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TEEN MAZE, a Signature Project Disaster recovery center to of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club recently awarded a Silver prize open inwas Ames for limited timeby Kiwanis International Kiley Wellendorf
Ames Tribune
North River Valley Park — 725 E 13th St.
Each of theto Division’s experiences. in Ames — was set to open the public clubs contribute funds to The programatwas develture Project of the Town noon on Tuesday, according to a support this service projectis andIowans Countryseeking Kiwanisfederal Club disaster oped to serve news release from FEMA. The center as- seventhnine years, these recently was awardedthe a Aug. 10 graders in Story,open Boone 9 a.m. toIn6 the p.m. Monday through sistance following derecho clubs have contributed Silver prize by Kiwanis and Greene counties. This now have a place to submit documents Saturday. $52,000 and provided 8,600 International. age was selected for the in person. The club has presented reason it is a period of tran- hours of service. Aprogram disasteryearly recovery centersition located at See Page 2A The Town and Country this the past for teens who CENTER, often Kiwanis Club submitted nine years. It was developed are exposed to the use of this Teen Maze project for teen-agers with 10 other alcohol, other drugs and to Kiwanis International Kiwanis Clubs in District have self-esteem issues and acknowledging its success Eleven of the Nebraskasexual activity. is the result of the work Iowa District of Kiwanis. The project requires of many volunteers in The award was hundreds of volunteers the Clubs of the Kiwanis announced in the July 2020 and more than 2,500 hours Family and the participatNebraska-Iowa District yearly for planning, setup Newsletter. Teen Maze and leading teens through ing seventh-grade students was developed to provide the activity stations and through the years. Youth prevention services to evaluations. This Kiwanis and Shelter Services continyouth addressing relationFamily event is assisted by ues to furnish administraAKTION, Builders and Key tive services to support the ships, substance abuse, life Raymond A. Callahan Clubs in the local area. project. skills and mental health Town and Country Kiwanis Club a SignaUSATEEN TODAY MAZE, NETWORK
embers of the Town and Country Kiwanis Club assisted Raising Readers of Story County with the construction and installation of Little Free Libraries throughout Story County. The most recent installations are in Slater at Nelson Park and Kelly near the school bus stop. These Little Free Libraries are provided through the Community Betterment Grant received from the Prairie Meadows Foundation. Additional Little Free Libraries were donated to Raising Readers in recognition of their 20th Anniversary. The club will be constructing and installing more of these libraries in the coming months. "Raising Readers of Story County off ers research-based and age-appropriate programming for Story County families with children aged 0-8. Programs range from free books given out at well-child visits to dialogic reading with preschoolers to reading enrichment to early elementary school students." For more information, interested persons can contact Little Free Libraries in Story County at littlefreeliabaries@gmail.com.
P.E.O. STAR Scholarship presented to Ames High School’s Barkosky
Ames Golden K Kiwanis install new leaders From Staff Reports Ames Tribune USA TODAY NETWORK
Ames Golden K Kiwanis recently installed offi cers and board of directors who will serve from Oct. 1, 2020 to Sept. 30, 2021. Randy Griffi th, Kiwanis Division 11 Lt. Governor conducted the installation ceremony. Gina Spohnheimer, outgoing Golden K President shared remarks regarding key events during her tenure, as well as honoring Golden K members who passed away during the past year (Bob Farr, Glen Hillesland, John Johnson, Paul Mac Vey, Craig Fulton, Les Aaron Zilber left, with his grandfather, AdinPeterson Mann Jr. Aaron graduated Holland) andMann, recognizing members who J. Pete CONTRIBUTED PHOTO with a newly bachelor’s degree ininto engineering were inducted Golden from K Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, whichKent is the school his grandfather is a professor emeritus in chemical (Greg Dieter, Ziebell,where Sponsor, CONTRIBUTED PHOTO engineering. Mark Lohafer, Don Muff , Sponsor, Steve Maze, serving meals for the Ames School Enrichment Program and a host Johnson, Keith Folkmann, Sponsor). Gina also presented The Golden K Ki- of other activities. Pete is also incredibly wanian of the Year Award to Pete Peter- involved with his LEGO youth group, son. Since joining Golden K in 2012, Pete having coached teams that have comhas been involved in nearly every ser- peted at state level competitions. Pete is vice and fundraising activity of Golden indeed an outstanding individual in K. Pete has also served as President of promoting and serving Kiwanis and its motto, the world, one child Golden and Mann his most recentHe service Aaron’s grandfather, J. also received the "improving AaronK,Zilber and one community at a Jr., time". activities theofGoldenGlenn K ListenAdin Mann who got his Nicholls Character completed include his bachelor Mr.from Griffi theducation Installedat Iowa the following ers Program at Edwards TEEN Award State Uniof Distinction science in engineering at School,
Zilber shares college graduation with grandfather at Case Western Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He received the Craig J. Miller Memorial Award
Greek Life. Aaron is grateful for the excellent education he received in the Ames School
A “birds-eye view” of Teen Maze at the Boone Country Fairgrounds. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
versity: bachelor’s degree in chemical technology in 1954 and doctorate degree in physical chemistry in
The prestigious P.E.O. STAR Scholarship for the 20202021 academic year was recently presented to Vera Barkosky, a graduating senior at Ames High School. Vera is the daughter of Richard Barkosky and Anne Cooper, and was recommended for this scholarship by Chapter HO of Ames. Vera has been accepted and will attend the University of Iowa where she plans to double major in political science and sociology beginning this fall. The P.E.O. STAR Scholarship is a $2,500 scholarship based on excellence in leadership, extracurricular activities, community service, academics, and potential for future success.
Club members installing a Little Free Library in Slater. Left: Jennifer Gogerty, director of the Slater Public Library, and two young readers. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
The prestigious P.E.O. STAR Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year was recently presented to Vera Barkosky, a graduating senior at Ames High School. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Offi cers and Board Members: President-Keith Folkmann, President Elect-Tom Baas, Vice PresidentKent Ziebell, Secretary-Larry Trede, Treasurer-Ron Skrdla, Webmaster-Joe
Traylor, Directors {term expires Sept. 30, 2022}-Larry Johnson, John Hill, Ron Juelfs. See KIWANIS, Page 2A