Scarsdale Inquirer Gradation 2016

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Graduation Class of 2016

A Special Section of The Scarsdale Inquirer July 1, 2016

Edgemont High School graduate Won Jong Lee scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean photo

Page 2A — July 1, 2016


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Congratulations Graduates!

Brandon Blenk Davis Elementary School Grandson of Mary Burr

Carolyn Elizabeth Blenk Albert Leonard Middle School Granddaughter of Mary Burr

Katharine Perry Burr Albert Leonard Middle School Granddaughter of Mary Burr

Randall Burr Davis Elementary School Grandson of Mary Burr

Nate Deutsch KTI Nursery School Grandson of Joan Cohn

Tessa Englander Acton-Boxborough Regional High School

Granddaughter of Simone Englander

Madeleine G. Greco Fox Meadow Elementary School Daughter of Tara T. Greco

Grace Holzberg Eastchester Middle School Daughter of Agnes Holzberg

Carly Isaacs Ardsley High School Daughter of Tracy Isaacs

Max Isaacs Ardsley High School Son of Tracy Isaacs

Elizabeth Judge The Ursuline School Daughter of Christine Judge

Austin Kaplan University of Pennsylvania Son of Alisa Kaplan

Megan Katchis Scarsdale Middle School Granddaughter of Mary Katchis

Ryan Theodore Katchis Horace Greeley High School Granddaughter of Mary Katchis

Aaron Lester University of Wisconsin Madison Son of Leslie Shemin Lester

Mila Lundy Hitchcock Nursery School Daughter of Jaimie Lundy

Benjamin Zucker Scarsdale High School Daughter of Jodi Zucker

Julia Zucker Scarsdale High School Daughter of Jodi Zucker SCARSDALE BROKERAGE • 28 CHASE ROAD • 914.725.3305 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.


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Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 3A

Scarsdale High School Class of 2016

Graduates encouraged to live, learn and love



our years after they arrived at Scarsdale High School together, Principal Ken Bonamo and the members of the school’s 2016 graduating class convened one last time to say goodbye as Scarsdale High School held its 99th commencement at Willard B. Dean Field June 24. “We celebrate the accomplishments you have made over the past four years,” Bonamo said. “And I appreciate the special talents you possess, and that you share with one another.” The ceremony opened with the 364 students marching as “Pomp and Circumstance” was performed by the SHS Symphonic Band, conducted by Jason Noble, then members of the senior choir ensemble sang the national anthem. Marking the end of one journey and the beginning of another, the students listened to speeches from the principal, members of the school board, student government and their faculty advisors. In her welcome message, Scarsdale Board of Education president Leila Maude said the students and their families should feel proud of their accomplishments and hard work, dedication and focus. She advised the students in coming years to give themselves the freedom to explore the unknown. “Try to occasionally wander off the beaten path and try new activities and subjects,” she said. “The more we experience in life, the more we can enjoy it.” School board vice president William Natbony spoke with special pride to the class, which included his daughter, Emily. Drawing analogies from his days in theater at the High School for the Performing Arts, Natbony said high school is like a four-year drama club production, with many rehearsals that provide students the chance to practice and then perform in the show called life. As players on the world stage with a vast audience, the SHS class of 2016 will have “the power to influence, the ability to create, the knowledge to innovate and the persuasiveness to move people,” Natbony said. He encouraged the graduates to “be strong in your convictions and compassionate in your actions and never underestimate your talent and your ability to spark change.” Natbony also urged the graduates to represent Scarsdale in the global community by upholding the district motto, non sibi, not for oneself. “Today is the opening night of your next show ... the curtain is rising, the lights are coming up, and the spotlight is on you. You’re on,” he said. “Break a leg.” Class advisers Larry Brown and Ann Liptak, both retiring this year, shared a few things they learned from the class of 2016, such as, the best Gianonni’s Deli sandwich; the meaning of teen vocabulary such as darty, dank and word; and how spirited this group is, as witnessed during the class trip to Yankees Stadium, the Harlem Wizards event and the “best prom ever.” This class not only had the best prom ever, they also created a new tradition: tossing colored powder at each other at the end of senior year. “Give back to others and never postpone joy,” Brown said in parting. “As you begin your next journey, revel in the relationships you build and enjoy the journey,” Liptak added. When Class of 2016 president Clare Chan addressed the graduates, their parents and guests, she reminisced about fun times and inside jokes among the classmates. Chan encouraged her classmates to forget the mistakes

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Ben Stevens and Signe Forsingdal are both winners of the Henry David Thoreau Award given each year to a highly respected SHS senior who marches to a different drummer. Winners are selected by senior class officers.

and pain they had in high school but remember the happy moments, especially the final day they shared together. “Live in the moment,” she said. “Let go of the would of, should of, could of and just start living.” Chan’s speech also shared a moment of remembrance for their classmate Michael Ludwig, who would have graduated this year. Ludwig died suddenly of an undetected cardiac condition in 2007. “He showed us how precious time is and how a little kindness can go a long way,” Chan said, announcing the class gifts would be donations to the Michael Ludwig Memorial Foundation for medical research and the PaulieStrong Foundation, in memory of Paulie Jimenez, a Greenacres fifth-grader who died of cancer this year. Chan ended her address with a quote from “High School Musical,” the senior class play: “Now we are ready for the start of something new.” Bonamo followed with a message reflecting the “love, not hate” theme that has resonated after recent events, such as the mass shootings in Orlando, Florida and Newtown, Connecticut. “It is easy to say ‘not my problem’ in response to tragedies in the world and expect someone else to respond,” he said, adding, instead, we should listen to the words of Martin Luther King Jr. and respond by meeting hate with love and understanding. “I hope [your teachers] have encouraged you to question the world and to have meaningful discussions even with those who have viewpoints different than your own,” Bonamo said. He advised graduates to “seek the good of your neighbor ... love fellow human beings unconditionally.” “You are our best hope in this regard,” Bonamo said. “Your small acts can have ripple effects that change the world and make it better for others.” After receiving their diplomas from Superintendent

Clare Chan, president of SHS Class of 2016

of Schools Thomas Hagerman, the Class of 2016 tossed their caps in the air and left the field to celebrate with family and friends — and to begin their next phase of living, loving and learning.

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Scarsdale High School Class of 2016 Rachel Beth Abbe Mahiro Abe Gustaf Wilhelm Ahdritz Daniel Bruce Altabet David M. Annex Yusuke Asai Elizabeth Marvel Auchincloss Cameron Hannah Axelrod Jack Samuel Axelrod Sarah Jane Baker Justin A. Barlow Anshi Barmecha Alison Leigh Bauersfeld Matthew Berger Amanda Rose Berk Emily Sophia Berk Steven Carter Berke Celia Helen Berman Paul Bernard Emily Rose Bernstein Sydney Paula Bernstein Zachary Jacob Bernstein Olivia Scott Berridge Sebastian Betancur Maximilian Kristian Beyer Alexa M. Binday Andrew Bindela Christian J. Bishop Michael James Blank Cara J. Blumstein Kostadino J. Bobolakis Sarah Bowen Ava Margret Bradlow Andrew Scott Braun David Bravo Eliza Lily Brosgol Matthew Brotman Simon Barry Brovender Aerin Alana Brown Max Bryant Tom Gjoka Camaj Hayden Yael Carey Julia Michelle Carey Marie Kathleen Ceske Harry S. Chalfin Clare Chie Chan Diane D’Iamenn Coard Dustin Ross Cohen Rachel Leigh Cohen Justin Cole Cooper James F. Cotter Robert A. Covil Nicholas John Crandall Joshua Charles Rozycki Cromwell George Crowley Andre Cutrim Alexander Ryan Czarniak Michael Dee DaBramo Francois de La Garde Edward Peter De Lorenzo Jake Maxwell Debono Margaret R. DesRosiers Nina Sonali Dheer Victoria Giulia Di Salvo Gabriela E. Dickson La Rotta Alexander J. Distler Enya Doherty Jack A. Dolgin Gabriel A. Dolsten Caroline Sophia Donat Kaitlin Ainslee Doyle Matthew A. Drescher Allison Beth Dweck

Patrick Joseph Dwyer Kara Leigh Elcik Tristan Simon Cary Elwes Jonathan Brett Emmerman Rebecca Olufumilayo Epemolu Zoe Nicole Epstein Matheus P. Esteves Gabriel Jacob Jackson Faden Stephanie C. Fan Noel Santos Ferraris Michael F. Fialkow Kristine Elizabeth Fink Alexander A. First Jacob L. Forman Signe Louise Porsborg Forsingdal Madeline Georgia Frankel Samuel M. Fried Ross H. Friedel Jacob Ian Frishberg Zoe Danielle Frishberg Dominick Carmelo Gagliano Harrison Scott Gale Filipe Gadelha de Oliveira Galhardo Samantha Marie Garcia Alexander B. Gelfond Clement B. Gendler Matthew Lee Gibson John Harington Gilpin Jack William Glaser Charles Harrison Gliatta Carly Anne Glickenhaus Daniel Eli Gliedman Jared M. Goldberg Samuel Mather Goldman Abigail F. Goldstein Rick Carter Goodman John Patrick Gorham Elliot Lempert Graham Henry Asher Gray Adaire Francesca Green Isaak Aurelio Greene Gabrielle Rose Grippo Evan Grossman Jonathan S. Gruen Katherine Anne Guerney Richard Y. Guo Abigail Leah Haber Naomi Ruth Haber Rachel Judith Haber Liam Alexander Haller Madailein Anna Hart Benjamin A. Hasson Rohan Maxwell Alexander Hawkins Joshua I. Hendell Olivia S. Henkoff Jack William Hirsh Benjamin Holmes DonTavius Marquis Holmes Lilly Aren Hutcher Elizabeth Margaret Hymes Allison Misaki Ishibashi Benjamin Aaron Jacob Samara Gael Jacobson Hayley Beth Jaffe Sarah Rose Jathas Tisnue Jean-Baptiste Evan Ryan Josephs Alyssa Naomi Josselsohn Kathleen Mary Kantor Isabel Rose Kaplan Lucas Kay

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SHS graduates Julia Talish, Lilly Hutcher and Peyton Malsch

Alyssa Shane Kaye Adam Nadel Kazan Scott H. Kelly Sam Harrison Kessler Hyunwoo Kim Alexa Sabrina Liff Kishner Elliott Benjamin Klein Jeremy Kjaer Klein Joshua Daniel Klein Joshua Eliot Klein Alexis O. Kline Brendan Wesley Knaack David E. Ko Lindsay Brooke Kramer Jack A. Krevitt Caleb Benjamin Krohn Benjamin M. Kulick Caroline Sara Kutzin Litha Le’Jack Kweta Vivian K. Kwok Andrew Benjamin Landau James Landau Niklas Christopher Lang Emma N. Lappin Michael N. Lazar Evan Lester Lazarus Allison Grace Lee Cameron Coker Lee Courtney Ann Lee Isaac Sahng-Hyun Lee Jason Charles Lee Julia Kai Lee Matthew Leslie Lefkowitz Ezra Jared Lerner Genna Levy Zhuotian Li Sarah Kell Lipsitz Andrew J. Liskin Robert E. Liskin Taylor Leigh Lonner Hannah Lily LoSardo Gillian Sara Lubin Elena Anne Ludwig Patrick Andre Lyons Nathan C. Mainster

Lucas Atman Daigle Malhotra Peyton Amanda Malsch Adnan Mamudoski Dorianna Andreina Marambio Brett Aaron Marcus Noah Dylan Marinelli Ignacio J. Marini Nina M. Marmon Giselle P. Maronilla Joseph L. Marques Owen Austin Marsh Christopher Stewart Martin Eryn A. McDonald Clare Tesson McInerney Olivia Justine McKay Leah Rose McKenna Sean F. McKenna Viraj Mehta Jason R. Messinger Jane E. Meyers Samantha C. Meyers Sophia Mian Alexa Daryl Miller Harrison Alexander Miller Rebecca Helen Millman Harvey Ambrose Mineard Noah Joseph Monterosso Eliza Month Suzan Morgul Cameron Henry Moser Anthony Mrijaj Emma Munoz Charles Benjamin Musoff Eliana Paige Naclerio Saadia Noor Naeem Naoko A. Nakajima Remi Nakazeki Jiwo Nam Jonathan Robert Natarajan Emily Jennifer Natbony Jake Robert Nathanson Alexandre H.G. Neishtadt Michaela Marie Nicholas

Principal: Ken Bonamo

Stephen James Nicholas Steven J. Nicodemo Emily Mayumi Nishiwaki Karen Nomura Blake E. Nossel Arthur Evan Noulas Graham Sherman Novitch Kingsley Ike Nwokeji Mikio Onoda Dillon James Orlando Hibiki Orui Rocco N. Palermo Harrison A. Peltz Gordon Michael Phoon Sloane Marie Pick Caterina R. Pizzuti Alana S. Pogostin Nicholas Jazz Politi Marco Francesco Pompa Ryan H Pontone Juliana Danielle Porpora Micaela June Primoff Sydney H. Prince Uzair Muhammad Qadir Amanda Molly Rachlin Ethan Alexander Raff Ryan Anthony Ramirez Megan Eileen Reynolds Eric A. Rodriguez Raphael Serge Boris Eigenmann Rogoff Michael Harrison Rolfe Jordanna Paige Roman Nicole Paige Romano David Rosenstein Samuel Dylan Rosner Carly Tess Rubin Arushi Sahay Aryaan Saigal Norel Linda Salem Alexander Jacob Salzinger Faraz W. Samnani Sarah Saxena Kristen Marina Schepis Benjamin R. Schlur Carolina R. Schott Geffen Aaron Segall Madeleine H. Seidman Samantha Lauren Seltzer Eve C. Serfaty Sara Naz Shah Fazl A. Shaikh Jun Shan Julia Anne Sheinbaum Ilana B. Shire Genevieve Morel Shuster Lawrence E. Silver Nishna Singh Cameron Saba Smith Morgan Faye Solender Samuel Squadron Jacob M. Staffin Nicolas Stainfeld Annabelle Elizabeth Stanley Dorothea Spyridon Stefanou Zachary Justin Steinberg Samuel Matthew Stemerman Jordan Stern Benjamin Isaacs Stevens Joshua Benjamin Stonberg Elizabeth Paige Stone Jonathan Otto Strek Stephanie Dohan Strek Sandra Celine Suarez Alex Sun

Emily Sun Cameron Lee Swift David Mate Friedman Szanto Julia Elizabeth Talish Shreya R. Talus Garrett Wolf Tanzer Sofia Tardif Kerrianne Taxter Lucas Schaffer Tesler Zachary Harrison Tesler Cecilia Carroll Teuber Jordan Elyse Thaler Beatrix Thompson Hailey Ann Thornton Tatiana Brielle Tiangco Morgan Kelly Titone Victoria Wu Tomalin Zachary Bern Townsend Neal Alexander Tracy Jessica Burgess Tsai Daniel Anthony Tucci Jordan Amanda Tuchman Jonathan Sherman Turovsky Sophie Rebecca Ulene Aditi Valada Claire Cornelia van Zwieten Stephen P. Varlotta Isabella de Quadros Vieira Adam Vilajeti Daniel Vilajeti Cal Noah Vinder Kaitlin Maureen Vinton Nicholas Ryan Visnius Michael Garrett Wallach David Wang Jeffrey Wang Macie Reade Wasserberger Mikayla Kayne Waterhouse William Joseph Weingarten Sarah A. Weintraub Drake Everett Weissman Victoria Renee Weissman Yarden Wiesenfeld Jacob Wiener Cameron Graeme Wong Olivia Rachel Antonia Wood Xavier Worsley Han Xu Xingzhi Xu Alan Yao Josephine Q. Zacharia Nina Quirina Zacharia Alexis Lynn Zachem Timothy Mark Zaklama Julia Zecchini Sophie Alexandra Zimbalist Benjamin Beck Zucker Julia Paige Zucker

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Rowan Baer Pre-K Congregation Kol Ami Pre-School Granddaughter of John Baer

Camryn Cassese Kindergarten The Waverly School Daughter of Keisha Cassese Granddaughter of Pat Cassese

Brittany Falow Masters of Arts in Education Teachers College at Columbia University Daughter of Lori Falow

Ian Gerstein Bachelor’s in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Rochester Institute of Technology Son of Mindy Gerstein

Gideon Graf 5th Grade Manorhaven Elementary School (Port Washington) Grandson of Sherry Mendelson

Solomon Graf 5th Grade Manorhaven Elementary School (Port Washington) Grandson of Sherry Mendelson

Catherine Joseph Bachelor’s in Psychology Stony Brook University Daughter of Maria Joseph

Regina Joseph 12th Grade Tuckahoe High School Daughter of Maria Joseph

Charles Lanzillotto III Preschool Creative Playtime Scarsdale Grandson of Charles Lanzillotto

Gabriella Liscio Masters in Science for Speech Pathology Mercy College Daughter of Gloria Liscio

Alex Michelson 6th Grade Seely Place Elementary School Son of Nichole Michelson

Chase Michelson Pre-K Kol Ami Son of Nichole Michelson

Travis Misarti BA in Film & Media Arts University of Tampa Son of Valerie Misarti

Hayden Riccio 12th Grade Eastchester High School Daughter of Pamela Riccio

Evan Rosario BBA in Finance Iona College Son of Angel Rosario

Jacob Temkin BA in Political Science UCLA Grandson of John Baer EastchEstEr | 484 White Plains Rd

Phillippe Teyssonniere de Gramont 5th Grade Thornton Donovan School Son of Anna Teyssonniere de Gramont

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Lucas Foster Werner 8th Grade Ardsley Middle School Son of Natalie Werner

Jayden Wing Pre-K The Guidance Center Son of Valerie Wing

Page 6A — July 1, 2016


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FMA is Proud to Announce This Year’s Award-Winning High School Artists and Musicians

FMA Awards 2015-2016 MUSIC & DRAMA

FMA, Sid Case Memorial Scholarship Award Jake Staffin FMA, Orchestra Award Alan Yao Naoko Nakajima FMA, Chorus Award Samuel Rosner FMA, Band Award Jonathan Turovsky FMA, Drama Award Victoria DiSalvo National Honors Festival Alan Yao, Violin

NYSSMA All-State Conference Symphony Orchestra Nivedita Ravi,Violin Garrett Tanzer, Double Bass Cameron Wong, Cello String Orchestra Laura Clapp,Violin Rachel Haber,Viola Symphonic Band Amy Bi, Flute Young Composer Honors Concert Nicholas Politi WCSMA Intermediate All-County Orchestra Maya Bharara,Viola Lauren Cho, Cello Ada de la Fuente-Akersveen,Viola Lindsay Donat, Double Bass Samantha Ho,Viola Henry Kronenberg, Bassoon Harrison Liu, Cello Abigail Nishiwaki,Violin Deborah Zhang, Cello Maxwell Zhao, Trumpet WCSMA Intermediate All-County Chorus Vivianna Wang WCSMA Intermediate All-County Band Nico Cavalluzzi, Trumpet Jackson Haffner, Clarinet Riley Haffner, Trombone Connor McCarthy, Bb Clarinet Jonah Oxman, Clarinet Michael Palermo, Euphonium Derek Von Redden, French Horn

WCSMA Area All-State Music Festival Full Orchestra Kelsey Chin, Flute Alexander First,Viola Rachel Haber,Violin Ryan Jacobowitz, French Horn Dermot Kantor, Cello Hannah Osinoff, Cello Nivedita Ravi,Violin Mandira Shashank,Viola Cameron Wong, Cello String Orchestra Emily Kopp, Cello Jessica Kwong,Violin Dexin Li,Violin Molly Osinoff,Viola Garrett Tanzer, String Bass Mira Zelkowitz,Violin Mixed Chorus Srishti Arora, Alto 1 Women’s Chorus Ananta Wadhwa, Alto II Band Daniel Beitler, Euphonium Amy Bi, Flute Sarah Bowen, French Horn James Cotter, Percussion – Snare Drum Melanie Holmes, Oboe Sydney Kula, Flute Seung Kwon Joshua Lee, Trombone Emily Markowitz, Clarinet Rocco Palermo, Alto Saxophone Emily Sun, Flute Nina Zacharia, Flute


FMA, Permanent Collection Art Award Noel Ferraris FMA, Media Award Tisnue Jean-Baptiste FMA, Excellence in Visual Art 2-D Award Ilana Shire FMA, Excellence in Visual Art 3-D Award Elena Ludwig FMA, Elisa Draper Art History Award Benjamin Stevens Artist of the Month September: Noel Ferraris October: Leah McKenna November/December: Tisnue Jean-Baptiste January/February: Elena Ludwig March/April: Alana Pogostin May/June: Alexandra Rosenberg Pelham Art Center High School Salon 2016 Gail Alter Peter Godshall Joy Ansell Adaire Green Jordan Aresu Jonathan Gruen Caleigh Bell-Rosof Cecilia Liu Cara Blumstein Ally LoSardo David Calamari Heather Martin Vincent Chang Alana Pogostin Laura Clapp Geffen Segall Margaret DesRosiers Nakul Srinivas Noel Ferraris Cecilia Teuber Samantha Garcia Jeffrey Wang The Future Filmmakers Film Festival at The Pelham Picture House 2016 Alexa Binday Bradley Cochez Eashan Panjwani Jonathan Schwartz Katonah Museum of Arts 2016 Young Artists Exhibition Darian Darakananda Cassandra Davis Noel Ferraris Kathleen Kantor Elena Ludwig Leah McKenna Ilana Shire Morgan Solender Sofia Tardif Daniel Tucci Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Nakul Srinivas, Gold Key Award, Drawing & Illustration Emily Wang, 3rd Place Award, Photography Linna Yao, Honorable Mention in Mixed Media Congressional Art Award Linna Yao

Check out our website at to learn more about Friends of Music and the Arts

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Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 7A

Edgemont High School Class of 2016

Ceremony highlights relationships of all kinds


By Mónica Orbé

HS’s graduation was all about the importance of relationships. The June 23 Edgemont High School graduation was filled with references to social media, technology and how the relationships built there impact the lives of staff and the 146 graduating seniors, alike. Graduating high school senior and the first senior speaker of the celebration, Madison Tiedt, began the ceremony with a speech about the meaning of greatness, which was inspired by a class asking students how they wanted to be remembered. “My understanding of greatness is when one lives a life of purpose,” Tiedt said. She said the challenge is discovering your purpose and being okay with the journey you must go on to discover what that purpose is. “Life allows us to rebuild and redefine ourselves, and it constantly gives us second, third and even fourth chances of getting it right,” she said. Tiedt asked her classmates to think about the people who helped them get through the journey of high school and look forward to the journey ahead, which she said will be filled with “cringe-worthy moments” that will lead her and her fellow classmates to discover their true selves. “As I look at my peers next to me, I can see all of the wonderful and unique talents each of us will use to discover our own paths to greatness,” she said. “However we define it.” Principal Devan K. Ganeshananthan also spoke about how life is a constant journey of self-discovery, but focused more on how his students and the graduating class of 2016 have taught him to stay young. “A few weeks ago, I downloaded Snapchat on to my phone and started using it,” said Ganeshananthan, which met with laughter from the students and crowd. He said, as a parent of two young children, he thought to himself he was getting old and a new foray into current apps would help him stay aware of the times. “I have to stay young,” he said. “I have to stay hip. I at least have to try.” Ganeshananthan said, before he used to do his own technology research, but now the students at Edgemont High School have been a resource he can tap to learn about things like social media applications. “That gives me much deeper insight into the technology I am trying to learn about,” he said. “I ask my students. They

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Above, Alexa Brody and Camryn Okere. Below, Principal Devan K. Ganeshananthan.

were really very knowledgeable … they were unbelievably atwitter with enthusiasm to share their knowledge with me.” The knowledge he gained from his students allowed Ganeshananthan to think deeper about what the success of applications like Snapchat says about us. His conclusion, he said, was what makes the application so successful is it has “innovated along the dimension of time” and it was “essentially the first technology company that focused on the idea of time and [Snapchat] took it to the next level.”

He used this concept to metaphorically express how time and how you use it is a major deciding factor in your happiness and success, especially in relation to others. Clearly, this was a concept not lost on Edgemont High School graduate Alexa Brody, who spoke openly and honestly about the passing of her mother during her junior year, and the constant, unwavering support she received from fellow students and staff at Edgemont High School. “I got to see firsthand what being a

member of this incredibly generous and tight knit community is all about in the days following my mother’s passing,” she said. Brody said she received an outpouring of support from teachers, guidance counselors and neighbors that surprised her, yet solidified her belief her Edgemont community was supportive and caring. “The constant check-ins, delicious meals and kind gestures shown to my family made us feel so comforted,” she said. “The support was exactly what I needed to continue high school with a smile and accept my new normal.” She said all these kind gestures helped her to feel less alone as she was thrust into a situation in which she was dealing with the passing of her mother while trying to get through school. “Throughout the remainder of the year, when I felt low, I had so many people to turn to” Brody said. “When I wanted to spill anything that was on my mind, my peer family made me feel safe enough to do so.” She said specific teachers and friends guided her through this tough time in her life and allowed her to come out of it better than if all these people had not been around for her at all. “It was as though the entire Edgemont community was holding my hand and helping me move forward,” she said. “I want to thank you for this. For showing me how special Edgemont is and for making it possible for me to stand here stronger and more confident today.” Brody said she felt the strength she got from those experiences made her more resilient and passionate about supporting the community and school that went out of it’s way to support her, through giving back. During this time, she said she was inspired to work on “being a better friend, a stronger student and ultimately make a difference.” This year, as a result of what she learned from the relationships that guided her through that time, Brody said she brought recycling to the school, offered advice to underclassmen as a peer leader and started an international cooking club. “I did all of this knowing my mom was looking down on me with her smile,” she said. Though the 2016 Edgemont High School graduates may be leaving in the fall to go to their respective schools, their experiences have taught them, and the Edgemont High School staff, lessons that will remain to guide them throughout their lives.

Page 8A — July 1, 2016


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Edgemont High School Class of 2016 Lauren Abidargham Alan Aboulafia Danielle Abraham Alexia Acevedo Faisal Akhtar Nickola Alexandrov Daniel Arnold Zana Asanaj Kyle Aslanian Zoe Ballas Sean Barnes Amy Baumgarten Benjamin Bender Sara Berman Matthew Bernstein Michael Book Alexa Brody Savannah Brooks Kent Cheuk Fung Cai Pedro Cañas Thomas Carrao Jesse Chun Hwa Chan Xi-Zhong Chan Diana Chantz Philip Chantz Annekka Chao James Y. Chen Edward Cho Victoria Coleman Alyssa Cooperman Elizabeth Coscia Emma Cunningham Allison Domm

Jamila Douglas Jonathan Douglas Julian Matthew Dow Nainika D’Souza Claire Duke Alexandra Egles Christopher Eppolito Daniel Erber Ashley Fenstermaker Jordan Folk Nathaniel Goldrich Jeremy Goldstein Grace Gonzalez David Greenberg Liza Gross Amanda Hess Kara Hochstadt Sean Hopkins Christina Hsu David Huh Faizan Hussain Aaditya Jain Arpit Jain Sherab Jamtsho Sonal Jauhar Peter Jefferies Dohun Jeong Fangwei Jin Sarah Kahn Thomas Kaizer Jiwoo Kang Louis Kerner Hana Kim

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Jungyon Kim Michael Kirschner Niamh Klein Nicholas Kocaj Mallory Kostroff Kaila Kuschman Paul Langiulli

Eric Last Abbe Rae Lazar Won Jong Lee Hannah Litt Angela Liu Sarah Lopreiato Justin Lue

Principal: Devan K. Ganeshananthan

Cienna Makolo Juan De Jesus Manzarr Benitez Victoria McGee Prinesh Mistry Zachary Mohamed Sophia Mond Hunter Moore Sean Morton Daniyal Mughal Danielle Musoff Melissa Nadasdi Tejas Nair Isaiah Ngowi Camryn Okere Dana Orlando Jemin Park Jin A. Park Samantha Perlman Luke Pottenger Julianna Ramos Matthew Rappaport Simrin Rawal Itai Rembaum Nadia Riverso Christian Rodriguez Angela Rosario Reed Rosenberg Jared Rosner Jamie Roth Zachary Rubin Hannah Ryjikov Fayssal Saleh Sarah Salimi

Krishna Saraf Daniel Sayegh Jake Schneps Gabrielle Seda Jasmine Seda Ian Silberzweig Alec Simon Drew Simon Nikolas Simonlacaj Noah Spector Jessica Stern Jessica Strauss Devin Stuzin Shota Suzuki Tamaki Suzuki Romina Tafreshi Nikash Taskar Alex Teperman Madison Tiedt Justin Tomkiewicz Aidan Uy Samantha Valente Chloe Wang Peifeng Wang Daniel Warshafsky Maya Weber Eshana Weerasinghe Marc Weisglass Spencer Wheeler WilliamReitz Widmann Ethan Wilenski Max Worobow Joel Xu Muyun Zhao

CLASSES START August 1 & September 6

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Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 9A

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Page 10A — July 1, 2016


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where they’re heading American University Evan Lazarus, SHS Amherst College Sarah Weintraub, SHS Barnard College Emma Cunningham, EHS Sloane Pick, SHS Samantha Seltzer, SHS Bentley University Sam Kessler, SHS Boston College Jiwo Nam, SHS Boston University Emily Bernstein, SHS Michael Lazar, SHS

Brown University Harry S. Chalfin, SHS Nathan Mainster, SHS Abigail L. Haber, SHS Lucas S. Tesler, SHS Zachary H. Tesler, SHS Sophie Ulene, SHS Bucknell University Alyssa Cooperman, EHS Matthew Drescher, SHS Case Western Reserve University Joshua Cromwell, SHS Kara Elcik, SHS David Greenberg, EHS Elliott Klein, SHS

Scarsdale High School graduate Michael Blank.

Catholic University of America Kathleen Kantor, SHS

Emory University Jack Krevitt, SHS Abbe Lazar, EHS

Chapman University Elizabeth Hymes, SHS Colgate University Zoe Frishberg, SHS Alyssa Josselsohn, SHS Jessica Stern, EHS Columbia University Clare Chan, SHS Alan Yao, SHS Niamh Klein and Noah Spector, Edgemont High School graduates.

TimoThy Angelo leone

scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean photos

Fangwei Jin and fellow Edgemont High School graduates.

Cornell University Mahiro Abe, SHS Celia Berman, SHS Marie Ceske, SHS Nina Dheer, SHS Jack Glaser, SHS Naomi R. Haber, SHS Samara Jacobson, SHS Christopher Martin, SHS Harrison Peltz, SHS Sara Shah, SHS Cameron Swift, SHS

DAnielA piro

Franklin & Marshall College

Oneonta College

Victoria Weissman, SHS Cornell University School of Hotel Administration Jeremy Klein, SHS

Duke University Zachary Bernstein, SHS Alexis Zachem, SHS

Eastchester High School

Elon University Steven Berke, SHS Genna Levy, SHS Melissa Nadasdi, EHS

Emory Oxford College DonTavius Holmes, SHS

DAviD rosensTein New Rochelle High School

Congratulations to the Class of 2016

29 Wilmot Road

George Mason University Daniel Altabet, SHS

Emerson College Cameron Lee, SHS

Dickinson College Graham Novitch, SHS

chrisTopher piro

Franklin & Marshall College Michaela Nicholas, SHS Stephen Nicholas, SHS


Georgetown University Michael Blank, SHS Carly Anne Glickenhaus, SHS continued on page 11A

grAce & AvA Forcino

Weekday Nursery School

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 11A

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where they’re heading continued from page 10A

George Washington University Hannah Lily Losardo, SHS Geffen Segall, SHS Gettysburg College Julia Zecchini, SHS Hamilton College Daniel Gliedman, SHS Adam Kazan, SHS Harvard University Hayley Jaffe, SHS Sam Rosner, SHS Haverford College Eliza Brosgol, SHS

Hobart and William Smith Colleges Elena Anne Ludwig, SHS

Northwestern University Sydney Bernstein, SHS Justin Cooper, SHS Liam Haller, SHS Joshua D. Klein, SHS Peyton Malsch, SHS Rocco Palermo, SHS Drake Weissman, SHS

Iona College, SHS Kingsley Nwokeji Jr., SHS Ithaca College Dominick Gagliano, SHS Andrew Liskin, SHS The Juilliard School Naoko Nakajima, SHS Kenyon College Filipe Galhardo, SHS Lafayette College Eric Last, EHS

Alexa Miller, Scarsdale High School graduate.

Lehigh University Rachel Cohen, SHS Patrick Lyons, SHS Benjamin Zucker, SHS

Marist College Robert Liskin, SHS Sam Stemerman, SHS

Lewis and Clark College Elizabeth Auchincloss, SHS

Aaditya Jain, Edgemont High School graduate.

Northeastern University Anshi Barmecha, SHS

scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean photoS

McGill University Paul Bernard, SHS Dorothea Stefanou, SHS

Lynn University Andrew Landau, SHS

Miami University (Ohio) Viraj Mehta, SHS Kerrianne Taxter, SHS

Macalester College Morgan Solender, SHS

Michigan State University Cecilia C. Teuber, SHS

Manhattanville College Andrew Bindela

Middlebury College Owen Marsh, SHS

Muhlenberg College Michael DaBramo, SHS Sarah Lipsitz, SHS Emily Natbony, SHS New York University David Bravo, SHS Hayden Carey, SHS Gabriel Faden, SHS Clement Gendler, SHS Raphael Eigenmann Rogoff, SHS Neal Alexander Tracy, SHS

Oberlin College of Arts & Sciences Nicholas Jazz Politi, SHS Mimi Silverstein, The Masters School

Sarah Bowen, Scarsdale High School graduate.

Oberlin Conservatory Nicholas Jazz Politi, SHS Benjamin Stevens, SHS

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Gordon Phoon, SHS

Pennsylvania State University Katherine Guerney, SHS Nina Marmon, SHS

Skidmore College Christian Bishop, SHS Ava Bradlow, SHS Caroline Kutzin, SHS Jessica B. Tsai, SHS

Pratt Instititute Sofia Tardif, SHS Rhode Island School of Design Noel Santos Ferraris, SHS Rochester Institute of Technology Benjamin Ross Schlur, SHS

Stanford University Nico Stainfeld, SHS Han (Cherie) Xu, SHS SUNY Albany Robert Covil

continued on page 12A


GRADUATES! Thank you, Schechter Westchester, for making our decision so tough.

The Class of 2016 has been accepted to an amazing group of colleges, universities and programs in Israel: The University of Arizona* Binghamton University* Boston University Brandeis University* Bucknell University Buffalo State College of SUNY Case Western Reserve University Cazenovia College Champlain College* College of Charleston University of Chicago Clark University Colgate University* Colorado State University Columbia University University of Connecticut Cornell University* Dartmouth College*

University of Delaware* University of Denver Dickinson College Drexel University* Duke University Emerson College Emory University* Fordham University Franklin and Marshall College* Franklin Pierce University The George Washington University* Goucher College* Hampshire College* University of Hartford* Harvard University* Hofstra University

Hunter College of the CUNY Indiana University* The Institute of Culinary Education* Ithaca College* Jewish Theological Seminary of America* Lehigh University* Lesley University LIM College Long Island University Lynn University University of Maine Manhattanville College University of Maryland* Marymount Manhattan College University of Massachusetts Mercy College Miami University University of Miami University of Michigan* Michigan State University Muhlenberg College* University of New Hampshire New York University Northeastern University Northwestern University* Oberlin College The Ohio State University Pace University* University of Pennsylvania* Pennsylvania State University Pomona College* Quinnipiac University University of Rhode Island Rider University University of Rochester* Rochester Institute of Technology*

Rockland Community College* Roger Williams University Rutgers University Skidmore College University of Southern California Southern Connecticut State University State University of New York at Albany* State University of New York at Buffalo State University of New York at Stony Brook SUNY College at Cortland SUNY College at Fredonia SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at New Paltz SUNY College at Oneonta* SUNY College at Oswego SUNY College at Plattsburgh SUNY College at Potsdam*

Swarthmore College Syracuse University* The University of Tampa Temple University University of Toronto Trinity College Tulane University* Vassar College University of Vermont* University of Virginia* Washington University in St. Louis* Western New England University Williams College University of Wisconsin* Yeshiva University* Gap Year Programs Hevruta* Mechinat Nachshon* Nativ* Yeshivat Ma’ale Gilboa* Young Judaea Year Course* *Indicates schools which students are attending.

Page 12A — July 1, 2016


ThE scarsdale inquirer

where they’re heading continued from page 10A

SUNY Binghamton Nicholas Crandall, SHS Teddy De Lorenzo, SHS Allison Ishibashi, SHS Jeffrey K. Klein, SHS Niklas Lang, SHS SUNY New Paltz Patrick Dwyer, SHS Syracuse University Zoe Epstein, SHS Noah Marinelli, SHS Sean McKenna, SHS Ilana Shire, SHS Victoria Tomalin, SHS Stephen Varlotta, SHS Julia Zucker, SHS Tufts University Danielle Musoff, EHS Amanda Rachlin, SHS Tulane University Lilly A. Hutcher, SHS Jordan Tuchman, SHS Union College John Gilpin, SHS University of Alabama Courtney Lee, SHS

University of California, L.A. Taylor Lonner, SHS

University of Southern California Caroline Donat, SHS Luke Pottenger, EHS

University of Chicago Dorianna Andreina Marambio, SHS

University of Texas at Austin Emily Berk, SHS Max Worobow, EHS

University of Connecticut Jacob Frishberg, SHS University of Delaware Madeline Frankel, SHS Gabrielle Grippo, SHS Jared F. Kanim, Stepinac High School University of Florida Margaret DesRosiers, SHS University of Maryland Julia Carey, SHS Ross Friedel, SHS Maddie Seidman, SHS Eve Serfaty, SHS Michael Vinder, SHS University of Massachusetts, Amhearst Victoria Di Salvo, SHS University of Miami Alexa Binday, SHS Blake Nossel, SHS

University of Virginia Andrew Braun, SHS Emma N. Lappin, SHS scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean photos

Scarsdale High School graduates Enya Doherty and Jordan Tuchman.

University of Michigan Danielle Abraham, EHS Simon Brovender, SHS Rick Goodman, SHS Benjamin Kulick, SHS James Landau, SHS Sydney Prince, SHS Jordanna Roman, SHS

University of Pennsylvania Rachel Abbe, SHS Allison Domm, EHS Ben Jacob, SHS Michael Rolfe, SHS Josh Stonberg, SHS Michael Wallach, SHS

University of New Hampshire Madailein Hart, SHS

University of Richmond Alexander Czarniak, SHS Jon Natarajan, SHS

University of Notre Dame James Cotter, SHS Michael Rolfe, SHS

University of Rochester Jake Forman, SHS

University of WisconsinMadison Matthew Berger, SHS Michael Fialkow, SHS Carolina R. Schott, SHS

Washington University in St. Louis Sam Fried, SHS Jeremy Goldstein, EHS Lindsay Kramer, SHS Lucas Malhotra, SHS Matthew Rappaport, EHS David Rosenstein, SHS Wesleyan University Gillian Lubin, SHS Yale University Gabriel A. Dolsten, SHS

Vanderbilt University Benjamin Bender, EHS Amanda Berk, SHS Evan Josephs, SHS Julia Talish, SHS Macie Wasserberger, SHS Vanderbilt University Blair School of Music Rachel J. Haber, SHS Vassar College David Szanto, SHS Sarah Salimi, Edgemont High School graduate.

Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2016! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best! Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2010! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best! We areproud proud ofour our graduates and with them best! We graduates and thethe best! We areare proud ofofour graduates andwish withthem them the best!

Lauren Abidargham Alec Abraham Bader Talia Sean Barnes Sarah Ballan Talia Abraham Talia Abraham Hannah Bartell Daniel Bernstein Sarah Ballan Sarah Ballan Talia Matt Abraham Daniel Bernstein Bernstein Becca Bohrer Daniel Bernstein Sarah Ballan Becca Bohrer David Bougard Michael Book Becca Bohrer DanielDavid Bernstein Bougard Bianca Buonaguro Matthew Brotman David Bougard Becca Bohrer Bianca Buonaguro Danielle Calamari Sammy Burton Bianca Buonaguro David Danielle BougardCalamari Alex Cappelli Danielle Calamari Jack Casella Cappelli BiancaAlex Buonaguro Bernard Cheng AlexChacon Cappelli Dahlia Bernard Cheng Danielle Calamari Bernard Cheng Alexandra Cooke Jennifer Chin Alexandra Cooke Alex Cappelli Alexandra Cooke Julia Diamond Julia Diamond Rory Coleman Bernard Cheng Julia Diamond Thomas Evans Thomas Evans Morgan Collins Alexandra Cooke Thomas Evans Nicholas Farago Nicholas CooperFarago Nicholas Farago Julia Hannah Diamond James Cotter Thomas Evans HallieFarago Cronin Nicholas Clara Curbera

Nikolas Simonlacaj Tejas Nair Nainika D’Souza Sonal Jauhar Rebecca Joseph Irmak Karayal Aaron Nassiri Michael Depass Singh Cody Fisher GigiNishna Rawanduzy Joseph Nelson Maggie Desrosiers Elizabeth Flagg Jerrin Kakkanatt DanaKarayal Knopp Rovner Ioanna Skubas Cody Fisher Irmak Gigi Sam Rawanduzy Cody Fisher Irmak Karayal Gigi Rawanduzy Rachel Pak Gabriela Dickson Jacob Goldwasser Sarah Koch Schwab Elizabeth Flagg Jason KapelusDana Knopp SamJulie Rovner Sammy Stone Elizabeth Flagg DanaKarayal Knopp Sam CodyJacob Fisher Irmak Gigi Rovner Rawanduzy GoldwasserMadelyn Kapelus Sarah Koch Julie Schwab Alexander Distler Justin Goo Nicole Lee Jina Park Andre Sguerra Michael Sullivan Jacob Flagg Goldwasser Sarah Koch Julie Elizabeth Dana Knopp Sam Schwab Rovner Justin Goo Nicole Lee Andre Sguerra Harris Shaun-Chi Maura Lee Phelan Miranda Soloff Scott Kelly DavidJustin Dorsky Neil Suri Justin Goo Nicole Lee Andre Sguerra Jacob Goldwasser Sarah Koch Julie Schwab Justin Harris Shaun-Chi Lee Miranda Soloff Sarah Harris Brittany Lerner Jade Somboonthum Nate Platzner Matthew Drescher Niamh Klein Justin Harris Shaun-Chi Lee MirandaAlex Soloff Tanke Justin Goo Harris Nicole Lee Lerner Andre Sguerra Sarah Brittany Jade Somboonthum Haubner Samantha Medney Taffet Peter KorshunBrittany Alana Pogostin JadeElliot Caleb Julianna Esrig Sarah Harris Lerner Somboonthum Alex Tiratsuyan Julianna SamanthaLee Medney Elliot Taffet Justin HarrisHaubner Shaun-Chi Miranda Soloff Herrero Saket Mehta David Julianna Haubner Samantha Medney Elliot TaffetTaub David Rosenstein Alisha Kuriakose BrookeEliza Evans Eliza Herrero Saket Mehta David Taub Sarah Harris Brittany Lerner Jade Somboonthum Victoria Tomalin Devin Hill Megan Myron Erik Wahlberg Eliza Herrero Saket Mehta David Taub Allison Rosenthal Erik Christopher Fischer Shiana Kuriakose Devin Hill Megan Myron Wahlberg Julianna Haubner Samantha Medney Elliot Taffet Gaurav Uppal Devin Hill Megan Myron ErikYael Wahlberg Kevin Hill Alizay Naqvi Wiesenfeld Niklas Lang Samuel Rosner Stephanie Ge Kevin Hill Alizay Naqvi Yael Wiesenfeld ElizaKevin Herrero Saket Mehta David Taub Hill Alizay Naqvi Yael Wiesenfeld Delaney Walker Doriel Gracie Nash Joshua DorielJacov Jacov Gracie Nash WoolfWoolf Sarah SamaranayakeJoshua Melanie Logan Liam Haller Devin Hill Megan Myron Erik Wahlberg Doriel Jacov Gracie Nash Joshua Woolf Maya Nikhyl Kristin O’Hara Sooyoung Yoo NikhylJhangiani Jhangiani Kristin O’Hara YooWeber Peter Schneider Sooyoung Sinead Hennessy Kevin Hill JhangianiOwen Marsh Alizay Naqvi Yael Wiesenfeld Nikhyl Kristin O’Hara Sooyoung Yoo Johnnie Kallas Alison Park Hyun-Kyung Johnnie Kallas Alison Park Hyun-Kyung Yuh Yuh Will Weingarten Amanda Hess Messana Johnnie Alison Park Allison Seiden Hyun-Kyung Doriel JacovKallas ChristopherGracie Nash Joshua WoolfYuh Spencer Aleena Shabbir Lilly HutcherJhangiani Michael Moran Nikhyl Kristin O’Hara Sooyoung YooWheeler Danielle Wolk Maria Morrissey Jacqueline Huvane Johnnie Kallas Alison Park Acacia Sharma Hyun-Kyung Yuh Jiwon Yoo Lawrence Silver Samara Jacobson Daniyal Mughal

ThE scarsdale inquirer

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 13A


Congratulations to our Graduates and the Class of 2016 Alexa Binday Daughter of Glenn Binday Granddaughter of Ron & Roz Binday Scarsdale High School Sara Binday Granddaughter of Ron & Roz Binday Rodeph Sholom, NYC

Arianna Smith Daughter of Anita Smith Lakeland Copper Beech Middle School

Joseph De Los Santos Son of Glenys De Los Santos Children of America Pre-School Craig Cheverko Advocate's Busineses Development Manager Westchester Community College

Scarsdale’s Premier Insurance Agency 820 Scarsdale Avenue Scarsdale, NY 10583

Page 14A — July 1, 2016


ThE scarsdale inquirer

Prom Night

Isaak Greene and Sarah Jathas

Robby Chappell

Ava Bradlow

Clare McInerney and Megan Reynolds

Jackie Hornung, Ben Jacob, Stephanie Strek, Jonny Strek and Sarah Weintraub

Emma Munoz and Niklas Lang

Scarsdale High School Dressed in tuxedos and evening gowns, Scarsdale seniors showed off their prom finery for the cameras at the June 4 red carpet preprom party hosted by the PTA before heading off to the Glen Island Harbor Club in New Rochelle. Julia Zecchini and Christian Bishop

Photos by Alan Zale

Alex Salzinger and Kristine Fink

Anshi Barmecha, Kathleen Kantor and Rebecca Epemolu

Jacob Stiel and Charlie Musoff

Rachel Cohen, Eve Serfaty, Julia Zucker, Lizzy Stone, Lindsay Kramer, Alexis Kline and Ally Dweck

Samantha Garcia and date

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Scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean photos

Scardale High School graduate Tisnue Jean-Baptiste

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 15A

Edgemont High School graduate Prinesh Mistry

Scarsdale High School graduate Gabriela Dickson La Rotta

A special section of The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500 Publisher Deborah G. White Section Editor Jason Chirevas Editorial Assistants Valerie Abrahams, Mónica Orbé, Lisa Coleman Bradlow, Sandy Greene, Ava Bradlow Art Director Katherine Potter Ad Sales Thomas O’Halloran, Barbara Yeaker, Gerry Ryan, Marilyn Petrosa, Francesca Lynch

Cover photo Jim Maclean ©2016 S.I. Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the Publisher’s written permission.

Congratulates the Class of 2016

260 Jay Street • Katonah, NY 10536 • 914.232.3161 • • A coeducational college preparatory school enrolling students in grades 6–12 for day and in grades 9–12 for five-day boarding.

Page 16A — July 1, 2016


ThE scarsdale inquirer


Kara Elcik and Hailey Thornton

Salutes the C

oulihan Lawrence Realty salutes Scarsdale’s extraordinary class of 2016, who gathered with their family and friends to celebrate commencement exercises last Friday, June 24th. Brilliant blue skies and sunshine mirrored the joyous mood of those assembled to watch the 364 seniors receive their diplomas. Class officers, including class president Clare Chan, Board of Education president Leila Maude and vice president William Natbony, class advisers Laurence Brown and Ann Liptak, SHS principal Kenneth Bonamo, and Superintendent Dr. Thomas Hagerman all spoke to the triumphs, challenges and meaningful moments that this class has experienced in its journey.

DISTINCTIVE DESIGN Frank Lloyd Wright inspired Contemporary nestled in the woods on 2.2 acres provides a warm and dramatic invitation with its soaring ceilings, open floor plan, oak and tile flooring, mission-style lighting and downlit Tennessee Stack Stone theme throughout the home. Designer kitchen. Luxurious master bedroom suite. Sparkling pool, hot tub and gardens.

Owen Marsh

POUND RIDGE | WEB# RR1146718 | $949,000 BEDFORD/POUND RIDGE BROKERAGE 914.234.9099 Senior class advisers Ann Liptak and Laurence Brown

Rear: Eve Serfaty, Isabel Kaplan, Bebe Thompson, Julia Sheinbaum and Alexis Kline. Front: Gillian Lubin, Tori Weissman, Rachel Cohen, Lizzy Stone and Ally Dweck

Siblings, Twins & Triplets Rear: Andrew Liskin, Robert Lis Middle: Amanda Berk, Stephen Nicholas, Michaela Nicho Front: Emily Berk, Abby Haber, Rachel Haber, Naomi Haber

PURE ENCHANTMENT Fabulous gardens surround this quintessential Bedford home built in 1900 sited on perfectly level and exceptionally beautiful property located on the

ThE scarsdale inquirer

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 17A

Class of 2016 With focus, energy, and camaraderie, the class of 2016 made its mark, with accomplishments ranging from academics to sports, from the performing arts to community service. Taking great pride in their commitment to school spirit and the school motto, non sibi, they came together, volunteering, contributing, making a difference and gaining confidence in themselves. We honor all our graduates – the little children we remember with love and the amazing young adults they grown up to be, along with the wonderful parents, teachers, administrators, and school system that have nurtured them every step of the way. Take pleasure in your achievements, enjoy the summer, and follow your dreams! Photographs by Beverly Picker

Senior Class Officers Top: James Cotter and Owen Marsh. Middle: Lawrence Brown, adviser; Matt Drescher, Stephanie Strek, Macie Wasserberger and Charlie Musoff. Bottom: Sarah Weintraub, David Rosenstein, Clare Chan, Yarden Weisenfeld and Ann Liptak, adviser

skin, Jack Axelrod, Cameron Axelrod and Jake Frishberg olas, Tori Weissman, Drake Weissman and Zoe Frishberg. r, Julia Zucker and Ben Zucker

Justin Barlow, Anshi Barmecha and Ali Bauersfeld

Elena Ludwig

Pre-Prom Jake Nathanson, Noah Marinelli, David Ko, Josh Klein, Ben Hasson and Zach Townsend

Page 18A — July 1, 2016


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Emma Lappin as drama teacher Ms. Darbus.

ThE scarsdale inquirer

High School Musical The Scarsdale High School senior class musical on May 20 and 21, a last chance for seniors to bond with their classmates, featured “High School Musical,” directed by Victoria DiSalvo and assistant director Kristen Schepis. The entire cast and crew were made up of graduating SHS seniors, many of whom had never before participated in school theater productions.

Harry Gale, Marco Pompa, Ilana Shire as the high school thesbians.

Matt Gibson and Owen Marsh as high school jocks with Will Weingarten as Troy Bolton. Norel Salem as Gabriella, Hayley Jaffe as Sharpay and Amanda Berk as Taylor.

cÜÉâwÄç VÉÇzÜtàâÄtàxá bâÜ ZÜtwâtà|Çz fxÇ|ÉÜá Gustaf Ahdritz—Columbia University

Naomi Haber—Cornell University

Erica Bank—Northwestern University

Brandon Hilfer—Williams College

Anshi Barmecha—Northeastern

Charlotte Hill—Oberlin College


Dohun Jeong—University of Illinois

Ava Bradlow—Skidmore College

Thomas Kaizer—University of Rochester

Matthew Bernstein—Stanford University Graham Blair—Duke University


Fangwei Berber Jin—Stanford University

Julian Briones—New York University

Kathleen Kantor—Catholic University

Sandra Chilson– Franklin & Marshall

Su‐Lynn Kok—University College of



Notre Dame

Zoya Qureshi—Vassar College

Liam Fenlon—Massachusetts Institute

Sarah Schuhmann Saxena—Cornell

of Technology


Maia Chua—Boston University James Cotter—University of Gabriel Faden—New York University

Alexander First—University of Chicago Thibault Forgeas—McGill University Nathan Goldrich—Northwestern

Jane Milcetic—Smith College Olivia Pollack—Columbia University

Casey Rabito—Villanova University

Hideo Schwartz—Stony Brook University

Gabriel Siegel—Lehigh University


Ethan Sipe—City College of New York

Abigail Haber—Brown University

David Townley—Yale University

Richard Guo—University of California

Zachary Susswein—Georgetown

Los Angeles


Rachel Haber—Vanderbilt University

Peifeng Wang—Binghamton University

Seeing and Hearing Never Congratulations to Like the class of Before 2016 Visit Our Showroom to Experience andNew our very own graduate. you much 4K Wishing Ultra HDTV and success Hi-Resand Audio happiness in your future endeavors!

List incomplete at time of printing 25 School Lane, Scarsdale, New York 10583 (914) 723‐1169 ● ●

Value Electronics 35 Popham Rd Scarsdale 914-723-3344

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 19A

ThE scarsdale inquirer



Congratulations Graduates!

Andrew Basil

Byram Hills High School Son of Kristen Basil

Sam Freedman Northwestern University Son of Diane Freedman

Kaitlin Goldenberg

Elliott Klein

Dana Koh

Scarsdale High School Son of Lisa Klein

Robert Perito Villanova University Son of Nancy Perito

Byram Hills High School Daughter of Lauren Goldenberg

University of Tampa Daughter of Lisa Koh

David Ryan

Iona College Nephew of Jeanne Looney

Eli Sporn

Byram Hills High School Son of Stacey Sporn

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Page 20A — July 1, 2016


Prom Night Edgemont High School

Luke Pottenger and Allison Domm

ThE scarsdale inquirer

A variety of gowns graced the Edgemont High School lawn June 17. Bright colors, patterns and even lace were some of the daring choices made by students looking to enjoy their last celebration together at the VIP Country Club in New Rochelle. Photos by Mónica Orbé

Front: Yvonne Liu, Mina Lee, Maegan Palomino, Christina Hsu and Yuki Sekine Rear: Brian Lee, Prinesh Mistry, Julian Dow, Spencer Wheeler and Arpit Jian

Tia Cheng and Jared Rosner

Camryn Okere and Victoria McGee

Muyun Zhao

Justin Lue, Angela Liu and Jemin Park

Jamila Douglas

Samantha Perlman and Eric Last

Sophia Mond and Jamie Roth

Sarah Tsuruo and Paola Casado

Daniyal Mughal and Alyssa Cooperman

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 21A

ThE scarsdale inquirer

moving up SCARSDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL Pragya Ajmera Eri Akasaka Dennis Alter Isa Ameen Schoen Amidor Madison Amoriello Stuart Anderson Abigail Andruss Devin Ankeney Alan Arias Deviki Arora Alexander Arovas Patrick Artes Daniel Asher Lisa Asriev Aimee Azambuya-Skoupy Madeleine Bailey Sarah Bali Ward Bandsma Caitlin Barotz Isha Bedi Maeve Bellesheim Veronica Belloso Ashley Berson Charles Beveridge Jacob Binyaminov Jacob Bitterman Ilai Blaustein Tara Bleustein Justin Blieden

Liat Blumenfeld Christos Bobolakis John Bobolakis Olivia Boccia Alexander Borodin Connor Bowes Ryan Braun Lucy Brenner Olivia Bryant Jessica Byers Sophia Caione Michael Callahan Victoia Capobianco Luke Carnicelli Craig Carroll Sophie Carroll Mannix Castro Lucy Cecil Alison Chan Leela Chari Patrick Chen Ethan Cheng Magan Chin Takako Chisaka Aryan Chitale Jack Cioffi Liam Cochrane Melissa Cohen Wyatt Coleman Anne Conlan

PRINCIPAL: Michael McDermott | ASSISTANT PRNCIPALS: Rochelle Hauge, Larry Chatzinoff

scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean

Lisa Asriev, Daniela Dawson, Bridget Panessa and Elena Orengo sign each others’ yearbooks.

Theodore Constan Wolf Cukier Stephanie Cuomo Jayden Cyzner Katherine Dabbar Amelie Daire Anton Daire Cameron Davis

Daniela Dawson Isabella De Oteiza Jacques deLaGarde Katie DelGuercio Samuel Denison Anika Dhuri Bridget Dibbini Aisling Doherty

Eric Donohue Anna Donovan John Dowd Yihan Du William Dundon Jenny Durgaj Nicole Dweck Sarah Epstein

Jacob Faierman Sarina Fard Jennifer Farfel Nicole Farha Abigail Fehrenbaker Emma Feldman Samuel Feldman Alexa Feldschuh Angela Ferrigno Ian Fischer Joshua Fisher Luke Fisher Daniel Flink Bridget Foley Lukas Forsingdal Sophia Franco Adam Freilhofner Samuel Friedman Taylor Fry Rong Fu Cole Fuehrer Ami Fujii Kathleen Full-Baudeneau Megan Galbo Richard Gao Victor Gao Sofia Garrido-Fajardo Matthew Gaskin Elsie Gateka

continued on page 22A



Page 22A — July 1, 2016


ThE scarsdale inquirer

moving up SCARSDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL continued from page 21A

Ethan Gates Tamara Gee Joshua Geller Andronikos Georgalas Isabela George Rishabh Gharekhan Nicole Gibson Joseph Gindi Ava Girardi David Glantz Emma Glaser Dean Glucksman Danielle Goldman Brett Goldstein Grace Goodman Molly Grand Sophie Grand Jack Greenspan Jay Greenwald Kasmira Gupta Riya Gupta Sebastian Hagenbuch Sophia Hajjar Ines Hall Rose Hanish Sayako Hatanaka

Samantha Hausman James Heffner Sidney Hernandez Isabella Higdon Caroline HIggins Mira High Rena Hirose Samantha Hirschhorn Matthew Hoffman Thomas Hoffman Kelsy Hogan Sophie Hu Felicity Huang Alexandre Hulin Kayla Hunt Marc Ifrah Magdalena Inirio-Akuetey Annabel Jacobs Ayden Jacov Samantha Jahrmarkt Hudsen Jakubowics Dylan Jansky Markus Johansson Thorri Jonsson Benjamin Kaller Ishaan Kannan Adam Kanowitz Margaret Kantor

Isa Ameen and Alan Arias

Evan Kashanian Benjamin Kashar Daniel Katcher Megan Katchis Diego Kaune Ulia Kawai Ty Kawamura Charlotte Kelson Zachary Kempin Kelly Kim Aliza Klein Zoe Kleinman Amanda Kornfeld Rebecca Kozmann Megan Kraut Daniel Krevitt Tarun Krishan Oliver Krohn Lily Kronenberg Sophia Laaraj Isabel Lago Natalie Lago Joshua Landgarten Charles Lau Jake Lawrence Henry Lazarus Aiyana Lebron Brendan Lee

scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean photos

Yu Teranishi, Sayako Hatanaka and Eri Akasaka.

Calvin Lee Nicholas Lee Abigail Lefkowitz Julie Leichtner Isabella Lelis Ford Lenchner Michaela Lenskis-Kristian Nicole Lerner Gabriel Lesser Jocelyn Lewis Parker Lewis Benjamin Li Depei Li Deyuan Li Edward Li JiaYi Lim Matthew Lipsay George Liu Jessie Liu Jordana Love Alec Ludwig Sophie Maddon Lynne Mahoney Eve Mainster Hudson Malsch Dean Mancini Joshua Mandel Justin Mandal Aidan Mansfield

Helen Marino Kayla Maroney Spencer Martin Luka Masic Rebecca Maud Jacob McEvoy Aidan McKenna Aidan McPhillips Zachary Medvinsky Rachel Meiselman Luisa Mendes Reza Merchant Charlotte Meyers Michael Mikelis David Miller Tyler Miller Jack Mintzer Lucas Miranda Andrew Morin Arthur Mortreux Satofumi Nakamura Padmasri Narayanan Mukund Neel Samuel Nichols Andie Noenstein Hunter Nurse William Olsen Elena Orengo Takumi Osaki

Lucy Brenner and Sophia Hajjar

Olivia Otsuka Bridget Panessa Michelle Wing-Shan Pang Harry Parks Margaret Parks Federica Passaretta Brooke Paykin Daniela Paz Thomas Peckett David Peng Brian Plattus Matthew Pollack Anna Pollock Ellen Pollock Jordan Price George Primoff Nicole Prince Nathalie Quintana Meghan Quirk Ethan Quirke Anne Radin Conner Raff Asma Rahimoon Richard Rakoff Thomas Reynolds Caroline Roberts Katherine Roberts continued on page 23A

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 23A

ThE scarsdale inquirer

moving up SCARSDALE MIDDLE SCHOOL continued from page 22A

Damian Rode Anna Rodriguez Jake Rosen Samantha Rosenberg Benjamin Rubin Ian Rothenberg Jacob Rozencwaig Talia Rozencwaig Gabriella Rub Benjamin Rubin Alexa Rupe Tarif Sabur Christopher Saenger Nikolay Sahakyan Jayshen Saigal Segi Sainz Sophia Salazar Joseph Samuels Hannah Sanders Jacob Sanders Jason Sarachek Lea Saslekova Yumi Sawabe Elizabeth Scarcella Grant Schechtman Samantha Scheffler Luke Schmitter Chloe Schneider Jessica Schneider

Riley Schneider Mia Scholl Luke Schur Samantha Seibold Elizabeth Seider Maya Shaked Elizabeth Shawn Ted Shearer Leila Shelon Matthew Shepetin Sara Shepetin Spencer Sheppe Evan Shire Holly Shuster Olivia Silberstein Sarah Silverman Jack Silvers Henry Rimonds Michelle Singer Lauren Smith Noah Smith Ryan Smith John Solie Jessica Solodar Harrison Song Kayla Song Ari Sontag Vishnu Srinivas Ashwin Sriskanthan Jordan Stein Jeremy Steinschraber

Ariel Stern Josh Strassberg Julia Strong Justin Su Matthew Sussman Zoe Sussman Rachel Swartz Jordan Tepper Yu Teranishi Chloe Thomas Lisa Thurman Oscar Tirabassi Jordan Marie Titone Jacob Traumer Sophia Trujillo Sara Vatanapradit Sophia Verrelli Abhinav Vittal Samantha Vleck Hope Walker Kevin Walker Benjamin Wang Zachary Wang Catherine Ward Dylan Wasserberger Fisher Waterhouse Eric Wei Seth Weil Aaron Wenk Julia White Michael Wong

a team approach to personalized college advising

scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean

Meghan Quirk

Evan Worth Brian Yang Max Yang

Brandon Yazdi Isabella Zhang Youfeng Zhang Kelly Zhu

Jonathan Ziman Gillian Zitrin Lauren Zou

a team approach to ▪ Leslie Berkovits

Congratulations to all the Graduates of 2016, from Kindergarten to University!

personalized college advising

▪ Ellen Golden ▪ Lillian Hecht

Congratulations Congratulations ▪ Nancy Michaels Class 2016 Class of of 2013

a team approach to

personalized college advising


Scarsdale Family Doctors Marilyn Sutton MD Ira Sutton MD

▪ Leslie Berkovits ▪ Ellen Golden

▪ Lisa Rodman

Leslie Berkovits ▪Ellen Lillian Hecht Nancy Michaels Rodman ▪ Lillian Lisa Hecht LeslieGolden Berkovits ▪ Ellen Golden ▪ Nancy Michaels 914-282-3820 ▪ Lillian Hecht ▪ Nancy Michaels

The Scarsdale Inquirer Congratulates the Class of 2016 and Ava Bradlow,

914-282-3820 ▪ Lisa Rodman Congratulations to the Class of 2016!


We salute our very own graduate Juli Porpora

Scarsdale Alternative School

The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418 • 14 Harwood Court, Suite 510, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500 •

▪ Lisa Rodman

1 Weaver Street 723-1568


Page 24A — July 1, 2016

ThE scarsdale inquirer

moving up EDGEWOOD SCHOOL Riaz Ahsan Kevin Anavil Daniel Arias Cecilia Aulisi Anaise AzambuyaSkoupy Colby Baldwin Matthew Barotz Mark Bliss Peter Bullock Patrick Carroll Andrew Cavalier

Annie Cavalluzzi Grace Cheng Karina Cheng Thomas Chesnut Ralph Comulada Montgomery Costello Pietro DeDomenico William DelGuercio David Diao Thomas DiLorenzo EllaJoy Eikamp Austin Flaster

PRINCIPAL: Scott Houseknecht | TEACHERS: Marilyn Blackley, Palmer DelMonaco, Michael Gluck and Stephanie Pinto Zacharie Friedman Isabella Godshall Manami Hatano Isaak Hernandez Sean Hunt Alexander Hwang Kay Iida Alexis Ishibashi Jacob Kempin Campbell Killian Rose Kinoshita Mayuka Kitada

Emily Kolodner Aidan Lee Jeffrey Lee Matthew Lee Oskar Lee Ari Lemisch Shoshana Levine Andrew Lewis Austin Lewis Nathaniel Lewis Karl Li Grant Liebowitz

maura lee photos

Andrew Cavalier and Patrick Carroll

Jules Lionti Amelia Liu Olivia Liu Wade Massey Arata Matsui Gabriel Meiselman James Miller Norah Muhaxheri Masaki Narutaki Ivanna Nwokeji Audrey O’Hare

Elio Offredo Thomas Olsen Cosmo Perfetti Devon Ross Alessia Schettino Grace Scott Ethan Shapiro Noa Shiloach Jessica Silvers Mayu Takashima Matthew Tardif

Andre Tsou Eiji Tsukamoto Liam Vasilescu Patrick Vasilescu Sebastian Verrelli Alexander Vetrone Ryoga Watanabe Isaac Wood Erika Wu Alicia Xin Matthew Zhao

Edgewood fifth-grade girls Noa Shiloach, Alessia Schettino, Anaise Azambuya-Skoupy, Grace Scott, Alicia Xin, Rose Kinoshita, Amelia Liu, Erika Wu, Grace Cheng, Olivia Liu, Manami Hatano and Mayu Takashima

FOX MEADOW SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Duncan Wilson TEACHERS: Sarah Berger, David Besancon, Sidney Lipez, Kate Marshall Lindsay Adler Heloisa Albuquerque Jeffrey Alfonso Campbell Alin Ellena Amidor Gabriella Arovas Mihir Barlinge Ansh Barmecha Sofia Baturina Zachary Berman Rahm B Charles Block Ellen Bowen Sophie Brenner Benjamin Brown Brandon Chan Yuval Cherki Claire Chou Fernanda Courbis Andre Couto Noa Davies Lydia Davis Oliver de la FuenteAkersveen Guilherme de Moura Brooke Diamond Joseph DiMartino Ali ElMoselhy Andie Farber Anna Feldstein Ben Friedman Miho Fujii

Carly Gelles Hayley George Simone Glajchen Madeleine Greco Sarp Gurdogan Raphael Haddad Catherine Han Natalie Hu Grant Ishibashi Alison Jiang Juliana Joyce Leila Kerr Molly Klein Asher Kohn Orly Kornstein Asher Krohn Lungelo Kweta Harrison Lambert Sam Landa Mason Lau Haochen Liu Sarah Liu Francesca Lloyd Daniel Love Mykaela Madoff Magdalena Maronilla Andrew McCormick Matteo McIver Lily McKean Amanda Messerle Colin Michael Charles Milberg

Jai Misquith Rinko Miyoshi Kayley NielsenArauz Henry Nova Emily Novick Amanda Nudelman Ryan Ornstein Adam Otsuka Neil Pereira Arthur Pevzner Nadia Quek Olivia Reich Harrison Riback Jack Rieger Ryen Rompala Katie Rosenblatt Jacob Rupe Jason Sabba Hallie Scholl Matthew Schwartz Jacob Shalmi Charles Stemerman Brooke Suzman Mana Takeda Lily Tivnan Adam Troy Shun Uchino Roshan Vasavada Sarah Vibbert Hannah Wang Samuel Wetzstein Lauren Zoota

scarsdale inquirer/jim maclean photos

Samuel Wetzstein, left, and Adam Troy lead the procession of fifth-graders moving up at Fox Meadow.

Principal Duncan Wilson, fifth-grader Mykaela Madoff, with teacher Andrew Brown on guitar, and fourthgrader Jack Greco on drums, lead the way as the fifth-graders sing “Space Oddity” by David Bowie.

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 25A

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moving up GREENACRES SCHOOL Oliver Barry Cate Bellesheim Ian Bishop Dean Buonagurio Isabelle Carey Daniel Cecil Adriana Cha Noah Chappell Brian Chen Philip Chen Maya Cukierman Dylan Cyzner Cindy DeDianous Isabella Frank Nicolas Galeano Sophia Garcia Daniel Garepis-Holland Abigail Gurden Eleanor Gutstadt Alexandros Hairatidis Oliver Hong Alessandra Hosseinbukus Halle Jakubowicz Anne Jones Sameer Kini

Andrew Lehrman Rebecca Levy Emily-Jane Luo Clarissa Meili Alexandra Millen Ryan Nicholl Ama Ohajekwe Hannah Raab Roni Reindel Andrea Rodriguez Julia Rozario DaSilva Daniel Rublin Mason Ruzumna Hadley Schwall Bryan Shi Mattie Silberfein Christen Smith James Spielman Matthew Surin Arianna Wilson Meagan Wolfe Rachel Worth Nicole Zhou Nicole Zlotnikov

paul hong photo

Greenacres fifth-graders singing at their moving up ceremony. Back: Daniel Garepis-Holland, Cate Bellesheim, Bryan Shi, Daniel Cecil and Christen Smith; Middle: Meagan Wolfe, Alessandra Hosseinbukus, Alexandra Millen, Alexi Hairatidis, Roni Reindel and Halle Jakubowicz. Front: James Spielman, Oliver Hong, Maya Cukierman and Nicole Zhou

HEATHCOTE SCHOOL Nate Abraham Eshan Agarwal Ava Akbarian Julia Assa Tessa Barry Daphne Boockvar Gali Brass MaryJane Callahan Jane Carnicelli Matthew Choe Jared Choset Carson Cohen Paula Dantzig Peter Dantzig Hannah Feuerstein Jackson Fielding Ryan Forest Jonathan Gates Maya Gringauz Tyler Hack Tyler Handler Charlie Hirschhorn Michael Hochstin Samantha Hoexter Samuel Horner Benjamin Hyman Jordan Im Haraldur Jonsson Alexander Kahn Julia Kent Toby Khang Lee Kleinman Emily Koch Isabela Laboy

PRINCIPAL: Sharon Hill | TEACHERS: Jeremy Guski, Jennifer Ehrlich, Heather McCarren

Madison Laboy Giovanna LaPorta Hyunjin Lee Michael Marks Hope Masic Giselle Meskin Diana Muja Julia Norr Nema Brian Nicholas Tyler Novenstein Vrinda Pareek Benjamin Persily Daniel Pillette Henry Rifkin Meritxell Sainz Juliet Schneider Audrey Schonfeld Kyra Seiffert Marissa Senzon Ian Silberstein Gabriel Silveira Alexandra Simon Steven Su Luke Tepper Melanie Toubin Alexander Tucker Mia Vatanapradit Meena Venkatakrishnan Elizabeth Wachs Jared Waldman Emily Wang Bryant Wu Benjamin Yacoub Maxwell Zhang

PRINCIPAL: Maria Stile | TEACHERS: Christine Boyer, Ashley Cooper, Crystal Edwards

elizabeth Hoexter photos

Melanie Toubin, Sammy Hoexte and Lizzie Wachs

Heathcote Elementary School Class of 2016, with music teacher Katherine Bescherer, sing during their fifth-grade graduation ceremony.


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moving up SEELY PLACE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Dr. Edward Kennedy TEACHERS: Amanda Barry, Dawn Curran, Tara Gallagher, Lindsay Lugo Adam Abramowitz Katrina Adler Christian Adorno Lauren Allan Nathaniel Ascher Erick Barros Emma Baumgarten Brooke Baylis Noah Bernstein Quincy Bianchi Kailey Bologh Danielle Brinberg Emily Cao Ella Charnizon Frances Constanza Hannah Decker Nicola DeMarinis Matteo Domeneghetti Michele Domeneghetti Abigail Duke Owen Eller Michael Ferrante Yanyi Foong Aaron Freedland Julia Fusco-Bodisch Zoe Gallup Nayna Gandhi Connor Gerraughty Meghana Gogineni Michael Herena

Nuha Islam Anuj Jain Sanjana Jaiswal Benjamin Jeske Troy Juhn Samuel Jung Alexandra Kahn Maya Kai Lindsay Kaufman Ian Kim Rebecca Kim Alyssa Klein Jamie Kotler Jacob Kurumunda Junoh Lee Andy Liang Arnav Manjul Abhiram Masam Rachel Mavrovich Anna Mello Chloe Mendel-Dwork Alex Michelson Florence Millet Yasmine Mirhaji Michael Mirtchev Andrew Mitchell Saatiya Naik Shreyas Nair Marisa Niedzielska Ronson Nunez

Jace Park Isha Patel Mihir Patil Ryan Powell Lucas Ravazzani Alejandro Reyes Gomez Parker Rho Samantha Richter Zachary Richter Elena Rossi Eric Schneps Aarya Shah Lakshman Sibal Zachary Silverstein Caleb Smith Owen Strier Tenya Koizumi Aryan Unnikrishnan Nishitha Uppuluri Amy Uvaydova Marilyn Villa Delgado Gerald Wang Serina Wang Cianan Warnock Jack West Benjamin Westler Christopher Wierzbinski Danielle Wong Henry Yuan Giordana Zimberg Oliver Zinn

alan zaLe photos

Zach Silverstein reads the Sixth-Grader Will and Testament at Seely Place School Moving Up Day.

Chloe Mendel-Dwork gives retiring Principal Dr. Edward Kennedy a hug.

GREENVILLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Jennifer Allen TEACHERS: Peter Khouri, Karen McGlade, Edward Salmon

Haru Olesiak, Alexander Lee and Dylan Fang recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the Greenville School Moving Up Day.

Benny Schuchat receives his certificate from Edward Salmon at the Greenville School Moving Up Day.

Xia Acevedo Juliet Agoglia Kazu Araki Isha Bahadur Emily Bores David Brooks Megan Chin Bobby Corwin Rachel Dinces Mathew DiSerio Dylan Fang Danielle Friedman Matthew Gallousis Kenney Ge Jayden Goldberg Alyssa Gonzalez Ilina Goyal Laine Greissman Jacob Heyman Karis Huh Nicholas Iannuzzi Amanda Jaffe Shivi Jain Alice Jang Matthew Joe

Nilay Kapadia Meera Kasturi Ellie Kaufer Nahiyan Khan Jonah Klein Rachel Klein Andrew Knecht Stephanie Kornberg Scarlett Kraus Benjamin Landes Alex Lee Vincent Li Joshua Lim Daphne Luciano Samir Mansouri Chloe Markowitz Isabell Mathew Adam McIntyre-Swan William Mellis Rushil Muger Mehek Nanavaty Nishta Nandakumar Haru Olesiak Dhilan Patel Haley Patel

Jay Patel Theodora Piniros Isabela Preldakaj Jasmine Rao Eva Reduto Christian Romero Sophie Roth Jonathan Rothschild Valentina Russo Jacob Santos Benny Schuchat Sandy Schuchat Yurika Shimoyama Patrick Spalton Asuka Takahashi Taylan Tastan Jackson Tavel Elizabeth Tonaj Lindsey Topf Alexandra Vickery Isabella Vitiello Sean Wang Luciana Zaiet Emily Zeitz Jillian Zolot

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 27A

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Congratulations to our Class of 2016! French-American School of New York

This is just the beginning . We wish you all the best!

Here is where they are headed: 81,7(' 67$7(6 Berklee College of Music Brown University Clark Univesity Cornell University Georgia Institute of Technology New York University Purdue University The New School Tufts University University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis

University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Santa Barbara University of Chicago University of Southern California &$1$'$ Concordia University McGill University

(8523( Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne - Switzerland Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Val de Seine, France ESCP Europe, Germany LaSalle Beauvais Institut Polytechnique, France Lycée Hoche—Classes Préparatoires, France Sciences Po - Columbia University Dual BA Program, France University of Kent, England University of Oxford, England

Page 28A — July 1, 2016


ThE scarsdale inquirer

Quaker ridge elementary school

Immaculate heart of mary school

PRINCIPAL: Dr. Felix Gil | TEACHERS: Suzanne Burns, Amy Kenney, David Liebowitz, Mark Winston Jody Alter Ethan Anthony Ria Bedi Chelsea Berson Mikhail Borodin Alex Braun Berta Cabrera Katrina Cheng-Slater Alexandra Chu Ephram Cukier Nicholas DeRobertis Catherine Dundon Ethan Elkins Ethan Fehrenbaker Zachary Feldman Miles Fischman Mia Frishberg Jedd Frydman Himmat Garcha Alexandra Garcia Benjamin Geller Isabelle Goldban Ava Gorelick Sarah Gorelick Mackenzie Gross Benjamin Grossman Ryan Guinn Eloise Hahn Hayley Harrison Alexander Hershon Daniel Hochberg Matar Hurvitz Bin-Rosenblatt Riley Iasiello Imaan Jivraj Sophie Junnarkar Kyle Kahan

PRINCIPAL: Teresa Sopot TEACHER: Annette Piccoli Carina Marie Ashman Stephen Bertorelli Donovan Anthony Camaj Derek R. DeLeon Eric J. Fava-Pastilha Michael-Patrick E. Go Gabryel Grey Francesca Jereis Isabella J. Lage

Lauren Elizabeth Martin John McDermott David Manuel Pereira Leonard Joseph Reitano Christopher M. Ruiz Trinity Sylvester Domenica R. Voli Matthew John Yeung

mark litoFsky photo

The Quaker Ridge Elementary School Class of 2016

Ashley Katzenberg Anushka Kumar Frederick Kushnick Emma Lawrence Mia Leblang Taylor Levin Madelyn Linares Camryn Litofsky Logan Lynch Dhruv Mahajan Elena Mantzouris Nicholas Mantzouris Asher McClafferty Eliot McClafferty Anastasia Mikelis

Sydney Miller Cassidy Mo Ram Narayanan Jared Neustadt Nicole Orlofsky Jordan Paris Manuela Passaretta Ryan Philips Hana Pitchon Avaneesh Rao Nicholas Rapaport Graduation Ad:Graduation Shane Revello Dylan Rogers Sydney Rossano Nandini Sachdeva

Fall in Love with Music

It’s never to early to register for Fall!

216 Central Ave White Plains, NY 10606

Congratulations Graduates!

Wishing the very best to the Class of 2016

Allison Scheffler Danielle Scheiner Alexandra Schwartz Nathan Seslowe Sydney Seslowe Michelle Sosner Romir Srivastava Madeline Stein Matthew Steuerman Bree Tilford Alexandra Tretler Ad 5/31/16 Dean Witham 2:42 Jaxon Zemachson Flora Zik


Page 1

Michele McDermott photo

The Immaculate Heart of Mary School Class of 2016

(NAPS)—Since 2004, the Dell Scholars Program has awarded over $60 million in college scholarships and services to students who have demonstrated the drive to succeed despite personal obstacles. More than half of those students were selected from the Advancement Via Individual Determination program. Learn more at Penske Truck Rental offers AAA members a discount. That can be handy to new graduates. For further moving tips, go to or call (800) GO-PENSKE. A 2015 Private College 529 Plan survey found that about three-quarters of parents of teens 13 to 17 knew what a 529 plan is; however, only about one-third are using one. Colorado Technical University awards 50 Wounded Warrior Scholarships a year to veterans, their spouses and caregivers to help them rebuild their lives. Students at CTU can study online, on campus or both to suit their lifestyle. Learn more at Starting a business in the franchise industry is possible for new graduates. For information about starting a Coverall franchised business, visit Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a college readiness program that provides teachers with specific academic strategies and tools for students who are often underrepresented in college. Learn more at Streaming entertainment can be viewed using a wide variety of streaming players and smart TVs from companies such as Roku, Inc., so college stu-

dents can reward themselves with a TV break whatever time they finish studying, day or night. Learn more at A feature called Full-speed Forward Collision Warning-Plus is available on the Chrysler 200. A Chrysler Group first, this provides autonomous braking that can slow the vehicle or, at low speeds, bring it to a stop when a frontal collision appears imminent. To learn more, visit Whatever career you’re in, taking your expertise and experience into the classroom can make a difference in the lives of the students—and your own. For information about teacher preparation, continuing teacher education and professional development opportunities at University of Phoenix, visit Team America Rocketry Challenge, the world’s largest student rocket contest, is sponsored by the Aerospace Industries Association and the National Association of Rocketry. To learn more, go to and or call (703) 358-1000.

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 29A

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Page 30A — July 1, 2016

rachelle gage

matthew ginsberg

elliot liskin

katelyn zohn


ThE scarsdale inquirer

alison elliot

katherine dean

peter miller berman

alan daks

elizabeth ingriselli

william segal

max steinberg

rebecca weinstein

andrew ethan myers

annalisa donat

anthony cugini

austin kaplan

CollegeGraduates avery novitch

Amherst College Annalisa Donat, BA mathematics and psychology Bard College Andrew Feyer, BA music composition Brandeis University Maxwell J. Steinberg, BA economics, magna cum laude

claudia Heitner

Bucknell University Peter Miller Berman, BA psychology; economics and S panish minors, dean’s list Colgate University Benjamin Newman cum laude College of Charleston Jeffrey H. Lappin, BA political science

paul murray

Columbia University Alexander Levy, MBA Sam Waters, BA financial economics Katelyn Zohn, MA sociology Cornell University Angela R. Agustin, BS civil engineering Lauren Brooke Alin, BS Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, magna cum laude

brian guggenheimer

Dartmouth College Jack Braun, BA history, Phi Beta Kappa, departmental prize, captain of the Rugby Football Club Matthew Ginsberg, BA economics; Chinese and computer science minors, cum laude Denison University Brook “Kiki” Yewer, BA psychology, economics minor, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Mortar Board, Member of Psi Chi, organizational studies certification

angela r. augustin

Drexel University Taylor Pick, BS marketing, photography

Fordham University Caroline Botvin, MS Department of Applied Psychological Methods Sandor Aaron Mark, MA English Franklin & Marshall College Stephen Gobes, BA economics George Washington University Elliot Liskin, BS computer science, business administration minor, cum laude George Washington University Law School David A. Lappin, JD cum laude, Graduate Tax Scholarship Hamilton College Ben D. Barzilai music, dean’s list John “Jack” H. Lyons Asian studies, dean’s list, Senior Prize for Excellence in Japanese Language and Literature, Phi Sigma Iota, Foreign Language Honor Society Harvard University Katherine Dean, AB applied mathematics, cum laude Haverford College Brian Guggenheimer, BS computer science, class of 2016 Representative Speaker Ithaca College Anthony J. Cugini integrated marketing and communications; finance minor, Ithaca Bomber Football Award recipient Lehigh University Beatrice Silberzweig, BS finance, cum laude Loyola University Maryland Carter McFarland, BA communications, dean’s list, Patriot League Academic Honor Roll

Macalester College Rebecca Suzanne Gold, BA computer science, English minor, A. Wayne Roberts Prize Maryland Institute College of Art Claudia Heitner, BA printmaking, magna cum laude, Leadership Honors Celia Anne Lowenthal, BFA illustration, literary studies minor, summa cum laude Muhlenberg College Alison Elliott, BA Anthropology; sustainability studies and religion studies minors William Segal, BA business New York University School of Law Rebecca Weinstein, JD Flora and Jacob Newman Prize Northwestern University Justine Gelfman, BS theater, School of Communication Princeton University Andrew Ethan Meyers, AB comparative literature, certificate in European cultural studies, DAAD Graduate Study Scholarship, 2016 German Book Prize Graham Winston, BA Neurobiology, economics minor Phi Beta Kappa, biology department honors, senior thesis high honors Skidmore College Rachelle Gage, BS studio art with a concentration in communication design, dean’s list SUNY New Paltz William Graves, BS marketing, communications minor, dean’s list SUNY Upstate Medical University Molly Rachel Belkin, M.D. Tufts University Harrison J. Shapiro, BA history, finance and economics minor, cum laude

Union College Avery Novitch, BA English, costume studies and dance minors, summa cum laude, departmental honors, Phi Beta Kappa

molly rachel belkin

University of California, Berkeley Alon Daks, BA computer science and statistics, EECS Honors Degree Program University of Connecticut Edan Segall, BS mechanical engineering University of Pennsylvania Peter W. Herman, MA urban spatial analytics, School of Design Austin Kaplan, BS economics, Wharton Undergraduate Program, concentrations in finance and statistics, Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society Chloe Kaufman, BA history of art, summa cum laude Deborah Emily Schwartz, BA summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, honors in major

chloe kaufman

sam waters

University of Rochester Benjamin Cardarelli Shapiro, BA English, Spanish minor, graduated with high distinction, Phi Beta Kappa Vanderbilt University Paul Gelston Murray, BS computer science Yale Law School Elizabeth Ann Ingriselli, JD managing editor of the Yale Law Journal, Edgar M. Cullen Prize for Best Paper by a First-Year Student, later published in the Yale Law Journal

brook yewer

Yale University William J. Heffner, BA economics and film studies; intensive screenwriting

lauren brooke alin

Graduation july 1, 2016 — Page 31A

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I AM IONA PREP. Congratulations to the Iona Prep class of 2016 Our parents have made a great academic investment. Graduation is a big accomplishment and our Iona Prep students and families are extremely proud. They have surpassed one of life’s major milestones, completing a Catholic, college-preparatory education that is already reaping rewards. In 2016, 76% of Iona Prep seniors received academic scholarships to colleges, often exceeding the cost of their four-year Iona Prep tuition. Students received an average of $54,633 in individual

college scholarships and a total of more than $23 million for the graduating class. Iona Prep grads in 2016 were also accepted to schools that ranked among the top 35 national colleges and universities by U.S. News & World Report, and received athletic scholarships to attend Division I and II schools. *National average for college scholarships is 45% of graduating seniors.


Iona Preparatory Upper School 255 Wilmot Road New Rochelle, NY 10804 (914) 600-6154

Iona Preparatory Lower School 173 Stratton Road New Rochelle, NY 10804 (914) 633-7744

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  @IonaPrep in/IonaPrep IonaPreparatory +IonaPreparatorySchool


Page 32A — July 1, 2016

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VIRGINIA K. ARLT Seattle Pacific University PHD Clinical Psychology Daughter of Lewis Arlt

JONATHAN EMMERMAN Scarsdale High School Son of Hillary Emmerman

SAMANTHA EZRATTY Washington University “Cum Laude” B.A. Daughter of Elena Ezratty

SAMANTHA PERLMAN Edgemont High School Granddaughter of Lousie Oshatz

LAWRENCE SILVER Scarsdale High School Grandson of Jane Silver

EVAN CALIGOR University At Buffalo B.A. Media Studies Son of Laura Caligor

DRAKE WEISSMAN Scarsdale High School Son of Lisa Weissman

BEN HASSON Scarsdale High School Son of Lisa Hasson

GABE RAFAL Mandell School N.Y.C - Pre-K Grandson of Florence Alkalay

ALEC SIMON Edgemont High School Son of Henie Simon

HAYLEY CALIGOR SUNY New Paltz B.A. Political Science Daughter of Laura Caligor

VICTORIA WEISSMAN Scarsdale High School Daughter of Lisa Weissman


JOSHUA LERNER University of Maryland B.S. Finance Son of Susan Lerner

SPENCER SHEPPE Scarsdale Middle School Son of Julie Sheppe

DREW SIMON Edgemont High School Son of Henie Simon

JACOB DORF University of Michigan B.S. Statistics Son of Leslie Dorf

HADLEY SCHWALL Greenacres Elementary Daughter of Cindy Schwall

JARED SIMON Emory University Goizueta Business School Son of Henie Simon

EVAN WORTH Scarsdale Middle School Son of Sloane Worth

EMMA SHEPPE MILLER Brown University Daughter of Laura Miller

ELIZABETH STONE Scarsdale High School Granddaughter of Sheila Stone

RACHEL WORTH Greenacres Elementary Daughter of Sloane Worth




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