Travel Agent Professional Aug 2014

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Travel Agent Professional August 2014 Issue 30

Building a Front Porch On Your Business By Cindy Bertram

2014 Temple University Awards go to Rebecca Krick




61 64

The Winner is Rebecca Krick By Sue Shapiro

By Cindy Bertram Cindy's Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC

68 12 16 18

Who’s Looking for a $40,000 Sale? By Paull Tickner

Remember the Edsel? By Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal

Three Wishes By Scott Koepf Vice President of Sales Avoya Travel/American Express

What is Your Favorite Travel Show? By Rusty Pickett, ECC Shellback Cruises



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Travel Agent Professional


Building a Front Porch On Your Business


Travel Agent Professional August 2014 Issue 30

Travel Agent Professional P.O. Box 120198 Staten Island, NY 10312 E-mail: Phone: 718.360.3153

Joel M. Abels

Legend In the Travel Industry April 1927 to January 2007

Ann M. Hoek Publisher/Creative Design Bonnie Walling Editor Alan Cohen Vice President Marketing

Meet Our Editorial Board Rusty Pickett, ECC Shellback Cruises Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal Scott Koepf Vice President of Sales Avoya Travel/ America’s Vacation Center Sherry Laskin, ACC Travel Writer/NACTA Webinar Moderator Paull Tickner, Creator of Special Interest Britain Cindy Bertram, Cindy’s Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC Sue Shapiro, President Shapiro Travel Resources This online magazine is dedicated to the memory of Joel Abels, Travel Trade's editor and publisher. Joel and his life's work may be gone, but with your help it can live on.

Travel Agent Professional has its roots in Home Based Trade, the first magazine of its kind, started by Joel Abels in 2004. Joel and Lenore Abels ran Travel Trade for nearly half a century – it was started by her grandfather, John S. Lewis, and her father, Sidney Lewis, in 1929, and they took the publication over after her grandfather’s passing. Under Joel’s direction, the company grew to be one of the travel agent industry’s leading publications, reaching more than 45,000 agents throughout North America. It spawned a famous series of trade shows and three monthly magazines – Cruise Trade, Tour Trade and Home Based Trade. The Abels also garnered enormous respect – Joel received the Neal Award, called “the Pulitzer Prize of the business press,” for his hard-hitting editorials. On a personal note, after working with Joel for over a decade and staying with him until the end, I grew to truly care for and respect the man. He was like a second father to me. Joel was old school, he stood by his word and believed in his work. There will never be another. While nobody can replace this industry legend, we’re hoping that this new publication, which reunites the original Home Based Trade editorial board, will be able to carry on his passion for travel and those who sell it.

Ann M. Hoek The opinions expressed in these columns are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Travel Agent Professional.

August 2014


The Winner is Rebecca Krick

L-R: Bill McCue, Travel Matters, Rebecca Krick, Sue Shapiro and Nick Rago

Every year Temple University awards a scholarship to a top student in the School of Tourism to honor the memory of Joel and Lenore Abels, the late publishers of Travel Trade Magazine. Ongoing contributions from travel agents, cruise lines, tour operators, car rental companies, hotels and tourist offices continue to fund the endowment. Although only a sophomore, the 2014 winner, Rebecca Krick is already showing qualities that would make her an incredible asset to any travel company looking for a great hire. Of course she's a full-time student but in addition she's a Resident Assistant on campus, Front Desk Manager, an Events Coordinator, a member of Phi Sigma Pi, the National Honor Fraternity as well as President of the American Hotel & Lodging Student Professional Organization. Before applying for the scholarship, Rebecca researched the Abels and came away with great admiration of the way in which they served 45,000 travel agents through their publication. Her future goal is to make the same commitment to the travel industry working for a hotel chain where her skills of interviewing, educating and leadership can all be employed.

Congratulations Rebecca. Well deserved ! ! ! Travel Agent Professional


Building a Front Porch

C i n d y B e r t r a m

People tend to do extensive research before booking a trip, and the ways they book their trips have also changed extensively just in the past two decades. With more options out there, many ask if travel professionals will still be around in the few next decades. Instead of fretting about that, I think it really gets down to building strong relationships and “building a front porch” on By Cindy Bertram Cindy's Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC

your business.

The Disappearance of the Front Porch

A Front Porch Expert: John Imlay, Jr.

Up until about 40 years ago, people used to make

Mr. John Imlay, Jr., chairman of Imlay Investments, Inc. has

sure they had a front porch on their homes. It was

built some of the most successful software companies

a way to watch what was going on, speak with

around. One of his first successes was taking Management

their neighbors, even see and talk with people

Science America, Inc. (MSA) from the brink of bankruptcy

passing by.

into one of the largest independent application software companies in the world. It was then sold in 1990 to Dun

But then, things changed. What had been the

& Bradstreet Corp. for nearly $400 million.

“front porch on the house” evolved into backyard areas and decks – yes, privacy became the key.

Credited with helping create two of Atlanta’s biggest technology industries in the areas of Internet security

We’ve seen the same in business. Technology has

and software, Mr. Imlay has won several awards. He

become an integral part of the business world, of

also serves as chairman of the Imlay Foundation, Inc,

course, and yes, we really depend on that in the

a nonprofit organization.

travel industry as well. We need technology, but also need to remember that they’re simply tools to

During his expansive career, John Imlay wrote the

use and can’t replace that human touch.

book Jungle Rules – How to Be a Tiger in Business.

August 2014


On Your Business

Its list of 20 rules for success is still as timely today as

He also mentions that you need to keep your big

it was when first published.

business small. While leading MSA, John Imlay mentions they stressed “incessant personal interac-

The need to build a front porch on a business is criti-

tion.” Top priorities were in-person conversation,

cal and John Imlay covers this in chapter 11 of his

human contact, critical interaction, and personal

book — “Jungle Rule # 11: Build a Front Porch on


your Treehouse.” He notes that throughout his business career his Like the disappearance of front porches on homes,

office has always been like a front porch, with lots of

Mr. Imlay notes the same thing occurred in busi-

chairs, a couple of sofas, a big table, all designed for

nesses, which became more detached. Without an

interaction, conversation and person to person.

emphasis on personal contact and interaction, the result is “a cold, gray, impersonal experience for

In the conclusion of his book, John Imlay explains,

which few people can muster affection, loyalty or

“There are twenty rules in this book, but there really

exuberant effort, which most businesses need to

is one message: It’s the people.”


Travel Agent Professional

(continued on page 6)

6 Another Front Porch Example Take a look around, and in the travel industry, we’re

Partnership’ that we first launched nine years ago.”

fortunate to have some good examples of executives and leaders who have “built a front porch.” One is

As part of its major investment in the human touch,

Richard Sasso, president and CEO of MSC Cruises

MSC Cruises USA more than doubled their sales

USA, who’s known for his hands-on approach.

force, along with expanding their inside sales team.

While speaking earlier this spring at a conference,

Richard Sasso once again emphasized that they are

Sasso made some key points. When it comes to

focused on adding that human factor. Some of

building a presence in the North American market,

their latest initiatives are part of that, from the

along with growing the number of travel profession-

“Road Show” presentations being done across the

als who work with MSC Cruises USA, he explained,

country to booking incentives, fam cruises and hav-

“It’s about the human factor. There is a people con-

ing the company’s staff being accessible and easy

nection and we’re going to work to take that to the

to work with. Yes, they are “building that front

next level. Our serving you is part of our ‘True


Keeping That Human Touch and Creating the Front Porch With the travel industry being one that really focuses on our clients, it’s critical to insure we don’t become an impersonal high tech entity minus that human touch, like the online booking sites. And this is where we can shine by building that “front porch.” How do we do that? We need to make sure that we set up our businesses to interact with people – our clients as well as preferred suppliers, for instance. We also need to remember that it’s the little things that count, it’s critical to make interactions personal, it’s important to do the right thing and remember that relationships are really in the details. And as John Imlay so aptly

The Ongoing Front Porch

puts it, “Loyalty is the backbone of any relation-

Richard Sasso also made a great point when he mentioned,


“You need executives in each touch point to have a happy guest.” When it comes to our own travel businesses, being able to cover those touch points from the minute we first talk to a client, or potential client is where it begins. And by knowing how they liked to be reached and communicated with, along with what’s important to them, and knowing their “touch points” is a critical part of creating that front porch to have a successful ongoing business. And this is where travel professionals can still excel, and not become extinct.

August 2014

Issue No. 8 | February 12th 2014


elcome to a slightly different perspective on your old friend Britain. Since 1980, I’ve been helping travel counsellors to identify, develop and convert untapped sources of new business into imaginative, high yield, customised groups, both large and small. I’m now applying this to tailor made tours for individuals and families who are flying or cruising in and out of the UK.

Over the period, I’ve gained a great deal of experience, knowledge and many grass root connections who add the bubble, fizz and pleasant surprises to each tailor made tour. Take a leisurely look at the ‘magnificent seven’ listed below and arm yourself with a pen and a piece of paper so that you can note down the contacts you’ll have for most of the niche markets mentioned. Prioritise them and then email me your thoughts on how you might like to proceed.

Paull Tickner Paull Tickner and Associates Ltd

Girls Getaways London only, London and Batthh, London and tthhe Cotswolds are three options for you to consider. For Quilters, there are programmes for tthhe tthhree major Quilt Shows in England and ttw wo more in Scotland. If Embroidery and Needlework is your niche, my Liverpool (yes Liverpool) and London tour ticks all the boxes. For lady golfers, I can also supply an interesting Cotswold-based Golf, Gardens and Antiques tour that finishes with an international match against a UK team.

Pre and Post Cruise Extensions Let’s talk about London based customised pre and post crruuise extensions that meet your clients time frame, interests and budget. For customers tthhat have been there many times before, find out where they’d really like to go before or after their crruuise and tthhen put my knowledge through its paces.

Family Travel Speed boat rides up tthhe River Thames, side trips to see tthhe making of Harry Potter, living history experiences at our historic castles and palaces, entertaining actor led tours of tthhe Theatre Royal and a performance of Mathilda, family cycle rides through the Royal Parks, a Doctor Who Experience and a ffllight on the London Eye. With tthheir accommodation included, I can customise these and other exciting interactive encounters into a memorable family trip to London.

Up an English Garden Path For Orchid, Herb, Rose and otthher specialist societies, Master Gardeners, Friends of Botanic Gardens/Arboreta and even Flower Arrangers, I can provide a FebrruuarySeptember collection of memorable, value added tours. With demand always outstripping tthhe hotel supply, now is tthhe time to be considering a 2015 Chelsea Flower Show tour (19tthh-23rd May).

8 B y P a u l l T i c k n e r

Who’s Looking for

A $40,000 Sale?

There’s quite a buzz out there for customised special interest tours and it’s no wonder, when a small, tailor-made group can generate sales worth $30,000 — $40,000 with a healthy commission. There are at least six major sources for high-yield themed tours that can be marketed to a variety of special interests — such as garden and literary, girls’ getaways, visual and performing arts or church groups. Nearly all these groups can be found within 50 miles of your doorstep. However, even if you know where to find the right contacts and the right products, you still need an eye-catching, conversation-starting itinerary to pull it all together.

Paull Tickner has been designing and operating niche travel programmes for the UK and Ireland for over 30 years. For more information E-mail Paull at

August 2014


Before looking some tour suggestions, think about these travel tips: Restrict the tour to six nights and seven days. It helps

sen land operator. Properly briefed, we can usually

with the price and might better suit your client’s

deliver what’s required.

diaries. You can always offer pre/post tour extensions; I don’t have the space to go into details of what can Travel less, see more: Replace miles of travelling

put together for all these niche markets, but here are

with short hops and longer, more in-depth visits to

two for you to consider.

single sites; Firstly, to find clients with an interest in Gardens, Small is beautiful. Many of your clients will not want

Stately Homes and Castles:

to be part of a large group of people, especially if they’ve done such a tour before. Although travelling

Look for specialist clubs and societies interested in

with a smaller group of 12-15 like-minded individu-

herbs, roses, azaleas etc. If you look at www.orchid-

als is more expensive, it’s actually what they’re look- you’ll see listed no fewer than

ing for;

245 orchid and similar societies across the USA and Canada. If you look closely for one in your area, you

Add in value-added stops that meet your client’s specif-

may see board members whose names you recog-

ic interests and don’t necessarily cost an arm and a leg;

nize. They’ll probably be more than pleased to hear about an April 2015 trip to London for the European

If you don’t know all the product answers, trust the knowledge, experience and connections of your cho-

Travel Agent Professional

Orchid Show and Conference; (continued on page 10)


Your contact at the Botanical Garden or Arboretum will

based around the annual Jane Austen Festival in

know that as the Chelsea Flower Show changes every


year, it still has considerable pulling power as a fundraiser, especially if you top and tail it with visits to a corner

The proprietors of a mystery bookstore, whose cus-

of the U.K. they’ve not looked at before. If Chelsea

tomers might be interested in visiting the homes of

doesn’t work, we have a number of other very fine but

Sherlock Homes in London, Inspector Morse and

smaller shows which they will find equally fascinating;

Lewis in Oxford and Agatha Raisin in the Cotswolds. They can combine this with a few days at either the

Invite a Master Gardener, a well-known local land-

Crime Writer’s Festival in Harrogate (July) or at the

scape gardener, the owner of a popular garden cen-

International Agatha Christie Festival on the English

ter or a radio/TV/newspaper gardening personality to

Riviera (September);

be your pied piper and co-seller of a tour full of memorable visits to renowned properties both on

The organizers of your local literary festival, who

and off the beaten track;

might want to put together a trip where guests can rub shoulders with much loved Dickensian characters

Approach a flower arranging club and suggest that

at the June or December Dickens Festivals.

they visit the spectacular 2015 Magna Flora Flower Festival in Salisbury Cathedral, preceded by a few

You know where the sources for these tailor made

days in the Cotswolds.

tours can be found. I can create UK travel experiences with a very high wow factor. Put the two

For tours with a literary theme, talk about Bookshelf

together and you come up with the $30,000 -

Tours with:

$40,000 sale.

The local branch of the Friends of Libraries USA, who

For further information, visit or

might like the idea of a fundraising Jane Austen tour


August 2014

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12 Remember the Edsel? B y L e s - L e e

We, as travel agents have been referred to as dinosaurs of the industry, since so few younger people are entering this profession.

R o l a n d

So we should remember the of the 1950’s. It was a new and innovative car with unusual features. Its marketing was the biggest program to launch a new car. The result? The car sales were a flop. Well, compare that to the recent Webinar where Norwegian Cruise Line launched their new program, billed as the biggest one they ever had. You be the judge. Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal

If you have heard their previous Webinars, you’ll

inclusive program includes all gratuities, dining in the

know that they sound much like a bunch of friends in

alternative venues, drinks, bingo cards, a bottle of

a room together. There’s far too much laughter,

wine in the client’s cabin and $200 toward shore

some sounding forced. In my opinion, it was distract-

excursions per person.

ing from the info they were trying to get across. The rules are that both people in a double occupanThis time, it was a very serious but an exuberant

cy must purchase the package, which means an extra

hour session announcing their new policy. NCL is

per-cabin cost of $1,798! If it is a triple or quad, you

going “all inclusive.” That is their terminology.

need to leave the others behind or else they will pay their way into the restaurants, excursions, and tips.

Let’s compare it to the way all-inclusives started. When I entered this industry, Sandals was one of the

That makes the program cumbersome for families trav-

first to use the expression. One price covered every-

eling with kids. Even if the parents want to go to the

thing – drinks, dining, gratuities – except the spa and

alternative dining, will they pay $30 or more to take the

use of some motorized vehicles.

kids? Will they pay extra for the children to go on the shore excursion the parents are taking at no charge?

Now, NCL, in their words, is all inclusive – as long as you pay $899 extra, per person, on top of the stan-

This may work for Europe or South America itineraries,

dard rate for a 7-night cruise.

but for the Caribbean? I don’t think so. In fact, I have asked the res agents about their success in selling it, and

One perk for us is that it’s commissionable. The all-

from the few I spoke to, they admit it is a very hard sell.

August 2014

13 Perhaps another reason it is a hard sell, is that the marketing department, decided to raise the cost on the cruise to then offer a 10% discount to those buying the extra addons. Somehow, I thought “all inclusive” means everything is already included in the base price - sorry for the repetition – not paying $899 per person to make it so. I wonder if they thought that they could emulate their parent company’s truly all-inclusive line, Regent Seven Seas. Well, to paraphrase Senator Lloyd Bentsen’s comment to Dan Quayle, “I know Regent, and NCL is not Regent.” I do think that there is some merit to the program, and maybe it will be adjusted for families, and it may work for places other than the Caribbean. But what irks me is the raise in the fare that went into effect immediately before this was launched. And what about a perk that would allow purchasers of the program to get preferred status for their reservations in alternative dining? Don’t give me the comeback that the clients can always pre-book the restaurants. It’s not how people think. Too many times after a day in the sun, or sightseeing, they may want to change their plans. If I bought that plan, I would want to try each alternative restaurant - and what if I couldn’t get in to them all? Royal Caribbean has an incentive that based on your Crown and Anchor history, as you build your status, you get more perks. One perk was complimentary happy hour with free drinks and snacks in one private bar area. Well, as the repeat passengers increased, more and more achieved this status, and it has overwhelmed the cruise line. First, it meant pouring drinks in paper cups, with maybe pretzels or nuts served. Now, rather than relaxing (continued on page 14)

Travel Agent Professional

14 in a private area, they are given vouchers for two

be a wait up to 18 minutes. Or at least that’s what

drinks to be used in any bar onboard, and both

they say – it’s really about up to 40 minutes. Can we,

drinks must be ordered within two hours. It will only

as agents, afford those long waits?

get more troublesome as more and more repeat passengers cruise. I hope they never change their

Please don’t comment that I should use Cruising

perk of giving a discount for an upgrade to a balcony!

Power. There are many instances, like triples and quads, that are not covered, or changing already

As long as I have included RCI in this column, what

booked and happy clients, so I have to call.

about their BOGO offers? Marketing geniuses have made this phrase successful with supermarkets,

When the first BOGO ended, I was pleased that

clothing stores, restaurants, and now a cruiseline.

things were back to normal. But lo and behold, within one week of ending, they continued it. Here we

But at my local supermarket, their BOGO is exactly

go again.

that. If I buy one banana bread the second one is free. They didn’t mark up the cost to cover the sav-

Promos have end dates, why was this one extended?

ings, it is the same cost. They can do that with their

Obviously, it’s either because they didn’t make their

minimum everyday markup and be successful. They

numbers or it was so successful they decided to sell

know it’s the loss leader that brings customers in and

more. Don’t they ever realize that people are getting

they will buy additional items at regular cost.

wise to these promos, and don’t always fell the urgency to book right away, since they know another

Royal Caribbean offers BOGO, but what they did

promo will be coming up?

was to raise the cost on the first cruise before offering 50% off the second person.

Oceania Cruises has a good track record for stating that the promo ends by a certain date and then

I was caught in that trap with group space for

telling you what the new promo is after that date.

upcoming cruises.

Viking River Cruises tries that in the beginning, but manages to sneak another one in.

What has made it a problem is that the line is marketing directly to my clients, people I have brought

I still have people who think that a cruise will drop in

to them in the first place. No, I don’t own these

price at the last minute to fill the empty space. Oh,

people. But what do I say when they call me and say

for the old days, when we dinosaurs were just

that a lower rate is now available? Well, with the

embryos in this industry, and our clients accepted

new higher rate and 50% off the second, their price

the rates as stated.

may be the same or a slight difference than the one I quoted before.

For the record, my folks never bought an Edsel. But I have driven one, and I thought it was so innovative.

And have you tried to call Royal Caribbean during

Its demise was that people were not open to

these promos? Even the phone message says it can


August 2014

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16 By

Three Wishes

Scott Koepf

A new musical based on an old movie which is based on a much older story has opened on Broadway. Aladdin is a great tale of overcoming the odds and making wishes come true. The fable is not so far removed from the life of a travel agent. The Magic Lamp, or more specifically, the Genie, grants three wishes to Aladdin. But it is what he learns on his journey, not the three wishes, that allows him to achieve his goals. So to that end, there are three wishes I think every travel professional needs to make and, more importantly, live out. Surprisingly (not really, if you have read this column over the years!) each of the three are best represented

Scott Koepf VP of Sales Avoya Travel/American Express

by a song from the musical! It may feel like you are running with a monkey on Just like the opening sequence in the show, travel agents,

your back, darting this way and that to stay on top

like Aladdin, must be nimble, smart and prepared to stay

of your business but as your competition gets bigger

one step ahead. In the case of agents, it should be one

and more aggressive it is imperative that you do stay

step in front of the competition, as compared to Aladdin

one jump ahead. This is done through scheduled

who was staying one step ahead of the law. As the

preparation. How much time each day do you dedi-

(slightly adjusted) lyrics make clear:

cate to sales techniques, marketing skills, product knowledge and working on your business instead of in your business? Make your wish to become unique

One jump ahead of the slowpokes One skip ahead of my doom

and indispensable come true by taking time each day to build your “reason to buy from you.”

Next time (I’ll ask before I assume)

The second wish is for those who contact you to

One jump ahead of the (online guys)

occur because a level of trust has been established.

One hit ahead of the flock I think I’ll (see my clients waving from the dock)

trust you. Sounds easy, but all successful sales will

The truth is that most consumers today do not know that travel agents exist or what they do. Yet most agents rely on providing good service

August 2014

17 as the primary reason to do business with them, and

In Aladdin, the Genie wasted no time to express

yet they don’t explain what this means.

exactly what role he was going to play for Aladdin (his new customer). Like your consumers, Aladdin was a

To make this wish come true, you have to craft a

bit overwhelmed and confused by this big blue guy, so

script describing what your ‘good service’ is very early

the Genie immediately cleared up what his relation-

in your conversation.

ship would be, as you should, with the following song:

Mister Aladdin, sir

The Genie did not wait to show Aladdin what he

What will your pleasure be?

would do or that he could be trusted. He simply told

Let me take your order

Alladin that he would be a friend like he had never

Jot it down

experienced before! In our competitive business envi-

You ain’t never had a friend like me

ronment you don’t have the luxury of waiting to

No no no

prove how good you are after the sale is made. You have to sing to them right away and tell them that

Life is your restaurant

“they ain’t never had a (travel agent) friend like you!”

And I’m your maitre d’ C’mon whisper what it is you want

Once you have established trust with your customer,

You ain’t never had a friend like me

then you can close the sale with the song made for travel agents. While I do not expect all of you to

Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service

actually sing this to your clients (although maybe a

You’re the boss

few of you), this is your opportunity to “romance the

The king, the shah

sale” and leave them thrilled with anticipation:

Say what you wish It’s yours! True dish

I can show you the world

How about a little more Baklava?

Shining, shimmering, splendid Tell me, (customer name), now when did

Have some of column “A”

You last let your heart decide?

Try all of column “B” I’m in the mood to help you dude

I can open your eyes

You ain’t never had a friend like me

Take you wonder by wonder Over, sideways and under

Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three

On a magic (travel) ride

I’m on the job, you big nabob You ain’t never had a friend, never had a friend You

A whole new world

ain’t never (never!)

A new fantastic point of view

Had a friend, like me!

No one to tell (you) no or where to go

Never had a friend like me!

Or say you’re only dreaming

Travel Agent Professional

18 By Rusty

What is Your Favorite Travel Show?

Pickett, ECC

Rusty Pickett, ECC Shellback Cruises


is your mind set for determin-

ing what travel show to attend? I hadn’t really thought about it until Leo Zabinski, current ASTA Treasurer, pointed out that we should all think about the shows we attend with a new mind set.

Traditionally, I picked the show that met my travel schedule foremost, and had the best ‘reputation’. But Leo pointed out that there is another dynamic — who does the show financially benefit? Virtually all travel shows are conducted both to educate travel consultants, and to generate revenue — sometimes significant funds. This observation made me think that I should re-evaluate the value show attendance. Do I really want to ‘fund’ a forprofit company who is accepting my funds for their own corporate vaults? Or do I want to attend a show sponsored by an association that I am a member of to generate funds so that my association can add value to my membership. In reality, many of the travel shows have the same group of supplier CEO’s, Senior VP’s, and trade show presentations, as each supplier knows that to not attend a show may be detrimental to future business. Therefore, many of the shows are quite similar, with only a few tweaks here and there to add uniqueness, not necessarily value. As a result, I have now changed my planning for show attendance to attend those shows that meet my travel schedule, and will benefit me indirectly in that my money will benefit those professional associations that I am proud to be a member of. What shows will you attend?

August 2014

Showcase Registration for the OASIS 2014 Sales Meeting is Now Open OASIS Meeting Adds Another Day of Training Registration for the fifth annual OASIS Sales Meeting & Get-Together is now open. The OASIS meeting will take place Nov. 4 & 5, 2014 at The New Tropicana. “Our event was held at this hotel last year and our agents loved it!” stated OASIS Vice President of Business Development Kelly Bergin. “200 million dollars of renovation has made this hotel a gem. It is small with excellent dining venues and the sleeping rooms are convenient to the conference area. You don’t feel like you are trying out for the track team to get to a meeting.”


“OASIS has added an extra day to our annual Get-Together because we were getting many requests for additional training in addition to supplier information” Bergin added. The extra day will include training on the OASIS proprietary cruise booking system, the Clientfor-Life marketing program, best practices, and Q&A.

ny for a variety of travel relat-

The OASIS meeting immediately precedes Signature Travel Network’s Sales Meeting and Tradeshow which is across the street at the MGM Grand. Combining the two events gives agents maximum exposure to training and networking. Both events are free to attend. “We want as many agents as possible to attend which is why we do not charge for these events. And this is the perfect time of year to attend these meetings” Bergin said. “It helps set the stage for the next year’s selling season which is right around the corner. Agents return home with new enthusiasm and ideas” Special rates at each hotel are available for participating agents. This year’s meeting will include OASIS Agent reward announcements; CLIA’s Dwain Wall will explain the new membership plans; Catherine Heeg will drop in to talk about social media marketing; supplier workshops; a big announcement about website development and a Hawaii Visitors & Convention Bureau luncheon. Highlights of the Signature meeting that OASIS Agents will be able to take advantage of include the new technology pavilion, the Diana Nyad (Cuba to Florida swimmer) keynote speech, and Mega prize drawings.

OASIS is a division of Smart Travel Group, Ltd. Headquartered



Raton, FL, Smart Travel Group is the holding compaed businesses. Founded in 1987 as Palm Coast Travel by CEO Lee Smolinski, the company




become one of the leading online cruise agencies in the U.S. Palm Coast Travel, the agency division of Smart Travel Group, is a full service travel agency. It is a member of Signature Travel Network, Iatan, ASTA, NACTA, ARC, OSSN, CLIA, and PATH. For more information please contact Kelly Bergin 561-3937274


or or visit

OASIS, the Outside Agents Sales Integration System, is a division of Smart Travel Group of Boca Raton, Florida. For more information about OASIS Agent visit or contact Kelly Bergin at 800-613-8380 extension 120, or by email at Travel Agent Professional

Showcase Enterprise Holdings Hires More Than 4,000 Military Veterans Since Joining 100,000 Jobs Mission Coalition Enlisting Veterans to Join its Ranks One of Several Initiatives in Support of Service Members Enterprise Holdings announced today that it has added more than 4,000 military veterans to its staff since joining the 100,000 Jobs Mission coalition in 2012. The 100,000 Jobs Mission brings together companies committed to hiring U.S. military veterans and military spouses. Enterprise Holdings, which owns and operates the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Alamo Rent A Car and National Car Rental brands, is one of 165 companies associated with the organization. Recently, the 100,000 Jobs Mission announced that it has hired more than 161,000 U.S. military veterans since its 2011 inception. Enterprise has hired nearly 1,000 military veterans since the beginning of 2014. “At Enterprise, we are always looking for smart, talented, ambitious individuals to join our ranks,” said Pam Webster, assistant vice president of talent acquisition at Enterprise Holdings. “Military veterans have had a lot of success within our company, and we will continue to recruit and hire even more former service members in the years ahead.” Enterprise’s commitment to the military goes back nearly six decades. The company is named after the USS Enterprise, one of the aircraft carriers company founder Jack Taylor served on as a U.S. Navy pilot during World War II. It is widely recognized as the most decorated warship in U.S. military history. Today, Enterprise Holdings’ support of the military focuses on three key areas – recruitment and hiring, local operations and community relations. Earlier this year, Enterprise Holdings updated its careers and recruitment website to feature information about its military heritage and ongoing support of veterans. The website includes employment opportunities for transitioning military personnel, veterans, members of

the National Guard and Reserve and military families. Enterprise Holdings not only established this robust military-focused careers and recruitment site, but also an online internal resource group for employees with military experience, where they are able to come together, share experiences and network across the company. The site also highlights the extraordinary stories of several Enterprise Holdings employees with military experience. Enterprise Holdings was also designated a Top Veteran-Friendly Company by U.S. Veterans Magazine, “Best for Vets: Employers” 2014 by the Military Times publishing organization, Most Valuable Employer for Military 2014 by and a 2013 Military Friendly Employer® by Victory Media, publisher of G.I. Jobs. Support of active military personnel is demonstrated by the recent agreement with the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM), which selected Enterprise Rent-A-Car as the contracted rental car vendor at 18 Navy Exchange (NEX) locations nationwide. The partnership provides these locations on-base access to car rentals, truck rentals and car-sharing services – providing a comprehensive transportation solution to meet diverse travel needs of service members. Even before the NEXCOM agreement, Enterprise was already serving 50 U.S. military bases. The Enterprise Holdings Foundation, the company’s philanthropic arm, donated $250,000 to the Fisher House Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides free or no-cost lodging to the families of veterans receiving treatment at military medical centers. The donation is being used for the operations and addition of comfort homes on the grounds of major military and Veteran’s Affairs (VA) medical centers.

August 2014

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Offering $9.99 Per Day Weekend Special Friday Through Monday Rentals Begin On Sept. 5 Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the world’s largest rental car brand, kicked off the fall travel season by announcing its annual $9.99 per day special weekend rate. The offer begins Sept. 5 and runs through May 18, 2015, at the majority of Enterprise’s U.S. neighborhood locations. “The $9.99 offer makes a weekend escape both attainable and affordable,” said Steve Short, vice president at Enterprise Rent-A-Car. “Enterprise makes the American road trip a lot easier with 5,500 offices located within 15 miles of 90 percent of the U.S. population, and we pick you up at your home or office.” Customers can enjoy weekend rates of $9.99 per day on economy and compact cars when renting Friday through Monday. The rate includes 300 free miles per weekend. Similar savings are offered on larger vehicles, and unlimited mileage packages are also available at most locations. Additionally, up to two extra days can be added to the Friday-through-Monday rental at a discounted rate. Programs exclude airport locations. Enterprise operates not only as a key provider for insurance replacement vehicles, weekend getaways and special occasions, but also as a local transportation alternative. For example, many consumers rely on mass transit during the week or simply cannot afford to purchase or maintain a vehicle on their own – so they often depend on local Enterprise rental service and take advantage of its great value. Visit for more information on Enterprise’s weekend special.

For more information about Enterprise Holdings, visit

Travel Agent Professional

About Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings and its affiliate Enterprise Fleet Management together offer a total transportation solution. Combined, these businesses – which include extensive car rental and carsharing services, commercial truck rental, corporate fleet management and retail car sales – accounted for $16.4 billion in revenue, employed 78,000 and operated 1.4 million vehicles throughout the world in fiscal year 2013. Enterprise Holdings, through its regional subsidiaries, operates the largest fleet of vehicles in the world through a global network of neighborhood and airport locations under the Enterprise Rent-A-Car, National Car Rental and Alamo Rent A Car brands. Enterprise Fleet Management provides full-service fleet management to companies and organizations with medium-sized fleets. Other transportation services marketed under the Enterprise brand name include Enterprise CarShare, Enterprise Rideshare, Enterprise Car Sales and Enterprise Commercial Trucks. Enterprise Holdings is the largest car rental company in the world as measured by revenue, fleet and employees. About Enterprise Rent-A-Car Founded in 1957 and known for an extensive network of locations, great value and outstanding customer service, Enterprise Rent-A-Car is an internationally recognized brand that was ranked on BusinessWeek magazine’s annual list of “Customer Service Champs” for four years in a row. Enterprise won Budget Travel magazine’s 2010 and 2011 Readers’ Choice Award as their favorite rental car brand for customer service around the globe.

Showcase National Car Rental Offers Free Rental Days Through Annual “One Two Free” Promotion Emerald Club Members Can Earn Free Days by Renting Vehicles, Participating in Bonus Activities National Car Rental, the award-winning rental car brand for business travel, is launching its annual One Two Free® promotion for registered Emerald Club members. Renters receive one free rental day* for every two qualifying rentals** of a mid-sized or larger vehicle (for two or more consecutive days). This year National has increased the opportunities to earn promotional points by adding options such as a GPS or by renting through Emerald Club’s newly launched Priority Service in Mexico. Members can earn up to 50 free rental days by participating in the promotion, which begins today and includes an earning period through Jan. 31, 2015. “This year’s ‘One Two Free’ promotion makes it easier than ever for Emerald Club members to earn free rental days,” said Rob Connors, assistant vice president of brand marketing for National. “National has added new rental and non-rental bonus-point activities to the program to offer our loyal customers more participation options.” Each qualifying car rental completed during the “One Two Free” promotion is worth 300 points, with a free day awarded once an Emerald Club member earns 600 points. Additional bonus points can be earned through both rental and non-rental activities, including: • Renting any size vehicle in Mexico (one-time bonus of 300 points upon completion of a rental) • Adding a GPS to a car rental (one-time bonus of 250 points upon completion of a rental) • Adding the Fuel Service Option to a car rental to prepay for a tank of gas (one-time bonus of 250 points upon completion of a rental) • Referring up to 10 friends to join the Emerald Club and “One Two Free” promotion (300 points per referred individual upon completion of a rental) • Downloading National’s mobile app (one-time bonus of

25 points), and using it to book up to four rentals (75 points per completed rental) • Utilizing Facebook social sign-in to connect to National’s “One Two Free” promotion site (one-time bonus of 50 points) • Participating in the Emerald Reserve service — for members who require a specific car class, such as a convertible, SUV, minivan, etc. — at Emerald Aisle locations (one-time bonus of 25 points upon completion of a rental) To refer a friend for the promotion, members can share the “One Two Free” registration link via email, Facebook or Twitter. Participating members receive 300 bonus points when a referred friend becomes an Emerald Club member, registers for the promotion and completes a qualifying rental by Jan. 31, 2015. Customers can join National’s Emerald Club at and immediately take part in the “One Two Free” promotion. There are no fees to join, and members enjoy expedited service at airports and free upgrades in National’s “Emerald Aisle,” an exclusive section of the lot where members can select any vehicle as long as they reserve a mid-sized car. Current Emerald Club members can register for the promotion at Free days earned for qualifying rentals through the “One Two Free” promotion are awarded in addition to a member’s chosen rewards earnings (frequent traveler miles/points or rental credits). Emerald Club members may track and redeem the free rental days they earn through “One Two Free” between today and June 15, 2015, by visiting Up to three free days can be redeemed per rental at any time, including weekends. In keeping with the speed and convenience of the Emerald Club rental experience, National notifies participants about their free rental days via email.

For more information about National, visit or and follow @NationalPro on Twitter. * Earned free day may be redeemed to cover base rate for a rental day but excludes taxes, governmentally-authorized or imposed surcharges, license recoupment/air tax recovery, concession recoupment fees, airport and airport facility fees, fuel, one-way rental charge, additional driver fee, or optional items, which shall be the responsibility of the renter. ** A qualifying rental is the paid rental, via the Emerald Club, of a mid-sized or larger vehicle at participating locations in the 50 United States, including the District of Columbia (excluding Canada), for a period of two or more consecutive days during the promotion.

August 2014

The TRAVELSAVERS Difference. ÷ Over 40 years of travel industry success ÷ Full staff of personal business consultants ÷ Unique protected territory system ÷ Excellent preferred supplier relationships ÷ Award-winning suite of marketing programs ÷ Social media tools ÷ Powerful technology solutions ÷ Proprietary cruise booking engine ÷ Website and mobile solutions ÷ Meeting and incentive resources ÷ Hotel program with rich amenities ÷ A full suite of corporate travel solutions ÷ Over 19 travel brands servicing you daily

We invite you to learn more about why our HNLUJPLZ HYL JVUÄKLU[ PU ;9(=,3:(=,9: HUK ^OH[ ^L JHU KV MVY `V\ *HSS \Z [VKH`

Auto Europe Offers A-ROSA 2015 Crusies, Larger Selection of Options, Early Booking Savings Auto Europe in conjunction with David Morris International, is offering A-ROSA Cruises for 2015 with now over 200 departures including Rhone/Saone, Rhine, Danube, Moselle and Main rivers in Europe. 2015 promises to be the year of choices on A-ROSA Cruises in many areas designed to allow guests the freedom to make their vacation one that fits their lifestyle and preferences that day. A sample of these increased options for 2015 include: Guests choose what to drink with A-ROSA’s open bar policy, not just wine and beer, and choose when they enjoy a drink starting in the morning until the wee hours of the night, not just during lunch and/or dinner. Guests also choose their own excursions to fit their activity level and interests, no excursions are “assigned” to them. In addition, guests can choose to enjoy their dinner two ways; from a 4course, plated service or a more casual, yet sumptuous buffet with cooking stations Also included for 2015 is

pre-paid gratuities, port taxes and fees, and complimentary Wi-Fi. All offers subject to change without notice Fares have been reduced on many of the 2015 sailings and with their early booking incentives, save $1000 per couple when you make a 2015 reservation by December 31, 2014. In addition, singles save more as every sailing has waived Single Supplements in at least one category and up to three children sail free with just one adult (Ages 2-15). Auto Europe services over 10,000 car rental locations in over 135 countries worldwide. In addition, through their tour division, Destination Europe, they offer scheduled airfare to Europe with over thirty carriers and service 3, 4 & 5 star worldwide hotels. For additional information, detailed itineraries, and also pre and post sailing savings on car rental services, chauffeur meet and greet at the pier and hotel services, contact Auto Europe at 1-855-552-7672

Fall Packages to Spain From $1,017, France $1,057 and Italy from $1,207 Customize Your Holiday With Economy, Premium and Luxury Options Auto Europe is offering customized packages to Spain, France and Italy to suit every traveler with Economy, Premium and Luxury options. These services are offered through Auto Europe's tour division, Fly International. Economy packages feature round-trip coach class airfare, 3 nights at a 3 star hotel and a 3-day economy class car rental. Premium packages offer an upgrade including round trip premium economy airfare, 3 nights at a 4 star hotel and a 3-day intermediate size car rental. For the upscale traveler, the Luxury packages include round trip business class airfare, 3 nights at a 5 star hotel and round trip private chauffeur transfers. For example, packages to Barcelona, Spain start at: Economy $1017, Premium $1957 and Luxury $3627. Packages to Paris, France begin at: Economy $1057,

Premium $1739 and Luxury $4799. Rome, Italy packages start at: $1207 for Economy, $2019 for Premium and Luxury starts at $4259. Hundred of additional city pair packages are also available or can be custom built. All package prices are per person based on two people traveling and based upon New York departures. All fares are subject to availability and can change without notice. Fares based on departures on September 1, 2014 through October 31, 2014. Hotel prices include taxes and breakfast. Additional city taxes may apply and will be paid locally. All car rentals are based on manual transmission including VAT, unlimited mileage, in Spain and France, Italy includes CDW and Theft Protection as well . Advance purchase and minimum stay requirements may apply. Fares are subject to availability and are subject to change until payment is received.

1 . 8 0 0 . 2 2 3 . 5 5 5 5 • w w w. a u t o e u r o p e . c o m 39 Commercial St., P.O. Box 7006, Portland, ME 04112

August 2014

Travel Agent Professional


TRAVELSAVERS Worldwide Independent Network Expands Into Romania TRAVELSAVERS Worldwide Independent Network (TWIN), a leading global travel management company, has expanded its European presence in Eastern Europe with the addition of Danubius Travel. This marks TWIN’s debut in Romania. “We’re delighted to welcome Danubius Travel into the TWIN family,” says Rick Mazza, President and CEO of TRAVELSAVERS Worldwide Independent Network. “It offers the superb level of service the clients of our agencies need, the overseas expertise they expect and a suite of services they want to help with travel budget management. It all makes Danubius Travel a perfect complement to our organization.” “TWIN is an ideal partner for us,” says Ciprian Popescu, Managing Director of Danubius Travel. “The power behind the organization is second-to-none. It provides us with the ability to tap into the expertise of travel professionals in more than 30 countries, allowing us to provide an even higher level of service, which in turn results in greater profitability.” Danubius Travel is not only a reputable DMC offering a wide range of services, but

it also has a strong corporate department with a comprehensive business travel program. Its program includes ticketing, transfers, budgeting tools and M.I.C.E. services. TWIN (TRAVELSAVERS Worldwide Independent Network) is a global travel management company that provides endto-end travel solutions for corporate clientele of all sizes. TWIN has an in-country presence in key regions around the world including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark , France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States. Leading travel management companies participate as licensees in this powerful network. TWIN provides the infrastructure, technology and resources to help them find new accounts, service multi-national accounts locally, obtain foreign business from other members, take advantage of inbound business, coordinate joint RFPs — and provide business travelers with the most efficient and professional travel assistance available.

To find out more about how to become part of the TWIN global network, independent travel agencies can visit, email, or call 516-624-0500 x5080.

August 2014

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The sea is calling. It whispers your name, inviting you to a place more beautiful than anything you’ve seen. Where light dances on the waves, and the gentle sound puts you at ease. Where you can enjoy a piña colada, a massage, ice skating and rock climbing all in one place. Only Royal Caribbean International® delivers the one vacation that’s a full sea of possibilities.


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