A newsletter for the Amlin United Methodist Church community
February 2015
Men's Group plans Lake Erie fishing trip
The Word “Repent! For the realm of heaven is near.’”
Departing on Friday, May 1 at 6pm and returning on Sunday, May 3 at 1pm, the event promising to be one to create lasting memories! The cost of the trip is $150 and includes fishing, lodging, and food. It is expected that all 12 spots will fill quickly. With 6 per boat, we will guarantee a boat for the first 6, and men 7-12 will be guaranteed a spot once the second boat fills. We will limit this trip to 12 due to lodging restrictions. To save your spot, please contact Bob Meyer at 535-6863 or rmeyer9590@aol.com. We will be fishing for walleye on Saturday and will be staying at Lakeside Ohio. Youth and friends are welcome!
John the Baptist, from Mathew 3:2
Sundays @ 4:00 Moms Bible Study at the NLC
Mondays @ 7:00 Women’s Bible Study at Elkins’ Tuesdays @ 7:00 Tavern Theology
The season of Lent at Amlin will provide many practical ways for all of us to experience growth in the Holy Spirit and prepare for Easter. Challenge yourself to grow in 2015! The season of Lent is a special time of spiritual preparation. It lasts for the 40 days (not counting Sundays) before Easter. During Lent, our focus remains on making special sacrifices and changing our practices to be more focused in our spiritual lives. Some have called Lent “spring cleaning for the soul.” We invite you to participate in the following ways: Celebrate Mardi Gras! Did you know that Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) began as a holiday to mark the last day before Lent? Years ago, many people would purge their house of fat, sweets, and other indulgences. People feasted on Tuesday before the days of fasting and selfdenial that began the following day. Consider having a Mardi Gras celebration. Mardi Gras can help children understand that there are times of celebration and times of seriousness, and begin the countdown to Easter. Start the Lenten season with our Ash Wednesday Service on February 18 at 7pm in the chapel. We will
prayerfully begin the season of self-denial by receiving ashes, remembering our mortality and the impermanence of our material world. Just as Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days, we’ll learn more about how to make our Lenten journey meaningful and prepare us for life’s temptations. Join our new Discipleship Series! A new series will begin on Sunday, Feb. 22 at 7pm. The class, led by Pastor Steve, will teach us the basics about how to grow in our faith. It will introduce ways to pray, help us to understand and use our Bibles, and teach other ways that Christians have practiced through the centuries to help their faith become vital, growing, and a source of strength. There is no cost to join and you can drop in any Sunday you’d like! Based on interest, this group will likely continue beyond Lent. We hope you’ll commit to some or all of these challenges this month!
George Thomas Beverly Hart Susan Sankoe Abby Sayre Teena Akiyama Sharon Oldham Deloris Blevins Ava Katherine Gloriosa Lynne Hoffman Doreen Cole Mark Robbins Steve Ruland
Roger Shaw Sarah Moore Sean Townsend Rebecca Palazzo Tony Ganim Angela Adkins Joyce Melick Isabella Palazzo Katie Wisecup Sarah Grant Mark Thomas Rick Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Rumpf Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Holland Johnson
These Amlin friends will celebrate birthdays and Anniversaries during the month of February.
PRAYER CORNER Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you are invited to write it on a prayer card, located in the pew, and drop it in the offering plate or contact the email prayer ministry at wing1@sbcglobal.net. We will list prayer requests in the bulletin and newsletter for one month, unless you prefer not to have them printed.
Miesse Family Family of Paul Holland Nathan Thompson Betty Finney Tim Walls John Peters Eric Miller & Family Jonas Withrow Nancy Chattoraj Jim Oldham Connor Cruea Barb Frazer & family Amlin Church Kathy Harrer Friend of Mychal Ellis
Baby Audrina & family Family of Ron Pokorney Laura Price Bob Brems Mike McFadin & family Cruea/Kerr/Holstein Family Matt Sampsel Family & Friends of Ken Brown David Dolores’ brother Ruth Litterist Curtis Thompson Dale Hopkins
David T. Family of Faye Fogt Betty Baldwin Mary Kay Withrow
Country Talk is a monthly publication of Amlin United Methodist Church, issued at the beginning of each month. The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month for the next month’s issue. Articles and photos should be put in the church’s DropBox account. If you need access to the DropBox account, please contact the office at AmlinUMC@aol.com. If you have other questions about or suggestions for the newsletter, please email Jennifer Sayre at JenniferSayre7@gmail.com.
Regular Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30–10:30 Traditional Worship* & Sunday School in the Chapel 10:30–11:00 Fellowship Time for Both Services in the New Life Center 11:00–12:00 Contemporary Worship* & Sunday School in the New Life Center 12:00 p.m. – Fellowship Time in the New Life Center *Nursery care (birth through 3 years) is provided in the New Life Center throughout the morning. Sunday School is for ages 3 through grade 6 is held during both services. Children start in the worship service and are dismissed following “Children’s Moments.” They move to the Fellowship Hall, where they participate in lessons including songs, prayer, bible study, etc.
CONTACT INFORMATION Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road Dublin, Ohio 43016 Phone: (614) 771-1904 Email: AmlinUMC@aol.com Website: www.amlinumc.org Church Office Hours: Mondays 1:00 - 5:00 Thursdays 9:00 - 1:00 Or by appointment Rev. Steve Putka, Pastor Email: sputka@me.com Phone: (614) 668-5001 Pastor of Administration Jennifer Gedeon Email: AmlinUMC@aol.com Phone: (614) 562-2868 Worship & Music Coordinator Christian Mateos Treasurer Chuck Brinda (614) 563-8364 Financial Secretary Mike McFadin Michael.McFadin@sedgwickcms.com
While church damages can be disruptive, the damage did not occupy my attention. My attention was occupied with seeing God moving through so From Pastor Steve Putka many people! It Takes a Team Our trustees set up an emergency meeting, and tasks were delegated to Roger Clingman, Sonny Bayles and others. From our fiscal team arranging On Friday afternoon, January 9, I repayment for emergency plumbing and remediation ceived a phone call from Maureen work, to others helping to make arrangements for Case. She informed me that water was both services in the chapel the following Sunday, gushing “like a waterfall” from an area of collapsed ceilGod was moving through our church to ing in our New Life Center. I left Grant Hosmeet the challenge! pital and proceeded directly to our church. Have you ever noticed how difficult We have By the time I had arrived, one of our trustimes make for a closer and stronger different roles and tees, Bob Domer, was already on site and community? It is in times like these that the water had been shut off. A quick call to responsibilities, we see why St. Paul called the church our Trustee Chair, Bob Cook, provided aubut we are all the Body of Christ. We have different thorization, and we were quickly engaged. roles and responsibilities, but we are all part of one body. Some guidance from Ron Keller helped us part of one body. And we work together ensure that our electrical situation was safe as a team to accomplish the goal! and secure. Within another hour, Jason Hissong had Whether you pray, lead, give generously, share arrived to assess that our musical instruments and your time, invite others, or encourage people in computer equipment were safe and protected. As we need, you are part of the Body of Christ, too. Each made these first steps, Amy Hissong arrived with a of us is called by God to determine how we can meal for us. serve and take part in the work of the church. It truly We realized we had thousands of dollars in water takes a team to make it all work. damage, carpet soaked, chairs damaged, ceiling colSee you on Sunday! lapsed, drywall and insulation ruined, sacred music Pastor Steve sopping and unrecoverable. It took some time to take it all in.
The Pastor’s Message
Marybeth Walters, director
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Dearest Amlin Family, We had 2 snow days January wrapped up very nicely. Happy Valentine's Day to you! many of them got ernation, and snow. Although, hib ut abo g nin lear our into cut which s when we are out. w days, I just miss their little face a good dose of that on their sno A,B,Cs. We have a very and working our way through the We are reviewing our last names ly believe he is helping brings us our letter sounds. I real who k" dric "Fre ed nam frog ial spec n having Mrs Melville ze them, too. We have also bee gni reco and nds sou er lett our us learn er Kindergarten. This has n to get them up to speed to ent work one on one with the childre very busy day. been a wonderful addition to our sharing Valentine's, a Valentine's Day Party. We will be our to r yea ry eve ard forw k loo I n begin to look like habet Bingo. Our room will soo Alp ing play be will we and kie, special coo hearts with doilies and to begin making pink hearts, red a Valentines Palazzo! I am excited Valentine's Day. red heart handprints. I just love ons, toys, car noises, hter, smiles, paint, kind words, cray laug with d fille is m sroo clas r Ou am very Blessed. s, scissors, wishes and prayers. I nap for n dow put and fed g babies bein prayers and support. Thank you for your continued Our Days at Amlin our Joyful! Sincerely, Your Preschool Gal, Marybeth
We are here to
SERVE Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet, to step out of our comfort zone in mission to others, and to take his message of God’s love beyond the walls of our church. You can…
Support the “Burning Heart Chili Cook-Off” sponsored by UMW on February 15, after the second service. This even will benefit the Imagine No Malaria campaign. Contact Mary Vulic.
Bring in “30 Pieces of Silver” during Lent. Money bags and details will be coming soon. This is another service opportunity to benefit the Imagine No Malaria campaign. Contact Mary Vulic.
Throughout the month of February, make donations of baby care items for the West Side Free Store. Collection boxes are available in the chapel and the New Life Center.
If you have any interest in serving in connectional ministries or attending the Annual Conference as an atlarge delegate, contact Mary Vulic who serves on the Nominations Committee for both of the Capital Area South District and the West Ohio Conference of the United Methodist Church.
To present your mission ideas to the Risk-Taking Mission Team, contact Mary Vulic or any member of the Team.
Welcome back to the Gedeons. As part of her seminary studies, Pastor Jennifer spent most of January in Written by Mary Vulic India working with United Methodist missions. While she was there her family wasn’t with us either so we’re very happy to have her and her family back and eager for her to share her experiences. Many thanks to Sue Sankoe who has been filling in for Don Gedeon at the projector control board in the NLC. She’s done a great job! Sue has also organized a theatre outing for February 7. A group from Amlin will go to the Little Theatre Off Broadway in Grove City to see The 39 Steps, a melodramatic adaptation of an old spy novel. Consider taking the lead in getting fellow Amlinites together for some fun event like the theatre outing-maybe bowling, euchre, movies, sporting events, dining. Nate Thompson had the first official pin of his wrestling career recently, following his father, Curtis, on the mats. Curtis wrestled in both high school and college. Did you know that Sonny Bayles was a wrestling
coach for 20 years? I seem to recall that Sam Putka has a wrestling background too. Are there other wrestlers in the congregation? Tori Mateos, Emily Buckley and Abby Sayre have new iPads, courtesy of Hilliard Schools. All 6th graders in the Hilliard system are able to take their devices home to work on projects and assignments. Can I call on the girls to teach me how to use one? We’re on “baby alert”. Josh and Sara Jones will soon be announcing (or maybe already have announced) the arrival of their first. Congratulations! By the time this issue goes to press, Nancy Chattoraj and Jim Oldham should be on the road to recovery from surgeries, Nancy for a torn knee tendon and Jim for shoulder replacement. Best wishes for speedy recoveries. Our thanks go to Maureen Case, a music teacher who shares our space. Maureen’s classes were recently moved from the chapel to the NLC as an energy-saving measure. On January 9th she discovered the water-line break in the NLC, shut off the water and called for help, preventing what would have been much more extensive damage had the leak not been noticed until the next day. Praise God for having Maureen where she needed to be!
Service Ministries Schedule
We have changed what is served for hospitality between the 9:30 and 11:00 services. Donuts or donut holes will be served and provided by the Church. There will also be coffee and juice. If you would be willing to make the coffee, set up the donuts and provide the juice please contact me at 614-570-8706 or sepauley@aol.com.
4 hours a week. Highly qualified teachers. Small classes! No more than 6 students per class. Register Today! Your child will thank you for it!
Now Registering for Fall 2015!
Find us on FACEBOOK or online! Facebook.com/AmlinCommunityPreschool
AmlinCommunityPreschool.com AmlinCommunityPreschool@gmail.com Marybeth Walters, Director & Lead Teacher Amlin United Methodist Church, 5441 Cosgray Road, 614.771.1904
1 New Member Class 4 pm Mom’s Group @ NLC
2 7pm Women’s Bible Study@ Elkins’
3 7 pm Tavern Theology
8 4 pm Mom’s Group @ NLC
9 7pm Women’s Bible Study@ Elkins’
10 7 pm Tavern Theology
12 13 7:00 Team Mtgs. 8:15 Ad. Board
15 4 pm Mom’s Group @ NLC
16 7pm Women’s Bible Study@ Elkins’
17 7 pm Tavern Theology
18 Ash Wednesday
7:00 UMW
7:00 Service (Chapel) 22 4 pm Mom’s Group @ NLC 7 pm Discipleship Series
23 7pm Women’s Bible Study@ Elkins’
The newsletter is green! Amlin United Methodist Church believes in being good stewards of the earth and the resources of our congregation. We send a print newsletter only upon request. If you'd like a print copy mailed to you, please contact Pastor Jennifer at 771-1904. If you'd like to begin receiving an email copy of our newsletter, please contact Pastor Jennifer at amilinumc@aol.com.