Fleurus_Children_Fall11_Amo Agency

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foreign Fall rights 2011


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Toddler Books

Pull & Read

Paste & Read

Élisabeth de Lambilly & Marie Mahler

Marie Mahler

A new series inviting the little ones to follow the 5 heroes of the ¨Pull & Read¨ series and to share their adventures for growing up together. Thanks to electrostatic stickers, the reader can dress up the characters and decorate every scene endlessly.

A boardbook series with a mechanism at every page. Each title involves 5 inseparable friends in a new adventure. The reader will have to observe carefully each page to answer the question thanks to clues and answers on the pull-tabs.


6 titles available Boardbook / 12 pp with 5 pull-tabs / 22 x 19 cm / e7.95 From 1 onwards


What’s The Weather Like? Boardbook / 12 pp + 4 pp of stickers / 19.5 x 21 cm / e7.95 From 3 onwards

Little Squares

Upside Down Olivia Cosneau

Thanks to an ingenious system of three pull-down parts, the reader can combine the drawings, invert them to create funny cross-bred characters!

A perfect series of cute albums helping children to learn colors of the rainbow, shapes, numbers, letters…

Also available: • Colors

Hardcover / 32 pp / 20.3 x 18.7 cm / e6.95 From 3 to 6

Behind The Door Florence Guiraud

Tom Dogs

The cute hero accompanies young readers in the meaningful events of their lives: having nightmares, falling in love...


25 titles available

Boardbook / 18 pp / 18.9 x 18.9 cm / e6.50 From 2 onwards

Hardcover / 32 pp / 22 x 18.5 cm / e8 From 3 onwards

Tom Plays Soccer

3 other available titles:

Marie-Aline Bawin & Elisabeth de Lambilly

• Farm Animals • Jobs • Savannah Animals

Nested Stories Christelle Chatel & Magali Attiogbé

This amazing new series enables the reader to discover a cute story through the perspective of each character thanks to a stupendous system of nested books. Beyond the surprise to find 3 overlapped books, each time smaller, the little ones will not resist to the endearing illustrations! 3 hardcover books with die-cutting form / 8 pp / 23 x 15 cm / e9.90 From 2 onwards


The Cat Family

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The Bear Family

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Colouring – Playing – Having Fun!

Emma’s Picture Book Emmanuelle Teyras

Creative picture books in which every illustration is associated to a word. Not to forget the touch of humor arousing the curiosity of toddlers! Boardbook / 16 pp / 16 x 16 cm / e5 From 1 onwards



I Play The children will be real professionals with all the pre-cut accessories. Have fun!

My Beauty Salon Emmanuelle Teyras

Wire stitched / 16 board pp + 16 pp / 13 x 17 cm / e5.95 From 4 onwards

Super Brats & Folks The True Blue Princesses’ Game

My Shops

Emmanuelle Teyras & Maxime Poisot

4 kits to play grocer, baker, florist or beautician with more than 200 pre-cuts objects (flowers, lipsticks, round éclairs, cans…) along with a shopping bag, a chequebook, a notepad and a purse.

A box containing a Mistigri cards game, from 2 to 5 players: the first to get a matching pair of true princesses will have the right to wear a breathtaking pink diadem! Box (13 x 17.6 x 17 cm) with a hardcover book / 48 pp / e14.95 From 5 to 10

Box (22 x 10.5 x 35 cm) with 4 wire-stitched books / 16 board pp + 16 pp / 13 x 17 cm / e17.95 From 3 to 10

Drawing My Very Own World Emmanuelle Teyras

Colouring book, collages, cuttings, drawings, writings and so much more… you will find all those activities in one book for the children to develop their creative imagination!

Drawing My Very Own Castle

Drawing My Very Own Kitchen

Drawing My Very Own Garden

Softcover with flaps / 72 pp + 4 pp of stickers + 8 pp of patterned papers / 21 x 27.5 cm / e12 From 5 onwards

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Drawing My Very Own Princesses

Drawing My Very Own Christmas


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A Fig Flavoured Kiss Raphaëlle Frier & Clotilde Perrin

Mister Cyril almost never goes outside. People make fun of him, because his nose is very, very long. But Mister Cyril is very sensitive to scents, perfumes enter his whole body, and then he forgets everything, listens to his heart and paints what he hears. One day, he meets the pretty Roxane… Hardcover / 32 pp / 25.5 x 31.5 cm / e12.50

The Good Day For The Crocodile


Valérie Guidoux & Sylvie Serprix


As every crocodile, Krakos is self-sufficient and like to eat gazelles. But today, we don’t know why, he feels the need to be nice…

Here is the story of Tuvalu, a Pacific island whose inhabitants fight against the water rise. What can they do? Raise the height of the island? Live under water? Or maybe find a new land… An ecological tale that takes us to the other side of the world, a delight for the eyes and mind.

Hardcover / 32 pp / 26 x 24.5 cm / e12.50

Hardcover / 32 pp / 25.5 x 31.5 cm e12.50

Little Dada Albums The Girls’ Secret Notebook

Nathalie Roques & Emilie Ramon This notebook will be every young girl’s best confident. With its mini glittering pen, their secrets will be trendy and perfectly safe thanks to its heart-shaped padlock!

The look of contemporary authors and illustrators on a poet, an author, a culture. As a subtle meeting between anthology and book of art, the Little Dada Albums let us travel through time and space! Hardcover / 48 pp / 19.5 x 22 cm / e12 From 9 onwards

Baudelaire Anna Ladecka

Hardcover / 96 pp / 15 x 21 cm / e13 From 6 onwards


Paul Rouillac This pop-up book, of a high graphic quality, leads children to a spectacular journey through traditional societies around the world. Open out 12 majestic masks selected among the Quai Branly Museum’s must-see masterpieces. Be caught up in the magnificence of primitive art! Hardcover / 26 pp / 20 x 28 cm / e23 From 7 onwards

The Odyssey Véronique Joffre


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Non fiction

Books in a Book An original reference series for toddlers to open to the world. In addition to the text, small books are inserted in the illustration of each page to get into the heart of the subject, thanks to a focus, a little story… Boardbook / 16 pp / 18 x 21 cm / e9.95 From 3 onwards

4 other available titles:



Building Machines

• Circus • Farm • Forest • Human Body

Who Are We? An illustrated reference series with beautiful pictures to know everything about animals, nature and sciences. Foam padded hardcover / 80 pp / 25 x 30 cm / e12.80 From 4 to 8

Optical illusions

Books for Fun Daniel Picon

Hardcover / 158 pp / 17 x 20 cm / e17 From 4 onwards

8 titles available

Off series Hardcover / 80 pp / 23.9 x 23.9 cm / e15

14 other available titles:

• Baby animals from cold areas • Baby animals from the country • Baby animals from the farm • Baby animals from the forest • Baby animals from the savannah • Baby animals from the seas • Cats • Dinosaurs • Dolphins & Whales • Firemen • Horses • Stars and Planets • The Five Senses • Transports • Volcanoes

The Earth’s Pain



A list of the huge problems of the worldwide ecology (climatic imbalance, pollution, threatened biodiversity…) and the solutions to tend the Earth, illustrated with beautiful photographs.

Whatizit? The Seas’ Pain

A scientist series made for the curious ones, both well-documented and easily feasible experiments with the everyday life objects.

Pollutions and wastes, global warming, excessive exploitation of the marine species are many injuries inflicted to the oceans. But solutions exist… With the pictures of the more gifted wildlife photographers.

Softcover / 96 pp / 19.5 x 23.5 cm / e12.50 From 6 onwards

5 other available titles:

Light, Sound, Electricity, Magnets

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• Dinosaurs • Numbers & Letters • The Earth • The Human Body • The Matter


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All-in-One All-in-One offers young readers a first approach to literature. In each title, five short stories lead them to discover several literary genres in a single book ranging from mystery, humour, thriller, fantasy, true life to romance. Softcover / 160 pp / 12.5 x 19 cm / e4.95 From 9 onwards







The Middle Ages


New York


Senegal Diary go ‘round

the world

Our planet is so huge! The young heroes of this series travel through the world and keep an illustrated diary for each destination. Influenced by their personal history and culture, they discover new ways of life, different customs, and, on the way, go through surprise, shock, and enthusiasm. Softcover / 96 pp with color illustrations / 12.8 x 21 cm / e8 From 8 onwards

5 titles available



Darkrooms Detective stories for children aged 10 and up. See our website www.chambresnoires.com (biographies, summaries, first chapters…)

The Samovar Enquiries -The Hanged Man Mystery

Marie Bertherat

Madam Rose, a former trapeze artist, celebrates her birthday in the small town of Port d’Amar. The following day, one of the guests, a well-known plastic surgeon, is found hanging from a tree… Lou, Stan and Constantin are convinced it is not a suicide… Whatever the mystery is, the Samovar group is ready to find the truth! Softcover / app. 200 pp / 13 x 18 cm / e7.50 / From 10 onwards


14 titles available

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Other Worlds This award-winning series offers an exciting exploration of the imaginary world of science fiction, virtual worlds, encounters with alien life, remote planets, time travel, future society and so much more… See our website www.autresmondes.org (biographies, summaries, first chapters…)

The End of The World Fabrice Colin

Softcover / app. 216 pp / 13 x 20 cm / e9 From 10 onwards

54 titles available

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Fiction (Fantasy & SF)

Off Series Novels The Last Arrow Jérôme Noirez

England, April 1212. Diane of Loxley, Robin Hood’s daughter, is a beautiful and fierce teenager. Her words are as well-aimed as any arrow. She wants some action, London will give her plenty. The sprawling city is controlled by dark demons. To defeat them, she will have to make the charming and mysterious prince of the beggars her partner, and to call her Sherwood’s old friends.

Lost Kingdoms A fantasy series where mythologies and legends of our world become real. See our website www.royaumesperdus. com biographies, summaries, first chapters…)

Sindbad The Traveller Jonas Lenn

Paperback / app. 216 pp / 13 x 20 cm / e9 From 11 onwards

15 titles available

Softcover / 360 pp / 15 x 22 cm / e17 From 12 onwards

The War of The Worlds Won’t Happen Johan Heliot

Herbert G. Wells is 21 in 1887 when he decides to found the perfect city in the USA, accompanied by orphans. The project is endangered by the crash of a spaceship. On board, a fugitive here to warn the Earth of an imminent invasion. With the help of the Martians, Herbert and his friends will try to prevent the War of the Worlds. Softcover / 350 pp / 15 x 22 cm / e16 From 12 onwards

Merlin’s Apprentice 1 – The Dragon & The Sword Fabien Clavel

When Ana tries to steal from a strange traveller, she changes her destiny. The man is the legendary Merlin. Because he likes her talents, he makes her his apprentice. Ana will have to help Merlin to give a king to the Britain. But in these disturbed times, who is worthy of Excalibur? Softcover / app. 400 pp / 15 x 22 cm / e15 From 12 onwards

Merlin’s Apprentice 2 – The Ogre & The Shield Fabien Clavel

The Beauty’s Blog Mary Temple

Belle’s life is like a fairy tale, but one thing can’t be forgotten: the shadow waiting in the corner of the street, as long ago in the forest… Mary Temple rewrites in a contemporary way the Beauty and the Beast’s tale in the form of a discussion through a blog, by e-mail or SMS. Softcover / app. 350 pp / 15 x 22 cm / e13.50 From 12 onwards

After a long and deep sleep, Ana wakes up to discover that Arthur is now old enough to claim to the English Crown. Arthur has still to prove his value and pull Excalibur from its stone. But other knights lust for the magic sword and many dangers await him. To support the young man in his quest, Ana helps him to gather valorous comradesin-arms together, fiery men as Lancelot or Gawain... Under Merlin’s protection, Pendragon’s son will have to defeat his enemies and to become his people’s shield! Softcover / app. 400 pp / 15 x 22 cm / e15 From 12 onwards


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FLEURUS Illustrated reference

The revolution of non fiction for children! Pages to unfold, hidden drawings, scary illustrations and funny ones: a book full of surprises, to learn without ever being bored.

Pirates • The 5 pirates hideouts • The 10 most barbaric punishments • The 5 cruelest pirates • The 5 legendary pirate ships • And plenty of other information…

Hardcover / 48 pp with flaps and manipulations / 19 x 25 cm / e12.95 From 7 to 12

Space • The 10 Universe’s Mysteries • The 10 most famous spaceships • The 5 space heroes • The 10 biggest enemies of astronauts • And plenty of other information…


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Animal Records



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It’s Not Funny!

Witness 6 to 9

Animals in The City





Dinosaurs Romain Amiot

Julie Delfour

A series with funny coloured illustrations and more than 60 games (charades, spot the difference, magic colouring, labyrinths, rebus…) to learn while having fun!

Felines & Savannah Animals

Hardcover / 64 pp / 19 x 24 cm / e5.95 From 6 to 9

Horses & Ponies Marie Garagnoux

Christine & Michel Denis-Huot By dint of its success, the ¨Witness¨ series now exists for the 6-9 years old! The short texts give a good place to the beautiful photos and illustrations. Hardcover / 48 pp / 21 x 24 cm / e9.95 From 6 to 9

Off Series Giants

Julie Delfour & Stéphan Bonneau The large animals are the champions of the accommodation. Elephants, polar bears, varans are species that survived through the biggest crisis. We let ourselves think they are invincible, however these large animals are endangered and sometimes ever threatened. Hardcover / 80 pp / 30 x 26 cm / e18 From 8 to 12

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FLEURUS Illustrated reference Witness

Please visit our dedicated website www.fleurusvoir.com for a complete information on the series. Hardcover / 80 pp / 21 x 28 cm / e15.95 From 9 onwards

Witness Art A series to discover and understand art.


Witness Wildlife A complete series that reveals all there is to know about different species, from the most familiar to the most mysterious.

16 other available titles:

To Be Born

• Bears • Birds of Preys • Dinosaurs • Endangered Species • Felines • Flying Birds • Horses • Insects • Predators • Prehistoric mammals • Primates • Reptiles • Sharks • The Secret Powers of Animals • Whales And Dolphins • Wolves

Witness Science


A series to discover and understand science.

8 other available titles:

Witness History

• Abyss • Climates and Meteorology • Great Buildings • Science Against Crime • The Adventure of Life • The Human Body • The Solar System • The Space Conquest

Selected specialized authors help young readers to discover and understand the events and people who have shaped our history.

Witness our World A series that unravels the secrets of our planet: take a closer look at the wonders in our environment and share the secrets hidden all around us…

French Revolution 14 other available titles:

• Ancient Greece • Celts and Gauls • Explorer • From Bonaparte to Napoleon • From Olmecs To Aztecs • Kings And Queens Of France • Imperial China


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Ancient Rome • Pirates And Buccaneers • Prehistory • Renaissance • The Knights • The Pharaohs • The First World War • The Second World War

Wildlife & nature protection 9 other available titles: • Deserts • Earth in Danger • Extreme Environments • Forests

Wonders of Nature • Mountains • Nature’s Wrath • Oceans • Poles • Volcanoes

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Activity Books & Kits

Dress Up’ Entertain your children and dress them up! Each realization mixes several activities (colouring, cutting, collage, stickers) and is clearly explained step by step. Each title includes 6 pre-cut and pre-printed projects, papers, stencils and two pages of stickers. Wire stitched / 24 pp / 20 x 21 cm - 27 x 18 cm / e6.90 From 4 onwards

My Heroes’ Masks

My Animals’ Masks

My Stars’ Glasses

My Princesses’ Crowns

Art for Tiny Tots This series revamps the activities of nursery school and enables the youngest to become real artists. From simple pictures, they are going to elaborate masterpieces step by step! Hardcover / 32 pp / 19.5 x 22.5 cm / e6.50 From 3 to 6

Tales and so Much More! Nice, fully illustrated tales followed by quizzes, games and craft activities that give life to the main characters.

Creative Sticker Pictures

Paper-Cut Animals

Foam-padded hardcover / 192 pp / 22 x 25 cm / e15 From 3 to 7

9 other available titles: • 10 Animals Stories • 10 Christmas Stories • 10 Fairies Stories • 10 Fantasy Stories • 10 Farm Animals Stories • 10 Knights Stories • 10 Pirates Stories • 10 Princesses Stories • 10 Spooky Stories (Not even scared!)

10 Wolves Stories

Happy Handcrafters’ Kits Matryoshka

My Cute Ribambelle A cute and clever colouring book for children to create a sweet garland of 2.50 meters and 2 mobiles to be hung for fun or to decorate their rooms! Hardcover with die-cutting form and accordion fold / 48 pp / 22 x 25 cm / e7.50 From 3 onwards

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All the necessary equipment plus an illustrated booklet to realize at least 10 different models per activity. 16 to 24 pp in a printed carton with material inside / 22.5 x 22.5 cm / e8.95 From 5 onwards

14 titles available

Trendy Origami


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FLEURUS Activity Books My Complete Handbook A new generation of activity books, with cute and modern projects explained thanks to step-by-step illustrations. Softcover with flaps / 128 pp / 22.5 x 25 cm / e12.50

Four Season’s Preschool Activities 75 simple activities to realize throughout the year and its four seasons.

Early-Learning Games 175 activities for toddlers to become aware of their bodies, express their feelings, develop their creativity and, progressively, gain autonomy and grow… A book written by a specialist, adapted to the schedules of today’s parents, and easy to organize at home.

The 6 to 10 DIY Children from 6 to 10 will become artists with easy and modern realizations, classified in 4 themes: bedroom, toys and games, gifts, and home decoration.

Pintsized Handykids

Agile, Bold and Creative

A vividly coloured series for little tinkerers! Fun attractive models, with concise explanations and explicit illustrations.

Entertaining guide books to easy great fun, for fun-filled activities and holidays. Softcover with flaps / 192 pp / 19 x 26 cm / e14.50

Spot-glossy laminated hardcover / 40 pp / 21 x 23 cm / e7 to e7.50 From 5 onwards

14 other available titles:

21 other available titles:

• Bright Mosaic • Cardboards creations • Christmas Fun • Clay • Cornstarch Building Blocks • Disguise Yourself! • Dollhouses • Eastern • Fancy Crepe Paper • First Origami • Foam • Fortified Castles • Funny Animals • Jewelry • Make-Up • Masks • Paper

Paper and Cardboard

• Activities Throughout the Year • Birthday’s Book • Funny Recycling • Indoor Games • Magic • Organic Gardening For Kids • Outdoor Games • The Book of Cooking • The Book of Mind Games • The Child Development Book • The DIY book from 6-10 • The DIY book from 8-12 • The DIY Book of Paper • The Girls’ Book

• Papier Mâché • Pompoms • Recycle It • Salt Dough

My Creator Box

The DIY book from 3-7 Kits for kids with equipment of quality entirely conceived for them! A 24 pages booklet clearly explains funny projects in step-by-step thanks to 15 patterns. Box (21.9 x 15.6 x 4.8 cm) with a book in wire stitched / e13.50 From 6 onwards

Loom Knitting Balloon Sculpting 12

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Learning to Draw

I can draw The basics of drawing in a few strokes. A simple, straight forward, fun bestselling drawing method.

Colour & Stick For Girls Hardcover / 96 pp / 21.5 x 23.7 cm / e10.50 From 3 to 6

Thanks to 70 stickers and 8 pages with varnished outlines, the little ones can add their personal touch to every scene! Wire stitched / 20 pp / 23 x 20 cm / e5.95 From 3 onwards

4 off-series titles available

Firemen Hardcover / 32 pp / 21.5 x 24 cm / e5.50 From 3 onwards

50 titles available

The Building Machines

I Draw, I Wipe A simple and fun method for small kids to draw their favorite topics from very basic shapes.

The Farm My Great Drawing Book Isabelle Jacqué

Circles, triangles or squares, straight lines and some curves: with simple forms, drawing is so easy! Hardcover / 96 pp / 23 x 23 cm / e9.95 From 3 onwards

The Market

Funny Animals Hardcover / 36 pp + 2 four-pp foldouts with glossy lamination / 21 x 30 cm / e8.95 From 3 onwards

16 other available titles: • At Home • At The Sea • Capital Letters • Cursive Letters • Dinosaurs • Dragons • Fairies • Funny Animals • In The Farm • In The Forest • In The Garden • In The Mountain • In The Savannah • Knights • Princesses • On The Road

Colour & Learn A colouring book completed with some historical information on each subject.

The Princesses

Dinosaurs Wire stitched / 48 pp / 17 x 23 cm / e4.95 From 3 to 6

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Egypt and Pharaohs 2 other titles: • Knights • Princesses


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FLEURUS Drawing Books for Girls

Mademoiselle A nice and cheap series combining colouring, drawing, and advice to realize the best mix of colors. Pre-cut pages to give as a present or put up your best works! Softcover / 64 pre-printed drawing paper pp + 4 full color pp / 17 x 24 cm / e5.95 From 5 onwards

6 other available titles:

• Mademoiselle Ballerina • Mademoiselle Fairies • Mademoiselle Hairdressing

My Lovely Pony A box full of surprises: Mademoiselle Pony book, a cockade, some stickers, a pencil sharpener, some colour pencils

• Mademoiselle Kokeshi • Mademoiselle Makeup • Mademoiselle Pony

Box (21 x 16 x 4.5 cm) / 48 pp / e12.00 From 6 onwards

Also available:

• My Beauty Salon

My Creations Crafts & hobbies for all ages! More than 75 projects in each book, very clearly explained in step-by-step illustrations and photographs and followed by tips and color scales ideas. Hardcover / 17.5 x 24.3 cm / 64 pp / e10

Mademoiselle Matryoshka

Mademoiselle Kawaii Animals

Graff & Griff A series for creative children: on each page, some models to dress and colour up just as the children want, together with some basic technical advice and examples of accessories. Express yourself! Wire-binding, drawing paper / 96 pp / 17 x 22 cm / e7.50 From 8 onwards

12 other available titles:

Beautiful Fairies

• Fashion Addict • Fighters • Hair and Make-Up • Heroic Fantasy • Manga Shojo • Music Stars • Pretty Fairies • Princesses • Stars’ Dresses • Street Dancers • Superstars • Top Models

Friendship Bracelets

Fleurus Girly Art 12 step-by-step irresistible models for girls! Hardcover / 64 pp / 21 x 26 cm / e10 From 10 onwards

Also available:

• Draw Your Own Fashion

Draw Your Own Style

Fashion Addict 14

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Seed Beads

Draw Horses

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Learning to Draw for teenagers

Fantasy Art 13 models in each title to learn how to draw a fantasy world step by step.

Fude Sabaki In full colour, the series offers models easy to reproduce. Its appealing layout will entice all Manga fanatics and budding illustrators of comics!

I Draw Fantasy

I Draw Manga

Softcover / 144 pp (compilation of 4 titles) / 23 x 28.5 cm / e17.50 From 12 onwards

Softcover / 144 pp (compilation of 4 titles) / 23 x 28.5 cm / e17.50 From 12 onwards

7 single titles also available Hardcover / 64 pp / 21 x 26 cm / e10

• Action • Characters • Fantasy World • Robots • Sexy Girls • Shojo • Shonen

Draw Angels Hardcover / 64 pp / 21 x 26 cm / e10 From 12 onwards

5 other single titles available: • Draw Dragons • Draw Fairies • Draw Fantasy Creature • Draw Vampires • Draw Warriors

Manga DVD Art Kaneko Sai

A revolutionary book to learn drawing mangas! Nine projects in step-by-step and a one-hour DVD to follow in real time the creation of characters. Softcover with jacket and board / 64 pp + DVD / Color illustrations / e17.50

The Manga Drawing Bible TVHLAND

32 shonen and shojo models extremely simple to draw thanks to detailed step-by-step illustrations! Softcover head to tail / 224 pp / 14.5 x 19.5 cm / e9.95 From 10 onwards

Pencil Stroke Genuine strikingly expressive paintings are accessible to everyone! Clear steps for young people or adult beginners. Softcover / 58 pp / 26 x 21 cm / e10 From 10 onwards

15 single titles available

Draw & Paint Baby Animals

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Draw & Paint Portraits


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FLEURUS-MAME Initiation to Religion

Little Ones The perfect box to prepare Christmas and New Year with the youngest ones! 4 small books in the form of a crib, a star, a ship and an angel, with a golden thread to hang from your Christmas tree... tender short stories about Nativity with a little prayer at the end. Box (21 x 21 x 2 cm) with 4 die-cutting forms books in hardcover / 8 pp / 10 x 10 cm / e11.90 From 18 months to 3 years old

Little Life Short and lively illustrated texts to tell the Gospels to the toddlers. Boardbook, rounded corner / 24 pp / 18 x 18 cm / e9.90 From 2 to 4

3 other available titles:

Christmas For The Little Ones

• My Little Prayers With The Gestures • Little Life of Jesus • Little Life of Marie

Mélanie Combes

Christmas Night Anne Gravier & Adeline Avril

The Little One’s Faith

The Bible for The Babies

A tender series to enable children to take the first step in Faith thanks to simple texts lavishly illustrated.

Maëlle C.

The Bible Related by Animals

A sweet little book to learn the first words of the Bible. Hardcover with foam / 44 pp / 14 x 14 cm / e9.90 From 0 to 3

Charlotte Grossetête & Maëlle C.

An original and playful way of telling the story of the People of God with the animals as narrators.

4 other available titles:

• My First Bible • My First Book Of Faith • My First Book Of Prayers • My First Book About Saints

Big Words of the Bible

Hardcover with foam / 40 to 58 pp / 19.5 x 20 cm / e11.90 to e13.90 From 2 onwards

17 illustrated stories of the Bible to familiarize the little ones with the major events of the history of God and mankind. Around 150 words illustrated.

The Bible in Stickers Old Testament

Hardcover / 40 pp / 27 x 24 cm / e12.90 From 2 onwards

Karine-Marie Amiot & Alexandre Roane

An album with texts faithful to the Bible, and modern illustrations reproducing 8 settings. And interactive book with plenty of stickers. Hardcover / 4 boards with stickers / 22.5 x 22.5 cm / e4.90 From 3 to 6

24 Stories to Wait For Jesus with the Little Ones A. Gravier, C. Grossetête & S. de Mullenheim

Seek And Find in The Bible A playful concept, while remaining very faithful to the Bible. Hardcover / 40 pp / 24 x 27 cm / e12.90 From 3 to 6

A beautiful album to discover Christmas traditions and the Nativity with 24 stories to read each Advent evening. Together with stickers to add to the Advent calendar printed on the back ends. Hardcover with foam / 80 pp / 20 x 22 cm / e12.90 From 3 to 6


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Initiation to Religion

Bible Story to Colour

Karine-Marie Amiot & Charlotte Ameling

Texts full of tenderness, funny illustrations and a biblical story to be completed with stencils, stickers and colourings… perfect for Faith awakening! Softcover with side wire stitching / 32 pp / 21 x 24 cm / e9.90 From 3 to 6

The Catholic Calendar for The Family 2011-2012 A calendar to organize the life of the parents and the children day after day under God’s Stare. Recipes, DIY to do all together… But also the prayers, the Saints and the Holy days. Stickers for the appointments to the doctor, the prayers, the christenings and the communions… Softcover with side wire stitching / 72 pp / 22 x 23 cm / e14.90

Christmas Angel A big calendar in the form of an angel to open out as a triptych enclosing a star for your Christmas tree. Besides, each 25 windows to be opened reveals an activity or a riddle leading up to Christmas Day.

The Birth of Jesus Noah’s Ark

30 x 54 cm / e9.95 From 3 to 6

Here I Am Lord -The Awakening Faith Workbook

Prayers Around My Cradle

Karine-Marie Amiot & Eric Puybaret

Sophie de Mullenheim & Maëlle C.

A small book to share little prayers with your baby for all the occasions and a cute medal to hang from the cradle!

This workbook, following the liturgical year, suggests various playful activities (colourings, DIY...), highlighted by modern illustrations.

Boardbook with round corners / 16 pp / 14.5 x 14.5 cm / e9.90 From 0 to 2

Softcover / 80 pp / 22 x 25 cm / e12.90 From 4 to 7

I Discover the Bible

Did God also Create Head Louse?

Anne de Bisschop, Adeline Avril & Eric Puybaret

Juliette Levivier

A lively illustrated book to tell the Bible through 10 major events, each followed by a prayer and by one page for parents to explain the context.

This book answers 92 true children’s questions on God, Faith and the Church. Hardcover with foam / 128 pp / 13.5 x 19.5 cm / e16.90 From 7 to 10

Hardcover / 96 pp / 22 x 25 cm / e14.90 From 3 to 6

Colouring Books Maïte Roche Hardcover / 32 pp / 21 x 24 cm / e5.50 From 3 to 6

2 other available titles: • Pictures of Jesus’ Life • Pictures of The Bible

Gospel Colouring Book Jean-François Kieffer

More than 100 images of the Gospel to colour. Softcover / 144 pp / 19.5 x 21.20 cm / e7.90

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Pictures of The Mass

Pictures of Christmas


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FLEURUS-MAME Great Lives, religious books A Witness, A Story The life of important Christian witnesses in one story for children.

John Paul II Hardcover / 32 pp / 22 x 26 cm / e10 From 7 to 11

Also available: • Mother Teresa

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