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TEEN MAZE, a Signature Project of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club ChildServe welcomes native Colleen recently was awarded a Silver prizeNevada by Kiwanis International
Rogers Messenger as director of gift planning Each of the Division’s experiences. TEEN MAZE, a Signaclubs contribute funds to The program was develture Project of the Town Submitted ger said. “I am passionate about the support this service project and Country Kiwanis Club oped to serve seventhchildren In the nineofyears, these and recently was awarded a graders in Story,health Boone and well-being am excited the contributed opportunity to ChildServe announced Colleen Rog-counties. clubs have Silver prize by Kiwanis and Greene This about how ChildServe imers Messenger has joined its foundation $52,000 and provided 8,600 International. age was selectedshare for thewith donors of service.in Iowa.” pacts and families team director of gift planning. Theasclub has presented reasonInither is a period of children tran- hours The Town and Country this program yearlywill theassist past with sitionChildfor teens whoMessenger often comes to ChildServe from role, Messenger Kiwanis Club nine years. It was exposed of Biguse Brothers Big Sisters of submitted Central Iowa Serve’s major giftdeveloped initiatives,are grow com-to the thisas Teen Maze project for teen-agers withorganization’s 10 other alcohol, other drugs and where she served director of developmitments to the endowto Kiwanis International Kiwanis Clubs in District have self-esteemment. issues and ment and promote legacy giving. acknowledging its success Eleven thefundraising Nebraska- career, sexual She has nearly 15 years of fundraising “In of my I activity. have is the result thenonprofi t work Iowa District of Kiwanis. project requires experience, primarily in of the found meaning and connectionThe in partof many volunteers in The with awardchildren, was hundreds of volunteers and higher education sectors. Messennering young adults, famthe Clubs of the Kiwanis announced in the July 2020 and more than 2,500 hours ilies and donors. Based on the experi- ger’s position rounds out the ChildServe Family and the participatNebraska-Iowa District yearly for planning, setup ences of friends and family, I know Foundation team, as she joins colNewsletter. Teen Maze and leading teens through ing seventh-grade students leagues named ChildServe is to a special was developed provide place,” theMessenactivity stations and Erica Axiotis, years.executive Youth through the prevention services to evaluations. This Kiwanis and Shelter Services continyouth addressing relationFamily event is assisted by ues to furnish administraAKTION, Builders and Key tive services to support the ships, substance abuse, life Clubs in the local area. project. skills and mental health
director of the ChildServe Foundation earlier this year, and Sarah Mowery, director of development. “It is our pleasure to welcome Colleen to the Foundation team at ChildServe,” Axiotis said. “This new position signifi es a commitment to the future growth of the organization and a renewed focus on planned giving. We are excited for what the future holds as we expand services, facilities and programs for children with special healthcare needs across the state.” Messenger is a native of Nevada, Iowa, where she graduated from Nevada
High School. She earned her bachelor’s degree at Central College and her master’s in environmental education at Trinity College in Carmarthen, Wales. Messenger is active in the community, currently a member of the Union Park Neighborhood Association in Des Moines, member and former community service chair for Rotary Club of Des Moines, board member and programming chair for the Association for Fundraising Professionals Central Iowa Chapter, and board member for the Heritage Carousel of Des Moines.
A “birds-eye view” of Teen Maze at the Boone Country Fairgrounds. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Hannah Huang visits with Town P.E.O. STAR Scholarship presented and Country to Ames High School’s Barkosky Kiwanis Club The prestigious Submitted P.E.O. STAR Scholarship for the 2020Hannah Huang recently visited a 2021 academic year virtual meeting of the Town and Counwas recently pretry Kiwanis Club. She described her sented to Vera Barkonumerous membership and leadersky, a graduating ship roles in the Ames High School Key senior at Ames High Club and currently in her leadership School. responsibilities for Iowa Key Clubs to Vera is the daughthe members and guests of the club. ter of Richard Barkosky and Anne Cooper, She expressed much credit for the and was recommended encouragement eff orts of faculty advifor this scholarship by sor Cynthia Gillette and club advisor Chapter HO of Ames. Randy Griffi th, which enabled her conVera has been tinued work in Key Club service proaccepted and will jects and administrative work. This attend the Univercontinued activity led her to seek sity of Iowa where she higher offi ce leading to be the Goverplans to double major nor of NE-IA District. She proudly disin political science played the many plaques for leaderand sociology beginship positions and scholarships she ning this fall. has received. Artist Andrew Maahs works on a mural on Main Street in downtown Ames. PHOTOS BY NIRMALENDU MAJUMDAR/AMES TRIBUNE The P.E.O. STAR Randy Griffi th described Hannah’S Scholarship is a work and accomplishments with the $2,500 scholarship following: “Hannah Huang embraced based on excellence in Key Club International service leaderleadership, extracurship opportunities. Her commitment ricular activities, comto Key Club requiredfor hours of travel, munity service, acaThe prestigious P.E.O. STAR Scholarship the 2020-2021 demics, and potential academic year was recently presented to Vera both Barkosky, a preparation, and service locally for future success. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO graduating seniorand at Ames High School. in the entire Nebraska-Iowa Dis-
New mural off ers welcome to downtown Ames
trict. As NE-IA Key Club District Governor, Hannah exemplifi ed eloquence, maturity, and dedication. She is a thoughtful, reserved leader and tireless volunteer.” Huang concluded her presentation with a quote from James Strock. i.e. “The highest level of leadership is service, the highest level of service is leadership.” She is headed for Yale University where she expects to remain active in Kiwanis at the university.
Aaron Zilber Mann, left, with his grandfather, J. Adin Mann Jr. Aaron graduated with a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, which is the school where his grandfather is a professor emeritus in chemical engineering. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Zilber shares college graduation with grandfather at Case Western Aaron Zilber Mann completed his bachelor of science in engineering at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He received the Craig J. Miller Memorial Award
Aaron’s grandfather, J. He also received the Adin Mann Jr., who got his Glenn Nicholls Character education at Iowa State Uniof Distinction Award from The downtownversity: mural is designed to welcome people to Ames. Greek Life. bachelor’s degree Aaron is grateful for in chemical technology in the excellent education he 1954 and doctorate degree received in the Ames School in physical chemistry in
Hannah Huang and Randy Griffith SUBMITTED