Scarsdale Inquirer Graduation 2014

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Class of 2014

A S p ec i a l S ec t i o n o f T h e S c a r s da l e I n q u i r e r J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

Pag e 2 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s ca r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Congratulations Graduates!

Andrew Balamaci Villanova University Son of Caryn Balamaci

Alexander Constantin Babson College Son of Jennifer Constantin

Ryan Dany Fox Meadow Elementary Granddaughter of Joan Cohn

Ben Englander Edgemont High School Grandson of Simone Englander

Cody Garrett Ithaca College Son of Celia M. Garrett

Noelle-Nicole Hambas Westchester Community College Daughter of Martie Hambas

Michael Harrigan Anne Hutchinson Elementary Son of Nuala Harrigan

Shelby Howell Scarsdale High School Daughter of Shane Howell

Rebecca Jacobs Scarsdale High School Daughter of Mary Jacobs

Madeline Judge* The Ursuline School Daughter of Christine Oakley Judge

Austin Knief Clark University Son of Dawn Knief

Grant Knief Scarsdale High School Son of Dawn Knief

Rebecca Lester Parsons The New School for Design Daughter of Leslie Shemin-Lester

Andrea Nehorayoff American University Daughter of Andre Nehorayoff

Samantha Rothberg The Courtauld Institute of Art-London Daughter of Denise Rothberg

Andrew Sisti Fordham Preparatory School Son of Gina Bough Sisti

Clara Spitz Montessori de Terra Linda Elementary Granddaughter of Hilda Spitz

Alexandra “Ali” T. Greco The Little School Daughter of Tara Tolan Greco & Granddaughter of Mary Ellen Tolan

Ian Weiss Edgemont Junior High School Son of Andrea Kessler Weiss

Jacob Weiss Edgemont High School Son of Andrea Kessler Weiss

*picture courtesy of Christopher Pope Photography scarsdale brokerage • 28 CHASE rOAD • 914.725.3305 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

Stephen Weiss Edgemont High School Son of Andrea Kessler Weiss

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d uat i o n

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 3 A

Class of 2014

Staying connected, engaged and critical 2014 from the beginning.” History teacher Alana Calder. Blue ribbons on the graduClaussen jokingly lamented the “pressure ates’ gowns honored the class’s loss. “Some on graduation speakers to be funny” and of us never had the opportunity to truly the year’s lack of natural disasters and stu- share a conversation with Tyler or Alana. dent misbehavior, which usually provided But through talking to their friends, going to the events celebrating their lives and listhe material for jokes. Class president Christopher D’Silva out- tening to stories about them, we all felt a lined the actions and evolution of the grad- tremendous sense of loss. We were all able uating class. With confidence and humor to understand and feel how much they are truly missed.” D’Silva athe elaborated on qualities tributed such empathy he thought made the class to the class of 2014 being of 2014 unique in recent made up of open-mindyears: activity, commued individuals, not just nity and open mindedgroup oriented ones. ness. “We were one of the Finally, the class presimost active classes that dent expressed hesitathis school has seen in tion at losing this sense quite a while. If you don’t of community but still believe me, ask anyone offered words of encouron the faculty: they’ll eiagement: “Sure, Facether agree with me or lie book means you can to you.” For the 2014 graduates, never escape the past, but activities took the form with a past like this let’s of clubs, fundraisers and not try to escape it: let’s class events, such as outbuild on it.” Matt Neidig door movie nights that beWith the close of this gan with a third of the class in attendance. speech, relatives raised cameras, iPhones In their final year, the class production of and iPads as McGill called out each name “Grease” and the prom were “monumental and principal Kenneth Bonamo handed successes.” each graduate his or her diploma. And how But it was not possible to dwell on the did the graduates themselves feel? “It was a successes without remembering those long journey but it feels great,” said Allie who should have graduated with them. [Alexandra] Lonner. “It’s amazing,” added In the middle of his speech Chris D’Silva Matt Neidig. “It feels like I’ve completed a paused to acknowledge Tyler Madoff and major step in my life. It’s really awesome.”

“It feels like I’ve completed a major step in my life. It’s really awesome.”

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean

Class president Chris D’Silva



Class of 2011

he clapping and shouts of family members accompanied the procession of graduates onto Dean Field last Friday morning, June 27. The Scarsdale High School Band played “Pomp and Circumstance” as the students filed into their seats and then sang the national anthem. Scarsdale Board of Education president Suzanne Seiden welcomed the graduates, their friends and family members. She commended the members of the class of 2014 for their accomplishments in both academics and extracurriculars “even while you were sneaking off campus to Lange’s freshman year.” At the end of their Scarsdale education, “in many ways the most directed environment you will experience,” Seiden urged the graduates to remember the high school motto “non sibi,” not for one’s self, as they move into new lives where “you will have far more choice, far more power to decide who and what you want to be.” This year’s graduates were not the only ones to be leaving Scarsdale public schools. Friday also marked the official retirement of Dr. Michael McGill after 16 years as superintendent of Scarsdale schools. In his final address, McGill drew multiple connections between himself and the students assembled. Having grown up in Chappaqua,

McGill confessed that, as a young person, he thought of education as a simple means to an end: a college degree and unspecified employment. “I learned what I learned because I had to learn it and very little of it had any meaning.” Such a thought is not completely alien to Scarsdale students. Although at some point students may view their time in high school as merely a means to an end, McGill reminded the graduates that “the education you’ve experienced at Scarsdale public schools is second to none. I hope it’s helped you to become a thinking, questioning, contributing adult. If so, then you understand why all Americans should have the kind of education you’ve had. And if not, that’s all the more reason for you to dedicate yourself to the dream of an education that is an excellent public education for all.” Unremitting dedication was a viable theme throughout the rest of the ceremony. Introducing the class advisers of 2014, Carina Spiro, the head of the student cabinet, acknowledged the support of Oren Iosepovici and Kendra Claussen: “From struggling with attendance at freshman class events, to being at every football game, to organizing prom and the senior class play, Dean Iosepovici and Mrs. Claussen have been with the class of

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean

Stella Emvula gets a congratulatory hug from class advisor Kendra Claussen after receiving the Henry D. Thoreau Award.

Pag e 4 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

scarsdale high school Taishi Abe Jacob Aboodi Elizabeth Adler Mauricio Aguirre Sayeef Alam Lauren Alpert Katherine Amalfitano Adam Amron Joshua Annex Solange Azor Taylor Babbitt Haley Baker Kathryn Barletta Natalie Bederman Brian Beitler Victoria Beizer Clara Belk Madison Bell-Rosof Joshua Ben-Ami Isabella Benchetrit Margo Bender Alex Benitez Ferreira Zoe Berg Chelsea Berk Sam Berkson Frederick Berl Eric Berman Emma Bernstein Jay Bernstein James Beveridge Pranav Bhatnagar Alexandra Birenbaum Matthew Blakley Charlotte Blatt Ethan Blitstein George Bobolakis

Class of 2014

Sophia Cappelli Margaret Carforo Hallie Carmen Wyatt Chamlin Nicholas Chan Angela Chang Maleeha Chida Boeun Choi Nicholas Cioffi Helen Clapp Ryan Cohane Lindsey Cohen Sarah Cohen Rochelle Cohn Mark Colbran Charlotte Constan Hannah Cooperman Julia Cotter Tamara Covil Zachary Cromwell Andrew Cukierwar Laura Cutlip Christopher D’Silva Jishnu Datta Alejandro de la Garza Danielle Dechiario Katherine Demina Daniel Demopoulos Eric Deutsch Prajjalita Dey Meera Dheer Elyssa Diamond Veronica Dickson LaRotta Gabriela Dowling Xinxin Du Anna Dursztman

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean

Alex Benitez

Greta Bodine Molly Bookner Philip Brand Samuel Brechtel Preston Brehm Julia Brown Robert Burns Sarah Cammarata Benjamin Candell Leah Cannon Sydney Cantor

Evan Dweck Sarah Elkins Andrew Elsner Rebecca Elsner Stella Emvula Yusuke Endo Michelle Engelhard Gabrielle Epemolu Danielle Esses Michael Esses Jenna Evans

Alexandra Faegenburg Cecilia Faringer-Pérez Jonathan Faust Alberto Fedeli Nicole Feibelman Eric Feinstein Julia Feldstein James Felix Jessica Ferrara Nicolai Ferraris Laura Feyer Samuel Fisch Ryan Friedel Rachel Fuhrman Bruce Gao Diane Garcia Melinda Garcia Olivia Gatto Alexander Gaujean Gabrielle Gaujean Annie Gevertz Erica Gindi Dylan Givner Molly Glass Benjamin Goebel Phillip Goldberg Reed Goldberg Dana Goldstein Isaac Goluboff Grant Goodman Lewis Gottlieb Nora Gray Tian Green Abby Greenberg Carina Gupta Daniel Harris Justin Harris Cameron Hawkins Jacqueline Hebner Benjamin Hecht Michela Hendell Emma Henderson Marc Hersch Yuta Hirano Madison Hirsh Max Holliday Kate Howard Shelby Howell Kung-Tao Huang Kavon Hueston Rachel Hurst Jennifer Jacobowitz Rebecca Jacobs Harrison Jennings Alexander Johnson Hunter Jurman Matthew Kanner John Kantor Brittany Kaplan Samuel Kaplan Chloe Karp Stefanie Katsoff Matthew Katz Sara Katz Joshua Kaufman Devon Kerr Raza Khan Michael Kim Michael Kim Edward Kirwin III Gabrielle Kishner Noah Klayman Joshua Klein Joshua Klein Kyra Kline Caroline Knapp Grant Knief

Rachel Kober Pamela Kosofsky Krsna Kothari Zubin Koticha Natsu Kumagai Ian Kurlan Robert Kwong Viveka Kymal Monica Langer Emma Lanvy Andreas Larsen Claudia Laurie Megan Lee Jacob Lenchner Jeffrey Leone Matthew Levin Allison Levy Steven Lewis Lauren Lilly Alexander Lin Chung-Ming Lin Gaia Linfield David Lipsitz Michael Lipsitz Rachel Litton Phillip Liu Alexandra Lonner Sterling Lusk Sydney Malsch Jillian Manzino Sarah Mar Zachary Marcus Niels Mariager Nicholas Marino Daniel Markowitz Sophia Marques Maxwell Maude Mark McCarthy Rohan Mehta Alison Melnick Keith Mermelstein Alexandra Miller David Minster Paige Mittenthal Christopher Moetell Zachary Month Ryan Morgan Samuel Moseley Gledis Muja Audrey Nadler Alexandria Natarajan Daniel Needham Matthew Neidig Ilana Newman Jacob Newman Carlos Nicolaievsky Michelle Nista Eli Nobler Melanie Norman Shuji Okuda Olufemi (Dare) Olaifa Angelo Olcese Briana Orrico Rajat Palekar Marc Papandreadis Alexa Pappas Julia Paranyuk Adam Parks Connor Pascale David Pejovic Rachael Pflaum Cristi Pizzuti Jordan Planit Jay Pochiraju Brett Pogostin Michelle Pooran Cameron Potter

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean

Andreas Larson, Jacob Schechner and Aazum Shaikh

Jonathan Potter Rebecca Primoff Sarah Pullman Andrea Quartner Alex Rakoff Makoto Raku Archana Ram Tara Ramachandran Biane Rawanduzy Dana Reegen Jamie Regan Lindsey Repp William Ressler America Richmond Samantha Riina Elisa Rodriguez Bianca Rogoff Lindsay Rokito Adam Rolison Olivia Romano Julia Ross Julia Roth Annina Saccomano Kunal Sahai Ivan Sakkal Oliver Samwick Anthony Scarcella Jacob Schechner Jesse Schreiber Grayson Schutzman Frank Schwall IV Danielle Schwartz Brandon Schweikert Yuki Sekine Vidal Serfaty Armaan Shah Aazum Shaikh Kalila Shapiro Lauren Shapse Daniel Sheinbaum Chelsea Shemesh Amelia Sherman Elizabeth Sherr Molly Siegrist Matthew Silfin Samantha Silverman Jessica Simon Eric Singer Erika Smith Chloe Soares Nikhil Sodhi Kyle Son

Justine Souchack Carina Spiro Tyler Staffin Lindsey Stewart Carolyn Strauch Charli Suchin Rikitaro Suzuki Aron Szanto Shoshana Tamir Joseph Taranto Caitlyn Taxter Ingrid Teuber Noah Thaler Dewan Thenmalai Carine Torres Colette Torres Benjamin Ulene Taiki Umehara Jennifer Vento Paolo Verzani Lucas Vieira Casey Vinder Marleina Walter Lauren Wang Julie Watiker Emily Weiler Shelli Weiler Jack Weingrad Emma Weinstein Jamie Weinstein Kate Wetchler Nicholas Wheeler Winston Wilson Catherine Wines Jack Wines Alexa Winowsky Joshua Winward Samuel Winward Connor Wolfe Rachel Wolfe Sarah Wolfe Michelle Wolff Lauren Wolleman Andrew Woolf Jennifer Woolf Felicia Xu Nathan Yoon Marc York Ori Zaff Alisa Zosin Emily Zuckerman

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d uat i o n

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 5 A

Rachel Aloia Eastchester High School Daughter of Carol Aloia

Christian Capobianco Greenacres Elementary School Son of Garrett Capobianco

Camryn Carmela Cassese The Chapel School Bronxville

Jayden Cassese The Waverly School

Daughter of Keisha Cassese and Granddaughter of Patricia Cassese

Son of Keisha Cassese and Grandson of Patricia Cassese

Michael Concilio Immaculate Heart of Mary School Son of Rosanna Concilio

Peter Concilio Fordham Preparatory School Son of Rosanna Concilio

Alex Dossantos Harrison High School Son of Dawn Dossantos

Matthew Dossantos Harrison High School Son of Dawn Dossantos

Amanda Frey Ithaca College – Park Daughter of Felicia Frey

Rafael Graf Stepping Stones Nursery School Grandson of Sherry Mendelson

Julia Katsoris The Waverly School Daughter of Voula Katsoris

Adam Laub Scarsdale Middle School Son of Beth Littmann

Nicole Laub Scarsdale Middle School Daughter of Beth Littmann

Timothy Manson Quaker Ridge Elementary School Son of Angela Manson

Audrey Nadler Scarsdale High School Daughter of Mark Nadler

Rachel Wolfe Scarsdale High School Daughter of Sheri Wolfe

4 Chase Road, sCaRsdale 914.723.5225 • 140 ChatswoRth avenue, laRChmont 914.834.7777


Pag e 6 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r


FMA is Proud to Announce This Year’s Award-Winning High School Artists and Musicians

FMA Awards 2013-2014: 73 Total Awards MUSIC Friends of Music and the Arts, Sid Case Memorial NYSSMA Scholarship Chloe Karp FMA, Orchestra Award Aron Szanto FMA, Chorus Award Rebecca Primoff FMA, Band Award Joshua Kaufman NAfME All National Honor Ensemble Orchestra Aron Szanto NYSSMA All State Conference Symphony Orchestra, Violin Maleeha Chida NYSSMA All State Conference Symphonic Band, Euphonium Connor Wolfe NYSSMA All State Conference Women’s Chorus Cailey Martin Rebecca Primoff WCSMA Area All State Music Festival Women’s Chorus Taylor Lonner Cailey Martin WCSMA Area All State Music Festival Mixed Chorus Zoe Berg Sam Kaplan Michaela Primoff Rebecca Primoff WCSMA Area All State Music Festival Band Philip Brand Alexander De La Garza Cindy Du Bruce Gao Samantha Kapner Joshua Kaufman Steven Lewis Alexandra Lonner Sarah Pullman Charlie Rubin Eliot Sernau Connor Wolfe Westchester All County Jazz Ensemble Caroline Teicher

WCSMA Area All State Music Festival Orchestra Isra Ameen Adam Amron Maleeha Chida Helen Clapp Alexander First Rachel Haber Benjamin Holmes Caroline Huh Finbar Kantor Krsna Kothari Zubin Koticha Bryant Lo Audrey Nadler Nicholas Politi Talia Schulman Anil Sindhwani Maya Subbakrishna Andrew Starr Caroline Teicher Cameron Wong Marisa Wong NYSSMA All State Alternates Joshua Kaufman Andrew Starr Caroline Teicher FMA, Drama Award Bianca Rogoff

ART FMA, Media Award Hallie Carmen FMA, Excellence in Visual Art 2-D Award Mark Colbran FMA, Excellence in Visual Art 3-D Award Ellie Rodriguez FMA, Permanent Collection Winner Winston Wilson FMA, Elisa Draper Award Sarah Pullman StArt’14, O'Silas Gallery, Concordia College Mark Colbran Sabrina Kaune William Manson Katonah Museum of Arts 2014 Young Artists Exhibition Mark Colbran Hallie Carmen Daniel Harris Viveka Kymal Allison Levy Sophia Marques Samantha Riina Sam Silverman Justine Souchak Shelli Weiler Winston Wilson Mark York 2014 Congressional Art Competition YunChao Le Chem13 Magazine Chemistry in Pictures Contest Daniel Harris Scholastic Art Award Isra Ameen Maggie O’Keefe

Check out our website at to learn more about Friends of Music and the Arts

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

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t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 7 A

Class of 2014

Edgemont graduates take honors, say farewell By JULIE SCHNEYER


n a muggy Thursday evening, June 26, Edgemont High School said goodbye to 164 of its finest. In a parade of blue caps and gowns, the students took their places in front of the crowd and were greeted by a series of dynamic speakers, marking the occasion of the class of 2014’s graduation. The school courtyard was decorated with an array of flags representing each nation in which a graduate was born, a colorful and magnanimous display of global diversity representative of a unique

for the Air Force,” he announced. “And it doesn’t matter who you are; all that matters is that you’re here.” Devan Ganeshanathan, EHS principal, applauded the graduates and told them how their efforts and achievements as a group made them special. “By working together, you could soar to great heights and beyond.” He went on to quote the singer/songwriter Bob Dylan’s famous song “Like a Rolling Stone,” and said to the group “How does it feel? To be on your own?”

“Our carpe diem is YOLO — you only live once.” caroline newman student body in a small school. Student speaker Jason Lei greeted the crowd: “We’re here to celebrate this pivotal moment in our lives. You’ve officially made it.” Lei went on to praise the class and its achievements as well as their diversity. “Among us are athletes, scholars, musicians, social activists and candidates

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean

Caroline Newman speaking

School board member Jennifer Darger relayed anecdotes from her own upbringing and urged the graduates to “take nuggets of wisdom from your parents. Your world is different.” Her personal life lessons included advice to “keep a variety of tools in your toolbox, broaden your skill base by broadening your knowledge and experience, and kindness matters.” Faculty speaker, English teacher Molly Earle, echoed Dargers’s sentiments with a teaching metaphor, saying, “Life is more complex than the simple narrative structure.” Student speaker Caroline Newman cheered her classmates and got the biggest laugh of the evening when she said, “I don’t see a bunch of tech-addicted teens here. But to preserve the moment, let me just take a selfie,” and she held up her iPhone to take a photo. She went on to discuss the global culture of social media and the teenagers’ roles in it, praising the benefits of easy connection with others all over the world and seeing it as an asset to growth and success. “Our carpe diem,” she told the crowd, “is YOLO — you only live once.” Ivan Paskov, the final student speaker, spoke to the crowd about doing what you love and are passionate about. “If you love something, no one can take it from you, so find your music [a reference to a quote by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche]. It’s our turn to take the impossible and make it

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean

Ivan Paskov makes a point

commonplace.” Paskov, who achieved tremendous success this year in the school’s Science Scholars program, made reference to his own experiences with research and scientific curiosity and said, “We could be the ones to cure cancer or AIDS.” Ganeshanathan and superintendent Victoria Kniewel brought the ceremony to a close as they together handed out diplomas and the graduates tossed their

caps in the air. They then marched away to the echoes of “Pomp and Circumstance” played by the high school band, with perhaps one more quote etched in their minds from earlier in the evening, when Ganeshanathan quoted the recently deceased Casey Kasem, iconic American radio disc jockey of American Top 40 fame: “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.”

Pag e 8 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Edgemont high school Taylor Airo Alexandra Angus Jason Antman Sola Aoki Susumu Araki Tyler Aslanian Susan Barth Hannah Bender Matthew Berdon Sydney Berkman Nicholas Bevacqua Jake Bloomberg Alexander Bouraad Zackary Brands Molly Breitbart Mason Brooks Matthew Cacciola Marina Caminita Javier Casado Cocero Claudia Casale Jonathan Catrini Sabrina Chandrani Sahil Chandrani Dennis Chen Alison Clarke Hailey Cohen Jordan Cohen

Class of 2014

Nicole Conti Corey Cooper Gabriel Darger Ariella Davner Shayna Davner Karan Desai Michelle Domm Irina Eakin Connor Eckert Benjamin Englander Samantha Feig Marc Ficuciello Alyssa Filippone Ilan Filonenko Sara Fisch Renee Fischman Jacob Freedland Benjamin Frydman Erin Funk Alex Gjuraj Maxwell Glade Hanna Glanzman Michael Glassman Ethan Gold Alexa Goldberg Betsey Goldwasser Chloe Gordon

Frankie Capone Waverly School

kimmy leone Trinity College

Caroline Graif William Graybeal Xiaoying Guo Julia Haber Arsalan Haider Takato Hayakawa Matthew Heineman Olivia Hohlweck June Hong Colin Hopkins Sara Hwong Alexander Im Thomas Jachemczyk Anveeta Jagasia Tasha Jhangiani Mana Jhaveri Xianyuan Jia Tiffany Jiang Michael Kaizer Anu Kalappurackal Lily Kane Smriti Karwa Toby Kashket Maxim Kaspi Julie Katter Sadie Katz John Keeny Emma Keteku

Gabriella Capone Waverly School

Joseph piro

Eastchester High School

Chang Kim Jun Ho Kim Ye Rin Kim Samuel Klein Francesca Klerer Katherine Kocaj Saumil Kothari Jennifer Kreinik Alexandra Krez John Krez Sarah Lampert Austin Law Nina Young Lee Maia Leeds Joshua Lefkowitz Jason Lei Jordan Lewis Lingying Liu Selena Liu Jillian Longo Halina Lukasiewicz Harrison Lwin Jai Madan Michael S. Martinez Katherine Mathews Ellen McAlpine Maya Melamed Sophie Mellor

Chiara leone

Scarsdale Middle School

madison piro

Eastchester Middle School

Rikesh Mistry Reishi Mitsudome Milad Mohammadi Caroline Newman Tientso Ning Adina Paley Jung Park Ivan Paskov Ravi Patel Phillipe Peinado Gabriela Pereira Alessia Pizzino Dina Resnick Ziara Rosario Aditya Roy Samantha Russo Emily Salwen JohnPaul Sayegh Brooke Schneider Gabriel Serrano Jonathan Sganga Anuj Shah Jonathan Shapiro Emma Shifren Siena Spitzer Thomas Stephens Joshua Sun Gabriella Susz

Jacqueline Tames Michael Tong Gabriele Trace Emily Turchin Danielle Turnbull Christine Tzelios Shara Um Ashna Vasa David Villalobos Taylor Wald Jessica Wayne Olivia Weinberg Jacob Weiss Stephen Weiss Erin Wheeler Noah Whittle Julia Widmann Adam Wolfert RaeAnn Xu Elizabeth Yam Amy Yang Tinli Yarrington Thomas Young Timothy Yu Sophia Zheng Vivian Zhong Calvin Zhu

JeFFrey leone Scarsdale High School

anne rehders

James Madison University

Congratulations to the Class of 2014 from

29 Wilmot Road


T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 9 A

G r a d uat i o n

Congratulations to our graduates

and the Class of 2014

Carly Binday Daughter of Glenn Binday Scarsdale Middle School Scarsdale

Jordana Binday Daughter of Glenn Binday Heathcote Elementary School Scarsdale

John Robert Bright Nephew of Margaret Dodge SUNY Plattsburgh BA, Political Science

Daniella DeFabio Niece of Anita Smith Academy of Our Lady of Good Counsel High School White Plains

Pag e 1 0 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Where They’re Headed Adelphi University Ivan Sakkal, SHS American University Sarah Cammarata, SHS Gabrielle Gaujean, SHS Olivia Green, SHS Rebecca Jacobs, SHS Emily Weiler, SHS Amherst College Helen Clapp, SHS Bard College Samantha Feig, EHS Barnard College Susie Barth, EHS Carina Gupta, SHS Kate Howard, SHS Sydney Malsch, SHS

Bates College Matthew Berdon, EHS Ethan Blitstein, SHS

Brigham Young University Alex Angus, EHS Gabe Darger, EHS

Colorado College Julia Cotter, SHS Laura Cutlip, SHS

Baylor University Frank Schwall, SHS

Brown University Lindsey Repp, SHS

Binghamton University Daniel Harris, SHS Lauren Lilly, SHS Jennifer Woolfe, SHS

Bucknell University Leah Cannon, SHS Shelby Howell, SHS Jacob Newman, SHS Emily Turchin, EHS

Columbia University Hannah Bender, EHS Marc Hersch, SHS (joint program with Jewish Theological Seminary) Jason Lei, EHS Noah Thaler, SHS Michael Tong, EHS

Boston University Adam Parks, SHS Bowdoin College Carina Spiro, SHS

California Institute of Technology Frederick Berl, SHS

Brandeis University Shelli Weiler, SHS

Carleton College Jack Wines, SHS Carnegie Mellon University Tiffany Jiang, EHS Rohan Mehta, SHS

Cooper Union Dewan Thenmalai, SHS Cornell University Julia Brown, SHS Mark Colbran, SHS Meera Dheer, SHS Sarah Elkins, SHS Ilan Filonenko, EHS Jacob Freedland, EHS

Case Western University Eric Feinstein, SHS Nicholas Marino, SHS Connor Wolfe, SHS

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean photos

SHS: Phillip Goldberg and Sara Katz

Sara Hwong, EHS Joshua Klein, SHS Alison Melnick, SHS Sammy Moseley, SHS Lauren Wang, SHS Lauren Wolleman, SHS Felicia Xu, SHS Dartmouth College Charlotte Blatt, SHS Alison Clarke, EHS Carolyn Strauch, SHS

The Catholic University of America Finbar Kantor, SHS Jamie Regan, SHS Colgate University Taylor Joan Babbitt, SHS Jacqueline Hebner, SHS Joshua Winward, SHS

SHS: Benjamin Goebel

Drexel University Ravi Patel, EHS Samantha Silverman, SHS EHS: Sydney Berkman

Duke University Alexandria Natarajan, SHS

Julia Ross, SHS Jacob Weiss, EHS Durham University, England, UK Alexander Johnson, SHS Eckert College Marleina Walter, SHS Elon University Sam Fisch, SHS Emory University Julie Katter, EHS Michael Kim, SHS Maxwell Maude, SHS continued on page 11A



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t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

g r A d uAt i o n

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where theY’re headed continued from page 10A

Fairfield University Katie Kocaj, EHS Biane Rawanduzy, SHS Fordham University Annina Saccomano, SHS Franklin and Marshall College Sara Katz, SHS Jeff Leone, SHS Jessica Simon, SHS George Washington University Harrison Jennings, SHS Georgetown University Jordan Cohen, EHS Alexandra Lonner, SHS Gettysburg College Monica Langer, SHS Brandon Schweikert, SHS Hamilton College Sam Kaplan, SHS Harvard University Solange Azor, SHS Aron Szanto, SHS Christie Tzelios, EHS

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean PHoToS

SHS: Julia Feldstein and Julia ross

Lehigh University Lewis Gottlieb, SHS Danielle Schwartz, SHS

Caroline Knapp, SHS Rajat Palekar, SHS Aazum Shaikh, SHS

Loyola University Maryland Kathryn Barletta, SHS Ingrid Teuber, SHS

Muhlenberg College Jake Bloomberg, EHS Andrew Elsner, SHS Ethan Gold, EHS Emma Weinstein, SHS

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sam Huang, SHS

Looking for a meaningful and memorable way to celebrate your graduate’s achievement ?

New York University Joshua Annex, SHS Natalie Bederman, SHS Sarah Cohen, SHS Nicolai Ferraris, SHS Gabrielle Kishner, SHS Rachel Kober, SHS Milad Mohammadi, EHS Julia Paranyuk, SHS Bianca Rogoff, SHS Northeastern University Nicholas Chan, SHS

eHS: Vivian Zhong thanks superintendent Victoria Kniewel

Haverford College Adina Paley, EHS

Oberlin College Joshua Ben-Ami, SHS Laura Feyer, SHS Dana Goldstein, SHS Rebecca Primoff, SHS Julie Watiker, SHS

High Point University Stephen Weiss, EHS Hobart and William Smith Colleges Olivia Gatto, SHS Lily Kane, EHS Sarah Pullman, SHS Olivia Romano, SHS

Parsons The New School for Design Mana Jhaveri, EHS

Indiana University Sydney Cantor, SHS Grant Goodman, SHS Iona College James Beveridge, SHS

Northwestern University Emma Bernstein, SHS Annie Gevertz, SHS Michael Kaizer, EHS Devon Kerr, SHS Halle Lukasiewicz, EHS Lucas Viera, SHS

eHS: Javier casado cocero

Johns Hopkins University Nicole Braun, SHS ’13, Lawrenceville School, ‘14 Rachel Fuhrman, SHS Chloe Soares, SHS Sarah Wolfe, SHS

Massachusetts Maritime Academy Connor Pascale, SHS

Kenyon College Maia Leeds, EHS

Middlebury College Philip Brand, SHS

Miami University (Ohio) Olivia Weinberg, EHS

Penn State University Tamara Covil, SHS Dylan Givner, SHS Michael Martinez, EHS Grayson Schutzman, SHS Yuki Sekine, SHS Tyler Staffin, SHS Plymouth State University Thomas Jachemczyk, EHS Princeton University Alejandro de la Garza, SHS Benjamin Ulene, SHS continued on page 12A

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Pag e 1 2 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Where They’re Headed SUNY Delhi Kavon Hueston, SHS

Chelsea Shemesh, SHS Eric Singer, SHS Casey Vinder, SHS Jack Weingrad, SHS

SUNY Geneseo Nora Gray, SHS

UCLA Michael Kim, SHS

SUNY Oneonta College Abby Greenberg, SHS

Union College Michael Glassman, EHS Matthew Heineman, EHS Oliver Samwick, SHS

Siena Spitzer, EHS

SUNY Purchase College Alexandra Birenbaum, SHS Jordan Lewis, EHS Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean photos

SHS: Ben Hecht and Carine/Colette Torres

Smith College Tinli Yarrington, EHS Sophia Zheng, EHS

continued from page 11A

Richmond University Daniel Markowitz, SHS

St. John’s University Anu Kalappurackal, EHS

Sacred Heart University Alyssa Filippone, EHS Jillian Manzino, SHS School of the Art Institute of Chicago Sara Fisch, EHS Skidmore College Zoe Berg, SHS Molly Breitbart, EHS Eric Deutsch, SHS

St. Lawrence University Shayna Davner, EHS Stanford University Jonathan Faust, SHS SUNY Albany Emily Zuckerman, SHS SUNY Binghamton Daniel Harris, SHS

Syracuse University Eric Berman, SHS Sophia Cappelli, SHS Justin Harris, SHS Trinity College Zachary Cromwell, SHS

United States Air Force Academy Alexander Im, EHS University College of London, UK Sophia Marques, SHS

Tufts University Clara Marie Belk, SHS Anna Dursztman, SHS Jonathan Eatroff, Masters School Benjamin Goebel, SHS Phillip Goldberg, SHS Isaac Goluboff, SHS Charli Suchin, SHS Vivian Zhong, EHS Tulane University Sarah Lampert, SHS America Richmond, SHS

EHS: Alison Clarke pledges allegiance

SHS: Chorus members Zoe Berg, Bianca Rogoff, Sarah Cammarata, Sayeef Alam, Josh Ben-Ami, Sam Kaplan and James Beveridge

University of California, Irvine Anuj Shah, EHS

University of Denver Samuel Klein, EHS Dana Reegen, SHS

University of Chicago Caroline Newman, EHS Kunal Sahai, SHS Winston Wilson, SHS

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Hailey Cohen, EHS Lindsey Stewart, SHS

University of Colorado Boulder Ben Frydman, EHS

University of Maryland at College Park Sayeef Alam, SHS

University of Delaware Jay Bernstein, SHS Danielle Dechiario, SHS Matthew Kanner, SHS Ellen McAlpine, EHS Ori Zaff, SHS

University of Massachusetts Amherst Jennifer Jacobowitz, SHS continued on page 13A

Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2010! Congratulations Class of 2014! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best! Congratulations Class of 2010! We are proud of our graduates and with them the best!

We are proud of our graduates and with them the best! proudofofour our graduates graduates and wish them thethe best! WeWe areare proud and with them best!

Jesmy Abraham Will Bauman Talia Abraham Stephanie Bavolar Sarah Ballan Talia Abraham Talia Abraham Brian Beitler Daniel Bernstein Sarah Ballan Sarah Ballan Deniz Bingul Talia Abraham Daniel Becca Bohrer Daniel Bernstein Bernstein Matthew Bonci Sarah Ballan Becca Bohrer David Bougard Becca Bohrer Burton DanielAdam Bernstein David Bougard Bianca Buonaguro David Bougard Sarah Cammarata Becca Bohrer Bianca Buonaguro Bianca Buonaguro Danielle Calamari Javier Casado-Cocero Calamari David Danielle Bougard Danielle Calamari Alex Cappelli Angela Chang Cappelli BiancaAlex Buonaguro Alex Cappelli Bernard Cheng Dennis Chen Bernard Cheng Danielle Calamari Bernard Cheng Alexandra Cooke Maleeha Chida Alexandra Alexandra Cooke Cooke Alex Cappelli Julia Diamond Julia Diamond Nick Cioffi Julia Diamond Bernard Cheng Thomas Evans Thomas Evans Nicholas Clemente Thomas Evans Alexandra Cooke Nicholas Farago Nicholas Farago Sarah Cohen Nicholas Farago Julia Diamond Praj Dey Thomas Evans Emilie Fidock Nicholas Farago Rachel Fuhrman

Victoria Fusco Paul Gardephe Cody Fisher ChristianFlagg Giannangeli Elizabeth Cody Fisher Cody Fisher Hanna Glanzman Jacob Goldwasser Elizabeth Flagg Elizabeth Flagg BetseyGoldwasser Goldwasser CodyJacob Fisher Justin Goo Jacob Goldwasser Isaac Flagg Goluboff Elizabeth Justin Goo Justin Harris Justin Goo Arsalan Haider Jacob Goldwasser Justin Harris Sarah JustinHarris Harris Emma Heisler-Murray Justin Goo Harris Sarah Sarah Harris Julianna Haubner Madison Hirsh Julianna Haubner Justin Harris Julianna Haubner Eliza Herrero Anveeta Jagasia Eliza Herrero Sarah Harris Eliza Herrero Devin Hill Tiffany Jiang Devin Hill Julianna Haubner Devin Hill Kevin Hill Lily Kane Hill Kevin Hill ElizaKevin Herrero Doriel Jacov Doriel Justin Kaplan Doriel Jacov Devin Hill Jacov Nikhyl Jhangiani Nikhyl Jhangiani Joshua Kaufman Nikhyl Kevin Hill Jhangiani Johnnie Kallas Johnnie Kallas Austin Johnnie Kallas Doriel JacovLaw Maia Leeds Nikhyl Jhangiani Lauren Lilly Johnnie Kallas Rachel Litton

Emily Manheimer Sophia Marques Irmak Karayal Maya Knopp Melamed DanaKarayal Irmak Irmak Karayal Benny Morris Sarah Koch Dana Knopp Dana Knopp Camron Nabatchian Irmak Karayal Sarah Koch Nicole Lee Sarah Koch Dan Needham Dana Knopp Nicole Lee Shaun-Chi Lee Nicole Lee Henry Olstein Sarah Koch Shaun-Chi Lee BrittanyLee Lerner Shaun-Chi NeilLee Orans Nicole Brittany Lerner Brittany Lerner Samantha Medney Jason Park Samantha Medney Shaun-Chi Lee Samantha Medney Saket Mehta Peter Patapis Saket Mehta Brittany Lerner Saket Mehta Megan Myron Phillipe Peinado Megan Samantha Medney Megan Myron Myron Alizay Naqvi Tara Ramachandran Alizay Naqvi Alizay Naqvi Saket Mehta Gracie Nash Gracie Nash Annina Saccomano GracieMyron Nash Megan Kristin O’Hara Kristin O’Hara AJ Salvaggio Kristin O’Hara Alizay Naqvi Alison Park Alison Park Danielle Samsky Alison Park Gracie Nash Jamie Scharoff Kristin O’Hara Jill Shah Alison Park Allison Silberberg

Lauren Smith Marina Sneider Gigi Rawanduzy Charlie Solomon Sam Rovner Gigi Rawanduzy Gigi Jeffrey Rawanduzy Solomon Julie Schwab Sam Rovner SamReggie Rovner St. Louis Gigi Rawanduzy Julie Schwab Andre JulieNatasha SchwabSguerra Suri Sam Rovner Andre Sguerra Miranda Soloff Andre Sguerra Christie Tzelios Julie Schwab Miranda Soloff Jade Soloff Somboonthum Miranda Jaya Uppal Andre Sguerra Jade Somboonthum Jade Somboonthum Elliot Taffet Kevin Vella Elliot Taffet Miranda Soloff Elliot Taffet David Taub Andre Vigroux David Taub Jade Somboonthum David Taub Erik Wahlberg Ryan Walker Erik Wahlberg Elliot Taffet Erik Wahlberg Yael Wiesenfeld Emma Weinstein Yael Wiesenfeld Yael Wiesenfeld David Taub Joshua Woolf Joshua Woolf Wolfe Joshua Woolf ErikRachel Wahlberg Sooyoung Sooyoung Yoo WongYoo Sooyoung Yoo YaelKelsey Wiesenfeld Hyun-Kyung Hyun-Kyung Yuh Andrew Woolf Hyun-Kyung Yuh Yuh Joshua Woolf Jennifer Woolf Sooyoung Yoo Elizabeth Yam Hyun-Kyung Yuh Marc York

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 1 3 A

G r a d uat i o n

Where They’re Headed continued from page 12A

University of Miami Brooke Schneider, EHS University of Michigan Nicholas Bevacqua, EHS

Wyatt Chamlin, SHS Hanna Glanzman, EHS Krsna Kothari, SHS Niels Mariager, SHS Paige Mittenthal, SHS

Sarah Mar, SHS Jackie Tames, EHS

University of New Hampshire Emma Lanvy, SHS

Washington University in St. Louis Andrew Cukierwar, SHS Alexander Gaujean, SHS Kyra Kline, SHS Jennifer Kreinik, EHS Julia Widmann, EHS Samuel Winward, SHS Adam Wolfert, EHS

C oldwell B anker Coldwell B anker r B University of Pennsylvania Ariella Davner, EHS Noah Klayman, SHS Pamela Kosofsky, SHS Eli Nobler, SHS Cameron Potter, SHS Jonathan Potter, SHS

esidential residential

University of Wisconsin Dennis Chen, EHS Evan Dweck, SHS Vanderbilt University

Zachary Marcus, SHS rokerage Brokerage Villanova University

University of Pittsburgh Caitlyn Taxter, SHS

Wesleyan University Rebecca Elsner, SHS Ilana Newman, SHS

Jenna Evans, SHS Jonathan Sganga, EHS

Peter Patapis, Hackley School Williams College Michelle Domm, EHS Daniel Needham, SHS Yale University Victoria Beizer, SHS Julia Feldstein, SHS Steven Lewis, SHS

University of Richmond Erin Wheeler, EHS

C anker Coldwell oldwell B B anker r B

University of Rochester Hannah Cooperman, SHS Matthew Levin, SHS Kalila Shapiro, SHS Lauren Shapse, SHS University of Southern California Matthew Katz, SHS Sean Keith, SHS Quinn Kurzner, EHS

rokerage residential esidential Brokerage

University of Texas at Austin Chelsea Berk, SHS Jacob Lenchner, SHSCity,

City, New york New york C itymid-country , New york C itymid-country , New york This Colonial home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting. This Colonial home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting. YOUNG MURRAYScarsdale HILL COLONIAL Inquirer/Jim MacLean photos University of Vermont

The living space is an open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing lake The living space is an open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing lake views and light with French doors. This haven of tranquility has a distinctly andfireplace, light with French tranquility has a distinctly story living entrance foyer with circular staircase, gourmet kitchen, living roomembracing with fireplace and room with and music/playroom withThis fireplace. The of magnificent master suite has two walk-in The space is an open, flowing andchef’s inviting floor plan, lakebuilt-ins, familyviews The living space is an open,doors. flowing andhaven inviting floor plan, embracing lake custom Californiaambiance sitting and luxurious master bath. All rooms are grand scale high ceilings,backcountry detail moldings and hardwood in floors. Additional living space can be $2,395,000 found in the unfinished walk-up backcountry inroom, a doors. close toThis town location. $2,395,000 forwith rent. ambiance a doors. close toThis town location. for rent.third views and lightclosets, with French haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly views and light with French haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly

This mid-country Colonial home its naturally beautiful setting. This Colonial home its beautiful setting. Krez, luxuriates John (J.P.)inofKrez, Lampert, Austin Law, Nina Young Lee, Maia Leeds This one-of-a-kind residence, set back fromluxuriates the road, sitsingracefully on 1 acre with circular driveway, gunite pool and mid-country spa, and EHS: matureAlexandra specimen plantings. Fine features this naturally 6Sarah bedroom home include a grand twoSHS: Natalie Bederman Maxwell Glade, EHS floor. A spectacular home for entertaining in the heart of the estate area! $4,275,000

C anker Coldwell oldwell B B anker r B

backcountry in a close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. Susan Connalambiance | 203-536-6655

backcountry in a close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. Susan Connalambiance | 203-536-6655

Susan Connal | 203-536-6655

Susan Connal | 203-536-6655

City, New york C itymid-country , New york This Colonial home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting. YOUNG MURRAY HILL COLONIAL

City, New york C itymid-country , New york This Colonial home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting.

rokerage residential esidential Brokerage

The living space isColonial an open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing lake The living space is an open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing lake This mid-country home its naturally beautiful setting. This home luxuriates beautiful setting. This one-of-a-kind residence, set back fromluxuriates the road, sitsingracefully on 1 acre with circular driveway, gunite pool and mid-country spa, and mature Colonial specimen plantings. Fine featuresin of its this naturally 6 bedroom home include a grand twoviews andspace light French doors. This offloor tranquility has a distinctly views andfireplace, light with French tranquility has a has distinctly story living entrance foyerwith with circular staircase, gourmet chef’s kitchen, living roomembracing with fireplace and room with and music/playroom withThis fireplace. The of magnificent master suite two walk-in The is an open, flowing andhaven inviting plan, lakebuilt-ins, familyThe living space is an open,doors. flowing andhaven inviting floor plan, embracing lake custom Californiaambiance sitting and luxurious master bath. All rooms are grand scale high ceilings,backcountry detail moldings and hardwood in floors. Additional living space can be $2,395,000 found in the unfinished walk-up backcountry inroom, a doors. close toThis town location. $2,395,000 forwith rent. ambiance a doors. close toThis town location. for rent.third views and lightclosets, with French haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly views and light with French haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly floor. A spectacular home for entertaining in the heart of the estate area! $4,275,000

backcountry in a close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. Susan Connalambiance | 203-536-6655

backcountry in a close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. Susan Connalambiance | 203-536-6655

Susan Connal | 203-536-6655

Susan Connal | 203-536-6655

Congratulations to the Class of 2014 and to Our Own Special Graduates CUSTOM BUILT



Elegant Tudor style home on close to a half an acre in convenient Quaker Ridge location. This home is the perfect marriage of superb solid craftsmanship and traditional charm. Enjoy classic formal living spaces in a sunny open floor plan. The second floor boasts a luxurious master suite with serene spa bath and 2 huge walk in closets, 3 additional bedrooms and fabulous flexible bonus space. $2,595,000

Enjoy a short walk to the elementary school, train station, or just sit back on the stone porch and relax. Great first floor layout with updated kitchen, spacious living room and dining room, and even a laundry room. second floor has 5 bedrooms and a back staircase and the third floor has a usable recreation room. This well-maintained home has it all! $1,749,50

stunning 6 bedroom, 4.1 bath home in Greenacres in immaculate condition. Features include formal dining room, living room with fireplace, updated modern eat-in kitchen, family room, and updated baths. There is a beautiful huge deck overlooking the large level yard that further overlooks a private wooded area. This home has all the modern amenities for easy living. near school and train. $1,595,000




Elegant Tudor style home on close to a half an acre in convenient Quaker Ridge location. This home is the perfect marriage of superb solid craftsmanship and traditional charm. Enjoy classic formal living spaces in a sunny open floor plan. The second floor boasts a luxurious master suite with serene spa bath and 2 huge walk in closets, 3 additional bedrooms and fabulous flexible bonus space. $2,595,000

Enjoy a short walk to the elementary school, train station, or just sit back on the stone porch and relax. Great first floor layout with updated kitchen, spacious living room and dining room, and even a laundry room. second floor has 5 bedrooms and a back staircase and the third floor has a usable recreation room. This well-maintained home has it all! $1,749,50

stunning 6 bedroom, 4.1 bath home in Greenacres in immaculate condition. Features include formal dining room, living room with fireplace, updated modern eat-in kitchen, family room, and updated baths. There is a beautiful huge deck overlooking the large level yard that further overlooks a private wooded area. This home has all the modern amenities for easy living. near school and train. $1,595,000

Sophie Adelman Brooklyn Friends School Brooklyn, NY

Granddaughter of Judy Koch

Danielle Calamari University of Massachusetts Amherst

Daughter of Lori Calamari

Jordan Grossberg Lakeland-Copper Beech Middle School

Brittany Kaplan Scarsdale High School

Daughter of Alisa Kaplan

Grandson of Abe Deutsch

City, New york City, New york City, New york City, New york Citymid-country , New york C ity , N ew y This Colonial home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting. This mid-country homehome luxuriates in initsitsnaturally beautiful setting. C itymid-country , New york C ity , ork NColonial ew york This Colonial home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting. This mid-country Colonial luxuriates naturally beautiful setting. YOUNG MURRAY HILL COLONIAL

The living space isColonial open, flowing and floor plan, embracing lake living The living space isColonial an open, flowing floor plan, embracing lake lake The space isColonial an open, flowing andresidence, inviting floor plan, embracing lake The space isand anmature open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing This mid-country home its setting. naturally beautiful setting. This home luxuriates its naturally beautiful setting. C , inviting N ew y ork Cand ity ,ininviting Ninits ork This living mid-country home luxuriates inanits beautiful This mid-country home luxuriates naturally beautiful setting. This one-of-a-kind setnaturally back fromluxuriates theity road, sitsin gracefully on 1 acre with circular driveway, gunite pool and mid-country spa, Colonial specimen plantings. Fine features ofew this 6y bedroom home include a grand twoviews and light with French doors. This haven of tranquility has a distinctly views andfireplace, light with French doors. haven tranquility has a has distinctly story living entrance foyer with circular staircase, gourmet chef’s living roomembracing with fireplace and family room with and music/playroom withThis fireplace. The magnificent master suite two walk-in views andspace light with French This haven offloor tranquility has akitchen, distinctly views and light with French doors. This haven ofof tranquility has aluxuriates distinctly The space is an open, flowing and inviting floor plan, lakebuilt-ins, The living space is an open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing lake The living is an open,doors. flowing and inviting plan, embracing lake The living space is an open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing lake C ity , N ew y ork C ity , N ew y ork This mid-country Colonial home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting. This mid-country Colonial home in its naturally beautiful setting. custom Californiaambiance closets, sitting room, and luxurious master bath. All rooms are grand scale with high ceilings,backcountry detail moldings and hardwood in floors. Additional living space can be $2,395,000 found in the unfinished walk-up third backcountry in a close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. ambiance a close to town location. Also for rent. views and light home with French doors. This haven of tranquility has a distinctly views and light with This location. haven of tranquility has a distinctly backcountry ambiance in a doors. close toThis town location. $2,395,000 for rent. backcountry ambiance insetting. aFrench closedoors. toThis town $2,395,000 forinviting rent. floor. A spectacular for entertaining in The the heart of the estate area! living space is an$4,275,000 open, flowing and inviting floor plan, embracing lake The living space isColonial an open, flowing and floor plan, embracing lake views and light with French haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly views light with French doors. haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly This mid-country Colonial home luxuriates inand its naturally beautiful This mid-country home luxuriates in its naturally beautiful setting. backcountry in a close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. Susan Connalambiance | 203-536-6655

backcountry in a close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. Susan Connalambiance | 203-536-6655

viewsliving andspace light with French This offloor tranquility has a distinctly viewsliving andspace light with French This haven offloor tranquility has a distinctly The an open,doors. flowing andhaven inviting plan, embracing lake The is an open,doors. flowing and inviting plan, embracing lake backcountry ambiance in aJUNE close to location. $2,395,000 Also isfor rent. backcountry ambiance in aEDGEWOOD close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. OPENConnal HOUSE SUNDAY, 22,town 2-4PM OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1:30-4:00PM COLONIAL Susan | 203-536-6655 Susan Connal | 203-536-6655 Susan Connal | 203-536-6655 Susan Connal | 203-536-6655 38 BlAnChARd AvEnuE, doBBs FERRy Susan Connal | 203-536-6655

backcountry ambiance in a doors. close toThis town location. $2,395,000 for rent. backcountry ambiance in a doors. close toThis town location. $2,395,000 for rent. views and light with French haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly views and light with French haven of tranquility has aAlso distinctly 165 hiGhlAnd RoAd, EdGEmonT This ultra-bright 4 bedroom, 2.1 bath home is move in ready. Susan Connal |OPEN 203-536-6655 backcountry ambiance in aJUNE close to town location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. backcountry ambiance aEDGEWOOD close to location. $2,395,000 Also for rent. OPENConnal HOUSE SUNDAY, 22, 2-4PM HOUSE SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 1:30-4:00PM COLONIAL Susan | 203-536-6655 Susan Connal | 203-536-6655 Renovations include new stainless steel in appliances in town kitchen/family

Bright custom built 2008 Center hall Colonial in the Ardsley school sun-bathed 4 bedroom, 2.1 bath home on park-like property 38 BlAnChARd AvEnuE, doBBs FERRy 165 hiGhlAnd RoAd, EdGEmonT Thissystem, ultra-bright bedroom, room, new baths, newConnal windows, new heating as4well as 2.1 bath home is move in ready. Susan Connal | 203-536-6655 Susan | 203-536-6655 Renovations include new stainless steel appliances in kitchen/family system. Featuring a grand 2-story marble entry, first floor office/ with mature, specimen plantings. open flow for today’s living and newly hardwood throughout. room, The home has been Bright custom built 2008 Center hall Colonial in the Ardsley school sun-bathed 4 bedroom, 2.1finished bath home on park-likefloors property new baths, new windows, new heating system, as well as bedroom with bath, stunning gourmet eat-in kitchen open to the entertaining. Renovated eat-in kitchen with updated appliances, warm Trevor Koch system. Featuring a grand 2-story marble entry, first floor office/ with mature, specimen plantings. openand flowthe for today’s livinghas and new landscaping. freshly painted property This home is athroughout. The home has been newly finished hardwood floors Benjamin Koch Daniel Koch Samantha Lipman Sam Nodiff family room with fireplace, finished basement family room, luxurious and inviting and expansive Walktoto school, bedroom with sun bath,room stunning gourmet eat-in kitchen theelementary entertaining. Renovated with updated appliances, warm freshly painted and the property has new landscaping. This home is a musteat-in see!kitchen $895,000 Fox Meadow School Bridges Middle School, Middle School Stanford University Middle School family room with fireplace, finishedbus. basement family luxurious and inviting sun room and expansive deck. Walk to elementary school, master bedroom suite, Seven and 3 additional bedrooms. $1,050,000 dir: Scarsdale playground and commuter Parking atroom, hartsdale train station. mustScarsdale see! $895,000 master bedroom suite, and 3 additional bedrooms. $1,050,000of dir:Judy playground bus. Parking at hartsdale train station. Grandson Koch and commuter Master of Arts in Education northfield/Blanchard $895,000 dir: Ardsley Chappaqua, NY Grandson of Judy Koch Rd/highland Son of Amy Saland

Grandson of Judy Koch


$895,000 dir: Ardsley Rd/highland

Daughter of Patti Lipman

OfficeNY | 870 Scarsdale Avenue | Scarsdale, NY 10583 | 914.723.3340 Scarsdale Office | 870 Scarsdale AvenueScarsdale | Scarsdale, 10583 | 914.723.3340 Scarsdale OfficeNY | 870 Scarsdale Avenue | Scarsdale, NY 10583 | 914.723.3340 Scarsdale Office | 870CUSTOM Scarsdale Avenue | Scarsdale, 10583 | 914.723.3340 BUILT QUINTESSENTIAL FOX MEADOW TUDOR ELEGANT COLONIAL Elegant Tudor style home on close to a half an acre in convenient Enjoy a short walk to the elementary school, train station, or just stunning 6 bedroom, 4.1 bath home in Greenacres in immaculate Quaker Ridge location. This home is the perfect marriage of superb sit back on the stone porch and relax. Great first floor layout with condition. Features include formal dining room, living room with solid craftsmanship and traditional charm. Enjoy classic formal living updated kitchen, spacious living room and dining room, and even a fireplace, updated modern eat-in kitchen, room, updated ©2014 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fairfamily Housing Act and and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT spaces in a sunny open floor plan. The second floor boasts a luxurious laundry room. second floor has 5 bedrooms and a back staircasethe Coldwell baths. There is a beautiful hugelogo deck large level yard are registered and unregistered service marks LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International, Banker Previews International andoverlooking “Dedicated the to Luxury Real Estate”

master Brokerage. suite with serene spa bathReserved. and 2 hugeColdwell walk in closets, and the thirdEstate floor has a usable recreation room. This well-maintained that further overlooks a private wooded area. This by home hastheallEqual the of ©2014 Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker fully Equal supports the principles of theOperated Fair Housing Acta and Opportunity owned3 Coldwell byResidential Coldwell Banker Real LLC.supports ©2014 Coldwell Banker Residential All Rights Banker Brokerage fully the principles of the Fair Residential Housing Brokerage Act and the Opportunity Act. subsidiary NRT Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker, the has Coldwell Logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International, the Coldwell Banker Previews International logo andand “Dedicated Luxury Real Estate” are registered and unregistered service marks additional bedrooms and fabulous Banker flexible bonus space.International, $2,595,000 itBanker all! Banker $1,749,50 modern amenities for easy living. near school and to train. $1,595,000 LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Previews the home Coldwell Previews International logo and “Dedicated to Luxury Real Estate” are registered unregistered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ©2014 Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT owned Coldwell by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International, the Coldwell Banker Previews International logo and “Dedicated to Luxury Real Estate” are registered and unregistered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

Pag e 14 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Prom Night

Scarsdale High School

Scarsdale High School graduates-to-be and their dates donned formal wear to pose for photographs at the school reception Thursday, June 5, before heading to Glen Island Casino in New Rochelle to celebrate in style. Photographs by Jim MacLean

Sarah Elkins and Alexander Gaujean

Rikitaro Suzuki, Sayeef Alam and Nicholas Cioffi

Back: Kate Wetchler and Matthew Katz. Middle: Lauren Wolleman and Philip Brand. Front: Pamela Kosofsky and Alex Benitez

Elizabeth Sherr and Eric Berman

Emma Bernstein, Jennifer Vento and Kate Wetchler

Connor Pascale and Molly Glass

Hannah Cooperman and Marc Hersch

Matthew Silfin and Sarah Cammarata

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 1 5 A

G r a d uat i o n

Congratulations Congratulations Class of 2014 Class of 2010 Graduates Graduates From and Staff Staffofof From the the Board Board of Directors Directors and

“Better Banking Banking for for aa Better “Better Better Future” Future” JoAnn M. Murphy Joseph M. Murphy, Jr. Maria Macchia JoAnn Murphy Carla Buardo ViceM. Chair President Manager Joseph M. Murphy,Vice Jr. President/Branch Vice Chair Branch Manager President Main Office 200 Main East 42nd Street Office

Scarsdale 80Scarsdale Garth Road

NY 80Scarsdale, Garth Road 914-722-1500 Scarsdale, NY 914-722-1500

New York,Avenue NY 655 Third 212-818-9090 New York, NY 212-818-9090

Riverdale 583 West 235th St. Riverdale

Woodlawn 4349Woodlawn Katonah Ave.

Bronx,235th NY St. 4349Bronx, NY Ave. 583 West Katonah 718-601-8300 718-324-7100 Bronx, NY Bronx, NY 718-601-8300 718-324-7100

Equal OpportunityLender Lender Equal Opportunity

Manhattan 902 Manhattan Second Ave.

New York, NY 902 Second Ave. 212-829-9998 New York, NY 212-829-9998


pAg e 1 8 A — t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

g r A d uAt i o n

t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

SHS: michelle engelhard

eHS: adam Wolfert ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean PHoToS

eHS: ethan Gold

SHS: Zoe Berg


A special section of The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500

Class of 2014

Publisher Deborah G. White Section Editor Linda Leavitt Editorial Assistants Carrie Gilpin, Julie Schneyer, Sandy Greene, Phillip Goldberg Art Director Katherine Potter Ad Sales Thomas O’Halloran, Barbara Yeaker, Gerry Ryan, Marilyn Petrosa, Francesca Lynch Cover photo of Edgemont High School graduates by Jim MacLean ©2014 S.I. Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden without the Publisher’s written permission. A S p ec i A l S ec t i o n o f t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

The Scarsdale Inquirer Congratulates the Class of 2014 and our own special graduates

Elizabeth Farrell

BFA, SUNY Fredonia Daughter of Eileen and Ray Farrell

Sean MacLean

John Jay High School Son of Jim and Mary MacLean

Adam Wolfert

Edgemont High School Son of Susan and Jonathan Wolfert

The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418 • 14 Harwood Court, Suite 510, Scarsdale, NY 10583 • 914-725-2500 •

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 1 9 A

G r a d uat i o n

Prom Night

Edgemont High School

After the traditional reception and photo op at Edgemont High School June 13, graduating seniors and their dates were off to the VIP Country Club in New Rochelle to dance the night away. Photographs by Ingrid Caserta Brendan Friedman, John Lee and Alec Bieber

Maxwell Gilate, Dina Resnick, Gleyson Cohen and Alex Angus

Olivia Ross and Alex Bernstein

Lily Kane and Arsakin Haider

Nick Gunski and Olivia Weinberg

Kristina Magardino and John Catrin

Taylor Airo, Eva Koskinen and Julia Harber

Riki Mistry, Tinli Yarington, Austa Gandi and Kense Ning

Vivian Zhung, Jason Lei, Sara Hwong and Ilan Filonenko

Pag e 2 0 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

Jonathan Potter as Danny with Olivia Romano as ChaCha in the Hand Jive dance contest

Tempers flare: Jonathan Potter as Danny and Daniel Markowitz as Sonny

Photographs by Jim MacLean

Scarsdale High School’s class of 2014 became Rydell High’s class of 1959 in


Sarah Mar as Sandy singing “It’s Raining on Prom Night”

the senior class play presented the weekend of May 30

Veronica Dickson as Rizzo and Eric Berman as Kenickie

Lucas Vieira as Teen Angel sings “Beauty School Drop-Out” to Abby Greenberg as Frenchy

t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

p u Moving Talia Abbe Mikhayl Abrahams Charlie Abrams Ethan Afran Axel Ahdritz Theresa Alarcon Robert Almeida Gail Alter Ismail Ameen Elliott Andersen Daniella Archer Ethan Archer Anika Arora Mariko Asai Rachel Attar Hayley Attia Eric Azagury Katherine Belbusti Caleigh Bell-Rosof Maria-Chiara Bellomo Jakob Berger Madison Berger Michael Berkowitz Catherine Beveridge Carly Binday Kathleen Bishop Nicole Bisonga Noah Bleustein Samantha Blieden Serena Bliss Nicholas Bobolakis

Amy Bochner Sofia Bohjalian Mois Bourla Kate Bowen Ajani Bowie Evan Braun James Braverman Melissa Bravo Natalie Breitkopf Matthew Breitman Jacob Brief Robert Britto Bridget Brody Max Bunzel Jack Callahan Justina Camaj Sophie Cammarata Madeleine Campbell Aerin Cantor Emma Carnicelli Kelsey Chin Amanda Chu Alan Chung Jordan Claman Natalie Closson Nicholas Coeytaux Emma Cohen Jonathan Cohen Joshua Cohen James Conlan Nicholas Cutlip

t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — pAg e 2 1 A

g r A d uAt i o n

ScarSdale Middle School Anthony D’Ambrosio David D’Silva Matthew Daniel Jon De Gouveia Alex DeForge Phebe Denison Emily Dershowitz Sneha Dey Charlotte Dillon Anna Distler Keenan Doyle John Eikamp Hanna Eisenstein Anna Eligulashvili sha Elley Henry Emanuel Clara May Enders Chloe Faegenburg Tom Fanning Benjamin Fenton Andrew Fialkow Lauren Fialkow Jake Fischer Alexandra Fogel Vincent Franco Griffin Frankel Allison Friedel Zachary Friedman Miyu Fujii Keita Fujino Shota Fujino

Seeing andElectronics Hearing Like Never Before Value congratulates theNew graduating class to of 2014 Visit Our Showroom Experience and our special graduate. 4K Ultra HDTV and Hi-Res Audio We wish you success and happiness in your future endeavors.

Value Electronics 35 Popham Rd Scarsdale 914-723-3344

PRINCIPAL: Michael McDermott ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS: Rochelle Hauge, Larry Chatzinoff

Scott Galst Jessica Gasana Matthew Gates Gregory Gatto Christopher Gaujean Allison Gelfond Caroline Gerla Michele Getselevich JJ Ghiozzi Anna Giddins Andrew Gindi Amanda Girardi Emma Glajchen Noah Glantz Abigail Glaser Hannah Glickenhaus Alexandra Goldman Ariel Goldman Nash Goldman Sydney Goldman Daniel Goldstein Jerome Goldstein Dalia Gopstein Marykate Gorham Michael Green Jacob Greenberg Mark Greenberg Matthew Greenberg Elliott Greene Camila Grisanti continued on page 22A

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean

Sophie Hodges, alex Goldman, anna levy, ella Saenger and ally losardo

pAg e 2 2 A — t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

p u Moving continued from page 21A

Haley Gross Sophie Gross Jake Guastafeste Hunter Guinn Ryan Guo Nicholas Gutierrez Olivia Haller Maximus Han Winston Han Eric Hansen Emma Hantgan Loic Harousseau Lucy Harrison Alexandra Hart Ryan Hockemeyer Sophie Hodges William Hoffman Melanie Holmes Annemarie Horn Lila Horwood Hayden Hunt Harrison Hurwitz Matthew Hyman Natalie Isak Chihiro Ishii Katelyn Iver Danielle Jacob Benjamin Jacobowitz Ryan Jacobowitz Delila Jacobs Lauren Jacoby James Jhirad Farhan Jivraj Marc Josephs Kylie Jurman Jacob Kahan Midori Kajitani Jordana Kaller Dermot Kantor Samantha Kaplan Nikolai Karabanov Daniel Karp Eliza Katz Leo Katz Gabrielle Kauffman Sarah Kazan Sophie Kellner Jonathan Keltz John Kinsley Elizabeth Kirchoff Daniel Koch

Emily Kopp Emma Kornberg Rhea Kothari James Kramer Caitlin Krantz Jordan Kraut Jessica Krevitt Maya Kulick Matthew Kuo Claire Kurzweil Sofia Lacagnina Samantha Lam Noah Landgarten Zoe Landless William Lau Adam Laub Nicole Laub Samantha Lawless Nicole Lazar Jack Lazarus Jenna Lee Joshua Lee Ryan Lee Sherman Lee Chiara Leone Anna Levy Julia Levy Hannah Lewis Wai Lun Li Hudson Lin Lauren Lindman Jason Lipsay Haofeng Liu Ally LoSardo David Love Joshua Ludwig Hanna Maddon Alexander Magid Steven Magid Theo Malhotra Samantha Mancini Caroline Mandel Hernan Marambio Belen Marini Evan Maroney Mason Marsh Sophie Masson Jacob Matalon Eriko Matsuura Diana Mayer Martin McDonald Sarah McGovern

g r A d uAt i o n

t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

ScarSdale Middle School

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean

Trevor nossel, Jessie Krevitt, lily Spitalny and leo Katz

Zachary McMurray Anjali Mehra Adit Mehta Roshni Mehta Fayez Merchant Lauren Metviner Caroline Meyer Laila Mian Jake Miller Derek Moritz Charlotte Moser Sophie Munoz Jessica Nabi Maya Nachman Lara Neishtadt Samuel Nodiff Trevor Nossel Andrew Nussbaum Imani Nwokeji Morgan O’Keefe Uzoma Ohajekwe Erin Olender

Congratulations to all the Graduates of 2014, from Kindergarten to University!

Yen-Ting Ong Steven Orlofsky Jenna Orrico Jack Ortner Hannah Osinoff Molly Osinoff David Ostow Paige Panessa Dana Papandreadis Laura Polin Dale Pontone Stephan Popescu Theresa Powell Max Proctor Joshua Rachlin Rochelle Rader Kiran Ramachandran Danielle Raskin Arjun Ravi Daragh Regan Adam Regenstreif Kaitlyn Reisman

Rachel Resheff Holly Rittmaster William Rittmaster Robert Rolfe Miles Rosenstadt Abigail Rosenstein Natalie Rosier Adam Ross Alexandra Rossano Sophia Rosset Sophia Roth Anna Rubin Carly Rubin Nicolas Rudloff Ella Saenger Umair Samnani George Samwick Hannah Sanders Leora Sanders Joseph Scarcella Hannah Schmelkin Gillian Schneider

a team approach to

Seth Schulman Michael Schur Cole Schutzman Sydney Schweber Elya Segall John Seider Maki Sekine Melanie Selber Jacob Seltzer Sam Seltzer Christopher Sfikas Steven Sfikas Audrey Shaev Andrew Shao Sonali Sharma Mandira Shashank Romi Sheen Merritt Shelton Annie Shen Matthew Sherr

personalized college advising

continued on page 23A

a team approach to ▪ Leslie Berkovits personalized college advising

▪ Ellen Golden

▪ Lillian Hecht Congratulations Congratulations ▪ Nancy Michaels Class of 2013 2014 Class of

a team approach to

personalized college advising


Scarsdale Family Doctors Marilyn Sutton MD Ira Sutton MD

▪ Leslie Berkovits ▪ Ellen Golden

▪ Lisa Rodman

Leslie Berkovits ▪Ellen Lillian Hecht Nancy Michaels Rodman ▪ Lillian Lisa Hecht LeslieGolden Berkovits ▪ Ellen Golden ▪ Nancy Michaels 914-282-3820 ▪ Lillian Hecht

▪ Lisa Rodman

▪ Nancy Michaels ▪ Lisa Rodman


t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — pAg e 2 3 A

g r A d uAt i o n

p u Moving

Schechter Westchester

ScarSdale Middle School continued from page 22A

Jared Shulman Nicole Silberberg Claire Silberstein Caroline Silver Sloane Silverman Oliver Silverton Charles Simonds Kelly Singer Udai Singh Nicia Sipe Luke Smith Anika Sodhi Jack Solodar Sandia Somar Shalini Somar Madeline Song Lily Spitalny Hannah Spitzer Jillian Stachyra Georgina Stanley Lily Steckel Caroline Stemerman Samantha Stiroh Ariel Stonberg Nicole Strassberg Jolie Suchin Emily Sun Abigail Suzman Zachary Swartz Courtney Swift Miyu Tachibana Ilana Tamir Camila Tardif Perri Thaler Seth Thornton

Congratulates the Class of 2014 ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean

Jake miller and Fayez merchant

Kentaro Tomita Lucas Tracy Alexa Trujillo Felicia Tuchman Naho Uchino Ethan Underweiser Varun Valada Suhas Vennam Joseph Vento Sydney Vleck Ananta Wadhwa Jacob Wager Emily Wang Jordan Wank Bradley Waterhouse Jack Waxman Sydney Weber Sydney Weinberg Joseph Weintraub

Steven Wetchler Jeremy Wolfe Kristen Wong Richard Xu Yiwen Xu Oliver Yacoub Lisa Yamada Heesoo Yang Linna Yao Campbell Yearley Ryan Yorke Lauren Yu Mallory Yu Netali Zaff Nayan Zen Kimberly Zhu Julia Zlatin Lauren Zullo

iMMAculAte heArt of MAry School PRINCIPAL: Patricia Gatti TEACHER: Jessica Olivieri

Immaculate Heart of mary’s class of 2014

Antonio Alfaro Daniella Ashman Joanna Camardella Katie Caulfield Juliana Cimini Michael Concilio Catherine Corn Dorothea Cruz Christian Gjelaj

Mary Greco Meaghan Grogan Lauren Hunter Marissa Magliato Alyssa Maldonato Dana Mariani Daniel Miller Julianna Munafo Danielle Napoli

Blake O’Briskie Matthew Pagano Joseph Pastilha Elise Radesich Pablo Sierra Angelo Sedlak Kerry Travers Miranda Vera Federico Voli

Aviva Ronit Abusch Samuel Ian Baden Mariel Amanda Bader Yael Aviva Berger Talia Borodowski Ilan Philip Brennglass Deborah Chusit Arielle Cohen Liran Cohen Jared David Cohn Arin Renne-Kate Cotel-Altman Ethan G. Cove Erez Davids Natan Davids Jacob Samuel Diamond Talia Ditkoff Rafael-Eduardo K. Dodo Noy Dragushansky Sarah Sophie Dunn Samuel Eilbaum Noam Eitan Jonathan Elmalem Jessie Sara Espinet Danielle Meredith Evans Samantha Feig

Benjamin Moses Fine Ilana Forchheimer Micah Orion Garber Lauren Ellie Gelb Samara Jaclyn Geller Bradley Louis Goldman Scott Graf Aaron Grand Sydney Grant Elizabeth Leigh Greenblatt Samuel Joseph Joffe Arielle Joselson Michal Peninah Kellner Jonah Harrison Kelly Shira King-Berkman Dara Elyse Kotek Rebecca Kruglyakov Jared Ross Kulak Jordana Reid Kulak Benjamin Kuszel Gabriella Kuszel Sara Lev Ethan Gabriel Levy Jesse Lewis Rebecca Lea Malits

Isabel Joy Malmazada Aaron J. Miller Sarah Nechamkin Sydney Ryann Ostrofsky Benjamin Scott Picket Benjamin Max Polinsky Mason Raboy Beth Hannah Reisman Jenna Roth Seri Roth Oren Schechter Gabriella Schiller Julia Kim Schluger Rina Susannah Schulberg Jared Evan Schwartz Ean Seinfeld Ilan Selinger Sarene Eyla Shaked Sarah Naomi Singer Maia Kohava Sirkin Samantha Anne Spitalny Daniel David Stern Rebecca Walker Danielle Ivy Weisfeld Danielle Weiss

Our students have been accepted by the following colleges, universities, and programs in Israel: American University Barnard College Becker College Binghamton University Boston University Brandeis University Buffalo State College of SUNY Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Champlain College Clark University College of Charleston Columbia University Cornell University Dartmouth College Dean College Drexel University Eckerd College Emory University Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison Florida Gulf Coast University Fordham University Hampshire College Hartwick College Harvard College Hofstra University Hunter College of the CUNY Indiana University at Bloomington Ithaca College Jewish Theological Seminary of America Johns Hopkins University Johnson & Wales University (Providence) Lafayette College Lehigh University Lesley University Lynn University McGill University Mitchell College

Montclair State University Muhlenberg College New York University Newbury College Nichols College Northeastern University Northwestern University Pennsylvania State University, University Park Purchase College State University of New York Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada Quinnipiac University Rider University Rochester Institute of Technology Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey at Camden Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey at New Brunswick Skidmore College Springfield College State University of New York Plattsburgh State University of New York at Albany State University of New York at New Paltz Stony Brook University SUNY College at Brockport SUNY College at Cortland SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at Oneonta SUNY College at Potsdam SUNY Fredonia SUNY Oswego Syracuse University Temple University The George Washington University The University of Arizona Towson University Tufts University

Bold indicates schools our students will be attending.

Tulane University University at Buffalo The State University of New York University of California at Santa Cruz University of Chicago University of Colorado at Boulder University of Connecticut University of Delaware University of Denver University of Hartford University of Maryland, College Park University of Massachusetts, Amherst University of Miami University of Michigan University of New Haven University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Rhode Island University of Rochester University of Southern California University of Toronto, St. George University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Wisconsin, Madison Vanderbilt University Washington University in St. Louis Wesleyan University Western New England University Widener University Yale University Programs in Israel Aardvark Israel Bar-Ilan University Kivunim (New Directions) Lehava Mechinat Ein Prat Mechinat Lachish Mechinat Nachshon Nativ

pAg e 24 A — t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

g r A d uAt i o n

p u Moving

greenVille School

Lauren Alexander Alex Balbona Charlotte Ballan Allie Blechman Sarah Burns Scarlett Cabrera Lara Campanella Iola Cheng-Thomas Evelyn Chiu Chris Cho Betsy Clarke Lauren Clarke Gillian Duffalo Sam Flomberg Griffin Frank Jack Friedman Riya Ganpati Alex Goldberg Ryan Gordon Tiana Guo Abby Haas Azalea Heyman Natalia Hoffman Nicole Hurd Didi Jin Eddie Jin Jacob Kang Sharika Kaul Avery Kraus Ben Seung Lee Max Li Erica Lin Iris Lin

Megan Lin Kevin Luciano Victoria Magardino Ariel Malki Ross Markowitz Theresa Milio Dyana Mughal Rei Nakamura Sid Nair Eris Neder Jack Novarro Michael Paiva Andrew Perlman Ava Marina Pizzurro Gabe Pollack Ellie Rieger Miya Santaquilani Persia Sayas Catherine Sayegh Nicolas Scagnelli Abby Schulman Yukiho Semimoto Aashna Shah Rohan Shah Chandini Singla Zachary Stern Miles Teperman Zak Thayer Jack Tomkiewicz Jared Turell Ariella Zagorsky Kenny Zhong Gabriel Zolot

t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

PRINCIPAL: Jennifer Allen TEACHERS: Peter Khouri, Karen McGlade, Edward Salmon

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean PHoToS

Greenville sixth-graders hail their alma mater in song.

SeelY Place School PRINCIPAL: Dr. Edward Kennedy

Tegh Khosla gives a heartfelt hug to principal dr. edward Kennedy.

TEACHERS: Amanda Barry, Dawn Curran, Lindsay Lugo Eunice Ahn Sophia Allan Phoebe Allen-Cheng Sarah Allen-Cheng Timmy Babchak Jordan Bench Anthony Bianchi Griffin Blotner Sasha Breygina Alexis Chan Delphine Debargue Elsa Debargue Cynthia DeMarinis Olivia DePietto Brianna Estrada Genesis Estrada Zora Gandhi Alexandra Gaviser Jenny Gitter Sydney Goldberg Maxwell Goldrich Eli Gonzalez Edward Gu David Guo Allison Hallowell

Matthew Herena Alan Hu Hana Idrizi Jesse Jung Izabella Kane Angel Katthi Tegh Khosla Michael Kim Gloria Kim Andrew Klein Kelly Kong Aaron Kuo Emily Kurumunda Leo Kwok Sumin Lee Olga Lew-Kiedrowska Michelle Low Nikhil Malik Alexander Mandadjiev Allison Moskowitz Samuel Mulder Sharanya Nair Ayumi Nakagawa Emma Nickman

Jason Older Zornitsa Peeva Barbara Rentz Ribeiro Patricio Reyes Gomez Tinu Saju Ibrahim Salimi Juliet Salsberg Amar Sandhu Margot Sarfas Sonia Seth Henry Shifren Amiko Shime Jake Smajlaj Benjamin Sommers Benjamin Spector Ashwin Sriskanthan Laura Tucker Alfonso Villa Katie Wang Thomas Warren Peyton Welker Lilah Willis Laura Winitch Kion Yaghoobzadeh

Seely sixth-graders serenade their parents and teachers.

t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

g r A d uAt i o n

p u Moving

edgewood School

Willow Adler Joshitha Arora Nolan Bansal Christopher Beyer Aaron Bliss Charlotte Bonanno Anabel Calderon Caroline Cavalier Lena Cengotitabengoa Max Ciafardini Roan Cochrane Alexander Coeytaux Vanessa Comulada

Caleb Copeland Arden Costello Hudson Crane Gabriella DiDomenico Noah Ebner Borst Danielle Eforo Edward Eforo Alexandre Friedman Ashley George Anna Gold Faner Hong Isabel Horney Amy Hu

Ella Isak Michael Jamesley Ethan Johnson Mariana Julian Raphael Kellner Brendan Knopp David Lang Juliana Lebron Megan Lee Helena Leroy Samuel Levine Peter Levy Virginia Lilly

t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — pAg e 2 5 A

PRINCIPAL: Scott Houseknecht TEACHERS: Marilyn Blackley, Michael Gluck, Stephanie Pinto Caroline Lunelli Justin MacKechnie Kaitlyn Martinez Benjamin Miller Asuka Miyazaki Stella Mohlulis Johan Monge Kanami Narutaki Rebecca Newman Lillian O’Hare Taylor Olender

Apollonia Perfetti Declinda Perfetti Jacob Rosewater Lucas Rosset Simran Ruta Luca Schettino Claire Scott Tyler Staropoli Louisa Svetkey Sanjana Talus Kasumi Tanaka

Shoki Tanaka Sarah Jane Traumer Minori Usui Krish Vennam Sophia Wagner Juling Wang Clara Weller Frederik Weller Taisei Yamada Daniel Zhang Brendan Zullo

maura lee PHoTo

Ben miller, michael Jamesley, alex coeytaux, Brendan Zullo, luca Schettino, Tyler Staropoli, Sam levine, roan cochrane and Taisei Yamada celebrated in edgewood’s old meeting room. maura lee PHoTo

anna Gold, Sophia Wagner, lena cengotitabengoa, clara Weller, megan lee and Sanjana Talus posed in front of the paper-mâché planets made by fifth-graders.

FoX Meadow School PRINCIPAL: Duncan Wilson TEACHERS: Sarah Berger, Sydney Lipez, Kate Marshall, Crystal Trani Augusto Albuquerque Alexander Almeida Atiim Barber, Jr. Madeline Beldner Dean Bezos Jaden Bharara Josh Bock Eve Braverman Kate Braverman Calvin Chou

Samuel Cohen Shan Daniel Ryan Dany Mia de la Fuente-Akersveen Evan Dershowitz Nabila Dharmaputra Daniel Esterman Archie Fanning Emily Felder Isabel Francis

Jordan Green Lauren Greenberg Vivian Guo Courtney Gustafeste Victoria Han John Hanish Emily Hansen Adam Jackson Joy Jiang Jaqueline Joyce

llya Kachuro Kristina Karabanova Samantha Kefer Alexandra Kim James Klein Trevor Koch Emily Koevary Danielle Kohn Anya Kornfeld Maxine Krantz Janet Kuskin Sophia Lally Sidney Langford Oliver Levy Sam Lippmann

Julia Lipsztein Natalie Lloyd Zachary Loeser Emily Marks Koki Matsuoka Emily Messerle Catherine Michael Jonah Miller Jeffrey Morse Ryohei Nakamoto Lia Nicodemo Daniel Orad Sydney Ornstein Carrie Ortner Matthew Ostow

dIane BaYlor PHoTo dIane BaYlor PHoTo

emily marks, Jillian Widlitz, emily Felder, Victoria Han, michael Waxman, atiim (aJ) Barber Jr.

Zachary loeser receives his certificate and shakes hands with teacher-in-charge colleen mangan as principal duncan Wilson waits to congratulate him.

Shoin Ota Anya Pabby Jack Porter Alison Robelen Eric Rodriguez Katharine Rolfe Jack Rompala Matthew Rosenblatt Max Roth Rosana Sabur Kristina Samushiya Anthony Scappaticci Aanya Schoetz Harmony Schwartz llana Schwartz Isabella Spinelli Ben Stanley Abigail Stein Katie Stiroh Louisa Thompson Remi Tolchin Alexander Troy Victoria Von Redden Sam Wank Adam Wasserman Michael Waxman Elliot Weinbaum Alexander Weinberg Ithaca Weiss Gillian Widlitz Sarah Wong Akito Yamamoto

pAg e 26 A — t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

g r A d uAt i o n

t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

p u Moving greenacreS School PRINCIPAL: Gerry Young TEACHERS: Mitch Crasson, John Dean, Jeremy Guski Emily Aaron Zoe Aaron Tatsuya Asai David Attar Andrew Bernstein Charlie Berridge Evan Boccia Andrew Bohjalian Charlotte Braun Christian Capobianco Austin Chen Jake Coleman Joanna Denion Thomas DesChamps Natalie Dowd Alexa Doyle Eliza Elman Eugenie Enders Sofia Epstein Robert Fogel Devin Goldman Isabella Goldman Margaret Goldstein Dylan Gross

Julia Gurden Panagiotis Hairatidis Cole Higgins Julian Higgins Samuel Hurwitz Noah Jaffe Ashley Jakubowicz Amy Kornberg Zoe Kulick Victoire Lacoudre Hannah Lee Max Matty Ryan Miller Katarina Neishtadt Daheun Oh Riena Parente-Ribeiro Kylie Race Lea Reisel Zachary Schneider Phoebe Shearer Hannah Sherr Julia Sherr Zachary Siegel Ryan Silberfein

Greenacres fifth-graders enjoyed performing for the parents at their moving up ceremony June 18.

Samuel Singer Katherine Smyth Eli Solomon Jack Solomon

Miranda Spivak Anastasia Stefanou Olivia Surin Abigail Talish

Mattie Wierl Victoria Wilson Michael Wolfe Lauren Yuen

Phoebe Yusen Daniel Ziffer Alexander Zimbalist Thomas Zosin

heathcote School PRINCIPAL: Maria Stile TEACHERS: Christine Boyer, Trent DeBerry, Christal Edwards Ethan Abraham Joshua Bank Jordana Binday Charlie Boockvar Sarah Breitman Clara Cabrera William Carnicelli Curtis Chang Keerthana Chari Ryan Charland Daniel Chiavenato Ahri Choe Hayden Claussen Quinn Closson Cooper Cohen Charlotte Crowley Danielle Degani Margarida Ferreira Sasha Fischer Jack Fried Miku Fujii Jared Gendel Katherine Gray Ethan Gu Andrew Hack Ethan Herz Benjamin Hoexter Jennifer Kahn Kyle Kattan Ruby Katz Bradley Kauffman Matthew Knispel Benjamin Koch Julia Kushnick Derek Laboy

Taylor Libman Portia Lulgjuraj Sofia Manuel Tyler McCarthy Maya Mistry Eliada Muja Ramsey Nachman Nicole Nema Peiling (Megan) Niu Toril Palaniappan Ojas Pareek Benjamin Plachter Tate Pontone Jake Pottters Levi Ring Oscar Rothschild Ryan Seibold Mikaela Seiffert Madelyn Seltzer Caroline Silberberg Samuel Silverman Sophia Sipe Jacob Smith Daniel Stonberg Zoe Tucker Andrew Ungar Samantha Wachs Joanna Wang Jordana Wiener Emily Yacoub Takamasa Yamamori Mitchell Yu Alan Zeng Aaron Zoland Cole Zoland

ScarSdale InquIrer/JIm maclean PHoToS

Heathcote fifth-graders sing a solemn farewell to elementary days.

t h e S c A r S dA l e i n q u i r e r

t h u r S dAy, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — pAg e 27 A

g r A d uAt i o n

p u Moving QuaKer ridge School PRINCIPAL: Robyn Lane TEACHERS: Suzanne Burns, Patty Dempsey, Amy Kenney, Megan Matthews, Mark Winston

Lauren Afran Jimena Aguilar Enzo Almeida Joseph Attia Rachel Azagury Alanis Benitez Katie Berdon Molly Bochner Alexander (Shauny) Braun Cameron Bruan Sargio Charles Anna Cho Ermeen Choudhury Angelina Clark Daniel Coplan Jacob Dietz Justin DiSanto Jacob Fromme Alex Gamba Olivia Gamba Scott Goldban Emmett Goldstein Carter Gross Samantha Gross Jacob Haftel

Josephine Hahn Sara Hantgan Emma Hochberg Haley Hockemeyer Seth Jacobson Laura Jhirad Zaki Jivraj Jakob Johansson Danielle Kapeu Lee Kermanshahchi Maxwell Kushnick Jackson Landless Andrew Lass Melissa Lass Sylvia Lazar Steven Lee Kate Leffler William Leung Sophia Liu Andrew Lofaso Justin Lofaso Morgan Lucas Lukas Lynch Timothy Manson Lucas Masson

TraceY TSaI PHoTo

andew lofaso and Victor Podraza enjoying refreshments provided by the parents of fourth-graders.

Aaron McClafferty Hunter McRobie Shiv Mehra Carson Mo Ashay Narayana Rebecca Nussbaum Sarah Osinoff Zackary Ouassil Laura Paternoster Nigel Pereira Benjamin Pisarenko

Victor Podraza Cameron Polesuk Justin Price Emily Raizen Drew Rosen Leo Rosenstadt Kate Rosier Winick Rubin

Esteban Rudloff Anthony Ruggeri Jack Scheiner Jane Schmelkin Ava Schneider Ella Schulhof Jenna Schwartz Chloe Sherman

William Silver Lauren Stampfli Vivian Stewart Emilyanne Tsai Dylan Tuchman Noah Weber Catherine Zhang

The Scarsdale Inquirer Congratulates the

Class of 2014 especially our Scarsdale Alternative School interns Eric BErman and Ori Zaff (winner of the 2013 Scarsdale Inquirer Award for Journalistic Excellence)

and Scarsdale High School senior options intern PhilliP GOldBErG

Eric Berman

Ori Zaff

Phillip Goldberg

The Scarsdale Inquirer emilyanne Tsai with her project about tennis court surfaces.

TraceY TSaI PHoTo

P.O. Box 418 • 14 Harwood Court, Suite 510, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500 •

Pag e 2 8 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

Scarsdale Inquirer/Jim MacLean photos

EHS: Hailey Cohen takes a selfie with friends

SHS: Grant Goodman

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

SHS: Matt Silfin, Andrew Woolf, Maxwell Maude, Zach Month, Alex Rakoff, Michael Lipsitz

EHS: Sadie Katz

We congratulate our Seniors

and wish them the very best as they begin their college careers.

260 Jay Street, Katonah, NY 10536 • 914.232.3161 • Harvey is a coeducational college preparatory school enrolling students in grades 6–12 for day and in grades 9–12 for five-day boarding.

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d uat i o n

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 29 A

college Graduates BA, psychology, minor in Spanish

Berkeley College Christina Gliatta BBA, marketing communications

Cornell University College of Engineering *Andrew Levine BS, computer science, Sphinx Head Senior Honor Society

Binghamton University * Taylor Finn BS, mathematical sciences, cum laude, Pi Mu Epsilon and Phi Eta Sigma honor societies and National Society of Collegiate Scholars * Jocelyn Resnick BA, economics, cum laude

Taylor Finn

Boston College * Thomas Evans physics, minor in computer science Boston University Madeline Bohrer BFA, painting Adrian Burke BS, film and television Marissa Gelb BS, communications, cum laude Gilsom Safdeye BS, communications Mitchell Uris BS, business administration and management, cum laude

Thomas Evans

Samuel Ferebee BA, political science and history Laura Lutzker BS, business administration in management, magna cum laude Joseph Selvaggio BS, electrical engineering Michael Strauss BA, theatre

Bucknell University Frank Berman BS, business administration in management Nicole Dellacava BA, English-literary studies and economics

Curry College * Michael Pupkin BA, communications, cum laude Dartmouth College * Katherine Cima BA, environmental studies, minor in international studies, cum laude

Andrew Levine

Carroll Shelly ‘24 Prize in Romance Languages, Alumnae/i Prize for Service in Physics

Jeffrey Hassan

* Chase Klein BA, digital media

University of Hartford Jordan Deitch BA, chemistry

Dominican College Takisha Clark, BSN

Lauren Greenberg

Clemson University David Robert Hurst BS, financial management

Duke University * Dustin Alin BS, computer science, magna cum laude *Rachel Whitney BS, mechanical engineering, cum laude, Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honor society Fairfield University Lauren Kavanagh Emily McMahon Goucher College Alissa Elkins Murray BA, physics and Spanish, honors in Spanish, Phi Beta Kappa, Helen

Cornell University * Lauren Greenberg dean’s list, WX ScholarshipWomen in Real Estate * Jeffrey Hassan BS, food science Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences * Emily Michaels

Dustin Alin

Rider University Jennifer Cury Marcella Scalise St. Anselm College Tara Byrne BA, history Skidmore College * Sara Belasco BA, art history with honors

Katherine Cima

Muhlenberg College Jocelyn Bibi BA, psychology Hallie Calderwood BA, American studies

Syracuse University * Hayley Nerenberg BFA, fashion design

Northwestern University * Caroline Dean BA, English, Phi Beta Kappa, departmental honors in English Northwestern University Weinberg College of Arts and Science Michael Pupkin

Benjamin Abrahams BA, U.S. history

Hunter College of the City of New York * Jeff Zohn MA, education Jonathan Henkin MS, social research, cum laude Indiana University Kelley School of Business Ben Spiegelman BS, finance and technology management Johns Hopkins University * Allison Fink BA, economics, Phi Beta Kappa * Lucinda Fink BA, writing seminars, Phi Beta Kappa

Emily Michaels

Miami University (Ohio) Farmer School of Business Claire Jaffe BS, finance

Hamilton College Bianca Buonaugo BA, Hispanic studies, magna cum laude Danielle Feigin BA, communications Hampshire College * Marissa Newman MA, BA, School of Critical Social Inquiry

Clark University Austin D. Knief BA, management

Colgate University Shannon Gupta BA, English Marissa Lafayette BA, political science Alexandra Meyer BA, English Santina Scarcella BA, international relations Jocelyn Resnick

BPS, fashion merchandising Chen En Liaw BPS, fashion design Christopher McMahon BS, business administration Joseph Ricciardi BS, business administration

Marist College Beth Karlin

Rachel Whitney

Syracuse University S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications * Hayley Loft BS, advertising with honors, cum laude, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Capstone Award Syracuse University Whitman School of Management Sarah Harris marketing and entrepreneurship, cum laude

Chase Klein

Penn State University Leah Cooperman BA, telecommunications Benjamin Steefel BS, psychology, minor in business Pratt Institute Matthew Adorno, BA Allison Batty, BA

Technion American Medical Students Program * Olivia Diamond, MD Trinity College * Sophia Fillippone BA, art history and Hispanic studies, with honors * Rachel Reingold BS, psychology, minor in English, magna cum laude, President’s Fellow in continued on page 30A

Pag e 3 0 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

college Graduates continued from page 29A psychology, Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Chi, Pi Gamma Mu Tufts University Rachel Kroll BA, political science and child development, summa cum laude, senior thesis with high honors Allison & Lucinda Fink

Tulane University A.B. Freeman School of Business Dylan Brandt BS, cum laude Eric Wylie BS, management

Union College Erica Antman BA, economics Jennifer Taubes BA, English and Arts Zachary Walden BS, electrical engineering University of Chicago Eric Thurm BA, philosophy, minor in English and creative writing, with honors

hayley nerenberg

University of Chicago Booth School of Business Jonathan Spivak MBA, dean’s list

University of Maryland Daniel Gluck BS, marketing Evan Sun BS, mechanical engineering University of Pennsylvania Annenberg School of Communication Benjamin Bloomberg BA, communications, magna cum laude

Tulane University School of Liberal Arts Angelika Eleftheriou, BA

Sara Belasco

University of Delaware * Nicole Lee BS, marketing, minor in advertising Seth Marcus BS, honors program, operations management and marketing

University of Virginia Johnathon Peruski BS, systems engineering and economics, with distinction University of Vermont Noah Ahles BS, environmental science Dana Knopp BA, women’s and gender studies Vanderbilt University Matthew Hirsch history and economics, cum laude * Spencer Jennings BS, human and organizational development Vassar College * Emily Sarah Salshutz BA, media studies

University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine * Seth Greenberg

Washington University * Casey Alexandra Russo BA, psychology, honors

University of Richmond * Tabitha Yewer BS, physics and math, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, physics and math honor societies

Wesleyan University * Lisle Winston Phi Beta Kappa, Hawk Prize for biochemistry, William Firshein Prize for molecular biology and biochemistry

University of Scranton Andrew Flanagan BS, accounting University of Southern California * Frank Ingriselli BA, art history, minor in photography, cum laude

olivia diamond

emily sarah salshutZ

Widener University Nicholas DePippo BS, management Worcester Polytechnic Institute Jonathan Ng MS, mechanical engineering * Pictured lisle winston

hayley loft

Marissa Newman

Jeff Zohn

caroline dean

seth greenberg

casey russo

sophia fillippone

rachel Reingold

nicole lee

tabitha yewer

frank ingriselli

spencer jennings

RCS Graduation Ad2014_9.833x13.5_Layout 1 6/17/14 11:19 AM Page 1 T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r

G r a d uat i o n

t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14 — Pag e 3 1 A

Good luck to the Rippowam Cisqua School

Class of 2014 as they continue their journey

Congratulations to the Class of 2014! The following is a list of schools that our graduating ninth graders and departing eighth graders will be attending in the fall: Andover (Phillips Academy) Birch Wathen Lenox Brunswick Choate Rosemary Hall Deerfield Academy Fox Lane High School (6) Greens Farms Academy

Greenwich Academy (3) Hackley School (5) Harvey School Horace Greeley High School Hotchkiss School John Jay High School (5) Lawrenceville School (2)

Masters School (4) Millbrook School New Fairfield High School Ossining High School Ross School Rye Country Day School St. Mark’s School (2)

St. Paul’s School Stoneleigh Burnham School Suffield Academy The Taft School Walter Panas High School Westminster School Yorktown High School (3)

Congratulations, as well, to the members of the Rippowam Cisqua School Class of 2011 who are preparing to head off to college in the fall. The following is a list of colleges and universities at which more than one student, in the past four years, has matriculated: Bates College Boston College Boston University Brown University Bucknell University College of Charleston College of William and Mary Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University

Dartmouth College Duke University George Washington University Georgetown University Hamilton College Harvard University Hobart and William Smith Johns Hopkins University Lehigh University Middlebury College

New York University Oberlin College Princeton University St. Andrews College in Scotland Stanford University Trinity College Tufts University Tulane University Union College University of Chicago

University of Colorado/Boulder University of Denver University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania University of Vermont University of Virginia University of Wisconsin/Madison Wake Forest University Wesleyan University Yale University

Rippowam Cisqua School Lower Campus (Grades PreK-4): 325 West Patent Road, Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Upper Campus (Grades 5-9): 439 Cantitoe Street, Bedford, NY 10506

Pag e 32 A — t h u r s day, J u ly 3 , 2 0 14

G r a d uat i o n

T h E s c a r s da l e i n q u i r e r


Lilly Berretta

David Bienenfeld

Charlie Canell

Anna Chochrek

Emily Cohen

The Windward School Daughter of Peggy Berretta

MBA from New York University Son of Vicki Bienenfeld

Purchase Elementary School Grandson of Elaine Canell

Ridgeway Elementary School Daughter of Nancy Shaw Chochrek Granddaughter of Joan T. Shaw

BMP Ridge Street School Daughter of Dina Canell Cohen Granddaughter of Elaine Canell

Jared Cohen

Ethan Cove

Lindsay Dorf

Charlotte Dillon

Dr. Donald E. Dietz IV

Haley Dumke

BMP Ridge Street School Rye Brook Son of Dina Canell Cohen Grandson of Elaine Canell

Solomon Schechter School of Westchester Son of Cheryl Cove

University of Michigan Daughter of Leslie Dorf

Scarsdale Middle School Daughter of Robin Schafer

SUNY Downstate Medical School Son of Linda Dietz

Connecticut College Daughter of William Dumke Jr.

Nicole Kumar

Brandon Scott Lerner

Brittany Lerner

Lauren Lilly

Alexandra P. Miller

Teachers College of Columbia University Granddaughter of Fran Buehler

Northeastern University Son of Lisa Lerner

University of Maryland Daughter of Lisa Lerner

Scarsdale High School Daughter of Michelle Lilly Granddaughter of Lucy Luciani

Scarsdale High School Daughter of Laura Miller

Andrew Perlman

Christopher Petrescu

Andrea Leigh Quartner

Caroline Silver

Will Silver

Lauren Shapse

Greenville Elementary School Grandson of Louise Oshatz

MBA - New York University Son of Maryann Petrescu

Scarsdale High School Daughter of Jan R. Quartner

Scarsdale Middle School Granddaughter of Jane Silver

Quaker Ridge Elementary Grandson of Jane Silver

Scarsdale High School Daughter of Joanne Shapse

Tyler Wing

Frank Schwall

Jordan Sheppe

Reana Rikin Sheth

Weekday Nursery School Son of Valerie Wing

Scarsdale High School Son of Cindy Schwall

Graduating from The Little School Son of Julie Sheppe

Pratt Institute Daughter of Bela Sheth


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