Scarsdale Inquirer To Your Health! 2014

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The preventative power of meditation 40 minutes a day to better health



magine you’re sitting in the lotus position, surrounded by candles, dressed in a long robe, making a low humming sound, your thoughts worshiping something ancient. Now take that vision and toss it out of your mind — that’s not what meditation has to look, sound or feel like. And the impact it can have on one’s health is astounding. Just 20 minutes of you, quiet and your mantra twice a day through transcendental meditation methods could be all you need. Say hello to lower risk of the many ailments, conditions and diseases that are negatively impacted by stress — and that’s according not only to proponents of the discipline, but scientific studies as well. “Stress is known to be a factor in almost every single disease and it’s because stress is a major factor in debilitating the immune system,” said Sam Katz, director of the nonprofit Transcendental Meditation Center in Bedford Hills along with his wife, Melody. “Whether you’re fighting cancer, a cold, digestive problems, cardiovascular problems, neurological problems, if you can enhance your immune system then you have a better opportunity for better health. Just as important is reduction of anxiety and depression. The number of people in the United States who are afflicted with debilitating levels of anxiety and depression is something like 1 in 5. It’s become an epidemic. The World Health Organization recently came out with a statement saying that stress is the epidemic of the 21st century.” Katz added, “Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. More than cancer, more than traffic fatalities, more than infectious diseases. The American Heart Association came out with a scientific statement that said there are no meditation techniques that have actually shown to reduce heart disease and high blood pressure, except for transcendental meditation.” According to the Mayo Clinic website, there are a host of ways to meditate. They are: guided meditation

(imagery and senses), mantra meditation, mindfulness meditation (increased awareness during meditation), qi gong (combines relaxation, movement and breathing), tai chi (“gentle Chinese martial arts”), transcendental meditation (mantra “allows your body to settle into a state of profound rest and relaxation”) and yoga (postures and breaking for a “more flexible body and a calm mind.”) “Since meditation is a very generic word, there aren’t a lot of industry standards,” Katz said. “You have to distinguish which programs actually work. Others might be well meaning and effective for some people, but not for everyone. Transcendental meditation has over 350 peer-reviewed research studies. It’s got a very long, highly respected pedigree in the area of science.” Katz said that transcendental meditation is easy to practice and does not involve emptying the mind (a seemingly impossible task), concentration or focus, which people often find difficult. What it’s really about is quieting the mind to deeper levels. In a video on, Bob Roth, executive director of the David Lynch Foundation, says, “Basically what the research shows is that during transcendental meditation, your body gains a state of rest and relaxation in many regards deeper than the deepest part of deep sleep. And what that deep rest does is it allows the build-up of stress, fatigue, tension, anxiety to be dissolved, to be eliminated.” A hormone called cortisol is responsible for many of the health issues people face as it is released by the adrenal glands in times of stress and fear. According to Psychology Today, “elevated cortisol levels: interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease... The list goes on and on.” Transcendental meditation “allows the body to repair itself,” according to Roth. The secretion of cortisol is part of a “vicious cycle.” He noted when “we get a good night’s sleep, cortisol levels drop a bit. That’s why we wake up feeling fresher in the morning. Research shows that 20 minutes of transcendental meditation, cortisol levels drop 30 percent, a significant reduction in the production of this anxiety hormone.” Teaching TM Transcendental meditation trainers are all taught the same way and centers all over the world approach Continued

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Addiction, abuse and Adderall By ANTHONY R. MANCINI


dderall, ever since its approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 1996, has been officially used to treat symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but has also been taken as a study aid and as a recreational drug. Despite Adderall’s usefulness in the medical field for treating ADHD, it as recognized as having a high potential for abuse. A 2009 study conducted by the Office of Applied Studies, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, a federal agency, have shown that college students who have used Adderall in a nonprescribed manner have a higher likelihood of abusing other prescription drugs or illicit drugs than students who have not used Adderall in a nonmedical fashion. Adderall is a stimulant comprised of equal parts of four amphetamine salts: amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, amphetamine sulfate, dextroamphetamine saccharate and dextroamphetamine sulfate. The stimulant effects of amphetamine compounds such as these were first realized in the late 1920s. Since the discovery of its pharmaceutical effects, amphetamine was used to treat a wide range of medical problems such as asthma and obesity. Eventually, amphetamine’s high potential for abuse became well known and the drug is diagnosed for far less applications than it was once used for. Amphetamine salts are Schedule II drugs under the Controlled Substances Act, first passed by Congress in 1970. Schedule II drugs are identified as having a high potential for abuse, having accepted medical use and potentially leading to physiological or physical dependence. Other drugs within Schedule II include cocaine, methamphetamine, opium, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone and phencyclidine. Adderall is available both in instant and extended release forms. According to a report revised in 2011 by the National Institute on Drug Abuse about the abuse of prescription drugs, the amphetamine salts within Adderall work by behaving similarly to neurotransmitters in the brain called monamines, which include norepi-

nephrine and dopamine. Norepinephrine is involved in attention, responses to stress, muscle contraction, heart rate and blood pressure. Dopamine is found in regions of the brain that regulate movement, emotion, motivation, and pleasure. Amphetamine reacts with these chemicals in the brain and can cause feelings of euphoria when taken nonmedically, along with other symptoms such as increased blood pressure, heart rate and increased blood glucose levels; constricted blood vessels; and opening of breathing passages. Adderall is usually prescribed to treat ADHD, which is characterized by having

trouble paying attention, failure to follow through on instructions, talking excessively and fidgeting, among other symptoms. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, proper use of a stimulant such as Adderall to treat ADHD would have no effect on a person’s chance of developing an addiction later in life. “Prescription stimulants are effective at treating attention disorders in children and adolescents, but concerns have been raised that they could make a young person more vulnerable to developing later substance use disorders,” said an online guide issued by the institute. “On balance, the studies conducted so far have found no differences

in later substance use for ADHD-affected children who received treatment versus those that did not. This suggests that treatment with ADHD medication does not affect (either negatively or positively) an individual’s risk for developing a substance use disorder.” The National Institute on Drug Abuse considers abuse of a prescription stimulant to occur when a person takes someone else’s prescription, when a prescription stimulant is used in a way different than prescribed or when someone takes the stimulant simply to get high. Normally, Adderall is directed to be taken orally. However, the drug can be insufflated or injected. Both of these behaviors are considered abusive forms of administration. “When doctors prescribe stimulants, they start with low doses and increase them slowly until they fully treat the condition for which they are prescribed,” said a National Institute of Drug Abuse online statement. “However, when taken in doses and in ways other than those prescribed, like snorting or injecting, stimulants can increase the dopamine in the brain very quickly. This changes the normal communication between brain cells, producing a feeling of intense excitement and happiness, while increasing the risk for addiction.” Due to Adderall’s use as a treatment for ADHD, it is sometimes used by students, professionals, athletes and others to achieve better performance in their line of work. Using Adderall in this way is considered a type of abuse. “The dramatic increases in stimulant prescriptions over the last two decades have led to their greater environmental availability and increased risk for diversion and abuse. For those who take these medications to improve properly diagnosed conditions, they can be transforming, greatly enhancing a person’s quality of life,” said an excerpt from the 2011 National Institute on Drug Abuse report. “However, because they are perceived by many to be generally safe and effective, prescription stimulants, such as Concerta or Adderall, are increasingly being abused to address nonmedical conditions or situations.” Sara Bellum, in a blog post for the NaContinued

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Mental Health: Lowering the risks of dementia By JENNIFER LEAVITT


ementia is insidious. It’s comprised of a collection of symptoms caused by diseases of the brain. All types include problems with memory, mental focus and acuity, information processing, language skills, judgment and understanding. It can also lead to other problems, such as depression, anxiety or personality changes. The number of people per capita who are developing dementia and other neurological disorders is rapidly rising. Among the largest Western nations, rates are greatest in the United States. In the past five years alone, deaths stemming from neurological conditions increased in men by 66 percent

Factors increasing the risk of dementia: Physical inactivity..........................82% Depression ....................................65% Midlife hypertension ................... 61% Midlife obesity...............................60% Smoking......................................... 59% Low educational attainment....... 59% Diabetes .....................................46%

and in women by 92. Over their lifetimes, 1 in 3 people will develop dementia. Some researchers are referring to this as a global epidemic. But what may be even more startling than the increasing frequency of such conditions is the decreasing age of onset. Some people are being diagnosed with dementia as young as 35 years old. Lifestyle changes No one knows exactly why the landscape of neurological health is changing. Researchers have adjusted for longer life expectancies. The rates are rising too quickly to blame genetics. Experts have yet to identify the factors that may be involved, but some suspect a mix of multiple environmental influences. Possibilities include a poor diet, chemicals, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and non-ionizing radiation from cell phones and other electronic devices. Researchers project, though, that if people reduce their lifestyle risks by just 10 percent, dementia rates will go down. Many forms Dementia manifests itself in at least 100 different forms. Alzheimer’s disease is the most prevalent, accounting for 62 percent of all dementia. Oftentimes, those suffering from Alzheimer’s will have secondary Continued

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