Contemporary Arts Festival Program, 1964

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The dis j unction between that which the contemporary art i st hopes for from his audience in the way of experienced and active perception, and that which the audience able to supply,

is s erious indeed.

is generally

Furthermore, in music,

an additional gulf between the composer's formulation and the performer's understanding is often equally extensive.


ing to s urmount these difficulties would s eem to be one maj or function of the University of today- -requiring not only regular and everyday concern, but als o a time for special and concentrated cons ideration.

Here in s uch a time are presentations of recent works of art for viewing and hearing, and other opportunities for exploring with the artist s ome of the problems which he feels are of s pecial consequence to the creation or apprehension of his art-form.

Contemporary Arts Festival Committee John Ficca

Rupert Kilgore

Carl M. Neumeyer

Robert Shallenberg

SympOSium Committee R. Dwight Drexler Mario Mancinelli John Silber

R. Bedford Watkins Lewis E. Whikehart Robert Shallenberg, Chairman Cover drawing:

Judy J. Mitchell


Linda Talaba

ROBERT WYKES is Composer-in-Residence at Washington University,


Louis. He has received commissions from the Paderewski Foundation of Boston,


the Detroit Chamber Orchestra,


and the New Music Circle of St.

Wykes was a guest composer of Wesleyan's Symposium of

Contemporary Music in 1963. will be "Music:

The titie,of his talk during the 1964 Symposium

a Process in the Weather of the Ear. "

E. J. ULRICH at present is Professor of Music at Phillips University, Enid,


He holds a degree in Mathematics from Southern Illinois Uni­

versity, and during the war studied advanced electronics at Yale University, Harvard University, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


study in music has been at the University of Illinois and at Eastman School of


His compositions have been performed in many parts of the U. S. and

Europe and in the Caribbean and Central American areas.

He will speak on

"Achieving a Personal· Style. " SALVATORE MAR'IlIRANO has been the recipient of many awards and grants for music composition.

Among his recent honors have been commissions

from the Koussevitzky Foundation, the League of Composers,

a grant from

the Ford Foundation, and a grant from the American Academy of Arts and

Letters and its parent organization, the Nationallnstitute of Arts and Letters.

Mr. Martirano is at present Visiting Composer and Professor of Music at the University of Illinois. BEN JOHNSTON holds advanced degrees from the Cincinnati Conservatory

of Music and irom Mills College, and at present is Associate Professor of Music at the University of Illinois. lished and recorded,

A number of his works have been pub­

and among his many awards and grants has been a

Guggenheim Fellowship for composition and research at the Princeton­ Columbia Music Center. pitch Relations."

His talk will be on "Proportionality and Expanded

HERBERT BRUN was born in Berlin, to 1955,

Germany and lived in Israel from 1936

where he studied music at the Jerusalem Conservatory.

He has

held scholarships for study at Tanglewood and at Columbia University,


has also done special research projects in electroacoustics and electronic

sound production (with regard to their possibilities in the field of musical composition) at electronic music centers in Paris, Cologne, and Munich.


present he is visiting composer and research associate at the University of Illinois.

His lecture will be "Musical Ideas for Synthetic Sound and Specula­

tions on Chaos. " SAMUEL ADLER was born in New York and studied at the National Academy at the age of fourteen.


He was a violinist until 1928, with painting as a side

His first show was in 1948,

and he has had many since that time.

He is an Associate Professor of Art at New York University,

and is current­

ly at the University of Illinois as a representative of the Center for Advanced


DR. ROBERT SYKES is presently Associate Professor of English at Bethany College,


West Virginia.

�is major area of concentration is in

American Literature; his doctoral dissertation being an exhaustive critical

examination of the works of Ernest Hemingway. Mr. Sykes received his A. B. degree from West Liberty College, West Liberty, West Virginia and his M. A. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.

The topic for the panel dis­

cussion he will lead on Thursday, March 19, at 3:00, will be: "Contemporary trends in the adaptation of Literature: The novel to the Play. "


February 22



March 6

An exhibit of 13 paintings by graduate students from the University of Illinois. March 5

Memorial Center, Main Lounge. Symposium of. Contemporary Music.

1:30 a. m.

Open rehearsals of Festival works.

4:00 p. m.

Eugene Ulrich, "Achi eving a Personal Style. "

7: 30 p. m.

Herbert Briin, "Musical Ideas for Synthetic Sound and

8:45 p. m.


Speculations on Chaos. "

Presser Hall. Presser Hall.

Presser Hall.

Presser Hall.

March--6 10:00 a. m.

1:30 p. m.

The Composers' Forum, a panel of guest composers. Presser Hall.

Ben Johnston,

"Proportionality and Expanded Pitch Relations. "

Presser Hall. 3: 30 p. m.


7: 30 p. m.

Robert Wykes, "Music:

Presser Hall.

a Process in the Weather of the Ear. "

Presser Hall. 8:45 p. m.


March 7 9: 30 a. m.

Performances and readings of works by student composers; critiques and comments by guest composers.

The Symposium of Contemporary Music, which is a part of the Contemporary Arts Festival; is partially supported by the Bohnhorst Memorial Fund. March 13, 14, 17-21 8:00 p. m.

The School of Drama's production of "Look Homeward, Angel, " by Ketti Frings

McPherson Hall.

( from

the novel by Thomas Wolfe) ,

March 19 3:00 p. m.

Panel Discussion, "Comparison of Contemporary Dramatic and Literary Terms: the Novel to the Play."



McPherson Theatre.

Dr. Robert


March 5, 1964, 8:45 p.m.

DUO CONCERTINO for Oboe, Trumpet and Strings - - - - - - - - - -E. J. Ulrich Adagio; Alle gretto . Jill Rylander, oboe; Robert Armour, trumpet The University String Orchestra Mario Mancinelli, conductor SONATA FOR PIANO, Ope 26- - - - - - - Samuel Barber Anna McGrosso, pianist FUGUING TUNE ( from Hymn-Variations and Fugui ng Tune) , (1954) - - - - - - Frank R. Bohnhorst Jean Wenberg, flute Jill Rylander, oboe Thomas Hageman,


Charles Lipp, bassoon

Craig" Fisher, horn From THREE �9 NGS, Ope 48 - - - - - Arnold Scho nberg SOMMERMUD TOT Richard Davis, bass-baritone; Stephen Holden, pianist ..

From FUNF LIEDER aus "der Siebente Ring" ( Stefan George) , Ope 3 - - - - - - - - -Anton Webern I. Dies ist ein Lied . . III. An Baches-ranft . . . Julia Sentman, contralto; Celia Shallenberg, pianist •

TRANSFORMS II for Magnetic Tape and Percussion - - - - - - - - - Robert Wykes Robert Bankert, Alan Adams, Roger HeerdtJ percussionists; Dr. John Silber, conducting From LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAH (1946) - - - - - - - - Alberto Ginastera I. 0 vos omnes qui transitis par viam DRIEMAL TAUSEND JAHRE (1950), Ope 50a - - - - - - - - Arnold Schonberg DE PROFUNDIS ( PSALM 130) (1950), Ope 50b - - - - - - - - Arnold Schonberg Illinois Wesleyan University Collegiate Choir Dr. Lewis E. Whikehart,

March 6, 10:00 a. m.


- The Composers' Forum.


SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC CONCERT II Friday, March 6, 1964, 3:30 p. m. CHANSONS INNOCENTES (1957) (text: e. e. cummings) - - - - - - Salvatore Martirano in Just hist whist Tumbling hair Carlene Cech, soprano; Celia Shallenberg, pianist ..

SUITE FUR KLAVIER, Op. 25- - - - - - Arnold Schonberg . Celia Shallenberg, pianist SONATA-MOVEMENT for Clarinet and Piano - - - - - - - - - - - - E. J. Ulrich Peter Benni, clarinetist; Louise Bettner, pianist A SEA DIRGE (text: William Shakespeare) -Ben Johnston Roberta Neumeyer, mezzo-soprano Carl Petkoff, flute; Kristine Eikedah1, violin; Jill Rylander, oboe; John Silber, conducting KNOCKING PIECE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ben Johnston Percussionists: Jack McKenzie, Thomas Siwe DREI LIEDER aus "Der Gliihende, "Op. 2- - -Alban Berg Paul Sommers, tenor; Robert Bankert, pianist FUTILITY 1964 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Herbert Brun Stereophonic magnetic tape

March 6, 7: 30 p. m. - Robert Wykes, "Music, a Process in the Weather of the Ear. "

CONCERT III Friday, March 6, 1964, 8:45 p. m. PROLOGUE AND FANTASY FOR CLARINET (1963) - - - - - - - - - - Wilbur Ogdon John McGrosso, clarinetist; Anna McGrosso, pianist FIVE FRAGMENTS from Thoreau IS Walden - - - - - - - - - - - Ben Johnston Henry Charles, baritone Jill Rylander, oboe; Herbert Turrentine, bassoon; Ruth Krieger, Icello; John Silber, conducting

SUITE VARIABLE for Harpsichord (1957) - Herbert Brun R. Bedford Watkins, harpsichordist DIVISIONS for !Cello and Piano - - - - Robert Shallenberg Ruth Krieger, 'cellist; Celia Shallenberg, pi9,-nist INTERLUDE AND MOSAIC :- - - - - - - - - - - - E. J. Ulrich Tom Hageman, clarinet; Joe Seidel, oboe; Charles Lipp, bassoon PERCUSSION MUSIC FOR THREE PLAYERS - - - - - - - - - - - Gerald Strang March - Larghetto - Rondiino, Percussionists: Robert Bankert, Roger Heerdt, Charles Lipp OCTET ( 196 3) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Salvatore Martirano Mario Mancinelli, violin; Carl Petkoff, flute; Ruth Krieger,. 'cello; Robert Bankert, marimba; ,Bedford Watkins, celeste; Tom Hageman, bass clarinet; Robert Reich, contra-alto clarinet; Kenneth Gaeddert, contrabass; John Silber, conducting From TROIS CHANSONS (1916) - - - - - - - -Maurice Ravel I. Nicolette MONOTONE OF THE RAIN (Sandburg) (1937) - - - - - - - Normand Lockwood Madrigal (Thomas Campion) The last invocation (Walt Whitman) A clear midnight (W. Whitman) A BOOK OF MADRIGALS (196 3) (Texts by Mona Van Duyn) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Wykes Something to begin with Love Marriage Children Something to end with IWU Chamber Singers Dr. Lewis E. Whikehart, Conductor


Next event: Student Composition Seminar, Saturday, March 7, 9: 30 a. m.

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