Alex McCord | Collection of Works | 2015 - 2017

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Alexandria McCord Architectural Design Portfolio MArch Applicant

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens Forest Avenue and Vine Street Cincinnati, Ohio

a living building challenge

Th e rel ati on ship be twe e n the Cincinna ti Z oo an d i t’ s sur r ounding ne ighbor hood h as been s tra ine d ove r the pa st de ca de as th e z oo move d into itse lf . Using the In tern ation al Living Futur e Institute ’s Livin g B u i lding Cha lle nge Ce r tif ica tion as a gu i de to de sign a ca mpus of com m u n ity r e sour ce s, the buildings th em s el ves be come a lmost f ully se lf s u ffi ci en t, while cr e a ting spa ce s f or th e com m u n ity is a ble to ga in the skills to m ak e i ts e lf le ss r e lia nt on the city . C re at in g co n n e ctio n s both lite r a lly an d fi gu rative ly be ca me the ove r a ll con cept as my te a m a nd I pulle d the z oo exh i bit o ut into the community a nd overlaped the public spa ce s with it.

A le x McC ord - En erg y Peta l Ex pert a nd Greenhouse Design e r J os e p h Tu eg al - Water P eta l Ex pert a nd Recrea tion Center Design e r J u an G o mez - Material P eta l Ex pert a nd Com m unity Center Design e r K a rley Hold eman - Site Pla nner a nd La ndsca pe Designer K yle M oll - P lace P eta l Ex pert a nd Zoo Ex hibit Designer

Academic | Capstone Studio | Spring 2017




mind and body

healthy eating


zoo exhibit












amphitheater perspective


landscape perspective


market perspective


street perspective

Outdoor Dining

Dining 2324 SF

Kitchen 2025 SF

Zoo Observation

fourth level education walkthrough for zoo guests production to table restaurant

Zoo Observation

Open to Community Greenhouse Below

Freight Elevator

Gift Shop

Zoo Lobby

1322 SF

Open to Packaging Below Exhibit Space 3 Zoo Observation

Open to Zone 3 Greenhouse Below

527 SF

Exhibit Space 2 525 SF

Exhibit Space 1

Open to Zone 2 Greenhouse Below

Open to Laboratory Below

Open to Zone 1 Greenhouse Below

342 SF

Zoo Observation

524 SF

Zoo Observation

third level production and community greenhouses

Storage 523 SF

Community Rooftop Garden Plots


Community Greenhouse

2789 SF

3302 SF



Freight Elevator

Elev. Packing

Lobby Sanitation

1720 SF

556 SF


Zone 3 Greenhouse

Zone 2 Greenhouse

2474 SF

1706 SF

689 SF

Zone 1 Greehouse


1074 SF

606 SF

Storage 626 SF

Storage 685 SF

Storage 692 SF


second level incubator kitchens Open to Market Space Below




Freight Elevator

Elev. Lobby

Equipment 654 SF


Stor. Stor.

Mechanical 1462 SF

Incubator Kitchens 9257 SF

first level indoor and outdoor markets Market 5937 SF


Freight Elevator

Exterior Market Space

Storage 2142 SF

Drop Off 4136 SF


greenhouse massing development

compact box most efficient form

pulled away from hill maximize southern exposure into production greenhouse

split form along the topography restaurant pulled up to zoo level market pulled down to street level

forms connected along pedestrian routes

rusulting form

the water feature is a visual tie to the storage tank that provides potable water for the greenhouse

wetlands cleanse and release stormwater runoff

ground source heat pumps provide highly efficient heating and cooling

energy petal

zoo animals can be seen from multiple vantage points

a ramp provides smooth access from street level up to the outdoor ampitheatre, a spave that could be used for community meetings, shows, or relaxing outdoors

water petal

equity petal

the greenroof both improves the insulative level of the roof as well as cools the space below the photovoltaics improving their efficiency

health and happiness petal

the upper level of the greenhouse is an educational exhibit that zoo patrons can walk through and learn about the growth cycle of plants from seedlings through packing as well as a view into the restaurant kitchen of food being prepared

beauty petal

Devou Park 1350 Prisoner’s Lake Drive Covington, Kentucky

connecting across the park T h is c re at ive b eaco n f or the gr e a te r C i n cin n ati a r e a pr ovide s a r e f uge for creative souls se e king a pla ce to cu lti vate ideas, f ind inspir a tion, a nd the n tran s late th ese into powe r f ul wor ks. T he bu i ldi n g i ts elf pr ovide s both public a nd pri vate s pace s with dif f e r ing le ve ls of pri vacy for re sting a nd sha r ing ide a s. T he placem en t within the sur r ounding pa r k al low s vi s i to r s to e xplor e f or sour ce s of i n s pirati on. Additiona lly , the hope is th at th e w orks cr e a te d he r e a r e the n s h ared w i th visitor s to ke y points of th e exi s ti n g pa r k thr ough e xhibitions or perform an ces. T his conne cts pr e viously dis con n ected points, while dr a wing on th e park ’ s cre a tive pote ntia l.

Academic | Tectonic Studio | Summer 2015

devou park

artistic cultivation center

prisoner’s lake

behringer crawford museum

devou park band shell

drees pavillion


visual privacy via panels set into diagrid framing


additional support via the surrouding landscape


acoustic separation via physical separation

guest rooms

individual and group rooms

entry and community space

Cincinnati 2032 The Tri-State Area of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana

a future summer olympics Every two years the Olympics are held in cities throughout the world. Millions of dollars are funneled into different projects for this two week event. Some cities come out of these events stronger than they were prior. Others find themselves spending years attempting to recover. Cincinnati went after the 2012 Olympics in 2000 and lost. If Cincinnati were to hold the Olympics today what could be done to ensure the city thrives after rather than seeing a spike and falling further into decline? This question has been inspired by a study abroad studio to Europe shortly following the 2016 Olympics in Rio De Janeiro. This is what I have explored in Cincinnati 2032.

Academic | Travel Studio | Fall 2016

to see written work in its entirety go to

Sketching Across Europe

study through observation Sketching serves many purposes depending on the holder of the pen; sometimes it documents, sometimes it articulates, sometimes it studies. Regardless, the act of translating a 3-dimensional form into a 2-dimensional view imprints it onto a person’s memory forever in a way that photography rarely achieves. While my camera held several thousands of pictures upon my return home, my sketchbook held several dozens. Each one is unique due to the time of day, the way I was feeling, and my interest into the subject. Because I took the time to sketch I will be able to hold onto those things long after other details of the lifechanging trip have eluded me.

Academic | Travel Studio | Fall 2016

leadenhall market london, england 08.22.16

le louvre paris, france 09.01.16

sainte marie de la tourette ĂŠvoux, france 09.15.16

fondazion milan 09.2

ne prada n, italy 21.16

house lake como, italy 09.24.16

old town square prague, czech republic 09.27.16

< cover image > st. charles bridge prague, czech republic 09.27.16

thank you for your consideration

holocaust memorial budapest, hungary 09.29.16

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