Amogh Lux
Service Design
My Role
Project 1: Missing Mural Walk
2 MISSING is an anti trafficking campaign that uses art and
As design lead on the project I defined the research
technology to raise awareness
methodology, lead ideation for
about trafficking. Working locally and globally, the campaign is
service, built the chatbot, created all the artwork and helped develop
transforming public perceptions, educating individuals,
a strategic ‘lean’ expansion for the project across 6 cities.
communities and policy makers, and inspiring action to put an end to modern day slavery.
Starting a conversation on sex trafficking with urban India.
Process Highlights
Title: Missing Mural Walk Type: Service Design + Illustration + Strategic Planning Date: Sep 2017 – Aug 2018 Timeline: 4 months full time
- Definition - Research
- Idea Framing - Service Proposition
- Prototype
- Outcome
- Insights
Amogh Lux
Service Design
Stimulus from past projects. MISSING stencil campaign
MISSING army mural
Using art for activism, MISSING, launched a global campaign on child trafficking. The stencil portrays a black hole to represent
In 2017 the campaign was commissioned by the German Consulate in Kolkata to paint a mural. We expanded on the
how millions of girls disappear from face of the earth every year.
silhouette campaign to emphasize the size of the issue
3 Years 4k stencils 6 countries
130 ft painted 1 week
900+ daily impressions for every stencil in a city 2019
Amogh Lux
Service Design
Research sneak peak: The word on the street? We interviewed 83 people from different high foot traffic zones in urban spaces to learn what they knew about trafficking, what they thought about art, if they wanted to know the story behind an art piece and if they had enough interest to pull out their phones to learn about the art work.
Amogh Lux
Service Design
56% of respondents interested in public art wanted to know the story behind the art.
Insights. Adding things up.
68% willingly shared their contact information to hear from us when the project was live.
48% 3/5
of respondents were interested in public art and could recall their favorite works.
of respondents were not aware about the issue of human trafficking
“Aha� moment Our past projects suggested that
35% of respondents were aware of the role society played in the rise of trafficking.
public art was a strong method to begin a conversation with people and our research indicated that people are quite keen to learn more about art if given the opportunity.
Amogh Lux
Service Design
The Service Proposition. How it works.
Short & Sweet
Call to Action
Our interviews told us that we need
We used active ‘tones’ and ‘voices’
We shaped our narratives and
Every conversation points users to
to be extra sensitive about how much attention we demand from
to build the experience so that users feel involved.
artwork based on the research exclusive to the space and people
the next step and tells them how them might get involved in the fight
who live there.
against trafficking.
Amogh Lux
Service Design
Dynamic 1 The narrative is dynamic and allows for viewers to begin at any mural.
Prototype: Conversational UI to speak about the unspoken
Storytelling 2 We collaborated with expert psychologists and various NGOs to shape an engaging and meaningful narrative.
Accessibility 3 Platform agnostic; it’s a FB chatbot. It’s easily accessible and does not require additional app downloads.
Immersion 4 Each chatbot conversation is between 1-3 minutes and offers one key take away.
Click to try the chatbot!
Amogh Lux
Service Design
City 01 Kolkata We painted 8 murals in 1 week with a team of 5 people. We wanted to make our process inclusive so we designed artwork that made painting as easy as using a coloring book for all volunteers.
Amogh Lux
Service Design
City 02 New Delhi The success of Kolkata got change.Org on board to partner with us on our next city. We used a comic book aesthetic for the artwork to build stronger narratives than just stand alone images.
Amogh Lux
Service Design
This is intelligent art. It really involves the viewer in this conversation ... and in a way that hasn’t happened before.
Murals Painted
- International Justice Mission
I usually have a lot of criticism for what people do on this topic but this strikes me as just absolutely right.
Chatbot conversations in first 2 weeks
- Catharine A MacKinnon
Pan India Coverage
painted across both cities. (estimated)