Country Talk - October 2014

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A newsletter for the Amlin United Methodist Church community


October 2014 The Word “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven ” Ecclesiastes 3:1



Amlinites pull together to support Ellis family Once again, our Amlin family and friends have supported our family with their love and support and stepped up to help us raise funds to defeat ALS. Last year, Gary’s Gang, consisting of about 60 walkers, raised over $7500 for the Walk to Defeat ALS with your help. This year ALS be-

came more newswormately 85 walkers on thy with the viral September 21 at Coimpact of the ALS lumbus Commons. Ice Bucket challenge. I think we had one Many of of the largyou took the est teams Gary’s Gang challenge or present! raises almost knew someWith your $17,000 to one who help, we support ALS did. Again, raised alresearch our Amlin most family stepped up to $17,000, including help us Stomp out $275 at the Beef ALS! Gary’s Gang O’Brady’s Spirit presented approxiNight.

The weather was beautiful and Pastor Steve did a wonderful job relaying Gary’s blessing for all of the walkers. 179 teams raised over $347,000. Thank you to everyone who came to Beef’s and/or Columbus Commons and donated to the cause. This is an awful disease, but our

October 11: Fall Clean-Up Day November 1: Serving at Westside Freestore December 11-13: Live Nativity strong faith, our wonderful Amlin family, and supportive friends keep us positive every day. Thank you again for your support of the walk and your continued support and prayers for our family. Blessings, Pam, Gary, and Mychal Ellis

20/20 Vision Team shares results from church meeting Thank you to everyone who was able to participate in the goal setting portion of our strategic planning process. I felt a palpable excitement and engagement throughout the Church Conference and vision planning and I believe that through God and a commitment to follow through on the plans laid out that we will see a change over the next few months and years at Amlin…I can’t wait! After unveiling our vision statement - At Amlin we connect

people with God, equipping them to transform the world through growth and service – we asked everyone to guide us to focus the actions of the congregation by voting on which of the suggested goals they felt most passionate about. Interestingly enough, the goal that got the most votes (Serve shut-ins with proving services) was a write-in. Thank you to whomever it was that added that. It clearly is a passion that many others share. Continued on page 4

November Men’s Retreat features Maurice Clarett All men of Amlin (and their friends) are invited to a Men’s retreat on Nov. 7-9. The weekend will be held at Camp Wesley, located in Bellefountaine, about an hour away from Amlin Church. The cost is only $50 and includes food and lodging. The retreat will provide speakers (including the faith journey of former Buckeye Maurice Clarett), engaging worship, and

recreation time. The camp features a 40-acre lake and two hundred plus acres with hiking trails. We will also be getting our hands dirty by doing simple landscaping, repairs, and painting to

get the camp ready for ministry with children and youth. Mark your calendars and bring a friend!

PRAYER CORNER Please keep the following persons in your prayers. If you have a prayer request, you are invited to write it on a prayer card, loqcated in the pew, and drop it in the offering plate or contact the email prayer ministry at We will list prayer requests in the bulletin and newsletter for one month, unless you prefer not to have them printed.

Mary Wilson & family Ken & Robin Brenneman Angel Praise for Animals Lisa & Hart family Dick Keller Monica Jennifer & baby Linda Holmes Bruce & Lynn Kerr Josh, Sara, & baby Jones Kevin & Krista Baby Fisher & family Family of Cora Goodchild

Mary Vulic & family Colleen Kaylor The Stultz family The Helton Family Tammy Kaiser People of Ukraine Steve Mortach Stu Osborne’s father Eddie Holman Norm Pastor Jennifer & family Family of Peggy Preston Kevin Arway & family Gary, Sarah & baby Moore Dave, Rebecca & Kinley Sharry Justice

Family of Orville Cruea Hettinger family Kitty Blake Helen Crabtree Viola Abshire Family of Nick Brletic Mary Kay Withrow Tod Clingman Kevin Arway Noah Mortach Jason Hissong

Country Talk is a monthly publication of Amlin United Methodist Church, issued at the beginning of each month. The deadline for articles is the 20th of each month for the next month’s issue. Articles and photos should be put in the church’s DropBox account. If you need access to the DropBox account, please contact the office at If you have other questions about or suggestions for the newsletter, please email Jennifer Sayre at

Regular Sunday Morning Schedule 9:30–10:30 Traditional Worship* & Sunday School in the Chapel 10:30–11:00 Fellowship Time for Both Services in the New Life Center 11:00–12:00 Contemporary Worship* & Sunday School in the New Life Center 12:00 p.m. – Fellowship Time in the New Life Center *Nursery care (birth through 3 years) is provided in the New Life Center throughout the morning. Sunday School is for ages 3 through grade 6 is held during both services. Children start in the worship service and are dismissed following “Children’s Moments.” They move to the Fellowship Hall, where they participate in lessons including songs, prayer, bible study, etc.

CONTACT INFORMATION Amlin United Methodist Church 5441 Cosgray Road Dublin, Ohio 43016 Phone: (614) 771-1904 Email: Website: Church Fall Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Or by appointment Rev. Steve Putka, Pastor Email: Phone: (614) 668-5001 Pastor of Administration Jennifer Gedeon Email: Phone: (614) 562-2868 Worship & Music Coordinator Christian Mateos Treasurer Chuck Brinda (614) 563-8364 Financial Secretary Mike McFadin

for this asset that has been passed down to us through generations of faithful worshippers. But renovations, while helpful, are hardly the heart of From Pastor Steve Putka ministry at Amlin. We have defined how we plan to grow in faith and in our efforts to offer people Christ. We also A time for every activity have determined next steps to connect with God and one another. These two main efforts are the heart of the discin the front page, “The Word” reminded pleship process, and will be led by Judy Stolar and us that there is a time and a season for Heather Stovall. every activity under heaven. And just as importantly, we are sharpening For Amlin Church, we are moving from a seaour focus about how and where we serve son of reflection and planning into a season of out in our community. And some of these We are so excited activity and investment. goals will be accomplished through a new that we are able to In September, our church clarified our mission group at Amlin. be good stewards of men’s and set our values. With a process called I’d encourage you to take some time in God’s House, caring prayer to be open with God, and together weighted voting, we all discerned our next steps together as a congregation at our church confor this asset that consider which “season” you are experiencference. ing on your spiritual journey. Are you being has been passed I am also delighted that so many decided to called to connect more closely with God? down to us through invest in our renovation campaign to repair our Are you being called to connect others with generations of parking lot, fund a chancel (raised sanctuary God through our church? Are you being faithful worshippers. called to develop deeper, genuine relationspace area) in our New Life Center, and also fund improvements for better sound in that ships by joining a small group or ministry space. Gifts ranged from $50 to $5,000. We team? Are you being called to serve others now have the funds in cash (over $45,000) to remove and in your community? install new asphalt and drainage on the footprint of the origiPrayer and reflection will lead to action! nal parking lot. Lake Amlin will be no more! We are so excited See you on Sunday! that we are able to be good stewards of God’s House, caring Pastor Steve

The Pastor’s Message


We are here to

SERVE Christ calls each of us to be his hands and feet, to step out of our comfort zone in mission to others, and to take his message of God’s love beyond the walls of our church.

You can… 

Mark your calendar for Nov. 1 to serve lunch at the West Side Free Store. Meet at Amlin at 9:20 a.m. or at the WSFS at 10:00. Contact Mary Vulic for more information.

Attend the Soups, Salads and Sundaes lunch after the 11:00 service on October 5 and donate generously to the Imagine No Malaria effort.

Pitch in and help with projects around the church on our Oct. 11 Work Day.

Our thanks to those who served at the WSFS lunch in September, including Bryan and Arlena Allen, Cyndee Thomas, Melinda Gloriosa, Dick, Cindy and Sarah Moore, Steve Putka and Mary Vulic. Doreen Cole shopped and prepared food. Thank you also to those who served at the food tent at the Farm Science Review, Sharon and Jim Oldham, Sue Smith, Jennifer Bevington, Sherry Erwin, Mary Vulic, Margy Johnson, Cathi Allen and Doreen Cole. Because of their efforts, the volunteers brought a significant monetary donation to our church.

To present your mission ideas to the Risk-Taking Mission Team, use the form available on the table outside the chapel or on the mission table in the NLC.

October is Fire Prevention Month, and first responders have been called to the front of our minds recently Written by Mary Vulic with 9/11 commemorations. Amlin has its share of firemen, current or former, full-time or volunteer. When you next see these fire fighters tell them thanks: Gary Ellis, Jimmy Holstein, Dick Moore, Jim Oldham, and George Thomas (Cyndee Thomas’s husband.) Music adds an incredible dimension to our spiritual life. Recently Andy Clingman brought his bluegrass group to inspire our worship service. On another Sunday Eric Gnezda’s song of serving on behalf of Christ underscored Pastor Steve’s message of that morning. At a community memorial service for Ken Brenneman, a man who for 40 years blessed the Hilliard community and schools with exceptional musical leadership, Amlin member Jane Domer brought both tears and solace in her wonderful rendition of He Will Lift You Up on Eagle’s Wings. Praise God for musical gifts such as these. Beef O’Brady’s was bustling on September 15 when dozens of friends of Gary Ellis gathered there for food, fellowship and support of the ALS Association. Some of those attending that day will have joined many others on September 21at the Columbus Commons for the Walk to Defeat ALS, an opportunity to bring hope to people living with ALS, to raise money for a cure, and to come together for Gary and others battling the disease.

Here’s some news of Amlin women. Melinda Gloriosa recently started a rewarding new job that allows her to help others find medical services that fit their needs. Her pre-schoolers, Rachel, Michael and Ava, are adapting well to full-time day care. (Melinda has also answered the call to serve as an Amlin Trustee—very busy woman!) Allana Meyer will be embarking on a new professional adventure, a job she has more or less created for herself. She will combine her knowledge and skills in the kitchen design market to support a new retail experience over a multi-state region. Her husband, Bob Meyer, has returned to the Columbus job market and is back home as she begins this new undertaking. Also from the women, by the time this issue comes out Mindy Fisher may have a new baby. Her husband Nicholas and daughter Kennedy have been eagerly waiting. Also expecting are 2 Sarahs. Sarah and Josh Jones not long ago shared the joy of expecting a first child this year. Gary and Sarah Moore, son and daughter-in-law of Dick and Cindy, will have the experience of giving birth to their first child far from home. Gary is stationed in Okinawa. Sarah was home recently for a visit. While home she joined other Amlinites in serving lunch at the West Side Free Store. Along with the joy of new life in our families, we share the loss the Cruea and Kerr families are experiencing as Orville Cruea enters into his new life with God.

20/20 Vision Team shares results from church meeting From the front page The vision team has gone through the votes and is working on developing the specific timelines, action plans and responsible team(s). As we move forward, with our church’s leaders, we will make these goals our primary focus; attending to the business of the church as well, but driving the direction based on these goals. We have developed action plans for the top 3 goals under each of the 3 core values: Connect, Grow, and Serve. We will work on the next 1-2 under each value as we evaluate the capacity of our leadership teams. While we would like to work on all of the goals suggested, we realize that we cannot truly have a focused vision if we are trying to be all things to all people. So we will work diligently on the identified goals and as we accomplish some of them, or are confident that we have the teams and processes in place to allow for ongoing success, we will evaluate our ability to take on more. So here are the goals, as voted by you, that we will make our top priorities: Connect:  Create a process of congregational care to help one an-

other in times of need (48 votes) Create a signature event or festival that we are well known for in our community (41)  Develop a monthly fellowship activity open to guests and neighbors (20) Grow:  Develop a New Connection Team to welcome guests and visitors as well as follow up with them (34 votes)  Establish an Internal Communication Team (33)  Create and nurture Small Groups, that meet weekly for regular prayer, discussion and fellowship (32) Serve:  Serve shut-ins with providing services (54+ votes)  Establish support groups (29)  Build deeper and more involved relationship with Camp Wesley including renovation, landscaping, camper recruitment, etc (23) Please reach out to me, a member of our administrative board, or Vision 20/20 team if you have any questions or want to get involved in seeing any of these goals come alive! 

Marybeth Walters, director AmlinCommunityPreschool@gmai (614) 771-1904

Dearest Amlin Family, ost year. Our morning classes are alm We have been Blessed again this r was t us are amazing. Meet the teache full and the families God has sen their left with bubbles and smiles on great. Everyone came happy and faces. ts rning the preschool rules" concep We started out the year with "lea on your own body and my favorlike sharing, keeping your hands y from all getting the hang of being awa ite...tissue emergency! They are independence. their Moms and enjoying their to in October. We will be returning We have our field trip coming up ne has a good time there. We are Kuhlweins Pumpkin Patch. Everyo ck in und. Last year our tractor got stu hoping for sunshine and dry gro little ones and for Mrs. Walters!!! the mud. Kinda traumatizing for Mud was flying everywhere!!! year is a Beta Fish. I bumped up this We have a new fish this year. He goldMaybe he will last longer than our and spent a little more money. m ts have enjoyed watching him swi den stu the and ful uti bea is He . fish and make his bubble nest. t d daily. It is the most exciting par We have been using the playgroun ned lin Friends who weeded and clea of our day. Thank you to the Am e lov e that checked off my list. We it up for us. It was so nice to hav ! our little happy spot! Thank you His e in. She brought her new frog. We had our naturalist Jen com . We The children loved watching him name is Billie. He was so funny. ole Miss Jen had to hold him the wh think he was scared. Our friend ng rm for us. This was a fun morni time. He wouldn't even eat a wo d kin and humming birds, and being and they learned all about frogs, to animals. g g the preschool? We have a helpin Is your heart is thinking of helpin t tha school door. It has some items hands door. It's located by the pre dfor you help and your always kin we need for the year. Thank you ness towards the preschool. hear the news of sweet Orville Our little Preschool was so sad the passing. my en I first came to Amlin he was He was always on our side. Wh concerned for our safety. He was biggest cheerleader. He was always a Club to get money for tuition for always willing to go to the Men's d his kindness and devotion to the family in need. I always appreciate . He is our special Angel now. program. I will miss Sweet Orville students and happy days. I thank Please continue to pray for new you all. Sincerely, lters The Preschool Gal, Marybeth Wa

Service Ministries Schedule

Starting in September we will change what is served for hospitality between the 9:30 and 11:00 services. Donuts or Donut Holes will be served and provided by the Church. There will also be coffee and juice. If you would be willing to make the coffee, set up the donuts and provide the juice please contact me at 614-570-8706 or

4 hours a week. Highly qualified teachers. 6:2 student to teacher ratio. Very affordable. Register Today! Your child will thank you for it!

Now Enrolling for Fall 2014 Classes!

FIND US ON Facebook & Instagram! Marybeth Walters, Director & Lead Teacher Amlin United Methodist Church, 5441 Cosgray Road, 614.771.1904




October 5





9 7:00pm– Teams 8:15pm– Ad. Board




14 7:00 Tavern Theology






21 7:00 Tavern Theology






28 7:00 Tavern Theology




1 West Side Free Store Meal

Youth Group



7 7:00 Tavern Theology

Youth Group






New Member Sunday UMW Lunch 12



The newsletter is going green! In our continuing efforts to be good stewards of the earth and of the resources that the congregation of Amlin UMC has entrusted to us, the newsletter team has decided to reevaluate its distribution. In the beginning, God asked us to be good stewards, taking care of the gifts God had created, which we can see in Genesis 2:15. After much prayer and careful consideration, we have decided that we will no longer print and mail issues of Country Talk. If you do not receive the newsletter by email, please call the church office at (614) 771-1904 or email us Prayerfully Yours, Sally Pauley, Nancy Chattoraj, Verna Baldridge, Jennifer Sayre, and Jennifer Gedeon.

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