Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali - SCORP PR&C Assistant Candidature 2019 - 2020

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Motivation Letter


Plan Of Action


Curriculum Vitae


Motivation Letter

Dearest SCORP and IFMSA Family,

In a world full of injustice and inequalities, troubled with war and terrorism, a world where social norms have made it so arduous for «different» persons, anyone who is brave enough to stand up and challenge the status quo deserves to be heard. Because let’s face it, the odds today are against the good. Those courageous people that never get tired of fighting for their beliefs may just be our only hope to aspire for a better future. Which brings us to our members, the SCORPions, human rights defenders of our federation. Let’s stregthen their voice, let’s solidify their platforms ! Lets make their efforts more visible.. But how would we do that ? My answer to this question lies within the plan of action that follows this letter, because I, Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali, a PASSIONATE SCORPion from Algeria, am beyond excited and honored to be applying today to the position that will be in charge of all what is mentioned above, the SCORP Public Relations and Communication Assistant of the term 2019 - 2020. It all started in November 2016. Shortly after my recruitment, I proposed the idea of an activity called «Their Fight Story» about child cancer. It wasn’t that innovative of a topic, or that original of an -on the ground- activity; it was a conference. But what made it special, was the promotion we made for it. It had the new idea of opening a Facebook Page and gather testimonies from people, creating a video with a words’ concept, and I even went to write and perform a song for it. And to my surprise, everyone adored the idea and gave me creative freedom. I was always found about PR, but it was during the creation of that plan and event, that I realized the magnitude of impact an idea can have, if properly promoted. And believe it or not, Their Fight Story is till talked about today ! A year after, I became LORP and evidently had more liberty within the activities and within the PR&C methods. I found my interest in doing campaigns and creating visuals growing activity after activity. And during the same year, I found out about the SCORP structure. And I‘ve been since then extremely intrigued about the SCORP PR&C on an international level. By the end of that year, I was elected as NORP of my NMO. And as a new and growing NMO, we needed to create a proper base. At least I saw that to be convenient for SCORP. A first, I tried conducting basic activities for assessment. I remember doing an online campaign on blood donation with our NPO, and as much as we tried to make it happen, it felt short. Because the members were not engaged. It was predictable and I understood the importance of members’ participation. This is why, I dedicated my national mandate to the creation of all sorts of bases to my SCORPions, to reinforce their interest in the work of their NMO. And for this specific objective, my biggest inspiration was the work of the General Assistant by trying to apply it on a smaller scale. And today, I‘m immensely proud of our accomplishments, 3 national campaigns, 2 new toolkits and a database! By the same time, I managed to reinforce my knowledge on IFMSA’s international work by being on AM19’s SCORP Sessions ‘ Team in Taiwan, and a sPRead it! trainer during the pre-AM19, IFMSA’s own PR&C workshop with the greats ! This briefly explained journey hasn’t always been an easy one, but it had led me to learn that the combination of PR and Human rights equals magic, and that the members are truly the backbone of every institution. It had led me to ask you today to give me the opportunity to continue doing what I love the most. To contribute in the mission of taking SCORP to newer heights, to honor my NMO and SCORPions, by being the SCORP Public Relations and Communication Assistant of 2019 - 2020. With Peace, Love and Sincerity,

Mohamed El Amine YOUCEF ALI

Plan OF Action

My plan of action as PRCA has been thought of as a combination of the preservation of some PR&C tasks previously performed by the GA and the addition of some new actions for this term and specific to this position. In order to guarantee all tasks are taken into account and the position is developed into its full potential. It will be divided into 4 key concepts for internal work, 1 for external work, and 1 for my active contribution and engagement within the IT and the overall work of SCORP


«Establishing effective means of communication» 1 - The SCORP platforms are the pillars of our members’ involvement, the visibility of our work our most effective means of communication. This is why, I will start the term by doing a campaign on the SCORP platforms : - Starting by a baseline assessment of the knowledge our members have on the platforms, how to use them, and possible changes to make them more visible/accessible. - Following the assessment, I will conduct first, a Webinar on the SCORP platforms while taking into consideration the information collected from the assessment to address any specific gaps. - I will then promote the SCORP platforms on the facebook group by dedicating a separate post to give an overview on each platform and on how the members could participate and get involved. 2 - Regularly update the SCORP Database, the SCORP events guide and the SCORP active map in coordination with the IT. 3 - Regularly update the members through the facebook Group to ensure an effective flow of information on the work of SCORP in coordination with the SCORP D 4 - SCORP newsletter : I will Continue to publish the newsletter on a trimestrial basis. - Keep the actual structure and add 2 new columns to the newsletter : One for members to share the obstacles encountered in their NMOs, for the IT to propose solutions when possible. And connect them to other NMOs that perhaps faced similar issues or are right now in the same situation. One for members to share Ideas or activities about SCORP collaborations with other standing committees. - Ensure the sustainability of the newsletter and its continuity to be a safe place for the members to express themselves and share experiences, by continuous discussions and coordination with the RAs to highlight all the diverse hidden topics and accomplishments exposed during their respective NORPs meetings, RMs, GAs… 5 - Coordinate with the RAs in order to ensure the promotion of all SCORP platforms on a regional level. And assist them with the promotion of their current regional platforms as well. 6- Assist the SCORP Director in the creation of the Alumni Database.

2- INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGNS «SHOW your passion, let’s be more visible»

1 - The SCORP international campaigns are one of our strongest suits, when it comes to our members’ involvement in the international work, but also regarding the awareness we raise within our communities through IFMSA’s social media channels. The actions that I am taking aim to strengthen our way of achieving these 2 objectives: - I will start by creating an annual plan in coordination with the IT, putting the dates of all the international campaigns while focussing on World Human Rights Day, International Women’s Day, World Refugee Day and International Peace Day, to ensure stainability within the last years. - Explore the possibilities of collaborations with other standing committees for campaigns to take advantage of the diversity of focus areas our Federation possesses, and enrich our members knowledge on the overarching concepts between them. 2- Content of the campaigns : - Establish a multi-regional approach that will be discussed with the RAs while making their Annual Working Plans to serve two purposes: - Create a content that is more globally diverse, usable and relevant to all regions that will be shared through the General Facebook Group, and that by having input from RAs. - Create a more detailed and specific content for each region within the same campaign in coordination with the RAs. - Create a campaign toolkit before the beginning of each international campaign for the members to use while implemeting their local/national activities. (While also updating existing ones). I will also try to be realistic with the timlines and put buffer time in order to insure the release of the toolkits before the launch by a minimum 10 days. And while keeping the traditional infographics, I’ll also try to include new methods such as videos/moving infographics to make the content more diverse. - Ensure the inclusion of the Global priorities when choosing the subtopics of each campaign. 3- Impact of the campaigns : - Conclude an Impact assessment after each campaign and collect feedback from members. - Collaborate with the VPPRC and his team to ensure high quality of online campaign materials, and share the campaigns through IFMSA social media platforms. - Include campaign evaluation to assess all aspects of each campaign for continuous improvement. 4- Every campaign will be prepared by a SWG selected through a call that will be promoted through all Facebook groups. Yes we CAN The members of the! SWG will be chosen with the IT and by taking into consideration regional and gender representation.


«Never about the members without the members» Our standing committee is in continuous evolution thanks to our members’ efforts, involvement and participation. The least we can do is to provide them with all needed tools to facilitate their national/ local events. Beside the SCORP platforms mentioned above, there are 3 important pillars of our work that need more promotion within the members to ensure efficiency of our efforts and sustainability of our work: Global Priorities, SCORP related Programs and the SCORPions drive. 1) The global priorities are part of our main focuses. This is why, in my opinion, more efforts should be dedicated in this direction to give a wider overview and more resources to the members: - I would promote the global priorities in the beginning of the term whenever suitable and make sure to include them in the subtopics of the International campaigns. - Create and share the Global Priorities toolkit by the beginning of 2020 to insure members understanding of the GPs focus areas and enough capacity for them to promote and conduct activities on a local / national level. 2) SCORP related programs: in coordination with the GA and PCs, promotion of the SCORP related programs by giving an overview on each program through webinars; and giving examples of activities for each program. 3) The SCORPions drive: This is one of our most useful tools that, in my opinion, is not promoted and known enough by the members. -First, I would do a thorough assessment of its efficiency while also having input from the IT and from the members. -I would then adapt its structure and content according to the needs of the members and to include an archive of all possible SCORP tools. -Regularly update it throughout this term while also insisting on a well-designed structure to ensure its sustainability. -Ensure the sharing of the link to the SCORPions drive with every call, opportunity and important update. And to share it a long all SCORP platforms in a pinned publication to the Facebook Group.


- Promote IFMSA’s PRC opportunities such as sPRead it! While exploring the possibility of creating a version with a human rights content in coordination with the VPPRC and the DA, or incorporating SCORP PR&C sessions in already existing SCORP workshops. - Coordinate online sessions and training webinars to build members capacity in PRC for SCORP, support them with PRC in their NMOs and give them an insight on SCORP platforms and channels in coordination with the VPPRC and the DA. And that by doing a full online trimestral course with different PRC passionate SCORPions selected in every course. - Continuous baseline assessment of the SCORP platforms (on a trimestral basis) in order to identify weaknesses and s trengths taking measures to ensure their sustainability and to improve the platforms whenever needed. - Continuously assess the SCORP publications and materials to ensure that they are created in a user-friendly manner, and in line with our corporate Identity guidelines - Ensure that SCORP’s identity, brand and image is well represented, not only in line with the PR strategy of the federation but also very clear to the members to ensure its sustainability. - Create a proper handover manual and meetings to be handed to the succeeding PRCA.

5 - EXTERNAL WORK « Ecternal whaaat ?»

- Our external work is the result of our members’ internal efforts. But its process, importance and results are not very well known by the members that are in fact the people represented in all of these meetings. Thus I will focus on: 1 - Creation of a database for all our external work (as a new SCORP platform to be shared with the members), in coordination with the LRP to include previous policy statements, external partners, and the outcomes of all previous external meetings that is regularly updated. 2 - In coordination with the LRP, coordinate webinars/sessions/or even campaigns to promote involvement and participation and increase members’ interest in external representation. 3 - Explore new channels to promote external representation opportunities. 4 - Assist the LRP in PRC whenever asked.


- Actively participate in IT OLMs, one on one OLMs with the Director as well as other meetings when relevant. - Assist the RAs with their regional campaigns and the IT in the overall promotion of their respective tasks as well as serving as a Link between PRC team and The SCORP IT. - Attend both general assemblies and possibility to attend the EMR RM. And Assist the SCORP D in the promotion of GAs’ SCORP sessions and RAs in their RMs’ SCORP sessions if asked. - Follow up on the usage of the IFMSA Corporate identity in the various SCORP publications, and ensure that data collection efforts are aligned with IFMSA privacy policy as well as the GDPR.

Curriculum Vitae

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali Candidate for SCORP PR and Communication Assistant


CONTACT Tel : +213561764944 Email : Adress : Cité Sakiet Sidi Youcef, Constantine, Algeria Facebook : /amine.yali Instagram : Amineyali Twitter : @amineyali

SKILLS Social Media Manipulation Public Relations Communication Graphic Design Video making and editing Storytelling Public Speaking Leadership

IT SKILLS Google G suite Adobe Creative Cloud : Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Pro - Adobe After Effects Online Tools : Canva - Designbold Powtoon Quick - Videoscribe Microsoft Office

- Tarek Ben Ziad High School - Baccalaureat S/Maths 2012 - 2014 - Faculty of Medicine - University Constantine 3 2014 - 2021

IFMSA EXPERIENCE LOCAL : - Coordinator of « Their Fight Story » - February 2017. - Local officer on Human rights and Peace 2017 - 2018LC Constantine - Lesouk Algeria - Co-coordinator of « What Do You Know About Human Rights? » in collaboration with SCOME. World Human Rights day 2017. - Coordinator of « Doctor or patient , I am human » : a 3 events campaign on ethics and human rights in medicine. February - March 2018 - Coordinator of « My suffering is not funny, #Manich_ Mahboul » : a month and a half campaign on Mental health and Mental health based Stigma. April-May 2018 NATIONAL: - National Officer On Human Rights and Peace 2018 - 2019 Lesouk Algeria - Co-coordinator of «Today for you, tomorrow from you» in collaboration with SCOPH- June 2018. - Coordinator of «Medicine Between Science and Humanity» : Online campaign on ethics and human rights in medicine. World Human Rights day 2018. - Co- cordinator of The National Teddy Bear in collaboration with SCOPH. - Coordinator of «Once A Refugee, Always A Human Being» : Online campaign for World Refugee day 2019. REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL: - Member of Cirta Camp OC Team : TNHRT Coordinator March 2018. - General Delegate at the EMR 15 Regional Meeting - SCORP Sessions - Muscat, Oman - February 2019. - Member of the Task Force on the EMR Strategy - March 2019 - August 2019.

OTHER RELEVENT EXPERIENCE - Writer for Nucleus Web SEO Agency - Summer 2018 Generations For Peace, Arlem - Art For Peace : 15 sessions program on Human Rights , GBV and the integration of PR&C in HR, campaigning, and PR&C tools and Skills.

- Head of Delegation and SCORP Sessions’ Team member at the August Meeting 19 - Taipei, Taiwan. - SWG on the sPRead Toolkit - September 2019. Other Mentions : - Writer of 3 articles published in The SCORP Newsletter Candidature for SCORP and Communication Assistant and one article published in IFMSA Magazine MSI. - Presenter and winner of 2nd at the EMR 15’s activities fair with Swtich ! - Coordinator of 6 activities in the SCORP database. - Apperance in WHRD map 2017, WHRD map 2018 and the «Think Equal» video for International Women’s Day 2019.

PR&C EXPERIENCE LANGUAGES Arabic : Native French : Fluent English : Fluent

HOBBIES Music : Singing - Songwriting and playing multiple instruments Occasional Acting

- « Their Fight Story » : PR Coordinator - In charge of the Facebook Page - Design and Layout of some posters Producer and editor of the campaign video - Writer and performer of the campaign music. - « Doctor or patient , I am human » : In charge of the Facebook Page, and the online promotion - Design and Layout of some Posters. - « My suffering is not funny, #Manich_Mahboul » : PR coordinator - In charge of the Facebook Page and the online promotion. - «Medicine Between Science and Humanity» ; PR coordinator - online promotion and Producer and Editor of the campaign video. - «Once A Refugee, Always A Human Being» ; Coordinator of the national SWG - Creation of an infographic video Desigh and Layout of The WRD 2019 National Guide. - Desigh and Layout of the SCORP National Guide. - Assisted the SCORP GA in the PR Plan for the promotion of AM 19 SCORP Sessions . - Took part in some of the tasks of the Love Campaign - Am 19 - Currently working on the Love Campaign video to be published soon.

WORKSHOPS ATTENDED - Participant : Training New Human Rights Trainers - Cirta Camp. Constantine, Algeria. March 2018. - Trainer : sPRead It - PreAM19. Taichung, Taiwan. - Trainer : Human Rights For Medical Practitionners : Stigma and Discrimination in Healthcare - SCORP Camp 19 Turkey.

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