Zihan Zhou
Master of Interior Design
Speculative design & Future Practitioner
Narrator & Film making
01_Amnesia Museum
Speculative Project & Architecture Interior
Fiction & writing & Research
02_In-vitro Lab
Speculative Project & Factory Interior
Narrative Space & Research
Sheung Shui, Hong Kong
03_Other works

01 Amnesia Museum
Location London, United Kingdom
Feburary-Present 2024
Individual work
Supervisor: Gaetano Drago
‘City of Amnesia’ speculates on a future where monuments are demolished/reassembled to redefine their significance. By exploring monuments’ qualities absent from nowadays, it proposes to re-built London based on individuals’ history rather than collective’s; memory rather than truth. The Amnesia Museum features seasonal showrooms that recount the personal histories of inhabitants through the narratives of two fictional characters, Giovanni Rossi and Jane Miller. The design unlocks their memories by incorporating a serise of ‘vernacular’ and ‘personal’ spatial artefacts, As the narrative delves deeper into their memories, the artifacts will exhibit varying degrees of ‘Capriccio’.


“Well, do you appreciate that there are bound to be as many types of human being as there are of political systems?’ I asked. ‘Or do you imagine that political systems somehow come into being from oak or from rock, rather than from the characters of the communities’ inhabitants?”
Plato’s Republic, Chapter 11, 544d

Amnesia Museum
Each and every one of us has our own particular version of the city, a selection of relevant moments, an aggregate of specific buildings, street corners, someone has his own conception of a city and in the process of attempting to capture its contours, forms, content and substance he in fact invents a new town entirely, a delimited and defined version.
‘Amnesia Museum’ form in such way its immense bulk slowly accumulated with its endless rooms. As a visitor, you start building your own lofty version of the city... Over times, every façade is an evocation of a city as it would be imagined by one period, or one institution, or one church, or one group of people, or even one person.
The endless rooms called ‘Individual Showroom’ is immense palace comprised every detail you wish to extract from his memories of those past days, along with embellishments he had added himself—refinements to shapes, a place you can wander and get inspirations.

14 MAY-14 JULY 2051


Click and watch the film of Giovanni


The following showrooms are curated based on their memories;
They were asked the question: ‘How do you want to be remembered?’

https://vimeo.com/988179009 and Jane’s showrooms tour memory:

02 In-vitro Lab
Location Sheungshui, Hong Kong, China
July-October 2022
Individual work
Supervisor: Gyungju Chyon
We can see the our industry are looking ahead to the “future of food”. technological advance, systematic euality and care for climate. But sometimes the more we are told that technological solutions will fix the challenges of the complex food system, the more fragile we we may make it. The problem is deeper than tht- it is culutral, social and economic.
The project speculates the impact of in-vitro meat on cows in the near future. In-vitro meat technology offers the world a different way of producing meat. What if land farmingis replaced by lab-grown meat in the future?
In-vitro Lab is an enclosed space to garantee the continued FBS (Foetal Bovine Serum) harvesting from the cows, the critical ingredient for lab0grown meat production. The indoor farm is designed to increase the reproduction rate of the cows. It also accommodates cows’ mental health using sythetic hormones. It minimises their fear and pain, thus providing the highest quality ingredients for in-vitro meat manufacture.

The excessive consumption of meat, such as cow farming poultry industry, is environmentally unsustainable and keeps the exploit on animal welare. Yet, it may be impossible to stop consuming meat as it is deeply embedded in culinary culture.
In-vitro meat offers a different way of meat consumption which aims to eliminate the conflict. However, FBS (Foetal Bovine Serum) is the escapable ingredient of in-vitro meat comsumption. It is made by extracting the blood from 3 months cow fetus

What if in-vitro meat replace the land farming?
In-vitro lab is an enclosed space to guarantee the continued FBS(Foetal Bovine Serum) harvesting from the cows, the critical ingredient for lab-grown meat production. The indoor farm is designed to increase the reproduction rate of the cows. It also accommodates cows’ mental health using synthetic hormones. It minimizes their fear and pain, thus providing the highest quality ingredients for in-vitro meat manufacture.
Slaughterhouse & FBS Harvesting




03 Other Works

Zihan Zhou