POLICE newsletter A P R - J U N
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Second Quarter 2016 Edition
Message from the Police Commissioner Welcome to this edition of the AMISOM Police e-Newsletter.
It is inspiring to note that during this period, AMISOM Police Component continued to provide a diverse range of capacity
building initiatives and programmes designed to support Somalia Police, along the lines of police reform, training, mentoring, operational support and capacity enhancement, both in Mogadishu and in the Federal Member States.
The Individual Police Officers and Formed Police Units are collocated with the Somali Police at the Police Headquarters, the General Kahiye Police Academy, four Police Divisions in the Banaadir Region, and in the capitals of the Federal Member States, Baidoa, Kismayo and Beletweyne. They are not confined to the AMISOM Military protected areas, but deployed to volatile and unpredictable areas to support the Somali Police Tremendous progress has been made in capacitating and “Currently there is an ongoing verification process to determine that all Somali police officers registered are employed at their functional positions within the organisation.�
strengthening the Somali Police and the Somali Police
Anand Pillay
However much still has to be done in developing and
Institutions to empower and enable them to perform their statutory functions, duties and responsibilities effectively. organising the Somali Police in a Federal Police System. The Somali Provisional Constitution provides for a two tier policing
Inside This Issue Page 1 : Message from the Police Commisioner Page 3 : Security in Somalia improving
system, on a Federal Level and Federal Member State Level. The delineation of the roles, functions, responsibilities, and accountability on the Federal Level and Federal Member State Level is not provided for in the provisional Constitution. Similarly, the relationship, coordination and the synchronisation between the Federal Level and Member State Level as well as between the Federal Member States is not
Page 4 : More than 100 police officers graduate in Kismayo Page 5 : AMISOM undertakes police reform initiatives in federal states Page 6 : Four hundred youths recruited to undergo police training Page 7 : AMISOM officers train on communication skills Page 8 : AMISOM Formed Police Unit helps secure Mogadishu Page 10 : Question and Answer with the AMISOM
Police Training Coordinator
Page 12 : Community policing song launched
clear. However, this will be addressed during the constitutional review process and clearly identified in the final document which will be approved by the people of Somalia. Currently, only basic policing in terms of the Federal Police System framework has been agreed between the Federal Minister of Internal Security and the Federal State Ministers responsible for policing in their respective States. There is high hope that other critical issues of policing will also be agreed upon. In effort to enhance its support to the Somali Police and Somali Police Institutions, AMISOM reviewed its Police Concept of Operations (CONOPS) at a workshop held in Nairobi in June. The workshop was attended by representatives of AMISOM Police, Military and Civilian Components.
African Union, UNSOM,
UNSOS, Somali Police and donor community representatives also attended the meeting, where the revised CONOPS was accepted and thereafter approved by the African Union, Peace and Security Council for implementation.