Vol. 40 No. 193
June 2019
Dedicated to the Performance & Advancement for the Real Estate Manager
Our 19th Annual Sunset BBQ will take place on Monday, June 3rd. Doors open at 6:00pm at the Battery Gardens. Cost to attend is $80.00 for Members and Guests. The entry fee includes Open Bar & Food Buffet with DJ entertainment and dancing all night. Casual Business attire is permitted. No jacket and tie required.
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Top 10 Reasons to Join the MRM Club! 10. Extra Curricular: applications/resumes!
9. Networking: You will have the opportunity to meet and network with the BEST of the BEST in their field at our regular meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month.
8. Promote Awareness: The CLUB helps promote education and awareness about the NYC residential real estate market.
7. Life Insurance: Being a Regular Member of the CLUB affords you a personal life insurance policy in the amount of $150,000.00
6. Philanthropic: The CLUB participates and raises money for a number of local and national charities giving back to the community and those most in need.
5. Brotherhood: Being a member automatically gives you a feeling of closeness to other members. You share something that other people are not a part of and really can’t relate to.
4. Enrichment: Being part of a professionally ran Club or Organization is an en- riching experience. You owe it to yourself to at least try them out.
3. Exposure: The CLUB will expose you to real life every day experiences you and your peers regularly share and have in common . 2. Growth: Members in Clubs/Organizations are encouraging and supportive of your personal growth. We all have a vested interest in each other.
1. Social: They are a BEST way to meet great people and have a lot of fun! With numerous events happening throughout the year; separate from our monthly meetings, it is impossible to not have some FUN!
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
PRESIDENT: Francis P. McLoughLin (646) 525-5272 armorysuper@aol.com
MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. ORgANizED 1980 P.O. Box 1144 New York, NY 10021
VICE-PRESIDENT: Steve Mala 212-861-2073 Steve.Mala@yahoo.com TREASURER: Sevdet “Steve” KuKaJ (917) 339-7166 kukaj01@gmail.com
Our 19th Annual Sunset BBQ will take place on
Monday, June 3rd.
Doors open at 6:00pm at the Battery Gardens. Cost to attend is $80.00 for Members and Guests. The entry fee includes Open Bar & Food Buffet with DJ entertainment and dancing all night. Casual Business attire is permitted. No jacket and tie required.
FIN.SECRETARY: Scot HudginS (516) 984-3311 417parkavenuerm@gmail.com ASSISTANTT FINANCIAL SECRETARY & SERGEANT-AT-ARMS:
JoHn Szabo 914-672-50887 izirajders@verizon.net SECRETARY:
Louis Parrilla Publisher 917-750-4117 resmgr524@gmail.com
ben floreS 917-860-5811 benjieflores3@gmail.com
Brian Purovic
Ben Flores Editor 917-860-5811 benjieflores3@gmail.com
Any Opinions expressed here are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the Manhattan Resident Managers Club,Inc., or its members. The Manhattan Resident Managers Club Inc. reserves the absolute right, at its sole discretion, to accept or decline requests or submissions for advertising or other copy in its Newsletter or in any Club publication.
Dean Berishaj
Peter Guzman Business Manager 917-837-1390 pgu3911250@aol.com
Fabio Progni
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
the resident’s essage
pm Francis P. McLoughlin President
2014 Resident Manager of the Year
Hello to all…
Welcome to the June Newsletter! What a whirlwind! Just feels like yesterday we were wearing winter coats and dreaming about the summer. Here we are today getting ready for our 19th Annual Sunset BBQ. Time sure does fly as we get older........
Thank you to everyone who attended our May meeting and welcome to all of our newest Members who joined the CLUB over the past 2 months. I look forward to meeting you as well as getting to know all of you in the near future.
Our 19th Annual Sunset BBQ will take place on Monday, June 3rd. Doors open at 6:00pm at the Battery Gardens; which is located within Battery Park on the water opposite 17 State Street. Cost to attend is $80.00 for Members and Guests. The entry fee includes Open Bar & Food Buffet with DJ entertainment and dancing all night. All are welcome and invited to attend. Casual Business attire is permitted for this event. No jacket and tie required.
At this BBQ event, we will be awarding the first 3 John Person Educational Scholarships. Applications will be accepted up until 6:30pm the night of the Sunset BBQ and not one minute later. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! Also, you must be a Member-in-Good Standing (dues paid-in-full) and your child or grandchild must be enrolled in a tuition paying school to be eligible. Winning proceeds are paid out directly to the school; not the individual winner.
For all the golfers in the CLUB, please mark your calendar for our Annual Golf Outing which will take place on Monday, September 23rd at the Clearview Golf Course in Queens, NY. It’s the money we raise at this outing, that allows us to award the scholarships. We are presently looking for sponsorship and golfers; so please contact Past-President Anton Markola for more information.
Always remember to support all our Associate Members as they are the driving force that keeps our CLUB in existence. Most of our Associate Members take an ad in the monthly Newsletter; so when you’re in need of a contractor, vendor or supplies, please refer to the Newsletter for their services and/or products.
For anyone that has not checked out our new CLUB web-site, please feel free to do so at www.MRMClub.com. It looks amazing!
On behalf of the Dais & Trustees, we want to wish you and your family a safe and enjoyable summer. We look forward to seeing everyone at the BBQ on June 3rd and if you can’t make it, we’ll see you all in September. ENJOY!
Fraternally yours,
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Tis the season for Graduations.
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads here and gone!
All the Best & Good Luck to all the recent graduates and we wish you well on all your future endeavors..
Happy Birthday to our Members Marvin Diaz, Gavo Kalian and Club Secretary Ben Flores.
World Environment Day June 5th
D Day June 6th
Happy National Donut Day June 7th
Father's Day June 16th
National Bald Eagle Day June 20th
Summer Solstice June 21st.
Flag Day June 14th
National Hug Day June 29th
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
the tiny get-rich-quick idea that worked big time While growing up in the tiny country town of Cricklade in north Wiltshire, England, Alex Tew was known as a maverick entrepreneur. At the age of eight, he already was peddling hand-drawn comics at school for $5 each--including a chocolate bar "freemium." According to The Hustle newsletter, in August 2005, Tew, then 21 and needing college money, was in bed jotting down schemes for selling something cheap for a million dollars. Among his absurd ideas was a pouch for chewed gum that he called the "Gum Slinger." Suddenly, an idea glowed in his head: He would create a website that sold ad space for $1 per pixel. Advertisers would buy a 100-pixel
block for $100 to promote their logos or images with its hyperlink. Tew designed the website in two days, spent $50 in domain fees, then introduced his brainchild to cyberspace. It was new. It got press. It caught on. In 30 days, "The Million Dollar
Homepage" made $250,000. It was attracting 65,000 hits a day. By the end of October, it had made another $500,000 from nearly 1,500
advertisers. By New Year's Eve, Tew had sold 999,000 pixels and auctioned off the last thousand on eBay for $38,000 from MillionDollarWeightLoss.com. His four-month earnings: $1.04 million. Tew's fundamental idea of selling pixels on the Internet was something countless other people could have done. However, Tew beat them to it, and everyone was wondering why they didn't think of it first. Among his subsequent ventures, in 2012 Tew co-founded the meditation app, "Calm." Five years later, Calm was named Apple's App of the Year. According to Inc.com, Calm is now worth more than $1 billion.
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Friendly reminder: quarterly taxes are due June 15. Those who file estimated quarterly taxes can do so via the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, or EFTPS, which is accessible for individuals or businesses to pay federal taxes. You must file if you are a sole proprietor, partner, S-corporation shareholder, and/or a self-employed individual who expects to owe tax of $1,000 or more when you file your return. The estimated tax pays income tax as well as selfemployment tax and alternative minimum tax.
The best way to track spending is what works for you. For some, a big green paper spreadsheet works well. But you have to do the math. For others, technology eliminates the tedious stuff. The key is to keep at it consistently, tracking your spending, and becoming more aware of how you use your money. Try some free tools. Among others: Mint, EveryDollar (a Dave Ramsey product), Clarity Money, Fudget, DollarBird, and mvelopes. Paid apps include upgraded versions of mvelopes and Fudget, You Need A Budget (YNAB; $84 billed annually), and Digit ($2.99 monthly subscription).
Ever heard of a money date? It's a thing. On a money date, spouses agree to get together to talk finances in a (allegedly) fun and non-threatening way. The idea is to keep on top of budgets and, perhaps more importantly, to work together on goal-setting. The idea is to keep it affordable, so that might entail staying home with a good bottle of wine. Pro Tip: tackle the heavy lifting issues prior to finishing that first glass. For singles: you can take yourself on a money date, too. This thing with money IS a relationship.
IDEAS FOR FALLING ASLEEP FAST Fatigue is a safety issue that affects every aspect of life and work. But some people spend enough time in bed, they just don't sleep. From night-to-night there could be different reasons why you can't fall asleep. Ask yourself why. Are you: - Feeling wide awake? You might have to change your schedules and habits. Caffeinated drinks like coffee or soda can have lasting affects into the night. Too much bright light before bed can keep your body in wake mode. Turn down lights. Turn off phones and e-readers. - Reliving the day? New sleep apps can help put aside the day's events with meditation or even bedtime stories. The app Calm allows you to choose a 15- to 30-minute bedtime story that tends to replace thoughts of current events. The tales get progressively softer until they just stop. Still not asleep? Do another. - Feeling stressed and excited? You could try Dr. Andrew Weil's 4-7-8 method of going to sleep. The technique puts your body into relaxation mode, acting like a tranquilizer. Let your lips part and make a whooshing sound as you exhale completely. Close your lips, then inhale silently four times through your nose. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Make a whooshing sound and exhale from your mouth for eight seconds. Do this four times and work up to eight, if necessary. - Have an ongoing physical problem? Treatments are available for sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and other sleep disorders. Don't wait. Get treated.
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
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Fireworks safety
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
* Use fireworks on a hard, flat and level surface. The surface should be in an open area away from buildings, vehicles and shrubbery. * Use a long-handled lighter so you can keep as far away as possible. * Light one at a time. If it doesn't light, don't try to relight it. Let it stand for five minutes, then immerse it in water. * Keep water close by, whether it's a hose or a bucket. * In windy conditions, light where wind blows away from spectators and buildings. * Children should not be allowed to handle, play with, or light fireworks. * Stay alert. Don't drink while lighting fireworks. * Don't let small children handle sparklers.
How's the weather? The year without summer Virginia, July 4, 1816: Water in the cisterns froze and it snowed. Virginians couldn't know that the year before, in a world far away, a volcano was causing their dark, cold summer. After a thousand years of peace, Mount Tambora in Indonesia began rumbling in early April 1815. On April 15, a cataclysmic eruption took 4,000 feet off the top of the mountain, spewing ash and gas 25 miles into the atmosphere. Ten thousand people died instantly. The effects were world-wide as a haze of dirt and dust blocked sunlight. Crops failed. Animals died. A world-wide famine ensued.
skiN CANCER 101 For decades, we've passed on the baby oil in favor of slathering on sunblock. The public health campaigns that warned of the dangers of skin cancer were effective, though some questions still remain. How does one develop skin cancer and why is it so serious? According to skincancer.org, most skin cancers are associated with ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun and tanning beds, with UV damage causing DNA damage to skin cells. This triggers mutations or genetic defects that lead the skin cells to multiply rapidly and form malignant tumors. However, certain skin cancers are caused by other factors like genetics or other environmental influences and may even occur on parts of the body that are rarely exposed to the sun. Darker-skinned people are more susceptible to acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM), an especially virulent form of melanoma that typically appears on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, according to the site. More people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the U.S. than all other cancers combined, with about 90 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers associated with exposure to UV from the sun. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of skin cancer (4.3 million cases
diagnosed in the U.S. each year), with squamous cell carcinoma second (more than 1 million cases). The website says an estimated 192,310 cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2019. Melanoma is particularly dangerous because it is more likely to spread to other parts of the body if not caught early. The good news is that all types of skin cancer are quite treatable if caught early, so prevention and detection are key. In addition to checking your body for signs of abnormalities, most health professionals advise the use of a sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher and to limit your exposure to direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
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Are golfers the most superstitious people in sports? – MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Of all the games, pro and amateur, in the very history of the world, the gentleman's game of golf has to rank high as the most superstitious. From clothing to rituals to lucky charms, golfers have it all. Tiger Wood wears red shirts on Sundays. Jack Nicklaus always has three coins in his pocket. Ernie Els gets rid of every ball he sinks for a birdie because there's only one birdie per ball. Oh yes, other sports have voodoo, too. Sports are full of superstitions. According to the Psychological Science journal, superstitions are valued by millions of people--despite being dismissed by most as worthless and foolhardy. In fact, these notions are particularly prevalent in the world of sports. Dr. Gregg Steinberg, a sports psychologist who works with PGA, LPGA, NFL and NBA players, says he noticed as a collegiate athlete himself that the best players appeared to have an unusually firm grip on their emotions. And for some of them, he discovered, their explanations were apparently irrational reasons such as good luck charms and repetitive routines.
According to Steinberg, athletes never really know how they'll perform. As a result, he says, when one of them does something superstitious--like wearing a
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trinket or conducting a brief ritual--experiments have since shown that the action creates a higher sense of control. As for the 27 million other golfers in the U.S.? PGA.com reached out to its followers on PGA Facebook Nation. Among the responses: "Spearmint gum opens the lungs and helps clear the head. At least 3-4 strokes off right there." "Ball marker and divot repair tool in the left pocket, tees in the right, small towel in the back right pocket if available. Otherwise, in the waistband." "Clubs in the same order in the bag every time." "Can't use ball washers. Only wet towel." "Always walk up the left side of the fairways and greens." "Mark my ball with a JFK half dollar. JFK's always looking at the hole." "No talking about current score until the round is done. I know if I'm playing good or bad." "Pre-round hacky sack, sprinting, and Ninja moves. Controlling the club is much easier when it's Ninja-fied." "Absolutely zero superstitions. Makes the game less stressful."
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
EXPRESS HARDWARE & BUILDING MATERIAL Competitive pricing More than 30,000 items in stock Convenient New York City based location Same day / next day delivery
Please call for more information or to open an account today 212-722-1553 917-528-0040 646-469-3123 929-444-1414 917-560-8899 Sales.expresshardware@gmail.com 235 East 123rd Street New York, NY 10035 — 17 —
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Fathers in film have changed over time It's the month that celebrates Father's Day, which makes it a good time to reflect on the ways fathers have been portrayed on TV. Dads have traveled quite the route, starting with the 9-to-5 businessman who steered the household, steady and secure. The family around him provided most of the antics, while Father was the straight man -- think Ward Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver. Then there was Andy Griffith, which introduced a single father into the mix. The widowed and wise Griffith was sheriff of the sleepy town of Mayberry and had a young son, Opie. As good a guy as he was, however, Griffith still needed a woman's influence and help in raising Opie; he lived with his Aunt Bee. By the 1970s and 1980s, TV saw a mix of fatherly styles, from the ranting Archie Bunker of All In The Family and the put-upon George Jefferson of The Jeffersons to the more serene Mike Brady (again, a widower) and the blended family dynamics of The Brady Bunch. There was also the dual income family with Heathcliff Huxtable as the goofy-but-paternal father in The Cosby Show. The 1990s brought us the bumbling, even somewhat miserable dad -- with Al Bundy arguably kicking off the genre in Married With Children -- and the clueless guy. It also introduced the uncle who steps into the father role, with Uncle Phil in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Fast-forward to the 2000s and we've got a mix, including same-sex couples (Modern Family), stayat-home dads (Parenthood), and wisecracking but lovable dad of The Last Man Standing.
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
99 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park, NY 11040
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
MaNHattaN RESiDENt MaNagER’S CluB, iNC. iS pRouD to HavE SElECtED
SEVDET “STEVE” KUKAJ Resident Manager of the Year 2019 With gratitude & appreciation for the years of dedication and service to the CLUB — 20 —
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
MaNHattaN RESiDENt MaNagER’S CluB, iNC. iS pRouD to HavE SElECtED
Northeast Plumbing Specialties
Associate Member of the Year 2019 In recognition of many years of support & friendship you have show to the CLUB — 21 —
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Sun safety tips for kids
Avoid damaging sunburns this summer by using sunscreen properly, covering up when possible, and playing outside during recommended times, according to Kids Health. Even if your children don't seem to burn easily, damaging UVA and UVB rays from the sun will still take their toll. Sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30 or higher should be applied generously and frequently re-applied. Better than sunscreen, cover up the body with hats, long sleeves, umbrellas, and other accessories that will block the sun's rays completely. In all cases, try not to stay outside between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the angle of the sun is at its strongest and most direct.
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Strive for 10 minutes a day of exercise, study says
Just 10 minutes of moderate exercise per day each day for six days can ward off disability, a study finds. Northwestern University researchers analyzed 1500 adults with osteoarthritis in lower extremities: hips, knees, and ankles. The participants were not disabled and the researchers wanted to know what minimum activity could prompt health benefits. The pain of osteoarthritis often makes movement a daunting experience, leaving patients inactive. But those who did complete 10 minutes per day of activity had an 85 percent lower risk of mobility disability. This also gave the adults less risk of being unable to perform daily activities such as getting dressed or walking across a room.
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The quality you demand. The service you expect. The technology you need. (914) 636-0505 | sales@pearlgreen.com | www.pearlgreen.com
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Psychologists say fathers give children a sense of well-being, self-control, inner strength and all that good stuff. But forget all that. Let's get real. Dads are fun. Maybe there is a Dad School somewhere that teaches them basic Dad stuff because they more or less tend to have some things in common.
Story-telling When the kids are young, Dads are perfect for story-telling and story reading. Deep voices make the characters come to life (and the listeners giggle). And those stories last forever. things that make Mom go "Eww!" Dads make a great counter-point to moms. There are things she hates: Pull my finger! We know what happens there. Toe lint: Use your imagination.
Dad magic tricks The ever-popular thumb removal trick, which works best on 4-year-olds but continues well past its shock value. The lift trick: Lift me up! You can do it! You grab Dad around the legs and lift. Dad stands on tip toes. You did it! Suddenly you are a strong man. Dad fun Dad's driving down the highway. Passes a go-kart track. Makes a U-turn. Because who can pass up a go-kart track? Or Dad, taking you someplace boring, until Dad sees an ice cream place and just like that, it's a great Saturday afternoon. Or the day he teaches you to fish. Dad sayings Contribute! (That was Motivational Dad.) I'm going to go into the living room and hold down my chair so it doesn't get away. (After work Dad) Remember this: I love you. Your Mom loves you. And God loves you. (Eternal Dad)
using internet Explorer can be dangerous, experts say You probably know that Microsoft is no longer updating Internet Explorer, in favor of Microsoft Edge. But switching to another browser is not just a matter of preference, it's also a matter of security. Even Microsoft warned in March that using Internet Explorer as a default browser was perilous. Many apps are designed for IE but new apps and Websites are not. So new
Websites won't even work with IE. Now, according to the blog, HotforSecurity, an IE user who opens an .MHT attachment (an archive of a Web page) can let hackers into their system. Even opening a Web page archive you have made can do the same thing. Only about 7 percent of desktop browsers still use Internet Explorer, but the app is usually installed on a
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Windows system. Security experts recommend completely uninstalling Internet Explorer through the control panel.
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Aries 3/21 - 4/19: A veiled insult this month gets your goat, but don't let it distract. Stay on track to finish projects that will take you to the next level.
Taurus 4/20 - 5/20: The energy of the bull will be used on something. Stars say you can make success your bullseye. Ignore a doubter this month. Believe, prepare, work, and succeed.
Gemini 5/21 - 6/20: Problem solving is the task ahead of you. Avoid distractions and focus on the outcome you want and how you can get there.
Cancer 6/21 - 7/22: Some Cancers revel in Father's Day, a time to honor and be honored. For those that do not, consider if it is time to move on and leave the past behind.
Leo 7/23 - 8/22: An unexpected financial demand might upset your investment plans. Do what you have to but remember that when you are broke yourself, you can't help anyone else.
Virgo 8/23 - 9/22: Don't exaggerate a past you had nothing to do with creating and don't use it as an excuse. Time to look ahead, gather your confidence, and forge ahead unhindered.
Libra 9/23 - 10/21: Sometimes you just have that certain something -- a charisma that draws others to you. Focus on a happy frame of mind that will keep others looking to you. Scorpio 10/22 - 11/21: Personal issues work their way to the fore in June. Put aside work matters and let the people you love take top priority.
Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21: Schedule that vacation. Stars say you need the time for physical rejuvenation that will bring a new outlook and new health.
Capricorn 12/22 - 1/19: Take time to enrich your life or career. A motivational or educational experience may well come your way. This summer bodes well for personal goals. Aquarius 1/20 - 2/18: Peace for the world is your motto. Beware, however, of others that disturb your peace. You can't give peace if you don't have it yourself. Guard your spiritual resources.
Pisces 2/19 - 3/20: Good times settle in during June. Take a moment to reflect that all is generally well for you and your loved ones. A favorable turn of events may surprise and delight.
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Great gift ideas for a college graduate
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Graduating from college is an important milestone that deserves to be celebrated. If you are stuck on what to get, consider buying the grad something for their new home, their new job, or even a memorable experience. According to USA Today, college graduates have probably been getting by with shorts and T-shirts for the past four years. Now is the time for professional clothing. New suits or dresses are a great start, followed by accessories such as business card holders, watches, handbags, or briefcases. Some might need a high-quality suitcase or weekend bag; reliable options that will last them for years. For graduates that are moving for a new job or just moving out of the house, practical gifts like an instant pot, microwave, or coffee maker could be a
solid choice. It is likely that they may need some help in this area as well, so a few cookbooks could help them choose to cook at home more often. For those that lived in furnished apartments or dorms, other household goods such as linens, towels, and living room furniture might be welcome. Better check with the grad when it comes to style, though. There are few better ways to celebrate an accomplishment than going on a trip. Consider booking a cruise or buying a flight and hotel room in a city that they have always wanted to visit. Throw in a new camera, not attached to a smartphone, and they will have new experiences to share. For fitness buffs, consider a year-long gym membership to replace the free access they had as students.
Think before taking one
Facebook quizzes, polls, and trivia games are fun to take, but some are schemes to steal your profile, hack your identity, or just send spam. Suppose you see a quiz about family origins. So, what is your mother's maiden name? The app will reveal all! But... didn't you just use that info as a bank security question? If so, you just gave unknown people access to the answer, along with all of the info on your Facebook profiles and page. One notoriously evil app that did this asked for the names of concerts people attended -- another common security question. Pet names, birth places, best friends, first car, first teacher, vacation destinations--you are revealing answers you may have given for security or may give in the future. You'll forget about the quiz, but the quiz makers are never going to forget YOU.
Securing internet of things
You are on vacation; wouldn't it be nice to check in on the family pet? Or you are at work; it would be nice to check to see if the baby is down for a nap. The convenience of security cameras and baby monitors make them an important part of the Internet of Things (IoT). But they can and do have security issues. Most security flaws involve software called iLnkP2P, which is often bundled with IoT devices like doorbells and video recorders. The software makes it easy to access remote devices from anywhere in the world, according to Krebs on Security. But they are easily hacked. Here is what you can do to protect your security: 1. Avoid connecting devices to the internet without a firewall or in front of a firewall. Keep IoT devices behind a firewall, such as is found on routers. 2. Change the device's default credentials if you can. On cameras and DVRs, you might not be able to do that. 3. Update the firmware when an update is available. 4. Disable Universal Plug and Play. 5. Don't buy Peer-to-Peer (P2P) devices. 6. Don't go cheap. Check out the internet security site: grc.com's Shield's Up.
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How to photograph your property for max impact and quick sale – MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
A majority of homebuyers today research online prior to checking out a house in person, and surprisingly few listings include anything other than mediocre photos. So good photography immediately sets you apart from other sellers. If possible, it's a good idea to hire a professional real estate photographer. Real estate photography is a specialty unto itself, and these pros know what to highlight and what angles to use to showcase property. But if you choose to take your own photos, there are steps you can take to make them stand out from the competition: - Good lighting. Natural light is best, as it is softest and provides the most accurate representation of colors. So try to shoot your interior photos when it's sunny outside. - Beware of backlighting. Windows with bright light are great for overall lighting, but be careful when pointing your camera straight at them. You'll wind up with a bleached-out window and a dark interior. You can solve this by using a flash to fill in the room. Another option is to have the camera lock in its exposure on an interior (read: darker) section, then re-adjust the composition of the photo to include everything you want. This ensures that you haven't allowed the brightness of the window to throw off the rest of the picture. - Shoot from the corner. Shooting from the doorway or a corner typically gives you the best perspective and allows you to capture the entire room.
- Don't use that fisheye lens. It's enticing to use a fisheye lens in a small space, but resist the urge. The photos curve on either end and scream "small space" to buyers, not to mention they can be deceiving. A nice wide-angle on an actual camera -- not a smartphone -- is a great alternative. - Clear the clutter. Get the countertops and other spaces as clutter-free as possible so you are showing the room itself and not the stuff in it.
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In select markets, we provide contrac ng and labor services for all your interior renova ons, as well as cabinet and counter installa ons, ooring, ligh ng, and much more.
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. – MRMC Health Tips 7 Foods to Eat for Energy 1. Eggs No wonder they’re the perfect choice for a refreshing morning breakfast. They’re rich in vitamin B, which is 2.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
crucial when it comes to converting food to energy for the body use. The proteins in the whites are ideal for muscle recovery. Even the yolks have perks that can aid in your energy and fitness goals. Edamame Soybeans are unique when it comes to energizing the body. They contain b-complex vitamins that play a major role. It instantly coverts carbohydrates into energy. The more you eat them, the more fuel in your body. Add phosphorus and copper to the mix, and you have a killer combination. You also get valuable source of protein an fibers, making the ideal healthy snack. Goji Berries They help doctors provide patients with energy. They also release healthy hormones throughout the body. And are found in a lot of medications, Improve mood, battle stress and good for libido. Pumpkin Seeds They give you a sudden burst of energy, they contain lots of carbs, have enough protein and health fats. Quinoa It’s not only rich in nutrients, but it’s completely gluten free. This makes it the best solution if you are in need of an energy source. For starters it provides it provides you with many amino acids. They are quick to enter your muscles and repair your fibers and have a long quantity of cabs, which break down slowly. Whole Grain Cereals Grains that are rich in fiber does an excellent release of glucose into the blood. It slowly give you energy throughout the day. These are sudden burst of energy; it’s more of a smooth flow that replenishes yo body for many hours. They are rich in important vitamins that improve your immune system. Nuts Many different nuts are abundant with protein, alongside the standard carbohydrates. Like fiber, protein slows down the digestion of carbs. It improves the process of fuel conversion. Fats are also included in the mix, as fatty-o provide longer lasting energy. They are especially good for long periods of physical or mental activity. What’s gre about nuts is that you can sprinkle them over any meal. However, you get the same energy boost without having ingest large quantities. A morning intake should improve your energy levels.
MRMC Building Maintenance 10 Easy Maintenance Tips to Save Energy on Cooling Towers Save up to 15 percent on electricity cost with these simple preventive maintenance tips for cooling towers. Routine maintenan c also helps to conserve water and extend operating life of cooling equipment. 1. Check the overall condition of the unit and listen for any uncommon noises to establish a baseline of any potential issues. 2. Before beginning any hands-on work, be sure to follow proper lock out procedures and disconnect motor switches ensure your safety. 3. Inspect and clean debris from strainers to keep the system free of excess materials. 4. Inspect the water distribution system and check for dry areas over the fill coil section to avoid scale build up and increase system capacity. If the surface is not fully wetted, check the nozzles for cracks and clogs. 5. Flush dirt and debris from cold water basin through the tower drain or sump strainer to maintain water filtration and keep dirt from collecting. Installing a basin sweeper piping in addition to a filtration system will function as automat maintenance. 6. Check the make-up water supply for the appropriate pre-determined water level to conserve water and reduce a entrainment. 7. Adjust the bleed rate accordingly for local water quality and evaporation rate regulations, preventing accumulation of solids in recirculating water. 8. Fix and tension problems on the belt to ensure optimal belt drive system performance. 9. Routinely check oil level, oil quality, and shaft alignment for gear drive system following the manufactures recommendations to assure reliable service. 10. Lubricate fan shaft bearings every three months at a minimum to maintain proper operation. Installing automatic bearin greasers is easy and can eliminate monthly bearing maintenance. Maintenance frequency varies depending on the condition of the circulating water and environment in which unit operates. Good maintenance habits will help prevent equipment failure and extend equipment life. Storing critical parts in inventory will also help reduce down time in the event of an emergency.
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." Billy Graham
"There's no shame in fear, my father told me, what matters is how we face it." George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings
"Daddies don't just love their children every now and then, it's a love without end." George Strait "I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by the little scraps of wisdom." Umberto Eco
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection." Sigmund Freud
"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: He believed in me." Jim Valvano
"Anyone who tells you fatherhood is the greatest thing that can happen to you, they are understating it." Mike Myers
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick Douglas
What is a cap rate?
You might have heard the term "cap rate" among those who invest or aspire to invest in real estate. Short for "capitalization rate," the concept is key if you're going to pursue a career in rentals and/or commercial properties. The cap rate is a method for estimating the potential return on a property and assumes it's paid for with cash. The formula includes dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by purchase price, or value; NOI is the gross income minus expenses except for debt service. Example: A property costs $100,000 and generates $10,000 in income. NOI/Value means 10k/100k =
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10% cap rate. Debt service isn't included because cap rate makes all things equal. The investor who will finance a property knows that it starts at a 10 percent cap rate and then does additional figuring to arrive at his or her actual return on investment (ROI). So what's a good cap rate? That's up to you. Similar to comps in singlefamily properties, it's important to know the typical cap rate in your area. So a "10 cap" might be the norm where you're from, while a "7 cap" is acceptable elsewhere. And every investor has their individual threshold as well. It gets more complex, naturally. Investors also need to consider things like depreciation and capital expenses, and evaluate whether the NOI is accurate. There are also other ways to calculate your return. But for a quick analysis and a way to help determine optimal purchase price, cap rate is the way to go.
– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
Visit our Web Site at: www.mrmclub.com
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– MANhAttAN REsiDENt MANAgER’s Club, iNC. –
The 25th Anniversary
Three Hands Grand Ball Saturday, October 26, 2019 at
141 West 54th Street Cocktail hour starting at 7pm
Tickets: $425
Tickets and Sponsorships are now availble! Contact Chairman Mike MacGowan mikemac158@gmail.com 1175 York Avenue New York, NY 10065 212-319-8375 Fax: 212-702-0193
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