Symposium of Contemporary Music, 1967

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ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC OPENING CONCERT Westbrook Auditorium Wednesday, March 15, 1967, 2:00 p. m. Woodwind Quintet (1967) - - - - - - - - Relly Raffman March - Dolce - Giocoso Judith Walker, flute; Joseph Seidel, oboe; Stephen Max, clarinet; Samuel Grab arski, b assoon; Christine Lester, horn Bethsabe Bathing (George Peele - 1961) - William Bergsma Mourn! Mourn! :Op. 53 (John Dowland)- - - - Ben Weber Taos Valley (Bertha TenEyck James - 1964) - Relly Raffman Joann Goetzinger, mezzo - soprano R. Bedford Watkins, piano Aphoristic illusions (1967) - - - - - Alan Woy, clarinet Rob ert Bankert, piano

- Robert Bankert

Psalm CL (1954) - - - - - - - - - - George Rochberg De ,P rofundis (Psalm CXXX), Op. 50b - Arnold Schoenberg Psalm (1965) - - - - - - - - - - - Kenneth Gaburo Psalm IV (1967) - - - - - - - - - - - Relly Raffman IWU Collegiate Choir David Nott, conductor -

The Symposium of Contemporary Music is sponsored jointly by the Frank R. Bohnhorst Fund and the 1. W. U. Fine Arts Festival. Mar. 16, 9:00 a. m. - - Master class by David Burge. Mar. 16, 2:00 p. m. - -Concert of student compositions. Mar. 16,,4:0 . 0 p. m. - -Compositions by Frederick Tillis. Mar. 16, 8:15 p. m. - - Piano recital by David Burge. Mar. 17, 3:00 p. m. - -Lecture, David Burge: "The Music of GeoTge Crumb. " Mar. 17, 4:00 p. m. - -Panel discussion with David Burge, George Crumb, Relly Raffman and Frederick Tillis. Mar. 17, 8:15 p. m. - - Compositions b y George Crumb.

ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC CONCERT OF STUDENT COMPOSITIONS Westbrook Auditorium Thursday. March 16. 1967. 2: 00 p. m. Movements for Woodwind Quintet, - - - William A. Foss III. Finale Becky Pike. flute; Terrill Hayes. oboe Sara Simpson. clarinet; Barbara Barsh. bassoon; Gail Meyer. horn Samuel Stowe Quartet for Brass - - - - - Donald Day, Daniel Davis. trumpet; Larry Farr. trombone; Jon Hart. baritone Attitudes Toward Death - - - - - - - ,Gerald Lindahl She Had a Horror He Would Die at Night (Edna St. Vincent Millay) I Felt a Funeral in My Brain (Emily Dickinson) Splinter (Carl Sandbm�g) Death Stands Above Me (Walter Savage Landor) Linda Wilson. soprano Abram M. Plum. piano Short Piano Pieces (III) - - - - - - - - Gerald Lindahl: Marianne Archer, piano In,the Mountains on a Summer Day (Li T'ai -po') - - ' - - William Paul Pacini Clearing at Dawn (Li T'ai-po) - - - William Paul Pacini Marilyn Enyeart. soprano Abram M. Plum. piano The Lord's Prayer - - - - - - - - Ronald Augspurger Gerald Lindahl. baritone William Foss. clarinet Mechanomorphism - - - - - - - - Ronald Augspurger Dancers: Merilyn Gregory. Sally Johnson. Joan Mayer. Patrick Neve. Janet Patton Set design: Loyd Nash Recording of instrumental ensemb le conducted by, the compos er

ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC CONCERT OF COMPOSITIONS BY FREDERICK TILLIS Westbrook Auditorium Thursday, March 16, 1967, 4: 00 p. m. Brass" Quintet (1962) - - - - - - - - -Frederick Tillis Allegro con brio Adagio con molto espressione Allegro ma non troppo Donald Day, Richard Cole, trumpets; Gail Meyer, horn; Ronald Augspurger, "trombone; Maynard Erickson, tuba; Norman Bessert, conductor Three Movements for Piano (1964) . - - - Frederick Tillis Con brio . Molto adagio, ad libitum con espressione Con bravura Abram M. Plum, piano Motions for Trombone and Piano¡(1965) - Frederick Tillis Espressivo - Allegro Norman Hessert, trombone Abram M. Plum, piano Quintet for Four Woodwinds and Percussion (1963) - - - - - Frederick Tillis Energico - Adagio con alma - Vivace Becky Pike, flute; Paul Heyboer, oboe; John McGrosso, clar"inet; Barbara Barsh, bassoon; Roger' Heerdt, percussion; Abram M. Plum, conductor

The Symposium of Contemporary Music' is sponsored jointly by the Frank R. Bohnhorst Fund and the 1. W. U. Fine Arts Festival. Ma,r. 16, 8: 15 p. m. --Piano recital by David Burge. Mar. 17, 3:00 p. m. -.:.Lecture by David Burge: "The Music of George Crumb . " . Mar. 17, 4:00 p. m. --Panel discussion with pavid Burge, George Crumb J Relly' Raffman and Frederick ..Tillis. Mar. 17, 8:15 p. m. --Compositions b y George Crumb.

ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC presents . DAVID BURGE, pianist in RECITAL OF CONTEMPORARY PIANO MUSIC Westbrook· Auditor�um Thursday, March 16, 1967, 8:15 p. m. Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera (1952) - Luigi Dallapiccola Simbol0 Accenti - Contrapunctus primus Linee - Contrapunctus secundus (Canon contrario motu) Fregi - Andantino amoroso e Contrapunctus tertius (Canon cancrizans) Ritmi - Colore - Ombre .Quartina. Eclipse II (1966) - - - - - - - - - - - - David Burge Miroir ( from Third Piano Sonata, 1957)


- Pierre Boulez

Five Pieces for Piano (1962) - - - - - - George Crumb Quasi improvvisato Ruvido, con molta energia - Prestissimo - Tempo I Notturna, sempre pizzicato Ruvido, con molta energia - Prestissimo ,- Tempo I Senza misura - Solenne· - Tempo del primo pezzo ,

INTERMISSION Sequenza IV for Piano (1966)


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Sechs Vermessene (1958) Cocktail Music (1962) - - - - - ,

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Luciano Berio - Ernst Krenek

Salvatore Martirano

The Symposium of Contemporary Music is sponsored jointly by the Frank R. Bohnhorst Fund and the 1. W. U. Fine Arts Festival. Mar. 17,.3: 00 p. m. --Lecture by David Burge on n The· Music of George Crumb . " .Mar. 17, 4�OO p. m. --Panel discussion with David Burge, George Crumb, ReIly Raffman and Frederick Tillis. Mar. 17, 8�15 p. m. --Compositions by George Crumb.

ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC SYMPOSIUM OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC CONCERT OF COMPOSITIONS' BY GEORGE CRUMa. Westbrook Auditorium Friday, March 17. 1967. 8:15 p. m. Sonata for Solo Violoncello (1956) - - - - George Crumb Fantasia: Andante espressivo e con molto rubato Tema pastorale con variazioni Toccata: Largo e drammatico - Allegro vivace Ruth Krieger, I cello Five Pieces. .for Piano (1962) - - - - - - George Crumb Quasi improvvisato Ruvido, con molta energia - Prestissimo - Tempo I Notturna, sempre pizzicato Ruvido..... con molta energia - Prestissimo - Tempo I Senza misura - Solenne - Tempo del primo pezzo David Burge, piano Night Music II (1964) - - - - - - - - George Crumb Notturno I: Serenamente Notturno II: Scorrevole, allegro possibile Notturno V: Con un sentimento di nostalgia David Moskovitz, violin R. Bedford Watkins, piano -

Madrigals, Book II (Garcia Lorca -1965) - - George Crumb Bebe el aqua tranquila de la canzion aff.eja (Drink the tranquil water of the antique song) La muerte entra y sale de la taberna (Death goes in and out of the tavern) Caballite negro, Donde llevas tu jinete muerto? (Little black horse, where are you taking your dead rider?) Nancy Barrett. soprano Samuel Stowe, alto flute, flute, and piccolo Charles Moore, percussion INTERMISSION

Night Music I (1963) - - - - - - - - - George Crumb Notturno I:¡ giocosoJ estatico Notturno II: n Piccolo Serenata"; grazioso Notturno III: "La luna asoman- (Federico Garcia Lorca) Notturno IV: Vivace; molto ritmico Notturno V: "Gace1a de 1a terrible presencia" (Lorca) Notturno VI: Barcaro1a; delicato e tenero Notturna VII: giocosoJ estatico Judith TurnerJ soprano Abram M. P1umJ piano and celesta Roger -HeerdtJ percussion Robert BankertJ percussion

. The Symposium of Contemporary Music is . sponsored jointlY'by the Frank R.Bohnhorst Fund and the 1. W. U. Fine Arts' Festival.

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