Founders' Day Convocation, 1941

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1J1rbruary 11. 1941, lU:UU i\.�. * PRESIDENT WILLI A M E. SHAW, PRESIDING

Miss Mabel Ewalt, Organist

PRELuDE-The Chimes

HYMN-"FrOln All That Dwell Below The Skies" Your

lofty themes, ye mortals bring; In songs of praise divinely sing; The great salvation loud proclaim, And shout for joy the Saviour's Name.

From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's Name be slmg, Through every land, by every tongue. In every land begin the song; To every land the strains belong; In cheerful sounds all voices raise, And fill the world with loudest praise.


Isaac H7fltts

Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends Thy word: Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no lTIOre. . The Reverend A. Ray Gnmlmon, D.O.


Burleigh Illinois Wesleyan A Cappella Choir Dean Frank B.

Jordan , Director

ADDREss-"Can The Church Train Citizens?"

The Reverend R oy L. Smith, D.D. Editor, The Christian Advocate I-IYJ\rlN-"Alma Wesleyana"

Willia17'1 Eben Schultz When college days are fully past and gone, While life endures, from twilight dream till dawn, Gr - andly thy soul shall with us linger onStar-crowned, our Alma Mater, Wesleyan.

From hearts aflame our love we pledge to thee, Where'er we wander, over land or sea; Through time unending loyal we ,,,,ill beTrue to our Alma Mater, Wesleyan. ·


A Cappella Choir *

Founders' Day Luncheon at the Grace Methodist Church, 12: 15 P.M. Music by the illinois Wesleyan Apollo Club Quartet.

Short addresses by Dr. Roy L. Smith,

Dr. H. W. McPherson, Dr. M. J. f-Iolmes, and Mr. Mike Milich, rep resen ting the illinois Wesleyan

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