OCT issue focus -
IS IT KILLING THE CHURCH? PRISONERS FROM WITHIN by Jordan Koester Devious smirks dawned upon the faces of the deemed “holy ones” upon the steps of a busy temple. God’s holy temple, a place meant to give rest to souls, had become a den of thieves, a home for robbers, deceivers and the like. This place of veiled sin caused “a man” to lash out in a fit of rage, turning over all in his path to destroy the long established religious customs. Who was this man in the white cloak with a whip that called for a “house of prayer”? How could the traditions that have been accepted as right for so long, be wrong? I’m confused. Which way is the light? In Matthew 21:12-17 we are shown a great deal of insight into what we still face today in our churches. It is a plague that has set itself up, not only against the non-believers, but perhaps more severely, against those who hold to Christ. It is all around us, where we live, breathe and work. A part of it dwells inside each and every one of us. It comes out in our remarks and in what we call “observations”. Each of us is drawn by our human nature to place things into a constant state of comparison. The “shame on you’s”, “ I would never’s”, and “can you believe that’s” can be heard woven into our daily thoughts. The religious spirit, in its fullness, is like the sheep in wolves clothing. From the outside it seems to love God but festering on the inside is such hideous things like pride, judgment, comparison, and bitterness. This spirit is what caused Jesus to leave the temple as seen in Matthew 22:17. Without the presence of God, even the most beautiful temple is rubbish. Without Jesus, the world is forever doomed. Yet, the people who carry this religious spirit, like the money changers and Pharisees, wouldn’t recognize Jesus if He were standing in front of them. What was going on in the heart and mind of Jesus as he fashioned the whip in His calm anger to overturn this evil? How would He defeat this spirit? The answer is in humility and a proper balance. In Romans 12:3 we are told, “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment.” So we are told to keep ourselves
in a balance of sober judgment, or an accurate perception of self vision. Gal 6:3 tell us, “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself,” thus nurturing the fact that we see our own selves accurately. Jesus does tell us to focus more on the large planks of wood in our own eyes. Do you see the pattern here? The person plagued with the religious spirit is under the delusion that their own life is in accurate control. This puts them into a place to judge others and makes believing in God more about rituals. If we were to all accurately survey our own lives, we would know how far from perfection we are. It’s our deep understanding of our need for Jesus that brings our life into the proper humble balance. God states that, “Meetings for this, meetings for that. I hate them! You’ve worn me out! I’m sick of your religion, religion, religion, while you go right on sinning.” (Isa 1:14 The Message) If God is so opposed to religion and monotonous traditions, why do we cling to them? Freedom to love God with our everything and to love others as ourselves is what we are called for (Matthew 22:34-40). One who is properly submitted to God and who allows their life to be read by God’s Word will successfully defeat this destructing spirit of religion. We will always find our thoughts tempted with these wicked ways, for the flaming arrows of the evil one are ever upon us. Our weapon and combat strategy is to humbly submit to the Lord, allowing Him to be the one true judge. God is the one who changes people into the correct form of righteousness. We must not let ourselves try to take that place. If we do, the consequences are costly, causing the saved to be pushed away. Worse yet, it can cause the unsaved to miss the invitation into the most amazing Kingdom created by God, eternity. This religious spirit must first be destroyed from within each one of us. If Christ came to set the captives free then what business do we have judging the captives for which He came. Break free of this! We should see it as David did in Psalms 31:6(The Message) “I hate all this silly religion, but you, GOD, I trust.” By submitting ourselves to Christ, trusting in God, and asking Him to remove every wicked way in us, we can remain in the protection of the Almighty. Thus, the religious prisoner within will be set free. Let Christ set you free and begin to love those who Christ loves and gave his life for.
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The religious spirit, in its fullness, is like the sheep in wolves clothing. From the outside it seems to love God but festering on the inside is such hideous things like pride, judgment, comparison, and bitterness.
Pastor Jerry has reached the last few messages on Revelations, and they are going to be powerful ones. You’ll hear about The New
Heaven and The New Earth, The End of Time, The White Throne Judgment, and The Marriage Supper of The Lamb. You don’t want to miss them!!
The Lord has given me a whole new and exciting way to present this book to you,” said Pastor Jerry. “I guarantee that I will bring clarity and a higher level of comprehension to you within this Book of Revelation that you had never thought possible. With all that is happening in the world today we truly believe that we are in the last days and you won’t want to miss these ‘end time’ messages. The in depth ‘Bible Study’ will take several weeks to complete, but if you have a strong desire to grow in the word of God it will be worth every minute!” Mountain View Christian Center is located at 5000 Amaryllis Street, Oakley, CA 94561. Service times for the ‘Book of Revelation’ Bible study: It will be taught both Sunday morning services and then continue every Wednesday as well. Sunday church service times: 9:00AM, 10:45AM. Wednesday church service: 7:00PM. For more information, call the church office at 925-625-9570.
IN THIS ISSUE Rev. Austin Miles Page 7
Legalism, The Bible and God... An Unhealthy Mix Shortly after rededicating myself to God, having gone through a long period of burnout fueled by self-righteous legalists, I spoke to a man in a church and asked if we could have coffee together. See full story on page 7 Rev. Austin Miles
From the Editor’s Desk Pr. Will Byrns Page 11
The Religious Spirit Is religiosity hindering the work of the Holy Spirit?
Discerning Religious Spirits:
I’m spiritual… not religious! How many times have you read or heard this statement. See full story on page 11
Good News Publishing USA 5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley, CA. 94561
The murdering spirit of the religious
by Jonas Clark The religious church is a man-motivated, dead religious works oriented, carnal church that has a form of godliness void of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The religious spirit is the strongest opposing force against the Christ Church. We need not worry because the Holy Spirit used religious persecution to launch the greatest spiritual revolution of all time, the New Testament Christ Church. One of your greatest opponents against transition into apostolic ministry will be the religious spirit. Religious spirits fear loss of position, new things, and being wrong. They will oppose all whom they feel threaten their sense of importance. We discover the beginning of apostolic
ministry and the apostolic Church in Jerusalem after the resurrection of Jesus. Shortly after His resurrection, the Church was persecuted by the religious spirit and scattered throughout the entire region. Scripture says, “Now they which were scattered abroad because of the persecu-
tion that arose about Stephen traveled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the Word to none but unto the Jews only” (Acts 11:19). Cont. on page 2
October 2009 Vol. 6 Iss. 10
Pr. Susan Holmes Page 8 “A Relationship Not A Religion” I can honestly say that there has never been a time in my life that I didn’t believe that there is a God who is the Creator of the Universe.
A word from the Publisher............ 3A Contra Cost Ministers Conf ......... 5A World News Briefs ..... ........ 6A School of Theology .................... 8A
See full story on page 8 Operation Worship ........................ 9A From the Editor’s Desk ..............11A Andrew Pate ............................13A Events Calendar ...........................16A
America’s Good News
Discerning Religious Spirits Cont. speak blasphemous words against Mo Stephen was a disciple of Christ. ses, and against God. And they stirred He was man full of faith and power up the people, and the elders, and that did great signs, wonders and miracles among the people. Sometime the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the during the course of his ministry he found himself being challenged by the council” (Acts 6:11-12). Councils are religious courts that religious leaders leaders of a religious stronghold. The use to defend their spirit of reliseats of authority gion is always The spirit of religion and exercise territofrightened by is always frightened by rial control over the those who are people. Historically, anointed by the those who are anointed disciples of Christ Holy Spirit beregularly meet relicause religious by the Holy Spirit begious persecution or spirits sit in cause religious spirits occult opposition as seats of govsoon as they began erning authorsit in seats of governing to obey the Holy ity that do not belong to them. authority that do not be- Spirit. That’s because the anointing To hold on to long to them. To hold on activates spiritual their usurped positions of to their usurped positions authority that confronts anything that authority they of authority they mounted hinders the advancemounted up an ment of the Kingoffensive atup an offensive attack on dom of God. Here, tack on a man a man that carried God’s in typical slanderous that carried fashion, the religious God’s true govtrue governing anointing. spirits set up false erning anointwitnesses to build ing. their case against As the tesStephen, a man who was moving in timony continues, “And Stephen, full the apostolic and doing a lot of good of faith and power, did great wonders works among the people. and miracles among the people. Then A key to remember is that Stephen there arose those certain of the synastirred up trouble while ministering gogue, which is called the synagogue on the streets, not in any local church. of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Ministering outside the four walls of Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia the local church and in the market and of Asia, disputing with Stephen. place where the people are is one of And they were not able to resist the the earmarks of apostolic ministry. wisdom and the spirit by which he Religious opposition and persecution spoke” (Acts 6:8-10). Notice that is evidence of entering into an aposthese men formed a confederacy of tolic dimension of ministry. One time religious leaders from at least three different synagogues that were unable I took a team of believers with me to minister on the streets in a small town to resist the wisdom and the spirit by in Belgium. I will never forget the call which Stephen spoke. So they stirred one of our team members received by up the people, elders, and scribes the town’s religious council asking to join with their opposition against by what authority were we preachStephen. Religious spirits have a dark ing the Gospel in their village. I sent ability to inflict fear and strife as they a message back to the caller, “We got motivate others against the things of permission from headquarters.” We God. Religious opposition and persenever heard from them again. cution is often evidence of entering The apostolic mantel of authorinto an apostolic dimension of minity will expose a religious spirit every istry. The old always seems to resist time. At Stephens’ meeting with these the new and the dead always fear the religious folks they, “set up false witliving. THE APOSTOLIC AND RELIGIOUS nesses, which said, this man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words OPPOSITION against this holy place, and the law: Religious spirits are murdering spirits. As these men conspired togeth- For we have heard him say, that this Jesus of Nazareth shall destroy this er against Stephen, “They furnished place, and shall change the customs men, which said, we have heard him
glory. which Moses delivered to us. And all Again, the religious spirit that that sat in the council, looking steadStephen faced was a murdering fastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel” (Acts 6:13- spirit. scri pture says that they stoned Stephen who “Calling upon God and 15). saying Lord Jesus receive my spirit. THE DAY A GOOD MAN DIED And he kneeled down and cried with The anointing on Stephens life was visible to those in this meeting but a loud voice, Lord lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said it didn’t matter. They wanted to stop him at any cost. But Stephen was bold this he fell asleep” (Acts 7:59-60). This was the day a good man died. and didn’t back down. He preached As it was in the genesis of the a powerful anointed message in his apostolic Church so shall it be durdefense proving from scripture that ing its restoration. The religious God does not dwell in houses made with human hands and concluded that spirit will be the strongest opposing force against your transition into these leaders were resisting the Holy Ghost and acting like religious leaders apostolic ministry. Jesus spoke of religious spirits, before them that “Wherefore persecuted and They wanted to stop him you be witnesses killed the prophunto yourselves at any cost. But Stephen ets of old. They that you are the were cut to the was bold and didn’t back children of them heart, so much which killed so, that they down. He preached a the prophets. gnashed their powerful anointed mesFill you up then teeth in furious the measure of anger. Imagine sage in his defense provyour fathers. that, grown men ing from scripture that You serpents, and religious you generation elders of the city God does not dwell in of vipers, how unable to control their murderous houses made with human can you escape the damnation of emotions. Scriphands and concluding hell? Wherefore, ture says, “When behold, I send they heard these that these leaders were unto you prophets things, they were resisting the Holy Ghost and wise men, cut to the heart and scribes: and and they gnashed and acting like religious some of them on him with their teeth” (Acts leaders before them that you shall kill and crucify; and some 7:54). persecuted and killed the of them shall you While Stescourge in your phen was being prophets of old. synagogues and pummeled with persecute them stones from from city to city” (Matthew 23:31these murderous religious leaders he 34). had an open vision and saw the glory Little did Stephen know that of God with Jesus standing at God’s God was going to use his death to right hand. “But he, being full of the launch a great apostolic revolution. Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God After the vicious murder of Stephen the believers were “scattered abroad and Jesus standing on the right hand and went everywhere preaching the of God. And said, Behold, I see the Word” (Acts 8:4). Religious perseheavens opened and the Son of man cution always results in the advancestanding on the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55-56). Apostolic ministry has ment of ministry. The Gospel of the Kingdom cannot be stopped. these kinds of prophetic operations. Visit Jonas Clark ministries It’s of note that the Holy Spirit never abandons those who stand fast against website at www.jonasclark.com ungodly religious opposition. Stephen, while drawing his last breath, and in a loud voice, asked the Lord not to lay this sin to their charge then he stepped victoriously from this world into
Colossians 2:16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
Hebrews 10:11 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.
CHRISTIAN FOSTER FAMILIES NEEDED Aldea Children and Family Services
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Lisa Phillips Cell # 925-848-6032 Aldea Children and Family Services http://www.aldeainc.com/
America’s Good News
The last few chapters in the book will be powerful!
The New Heaven and The New Earth, The End of Time, The White Throne Judgment, and The Marriage Supper of The Lamb.
Publisher of America’s Good News
Pastor Jerry Hanoum
Every Sunday and Wednesday Pastor Jerry will be teaching on the
Book of Revelation
WHERE: MVCC 5000 Amaryllis Street, Oakley, CA 94561 TIME: SUNDAY’S 9:00AM & 10:45AM WED’S 7:00PM 925-625-9570
Acts 17:22-25 (NIV) Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you worship as something unknown I am going to proclaim to you. "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.
Mountain View Christian Center is located at 5000 Amaryllis Street, Oakley, CA 94561. Service times for the ‘Book of Revelation’ Bible study: It will be taught both Sunday morning services and then continue on Wednesday’s as well. Sunday church service times: 9:00AM, 10:45AM. Wednesday church service: 7:00PM. For more information, call the church office at 925-625-9570.
America’s Good News
Deuteronomy 6:25 And if we are careful to obey all this law before the LORD our God, as he has commanded us, that will be our righteousness.
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Let’s Look at the History Part 7 of 7 The beginning of the Fatah – Yasser Arafat, an Egyptian Palestinian who grew up in the Gaza strip and had been a member of the Ikhwan (Muslim Brothers) and the Futtuwah, was recruited by Egyptian intelligence while studying in Cairo in 1955, and founded the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS). In 1957 he moved to Kuwait and together with Khalil Al Wazir (Abu Jihad) Farouq Qadumi, Khalid al Hassan, Mahmoud Abass and others founded the Palestine Liberation Committee, later renamed the Fatah (reverse acronym for Harakat Tahrir Filastin - the Palestine Liberation Movement) modeled on the Algerian FLN. The 1967 6-Day War – Tension began developing between Israel and Arab countries in the 1960s. Israel began to implement its National Water Carrier plan, which pumps water from the Sea of Galilee to irrigate southern and central Israel. The project was in accordance with a plan proposed by US envoy Eric Johnston in 1955, and agreed to by Arab engineers. Arab governments refused to participate however, because of the implied recognition of Israel. In secret meetings, Israel and Jordan agreed to abide by the water quotas set by the plan. The newly formed Palestinian Fatah movement seized on the Israeli diversion as an “imperialist event” that would catalyze their revolution, and Yasser Arafat began calling for war against Israel.
In the Fatah newspaper, Filastinunah, (“our Palestine”) Arafat ridiculed Egyptian President Nasser and other Arab leaders for their impotence, and called for effective action against Israel. Nasser decided to found the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as a “tame” alternative to the Fatah, and placed Ahmed Shukhairy, an ineffective diplomat, at its head. The Syrians, who had broken with Nasser’s pan-Arabism, countered by supporting Fatah and attempted to take over the Fatah group. Syrian army intelligence recruited terrorists for actions against Israel, giving credit for the operations to Fatah. The first of these actions was announced on December 31, 1964, an attack on the Israeli water carrier at Beit Netopha, but in fact no attack had taken place. A second attempt was made on January 2, 1965, but the explosive charge was disarmed. However, successful attacks soon followed on January 14 and February 28. These activities received great publicity in the Arab world, and were contrasted with the lack of action and bombastic talk of Gamal Nasser, challenging Nasser’s leadership. This ferment is considered the catalyst of the events that brought about the 6-day war. It is a moot point whether it is to be attributed to Syrian rivalry with Nasser, or as Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians claim, to the Fatah movement. Faced with the “heroic” deeds of the Palestinians under Syrian guardianship,
Conclusion Nasser was pushed to an increasingly hostile stance. In several summit conferences beginning in 1964, Arab leaders ratified the establishment of the PLO, declared their resolve to destroy Israel, and decided to divert the sources of the Jordan River that fed the Sea of Galilee, to prevent Israel from implementing the water carrier plan. The Syrians and Lebanese began to implement the diversions. Israel responded by firing on the tractors and equipment doing the work in Syria, using increasingly accurate and longer range guns as the Syrians moved the equipment from the border. This was followed by Israeli attempts to cultivate the demilitarized zones as provided in the armistice agreements. Israel was within its rights according to the armistice agreements, but Moshe Dayan claimed that 80% of the incidents were deliberately provoked. The Syrians responded by firing in the demilitarized zones. When Israelis responded with force, Syria began shelling Israeli towns in the north, and the conflict escalated into air strikes. The USSR was intent on protecting the new Ba’athist pro-Soviet government of Syria, and represented to the Syrians and Egyptians that Israel was preparing to attack Syria. As tensions rose, Syria appealed to Egypt, believing the claim of the USSR that Israel was amassing troops on the Syrian border. The claim was false and was denied by the
UN. Against this background, in mid-May, 1967, Egyptian President Gamal Nasser began making warlike statements. On May 16, 1967, a Radio Cairo broadcast stated: “The existence of Israel has continued too long. We welcome the Israeli aggression. We welcome the battle we have long awaited. The peak hour has come. The battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel.” On the same day, Egypt asked for the withdrawal of the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) from Sinai and the Gaza Strip. UN Secretary General U Thant agreed to remove the troops on May 18. Formally, the troops could only be stationed in Egypt with Egyptian agreement. However, for a long time it was believed that Nasser had really hoped U Thant would not remove the troops, and that he could use the presence of the UN troops as an excuse to do nothing. Tensions in the Middle East exist to this day. Please continue praying for peace in this region of the world and that ultimately, the message of Jesus Christ would be received by people in the Middle East. Peace will be known to each person who receives Jesus Christ. This concludes our 7-part series on Middle East history.
~ Saed & Linda Awwad
FORMER NFL FOOTBALL PLAYER HITS A HOMERUN WITH SPELLBINDING SPEECH AT CCMC Also The Solution for Washington, D.C. Reported by The Fly On The Wall Another delighted capacity crowd attended the monthly meeting of the Contra Costa Minister’s Conference (CCMC), at The Nines in Brentwood late in August. Once again, attendees were treated to an outstanding meeting and program that opened with an official ‘welcome’ from Pat and Ron Reagan who took great joy in introducing their daughter in law and their grandchildren. When Pr. Fos Fiame, Youth Pastor of Soul’d Out Christian Center of Antioch opened his mouth, out came a perfect voice of authority as he prayed for the meeting, and then led the gathering in the Pledge of Allegiance. Sean Cullenward and JD Sarginson of Hillside Covenant Church in Walnut Creek rendered a musical tribute with the song, “How He Loves Us,” which began slowly building into a climactic crescendo. Ron and Pat introduced pastors at the luncheon along with other VIPs. Terry Ketchel of Faith Hope And Love Productions made a cameo appearance to tell of the Nor Cal Gospel & Praise event at Concord Sleep Train Pavilion with a star-studded line-up, including headliners Marvin Sapp and Martha Munizzi. The keynote speakers began with personable Marla Williams, the new Bay Area representative for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She took the podium with so much energy that by the time she finished her rapid-fire address, her audience was left breathless. A preacher’s daughter, she coached a high school team and played soccer in college. She gave her testimony and exhibited a lot of wisdom by adding such phrases as, “To not step out in faith, is to rob God.” In other words, when you try to keep your faith to yourself, you rob God. She also cautioned against leaving behind spiritual orphans. Wow! Former NFL championship football player, James Hodgins who is now a coach at Brentwood’s Liberty High School and a chaplain for Sutter Delta Hospital clicks
with the crowd the moment he is seen. He exudes celebrity status even though he does not intend to. He is a very humble man who also exhibits a great sense of humor. His testimony was incredible...raised under very poor circumstances by a single mom who eventually got AIDS... he detailed many of the difficulties he experienced growing up in this world. Later on in life James took a walk on the wild side until a coach met him and took him under his wing when he was 16 and encouraged him. When he started playing football, he quickly began to rise and was drafted by the St. Louis Rams where he found himself playing in The Super Bowl his rookie season. James was not able to handle the fame and fortune of being a Super Bowl winner at such a young age. His success and rise to stardom evolved into pride. He began taking himself seriously and throwing caution to the winds. He wanted to keep winning no matter what it took. James received many injuries on the playing field and was given pain killers to overcome the pain. Over time he became addicted to the pain killers. He then started getting involved in drugs & alcohol. It became so difficult that it cost him his family. After nine years of playing and accumulating about 9 million dollars, he was let go because of his drug habit. He went through all his money and spent time as a man without a home. He detailed how God came to his rescue, set him on the path he is now on and not only has he been freed from his addictions, but his family was restored. Like so many that have gone through similar circumstances, James is much happier now with a far greater sense of freedom way beyond his experience as a highly paid celebrity. He says that he would never go back to that life. It was an awesome testimony of success, failure, victory over self and redemption. Today he has the greatest power he has ever had as a servant of God and he has devoted his life to serving others in His name.
Ron Reagan introduced three candidates for the upcoming elections and gave them a chance to state their positions and to answer a couple of questions. One of them, Jerry Denham, while answering the question directed to him, stated that when he is elected he will empty out Washington, D.C. and make it a ghost town. A novel solution indeed. The other two gentlemen that fielded questions by Ron were David Harmer and Chris Bunch. All three are worthy candidates in the upcoming elections. Pastor Kim Moreno, of Women of Worth took center stage to sing, “The Plans I Have For You,” with such a passionate delivery that the audience burst into applause throughout the song. She finished to a rousing standing ovation. When Pastor Kim sings, you don’t just hear it....you experience it. Pastor Felix Golden of, “His Presence Christian Worship Center,” in Concord, a very respected minister, wrapped up another great meeting with a closing prayer.
Pictured above- Servant of Christ and Superbowl Champ James Hodgins. Below- Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bay Area Rep Marla Williams
Fellowship of Christian Athletes presents… 2nd Annual Golf Classic & Dinner Tuesday, October 6
12:30 PM Shotgun followed by banquet dinner & speaker Lone Tree Golf Course 4800 Golf Course Road Antioch, CA Join us in a day of fun and fellowship while supporting the fundraising efforts of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and the new area Youth Pastor Marla Williams! Golf, lots of prizes and plenty of food await all participants. One lucky qualifier who wins the putting contest will earn a shot at $5000 if they sink a 50 foot put! Also on the course will be a $10,000 hole in one contest too! Entry Fee: $125 per player (we’ll pair you) $500 per team $35 Banquet only
Contact Ron Parish, Event Coordinator 925-754-0911
America’s Good News
World News Briefs
Holy Spirit Fills Pavilion at Gospel Gala
Courtesy: Onenewsnow.com
‘Soft preaching’ produces hard people Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 9/21/2009 A popular Christian author and pastor says one can look to Jesus when it comes to dealing with false teachers and bad theology. In his newest book The Jesus You Can’t Ignore, John MacArthur looks at the Lord’s many personal, often explosive encounters with the religious teachers of his day. MacArthur says although Christ was compassionate to those who were needy, he had a different tactic with proud, arrogant religious leaders. “[In his] first public act, he took a whip, went into the heart of Judiastic religion -- the Temple itself -- and started throwing people out of there, overturning tables of moneychangers, overturning the tables in the operations of the buyers and sellers of animals,” the noted author shares. “He condemned the whole place because it was to be a house of prayer, and they had turned it into a cave of robbers.” MacArthur says there are many false teachers today who are not preaching the full gospel. “We have the idea today that we need to preach this sort of soft, amiable kind of message, [that] we need to tell people what they want to hear,” he laments. “But the truth of the matter is, soft preaching produces hard people. Because soft preaching affirms them, tells them they’re fine, [that] you need to grab your dreams....” And while MacArthur acknowledges that the gospel makes people uncomfortable, he says it prepares hearts for the only cure for sin -- which is Jesus Christ.
Persistent prayer reaps rewards Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 9/10/2009 A well-known pastor and author says desperation, prayer, and persistence will lead to true revival. In his new book The Power of Persistence, Michael Catt -- pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia -- says he is often asked why God blessed the efforts of the church, which produced the hit movies Fireproof and Facing the Giants. “We believe that everything that God’s done here has been birthed out of prayer,” he shares. “The vision, the making of the movies, the writing of the books -- all of it has been after a season of prayer and a time of prayer.” Pastor Catt says prayer should be a priority in the life of a believer, especially when it comes to praying for those who do not know Christ. “I think there’s a way that we are to pray for lost people,” says the pastor. “Not just ‘Lord, save the lost’ -- but how do we pray specifically? Because the enemy is battling us over the souls of men. So how do we get before God and say, ‘Lord, I’m going to claim this person in Your name’? And how do we stand on scriptural ground to do that?” The Georgia pastor says he has been teaching his flock how to pray for those who do not know Christ -- and evidently the lessons are working. “We are in a season right now where we’re seeing more lost people saved, and people coming to the church who don’t even know why they’re coming,” he states. Catt has served as senior pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church since 1989. According to the pastor’s website, the 3,000-member church has averaged 100 baptisms each year in that time.
by Rev. Austin Miles CONCORD, CA The Sleep Train Pavilion in Concord has been a major venue for world class events ranging from symphony orchestras, rock groups and ballet performances to kid shows. And while applause has rung out with enthusiasm for the various concerts and artists, never has The Holy Spirit literally invaded the facility, as it did on September 12th, which was noticed and felt by all attendees. That was the day for the “Nor Cal Gospel & Praise Concert” in its debut production. The event brought Bay Area Churches together for a 12 to 6 PM performance featuring church choirs and headliners, Marvin Sapp, Kyle Bynoe and Martha Munizzi, all of whom had the audience cheering nonstop, clapping, swaying and yes, dancing. There was also a Praise Dance group that captured the crowd with their classical approach to sacred dance. The church choirs represented the best of The Bay Area with groups from Center of Hope in Oakland, Jubilee Center in San Jose and others. One in particular was overlooked when it came to their introduction. They came to the risers in meticulous formation, the hands of the choir director lifted into the air, and it started. Within two minutes everyone was asking who this choir is, including the headliners waiting backstage and in their dressing rooms. Before the first song was finished, the word had quickly spread and everyone knew that it was Director Pastor Kim Moreno and the Sounds of Worship Choir. Pastor Kim did a solo as well as Sondra Smith who both were received with the same enthusiasm as the other headliners, because frankly, they are headliners in their own right. They are extremely gifted and talented performers who can hold their own in any company. The anointing from that stage, which was all over the choir, sifted into the audience who were on their feet with uplifted hands praising God. They were clearly an audience favorite. The stars all delivered well and were crowd pleasers. This scribe especially enjoyed Martha Munizzi, who has written many songs including the very popular, “Because of Who You Are,” exhibing healthy energy and sincerity that instantly won the crowd. She is truly a gospel singer giving beautiful little gospel vignettes between songs that glorified Jesus. Something else impressive about Ms. Munizzi. She shared center stage with one of her backup singers (she had 3) and as he came forward for his solo, Munizzi quietly backed away from center stage, giving him full attention. To see an unspoiled artist whose mind is focused on Jesus, and in that Pavilion, was an absolute joy. The founder of Faith Hope and Love Productions, Terry Ketchel, did an excellent job of producing and coordinating the performances. She had comedian J-Red, who was on and off stage between acts, keeping things moving while the set was being re-arranged for each group, so there were no lags in the production. She had beautiful logo banners, one for each side of the proscenium and one across the middle of the top of the stage showing that it was all on purpose. It was all a class act. What a wonderful experience to see The Holy Spirit totally take over a secular performance venue. Hopefully we will see more of this kind of thing. Rev. Austin Miles is an award winning writer whose reviews of books, classical concerts and art shows are published worldwide. Visit his website at: www.revaustinmiles.com
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America’s Good News
Legalism, The Bible and God... An Unhealthy Mix by Rev. Austin Miles Shortly after rededicating myself to God, having gone through a long period of burnout fueled by selfrighteous legalists, I spoke to a man in a church and asked if we could have coffee together. The man’s face tightened as he tilted his head slightly upward looking down his nose at me (a superior pose of deity), and then proclaimed in a booming voice, “Why I haven’t drunk coffee since I was saved!” He then snapped his tilted head stiffly down and then back up to underscore his point. From that time onward, I’ve had my coffee alone, and I might add...on the sneak since a cloak of guilt had been draped over me. And that, my friends, is legalism, a religious spirit.....a problem that has plagued the world from the beginning of time as man has formed his own rules and regulations (that are not in the Bible), for the sake of making himself appear holy and in control. Nothing has done more damage to the cause of Christ, the church and the Gospel in general than these Pharisees who have marched through history and, unfortunately, through many of our present day churches, causing havoc and confusion. A religious spirit, can more correctly be identified as religious fakery, Notice how people caught in bizarre conduct try to invoke God
Nothing has done more damage to the cause of Christ, the church and the Gospel in general than these Pharisees who have marched through history and, unfortunately, through many of our present day churches, causing havoc and confusion.
to try and legitimize themselves. A good example of that is the current case of a creepy man that the neighbors called Creepy Phil, who along with his wife, had kidnapped a young girl named Jaycee and held her captive for 18 years in a house just outside of Antioch (California). Not only did he keep her as a sex slave prisoner, but fathered her two children, one conceived when she was barely a teen. Yet, this man claims to be walking with God. He was known for handing out religious tracts and “preaching.” And everytime something like this comes up, people look at Christians as dangerous misfits and kooks, which is the sole purpose of Satan, who makes good use of putting a religious spirit in his recruits. Then there is that group from the ‘Westboro Baptist Church’ in Kansas led by Fred Phelps, a “reverend” who is known for picketing
funerals of service people, because the U.S. protects homosexuals, carrying signs that state, “God Hates Fags.” God does NOT hate homosexuals. However, Proverbs 6:16 tells what God DOES hate: “These six things doth the Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination unto him; a proud (haughty) look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies and he that soweth discord among brethren.” All of these things are the components of the religious spirit. Add water, stir them and boil. This wacky Kansas group also has caused damage to the cause of Christ as people believe that he is “one of those Christians.” In reality, his “church” is in no way affiliated with the Baptist union and his ‘congregation’ is only his family. The hate organization is funded specifically to
bring hatred to Christ, the church and Christians in general. And everything they do is a Rev. Austin Miles victory for Satan since it turns so many people off to God. This may be the issue that Peter refers to in 1 Peter 4:17; “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it first begins at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” Churches that hurt people will be punished more than anyone else. Matthew 15:9 goes further by stating’: “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” This is the root of a religious spirit that by-passes God’s Word to inflict self imposed rules of man. Lord, please deliver us from the religious spirit and instead deliver us into a closer relationship with Jesus which is based on love. Amen. Rev. Austin Miles is a Senior’s Pastor and chaplain who is a teacher and Dean of Students for the MVCC School of Theology.
Lighter 2009 Arts Festival allows youth to express creativity and draw closer to God Mission Network News - 9/21/2009 Christian youth across Moldova are excited to share the hope and love of Christ after attending Lighter 2009 Youth Arts Festival. Moldova (MNN) ― Ravaged by the global economic crisis and scarred by summertime violence in the Northern Caucasus, the opportunities to share the Gospel with the former Soviet Union are slowly diminishing. In Moldova where only political upheaval has been in the news as of late, Next Generation Christians have rekindled a spark of hope “to a lost and restless generation across the former Soviet Union,” Russian Ministries reports. Held at the end of August, the Lighter 2009 Youth Arts Festival attracted young artists performing music and other original works. While the festival started with only musical arts, Russian Ministries said it quickly expanded beyond just music and included hip-hop, rap, poetry, theater,
dance and video performances. As these young artists had a chance to express their creativity, they also gathered together to fellowship with other Christ-followers and draw closer to God. Some of the best opportunities to do so came during their morning and evening worship times led by young musicians from various churches. One woman in attendance, Zhenya, told Russian Ministries, “This summer I worked with deaf children. As I saw their suffering, I shut God out. I didn’t understand why He allowed these children to live their whole lives without hearing the wonderful sounds of music. For two months, I didn’t pray. It was as if something inside of me had broken. But when I came here, God calmed my heart, and now it sings again.” Following her testimony, Zhenya signed and sang a song she had written.
Others shared the work God had done in them because of the festival with Russian Ministries. Dima, who leads a club ministry at a church in Chisinau, said she was able to rest from her busy schedule and find renewed strength to once again serve Christ. Making a decision to follow Christ only a month ago, Anya said, “At this festival, I met young people who are so open and friendly that I received an unforgettable jolt of energy. I decided to start music lessons this year because I want to learn to create.” Of the youth in attendance, 40 committed to dive deeper into ministry for Christ. They also expressed interest in helping people affected by HIV/AIDS, cancer and other struggles. Pray for these young Christians to continue spreading Christ’s love with the momentum they gained from at-
tending Lighter 2009. You can become involved in what Russian Ministries is doing by visiting their website at http://www.russianministries.org/index.php and donating now or finding more information.
America’s Good News
Woman To Woman
What does it mean to be “Religious”
“A Relationship Not A Religion” By Susan Holmes I can honestly say that there has never been a time in my life that I didn’t believe that there is a God who is the Creator of the Universe. I also never questioned the fact that Jesus is the Son of God whose Mother was Mary; that He died on a cross and rose from the dead, then ascended up to Heaven. These are wonderful truths that my Mother taught me as a child that I never once questioned. My mother was a very devout religious person who attended church as often as possible and faithfully trained us kids the religious traditions and practices of her faith. She often read us Bible stories with lots of pictures and made us pray with her on a regular basis. My heart never argued with the truths that were instilled in me, but it did wrestle with the traditions of man that we were told to follow. Each week when we accompanied my mother to church I spent most of the time checking out the boys and anxiously waiting for the service to be over. After leaving home and getting married I attended church only when I visited my parents. I prayed often to God, but mostly when I was in trouble and needed help. I made many promises to God and broke all of them. There were many times when I knew that God heard and answered my prayers. I knew what sin was and I also knew that I was a sinner who repented constantly, but the guilt of my sins weighed on me very heavily. I had a form of religion, but absolutely no power to do the things that I knew was right and stop doing things that I knew in my heart were against God’s commandments. Although I believed in Heaven and Hell, the reality of ending up in Hell was only a party joke with no fear of it being an eternal place of punishment for my life of sin and permanent separation from the love of God. The honest truth is that I was a complete failure at religion, thank God! Something wonderful happened to my mother; she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. She had been suffering from a spastic colon for many years, but believed that she was suffering for Christ, which was one of the traditions of man taught by her religion. She attended a special service at her church where a guest evangelist was ministering. My little sister, Diana was with her and she
Susan Holmes prayed in her heart that if this was real to touch Mom and heal her. Then the evangelist pointed to my mother who was sitting in the back of the church and called her forward. He prayed for her body to be healed and told her to ask God for whatever she wanted. She prayed for her four children and asked God to touch each one of us. God the Holy Spirit touched her and miraculously healed her of the spastic colon. She then heard the truth about being born again and gave her heart to Jesus. Everything in her life changed from that moment on! Within a couple of months, I had given birth to my first son (who I prayed for) and came home to visit my parents. My mother shared with me her testimony about what happened to her when she got touched and healed. My mind didn’t fully understand what she was telling me, but I started crying so I went to the bathroom to fix my makeup, still crying. My mother followed me into the bathroom. When she did I grabbed her hands and said, “I don’t know what happened to you, but whatever it is give it to me!” She so lovingly said, “It’s Jesus”. I said, “Well give Jesus to me!” She led me in simple prayer that I don’t even remember, but this I do know: I gave my heart to Jesus and asked Him to be my personal Lord and Savior! My life has never been the same from that moment in eternity! Now I have a true relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Now I know that my sins are forgiven and I am cleansed because Jesus died on the cross for ME! I no longer carry the weight of guilt for my sins because I know that God has not only forgiven me, but He has thrown my sins into the sea of forgetfulness and He who is all knowing, chooses to remember them no more. Now I know that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and I will spend eternity in Heaven with my Lord Jesus Christ. Not because of religion, but because of my personal relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Creator of the Universe who loves you and me enough to give His only Son to pay the price for the purchase of our lives. So which do you have – Religion or Relationship?
By Diana Dobbie Someone recently told me that they consider me a religious person. When I asked them what made them come to that particular conclusion they stated it was because they know I believe in God, they see me read the bible regularly, I go to church and I’m actively involved in my church. They even joked about how hard I work on keeping an optimistic attitude no matter what I’m dealing with and how I try not to lie. At first I was not sure how I felt about being labeled “religious” because my initial reaction was that I’m not a “bible thumper.” I feel my purpose here on earth is to be the best person I can be and lead by example through my actions. After thinking about this a little deeper I came up with the following thoughts about what it means to me to be religious. First, I am cognizant of the fact that there are many different religions and beliefs but I choose to follow the 10 commandments in the Old Testament. It is the quickest way to balance decisions I make, because they are rules in the simplest form that make sense to believers as well as non-believers. As I read more of the New Testament I’m learning that the 10 commandments evolved into “living rules,” for example, “Thou shall not kill.” takes on a higher meaning that you should not hate therefore you won’t kill. I think it’s important to continually grow in depth of thought and understanding. Second, throughout my life I’ve taken many roads that have led to many different churches and experiences. I’ve had periods in my life where I did not attend church at all because I didn’t feel like I needed it or I didn’t want to commit to anything. Over the past few years, I’ve discovered that going to church isn’t just about what’s in it for me but it’s a place where I can actively participate and be an integral part of a community that has a purpose. Finally, I hope my behavior in actions and words emulates my relationship with God. Although I’m not perfect, I certainly don’t strive to portray a poor example here on earth. If that means that I’m religious then I don’t think it’s a bad label.
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HEOLOGY The School of Theology is a comprehensive 22 course program that enables students to start and pursue a Biblical education based on a foundation of Biblical studies. Students will have the opportunity to graduate from the School of Theology and then continue their education towards a Bachelor of Biblical Studies Degree. The goal of the School of Theology is to equip men and women of God to develop and use their spiritual gifts for the work of the ministry in the Body of Christ. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
America’s Good News
Operation Worship Bible Campaign; Target: 500,000 Bibles to Troops by Christmas Buy and sign a Bible that will be given to an active-duty member of the U. S Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps who is serving somewhere in the world Staff Report Oakley, CA Across the nation a new effort is underway to sign and send 500,000 Bibles to our troops by Christmas. The response of the American public has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are proud our community is doing its part in supporting this campaign. We are getting feedback that the personal messages inscribed by individual Americans expressing their prayers and gratitude, are a great blessing to the soldiers receiving these Bibles. There are now four Operation Worship editions available, one for each branch of the United States military; the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or the Marine Corps. “What better impact can you have on a soldier than to provide them with the Word of God?” said Jeff Hilliard, cofounder of Open Window Foundation and Operation Worship, a national not-forprofit ministry whose mission is to enrich the spiritual lives of military personnel. “No matter how we feel about the war, our soldiers need our support. This is an incredible way for ordinary Americans to support our soldiers in a personal and meaningful way.” “Soldiers continue to ask for Bibles in the field,” Hilliard said. “One chaplain I talked to estimated that out of 40 soldiers attending a field church service from the back of a Humvee, only 2 to 5 of them will have a Bible. There is a great need.” When Bibles are made available, he reports they are eagerly received by soldiers—many of whom are confronting some of the toughest challenges of their lives.
Chris O’Connor is heading up the ‘Operation Worship’ efforts here in Contra Costa County and explained how he came into the ministry. “I had lost my job and I was praying for God to guide me in ways to serve Him. This past year I had an opportunity to go to Haiti. I had never been out of the country on a missions trip as this was my first. I had a life changing experience there in seeing such a big need for so many people and it grew heavy on my heart. God took me under his wing and I was walking with Him every day for over a month. In thought and in prayer, we were hand in hand. I asked Him what would you have me do Lord? He showed me the need for unsaved people in the world. He showed me that I could have a tremendous affect on them, even though I didn’t know what I was yet to do. There were many blessings that I received in Haiti and after the missions trip was over I realized how God was calling me to a higher level in serving Him. After returning, I began spending a lot of time with my close friend Brian Campbell, who is the owner of Graceland bookstore in Pittsburg. He introduced me to the ‘Operation Worship’ project and Brian inspired me to step up and take the lead in this incredible outreach ministry. I give glory to God for this great opportunity to serve Him in spreading the Gospel to all ends of the earth, fulfilling the great commission.” To support this effort, you may contact Chris at cvrt@sbcglobal.net. You can purchase a $5.00 camo-covered special edition Operation Worship Bible, write a
personal message of thanks and encouragement to a soldier inside the front cover, and give it back to him to be shipped to a member of the American military fighting for our freedom in places all around the world. Chris would also like to see every church in the area participate for a successful operation. Chris exclaimed, “At no cost to the church, I will come on a Sunday that we agree upon and set up a display table to sell bibles to the people of the congregation who want to support this mission. Just inside the front cover there is a place for them to write a note of thanks, put their favorite verse in, or anything that God may put on their hearts to convey.” We need your support. Again, the person to contact is Chris O’Connor at cvrt@sbcglobal.net and find out how you can help bring the Gospel to our troops and beyond. Additional information is available from the Operation Worship website: www.operationworship.com
Chaplain’s Feedback ~
“Thank you so much for the Bibles. They were just what was needed, especially the notes written in the front of the Bibles. Each person writing in the Bibles,
Pictured above: Chris O’Conner shares a smile with his new friends in Haiti. whether they knew it or not, were writing what each soldier needed to read, by the direction of God. We appreciate your service to our nation through sending the Bibles and your prayers. May you be richly blessed for your outreach to others.” “The Bibles were received with open hearts and Soldiers enjoyed receiving them - especially with the messages of encouragement. It always helps to be reminded we have not been forgotten! Thank you for your prayerful support and encouragement!”
HELPING HANDS HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE Helping Hands Outreach Ministry is doing a ‘Holiday Food Drive’ to minister to the needs of families throughout the Holiday Season!
by Share the love of Christ is th s er reaching out to oth Holiday Season.
Above- Boxes filled with complete turkey dinners were wrapped in holi day paper and love. Right- A Thanksgiving dinner was also served at the Church. Fun & fellowship were enjoyed by all.
To be the hands of Jesus extended to the needy in our community, please contact: MVCC 925-625-9570 or drop off Items at: 5000 Amaryllis Street, Oakley Ca 94561
America’s Good News
CAMINANDO A LA NUEVA JERUSALEN UNA MANO AMIGA by Juan Prieto Vino luego a Betsaida y le trajeron un ciego, y le rogaron que le tocase. Entonces, tomando la mano del ciego, lo saco fuera de la aldea; y escupiendo en sus ojos, le puso las manos encima, y le pregunto si ves algo. El, mirando, dijo: Veo los hombres como arboles, pero los veo que andan. Luego le puso otra vez las manos sobre los ojos, y le dijo que mirase; y fue restablecido, y vio de lejos y claramente a todos. MARCOS 8: 22,23,24,25 Querido lector despues de meses de tribulacions, de pruebas, de suplicas, de retos y obligaciones que cumplir, al igual que el ciego de Betsaida quisas necesitemos desesperadamente de la mano amiga, guiadora y sanadora de Jesus. Sin las manos el ser humano no podria cumplir sus actividades cotidianas sencillas o complicadas, como las manos de un cirujano haciendo maniobras y tecnicas que llevaran sanacion y repararan partes de un cuerpo, o las manos de un musico con sus movimientos llevando y conduciendo a su orquesta, las manos fuertes y seguras de un mecanico, las manos
exquisitas de un pintor, y claro las manos diestras de una ama de casa haciendo platillos apetitosos y nutritivos para su familia, las manos agiles y fuertes de un campesino, las manos carinosas de una madre. Pero las manos de Nuestro Senor JesusCristo son unas manos muy especiales, entre sus atributos, fue que tuvo unas manos fuertes, quisa llenas de callos, al trabajar como carpintero, al usar el martillo y el serrucho, construyendo sillas, mesas, arados. Pero tambien fueron unas manos compasivas, pues cuando estamos afligidos, derrotados, apesadumbrados, pone sobre nuestros hombres sus manos consoladoras, esas mismas manos que levantaron enfermos graves, son las manos que nos dan palmadas de fortaleza, y nos dice al oido…!Sigue adelande, …sigue en la lucha…la recompensa esta cerca. Son esas mismas manos que detuvieron tempestades, y el rugir de los mares, esas mismas manos bendijeron las criaturas desamparadas, cargaron los ninos que le buscaban. Pero tambien son unas manos celosas…Mateo 21:12,13 Y entro Jesus en el templo de DIOS, y echo fuera a todos los que vendian y compraban en el templo, y volco las
mesas de los cambistas, y las sillas de los que vendian palomas; Y les dijo: Escrito esta: Mi casa, casa de oracion sera llamada; mas vosotros la habeis hecho cueva de ladrones. Estas mismas manos celosas y fuertes, tambien nos rescatan, asi como rescataron a Pedro cuando se ahogaba en el Mar de Galilea, Mateo 14: 26-31. Al momento JESUS extendiendo la mano, asio de el, y le dijo: ! Hombre de poca fe! Por que, dudaste? Ha dudado Usted, alguna vez, o esta dudando ahora mismo del poder rescatador de JESUS? Piensa que sus problemas ya no tienen remedio?, Que no hay esperanza alguna? Querido lector JESUS es la solucion, suya y mia pero nos olvidamos cada dia, de caminar con EL, nos olvidamos que esta a nuestro lado, nos olvidamos que son sus manos benefactoras, en Mateo 14: 13-21 partio panes y peces y dio de comer a multitudes. Sus manos nos llaman otra vez al redil de sus ovejas . Mateo 11:28 Venid a mi todos los que estais trabajados y cargados y yo os hare descansar. Recordemos y no despreciemos esas manos lacerados por todos
nosotros, valoremoslas en nuestra vida personal y recibira las bienaventuranzas impartidas para todos los que creen y tienen fe en el Hijo de DIOS, y recibiremos toda la ayuda de nuestro amigo fiel, Aquel que lo tiene grabado a Usted en las palmas de sus manos, con el amor infinito que solo puede provenir de JESUS. Recuerde ISAIAS 53: 3,4. Despreciado y desechado entre los hombre, varon de Dolores, experimentado en quebranto; y como que escondimos de el el rostro, fue menospreciado, y no lo estimamos. Ciertamente llevo el nuestras enfermedades, y sufrio nuestros Dolores; y nosotros le tuvimos por azotado, por herido de DIOS y abatido. MARANATA
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America’s Good News
THE RELIGIOUS SPIRIT – From the Editor’s Desk By Will Byrns I’m spiritual… not religious! How many times have you read or heard this statement. Going back to my days of being single and spending time on internet dating sites, I came across this phrase a great deal. Even though the sites I visited were Christian dating sites the ole “I’m spiritual – not religious” theme was very predominant over all others when asked the question… “Which denomination do you identify yourself with?” There is a certain amount of truth to the statement about being spiritual and not religious. In many cases the term religious can deal more with how a person adheres to manmade doctrines, rules and regulations as opposed to what religion they claim to follow. Some even argue that religiosity is an “evil spirit.” But when attempting to define certain words such as religion or religiosity, the interpretations can take on an expanse as great as our universe. Defining the word “religion” is fraught with difficulty. Many attempts have been made. Most seem to focus too narrowly on only a few aspects of religion. This quote by Kile Jones hits the nail on the head. “It is apparent that religion can be seen as a theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and
Is religiosity hindering the work of the Holy Spirit? psychological phenomenon of human kind. To limit religion to only one of these categories is to miss its multifaceted nature and lose out on the complete definition.” ~Kile Jones Is a person who has a religious spirit caught up in legalism? Many would answer yes to this question and comment that a person with a religious spirit cannot humble themselves or be in submission to those who are their elders in the Body of Christ. You can be religious about going to church. You can be religious about folding up chairs after service. And please don’t misinterpret what I’m saying, we all need to have the heart of a servant. We all need works with our Faith. But simply put, these are questions that you should ask yourself. Are you caught up in your perfect church attendance or how many hours you’re putting in at the church each week? Are you just fulfilling a duty for all of the programs run at the church, or are you allowing the Holy Spirit to use you to your full potential in making an impact for Christ in the lives of others? This
can be the difference in you fulfilling religious duties or letting God’s Spirit move through you… to be His hands and feet… to let Him speak through you… to minister to others that may be in a desperate situation, the exact words that God knows they need and not the words that you think they need. I would like to share an insightful quote from our Senior Pastor, “If you have come to church today to receive something from me you will be disappointed, because I have nothing to give. But if you’re here today to receive a word from the Lord who lives in me and works through me, you’re in the right place.” ~ Pastor Jerry Hanoum The gentleness of The Holy Spirit encourages and does not condemn and crumple the inner persistence of a be-
The religious spirit was the primary characteristic of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, as they focused on what was wrong with others being blind to their own faults.
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Editor-In-Chief Pr. Will Byrns liever. Religiosity has done much damage to The Body of Christ for it does not add life and power, but division and destruction. The religious spirit was the primary characteristic of the Pharisees of Jesus’ day, as they focused on what was wrong with others, being blind to their own faults. Even though this problem was in existence then, it still continues to be in force today, conflicting with the true work of God’s Spirit. James 1:26 If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Gossip, along with a religious Spirit can destroy a pastor, a church, and a whole community of believers, again hindering the work of The Holy Spirit. We must do all we can to stand together in unity as it says in the book of Ephesians 4:3-6 Make every effort to keep the Unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called— one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
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America’s Good News
Young Women of Worth
What ties do you have in your life?
YWOW ASKS: What ties do you have in your life?
By Amari Chambers
Young Women of Worth (YWOW) is an opportunity for the young and the young of heart to praise, fellowship, and hear a good word. Everyone knows that some of the biggest giveaways are given at 5000 Amaryllis Street in Oakley. Every three months at Young Women of Worth, (YWOW) giveaways include UGG boots, “lots of candles”, Sephora and MAC prizes. Tonight was no different. The energy of the youth was contagious and women of all ages gathered in the sanctuary munching on finger foods and mingling in groups. For this month’s topic, Pastor Kim chose to talk about something young women seldom hear about—soul ties. Pastor Kim said, “A soul tie is a binding or a spiritual agreement”. She explained how they affect us. An example of a common soul tie we know is marriage. When a couple marries, they vow to be committed through sickness and in health. However, Pastor Kim showed us another side of soul ties. Pastor Kim opened up her sermon with the story of Gomer, which is found in the book of Hosea. Gomer was a prostitute who married Hosea. After Gomer married Hosea, she became a mother and stopped prostituting. Shortly after the birth of her second child, she returned to the life as a lady of the night. On numerous occasions, Hosea went to buy his wife from other men and returned her home. Many people looked down on Gomer and
“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me.”
Pictured Right Pastor Kim reaching out to young women on real life issues that weigh them down on so many levels.
laughed. ing to the next Yet, Hosea level? Just still wanted like Gomer, her. Even God has a though larger plan Gomer for your life. committed Sometimes we adultery, get caught up God came in our difficulto Hosea ties and forget ~ Apostle Paul and told that God is in him to go control. Just get Gomer take a moment and you and love her. In obedience, Hosea followed will realize that God is there. He is God’s instructions. When Gomer came waiting for you to look to Him; he home this time, she stayed with Hosea and has his arms open for you. He will their lives were changed forever. direct your path and those things Gomer is an example of the young that hold you back will turn into woman allowing her decisions from her past things that held you back. “I’m to transfer to her present. Yet, God used her not saying that I have this all husband to cut the ties so that she could be together, that I have it made. But set free. When you have a soul tie, Satan I am well on my way, reachwill tell you that you will never be able ing out for Christ, who has so to get past it and that circumstances will wondrously reached out for me. remain the same. Yet, as Pastor Kim says, Friends, don’t get me wrong: “God is calling you beloved”. He still wants By no means do I count myself you past all your hang-ups, blemishes, and an expert in all of this, but I’ve mistakes. got my eye on the goal, where Again, the question remains. What God is beckoning us onward—to ties do you have in your life? Do you have Jesus. I’m off and running, and habits of making vows with the intent of I’m not turning back.” (Phil not keeping them? Is there something that is 3:12-14 The Message) keeping you down or keeping you from go
Young Women of Worth and young at heart WOW come each month to worship the Lord and receive a word of encouragement. WOW meets the first Monday of each month at 5000 Amaryllis Street in Oakley. Call 925-625-9570 for more information.
America’s Good News
ARE YOU CARRYING A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT? by Andrew Pate When talking about legalism in Christian denominations, it is always important to understand that it is never an attack on the people who are trying with all their hearts to reach out to Jesus, but instead it is a study of the validity of their denominational claim. When claims are being based on religious interpretation and not the Word of God, we run a dangerous game of interfering with not only the flow of the Holy Spirit, but also the overall effectiveness of a ministry. In doing this, certain denominations have handicapped themselves and have stunted their spiritual growth. In essence, they have decided to carry a knife to a gun fight! The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the spiritual gifting which follows is at the heart of debate in certain Christian denominations. There are many that have concluded that the gifting from the Holy Spirit was only meant for the early apostles who were using them to create the church. Their belief is so strong that denominations have been created to support their claims. The problem is that nowhere in the Bible does it state that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were only intended for an elite group of believers, or that they ceased to exist when their lives were complete. In fact, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 that we are to earnestly desire these gifts. (NKJV) “Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. And God has appointed these in the church: First apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrators, varieties of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all teachers? Are all miracle
workers? Do all have the gifts of healings? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? But earnestly desire the best gifts…” Paul goes on to tell us in Chapter 13 that when perfection comes (Jesus Christ) these gifts will fall away. This is because when Jesus returns, we will not need to speak in tongues, heal, and work miracles. In His presence all things will become known and perfect. But what did Paul mean when he said that we should desire the best gifts. To understand this we must first understand that there are two types of infilling (or baptisms) of the Holy Spirit. The first type of infilling of the Holy Spirit is when we become saved. When we first repent and ask Jesus Christ into our heart, we are inviting the Holy Spirit into us. This should not be confused with a water baptism. A water baptism is a symbolic gesture that demonstrates the death of your life, and the new creation that you have become through Jesus Christ. This initial infilling of the Holy Spirit gives you access to Jesus Christ as well as protecting you from possession of Satan. Remember, our bodies are temples and not motels. Once you have accepted Jesus into your heart, only one spirit is able to reside in you, and that is the Holy Spirit. Satan can still attack, but he is denied possession. The second infilling of the Holy Spirit (or Baptism of the Holy Spirit) is one that must be pursued and sought after. It is a separate prayer recognizing that the Holy Spirit was sent to assist us in our daily walk, and it is through this infilling that you receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In order
Trinity Christian School Teacher Spotlight, October - Stephen Pult
Science… God’s Timing & Creation
By Stephen Pult Evolutionists use hot spots as proof of the great age of the earth. They claim that in order for chains of islands to have formed, the plates must have been moving for millions of years. There are several theories that try to explain exactly how the volcanic islands were formed. Some believe that the hot spots move instead of the plates. Whatever the case, God did not need millions of years to form any of the earth’s land features. He is allpowerful and able to control the surface of our earth as well as all other aspects of our lives. Trinity Christian School’s sixth grade had a great time learning about the science of our changing earth. They learned about plate tectonics, causes of earthquakes and classifying volcanos. They can now see the greatest of God in all creation, and how all things fit together for His glory. Of course, they also had a fun time building and erupting volcanos!
Nowhere in the Bible does it state that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were only intended for an elite group of believers, or that they ceased to exist when their lives were complete. In fact, Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 that we are to earnestly desire these gifts.
to walk in the full power of the gifts, you must accept His guidance and live in a lifestyle that is in cooperation with the Holy Spirit. In Chuck Pierces book, “Protecting Your Home from Spiritual Darkness,” he outlines eight principles to help you live in cooperation with the Holy Spirit. The first is to mediate in the Word of God. When we ponder on the Word, we receive revelation from the Holy Spirit giving us a deeper understanding of God. Second, we must pray. Prayer is simply communicating with God, and it works both ways. The third is fasting. Fasting not only removes spiritual clutter, but it builds the discipline we need as Christians to persevere during the hard times. The fourth is giving. By learning how to give freely, God can trust us to be responsible with what He gives us. The fifth is warring. Anything that God has given to you will be met with resistance from Satan. By using the Word, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and these eight principles we can effectively war against Satan by using these tools to stop his plans. The sixth is worship. Worship is a place where we can be intimate with God, and truly touch His heart. The
seventh is working. Eventually we must get off our knees and go about His business. We must be ready to complete the spiritual work that God has given to us. The eighth principle is resting. God purposely gave us the example of resting on the seventh day. In order to accomplish all that God has called us to, we must be rested and alert. Remember, like a lion on the Savannah, Satan attacks by picking you off in the areas that you are weak and weary in. Do you need the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to get into Heaven? No, you will gain entrance into Heaven from your Salvation. What you gain from the Gifts of the Holy Spirit is the chance to have a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and the ability to become more effective in the spreading of His Gospel. When there is so much out there that is against us, wouldn’t you want every tool in your arsenal that is available. Increase your worship, increase your effectiveness in spiritual battle, and increase your capacity to decrease while allowing the power of Jesus to increase in your daily walk. Experience the power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in your life, and you won’t be disappointed.
America’s Good News
“MAKING THE GRADE” The Coach’s Clipboard
Pictured left- RFKC’s director of Training, Jeff Juhala. AboveIntern Pastor Tim Vaughn and Chaplain Johnny Jones.
powerful night of testimonies was shared at the last MVP meeting on September 21st. A humble gentleman by the name of Bryce shared his story of God’s healing power after a bicycle accident a few years ago. The doctors said his pituitary gland would never function again and was on medication for years. When God healed him he said with conviction, “my greatest joy in life is being reconnected with God.” The keynote speaker for the evening was Royal Family Kids Camp (RFKC) Director of Training Jeff Juhala. Jeff started off with a roar when he asked of the men, “What are you willing to die for.” Later in his message the answer from a man of God would be made known. We should all be willing to die for our FAITH, our FAMILY and our FREEDOM (country). He shared several testimonies of children that attended the RFKC camps, but one stood out head and shoulders above the rest. One young boy’s attitude was so bad that the counselor finally had to tell him, “Look, I love you, but if your behavior doesn’t improve we’re going to have to send you back home.” The boy withdrew for a moment and was silent. Then he came back and responded, “Did you really mean what you said?” The counselor replied, “Yes, if your behavior doesn’t get better, I’m taking you home!” The boy quickly stated, “no not that part, I’m talking about when you said, ‘I love you,’ did you really mean that?” Men were touched deeply by Jeff’s many testimonies of children that attend the RFKC camps. These camps bless children that have lead lives of abuse, neglect and abandonment. If you would like to bless RFKC with your support, contact them at www.rfkc.org and find a local chapter that you can be a part of. Pastor Joe Seeley then closed in prayer and implored men to gather at MVCC’s upcoming retreat held on Nov. 5th, 6th, and 7th in the Alliance Redwoods state park Sonoma, CA. For information on the retreat contact Pastor Joe at 925.625.9570 ext. 107. Photo’s courtesy: Tim Vaughn
For over 5 years now we have been bringing America’s Good News right to your mailbox FREE of charge!
38,000 copies are printed each month going out to the cities of Brentwood, Antioch, Discovery Bay, Byron and Oakley. We consider this paper to be a local outreach ministry making a positive change in our community. If this newspaper has been a blessing to you or a loved one in any way we need your help to continue spreading the Good News. We would welcome any donation that you can offer. Please give as the Lord directs you. Mail donations to America’s Good News 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley, CA 94561
By Coach Mike This writer recently met a young man who plays soccer at Dublin High School, as well as for the San Ramon Santos soccer club, one of the top club teams in the region. He has been an All-League performer on his high school team, and carries a GPA above 4.0. He wants to play soccer in college, and study bio-medical engineering. He’s been smart and pro-active to the point of listing his student-athlete profile on several good recruiting websites. We were meeting, along with mom and dad, to discuss developing a game plan to assure successful college recruitment. The great part is, along with this young man’s achievements on the field, he’s already tackled the most important factor: GRADES. Grades mean everything. A college coach, today, would rather have a good player who is a great student over a great player who is a mediocre student! Ideally, he wants the best of both. A 3.0 is pretty much the recruiting floor today, unless we’re discussing junior colleges. The NCAA also requires that certain academic standards be met by all college athletes. The NAIA has similar standards. Three D-1 universities have recently been placed on probation for failing to meet those minimum academic standards. So what does that mean? Bluntly, mediocre grades do not cut it anymore. Over the past ten years the bar has been raised and it’s rising. Still, a GPA over 3.0 means a 70% greater chance of obtaining a scholarship. Here’s another tip: Your 9th grade year counts for about a third of your high school GPA. Think you have plenty of time to bring your grades up? WAKE UP! Let’s compare a Brentwood-Oakley area student-athlete we met with in the spring, at the request of his high school basketball coach, regarding recruiting. He was carrying a 2.6 GPA as we met. He said he was interested in a top tier D-1 basketball powerhouse university back East. Why? With a 2.6 GPA, that’s not going to happen. He’s a good but not great player, and small for his position. Maybe he could play at a JC, where he’ll need to maintain a 2.5 to be eligible. And the truth is that this young man, according to his coaches in two sports, has potential; but, he refuses to put in the effort to be the best he can be. A 2.6 indicates he also lacks the discipline and motivation to perform at his best in the classroom. Worth noting: Less than 3% of college athletes are on what we would call “full ride” athletic scholarships. And less than 1% are what we would label as true “Blue Chip” elite athletes. Is this kid in that category? No. Now, he has another two years to bring himself over a 3.0. Will he? If he lacks motivation, discipline, and solid study habits by now, it isn’t likely. Also, with over 80% of collegiate sports playing opportunities outside of NCAA D-1, this young man is not being realistic about his likely best college playing level. What of our senior scholar-athlete from Dublin? He will definitely play somewhere. With a 4+ GPA and solid test scores, as well as his dedication to be the best athlete he can be, he has earned the privilege of being recruited by excellent schools from coast to coast, where he WILL have the opportunity to compete in college sports, more than likely with a very good scholarship and aide package. But, remember that 75% of All-League high school athletes are NOT recruited. Depending on the sport, only about 5% - 15% of high school athletes make the transition to competing in college, on average. The lack of good grades plays a big part of that. GAMEPLAN FOR ALL STUDENT-ATHLETES: Want to make the grade, and play sports in college? Then, MAKE THE GRADES! SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.” 1 Corinthians 9:24 “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,” Ecclesiastes 9:10 Coach Mike Ketchel is a youth sports coach, and recruiting consultant. He is also a contributor to SportspressTV.com, plus Winning Hoops and Coach & AD magazines. He may be reached at 925-321-2957 or via e-mail at mikeketchel3@comcast.net
America’s Good News
John 1:1-5 The Word Became Flesh In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
Worship Services
If you are interested in having your church listed on the Worship services page, call Ron or Pat Reagan at 925-240-1242 Bread of Life Community Church
Rev. Edward L. Riley 1923 Delta Road, Knightsen 925-625-9081 - www.bolcc.net email: edwardriley@sbcglobal.net
Church on the Rock
Pastor Craig Dale 9:30am Traditional 11:00am Contemporary 50 Walton Lane (off Lone Tree) Antioch, CA 94509 925-706-2842
The Light Ministries
Pastor Larry Roper 405 West 6th Street Antioch, CA 94509 925-778-1639
Agape Bible Fellowship & Ministries Inc.
Pastor: Dr. John Ojewole 520 Garcia Ave. Suite D Pittsburg, CA 94565 Tel. 925-848-6240/265-1134 Email: info@agapebfm.org Website: www.agapebfm.org Sunday Bible Study: 10:00AM Sunday Worship: 11:00AM Prayer fellowship: Tuesdays 7PM Youth Ministry: Fridays 6:30PM
Our Father’s House
Apostle Larry Johnson 2980 Railroad Ave, 2nd floor Pittsburg, CA 925-457-3358 Fridays 7 pm, Sundays @ 10 am & 5 pm
New Lifeline Ministries 4246 Empire Ave. Oakley Sunday service 10am Wed. Bible Study 7:30pm 925-625-1982
Destiny Christian Center
Bishop Gregory Bell Sunday 10:30am Service Wed Worship & Study 7:30pm 132 O’Hara Av. Oakley 925-679-1361
Mariner’s Church
Byron Middle School Gym 9 am Children/Teen Sun Sch. & Nursery 9:15am Adult Sunday School ~ 10:30 am High School “Hang Time” ~ 6:30 pm Tue. Bible Study ~ 10 am Wednesdays Pastor Jim Kraft ~ 634-0800 Office: 5545 Drakes Ct., Discovery Bay
Live Oak Community Christian Center
5471 Live Oak Av. Oakley 925-625-2556 Worship Services Sunday 10am Marriage Bible Study Mon 7:30pm Kingdom Men Tuesday 7:30pm Ladies Bible Study Tue 7:30pm Youth Group Wed 7:00pm Home Cell Groups Fri 7:30pm Saturday Morning prayer 8am
His Presence
Christian Worship Center Location: Holiday Inn Concord 1050 Burnett Ave 94520 Sunday’s 10:00am starting Tuesday bible study 7:30 pm Mail to: 1145 2nd St. Ste A #161 Brentwood, CA 94513 ph# 925-405-9620
Grace Bible Fellowship Pastor Kirkland Smith Sunday 8am & 11:15am Tues 7pm Prayer Wed 6am 913 Sunset Dr. Antioch, CA 94509 925-522-2017
The Carpenter’s Shop Int’l Prs. Jerry and Penny Slavens P.O. Box 2083 Antioch, CA 94531 925-778-0800 925-778-0804 fax carpenters.shop@sbcglobal.net www.thecarpentershop.org Saturday Service 11am - 1pm
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Catholic Church 500 Fairview Ave Brentwood Saturday Vigil 5:00, 6:30[sp] Sunday Masses 7:30, 9:00 and 12:30 Spanish 10:45 and 2:00 pm Daily 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM 925-634-4156 email: ihmchurch@sbcglobal.net
Unity on the Delta
Pastor Robert Waldon Sunday Service - 10:00am 50 Sand Creek Road, Ste. 140 Brentwood, CA 94513 Ph - 925-754-5343
Lighthouse Christian Center 1210 Stoneman Ave Pittsburg, Ca 94565 (925) 432-3808 Pastors Jason & Peggy Younger Sundays 9:30 & 11:15am Wednesday: Prayer & Healing Service 7:00pm
Fountain of Life Church
Pastor: Ronald Mixon 111 W. 10th St. Antioch, CA 94509 Next to Antioch City Park on A St. (925) 755-8779 E-mail: ronmixon@sbcglobal.net www.thefountainoflifechurch.org Sunday Worship:10:00AM Wednesday: Intercessory Prayer: 7-7:30PM Bible Study:7:30-8:30PM
Faith Worship Center
Pr. Anthony E. Blackman 2170 Harbor St. Pittsburg, CA 94565 Service - Sundays 8:00am &10:00am Wednesdays 7:00pm 925-427-0976
Christ Temple
Full Faith Ministry Inc. Pastor Damon Pierson Worship service 1pm 101 West 9th St.Antioch CA 925-978-6273
Crossroads Christian Center Heritage High-Multipurpose Rm. 101 American Ave. Brentwood 925-516-7795 Sunday Service 10:30am Tuesday Bible Study 7pm Pastor Andrew G. Miley
Calvary Chapel Crossroads
Pr. John Snoderly 1771 Vineyard Dr., Antioch Phone 925-778-2011 Services: Sundays at 10 AM Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7 PM www.cccrossroads.org email: church@cccrossroads.org
Calvary Fellowship
Pastor Dave Perata Discovery Bay Elementary School SundayService10:00AM 1700 Willow Lake Road 925.626.3525 Mid week Bible Study Thursday 7PM 1555 River Lake Road in Discovery Bay
The Orchard Church
Heritage High School Theater 101 American Ave Brentwood Service at 10am Sundays Pastor Steve (925) 325-5020 theorchardchurch.com
The East Bay Pentecostals
605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2012 Pastor Joel R. Bryant Sunday Services 10am & 5pm Wednesday Bible Study 7:30pm Friday Youth 7pm
International Christian Ministry
Grace Lutheran Church 195 Alvarado Ave Pittsburg, CA 94565 Rev Tuma Johnson 550-5573
Mountain View Christian Center
Pr. Jerry Hanoum 5000 Amaryllis Oakley Ca 94561 925-625-9570 Sundays 9am & 10:45am Sundays 5:00pm Spanish Wednesdays 7pm Soldiers in Christ - Jr. High Wed 7pm Souled Out - High sch. Wed 7pm
Kings Chapel
Pr. Phillip Marocco 320 Worrell Rd. Antioch, CA 925-756-7315 Sun. 10:00am and 6:00pm Tue. 7:00pm Youth and Adult Bible study www kingscathedral.com
Rejoyce Christian Center
Pr. Kenny Ogunfunmi Sunday Service 10:30 AM 90 Village Dr. Brentwood 94513 925-240-0380 admin@rcconline.net - email
Gateway Church
Pastor Joe & Danille Hernandez Sundays 10AM Life Groups Youth and Kids Ministry 847 Arnold Dr. Martinez, CA 94553 925.335.9519 www.gatewaychurch.us
Outreach Ministries Birthright of Brentwood
Helping pregnant women facing personal crisis. Call 925-634-1275 with your tax deductible contribution.
Royal Family Kids Camp
4725 Evora Rd.Concord, CA www.rfkcconcord.com Rick Fuller, Director 925.207.7240
Family Life Center of Brentwood 605 Harvest Park Drive Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2016 Ministering to families in need: Homework Help, Social Services (Food Stamps, Healthy Families) Food Pantry, Clothing & More Thursdays at 7pm School of Theology Echo of Christ Ministries For
5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley more info on the conflict in the Middle Enroll Now and start studying the East - Call 866-317-3626 Word of Godwww.echoofchrist.org Contact Pastor Tyrone @ 925-625-9570
Helping Hands
Minister Travis Mozeke Grace Bible Fellowship Overcomers 925.727.8788
Food & Clothing to those in need Every Wednesday 5:30 - 6:30pm 5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley 925.625.9570
America’s Good News
CALENDAR Freedom Recovery
Women of Worth
Counseling and Edification - Overcoming Strongholds: 1)anger issues 2)compulsive addictions 3)renewing of the mind. Men/Women support groups biblical instruction for living & walking triumphantly in christ Every Friday at 6:30 pm - MVCC 5000 Amaryllis St. Oakley More info contact: Pastor Tyrone Holmes 925 625-9570 ext 108
Christian Foster Families Aldea Children and Family Services Desperate need for Christian Foster Families Training at Golden Hills Community Church 2401 Shady Willow Lane (925) 516-0653 Brentwood, CA 94513 Lisa Phillips Cell # 925-848-6032 Aldea Children and Family Services http://www.aldeainc.com/
Free Freedom Food and Recovery Clothing Helping Hands Food & Clothing to those in need Every Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm Rm 14 5000 Amaryllis St. in Oakley (925) 625-9570
First Family Church "First Family Church Grand Opening" October 4th First Family Church is having a grand opening at their new location. To celebrate our new home we will be having food (bbq!), games, and jumphouses. Morning services are at 9am and 11am and then the party begins at 1pm. Hope you can come out and join us. This event is free and open to ALL in the community. Location: 3415 Oakley Rd in Antioch, near 160 and Hwy 4/Main St. For more info call 706.1238 or visit www.firstfamily.us.
Proverbs 31:10 Monday - Oct. 5th 7pm-8:15pm Doors open at 6:30pm Mountain View Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley 925-625-9570
MVP - Men of Vision & Purpose Every 3rd Monday Doors open 6:30-teaching at 7pm Sponsored by Mountain View Christian Center 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley 20/10 Vision 925-625-9570
MVCC Presents“Under the Big Top” Harvest Party Carnival
Carnival Acts – Carnival Games – Clowns Fun Costumes – Prizes – Candy – Hot Dogs – Pumpkin Patch – Face Painting SAFE FREE FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Friday, October 30th 6:00pm – 9:00pm “Big Top Carnival Performance” 7:30pm to 8:00pm Location: Trinity Christian Schools 5000 Amaryllis Street Oakley, Ca 94561 For more info. contact Pastor Susan Holmes 925-625-9570 Ext. 109 No Scary Costumes Please!
Friday Nite Live Faith Worship Center Ministries It’s all the way live! Schedule of Events October & November 2009 Friday, October 16th Pastor Ed Ram - Praise Fellowship International Church, Los Banos, CA Friday, November 20th Pastor Shirley Flowers, Director of Worship - Golden Altar Ministries, San Jose, CA All Events start at 7pm 2170 Harbor St. ~ Pittsburg, CA 94565 925-427-0976 for info Pastors Anthony & Leah Blackman
James 1:26
If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.
Here are just a few locations that you can find a copy of
If you are having a community outreach event or ministry event that would bless our community send calendar information to wbyrns@americasgoodnews.com Call us at 925-625-9570
RESOURCES Hope Eternal Recovery group for women. Tuesdays @ 7:00 p.m. 1745 E.18th St. Rm 25 Antioch, 94509 Facilitator: Julie McGee 925-584-5282 Cornerstone 925-779-2000
Shepherd’s Gate Christ Centered services for Battered/homeless Women & Children 605 Sycamore Brentwood CA (925) 308-7507
Christian Help Ctr 2166 Sacramento Street, Vallejo, CA 94590 (707) 553-8192 Food, Clothing, Shelter - Transitional Living
Love -a-Child Missions Homeless Recovery Shelter Rehabilitative services for homeless women and children. (925) 458-5663 info@love-a-child.org
Dove Aviation Is looking for volunteers to help with their ministry on local and international levels. Dove is involved in Mission Trips (925)584-7079
Victory Outreach-Pittsburg 2328 Willow Pass Rd (925) 432-0937 Christian Recovery Program Drug & Alcohol
Mission Solano 740 Travis Blvd. Fairfield CA (707) 422-1011 Daily Meals, Transitional Living Daily Shower, Shelter New Life Programs
Iron Shop Men’s Recovery Group Christian Twelve Step 925-525-9957 1745 East 18th Street Antioch
UNITY HALL: A RECOVERY COMMUNITY CENTER 711 EMPIRE ST. FAIRFIELD, CA 707.421.2792 OUR MISSION To further public knowledge and provide facilities and support services for chemical and other dependency programs, activities, and events for individuals seeking recovery from addiction. Unity Hall is here to provide an answer to some of the most difficult issues facing our community today such as; the amount of crime and broken homes related to Drugs, Alcohol or other harmful behaviors; and how to help people find and maintain long-term freedom from these addictions. There is a serious need to span the gap between treatment and possible relapse. Unity Hall is a place where an array of innovative educational and peer-to-peer recovery support programs and services are designed and delivered. Unity Hall is providing a hope-filled supportive, educational, social and recreational environment where active recovery thrives. Our goal is to improve local communities and beyond through education and assisting those abusing to stop and not start again.
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FINANCIAL MATTERS “Accountability”
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By Donald Kwong “His master answered, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave! You have been faithful in a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master.” Matthew 25:21 So much of the news lately has been about accountability and corporations. From automakers to financial consultants, we have all seen the failure to be fiscally accountable with the resources God has provided to them. It is not limited to corporations either, given the number of charities that have been scrutinized for mishandling donations after 9-11 and Hurricane Katrina. As I think about corporate responsibility and before I condemn them, I have to consider my own accountability. I have to ponder what I have done with the blessings I have received from the Lord. In church circles there has been much talk about “accountability” – pastors preach it from the pulpit and believers are encouraged to be part of accountability groups. For all the talk we have about accountability, we fail to align our actions with our words. I thank God that he operates out of mercy and grace, because so many of his sons and daughters apply Biblical principles to eternal salvation but fail to do so with their homes and businesses. Let me give you one example. Some churches do not run meetings on God’s Law, but their denomination’s rules, Robert’s Rules of Order or bylaws. The Word clearly shows us how to deal with issues affecting the church, but we choose to trust laws and rules we make up to handle conflict and govern the church. When we start to follow rules that are not God centered, we fall into misalignment. What can happen when we become misaligned? We answer questions by looking at the bylaws instead of God’s laws. We can become more focused on ourselves, and less about the Kingdom of God. Because we ask less from God, we pray less. We replace the fear of the Lord with the fear of man. We take up what we can afford or operate out of our resources without trusting God to provide. We seek out success instead of kneeling down before the Lord. I once belonged to a church where the leadership team would hold a vote of the budget annually. We operated out of a church as a corporation mindset. I was one of many who would dread this church meeting as we debated how much money to seed into various ministerial opportunities. One day, the pastor felt led by the Lord to give away half the money received in tithes and offerings. After much debate (and the departure of some who became offended), the church unified behind the vision of the pastor. Today, it is a vibrant church where members actively see the hand of God as this 150 member church supports 10 missionaries (including two sent from the congregation), a medical clinic for the homeless, pre-natal counseling, and meals and Biblical counsel for HIV/AIDS patients. From the parable of the talents and the minna, we are reminded that God wants us to act responsibly with his blessings. What is your mode of operation? What is your magnetic north that guides your actions? If you have been operating out of your strength, can you lay your burdens down? If you want to see God move powerfully in your life, then you are going to have to accountable. This can happen when our hearts are actively following Jesus. We need to be rooted in a reverent fear of the Lord and a deep desire to align with what God is doing today. Let’s pray – Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for all the blessings you have poured out. I repent for fearing more about what men think instead of what you think. I know that one day I will have to give an account of how I managed everything you have blessed me with. I wish to do what is pleasing to you, and I will submit to your way today so that I can hear you say “well done, good and faithful servant”. Amen.
Proverbs 14:5 A truthful witness does not deceive, but a false witness pours out lies. Luke 11:52 Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.
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Galatians 3:5 Does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you because you observe the law, or because you believe what you heard?
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1 Timothy 5:4
But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God. r R E J O I C E! Women’s Lifegroup
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By Lindasue Sizuela Are you a religious person? If you answered yes, what are you religious about? Perhaps you are religious about what you will eat or not eat. Some people will not eat meat and they are religious about it, meaning, scrupulously faithful. Some people are religious about not going outdoors during a thunderstorm because they fear lightening. A religion is a set of beliefs we believe in and will do or not do; Random House Webster’s dictionary emphasizes mine. When I was a child, I had a great-aunt who was religious about going to church on Sunday and there were no exceptions—ever! Sometimes that created a problem. When I became a Christian, I became quite religious about perfectionism. I had to be perfect . . . and, I expected everyone in church to be perfect too. How terrible that was for those who associated with me because I judged them. I believed that God wanted me and them to be perfect just as Jesus was when He walked the earth thousands of years ago. I was failing miserably and making others miserable in my religiosity, because it was what I believed. Of course, now I know and understand that no one can be as good as Jesus because of who He is, our Savior. The Good Book says that only God is good. Great heroes of the Bible failed God, just as often as we do, disobeying His commandments; Moses, Abraham, Jacob, David, and the greatest and wisest King Solomon— all fell short on their own merit. These men were only men until they knew God and learned to believe in His promises to love us, accept us, and forgive us. All good things come from above, from the Father. No good things come from man or man’s religion, which is why we see people doing ungodly things in the name of religion in and out of church. I was deeply hurt as a young believer because I did not understand the difference in God’s law and manmade rules, regulations, and unnecessary doctrines. So, I stopped talking to God and going to church for over a year, and I almost walked away from my faith—all because of people. I learned that hurt people hurt others and, sometimes intentionally just as the Roman Soldiers intended to crucify our precious Lord, and what did Jesus say? “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” My eyes are more open today because of the hurt I experienced in earlier years. Otherwise I wouldn’t understand how difficult relationships are unless we put God first—His Word above all words, His law above all law, His purpose for man . . . His creation, His church . . .the one He’s coming back for. Yes, I came back, because I never doubted His love. I wanted to be in fellowship and worship with other Christians. But how could I ever be good enough, do enough, say and behave correctly all the time. How could I forgive those who had hurt me? The truth is I could not at first. However, I learned to read the scriptures for myself in Bible studies and then I began to understand God’s Word and “His Law” . . . not someone else’s. I began to be confident in asking others to show me where the scripture is in the bible that they are referring to so I can see it for myself, and so can you. I asked God to put His forgiveness in my heart for those who had hurt me because I wanted to be right with God. I study God’s word every day as I had never believed possible for me to do. I did go through a few churches before finding the one that Jesus Christ blessed me with and it is Spirit filled, meaning the presence of God is in this church—Mountain View Christian Center—I need to feel God move when I worship. People are only flesh and blood without Christ Jesus. But He is looking for people today to follow Him, to obey Him, and we are to proclaim God’s truth—not man’s. The only way to enjoy the benefits of God’s promises is to obey Him and we learn that in church with our faces in the Bible. We do that with kindness, patience, and love for people that are brothers and sisters and to those who are lost. When we were children we talked like children, thought like children, reasoned like children, but when we became grown (in the presence of God) we put childish ways behind us. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face-to-face. (1 Cor. 13:11-13). People have always been confused about love, the church, and God. Nevertheless, a Godly church must be full and ripe with faith. Faith is the foundation and content of God’s message, (God’s truth should strengthen our faith); Love is the greatest of all human qualities and must be an attribute of God’s people (it involves unselfish service to others). Hope is the attitude and focus, love is the action. When faith and hope are in line, you are free to love completely because you understand how GOD LOVES! Now go find a God fearing, God loving church for Him and worship your Savior . . . . “Editor’s Note: Lindasue Sizuela is the newest writer for America’s Good News and is in the Seasoned Citizen’s Bible Discussion Group that meets on Sundays at 9 in the Library of MVCC.”
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