Scarsdale Inquirer Kids! 2017

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A Special Section of The Scarsdale Inquirer March 10, 2017



MARCH 10, 2017

Kids! Cover Contest Winners Dylan DiFalco COVER WINNER


Inside Kids! LEARNING: From confidence to cooperation, kids learn early....... 3A PARENTING: Regular routines benefit even the youngest children........... 4A ALLERGY PREVENTION: Peanuts no longer on the no-no list................ 6A UNPLUGGED: Kids healthy, happy with active lifestyle....................... 8A HEALTH: Healthy eating habits for kids begin at home...................... 14A

ira DiFalco grew up on a farm in upstate New York. Her husband, Chris, a 2000 Scarsdale graduate, wasn’t exactly the farm type, so they compromised and moved to a property with a large backyard in Scarsdale. That’s where they are raising 2-year-old Dylan, about a mile from where Chris grew up and his parents still live. “I don’t think Christopher DiFalco is made to live on a farm,” Kira said. “I don’t think that was going to happen, so I came here. Best of both worlds.” Playing in the backyard with Mom is part of Dylan’s daily routine. “He loves going outside,” she said. There they make mud pies, throw rocks and hunt for sticks. Chris set the family up with a smarthouse — that’s what he specializes in — so there is music constantly playing. Dylan will sing the songs he loves from start to finish. He’s particularly fond on Broadway showtunes. That’s when he’s not playing with his trucks and cars, of which Mom said he has a thousand Matchbox cars, each named by Dylan. The winning photo that captures his personality was taken at Great Play on Central Avenue right after he dove into the bouncy pit. “It totally captures his personality, that he absolutely lives life to the fullest,” Mom said. “He loves from his heart. He really lights up the room when he walks in.”

BOARD GAMES: Quality time, learning and fun........................... 17A

Amelie Hassan

PARENTING: Don’t forget to set aside some ‘YOU’ time......................... 18A


PARENT’S GUIDE: How to’s and what’s new ..........................32A -35A


randmother Lydia submitted a picture of this now-8-month-old cutie pie, but it wasn’t the one she took. Her daughter-in-law took a better one and that’s what you see here. “I liked it better and I thought it captured her more,” Lydia said. As an artist, Lydia is always looking for the best shot and she usually gets it. With her first grandchild she is enjoying life more than ever in Scarsdale, where she and her husband, Charlie — the famous adult softball pitcher — are still extremely involved in town. Charlie is always tickling Amelie and giving her raspberries to get her smiling. Lydia teaches art at the JCC and other venues. “I can’t wait until she holds a paint brush,” she said. “That will be my area.” Another thing Lydia can’t wait to introduce Amelie to? Meat! “They are vegetarians,” she said. “She loves green peas and cucumbers, but we can’t wait to get a hold of her and give her a piece of chicken. When she comes to Westchester we’re going to give her a hamburger and they’re like horrified. We’re old school so we like to eat everything. It’s so funny.” It’s possible Amelie’s parents will stop crossing the bridge from Long Island to Westchester. Perhaps once Amelie starts crawling she’ll be able to make her own travel plans…

COVER CONTEST KIDS.............. 31A

2017 Scarsdale Inquirer


Lauren Polos

Kids! A special section of

The Scarsdale Inquirer P.O. Box 418, Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-725-2500 PUBLISHER.......................Deborah G. White SECTION EDITOR..........................Todd Sliss ART DIRECTOR.................. Ann Marie Rezen ADVERTISING DESIGN......Katherine Potter ADVERTISING SALES.....Thomas O’Halloran, Barbara Yeaker, Marilyn Petrosa and Francesca Lynch ©2017 S.I. COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS FORBIDDEN WITHOUT THE PUBLISHER’S WRITTEN PERMISSION.



his 3-years-old world traveler took a liking to the photographer at her cousin’s baptism in Greece and was “hamming it up,” according to her dad, Chris. So much so that the photographer was actually following Lauren around! “She’s happy and she has a big personality and that really shined through,” Dad said. “My wife actually picked the photo to submit.” Said mom Jessica, “She is like a ray of sunshine through and through.” Going to a baptism overseas was a new experience for the entire family. “It was just a fun evening for the kids to experience,” Chris said. “She was playing with her family and cousins and loving it.” While everything in her life makes her happy, Scarsdalian Lauren has a special affection for her older brother, Nico, who is 7. After all, he’s the one who introduced her to her favorite song, “Smooth Criminal,” by Michael Jackson. Nico got exposed to the hit song and others through his hip hop class and Lauren loved the music, too. She loves all Michael Jackson songs and is also a Rihanna fan. Those two artists definitely keep her dancing. Nico is “very protective and cares about her a lot,” Chris said. The only problem is the monkey-see, monkey-do mentality: “Whatever he says, she says, so we told him if she says anything bad or wrong he’s also punished if she got it from him.” That’s why brother and sister are always on their best behavior.

MARCH 10, 2017



From confidence to cooperation, kids learn early BY LINDA LEAVITT

names and address. If you’re off to the zoo or other crowded place, consider writing your cell phone number on a piece of paper and putting it in the child’s pocket. Be sure to tell the child it’s there.


n his 1986 best seller, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” Robert Fulghum stressed sharing, playing fair and picking up after oneself. But today’s children are expected to learn these things before they go to kindergarten. Parents can make the transition to school easier by modeling and teaching behaviors that will help their children feel safe and happy, get along with other kids and respond positively to teachers. Safety first The most important thing to teach your preschooler is safety, and it’s a tricky one. You have to walk a fine line between warning of danger and making your child anxious and fearful. Involve your child in staying safe by asking him or her help you look both ways before you cross the street and watching for back-up lights in a parking lot. Tell your child you must be able to see him at all times on the playground or beach and assure him that you will never leave without him. Instruct her never to leave the area with anyone other than you, or a friend or relative you designate. If your child is lost in a public place, tell him to look for a policeman or another mother with a child and ask for help. Children need to know their parents’ full

• Gymnastics Week • • Super Soccer Week • • Fashion Week • • Dancin n’ Prancin & Mini Manets • • STEAM • TADA! Drama •

Building confidence Giving your children the freedom to run around and explore in an enclosed place like a playground helps build confidence that will stand them in good stead when they start school. Jody Glassman, director of the Mazel Tots program at Scarsdale Synagogue, believes “It’s really important for parents to help their children feel capable. Don’t carry them into school, let them walk. Be encouraging and make them feel you have faith in them. Your worries should be your own and not put on the child.” If you are positive about going to school, your child will see it that way too. “Self-love and confidence help children function within a community,” says Dina Bove, director of Scarsdale Community Baptist Nursery School. It requires patience to stand by while a child learns to dress herself, put her toys away or help unpack groceries, but children who can do these things are more self-assured and better prepared for school than kids who are accustomed to having everything done for them. At Scarsdale Community Baptist, kids CONTINUED ON PAGE 30A

• Gymnastics Week • Gymnastics Week ••Gymnastics Week •• • • Super Soccer Week SuperSoccer Soccer Week ••Super Week • • Week • • Gymnastics Gymnastics • Fashion •Week Week •• ••Fashion • • FashionWeek Week • Super Soccer• Super Week Soccer Week • • Dancin n’ Prancin & Mini•Manets • •• Dancin n’ Prancin && Mini Manets • • Dancin n’ Prancin Mini Manets • Gymnastics Week • • TADA! • STEAM •• Week • • Fashion •Drama Fashion • • STEAM •Week TADA! Drama

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MARCH 10, 2017

Regular routines benefit even the youngest children BY EVE MARX


aylor Gaines is a Katonah mom and preschool teacher at Play Care in Chappaqua. Working with 2-year-olds, she knows what kids need. “Routines help children feel they have some control and helps them learn independence,” she said. Gaines uses signifying bells in her preschool classroom to help children master transitions. “Whether it’s time to start cleaning up, or to prepare to go outside, there’s a bell that tells them they are about to change what they are doing,” Gaines said. As the school year moves on, Gaines builds on established routines so the children know when they hear the bell something is expected of them. “When they hear the bell at snack time, they know it’s time to get their place mats and water bottles and sit in their seats,” Gaines said. “We just started adding to that getting napkins. Adding to established routines over time means learning new tasks isn’t overwhelming. Routines instill great independence over time. It’s also a great method for working with children who have sensory issues, because once they get used to something you’re not changing it, you’re just adding on.” CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

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Cynthia Shaster Schmitt, another Katonah parent and occupational therapist working with young children at Theracare in White Plains, said routines are “the most important element when working with kids with special needs.” “Typically special needs children thrive on routine,” Schmitt said. “It helps them navigate their world when they know what to expect. The most important thing for any child to learn in preschool is not their letters or their numbers, but how to follow a daily routine and navigate changes within the structure of the day.” Erika Glick is the owner and director of Katonah Village Kids. “Routines are important because children feel safer when they know what to expect,” she said. “Routines are calming for children. Routines provide a sense of security.” When children understand expectations and can live up to them, this enhances their confidence, according to Glick. “A predictable routine allows children to feel safe and develop a sense of mastery in handling their lives,” she said. “As this sense of mastery is strengthened, they can tackle larger challenges.” Routines are also useful for eliminating power struggles and increases cooperation, a boon, obviously, for parents. What can parents do to foster the routine habit? “Parents are probably already fostering routines at home without even realizing it,” Glick said. “Bedtime routines,


washing hands before a meal, various self care tasks become predictable for children.” Glick said that while it may be tempting — and more efficient — for parents to do certain jobs themselves, it benefits children, even very young children, to have a feeling of independence. Routines, Glick added, are also a way of fostering connection: “That expected snuggle at bedtime, conversations at dinner, singing while you’re waiting for something, these are wonderful opportunities for connection.” A good pre-school, Glick said, models for families how to implement and facilitate routines. “It’s important to remember that a routine is not necessarily a schedule,” Glick said. “The two are not synonymous. Life is unpredictable and the ability to be flexible is key. If you are able to model how to handle changes in routine and deal with stressful situations that spontaneously arise, that reinforces the fact that establishing a routine is part of a process.” Just like any other process, establishing and reinforcing routines takes time, effort, and consistency. “But the payoff is immeasurable,” Glick said. For many parents, sticking with routines can be a challenge. “You know that you’re not going to get your kids in bed at the exact same time every night,” Glick said. “But the kids CONTINUED ON PAGE 11A

Enrolling Now!

SUMMER ARTS PROGRAM: June 26 – July 28, 2017 Early Bird Discounts Early Bird Discounts available through March 31. Registration deadline: May 1




available through A five-week summer program in music, art, and musical theater March 31. for second–tenth graders. Registration The HBMS Summer Arts Program boasts an exceptional faculty comprised deadline: of some of the top performers and music educators in the country. Students at all levels of advancement receive daily instruction in a program May 1



individually tailored to their needs and desires.

Weekly: 6/26/17 – 8/11/17 Weekly: Weekly: 6/26/17 6/26/17 –– 8/11/17 8/11/17 A fun and safe place where top-notch A place top-notch coaches help safe children all levels feel at A fun fun and and safe placeof where where top-notch coaches of levels at home andhelp bringchildren their game to the nextfeel level! coaches help children of all all levels feel at home and bring their game to the next level! We welcome anytheir childgame fromto the ages 3 to home and bring the nextoflevel! We welcome of to 15, matterany his child or herfrom levelthe ofages ability. We no welcome any child from the ages of 33We to 15, his of ability. provide a well-rounded camp 15, no no matter matter his or or her her level level ofexperience, ability. We We provide aa focus well-rounded camp where is on developing skills, providethe well-rounded camp experience, experience, where the focus is on developing skills, discovering new interests, meeting new friends, where the focus is on developing skills, discovering new meeting and most importantly, having fun!new discovering new interests, interests, meeting new friends, friends, and and most most importantly, importantly, having having fun! fun!


February 18th, open houses March 18th, April February 18th,15th

March 18th, April 2:00 – 4:00pm March 18th, March 18th, April 15th 15th 2:00 ––A. 4:00pm Richard Berman 2:00 4:00pm April 15th Richard A. Berman Student Center Lobby Richard Berman 2:00 Center - A. 4:00pm Student May 6th Lobby Student Center Lobby Richard Berman May 6th 2:00 –A. 4:00pm May 6th 2:00 ––(Benziger 4:00pm Student Lobby East Room Hall) 2:00Center 4:00pm East East Room Room (Benziger (Benziger Hall) Hall)

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JUNE 26 - JULY 28, 2017

in for

The HBMS Summer Arts Program boasts an exceptional faculty comprised of some of the top performers and music educators in the country. Students at25allSchool levelsLane, of advancement receive daily| instruction in a| program Scarsdale | 914-723-1169 individually tailored to their needs and desires.

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MARCH 10, 2017

ALLERGY PREVENTION: Peanuts no longer on the no-no list into changes to the guidelines for the prevention of peanut allergies in the United States. The new guidelines, for both pediatricians and parents, were announced by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the beginning of the year. The guidelines come as a result of research that shed new light on effective ways to prevent peanut allergies from developing in children. Researchers conducted a clinical trial called “Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP)” with more than 600 infants considered to be at high risk of developing peanut allergy because they had severe eczema, egg allergy or both. The scientists randomly divided the babies into two groups. One group was given peanutcontaining foods to eat regularly, and the other group was told to avoid peanut-containing foods. They did this until they reached 5 years of age. By comparing the two groups, researchers found that regular consumption of peanutcontaining foods beginning early in life reduced the risk of developing peanut allergy by 81 percent. Pediatricians are already embracing the new guidelines. “The idea is that exposing children early to peanuts significantly lowers their risk of peanut al-



or years, parents have avoided peanuts. The roasted nut — one third of the ingredients in the iconic American childhood classic PB&J — has been effectively ostracized. It begins its solitary confinement on the list of nonos for parents when they introduce foods to their babies. Why take the risk that a child might be allergic? While peanuts won’t be appearing in school lunch rooms any time soon, new information about effective ways to prevent the rise of peanut allergies in children is changing the way parents and pediatricians view the much-maligned nuts and their place in children’s diets. Whereas parents were often cautioned to avoid exposing children to peanuts in infancy in case of allergy, recent scientific research has shown that peanut allergies can in fact be prevented by introducing peanut-containing foods into the diet of children early in life. “Contrary to our prior thinking,” said Dr. Subhadra Siegel, M.D., a pediatric allergist and immunologist at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, “early exposure to peanuts is preventative. Before the study, it was grey.” This new thinking has been integrated



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lergy,” said Dr. Robert Rosenberg, M.D., of Hartsdale Pediatrics. “It is not necessary to limit peanut exposure. The idea is to develop tolerance by exposure.” Based on the strength of the LEAP findings, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, worked with professional organizations, federal agencies and patient advocacy groups to develop clinical practice guidelines to address the prevention of peanut allergy. Allergists are quick to highlight the details of the guidelines. “This is about prevention,” stressed Dr. Craig Osleeb, M.D., a pediatrician who specializes in allergy and immunology at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount Kisco. “It has nothing to do with kids who are already allergic. And kids at high risk need to be evaluated first. These are important points.” For children who do not present risk factors for peanut allergies, peanut products (not peanuts themselves, which are choking hazards) should be introduced with solids and definitely before 11 months of age, said Dr. Osleeb. Pediatricians should be talking about peanuts with parents when the begin talking about solid foods, he said, by 4 to 6 months of age. The important things to keep in mind are whether the kids are at low risk for peanut allergies, high risk for peanut

allergies or already allergic to peanuts. Each type of patient requires a different approach to the goal of peanut-allergy prevention. “What I talk to parents most about now is early introduction of peanuts for children at low risk for peanut allergies,” Dr. Siegel said. “But of course there are kids that are truly peanut allergic… For high-risk kids, it makes sense to work with an allergist.” Dr. Siegel said she will sometimes recommend children at high-risk for peanut allergies take a “challenge test” in her office, where peanuts can be slowly introduced and reaction can be monitored. She also recommends waiting until children who are at high-risk for peanut allergies are old enough to express themselves clearly if they are having reactions like lip swelling or difficulty breathing before introducing them to peanuts, even in a controlled, medical office environment, as the symptoms of adverse reaction can be difficult to see in infants who cannot yet express themselves clearly. The move to prevent peanut allergies in children comes on the heels of studies that confirm a growing suspicion among parents: that peanut allergies occur in much higher numbers of children today than when they themselves were kids. According to a 2010 study by the Jaffe

3950_Postcard_WC_Final 1/25/2017 9:29 AM Page 1


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MARCH 10, 2017

UNPLUGGED: Kids healthy, happy with active lifestyle BY MAJA TARATETA


like to move it, move it! I like to move it, move it!” So sang King Julian in the movie “Madagascar.” But getting kids to “move it, move it,” and be “physically fit, physically fit, physically, physically, physically fit,” to quote the song, is getting harder and harder. As children become more “plugged in” at a younger age, the resulting decrease of physical activity is taking a toll on their fitness, health and mental well-being, experts say. Physical activity is key to good health. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans: “Regular physical activity in children and adolescents promotes health and fitness. Compared to those who are inactive, physically active youth have higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and stronger muscles. They also typically have lower body fatness. Their bones are stronger, and they may have reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.” They also have a better chance of being healthy throughout their lives. “Youth who are regularly active also have a better chance of a healthy adulthood,” the CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

Open Houses: Open Houses: Open Houses: February 10: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm Open House:

February 10: 9:30 - 2:00 March 18: am pm February 10:9:30 9:30 am-am -2:00 2:00 pmpm Wednesday, April 19 March 9:30 am - 2:00 pm March 18: 18: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm 9:30 am – 11:30 pm Montessori Montessori Montessori Toddler Classes Montessori Toddler Classes Toddler Classes 3-4 year old Classes Toddler 3-4 year old Classes year Classes 3-43-5 year oldold Classes l ½ & full day classes l ½ & full day classes (extended day l ½ & full day classes l ½schedules & full day classes for 3-5’s) l Enriched, multicultural l environment Enriched, multicultural with a environment focus l Enriched, multicultural l Enriched, multicultural

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Scarsdale 27 Crane Road | 472-4404 535 Broadway | 693-4443 Scarsdale Dobbs Ferry 27 Crane Road | 472-4404 535 Broadway | 693-4443 Scarsdale Dobbs Ferry Scarsdale Dobbs Ferry 27 Crane Road | 472-4404 535 Broadway | 693-4443 27 Crane Road | 472-4404 535 Broadway | 693-4443



Guidelines continue. “Children and adolescents don’t usually develop chronic diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, or osteoporosis. However, risk factors for these diseases can begin to develop early in life. Regular physical activity makes it less likely that these risk factors will develop and more likely that children will remain healthy as adults.” The problem preventing today’s kids from participating in physical activities? There is a confluence of issues, beginning with screen time. Among high school students, 35 percent report watching three or more hours of TV per day. Not to mention the countless hours wasted in the “black hole” of cell phones, social media and texting. Children ages 11 to 14 consume more than eight hours of digital media every day. For children ages 8- 11, more than five and a half hours of digital media is consumed daily. And the consumption of digital media is leading directly to a decrease in physical activity. Only 11 percent of girls and 24 percent of boys in high school said they were physically active at least one hour per day, which is the minimum recommended by the Centers for Disease Control. Coupled with the recent cuts to gym classes and diminished recess time in some schools, and the movement from walking or bicycling to school to getting there via bus or car rides, the physical fitness of America’s kids is on a decline that experts say should be counteracted by



encouragement from families to “get a move on.” Starting early can make a big difference in developing healthy fitness habits. “The best way to teach a healthy lifestyle is to incorporate physical activities at a young age,” advised Haley Ruotolo, assistant skating director at Westchester Skating Academy in Elmsford. “It is very important for children to learn that being active can be fun and exciting. At each stage of development children naturally learn new elements of fitness, from crawling and walking to running and climbing. Children can be introduced to physical fitness programs as young as the toddler age.” At the skating academy, children can start as young as 3 years old, Ruotolo said. Children begin in the Parent and Me class, where they learn to “fall down, stand up, march and glide on the ice, all with the comfort of their parent by their side. We teach through games and activities that are engaging and age appropriate,” she said. Some activities can begin even earlier. At Purchase College, Director of Aquatics Chris Klint says swimming classes start at 6 months of age, and actual lessons start at age 3. “I feel that kids of all ages should be involved in swimming all year long,” she said, noting that she is, of course, biased to the water sport she loves. “It is a skill they will be able to do all their life and will be even more important if they have CONTINUED ON PAGE 10A




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to rehab from injuries, suffer with asthma, get older and cannot be active with higher impact sports such as jogging and running, or playing basketball.” Getting involved in physical activities is more than just good for the body. It can also directly counteract the negative effects of too much screen time. “The first thing it does is get them moving,” Klint said. “Secondly it makes them engage with other people, adults and children. They learn to look at people in the eyes and actively listen to directions, corrections and praise.” “As long as we can keep kids engaged and having fun with physical activities like skating,” said Ruotolo, “they realize that they would rather spend their time moving than participating in digital activities.” Being active can also bring emotional benefits. “I have had doctors, social workers and school psychologists send students to me because of self-esteem issues, lack of confidence, anxiety, and other concerns,” Klint said. “I have seen these children blossom and gain selfworth and pride in learning new skills.” Some kids are involved in plenty of sports and other physical activities — maybe even too many at one time. This, coupled with academic and other pressures, said Betsy Kase, owner of Yoga Haven in Scarsdale and Tuckahoe, can lead to stress and emotional imbalance. Her


antidote? The mindfulness and coping mechanisms of yoga. “We know physical activities are important for their bodies — to stay healthy, we have to move,” Kase said. “Yoga is a complement… Exercise, yoga and relaxation make you feel good.” Starting yoga early helps build muscle memory. “We want muscles to be pliable, strong and supple,” Kase said. “We get locked into this strength thing.” Like all types of fitness, yoga offers benefits to children beyond the physical. “Focus, concentration, adaptability, managing stress,” Kase listed. “It is important to connect mentally to our bodies, to teach

children to listen to their bodies. We tend to ignore our bodies. Becoming a good listener to your own body… is something that can make a change in someone’s life.” The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting screen time for children to less than two hours per day. But a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that young people spend more than seven hours per day on average consuming digital media. However, putting down the cell phone, tuning out social media, walking away from the video game and turning eyes from TV screens is more than just a way to improve physical fitness. The consump-

Youth Physical Activity Guidelines The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends the following: · Children and adolescents should have 60 minutes or more of physical activity daily. · Aerobic: Most of the 60 or more minutes a day should be either moderate or vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity and should include vigorous intensity physical activity at least three days a week. · Muscle-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children and ado-

lescents should include musclestrengthening physical activity on at least three days of the week. · Bone-strengthening: As part of their 60 or more minutes of daily physical activity, children and adolescents should include bonestrengthening physical activity on at least three days of the week. · It is important to encourage young people to participate in physical activities that are appropriate for their age, that are enjoyable, and that offer variety.

MARCH 10, 2017

tion of digital media has been shown to produce changes in brain chemistry and hormones that increase irritability and cause depression and other mood concerns. Gaming has been shown to release so much dopamine — a feel-good chemical in the brain — that children effectively become “hooked” on electronics. “When kids are on video games, social media and texts, they get a dopamine hit, like a high,” Kase explained. “Yoga movement clears the system, teaches patience and calms the system.” Instead of the sympathetic nervous system being on all the time — also known as fight or flight — the parasympathetic system gets turned on, brining relaxation and healing, she said. “We need to actively turn this back on,” Kase urged. “The way is through exercise, yoga and mindfulness.” Getting kids moving can take serious effort, and is best achieved by example, said the experts. “Kids love to get fit with their families,” Ruotolo said. Going outside for exercise can also make important inroads in counteracting screen time stresses. According to an article in Psychology Today, “Research has shown that time outdoors, especially interacting with nature, can restore attention, lower stress and reduce aggression. Thus, time spent with electronics reduces exposure to natural mood enhancers.” The article is, fittingly, titled “Screentime is Making Kids Moody, Crazy and Lazy.” Fitness can help.


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MARCH 10, 2017


should know that before bed they always brush their teeth.” Even if things don’t always go as planned, she said, make sure the important routine is accomplished: “Even if you were out until midnight, they still brush their teeth before getting into bed. They learn teeth cleaning is always followed by bedtime. It’s the routine of the teeth cleaning that helps them understand what happens next.” Cheryl Smith, the Director of St. James The Less Nursery School in Scarsdale, uses a daily schedule chart “with picture and word clues” for they day’s activities. “These help the children to understand what is coming next,” Smith said. “Imagine a child is playing in the blocks. They can look at the schedule and know that soon it will be snack time. This gives them time to understand that their activity will end and to anticipate what comes next. Each day the schedule clues are changed so they know the routines for that day and can anticipate a day’s special activity — music, special visitors, playground, etc. We have found especially with children who are anxious about transitions that having a visual guide to their day is very helpful.” The St. James The Less program is playbased and is balanced between free play, small group activities, one-on-one teacher interactions, morning meeting as a


large group and daily activities like snack, reading, music, outdoor play or large space indoor play. “From the first days we guide the children through our transitions to help them acclimate to all the classroom routines,” Smith said. “As the year progresses, sometimes, we intentionally change our routines so that they can handle a change in routine as well.” Smith and her staff advise and coach parents about how their individual child responds to transitions and change. “We suggest they use similar techniques at home to those we use at school and give helpful hints including a household routine of laying out clothes the night before, putting everything needed for school the next day in one set area, showing the child and their caregivers a schedule for the day or week,” she said. Smith recommends there should be a visual the children can access at any time. “In our younger classrooms, our daily chart uses actual photos to lay out the routine,” she said. “In our 4s class we introduce words and images to help them. This reinforces their ability to transition, and at the same time allows for the development of word recognition skills.” Smith said she and her staff also remind parents of the importance of advance warning about an upcoming transition or changes in the routine. “That is extremely helpful and important,” she said. “We understand each child is unique, and we strive to work with parents to help them help their child.”




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Peanut allergies

MARCH 10, 2017



Food Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, peanut allergies more than tripled in the United States from 1997-2008. Approximately 1.4 percent of children are thought to have peanut allergies. And with reactions that can include anaphylaxis, and, although rare, even death, the allergy, which can be lifelong in 80 percent of patients, is “a significant burden for people,” said Dr. Osleeb. But parents whose children do not present risk factors for peanut allergies should not be avoiding the nut in their children’s’ diets, recommend pediatricians. Many suggest an easy way to introduce peanut products to children is in the form of a puffed snack called BAMBA, which is popular in Israel. Interestingly, Israeli children have a lower incidence of peanut allergy. Pediatricians are telling parents whose children are not at risk for allergies to embrace the introduction of more foods, with the goal being allergy avoidance. “For children who don’t have eczema or signs of food allergies, they should be exposed to all foods,” summarized Dr. Rosenberg, “except honey.” Well, you can’t have everything.


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases released the following guidelines in January 2017 to provide a starting point for conversations with an infant’s healthcare provider about how best to prevent the development of peanut allergy. Guideline 1 If your infant has severe eczema, egg allergy, or both (conditions that increase the risk of peanut allergy), he or she should have peanut-containing foods introduced into the diet as early as 4 to 6 months of age. This will reduce the risk of developing peanut allergy. Check with your infant’s healthcare provider before feeding your infant peanut-containing foods. He or she may choose to perform an allergy blood test or send your infant to a specialist for other tests, such as a skin prick test. The results of these tests will help to determine if peanut should be introduced into your infant’s diet and, if so, the safest way to introduce it. If your infant’s test results indicate that it is safe to introduce peanut-containing foods, the healthcare provider may recommend that you introduce peanut-containing

Scarsdale Community Baptist Nursery School Acc

e applicaptting now foior ns Fall Prog ram

foods to your infant at home. Or, if you prefer, the first feeding may be done in the healthcare provider’s office under supervision. On the other hand, testing may indicate that peanut should be carefully introduced at a specialist’s facility or not introduced at all because your child may already have developed an allergy to peanut. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for introducing peanutcontaining foods to your infant. Guideline 2 This suggests that if your infant has mild to moderate eczema he or she may have peanut-containing foods

introduced into the diet around 6 months of age to reduce the risk of developing peanut allergy. However, this should be done with your family’s dietary preferences in mind. If peanutcontaining foods are not a regular part of your family’s diet (and your infant does not have severe eczema, egg allergy or both), do not feel compelled to introduce peanut at such an early stage. Your child’s healthcare provider can tell you whether your child’s eczema is mild to moderate. You may then choose to introduce peanut-containing foods at home. However, if you or your healthcare provider prefer, the first feeding can be done in the provider’s office under supervision. Guideline 3 Finally, if your infant has no eczema or any food allergy, you can freely introduce peanut-containing foods into his or her diet. This can be done at home in an age-appropriate manner together with other solid foods, keeping in mind your family’s dietary routines and preferences as described in Guideline 2. — Maja Tarateta

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MARCH 10, 2017


Mathematics: the poetry of logic Math is as essential to our understanding and appreciation of how the world works, and our place within it, as the spoken and written word. It has been described as “the poetry of logic.” As Maureen Murphy, head of The Children’s School in Stamford, Conn., explains, “A practical and needed tool, math is also a language, a window to deciphering the physical world as well as the forces that govern it. It also teaches an important habit of mind — problem-solving — that is crucial for children to begin learning.” The Children’s School brings math to life by anchoring it in the concrete, the domain that young children can grasp most easily. At every turn the program offers opportunities and materials for the development of mathematical concepts. The curriculum has its roots in the work of Maria Montessori, a visionary in her insight that children are capable of understanding high-level mathematical concepts such as multiplication and division. Like Jean Piaget, she

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believed that young children learn best through the concrete, and she designed an array of learning materials that help develop mathematical thinking. Through manipulating and arranging blocks, beads and puzzles, children develop spatial awareness, pattern identification and grouping skills, and absorb concepts like place value. As children’s understanding of math concepts becomes more secure, the school turns to elements of Singapore Math, which emphasizes inquiry and problem-based learning without sacrificing computational fluency. Throughout, students strengthen their problem-solving skills and practice using mathematical language to explain their reasoning. Areas of study include patterns and algebraic relationships, number sense and operations, statistics and probability, and geometry and measurement. The Children’s School strives to make math as natural and compelling for children as play. Visit

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MARCH 10, 2017

Healthy eating habits for kids begin at home Kisco, agrees that sooner is better when it comes to developing healthy eating habits. “Research and clinical practice show that eating habits are very difficult to change as children age — the earlier children develop healthy habits the better off they are,” she said. “In fact, food preferences and eating habits develop as early as the first year of life.” Erica Leon, MS, RDN, CDN, CEDRD, is a certified eating disorders registered dietitian and a certified intuitive eating counselor in White Plains. “It is important to develop healthy eating habits early on because children are like sponges soaking up all the information around them,” she said. “From birth, when an infant has the first bottle or breast milk, they are learning to satisfy their body’s need for nourishment. Babies will generally stop drinking milk when they are sated. In other words, they can internally regulate their intake, which is important for regulating their normal, healthy body weight.” Many experts say healthy eating habits can actually begin before a baby is born. “Some research even suggests that what a mother eats during pregnancy and breastfeeding influences her child’s taste preferences and eating habits later on in life,” Rosenfeld said. “Children are never too young to develop healthy eating hab-



kinny. Low fat. No sugar. Low cholesterol. Whole grain. All natural. Gluten free. Diet. And how about the famous, “You can have your dessert only if you eat all your vegetables.” Experts agree, marketing buzz words can lead to mistakes when it comes to families hoping to develop healthy eating habits in their children. And so can rewarding food choices. But nutritionists and others involved in helping develop healthy eating habits in families also agree that it is never too early to begin to encourage a family focus on nutrition. “Research shows early intervention is a learned behavior that over time lowers chronic disease incidence such diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer,” said Linda Arpino, RDN, CDN, FAND, who specializes in chronic disease prevention at Life Forces Nutrition in Stamford, Conn., and Rye Brook. Amy Rosenfeld, MS, RD, CDN, a registered dietician (or nutritionist) who is also the youth program coordinator and coordinator of the president’s junior leadership council in the department of Community Health, Education & Outreach at Northern Westchester Hospital in Mount

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MARCH 10, 2017




its, but I recommend starting with the introduction of their first foods.” So what is healthy eating? “Consuming nutrients required to maintain health over a lifetime,” Arpino said. “These nutrients not only include the basic carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water, but the thousands of phyto-nutirients found in plant-based foods.” Said Rosenfeld, “Healthy eating is about incorporating a variety of whole, unprocessed foods into your diet that provide the nutrients needed to maintain your health and energy levels. These nutrients include lean protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fat, water, vitamins and minerals.” “I define healthy eating as having a wide variety of foods in moderation,” Leon said. “Healthy eating means there is no deprivation and recognizes that some foods are more nutrient dense than others. In other words, there are some foods we eat more often for their nutritional benefits — ‘everyday’ foods like dairy, lean meats and fish, legumes, fruits, vegetable, whole grains, and healthy fats, and ‘sometimes’ foods we enjoy, but eat less frequently, like sweets. However, I never describe foods as good or bad and never place any moral judgment on a food value.” There are many ways parents can promote or encourage healthy eating in their children. Arpino advises including three food groups at each meal: protein, veg-

etable or fruit and whole, unprocessed grain or starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, and choosing protein more often from plants, such as beans, lentils, tofu and nuts or nut butters. She also says families should avoid eating on the run, something that is often easier said than done, but is very important. “Plan meals to be relaxed and sitting down without distractions,” Arpino said. “This helps hormonal balance and lowers adrenal and cortisol build up.” Arpino also advises limiting foods that are high in sugar, salt and saturated fat from animals, such as cheese. “Select less-processed foods using whole, fresh fruit and vegetables, not veggie chips,” she said. Rosenfeld has five top tips for parents





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to promote healthy eating. The first? Model good behavior. “Children learn what, when and how much to eat through their own experiences with food and, of course, by watching others,” Rosenfeld said. “A child learns food habits from Mom and Dad. Think about it, if you make healthy choices, your children are more inclined to follow your lead. Eat with your children so they can see what healthy eating looks like. If it is too early for your dinner time, have a portion of veggies with them while they eat. Let them eat off of your plate — sometimes your food just looks more appealing.” Second, encourage self-regulation. “Instead of encouraging your children to clean their plates, let them listen to their

internal hunger and satiety cues — let them decide when they are full,” Rosenfeld said. “When they are hungry, they will eat!” Leon calls this “the division of responsibility in feeding.” She said, “This means it is the parent’s job to provide food, as well as structure with meals and snacks, and it is the child’s job to decide how much of the food they will eat and whether they will eat it… It is important to have nutrient-dense foods from all the food groups available, but it is the child’s job to decide if they will eat them. Kids are notorious for picky eating. Parents often don’t realize that it can take a child 10, 12, 15 times of being exposed to a new food before they accept it. So parents should not give up on offering their child fruits or vegetables, for example.” Third, involve your kids in cooking and grocery shopping. “Have your kids help you in the kitchen,” Rosenfeld said. “Together, research recipes that they would like to try. Visit a farm or have them grow veggies at home. Research shows that the more involved children are in the food process, the more likely they are to eat healthily.” Fourth, try and try again. “It takes the average person seven tries to acquire a taste for a new food. Children are just like us, but little — they may just enjoy foods prepared in a different way,” Rosenfeld said. “Just because your children hated broccoli once doesn’t mean they won’t CONTINUED ON PAGE 16A

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Healthy eating CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15A

like it again. Roasted, steamed or sautéed, there are a variety of ways to prepare healthy foods. I guarantee you’ll find one your child will enjoy.” And fifth, put the veggies right up front. “While sneaking vegetables into a muffin or smoothie can be a fun way to promote healthy eating, make sure to add a side of veggies to your child’s plate too,” Rosenfeld said. “When veggies are visible, kids see that they’re part of every meal, and you get the bonus of additional veggies behind the scenes.” Advises Arpino, parents should “offer one food a child loves, one food they like and one new food at meals to increase the variety and textures of foods” kids eat. Parents should also lead by example, said Dr. Scott Loeser, DDS, of Urgent Care Dental in Scarsdale. And this means not skipping meals. “A lot of people start off the day with just a cup of coffee in the morning,” said Dr. Loeser, citing the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” mantra. “This is not the best idea for teenage kids.” And when it comes to his area of expertise — tooth health — consuming sugary drinks are a real no-no. “They are the number one cause of tooth decay,” he said. Indeed, parents have the potential to negatively impact their childrens’ eating habits if they are not careful. “Parents who have rigid attitudes about ‘good’ or

‘bad’ foods set children up for a difficult relationship with food,” Leon said. “If a home is too health conscious it can feel deprivational and a child will often seek out the food on their own, and eat lots of it. Also, rigid attitudes about food and worries about the prevention of obesity can backfire and unintentionally lead to disordered eating. If a parent has a general emphasis on appearance and weight control, it can promote eating disordered behaviors.” Going it the complete opposite direction and letting kids eat whatever they want is also not a good choice. “If parents do not set any limits around meals, such as eating haphazardly, not having regular meals and snacks available, a child may also eat haphazardly, having more snacks than meals and crowding out important nutrients,” Leon said. “Parents need to be mindful of their language and messages around food that can unintentionally contribute to poor body image or selfesteem.” Rosenfeld said developing a “healthy relationship with food” is equally as important as developing healthy eating habits. “I encourage people of all ages to develop an appreciation for healthy food as well as special treats,” she said. “Food should be viewed as a form of nourishment that fuels our bodies — rather than ‘good food’ or ‘bad food.’ Instead, look at food in terms of ‘sometimes foods’ and ‘everyday foods.’ If you develop this relationship with food, healthy eating will be sustainable.”


(NAPS)—Experts say play is an impor­ tant part of kids’ daily lives, teaching social skills, problem solving and cognitive devel­ opment. Parents can get expert advice, play tips and ideas based on their children’s ages and developmental stages from the Genius of Play website at Kids can enjoy fun activities, easy­to­ read stories and beautiful illustrations in Tanille Edwards’ “Jordan & Justine’s Week­ end Adventures: Wildlife Parts 1 & 2”, while learning about protecting nature. Half the profits go to the Wildlife Alliance. More at, www.wild, and (212) 561­1654. Parents can teach kids to be upstand­ ers—not bystanders—about bullying, says Dr. Colleen Logan, program director for the MS in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling at Walden University, who spe­ cializes in bullying issues. Learn more at The popular YouTube show for kids “Talking Tom and Friends,” created by mobile leader Outfit7, has been viewed nearly 850 mil­ lion times. The show is based on the series of apps with 5 BILLION downloads. Check it out at Parents of infants or toddlers should replace corded window coverings with cordless ones certified by the Window Cov­ ering Safety Council, which has created the Best for Kids program. Learn more at www. Kids need outdoor play to be active, burn up excess energy and have fun, says Joan Law­ rence, also known as “The Toy Safety Mom.” You can find steps you can take to protect them from injury at


To help prevent learning loss when school’s out and fight the achievement gap, the YMCA offers the Power Scholars Acad­ emy to support K–8 students in literacy, math, enrichment activities in STEM and the arts, along with a health curriculum. Learn more at offers parents and community members information on the importance of school attendance and resources to learn how to help children who are struggling in school, being bullied, managing chronic illness or dealing with mental health challenges. Absences Add Up is run by the U.S. Department of Edu­ cation, the Charles Stewart Mott Founda­ tion and the Ad Council. The 4­H Food Smart Families program provides families with nutrition education, cooking skills and food budgeting skills to bring more affordable, nutritious foods into their households. Moodster Mirror, Meter and Flashlight books and toys can help children 3 to 7 years old learn the importance of feelings and how to manage them. Made by Kids Preferred, they’re available at Target and Learn more at www.themood


MARCH 10, 2017

A look at hospital maternity services As you get closer to your delivery date, many decisions lie ahead, all centered around care, maternity leave and even decorating the baby’s room. But one question may rise to the top: Where will you give birth? If you are like most expectant mothers, you will be giving birth in a hospital. In spite of the rising popularity of home births, most moms choose hospitals to have their babies. The most recent statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that fewer than two percent of babies born in the U.S. are born in a home setting. When you’re looking at where to give birth, expectant parents should consider the following while choosing a hospital, according to the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA): • Where does your doctor go? Most women go to the hospital where their physician has admitting privileges. Discuss your birth plan in detail with your physician and make sure you both are at an understanding. And while doctors are on call after office hours, it’s always a possibility that your doctor cannot attend your birth. Know who would take the place of your doctor if those circumstances arise. • What’s the rate of C-section? If you’re proceeding along in a healthy pregnancy, you may be planning a vaginal delivery. But a cesarean section is something to be aware of because one third of U.S. births are delivered by C-section, according to the Blue Cross Blue Shield, The Health of

America Report. It turns out that the city you live in can have a big impact on how you give birth. It’s important for patients to be aware of this because C-sections raise complications for both babies and mothers, and experts say these should be used only when medically necessary. In addition, vaginal births cost $4,000 less than surgical births. • How does your hospital stack up? The Blue Distinction Centers for Maternity Care program evaluates hospitals on several quality measures, including the percentage of newborns that fall into the category of early elective delivery, an ongoing concern in the medical community. The program is meant to identify facilities that offer maternity care safely and affordably. The maternity programs also must offer family centered care, such as promotion of breastfeeding. If you’re interested in a list of hospitals that deliver quality maternity care, visit and select “maternity care.” For details on a provider’s in-network status or your own policy’s coverage, contact your Local Blue Plan and ask your provider before making an appointment. Neither Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association nor any Blue Plans are responsible for non-covered charges or other losses or damages resulting from Blue Distinction or other provider finder information or care received from Blue Distinction or other providers. — BPT

MARCH 10, 2017



BOARD GAMES: Quality time, learning and fun BY MARY LEGRAND


ost adults have fond memories of playing board games with their parents and friends. It turns out that what we as children and teens thought was “just” fun also has wideranging benefits, the first of which may simply be spending time together with peers or family members. The website notes that “what your child most wants — and needs — is to be with you with no goal in mind beyond the joy of spending time together. He wants you to take pleasure in him, play with him and listen to him. Nothing bolsters his self-esteem more! So why not pull out an old board game tonight? Playing games is an easy way to spend unhurried, enjoyable time together. As an added bonus, board games are also rich in learning opportunities. They satisfy your child’s competitive urges and the desire to master new skills and concepts.” Scholastic’s experts include number and shape recognition, grouping and counting; letter recognition and reading; visual perception and color recognition; and eye-hand coordination and manual dexterity in the skills reaped while playing board games. “Games don’t need to be overtly academic to be educational, however,” continues. “Just by virtue of playing them, board games can teach important social skills, such as communicating verbally sharing, waiting, taking turns and enjoying interaction with others. Board games can foster the ability to focus, and lengthen your child’s attention span by encouraging the completion of an exciting, enjoyable game.” Scholastic’s viewpoint on games for pre- and primary CONTINUED ON PAGE 20A


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MARCH 10, 2017

PARENTING: Don’t forget to set aside some ‘YOU’ time BY MARY LEGRAND


arents with young kids and teens often feel immerse — even on the verge of drowning — in the neverending process of raising their children. The kids can be in one’s face, 24/7, and mostly that’s fine. But many experts agree that parents must find time for themselves, too, both as individuals and couples. Doing that may quite literally save one’s sanity, but more importantly, make parents better at the job of raising children. Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., in an online Parenting magazine response to a question from a parent on, wrote, “Parents need their own downtime and personal lives. If you are spending all of your free time running your children to their commitments, you’re not taking good care of yourself. Your marriage needs time for you and your spouse to have an adult conversation. If you are single, your romantic life needs you to have energy to spend in connecting with other people.” Also on, Deborah R. Gilboa, M.D. offered advice on the physical aspect of regularly stepping back from parenting. “When adults take time for ourselves we relax,” she writes. “Blood pressure is lowered (unless ‘time for yourself’ means smoking or eating a whole lot of junk food!). We smile more, sleep better and have a more positive outlook. All of

these factors combine to help us to be more positive in the rest of our lives — at work, at home and with those we love.” Dr. Gilboa notes that many parents give up working on their own hobbies or stepping away from parenting “because they believe that there is no time, or their family needs them too much. Help your family value you more by valuing yourself. Your children will learn to show you re-

spect when you show yourself that same respect, by pursuing an interest, hobby or activity that brings you pleasure. Your family members will have the opportunity to each take on one extra responsibility to free you up for a few hours a month while you do something that brings you joy. And they will find out how resilient they are when they step up and do a little more.” Doing this, according to Dr. Gilboa, will

help children repeat the patterns of their parents, and, in doing so “create a healthy pattern in your home, where adults value their own passions and make a little time for those interests. Do you want your kids to grow up and value themselves and their abilities? They will learn from you, by example!” CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

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Women may disregard themselves more than men. On, experts say that’s no surprise. “Women often feel guilty about taking time for themselves,” writes psychiatrist and Today contributor Dr. Gail Saltz. “There is some maternal ideal of being self-sacrificing that just isn’t consistent with having time for yourself. You have to put on your oxygen mask first. If you go to pieces, everyone is going down with you. So you have to give time to yourself. That is healthy — not selfish or narcissistic. That is a tough concept for a lot of women.” Even 15 to 30 minutes a day spent stepping away can suffice, Dr. Saltz notes in, acknowledging that moments of free time can be few and far between for women: “Nobody is super human. If you are caring for your parents [in addition to children], ask other family members to pitch in, too. It’s okay to ask for help.” From the website, a section titled “Self-Care for Parents” offers practical advice. “Many parents today are overwhelmed with the stresses of family life,” reads. “In fact, a lot of parents feel like they’re just treading water trying to keep up with the daily tasks associated with caring for children. Being a parent is not easy — it can feel as though we’re constantly focused on our children: feeding, clothing, teaching, disciplining and more all day long. But are you taking time to focus on yourself, too? If you’re like most parents, you need to be told that you’re


worth focusing on, and that it’s okay to take time to take care of yourself.” suggests that physical self-care for parents can include “eating regularly in healthy ways; getting enough exercise; receiving regular, preventative medical care; sleeping enough; getting time away from the phone, email, TV, etc.; and spending time outdoors in fresh air and natural light.” If parents are not doing these basic things, “It’s time to rethink your daily routine,” writes. “Maybe getting up 30 minutes early would give you a chance to take a walk or make breakfast before your children wake up, and going to bed an hour earlier would allow for more adequate sleep.”’s suggestions for emotional/social/psychological self-care can include “spending time with friends and family; staying in touch with other people in your life; expressing emotions, allowing yourself to cry and finding things that make you happy; reading; working on your marriage and other relationships; getting a massage or going to a spa; reducing stress; and saying no to other responsibilities.” The website’s suggestions for artistic/ creative/spiritual self-care can include “giving yourself quiet time for self-reflection; attending a local place of worship; writing in a journal; spending time out in nature; and enjoying a hobby or trying something new.” Jennifer Patterson, ARCT, writes in about “The Benefits of Solitude for Kids and Parents Alike.” “By the


time they’re born, [children] need to be loved and played with and stimulated,” she writes. “But that doesn’t mean you have to be hanging over their shoulders every minute of every day. There’s a line parents must balance between giving their children enough attention and overwhelming them with too much attention.” Patterson counsels that “allowing your children (and yourself) to have ‘me’ time enhances both of your lives, and can even strengthen your bond with each other. The goal is to balance family time with solitude. Take a look at the benefits of solitude and how to find the time for it.” There is “a lot of power in allowing both children and adults to spend time by themselves,” Patterson writes. “Experiencing solitude helps individuals learn certain tasks, think creatively and deal with their emotions. The right amount of time spent alone can even improve empathy and social skills.” Patterson acknowledges the busy nature of parenting these days: “According to one study, time spent actively engaged in teaching and playing with your kids has increased in recent decades, even though parents are working more than they used to. That means parents and children are spending less and less time alone. What’s worse is that if you leave your children alone — to ride their bikes around town, or to play games in their own bedrooms — there’s a good chance you’ll be judged for ‘neglecting’ them. Remember this: solitude and neglect are not synonymous.” She offers the opinion that quality time

with children is more important than the quantity of time. “In fact,” Patterson writes, “as you spend more and more time with your kids, the effect on your children can worsen. When parents don’t get enough solitude, they become stressed and sleepdeprived, which adversely affects their kids. When you feel wiped out, exhausted or anxious, you aren’t giving your kids your best. What does matter is the quality of time you spend with them. Again, balance is key. Both children and parents need time spent together and apart.” Patterson’s practical solutions for those wondering how to follow her suggestions include reevaluating everyone’s schedules, perhaps even dropping an activity or two: “Taking on too much will only stress everyone out, and for health and well-being, you all need a couple of minutes alone every day. “Your time of solitude is a time to relax. You may use it to meditate or pursue a hobby. It is not a time to do chores, or check your work emails before bed. Try to take your ‘me’ time day by day. Go with the flow. Will it help you de-stress today? What are you in the mood for? Taking alone time may seem selfish in the eyes of other parents. If you’re met with judgment, remind yourself this is truly in everyone’s best interest. Give yourself permission to take a break and recharge. When you take care of yourself, you can better care for your children, because you’ll be operating at your best. And so will they. It’s a win-win scenario.”

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school-age kids is that parents are there in part to “help guide [children] through the contest. When a playing piece falls to a lower level, our kids really feel sad; when it rises up high, they are remarkably proud and happy, even if we adults know that it happened only by chance. Therefore, you need to help balance your child’s pleasure in playing the game with his very limited ability to manage frustration and deal with the idea of losing.” There’s a right game for every age, according to “While in the long run we need to teach values, ethics, academic skills and the importance of playing by the rules, in the early years the primary goals are helping your child become more self-confident and ambitious and to enjoy playing with others.” When playing with more than one child, says, “divide the family into teams, giving each player a job he can do well. A younger child may be responsible for rolling the dice (which he considers important, since that is where the luck comes from), and an older child the job of sorting the Monopoly money.” Age does count in game-playing ability. notes that as children approach age 5, “they have more sophisticated thinking skills and can begin to incorporate and exercise their number, letter and word knowledge in literacy-based games. By age 6, children may prefer more cog-


nitively challenging games like checkers, which require and help develop planning, strategy, persistence and critical-thinking skills.” Scholastic’s picks for the younger set include Scrabble Junior, “the younger cousin of the tremendously educational and challenging Scrabble, which we all know and love;” Boggle Junior, “in which players link pictures to letter and words,” teaching letters, words, spelling and matching skills; Zingo, a Bingo-style matching game that encourages quick thinking; Monopoly Junior, which develops math, color recognition, reading, reasoning and social skills; Junior Labyrinth, in which “players have to figure out what to do when circumstances change unexpectedly—a good life skill to learn.” Jonathan H. Liu, who writes geekdad. com, suggests games for young kids based on the skill sets these games provide. For example, he believes the game Tsuro, “or other games in which each turn is short,” work well for children who are just beginning to play games. Math skills can be learned through playing Numbers League, “or nearly any game with numbers,” Liu writes. “Not every board game requires math, but a vast number of them do rely on at least some basic arithmetic. Playing games will give your kids practice, improving their math skills and setting them up for STEM careers down the road.” There are “all sorts of benefits to exercising your brain when you’re older, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start young,” Liu writes. “Playing games is a great way to

keep your mind flexible and active.” He offers the suggestion of playing Ghost Blitz or Set to benefit this goal. “More complex games require you to think about not just what you’re doing this particular turn, but what your long-term strategy is,” Liu writes. “It doesn’t help to capture your opponent’s pawn if it means they’ll take your queen in the next move. The ability to think ahead while playing games will help your kids think ahead in real life, too.” Toward that end, Liu suggests that children play Pirate Dice, or Robot Turtles for young kids. “Actions have consequences,” Liu writes. “Your actions can have positive and negative consequences on both yourself and on others. Games give you a closed environment in which the causeand-effect can be more easily tracked, but they help develop a mindset that will help you think about the consequences of your actions in a real world.” He suggests Zooloretto Mini as a game to play to emphasize this trait. “After your kids understand that actions have consequences, the next step is the ability to make difficult decisions,” Liu writers. “Games often require you to choose between equally rewarding (or punishing) options, and playing them builds your ability to decide which criteria are relevant and what to ignore, and how to balance risk and reward.” To that end, Liu suggests playing the game Tahiti, in which “carrying more stuff means you get fewer actions, resulting in difficult decisions.” Flash Point: Fire Rescue and Forbidden

MARCH 10, 2017

Desert are games Liu suggests for building teamwork. “Cooperative games are on the rise, and they’re particularly great for parents,” he writes. “With these, you can ignore the age-old dilemma: Do I go easy on my kids, or teach them to get used to losing?” Being a good sport is important in game playing and life, too. “Playing competitive games with your kids lets you model how to be gracious, whether you win or lose. They’ll come to see that what you love is the play, not just the win,” Liu writes, suggesting Flash Duel can teach a valuable lesson. “One of my favorite things about getting my kids into a board game is that, for once, they’re not clamoring to sit in front of a screen,” Liu writes. “Playing games can provide rich face-to-face interaction that’s hard when your kid is playing Minecraft (not that Minecraft isn’t awesome).” His game suggestion is Krosmater Arena — “the giant figurines are such a tactile and visual feast.” To build a common bond, Liu recommends the game Fortune & Glory, calling it a shared experience of “pretty much fun that everyone enjoys.” Liu’s somewhat tongue in cheek theory about building a family bond by playing games is this: “By getting my kids hooked on games while they’re young, I’ll have a stronger relationship with them. Then when they become teenagers, I won’t have to worry about them getting into trouble because they’ll want to hang out with me and play games, right? Right?”


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MARCH 10, 2017



V The Scarsdale Inquirer 2017 w

DAY CAMP GUIDE Acres of Adventure Summer Camp at Ann & Andy’s 2170 SAW MILL RIVER RD. ELMSFORD, NY 10523 (914) 592-3027 Directors: Cheryl Anstett, Debbie Asadoorian Philosophy: Acres of Adventure Summer Camp at Ann & Andy’s is a one- to nine-week summer camp program with an emphasis on outdoors. Situated on 5 acres with 15 playground, the outdoor program includes baseball, soccer, climbing wall, bocce ball court, zip line, mini-golf, color games, kickball, basketball, dodgeball, drama, arts and crafts and more. Campers ages 3-10 take age-appropriate trips to bowling, swimming, theater, etc. (if applicable) and campers ages 11-14 take fun, recreational, educational and culture trips weekly, including Lake Compounce, Mountain Creek, white water rafting, on and off Broadway theater trips, Liberty Science Center and Maritime Museum. Acres of Adventures offers customized schedules, individualized attention and hot lunches daily, as well as barbecue Fridays. All buildings are air-conditioned and there is also have a computer lab. Acres is licensed by the health department and has experienced counselors. Enrollment: 200 Camper-counselor ratio: Infant/toddler, 4:1/5:1; 2s, 6:1; 3s, 7:1; 4s, 8:1; ages 5-14, 10:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 25 Hours: 7 a.m.- 6 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Rates vary by age. Call or visit website. Special programs/other: Family owned and operated since 1973.

Alcott School Fun in the Sun Summer Program 27 CRANE RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 472-4404 Site Director: Pamela Serra

counselors. The multicultural program is enriched by early childhood music and nature specialists. Indoor gym is available on rainy days. Classrooms are air-conditioned. Enrollment: 110/location Camper-teacher/assistant ratio: Toddlers, 4:1; 3s-5s, 6:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 4. Children may enroll for four-six weeks. Hours: Toddlers, 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m./noon; 3-5-year-olds, half day, 9 a.m.-noon/1 p.m. depending on the location.; 3-5-year-olds, full day, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; extended day program (3s-5s, only in Scarsdale), 8 a.m.-5 p.m. (early drop-off at 7:30 a.m.; late pickup at 5:30 p.m.). Early drop-off and late pick-up is an additional fee. Fees: Vary by number of weeks and days child attends.

Ardsley Community Nursery School Summer Camp 21 AMERICAN LEGION DR. ARDSLEY, NY 10502 (914) 693-4932 Director: Dr. Gloria Wolpert

535 BROADWAY DOBBS FERRY, NY 10522 (914) 693-4443 Site Director: Sarah Marinelli Executive Director: Monica Zenda Philosophy: The Fun in the Sun Summer Program is designed to be an enjoyable summer experience for the child attending for the first time or for the experienced preschooler. The program encourages outdoor play, hands-on science and nature exploration, water play in sprinklers and water tables, open-ended messy art, tricycle riding and group games, among other activities. Each well-equipped classroom is staffed with experienced Montessori teachers, assistants and summer Philosophy: The ACNS camp program consists of a friendly and inviting atmosphere containing a lovely shady playground and air-conditioned classrooms. Caring staff personalize attention to each child through arts and crafts, science activities, songs, stories and dancing. There is daily outdoor painting, water play and sprinklers. Emphasis is on having fun and making friends to improve language and social skills. We are diaper friendly. Enrollment: 20 Camper-counselor ratio: 4:1 (two teachers per group) Hours: 9-11:45 a.m. Transportation: No Fees: $1,300 for full six-week season. Partial

attendance is possible. Special programs/other: Arrangements can be made by request.

Camp Artistree 114 WEST BOSTON POST RD. MAMARONECK, NY 10543 (914) 835-2200 Owner/Artistic Director: Heather Capelle Philosophy: If your child loves performing, then Camp Artistree is the place to be. Each week your child will cycle through classes such as acting, singing, audition technique, hip-hop, moviemaking and so much more, all taught by industry professionals from New York City. Artistree also has outside fun time at Harbor Island Park, located right across the street. At the end of the week there will be a special performance for parents and friends. There is an entirely new curriculum every week in the summer, so you can join us for one week or all 12. Three-week intensives available for fourth-12th graders to put on a full-length musical. Enrollment: 20-40/week Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: June 12-Sept. 1 Hours: Ages 3-5: Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.-noon; grades k-5: Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Ages 3-5, $250/week; grades k-5, $395/ week (multi-week discounts available) Special programs/other: Spring break camp:, April 10-14. One-week intensive for fourth-12th grades, July 13-17, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Three-week intensives: “The Lion King,” July 10-28, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m.; “Grease,” July 31-Aug. 18, 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Campers will get advanced versions of camp standards listed above, but will focus heavily putting on a full-length show. Both sessions will have a visit from a Broadway star.

Camp Cavise At Dance Cavise 273 HALSTEAD AVE. MAMARONECK, NY 10543 (914) 381-5222 Directors: Lori and Joe Cavise Philosophy: A program for that special kid that loves to be on stage. Children will study every aspect of the stage, including dance, voice, drama, set and costume design, script writing and more. Enrollment: Limited to 50 campers ages 5-13 Camper-counselor ratio: 6:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 17 Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: From $500/week to $3,795/full summer; lunch included with tuition. Special programs/other: Campers will participate in two original productions directed by Broadway veteran Joe Cavise. This year, there will be two field trips to see the Broadway productions of “Anastasia” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” There will be barbecues, a Hawaiian luau, water balloon fights, ice cream prizes and tons of games. Weekly campers are welcome.

Camp Concordia CONCORDIA COLLEGE 171 WHITE PLAINS RD. BRONXVILLE, NY 10708 (914) 395-4848 Director: Michael McCoy Philosophy: Camp Concordia offers an amazing variety of enrichment, music, art and sports programs for early childhood (ages 3-5) and grades 1-9. The camp strives to provide your child with an exceptional summer experience by fostering a life-long love of learning and promoting enthusiasm for phys-

ical activity through sports. Basketball Camp is taught by college coaches in the spacious Meyer Athletic Center. The Sports Camp for early childhood offers age-appropriate sports activities and grades 1-9 offers soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball, dodgeball, floor hockey and more. The Conservatory of Music offers exceptional programs in musical theatre, piano, violin, guitar, vocal arts, chamber music and band bash. The Early Childhood Enrichment Program offers music, art, science, literacy and indoor and outdoor play. The Enrichment Program for grades 1-9 offers exciting classes for web design, science, cooking, robotics, dance, art and more. Enrollment: Early childhood, 120; enrichment grades 1-9, 200; sports camp grades 1-9, 400 Camper-counselor ratio: Early childhood, 5:1; grades 1-9, 10:1 Calendar: Early Childhood Mini Camp: June 12-23; Main Camp: June 26-Aug. 4; Early Childhood Enrichment Extended Program: Aug. 7-17; Basketball Camp: Aug. 7-11 Hours: Morning programs: 9 a.m.-noon; afternoon programs, noon-2 p.m., noon-3 p.m. and noon-5 p.m. Early drop-off and late pick-up are available from 8-8:45 a.m. and 5:15-6 p.m. on a daily basis. Transportation: No Fees: See website. Early registration, sibling and package discounts are available. Special programs/other: Water inflatable fun Fridays.

Camp Hillard

26 ELIZABETH ST. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 949-8857 Directors: Jon and Jim Libman Philosophy: Campers learn skills while having fun in a safe, active and well-supervised environment with first class facilities and superb staff. Celebrating 89 years of one-family ownership. Located on 20 beautiful acres in the Edgemont section of Greenburgh. The program is a balance of outstanding swimming and sports instruction combined with high quality creative and performing arts programs and exciting special events. Enrollment: 800 Camper-counselor ratio: 3:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 18 Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Transportation: Door-to-door air-conditioned school buses driven by professional drivers and supervised by camp staff. Fees: Mini day: 3s and 4s, $7,175; Full day: $9,175 (both programs include transportation and lunch). Any four, five, six or seven weeks also available. Call or visit website for more information. Special programs/other: Activities include swim instruction in seven heated pools, baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, softball, lacrosse, flag football, tennis, gymnastics, pony rides, arts and crafts, drawing, painting,

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The Scarsdale Inquirer 2017 Hours: 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Call for fees. Ballet, tap and jazz shoes are free when you register for full enrollment. Special programs/other: Bus transportation to see a Broadway show. Voted Westchester Magazine’s annual Best of Westchester editorial pick for best ballet program.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21A jewelry, ceramics, nature, theater, music, zip line, flying squirrel, climbing wall, mini golf, archery, gaga, mini sleep away program, day trips, horseback, golf and sports specialization programs for older campers.

Camp Intrepid

Challenge Camp

INTREPID SEA, AIR & SPACE MUSEUM COMPLEX 12TH AVE. AND 46TH ST. NEW YORK, NY 10036 (646) 381-5166 Director: Dorothy Klein Philosophy: Camp Intrepid 2017, for kids 5-13, is a multi-week, full-day winter/spring and summer day camp packed with hands-on activities, museum exhibit exploration and interactive weekly themes that include Inventor’s Workshop, I Need My Space!, Intrepid As Superhero and Spy Science. Campers enjoy the fresh air and sunshine on Intrepid’s Flight Deck and Pier 86, creating everything from solar ovens to straw rockets; shaping up with relay races; obstacle courses and tug of war. The Intrepid is an aircraft carrier turned museum located docked at Pier 86 in the Hudson River. Campers explore space and astronomy in the Space Pavilion and portable Planetarium, and investigate ship building, buoyancy and density in the submarine. Camp Intrepid is a fun, exciting and educational way to explore, discover and learn about the world around us in a unique setting. Enrollment: 20campers/age group (5-7 years; 8-10 years; 11-13 years) Camper-counselor ratio: Approximately 7:1 depending on age group Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Extended hours 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. available. Calendar: June 10-Aug. 25. May register for one week or multiple sessions. Transportation: No, but courtesy use of parking lot for drop-off and pick-up available. Fees: Range between $150/day to $800/ week. Early bird rates. Call or check website. Special programs/other: Camp Intrepid in winter/spring is a full-day, drop-off, school holiday program that offers creative activities for students ages 5-13 during weeklong school vacations (Feb. 20-24; March 27-31; April 10-14).

Central Park Dance 450 CENTRAL PARK AVE. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 723-2940 Directors: Maria Bai, Mario Lastrada Philosophy: Under the artistic direction of Maria Bai, who is accompanied by a talented and generous staff of teachers, students will receive personal attention in a nurturing environment. At Central Park Dance, summer is sure to be a stimulating and enlightening experience for your children, allowing them to indulge their creativity and gain the confidence of seeing their work produced. Enrollment: Partial and full enrollment available Camper-counselor ratio: 8:1 Calendar: June 29-Aug. 14

SCHECHTER WESTCHESTER 555 WEST HARTSDALE AVE. HARTSDALE, NY 10530 MAILING ADDRESS: 1250 CENTRAL PARK AVE. YONKERS, NY 10704 (914) 779-6024 Director: Carole B. Berman Philosophy: Open the door to a delightful and meaningful summer of fun and learning for your bright, curious child at Challenge Camp, an ACA accredited camp in Rye. Courses include 3D printing, cooking, magic, Minecraft, robotics, video production and more like sports and swimming. Challenge Camp is dedicated to providing meaningful opportunities for children to realize their intellectual and personal potential. Bus transportation and early/extended day options. Enrollment: 400 Camper-counselor ratio: 10:1 Calendar: Session 1: June 26-July 21; Session 2: July 24-Aug. 11 Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; 8 a.m. early drop-off to 6 p.m. extended day Transportation: Bus service Fees: Full seven weeks, $5,250; four weeks: $2,900; three weeks: $2,350. CIT program: seven weeks, $1,750; Session 1 or 2: $1,000. Optional early drop-off at 8 a.m.: $175 or Session 1 $100, Session 2 $75 or extended day (4-6 p.m.), $500, or Session 1 $275, Session 2 $225. Sibling and referral discounts available.

Clay Art Center 40 BEECH ST. PORT CHESTER, NY 10573 (914) 937-2047 Director: Leigh Taylor Mickelson Philosophy: The Clay Art Center is a nonprofit arts organization nationally recognized for its advancement of the ceramic arts. Its vision is to kindle a passion for the ceramic arts and to provide a community for that passion to flourish. Youth programs challenge students during weekly classes and summer camps to creatively problem solve, expand their knowledge of history and culture and foster their artistic voice. Each of the themed camps will have clay at its core. Camps such as Mugs n’ Mud and Lemonade Stand introduce students to the potter’s wheel while creating fun and functional ceramic pieces. Camps like Make A Splash!, Fantastical Beasts and Emojis In The Round give students the chance to create whimsical sculptures as they learn about clay and make new friends. This summer there are morning and afternoon camps, as well as full-day camp experiences at a discount. Enrollment: 12 students maximum for each

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week-long camp (unless otherwise specified) Camper-counselor ratio: 6:1. There is a professional teaching artist and a teacher’s assistant in each camp. Calendar: 24 half-day camps from July 5 -Aug. 25 Hours: Half day: 9:00a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m.; full day: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Early bird drop-Off: 8:30 a.m. for $40 per week. Transportation: No Fees: Half day: $260 members, $280 nonmembers; full day: $450 members, $470 non-members. Scholarships available. Sibling discount: 10 percent off each additional child’s registration.

Congregation Kol Ami Summer Camp Program 252 SOUNDVIEW AVE. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606 (914) 949-4717 EXT. 107 Director: Nan Blank Philosophy: A summer program for 2s, 3s and 4s. Groups are staffed with an experienced early childhood staff. Kol Ami has three well-equipped outdoor shaded playgrounds and in case of inclement weather, a large air-conditioned indoor play space. Programs include arts and crafts, music, nature, gardening, soccer, and water play. Enrollment: 2s-4s Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: Eight weeks, June 20-Aug. 11 Hours: 2s with a parent or caregiver, Tuesday/Thursday or Wednesday/Friday, 9:30-11 a.m.; 3s, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m.-noon, and Wednesday 9 a.m.-1 p.m. with lunch; 4s, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (lunch is served Wednesday). Transportation: No Fees: 2s, $960; 3s, $2400; 4s, $3050.

Creative Beginnings Children’s Center 112 WEST HARTSDALE AVE. HARTSDALE, NY 10530 (914) 428-1200 Director: Susan Stevenson Philosophy: Creative Beginnings Children’s Center is an independent, privately owned early childhood center located in Central Westchester County. For more than 25 years, CBCC has offered a year round, full day program, serving the educational and child care needs of working families with children ages 18 months to 5 years old. The center, which is New York State licensed, strives to give the safest and highest quality care for each child in our program. The educationally enriched program is a place where every child learns at his or her own pace using individual styles of learning and growth. The center fosters a program of respect and kindness for all cultures and diversities of people. Enrollment: Programs for toddler, nursery and pre-k. Camper-counselor ratio: n/a Calendar: Open year-round Hours: 7:15 a.m.-6 p.m. Transportation: No

Fees: Call for fees.

French Immersion Camp

Ethical Culture Nursery School Summer Camp

FRENCH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF NEW YORK 111 LARCHMONT AVE. LARCHMONT, NY 10538 (914) 413-3665 Director: Sara Parson-Lobner

7 SAXON WOOD RD. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605 (914) 948-1132 Director: Ea Jensen Philosophy: This program, for 2s and 3s (from current 2s and 3s classes), includes outdoor play, water, sand, mud, work in the vegetable garden, art experiences and music. Enrollment: n/a Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: Monday, June 26-Friday, July 28 (five weeks) for four or five days per week (choose either one or all five weeks) Hours: 9 a.m.-noon Transportation: No Fees: Available upon request. Special programs/other: Incoming 2s Camp, July 5-26, 9-10:15 a.m. This program is for children who have signed up for the 2s program starting in the fall 2017.

Fenom Summer Pre-K Mini Camp and Summer Multi Sports Camp 67 GRANT AVE. HARRISON, NY 10528 (914) 732-3000 Director: Aresh Mohit Philosophy: Fenom believes in teaching kids lifelong skills that are applicable across all fitness and sports activities. Fenom’s camp program builds, promotes and maximizes skill development, teamwork, confidence and above all, fun. Pre-K mini camp: Fenom will offer an early June pre-k mini camp for ages 4-and-up June 12-23, from 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Includes organized sports, arts and crafts, relay races, obstacle courses, a new inflatable bounce castle and more. Pizza lunch, snacks and water included. Summer multi sport camp with extended day sports intensive options: This multi sport camp will keep kids active and engaged while teaching them the basics behind various sports. Basketball, soccer and floor hockey headline the extensive list of activities, which also include relay races, obstacle courses, inflatable castle and more. Campers will be grouped by age and/ or ability. The youngest campers will enjoy arts, crafts and other recreational activities in addition to sports, games and fitness. Enrollment: Limited to 30 person day Camper-counselor ratio: 8:1 Calendar: Pre-K mini camp June 12-23. Regular mini camps run June 26-Sept. 1. Hours: 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. daily. Extended day will run 1-4p.m. Transportation: No Fees: $325 per week half day, $650 full day. Snacks and lunch provided. Special programs/other: Fenom will offer sports intensive programming as an extended day option during select weeks of the summer. Weeks will focus on different sports like soccer, lacrosse, basketball and more. Philosophy: Using years of excellence in bilingual education, FASNY has designed a unique program where children will learn French by doing. Research shows that an early start, teachers with native fluency, total immersion and practical experience are essential steps on the path to language proficiency. From experience we know that, if the enjoyment is there, the learning of the language will naturally take place. That’s why FASNY’s program revolves around fun, hands-on activities led by native French instructors who will stimulate the children’s conversation skills, but also open them to the French and Francophone cultures. FASNY welcomes preschoolers as young as 3 years old, half day or full day, as long as they are potty-trained and ready for this wonderful adventure. In small groups, the children will hear and speak French all day through fun activities that will respect their rhythm. Quiet time is also scheduled. The program for children in grades 1-5 will stimulate their conversation skills while exposing them to fun and unique activities such as music in French with our artist-in-residence, cooking, science and technology projects, dance and yoga, art, sports and more. There is one hour of French class per day for all campers. Enrollment: Ages 3-13 Camper-counselor ratio: 8:1 Calendar: June 26-July 21 Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., with optional extended day Transportation: No Fees: Half day, $250; full day, $500.

Future Stars Summer Camps SUNY PURCHASE COLLEGE 735 ANDERSON HILL RD. PURCHASE, NY 10577 (914) 273-8500 Director: Jordan Snider Philosophy: Dreaming of a place where your child can advance his or her skills as well as have the time of their life during the summer? Look no further than Future Stars Summer Camps located at state-ofthe-art facilities in the heart of Westchester. The staff and limited enrollment allows campers the opportunity to maximize their skill development and become wellrounded athletes and individuals. Campers can choose and combine weeks from 19 personalized specialty programs: tennis, soccer, basketball, baseball, boy’ and girls’ lacrosse, flag football, football, multi-sports, field hockey, cheerleading, volleyball, circus arts, magic, softball, diving, horseback riding, swim, STEAM education and rising stars (the youngest campers). Each program includes three to four hours of specific training in the chosen sport, as well as supervised recreational swimming and instructional swim for

At William Raveis, we pride ourselves on our network. From Massachusetts to Maine and New York to Naples, Florida, our footprint is the largest in the Northeast and Naples.

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The Scarsdale Inquirer 2017 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22A Rising Stars. Campers are encouraged to play with confidence, enthusiasm and a genuine love of the game. Enrollment: 600 ages 4-16 Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: Weekly June 19-Aug. 25 Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Transportation: Door-to-door transportation available from most of Westchester. Fees: Call for fees Special programs/other: Lunch option available.

Greenburgh Nature Center Summer Camps 99 DROMORE RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 723-3470 Director: Anne Jaffe Holmes Philosophy: GNC camps allow children to connect with the natural world via age-specific activities that encourage the spirit of discovery. Each session includes extensive exploration, creative play, and incorporates conservation and sustainability practices. · Bugs & Butterflies: For kindergarten/first grade, July 10-14, from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Campers explore the roles of naturalist and biologist as they discover the fascinating facts about the forest, its diverse habitats and the variety of animals that call it home. Campers learn about tracking, shelter building and invertebrate sampling. Each day includes animal interaction, crafts and an array of naturethemed activities. · Muddy Sneakers: For kindergarten/first grade, July 17-21, from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Kick off your summer with good ole-fashioned outdoor play. Run, jump, climb, giggle and twirl through our forest and down to the vernal pond. Campers will be introduced to the wonderful world of macro invertebrates and wiggling worms. Get ready for a muddy good time. · Nature Quest Grades two and three, July 2428, from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Your child will go behind the scenes of the nature center as they meet and care for the rescued and rehabilitated animals that live on grounds. Children will learn about animal behavior as they spend time with our furry, feathered and scaly friends. Campers will also explore our fields and trails with engaging activities focused on developing fundamental survival skills · Walk on the Wild Side: Grades two and three, July 31-Aug. 4, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. What’s the difference between wild and tame? Why do coyotes and dogs look so similar? Take a walk on the wild side with an expert naturalist as we traverse the trails and learn about magnificent wild creatures that inhabit the preserve. · Creature Feature: For kindergarten/first grade, July 31-Aug. 4, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Each day we will discover a new featured creature from the animal kingdom in this week of creature fun. We’ll touch the world’s softest animal, find out what hides in our forest during the day and who’s out at night. Get ready to keep on creature adventuring. · Stayin’ Alive: Grades four and five, Aug. 7-11, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Campers learn about wilderness survival as they explore GNC’s 33 acres of varied terrain and participate in exercises such as fire

building, shelter construction, animal tracking and plant identification. Activities foster leadership and critical thinking skills. Campers will also spend time interacting with the nature center’s diverse animal population. · Hunters & Gatherers: Grades four and five, Aug. 14-18, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Ever wonder what it was like to live off the land? Spend a week and go back in time to learn Native American tips and techniques of survival. Campers will test structure-building skills, forage for native foods, play traditional games and much more. · Forest Adventures: For kindergarten/first grade, Aug. 21-25, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Who would win in a race, a beetle, a cricket or a butterfly? Find out with the essential entomologist tools — bug boxes and butterfly nets — and bug-out at the nature center. · Rappin’ Reptiles: For kindergarten/first grade, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. What is coldblooded, has scales and lays eggs? Reptiles. of course. Your child will spend the week meeting a wide range of reptilian friends with an expert naturalist. Give a tortoise a bath, feel the scales of a snake and dive into the wild world of radiant reptiles. Enrollment: n/a Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Transportation: No Fees: Bugs and Butterflies, Muddy Sneakers, Nature Quest, Walk on the Wild Side, Creature Feature, Forest Adventure and Rappin’ Reptiles camps fee per session: $300/child plus $85 membership fee; Hunters and Gatherers and Stayin’ Alive camps fee per session: $400/child plus $85 membership fee.

Hitchcock Summer Camp 6 GREENACRES AVE. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 723-0922 Director: Susan Grant




and weekly concert performances. Basic morning program can be combined with a variety of extended day options, such as world drumming, musical theater workshop, chamber music or jazz workshops, wind serenade, composers corner, music tech lab and HB Rocks! guitar ensemble. Enrollment: Second-10th graders Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: June 26-July 28 Hours: 9 a.m.-noon for basic program; extended day options to 2 or 5 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: See website. Early bird discount on full program until March 31. Special programs/other: Scholarships available.

Hole-In-One Junior Golf Camp DUNWOODIE AND SPRAIN LAKE GOLF COURSES, YONKERS; HUDSON HILLS, OSSINING; MAPLE MOOR, WHITE PLAINS; SAXON WOODS, SCARSDALE; AND MOHANSIC, YORKTOWN HEIGHTS (914) 231-4673 Director: Beth Bricker Philosophy: Young people ages 10-17 can learn the fundamentals of golf and hone their skills under the direction of top PGA pros in Westchester. Enrollment: Varies Camper-counselor ratio: Varies Hours: Vary Transportation: No Fees: $50/session

Hudson Country Day Camp 340 QUAKER RIDGE RD. NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10804 (914) 636-6202 Director: Dumindra Hathurusinghe Philosophy: At the Hitchcock Summer Camp, there is a wide range of activities during the six-week program for 2-, 3- and 4-year-olds. Each week is geared to a specific theme such as nature, cooking and camping, to name a few. Your child will be engaged in music, arts and crafts, gym and playground time on a daily basis. Once a week, your child will be entertained by special events hosted by Mad Science, a magician and Nature of Things. Your child will learn by a hands-on experience about different animals, experimenting with Mad Science and learning some magic, too. Enrollment: 38 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 3 Hours: Monday thru Thursday from 9-11:45 a.m. Transportation: No Fees: Choose two, three or four days. Call or visit website for application and fee schedule. Philosophy: Summer fun in a safe, nurturing environment. Enrollment: 150 Camper-counselor ratio: 2s, 5:1; 3s-8s, 6:1; 9s-11s, 8:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 18 Hours: 2s, 9 a.m.-noon; 3s-5s, 9 a.m.-noon or 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; 6s-11s, 9.a.m.-4 p.m. Extended hours available 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Transportation: Optional Fees: Call for information Special programs/other: Special activities include swimming, sports, science, crafts, nature, karate, gymnastics, yoga and dance. Trips for campers 6 and older.

Hoff-Barthelson Music School Summer Arts Program

Indoor Rock Climbing Summer Camp at The Rock Club

25 SCHOOL LANE SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 723-1169 Director: Joe Piscitelli

130 RHODES STREET NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10801 (914) 633-7625 Director: Meghan McDonald Philosophy: The program offers a stimulating, challenging and enjoyable summer experience in music, visual arts and theater for second-10th-graders. Lessons, ensembles Philosophy: The place where it’s OK to climb the walls. Exciting weekly indoor rock climbing camps available all summer long. No experience necessary. Rock climbing

is a great activity that promotes strength, balance, flexibility and focus…and it’s fun. The best part about climbing is that everyone succeeds — the instructors make sure of it. Camp includes all climbing equipment, team building elements, instruction, ground games and fun for all. Kids will have a great time and make new friends while staying active and healthy. As their skills advance they can place into fall junior programs or try out for TRC’s highly successful youth competitive team (Team Rock) that competes locally and nationally. This summer, let your kids climb to new heights at The Rock Club. Enrollment: n/a Camper-counselor ratio: 4:1 or better Calendar: Nine weeks, Jun 26-Aug. 25 Hours: Full day, 9a.m.-4 p.m.; morning: 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m.; afternoon: 12:45-4 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Varies depending on half or full days. See website. Special programs/other: Kids are encouraged to bring a snack as there will be a 15 minute snack break during sessions.

JCC of Mid-Westchester Summer Camps 999 WILMOT RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 472-3300 Director: Caryn Symons Philosophy: The JCC offers several different camps all under one roof: • Camp Gadol: The youngest campers, 2 years old — entering pre-k — are introduced to the day camp experience through a variety of professionally led outdoor and indoor activities, art, music, nature, water play and more. Campers 3 and older swim in the heated pool every day. Children entering grades k-4 enjoy a variety of activities, including swimming, soccer, baseball, gymnastics, martial arts, music, nature and more in a nurturing, non-competitive environment. Special themed days such as Pajama Day, Crazy Hat Day, Sport Day and more highlight each week and are enjoyed by all campers. Special late nights and barbecues are always something campers look forward to. • Summer Arts Center (SAC): The joy of creative expression is what this unique program is all about. Developed for the creative and independent child entering grades 2-8, SAC is the only program of its kind in lower Westchester and provides an opportunity for campers to focus on art, dance or theatre as a major while taking electives in all disciplines. SAC provides a noncompetitive, nurturing atmosphere in which children are encouraged to explore their creativity. SAC is a full-day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. program. • LIT/CIT Experience (Leader/Counselor in Training): Leadership training and “pre-job” experience is what you will gain from the LIT/ CIT program. LIT/CITs are either paired with counselors to learn how to supervise and interact with campers, assist a specialist and learn how to lead an activity. There will be weekly community service component as well as group classes and fun weekly trips. • Toward Tomorrow is funded by New York State Education Department and provides children 3-5 years with special needs a

nurturing learning and recreational summer experience. All children must be approved for the program by their local school district. The Toward Tomorrow program collaborates with Camp Gadol to give children ages 3-8 years of age with special learning needs inclusion opportunities. • Dance Intensive (June 26-July 21): The serious dance student with some experience will enjoy a comprehensive curriculum of dance and dance-related classes taught by professionals and includes classes in nutrition, pilates and yoga. Dancers attend camp daily, 10:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m., and may choose a two-, three- or four- week session. The program culminates with an in-studio showcase. Space is limited to 16 students. • Just Gymnastic Summer Camp: This camp is for all levels and backgrounds ages 5-16 and runs Aug. 21-25). Full day and limited to 40 campers. After an evaluation, campers will be placed in an appropriate group for the week. This is the perfect way to explore and/ or develop your child’s gymnastics abilities. Lunch will be provided daily. Camper-counselor ratio: Varies by program/age Calendar: June 26-Aug. 11 Hours: Full day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Other options: 9 am-noon, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Early arrival/after care available for an additional fee. Transportation: No Fees: Range from $1,380-$5,225 (many programs include lunch).

Junior Summer Indoor Tennis Camp at The New Rochelle Racquet Club 130 RHODES ST. NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10801 (914) 636-1003 Director: Dean Won Philosophy: Tennis camp at The New Rochelle Racquet Club provides kids with a fun and engaging environment where they can excel at the sport of tennis, whether they have been playing for many years or are new to the game. NRRC offers various camps for ages 4 and up: Red Ball, Junior Development/ Tournament Training Program and the new High Performance Camp. High Performance is geared towards more advanced tournament players to help reach their maximum success in USTA tournaments. NRCC carefully groups campers according to age and skill level so they can get the most out of the program. The personable instructors share their passion and love of the game in a supportive and caring environment. Enrollment: See brochure on website Camper-counselor ratio: n/a Calendar: 10 weeks: June 27-Aug. 25 Hours: Full day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; morning, 9 a.m.-noon; afternoon, 1-4 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: See website. Special programs/other: Fully indoor facility with A/C. Lunch option available.

At William Raveis, we pride ourselves on our network. From Massachusetts to Maine and New York to Naples, Florida, our footprint is the largest in the Northeast and Naples.

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The Scarsdale Inquirer 2017 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23A

Mazel Tots Summer Stars SCARSDALE SYNAGOGUE-TEMPLES TREMONT AND EMANU-EL 2 OGDEN RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 723-3001 Directors: Jody Glassman, Jocelyn Gross Philosophy: Summer Stars provides children ages 18 months-5 years old with an environment which will encourage their curiosity and help them grow socially, emotionally and physically. Enrollment: n/a Camper-counselor ratio: 3:1 Calendar: June 29-Aug. 14 Hours: Toddlers, 9-11:15 a.m.; half day, 9 a.m.noon; full day, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Toddlers, $1,650; half day, $2,475; full day, $3,175. Special programs/other: Activities include sports, water play, art, music, soccer, storyteller, puppetry, fitness, cooking, nature and more.

Mitchell Spearman Junior Golf Summer Camp DORAL ARROWWOOD 975 ANDERSON HILL RD. RYE BROOK, NY 10573 (800) 733-1653 Director: Joanna Dove

campers with an authentic, traditional camp experience with a focus on aquatics and instructional programs in sports, adventure, creative/performing arts and adventure. Campers ages 3-13 are placed in grade-specific groups led by teachers and college-aged counselors. Facility highlights include eight heated-pools, 14 tennis courts, two field houses, farm, water slides, ropes course and more. New for 2017 Mohawk is adding a Performing Arts Center, which includes a theatre, gymnastics center and dance studio. Tuition includes air-conditioned bus transportation, daily snacks, hot lunch, towel service and camp apparel. The mission at Mohawk Day Camp is for campers to have fun, be active and enjoy a spirited and caring community where they can grow. The carefully selected and trained staff has an unrivaled knack for inspiring fun, fostering camaraderie and creating a safe, supportive and stimulating environment. For more information or to schedule a tour, visit the website or call the camp office. Enrollment: n/a Camper-counselor ratio: 3:1 Calendar: Main Camp, June 26-Aug. 18 Hours: Full day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (ages 3-13); mini day, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. (ages 3-entering kindergarten); half day, 9 a.m.-noon (ages 3-4) Transportation: Door-to-door on airconditioned buses with counselor, included in tuition. Fees: Call for tuition and flexible enrollment options.

Music Conservatory of Westchester’s Music & Arts Summer Program Philosophy: Premium instruction and a positive learning experience are the foundations to golf success. The camp works on all aspects of the game — full-swing, short game, putting, on-course strategy and play — as well as utilizing the latest in technology. Enrollment: Ages 6-16 Camper-counselor ratio: 6:1 Calendar: June 5-Sept. 1 Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Friday, 9 a.m.-noon Fees: $1,195/week. Sign up for one week minimum. Multi-week, multi-golfer and early registration discounts available. Special programs/other: Winter indoor program running now. Max six per session. Spring program outdoors commences April 1. Many sign-up options running Monday-Friday, 4-6 p.m. and weekends 2-6 p.m. Minimum one day per week. Two-hour classes. Pee Wees for ages 4-7 will beheld Wednesdays and Sundays. Join in any time as long as space is available for one-hour classes.

Mohawk Day Camp 200 OLD TARRYTOWN RD. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10603 (914) 949-2635 Director: Adam Wallach

216 CENTRAL AVE. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606 (914) 761-3900 Director: Jake Robinson Philosophy: The conservatory’s signature summer program for ages 5-11 engages your child while providing the educational experience you’re looking for. This fun, enjoyable program includes instrumental ensembles and instruction, singing, acting, musical theatre, composing and more, taught by a fabulous faculty. Enrollment: n/a Calendar: June 26-July 7 (closed July 4), July 10-21, July 24-Aug. 4, Aug. 7-18 Hours: Monday-Friday, half day or full day. Early drop-off and extended day options. Transportation: No Fees: Call or visit website Special programs/other: Take advantage of the convenient “mix and match” schedule. Sign up for two, four, six or eight weeks. With early drop-off and extended day options, Summer Music & Arts is a flexible program.

MVP Basketball Camp Philosophy: Mohawk Day Camp is excited to celebrate its 88th summer. Mohawk provides

29 HOMESIDE LANE WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605 (914) 946-1231 Director: Noel Muyskens

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p DAY CAMP GUIDE Philosophy: The camp teaches boys and girls from 6-16 the fundamentals of basketball and allows for plenty of gameplay within relatively narrow age groups. Enrollment: 250/week Camper-counselor ratio: 6:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 4 in Rye and White Plains Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Early drop-off and extended hours available. Transportation: Busing options vary by week from Mount Kisco, New Rochelle, Mount Vernon and Yonkers. Fees: Five-day camps, $400/week. Multiple child and multi-week discounts available. Special programs/other: Quality coaches and great guest speakers helped MVP get recognized as a “Best of Westchester” day camp.

Next Level Camp for Boys IONA PREPARATORY SCHOOL 255 WILMOT RD. NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10804 (914) 341-1488 Directors: Ed Metzendorf, Ed Dee, Scott Gilberti Philosophy: A mix of skill-based individual and team sports, STEM academic enrichment, exciting events and unique electives ranging from magic, GaGa, D.J. and radio broadcasting to CrossFit, martial arts, wrestling and more. The boys are engaged by encouraging them to explore. Enrollment: About 100/week Camper-counselor ratio: 3:1 Calendar: Flexible sessions allow for full or half-day enrollment, for one or more consecutive or non-consecutive weeks from June 26 to Aug. 4. Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Transportation: From a few towns Fees: Range from $600-$715/week Special programs/other: STEM Intensive.

The Play Group Theatre ONE NORTH BROADWAY WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601 (914) 946-4433 Director: Jill Abusch Philosophy: PGT Summer Theatre provides an artistically dynamic, creatively challenging summer experience, within a supportive, nurturing and collaborative environment. Choose from six-week MainStage and three-week options for the Teen Conservatory (ages 14-and-over), the Young Actors’ Ensemble (ages 11-13), the PGT Kids (ages 7-10) and Little Theatre (ages 4-6). Classes vary each day, including acting, musical theatre, dance and movement, Shakespeare, stage combat, improv and more. The day also includes rehearsal with each program culminating in a performance. A trip to Broadway, an improv workshop with New York professionals and weekly special days complete the PGT Summer experience. One-

week improv and new design/tech programs are also available. PGT’s professional staff is dedicated to providing an artistic haven for children and teens of all ages and levels of experience. Get in on the act. Enrollment: 100 Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: MainStage, July 10-Aug. 18; first three-week session, July 10-28; second three-week session, July 31-Aug. 18; one-week session, July 31-Aug. 4. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (Little Theatre, Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.) Transportation: No Fees: Vary by program.

Proform Tennis Academy 975 ANDERSON HILL RD. RYE BROOK NY 10573 (914) 935-6688 Philosophy: Junior tennis camp caters to all levels and abilities. Campers are divided into groups based on playing ability and age. There they will be taught correct techniques, court movement and strategies through a combination of games, on court drills and match play, which will enrich their love of a sport that lasts a lifetime. Enrollment: 40/week Calendar: June 26-Aug. 25 Hours: Morning camp, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; afternoon camp, 2:30-6 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Visit website or call office. Check website for early registration discounts. Special programs/other: Evaluations required for correct placement.

Purchase College Aquatic Summer Program 735 ANDERSON HILL RD. PURCHASE, NY 10577 (914) 251-5939 Contact: Christine Klint Philosophy: The Purchase College Aquatics Program runs year round and offers children’s group lessons, adult lessons, and specialty programs to over 1,400 participants each year. All lessons are taught by American Red Cross Water Safety Instructors and follow the American Red Cross Learn-toSwim guidelines. The beautiful six-lane pool and diving well is heated for your comfort. Various discounts are offered and noted in the brochure. Most swim levels are offered during each daily session so siblings of varied ages and abilities can be in different classes during the same time period. Swimming is a great lifetime skill that will help you enjoy the aquatic environment safely as you enhance your fitness level and your quality of life. Enrollment: All ages Camper-counselor ratio: n/a Calendar: Dates TBA Hours: Vary Transportation: No Fees: See website or call. Special programs/other: Two-week intensives for Levels 1-6, parent/child classes, group lessons and specialty programs.

Purchase College Summer Youth and Precollege Programs in the Arts 735 ANDERSON HILL RD. PURCHASE, NY 10577 (914) 251-6500 Director: Kelly Jackson Philosophy: Children grades 4-8 (youth) and 9-12 (precollege) work with practicing artists and educators in the studios, stages and classrooms of Purchase College to develop new skills, confidence and enjoyment of the visual arts, performing arts and more. Programs in photography, visual arts, filmmaking, creative writing, acting, songwriting, STEM, vocal, architecture and video game and app design are offered. Enrollment: Varies by program Camper-counselor ratio: Approximately 10:1 Calendar: Begins June 26; dates vary by program. Hours: Vary. Most from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Early drop-off and extended day options (9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.) available at an additional cost Transportation: No Fees: Vary by program; $800-$2,300. Early registration/additional sibling discounts available.

Purchase Day Camp 3095 PURCHASE ST. PURCHASE, NY 10577 (914) 949-2636 Director: Jim Kelly Philosophy: Purchase Day Camp’s high energy, positive impact programs build self-esteem. Broad-based activities include swimming, sports, art, computers, science and much more. Growth in every specialty is nurtured by a sensitive, enthusiastic and encouraging team of teachers. Discover why campers say “I just LOVE it here.” Enrollment: About 350 Camper-counselor ratio: 4:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 18 Hours: Junior Camp 3s and 4s: full day 9 a.m.-4 p.m., mini-day 9 a.m.-1:45 p.m., half day 9 a.m.12:10 p.m. Senior Camp: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Mini-K (kindergarten only): 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Transportation: Busing available in select areas Fees: Base full-day fee: $7,950/eight weeks; Mini-K fee: $6,250/eight weeks; half-day fee: $4,350/eight weeks. Special programs/other: Little Sprouts Mini Camp for 3s, 4s and children entering kindergarten runs June 5-23. Sign up for one, two or all three weeks.

Purchase Sports Camp LLC MANHATTANVILLE COLLEGE 2900 PURCHASE ST. PURCHASE, NY 10577 (914) 315-7507 Director: Josh Schraeter

At William Raveis, we pride ourselves on our network. From Massachusetts to Maine and New York to Naples, Florida, our footprint is the largest in the Northeast and Naples.

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The Scarsdale Inquirer 2017 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24A Philosophy: Children deserve the opportunity to be introduced to sports as a fun and enjoyable activity. It is important to introduce the development of eye hand coordination as well as movement and balancing skills at an early age. Early awareness of these skills will help development in any sports discipline. Purchase Sports Camp will ensure children are treated individually. The goal is to instill in each camper a desire to enjoy sports, to convey life’s lessons through sports and impart a desire to maintain a healthy conscious lifestyle for the rest of their lives. All instruction at Purchase Sports Camp will be done with sincerity in mind. At the same time, proper technique and mechanics will be taught each and every learning session. If children are taught the foundations of a sport correctly at an early age the rest comes easily. The objective is for all our campers to have a good time. If they are enjoying themselves, the work ethic and improvement will come naturally. Enrollment: n/a Camper-counselor ratio: Tennis 4:1, other sports 5:1. Calendar: June 26-Aug. 11 Hours: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Early drop-off and late pickup available. Transportation: Busing available Fees: $675/week (current discount $75). Multi-week and sibling discount available. Special programs/other: Top notch coaches will help children of all skill levels in tennis, soccer, lacrosse, cheerleading, baseball, softball, basketball and field sports. Supervised swimming every day. Transportation, hot and cold lunch, early drop-off and late pickup available. Early registration discount on now.

Rye Racquet Club Tennis Camp 3 SOUTH RD. HARRISON, NY 10528 (914) 835-3030 Directors: Go Inagawa, Neel Roy Philosophy: To provide a comprehensive tennis education, including mechanics, stroke production and strategies of the game. To help students develop a lifetime love of the game and a sense of good sportsmanship and fair play. Enrollment: 40/week Camper-counselor ratio: 4:1 or 5:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 18 Hours: Morning camp: 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m.; full day: 8:45 a.m.-4 p.m. (Friday camp ends at 1 p.m.); USTA and high school varsity: 2-4 p.m.; Mini-Camp (4-7 years old): MondayThursday, 9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Call for fees Special programs/other: Students must be evaluated for acceptance into the USTA and/ or full day camp. MITL team competition, Elite Training Program offered.

Scarsdale Ballet Studio Summer Intensive and MiniCamp 696R WHITE PLAINS RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 725-8754 Director: Diana White Philosophy: Celebrating 25 years, the studio has been recognized throughout Westchester and the New York Metro area for the quality of its curriculum and the professionalism of its faculty. Starting with the youngest dancers, the primary aim is to nurture a life-long love of dancing. Scarsdale Ballet’s balanced, creative and traditional approach shapes each student into a technically accomplished, versatile dancer, regardless of his or her aspirations. Through classes, rehearsals and performances, students are inspired to explore the full range of their artistic abilities. Enrollment: Ages 3-Adult Camper-counselor ratio 10:1 Transportation: No Fees: See website.

Scarsdale Community Baptist Nursery School POPHAM AND AUTENRIETH ROADS SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 722-0278 Director: Dina Bove, MS, ed Philosophy: The program helps young children grow intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically in a learning environment that nurtures and supports their optimal development. It is designed to offer a fun-filled, first camp experience for young children, which includes music and movement, language and literature, science and expressive arts and crafts. The large, protected play area is equipped with state of the art play structures, sand area, bikes and yard equipment to encourage gross motor activities. Water play and sprinklers add to the fun. Classrooms, located on the first floor, are bright and air-conditioned. Special themes are featured each week that keep the kids wanting more. Enrollment: Ages 2 years, 9 months to 6 years old Camper-counselor ratio: 7:1 Calendar: June 5-July 21. Choose up to seven weeks and from 3-5 days. Hours: 9 a.m.-noon Transportation: No Fees: Vary by program. See website or call for a tour. Special programs/other: New summer camp for 2-year-olds from 9-11:45 a.m. Siblings get 50 percent off tuition for all programs.

Scarsdale Recreation Summer Day Camp VILLAGE HALL — PARKS AND RECREATION 1001 POST RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 722-1160 Director: Jim Andreski




Philosophy: Scarsdale rec provides a wide variety of recreational and educational programs for all campers. Camp open to Scarsdale residents only. Campers go to the Scarsdale Municipal Pool each day for a half hour lesson and a half hour free swim. Enrollment: Approximately 900 campers grades k-8 Camper-counselor ratio (location): Camp Sagamore, kindergarten, 6:1(Greenacres School). Camp Lenape, first grade, 6:1 (Fox Meadow School). Camp Wapetuck, second grade, 8:1 (Quaker Ridge School). Camp Pathunke, third-eighth grade, starts at 8:1 and goes up to 12:1 (Scarsdale Middle School). Calendar: Monday, July 3-Friday, Aug. 4 (no camp July 4) Hours: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Transportation: Provided from each elementary school, Scarsdale High School, George Field Park, Kids’ BASE and Scarsdale Pool. Fees: Early bird fee by signing up by May. Full day season $935. Weekly options also available. Special programs/other: Combination camp: campers in third-eighth grades can choose soccer or sports camp in the morning and regular day camp in the afternoon (separate fee). Specialty elective programs will be offered during the season for third-eighth-graders (additional fee).

Scarsdale Recreation Teen Travel Camp VILLAGE HALL — PARKS AND RECREATION 1001 POST RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 722-1160 Philosophy: Each day campers go on a different trip. Registration is held at Scarsdale Village Hall and via the village website. Enrollment: For sixth- through ninth-graders on a first come, first served basis. A minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 per session. Calendar: Session I, Monday, July 3-Friday, July 21(no camp July 4). Session II, Monday, July 24-Friday, Aug. 4. Hours: 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (time varies depending on trip) Fees: Session I, $1,500. Session II, $1,000.

Sew Happy Sewing Machine & American Girl® Hand Sewing Camps FENOM FITNESS 67 GRANT AVE. HARRISON, NY (917) 885-7716 Director: Kim Mulcahy Philosophy: Fashion Camps are boutique camps tailor made to inspire potential fashion designers and fashionistas out there. The difference between the Sew Happy Fashion Camp and other fashion-type camps is they teach the kids how to design and sew wearable garments and accessories. The kids make great new friends and connections and often move on to advanced sewing classes and workshops with Sew Happy. At Fashion Camp, the kids work

through fun design challenges, sometimes in groups, sometimes alone to create unique garments and they plan and orchestrate their own fashion show and photo booth on the last day. At American Girl® Beach Vacation Camp the kids bring their 18-inch doll and enjoy making a bathing suit, sun dress, towel, beach bag and other accessories for her. In addition to hand sewing they enjoy games, arts and crafts and play time with the dolls in our doll sized beach cabana. Enrollment: There are camps for ages 6-13 (depending on the camp) and kids are grouped by age with age-appropriate projects and assignments. Camper-counselor ratio: 4:1 Calendar: July 10-14, 17-21, 24-28, Aug. 14-18, 21-25 Hours: Full day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Full day, $600. Half day, $350. Materials are included. Special programs/other: Sew Happy is also offering three weeks of sewing camps at CampInTouch at Greenwich Academy ( during the month of June. There are also offer workshops, classes, camps and after school clubs year-round.

by choosing three morning and two afternoon courses from a selection of over 50 offerings, which include digital photography, robotics, rocketry, 3D printing, sports, swimming, Legos, cooking, magic, science and more. Squire also offers a tennis academy and an all-sports academy. Squire Sports programs provides an outstanding competitive program for athletes who are interested in improving their skills and having fun while doing so. Early drop-off from 8 a.m. on, hot lunch and a morning snack, as well as a t-shirt and water bottle, are included in all programs. Classrooms and dining hall are air-conditioned. Transportation and extended day are available. Instructors are New York State certified teachers. Open House March 11 from 1-4 p.m. Enrollment: 200 for Advantage, 50 for Sports Academies Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 or better Calendar: June 26-Aug. 11 Hours: 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m. for Advantage; 8 a.m. drop-off included and extended day until 5:30 is optional. Transportation: Yes Fees: Vary.

Sportime Harbor Island Summer Camp


HARBOR ISLAND PARK MAMARONECK, NY 10543 (914) 777-5050 Director: Ryan Horn Philosophy: St James the Less Nursery School wants to spark all children’s interests and nurture their natural curiosity. The goal is to help children feel comfortable in their first school experience, make friends, and become independent self confident learners that learn best at their own pace. Play provides the foundation for this future academic learning. SJTL emphasizes the development of the whole child. There are four large bright classrooms for children to learn and grow, plus use of the Parish Hall in inclement weather. This spacious room has been outfitted with large foam blocks, mats, balls, a balance beam and other fun indoor equipment, which ensures active play. There are also two safe, spacious playground areas that give children an at home backyard feeling where children have opportunities to climb, run, and ride tricycles. Enrollment: n/a Camper-counselor ratio: n/a Calendar: July and August Hours: 9-11:45 a.m. Transportation: No Fees: Call for info. Philosophy: All camps offer appropriate level of learning, playing, competing and summer fun. Facilities include nine tennis courts in a beautiful park. There are three distinct summer junior tennis camps: Tennis Camp for children ages 3-7, Junior Tennis Camp for advanced beginner to intermediate players ages 8-14 and Elite Training Camp for competitive juniors of all ages. Enrollment: 50/week Camper-counselor ratio: 4:1 Calendar: June 26-Sept. 1 Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. or half-day options. Extended camp available. Fees: Call for fees.

Squire Advantage and Squire Sports Academies MARIA REGINA HIGH SCHOOL HARTSDALE, NY 10530 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 885 SLEEPY HOLLOW, NY 10591 (914) 328-3798 Director: Matt Davanzo Philosophy: Squire Camps, set in Hartsdale on the Maria Regina High School Campus in the heart of Westchester, is celebrating its 44th season and offers unique and varied opportunities for children ages 5-15. Squire Advantage is a totally individualized program for the inquisitive child who wishes to explore and expand his or her interests. Advantage Primary (grades k-3) and Advantage Choice (grades 4-9) enable campers to custom design their own schedule

St. James The Less Summer Camp

Steffi Nossen Summer Dance 216 CENTRAL AVE. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606 (914) 328-1900 Director: Kristina Todd Nelson Philosophy: Programs for the tiniest dancers to pre-professional teens. Share the joy of dance while learning new technique and developing your creativity. Enrollment: Currently accepting enrollment for week long Story Book Camps for 3-5-year-olds; Dance Camp, a two-week program for grades 1-5 with classes in modern, ballet, hip hop and musical theater classes, along with dance

At William Raveis, we pride ourselves on our network. From Massachusetts to Maine and New York to Naples, Florida, our footprint is the largest in the Northeast and Naples.

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The Scarsdale Inquirer 2017 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25A history, choreographing their own dances; a week-long Musical Theater Intensive with professional voice, acting and dance specialists to enhance vocal and acting training while honing proper dance technique in a fun and supportive environment; and week long dance intensives for pre-teens and teens offer daily modern, ballet jazz and musical theater, technique classes, plus body conditioning, improvisation/ composition and dance history. Adult Moving Wheels & Heels Adaptive Dance Residency and Children’s Adaptive Dance Camp round out the summer program. Calendar: Story book camps, June 5-July 17; dance camp, July 10-21; week long dance intensives, July 20-24 and 27-31; musical theater intensive, July 24-Aug. 4; dance intensive I and II, Aug. 7-18; Moving Wheels & Heels Adaptive Dance, Adult Weeklong Intensive June 19-25; children’s camp, June 26-29. Hours: Early drop-off and extended day options Transportation: No Fees: Call for details.

Studio B Dance Center 277 WHITE PLAINS RD. (ENTRANCE ON PROSPECT) EASTCHESTER, NY 10709 (914) 793-2799 Philosophy: The studio focuses on fun, ageappropriate technique and social interaction for boys and girls ages 2 and up. Enrollment: Varies with program. Flexible scheduling allows for parent to pick individual days and weeks for children to attend. No minimum. Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 25 Hours: Vary by program Fees: Vary by program. Weekly and daily rates as well as five-week hour-long dance class sessions. Special programs/other: Saturday and weekday dance classes for boys and girls ages 2 and up. Two and a half hour morning arts program for ages 3-5 years old. Arts camp for ages 6-10, includes dance, games, arts and crafts, snack and exciting guests. Intensive dance program for ages 11-17 focuses on ballet, contemporary, modern and hip hop. All camp programs can be done on a daily or weekly sign-up.

Summer Scene at The Little School 307 MAMARONECK RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 472-5409 Executive Director: Janice Barnes Philosophy: Summer Scene at The Little School combines the fun of summer camp with early childhood learning in a structured, nurturing environment under the guidance of acclaimed teachers. Children enjoy adventure-filled days that incorporate active athletic play, free swim and swimming instruction at the Scarsdale Pool, art projects, music, play centers and plenty of time outdoors. Each week features a different theme adventure and special event, creating added excitement and learning opportunities. This engaging agenda gives children a chance to expand their talents and interests, build self-confidence and create lasting friendships.

Camper-counselor ratio: 6:1 Calendar: June 27-Aug. 11 Hours: Half day, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; full day, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; extended hours, 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: Half day, $3,774; full day, $4,604; Breakfast Club, 7-9 a.m., $348; extended day, 3-6:30 p.m., $590. Special programs/other: Scarsdale Pool Tuesday through Friday with swim instruction twice a week, sensory yoga class and Gym on Wheels gymnastics class, weekly assembly coordinated with weekly themes.

Teaches Basketball Camps 59 SOUTH GREELEY AVE. CHAPPAQUA, NY 10514 (914) 238-0278 Director: Terry Teachout Philosophy: Teaches is celebrating its 30th year of camps. The success is based on all children participating and having fun. Various skill levels welcome. Throughout the week there are a variety of competitions and league play for everyone. Structured teams make league play organized with an assigned coach to each team for the week. Every camper receives a basketball, bag and camp shirt. There are various locations throughout Westchester County: Rye Brook, Chappaqua, Armonk, Irvington, Sleepy Hollow, Yorktown, Cortlandt and Rye. Also Ridgefield, Conn. Enrollment: 30-100/week Camper-counselor ratio: 7:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 25. You can enroll for one week at a time or multiple. Hours: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: $325-$440 Special programs/other: Teaches offers unique NBA player camps. Throughout the summer different locations will be NBA player specific, a great way to meet and experience celebrity players. Teaches also has two weeks of Shooting Camps in Armonk.

Temple Israel Center Nursery School Summer Camp 280 OLD MAMARONECK RD. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605 (914) 948-2800 EXT. 126 Director: Patty Goldstick Philosophy: Six-and-a-half-week camp provides a summer filled with enthusiastic, age-appropriate fun and discovery in a relaxed nurturing environment. Enrollment: 40 Camper-counselor ratio: Staffed by nursery school teachers; 3:1 or 4:1 depending on age group. Calendar: June 19-Aug. 3 Hours: Mommy & Me, Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m.; 2s (two-, three- and five-day options), 9-11:30 a.m.; 3s (three- and five-day options), 9 a.m.-noon; 4s, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- noon. Extended day hours available. Transportation: No Fees: Call for information.

Thornton-Donovan School Summer Challenge 100 OVERLOOK CIRCLE NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10804

MARCH 10, 2017


(914) 632-8836 Director: Annemarie Licini Philosophy: The Summer Challenge begins its 49th year Monday, July 3, and concludes seven weeks later on Friday, Aug. 18. The Summer Challenge attracts campers from ages 3-14, is co-educational and has swimming and instructional swim as its main focus. The Challenge also makes available 25 other recreational activities. A seasoned staff of 20, mostly teachers and other professionals help make each summer day a fun and safe one. Open houses are set for Sundays, March 26, and April 23, both from 2-4 p.m. Call for a brochure or any other information. Enrollment: 150 Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 or 6:1 Calendar: July 3-Aug. 18 Hours: 8:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m. Transportation: Yes, call for details Fees: $660/week. Discounts on multiple-week programs. Special programs/other: Summer school classes from July 10-Aug. 4.

Twin Lakes Farm 960 CALIFORNIA RD. BRONXVILLE, NY 10708 (914) 961-2192 Director: Kirsten Cowan Philosophy: Traditional horseback riding academy with over 45 lesson horses. This means Twin Lakes has just the right partner for kids to learn on no matter their riding level. Indoor and outdoor rings for great riding year round. Enrollment: 30 Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 18. Weekly, biweekly, monthly and full summer camp. Hours: Half day, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; full day, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: $525/week half day, $725/week full day. Multi-week discounts. Special programs/other: Summer camp includes twice daily riding, horsemanship, barn management, horsey arts and crafts, waterslides and horsey games. Afternoon summer leasing also available by the month or week and group or private lessons offered seven days a week.

Westchester Community College Center for the Arts Art Camp WESTCHESTER COUNTY CENTER 196 CENTRAL AVE. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606 (914) 606-7500 Director: Lisa Santalis Philosophy: Explorations may include drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and more. Students will be introduced to and work with a variety of quality materials and will experiment with different styles, inspired by artists and art movements. This interactive program blends fun with fine art (clay sculpture, drawing, painting, digital art, crafts, mixed media, architecture). Enrollment: 60 Camper-counselor ratio: 16:1 Calendar: June 26-Aug. 18

Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Transportation: No Fees: $160-$728, plus $8.25 registration fee Special programs/other: Other programs offered are public speaking and debate camp, teen art institutes, fashion camp and teen art portfolio development.

Westchester & Fairfield Swim Camp MAILING: P.O. BOX 34 PLEASANTVILLE, NY 10570 PHYSICAL: PACE UNIVERSITY 861 BEDFORD RD. PLEASANTVILLE, NY 10570 (914) 588-2971 Director: Katherine Palladino Philosophy: Developing an important life skill while having fun doing it. Camp focuses on individual swim development and water safety for all levels of campers between the ages of 4-14. Swimmers receive instruction in small groups where the children are of similar age, skill and experience. Every camper is personally monitored to ensure there is improvement in this lifesaving skill. Extra private instructional swim time is provided when needed. To balance out the day, a variety of land activities are built in such as field games, fun fitness, obstacle courses tiedying, carnival days and scavenger hunts. The unparalleled staff includes seasoned American Red Cross Water Safety instructors and teachers selected for their expertise, but also for their ability to be exceptional role models. Enrollment: 85/week Camper-counselor ratio: 5:1 Calendar: June 26-July 28 Hours: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Extended hours available. Transportation: No Fees: $425/week Special programs/other: Junior Lifeguard Training.

Westchester Reform Temple Summer Play Place 255 MAMARONECK RD. SCARSDALE, NY 10583 (914) 723-5493 Director: Joyce Podolak Philosophy: The Summer Play Place at Westchester Reform Temple offers a fun-filled program within a warm, nurturing setting where experienced staff and counselors facilitate our hands-on program. Age-specific activities are exciting, creative and fun. Enrollment: Varies Camper-counselor ratio: Low Calendar: June 26-Aug. 11 Hours: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. for 3s and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. for 4s (children bring lunch); 9:15-11:15 a.m. for children entering 2s in September with threeor four-day option drop-off. Play Place Pixies class with loved one and teacher two mornings per week, 9:15-10:45 a.m. Transportation: No Fees: Call for fees. Special programs/other: Highlighted activities feature arts and crafts, sports, including Happy Feet Soccer program, nature, dance, music, special projects, activity room, theme days, large air-conditioned indoor play space and daily outdoor water play.

Westchester Summer Day 865 ORIENTA AVE. MAMARONECK, NY 10543 (914) 698-8900 Director: David Iskovitz Philosophy: WSD offers an outstanding eightweek program designed for children ages 2-12 years old. WSD is situated on the Long Island Sound and provides a wide array of activities including swimming, boating, water skiing, rock climbing, zip lining, floor hockey, robotics, Jewish culture, Oneg Shabbat parties, sports, arts and crafts, music, trips and much more. The Westchester Summer Day staff members are positive and energetic. A kosher lunch and snacks are provided daily. WSD is located in an air-conditioned facility on 26 acres of picturesque beaches, fields and courts in Mamaroneck. Enrollment: 600 Camper-counselor ratio: 9:2 Calendar: June 26 -Aug.17 Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Transportation: Transportation is available from Westchester and NYC. Fees: See website.

Woodlot Christian Preschool/ Elementary Enrichment Program 25 OAKLAND AVE. TUCKAHOE, NY 10707 (914) 779-0368 Director: Yvonne Flores Philosophy: A place where children learn in an atmosphere of love and joy. Enrollment: 38 Camper-counselor ratio: 7:1 and 8:1 Calendar: TBA Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Fees: Five mornings, $175; full days, $350 Special programs/other: Weekly themes: fabulous friendship, creative arts, science, math, health and fitness, literacy and music.

YWCA Summer Camps YWCA WHITE PLAINS & CENTRAL WESTCHESTER 515 NORTH ST. WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605 (914) 949-6227 Philosophy: YWCA Summer Camps strive to create the perfect setting in which children can experience the best of summer camp: develop lasting friendships and memories, increase self-esteem by meeting fun new challenges and learn and play in a nurturing, individualized, safe environment. Camp Funkist for children turning 4 through teens, while the Gymnastics Summer Program for ages 6-15 features seven action-packed weeks of fun on all the Olympic events. Camper-counselor ratio: n/a Calendar: Begins June 26 Hours: Vary by program. Early drop-off and late pick-up for an additional fee. Transportation: Fees: See website. Special programs/other: Minimum of two weeks required for gymnastics program.

At William Raveis, we pride ourselves on our network. From Massachusetts to Maine and New York to Naples, Florida, our footprint is the largest in the Northeast and Naples.

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MARCH 10, 2017


Help your child go to the head of the class The education children receive today will help them throughout their lives. School is the fundamental component of the learning process, but education doesn’t stop when kids arrive back home at the end of the day. “Education and family go hand in hand,” says Ellen Marks, curriculum director of Bricks 4 Kidz, an award-winning summer camp and after-school program. “Parents who take an active role by supporting classroom learning will not only see their kids’ education blossom, but their relationship with them, too.” The start of the new year is the ideal time to evaluate what you’re doing right and where you could improve in regards to supporting your child’s education. Marks offers these smart ideas guaranteed to help you keep this resolution in 2017 and beyond: Connections to real life: One of the best ways to help kids understand classroom lessons is to connect the material to everyday experiences. Practice fractions while cooking. Chat about biology as birds fly by the window. Learning moments are all around, you just have to point them out. Daily conversations: With a fun, no-pressure approach, go over what your children learned in school. If they don’t want to talk right after school, wait until later. During or after dinner may allow enough transition time so you’ll find they’ll open up more. Positive attitude: Kids will mirror your attitude toward your work as well as how you view their school, homework and teachers. Stay positive, respectful and model resilience during difficult times; you’ll find they’ll do the same. Enriching activities: Select fun afterschool activities that emphasize cognitive

development while building self-esteem. For example, Bricks 4 Kidz uses relatable tools like LEGO Bricks to teach science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) skills. Learn more at and sign up for an After School class. The parent-teacher relationship: Sending check-in emails, attending conferences and volunteering are ways to build strong relationships with teachers. Be proactive about asking where your child excels and what areas they may need additional help. Homework help: Good study habits are essential to excelling at school. Create a comfortable homework space with adequate supplies and few distractions. What’s more, be an active partner in your child’s homework and assist when needed with gentle guidance and encouragement. Reading buddies: Reading together can instill a lifelong love of literature. Try reading the same books your child is assigned in school so you can foster a good discussion about characters and storylines. When you both finish the book, rent the film version and plan a movie night. Active learning opportunities: Reading, writing and solving math problems are passive learning activities. At home, encourage active learning where your child builds models, creates art projects and can ask questions. It’s amazing to watch their minds work and see what they create. Health and wellness: A child must first be well before they can effectively learn. Make sure kids stay fueled with a variety of healthy foods. Next, ensure they get a good night’s sleep. Full, well-rested kids are always ready and eager to learn. — BPT

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MARCH 10, 2017

Helping kids thrive through emotional intelligence BY DENISE DANIELS (NAPSA)—As most parents know, small children have no problem letting out their emotions. But how well do they understand what they’re feeling? That skill is known as Emotional Intelligence (EQ), the process by which children learn to recognize, understand and manage their emotions — and EQ is key to a child’s success in life. According to Marc Brackett, Ph.D., director of Yale’s Center for Emotional Intelligence, “Research shows that children who learn EQ skills have less anxiety and depression; have fewer attention, learning and behavior problems; are better problem solvers; display greater social and leadership skills; and perform better academically.” Fortunately, young children can learn simple EQ strategies that will help them manage their emotions in a socially acceptable manner. What you can do Here are a few things parents can try: • Teach children a vocabulary for their emotions so they have names for their feelings. • Encourage them to express emotions through conversation and play, music, art or exercise. • Create a safe, nonjudgmental environRRC_ScarsEnquCampAD_2.10.qxp:2005 ment where kids can share thoughts and on trati le s i g Re ailab Av line! On

feelings — and validate those feelings without telling them how they should feel. • Be a role model for expressing emotions. • Read together and talk about what the characters in the story might be feeling. Now, a new line of books and toys for children between 3 and 7 can help kids learn EQ skills while having fun with five colorful little detectives known as The Moodsters. Each Moodster represents a different emotion — anger, happiness, sadness, love and fear — and they come to the rescue whenever there’s a feelings emergency. The Moodsters give preschoolers a vocabulary for their emotions and strateRRC ad 3/4/10 gies camp to manage them. 8:28 PM Page 1

Rye Racquet Club

RRC_ScarsEnquCampAD_2.10.qxp:2005 - RRC camp ad

Westchester’ Camp Westchester’s W We stchester’ss’s’Top Top T p Summer To Summer Tennis TTennis Te nnis Camp


8:28 PM

With a curriculum rooted in decades of research, The Moodsters help kids handle the everyday challenges of growing up and can foster conversations between parents and preschoolers about feelings. Books and toys • Moodster Meter and Storybook: Young children often don’t have the verbal skills to put their feelings into words. The Moodster Meter puts those tools in the child’s hands — literally. This interactive teaching toy gives children a basic vocabulary of feelings. There’s even a special Power Up button so children can point the arrow to the Moodster that represents how they feel, opening doors for calm communica-

tion about emotions. • Feelings Flashlight and Storybook: Shining a light on feelings has never been easier — or more fun. Before nap time or bedtime, point the flashlight toward the ceiling or a wall and The Moodsters will appear, offering wisdom and humor for every emotion. Included is “The Scary Sleepover” storybook. • Moodster Mirror and Storybook: Preschoolers are often blissfully unaware of how their emotions show on their faces or how to read others’ faces for clues to their feelings. Moodster Mirror helps them make the connection between feelings on the inside and facial expressions on the outside. Kids make a happy, sad, angry, scared or loving face into the Moodster Mirror and can see what these feelings look like. By turning the dial, kids select the matching Moodster to hear the character’s wisdom about that particular feeling, which will help kids recognize their feelings and nonverbal cues. Included is “A Time To Be Kind” storybook. Made by Kids Preferred, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of plush toys and gifts. For more information visit and www. Denise Daniels is a Peabody Award–winning broadcast journalist, parenting and child development expert and author who specializes in the social and emotional development of children.

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Summer Camp Programs

Summer Camp Programs June 26-August 18Rye Racquet June 28 - August g 20 •• Experienced Full-Time Club Experienced Full-TimeProfessional ProfessionalStaff Staff Westchester’ Camp Westchester’s W We stchester’ss’s’Top Top T p Summer To Summer Tennis TTennis Te nnis Camp

June 26-August 18 June 28 - August g 20

RRC_ScarsEnquCampAD_2.10.qxp:2005 -

• Campers • Campers will will improve improvetheir theirskills skillsand andhave fun doing it! have doing it! Campfun Programs Summer • Movement and motor skill development • Experienced Full-Time Professional Staff • Campers will improve their skills and activities through multi sport fun doing&it!Outdoor Courts: har-tru & Indoor •have • 5 climate-controlled plexi-cushion indoor courts plexi-cushion RRC camp ad 3/4/10 8:28 PM Page 1 • Indoor & Outdoor Courts: har-tru har-tru & courts • 4 outdoor plexi-cushion • • T-shirts/trophies/pizza All programs camp are programs are 1-week sessions & ice cream party • All camp 1-week sessions • T-shirts/trophies/pizza & ice cream party

• T-shirts/trophies/pizza & ice cream party

Half & Full Day Camp-Ages 7-16

Half & Full Day Camp-Ages 7-16 • Half Day: 8:45am – 1:00pm M-F • Full Day: 8:45am – 4:00pm M-Th • Half Day: 8:45am – 1:00pm F • Match Play • Full Day: • Instruction Summer Camp Programs • Tournament Training

& Full Day Camp-Ages 7-16 Half • Half Day: 8:45am - 1:00pm M-F Rye Racquet Club 8:45am – 1:00pm M-F • Full Day: 8:45am - 4:00pm M-Th 8:45am 8:45am–-4:00pm 1:00pm M-Th F Westchester’ Camp Westchester’s W We stchester’ss’s’Top Top T p Summer To Summer Tennis TTennis Te nnis Camp June 26-August 18 8:45am – 1:00pm F June 28 - August g 20 • Match Play • Experienced Full-Time Professional Staff • Video sessions ••Campers will time improve Match Play their skills and • Open practice • Instruction have fun doing it! Instruction • • Tournament Training USTA Tournament Training Camp Mon –&Thurs, 2:00 – 4:00pm • Indoor Outdoor Courts: har-tru & • Video sessions • Tournament Training • Training Match3/4/10 Play plexi-cushion RRC_ScarsEnquCampAD_2.10.qxp:2005 - RRC camp& ad 8:28 PM Page 1 Open practice time • All programs are 1-week sessions • Open practice time •camp Video sessions Campers must be evaluated for party • T-shirts/trophies/pizza & ice cream • Openinto practice acceptance this programtime

... Westchester’s Westchester’s Outstanding Outstanding Day Day Camp... Camp... ... Scarsdale,NY NY Scarsdale,


USTA Tournament Training Camp

Half & Full Day Camp-Ages 7-16 Afternoon Mini-Camp • Half Day: 8:45am – 1:00pm M-F 1:00Day: – 2:00pm daily 3 •• Full 8:45am – 4:00pm M-Th • 3 or 5 days a week 8:45am – 1:00pm F • Play •• Ages Match4-7

HighTournament School & JV Training Varsity Camp USTA Rye Racquet Club • Mon Thurs, 2:00 Mon – -Thurs, 2:00 -–4:00pm 4:00pm • Instruction &Match Match Enroll by 4/1 for& Early Discounts • • Training Training Play • Tournament Training Westchester’ Camp Westchester’s W We stchester’ss’s’Top Top T p Summer To Summer Tennis TTennis Te nnis Camp Summer • MITL Junior Team Camp Programs PO Box 646. Harrison, NY 10528 • (914) • practice •835-3030 Open timeCompetition • Video sessions June 26-August 18 June 28 - August g 20 RRC_ScarsEnquCampAD_2.10.qxp:2005 - RRC camp ad Full-Time 3/4/10 8:28 PM • Experienced Professional Staff Page 1 • Open practice time • Campers must beandevaluated evaluated for Campers must be foracceptance ••Campers will improve their skills into this program USTA Tournament Training Camp have fun doing it! acceptance into this program • Mon – Thurs, 2:00 – 4:00pm Training & MatchCourts: Play har-tru & •• Indoor & Outdoor • Open practice time plexi-cushion Campers must be are evaluated •• All camp programs 1-weekfor sessions

8 and Under Mini-Camp Afternoon Mini-Camp

acceptance Mon Rye Racquet Club • • AM 1:00 into –Sessions: 2:00pm daily- Thurs 9-11am this3program • T-shirts/trophies/pizza & ice cream party Westchester’ Camp Westchester’s W We stchester’ss’s’Top Top T p Summer To Summer Tennis TTennis Te nnis Camp

June 26-August 18 June 28 - August g 20

PO Box 646.

• PM Mon - Thurs 1:00-3:00pm 3 or 5Sessions: days a week Ages 4-7

• Afternoon Half & Full Mini-Camp Day Camp-Ages 7-16 •• Half 1:00Day: 2:00pm daily 3 8:45am – 1:00pm M-F •or 5– days Camp Programs 3Summer a week •• Full Day: 8:45am –us 4:00pm M-Th Like onProfessional Follow us on • Experienced Full-Time Staff • Ages 4-7 8:45am – 1:00pm F

Facebook Instagram • Campers will improve their skills Enroll by 4/1 forandEarly Discounts

• Match EnrollPlay by 4/1 for Early Discounts have fun doing it! • Instruction PO Box 646. Harrison, NY 10528 • (914) 835-3030 Training • • Tournament Harrison, NY 10528 • (914) 835-3030 • •• Indoor & Outdoor Courts: har-tru & Video sessions plexi-cushion • Open practice time • All camp programs are 1-week sessions • T-shirts/trophies/pizza & ice cream party USTA Tournament Training Camp • Mon – Thurs, 2:00 – 4:00pm Half & Full Day Camp-Ages 7-16 • Training & Match Play •• Half 8:45am – 1:00pm M-F OpenDay: practice time • Full Day: 8:45am – 4:00pm M-Th


MARCH 10, 2017



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azine ag rM ste

(NAPSA)—According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, some 70,000 children under age 5 are injured every year by common household products and toys — but yours don’t have to be among them. Here are seven ways to keep infants and toddlers safer: 1) Cook safely. Never leave food unattended on the stove. Turn pot handles so curious toddlers can’t reach them. 2) Set your water heater to120 degrees F or lower. Infants and small children may not be able to get away from water that’s too hot. 3) Use home safety devices, such as guards on windows above ground level, stair gates and guardrails. 4) Keep medicines, cleaning products and other toxic sub- stances where children can’t see or reach them. 5) Make sure children are properly buckled up. With a 90 percent misuse rate for installing car seats and boosters, parents should visit a car seat inspection station in their area to learn how to properly install and use them. 6) Always check the age label on toys. Small parts — whether from toys, pieces of food such as hot dogs or grapes, or anything else — can become a choking risk for children who have small throats and tend to put things in their mouths. 7) Check window coverings for exposed or dangling cords, which can

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have rotating jobs like setting the table for snack time, feeding the fish, leading the line to the playground and taking care of the class library, Bove says. These tasks make them feel like productive members of the group. Socializing For most children, preschool at age 2, 3 or 4 is the first communal experience without a parent present. In these early years children are “learning how to become a friend and get along with people, not just one on one in a playdate, but also as part of a group,” said Jane Arcaya, director of Elmwood Nursery School in White Plains. “Kindness and empathy” go a long way, she said, adding, “Children learn to go with the flow, give and take.” Bove says her teachers emphasize kindness and make sure to praise children when they show empathy for others. Parents can foster these qualities by identifying emotions and modeling useful responses to feelings, like counting to 10 when you’re angry or explaining why you feel hurt or frustrated. Reading books and talking about the characters’ feelings helps children connect with others. Young children are naturally selfish, but they are also naturally empathic. In experiments, even babies detect abuse of one puppet by another and sympathize with the puppet who is being abused. Parents


can tap into kids’ instinctive sense of fairness to teach kindness. “We try to help children see opportunities in disappointment,” said Mazel Tots’ Glassman. For example, a child who is upset because a desired color of paper is unavailable can be helped to see new possibilities in using another color, or trading with another child. “We try to help them understand what they can do, not so much what they can’t do,” Glassman said. Bove said Scarsdale Community Baptist also focuses on the positive. Whenever possible, teachers try to avoid negative commands. Instead of calling out “Don’t run!” they say “Walking feet!” Sharing Sharing can be a major challenge, but it’s an essential part of getting along with others. Simple board games that don’t require reading teach turn taking, following rules, fairness and winning and losing gracefully. At Mazel Tots, teachers “have a variety of ways to handle sharing,” Glassman said. Children are taught to say, “When you’re done with that, I’d like a turn.” Sometimes teachers use an egg timer and tell the child, “When the sand runs out you can find a new toy or give the toy you’re playing with to someone else.” A kitchen timer also works as an impersonal way of saying “time’s up.” Preschoolers are as covetous of other kids’ toys as they are zealous in guarding their own. It’s not uncommon for young children to take a playmate’s toy, hiding it

MARCH 10, 2017

or claiming the other child gave it to them. Rather than accuse a child of lying or stealing, a parent could suggest that the friend may only have meant to lend it and insist that the child offer to bring it back. Manners Even children as young as 2 can learn basic manners. This includes not only “Please,” “Thank you” and “You’re welcome,” which are easy to teach and model, but also “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Excuse me” and “I’m sorry.” Children should be taught to respond, with eye contact, when spoken to, not to interrupt, not to call people names or use bad language. Parents should monitor their own language and manners and be willing to apologize when the situation warrants it. Being polite to a child is not a sign of weakness. In some cases, “Sorry” is not enough. If a child has caused serious damage, parents should help him find a way to make amends. If he broke a friend’s toy, you might suggest he give the friend a toy of his own. Transitions and routines Children love routines. They like to know what to expect and delight in having their expectations met — that’s why they want you to read the same book over and over again. Following routines at home is a great way to prepare your child for the routines of a school day. But transitioning from one activity to another is a major challenge for children who become very involved in play. Getting


Se as o n

out the door in the morning can be stressful. Here again, the kitchen timer can be a boon, as can learning to tell time. If children can read numbers on a digital clock, parents can ask them if it’s time to get ready. One school of parenting holds that parents should apply natural consequences whenever possible. Often, the consequences of not doing what one should are too dire to risk. But if there’s an optional outing and a child is balking about getting ready, a parent can explain that if you don’t leave by a certain time it will be too late to go (the museum will close, it will get dark out, etc.) and let the child miss the outing. Dramatic play Children practice skills, try on different roles and learn to express their feelings primarily by pretending. Dramatic play is a vital activity for children at Elmwood Nursery School. “There’s always a scenario going on,” Arcaya said. The children are building something, playing restaurant, making lunch for a teddy bear. “If you pretend play with your kids at home, you prepare them to play with friends,” she said. “It’s Important for your child to be at ease with other children, follow the flow of sustained play, have relationships, be open to trying new things.” Versatile toys that encourage imagination are best. By the time they’re 5, most of today’s kids are well socialized and ready for all the new adventures that await in kindergarten.



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MARCH 10, 2017

Scarsdale Inquirer Parent’s Guide: HOW TO’s & WHAT’S NEW Fenom Fitness offers new springtime programs With the spring sports season approaching, parents are eager to find new and exciting ways to help their children get into shape, learn and refine skills and have fun with fitness. At Fenom, a family sports and fitness facility, certified coaches teach children in private sessions or small groups the fundamentals and skills of baseball, softball, basketball, lacrosse, soccer or bike riding. All skill levels are welcome and details about the specific programs and dates are available at “At Fenom we strive to offer a ‘private school atmosphere,’ which includes smaller, more effective classes that target specific fitness and skill goals,” owner Aresh Mohit said. Parents also rely on Fenom instructors for help in fine-tuning their kids’ basic motor skills. This may involve a range of skills such as learning to ride a bike or bounce a ball. In fact, having taught more than 4,000 kids to ride a bike, Mohit is often known as “the bike whisperer.” After school programming Fenom is currently enrolling children in its afterschool programs for which they allow a maximum of eight to 10 children so the ratio between trainers and kids remains small. Participants can choose from a five-, eight- or 10-week session option to fit their spring sports schedules. Fenom hosts an AAU basketball program for second-fifth graders run by coach Marty Durkin. Fenom is also expanding beyond afterschool sports and hosting the Sew Happy program of machine and hand sewing. Birthdays and camps In addition to the sports skills training, Fenom is known for its sports-themed birthday parties that incorporate relay races and an obstacle course and was voted best kid’s party place by Westchester Magazine in 2015. Most recently, Fenom created Spartan themed parties using a team approach to mastering obstacle courses and races. For parents looking for options during

school breaks, Fenom offers multi-sport half day camps and clinics. Camps include various sports, games, drills, obstacle courses and fun team challenges. Sports include basketball, baseball, soccer, football and many more. Activities are modified to accommodate kids of all ages. Arts and crafts activities are also incorporated for select ages. Fenom is open for half day mini-camp on nearly all major school holidays and will run both a pre-k pre-summer mini camp as well as an eight-week summer multi-sport and sports intensive camp program. About Fenom Fenom is a family sports and fitness facility in Harrison that specializes in resultsoriented sports and fitness programs and individualized lessons that focus on fundamental skill building and overall fitness in a fun and safe environment. The multi-sport facility is 11,000 square feet with a full basketball court, turf area, batting cages, state-of-the-art golf simulator, yoga, studio and birthday party space, in addition to the standard set of gym equipment like treadmills, weights and TRX.

HBMS summer programs for grades 2-10 For over 35 years, the Hoff-Barthelson Music School Summer Arts Program, run at the HBMS site in the Village of Scarsdale, has provided the ideal setting for a stimulating, challenging and enjoyable summer for second-tenth graders. With its exceptional faculty, boasting some of the top performers and music educators in the country, the school is uniquely suited to offer a quality summer experience of music, visual art and theatre. Students at all levels of advancement receive instruction in a program individually tailored to their needs and desires. This summer’s dates are June 26July 28, with an early enrollment discount. The basic morning program from 9a.m.-12 noon is for second-10th graders, who are divided into elementary, junior and senior categories. Each child receives an instrumental lesson, takes visual art and a drama workshop, and performs in the weekly Friday concerts. Juniors and

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6 Greenacres Avenue, Scarsdale 914.723.0922 •

seniors participate in musical ensembles and may also make choices among jazz band, chamber music and, for juniors and juniors, classes in the HBMS state-ofthe-art music technology lab. The extended day array of options offers an afternoon program that runs until either 2 p.m. or 5 p.m. with choices such as Simple Symphony, Time for Chimes, Composers Corner, World Drumming, Chamber Music Workshop, Jazz Workshop and HB Rocks! Comprehensive Musical Theatre Program will appeal to the theatrical student. There is a fully staged performance at the end of the camp session. Music at Hoff-Barthelson is valued not only as an indispensable facet of education, but as an essential part of life. One of Westchester County’s most cherished and active cultural resources since 1944, HBMS has achieved national recognition as a premier community music school for its unsurpassed leadership in education, performance and outreach for more than half a century. The SAP brochure may be viewed and application forms downloaded from the HBMS website, Each student is interviewed by camp director Joe Piscitelli so a program can be tailored to the individual choices of parent and child. Email or call Lucy Rosenberg at lrosenberg@ or 723-1169.

Summer youth art programs from WCC Westchester Community College Center for the Arts in White Plains announces summer programs for children and teens. Summer class offerings include painting/ drawing, jewelry, cartooning, clay sculpture and more. Classes will be offered once a week for six weeks. For teens 15-18, the center will again offer the successful Teen Art Institute, where students hone their artistic skills while building an art portfolio to prepare for college admission. New this summer, Center for the Arts will offer Fashion Camps for ages 8-12. These camps will run Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Aug. 7-11 and Aug. 14-18. This week is all about fashion. Each day will consist of a new theme: styling and acces-

sorizing, visual merchandizing and jewelry making, as well as cosmetic creation and application. Students will learn the basics of fashion photography and document their work. Strike a pose and get ready for your close up. Classes at the Westchester County Center are taught by seasoned art professionals from New York City and Westchester County. Students will learn to express themselves and foster a sense of creativity while constructing art projects with their peers. Classes run from June 26 to July 27. The Teen Art Institute will run in two-week sessions. Discounts are available for those who sign up for multiple classes. Call 606-7500 or email arts@sunywcc edu. Visit

Blue Sky Eschool spearheads new way of learning Chinese Want to try something new in the summer? Learn Chinese with Blue Sky Eschool! Blue Sky Eschool,, has designed a summer program just for kids with no Chinese language background: 16 lessons in eight weeks with 1.5 hours for each lesson. Blue Sky Eschool was founded in 2011 and has developed a curriculum accommodating different needs for different groups of students. For non-Chinese speaking students (Chinese as second language, or CSL) at elementary school, it uses “My First Chinese Reader” as the main textbook. For more advanced students or middle and high school students, the “Integrated Chinese” textbook is used. Blue Sky Eschol’s private lessons provide individualized curriculum to assist students for learning Chinese at school using the textbook assigned by their school. As China’s population and economy grow, fluency in Mandarin Chinese becomes an incredibly useful skill. More and more students are starting to take Chinese as a foreign language at school or outside of school. Since Chinese does not have roots in the Romance languages CONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE

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MARCH 10, 2017



Scarsdale Inquirer Parent’s Guide: HOW TO’s & WHAT’S NEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 32A

like English and has very special characteristics — for example, written Chinese is completely different from spoken Chinese — learning Chinese is not as natural for English speakers as learning some other foreign languages such as French or Spanish. Thus, frequent exposure to the language and practice play even more important role in learning Chinese than other Romance languages. Nowadays most students are very busy with school works and extracurricular activities outside of school. How can they add learning Chinese to their workload when it requires more time commitment? Blue Sky Eschool provides the solution by creating online programs for learning Chinese and practicing it. It is online, but with live teachers, unlike other self-study programs that use recorded videos. It eliminates the need for parents to drive their children to class, removing commuting time from both parents’ and kids’ busy schedules.The students take lessons online using a software that specializes in web conference and education. Students communicate with the classmates and teacher instantly via webcams. They can also choose a frequency for lessons based on their own schedule. Blue Sky Eschool has programs offering classes once a week, twice a week or

even three times a week if the student’s schedule allows. To guarantee the teaching quality, even group lessons at Blue Sky Eschool are capped at maximum of five students per class, so each student will get individual attention and practice time during class. With this small group setting, the class time is more flexible and accommodating of each student’s individual schedules, too. Unlike some video language learning software and websites, which require the student to be very self-disciplined and motivated, Blue Sky Eschool’s programs provide a classroom setting with the best of both worlds: group lessons that give students peer interaction and encouragement so they do not feel as if they are learning alone—even classmates’ talking during the class is still an exercise of the language for the student — and individual practice and one-on-one attention from the teacher assured by the small number of students per class. For a minor extra fee of $75 per semester, parents can upgrade the small group lesson into a semi-private lesson (max of three students per class). Blue Sky Eschool also offers private lessons for students with very packed schedules. Blue Sky Eschool can open a new group class for anyone who can find three students or a new semi-private class with two students. Another benefit of Blue Sky Eschool’s

Kol Ami Early Childhood Program Kol Kol Ami Ami Early Early Childhood Childhood Program Program Celebrating Over 45 Years of Experience! Celebrating Over 45 Years of Experience! CelebratingNan OverBlank, 45 Years of Experience! Director Nan Blank, Director Nan Blank, Director

Warm, Nurturing & Enriching Warm, Nurturing & Enriching Warm, Nurturing & Enriching Now Registering for the ‘17-18 Season Now Registering for the ‘17-18 Season Now Registering for the ‘17-18 Season First Friends: A Toddler Program 2, 3, 4 & 5-Day 2’s 3, 4 & 5-Day 3’s First Friends: A Toddler Program 2, 3, 4 & 5-Day 2’s 3, 4 & 5-Day 3’s First Friends: A Toddler Program Day 2, Program 3, 4 & 5-Day 2’s& 4’s 3, 4 & 5-Day 3’s Full and Half Day 4’s Extended for 3’s Full and Half Day 4’s Extended Day Program for 3’s & 4’s Full andAhead! Half Day 4’s forExtended Program forFall 3’s & Summer 4’s A Step Pre-K childrenDay turning 5 in the Camp for 2’s, 3’s & 4’s A Step Ahead! Pre-K for children turning 5 in the Fall Summer Camp for 2’s, 3’s & 4’s A Step Ahead! Pre-K for children turning 5 in the Fall Summer Camp for 2’s, 3’s & 4’s Join us for Shabbat in the Woods every Friday all year round from 5:30 - 6:00pm Join us for Shabbat in the Woods every Friday all year round from 5:30 - 6:00pm Join us for Shabbat in the Woods every Friday all year round from 5:30 - 6:00pm

Now Registering for the 2017-2018 Season Call for an Appointment & Tour Now Registering for the 2017-2018 Season Call for an Appointment & Tour 252 Soundview White Plains 914-949-4717 Now RegisteringAvenue, for the 2017-2018 Season Call for anx107 Appointment & Tour 252 Soundview Avenue, White Plains 914-949-4717 x107 252 Soundview Avenue, White Plains 914-949-4717 x107

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online learning is the low cost. Using the advanced internet technology, Blue Sky Eschool is able to bring good teachers from China at very competitive rate. Small-group lessons are only $325 per semester (16 weeks of classes twice a week, with 1.25 hours per class).

Suskind keynote speaker for autism awards The Second Annual Advocates for Adults with Autism Awards will be held Tuesday, March 28, from 8-10 a.m. at Reid Castle on the Manhattanville College campus in Purchase. The event will benefit Yes She Can, a nonprofit that provides job skills for young women with Autism spectrum disorders. Ron Suskind is the keynote speaker at this year’s Advocates for Adults with Autism Awards, and he and his wife Cornelia are among the honorees. “Life, Animated,” a 2017 Academy Award nominee for Best Documentary, is based on the Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Suskind’s book chronicling the inspirational story of his son’s journey into adulthood. Owen Suskind was a thriving 3-year-old who suddenly and inexplicably went silent. For years, he remained unable to connect with other people or to convey his thoughts, feelings or desires — until his family reached out to him by

tapping into his passion for Disney films. Owen identified and felt empathy with the characters from Simba to Jafar. With his family’s help and lots of Disney magic, Owen began to develop the tools he needed to understand and interact in the world, even as his family learned a lot about themselves. Also being honored is Amy Gravino, the “Dr. Ruth of Autism.” Self-advocating as a young woman on the autism spectrum, Gravino coaches ASD college students and is a TED presenter who shares her perspectives and experiences and candidly addresses sexuality. Social worker and well-known Westchester advocate Lesli Cattan, will be acknowledged for establishing mental health programs for people with autism and for advising government policymakers in her role as leader of the Autism Advisory Committee at Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health. Rounding out the program will be participants in the job-training program of Yes She Can sharing their experiences learning how to run Girl Again, a resale boutique for American Girl dolls and accessories in White Plains. Tickets are $75 and can be purchased at GUIDE CONTINUES ON PAGE 34A

SeSSion DateS

Spring 3/15 - 5/7 Summer June 19 thru August Two-week classes are available for morning (9:30) and afternoon (3:30 & 4:30) WSI and LGI classes are now forming. Please email Chris Klint for dates & details.

Learn to Swim at

Swim Programs Offered

Summer Intensive Swim Lessons Levels 1-6 Learn-to-Swim Two week sessions Parent/Child Classes,6 mo & up June 1st Beginning Adult lessons — Beg Pre-school & Int Lessons the month of June only Springboard Diving 9:30Lessons am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Private Level 1-6 Children’s Lessons Snorkeling classes 3:30 or 4:15 each day Discover SCUBA class Monday—Thursday SCUBAAquatics Certification Director Chris Klint 914 251-6546 Lifeguarding Certification LGI & WSI

All our instructors are American Red Cross trained Water Safety Instructors Contact info: Phone: (914) 251-5939 Website:



MARCH 10, 2017

Scarsdale Inquirer Parent’s Guide: HOW TO’s & WHAT’S NEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33A

When the world is too much: helping sensitive children succeed Alex complains his teacher doesn’t like him and that kids at school talk too loudly. He makes up fanciful stories about aliens while swinging higher and faster on the swings than his older brother. Receiving even gentle criticism can result in explosive tantrums. Alex prefers to be by himself, reading chapter books on ocean life or building Star Wars LEGO sets. His parents feel like they are riding a rollercoaster every day. Alex is getting ready for kindergarten in the fall. Sophia fears having her hair washed at every bath. In order to get into her mother’s car after school, she needs to use her favorite chewy toy and hear the Barney clean up song. Sophia cries during diaper changes. If her teacher is out sick, she can have a meltdown before lunchtime. Her mother wonders if she will ever be able to take her daughter to big family events without a scene. Sophia is currently in a special needs second-grade classroom. Jake has always resisted new foods or games, and is slow to warm up to strangers. He can get carsick while driving to

the grocery store. When school begins, Jake complains that the long sleeves of his new clothes “hurt” him. He loves to use his backyard trampoline to relax after school. His mother wonders to herself how he will handle middle school social events while she sneaks pureed vegetables into his favorite comfort foods. Jake is in Little League and takes karate lessons. He attends a typical fifthgrade classroom. The common thread What do these children have in common? Their sensitivity makes life much harder for them. Having loving parents isn’t enough to help them overcome their discomfort, anxieties or fears. Alex is a gifted child, routinely overwhelmed by the complex thoughts and intense feelings that his brain generates effortlessly. Sophia has been diagnosed with autism. She has exceptional difficulty with multi-sensory processing, situations in which she has to concurrently interpret and respond to touch, sound, sight and movement. Jake’s comfort level with most sensory-based experiences is very low, but he is able to handle the demands of school and home life with lots of encouragement and adaptations. Sensitive children are not seeking attention or avoiding responsibility. Telling them to stop their irrational behavior

simply doesn’t work. Current researchers theorize that certain forms of sensitivity are based in the brain’s unique structural arrangement and wiring. Although the structure of the brain is permanent, targeted therapeutic experiences and interactions can create new connections and alter a child’s perception and behavior. Regardless of the reason for increased sensitivity, every child can expand their comfort zone when the underlying issues are recognized and they receive effective treatment. Without it, children can interpret comments like, “There’s nothing to cry about,” as a denial of their experience, or worse, as criticism and rejection. Helping sensitive children thrive Understanding a child’s situation often begins with a structured parent interview and observation of the child’s reactions to everyday events and experiences. There may be specific situations that are priorities for the family, such as sleep or aggressive behavior at school. It is important to look at other issues that can influence behavior, such as ADHD, dermatological or digestive problems and allergies. Parents (and children, based on their level of comprehension) need to learn about the ways that sensitivity manifests as challenges in daily life. Receiving an

Thornton-Donovan School Summer Challenge Camp



explanation for behavior can be enough to shift the family dynamic away from blame and toward engagement. The child’s home and school environment may be arranged to reduce sensitivity. These can be simple changes, such as altering the ambient lighting and sound or different mealtime or morning routines. These minor differences will not inconvenience their peers or family members, but they can make an immediate difference in a child’s behavior. When sensitive children are young, they are still learning how to tolerate limits on their behavior and express their emotions. These skills are important for all children; they are building blocks for self-calming and developing trusting connections to others. Sensitive children may need direct training in social and emotional communication, delivered with more warmth and compassion than typical children require. Choosing the right tone and approach for sensitive children is essential. Failure to take their sensitivity into account can result in a child interpreting instruction as criticism. Finally, children can benefit from therapy that provides targeted play experiences that change a child’s ability to handle input and alter their understandCONTINUED ON THE NEXT PAGE


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MARCH 10, 2017



Scarsdale Inquirer Parent’s Guide CONTINUED FROM PAGE 34A

ing of themselves in the world. As children reach a cognitive age of approximately 7-8 years old (the gifted child will achieve this level sooner) they will be capable of learning how to manage their sensitivity in daily life without adult intervention. Therapy then becomes more like a coaching experience, with the child as an active partner. Addressing sensitivity Alex knows that if he uses his “rescue breathing” he can calm down when he is frustrated at school or when plans change without notice. A weighted blanket helps him sleep more deeply. When he becomes upset, he wraps himself in his blanket while reading. His parents realize that Alex needs daily solitude to process his complex thoughts and feelings, so they are no longer worried that he is antisocial or depressed. Sophia’s mother has learned to use both consistent routines and targeted sensory input when she is helping Sophia get dressed and change her diapers. She uses specific activities in the morning to start the day on a positive

note. She now brings Sophia to family gatherings early to avoid overwhelming her. Sophia is more calm and focused, which has resulted in faster progress with speech. Her therapists are thrilled. Jake is now able to wear new clothes without a struggle and he can handle short car rides easily. His teachers report that he is enjoying messy art classes. His mother can offer Jake a new food occasionally without a meltdown. Jake has more strategies to calm down without automatically running outside to his trampoline. Compassion and warmth Intense sensitivity has a positive side as well. Sensitive children may grow up to fight for social justice and they often show immense kindness to their friends or to strangers. The unique challenges they face in childhood aren’t insurmountable obstacles to a happier life. They can become more tolerant of their world and move through it with more enjoyment when they receive the support they deserve. Cathy Collyer, OTR, LMT is a pediatric occupational therapist in private practice. Visit

Family safety tips for outdoor fun (NAPSA)—Your kids should move around. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that children participate in 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Physical activity on a regular basis, combined with healthy eating habits, will prevent obesity and other diseases. Kids need outdoor play to be active, burn up excess energy and have fun. There are, however, a few steps you can take to protect them from injury. What you can do Here are seven simple safety tips from Joan Lawrence, Toy Industry Association’s “Toy Safety Mom,” to help keep your child’s outdoor play as safe as it is fun: • Make adult supervision a crucial part of outdoor play. • Watch children carefully whenever they’re near water. Kids should never be left alone near swimming pools, beaches, lakes or other bodies of water — even “kiddie” pools — no matter what their ages or swim capabilities. Children under 5 should always be no more than an arm’s length from an adult near water sources. • Always keep toys away from unsupervised and high-traffic areas, such as driveways and sidewalks so they don’t lure a child into a dangerous situation. • Ride safely. Make sure your kids wear helmets, knee pads and other protective gear when playing with bikes, trikes, scooters and other ride-on toys. Accidental falls are the No. 1 cause of child- hood injury, according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. • Organize and store toys to prevent slips, trips and falls. Designate “parking” spaces for bikes and other ride-on toys

and store smaller items, such as skateboards, on shelves. • Uninflated balloons and broken balloon pieces can pose a choking hazard. At parties and other festive events, and especially when kids are playing with water balloons, remember to supervise children and throw away any broken latex pieces you find. • Be sure to check and follow age guidance on toy packaging. The age grading doesn’t have anything to do with how smart your child is — it’s safety guidance that’s based on the developmental skills and abilities of children at a given age and the specific features of a toy. Learn more You can find further facts and tips about keeping your kids safe and happy from the experts at

Popular kids can help to curb bullying BY DR. COLLEEN LOGAN (NAPSA)—Contrary to previous research that suggested that as students’ popularity increased so did their bullying behavior, many parents may be surprised to learn the results of a recent study from Princeton, Rutgers and Yale Universities. It found that popular kids who publicly stand up against bullying may actually help more than school officials’ efforts to curb the behavior. While this new research is hopeful, targets of bullying are more likely than nontargets to consider suicide, which leads to nearly 4,600 young lives lost each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Signs of bullying: Warning signs that children have experienced bullying include depression, anxiety, loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns and loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy. They may also experience a decrease in academic achievement and participation. Long-Term Effects: Those who were bullied and survive the challenging tween and teenage years may face mental health issues in adulthood, including from anxiety and depression, and may even consider self-harm and suicide later in life. While all children face conflict, disagreements among peers can usually be resolved in some way; however, experts say, it’s the repetitive nature of bullying that can cause harm. Even as kids start standing up for each other, parents must remain involved and watch what their kids say and do face-to-face and online. Consistent and early intervention at schools and in the home can help mental health issues in adulthood as a result of bullying. During October, which is Bullying Prevention Month, and throughout the year, you can encourage your children to stand up for their peers. One way is to approach

Approach bullying from a strength stance by teaching youths to be upstanders instead of bystanders. ________________________________ bullying from a strength stance and teach youths to be upstanders, not bystanders. What kids can do Children should be encouraged to say something if they see bullying behavior. By standing up and saying, “That is not OK,” they will show others that bullying will not be tolerated. Kids should also get a responsible adult involved and properly report the bullying incident. Bystander silence won’t help curb the bullying behavior. Befriending those who are bullied can go a long way. While there are many reasons bullies pick their targets, those who seem less vulnerable may no longer be targets. Participating in school zero tolerance policies can help shape the future of bully prevention methods. As kids are empowered to stand up for each other, administration and faculty as well as parents should reward the good behavior instead of only punishing the bad behavior. To help even more, children can actively participate in anti-bullying activities and projects. Dr. Logan, program director for the MS in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling at Walden University, specializes in bullying issues, including personal and societal impacts along with effects within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. She is a past-president of the American Counseling Association. Learn more about encouraging upstander behavior at



MARCH 10, 2017

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