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MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUPS: The NAMI Connections peer support groups will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays and from 2 to 3:30 p.m. on Thurdays in June at the NAMI of Central Iowa Wellness Center, 416 Douglas Ave., Suite 205. Come hear from others who are also learning how to live in recovery with a mental illness. Call (515) 292-9400 for more information.

GOLDEN K MEETING: The Ames Golden K Kiwanis will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 15, at First United Methodist Church, 516 Kellogg Ave. Julie Gould will present “Neighborhood Liaison.” For more information about Ames Kiwanis Golden K, check Visitors are welcome.


‘DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS’: ACTORS’ newsest play, “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” will return this week at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, June 16 and 17, at Ames Community Theater, 120 Abraham Drive. It is a musical based on the Steve Martin and Michael Caine movie and tickets at or at Ali Cakes on Main Street in Ames. Additional showtimes will be at 7:30 p.m. on June 22, 23 and 24 and at 2 p.m. on June 25. Zoe Hamstreet and Noah Stevens represented the financial decision for the Finn-Milleman classroom gifts this year.


AMNESTTY INTERNATIONAL: Amnesty International will meet from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 17, in the Dale Ross Board Room, Ames Public Library to discuss human rights issues and write letters on behalf of those whose rights have been violated. Bring a laptop or write letters by hand. Supplies and refreshments are provided.


ROOSEVELT CONCERT: David Zollo and The Body Electric will perform at 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 18, at Roosevelt Park, Ninth Street and Roosevelt Avenue. The concert is free and open to all.


MENTAL HEALTH LEGISLATION MEETING: Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, state representative from Iowa’s 45th District, will speak on legislation passed during the 2017 session affecting mental health, as well as answer questions on other topics. This open educational meeting will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, at Ames Public Library in the PEO Room. The public is invited.

AMES, IA 50010 PERMIT NO. 22



For more events, see page 2


Ames Education Foundation awards Finn-Milleman mini-grants The Ames Education Foundation awarded several MiniGrants to help classrooms throughout the district this year. In addition, the Ames Education Foundation awarded four teachers the Finn-Milleman mini-grants as part of the Finn-Milleman endowment. Members from Ames High School Student Council decide these fi nancial gifts. Annie Arbuckle, executive director of Ames Education Foundation, works with Student Council per the parameters of the original gift endowment. The Finn-Milleman minigrant awards are in memory of Katie Finn and John Milleman, former Ames High students. These memorial awards are a tribute to Katie Finn and John Milleman, as well as an

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“The students did a terrifi c job. They never cease to amaze me with their creativity in how they make great decisions, regarding applications they need to review.” honorary tribute to the Finn and Milleman families. Arbuckle said she spends part of a day with students discussing fi nances and how the business process works to award a financial gift. More important than just explaining the fi nances to students, Arbuckle said, “It is important to convey to Student Council who Katie Finn and John Milleman were,”

Arbuckle said. “The former students, and their families are truly what is important.” She instructs the students to be cautious and thoughtful about the fi nance gifts you award. Think about if this gift would have an impact on education. Teachers who received FinnMilleman Mini-Grant Awards were Chelsea Claude and Lori Olson, of Northwood Preschool; Jen Brekke, of Fellows Elementary School, Anne Marie Kern, of Meeker Elementary School, and Jenny Parsons of Ames Middle School. Arbuckle said, “The students did a terrifi c job. They never cease to amaze me with their creativity in how they make great decisions, regarding applications they need to review.”

PAGE 2 • STORY COUNTY SUN • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2017 The Story County Sun is published weekly on Wednesdays by GateHouse Media, at 317 Fifth St., Ames, IA, 50010. (515) 233-3299 Mary Beth Scott, sales manager, (515) 663-6951, Ali Eernisse, RE Weekly, (515) 663-6956, Megan Wolff, content coordinator, (515) 663-6920, Publisher: Scott Anderson Advertising Director: John Greving

© Copyright 2017


The Rotary Club of Ames hosted Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey as the guest speaker at its noon meeting. He spoke about trends in agriculture and its impact on Iowa’s economy. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

CALENDAR OF EVENTS continued from front

Alison Risdal, of Roland, caught a large Wiper, a hybrid combo of striper and white bass, on Thursday, June 1, at Ada Hayden Park in Ames. She made this outstanding catch with merely a night crawler as bait. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO



Worldly Goods, will host the Ames Community Arts Council’s monthly Gathering of Artists from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20, at Worldly Goods, 223 Main St. The gatherings showcase local artists from around the Ames area. Artists and art enthusiasts of all types meet other artists, get feedback, get inspired and have fun. It is free and open to all.

The Homewood Ladies Golf League will host a four-person best shot fundraiser for the American Heart Association at 8 a.m. on Thursday, June 22, at Homewood Golf Course, 20th Street and Duff Avenue. Sign up at the Homewood Golf Course Clubhouse with a $20 tax-deductable donation. Mulligans will be sold for $2 each.





Steven Lawrence, left, and Schuyler Hop recently received college scholarships from Northminster Presbyterian Church, Ames. Presenting the awards were Charlie Flick, member of the Northminster Presbyterian Church scholarship committee. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Kevin Gries placed first in the large bus division competition in the Iowa Public Transit Association’s Roadeo event. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Nathan Shimanek won the small bus division competition in the Iowa Public Transit Association’s Roadeo event. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

CyRide drivers advance to national competition Two bus drivers for CyRide in Ames will move onto the International Roadeo in Tampa, Fla., next spring after taking home top honors in their respective categories during the 31st annual Iowa Public Transit Association’s Roadeo event. Kevin Gries placed first in the large bus

division competition, and Nathan Shimanek won the small bus division competition. Along with securing a chance to compete in the International Roadeo, both drivers also received championship trophies and cash prizes. Competitors in this year’s event were tested and timed for

a pre-trip inspection check, an obstacle course and a mobility device loading test. These challenges test the drivers and teach them what best practices are for safely and securely transporting passengers.

For the pre-trip inspection, drivers had to discover eight equipment-related defects and one security hazard. These issues represent real-life scenarios drivers could face in their daily jobs. The bus Roadeo ob-

stacle course included 11 driving obstacles and three other scoring opportunities. Staff of the Iowa Department of Transportation, staff of Des

Moines Area Regional Transit Authority, and local volunteers judged the competition at the Des Moines Area Community College Campus.



Nevada FFA veterinary contest team members, from left, Rylee Stevenson, Avery Mather, Megan Mumm and Samantha Black collaborate on studying a multitude of animal diseases in preparation for the online test. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Samantha Black and Avery Mather work on Mr. Kevin Cooper’s desk creating an affirmative letter in response to VFD (veterinary feed directive). CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Nevada FFA members demonstrating calculation of melatonin dosage for cattle for FFA veterinary medicine protocol video. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Nevada FFA veterinarian medicine team placed seventh overall for a gold award in the Iowa FFA Association veterinary career development event. FFA teams from across Iowa partici-

members also prepared a video focusing on proper veterinary clinical practices which was uploaded to YouTube for evaluation of protocol. The student demonstrated proper dosage

Nevada FFA vet med team seventh in state FFA contest pated in this year’s Career Development Event designed to provide the student an opportunity to display their agricultural knowledge and skills in the area of Veterinary Science. The

students completed a general knowledge examination on-line focusing on veterinary science. The on-line test was proctored by Mr. Mittman, Nevada High School math teacher. The team

and oral drench of a melatonin product for cattle. In addition, the students were required to draft a letter in response to VFD (veterinary feed directive) and animal production.

The team won first place in the written response scenario. The students invested many hours in the evening, and before school to complete all segments of the contest.




Nevada FFA receives $500 from Ag Progress LLC on behalf of ALMACO, and Longview Farms. From left, Avery Mather, Mark Smith of ALMACO, Laurie Henry representing Longview Farms and Carter Melton. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Ag Progress LLC donates $500 to Nevada FFA

Gilbert FFA members, from left, Christian Harder, Madeline Pritchett, Eric Davis, Dylan Zierke, Russell Jennett and Phillip Roetman, recently received their Iowa FFA Degrees. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Gilbert FFA adds six Iowa FFA Degrees The Gilbert FFA Chapter recently added six chapter members to their roll of 72 Iowa FFA Degree recipients. Receiving their Iowa FFA Degrees were Christian Harder, Madeline Pritchett, Eric Davis, Dylan Zierke, Russell Jennett and Phillip Roetman. These names will be add-

ed to the ag ed classroom wall to recognize the tradition of excellence that the chapter continues to exhibit through providing community service, leadership training, career preparedness, and skill attainment through hands-on activities. The Iowa FFA Degree is the highest level of achieve-

ment that a member can attain at the state level. Members must provide records showing growth and investment in their Supervised Ag Experiences, community service, local, state and national involvement through contests and leadership events, all while maintaining academically sound grades.


Davon Cook, Ag Progress LLC of Garden City, Kan., donated $500 to the Nevada FFA chapter in honor of ALMACO and Longview Farms. Ag Progress LLC works with families that have extensive capital assets to bequeath to family heirs. Davon has greatly enjoyed the business relationship with both

the Clem family and the Henry family. As a token of appreciation, Ag Progress LLC offered to donate $500 to a nonprofit organization. Nevada FFA was the choice of both families. Mark Smith represented ALMACO, and Laurie Henry represented Longview Farms for the check presentation.

Dine out in Ames



From left, are Ingrid Place, speaker Laurann Gilbertson, Helen Olson and Sharon Owenson. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Gilbertson speaks at Sons of Norway May meeting Sons of Norway Kong Sverre Lodge held its May Event in Story City with the program “In Trunks, Hands, and Hearts: What Norwegian Immigrants Brought to the United States” by Laurann Gilbertson, chief curator at Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum in Decorah.

Laurann spoke about the trunks which Norwegian immigrants brought with them from their homeland that held the belongings they chose to bring to start their new lives in America. Between 1825 and 1980, nearly one million Norwegians left for new lives in America.

Members and guests celebrated Norway’s Constitution Day called “Syttende Mai” with Norsk food and desserts. Sons of Norway Events are open to all interested in learning more about Scandinavian heritage and culture and guests are always welcome.

Altrusa International of Ames, Inc., planted a city garden at Inis Grove on May 22. Front row, from left, Vicki Saienga, Mary Ellen Metzger, Janet Brimeyer and Jan Hopper; back row, from left, Joyce Schafbuch, Jan Bond, Deb Fennelly, Mary Augustus and Mary Wauson. Not pictured: Photographer Mary Mekemson. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Kiwanis Club advisor Randy Griffith, left, stands with three Ames High School ey Club members who were honored recently by Ames Town and Country Kiwanis Club, The award recipients wer Naomi Bratsch-Prince, Rachel Junck and Taylor Junck. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Ames High Key Club honored by Ames Town and Country Kiwanis Three Ames High School Key Club members were recently honored by Ames Town and Country Kiwanis Club. Randy Griffith, Kiwanis Club advisor, presented each with a plaque and club check in the amount of $1,000 to Naomi

Bratsch-Prince, 201617 Key Club president, and Key Club members Rachel Junck and Taylor Junck. All were cited “for recognition of your leadership and services to the Ames High Key Club and to our community.” Naomi Bratsch-

Prince and Taylor Junck will attend the University of Iowa, and Rachel Junck will attend Iowa State University all in the fall. Ames Town and County Kiwanis Club sponsors the Ames High school Key Club to Key Club International.

Ames Children’s Choirs members stand by the bus used for their Chorale School Tour performances May 2. The Ames Noon Kiwanis Club provided a grant to support a bus and accompanist for the tour. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO



Ames Golden K Kiwanis presented a check for $350 on June 1 to the Story County Chapter of the National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI) to help support their Education, Support Group and Wellness programs. From left, Golden K’s John Arthur, NAMI’s Sue Ann Peck and Golden K’s Ron Juelfs. For more information about Ames Golden K, please check CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

The Ames Town and Country Kiwanis Club’s music awards for choir, band and orchestra were presented to the Ames High School student honorees at the Ames High School Pops concert. From left, Marion Kresse, club member and presenter; Lucy Ching, for choir; Maya Chen, for band; Maddie Tuggle, for orchestra; and Randy Griffith, club past president and presenter. The club has provided music awards to Ames High School students for more then 30 years. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Hunter Jo Stohlmeyer, of Ames, and Zachary Robert Thomas, of Nevada, were named to the dean’s list at Drury University. To be named to the dean’s list, honorees must have a 3.6 GPA while taking 12 or more credits. Tyler Ronca, of Huxley, was named to

the dean’s honor roll at Oklahoma City University. To be named to the dean’s honor roll, honorees must have a 3.5 GPA while taking 12 or more credits. Amy Taylor, of Ames, and Noah Bartmess, of Roland, were named to the dean’s list at Hawkeye Community College. To be

named to the dean’s list, honorees must have a 3.5 GPA while taking 12 or more credits. Hannah Bloch, of Ames, was named to the dean’s list at University of Minnesota-

Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) President Rob Denson, left, and Iowa State University Dean of the College of Design Luis Rico-Gutierrez sign a new interdisciplinary design transfer agreement. The new articulation agreement will make it easier for DMACC students to complete a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Design at Iowa State University. Through the agreement, students who receive an associate in arts (AA) degree from DMACC will be able to transfer to ISU to complete a bachelor of arts (BA) degree in interdisciplinary design in as few as two years. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

The Ames Town and Country Kiwanis Club completed its spring weeding and new floral planting project at their Flower Garden. The garden is located at the south entrance to Brookside Park. Club members working the project were, from left, Stephanie Clark, Dan Franklin, Robert Jolly, Paul Brackelsberg, Randy Griffith and Gerri Bugg. Not pictured: Jack Winkler and nonmembers Jackson Griffith and Nelson Carlson. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Duluth. To be named to the dean’s honor roll, honorees must have a 3.5 GPA. Joseph Porter, of Ames, graduated with a Master’s Degree from Georgia State University.


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