Scarsdale Inquirer Graduation 2013

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Graduation Class of


A Special Section of The Scarsdale Inquirer June 28, 2013

Pa g e 2 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

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T h E s ca r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

Congratulations Graduates!

Jaimee Messenger Graduating from Jack & Jill Nursery School Going to Mount Ceasar Elementary School Granddaughter of Angel Messenger

Talee Messenger Graduating from Cutler Elementary School Going to Monadnock Regional Jr./Sr. High School Granddaughter of Angel Messenger

Bo Warnken Graduating from Holly Pond School Going to The Hindley School Granddaughter of Pat Warnken

Claire Chang Graduating from Scarsdale Middle School Going to Scarsdale High School Daughter of Helen Chang

Jason Wilson Graduating from Brookside Elementary Going to Crompond Intermediate School Son of Jason Wilson

Megan Katchis Graduating from Quaker Ridge Elementary Going to Scarsdale Middle School Granddaughter of Mary Katchis

Andrew Constantin Graduating from Scarsdale Middle School Going to Scarsdale High School Son of Jennifer Constantin

Emily Spitz Graduating from Bronxville Middle School Going to Bronxville High School Granddaughter of Hilda Spitz

Samuel Spitz Graduating from San Domenico Going to The Marin Academy Grandson of Hilda Spitz

Katharina Judge Graduating from The Usuline School Going to Marquette University Daughter of Christine Judge

Christopher Katchis Graduating from Scarsdale High School Going to Johns Hopkins University Grandson of Mary Katchis

Matthew Lawford Graduating from Crossroad High School Going to The University of Michigan Grandson of Frances Yoshitomi

Caroline Pitofsky Graduating from Scarsdale High School Going to University of Pennsylvania Granddaughter of Bob Pitofsky

Meghan Burke Graduating cum laude from Skidmore College BA International Affairs & Environmental Studies Daughter of Lee Burke

David Flanzer Graduating from University of Maryland Going to Cardozo School of Law Son of Janice Rothman

Marcus Moretti Graduating from Yale University BA in English Son of Anne Moretti

Andrew David Spitz Graduating from Washington University BS in Chemical Engineering Grandson of Hilda Spitz

Emily Debra Steinberg Graduating from Williams College BA Political Economics & Art History Daughter of Nancy Steinberg

Michele Sulcov Graduating from University of Vermont BS Nutrition and Food Science Daughter of Barbara Sulcov

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T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 3 A

Class of 2013 told to go forth in wisdom and to serve the common good By CARRIE GILPIN


n a picture-perfect day, 324 Scarsdale High School seniors strode onto Dean Field at 10 a.m. to the sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance,” and joined the assembled faculty, friends and family to sing the national anthem led by the senior ensemble and conductor John Cuk. Scarsdale Board of Education president Elizabeth Guggenheimer, herself an SHS alumna, addressed the class, saying, “To our graduating seniors, you have learned a lot, worked hard and played well, and you deserve our heartfelt congratulations. Scarsdale High School has prepared you to think, know and act in an interdependent world. “Each of you brought your individual personalities, abilities and interests to the school community. Many of you engaged in civ ed, science research, the Alternative School, film study, philosophy, teams, clubs, music, art, newspaper and literary work, Hurricane Sandy relief, cross-cultural experiences and more. Your future includes countless possible roads. You will have many chances for exploration and risk-taking. Bumps are to be expected. So are great moments.” Guggenheimer continued, “As you proceed on your life’s journey, I encourage you — and all Scarsdale alumni — to consider two questions: First, what can I do to make a positive difference now in the communities in which I learn, work and live and the larger world? Second, how do I learn, work and live in a way that sustains the earth and fosters a democratic society for future generations?” Class treasurers Lindsay Root and Jake Gibson gave a humorous introduction for the class advisers, Lauren Barton and Jason Noble, who then addressed the seniors together. First, the two played a tape familiar to all Scarsdale students, of assistant superintendent Linda Purvis calling with notification of a cancellation. This tape, recorded for the graduation by Purvis, said graduation would be cancelled and students would have to come back next year. The audience laughed and clapped, especially since Purvis’s real recordings had been used many times during the seniors’ four years for real weather events and school closings. Barton said the class “had been under a cloud of poor weather” since freshman year’s rainy carnival, thunderstorms at junior olympics, senior year Halloween breakfast after Hurricane Sandy, and rain at the senior prom. “The members of this graduating class have persevered and gained strength from having to navigate through and around the conditions posed by weather and the additional tragedies that have occurred over the last four years. In the face of such challenges, we have witnessed an infinite amount of growth, success and achievement. We know this is the beginning of even brighter and more prosperous days for you,” she said. Noble implored students to “go forward and pursue something you are passionate about,” as he did with teaching music, something that has given him joy his whole life. “I hope that you will seek not just income, a paycheck or a title, but seek something for which you can be content. And do not be afraid to make waves, suggest something different from the status quo, or take a principled stand on an issue for which you feel passion.” Barton asked students to be true to themselves, and in that effort to be self-compassionate as well. “The decisions that you make should be your decisions … ones that you feel

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean photos

Miwa Sakulrat is surprised to hear she won the Henry David Thoreau Award given each year to a highly respected senior who marches to a different drummer.

strongly about and hold as your own. You are the only one who needs to feel comfortable with the actions you’ve taken and those you will take, and the thoughts you have and will continue to experience. “There will always be external pressures and the opinions of others — often others who are very close with you and whose values you respect. How you maintain your sense of self and honesty through these challenges will serve you well. Too often we are quick to be overly critical of our own actions and thoughts, questioning whether or not we’ve upheld those values to which we hope to remain true. It’s imperative that in your efforts to be true to yourself, you be as forgiving and understanding with yourself as you would be with others,” she said. Class vice president Celeste DiLauro gave a tribute to all staff, singling out longtime social studies and civic education teacher Neil Ginsberg, who is retiring this spring after 39 years of teaching. “He was always there for his students, and he will be greatly missed,” she said. Class president Rebecca Goldberg was introduced by House representative Madeline Satin, as “someone Ali Whitney who shows pride in SHS and inspires us. She leads fearlessly.” Goldberg gave the class words of farewell, saying, “It would be an understatement to say that the class of 2013 has been through a lot ... whereas it might be an overstatement to say that we stuck together through it all. This is a class that broke into civil war at the prospect of solving the notorious lunch table incident on Halloween, and one that had an awkwardly unsuccessful Senior Cut Day based on our inability to agree. We were a class that divided more frequently than a cell during mitosis ... Many of us belonged to cliques and

many of those cliques had their rivalries… And yet, this year’s seniors had some inarguably unifying moments — some, perhaps, to the administration’s distaste. Senior class spirit literally brought down the soccer stands in support of Scarsdale’s Raiders ... and no one can forget hordes of students dressed head to toe in parkas and ski masks in the middle of march for the sake of a good old game of assassin — cough — marker tag. Then of course, there was that legendary food fight … but I promise, administrators, teachers — I am not condoning that kind of behavior. “In a more respectable light, it was amazing to see the range of students who participated in a very successful class play, and all of those who turned up for a class dinner — both events that were intended to strengthen the camaraderie of the seniors. Not to mention prom, in which our parents and families oohed and ahhed as we dazzled our way down the red carpet,” she said. Goldberg continued, “Even more important, though, than these events was the constant support that the class of 2013 gave to one another during a very difficult time in Scarsdale’s history. Our community faced a number of tragedies over the last few years. Though we had to learn to cope with the losses of loved ones, we will never forget them. Nor can we forget that, when grief was in our midst, our peers, teachers and families were always available for solace, and never turned their backs on one another. Whether their love was worn on a bracelet, or just held in a mutual experience — our classmates could be depended upon for help in a time of pain. We all belong to an inextricably bound community, and despite our undeniable differences, there is a level of

comfort in knowing that there are more than 300 people with whom you will always relate on a certain level … I mean not to reflect on our years here and to transform them into something that they were not. Some of you will look back forlornly and wish that you had befriended other people sooner, but many of you won’t. And that’s OK. When you look back on high school, make your hindsight neither through the lens of fondness or distaste, but through that of honesty — and with that honesty, please acknowledge that there is something of which to be proud. The truth is that this is a point in our life that is all about gaining momentum. Do not let your experience in Scarsdale High School be that which defines you — for if you do you might be disappointed. Let it instead be the floor on which you take your first few baby steps toward improving yourself as an independent and unique person. With that in mind, as you go forth, I implore you to build on that floor. Or improve it. If high school was not all that you thought it could be, join something, get involved. Go forward with a new determination to satisfy who you want to be and what you want to do. Do not fear losing yourself in what you perceive to be definition amongst a club or a group — you will always be unique — but use your special perspective to belong to something, and let that group expand and complement who you are.” Goldberg concluded, “As rapidly as the last four years passed, the next four will be over in a blink. Do your best to build relationships that can transcend the boundaries of high school or college. Those relationships can help you be the best version of yourself, for they will give you support all along the way. Congratulations to the class of 2013. In the immortal words of the philosophical Fat Amy, you crushed it.” Next, the class was addressed by SHS principal Ken Bonamo, who said high school graduation is “a celebration of the purest form of love that we have in human existence,” and said the day was marked by love of parents for children, children for their parents, students for their subjects, teachers and deans and vice versa. “And most importantly, you should look at yourselves and love what you see — an intelligent, curious, responsible person, poised to continue learning in order to take on the challenges of life and of our society. The key to your success in taking on those challenges will be to infuse love into your work, your relationships, and your self-regard. From this love, everything will come.” Bonamo continued, “Love should continue to motivate you as you begin the next chapters of your lives. A love of humanity should motivate your desire to live the motto of non sibi and leave our world better than you find it. A love of learning and of the subject of your choice should help you navigate your college experience. Do indeed study what you love. Do not be afraid of following your heart in this regard. A subject studied solely for the value of the degree in terms of potential salary will lead to a career that will feel like work and work alone. A subject chosen because you are interested in it will lead to work that never feels like a job, and I am fairly certain to a life that is much fuller than one that can be measured in dollars and cents.” After each graduate walked across the stage in cap and gown of the school’s maroon and white colors to receive his or her diploma, superintendent Michael McGill pronounced the seniors graduates, having met the requirements of the State of New York, saying, “Go forth now in wisdom and to serve the common good.”

pA g e 4 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

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the ScArSdAle inquirer

Scarsdale High School

Class Of 2013 Daniel Abramowitz Anna Abrams Connor Adams Daniel Aguirre Jason Altabet Melissa Anderson Jack Aronoff Matthew Augarten Alexander Baez Julie Barbera Tshara Barnes Roberto Battistoni Koral Ben-Simon Shiran Ben-Simon Alexander Berl Douglas Berman Maxwell Bernstein Katie Birenbaum Samuel Blakley Zoe Blumenthal Emily Bochner John Bonanno, Jr. Madison Boss Lauren Bostrom Rachel Boxer Melise Bradley Jesse Brandt Nicole Braun Nicholas Brechtel Anabelle Brecker Rachel Brief Holly Brockerhoff Rebecca Buchwald Edward Cabrera Jessica Calamari Jacob Cannon Daniel Capelin Jonathan Capelin John Cappello Jaclyn Carlin Ashton Carr Alexandra Chalfin Danielle Chapro Aaron Cheng Victoria Chi Erica Choi Susung Choi Patrick Clarke Miranda Closson Dorothy Coco Jonathan Cohen Emma Colbran Katharine Colella Julia Coleman Charles Conde William Constan Jordana Cooper Matthew Cooper Dylan Corten Kathryn Cotter

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean photoS

Hats off to the class of 2013!

James Crandall Brandon Crofton Rachel Cuomo Hunter Cutler Paula Cutrim Gabriella Czarniak Sarah Dachinger Mayra De Gouveia Christina Dell’Orto Celeste DiLauro Samuel Distler Daniel Dolins Jessica Dolins Taylor Doyle Eliana Drescher Melissa Duarte Elle Eckman Jennifer Eisler Adam Elkaim Matthew Ellman Gavin Elwes Alexandra Emmerman Eliane Engelhard Ricardo Esteves Kathryn Evans Edward Fang Lauren Farfel Jacob Feingold Sonya Feinstein Steven Ferebee Julia Ferrigno Anjali Ferris Brad Fiedler Stephen Fink Caroline Finkelstein Emily First

They changed into something more comfortable: Rachel Spiro, Julia Coleman, Rachel Knopp, Sarah Korzec, Jordana Cooper, Claire Rosenberg, Andrea Mosk and Katie Colella.

Hans Flagg, Jr. Lillian Foote George Frankle Steven Friedman Lukas Frijs-Djurhuus Sarah Frohman Samuel Gallagher Zachary Galst Vincent Gandolfo Clifford Gelb Samantha Gendler Brittany Gerstein Jake Gibson Samuel Giddins Callie Gilbert Megan Gilpin Steven Gluck Andrew Goldberg Nicole Goldberg Rebecca Goldberg Danny Goldenberg Jonathan Goldstein Alexander Gonzalez Ian Green Sydney Green Max Grippo Rebecca Groner Allison Gross Jonathan Gruber Harrison Gurny Ana Hall Heath Hartman Yuki Hebner Evan Hendel Jason Henderson John Hewitt James Hill Stuart Hindmarch Ashley Hing Emily Hirsch Michael Hodges Douglas Holloway Caroline Holmes Andrew Hoofnagle Cherie Hu Clare Hymes Eric Irwin Marian Jordan-Jones Rachel Josselsohn Nicole Kass Christopher Katchis Megan Katz Matthew Kayle Shannon Kelly Ismail Kheir Nathan Kim

Jacob Kirschenbaum Emma Klein Rachel Knopp Sarah Korzec Joseph Koshakow Thomas Kurien Rachel Kushnick Ethan Kutik Eric Kwong Eduardo Lacagnina Remi Landau Sophie Laruelle Gregory LaVecchia Lindsay LeBoyer Deijana Lebron Philip Leung Alexander Levin Jacob Levine Ali Levy Rebecca Lipset Anna Llewellyn Dylan LoBue Emily Longman Dylan Madoff Daniel Manson Samantha Marciano Ian Marinelli Luis Marino Kyle Martin Hayley Maybaum Matthew McCann Meagan McDermott Andrew McInerney Sivan Mehta Nicholas Meisel Elizabeth Meyers Philip Meyers IV Humza Mian Jeremy Midvidy Edward Mikami Peter Mikelis Rebecca Miller Laurence Milstein Madeleine Minke Fuko Minohara Robert Morse Andrea Mosk Mukund Murari Samuel Natbony Tyler Nathan Meera Nayar Dylan Nossel Sophia Noulas Andrew Och Marc Oil Veronica Ojiambo

Jason Pack Tiana Palmer-Poroner Eli Panken Alisha Parikh Julie Parisi Julie Park Christopher Pellegrini Stephanie Peltz Emma Pendrill Nicolas Penfold Julia Phoon Kyle Picunko Caroline Pitofsky Concettina Pizzuti Jack Plattus Robert Plummer Samantha Polsky Alexander Popescu Amelia Porco Alexander Porpora Abigail Prager Rachel Primavera Nicole Rakoff Amanda Reed Christian Reichert Rebecca Reingold Benjamin Reisman Grant Reiter Melissa Rifkin Caroline Rodman Nicole Rodriguez Carly Roman Christine Rooney Lindsay Root Benjamin Rosenbaum Claire Rosenberg

Brittany Sinaly Hayden Sitomer Andrew Smith Brian Solender Bryan Solomon Scott Solomon Taylor Solomon Jessica Somekh Emma Spencer Rachel Spiro Jacob Spitzer Alexander Squadron Jaclyn Staropoli Isabel Steckel Adam Stoddard Abigail Stone Dannah Strauss Alisa Studway Zachary Sullivan Natalie Sun Charlotte Svetkey Yuri Tachibana Jamie Tanzer Claudia Taselaar Michelle Teicher Bernardo Terra Jacob Tesler Jason Thurm Celina Ticoll-Ramirez Emily Torres Arielle Trenk Karel Ullner Jessica Uris Thomas Varghese Christopher Varlotta Kayce Venezia

Principal Ken Bonamo congratulates Emily Bochner.

Elizabeth Rubin Jonathan Rush Brandon Russo Miwa Sakulrat Jeffrey Salama Brittany Salese Madeline Satin Rebecca Schwartz Evan Schwartzman Benjamin Sernau Alexander Seruya Brian Shabto Ayesha Shah Rahul Shah Richa Shah Rishi Shah Emily Shapiro Andy Sherman Nehan Sheth Kurt Shuster Lauren Silberberg Peter Simon

Andrew Verboys, Jr. Talia Visaggi Christiana Vissas Jacob Wallach Leopoldo Walter Annalise Warren Julia Wells Emma Whitestone Alison Whitney Keenen Willis Jonah Winston Daniel Winters Shane Wolfe Chelsea Wong Kelvin Xu Emily Yankowitz Saori Yoshida Taylor Yu Eric Zeng Kyle Zima Nicole Zucker Shelby Zucker

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 5 A

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Pa g e 6 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

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ThE scarsdale inquirer


FMA is Proud to Announce This Year’s Award-Winning Artists and Musicians

FMA AwArdS 2012-2013 (Total 74 Awards)



Friends of Music and the Arts, Sid Case Memorial NYSSMA Scholarship Emma Whitestone

wCSMA Area All-State Music women’s Chorus

NYSSMA All-Eastern Conference Orchestra Aron Szanto

wCSMA Area All-State Mixed Chorus

NYSSMA Young Composer Honors Concert Nick Politi NYSSMA All-State Conference, Piano Emily Smith NYSSMA All-State Conference String Orchestra Aron Szanto Julia Wells NYSSMA All-State Conference women’s Chorus Sophie Laruelle Rebecca Primoff

Danielle Ezratty Cailey Martin

Zoe Berg Sam Kaplan Sophie Laruelle Rebecca Primoff westchester All-County Jazz Ensemble Caroline Teicher wCSMA Area All-State Band Philip Brand Alexander De La Garza Bruce Gao Carina Gupta Samantha Kapner Chloe Karp Joshua Kaufman Steven Lewis Sarah Pullman Connor Wolfe Carolyn Zelicof

2012 Pace University High School Invitational Small works Exhibition Margo Bender Hallie Carmen Stella Emvula Katharina Horn Bridget Horwood Carly Kahan Andreas Larsen Maggie O’Keefe Katonah Museum of Arts 2013 Young Artists Exhibition Shiran Ben-Simon Mayra de Gouveia Eliana Drescher Sunny Feinstein Emmy Hirsch Megan Katz Emma Pendrill Nicolas Penfold Miwa Sakulrat Becky Schwartz Arielle Trenk Friends of Music and the Arts Media Award Miwa Sakulrat

Friends of Music and the Arts 2 d Award Alexander Popescu Friends of Music & the Arts Permanent Collection Veronica Ojiambo Friends of Music and the Arts Elisa draper Award Rebecca Schwartz Friends of Music and the Arts Lowell Alecson Award Sophie Laruelle StArt’12, O’Silas Gallery, Concordia College Mayra DeGouveia Nicolas Penfold Alex Popescu

DrAmA Friends of Music and the Arts, drama Award Sunny Feinstein

wCSMA Area All-State Orchestra Isra Ameen Pranav Bhatnagar Victoria Chi Maleeha Chida Helen Clapp Caroline Holmes Caroline Huh Krsna Kothari Zubin Koticha Bryant Lo Audrey Nadler Charlie Rubin Andrew Starr Aron Szanto Garrett Tanzer Ben Ulene Julia Wells Emma Whitestone Marisa Wong Alan Zhong

Check out our website at to learn more about Friends of Music and the Arts

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 7 A

Edgemont’s Class of 2013 Taddiken’s last remarks; speakers laud community but encourage the individual By DEBBIE ANDERS


t a sunny graduation ceremony on Thursday, June 20, the Edgemont senior class listened to some speeches about loyalty, love and the Edgemont they “will hold onto” — and others about taking risks and placing greater value on the individual self. Senior Abhinav Jaiswal welcomed the 139 graduates and their families and friends to the Edgemont quad. He said that when he is asked, “where is Edgemont?” He tells them it is in Scarsdale, but he thinks to himself that Edgemont is a place where everyone is known and where people are treated equally — where “people respect you and demand your respect,” whether they are a wrestling champ, a math whiz, an actor, or a model UN delegate. “Edgemont is wherever we are. So soon, Edgemont will be everywhere.” In her 32d and final commencement remarks, superintendent Nancy Taddiken called Edgemont her home away from home and said it was incredible to think she would not be there after this week. She commended the seniors on their achievements, saying, “We consider ourselves successful — or in the new lingo, ‘highly effective’ — if students surpass their teachers. Many of you have already surpassed us in your wisdom, your knowledge and your experiences,” she said. Acknowledging that the district’s small size enables students, faculty, alumni, and members of the community to all know one another, she encouraged the seniors to stay touch “with the Edgemont that you carry with you” and said that the long term relationships formed here “will serve you well when you need to rely on trusted friends.” Taddiken noted sacrifices made by parents and grandparents of the graduates and referred to Edgemont’s teachers as among the finest educators in the country. The audience applauded heartily. Later, she assured her students, “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.” She quoted her late husband Spencer Dvorkin, who served on the Edgemont Board of Education more than 20 years ago, who told her, “The greatest gift of all is to love and be loved.” She said she hoped that “Each of you feels as loved as I have felt here in Edgemont because you are — by parents and families, teachers, by the community as a whole. Good luck to all of you, you make Edgemont proud.” There was a standing ovation. In his remarks, principal Devan Ganeshananthan, a cy-

English teacher Michael DeVito

clist, said the independence and exhilaration a child feels during her first time riding a bicycle was like his own test of endurance riding a fixed gear bike, and that both experiences were like the challenges all students face getting to where they are going. When you’re riding a fixed gear bike, Ganeshananthan said, “You have no option other than to ride hard.” He said he hoped the graduates learn to “cherish not just the reward, but the effort that brings you there.” School board president Tom McCormack offered a set of practical tips for graduating seniors. He said they should get acquainted with different people in college, like “the girl down the hall from Arkansas who plays the oboe, or the TA from South Africa who whistles all the time, or the anthropology professor with the weird haircut.” He told kids to seek new experiences. “If the Dalai Lama comes to your college, for heaven’s sake, go meet him.” Find out “what you like or don’t like,” McCormack told them. “If you are a musician, go to a basketball game; if you’re a football fan, go to a choral concert.” “Don’t just be who you were in high school. Be other people too.” McCormack also spoke about resilience in the face of adversity. “Every now and then, life will put you on the ground. Well, get up. In the final analysis, that is the human story.” English teacher Michael DeVito was the faculty speaker. While he admires the beauty, pride and significance of being a part of the Edgemont community, he warns, “We should be careful not to let pride turn into chauvinism or the belief that Edgemont is the only place to have spent the last 12 years. There are many wonderful places,” He recalled the novel “Cat’s Cradle” where the author Kurt Vonnegut challenges the meaningfulness of false or arbitrary groups based on circumstance, ideology or geography —calling such a group a “granfalloon”— and fears a loss of self can result from identifying too closely with a group. “Find people with whom you have a more genuine connection,” DeVito said. “If you wish to find a granfalloon,” he said, referring to the story, “just remove the skin of a toy balloon.” The first class speaker, Carolina Sguerra, relayed to the audience her soccer coach’s advice, “Don’t shoot the ball unless it’s perfect.” For that to happen, and for other scenarios involving risk, stress, setbacks and “the hand we’re dealt,” Sguerra, said, students should remember two words: patience and composure. Those words, she said, have made her a better athlete, daughter, student and friend. Be more patient, have composure, and “you’ll never miss your perfect

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean photos

Carolina Sguerra

shot,” said Sguerra. Finally, Emma Kantor said that she and her classmates had been rushing everywhere their whole lives and experiencing sensory overload and distractions from the next gadget — always videochatting, Facebooking, IM’ing, Instagramming and emailing. Students should remember to recognize “the little moments: the one-shot parallel park, dinner with your family, or a ‘Charlie’ sandwich at Noni’s’ [referring to the popular deli Giannoni’s]. We are a remarkable community with unlimited potential. I am so impressed with who we are and what we are becoming,” she said.

Abinhav Jaiswal

pA g e 8 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

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the ScArSdAle inquirer

Edgemont High School

Class Of 2013

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Mortarboards fly as Edgemont seniors become alums.

Elizabeth Curtis steps up to receive her diploma.

It’s so exciting! Jack McCormack

Mark Abidargham Jacqueline Aboulafia Spencer Adler Rebecca Angel John Aslanian III Patrick Baker Valentina Balbona Brandon Barr Robert Bellone John Bevacqua III Daniel Borkenstein Alianne Brathwaite Brandon Brims Julia Brody Gagan Chadha Ram Chadha Sensen Chen Cole Chidekel Sergiu Chiorean Mallory Cohen Maxwell Coleman Erin Connolly Eric Contreras Jonathan Conway Tyler Cooperman Nigel Cummings Thomas Cunningham Catherine Curtis Elizabeth Curtis Kahlil D’Souza Joseph Dalton Austin Doukas James Drain Samuel Drozdov Paul Emdin Mallory A. Fass Alexandra Feldberg Brenden Freedman Max Freedman Jivan Gandhi Max Generali Matthew Goldstein Haylie Gordon Heather Ann Guercio Ariel Guzman Jacqueline F. Herrero Victoria Honeywell Jack O. Jacobson Abhinav Jaiswal Rhea Jauhar Juhai Jung Emma Rose Kantor Ross Kantor

Yuki Katoh Sabeen Khan James Kho Isaac Kirschner Eilis Klein Sarah Klein Terren Klein Skylar Korek Jay Kothari Bianca Kratky Dhruva Krishna Deepthi Krovvidi Divya Kumar Parul Kumar Sarah Kumar Joseph Kuriakose Alexa Langiulli Melissa Last Jason Lebberes Taisha Lebberes Dongwon Lee Sharon Lee Sophia Lee Theodore Lee Dylan Levine Benjamin Harry Levy YingYu Lin Emily Litt Kyle A. Longo Jirah Loo William Loo Benjamin Ma Franklin Ma Kristina Magardino Ben Malki Donald Ian McAlpine Jack McCormack Adam Meyerson Jack Moser Jonathan Mustacchi Ranjana Naik Diana Kris Navarro Andrew S. Ng Adam Nussbaum Marisa Onorato Jonathan Orloff Hyung Jun Pang Minyoung Park Isabelle Perlman Michael Perlman Nicholas Pottenger Ciana Proto Katelyn Puhala

Tyren Reese Naomi Root Erica Rose Michael Benjamin Rothstein Adriano Rozental Melissa Rubenstein Karen Salshutz Elizabeth Sanchez Jennifer Scharf Emily Schloss Stephanie Schneider Selina Delgado Schultz Carolina M. Sguerra Ethan Shaw Yumiko Shime Danielle Shlomo Anderson Shu William Shue Gabrielle Simmons Jessica Soriano Jillian Speranza Jackson Stone Sophie Strauss Daniel Suh Hannah N. Tahara Leeza Tomura Remy Valentine Andrew Vasquez Jared Weiss Jason Worobow Erik Yang Hojung You Olyvia Zfira

Maxwell Coleman

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

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J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 9 A

Congratulations to our graduates

and the Class of 2013

Alyssa Barnett-Tjoa Daughter of Mary Barnett Judith K Weiss Middle School, Bronx

Brett Hillsberg Son of Lori Hillsberg Ursinus College, BA in Political Science and International Relations

Matthew Barnett-Tjoa Son of Mary Barnett Judith K Weiss Middle School

Matt Hillsberg Son of Lori Hillsberg Dickinson College, BA in Political Science Cum Laude

Juliana Garitee Niece of Lynn Palma Concordia College in Bronxville

Kyle Koslowsky Son of Denise & Jeffrey Koslowsky Scarsdale Middle School

Arianna Smith Daughter of Anita Smith Lincoln Titus Elementary School, Cortlandt Manor

pA g e 1 0 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

where they’re

g r A d u At i o n


Amherst College

Katie Puhala, EHS

Sarah Frohman, SHS Tiana Palmer-Poroner, SHS

College of the Holy Cross

Barnard College Anjali Ferris, SHS Emily Litt, EHS

Boston University

Erin Connolly, EHS

Columbia University Carolyn Binder, Rye Country Day

Jirah Loo, EHS Caroline Rodman, SHS Claire Rosenberg, SHS

Connecticut College

Bowdoin College

Julie Barbera, SHS Rachel Boxer, SHS Doug Berman, SHS Steven Gluck, SHS Stephanie Lin, EHS William Loo, EHS Stephanie Peltz, SHS Robert Plummer, SHS Michael Rothstein, EHS Kurt Shuster, SHS Peter Simon, SHS Rachel Spiro, SHS Sophie Strauss, EHS

Jack Hewitt, SHS

Brandeis University Matthew Cooper, SHS Rebecca Groner, SHS Rachel Josselsohn, SHS

Brigham Young University Madison Boss, SHS

Bucknell University Jonah Winston, SHS

California Polytech Samuel Distler, SHS

Catholic University Connor Adams, SHS

Carnegie Mellon University Teddy Lee, EHS Sivan Mehta, SHS Christine Rooney, SHS Jake Tesler, SHS

Claremont McKenna College Tyler Cooperman, EHS

Colby College Lawrence Patrizio, Trinity-Pawling

Colgate University Niki Kass, SHS

the ScArSdAle inquirer

Franklin and Marshall College Ally Gross, SHS

Georgia Tech Alex Popescu, SHS

George Washington University

Eilis Klein, EHS

Nick Meisel, SHS Emma Pendrill, SHS

Cornell University

Georgetown University

Dartmouth College Allison Benedict, Deerfield Kahlil D’Souza, EHS James Drain, EHS Terren Klein, EHS

Dickinson College Margot Abrahams, Masters Katie Birenbaum, SHS

Duke University Celina Ticoll-Ramirez

East Carolina University

Keene State University Paul Emdin, EHS

Lafayette College Cole Chidekel, EHS Melissa Last, EHS Matt McCann, SHS Adam Nussbaum, EHS

Lehigh University

Eric Irwin, SHS

Jordana Cooper, SHS Jay Kothari, EHS Marc Oil, SHS Shane Wolfe, SHS

Gettysburg College

Loyola University Maryland

Marisa Onorato, EHS

Jacqueline Herrero, EHS

Hamilton College

Macalester College

Max Freedman, EHS Isaac Kirschner, EHS

Daniel Abramowitz, SHS

Harvard University

Rebecca Goldberg, SHS

Patrick Anderson, Fordham Prep Catherine Curtis, EHS Gaby Czarniak, SHS Callie Gilbert, SHS Cherie Hu, SHS Emma Kantor, EHS

High Point University Gavin Elwes, SHS

Indiana UniversityBloomington Ali Levy, SHS Alex Seruya, SHS

Iona College

Caroline Finkelstein, SHS

Christopher Pellegrini, SHS

Emory University

Ithaca College

Emily Schloss, EHS Gabrielle Simmons, EHS Shelby Zucker, SHS

McGill University Miami University (Ohio) Julia Coleman, SHS

Mount Holyoke College Alianne Brathwaite, EHS

Muhlenberg College Madeline Satin, SHS

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean photoS

SHS grad George Frankle gives and gets a hug.

New York University James Crandall, SHS Brandon Crofton, SHS Jennifer Eisler, SHS Matthew Kayle, SHS Lindsay LeBoyer, SHS Hayden Sitomer, SHS

Northwestern University

Pomona College

Tina Pizzuti, SHS

Princeton University

SUNY Binghamton

John Aslanian, EHS Jacob Cannon, SHS

Rollins College

Rebecca Angel, EHS

Eli Panken, SHS Ethan Shaw, EHS

Johns Hopkins University

Oberlin College

Sacred Heart University

Eliana Drescher, SHS

Fordham University Sophia Noulas, SHS

Lillian Foote greets a Scarsdale teacher while Natalie Sun and Yuro Tachibani look on.

Austin Doukas, EHS

Keenen Willis, SHS

Kristina Magardino, EHS

Occidental College

Skidmore College

Ben Reisman, SHS

Shannon Kelly, SHS

Pace University

St. Michael’s College

Patrick Baker, EHS

Kayce Venezia, SHS

Penn State University

Stanford University

Jason Pack, SHS Jillian Speranza, EHS

SUNY Albany

Maxwell Coleman, EHS

Koral Ben-Simon, SHS Shiran Ben-Simon, SHS Matthew Bloom, Pennington School Max Grippo, SHS Meagan McDermott, SHS

SUNY Buffalo Naomi Root, EHS

SUNY Cortland John Cappello, SHS Deijana Lebron, SHS

SUNY Geneseo Jonathan Cohen, SHS

Kathryn Evans, SHS Continued on page 11A

Applauding a speaker at Edgemont’s commencement are Abhinav Jaiswal, Erin Connolly, Jack Jacobson, Max Coleman, Sergiu Chiorean and Cole Chidekel.

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 1 1 A

The Luxury Division of Coldwell Banker

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean photos

Class co-treasurers Lindsay Root and Jake Gibson speaking at the SHS ceremony. Continued from page 10A

SUNY Oneonta College Danielle Shlomo, EHS

SUNY Purchase College Brandon Barr, EHS

Syracuse University Rebecca Buchwald, SHS Jonathan Conway, EHS Mayra De Gouveia, SHS Matthew Ellman, SHS DJ Holloway, SHS Ian Marinelli, SHS

Tulane University

Andrea Mosk, SHS Jennifer Scharf, EHS Rahul Shah, SHS Richa Shah, SHS Andy Sherman, SHS Alexandra Chalfin, SHS Rebecca Reingold, SHS

Annabelle Brecker, SHS Brittany Gerstein, SHS Megan Katz, SHS Sarah Korzec, SHS Dylan Levine, EHS Adam Meyerson, EHS Julie Parisi, SHS Jacob Wallach, SHS

Tufts University


Trinity College

Benjamin Levy, EHS Melanie Patapis, Holy Child Jacob Thurm, SHS

Scarsdale grads are psyched for college!

Union College

University of Delaware

Jacqueline Aboulafia, EHS Charles Conde, SHS Jivan Gandhi, EHS Sam Giddins, SHS

Julia Brody, EHS Celeste DiLauro, SHS Melissa Duarte, SHS Megan Gilpin, SHS Callie Kanim, Our Lady of Good Counsel

University of Colorado, Boulder

University of Maryland at College Park

University of Chicago

Ashton Carr, SHS

Emily Bochner, SHS Alison Whitney, SHS

University of Connecticut Alexander Gonzalez, SHS

Matthew Augarten, SHS Rachel Brief, SHS Sam Drozdov, EHS Rachel Knopp, SHS Elizabeth Rubin, SHS

Karen Salshutz, EHS Hannah Tahara, EHS

University of Miami (Fla.) Zach Galst, SHS Dylan Nossel, SHS Jared Weiss, EHS

University of Michigan Katie Colella, SHS Alexandra Emmerman, SHS Lauren Farfel, SHS Heath Hartman, SHS Continued on page 13A

The Luxury Division of Coldwell Banker

The Luxury Division of Coldwell Banker

The Luxury Division of Coldwell Banker

Congratulations to the Class of 2013 and to Our Own Special Graduates

David Calamari Scarsdale Middle School Son of Lori Calamari

Andrew Holzberg Eastchester High School Son of Agnes Holzberg

Jessica Calamari Scarsdale High School

Daughter of Lori Calamari

Grace Holzberg Greenvale Elementary School Daughter of Agnes Holzberg

Emma Coleman Scarsdale Middle School

Daughter of Kathy Coleman

Courtney Kaplan Yale University

Daughter of Alisa Kaplan

Julia Coleman Scarsdale High School

Daughter of Kathy Coleman

Jordan Spitzer Cornell University

Son of Rebecca Spitzer

C.J. Fears Cornell University

Grandson of Irene Glassberg

Samantha Rothberg Bates College

Daughter of Denise Rothberg

Jared Gelber Seven Bridges Middle School Grandson of Susan Field

Nicole Zucker Scarsdale High School

Daughter of Jodi Zucker

870 Scarsdale Avenue, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914.723.3340 ©2013 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal Housing Opportunity.

Shelby Zucker Scarsdale High School

Daughter of Jodi Zucker

Follow us on Owned and operated by NRT LLC.

pA g e 1 2 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

g r A d u At i o n

the ScArSdAle inquirer

Off to see the

Wizard t

he Scarsdale High school senior class play was a family-friendly “Wizard of Oz” performed the weekend of May 31-June 2. Below, Toto (Evan Hendel), Dorothy (Emily Bochner), the Cowardly Lion (Nick Meisel), the Scarecrow (Jacob Kirschenbaum) and the Tin Man finally reach the Emerald City. Far right, Glinda (Gaby Czarniak) and Dorothy hope the Wizard (Jacob Cannon) will be able to whisk Dorothy back to Kansas, despite the machinations of the Wicked Witch (Rebecca Reingold).

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean photoS


You may know that Westchester Community College is the largest college in the county. You may also know our award-winning professors teach classes in more than 60 different academic programs. But did you know that more than ninety percent of our Honors Program students go on to their first choice for a four-year college or university?

the ScArSdAle inquirer

where they’re Continued from 11A

University of Michigan Hayley Maybaum, SHS Becky Schwartz, SHS Rishi Shah, SHS Remy Valentine, EHS

g r A d u At i o n

headed University of Richmond

Tom Cunningham, EHS

Max Bernstein, SHS Ross Kantor, EHS

Jessie Somekh, SHS Emily Torres, SHS

University of Rochester

Vassar College

Spencer Adler, EHS Jason Altabet, SHS George Frankle, SHS Sydney Green, SHS

Villanova University

Daniel Borkenstein, EHS William Constan, SHS Daniel Goldenberg, SHS Sam Natbony, SHS Caroline Pitofsky SHS Carly Roman, SHS Ben Rosenbaum, SHS Brian Shabto, SHS Lauren Silberberg, SHS Michelle Teicher, SHS

Kathryn Cotter, SHS

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Haylie Gordon, EHS

Vanderbilt University

University of Oxford

University of Pennsylvania

University of Notre Dame

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — pA g e 1 3 A

University of South Carolina Bryan Solomon, SHS

University of St. Andrews Stuart Hindmarch, SHS

University of Texas at Austin Chris Varlotta, SHS Jason Worobow, EHS Nicole Zucker, SHS

Harris Gurny, SHS Christina Dell’Orto, SHS Julia Ferrigno, SHS Kyle Longo, EHS Nicole Rakoff, SHS

Washington University in St. Louis Eliane Engelhard, SHS Steven Friedman, SHS Jonathan Goldstein, SHS Emma Klein, SHS Mukund Murari, SHS Alex Squadron, SHS

Williams College

Lauren Bostrom, SHS

Elizabeth Curtis, EHS Colin Hogan, Fordham Prep Samantha Polsky, SHS

University of WisconsinMadison

Yale University

University of Virginia

Jack Moser, EHS Lindsay Root, SHS

Lillian Foote, SHS Larry Milstein, SHS Emily Yankowitz, SHS

Ursinus College Becca Miller, SHS

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean photoS

Scarsdale’s Patrick Clarke and Robert Plummer ham it up.

Frank Capone Waverly School

niCholas leone Scarsdale Middle School

Selina Schultz waves goodbye to EHS.

bianCa Damiano

Gabriella Capone

JaCqueline Capossela Resurrection Grammar School

Eastchester Middle School

olivia leone

ToDD leone, Jr. Lafayette College

Dayna orlanDo

Waverly School

Scarsdale Middle School

Fordham University

philip Damiano

Fiona kelly

Greenvale Elementary School

Seely Place Elementary School

briTTani piro

William rehDers

Eastchester High School

King’s College

Congratulations to the Class of 2013 from aDam rosensTein New Rochelle High School

vininaTalie ZaninoviC

29 Wilmot Road


Tuckahoe High School

OPEN HOUSE TOU Pa g e 1 4 a — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

g r a d u at i o n

the scarsdale inquirer

HoulihanLaw 112 MEETING HOUSE RD, BEDFORD CORNERS 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Incomparable views, pool, tennis and three-bedroom guest house on almost 14 acres – rare Bedford parcel with complete quiet, privacy and beautiful vistas. Long, circular drive. Front to back entry foyer opens to stone terrace. Formal entertaining rooms. WEB# RR848207 ....................$3,250,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099

112 MEETING HOUSE RD, BEDFORD CORNERS 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Incomparable views, pool, tennis and three-bedroom guest house on almost 14 acres – rare Bedford parcel with complete quiet, privacy and beautiful vistas. Long, circular drive. Front to back entry foyer opens to stone 24 BRETTON RIDGE , BEDFORD ORNERS terrace. Formal entertaining rooms. WEB# RR848207C....................$3,250,000 1:00 - 3:00 PM • Truly stunning home presents the perfect floor plan for Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099 entertaining and pampered living. Chef’s granite and stainless steel kitchen. Great room with fireplace. Grand vaulted ceiling living room with fireplace. Main floor master bedroom suite. Office/bonus room. WEB# RR849662..$1,295,000 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007


488 LONG RIDGE ROAD, BEDFORD 2:00 - 4:00 PM • New 6000 square foot Colonial on three acres of beautiful land with pool site. Backs up to Mianus River Gorge Preserve. Chef’s kitchen. Five bedrooms include master suite, three guest suites and nanny suite. Bonus room. Hardwood floors. Three fireplaces. WEB# RR829388 ............$1,999,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099 oulihan


10 KINGDOM RIDG 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Extraordinary twe amenity, and exceptional details. Spac room. Exercise room. Library. Wine cella Overlooking sparkling pond. WEB# RR8 Ridge Bro Lawrence Bedford/Pound Realty salutes

Scarsdale’s extraordinary class of 2013, who gathered with their family and friends to celebrate commencement exercises last Friday, June 21st. Blue skies and brilliant sunshine mirrored the joyous mood of those assembled to watch 324 seniors receive their diplomas. Class officers, including class president Becky Goldberg, 488 LONG RIDGE ROAD, BEDFORD Board of Education president 10 KINGDOM RIDG 2:00 - 4:00 PM • New 6000 square foot Colonial on three acres of beautiful 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Extraordinary twe Elizabeth Guggenheimer, land with pool site. Backs up to Mianus River Gorge Preserve. Chef’s kitchen. amenity, and exceptional details. Spac class suite. advisors Five bedrooms include master suite, three guest suites and nanny BonusLauren room.Barton Exercise room. Library. Wine cella LAKE SHORE DRIVE , SOUTH SALEM 15 W HITLOCKVILLE and Jason Noble, SHS princiroom. Hardwood39 floors. Three fireplaces. WEB# RR829388 ............$1,999,000 Overlooking sparkling pond. WEB# RR8 2:00 - 4:00 PMBedford/Pound • Panoramic lake views and exceptional craftsmanship define 2:00 4:00 PM • One of Katonah's pal Kenneth Bonamo, andBedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099 Ridgeoldes Bro this beautifully redone waterfront home. Cedar shake roof.Superintendent Open floor plan. setting: lawns, brick pathways, ancient tr Michael Chef’s kitchen. Fireplaces. Master bedroom with wall-to-wall windows for 19th century McGill all spoke to the tri-center hall Colonial lovingly breathtaking views and a luxurious bath. WEB# RR844950 ............$1,275,000 fireplaces. Extensive millwork. WEB# RR umphs, challenges and meanBedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099 Bedford/Pound Ridge Bro ingful moments that this class has experienced in its journey. With focus, energy, and

graduates Jordana Coope

senior government (Top): Melissa Rifkin, Tom Varghese and Jake Gibson. (Middle): Madeline Satin, Lindsay Root, Katie Colella and Becky Goldberg. (Front): Jason Noble (senior class advisor); Celeste DiLauro, Anabelle Brecker and Laura Barton (senior class advisor)

24 BRETTON RIDGE, BEDFORD CORNERS 1:00 - 3:00 PM • Truly stunning home presents the perfect floor plan for entertaining and pampered living. Chef’s granite and stainless steel kitchen. Great room with fireplace. Grand vaulted ceiling living room with fireplace. Main 17Office/bonus TODD RD K ATONAH floor master bedroom suite. room. WEB# RR849662..$1,295,000 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Treat yourself to privacy and proximity in this special French Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007 Colonial on quiet country road. Generously-sized, well proportioned, sunlit rooms with French doors, oversized windows, skylights. Heated pool surrounded by rock outcropings and perennial gardens. WEB# RR841972..............$1,083,000 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007

39 LAKE SHORE DRIVE, SOUTH SALEM 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Panoramic lake views and exceptional craftsmanship define this beautifully redone waterfront home. Cedar shake roof. Open floor plan. Chef’s kitchen. Fireplaces. Master bedroom with wall-to-wall windows for 20 and TRINITY PASSbath. ROAD , POUND RIDGE breathtaking views a luxurious WEB# RR844950 ............$1,275,000 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Sophisticated custom built Colonial. Beautiful molding, Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099 wainscoting and hardwood floors. Center island kitchen. French doors from formal dining room, living room, kitchen. Front and back staircases. Barn, fenced property, entry gate. Walk to town and park. WEB# RR821917 ........$999,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099

15 WHITLOCKVILLE 2:00 - 4:00 PM • One of Katonah's oldes setting: lawns, brick pathways, ancient tr 19th century center hall Colonial lovingly 272 Hmillwork. ARDSCRABBLE R fireplaces. Extensive WEB# RR 2:00 - 4:00 PMBedford/Pound • Stone and shingle Ridge1916 Bro and renovations. New kitchen. Four new Gorgeous old oak floors. One-bedroom g Stone-walled garden. Deer fenced. WEB# Katonah Brokerage

graduates William Constan, Michelle Teicher, Sam Gallagher, Anjali Ferris and Jonathan Capelin

17 TODD RD KATONAH 20 TRINITY PASS ROAD, POUND RIDGE 272 HARDSCRABBLE R 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Treat yourself to privacy and proximity in this special French 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Sophisticated custom built Colonial. Beautiful molding, 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Stone and shingle 1916 Colonial on quiet country road. Generously-sized, well proportioned, sunlit rooms wainscoting and hardwood floors. Center island kitchen. French doors from for- and renovations. New kitchen. Four new with French doors, oversized windows, skylights. Heated pool surrounded by mal dining room, living room, kitchen. Front and back staircases. Barn, fenced Gorgeous old oak floors. One-bedroom g rock outcropings perennial gardens. WEB# RR841972..............$1,083,000 321property, Walk to town and park. WEB# RR821917 ........$999,000 garden. Deer fenced. WEB# 5 Cand HEROKEE COURT, KATONAH STONE entry HILLgate. ROAD , POUND RIDGE 150 MEAD SStone-walled TREET, WACCABUC Katonah BrokerageColonial 914.232.5007 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage Katonah Brokerage 1:00 - 4:00 PM • Bright four-bedroom on cul-de-sac. 2:00 - 4:00 PM • An enchanting Halle restoration set on over914.234.9099 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Stylish 1940 country Ranch. Carefree one-floor Updated with new granite kitchen and baths. Bonus room with three beautifully landscaped, fully fenced acres with bath. Impeccable. Move right (Top): in. Level with stone walls.and Jacob sensational new in-ground Wagner pool with spa.and yearbook editors Dannyland Goldenberg, Eli Panken, Wallach. (Middle): Jeffery Salama, Stephanieheated Peltz (co-editor-in-chief); Alisha Parikh. Kushnickhighways (co-editor-in-chief), Emily Longman and Lindsay LeBoyarrooms. Living room with fireplace. New Minutes from park, (Front): school,Rachel shopping, and Metro Charming, sun-filled North. WEB# RR859662 ............................................$869,000 central air. Terrace. WEB# RR849372 ..........................$799,000 Pound Ridge/Bedford Brokerage 914.764.5762 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099

living offers the perfect country retreat. Spacious, circular foyer. Living room with wall of windows, fireplace and inlaid floor. Designer gourmet kitchen. Family room with stone fireplace. graduates Lizzy Rubin, Abigail Stone and Rachel Kushnick Pool. WEB# RR855976 ..............................................$695,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099

THE5 CEXCLUSIVE WORLD-WIDE REACH OF FIVE GLOBAL NETWORKS. C ,K 321 S H R ,P R 150 M S ,W 1:00 - 4:00 • Bright four-bedroom Colonial on cul-de-sac. 2:00 - 4:00 • An enchanting Halle restoration set on over 2:00 - 4:00 • Stylish 1940 country Ranch. Carefree one-floor Updated with new granite kitchen and baths. Bonus room with three beautifully landscaped, fully fenced acres with living offers the perfect LOCAL EXPERTISE OF THE MARKET LEADER . country retreat. Spacious, circular foyer. THE bath. Impeccable. Move right in. Level land with stone walls. sensational new in-ground Wagner heated pool with spa. Living room with wall of windows, fireplace and inlaid floor. HEROKEE




Minutes from park, school, shopping, highways and Metro North. WEB# RR859662 ............................................$869,000 Pound Ridge/Bedford Brokerage 914.764.5762







Charming, sun-filled rooms. Living room with fireplace. New central air. Terrace. WEB# RR849372 ..........................$799,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099





Designer gourmet kitchen. Family room with stone fireplace. Pool. WEB# RR855976 ..............................................$695,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099


• JUNE 23RD the scarsdale inquirer

g r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 1 5 a

• JUNE 23RD Class of 2013


GE ROAD, BEDFORD 118 DANN FARM ROAD, POUND RIDGE elve room clapboard Colonial. Every 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Gracious Center Hall Colonial in a beautiful enclave of luxury cious kitchen; butler’s pantry. Media homes. Exceptional detail. Dramatic two-story foyer and family room. Lovely ar. Blue stone patio with built-in grill. sun room. Gourmet, top-of-the-line center island kitchen. Sumptuous master 859330 ..............................$1,749,000 bedroom suite. Manicured setting. WEB# RR856259 ......................$1,699,000 okerage 914.234.9099 camaraderie, the class of 2013 made its Pound mark,Ridge/Bedford Brokerage 914.764.5762

with accomplishments ranging from academics to sports, from the performing arts to community service. Taking great pride in their commitment to school spirit and the school motto, non sibi, they came together, volunteering, contributing, making a difference and gaining confidence in themselves. We honor all our graduates GE ROAD, BEDFORD 118 DANN FARM ROAD, POUND RIDGE – the little children we rememelve room clapboard Colonial. Every 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Gracious Center Hall Colonial in a beautiful enclave of luxury ber with love and the amazing cious kitchen; butler’s pantry. Media homes. Exceptional detail. Dramatic two-story foyer and family room. Lovely younggrill. adultssun they have growntop-of-the-line center island kitchen. Sumptuous master ar. Blue stone patio with built-in room. Gourmet, ROAD..............................$1,749,000 , KATONAH 353 PINE BROOK OAD, BEDFORD up to be, bedroom along suite. withManicured the 859330 setting. WEB#RRR856259 ......................$1,699,000 st estates dating to 1700’s. Picturebook 2:00 4:00 PM • Truly charming, completely Farmhouse, dating to okerage 914.234.9099 wonderful parents, teachers, Pound Ridge/Bedford Brokeragerenovated 914.764.5762 rees, brook and beautiful gardens. Mid mid 19th century. Cook’s kitchen/great room with high ceilings and fireplace. administrators, and school y refurbished to fit today’s system needs. FourthatLiving room with stone fireplace. Almost five acres. Pool. Terrace. Separate have nurtured R849575 ............................$1,175,000 playhouse and detached garage. WEB# RR845940 ..........................$1,100,000 them every step of the way. okerage 914.234.9099 Pound Ridge/Bedford Brokerage 914.764.5762 Take pleasure in your achievements, enjoy the summer, and follow your dreams!

er and Heath Hartman

92 OLD WAGON ROAD, BEDFORD CORNERS 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Contemporary Colonial on estate-like, gated property. Convenient to trains, schools and shopping. Investments in all the right places: kitchen, baths, appliances, utilities, generator, landscaping and more. Hardwoods 13 KtoINGDOM RIDGE OAD, BEDFORD throughout. Privileges Howland’s Lake. R WEB# RR860397............$1,250,000 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Spacious, light and bright square feet. This custom Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage4400 914.234.9099 Contemporary is tucked-away on a cul-de-sac on over three acres of privacy. Two fireplaces. Four bedrooms plus first floor guest suite and walk-out lower level. Screened porch. WEB# RR849400..........................................$1,100,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099

graduates Charlotte Svetkey, Samantha Polsky, Holly Brockerhoff and Jamie Tanzer

ROAD, KATONAH st estates dating to 1700’s. Picturebook rees, brook and beautiful gardens. Mid y refurbished to fit today’s needs. Four R OAD, NORTH SALEM R849575 ............................$1,175,000 6okerage charmer 914.234.9099 on 10+ acres. Great additions baths in main house. Three fireplaces. guest apartment. Pool. Screened porch. # RR852060 ........................$985,000 e 914.232.5007


92 OLD WAGON ROAD, BEDFORD CORNERS 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Contemporary Colonial on estate-like, gated property. Convenient to trains, schools and shopping. Investments in all the right places: kitchen, baths, appliances, utilities, generator, landscaping and more. Hardwoods throughout. Privileges to Howland’s Lake. WEB# RR860397............$1,250,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099

353 PINE BROOK ROAD, BEDFORD 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Truly charming, completely renovated Farmhouse, dating to mid 19th century. Cook’s kitchen/great room with high ceilings and fireplace. Living room with stone fireplace. Almost five acres. Pool. Terrace. Separate 37 INDIAN ILL ROAD, KATONAH playhouse and detached garage. H WEB# RR845940 ..........................$1,100,000 1:00 - 3:00 PM • Gracious English Tudor. Nearly 5000 square feet. Five Pound Ridge/Bedford Brokerage 914.764.5762 bedrooms include suite of rooms with bath. Large, updated granite and stainless kitchen. Screened porch. Expansive deck along full length of home. Pool. Prime location. WEB# RR842395 ............................................$945,000 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007

13 KINGDOM RIDGE ROAD, BEDFORD 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Spacious, light and bright 4400 square feet. This custom Contemporary is tucked-away on a cul-de-sac on over three acres of privacy. Two fireplaces. Four bedrooms plus first floor guest suite and walk-out lower 48 LWEB# EONARD STREET, MOUNT KISCO level. Screened porch. RR849400..........................................$1,100,000 2:00 - 4:00 PMBedford/Pound • Totally rebuiltRidge in 2006 by high end local builder, no detail was Brokerage 914.234.9099 overlooked. Gourmet kitchen, speaker system throughout, high ceilings and many upgrades. Professionally landscaped with great curb appeal. Perfection for urbanites and/or families. WEB# RR852622 ....................................$899,000 Bedford/Pound Ridge Brokerage 914.234.9099

senior class advisors Lauren Barton and Jason Noble

ROAD, NORTH SALEM 37 INDIAN HILL ROAD, KATONAH 48 LEONARD STREET, MOUNT KISCO 6 charmer on 10+ acres. Great additions 1:00 - 3:00 PM • Gracious English Tudor. Nearly 5000 square feet. Five 2:00 - 4:00 PM • Totally rebuilt in 2006 by high end local builder, no detail was baths in main house. Three fireplaces. bedrooms include suite of rooms with bath. Large, updated granite and overlooked. Gourmet kitchen, speaker system throughout, high ceilings and guest apartment. Pool. Screened porch. stainless kitchen. Screened porch. Expansive deck along full length of home. many upgrades. Professionally landscaped with great curb appeal. Perfection for # RR8520601046 ........................$985,000 Pool. Prime urbanites and/or families. 89 WEB# RR852622 ....................................$899,000 19 HIGHLAND AVE KATONAH HEMLOCK ROAD , SOUTH SALEM OLD POST ROAD, CROSS RIVERlocation. WEB# RR842395 ............................................$945,000 e 1:00 914.232.5007 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007 Bedford/Pound Brokerage 914.234.9099 senior twins triplets Nicole Goldberg,2:00 Rishi-Shah (Seated): Ben-Simon, 1:00 - 3:00 PM and • With a five(Standing): minute Andrew walk toGoldberg, Katonah train, 4:00andPMRahul •Ridge AShah. stylish houseKoral with a beautifulShiran setting. Lots of - 3:00 PM • White clapboard Colonial close to town park, schools and shops. Beautifully set back from road with tons of curb appeal. Fireplace in living room and wood burning stove in huge, open kitchen. Gorgeous master bedroom. New baths. Deck Sarah Korzec, Rachel Spiro, Rachel Knopp and Julia Coleman withgraduates hot tub. WEB# RR843832 ..................................$569,000 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007

Ben-Simon and Richa Shah shops, library, young Contemporary/Cape is a commuter's gardens, flowers, and yet plenty of flat lawn area to enjoy. dream. There are open, sun-drenched spaces and full bath on Gorgeous sun filled solarium with unique curved ceiling beams. each of its three floors. Room to play and garden outdoors. Privacy , Charm, character, and style. This home has it all. WEB# PhotograPhy by beverly WEB# RR840020 ........................................................$449,000 RR853605Picker ..................................................................$369,000 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007 Pound Ridge/Bedford Brokerage 914.764.5762

THE #1 SELLING OFFICE 1046 OLD POST ROAD, CROSS RIVER 1:00 - 3:00 PM • White clapboard Colonial close to town park, schools and shops. Beautifully set back from road with tons of curb appeal. Fireplace in living room and wood burning stove in huge, open kitchen. Gorgeous master bedroom. New baths. Deck with hot tub. WEB# RR843832 ..................................$569,000 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007



19 HIGHLAND AVE KATONAH 89 HEMLOCK ROAD, SOUTH SALEM 1:00 - 3:00 PM • With a five minute walk to Katonah train, 2:00 - 4:00 PM • A stylish house with a beautiful setting. Lots of shops, library, young Contemporary/Cape is a commuter's gardens, flowers, and yet plenty of flat lawn area to enjoy. dream. There are open, sun-drenched spaces and full bath on Gorgeous sun filled solarium with unique curved ceiling beams. each of its three floors. Room to play and garden outdoors. Privacy , Charm, character, and style. This home has it all. WEB# WEB# RR840020 ........................................................$449,000 RR853605 ..................................................................$369,000 Source: Reported sales to HGMLS, – 12/31/2012 Katonah Brokerage 914.232.5007 Pound Ridge/Bedford Brokerage1/1/2012 914.764.5762

pA g e 1 6 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3



g r A d u At i o n

Scarsdale Middle School Michael McDermott assisTanT PrinciPals Rochelle Hauge, Larry Chatzinoff PrinciPal

Manami Akita Evan Alpert Ariana Alvarez Kaylie Amoriello Joy Ansell Bruce Appel Jennifer Appelbaum Bethsaida Arauz Jordan Aresu Zahaub Asam Simone Attia Alice Auerbacher Serge Azor Joseph Ballan Ashley Barletta Carly Batt Karina Bayrakdarian Jonathan Behar Daniel Beitler Kendall Bensche Michael Berglass Daniel Berkson Patrick Berl Alana Berson Giovana Bertoldi Elle Bezos Shuhan Bi Zoya Binyaminov

Josephine Blatt Louisa Blatt Antonios Bobolakis William Bock Harrison Bookner Max Bosco Victoria Boss Miles Boxer Zacharia Bradley John Brady Joshua Brechtel Liza Brecker Kyle Brehm Zachary Brenner Emily Brew Benjamin Brody Halle Brody Tyler Brody Angela Burns Alexander Caione David Calamari Alec Carroll Mary Cecil Agatha Chamlin Claire Chang Robert Chappell Tamara Chapro Emily Chase

Marc Chase Gal Cherki Anand Chitale Soar Choi Luke Cioffi Laura Clapp Jacqueline Clark Katelyn Coburn Morgan Cochrane Kallen Cohane Annie Cohen Jessica Cohen Jordana Cohen Justin Cohen Scott Cohen Emma Coleman Jarrett Coleman Philip Conde Elizabeth Constan Andrew Constantin Emma Cooper Lilah Cooperman Samuel Cremieux Greg Crowley Caitlin D’Ambrosio Darian Darakananda Cassandra Davis Isabella Dechiario

Andrew Dell’Orto Courtney DeLong Dzaky Dharmaputra Giuliana Di Domenico Peter Dibbini Lyla Din Kate Donovan Maggie Donovan Dylan Doughty Madison Doyle Abigail Drucker Christie Du Nadja Dwyer John Eforo Griffin Elkins Kimberly Ellis Ecem Ertas Jack Esposito Maya Estrin Lauren Evans Zoe Ewing Katie Fehrenbaker Jason Feibelman Samantha Feldschuh Anya Ferris Marykate Filos Fiona Flanagan Matthew Flink Matthew Frankle Sophie Fried Sydney Frydman Hannah Fuehrer Cindy Gao William Gao Gilchrist Gasana Rachel Gee Harris Gelblum Zack Gelles Rohan Gharekhan Claire Gillespie Benjamin Giove

the ScArSdAle inquirer

Jane Glaser Lucy Glickman Leah Glucksman Ali Goksun Chloe Gold Samantha Goldman Samuel Goldstein Ashley Granieri Jonah Gray Chester Green Eleanor Grueskin Sarah Gu Rishab Gupta Charlotte Gurny Owen Hall Andrew Halperin Justin Hamra Sara Hanna Justine Harnett Shun Hayashida Jonas Hermann Lukas Hermann Zebedee Hernandez Aaron Hersch Benjamin Hezi Kate Hirsch Michael Hoffman Maeve Hogan Emily Hokin Andie Howell Christine Hu Diamond Hueston Eliot Huh Paul Hussherr Jack Ifrah Tomas Jackson Thomas Jacobson Ryan Jamil Ellis Jones Adriana Joyce Ariel Kachuro

Zachary Kapner Joey Kashanian Thatcher Kaspers Zachary Katsoff Caroline Kaufman Masashi Kawabata Allison Kaye Spencer Keats Robert Keith Caroline Kelson Mollie Kerr Curtis Kestenbaum Sabeen Khan Francis Kim Gregory Kirchoff Julia Klayman Barry Klein Sabrina Knaack Jonathan Koenig Robert Koenig Satomi Kondo Ian Konigsberg Myles Kornfeld Kyle Koslowsky Sam Kotler Robert Kramer Rohit Krishnan Sydney Kula Anna Kurien Sarah Kurien Aaron Kwok Andrew Kwok Lilian Kwok Jessica Kwong Vedin Kymal Clement Lacoudre Veronica Lago Sydney Lambert Michael Landau Alexander Lane Elizabeth Leboyer

Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2013! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best! Congratulations Class of 2010! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best!

proudofofour our graduates graduates and wish them thethe best! WeWe areare proud and with them best!

Julia Brody Jaclyn Carlin Ashton Carr Julia Coleman Max Coleman Rachel Cuomo Christina Dell’Orto Eliana Drescher

Talia Abraham Sarah Ballan Talia Abraham Daniel Bernstein Sarah Ballan Talia Abraham Daniel Bernstein Becca Bohrer Sarah Ballan Becca Bohrer David Bougard DanielDavid Bernstein Bougard Bianca Buonaguro Becca Bohrer Bianca Buonaguro Danielle Calamari David Danielle BougardCalamari Alex Cappelli Cappelli BiancaAlex Buonaguro Bernard Cheng Bernard Cheng Danielle Calamari Alexandra Cooke Alexandra Cooke Alex Cappelli Julia Diamond Julia Diamond Bernard Cheng Thomas Evans Thomas Evans Alexandra Cooke Nicholas Farago Nicholas Farago Julia Diamond Thomas Evans Nicholas Farago

Sunny Feinstein Eilis Klein Irmak Karayal Dana Knopp Irmak Karayal Max Freedman Joseph Koshakow Sarah Koch Dana Knopp Karayal Lukas Frijs-Djurhuus Irmak Dhruva Krishna Sarah Koch Nicole Lee Dana Knopp Nicole Lee Shaun-Chi Lee Brittany Gerstein Sarah Sophie KochLaruelle Shaun-Chi BrittanyLee Lerner Nicole Lee Lerner Brittany Samantha Medney Steven Gluck Joanna Lee SamanthaLee Medney Shaun-Chi Saket Mehta Saket Mehta Brittany Lerner Rebecca Goldberg Dylan Madoff Megan Myron Megan Myron Samantha Medney Alizay Naqvi Alizay Naqvi Rebecca Groner Adam Meyerson Saket Mehta Gracie Nash Gracie Nash Megan Myron Kristin O’Hara Jackie Herrero Rebecca Miller Kristin O’Hara Alizay Naqvi Alison Park Alison Park Andrew Hoofnagle Gracie JackNash Moser

Cody Fisher Elizabeth Flagg Cody Fisher Jacob Goldwasser Elizabeth Flagg CodyJacob Fisher Goldwasser Justin Goo Elizabeth Flagg Justin Goo Justin Harris Jacob Goldwasser JustinHarris Harris Sarah Justin Goo Harris Sarah Julianna Haubner Julianna Justin HarrisHaubner Eliza Herrero Eliza Herrero Sarah Harris Devin Hill Devin Hill Julianna Haubner Kevin Hill Hill ElizaKevin Herrero Doriel DorielJacov Devin Hill Jacov Nikhyl NikhylJhangiani Jhangiani Kevin Hill Johnnie Johnnie Kallas Kallas Doriel Jacov Nikhyl Jhangiani Johnnie Kallas

Kristin O’Hara Alison Park

Nicole Rodriguez Gigi Rawanduzy Sam Rovner Gigi Rawanduzy Lizzy Rubin Schwab SamJulie Rovner Gigi Rawanduzy Julie Schwab Andre Sguerra Jacob Spitzer Sam Rovner Andre Sguerra Miranda Soloff Julie Schwab Miranda Alisa Studway Jade Soloff Somboonthum Andre Sguerra Jade Somboonthum Elliot Taffet Elliot Taffet Miranda Soloff Michelle Teicher David Taub David Taub Jade Somboonthum Erik Wahlberg Erik Wahlberg Christiana Elliot Taffet Vissas Yael Wiesenfeld Yael Wiesenfeld David Taub Joshua Woolf Leo Walter Joshua Woolf Erik Wahlberg Sooyoung Sooyoung Yoo Yoo Yael Wiesenfeld Julia WellsYuh Yuh Hyun-Kyung Hyun-Kyung Joshua Woolf Sooyoung Yoo Hyun-Kyung Yuh

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

Joshua Lee Samantha Leichtner Nicholas Leone Olivia Leone Haven Lerner Tali Lesser Christopher Letizia Andrew Levin Skyler Lewis Dexin Li Matthew Li Dylan Libman Samuel Lieberman Devin Lilly Justine Lionti Michael Litton Cecilia Liu Isobel Lloyd Jillian Lohse Aidan Loten Janis Louie YuYi Lum Alexander Luna Alexander Maddon Willow Malsch Tyler Mandel Benjamin Marcus Jenna Marcus Maria Marginean Sydney Maria Emily Markowitz Heather Martin Benjamin Mayer Alexander Mazer Katelyn McCarthy Michael McCormick Cara McDermott Eliza McDonald Tanner McFarland Liam McPhillips Jillian Mehlman

Aarti Mehta Hayley Meisel Juliette Meyers Alexander Miller Michael Miller Zoe Millman Ryan Minster Kira Mintzer Taiki Mito Samuel Mittenthal Sophia Mohlulis Miku Morikuni Laura Morse Egzon Muja Mishtii Murari Brian Murphy Ayano Nagaishi Kazune Nakamae Youngwuk Nam Rebecca Newman Julia Ng Erin Nicholas Adriana Nicolaievsky Haruka Nitta Chelsea Norman Harrison Novick Milena Nutrobkina Clare O’Hara Asuka Okada Melinda Orengo Tanvi Pabby Stella Chi-Shan Pang Daniel Patrizio Sophie Pendrill Brihanna Pflaum Gavin Phillibert Carolena Pizzuti Isabella Plachter Cameron Plummer Laura Pollack Joshua Potter

G r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 1 7 A

Lisa Lawless photo

Arvind Sindhwani, Daniel Beitler and Omar Thenmalai

Brooke Powers Serena Pratt Lena Proctor Alexander Quill Nicholas Quill Dylan Quirk Joshua Radin Julia Rakoff Sophia Rangaiah Keshav Rastogi Shannon Regan Alexander Reisel Zack Ridgway Matthew Rimland Laura Rodrigues-O’Connor Emily Rodriguez Sofus Rose Alexandra Rosenberg Matthew Rosenbloom Dylan Roth

Jacob Roth Samantha Rothberg Hayley Rozencwaig Blake Ruggeri Mark Russell Joseph Saccomano Jaanvi Sachdeva Kenji Sakulrat Koji Sakulrat Allison Saltz Michael Salzinger Joshua Sarachek Emma Satin Marianne Scappaticci Spencer Schell Cooper Schneider Jonathan Schneider Gabriela Schott Rafael Schott Ethan Schreiber

Adam Schwall Emily Schwartz Jonathan Schwartz Victoria Sciortino Ishaan Shah Joshua Shaked Erica Shapse Cameron Sharlach Pamela Sharlach Andrew Shenberg Harold Sherr Chloe Shuster Blake Siegel Carolina Siekierski Christina Siekierski Jonathan Silverman Kimberly Simpson Arvind Sindhwani Harry Singer Lauren Singer Noah Sklar Arielle Soldatenko Nicole Solomon Haley Sontag Bruno Spinelli Maria Spinelli-Silva Anna Spiro Michael Spiro Foteini Spyridakos Nakul Srinivas Carolina Stainfeld Justin Staropoli Eliot Stein William Steinberg Kyle Stern Matthew Stern Jenna Stewart Jacob Stiel Jared Sugarman Brian Sussman Chloe Suzman


Congratulates the Class of 2013 And Our Own Special Graduates









Edward Svetkey Mizuki Tanaka Bradley Tatz Omar Thenmalai Solomon Thompson Lauren Titone Kristen Tse Arlen Tzamarot Ambika Venkatakrishnan Zachary Visaggi Corey Waldman Jessica Waldman Annling Wang Nathaniel Ware Josh Wasserman Kanon Watanabe Christian Waterhouse Evan Weil Seth Weinbaum Rebecca Weiss Robert Wilentz Daegan Williams Sabrina Wirth Kevin Wohlfarth Adam Wolf Lauren Wolfe Allyson Wolloch Jessica Wu Katie Yang Alison Yankou Grant Yaseen Alex York Lauren Young Alexander Yusen Karen Zaklama Mira Zelkowitz Eric Zhang David Ziman Gillian Zipursky Henry Zurkow

Congratulates the Class of 20133 Congratulates the Class of 2013 And Our Own Special Graduates Congratulates the Class of 2013

And Our Own Special Graduates And Our Own Special Graduates



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g r A d u At i o n

the ScArSdAle inquirer

Greenville School Jennifer Allen Teachers Maureen Adams, Sean Ford, Peter Khouri, Karen McGlade, Edward Salmon PrinciPal

Matthew Alexander Joey Aratingi Abigail Bender Caleb Bermejo Jake Beyer Harrison Bieber Samuel Blakley Matthew Blaustein Joshua Brooks Charlotte Brown Eliza Butler Lily Cai James Campanella Sophia Chu Averie Cohen Asha Dhakad Danielle Duffalo Zachary Erber Ethan Fang Hailey Faust

Matthew Fisch Jamie Fischer Jacob Fomin Alexandra Garcia Benjamin Gilman Zachary Goldstein Evan Greenberg Benjamin Greissman Ananya Gurumurthy Conner Haas Jonathan Hess Emma Hoesterey Daniel Huh Erin Hwong Daniel Iannuzzi Andrew Joe Matthew Kaminskas Arbaz Khan Mikayla Klein Becca Klion

Sydney Knecht David Kuriakose Kevin Lee Thomas Lee Arianne Levine Rayna Litt Christopher Liu James Lu Miranda MargulisOhnuma Thomas McKillop Bradley Mellis Jacob Meyer Max Pace Amalia Pass Dhara Patel Sana Patel Austin Perera Daniela Preldakaj Scott Rappaport

Charles Rodnick Dylan Rogers Julia Rosner Anishka Sanghavi Akaash Saraf Jaime Sarro Lindsey Sauerhaft Matthew Sayegh Fabio Scarselli Sophie Scherr Lee Schulman Lou Shibata Sei Shimojima Kylie Silverstein Ale Supriyatno Abdul Wajid Jackson Weiser Max Widmann Kohei Yasui James You

Congratulations to our graduating seniors!

lISa lawleSS photoS

Sixth-graders Evan Greenberg and Charlie Rodnick show off their principal’s certificates after Greenville’s moving up ceremony.

Sixth-grade teacher Maureen Adams congratulates Rebecca Klion as she accepts her certificate at last Friday’s moving up ceremony.

Congratulations to all the Graduates of 2013, from Kindergarten to University!

Sarah Campbell - University of Michigan

Ben Langer – SUNY Duchess

Claire Cangialosi - University of Massachusetts Amherst School of Music; dual performance and music education major

Sylvia Lustig – Tufts University


Mark Manley – University of Chicago

Scarsdale Family Doctors

Daniel Capelin – Cornell University College of Engineering Ben Cattau – Haverford College Rachel Cultice – University of Michigan Fiona Ewing – Dartmouth College Anjali Ferris - Barnard College George Frankle – University of Rochester Michael Genecin – Harvard University Issei Herr – The Juilliard School Sabrina Hilfer - Washington University (St. Louis); Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts (Architecture) Sarah Horowitz - Miami University of Ohio; School of Creative Arts (Music) and the Farmer School of Business, double major

Sophie Laruelle – Columbia University

Mel Maetzener - Oberlin Conservatory/ Oberlin College; double degree program.

Marilyn Sutton MD Ira Sutton MD

Maia Murdock – NYU, Steinhardt School of Music Michael Park – Yale University Samantha Polsky – Williams College Nathan Raab – Princeton University Sam Riessen - University of the Arts, Philadelphia (Music) Emily Rissoff – Purchase College (Studio composition) Adriano Rozental – Vassar College Daniel Sacks – Northwestern University Nina Sayles – Brandeis University Yumiko Shime – Barnard College Jamie Tanzer – Harvard University

Rebecca Klein - Oberlin Conservatory/ Oberlin College; double degree program

Howard Weisz – Cornell University College of Engineering

Emma Klein - Washington University (St. Louis) - Engineering Program

Alison Whitney - UCLA, School of Theater, Film and Television (Acting)

Emma Whitestone – Ithaca College

25 School Lane, Scarsdale, New York 10583 (914) 723-1169 • email:

Congratulations to the Class of 2013! We salute our very own graduates. Tori Porpora Drew University

Alex Ross Porpora Scarsdale High School

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d u at i o n

Seely Place School Dr. Edward Kennedy Teachers Amanda Barry, Dawn Curran, Lindsay Lugo Principal

Rahim Adams Philip Ahn Alexander Alexandrov Justin Almendra Marson Asanaj Kimberly Baumgarten Sabrina Bernstein Sophie Bertan

Sophie Bortstein Alexander Brandfonbrener Matthew Brandfonbrener Ava Brattoli William Buckser-Schulz Skylar Cheng Max Cutler Julian Darviche

Samuel Decker Sloane Egles Dalton Ero Sinalei Faulalo Bianca Ferrante Maxim Freedland Gillian Gerraught Devin Gialleonardo

Lisa Lawless photos

Seely Place sixth-graders sing their farewell song, “Dare to Dream.”

Congratulations! Hannah Fuehrer is moving up to High School and Cole Fuehrer is moving up to Middle School

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 1 9 A

Aidan Griffith Maximilian Grovit Sophia Guo Ram Gupta Katie Guttenberg Halli Herschaft Sasha Hirschheimer Laurel Ivanoski Matthew Jachemczyk Angie Jang Ghun Jung Tejas Karwa Fiona Kelly Hayne Kim Jed Kim

Anthony Langiulli Samuel Lee Guinevere Lese Nathaniel Lewis Emily Makedon Stefan Malinchoc Daniella Massa Samuel McCormack Nicholas Meglino Mina Mohammadi Phillip Orsini Ezra Palmer Julia Pisano Grayson Rosenberg Jessica Roth

Julianna Schalkwyk Heather Schneps Elena Schwartz Parth Shah Pooja Shah Max Shenkman Dhruv Sidhwani Henry Spitzer Jacob Strier Clara Sudol Rashana Weerasinghe Rachel Weisglass Alan Zhang Liliana Zimberg

Seely Place band members Hana Idrizi, Sarah Allen-Cheng, Allison Moskowitz and Phoebe AllenCheng get ready to play “Pomp and Circumstance.”

Congratulations Congratulations Class 2013 Class of 2010 Graduates Graduates From and Staff Staffofof From the the Board Board of Directors Directors and

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pA g e 2 0 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3



g r A d u At i o n

the ScArSdAle inquirer

Edgewood School

Fox Meadow School

Scott Houseknecht Teachers Marilyn Blackley, Cora Five, Michael Gluck and Michele Tyrrell


Duncan Wilson Teachers Sarah Berger, Sydney Lipez, Kate Marshall, Stephanie Pinto and Crystal Trani


tracy mccarthy photoS

Cheers erupt as the Edgewood moving up ceremony comes to a close. In back: Jacob Bitterman, Liam Cochrane, Anne Conlan, Nana Kumangai; in middle: Gabriella Rub, Sarah SIlverman, Eric Donohue, Rei Nagano; in front: Gillian Zitrin, Ethan Chang, Anna Donovan, Vishnu Srinivas

Madison Amoriello Stuart Andersen Devin Ankeney Alan Arias Aimee Azambuya-Skoupy Sara Bali Ward Bandsma Caitlin Barotz Jacob Bitterman Olivia Bryant Sophie Carroll Ethan Cheng Jack Cioffi Liam Cochrane Melissa Cohen Anne Conlan Stephanie Cuomo Katie Del Guercio Samuel Denison Takatoshi Doi Eric Donohue Anna Donovan

Jenny Durgaj Yuka Endo Sophia Franco Cole Fuehrer Richard Gao Victor Gao Sebastian Hagenbuch Ines Hall James Heffner Felicity Huang Kayla Hunt Markus Johansson Zachary Kempin Nana Kumagai Sophia Laaraj Charles Lau Aiyana Lebron Brendan Lee Parker Lewis Depei Li Deyuan Li

kayla hunt, Sophia laaraj, meghan quirk, gabrielle rub and katie delgurcio celebrate at the reception following edgewood’s moving up ceremony.

George Liu Jessie Liu Dean Mancini Katherine McCarthy Aidan McPhillips Zachary Medvinsky Tyler Miller Sayaka Mito Rei Nagano William Olsen Takumi Osaki Thomas Peckett Anna Pollock Ellen Pollock Nathalie Quintana Meghan Quirk Gabriella Rub Nikolay Sahakyan Sophia Salazar Joseph Samuels Hannah Sanders Jacob Sanders Luke Schur Spencer Sheppe Evan Shire Sarah Silverman Jack Silvers Henry Simonds Vishnu Srinivas Suzuka Takeuchi Jordan Titone Jacob Traumer Sophia Trujillo Sophia Verrelli Fisher Waterhouse Ayuka Yamaguchi Gillian Zitrin

Pragya Ajmera Eri Akasaka Anisa Alvanza Shoen Amidor Deviki Arora Alex Arovas Patrick Artes Vladimir Asriev Lisa Asriev Jacob Binyaminov Justin Blieden Connor Bowes Lucy Brenner Mannix Castro Leela Chari Magan Chin Anton Daire Amelie Daire Isabella deCastro Jacob Faierman Jennifer Farfel Emma Feldman Sam Feldman Daniel Flink Samuel Flomberg Lukas Forsingdal Taylor Fry Ami Fujii Paul Funk Isabela George Andrew Gerstenblatt Emma Glaser Danielle Goldman Jack Greenspan Rose Hanish Sayako Hatanaka Mira High Rena Hirose Thomas Hoffman Matthew Hoffman Ashley Hu Timothee Hussherr Magdalena Inirio-Akuetey Ayden Jacov

Dylan Jansky Ishaan Kannan Diego Kaune Ty Kawamura Kelly Kim Megan Kraut Daniel Krevitt Lily Kronenberg Edward Li Jordana Love Sophie Maddon Justin Mandel Joshua Mandel Kayla Maroney Chikako Matsuura Rebecca Maude David Miller Lucas Miranda Andrew Morin Haruki Nakamae Satofumi Nakamura Olivia Otsuka Brooke Paykin Matthew Pollack George Primoff Anne Radin Caroline Roberts Katherine Roberts Talia Rozencwaig

Jacob Rozencwaig Ben Rubin Alexa Rupe Tarif Sabur Jayshen Saigal Yumi Sawabe Grant Schechtman Luke Schmitter Leila Shelon Holly Shuster Elizabeth Seider Phoebe Silverton Jacob Sinclair Jessica Solodar Harry Song Kayla Song Zoe Sussman Rachel Swartz Yuri Takamatsu Oscar Tirabassi Samantha Vleck Kevin Walker Hope Walker Benjamin Wang Seth Weil Brian Yang Brandon Yazdi Lauren Zou

Sarah SIlverton photoS

Kevin Walker, Seth Weil, Josh Mandel, Justin Blieden, Jayshen Saigal and Schoen Amidor celebrated afterward.

Jordana Love, Emma Glaser and Phoebe Silverton relive the year through their yearbooks.

the ScArSdAle inquirer



g r A d u At i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — pA g e 2 1 A

Greenacres School

Heathcote School

Gerry Young Teachers Mitch Crasson, Jack Dean, Jeremy Guski


Maria Stile Teachers Christine Boyer, Trent DeBerry, Cristal Edwards


Jenna Ah Hee Veronica Belloso Tara Bleustein Liat Blumenfeld Michael Callahan Luke Carnicelli Aryan Chitale Eliza Cosell Katherine Dabbar Anika Dhuri Yihan Du Nicole Dweck Ian Fischer Joshua Fisher Nicholas Flint Samuel Friedman Megan Galbo Ethan Gates Hannah Goldman

Brandon Harnett Samantha Hirschhorn Sam Holliday Thorri Jonsson Adam Kanowitz Zoe Kleinman Abigail Lefkowitz Julie Leichtner Matthew Lipsay Lynne Mahoney Spencer Martin Reza Merchant Jack Mintzer Andie Novenstein Ethan Quirke Richard Rakoff Henry Ridgway Samantha Rosenberg Samantha Seibold

Maya Shaked Elizabeth Shawn Matthew Shepetin Sara Shepetin Ariella Shulman Olivia Silberstein Noah Smith John Solie Justin Su Jordan Tepper Jared Tuchman Hanna Usami Sara Vatanapradi Catherine Ward Dylan Wasserberger Michael Wong Kelly Zhu Jonathan Ziman

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean photoS

Sophisticated Greenacres girls show off their dance moves at their end-of-year ceremony and party.

Frederico Azeredo Maeve Bellesheim Olivia Boccia Griffin Bosco Sophia Caione Victoria Capobianco Craig Carroll Lucy Cecil Wyatt Coleman Theodore Constan Jayden Cyzner Daniela Dawson Aisling Doherty John Dowd Bridget Foley Tamara Gee Brett Goldstein Molly Grand Sophie Grand Riya Gupta

Sophia Hajjar Caroline Higgins Kelsy Hogan Samantha Jahrmarkt Hudson Jakubowicz Benjamin Kaller Margaret Kantor Benjamin Kashar Amanda Kornfeld Tarun Krishnan Piper LaFayette Joshua Landgarten Henry Lazarus Calvin Lee Isabella Lelis Gabriel Lesser Jocelyn Lewis Eve Mainster Hudson Malsch Helen Marino Aidan McKenna

Sophia Caione, Aidan McKenna and Victoria Capobianco

Rachel Meiselman Charlotte Meyers Hunter Nurse Harry Parks Margaret Parks Daniela Paz Conner Raff Damian Rode Anna Rodriguez Jake Rosen Chloe Schneider Jessica Schneider Mia Scholl Ted Shearer Michelle Singer Ryan Smith Jeremy Steinschraber Maki Takeda Lisa Thurman Evan Worth

Fifth-graders bid a tuneful farewell to their elementary days.

Sammy Rosenberg, Tara Bluestein, Sammy Seibold, Olivia Silberstein, Jordan Tepper and Maya Shaked get together one more time after moving up at Heathcote School June 18.

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g r A d u At i o n

the ScArSdAle inquirer

Quaker Ridge School Robyn Lane Teachers Suzanne Burns, Robyn Cohn, Zulmira Muzzio, Amy Kenney, Mark Winston PrinciPal

Dennis Alter Isa Ameen Anna Barrett Isha Bedi Ashley Berson Charles Beveridge Ilai Blaustein Christos Bobolakis John Bobolakis Ryan Braun Alison Chaun Wolf Cukier Bridget Dibbini William Dundon Sarina Fard Abigail Fehrenbaker Alexa Feldschuh Angela Ferrigno Luke Fisher Adam Freihofner

Kathleen Full-Baudeneau Matthew Gaskin Rishabh Gharekhan Nicole Gibson Joseph Gindi Ava Girardi David Glantz Dean Glucksman Caroline Greenhouse Jay Greenwald Kasmira Gupta Samantha Hausman Isabella Higdon Marc Ifrah Evan Kashanian Daniel Katcher Megan Katchis Charlotte Kelson Aliza Klein Oliver Krohn Isabel Lago

Natalia Lago Jake Lawrence Nicholas Lee Ford Lenchner Nicole Lerner Benjamin Li Alec Ludwig David Matusz Jacob McEvoy Michael Mikelis Padmasri Narayanan Mariana Niccheri Rafael Niccheri Michelle Wing-Shan Pang Federica Passaretta Brian Plattus Jordan Price Nicole Prince Alexander Rapaport Thomas Reynolds

Thiago Rocha Jacob Rosenthal Benjamin Rossano Ian Rothenberg Christopher Saenger Jason Sarachek Elizabeth Scarcella Samantha Scheffler Riley Schneider Joshua Seltzer Ari Sontag Jordan Stein Ariel Stern Josh Strassberg Julia Strong Matthew Sussman Chloe Thomas Sarah Tretler Zachary Wang Julia White

tracI dutton ludwIg photoS

Tom Reynolds, Jacob Rosenthal and Alec Ludwig visit students’ Capstone research presentations, presented in the school library.

The Scarsdale Inquirer Congratulates the Class of 2013 especially Daniel Borkenstein and Dylan Levine, winners of the 2013 Scarsdale Inquirer Award for Journalistic Excellence

Abby Fehrenbaker and Aliza Klein

and our own special graduates: Megan Gilpin, Scarsdale High School, daughter of Carrie and Ted Gilpin Ryan MacLean, Bard College, BA, music performance and composition, son of Mary and Jim MacLean Jackson Rezen, Pascack Valley High School, son of Ann Marie and Jim Rezen

Megan Gilpin

Ryan MacLean

Jackson Rezen

The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418 • 14 Harwood Court, Suite 510, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500 •

marIa gIlbrIde photo

Immaculate Heart of Mary School In back: School principal Patricia Gatti, Justin Martin; second row: Jessica Olivieri, Josephine Sasso, Victoria Pereira, Paige Gilbride, Grace Connelly, Dane Gesang, Catherine O’Connor, Iain Pile, Katherine Rex, Josh Steffes, Sonali Rai, Enrique Curbelo, Monsignor John Ferry, Joan Consentino; in front: Mia DelBene, Mariah Williams, Juliana Ferrara, Kayla Castro, Julia Gayenelo, Stephanie Lawlor, Crystal Mew, Sachi Penha, Sister Dorothy DeYoung

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 2 3 A

Prom Night Scarsdale High School Scarsdale’s soon-to-be graduates posed with their dates and friends at a school reception before heading off to dance the night away at the Surf Club in New Rochelle. Peter Simon and Abby Stone

beverly picker photo

Emma Bernstein, Chelsea Berk, Olivia Gatto, Casey Vinder, Bibi Rawanduzy and America Richmond

Julia Ferrigno

Ana Hall at the sign-in table

Julie Parisi, Megan Katz and Mayra DeGouveia

Jason Thurm, Matty Ellman, Rahul Shah, Evan Hendel, Jonathan Rush, Jason Henderson and Max Grippo

Amanda Reed and Dylan Lobue

Tina Pizzuti with her date Joe Angilletta


Adam Elkaim and Holly Brokerhoff

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G r a d u at i o n

ThE scarsdale inquirer

Prom Night Edgemont High School Edgemont seniors showed off their prom finery for the cameras at the traditional pre-prom party before heading off to the Glen Island Harbor Club in New Rochelle June 7. Liz Salshutz photo

Jennifer Scharf, Emily Litt, Melissa Onorato, Emma Kantor, Gabrielle Simmons, Karen Salshutz and Jirah Loo

Anita Borkenstein photo

Haylie Gordon and Daniel Borkenstein

Ingrid Caserta photo

Brandon Barr and Ellen McAlpine

Liz LaReau-Berkman photo

Sydney Berkman and Trey Aslanian

Ingrid Caserta photo

Ross Kantov, Jason Worobon, Ben Levy

Luke Pottenger photo

(Back): Michael Perlman, Brendan Freedman, Spencer Adler, Nick Pottenger, Danny Borkenstein, Ross Kantor, Cole Chidekel, Kyle Longo and Jack Moser. (Front): Michael Rothstein, Isaac Kirschner, Adam Meyerson, Dylan Levine and Jared Weiss

Max Coleman, Alexa Goldberg, Jacqueline Aboulafia, Andrew Vasquez

the ScArSdAle inquirer

g r A d u At i o n

College & university

Graduates American University * Rebecca Gordon, BA elementary education, cum laude

Amy Beth Magaletti Colorado College Jeremy Bohrer, BS physics Columbia University Matthew Salant, BA economics & political science, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa

Fordham College at Lincoln Center Morgan Gattegno, BA political science, Pi Sigma Alpha honor society Fordham University * Isabel Brodsky, MA international political economy & development, Sigma Iota Rho honor society

Connecticut College Ellen Nadel, BA high honors Ben Zacharia, BA high honors Cornell University School of Engineering Jacqueline Gonzalez, BS magna cum laude

Christopher Clark Boston University *Sandor Aaron Mark, BA cum laude, English & philosophy, departmental honors Ryan Miller, BA political science Brown University *Nell Brodsky, BA political science, magna cum laude, Philo Sherman Prize, Pi Sigma Alpha honor society

Schechter Westchester

Emory University Goizueta School of Business Chloe R. Cohen, BBA accounting & finance, with distinction

Amherst College * Christina Herrero, BA political science & Spanish Boston College Alicia Battistoni, BA communication, magna cum laude Kerry Cotter, MA education research, measurement and evaluation Charissa Jones, BA communication Michael Naughton, BA philosophy, summa cum laude

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Drew University Victoria Porpora, BA Duke University * Nicole Adler, BA public policy * Jeremy Silkowitz, MBA Eckerd College * Richard Meyers, BA international business & Spanish with honors; Phi Beta Kappa, International Business Award, Omicron Delta Kappa

a team approach to

Bucknell University Sara Dobosh, BA English & psychology, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Chi honor society

Colette di Lauro George Washington University Nicole Rfajac, BA communications & psychology Harvard University Laura Guggenheimer BA social studies, magna cum laude Holy Cross George Perrotta, BA Kenyon College * Maggie Drain, BA history, summa cum laude, Robert L. Baker Prize, Alan G. Goldsmith Prize Lafayette College Gregory Dietz, BA geology Todd Leone, BA economics and business Lauren Puhala, BA policy studies Adam Rabin, BA history, summa cum laude

personalized college advising

Colgate University Aaron Newman physics, cum laude

Daniel S. Weinstein

Continued on page 26A

a team approach to ▪ Leslie Berkovits personalized college advising

▪ Ellen Golden a team approach to

▪ Lillian Hecht

Congratulations ▪ Nancy Michaels Class ▪ofLisa2013 Rodman

personalized college advising

▪ Leslie Berkovits

Congratulates the Class of 2013 Evan Ashley Josh Becker Joseph Beerman Adam Russell Billig Rachel Ariel Book Ben Bronstein Isaac Samuel Chabon Brooke Rachel Cowen Joel Michael Eliach Tifany Shirel Elmalem Hannelora Rose Everett Bennett Harris Feuerstein Gabriel Isaac Fischler Jesse C. Flores Michael Franklin Ari Jonathan Friedman Daniel Raphael Friedman

Ariel Shira Gershon David Brad Gessler

Brianna Emily Gitnik Alana Glatstein Mandy Gottlieb Beth Lea Green Shira Guedalia Sagie Haziza Russ Jesse Israel Arielle Katz Michael Koshakow Ziv Menashe Kraus Sarah Ilyse Landau Elana Leichter Maggie Lloyd Aaron Garber Mallenbaum Raquel Leah Malta Harrison Maxwell Palefsky Emily Rachel Panken Zachary Etan Platek Julianna Rosenberg

Our students will be attending the following colleges, universities, and programs in Israel: American University Barnard College Bergen Community College Binghamton University Cornell University Dartmouth College Emory University Fashion Institute of Technology Indiana University at Bloomington Lehigh University Mount Holyoke College Muhlenberg College New York University Oberlin College Princeton University School of Visual Arts Skidmore College

State University of New York at Albany State University of New York at New Paltz SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at Oneonta The University of the Arts Tufts University Tulane University Union College University at Buffalo The State University of New York University of Chicago University of Delaware University of Maryland, College Park University of Miami University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania

▪ Ellen Golden

Leslie Berkovits ▪Ellen Lillian Hecht Nancy Michaels Rodman ▪ Lillian Lisa Hecht LeslieGolden Berkovits ▪ Ellen Golden ▪ Nancy Michaels 914-282-3820 ▪ Lillian Hecht

▪ Lisa Rodman

▪ Nancy Michaels ▪ Lisa Rodman


Ethan Rosler Hannah Roth Michael David Rothman Corey Rozenblat Zachary Wyatt Schutt Yarden Shaked Jordan A. Shasha Daniel Shemen Natalie Shemen Samuel Aaron Siegel Nathaniel Hugo Spilka Hannah Steinberg Dov Joseph Szeinuk Jordan Philip Viana Nicholas Burton Wein Geoffrey Weinstock Ariana Weintraub Howard Mark Weisz Talia Wolfson Michaela Yaakobovitch Sydney Yarom

University of South Carolina Vanderbilt University University of Wisconsin, Madison Williams College Yale University Yeshiva University Gap Year Programs Midreshet HaRova Nativ Young Judea

pA g e 2 6 A — J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3

g r A d u At i o n

the ScArSdAle inquirer

College & university Courtney Kaplan


Continued from 25A Lafayette College Derek Sigler, BA economic and business/ geology Lehigh University * Colette DiLauro, BS civil engineering

Emily Bauersfeld

Marist College Dina Dimartino, BA psychology/education Sky Michaels, MPA Middlebury College * Michael Morris, BA economics, magna cum laude, John P. Stabile memorial trophy, NESCAC sportsmanship award

Isabel Brodsky

New York University * Zak Millman music theory and composition

Stanford University Jacob Portes, BA physics and philosophy

University of Delaware Danielle Pack, BS cognitive science

Tufts University Carly Boxer, BA art history, magna cum laude, Madeline Caviness Prize * Daniel Weinstein, BA political science and community health, summa cum laude, Pi Sigma Alpha

University of Maryland Nina Cooperman, BA government and politics

Tulane University School of Architecture Julia Fishman, MA Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business Galee Kalikow, BS

Northwestern University * Emily Bauersfeld, BA environmental sciences, dean’s list

Union College Gregory Bel, BA political science Jeffrey Ehrlich, BS mechanical engineering Jason Hargreaves, BS mechanical engineering

St. George’s Medical School *Justin M. Finn, MD

University of Colorado * Marc Hassan, MS civil engineering

Marcus Moretti

University of Miami Josh Levy, BS marine science & biology, honors

Western New England University *Molly Kalisch, BA psychology; minor, criminal justice Wheaton College (Mass.) *Amy Beth Magaletti, BA studio art Widener Law School Daniel Baum, JD

University of Michigan Andrew Drozdov, BS computer science engineering

Williams College Emily Steinberg, BA political economy & art history, cum laude

University of Pennsylvania Ethan Ross, BA economics & philosophy, summa cum laude

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Jonathan Ng, BS mechanical engineering

University of Virginia * Miles Kirwin, BA economics & religious studies

Yale University * Courtney Kaplan, BA global affairs with distinction, magna cum laude * Nikita Lalwani, BA with distinction, Theron Rockwell Field Prize * Marcus Moretti, BA English

Vanderbilt University * Christopher Clark, BS human & organizational development, dean’s list Weill Cornell Medical College Jennifer Salant, MD

* Pictured

Justin Finn

Molly Kalisch

Miles Kirwin

Marc Hassan

Michael Morris

Maggie Drain

Laura Guggenheimer

Christina Herrero

Nikita Lalwani

Nell Brodsky

Nicole Adler

Richard Meyers

Zak Millman

Rebecca Gordon

Sandor Mark


A special section of The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500

Class of


Publisher Deborah G. White

Section Editor Linda Leavitt

Editorial Assistants Carrie Gilpin, Debbie Anders, Spencer Serling

Ad Sales Thomas O’Halloran, Barbara Yeaker, Marilyn Petrosa, Francesca Lynch Cover photo by Jim MacLean A SpeciAl Section of the ScArSdAle inquirer June 28, 2013

Jeremy Silkowitz

©2013 S.I. Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the Publisher’s written permission.

Art Director Kathy Potter

T h E s c a r s d a l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d u at i o n

J u n e 2 8 , 2 0 1 3 — Pa g e 2 7 A

Gabriel Bellovin University of Kansas, B.A. Communications Son of Ilene Bellovin

Anthony Belmonte Eastchester Middle School Son of Maria Belmonte

Joseph Belmonte Eastchester Middle School Son of Maria Belmonte

Darren Breda Pace University, Lubin School of Business Son of Denise Breda

Rachel Brissette Mamaroneck High School Daughter of Robert Brissette

Jayden Cassese Chapel School, Bronxville Son of Keisha Cassese Grandson of Patricia Cassese

Sophia Cassese Princeton Pre School Granddaughter of Patricia Cassese

John Carlo Dossantos Louis M. Klein Middle School Son of Dawn DosSantos

Marissa Haber Columbia Teachers College Masters, Inclusive Education Daughter of Linda Haber

Brittany Gerstein Scarsdale High School Daughter of Mindy Gerstein

Daniel Manson Scarsdale High School Son of Angela Manson

Max Pace Greenville Elementary School Son of Elyse Pace

Jacob Strier Seely Place Elementary School Son of Wendi Black Strier

Allyson Werner Ardsley Middle School Daughter of Natalie Werner

Lauren Wolfe Scarsdale Middle School Daughter of Sheri Wolfe

Max Henry Winaker Albert Einstein Academy Grandson of Sherry Mendelson

4 Chase Road, sCaRsdale 914.723.5225 • 140 ChatswoRth avenue, laRChmont 914.834.7777


Congratulations To Our Graduates

Virginia K. Arlt Daughter of Lewis Arlt Seattle Pacific University

Atara & Zachary Bienenfeld Daughter in-law & Son of Vicki Bienenfeld Yeshiva University

Ian Chochrek Son of Nancy Chochrek Grandson of Joan Shaw Highlands Middle School

Danielle Chapro Daughter of Karen Chapro Scarsdale High School

Tamara Chapro Daughter of Karen Chapro Scarsdale Middle School

Greg Dietz Son of Linda Dietz Lafayette College

Elizabeth DiBlasi Step-Daughter of Lewis Arlt New York University

Matthew Dorf Son of Leslie Dorf American University

Allison Dumke Daughter of William Dumke University of Richmond

Alexandra Emmerman Daughter of Hillary Emmerman Scarsdale High School

Bradley Ezratty Son of Elena Ezratty Duke University

Adam Kanowitz Son of Alissa Kanowitz Heathcote Elementary

Erick Koenig Grandson of Helen Libson Briarcliff Manor Middle School

Devin Lilly Son of Michele Lilly Grandson of Lucy Luciani Scarsdale Middle School

Peter Miller Son of Laura Miller The Harvey Middle School

Michael Miller Son of Matthew Miller Scarsdale Middle School

Tyler Miller Son of Matthew Miller Edgewood Elementary School

Ryan Miller Son of Matthew Miller Edgewood Kindergarten

C. Graham Peterson Grandson of Lynne and Merrell Clark Conifer High School

A. Lynne Peterson Granddaughter of Lynne and Merrell Clark Hobart & William Smith Colleges

Jaclyn Michelle Quartner Daughter of Jan Quartner Vanderbilt University

Adam Schwall Son of Cindy Schwall Scarsdale Middle School

Erica Shapse Daughter of Joanne Shapse Scarsdale Middle School

Spencer Sheppe Son of Julie Sheppe Edgewood Elementary

Jessica Smith Granddaughter of Fran Buehler Mahopac High School

Arielle Soldatenko Daughter of Avital Soldatenko Scarsdale Middle School

Abigail Stone Granddaughter of Sheila Stone Scarsdale High School

Nehan Sheth Son of Bela Sheth Scarsdale High School

Danielle Tanner Daughter of Janice Tanner Solomon Schechter Middle School

Bridget Stone Granddaughter of Sheila Stone Edgemont Middle School

Renee Stone Granddaughter of Sheila Stone Edgemont Middle School

Jackson Stone Grandson of Sheila Stone Edgemont High School

Scarsdale Brokerage 914.723.8877 •

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