Scarsdale Graduation 2015

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Graduation Class of 2015

A S p ec i a l S ec t i o n o f T h e Sc a r s da l e I n q u i r e r • J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

Pag e 2 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

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T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Congratulations Graduates!

Gavin Gavin P. P. Blenk Blenk George George M.davis M.davis elementary elementary school school Grandson of Grandson of Mary Mary Burr Burr

Priscilla Ann Blum Blum Priscilla Ann Scarsdale High School School Scarsdale High Daughter of Mary Blum Daughter of Mary Blum

Emma Cahaly Cahaly Emma Scarsdale Middle Middle School School Scarsdale Granddaughter of Patti Patti Lipman Lipman Granddaughter of

Ryan Cahaly Cahaly Ryan GreenacresElementary ElementarySchool School Greenacres Grandson of PattiLipman Lipman Grandson of Patti

KyleGelber Gelber Kyle SevenBridges BridgesMiddle MiddleSchool School Seven Grandson of SusanField Field Grandson of Susan

Ben Ben Goldstein Goldstein Edgewood Edgewood Elementary Elementary School School Son of Sandra Son of Sandra Goldstein Goldstein

Caroline Goldstein Caroline Goldstein Scarsdale Middle School School Scarsdale Middle Daughter of Sandra Goldstein Daughter of Sandra Goldstein

Olivia Holzberg Holzberg Olivia Eastchester High High School School Eastchester Daughter of Agnes Holzberg Daughter of Agnes Holzberg

ElizabethJacobs Jacobs Elizabeth ScarsdaleHigh HighSchool School Scarsdale Daughter of Mary Jacobs Daughter of Mary Jacobs

AlexandraRoss RossKatchis Katchis Alexandra JohnsHopkins HopkinsUniversity University Johns Granddaughter of Mary Katchis Granddaughter of Mary Katchis

Nicole Nicole Elizabth Elizabth Katchis Katchis Scarsdale Scarsdale High High School School Granddaughter Granddaughter of of Mary Mary Katchis Katchis

Cameron Kostyra Cameron Kostyra University of Vermont Vermont University of Son Kostyra Son of of Maddaline Maddaline Kostyra

Solomon Schechter Schechter School School of of Solomon Westchester Westchester

Daughter of of Leslie Leslie Shemin-Lester Shemin-Lester Daughter

Kimberly Rothberg Rothberg Kimberly ScarsdaleHigh HighSchool School Scarsdale Daughterof ofDenise DeniseRothberg Rothberg Daughter

DevonSchell Schell Devon ScarsdaleHigh HighSchool School Scarsdale Sonof ofSharleen SharleenFleming-Schell Fleming-Schell Son

Caroline Caroline Spitz Spitz Bronxville Bronxville Middle Middle School Granddaughter Granddaughter of of Hilda Spitz

Cate Spitz Bronxville Elementary School Granddaughter of Hilda Spitz

Jake Wilson Wilson Jake Brookside Elementary Elementary School School Brookside Son of of Jason Jason Wilson Wilson Son

JasonWilson Wilson Jason CrompondSchool School Crompond Sonof ofJason JasonWilson Wilson Son

RubyDeutsch Deutsch Ruby TarrytownJewish JewishCommunity CommunityCenter Center Tarrytown Granddaughterof ofJoan JoanCohn Cohn Granddaughter

Hannah Lester Lester Hannah scarsdale brokerage • 28 chase road • 914.725.3305 Each Each Office Office is is Independently Independently Owned Owned and Operated.

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Scarsdale High school class of 2015

Graduates receive advice and encouragement in ceremonial sendoff

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Angela Coco, 2015 class president, SHS By JOEL ELIACH


carsdale High School’s 98th commencement ceremony June 26 was complete with pomp, circumstance, a large crowd, and speeches from members of the faculty and graduating class. As the skies cleared, families breathed a sigh of relief that the day’s events would be held on spacious Dean Field rather than indoors. With 401 students assembled in the gym for official class photos and candids, graduating seniors Jordan Green and Morgan Lawless received the Henry David Thoreau award, voted on by the senior class officers to recognize a classmate who in addition to being a highly respected member of his or her class, also “marches to a different drummer.” The class of 2015 procession began with the symphonic band playing “Pomp and Circumstance,” followed by the senior ensemble’s performance of the National Anthem. Mary Beth Gose, president of the Scarsdale Board of Education, then gave wel-

coming remarks. Addressing the graduating class, Gose said, “Congratulations. You’ve done it. We’re all proud of you. Yay!” Next, Gose offered some advice for the seniors to take with them to college. “Just as you learned to do here, ask questions, and never stop,” she said. “The ability to question is the core, the essence, of learning.” Gose ended with words of encouragement for the seniors, saying, “This day and the future belong to you.” Adrienne Travis, co-treasurer of the graduating class, introduced class advisors Jessica Levenberg and Ernest Collabolletta, saying, “Nobody else would be able to handle a class so chaotic, so stressed, yet so successful.” “Scarsdale, I’d like to introduce you to the most intelligent, funny, candid, and caring group of seniors to graduate the high school in many, many years,” Collabolletta said. He also thanked the class “for being you and being able to share some special times.”

Kathryn Garrisi and Eugene Gasana, Jr. walk to the podium to pick up their diplomas.

Levenberg offered some words of wisdom to the seniors. “Always be grateful to your family; they helped to get you to where you are today. Be loyal and honest with your friends, and they eventually become your new support group,” she said. “Study hard, work hard, but always leave some time for some fun,” Levenberg continued. “Be true to yourself; you can never get away from the person you see in the mirror. I especially want you to remember what I taught you in 10th grade health class,” she quipped. Adding his own words of advice, Collabolletta said, “I’ve found that there’s only one way to be happy, and that’s to be close and involved with other happy people. You need to focus your energy on staying connected to such people … So grads, go forth and conquer the world, make it a better place, and most importantly, be kind to one another,” he said. Next, class vice president Ethan Shire recognized the staff for their role in the seniors’ successful completion of high school. He began with the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child,” noting the large number of individuals “who have shaped our evolution and development.” He thanked the students’ families and the school’s teachers, counselors, secretaries, coaches and custodial staff for their contributions to the students’ academic and extracurricular achievements. He concluded, “Our journey has been joyous and arduous, individual and collective. Congratulations to the class of 2015, and thank you to everybody who made this day possible.” The class’s house representative, Robert Lee, introduced Angela Coco, saying, “Our

class president was smart, goal-driven and technical throughout the entire year.” Coco focused her address to her classmates on the passage of time. She talked about the students’ evolution over the years, saying, “We are certainly not the people we started out as: eating glue, spilling juice on ourselves, or accidentally calling our teachers ‘mom.’ We’ve changed. We’ve watched each other change.” Coco also recognized the school for its role in the students’ development beyond academics. “What we’ve learned here is important,” she said. “Each year, we were taught so much more than math and history. We were taught life lessons, social norms and how to impact the world around us.” She then assured her classmates, “Though high school itself wasn’t meant to last forever, the friendships, bonds, and memories we’ve created here were meant to last. And they will last.” “When we look back to this time in our lives, when we remember, we should be happy,” Coco said. “Because what’s a hundred twenty million seconds, a handshake, and a diploma worth if we can’t remember what made us happy while we were working so hard to get here?” Finally, Principal Kenneth Bonamo addressed the seniors before they were called up to receive their diplomas. “Life is about setting your own goals and working towards them,” Bonamo said. He advised the students, “Remember to be kind. First to yourself, and then, of course, to others.” Bonamo concluded, “You have my warmest wishes and sincerest encouragement. Congratulations to each of you, and enjoy this special day.”

Morgan Lawless and Jordan Green received the Henry David Thoreau Award before the SHS commencement June 26. The award is presented to a senior who in addition to being a highly respected member of his or her class, also “marches to the beat of a different drum.” The winner is chosen by senior class officers.

Pag e 4 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

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Scarsdale High SchoolClass of 2015 PRINCIPAL: Ken Bonamo

Samantha Abbe Ahmed Abdullah Jonathan Abrahams Aaron Afran Rebecca Agustin Robyn Ah Hee Elizabeth Aisi Mark Altman Isra Ameen Sara Arbelaez William Ashman Roselyn Attia Jonathan Augarten Victor Avram James Baker Scott Ballan Brandon Bank Daniel Baruch Laura Baruch Marlee Baumberg Kristen Bayrakdarian Elliot Behar Charlie Benamram Richard Bennett Rachel Berglass Emily Berkowitz Josephine Berl Sarah-Judith Bernstein Priscilla Blum Rachel Bochner Michael Bogaty Jeremee Bornstein Srishti Bose Thomas Brady Anna Braverman Stephen Breitman Nicole Brenner Frank Britto Hugh Buchbinder Ethan Bunzel Michaela Burger John Bush Sara Calderón Kristina Camaj Michael Casden Delilah Chamlin Megan Chan Madison Chappell Tomer Cherki Andrew Choi Shane Choi Evan Claman Amanda Clark Olivia Closson Kurt Coard Jacob Coburn Angela Coco Danielle Cohen Thomas Cooke Samuel Cooper Shannon Cover Giancarlo Cugini Andre de Mello Daniel deCastro Jacob DeNelsky Christine Desbois Ryan DesRosiers Maura Dooley Jonathan Dorf Julia Dursztman Michaela Dwyer Jacob Eisenstein William Eisler Amena Elley Peter Emanuel Michael Esposito Luisa Esteves Adina Estrin Danielle Ezratty Winnie Fang Henry Fanning Alexandra Farfel Ethan Favilla

Timothy Filos Hannah Fischer Jared Fischer Andrew Fite Catherine Fitzgerald Geoffrey Fitzgerald Jr. David Frank Jordan Frankenthaler Janet Frehill William Freihofner Kaitlin Frohman Hannah Frydman Joshua Gage Joseph Gandolfo Olivia Garcia Tatiana Garcia Nakul Garg Kathryn Garrisi Eugene-Richard Gasana Jr. Max Gelfman Julia Gerla Michael Glaser Matthew Gliatta Jonathan Glickman Christine Gobes Joshua Goldenberg Elizabeth Goldstein Chenyi Gong Rahul Gosain Samuel Gray Arielle Green Jordan Green Jonathan Greenberg Katherine Greenberg Richard Gutierrez Aaron Hallac Sarah Halperin Elizabeth Hansen Gabriel Harousseau Lauren Hartman Oya Haznedar Casey Hellman Lauren Hendel Duncan Hindmarch Carli Hirschberg Lawrence Ho Robert Hoffman Adam Hokin Marcus Holloway Erin Hom Katharina Horn Bridget Horwood Aram Hovakimian Caroline Huh Ryan Huo Danni Hyman Adam Ingerman Anito Inirio-Akuetey Robert Irwin Jeremy Iver Elizabeth Jacobs Madeleine Jacobson Ryan Jacoby Elin Johansson Deepthi John Francesca Johnson Michael Johnson Spencer Jones Kayla Joyce Carly Kahan Takeshi Kakudo Kushraj Kalra Kayla Kanner Melanie Kaplan Samantha Kapner Leah Kashar John Kaspers Ali Kass Nicole Katchis Joseph Katz Sabrina Kaune Mari Kawamura Avery Kayle

Kathryn Kearns Rebecca Kearns Lauren Keats Natalie Keith Robert Keltz Daniel Kestenbaum Lindsay Kim Isabel Klein Julia Klein Rachel Klein Laura Kline Henry Kline Corinne Knaack Joshua Konigsberg Henry Korzec Samuel Koslowsky Stephen Kovari Paul Kowalczuk Heather Kramer Casey Kravit Caroline Kristof Talitha Kumaresan Gabrielle Kupiec Matthew Kushnick Lucas Kutik Constance Lam Donald Lamonaca Christian Landgrebe Quinton Landsberg Celine Laruelle Morgan Lawless Yunchao Le Robert Lee Brian Leff Benjamin Lefkowitz Brian Leone Adam Lerner Alexander Lesniewski Michelle Li Noah Li Carla Lionti Chet-Lunn Lo Nina Lurie Jeffrey Lutzker Sarah MacKechnie Taylor Mancini Matthew Mandel William Manson Max Marienberg Dana Maroney Juliana Maronilla Cailey Martin Zachary Martin Alison Maybaum Brian McCann Connor McCarthy Abigail McDonald Zoe McDonald Charles McFarland Gabriela Medici Sousa Sarah Mehlman Agustina Mercado Olivia Meyers Zara Mian Jason Miller Maxwell Millman Kelly Minster Pedro Miranda Whitney Mooney Evan Moretti Samantha Morton Benjamin Moseley David Muller Joseph Murphy III Gabriella Naber Matthew Nabi Alexandra Naclerio Megha Nayar Anastasia Neishtadt James Nicholas Daniel Nodiff Austin Nurse Emma Nusbaum

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Ethan Shire, class of 2015 vice president William Nusbaum Dakota Ogiura Lakota Ogiura Margaret O’Keefe Alexandra Oliverio John Ostertag Trisha Pabby Tiffani Pan Samantha Panken Sarah Park Marco Paternoster Max Pendrill Antonia Penfold Paige Philipps Spencer Planit Melissa Polin Andrew Pollack Andrew Popescu Alexander Primavera Katy Rabin Alexander Rainer Neil Rajan Ryan Rangaiah Brian Rauch Emily Reed Zoe Reiter Orion Rendon Emerson Riback Michael Robbins Michael Roberts Sydney Robinson Daniella Rodriguez Nicole Root Rebecca Rosenbaum Robecca Rosenberg Lawrence Rosenstadt Joshua Ross Kimberly Rothberg Amanda Rozencwaig Charlie Rubin Maria Rudloff Malorie Ruggeri Noah Rutkovsky Jason Sabel David Salem Christopher Salvatore Gabriella Salvatore Marianna Samushiya Amy Saslekova Justin Scacchi Maia Scacchi Catherine Scarcella Kara Schechtman Devon Schell Katherine Schnitzer Talia Schulman Alex Schwab Andrew Schwartz

Annabelle Schwartz Courtney Schwartz Rachel Schwartzbaum Julie Schwartzberg Henry Schweber Michelle Segale Paige Selber Maxwell Seltzer Austin Serling Eliot Sernau Spencer Shaev Zack Shandell Jill Shapiro Allison Shein Megan Shelton Oliver Shenberg Sarah Sherr Ethan Shire Koji Shiromoto Zachary Shulman Amanda Shuster Doris Shyu Samantha Silberberg Charlotte Simon Richard Simonds III Anil Sindhwani Blake Singer Jack Singer Bryan Somar Kaitlyn Son Elena Sonnenfeld Barry Sosner Asher Spivak India Stachyra Andrew Stafford Nicole Stapleton Andrew Starr George Steckel Jacob Stein Barak Stockler Chloe Stoddard Melissa Strauss Maya Subbakrishna Allison Sugarman Molly Sullivan Sydney Sussman Evan Suzman Kaori Tachibana David Tamir Emma Tao Alexandra Taubes Caroline Teicher Karl Thomas Drew Thornton Lea Trauzzi Adrienne Travis Elizabeth Turovsky Ariel Tzamarot

Adrienne Travis, co-treasurer of class of 2015 Meghan Umansky Rachel Underweiser Julia van Zwieten Oliver Verzani Zoe Verzani Eric Waelbroeck Sydney Waldman Madeline Ware Daniel Wasserman Remy Weisbrot James Weiss Brandon Weissman Trevor Whitestone Henry Williams Anna Wingate Benjamin Winters Harrison Wirth Dana Wohlfarth Danielle Wolleman Hannah Wolloch Marisa Wong Charles Wood Trevor Wood Alexandra Yaseen Alexander Yearley Adam Young Carolyn Zelicof Zoe Zelkowitz Naima Zen Alan Zhong Benjamin Zimnick Jane Zimnick Zachary Zlatin Anton Zock Kimberly Zou Jacob Zurkow

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Eleanor Baer Preschool St. James Child Development Center (Portland, Oregon) Granddaughter of John Baer

Talia Rose Brandwein Kindergarten William E. Cottle School Granddaughter of Harvey Brandwein

Camryn Cassese Kindergarten The Chapel School Daughter of Keisha Cassese Granddaughter of Patricia Cassese

Jayden Cassese 1st Grade The Waverly School Son of Keisha Cassese Grandson of Patricia Cassese

Tyler Cassese Pre-K Princeton Pre-K Grandson of Patricia Cassese

Constantine Katsoris 5th Grade Anne Hutchinson Elementary School Son of Voula Katsoris

Julia Katsoris 1st Grade The Waverly School Daughter of Voula Katsoris

Rachel Katz B.A. in the Physical Sciences The University of Chicago Granddaughter of John Baer

Rebecca Katz 12th Grade Harvard-Westlake School (Los Angeles, California) Granddaughter of John Baer

Matthew Nadler 5th Grade Greenacres Elementary School Son of Mark Nadler

Max Pace 8th Grade Edgemont Jr./Sr. High School Son of Elyse Pace

Andrew R. Parks B.S. Computer Science B.S. Business and Management Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Son of Lori Parks

ZiYing (Meimei) Su Pre-K Alcott Montessori School Daughter of Chen Jia

Max Temkin 12th Grade Harrison High School Grandson of John Baer

Tyler Wing Kindergarten William B. Ward Elementary School Son of Valerie Wing

Jayden Wing Preschool The Guidance Center of Westchester Son of Valerie Wing

Ryan Wolfe 5th Grade Fox Meadow Elementary School Son of Sheri Wolfe

Pag e 6 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n


T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

FMA is Proud to Announce This Year’s Award-Winning High School Artists and Musicians

FMA Awards 2014-2015 MUSIC & DRAMA

Friends of Music and the Arts, Sid Case Memorial NYSSMA Scholarship Caroline Teicher FMA, Orchestra Award Talia Schulman FMA, Chorus Award Cailey Martin FMA, Band Award William Ashman FMA, Drama Award India Stachyra National Honors Festival Cailey Martin, Chorus Nicholas Politi, Composers Symposium NYSSMA All-State Conference Instrumental Jazz Ensemble Caroline Teicher, Piano NYSSMA All-State Conference Symphony Orchestra Rachel Haber,Violin Alan Yao,Violin Alternates Isra Ameen,Violin Caroline Huh, Cello Nicholas Politi, Cello Andrew Starr, Cello Cameron Wong, Cello WCSMA Area All-State Music Festival Band Daniel Beitler, Euphonium Amy Bi, Flute Sarah Bowen, French Horn Harry Chalfin, Oboe William Gao, Trombone Abigail Haber, Clarinet Samantha Kapner, Flute Sydney Kula, Flute Seung Kwon Joshua Lee, Trombone Rocco Palermo, Alto Saxophone Emily Sun, Flute Caroline Teicher, Clarinet Nina Zacharia, Flute

WCSMA Area All-State Music Festival Orchestra Isra Ameen,Violin Alexander First,Viola Rachel Haber, Violin Caroline Huh, Cello Samantha Kapner, Piccolo Emily Nishiwaki,Viola Nicholas Politi, Cello Keshav Rastogi,Violin Nivedita Ravi,Violin Talia Schulman, Cello Doris Shyu,Violin Andrew Starr, Cello Maya Subbakrishna,Violin Cameron Wong, Cello Marisa Wong,Violin Zoe Zelkowitz,Violin WCSMA All-County Jazz Band Cole Cutlip, Tenor Saxophone Eric Hansen, Alto Saxophone Caroline Teicher, Piano WCSMA Intermediate All-County Band Kelsey Chin, Flute Cole Cutlip, Tenor Saxophone Ryan Jacobowitz, French Horn WCSMA Intermediate All-County Orchestra Emily Kopp, Cello Rhea Kothari,Violin Molly Osinoff,Viola WCSMA Intermediate All-County Chorus Axel Ahdritz Ethan Archer Rachel Attar Jenna Orrico Sonali Sharma Ananta Wadhwa


FMA, Media Award Elizabeth Hansen Bridget Horwood FMA, Excellence in Visual Art 2-D Award Elizabeth Goldstein FMA, Excellence in Visual Art 3-D Award YunChao Le FMA, Permanent Collection Winner Eliot Sernau FMA, Elisa Draper Award Sabrina Kaune Artist of the Month September: William Manson October:YunChao Le November: Chet-Lunn Bryant Lo January: Chloe Stoddard February: Bridget Horwood June: Eliot Sernau StArt’15, O'Silas Gallery, Concordia College Margaret DesRosiers Heather Martin Margaret O’Keefe Katonah Museum of Arts 2015 Young Artists Exhibition Elizabeth Goldstein Natalie Keith Chet-Lunn Bryant Lo YunChao Le Anastasia Neishtadt Margaret O’Keefe Julie Schwartzberg Eliot Sernau Chloe Stoddard Madeline Ware Pace Gallery Exhibition Cara Blumstein Maura Dooley Elizabeth Hansen Katharina Horn Bridget Horwood Lauren Keats YunChao Le Chloe Stoddard

Check out our website at to learn more about Friends of Music and the Arts

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Edgemont High School celebrates excellence

162 graduates move on

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Zachary Falk addresses his classmates. By JULIE SCHNEYER


nder a slightly overcast sky and comfortable temperatures, the Edgemont High School Class of 2015 came to the end of their Edgemont educational journey, Thursday, June 25. Students, faculty, families and friends gathered in the courtyard for EHS’ 59th annual commencement ceremony. The group of 162 graduates in blue caps and gowns sat with smiling faces as they embraced the evening, filled with inspirational words from administrators, faculty and fellow graduates. After a stirring performance of the national anthem sung by the Edgemont Chamber

Choir, senior Zachary Falk took to the podium. He comedically spoke about his observations over the years of the question “what is Edgemont?” The copout answer, he said, is “it’s near Scarsdale.” Falk continued, “Edgemont is where students stay long after classes are over at the end of the day participating in sports and clubs because nobody wants to leave the positive energy. Edgemont is where a simple good morning at the guidance center can make your day. And Edgemont is where every parent cares about you as though you were their own.” Falk spoke to Edgemont’s warmth and friendly residents and how the experiences gained in Edgemont “will impact the rest of our lives. Edgemont has given us tools and courage to achieve monumental things and

Superintendent Victoria Kniewel congratulates Simeon Balev and Isaac Schuchat

we’re ready to excel at what comes next!” Principal Devan Ganeshananthan addressed the group, to whom he is particularly emotionally connected. The graduates were just starting 7th grade when Ganeshananthan began working as an assistant principal at EHS. “Continue with your passions,” he told them. “Do what excites and enthralls you. You, class of 2015, are an extra talented, courageous bunch.” Ganeshanathan relayed a brief personal anecdote about his prior career in consulting and his eventual realization that what he really wanted to do was work in the education field. “You should and can change your path!” he announced. He paused during his remarks, overcome with the evening’s emotion. Board of education president David Chao,

Tyler Orden

and the father of a graduate, followed Ganeshananthan’s remarks, said “Vini, vidi, vici. Like Caesar, you did it. You came, you saw, you conquered.” He advised the students not be upset about potential failures or obstacles in their path. “We learn by failing. Don’t give up because you’ve stumbled.” Chao also urged the graduates to remember those who’ve helped them on their journey. “Thank someone who has inspired you or believed in you,” he said. The final faculty speaker was instrumental music teacher and band director John Catoliato, who said he didn’t know much about Edgemont before he came to work here 10 years ago. “My father, who drives a bus up and down Central Avenue from Yonkers to White Plains every day, told me he knew Edgemont from driving the route. He said it was a nice place—nobody there takes the bus though.” Catoliato said “Edgemont is the epitome of a well-rounded education. And what makes Edgemont so special is the people and the act of sharing that exists amongst the community. Sharing is becoming a commodity. Share your successes and your joy.” He then snapped a picture of the graduates and said, “I’m going to share the joy right now and post this on Facebook.” Student speakers Liliana Christie and Tyler Orden urged the graduates to remember the moment. Christie said, “It’s more than just an end to high school.” Orden marveled over his own personal evolution since starting junior high school, when he said he preferred to read what he wanted instead of what was on the class syllabus. But he credited his teachers, “Who pushed me to do more. Edgemont cultivates an environment of curiosity,” he said, “ and I was taught to think about why things happened.” [not just that they happened]. Superintendent Victoria Kniewel and Prinicapal Ganeshananthan presented the group with diplomas. Board of education members David Chao, Jennifer Darger and Anish Nanavaty joined in awarding their own children. Despite overcast skies and a light drizzle, it never rained and graduates, after moving their tassels to symbolize their transition, threw their caps in the air and headed to a reception on the lawn and to their exciting roads ahead.

Pag e 8 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Edgemont High SchoolClass of 2015 PRINCIPAL: Devan Ganeshanathan

Nathaniel Acevedo Noah Acevedo Alejandro Avolio Elaheh Babaei Lirim Bajrushi Simeon Balev Joseph Barnes Andres Bayuelo John Berman Alex Bernstein Alec Bieber Max Binder John Blakley Rachel Blume Emanuel Bobolakis Shelby Borkenstein Hannah Brennan Noor Brewster Jacqueline Brown James Brown Bryan Brunell Gabriela Casado Cocero Benjamin Chalson Bryan Chansamut David Chao Margaux Charbonnier Luke Charlton Samuel Charnizon Kendrick Choi Lilianna Christie Greyson Cohen Kyle Cohen Olivia Cummings

Ethan Cutler Jonathan Dalton William W. Darger Emily Despiau Gabriel Drozdov Samuel Eisenkraft Brian Evans Samantha Faden William Faden Zachary Falk Jonathan Fleischmann Anna Rose Fondiller Harris Freedman Christopher Gacinski Nicholas Gacinski Ekaterina Galfund Aasta Gandhi Max Ganik Xiaoya Gao Ilyssa Gold Alexander Goldman Maxine Goodman Zachary Gordon Robert Greenberg Kunxi Griswold Jingwen Guo James Hammond Julia Hoffman Isabella Hong Benjamin Howard Dylan Huff Kevin Hutchings Katie Intner

katie capone Greenvale School

John Blakely Tomo Iwasaki Samuel James Frances Jameson Brian Kam Olivia Kam Jack Kantor Ammar Karim Radhika Kataria Tamba Keita Ariba Khan Elena Kocaj Vikram Kohli Alyson Kornberg Jacob Kreinik Tanner Kurtul Aleena Kurumunda Nicolas Langiulli

Brian leone

Marina Lazar-Legoff Hyun Jong Lee Sangyoon Lee Yong Bin Lee Jacob L. Lerner Samuel Lewis Christina Liu Virginia Hueifong Lu Krishan Madan Angela Magardino Alan Makedon Galip Mamudoski Stephen Jacob Mani Nicole Marlow Nicole Mathews Serena Mehta Danielle Meyerson

Scarsdale High School

Joseph paskalides Penn State University

lewis leone

Georgetown University

Isabella Miccoli Jason Miller Julie Miner Ami Mineta Chance Moore Harrison Moser Jessica Moskowitz Olivia Mowrer Aahan Naik Shraddha Nair Shota Nakamura Anubhav Nanavaty Austin Natowitz Joshua Newman Yasmine Niazi Andrew Older Tyler Orden Faith Ozoa Christian Panayiotou Nimai Parikh Clarey Pass Monica Pereira Nicholas Petrilli Alexander Pizzino Dominic Pizzurro-Gomez Katie Pollack Isabella Puig Ivana Ranjan Rahul Rao-Pothuraju Morgan Rappe Joshua Roman Hannah Romney

Alexander Root Julia Rose Hannah Megan Rothstein Jessica Rubin Allison Rutter Stephanie Saltzman Ayumi Saraiya Christian Sayegh David Scharf Isaac Schuchat Alexandra Schwartz Allen Selvaraj Rishul Shah Justin Shin Jake Smith Andrew Steinberg Kartik Subbanna Danielle Tovar Yujin Tsuruo Hira Wajid Muhammad Wajid Benjamin Weiser Madison Welker David Andrew Winitch Aaron Wong Rachel Wylie Allan Xu Chihiro Yorita Lucas Yudman Jakob Zieman Rachel Zuckerman

trinity parameswaren Rye Country Day School

nicole paskalides shayna rosenstein Loyola University

Albert Leonard Middle School

Congratulations to the Class of 2015 29 Wilmot Road


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and the Class of 2015

Sam Koslowsky Son of Denise Koslowsky Scarsdale High School

Jaylene Acevado Daughter of Elizann Arizmendi Isaac E. Young Middle School New Rochelle

Stefanie Hodapp Daughter of June Hodapp University of Delaware

Nicholas Onorino Nephew of Lynn Palma Eastchester High School

820 Scarsdale Avenue, Scarsdale, NY 10583

Patrick Roksvold Son of Robert Roksvold Prince of Peace Preschool Brookfield, Connecticut


Pag e 1 0 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

where they’re heading Adelphi University Michael Robbins, SHS

Dartmouth College Katharina Horn, SHS

Dickinson College

Barnard College Avery Kayle, SHS Serena Mehta, EHS

Lissy Gold, EHS Max Marienberg, SHS Melissa Strauss, SHS Duke University Jacob Eisenstein, SHS Danielle Ezratty, SHS Evan Moretti, SHS Gaby Salvatore, SHS Molly Sullivan, SHS Sydney Waldman, SHS Alex Yearley, SHS

Bates College George Steckel, SHS Boston University Aaron Afran, SHS * Samantha Faden, EHS Jordan Frankenthaler, SHS Bowdoin College Samuel Lewis, EHS* Isaac Schuchat, EHS Jacob Stein, SHS Brandeis University Sam Charnizon, EHS Brian Rauch, SHS Jill Shapiro, SHS David Winitch, EHS Brigham Young University William Darger, EHS Brown University Ethan Shire, SHS Chapman University Jake Zieman, EHS

Eckerd College Katya Galfund, EHS Danielle Tovar, EHS

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This EHS graduate advertises his destination. Colgate University Connor McCarthy, SHS Lea Trauzzi, SHS College of Charleston Natalie Keith, SHS Dan Kestenbaum, SHS Columbia University Christine Desbois, SHS Kara Schechtman, SHS

Connecticut College Thomas Brady, SHS Cornell University Jonny Augarten, SHS Annie Blum, SHS Luisa Esteves, SHS Zach Falk, EHS Sam Gray, SHS Sarah Halperin, SHS Maggie O’Keefe, SHS Kate Rabin, SHS

Annabelle Schwartz, SHS Austin Serling, SHS Amanda Shuster, SHS Kaitlyn Son, SHS Andrew Stafford, SHS Maya Subbakrishna, SHS Ally Yaseen, SHS Cornell University College of Engineering Jeremy Iver, SHS

Elon University Jake Berkson, The Harvey School Michaela Dwyer, SHS Emory University Ethan Bunzel, SHS Peter Emanuel, SHS Ryan Huo, SHS Joey Katz, SHS Rachel Klein, SHS Emerson Riback, SHS Kate Schnitzer, SHS Zach Zlatin, SHS Endicott College Zachary Gordon, EHS

Fashion Institute of Technology Mari Kawarmura, SHS Fordham University Allie Rutter, EHS Franklin & Marshall College Hannah Rothstein, EHS Allison Shein, SHS Harrison Wirth, SHS Rachel Wylie, EHS Georgetown University Geoffrey Fitzgerald, SHS Marco Paternoster, SHS Hamilton College Lilianna Christie, EHS Harvard University Caroline Kristof, SHS Matt Mandel, SHS Cailey Martin, SHS Caroline Teicher, SHS Haverford College Richard D. Simonds III, SHS Hobart and William Smith Colleges Samantha Abbe, SHS Kristina Camaj, SHS Thomas Cooke, SHS continued on page 11A


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where they’re heading continued from page 10A

Katie Frohman, SHS Nicole Katchis, SHS Tiffani Pan, SHS Spencer Planit, SHS Anton Zock, SHS

Hunter College Elizabeth Jacobs, SHS Indiana University Spencer Shaev, SHS Johns Hopkins University Erik Bostrom, Hackley

Lafayette College William Eisler, SHS Henry Schweber, SHS Lehigh University College of Business and Economics Elliot Behar, SHS Danni Hyman, SHS Lehigh University Andrew Steinberg, EHS Madison Welker, EHS Rachel Zuckerman, EHS Lynn University Stephen Breitman, SHS Marist College Shannon Cover, SHS Massachusetts Institute of Technology Rebecca Agustin, SHS Miami University (Ohio) Jake Zurkow, SHS McGill University Alexander Goldman, EHS Carla Lionti, SHS Koji Shiromoto, SHS Middlebury College Pedro Miranda, SHS

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Evan Moretti, SHS Millsaps College Benjamin Weiser, EHS Mount Holyoke College Sarah-Judith Bernstein, SHS Zoe Zelkowitz, SHS Muhlenberg College Evan Claman, SHS Shan Jameson, EHS Alison Maybaum, SHS

New York University Kush Kalra, SHS Shraddha Nair, EHS Hannah Wolloch, SHS

Oberlin College Sara Calderon, SHS Isabel Klein, SHS Elliot Sernau, SHS

Northwestern University Jake Abrahams, SHS Tomer Cherki, SHS Dani Cohen, SHS Ben Lefkowitz, SHS Andrew Pollack, SHS Rebecca Rosenbaum, SHS

Penn State University Alec Bieber, EHS

Mark Altman, SHS

Quinnipiac University Kayla Kanner, SHS Reed College Dylan Huff, EHS

continued on page 12A

Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2015! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best! Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2010! We are are proudofof our graduates and with them the best! We our graduates and wish them the best! We areproud proud of our graduates and with them the best! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best!

Jake Abrahams Elena Gaffney Aasta Gandhi AlexAcevedo Jon Glickman Aaron Afran Talia Abraham Cody Fisher Casey Flagg Hellman Jordan Agabin Sarah Ballan Elizabeth Talia Abraham Cody Fisher Iqbal Talia Abraham Cody Ibnat Fisher Tom Alex Daniel Bernstein Jacob Goldwasser Sarah Ballan Elizabeth Flagg Seth Jaffe Sarah Ballan Elizabeth Flagg Talia Abraham Cody Fisher Eitan Barkow Daniel Bernstein Jacob Goo Goldwasser Becca Bohrer Justin Jameson Daniel Bernstein JacobShan Goldwasser Sarah Ballan Flagg Hannah Brennan Elizabeth Becca Bohrer JustinHarris Goo David Bougard Justin Deepthi John Becca Bohrer Justin Goo DanielDavid Bernstein Jacob Goldwasser Bougard Justin Harris Teddy Buck Bianca Buonaguro Sarah Harris Priyanka John David Bougard Justin Harris Becca Bohrer Justin Goo Bianca Buonaguro Sarah Harris Sam Cooper Danielle Calamari Julianna Haubner Johnson Bianca Buonaguro SarahFrancesca Harris Julianna David Danielle BougardCalamari Justin HarrisHaubner Shannon Cover Alex Cappelli Eliza Herrero Anna Haubner Karmel Danielle Calamari Julianna Cappelli Eliza Herrero BiancaAlex Buonaguro Sarah Harris Will Darger Aleena Kurumunda Bernard Cheng Devin Hill Alex Cappelli Eliza Herrero Bernard Cheng DevinHaubner Hill Danielle Calamari Julianna Riya Dave Max Lahn Bernard Cooke Cheng Devin Hill Alexandra Kevin Hill Alexandra Cooke Kevin Hill Alex Cappelli Eliza Herrero Courtney Esteves Celine Alexandra Cooke Kevin HillLaruelle Julia Diamond Doriel Julia Diamond DorielJacov Jacov Bernard Cheng Devin Hill Kelly Felicetta John Lee Julia Evans Diamond Doriel Jacov Thomas Nikhyl Thomas Evans NikhylJhangiani Jhangiani Alexandra Cooke Kevin Hill Robert Lee Allie Fischgrund Thomas Evans Nikhyl Jhangiani Nicholas Farago Johnnie Nicholas Farago Johnnie Kallas Kallas Kaylee Levine Nicholas Emma Farago Johnnie Kallas Julia Diamond Doriel Jacov Flynn Jacob Livne Thomas Evans Laurel Fox Nikhyl Jhangiani Luis Llanos David Frank Nicholas Farago Johnnie Kallas Bryant Lo Harris Freedman

Jeff Lutzker Navya Madoor Thomas IrmakMalaickal Karayal Jestin Mathew Dana Knopp Irmak Karayal Irmak Karayal Stacy Mendez Sarah Koch Dana Knopp Dana Knopp Irmak Karayal Amanda Morel Sarah Koch Nicole Lee Sarah Koch Dana Knopp Nicole Lee Akshay OommenLee Shaun-Chi Nicole Lee Sarah Koch Shaun-Chi Lee Efrelle Ortilla Brittany Lerner Shaun-Chi Lee Nicole Lee Brittany Lerner Trisha Pabby Samantha Medney Brittany Lerner Samantha Medney Shaun-Chi Lee Anthony Panat Saket Mehta Samantha Medney Saket Mehta Brittany Lerner Sarah Park Megan Myron Saket Mehta Megan Myron Samantha Medney Mike Parrish Megan Myron Alizay Naqvi Alizay Naqvi Saket Mehta Antonia Penfold Alizay Naqvi Gracie Nash Gracie Nash Megan Myron Gracie Nash Albert Peraza Kristin O’Hara Kristin O’Hara Alizay Naqvi Kristin O’Hara Melissa Polin Alison Park Alison Park Alison Park Gracie Ivana Nash Ranjan Kristin O’Hara Jake Reifer OrionPark Rendon Alison Sitara Richard

Brendan Roche Lisa Rovenpor Sam RussoGigi Rawanduzy Caitlin Sanchez Sam Rovner Gigi Rawanduzy Gigi Rawanduzy Ayumi Saraiya Julie Schwab Sam Rovner Sam Rovner Gigi Rawanduzy Alexandra Schwartz JulieAndre SchwabSguerra Julie Schwab SamSchwartz Rovner Annabelle Andre SguerraSoloff Miranda Andre Sguerra Julie Schwab AllenMiranda Selvaraj Soloff Jade Somboonthum Miranda Soloff Andre Sguerra EvanJade ShlomSomboonthum Elliot Taffet Somboonthum Jodi Jade Stern Elliot Taffet Miranda Soloff David Elliot TaffetTaub David Taub Morgan Taylor Jade Somboonthum Erik Wahlberg David Taub Wahlberg KirkErik Thaker Elliot Taffet ErikYael Wahlberg Wiesenfeld Wiesenfeld ArielYael Tzamarot David Taub YaelJoshua Wiesenfeld WoolfWoolf Eric Joshua Waelbroeck Erik Wahlberg Joshua Woolf Yoo Sooyoung Yoo RemySooyoung Weisbrot Yael Wiesenfeld Sooyoung Yoo Hyun-Kyung Yuh Hyun-Kyung Emily White WoolfYuh Hyun-Kyung Yuh Joshua DavidSooyoung Winitch Yoo Marisa Wong Hyun-Kyung Yuh Zoe Zelkowitz

Pag e 1 2 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

where they’re heading

scarsdale inquirer/john meore photos

DJ Chao, EHS, hugs his father, school board president David Chao.

Arielle Green, SHS

Trinity College Abigail McDonald, SHS

University of Connecticut Monica Pereira, EHS

University of Notre Dame D.J. Chao, EHS

Tufts University Jeremee Bornstein, SHS Robert Greenberg, EHS

University of Delaware Jason Miller, SHS Trisha Pabby, SHS

SUNY Binghamton Delilah Chamlin, SHS Chris Landgrebe, SHS Daniel Nodiff, SHS Justin Scacchi, SHS

Tulane University Scott Ballan, SHS Julia Gerla, SHS Jordan Green, SHS Melanie Kaplan, SHS Alex Rainer, SHS

University of Maryland at College Park Ben Howard, EHS Jacob Lerner, EHS Allison Sugarman, SHS Julia Van Zwieten, SHS

University of Pennsylvania Jonathan Dorf, SHS AJ Hallac, SHS Josh Goldenberg, SHS Josh Ross, SHS

SUNY Geneseo Alex Bernstein, EHS Nina Lurie, SHS Nicole Root, SHS Barak Stockler, SHS

Union College Giancarlo Cugini SHS Janet Frehill, SHS Madeline Levin, The Masters School

SUNY New Paltz Faith Ozoa, EHS

University of California, Berkeley Elizabeth Hansen, SHS Marisa Wong, SHS

University of Michigan Michael Casden, SHS Max Ganik, EHS Adam Hokin, SHS John Kaspers, SHS Jacob Kreunik, EHS Matthew Kushnick, SHS Sarah Mehlman, SHS Danielle Meyerson, EHS Jason Miller, EHS Matthew Nabi, SHS Katie Pollack EHS Isabella Puig, EHS Zack Shulman, SHS

continued from page 10A

Sarah Lawrence College India Stachyra, SHS SUNY Albany Lawrence Rosenstadt, SHS

Syracuse University Marcus Holloway, SHS Katie Kearns, SHS Quinton Landsberg, SHS Julie Miner, EHS Austin Natowitz, EHS Nimai Parikh, EHS Stephanie Saltzman, EHS Jack Singer, SHS

Shelby Borkenstein, EHS

University of California, L.A. Yujin Tsuruo, EHS University of Chicago John Berman, EHS Daniella Rodriguez, SHS Adrienne Travis, SHS

University of North Caroline – Chapel Hill Gabe Harousseau, SHS

University of Richmond Rachel Bochner, SHS Ali Farfel, SHS University of Rochester Hannah Brennan, EHS Trevor Whitestone, SHS Carolyn Zelicof, SHS University of Southern California Kate Greenberg, SHS Michael Johnson, SHS Casey Kravit, SHS University of St. Andrews, Scotland Duncan Hindmarch, SHS University of Tampa Daniel deCastro, SHS University of Texas, Austin Amanda Clark, SHS

Hats in the air!

Leah Kashar, SHS Ali Kass, SHS Morgan Lawless, SHS University of Wisconsin Shelby Borkenstein, EHS Zoe McDonald, SHS Vanderbilt University Samantha Kapner, SHS Robbie Keltz, SHS* Henry Kline, SHS Robert Lee, SHS Brian Leff, SHS* Ryan Rangaiah, SHS* Emily Reed, SHS Amanda Rozencwaig, SHS Sammy Silberberg, SHS Evan Suzman, SHS Madeline Ware, SHS

Washington University in St. Louis Lauren Hartman, SHS Alan Makedon, EHS Wesleyan University Shota Nakamura, EHS William Smith University Kaitlin Frohman, SHS Yale University Jonathan Greenberg, SHS Connie Lam, SHS James Nicholas, SHS Daniel Wasserman, SHS * Merit scholarship

Villanova University Melissa Polin, SHS Timothy Filos, SHS Catherine Fitzgerald, SHS Virginia Tech Michael Roberts, SHS Wake Forest University Gabi Casado-Cocero, EHS Maia Scacchi, SHS William Manson, SHS

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a duat i o n j u ly 3 , 2 01 5 — Pag e 1 3 A

SCHECHTER Graduates! Thank you, Schechter Westchester, for making our decision so tough. We’ve been accepted to an amazing group of colleges, universities, and Israel-based gap programs: Amherst College The University of Arizona Barnard College Binghamton University Boston University Brandeis University Bucknell University California Institute of the Arts Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Cazenovia College University of Chicago University of Cincinnati The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina Clark University Colgate University University of Colorado at Boulder Columbia College Chicago Columbia University University of Connecticut Cornell University Dartmouth College University of Delaware University of Denver Dickinson College Drexel University

Eastern Connecticut State University Elon University Emory University Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts Fairfield University The George Washington University Georgia Institute of Technology Goucher College University of Hartford Hartwick College Harvard University Hofstra University Hunter College of the CUNY University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Indiana University at Bloomington Ithaca College Jewish Theological Seminary of America Johns Hopkins University Johnson & Wales University Kent State University Lafayette College Lewis & Clark College Long Island University, Post Manhattan College Manhattanville College University of Maryland McGill University University of Miami University of Michigan Muhlenberg College University of Nebraska at Lincoln New England College University of New Hampshire New York University Newbury College Northeastern University Northwestern University Norwich University The Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University University of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University University of Pittsburgh Purchase College State University of New York

Quinnipiac University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Rhode Island University of Richmond University of Rochester Rochester Institute of Technology Rutgers University – New Brunswick Savannah College of Art and Design Skidmore College University of Southern California Southern Connecticut State University State University of New York at Albany State University of New York at Buffalo State University of New York at New Paltz State University of New York at Stony Brook SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at Oneonta SUNY College at Oswego SUNY College at Potsdam Syracuse University Tufts University Tulane University Union College Vassar College University of Vermont University of Virginia Virginia Military Institute Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis Wentworth Institute of Technology Williams College University of Wisconsin Worcester Polytechnic Institute Gap Year Programs Bar-Ilan University Garin Tzabar – Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Kivunim Nativ Tel Aviv University Young Judaea Year Course

Pag e 14 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Scarsdale High School

Prom Night Scarsdale’s seniors continued their final high school celebrations Friday, June 5, as they posed with their dates and friends at a school reception before moving to New Rochelle VIP Club for a night of dancing, good food and perfect memories. Photos by John Meore Bryant Lo

Traci Ludwig photo

Elena Ludwig and Eliot Sernau

Valerie Abrahams photo

Isabel Klein, Annabelle Schwartz and Caroline Kristof

Mo Dooley and Jordan Green

Tim Filos, Catherine Fitzgerald, Erin Hom and Richie Gutierrez

Gabrielle Kupiec and Frank Schwall

Emily Bernstein and Pedro Miranda

John Kaspers, Marco Paternoster and Paige Selber

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a duat i o n j u ly 3 , 2 01 5 — Pag e 1 5 A

Congratulations J. Michael Murphy &

Scarsdale High School Class of 2015 From the Board of Directors and Staff of

“Better Banking for a Better Future” Joseph M. Murphy, Sr. Chairman

JoAnn Murphy Vice Chair

Joseph M. Murphy, Jr. President & CEO

Branch Locations

Main Office 655 Third Avenue New York, New York (212) 818-9090 Scarsdale 80 Garth Road Scarsdale, NY (914) 722-1500

Flagship Branch 655 Third Avenue New York, New York (212) 292-5254

Riverdale 583 West 235th St. Bronx, NY (718) 601-8300

Equal Opportunity Lender

Woodlawn 4349 Katonah Ave. Bronx, NY (718) 324-7100

Manhattan 902 Second Ave. New York, NY (212) 829-9998

Equal Opportunity Lender

Pag e 1 6 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Salutes the C


oulihan Lawrence Realty salutes Scarsdale’s extraordinary class of 2015, who gathered with their family and friends to celebrate commencement exercises last Friday, June 26th. Although rain had threatened, the clouds parted and sunny skies mirrored the joyous mood of those assembled to watch the 401 seniors receive their diplomas. Class officers, including class president Angela Coco, Board of Education president Mary Beth Gose, class advisors Ernest Collabolletta and Jessica Levenberg, SHS principal Kenneth Bonamo, and new Superintendent Dr. Thomas Hagerman all spoke to the triumphs, challenges and meaningful moments that this class has experienced in its journey. With focus, energy, and camaraderie, the class of 2015 made its mark, with accomplishments

DISTINCTIVE DESIGN Frank Lloyd Wright inspired Contemporary nestled in the woods on 2.2 acres provides a warm and dramatic invitation with its soaring ceilings, open floor plan, oak and tile flooring, mission-style lighting and downlit Tennessee Stack Stone theme throughout the home. Designer kitchen. Luxurious master bedroom suite. Sparkling pool, hot tub and gardens. POUND RIDGE | WEB# RR1146718 | $949,000 BEDFORD/POUND RIDGE BROKERAGE 914.234.9099


(Top): Oliver Verzani, house rep; Ethan Shire, VP and Henry Kline, house rep. (Middle): Ms. Levenberg, advisor; Tomer Cherki, house rep; Daniella Rodriguez, house rep; Robert Lee, house rep and Dr. Collabolletta, advisor. (Front): Angela Coco, president; Jane Zimnick (secFischer, house and Adrienne treasurer. (Not pictured): Daniel est honor, theretary), awardHannah is considered “Therep Oscars of the Travis, Internet.” Wasserman, treasurer and Andrew Stafford, house rep.

Frank Lloyd Wright inspired Contemporary nestled in the woods on 2.2 Angela Coco with its soaring ceilings, open acres provides a warm and dramatic invitation floor plan, oak and tile flooring, mission-style lighting and downlit Tennessee Stack Stone theme throughout the home. Designer kitchen. Luxurious master bedroom suite. Sparkling pool, hot tub and gardens. POUND RIDGE | WEB# RR1146718 | $949,000 BEDFORD/POUND RIDGE BROKERAGE 914.234.9099

PURE ENCHANTMENT Fabulous gardens surround this quintessential Bedford home built in 1900 sited on perfectly level and exceptionally beautiful property located on the Mianus River. Complemented by an in-ground pool, pool house, a pond and an orchard, the house offers three stories of living space with numerous period details and finishes. WEB# RR1154143 Bedford $699,000 BEDFORD | WEB# RR1154143 | $699,000 BEDFORD/POUND RIDGEShaev, BROKERAGE 914.234.9099 Ethan Shire, Nicole Brenner, Spencer Lea Trauzzi, Robbie Irwin, Caroline Kristof, Brian Rauch, Bridget Horwood, Casey Kravit, Cameron Swift and Julia Van Zwieten


( B A



cademy of Digital Arts and Sciences, composed of 1,000 industry vators. We are the only residential real estate brokerage in the premiere international achievement for ground-breaking web design.

Source: HGMLS, Jan 2000 through Dec 2014, total transactions Based on both historic and current sales, H


Fabulous gardens surround this quintessential Bedford home built in 1900 sited on perfectly level and exceptionally beautiful property located on the Mianus River. Complemented by an in-ground pool, pool house, a pond and

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a duat i o n j u ly 3 , 2 01 5 — Pag e 1 7 A

Class of 2015 ranging from academics to sports, from the performing arts to community service. Taking great pride in their commitment to school spirit and the school motto, non sibi, they came together, volunteering, contributing, making a difference and gaining confidence in themselves. We honor all our graduates – the little children we remember with love and the amazing young adults they grown up to be, along with the wonderful parents, teachers, administrators, and school system that have nurtured them every step of the way. Take pleasure in your achievements, enjoy the summer, and follow your dreams! Photographs by Beverly Picker.

Sydney Sussman, Isabel Klein and Sarah MacKechnie

Ethan Shire, Matthew Gliatta and Will Eisler

Max Pendrill with principal Ken Bonamo

(Top): Zack Shandell, Sarah Mar and Matthew Kushnick. (Middle): Rebecca Rosenbaum, Rachel Berglass, Paige Selber and Jonathan Greenberg. (Front): Elizabeth Hansen, Melanie Kaplan and Alexandra Taubes

(Rear): Jack Singer, Michael Casden, Lawrence Rosenstadt and Jacob Eisenstein. (Front): Samuel Gray, Barry Sosner, Robbie Keltz and Zack Shandell


s, all properties, Northern Westchester (Zone 2), by Company. Houlihan Lawrence continues to rank #1

G r a duat i o n

Pag e 1 8 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Seniors were wearing their brightest smiles at Edgemont High School’s commencement June 25 and Scarsdale High School’s June 26.

For posterity: Scarsdale High School senior HS Lauren Hendel uses a selfie stick to take a photo of herself and friends during preparations for the official class photo in the gym. Scarsdale Inquirer/John Meore photos

B is for Bowdoin: Clarey Pass and Isaac Schuchat are looking ahead.

Jared Fischer receives his diploma and a handshake from Scarsdale High School principal Ken Bonamo.

a team Graduation Class of 2015

approach to

Portrait in blue: Rahul Rao-Pothuraju, Brian Kam, Austin Natowitz take a selfie at Edgemont High School’s commencement.

A special section of The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500

personalized college advising

A S p ec i A l S ec t i o n o f t h e Sc A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r • J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

Publisher Deborah G. White Section Editor Linda Leavitt Editorial Assistants Valerie Abrahams, Julie Schneyer, Sandy Greene, Jake Abrahams, Zoe Ballas Art Director Katherine Potter Ad Sales Thomas O’Halloran, Barbara Yeaker, Gerry Ryan, Marilyn Petrosa, Francesca Lynch

Cover photo of Scarsdale High School graduates by John Meore ©2015 S.I. Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the Publisher’s written permission.

a team approach to ▪ Leslie Berkovits personalized college advising

▪ Ellen Golden ▪ Lillian Hecht

Congratulations Congratulations ▪ Nancy Michaels Class 2015 Class of of 2013

a team approach to

personalized college advising

▪ Leslie Berkovits

Get wise. Know what’s going on in your backyard.

▪ Ellen Golden

▪ Lisa Rodman

Leslie Berkovits ▪Ellen Lillian Hecht Nancy Michaels Rodman ▪ Lillian Lisa Hecht LeslieGolden Berkovits ▪ Ellen Golden ▪ Nancy Michaels 914-282-3820 ▪ Lillian Hecht

▪ Lisa Rodman

▪ Nancy Michaels ▪ Lisa Rodman


Subscribe to The Scarsdale Inquirer 725-2500

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G r a duat i o n j u ly 3 , 2 01 5 — Pag e 1 9 A

edgemont High School

Prom Night Dressed to the nines, Edgemont High School seniors posed for photos at a reception before heading off to the senior prom at the VIP Club in New Rochelle Friday, June 12. Photos by John Meore

Serena Mehta and Andres Bayuelo

Noor Brewster, Ivana Ranjan, Emily Despiau

Ben Chalson and date

James Hammond and Alexa Brody

Anubhav Nanavaty, Victoria McGee

Kevin Hutchings and date

Anna Fondiller and Kyle Cohen

Pag e 2 0 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Congratula�ons to our Class of 2015! French‐American School of New York

This is just the beginning . We wish you all the best !

Here is where they are headed: 81,7(' 67$7(6 Amherst College Barnard College Binghamton University Boston University Bowdoin College Columbia University Dickinson College Duke University Eckerd College Elon University Georgetown University Harvard University Oberlin College

Rice University State University of New York at New Paltz SUNY Maritime College The University of Georgia University of California, San Diego Wake Forest University Yale University &$1$'$ Concordia University McGill University University of British Columbia University of Toronto

(8523( Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne ‐ Switzerland ESILV Courbevoie ‐ France Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam ‐ Holland IESEG Ecole de Commerce Management et Gestion ‐ France Sciences Po Paris ‐ Campus de Reims ‐ France Sciences Po Paris ‐ Collège Universitaire du Havre ‐ France University of Edinburgh ‐ Scotland University of St. Andrews ‐ Scotland University of Lausanne ‐ Switzerland

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a duat i o n j u ly 3 , 2 01 5 — Pag e 2 1 A


PRINCIPAL: Michael McDermott ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS: Rochelle Hauge, Larry Chatzinoff Sarah Abbe Aaron Aboodi Polly Adler Anika Agarwal Luzselena Aguilar Anshu Ajmera Sydney Albert Erick Almeida Patricia Alvarez Michael Anderson Rachel Annex Ella Ansell Natalie Appel Dylan Aresu Saif Asam Lauren Baldinger Harrison Baldwin Michael Barletta Paige Barlow Anaya Barmecha Lilly Batt Sylvia Bayrakdarian Sydney Behar Leetal Ben-Simon Brooke Bensche Zachary Berkson Nicolas Bernard

Andrew Bernstein Samuel Bernstein Emmeline Berridge Mia Bezos Sanjana Bhatnagar Kyle Bleustein Jared Blinken Sarah Bock Madeline Bonanno Nathan Boockvar Jackson Bornstein Adam Boss Elise Boucher Isabelle Boucher Selise Bourla Margo Boxer Simon Bradlow George Brady Michael Brault Olivia Breitkopf Jasper Brenner Madeline Brew Margaret Brew Max Brody Jackson Brosgol Alex Brotman Quinlan Burke

Emma Cahaly Dylan Canell Mia Carroll Nico Cavalluzzi John Cecil John Ceske Jack Charland Narain Chepuru Noam Cherki Derek Chi Gabriela Chiavenato Lauren Cho Christina Coco Andrew Cohen Dylan Cohn Ryan Collins Morgan Costello Mark Dachinger Michael Daloia Alexis Daniel Suzanne Davis Ada DeLaFuente-Akersveen Jacques deLaGarde Marie deLaGarde Mia Dell’Orto Brian DeLong Olivia DeLorenzo

Seeing andElectronics Hearing Like Never Before Value congratulates theNew graduating class to of 2015 Visit Our Showroom Experience and our special graduate. 4K Ultra HDTV and Hi-Res Audio We wish you success and happiness in your future endeavors.

JoaoPedro DeMello Sude Demir Julia Denion Shamika Dhuri Renee Dibbini

Gerardo DiLeo Michael DiSanto Lindsay Donat Casidy Donohue Aidan Donovan


continued on page 22A

Sofia Aklog - Amherst College

Noah Li - Cornell University

Isra Ameen - University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

Zara Mian - George Washington University

Thomas Brady - Connecticut College

Sueh Ono - SUNY Fredonia in music education and performance

Henry Brooks - Davidson College

John Ostertag - Syracuse University

Jacqueline Brown - Columbia University

Jonathan Rusoff - University of Pittsburgh

Serena Cattau - Smith College

Talia Schulman - The Hartt School

Kirstie Connon - SUNY Oneonta

Justin Shin - Washington University

DiYu Fisher - Yale University

Koji Shiromoto - McGill University

Ezra Gans - University of Michigan

Richard Simonds - Haverford College

Caroline Huh - Smith College

Andrew Starr - Hamilton College

Rebecca Julie - University of Chicago

Evan Suzman - Vanderbilt University

Samantha Kapner - Vanderbilt University

Adam Willson - Oberlin College of Arts & Sciences and Conservatory of Music

Vikram Kohli - Northwestern University

35 Popham Rd Scarsdale

Sierra Donovan Katelin Du Riley Edlitz Alexander Eforo

Congratulations to our graduating seniors!

Julia Klezl - Technische Universität Wien

Value Electronics

Vicki Presser photo

Playing Ping-Pong in the great hall is a perk for eighth-graders.

Sam Koslowsky - Clark University

Ray Zhang - University of Michigan Edwin Zhou - University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

List incomplete at time of printing.

25 School Lane, Scarsdale, New York 10583 (914) 723-1169 • email: •

Pag e 2 2 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

Moving Up

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r


Scarsdale Middle School continued from page 21A

Elizabeth Elcik Emma Elman Jonah Elman Cemre Ertas Sophie Ewing Fletcher Faden Jonathan Fan Zoe Favilla Samantha Felder Lara Ferris Lisa Ferris Jaclyn Finger Lillian Foley Ross Forman Sara Frankenthaler Natalie Gee Aerin Gelblum Lindsay Gelles Aaron Gilin Liana Givner Michelle Glantz Madeline Glass Lena Glickman Jacob Gliedman Amanda Glik Peter Godshall Benjamin Goldman Caroline Goldstein Melissa Gottlieb Leonardo Graziottin Alec Greenwald Francesca Greenwald Jonathan Gringauz Sophie Grippo Matthew Gruen Jay Gupta Zayn-Al-Abideen Habu Jackson Haffner Riley Haffner Elias Hairatidis Julia Halligan Lucy Hayter Zara Hayter Arin Hendell Sara Hezi Sophia Higdon Olivia Higgins

Kenta Hirashima Lleyton Ho Sally Ho Samantha Ho Zachary Hoexter Sam Hoffman Amelia Horney Sophia Hovakimian Sara Hove Evan Huo Meredith Hurshman Hayato Ide Kensuke Iguchi Rina Iida Dafna Ingerman Charlotte Irwin Eric Jacobson Katia Jacovides Daniel Jaffe Julia Jamesley Harris Jamil Adeye Jean-Baptiste Nikhil John Miyu Kanazawa Jason Kaplan Katherine Karp Andrew Kass Nicole Kassabian Kazuki Katoh Cole Kattan Lenny Kaznachey Carly Kessler Amir Khan Zara Khan Thomas Killian Morgan Kim Benjamin Klein Jay Klein George Koevary Kathryn Koo Daniel Korobeynyk Simon Krohn Henry Kronenberg Manya Kula Matthew Kutzin Alexander Kwok Josephine Lacoudre Christine Lambert

Trevor Lambert Hannah Lamport Joseph Lane Mary Langford Emily Lattman Elya Lavi Hannah Lebow Justin Lee Kaitlyn Lee Paige Lee Benjamin Lehrburger Danielle Lemisch Ian Lerner Andrew Levin Jaden Levin Katherine Levin Ezra Levine Andrew Levy Benjamin Levy Rena Li BrianJr Lilly Jonathan Lin Allison Liu Harrison Liu Jenny Liu Shicheng Liu John Lloyd Aidan Londa Julia Loten Frederick Lowey Ethan Lubin Spencer Mann Leah Marcus Bogdan Marginean LuLi Marini Kimberly Markowitz Michael Marom Jose Maronilla William Maybaum Alexander Mayer Connor McCarthy Julia McCormick Madeline McDonald Bianca McIver Julia McMurray Kylie McRobie Fernanda MediciSousa Aliza Mehlman

Allison Weiss photo

Yearbooks in hand, Jocelyn Weiss, Sara Frankenthaler and Meredith Hurshman celebrate the end of eighth grade at the middle school. Priyanka Mehta Nina Metviner Sean Michael William Milberg Benjamin Millen Ethan Miller Adina Mistry Sydney Mone Kodai Morikuni Lyndsey Morton Ishwar Mukherjee William Musoff SaraAnn Naber Miho Nakazeki Mihir Nayar Diana Nerangis Jacqueline Newman Abigail Nishiwaki Kate Nova Megumi Ohara Yukino Ota Jonah Oxman Megumi Ozawa Rohit Palekar Michael Palermo

Camilla Pandolfi Nayumi ParenteRibeiro Willow Paykin Cristina Paz Vivian Perfetti Dylan Pflaum Danielle Piccoli Aditya Pillai Sarah Podraza Joshua Porter Talia Potters Renata Pratt Nabiha Qadir Charles Quill Kelli Rainer Jack Rangaiah Emma Reed Ian Ressler Zachary Reyman Isabelle Riback Elizabeth Riina Jenna Riina Nola Riina Jamie Robelen Elaine Rodriguez

Michael Romano JT Rosen Jonah Rossett Alison Rothberg Avery Rubin Leah Rubin Kelly Rutherford Amanda Ruzumna Yui Saika Hannah Saltz Samuel Saxon Jennifer Schlur Jonah Schneider Samuel Schneider Benjamin Schwartz Emma Schwartz Carla Segale Hayden Seidman Mitchell Selitsky Ethan Shapiro Madhavi Shashank James Shearman Hallie Sheinbaum Kylie Shelon continued on page 23A

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a duat i o n j u ly 3 , 2 01 5 — Pag e 2 3 A


continued from page 22A

Cara Sherman Taylor Siegel Daniel Silk Benjamin Sindone Jake Singer Julia Singer Elizabeth Sinyavin Katherine Sinyavin Rebecca Sklar Emily Smyth William Solie Lianne Spencer Julia Staffin Allison Stafford Jordan Stampfli Maxwell Stapleton Isabella Stewart Lucas Stoddard Daniel Suarez Maisie Suzman Bruno Tassari Cole Thaler Samuel Thompson Samantha Thurm Emma Townsend Avery Tzamarot

David Umansky Yuna vanderAar Grace Vericker Abigail Vetrone Caio Vieira Mariana Vieira Derek VonRedden Remington Wachtel Sidney Waller Vivianna Wang Isabella Waterhouse Matthew Watiker Sophie Weingrad Aubrey Weinstein Jocelyn Weiss Hannah Weller Alexa Widlitz Aidan Wilson Alexandra Wilson Rina Yamamori Nicholas Yee Noah Yusen Tanner Zachem Andrew Zhang Deborah Zhang Maxwell Zhao Eric Zhong Jordan Ziffer

Christina Coco and friends at the SMS pool party.

Congratulations Graduates!

260 Jay Street • Katonah, NY 10536 • 914.232.3161 • • A coeducational college preparatory school enrolling students in grades 6–12 for day and in grades 9–12 for five-day boarding.

christina coco photo

Pag e 24 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

G r a duat i o n

Moving Up

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

SEELY PLACE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Dr. Edward Kennedy TEACHERS: Amanda Barry, Dawn Curran, Tara Gallagher, Lindsay Lugo

All lined up and ready to sing.

Scarsdale Inquirer/John Meore photos

Matty McCormack, Serena Adams and Joshua Marx

GREENVILLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Jennifer Allen TEACHERS: Jennifer Borrelli, Peter Khouri, Karen McGlade, Edward Salmon Samantha Ackerman Zephan Aruede Katherine Asciutto Zabelle Aslanian Daphne Ballas Anika Bansal Neel Barmecha Alexander Beyer Sumeddha Biswal Erica Blaustein Joshua Blaustein Reagan Bourne Michael Bowler Alphonso Brooks Dylan Burak Owen Burnside Nora Butler Andrea Cañas Evan Cohen Mahady Dembele Elena Ellinikos Morai Eman Carly Faust Kayla Ferraro Alexa Filippone Ava Filippone Devin Frank Tara Gensure

Alexa Gialleonardo Caroline Gilmore Sankar Gopalkrishna Alexander Green Tylina Guo Daniel Hahn Ryan Ho Christopher Hunt Johanna Hunt Emily Jang Dylan Johns Daisuke Kaga Yuvraj Kataria Shannon Kim Alexa Kitaygorodsky Jacqueline Kizer Izabelle Korman Peyton Levine Max Luband Atticus Margulis-Ohnuma Christian McGee Matthew McKillop Abigail Meyer Sophia Panayiotou Misha Patel Simon Rawson Shreya Reddy Olivia Reduto

Mia Ripp Jacob Rosen Olivia Rosner Matthew Sadowski Anthony Sarro Uma Savla Aaliyah Sayas Gabriella Schwartz Emma Seifer Ava Simonlacaj Tanvi Singla Ethan Strug Ryan Stuzin Serena Tai Valerie Tai Ryan Tang Amanda Taub-Runo Benjamin Thaler Zoe Vickery Shivani Weber Sally Weiss Justin Wong Gavin Wurtzburger Timothy Yoon Alyssa Youngstein Madison Youngstein Brooke Zelner Brian Zhou

Caroline Gilmore; Jennifer Borrelli, teacher and Peter Khouri, teacher.

Morai Eman, Matthew Sadowski, Zabelle Aslanian, Dylan Johns, Ryan Ho and Johanna Hunt

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PRINCIPAL: Scott Houseknecht TEACHERS: Marilyn Blackley, Michael Gluck and Stephanie Pinto

Scarsdale Inquirer/John Meore photos

Fifth-graders sing a farewell to Edgewood at their moving up ceremony June 23.

Danielle Ankeney Antoine Bali Simon Bandsma James Bates Lindsey Bekele Sydney Block Megan Chu Alexis Cohen Moira Conlan Maud Cornelissen Elizabeth D’Ambrosio Kevin Deng Benjamin Ewing Shaelyn Fitzgerald Olivia Franco Victor Garcia-Gallet Julia Genin Benjamin Goldstein Caroline Guerney Stefanie Hagenbuch Mackenzie Harpster Chloe Hartmann

Audrey Heidbreder Angela Hoey Yosuke Iguchi Maeve Jacobson James Kelly Bryan Kim Timothy Kim Evelyn Kwan Zahra Laaraj Jonathan Lee AnjaNin Li Jacob Lobato Megan Lobato Maximilian Luna Asuka Maeda Nicholas Mangieri Ryan Martin Alexandra McCarthy Samantha Medvinsky Noah Moretti Rin Nakamura JeanDavid Ndizeye

LucDaniel Ndizeye Paulina Noulas Nicolas Peckett Maggie Peng Louis Penot Mitchell Peran Sydney Piccoli Aiden Pierson Eleanor Raff Eve Rich Patrick RodriguesO’Connor Eitan Rub William Salazar Matthew Samuels Emily Shiromoto Jason Shyu Jayho So Benjamin Sommer Peter Troiano Vivirena Wang Eliana Zitrin

FOX MEADOW SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Duncan Wilson TEACHERS: Sarah Berger, David Besancon, Sidney Lipez, Susan Luft, Kate Marshall Bennett Abbe Zachary Adler Nozomi Akita Gabriella Albicelli Kenneth Aldridge Carlos Alfonso Maxwell Almeida Zakir Amin Alicia Arbelaez Sophie Asher Josh Becher Avery Bensche Casper Berry Tierney Burke Olivia Cohen Max Cotter Graydon Diamond

Margot Diamond Jonah Dichter Adrian Duval Javin Edlitz Andrew Elcik Isaac Faierman Michael Farina Zoe Ferdman Serena Finger Ethan Fry Michael Furgang Daniela Garrido-Fajardo Eli Gelblum Zev Glassman Blake Goodman Mikolaj Grabowski Kate Greenberg

Andrew Greenspan Betsy Harris Motoshi Hatanaka Andrew Hill Julia Hoffman Leo Hoffman Alexander Horvath Sheridan Hoyt Daniel Hu Annika Johnson Gabriella Johnson Olive Jones Ryo Kojima Samuel Kornstein Ned Kronenberg Thomas Kuo Isabel Laing

Jonah Dichter is congratulated by Fox Meadow principal Duncan Wilson at the moving up ceremony June 23.

Sajani Lally Madison Lee Adrian Lim Vianne Lim Wei Heng Lim Christian Liverance Jacob Lubin Joshua Lucas Dylan Manin Jeremy Mann Jack Margolin Benjamin Miller Hunter Miller Ava Morin Caitlin Needham Marco Nesi Chinami Ono Lily Oxman Ariella Pevzner Gretchen Quill

Aaron Reich Conor Revello Israel Richardson Emma Rieger Madison Rosenberg Alexa Rosenbloom Ana Salzinger Yuji Sawabe Amy Saxon Chloe Schnapp Noah Schnapp Anna Schwartz Diya Shadaksharappa Joshua Shefter Matthew Shefter Reese Shelon Teo Sheth Jason Shuler Emily Simons

Emma Reiger serenades her classmates.

Ivan Sinyavin Glenn Smith Benjamin Spitalny Jack Spitalny Roman Tirabassi Eigo Torii Kelly Tse Inaya Uzun Saya van der Aar Palmer Vogt Raffaella Vogt Ethan Wachs Weifeng Wang Ryan Wolfe Sophia Yazdi Louis Young Riley Zachem Henry Zhang David Zoota

Pag e 26 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

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Moving Up

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

GREENACRES SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Sharon Hill TEACHERS: Mitch Crasson, Jeremy Guski, Heather McCarren, Rachel Witmer Amanda Abbe Sebastian Archer William Brew Cameron Brody Jack Byers Ryan Cahaly Jordan Cascade Eli Cohen Sophie Cohen Brandon D’Agostino Diego Dawson Elena Dierking Karina Dierking Lydia Doherty Rachel Doherty Amira Faden Abigail Fine Elizabeth Fine Sabrina Finegold James Fitzgerald Molly Flicker Hugh Foley David Gilin Julian Glantz Isabelle Haller Elizabeth Hurshman Joshua Im Matthew Ingles Riddha Iyengar Noah Kaller Patrick Kantor

Claire Kaufman Aaron Klein Sophie Klein Hiroki Kobayashi Jakob Krausz Moa Kulle Adam Kurzweil Marie-Valentine Lacoudre Sage Lagowski Adin Lamport Jack Lazarus Kaitlyn Lee Trent Lee Talia Levenson Lilac Lin Isabelle Linders Michael Mancusi Holden Meilman Matthew Nadler Chinasa Ohajekwe Luke Peltz Kira Ratan Nathaniel Rechtschaffen William Reed Mark Richardson Eleanor Roberts Alec Rosen Sydney Rothschild Zachary Sanders Jordan Schwarz

Scarsdale Inquirer/John Meore

As the fifth-graders march into the gym for their moving up ceremony June 17, a soon-to-be alumnus reaches out to highfive a younger child. Lianna Seeley Isabella Sewell Joseph Shearman Lindsey Smith

Jeremy Sobel Adam Spielman Matthew Steinberg Rafael Tassari

Kivrin Wachtel Charlie Waller Ethan Weismer Carson Whang

Jamie Worth Roko Zelic Benjamin Zlatin Juliana Zraick

QUAKER RIDGE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Robyn Lane TEACHERS: Suzanne Burns, Amy Kenney, David Liebowitz, Mark Winston Ryan Ashford Katherine Barlow Eleanor Barnea Matthew Bitterman Samuel Bitterman Tal Blaustein Sarah Blum Skye Bruan Ian Chin Nicole Cohn Trevor Cohn Kevin Collins Kenneth Conklin Matthew Daniel Carly Dietz Luca Dowdall Samuel Drescher Michael Emmerman Brendan Feldgoise LouBing Feng Jacob Feuerstein Nicholas Freihofner Samantha Friedland Aron Frishberg Ronan Gandhi

Scarsdale Inquirer/John Meore

Samantha Menell signs Freddie Harrison’s yearbook at the fifth-grade breakfast June 23. Sedna Gandhi Jason Gans Ryan Gerson Mark Gibney

Thomas Gibney Schuylar Giwa Robin Glicker Eli Greenwald

Diana Gutierrez Rowan Haffner Frederick Harrison Jessica Hausman

Ethan Hersch Natalyn Kapner Michael Kashanian Adam Katcher Anyi Kourakos Max Landis Jack Lattman Daniela Latzman Logan Lee Michael Levy Lindsey Lindman Khushi Mahajan Eva Marder Haley Matusz Yash Mehta Samantha Menell Rayyan Mian Adam Mor Alfred Mrijaj Maha Naeem Warren Pan Sofia Pandolfi Benjamin Potack Julia Raskin

Matthew Reyman Maria Salem Claire Scarcella Jaxon Schneider Julia Schnipper Jason Sheppe Matthew Silver Jack Sindone Akhil Srivastava Sydney Stampfli Zachary Stein Amitav Suchdev Ethan Suh Ava Thomas Cyrus Toosi Maxwell Trager Nathaniel Vasserman Jonathan Wallach Michael Wei Chloe Wise Benjamin Yee Jacob Zik Nicholas Zorse

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PRINCIPAL: Maria Stile TEACHERS: Christine Boyer, Trent DeBerry, Christal Edwards Sophia Albert Brianna Alvarez David Appel Luca Asen Emiliana Belloso Louis Birla Daniela Blumenfeld Susanna Brass Haley Brettschneider Stephen Brockerhoff William Bunzel Lance Carnicelli Allison Coburn William Dabbar Janmariz Deguia Natalie Eligulashvili

Remi Fischer Abigail Fisher Victoria Flint Anna Forest Sydney Frank Farrah Galbo Audrey Gendel Triandafilia Georgalas Nicholas Gettinger Cooper Gordon Olivia Halligan Wubet Jean-Baptiste Julian Kalmanoff Justine Karp Claire Kassabian Hunter Koch

Daniel Kolb Amelia Lane Jeremy Lin Ava Londa Ethan Lowey Jacqueline Lu Anthony Lubin Peyton Lusk Juan Marini Megan Marolda Annabel Mayer Deven Mehta Aditya Menon Jeremy Ng Shamolie Panjwani Olivia Pierro

Ethan Rifkin Jonah Rosenstein Zachary Rybchin Emily Shawn Samuel Siegel Juliette Silk Allison Singer Caitlyn Sladden Brianna Subin Jeremy Suzman Lara Wellen Mark Wong Sara Wong Kenneth Xu Alexander Ye Kenneth Zhu

Ingrid Caserta photo

Kenneth Zhu, Jeremy Lin, Stephen Brockerhoff and Jeremy Ng

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Patricia Gatti TEACHER: Annette Piccoli Nicholas Alverez Antonia Becker Melissa Booker Sarah Brone Olivia Cahill Sofia Cardamone Tristen Comizio (salutatorian)

Immaculate Heart of Mary School class of 2015

Benedict Connelly Jared Copeland (not pictured) Nicholas Cruz Dylan Dorkin Milena Fava-Pastilha Nicholas Ferrara Lillybeth Foronjy

Janine Gayanelo (valedictorian) Richard Greco Hannah Hunter Nicholas Ibarra Nicholas Mariani Elizabeth Montoni, Angelica Pile

Natalia Potter, Nicole Rapaccioli Camilo Rodriguez Miles Stella Caroline Tornatore Shannon Yeung

The Scarsdale Inquirer Congratulates the Class of 2015 especially winners of the Scarsdale Inquirer Award for Excellence in Journalism: from Scarsdale, Jake Abrahams, a graduate of Scarsdale Alternative School and from Edgemont High School, Rachel Zuckerman.

Jake Abrahams Scarsdale Alternative School

Rachel Zuckerman Edgemont High School

The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418 • 14 Harwood Court, Suite 510, Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914-725-2500 •

Pag e 2 8 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

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Legally Blonde S

carsdale High School’s class of 2015 proved that anyone can go to law school and anyone can act with the staging of “Legally Blonde” May 29-31. In the senior class play, graduating students who have not participated in Drama Club get a chance to join those who have and collaborate in putting on a musical for the entertainment of the community and a final bonding activity. “Legally Blonde” was directed by Kimmy Rothberg and Noah Li. Scarsdale Inquirer/John Meore Photos

Daniella Rodriguez as Paulette

Dani Cohen as Elle, with Rachel Schwartzbaum, Nicole Brenner as Vivian and Rachel Bochner

Adam Lerner

Andrew Pollack as Emmett, Lindsey Kim and Robert Hoffman as Warner Janet Frehill

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CollegeGraduates Glenn Berke

Sarah Bochner Amherst College * Richard Altieri, BA philosophy, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Philosophy Department Award, Hardy Award for public speaking American University * Nina Cooperman, MPA nonprofit management

Richard Altieri

Nina Cooperman

Boston University David G. Candell, BS communication Rachel Carforo, BS health studies Michael Norman, BS computer engineering Harin Patel, MD Camille Silva, BA chemistry Julia Sternman, JD Rebecca Wachter, MS medical science Brooklyn College * Katelyn Zohn, BA sociology and women’s studies, magna cum laude Bucknell University Max Forman, BS business administration, accounting and financial management, cum laude Emily Heineman, BA psychology Adam Sperber, BA music

Eleni Damianides

Colby College Marshall Donner, BA economics, with a concentration in financial markets Julie MacLean, BA theater and dance Anne Schechner, BA environmental science Barrie Tovar, BA studio art and American studies * Benjamin Zurkow, BA physics, Jewish studies minor Columbia Law School * Richard K. Evans, JD Kent Scholar

Katelyn Zohn

Benjamin Zurkow

Richard K. Evans

Rachel Hirsch Columbia University * Hilary Martin, BA philosophy Benjamin James Rimland, BA political science, honors Connecticut College Alexandra Capelin, BA Hispanic studies Cornell University Michael Levin, BS natural resources, cum laude Georgetown University * Remi Cohen, BA computer science and government Hamilton College Brian Bauersfeld, BA mathematics * Rachel Hirsch, BA psychology, mathematics Zoë Mikhailovich, BA philosophy, summa cum laude Clare Moretti, BA government Harvard College * Gregory Kristof, BA philosophy, summa cum laude, Lucy Allen Paton prize Harvard Graduate School of Education *Alexandra Daks, Ed. M. technology innovation and education

Magdalena Filippone Providence College Mario Uy, BA Purchase College, School of Art & Design Rachel Salamone, BFA cum laude St. John’s University School of Law *Patrick Quigley, JD Syracuse University S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications * Leah Cooperman, MA television, radio and film, Graduate School Master’s Prize SUNY Geneseo * Glenn Berke, BS economics, magna cum laude SUNY Oswego * Darcy Abramson, BA broadcasting The College of Saint Rose Andrea Byrne, Certificate of Advanced Study degree Eileen Tobin, Certificate of Advanced Study degree Linda Shkreli, MS education

Johns Hopkins University * Alexandra Katchis, BA public health studies

Trinity College * Magdalena Filippone, BA political science, honors, cum laude, Pi Gamma Mu: International Honor Society of Social Sciences, faculty honors Thomas Farley Whelan Jr., BA classical studies

Kutztown University Vincent Nanni, BA geography

Tufts University School of Medicine Justin Pick, MD

Lafayette College Joshua Dodick-Sperber, BA academic excellence and community service awards

Tulane University A. B. Freeman School of Business Jonathan Cukierwar, BSM Jake Feinsilber, BSM

Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles * Eleni Damianides, BA theater arts, theology minor Oberlin College Laura Watiker, BA economics and computer science, honors

Gregory Kristof

Tulane University Adam Constantinides, BA Jessica Drucker, BA

Darcy Abramson Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Alexa Schweitzer, BS public health Tulane University School of Science and Engineering Marcy Cohen, BS Union College Deborah Grinhaus, BA political science, summa cum laude Sarang Sharma, BA theater Ananya Wangay BS, psychology and English

Alexandra Daks

University of Chicago Peter W. Herman, Jr., BA geographical studies, dean’s list University of Dayton Robert Morie, BA University of Delaware College of Education and Human Development * Rachel Natbony, BS human development and family services, Vivian Klaff Memorial Award for Outstanding Student in Jewish Studies, dean’s list

Hilary Martin

University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science * Caroline Herman, MPS marine affairs and policy University of Notre Dame Kathryn Peruski, BS environmental geosciences, cum laude University of Pennsylvania Tyler Ross, BA economics, math minor, magna cum laude

Alexandra Katchis

Vanderbilt University * Sarah Bochner, BS child development Wake Forest University Drew Turchin, BA Williams College Mitchell Breitbart, BA English and computer science, cum laude * Pictured

Patrick Quigley

Caroline Herman

Leah Cooperman

Remi Cohen

T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

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Pag e 3 2 A — J u ly 3 , 2 01 5

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T h E sc a r s da l e i n q u i r e r


Harper Maya Alkalay

Alexander J. Civetta

Christie M Civetta

Ella Chochrek

The Columbus Preschool, NYC Granddaughter of Florence Alkalay

Harvard Law School JD 2015 Son of Claire Civetta

NorthEastern University 2015 Summa Cum Laude Daughter of Claire Civetta

White Plains High School Daughter of Nancy Chochrek Granddaughter of Joan Shaw

Jonny Dorf

Danielle Ezratty

Kevin Kumar

Jacob Lerner

Cole Clark Peterson

Scarsdale High School Son of Leslie Dorf

Scarsdale High School Daughter of Elena Ezratty

New School for Jazz & Contemporary Music, B.F.A.- Music Grandson of Fran Buehler

Edgemont High School Son of Susan Lerner

Scholar Athlete, Evergreen HS CO Highest Honors, Going to St Lawrence Univ.

Maqy Quartner

Gabe Henry Rafal

Dartmouth College Son of Jan Quartner

Mandell Preschool, NYC Grandson of Florence Alkalay

Grandson of Lynne and Merrell Clark

Eloise Seda

Camille Seda

Brooklyn Friends School Wesleyan University, CT Going to Wesleyan University, CT B.A. Science and Society Granddaughter of Lynne and Merrell Clark Granddaughter of Lynne and Merrell Clark

Jason Sheppe

Matthew Silver

Keith T. Smith

Kaitlyn Son

Mitchell Drew Stone

Graduating Quaker Ridge Elementary Son of Julie Sheppe

Quaker Ridge, going to Scarsdale Middle School - Son of Vickie and Kenny Silver, Grandson of Jane Silver

The State University of NY College at New Paltz - B.S. in Economics Grandson of Fran Buehler

Scarsdale High School - Going to Cornel University Daughter of Lisa So Chun Son

University of Michigan Grandson of Sheila Stone

Naomi Weinstein

Brandon Weissman

Brooke Zelner

Lehigh University College of Business and Economics Daughter of Shari Weinstein

Scarsdale High School Son of Lisa Weissman

Greenville Elementary School Daughter of Leslie Carmichael


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