Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali - Candidate for IFMSA Vice-President for PR and Communication 2020-2021

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Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali

CANDIDATURE IFMSA Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication 2020 - 2021

Table of Content List of Abbreviations


Motivation Letter


Plan of Action


Leadership and teamwork 07 IFMSA Image and Identity 10 14 Capacity Building IFMSA’s presence and Collaborations 15

Curriculum Vitae


Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

Abbreviations IFMSA - International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations VPPRC - Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication NMO - National Member Organisation VPA - Vice-President for Activities VPM - Vice-President for Mmbers VPF - Vice-President for Finance VPBC - Vice-President for Capacity Building LO - Liaison-Officers D - Director GA - General-Assembly RM - Regional-Meeting CI - Corporate-Identity SM - Social-Media CB- Capacity-Building SCORP - Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace. EB- Executive Board TO- Team of Offcials IT- International Team MM- March Meeting AM- August Meeting


Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

Motivation Letter Dear NMOs, IFMSA Family,

Today, the world is witnessing a critical period that will mark modern history. Between the irrecoverable damages of climate change, the breakout of multiple fatal epidemics and the human rights violations oppressing people in all regions, there is a huge flow of information crossing the world every little minute.. The world is shifting rapidly, and with this huge flow of communication, so are its means. As the biggest worldwide students organisation, we need to adapt to these events, as they fall under our fields of Advocacy. Thus, we also need to shift.. We need to adopt these new ways of communication. Not only because they increase our capacity to cover these global health events, but it’s also because of the fact that communication plays a vital role in our Public Relations. It strengthens our position between health stakeholders and advance our advocacy efforts. In this big whirlwind, Public Relations and Communication might seem complicated . Covering numerous amount of very specific skills ranging from graphic design, social media management, marketing strategies, website processing..ect It might seem complicated yes, But for me? It is a passion, and a life fulfilling journey. Before diving into PR and Communication, let me introduce myself first.

My name is Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali a 6th year medical student from Algeria. And I am going to tell you about the journey that has led me to writing this letter today. It all started 4 years ago, when I filled this form on facebook to join my LC. Little then I know then, that simple form was about to change my life. I have joined SCORP in my LC, and it wasn’t much time before I proposed my first activity. The topic wasn’t that original of idea, but all what I focused on then was how to reach the maximum of people through Social Media and how to be creative in the promotion. At that time, I didn’t know much about these big fancy words. But Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


when you look at it, my entire plan was about PR and communication, almost instinctively And the activity has reached a success that is still talked to until today. After that activity, my popularity within my LC has been boosted. To the point that I became LORP the year after, and NORP eventually. As LORP, I had some sort of creative liberty, and I found myself organizing campaign after campaign. it was also the same year when my designs were posted for the first time. I was eager for knowledge and capacity building, on both human rights and and PR&C skills. This is why I started teaching myself through online videos, reading manuals and guides, trying out software... ect Coming from a NMO that have always wanted to reach an IT, or the IFMSA TO but couldn’t, members started placing their bet on me, and encouraging me to maybe succeed and reach the «International Team» milestone. So I became NORP. NORP to a non experienced group of LCs, without any bases to build up on. And that is when I understood the utility of PR. I started trying to organize activities, but members were not interested, they were not even understanding the concepts shared with them. And I so I turned to campaigning, and to building national databases. Little by little, the national FB group started coming life, members’ engagement increased considerably, and I ended up designing our first National guides, creating our first national database with the LOs, and having multiple successfull campaigns under our belt. During that term, my main inspiration was the SCORP GA which was responsible for SCORP PR&C back then. I used to watch everything done by the GA and try to apply it on a national level, dreaming that maybe one day, I will reach that position. And after having successfully delivered the sPRead it workshop in preAM19 with 2 IFMSA VPPRCs, and being a part of the sessions team of that same AM. Here I am today, the SCORP Public Relations and Communication Assistant as part of the SCORP IT of 2019/2020. Being part of a the only standing committee that has a position that focuses solemnly on PR&C has given me a huge advantage in our federation. As I am able to focus all my attention on our publications, platforms and campaigns. But also have an overview of the work of IFMSA’s VPPRC. As I am the link between him and the SCORP IT. And at the same time, this position has enabled me to see the PR&C disparities between standing committees and really understand Public Relations and Communication formalities within our federation. This is why today, I believe that I am fully able to take on this next challenge, to become part of IFMSA’s leadership as Vice-President for PR and Communication. My passion and understanding of PR&C has never been stronger. And If elected, I pledge to take our federation’s image and Identity to a new level of consistency, increase members’ engagement in our activities and build their capacity, and amplify our impact and our notoriety between health stakeholders. With peace, love and sincerity, 05

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

Plan of Action This plan of action has been conceived after a thorough consultation of IFMSA official documents that define the tasks of the VPPRC: Bylaws and constitutions And after reading strategies, minutes, reports, and following closely on the work of the VPPRC of 2018- 2019, and of 2019- 2020 After an analysis of the current Public Relations and Communication situation within our federation, I decided that my priorities for the upcoming term will be the following:

1. Ledership and Teamwork

2. IFMSA’s Image and Identity

With the EB, TO and the IT

Through a regulated framework for publications and platforms

3. Capacty Building

4. Presence and Collaborations

Through Workshops, GAs and with the TO

Through our Role In Social Media and Sponsorships

Please note that this plan of action will be flexible and discussed with the EB after the elections. And that I will to take the time from MM to the beginning of the term to ensure a detailed and rigorous planning of all actions mentioned in this document.

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


1- Leadership and teamwork “A world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally” The realisation of the vision of our beloved federation has never been dependant on a single person, but a collaborative effort between numerous teams that take on its leadership and between these teams and the NMOs, *Our members* that are the backbone of our federation. If elected, I pledge to fulfill my leadership role and to contribute to the creation of a healthy collaborative space within the teams, within the executive board, the Team of Officials, the Public Relations and Communication International team. 1- The Executive Board: “The Executive Board is the managing body of the IFMSA and is responsible for the work of IFMSA between the General Assembly Meetings, within the mandate, guidelines, and decisions provided by the General Assembly” And through my experience as an IT member, an ex acting NMO president and an ex National Officer, I have acquired considerable leadership experience, and will take on the following actions to contribute to the management of our federation: Actively participate in decision making discussions and provide input and suggestions when relevant. Actively participate in/conduct OLMs with the EB. Express my opinions in a mindful way that promotes a good IFMSA leadership image. Support members of the EB and take on bureaucratique tasks when needed. Create good links and establish solid mental health support system. Consult IFMSA Allumnis, and previous VPPRCs as experienced and knowledgeable advisory bodies. Support the EB in the coordination of technical aspects of plenaries during the GAs. This term will also mark 2 important events for our federation: The drafting of IFMSA Strategy 2021 - 2024: I will use my experience as member of the Task Force on the EMR Strategy 2018 - 2021 to efficiently collaborate with the EB for this new strategy, and take the lead for PR and Communication pillars of the strategy. IFMSA 70th anniversary: This year will mark a milestone and a huge event for the IFMSA which is the 70th anniversary and it will be celebrated throughout the entire term. - Brainstorming and creation of a logo that represents our federation and it's 70th anniversary to be used in our publications. - Brainstorming for ways of promoting this milestone, and use it to our advantage. 07

Mohamed El El Amine Amine Youcef Youcef Ali Ali // Candidtature Candidtature for for VPPRC VPPRC 2020-2021 2020-2021 Mohamed

2- The team of officials: As VPPRC, I will be responsible for ensuring the ‌.. of the PR work within all the Team Officials, and well be the link between the standing committee directors (Standing Committees), Liaison officers, and the EB when it comes the PR and C management. This is how I will proceed: Build capacity of TO members in PR and communication matters (will be elaborated on in CB pillar). Provide the TO with Corporate Identity guidelines and Social media guidelines for them to use in the publications of their standing committees. Attending general assemblies and regional meeting (when relevant) and ensure a high quality and reader friendly design for all survival kits Create clear communication channel between the TO and IFMSA official platforms’s usage. Support team of officials with publications for their activities. 3- International team: Being currently part of the SCORP International team will be of a huge plus for me when planning our work. Since one of the priorities of my term will be to boost our website: The structure of the IT will be the following:

1 General Assistant 1 Development assistant 1 Social Media Assistant 1 Website and technology assistant 3 publications support assistants 1 publications support Assistant or website and technology

Ensure capacity building of the team in the beginning of the term in order to ensure the efficiency of the team and for them to be comfortable with their tasks. Supporting the international team with their tasks when needed, and provide guidance and leadership. Create a safe space for them to express their feelings and opinions in an open way. I will make sure to have some team building activities in the beginning of term. A good distribution of the tasks to avoid burnout and instauring a Mental health watch. Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


4 - GDPR monitoring: As VPPRC, I will be responsible for the GPDR monitoring of the federation through multiple measures that I already AM familiar with from my term as PRCA. My objectives will be the following: I will make sure explain to the team of officials all the GDPR procedures in the beginning of the term (registry, privacy policy, CoC)Ensure that TO and Its’ work is in line with our privacy policy and CoC for GPDR compliance Collaboration and consultation DLA Piper law firm to keep our GDPR compliance in check and update any procedures if relevant. Promote GDPR implementation to NMOs and update and create manuals/guide for GDPR implementation if needed after assessment of previous documents. 5- NMOs: Our federation unifies 126 NMOs from all around the world. These NMOs are the core essence of our federation and are the fuel of all our work. If I get elected, I will be responsible of a TO-NMOs buddy group that I will take seriously with providing support and guidance through all discussions. Continuously work on providing the members with ressources and PR&C materials, be approachable, and answer to all requests and inquiries.

Within all the 3 teams, I will make sure to contribute into the creation of a safe environment, I am and will always be open to feedback. In addition to that, coming from a SCORP Background, I will make sure to apply a human rights based approach to my work, and to be fair, transparent, and inclusive in all my decisions.


Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali/ Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

2- Ifmsa’s Image and Identity Having a consistent image of our Federation through the alignment of our internal and externals publication is crucial to keep the evolution of our federation, our reputation, our members’ engagement and to attracting funds and stakeholders. And throughout this term, one of my main priorities will be to update, develop and align our corporate Identity guidelines and our social media guidelines. In order to ensure a consistent and sustainable image for our federation through our publications, and our platforms. To simplify the process : Board: What to post?

Where to post?



Corporate Identity Guidelines

Social Media Guidelines

Our Image and Identity

The conception of the publications can go through individual working spaces, or collaborative working spaces ( the canva account, the PR&C drive...Ect) 1) Regulated framework: This framework will be divided into 2 streams that are extremely overarching and that will regulate all our publications and our platforms in order to ensure the consistency and sustainability of our image. Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali/ Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


A- Corporate Identity guidelines: The corporate Identity guidelines are the bases of all our publications, regulating our colours, fonts, layouts, logos‌Ect And if used correctly, contrary to popular belief, CI makes the designing process easier, and initiates creativity. The CI has become the most important tool of my work as PRCA, however, I strongly believe that it is missing some components that might ensure a better consistency of our designs. And this is how I will proceed with the CI: At the beginning of the term, I will ensure that the CI is well comprehended by the team officials and their relevant IT members by holding a webinar on the matter. I will look into the reorganization of the CI by adding sections for layouts and for photographs. Develop CI to be more precise for different social media publications. (for example, Corporate Identity guidelines defining a facebook publication should be different that those defining an Instagram story). And through this, I will regulate publications in all our platforms in order to have a consistent image through all of them. Checking the CI of all publications before sharing them on different platforms by request of TO members. B- Social media guidelines: After regulating the content, it is crucial to regulate the manner of how we will post this content and where. And this is where the social media guidelines will come in handy. Define clear and organized social media guidelines that will cover all of our platforms. (Ifmsa official page, instagram stories, and clear procedures between the TO and PRC plateforms. Follow up on the new campaigning framework and establishing plan with TO in the beginning of the term for the campaigns that are prioritized to be shared on our official platforms. Planning of a social media tracking calendar to organize posts and prepare PR material for event in an efficient way. Build capacity of the TO on the use of our social media accounts (this will be elaborated on the CB pillar) C- Collaborative work spaces: These are spaces that can be of a huge plus to our PR and Communication efforts if e we know how to exploit their potential: VPPRC Canva account and Drive folders: Reorganize the Canva account and upload more templates for all usage (regulated by the CI/ look into the possibility of creating multiple accounts to make collaboration between Directors and their Its and the VPPRC IT more feasible Create a resources drive and update it with relevant documents for all ITs. Create a stock of Icons to be used in all our publications 11

MohamedEl ElAmine AmineYoucef YoucefAli Ali// Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021 Mohamed

2- Publications Our publications are the most important component of our image of our federation. They are the tool for members’ engagement, attracting stackholders and partners, and to tell the stories of our members ! This is why it, in coordination with the publications assistants, high quality and reader friendly publications should be produced, in order to keep the growth of the impact of our federation. a- MSI International This is without a doubt, one of the strongest publications that has been developed throughout the years in our federation, that has become a high class professional magazine that shows the creativity of our members. And to continue within this same ascension of quality, this is how I will proceed: Keep on having the same pace of layouts, modern and vibrant. Promote the MSI and encourage members from all regions to contribute. However, I will keep the limit on the number of published articles. Standardization of the selection criteria for all standing committee articles to have the same quality throughout the entire magazine. MSI Team (Content Editors and Designers): I will open the call only once during the entire term. The same team will be responsible for both edition, this will ensure consistency of the magazine throughout the term, and even progress between both editions. Look into the possibility of making it an online journal, through

B- IFMSA Newsletter: Ifmsa newsletter is a simple but original way of promoting our activities, but needs to have more outreach. It is produced through a very practical platform (mailchimp). The same platform used for SCORP newsletter. I will assess the current composition of the newsletter, and all factors that go in its release Explore new ways of promoting the newsletters and to expand its outreach with VPF. Redefine the process to make it more visible and attractive to its viewers. Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


C- Booklets, Manuals, guides: These publications are the most released in our federation, and without proper monitoring, it could become of a huge workload to the VPPRC and his team. This why I will do the following: Following up on the process of redefining Booklets, manuals and guides. Creating a calendar for their design and provide assistance based on time priority. Create templates for the design of these documents that are not mandatory but could be used by TO and their ITs to lighten VPPRC’s team’s work overload when they are not available. Organize the release of these publications based on their target audience and look into ways to increase outreach of those that are supposed to be public. 3- Platforms Out platforms are our communication channels, they enable the connexion between members from all around the world, and are also accessible to our partners and all stakeholders.. a- and related platforms: Since 2015, IFMSA’s PR and Communication efforts has been boosted massively by the new version of However, the website is still suffering a lot. And if its potential is fully unlocked, it could be boost our federation’s notoriety and outreach. Through my experience with WordPress, when managing the “”, I will work to achieve to following objectives: Update the designs of the website in order to make them look more modern ( through consulting of a marketing company) All of the content still needs to be updated, and I will work on making it a priority. In order to create a better work flow for the website’s use by the TO, I would create accounts for TO members in order to post at least a preliminary draft of their work, and the vpprc team would only be responsible for the revision and approval. (This could be very useful with the posting of blog posts) Work closely with SCORE and SCOPE D to monitor the exchanges platforms and work on correcting any technical issues that might happen in their platforms. Creating Standing Committee databases in collaborations with Ds: after the success that the has known after its release this year, I believe that it will be a great step forward to create a platform for the other standing committees that can serve as a common space for their respective members to show off activities, share CB related events, contribute with their articles…. ect. This platform can stadarize all standing committee platforms and unify our work as a federation. For this, I plan to have a website and new technologies’ assistant, and will have a publications support assistant dedicated to only support the publications of and its related platforms. 13

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

B- Social Media platforms: IFMSA holds an impressive 170 000 followers on facebook, and 22k followers on instagram. We should continue using these two pages as main social media platforms, and continue working on increasing their outreach. this is why, I will work on the following: Facebook: all publications will be regulated with CI and social media guidelines. Create a calendar that takes into consideration SM guidelines and the campaigning framework to organise the posts. And diversify content when too much is going on the same time. Ensure that the content is reader friendly, short and concise. To make it more accessible to our followers. Instagram: All publications will be regulated with CI and SM guidelines. Diversify the content between posts, videos and IGTV posts. Look into implementing “story lives” in ifmsa external events, for instant interaction between members and the delegation. 3- PR&C Capacity Building Building PR and Communication Assistant related capacity would be one of my priorities, as it is something that is lacking a lot in IFMSA NMOS. I would see that CB would be essentiel throughout these 3 parts

1) Spread it: This workshop that has been successfully conducted in last year’s GAs would be the perfect PR&C CB opportunity. Thus some of my plans will be: Recreate the sPRead it bookled that has been initiated after AM19 through a SWG that will provide Sessions Descriptions, goals and objectives, and needed resources. Create guidelines for the workshop, promote it to NMOs, and standardize it to become hosted in SRTs throughout all regions. Support interested SRTs in hosting sPRead it! Propose sPRead in PreGAs, and RMs when relevant. Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


2) GAs and Regional Meetings Contribute to NMO Management Sessions with VPCB by drafting PR and Communication Sessions Propose PR&C Sessions in GAs training sessions and RMs when relevant. 3) Building capacity to the TO: This step will take place in the beginning of the term in order to ensure and smooth flow of PR&C collaborations between TO and VPPRC Throughtout the term. Building capacity to Standing Directors: On CI, by holding webinars for them and their relevant IT members in the beginning of the term. On SM guidelines and collaborative spaces. Building capacity to Liaison Officers: In beginning of the year, on the use of multiple social media accounts especially social media stories to ensure an effective, consistant way of exeternal representation coverage in our SM channels. 4- IFMSA’s presence and Collaborations As the biggest leading students organization in the world, it is important for us to keep increasing our presence in the media, look into ways to attract new sponsorship, and expand the outreach of our brand through merchandising! Role in social media: Having numerous platforms should be used in a way to expand our presence and coverage global health events, relevant to the work of our standing committee and across all regions. Thus, my objectives would be the following: Press releases: press releases has been a powerful tool that we have been using do not only cover some of the most important global health events happening around the world, but to also communicate IFMSA’s stance and its respective topic. However, due to the presence of multiple fields of work, the chain of communication isn’t always managed, and delays sometimes occur. This is why, I will work on redefining the process of the promotion of our press release through our website and on our social media platforms in collaboration with the VPE and LOs. Serve as contact person between international media outlets in order to promote IFMSA activities in the press. Support OCs of GAs and RMs to reach out to their local media in the coverage of these events.


Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

2) Merchandising: IFMSA merchandise have been very popular throughout the history of GAs and Regional meeting, and I will continue on this pace to provide high quality merchandise to such events. I will support OC teams with the merchandise in GAs and RMs and provide them with assistance when creating the materials and when issuing invoices during the registration process. The activation of the IFMSA store has been in talks for years now but has never been done. I believe that this matter should be further discussed with all members of EB to establish pros and cons, and way to proceed. And that is something I will look into if elected. 3) Sponsorships: Sponsorships are one of strongest collaborations processes, as it also serves as a way to strengthen our activities financially. this is why I will strive to achieve the following: Analyse the list of already existing sponsorships with IFMSA and analyse their relevance. Work with the VPF in order to create sponsorship strategy and support them with the PR and C aspect of it. Provide the EB with Business Cards Study sponsorhips under the ÂŤEthical fundraising framework.Âť

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


Curriculum Vitae Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali


Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali Education

Contact Tel : +213561764944 Email : Adress : Cité Sakiet Sidi Youcef, Constantine, Algeria Facebook : /amine.yali Instagram : Amineyali

Languages Arabic: French: English: German:

Tarek Ben Ziad High School - Baccalaureat S/Maths 2012 - 2014 Faculty of Medicine - University Constantine 3 2014 - 2021


IFMSA Experience: SCORP PR and Communication Assistant 2019-2020 Co-coordinator of «Protecting Health Services» MM 20 Policy Document SWG MM20 SCORP Sessions Team AM19 SCORP Sessions Team and Head of delegation Member of the Task Force on the EMR Strategy 18 - 21 Lesouk- Algeria Experience: National Officer on Human Rights and Peace 2018- 2019 Interim NMO President Mai 2019 - AM19 Head of the SCORP CB Tour, March 2019 Member of Cirta Camp - TNT/TNHRT OC Team as TNHRT Coordinator: March 2018. Lesouk - Constantine Experience: Local Officer on Human Rights and Peace 2017 - 2018

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021


Meetings Attended

August Meeting 19 Taiwan - SCORP Sessions Team EMR Meeting 15 Oman - SCORP Sessions Team and HoD - February 2019 National General Assembly - Blida 2017

Skills Microsoft Office Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

Workshops and Trainings

Adobe Indesign Training New Human Rights Trainers participant - Cirta Camp Algeria 2018. Trainer at sPRead it ! - Pre August Meeting 19 - Taishung Taiwan Trainer at Human Rights For Medical Practitionners - SCORP Camp 19 Turkey Trainer at Human Rights for Medical Practitionners - Training Tunisian Camp Nov 2019


Adobe After Effects Adobe premiere pro

PR&C Experience

- SCORP PR and Communication Assistant of 2019 - 2020 : Responsible for all SCORP Publications, Platforms and Campaigns. - AM19 SCORP ST: Coordinator of SCORP Sessions Promotion with ex SCORP GA. - PR Coordinator of 3 national Campaigns with Lesouk Algeria. - Pr Coordinator of 4 local Campaigns with Lesouk Constantine. - Design and Layout of the SCORP WRD Guide - Lesouk Algeria - Design and Layout of the SCORP National Guide - Lesouk Algeria Writer for Nucleus Web SEO Agency - Art For Peace : Generation for Peace program on Human Rights , and the integration of PR&C campaigning, and PR&C skills. 19

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

Thank you for reading my Candidature

See you in Rwanda!

Mohamed El Amine Youcef Ali / Candidtature for VPPRC 2020-2021

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