mountain View Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis st., Oakley, CA Please Contact by May 15th Pastor Kim 925-625-9570 kimberlysong@comcast.net Pastor Craig 925-783-8058 craigmon@pacbell.net
Women Of Worth
Men’s Fellowship
Proverbs 31:10 Monday - May 4th 7pm-8:15pm (doors open at 6:30pm) Mountain View Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley 925-625-9570
Every 3rd Monday Doors open 6:30-teaching at 7pm Sponsored by Mountain View Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley 20/10 Vision 925-625-9570
Learn Chinese Saturdays at Diablo Valley College, LA Building 321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill *Language Classes: 1 - 2:50 pm Pre-K - 12th Grade *Cultural Classes: 3 - 3:50 pm Chinese Calligraphy, Painting, Chess, Knots, Yo-Yo, Folk Dance, Folk Singing, Abacus & Mental Math, Martial Arts, Handcrafts, Poetry Reading, Western Painting, AfterSchool Tutoring, Applied Conversation. *High School Foreign Language Credit *Adult Chinese Conversation Class for Beginners. For registration, please visit www.CoCoCs.org or email: cccs1976@gmail.com www.CoCoCs.org CCCS is 501(c) 3 nonprofit ID#: 68-0040243
FAITH BASED HELP PROGRAMS VICTORY OUTREACH-PITTSBURG 2328 Willow Pass Rd (925) 432-0937 Christian Recovery Program Drug & Alcohol CHRISTIAN HELP CTR 2166 Sacramento Street, Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 553-8192 Food, Clothing, Shelter - Transitional Living LOVE -A-CHILD MISSIONS Homeless Recovery Shelter Rehabilitative services for homeless women and children. (925) 458-5663 Email- info@love-a-child.org MISSION SOLANO 740 Travis Blvd. Fairfield CA (707) 422-1011 Daily Meals, Transitional Living Daily Shower, Shelter New Life Programs Brother Raymond
SHEPHERD’S GATE Christ Centered services for Battered/homeless Women & Children 605 Sycamore Brentwood CA (925) 308-7507 DOVE AVIATION Is looking for volunteers to help with their ministry on local and international levels. Dove is involved in Mission Trips (925)584-7079 MISSION OUTREACH Helping the homeless in Antioch Hot Meals, Clothing along with other resources. (925) 727-8678 HELPING HANDS
Food & Clothing to those in need Every Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm 5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley (925) 625-9570 IRON SHOP Men’s Recovery Group CHRISTIAN 12 STEP 925-525-9957 1745 East 18th Street Antioch
America’s Good News
Todd Ricker Lic# 0B50358
“Your Personal Agency”
925-778-8690 todd@rickerinsurance.com John 17:15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.
Steve’s Construction Stevesconstruction@yahoo.com
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Acts 28:8 His father was sick in bed, suffering from fever and dysentery. Paul went in to see him and, after prayer, placed his hands on him and healed him. Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
America’s Good News
Bay Area Rescue Mission Many years ago when I had no hope of escaping my lifestyle of homelessness and hopelessness, I came to the Bay Area Rescue Mission where I found both. My life is renewed, my family relationships reconciled, and I have been on the straight and narrow for more than eight years. My name is John Austin and I am the Procurement Coordinator for the Mission, a non-profit organization that has been serving the homeless of the greater Bay Area since 1965. Our organization provides 325 beds each night and 5,000 meals a day to people in great need; and that is only a portion of the care we provide. On Monday, May 11, 2009, the Bay Area Rescue Mission will host its Fourteenth Annual New Life Golf Tournament at the beautiful Rossmoor Golf Course in Walnut Creek to benefit our Center for Homeless Women with Children. We will feature silent auction baskets filled with high end gift certificates and gifts items from the surrounding communities who support our programs of care. Would you be willing to support our annual outreach event to benefit the 152 homeless women and children who stay with us each night? It would be an honor to advertise your establishment as a benefactor. All donations are taxdeductible and will be receipted. Do you need more chairs for your church? For more information about the Bay Area Rescue Mission, you may visit Did your church just buy new chairs? us online at www.BayAreaRescue.org. I’d like to thank you in advance for Would your church like to bless another church with its used chairs? your time and consideration. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any Does your church need a keyboard for worship? further questions. We sincerely hope that you will choose to partner with the Did your church just buy a new keyboard? Churches always have a need for something, so why not work together Bay Area Rescue Mission in this commendable effort. I look forward to hearing to fill that need. from you. America’s Good News would like to see churches partner with one another. So we are willing to Sincerely, create a FREE section in our paper that churches can use in order to bless each other as the need arises. Amen! No items in this section shall be for sale. Our desire is to see churches give to one John Austin Procurement Coordinator another out of Love. The Fellowship of the Believers Bay Area Rescue Mission
Churches Helping Churches
Acts 2:44-47(NIV) All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. We are one body, right? John 17:23 (NIV) I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
Email to: mvcc2@sbcglobal.net
Direct: (510) 215-4020 Mobile: (510) 932-2375 Web: www.BayAreaRescue.org Email: johnnya@BayAreaRescue.org
America’s Good News goes out by direct mail (100% saturation) to every home, business and Apt. in Brentwood, Oakley, Discovery Bay & Byron, and every business in Antioch
High circulation - Low rates Fulfill your advertising needs & support us in spreading the word of God. It’s good to know that your help is making a difference in this community for you and your children!!
Call 925-625-9570
America’s Good News
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America’s Good News
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