Final Arch 20 portfolio Amanda Ramadhani

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Final Learning Portfolio Architecture 20 By Amanda Ramadhani

Table of Content: Dog House


Cubes in Space


Rapid Visualization


Building Stairs


Floor Patterns


Piazza Campidoglio


Malevich Inspired Building


Intersect Studies



Table of Content: Poet’s Wall


Paper Airplane Flotilla


Lattice Work


Pavilion with Folded Canopy


Sandbox Journeys


House Project


Photo Match : Rin’s Gallery


Final Project : Sol Duc Cabin



Dog House



Strengths : Successfully created my own design Dog House. Creating Dog House was an fun introduction of the use SketchUp tools. I was introduced to different functions of the tools, such as push and pull to give thickness for two dimensional ?igure; measuring tools to tell exact length and width; rectangle,polygon, rotated triangle, circle tools to create different shapes. Applied my ability to use these tools to construct the wall with windows, roof, and base with stairs. Put human and dog ?igures as a measure. 5

Threats and Opportunities It was challenging to create windows on the walls with different thickness and measures. I had to go thoroughly using zoom in and zoom out to make sure i had no unwanted deleted part on the walls. The threats were the measuring the windows and using the push and pull tool because I did not know the basic length, width, thickness of windows, walls and roof should be. However I had the opportunities to maximize the use of line, erase, move, zoom in and zoom out tools from my understanding.


Cubes in Space


Strengths: ● Developed a simple designed cube by transforming it into a component and replicate it with move tool into a complex array of cubes. ● Placed 2D figures on particular spot. Turned the shadow on and took zoomed 2D graphic from different perspectives.

Roof Plan

Reflections Discoveries: ● Created an array which as the array goes up the numbers of the cubes decreased. ● Placing the figures on hollowed top of the cubes ● Understanding the orthographic projections

Front Elevation

Opportunities : • Move the figures parallel with the axes • Make different component on an array, so it could have different design. • Developed different types of arrays and increase the complexity of replication

Perspective fron ISO

Reflections Strengths : • Successfully create cube ,transformed into a component and replicated multiple times to create this complex array • Zoomed into array, turned my shadows on and place several human figures for scale to create a dramatic shot. Challenges : • I need to learn how to use rapid visualization technique to hand draw something similar to what I produced in SketchUp

Crazy Cube Arrays in Space

Top Elevation


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Front Elevation

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Roof Plan

Rapid Visualization


Free Hand Drawing


Reflections Strengths : • Free hand drawing in class was my ?irst introduction to Rapid Visualization and its importance. I started with practicing drawing horizontal and vertical lines, diagonal lines, drawing line from one point to another, and circles. • Next, I practiced drawing cubes and other different three dimensional shapes with one and two vanishing points. From this practices, I learned how different vanishing points exhibit and have focus on different parts of the structure which also create a different shadows. • I developed the use of bolding particular lines and shading particular side to created hollowed part and different shape, and colliding shapes.

Challenges and Threats : • It was challenging to draw without any hairy effect, especially with pen which can't be erased. • Deciding which lines and sides to be bolded to show different focuses. • Drew shapes and structures in too small size because of I was not familiar with it. However, it made me draw it again in larger size, so I practiced more

Opportunities : • Draw straight lines more frequently, so it won’t become hairy • Draw circles and spiral more frequently • Consider different angles in order to create a proportional shape • Look close and correctly before bolding and shading particular lines and shades

Building Stairs


Reflections Strengths : • Successful at creating different types and sizes of stairs using push and pull tool, follow me tool and rotate •

tool Applied different styles that created different effects on the 2D Graphics images Accomplished new ways to be more effective on moving models without affecting other model using components,

Weakness • Measure the accurate angles to create a perfect rotation • It was challenging to arrange position for certain types of the stairs

group and outliner Experimented using various colors to make it more catchy

Opportunities : • Find out more about Color types • Taking more dramatic 2D graphic images

Top view

Risk : • Creating random models without paying any attention to the measurement and angles • Because of the random places, it was hard to find the right angle to take a shot for 2D graphic image

Floor Patterns


Reflections Strengths :. - Successfully created different floor patterns. Started with drawing multiple lines to a combination of different shapes. I also discovered different design and patterns using the play of colors. - Learned how to make scenes, layers and arrange the hidden and the appearance of a structure - Successfully created animation with 23 scenes about different perspectives for each house

- Created opened front wall house, transformed into component and replicated five times with certain distance - Added style and fog for the background to make it more interesting

Challenges : o Decide good point of view to make scenes for the animation o Brainstorm the ideas for 4 different floor patterns o Erase small lines outside and inside the design o Arranging the best time for scene transitions and delay

How do I do better next time ? ✓ Freehand sketch more to brainstorm ideas ✓ Practice to take better 2D graphic from different perspective ✓ Recheck thoroughly each scene transitions before finishing the animation to see if it is good

Piazza Campidoglio Inspired Plaza


Reflections Strengths :

• It was fun and challenging to recreate the design of Campidaglio inspired plaza. I found it really fun to discover a really complex yet unique pattern just by rotating and copying a flower petal shape multiple times, based on the large of the angles.

• Successfully build stairs for curvyshaped-base using follow me tool.

• Added a human and statue figures, turned on shadows, and used different styles to take dramatic 2D graphics.

Challenge : - Erase the lines especially the small ones - Create the star shape in the middle, the line has to be from end point to end point - Create the stairs without hollow part on the top - Create a perfect offset for outside part of the circle

Opportunities :

• Practice using offset tool for different shapes and space • Be more careful drawing line from point to point

ISO perspective

My Own Designed Museum Floor – Week 4

Malevich Suprematist Inspired Building


Reflections Strengths and Challenges : • Creating a building based upon Malevich Suprematist Design was a different, hard, yet challenging for me. I had several hard times developing ideas when building up the construction and picking the right colors.

• First, I imported the Malevich image and began tracing the lines and curves of the shapes that I would create into 3D form. When it comes to combine all the different forms, I had too many ideas so I kept changing the structure. I used various different tools, applied new ways such as dividing a line into same length , double click to push pull; and put each shape into different groups and made it into different layers.

• Turned on shadows, put human and tree figures, and created several different scenes, created into an animation and took dramatic shots.

Opportunities : x

ŕš? Determine scale of the building by comparing it to human figure

ŕš? Learn more about mass study and constructions

Intersect Study


Reflections Strengths : Wall study was a fun project. While creating this project, I had many playful ideas which really shows on the result. First, I created different shapes and started to combine it. It is really interesting how combination of different shapes with erasing some parts of the lines and sides could create many unique structure of the building. With the use of follow me tool, and colors, I maximize my ability to show the playfulness of the structures I created.

Opportunities •Put every shape into different layer, so that it will be easier to rotate, scale, move it, and color it

•Consider the sides and shape inside a shape

•Turn on x-ray mode more often to see what is inside

•Brainstorm more ideas

Poet’s Wall


Reflections Strengths : • Successfully created six different wall types with different purposes • This study was quiet challenging for me. I spend a lot of my times brainstorm ideas of a poet's wall. The matrix method to develop ideas didn't quiet helpful for me. I kept changing the form and decided to create my own design from a

shape of an object. Like an example, I successfully created a music stage from a form of shell and a playful wall from a shape of leaf. • Intersected opening with the model created dramatic effects for the shadows. Explored different styles and turned on shadows. Took dramatic shots from different angles

Weakness and Opportunities : • I really want to learn more about aesthetic and simple designs, and the use of colors. When I went to class and share thoughts about this project with my classmates, I discovered that most of them are applying the matrix method. I learned the ways they develop from the matrix method and how they choose the colors to create aesthetic design. • Carefully using move tool and remembering the length • Create a precise measurement for a seat • Boost my creativity using freehand

Airplane Flotilla - Week 8


Reflections Strengths : • Creating an array of airplanes from a shape of rectangle as a paper that is folded into a airplane was super exciting for me. It helped me got better understanding the use of rotation tool and protractor. With the use of line as a divider, I also learned about which lateral to which lateral I should rotate in order to create the shape that I want. • After I ?inished folding the airplanes, I made it into a component and multiplied it into two different arrays.

I also discovered a lot new styles, and how to create our own styles with our choices of lines, backgrounds, watermarks etc. Opportunities : ✴ Write down the measurement so that I don't have remeasure it again

✴ Using tape measure and protractor really help

✴ Make it into a group

Lattice Work


Reflections Strengths : Lattice Work was one of my favorite project in this course. I spend a lot of time doing this project and really satisfy with it. I maximize my ability on understanding the use of the tools in SketchUp. It was my favorite because I discovered many different result from the rotation tool. After creating many different shapes of walls, I formed into a structure with rotation tool that turned into a copy. After I finished designing the structure of the walls, I added bases, stairs, balcony fence, and poles

I also like the colors that I chose because it goes with the theme I wanted. Next, I put human and tree figures to create several scenes from different angles.

Opportunities and threats : - Brainstorm ideas of different designs for the wall - Imagining and planning the outcome

46 Pavilion Canopy

Reflections Strengths : Successfully created a pavilion from a simple surface multiplied into an array created that as the Canopy. Developed a construction of a building based on the structure of the canopy by using lines and measurement tool. Created a base with different ways to get in from each openings. Demonstrate possible designs and colors for the windows and walls. While creating this project, I emphasize some parts of the building, such as the color gradation of the stairs, the shades effect of the canopy, the designs on the wall and the structure as a whole.

Challenges :

The challenge was putting the ideas in my head in to SketchUp model. I had so many ideas of how to developed the canopy but it was hard to reimagine to build with the tools. I knew that there is a way, it just took me longer to figure it out. But I am pretty satisfied with the result.

Ice World Journey of My Imagination


Once upon a time, John is lost.

is it group of people around the puddle? or‌.

He followed the path that might lead somewhere

When he hiked up to the hill, he saw group of people

Oh! They are penguins! How cute! He continued his exploration.

Oh no! Wolfs! Don’t worry, they are after the penguins. So, John is safe.

“There they are! I will live!” said John happily,

He walked, walked, and walked..

John talked to them and everything went happily ever after

Journey to Our Imaginary House

On Summer holiday, Vanessa and Bella went back to their parents’ house

“Look! We can see the house from here!” said Vanessa. “We’re almost there!“replied Bella

They saw a lake where they can go boating while enjoying the view

On their way to the house….

Which path should they choose?

They really want to relax for a while

“Let’s continue our journey!” said Vanessa

Yet, they knew their parents are waiting for them

So they choose to keep on going

After a long… long walk, they finally got there

Oh, stairs! More beautiful views to see!

Now, from this balcony, I can both relax and enjoy the view

Vanessa fell in love with the scenery she sees

And of course, discover the mountains with my little brother!

Creating this story of my imagination with Sandbox tools is challenging yet really cool and fun project to do! I used many different tools, and learned many different of strategies to keep things organized. I really enjoyed making both of the stories. I hope people would enjoy my stories too!

House Project


Reflections I found this project really interesting and complicated at the same time. I started with sketching the second floor of my parent’s house from what I only remember. It turned out not as different as the real one. So, I just began measuring the width and length of every room and put it on my Sketch. Measuring every single furnitures and rooms is totally new for me. It is a challenge to measure some part of a room where it is blocked by furnitures. So I learned and figured many tips and tricks to use the tape measure properly and accurate.

After that, I started to sketch my furnitures and measure it. I found it really helpful to sketch it first, so that I don't forget to measure minor part of the furniture. My weakness in this project is always forgot to measure one part of the furniture. So there was a couple of times where to I had to go back measure it again when I was ready to do it in SketchUp.

Creating curve shape for some of the furnitures also a challenge for me. Sketching it out helped me to do it on the Sketch Up. For some parts, I made it into a group and put them together. Making these also developed my skills on using the follow me tool.

I took several shots that match the photos that I took. Searched and placed some models from 3D ware house at the exact place in real life, like the green lamp,tv, and toilets. I had some trouble with the bug issues when I downloaded books and dining tools from 3D warehouse, so it looks little empty. This project took a long time, days and night. Yet I am really glad because I’ve figured out what and how to do it not only sketch up world but also in real world.

Photo match : Rin’s gallery


Reflections Strength : - Learnt how to use photo match and created our own imaginative building based on one photo of Rin’s Gallery. - Developed many ideas of the use and theme for the building - Creating this project,made me think outside of the box yet it has to be appropriate measurement so that it would look real. - Placed some 3D ware house figures, objects and plants. - Created several different scenes for fun tour of the building (animation)

Weaknesses and Opportunities : - Creating different groups for each different part of the building so that it will be easier edit and move it around - Measuring the appropriate size for the poles and walls to hold the building and the terrace - Put it into different layers to lessen errors during the work

Threats : - Errors before saving the project - Downloading 3D ware house figures and objects - Unpainted the minor surfaces of the building

Case Study : Sol Duc Cabin by Tom Kundig


Reflections Strengths and Challenges : • This ?inal project is my favorite project because of the simplicity of the cabin really interest me. The most interesting part is the lecture in class, when we discussed about how and from which direction sun rays affect the building, and when we discussed about how to measure the cabin plan on the assignment sheet with the given length, the length of the door. Thoroughly measure the building from the house plan using the given scale (width of a door : 3’). • Creating the stairs was challenging. I decided to create my own design stairs that is also can be used for shelves. I had to ?igure out the appropriate measurement to connect the lower level to upper level. I used the 7”/ 11” measure to found out the correct height and width for the cabin’s stairs • Organizing the use of space was also a challenge. My goal was to maximize the space but not over ?ill it. I used section cut to help me observe the space better. Therefore, I build most of my furnitures, and I ?igured that it didn't take as long as I did on House project.


• Arranging all the different groups to be an organized cabin

• Retouch some major and minor parts or cabin that needed to be have changes in measurement to make it look more coherent

From the left : Floor plan of First Floor Floor plan for Upper level

Front Elevation

Front View

Left View

Right Elevation

Roof Elevation - First Floor

Back View

Right View

Conclusion As I went through the final project, I realized that I had learned so much through out this course. From drawing a 100' length line, to making groups and layers of different structures. From moving Steve, to replicating different shapes into different patterns of array. The most developing progress that I felt is my understanding of Architecture. For the last five months, Architecture 20 had taught me to expand my ideas and creativity to create structures and buildings, wherever it takes me with SketchUp. With the prompt that we are assigned every week, I kept developing new ideas just like how I had to remember dance steps to perform in a month. Not only remembering or developing ideas, but also understand and imagine the outcome and how to present our effort making this idea happens. Similar to choreographing a dance, where I would have to practice the dance steps with the costumes, so that I would get use to it; in SketchUp, I had to match my ideas with my understanding of the tools and techniques used in Sketch Up. Through out this semester, I had learnt so many techniques using the SketchUp tools, which made it more interesting and bring more excitement to my curiosity of Architecture.

Instructor : Jerry W. Lum

ARCH20 Final Portfolio

Fall 2015


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