Travel Agent Professional Sept 2016

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Travel Agent Professional September 2016 Issue 45

Mark Conroy

The Need to Be Visible By Cindy Bertram





By Les-Lee Roland

Gonzo Marketing For Increased Cruise Sales

By Mitchell J. Schlesinger


MJS Consultants


10 Very Good Reasons for Post Brexit UK Travel By Paull Tickner

The Need to Be Visible By Cindy Bertram Cindy's Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC

Ad Index

Cover Photo: Silversea Cruises

Auto Europe .................................IFC

RCI ...............................................BC

Britain Greatdays.............................3

TRAVELSAVERS.............................17 .................15

World Travel Holdings ..................16

Travel Agent Professional


Owner of The Package Deal



The Libra Problem

Travel Agent Professional September 2016 Issue 45

Travel Agent Professional Staten Island, NY 10312 E-mail: Phone: 718.360.3153

Joel M. Abels Legend In the Travel Industry April 1927 to January 2007

Ann M. Hoek Publisher/Creative Design Bonnie Walling Editor Alan Cohen Vice President Marketing

Meet Our Editorial Board Paull Tickner, Creator of Special Interest Britain Cindy Bertram, Cindy’s Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC Mitchell J. Schlesinger President, MJS Consultants Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal Sue Shapiro, President Shapiro Travel Resources Rusty Pickett, ECC Shellback Cruises Sherry Laskin, ACC Travel Writer/NACTA Webinar Moderator This online magazine is dedicated to the memory of Joel Abels, Travel Trade's editor and publisher. Joel and his life's work may be gone, but with your help it can live on.

Travel Agent Professional has its roots in Home Based Trade, the first magazine of its kind, started by Joel Abels in 2004. Joel and Lenore Abels ran Travel Trade for nearly half a century – it was started by her grandfather, John S. Lewis, and her father, Sidney Lewis, in 1929, and they took the publication over after her grandfather’s passing. Under Joel’s direction, the company grew to be one of the travel agent industry’s leading publications, reaching more than 45,000 agents throughout North America. It spawned a famous series of trade shows and three monthly magazines – Cruise Trade, Tour Trade and Home Based Trade. The Abels also garnered enormous respect – Joel received the Neal Award, called “the Pulitzer Prize of the business press,” for his hard-hitting editorials. On a personal note, after working with Joel for over a decade and staying with him until the end, I grew to truly care for and respect the man. He was like a second father to me. Joel was old school, he stood by his word and believed in his work. There will never be another. While nobody can replace this industry legend, we’re hoping that this new publication, which reunites the original Home Based Trade editorial board, will be able to carry on his passion for travel and those who sell it.

Ann M. Hoek The opinions expressed in these columns are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Travel Agent Professional.

September 2016

Travel Agent Professional

4 The Libra Problem L e s - L e e

Sure I would learn more about destinations. Have loads of collateral I could carry back or order. Ideas for bucket list clients. But I had to rational-

R o l a n d

ize the cost expenditure versus what the potential profit would be for me. The organization is charging the exhibitors a lot of money for space that will draw a lot of travel agent traffic. If agents don’t show up in great numbers, they may not contract for future space. I have been lucky over the years to attend many shows in Florida, easily reachable for me by car. Or New York. I have attended the fabulous Cruise-A-Thon shows in Vancouver and Seattle. They were the brainchild By Les-Lee Roland Owner of The Package Deal

of Joel and Lenore Abel of Travel Trade Publications, and the grandfather of shows offering education, suppliers and ship inspections. All the current shows may be considered an offshoot of their nucleus. Also, I had to give consideration to paying my annual dues to another

I have been pondering about this col-

company. Probably, the most well known for the cruise industry. After

umn for awhile. Some thoughts I have

spending over $300 in dues per year for almost 20 years, what was I get-

written about over the years, but now

ting for my investment? An ID number, but it didn’t have any more clout

might be the time to elaborate.

than my IATA number. And their membership is more than one third less, and is more recognizable throughout the industry.

I have been inundated with E-mails about attending certain trade shows.

Education — without a doubt has a value. But after 20 years, what’s new

One in particular was from a major

in the education department. Although a rehash is always beneficial. I feel

organization in the travel industry. In the

like I am criticizing and defending at the same time. The Libra scales.

past, it had an extremely large amount of exhibitors who are suppliers, whole-

With this latter organization, I would receive a bonus coupon book. When

salers, boards of tourism. Well worth

I looked at the ones I had NOT used, it was because of the criteria I had

going for a couple of days. But this time,

to meet. Couldn’t be used on certain pricing, bonus commissions, etc. In

I would have to fly to a city, one I have

other words, to redeem them. I had to either charge my clients more, or

never seen before, which can be a

agree to take a lower commission. Another balance of scales.

plus. But the amount of $439 to walk into the exhibit hall, (less any host

Don’t get me wrong, this organization is very good at educating agents. I

agency discount) to attend, was so high,

was at one of their first weekend university classes. And I still remember

compounded with my hotel and air

that one instructor who used a bad choice of expressions when empha-

costs, far out of my budget.

sizing what a travel agent should be. A “whore”. He was booted out of there by the end of the day. My picture as part of the classroom atten-

September 2016

5 dees remained on their literature for years.

who left on a trip to Vegas and the also the National Parks. They had, previously, in passing, told me about their

But what I would like to see is that the suppliers who

needs and asked for suggestions and promised to get in

contribute to this organization allocate the time and

touch with me. I told them I had lots of info on the desti-

effort to reach out to the public. Educate the public on

nations and would order them the necessary guide books.

the merits of travel agents. Let the public know the edu-

They left yesterday, without ever following through with

cation that an agent must go through in order to add

me. Their mother told me the found everything online

some initials next to their name. How many hours of

and didn’t want me to go to any extra work and they

study and inspections, tests, travel to trade shows. All for

thought I couldn’t beat they rates they found. Their moth-

the benefits of having being an agent to share that exper-

er then proceeded to ask me about shuttles versus car

tise with the public- their clients.

rentals, day excursions, etc. She said she had told them if they did call me, they should feel obligated to book with

I have gotten 3 phone calls — yes not just E-mails — but

me. Just because they were taking up my time.

phone calls asking me to send in the dues. I have told each caller why I didn’t renew this year. And I told each

Occasionally there is a news report about how travel

one my reasons. Each one again asked if I wanted some-

agents can save you time in booking a trip. One cruise

one from the organization to call me and go into detail. I

line used to tell clients who booked directly with them,

replied that I would. And each time, we discussed what

that possibly if they used an agent they might get a lower

days or time would work out the best. In each case, it

rate. Honest to goodness — I had checked it out myself,

was within 24-48 hours.

and heard it. Of course the way they phrased it was not the greatest. “Travel agents will negotiate with you, and

Have I ever received a call? No! Have I tried calling —

they can discount the rates when our office

Yes! But when I called I left a message. Again, no return call.

cannot. Another cruise line exec, very high up, used to say that he didn’t want the public to do direct bookings. It

Certainly these organizations have budgeted for govern-

cost them too much to tie up their lines for the 5 to 7

ment expenses. I would think there are lobbies

calls the customer would make after booking to ask ques-

involved. But that is for Washington, and the public is not

tions. He said he lost between $35- $65 per inquiry.

aware — in most cases. So suppliers and organizations — What can you do? You Tourism for the US is a major commodity. Travel within

already send out press releases about the product. But

the US is monumental. Travel from other countries is

reach out more to TV shows, radio, newsprint, extolling

monumental. Travel from the US to foreign destinations

the knowledge and expertise of using a travel agent.

is still a crucial part of our business. The internet may be an encyclopedia of info, but some intelligent people still

And agents — part of this is your doing. Send out press

want to work with a professional.

releases when you achieve a certain level of expertise — a destination specialist, or 3 more initials to your

Yesterday I was with a friend who has 2 adult children

Travel Agent Professional

name. Don’t be a Libra — Go out and be a Lion.

6 Gonzo Marketing M i t c h e l l

and a disciple of Hunter S. Thompson, wrote a famous book

J .

entitled “Gonzo Marketing”. The book, much like Locke and

In 2001 Chris Locke, one of my favorite business thinkers,

S c h l e s i n g e r

Thompson, was ahead of its time as it related to the power of the internet and fragmented targeted marketing. The premise of the Locke’s philosophy and the book is the idea that traditional marketing on a mass basis is outdated and must be replaced by marketing that engages very targeted participants toward the consumer purchase cycle; awareness-comprehension-interest-inquiry. He asserted that the internet provides the opportunity to break the “mass market” into smaller fragmented micro markets of highly targeted customers and prospects. And the critical key element is that

By Mitchell J. Schlesinger Chief Marketing & Sales Officer, MJS Consultants,

businesses must become “participants and partners” with members of each micro market.

OK, so let’s translate to understand the impact of Locke’s philosophy on increasing cruise sales: During 1975-90, the modern cruise industry introductory period, was very focused on the Caribbean, Alaska and growing deployment in Europe. These 3 destinations conservatively made up 70% of cruise passengers. Therefore, the marketing and promotion of cruises was toward the mass of the American population during this more introductory period. After 1990, worldwide destination cruising exploded with original luxury pioneers Royal Viking, Royal Cruise were supplanted by ultra-luxury lines Regent, Seabourn, Silver Seas, followed by mainstream brands, Royal, Norwegian, Holland, Princess who began sailing to exotic destinations, the beginning of the development and mercurial growth of the river cruise industry and introduction of “deluxe” category lines Oceania and Azamara after 2000. So now in 2016, with SO many itineraries to all 7 continents and SO many different cruise brands offering SO many new and innovative product features, neither cruise lines or cruise sellers can address customers and potential customers on a “mass” basis. And this actually represents a HUGE opportunity for cruise sellers to increase cruise sales, sell higher priced products, and make significantly higher commissions.

September 2016


For Increased Cruise Sales BUT‌this requires professional cruise sellers to make

first sitting on lines with two dining seatings and want

changes to marketing and sales approaches retooling web-

interesting shore experiences with guides providing

sites, direct e-marketing messaging, public relations and

detailed descriptions. And in group scenarios it is impor-

social media to make sure that specific marketing messag-

tant to have a leader who is patient and empathetic.

ing is designed to match to specific target audiences. AND, that service levels also match the travel being pro-

From Oceans to Rivers; The allure of the river cruise seg-

moted in terms of customer appeal, and both cruise brand

ment presents an excellent opportunity to convert ocean

and geographical knowledge base. For example:

going cruisers who have touched points near major rivers into river cruisers. This is especially interesting for your

Millennials want a significant amount of freedom, and

clients who have sailed on smaller ships in those regions

self-selected choices, especially as it relates to dining

and are now ready to explore specific cities and cultures

and interesting experiences ashore. And the same

on the great rivers of Europe and Southeast Asia.

cruise experience that can appeal to a baby boomer can also appeal to a Millennial if the features of the

Onboard product features; Be it cuisine, wine, fitness &

cruise meet with their expectations as well.

wellness, etc., make sure that you are promoting these features to targeted clients, particularly on lines where

Families have very specific needs for their trips. To gain their

these are ongoing features and not just one off themes.

trust it is critical that you address their wants and needs

Cruising through the Mediterranean and spending days

before they ask. Parents want alternatives that provide a

ashore shopping with a chef or vising wineries has a

combination of together and alone time.

specific appeal to targeted clients.

And if is very

important that there are interesting activities onboard, flexible dining, plus kid-friendly/enriching experiences ashore.

Micro Targeting: It is critical that specific features and benefits of specific products be explicitly promoted to

Affluent travelers want excessive service and to feel very

specific target segments. For more mainstream products

important. They aren’t afraid to spend to get the experi-

and destinations this communication can be managed

ence they want, but still want to make sure it is a good

via E-mail, e-newsletters, e-zines, etc. For more particu-

value. It is important to ask many questions of affluent

larly upscale products, exotic destination and trips cost-

travelers to differentiate those who want a more relaxed

ing in excess of $5,000 per person, direct mail to very

environment versus those who want to be doted on

targeted lists is still an effective marketing approach, but

endlessly, to gauge how important upscale furnishings

remember in this scenario a smaller well targeted list

and dining and what specifically they expect from their

will produce better results than larger less qualified list.

shore experiences. The answers to this introspection must be included in communication and apparent as

As the cruise industry continues to enhance the variety of

products for the affluent as promoted on websites.

onboard programs, amenities and features and expands itineraries to destinations across the globe, savvy travel pro-

Seniors have their own selection criteria, starting with will

fessionals will take advantage of the opportunity to increase

they find other guests their own age. They usually prefer

sales and commissions through targeted marketing.

Travel Agent Professional


10 Very Good Reasons

P a u l l T i c k n e r

With economic data showing that the British economy is faring better than many experts predicted from Brexit uncertainty and with an exchange rate that has gone from $1.47 on 23rd June to $1.31 today, here are some eye catching reasons why NOW is the time for a short fuse UK trip. That said, the news gets even better for enterprising travel agents because everything I’ve listed here will take place all over again in 2017 which gives you a full year to convert at least one of these events into an even more valuable piece of new business.

By Paull Tickner I’ve been customising UK tours for over 35 years and if you need help in putting these showcase items into a wellconstructed and sensibly priced itinerary, email me at For more bright ideas, check out my website at

September 2016


for Post Brexit UK Travel Quilts & Malts This combination could appeal to couples where

suggest that they head for the great heritage city of

wives might enjoy 3 full days with quilters from all

Bath for the Regency Costumed Parade during the



Jane Austen Festival Did you know you can hire

Championships while their husbands head off to

period costumes and take part? Fans of the Queen

Dufftown for the Speyside Whisky Festival which

of Crime Writers need to go a little further into

takes place almost simultaneously in the Malt Whisky

England’s West Country to the English Riviera aka

capital of Scotland.

Torquay where they’ll be celebrating 100 years of






Oysters & Chocolate

Agatha Christie and the creation of Hercule Poirot.

an Ireland Gourmet Tour that will tickle the taste

Antique Fairs & London Markets

buds as it brings together some of the best Irish

Antiques aficionados will thank you for steering them

locations for food lovers? Talking of foodie ideas,

towards the Cotswolds where they’ll discover a plethora

don’t miss the The Chocolate Show in London.

of antiques shops. With those in Stow on the Wold,

Using the Galway Oyster Festival as bait, how about

Tetbury, and Broadway topping the list you should time

RHS Garden Festivals

their visit to coincide with the end of October

If your garden loving clients missed this year’s

Cotswolds Antiques and Decorative Arts Show, a must

Chelsea or Hampton Court Flower Shows, offer

for clients who are collectors, home furnishers and inte-

them a trip to the RHS Wisley Flower Show with

rior designers. Others will go for the 1700 indoor and

visits to privately owned properties still looking gor-

outdoor stalls at the International Antiques and

geous in early September. Alternatively, in October

Collectors Fair at Ardingly and the London markets at

steer them towards the RHS London Shades of

Bermondsey, Portobello, Spitalfields and Petticoat Lane.

Autumn show and a special tour of the Royal

Add the exotic Royal Pavilion, a visit to a privately

Botanic Garden at Kew.

owned castle and the extraordinary Dennis Severs

Jane Austen & Agatha Christie

House and you’re onto a winner.

If after hours of watching Masterpiece Theatre pro-

For help in putting these ideas into action

ductions Jane Austen or Agatha Christie are on your and check his website

client’s hit list and they’re in England in September,


Travel Agent Professional

10 C i n d y

The Need to Be Visible

B e r t r a m

Input from Mark Conroy, Managing Director, the Americas, Silversea Cruises No stranger to the cruise industry, Mark Conroy’s most recent past role was head of Regent Seven Seas Cruises — he was there for over twenty years. In February, Mark became Managing Director, The Americas, Silversea Cruises. Always known for been extremely accessible, Mark has been traveling across the country, a week and a half each month visiting travel agents. The travel industry is thrilled to have him back, and accessibility is something he’s well known for in his previous cruise leadership roles.

By Cindy Bertram Cindy's Inside Cruise & Travel Track, LLC

When I asked Mark why is accessibility so important, and what’s a good takeaway for

Last fall when I reached out to a savvy

travel agent professionals to

cruise line executive for some input and

use? Mark Conroy explains, “It

help, he mentioned, “Cindy, you need to

is important to be accessible to

be more visible to be found, and not be

make sure you have a sense of

a hidden gem.” It was a great tip, and

the market from the agents’

I’ve reworked my own strategy, along

perspective. Also, we compare

with implementing new tactics to hit my

their feedback with the infor-

key target and goal.

mation we get from our team along with what guests in our surveys and their correspondence

As the landscape of travel industry contin-

provide, to make sure we are well aligned.”

ues to change and evolve, the growth of the home based travel agent professional

Mark expands a bit more on this, explaining, “Agents on the

has become a viable one. Storefront retail

front line are typically the first to experience new trends that

travel agencies still exist, and with that

can affect business - what’s hot and what’s not, along with what

can bring more immediate visibility. In the

is working and what is not, before we do. So their feedback

case of home based travel professionals,

helps shape our ‘go to market’ strategy. The other reason to

ways to be visible in order to build ongo-

be visible and interact with agents? We are asking them to trust

ing clients and get referrals requires more

us with their most valuable clients. I have found when you

tactics, but ones that can be implemented

know an agent or agency and understand their business, they

using diverse ways.

are much more likely to trust you.”

September 2016


The Beauty of Working with Existing Clients Travel agent professionals are told that when building sales, working with existing clients is easier than going through the process of trying to find new clients. Mark readily agrees and mentions, “The beauty of repeat business is you know where the guest/client lives, how to reach them and hopefully what they like and dislike. You also have history and hopefully their trust.” He goes on further, “If clients or potential ones have experienced a cruise, they most likely enjoyed it and will be interested in sailing again. So when you offer them a more upscale experience like Silversea, you don’t have to sell the benefits of cruising because they’ve got that. All the agent needs to do is share with the guest the benefit of being one of few, versus one of many.” Mark then expands, “If they were on a premium or contemporary cruise, they also probably understand the variable cost/income model those companies use - it costs them more to get off the ship than it does to get on. With that knowledge, you, as their travel professional, can take them through our inclusive pricing. Initially upfront it looks high, but when you dive in you/they will hopefully realize the total cost of the luxury cruises on Silversea are fairly comparable.”

Travel Agent Professional

12 Creating the Virtual Circle Mark further explains that this is what creates a “virtuous circle.” It not only benefits the guest, but the agent who handles the booking, as well as the cruise line — in this case, Silversea Cruises. What occurs? The guest gets a luxury cruise vacation they did not know they could afford The agent make at least twice as much commission since we (Silversea Cruises) pay on the inclusive price and have fewer NCF’s. We, as the cruise line find a new customer which helps our load factor. Since we have about a 60% repeat factor on any sailing, both we and the agent develop a long term, profitable customer who will sail with us again and again.

The Positives River Cruises Bring Mark then brings out the positives the growth that river cruises have brought to the industry. He mentions, “One other point I would like to make is about river cruises. At first they attracted the coach tour client but have moved more mainstream and are attracting the experienced cruiser, which I think is great for Silversea.” He then explains, “Why do I say that? Well, what we have in common with river cruises is the limited number of guests, the personal service and their all-inclusive nature. So once a client moves from a large 3,000 to 5,000 guest ship to a 140 guest river cruise? They are much more likely to think that our 296 to 540 guest ships at Silversea are a better fit for them than going back to a mega ship. And of course we are not limited with facilities like a river cruise is.”

Creating More Visibility Mark has mentioned that in the past few years, Silversea Cruises has not been as visible, perhaps, as it should be, and this is an area they are focusing on. I asked Mark for some insights on the need for visibility when continuing to grow and build a successful company. He explains, “When you create a relationship with an agent/agency at a variety of levels including reservations, inside sales, the local sales director and senior management, it changes the dynamics of the business. So instead of being just another supplier, you become busi-

September 2016

13 ness associates/partner with a common goal of

“For experienced luxury guests,” Mark explains, “We

growing your mutual business profitably.”

offer them the opportunity to visit these areas in the comfort they enjoy, so they don’t need to rough it

Mark then expands, “When we help each other

to have the experience.”

grow our businesses, the agency becomes the ‘go to partner’ when we are driving business and we hope-

“Also at Silversea,” Mark mentions, “The great thing

fully become the ‘go to supplier’ for promotions and

we have found is that many of the guests who are

sales opportunities. Agents today have lots of

expedition focused are usually not cruise focused.

options and I am sure they are sometimes over-

They have the misperception that all ships are large

whelmed with data from all sorts of great suppliers. I

and crowded, with overstuffed buffets and the

am not sure how they keep track of it, but at the

ambiance of a theme park or shopping mall. They

end it should lead them to selecting the best suppli-

are only taking our cruise because it is the best way

er to focus on and work together.”

to get to the destination they want to see. But once they are onboard and experience the great personal

“I love to work with agents who have a large book

service, wonderful food, and interacting with other

of existing luxury business where hopefully we are

interesting people? They begin to rethink cruising

getting our unfair share of it,” Mark explains. “But I

and the jump from our 132 guest expedition ship to

am just as excited by an agency/agent with a large

our 296/382 guests classic ships, which is not too far

book of contemporary or premium clients, because

to go.”

we have an opportunity to grow our business together.”

Mark’s Advice for Travel Agent Professionals to Be Visible

Sharing Your Diversity and the Differentiating Your Brand

I asked Mark for suggestions on how travel agent

Silversea Cruises also has an expedition product

professionals can be more visible, and he provides

that brings luxury adventure while also providing

great suggestions. He notes, “Be proactive, not reac-

their guests with an opportunity not to leave their

tive. You should be in touch with your clients at

luxury brand. And this provides some differentiation

least once a month. Not in a harassing way but

for Silversea Cruises. Mark and I talked about ways

things as simple as birthday greetings to a post card,

for travel agent professionals to also find a way to

periodic emails or a phone call. We have promo

differentiate their brand. He mentions, “Every client

pieces and electronic tools that can help agents do

has their bucket list. And if they don’t, the agent


should help them develop it. For a well-traveled person, that list after the major cities and countries of

Mark also suggests, “Agents should attend our webi-

the world probably incudes some expedition desti-

nar to learn more about the ship and become an

nation including Antarctica, the Artic and the

expert. They should plan a client event which might

Galapagos, all destinations we service.”

feature us and a few other luxury suppliers. If they have client who has experienced Silversea, they

Travel Agent Professional

14 should ask them to bring their friend to the event. Agents should all have a Facebook page and website that tells both their story and the story of their preferred suppliers. They should also feature endorsements and accolades from happy customers. I guess another way of saying it? Be where the customer wants you to be and communicate with them in the way they like. By the way, if you are not talking to your client regularly, I am sure someone else will be.” Finally, Mark notes, “There’s one more key point about focusing on existing clients. If your serve them well, they are an excellent source of new business through referrals so they do the prospecting for you.”

A Few Thoughts Being visible, along with communicating with clients on an ongoing basis really says it best. You don’t want to be the hidden gem.

September 2016

Home-Based Travel Agencies Continue Dominance as Top Private Companies in FL Founded: Ke

Janua y 1, 2005

CruiseOne® & Cruises Inc.® Recognized by South Business Journal andoCFlorida Trend xe cutiFlorida s: Tolk in, -C hairma n and CEO

Tolki o-Chairmanand CEO e Cash,SV P, Techno logy About CruiseOne® and & Operation Da rooks,SV Cruises Inc.® ises I e Fiorino ,SV P, /Cru CruiseOne® and Cruises Inc.® are part Do n Gra Ch iefFinan of World Travel Holdings, the world’s Shero ta, SV P ,Hoanduse Brands largest cruise agency award-win“These two recognitions along with the Top Workplaces Award we won earlier this year from the South Florida Sun Sentinel are ning leisure company. Cutravel stome r CruiseOne Ca a testament to our corporate headquarters team and the support is aMana franchisegin opportunity, and Cruises James g Dire WTH they provide to our network of home-based franchisees and Cole, Leading home-based travel agencies CruiseOne® and Cruises Inc.®, which are part of World Travel Holdings, continue to dominate the travel agency sector of private companies in Florida. The South Florida Business Journal and Florida Trend included the agencies on their annual lists of Top Private Companies based on revenue for the fifth and third year in a row, respectively.

independent vacation specialists,” said Debbie Fiorino, senior vice president of CruiseOne and Cruises Inc. “We truly believe that the success of our agents is our only business. These accomplishments validate our efforts in making business dreams come true and inspire us to continue providing the best allaround support, services and resources in the industry.”

About WorldTravel Holdings:

Inc. is an independent business opportu-

nity; both business models provide a work from home opportunity to those

ld Tra veinterested in becoming gs isath e ofwo part therld winning leisu veindustry. l ompa c With a mission with a por exciting travel of delivering a remarkable experience, ing own some of For five years in a row the regional business magazine South .In addition to both companies, offer theirrt customers Florida Business Journal has ranked CruiseOne and Cruises Inc. reso vacations cruis villa on its annual Top 100 Private Companies list and this year the the lowest possible pricing on vacations. gs has a vast ld Tra ve po home-based travel agencies jumped up five spots and ranked For more information on CruiseOne, 26th. pa ships comprised of top leis ur visit .airline ,lead hotel nd bra s evbusiness ery U.S Florida Trend is a statewide magazine focusing on the, and politics that shape Florida, and it ranked CruiseOne and vel company likeo theop erates -rated tra Facebook page Cruises Inc.182 out of 225 private companies that are tered in Florida. The only travel agency on this prestigious list, this l host ncy, and is country is the third year in a row that CruiseOne and Cruises Inc. have anchise and follow at indu wo rkon Twitterme employme been included. a@Dream_Franchise. For more informaincludes ope ra ned and CruiseOne and Cruises Inc. are looking for individuals who are tion on Cruises Inc., visit the Un ited ingd K om. Wor passionate about travel, helping others and are eager to go into in and become a fan business for themselves, but not by themselves. For more inforIsland ,NY, onWFacebook ilm ington ,Mass.,F Laud at mation on joining these award-winning agencies, please visit to learn more about d Chorle anowning ingd om. a CruiseOne travel franchise, and visit to learn more about the Cruises Inc. host agency.


September 2016


TWIN Extends Global Reach in India Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt Ltd, owned by the well-known Katgara Group has joined TRAVELSAVERS Worldwide Independent Network (TWIN). Their strong leadership and management skills have positioned them to become India’s leading travel company known for their expertise in destination management, group and individual tours, corporate travel, domestic and international vacations. With offices in nine locations in India the company employs over 250 travel professionals whose experience, professionalism and knowledge ensure that every traveler’s needs and expectations are exceeded. Their services include: 24/7 assistance, domestic and international ticketing, Visa/Passport/travel insurance assistance, hotel bookings, transfer arrangements, foreign exchange, corporate incentive programs, conferences and much more. “TWIN offers us the ability to increase our global presence and buying power for corporate travelers so that we can translate that business into personalized leisure travel,” says Mr. Homa Mistry, CEO, Trail Blazer Tours India Pvt Ltd. Mistry added, “delivering superior service to our clients with personalized care through memorable vacation experiences is our passion, being part of TWIN will enable us to offer them extraordinary travel savings and exclusive offers.”

ABOUT TRAIL BLAZER TOURS INDIA PVT LTD: Trail Blazer Tours India’s (TBi) Chairman & Managing Director, Jehangir Katgara, is a stalwart in the travel industry for over 30 years. Mr. Katgara and Trail Blazer Tours believe that travel is the best educator of all, promoting peace and understanding. That integrity, innovation and service are crucial to success. TBi offers their

“We welcome Trail Blazer to our global network. The India market is growing swiftly and this firmly established agency further deepens our presence in the country. TWIN in-turn gives Trail Blazer opportunities to collaborate with colleagues around the world for their in-country support and to share new business initiatives,” says, Rick Mazza, President and CEO of TRAVELSAVERS Worldwide Independent Network. ABOUT TWIN: TRAVELSAVERS Worldwide Independent Network (TWIN), is a global travel management company that provides end-to-end travel solutions for corporate clientele of all sizes. Leading travel management companies participate as licensees in this powerful network. TWIN provides the infrastructure, technology and resources to help them find new accounts, service multi-national accounts locally, obtain foreign business from other members, take advantage of inbound business, coordinate joint RFPs – and provide business travelers with the most efficient and professional travel assistance available. TWIN has in-country presence in 5 continents.

clients the best of personalized services, backed by years of knowledge and experience. Their employees realize an environment where they can excel personally and add to the success of their company. TBi is a place where everyone wants to work.

To find out more about how to become part of the TWIN global network, independent travel agencies can visit, email, or call 516-624-0500 x5080.

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