Contemporary Arts Festival, 1959

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Contemporary Arts Festival- 1959 ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Since the second World War, American composers, painters and writers have shown a significant renewal of interest in the attitudes and techniques of expressionism. Pre-"'far expressionists in each meclium have been rediscovered, revalued and emulated. This Contemporary Arts Festival .is dedicated to a better understanding of a somewhat nebulous, but nevertheless forceful, current that is swelling the mainstream of American Art.

GENERAL SESSION , 2:00 ,p.m. - Thursday February 19 I

Memorial Center Lounge

An Inter-Arts Panel: Expressionism in the Arts Participants: Warrington Colescott, Painting and the Plastic Arts , Dr. Hubert Heffner, Drama George Rochberg and Dr. Paul Pisk, Music Mrs. Joseph Meyers (Philosophy and Literature), Moderator


Professor Colescott works in oil, watercolor, serigraphy and etching. His prints have won prizes at Bradley University, National Serigraph Society, the Brooklyn Museum, etc. He has won painting prizes at the Wisconsin Salon, the Wisconsin State Fair, the Illinois State Fair, and others. He has had one-man shows at the San Francisco Museum of Art, the Milwaukee Art Institute, the DeYoung Museum, Elizabeth Nelson Gallery in Chicago, and in the Meltzer Gallery and Contemporaries Gallery in ' New York. He had work included in the Carnegie International in 1952 and in the Whitney Annual in 1955 and 1957. He had a Fulbright Grant in graphic arts in 1956-57. At the University of Wisconsin, he teaches Design, Drawing and Painting. HUBERT C. HEFFNER, PROFESSOR OF DRAMATIC LITERATURE, iNDIANA UNIVERSITY.

Professor Heffner is the author of several books: Modern Theatre Practice, The Nature of Drama, The Third Form of Drama, and The Modern American Theatre and Its Drama. He has also written several plays. He is well known in th'e East, on the West Coast, and in the Midwest as a lecturer, as well as in Europe where he has lectured at University of London, University of Hull, the Sorbonne, University of Munich, and the University of Erlangen. In 1954 he was appointed to

the first professorship of drama in Great Britain, serving on a Fulbright grant at the University of Bristol for one year. Upon returning from Bristol he took up his present position at Indiana University. He was a visiting professor of drama at the University of Hawaii during the second semester of 1958. Professor Heffner has served as an associate editor of the Quarterly Journal of Speech and as editor of the Educational Theatre Journal. He is now acting as advisory editor of The Tulane Drama Review.

Illinois Wesleyan is extremely fortunate in being able to secure Professor Heffner to participate in the Fine Arts Festival. He is one of the most noted leaders in the educational theatre movement in America.


Dr. Pisk has become well known not only as a scholarly musicologist but as an outstanding composer, having written numerous works for orchestra and piano, as well as for voice and chamber music. His compositions have been performed at such festivals as the Salzburg and Vienna in Austria, Prague in Czechoslovakia, Duesseldorf in Germany, Paris, France, Stockholm, Sweden, and at the Saratoga Springs Music Festival, University of Texas Annual Fine Arts Festival, Contemporary Festival at the University of Southern California and by distinguished artists and organizations in America. Dr. Pisk's most recent recognition as a composer was notification reRadio / Television at the ceived by Robert F. Schenkkan, Director of Radio/ University of Texas from Seymour M. Siegel, Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the National Association of Educational Broadcasters that his cantata for chorus and orchestra, "Trails of Life," which had been accepted as one of America's entries in the international Prix Italia competition, was one of two American works chosen to be presented in Venice in September, 1958.


Mr. Rochberg was born in Paterson, New Jersey, July 5, 1918. From 1939 to 1941 he studied at the Mannes School with Hans Weisse, George Szell and Leopold Mannes; in 1945, with Rosario Scalero and Gian-Carlo Menotti at the Curtis Institute of Music where he later became a faculty member. Among his works are two symphonies as well as smaller works in all media. His orchestral music has been performed by the New York Philharmonic-Symphony under Mitropoulus, the Philadelphia Orchestra under Ormandy, the Cincinnati Orchestra under Johnson; his chamber music by the Chamber Society of Baltimore under Hugo Weisgall and the Galimir Quartet. In 1950 he was a Fulbright and an American Academy in Rome Fellow. In 1952 he won the George Gershwin Memorial Award, and in 1956 was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Society for the Publication of American Music Award for his String Quartet. The following year he was commissioned by the Koussevitsky Foundation to write a Sonata for Clarinet and Piano.

The School of Dramatics and Speech presents


Elmer L. Rice Directed by Lawrence E. Tucker

Designed by John Ficca

Music by Wilbur Ogdon

February 16, 17, 18, 19

CAST Mr. Zero ______________________________________________________________ __ ______________ Jerry Mi rza Mrs. Ze ro __________________________________________________________________________ Sh a ron Sm ith Da isy Di ana Dorothea Devore ______________________________________ Karen Shotwell The Boss __________________________________________________________________________ Jay Thom pso n Mr. 0 ne __________ ____________ _______________________________________ _____________ Russell Za ppi a Mrs. 0 ne ____________________ ________________________________________________ Betty Ki rkpatrick Mr. Two ________________________________________ _________________ _____________________ Cor a I Potter Mrs. Two __________________________________________________________ ____________ Gayl e Beckway Mr. Th ree __________________________________________________________________ Fran k Ha rtenstei n Mrs. Th ree ________________________________________________________________________ Betty Ha idu k Mr. Fou r ___ _________________________________________________________________________ Ha rry Lovell Mrs. Fou r _____________________________________________________ ___ ______________ Uretta Mou nts Mr. Fi ve ________________________________ _______________ ______ __ _________ ______________ Jon Pietsch Mrs. Fi ve __ __________________________________________________________________________ Betty Yaeger Mr. Si x ________________________________________________________ _______________ Michael Stowers Mrs. Six _______________________________________________________ __ ______ ______________ Kath i Sim ms Pol icema n _____________________________________________________ __ _________________ Rona Id Davis Gu ide _______________________________________________________________________ ___________ Ha rry Love II A Tall Lady _____________ _____________________________________________ __________ Gayle Beckway An Excited Lady ________________________________________________________________ Betty Yaeger Cha rI ey _____________________________________________________________________ Fra n k Ha rtenstei n A Sm a II Boy ____________________________________________________________________ Dexter Sm ith His Mother ________________________________________________________________________ Betty Haid u k A You th ___________________________________________________________________ c___________ Cora I Potte r Another Youth __________________________________________________________________ Jon Fritsch His Father ______________ _____________________________________________ __ ______ Michael Stowers The Fi xer _______________________________________________ _____________ ______ ______ Russell Zappi a A Gu a rd _____________________________________________________ ___________________ Jay Thom pson

Another Gu a rd _____________________ _____________________ ___ ___ ___________________ Ke ith Ca b Ie A Man _____________________________________________________________________________ Rona Id Davis Crowd _______________________________________________________ Janice Nagel, Kathi Simms, Uretta Mounts, Betty Kirkpatrick Judy O'Grady ________________ ___________________________________________________ Jan ice Nagel You ng Ma n ___________________________________________________________________ Russe II Za ppi a Sh rd Iu ________________________________________________________________________________ Tom Merma II A Head ______________________________________________________________________ Fran k Ha rtenste in Lieutena nt Cha rles ________________________________________________________________ Davi d Staff Joe _____________________________________________ _____________ ____ ______________ Michae I Stowe rs SCENE SCENE SCENE SCENE

1: 2: 3: 4:

A Bedroom An Office A Living Room A Place of Justice


5: 6: 7: 8:

A Cage A Graveyard A Pleasant Place Another Office

Presented by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc. *SCENE 5 was part of the original script. It was omitted, however, when the play was produced, and was performed for the first time (in its present revised form) when the play was revived at the Phoenix Theatre in New York in February, 1956. - ELMER RICE

PRODUCTION STAFF Assista nt Di rector ___________________________________________________________________ Ira All en Stage Ma nager ________________________________________________________________ Jim Pa nowski Stage Crew __________________________________________________________ PI ay Production cI ass, Stagecraft class, Ira Allen Lights and Sound ________________________ Stage Lighting class, Dennis Carnine Ma ke-u p ____________________________________________________ Forrest Watt, Ma ke-u p cI ass Pu bl icity _____________________________________________________________________________ Jerry Mi rza Costumes ________________________________________ Marty Eikenmeyer, Russell Zappia Ticket Sa Ies ______________________________________________________ ______ Dr. Bu ny a nAnd rew Bookhol der ______________________________________________ __ _ __________________ Ba rba ra Nel son House Ma nager ____________________________________ ___________ _______________ Jay Thom pson Il,ssistant House Manager _____________________________________ _______________ Keith C'a ble Ushers ________________________ ___________ Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Kappa Delta, Sigma Kappa Professor Hubert C. Heffner of Indiana University will speak after the performance Wednesday on "Expressionism and The Adding Machine ."


THE EIGHTH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN MUSIC Presser Hall Thursday, February 19 4:00 p.m. A STUDENT RECITAL OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC __________ Auditorium Compositions by Ogdon, Pisk, Rochberg, Schoenberg, Skalkottas and Webern

8:00 p.m. LARGE GROUPS CONCERT ________ Auditorium CORTEGE (for brass ensemble) ________________________ Paul Pisk ELEGY (1958) __ _______ _______ R. Bedford Watkins The University Concert Band John McGrosso, Director "IT CAN'T BE SUMMER" (Dicki nson) __________________ Paul Pisk (from the Cycle, "Sunset," Op. 81) EXALTED (1951) ____________ __________________ Lewis E. Whikehart (Psalm 100) The University Women's Chorus Dr. Lewis E. Whikehart, Director DIALOGUES FOR CLARINET AND PIANO (1957) _________ George Rochberg Robert Riseling, Clarinet; R. Bedford Watkins, Piano ADAGIETTO AND FINALE, Op. 31 __________________ Paul Pisk The University Orchestra Mario Mancinelli, Conductor THE SEVEN CHURCHES (The Revelation to John) ____ __________________ ________ Norman Lockwood (First performance; commissioned by the IWU Collegiate Choir, 1958-59) PSALM 23 (1954) ____ ______________________________ George Rochberg PSALM 150 (1954) ______________________________ George Rochberg The Collegiate Choir Dr. Lewis E. Whikehart, Director

Friday, February 20

10:00 a.m. READINGS AND CRITICISM OF 12:00 STUDENT COMPOSITIONS ________ Band Room 2:00 p.m. SYMPOSIUM: New Directions ____ Auditorium Some Notes on Webern _______________________ ___ Dr. Dr. Paul Pisk Indeterminacy in the New Music Mus ic ________ George Rochberg (An informal question and discussion session will follow the reading of the above papers)

4:00 p.m. CHAMBER MUSIC OF GEORGE ROCHBERG AND PAUL PISK WOODWIND QUINTET, Op. Op. 96 ________________________ Paul Pisk The University Woodwind Quintet Maurice Willis, Director SONATA FOR FLUTE AND PIANO, Op. 82 ______ Paul Pisk Carl Petkoff, Flute; Elizabeth Calhoun, Piano DIALOGUES FOR CLARINET AND PIANO (1957) ________________ ________ George Rochberg ________________________ Robert Riseling, Clarinet; R. R. Bedford Watkins, Piano

8:00 p.m. CHAMBER MUSIC SONATA - FANTASIA _______________________ _____ __________________ George Rochberg George Rochberg, Piano TWO CHAMBER SONGS: "Ah - Sunflower" (1958) (William Blake) BlakeL________ _________________________ ___ ____________________ Geo rge Roch be rg __________ ______________________________________ Beverly Ogdon, Soprano; Mario Mancinelli, Violin; Jean Powell, Viola; Ruth Krieger, Cello; John McGrosso, Clarinet; Robert Rockford, Bass Clarinet; John Silber, Conductor "Waning Moon", Op. 23B __________________________ Paul Pisk Maxine Drexler, Drex ler, Soprano; Mario Mancinelli, Violin; Ruth Krieger, Cello; R. Dwight Drexler, Piano SONATA FOR CLARINET AND PIANO, Op. 59 ____ Paul Pisk John McGrosso, Clarinet; R. Dwight Drexler, Drex ler, Piano

THE SCHOOL OF ART PRESENTS A LECTURE: "Contemporary Expressionism" is the subject for Prof. Colescott's lecture to be given on Wednesday night, February 18, at 7:30 in Shaw Hall. He will use slides, and there will be a discussion immediately after the talk.

EXHIBITIONS: Feb. 15 - 27 - Main Lounge, Memorial Center, fourteen oils and watercolors by Prof. Warrington Colescott. Feb. 8 - 20 - Art Gallery Building, work by Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors in the School of Art. Feb. 22 - Mar. 6 - Art Gallery Building, Senior Exhibition, one-man show by David Staff.

CONTEMPORARY ARTS FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Rupert Kilgore Carl Neumeyer Wilbur Ogdon Lawrence Tucker

SYMPOSIUM COMMITTEE R. Dwight Drexler Ruth Krieger John McGrosso Wilbur Ogdon John Silber

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