Contemporary Music Symposium, 1982

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ILLINOIS WESLEY A N U NIVER S I TY School of Music presents A M U L TIME D I A C O N CER T O F MUSI C by D AVID WARD - S TEINMAN Performed by the Composer Westbrook Auditorium March 4, 1982 4:00 p. m. - Program SONATA ( 1956-57) . . . . . . . . . . 1. Very slow, foreboding; fast and light 2. Slow 3. Fast and brilliant


THREE LYRIC PRELUDES ( 196 1-65) . 1. Moderately fast 2. Very slow 3. Not too slow




CELLO CONCERTO (1964-66) . . . . . . tape and projections 2. Slow, ethereal, suspended .

RITUALS FOR DANCERS AND MUSICIANS (197 1) . . . . film Kinescope of an experimental videotape for WTVT, Tampa, Florida (excerpt) . Concept and music by David Ward­ Steinman; dancers from the Uni.versity of South Florida, Tampa; choreography by Bill Hug . 1. Intrada 2. Choros 3. Invocations 4. Epode .



- Intermission TOCCATA FOR SYNTHESIZER &.SLIDE PROJECTORS (1978) SONATA FOR PIANO FORTIFIED (1972) 1. Maestoso; fast 2. S 1ow· 3. Giocoso, tempo giusto 4. Toccata; Fast arid rhythmic IMPROVISATION ON FIVE NOTES SELECTED BY THE AUDIENCE . . piano and piano interior

David Ward-Steinman, composer-in-residence and Professor of Music at San Diego State University, has received numerous prizes, awards, and honors for his compositions, and in 1968, the Outstanding Professor Award from the California State Universities and Colleges, given annually to only two of the 9,000 faculty. In 1970-72 he was a Ford Foundation Composer-in-Residence for the Tampa Bay area of Florida Ward-Steinman has written major works for orchestra, ballet, band, chamber groups, and vocal ensembles. On the contem­ porary scene, he has won acclaim for his innovative ex­ ploration of musical forms and for his one-man multimedia concerts. His compositions have been commissioned by the Chicago Symphony, Joffrey Ballet, San Diego Ballet, College Band Directors National Association, various universities, concert artists, and ensembles. Major orchestral perform­ ances include those by the Chicago Symphony, Seattle Sym­ phony, Japan Philharmonic, New Orleans Philharmonic, San Diego Symphony, Orchestra USA (Carnegie Hall) , and the Belgrade Radio Orchestra of Yugoslavia. Chamber works have been performed in Australia, Canada, Europe, at the Berkshire and Aspen Music Festivals, International Doub 1e­ Reed Society, International Clarinet Society, Carnegie Hall, Phillips Gallery (Washington) , Kennedy Center, ASUC conferences, L.A. Philharmonic "Day of New Music," and at many new-music forums and festivals. Ward-Steinman received his bache10r's degree from Florida State University, his master's and doctorate from the University of Illinois, and was a postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at Princeton in 1970. Ward-Steinman's teachers include Milton Babbitt, Darius Mi1haud, John Boda, Wallingford Riegger, Nadia Boulanger, and Edward Kilenyi (piano). He is co-author (with Susan L. Ward-Steinman) of COM­ PARATIVE ANTHOLOGY OF MUSICAL FORMS (Wadsworth Publishing . Co. ) , a widely used text that explores congruencies among concert music, folk, jazz, pop, nonwestern music, and art.




ILLINOIS WESLEY A N UNIV E RSI TY School of Music presents CONTEMPORARY MUSIC SYMPOSIUM THE WIND E NSEM BLE Steven E g g le st o n, C o n d u c t o r and T H E C OLLE GI ATE C HO IR A N D C H A M B ER SIN G E RS David N o t t, C o n d u c t o r Westbrook Auditorium March 4, 1982 8:00 p. m. - Pro gram INSCRIPTION FOR A PE AL OF EIGHT BELLS . NICHOLAS MARSHALL (after a restoration) " Thomas Tremble New-Made Me" "I Was Well-Toned By William Brine" Fifteen Hundred" "Henry Hopkins Got Me Made" "I, Likewise" "I, Too, Since In A Mould They Flung Me" " In Nineteen Hundred, So 'Tis Said" "I'm the Peal's Tenor Still" The Chamber Singers II


V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pre 1u de Rag A 11a Turca Chorale (after Samuel Scheidt) Rag Ragtime a 1 1a turca Chant and Pavanne The Wind Ensemble

. . . DONALD ERB (b. 1927) TIMOTHY BROEGE (b. 1947)

OF WIND AND WA TER (Choral Suite) . . . . . DAVID WARD-STEINMAN (commissioned work, premiere performance) 1. "On Lake Pond Oreille" (Rd. Shelton) 2. "Snow" (Ruth Stone) " Porous" (Wm. Carlos Williams) 3. 4. "No Moon, No Star" (Babette Deutsch) The Colleg iate Choir Dwight Drexler, piano Lorri Rodino, Scott Stich, percussion

W I N D ENSEMBL E P ER SONNEL (L i s t e d A lp h a b e t i c a l l y ) FLUTES Pirjo Illi Barbara A. Klipp Debbie J. Paulis Gillian M. A. Watt

TRUMPETS Wil Adams Peggy Bryant Robert Shugarman Craig Solvie

OBOES Karen Frank Debbie Ladendorf

HOR NS James Barnett Claude Borders Anne Egger Angie Mills

BASSO O N Greg Garbers CLARINETS Kim Algozin John Boyle - E-flat Melodie Bray Greg Garbers Lynette Hayes Richard Sire - Bass SAXOPHONES Scott Grafer Linda Johnson John Menner Elizabeth Wilkins

TROMBONES J. M. Cunmings Samuel A. Ends Richard Kelly Timothy A. Ruegg BARITONE Karen F. Kemp TUBA David C. Ellis PERCUSSIO N Robert Reed Lorri Rodino Scott Stich Paul Wichterman PIANO Jane Aisenbrey

I L LI N O I S WESLEY A N U N IVERSI TY School of Music presents P I E R R O T





p. m.

Introduction by MARY WENNERSTROM CATHERINE McNEELA, recitation STEVEN EGGLESTON, conductor PHILIP SAMPLE, flute, piccolo JOHN McGROSSO, clarinet, bass clarinet RICO McNEELA, violin, viola ROBERT LUKE, cello ABRAM PLUM, piano Part I Mondestrunken Colombine Der Dandy Ei ne b 1 asse was cherin, Valse de Chopin Madonna Der kranke Mond Part II Nacht Gebet an Pierrot Raub Rote Messe Galgenlied Enthauptu"g Die Kreuze Part III Heimweh Gemeinheit Parodie Der Mondfleck Serenade Heimfahrt ( Barcarole ) o alter Duft

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