Contemporary Arts Festival Program, 1955

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The province of art, like all other provinces of man's mind, is never final ; it is never a free inheritance from the past. It must be continually renewed . Contemporary art is our own : from and for all of us . When we really look and listen, we find in it our life, our times, ourselves. Contemporary art invites us to ourselves, for we are the substance out of which it comes to be. In this First Annual Contemporary Arts Festival (May 3-12, 1955) Illinois Wesleyan, by presenting characteristic works in the fields of painting, drama, and music, shows its belief in the vitality. of our day's creative spirit. CONTEMPORARY ARTS FESTIVAL COMMITTEE Frank R. Bohnhorst, Chairman . Rupert Kilgore, School of Art Dr. Lawrence Tucker, School of Dramatics-' Dr. Carl Neumeyer, School of Music

Art An important factor in contemporary painting is the ab ility of the artist to express and reflect contemporary life. Much of the fear, frustration, and insecurity as well as the beauty and harmony in our lives are reflected in the paintings of our time . Since we live in the present, we find it less frustrating to recognize the contributions of all facets of mid-twentieth century culture : Science, Industry, Politics, Economics, the Arts, and Religion . It is o u r hope that, through the Arts Festival, the students of I.W.U. and the people in the Bloomington-Normal community will gain a deeper insight into the problems and meanings involved in today's painting . GUEST: Professor Warren F. Doolittle, our visiting artist, teach es paintin g to graduate students at the University of Ill inoi s, w here he has been a member of the staff since 1943. He is a grad uate of the Yale School of Fine Arts and a nationally k nown painter . He works chiefly in oil, encaustic and watercolor and his w ork has been included in many of the top exhibitions across the country . EXHIBITION : May 3-15 , Ma in Lounge, Memoria l Center . One-man ex hibitions of paintings by Professor Warren F. Doolittl e, vis iting artist. EXHIBITION: May 8- 13, Art Gallery Bui ld ing, 1103 N. Ma in. Ex h ibition of selected paintings by stu dents in the School of Art, Illinois Wesle y an University. Marvin Bankston Elaine Behling Glenn Behrens Lois Brent Jean Cochran William Cookson Nancy Eyer Evelyn Franke Eugene Garwood Paul Glenn

Jo an Harner Sa ra Ann Ivie Oliver Jackson Vera Joern Charlene Johnston Margaret Larson Phyll is Miller Mary Lou Ott Laurel Scott Pat Shoemaker

Ian Short Forbes Smith Barbara Snell Ralph Tector Caro l Vanderbeek Anthony Vestuto Franklin Vite k Carole Vodak William Wartmann William Woodward

PANEL : May 10, 4 :00 p.m. , Main Lounge, Memorial Center. Subject: "The Creative Artist on the Campus." Members : Prof. Doolittle, Mr. Bohnhorst, Mr. Brian, Mr. Price, Mr. Drexler, moderator, LECTURE: May 10, 8 : 15 p.m., Ma in Lounge, Memorial Center. Problems of the Painter" by Prof. Warren F. Doolittle, visiting artist.

School of Dramatics and Speech presents

"A Different Drummer" -byGene McKinney* "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." - Thoreau Directed by Music by lawrence E. Tucker Frank Bohnhorst Designed by Choreography by Robert C. Price Lloyd B. Tygett Vocal Chorus Direction by Marie J. Robinson

May 4, 5, 6, 7 CAST Royal Ba rnh i II __________ __________________________________________________ Robert lew is Grace Ba rn hill __________ __________________________________________ * * Ba rba ra Owens ***Carol Krueger Rev. Fran kl in Ba rn hill __________________________________________________ James Rossi Robert J en k ins _ ________________________________________________________ Roger Wi Ibu r Mrs . Norma Bu x Iey ______________________________________________________ Jan Kem p Nelda lou Jenkins __________________________________________________ * *Janice Moon *** Jan Mueller Jess ie Miller ____________________________________________________ * * Fletcher Col ema n * * *Joe Vernon Dona Id W atki ns _________________________________________________________ _ Tom Haw k i\\ovi e Sta r ____________________________________ ________________________ _ * * J oe Vernon * * * Fletcher Coleman Mr. Tetl ey ________________________________________ ________________ ____________ Harry lovell G ir I ____ ______________________________ ______ ______ __________________________________ Bo biB u sch Boy _ _____________________ ______ ______________________________ ______________ ________ Tom Haw k Speed Patte r pec k ____ ______ ______ __ ________________________ ____________ __ Tod d Ma rti n AI __ __________ _____________ ________________________________ James Idd in gs He rma n Bu x Iey ________________________ ________________________________ Parker Oborn Chief Roaring Tiger ____________________________________________________ Jack Chantos J ac k Dem psey ______ __________________________________________________ Mi ke Formah Is Royal Chorus ____ _ _________________ ___________ ________ ** Jan Mueller, leader; * * *Janice Moon , Beth Keepper, Delee Niemi, Sharon Gray Objective Chorus ____________________________________________ Marian Cox, leader; **Carol Krueger, ***Barbara Owens, Jean Cochran, Edie Bird Townspeople _________________________________________________ Betty Pal mer, leader; Todd Martin, James Iddings, Bobi Busch, ** Joe Vernon, ***Fletcher Coleman, Ada Taylor, Rose Hobson, Mary Nauman, Harry lovell, Tom Hawk, Parker Oborn

SCHOOL OF DRAMATICS AND SPEECH Di rector ____________________________________ Lawrence E. Tucker Tech nical Di rector ____________________________ Robert C. Price Robert Lewis Technical Assistant ________________ ___________ Da nce ______________________________________________ Lloyd B. Tygett Ma ke-u p _____________________________________________ _ Forrest Watt Speech __________ ____________ __________________ Marie J. Robi nson

THETA ALPHA PHI National Honorary Dramatics Fraternity North Central Regional Meeting Bloomington-Normal, Illinois Sponsorship Illinois Beta - Illinois Wesleyan University Illinois Delta - Illinois State Normal Uhiversity

Friday, May 6 11 :00-12:00

Registration - Memorial Center Lounge, IWU

12 :00- 1 :00

Luncheon - Memorial Center Cafeteria, IWU

* 2:00- 5 :00 5 :00- 7 :30

* 8:00

Meeting - Capen Auditorium, ISNU Chairman, Mabel Clare Allen Dinner - Fell Hall Cafeteria, ISNU Speaker: Gene McKinney, "Theatre at Baylor University" "A Different Drummer" by Gene McKinney presented by The School of Dramatics and Speech, IWU - Memorial Center Lounge, IWU

Saturday, May 7

* 9:00-11 :00

Meeting - Spotlight Alley Theatre, IWU Discussion: "The New Play." Chairman, Lawrence E. Tucker. Panel: Gene McKinney, playwright; Frank Bohnhorst, composer; Lloyd B. Tygett, choreographer; Marie J. Robinson, vocal chorus instructor; Robert C. Price, designer.

11 :30-12:30

Luncheon - Memorial Center Cafeteria, IWU

12 :30- 1:00

Business Meeting - Spotlight Alley Theatre, IWU Meeting Adjourned

* Note: All students and interested public may attend .

Music SUNDAY, MAY 8 3 :00 p .m.

Concert of Contemporary Music. Phi Mu Alpha Fraternity. Music of Hindemith, Piket, Bohnhorst, Shaw, Dupre - Presser Hall Auditorium.

Fourth Annual SVmposium of Contemporarv American Music MAY 11.12, 1955 For a culture to be creative musically, there must be a close relationship between composer, performer, and listener. This Symposium is a means of bridging the gap between today's composers and their audience. The hearing of representative contemporary works and the interchange of ideas aim to encourage active participation in the creative life of our time . Two prominent American composers are Symposium guests : Mr. Wallingford Riegger and Mr. Peter Mennin, both of New York City . Works of these men, plus those of Illinois Wesleyan faculty and student composers, form the bas is of t he Symposium.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 (All sessions will be held in Presser Hall A uditorium, unless otherwise noted.) 10:00 a.m .

Convocation . Concert by the LaSalle String Quartet of Cincinnati College of Music. Walter Levin , first violin ; Henry Meyer, second violin; Peter Kamnitzer, viola ; Richard Kapuscinski, cello. 1. String Quartet No. 2 __________ Wallingford Riegger 1.) Andante: Allegro 2.) Poco Adagio 3.) Allegretto 4.) Allegro 2. String Quartet No. 2 ______ _____________ Peter Mennin 1.) Allegro: Andante: Lento 2.) Prestissimo 3.) Adagio Semplice 4.) Allegro Focosamente

11: 15 a.m.

Reception for Symposium guests - Faculty Lounge, Memorial Center

12:00 noon

Luncheon - Green Room, Memorial Center

2 :00 p.m .

"A Composer's Style." Analytical comment by Peter Mennin with recordings of his music.

3:00 p.m.

"Variations for Two Pianos" - Wallingford Riegger. Dwight Drexler and Wilbur Perry, pianists. Analytical remarks by the composer.

8: 15 p.m.

Concert of Contemporary American Music. 1. "Eternity" (Emily Dickinson), Wallingford Riegger. Jean Hoogheem, flute; Edward Pease and Mary Joiner, horns; Carl Kiesgen, contrabass. "Tumbling Hair" (e. e. cummings) ___ Peter Mennin "Bought Locks" ____ _____________________ ______ Peter Mennin Sigma Alpha Iota Chorus; Janet Frank, conductor; Celia Page, pianist. 2. "Fantasia for Strings" _____________________ Peter Mennin 1.) Canzona 2 .) Toccata University String Orchestra; Mario Mancinelli, conductor. 3. "From Some Far Shore" (Whitman) __ Wallingford Riegger "Crossing the Han River" ______________ Peter Mennin "The Gold Threaded Robe" Peter Mennin "And Death Shall Have No Dominion" (Dy lan Thomas) _________ Frank Bohnhorst Collegiate Choir; Lloyd Pfautsch conductor; Charles Aschbrenner pianist. 4 . "Passacaglia and Fugue" ____ Wallingford Riegger University Band ; Kenn eth Simmons, conductor.

THURSDAY, MAY 12 10:00 a.m .

Program of Student Compositions. 1. "Three Preludes" ___________________________ _ Jam es Moses 1.) Play Piece 2.) Prelude 3.) Finale Barbara Cobb, pianist. 2. "Impress ion IV" (e. e. cummings) James Moses Phyllis Krahmer, soprano; Robert Anderson, pianist. 3. "Sonata for Oboe and Piano" ____ Robert And erson 1.) Fast 2 .) Slow 3 .) Fast and agitated John O'Bannon, oboe; Robert Anderson, pianist.

4 . "Sonatina for Flute and Piano" ________ James Moses 1.) Variations 2 .) Soliloquy Jean Hoogheem, flute; Barbara Cobb, pianist. 5 . "Three Canonic Epitaphs" ________________ Edward Spry 1.) Fata I Fru it 2.) Reverse Ascension 3.) Comparison Ann Rothschild, Patricia McFarlin; Phyllis Krahmer, Shirley Archer; Kenneth Smouse. 6. "Three Sketches" ______________________ Robert Anderson 1.) Jovial 2.) Nostalgic 3.) Percussive Robert Anderson , organist. 11 :00 a.m .

Student conferences with guest composers . Mr. Riegger (with Mr. Moses) will be in room 24. Mr. Mennin (with Mr. Spry and Mr. Anderson) w ill be in room 216. These conferences are open to all interested observers.

2:00 p .m .

Panel : "Tonality in Our Time." Mr. Rieg ger, Mr. Mennin; faculty members. Moderator: Mr. Henry Charles . Prepared questions and questions from the iloor.

4 :00 p .m.

Concert of Contemporary American Music. 1. "Nonet for Brass" _ ___________ _ Wallingford Riegger Lento. Allegro . James Bjork, Frank Sturm, Mack Warren, trumpets; Lee York and Mary Joiner, horns; Wayne King, Robert Cummins, Dennis Windler, trombones; Carl Kiesgen, tuba. 2. "Sonata for Viola and Piano" ____ Frank Bohnhorst 1.) Wearily Tormented 2 .) Joyfully 3.) Serenely Frank Bohnhorst, viola; Janet Bohnhorst, piano. 3 . "Suite for Flute Solo" __________ Wallingford Riegger 1.) Moderato 2 .) Vivace 3 .) Moderato con sentimento 4 .) Allegro ironico Carl Petkoff, flutist. 4 . "Five Piano Pieces" __________________________ Peter Mennin 1.) Prelude 2 .) Aria 3.) Variation-Canzona 4.) Canto 5 .) Toccata Emma Strain, pianist.

Announcements and Acknowledgements The Symposium is grateful to the following Bloomington friends, through whose generosity we have been helped to continue: Dr . and Mrs . J . Lewis Bailen Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bohnhorst Mr. and Mrs. Carl Behr M rs. Florence Fifer Boh rer Miss Virginia Brian Miss Frances Elfstrand Mrs. Hazle B. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fleming Mr. and Mrs . Dean Hilflnger Nlr. and Mrs. Edward Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Julius Klemm Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Livingston (in memory of Mrs . Fannie L. Ochs) Miss Elizabeth Stein The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker Mr. and Mrs . Harold Walters Mr . and Mrs. Louis L. Williams

The entire Festival has been made poss ible through 'j'he combi ned efforts and devotion of the students and faculty of the School of Art, the School of Dramatics, and the School of Music. Special thanks are due Mr. Robert Barber for the program cover design; Miss Constance Ferguson and the cafeteria staff for reception and luncheon arrangements; Mr. Lee Short and Miss Patricia Kimler for publicity and news coverage; Mr. John Noonan and Mr. Richard Read for cooperating with ticket sales; and to President Merrill Holmes for his enthusiastic belief in the worth of contemporary creative endeavor, as represented by this Festival.

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