Amirah Mohamad
Yusof QUT (Queensland University Of Technololgy)2022
Brisbane, usof.myportfolio.comhttps://amirahmohamadysof-507baa1a2amirah-mohamad-yulinkedin.com/in/0411704345comamirahmyusof@gmail.QLD-
My name is Amirah Mohamad Yusof and I am a 3rd-year architecture student at QUT (Queensland University of Tech Inology).ampassionate about environmentally and socially sustainable architecture and strive to broaden my skills and knowledge in Collaborationdesign.is something I enjoy such as being involved in university societies, interdisciplinary group projects and contributing towards my student community. I am hardwork ing, reliable, organised and committed and I pride myself in creating thought-out and detailed designs, centering around people’s use of the space.
Rhino 3D and Grasshopper (Basic)
Skills + Software
Adobe Photoshop (Proficient)
Autodesk Formit (Proficient)
Adobe Illustrator (Proficient)
Autodesk Revit (Proficient)
Microsoft Powerpoint (Proficient)
Adobe InDesign (Proficient)
ArchitecturalDrawingPaintingSkills Design
Digital architectural modelling
Davinci Resolve (Proficient)
Microsoft Word (Proficient)
Digital art
Adobe Fresco (Proficient)
Physical model making
Microsoft Excel (Proficient)
4. QUT E-Block Extension: Structural Documentation
2. Pomona Community Enterprise: The Station Learning Hub
1. Dalton Village: Fleetwood Challenge Cup Competition 2021
3. Specular: the Museum of the Moving Images QLD
7. QUT Architecture Society
5. 13 Mountjoy Street, Petrie Terrace: Construction Documentation
8. Letter of Reference
6. QUT x Adobe: Adobe Creative Challenge 2021
The Dalton Village, situated in Kelvin Grove Urban Village explores and demonstrates these innovative methods with the use of ILP (Interlocking Panels), durable and lightweight prefabricated panels. Using a smart interlocking system to connect panels together, ILPs can be installed on site easily and rapidly, saving time and costs.
Group members: Jasmin Lee, Darian Rizqullah, James Fraser, Amirah Mohamad Yusof and Andita Rifayanti
In 2020, COVID struck the construction sector in Australia and around the globe with challenges such as housing shortages, low productivity, tight labour markets, reduced number of workers, price inflations and high demand for social infrastructure space. As of today, these socio-economical disruptions impact how the construc tion industry operates and new methods of working have emerged as solutions such as offsite manufacturing, prefabrication, DfMA and LEAN manufacturing.
The Dalton Village, previously known as the TAFE Hall of Residence, displays adaptive re-use of heritage buildings by renowned Queensland architect John Dalton. With the practice of adaptive re-use of the heritage buildings, a sense of community and a village like atmosphere that was once active within the site will be resurrect ed with new student accommodation apartments and build-to-rent programs along with a vibrant greengrocer and study café.
DALTON VILLAGE: Fleetwood Challenge Cup Competition
The competition pushed us out of our comfort zone and allowed us to explore unknown territories of construction and architecture out side of university assessments such as brainstorming new construc tion systems using prefabrication, innovative business models and embracing Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and disassembly process with changing construction sites.
The Fleetwood Cup 2021 Competition asked students to form ‘col laborative, cross-disciplinary teams’ to design a low-rise accommo dation typology in which incorporates adaptive re-use and prefabri cation construction methods.
Representing QUT in the Fleetwood Cup 2021 competition was truly an eye-opening and skill-building experience. It exposed me to how interconnected construction and engineering is to architecture and how crucial it is to respond to interdisciplinarity within design.
Within the competition, I was responsible for concept documenta tion, presentation and contribution to the design process. The in valuable collaboration, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills I gained through this competition has indefinitely expanded my design skills and experience.
Pomona Community Enterprise: The Station Learning Hub
Architectural Design 5: Commercial | Project 2: Pomona Com munity Enterprise
We were tasked to explore designing a Community Enterprise dwelling which connects with an existing community site to en courage intergenerational engagement.
The Station Learning Hub focuses on enriching intergenerational connections by integrating a learning centre and art work shops within the existing site.
SPECULAR: of the Moving
the Museum
Images QLD
Architectural Design 4
QUT Garderns Point Campus E-Block Extension: Documentation
05 13 MOUNTJOY STREET, PETRIE TERRACE: Construction Documentation
Within our team we decided to focus on SDG #5, Gender equality and created an impactful poster using Adobe Photoshop.
Team members: Tulika Albuquerque, Fiona-Maria Meier and Amirah Mohamad YuThesof challenge invited us to work with a team to design and share a digital solution in which would highlight our chosen SDG (Sustainable Development Goal), utilising Adobe tools.
Our poster is also featured on Dr Tim Kitchen’s (Adobe Senior Education Specialist) website https://timkitchen.net/2021/10/06/
my team, I was responsible for contributing in the brainstorming process and assisted in creating the graphics on Adobe Photoshop.
QUT x ADOBE: Adobe Creative Challenge 2021
Semester 1 of 2022 has been an amazing year for the team. We’ve received the highest memberships out of all the years QUTAS has been running and have set an academic program called Student Help Sessions which hopefully will continue in the future.
I have the responsibility and honour of recruiting QUT students and providing them with the opportunity to be a QUTAS executive or volunteer. With this responsibility, I strive to provide these opportunities to students who are POC (People Of Colour), being a POC myself, and international students.
The QUT ed,siondent-runSocietyArchitectureisastucommunitythatfosterscollaboration,development,andpasforarchitecturewithindesignstudentsandthewiderQUTstudentbody.Opentoanyoneinterest-QUTASroutinelyhostsawidevarietyofeduca-tional,social,andindus-try-basedevents.Aimingtomakeuniversityasen-joyableaspossiblewhilealsoprovidingourmem-berswithasafespacetohavefunandenjoythemselveswhilecreatingnewfriendsandconnections.
My role as President at QUTAS for 2022 comprises of managing the QUTAS executive committee of 12 executives, delegating amongst the graphics, so cial media, events, sponsorship, merchandise and finance team, and overseeing each teams’ activi ties as well as managing 18 QUTAS volunteers.
My role within QUTAS
Semester 1 Welcome Week Stalls
QUTAS Executive Committee: Fiona-Maria Meier (VP), Joy Yovanovich Merit (Treasurer), Tulika Albuquerque (Secretary), Luthfia Ilmi Setyan ingtyas (Graphics Coordinator), Athaya Zahra (Graphics Officer), Nidhi Kodate (Social Media Coordinator), Princess Avia (Social Media Officer, Ethan Clark (Marketing Coordinator), Anushka Shah (Events Coordina tor), Soo-Hyun Lee (Sponsorship Coordinator) and Azzen Ramathan (Merch Coordinator)
Held in collaboration with Bickerton Masters, DWP, LAT27 and Vokes and Peters, QUTAS hosted our popular office tours. Aimed at providing our student members with a clear behind-the-scenes insight into Brisbane’s architectural industry while also supplying them with the ability to ask questions and under stand how an architectural practice works.
Tours were hosted and guided by staff members, allowing for an engaging and educational event for students. Moreover, it provided QUTAS members with a collaborative and connective experience.
We launched this year an academic student help program called Student Help Sessions where we gather students from higher years to help students in lower years with their university work, creating a mentorship envi Weronment.sawthat there was not many opportunities for students to seek external university work help and therefore, created the sessions to increase this.
Many students have expressed how much this has helped them and encouraged us to continue the sessions in the future.
So far we have been holding these sessions four times a semester and hope to continue them for the coming semester as well. Many thanks to the student volunteers who helped out during the sessions!
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