AMSEP Official Booklet 2021/2022

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SELAMAT DATANG! Greetings, People of Tomorrow! With our pleasant heart, we welcome you to the Official Booklet of Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme Indonesia where you can get a glimpse of Indonesia and AMSA-Indonesia. Enjoy!
















FOREW Geraldus Sigap Gung Binathara Regional Chairperson AMSA-Indonesia 2021/2022

Greetings, People of Tomorrow! Warmest welcome from Indonesia. Apa kabar? Through the Asian Medical Students' Exchange Programme (AMSEP), we are more than thrilled to have you visit our beloved nation this year. Indonesia is one of the most diverse countries in the world, with over 17.000 islands in its archipelago, consisting of 34 provinces with 700 languages, 1.340 ethnic groups, and 3.000 wildlife species! With the situation that our chapter has 38 member universities spread out around the country, you and your chapter will have access to a vast range of experiences, events, and cultures that are unique to each region of Indonesia. AMSEP Indonesia has been actively involved for the past 19 years in welcoming medical students from all over the world to experience medical education in Indonesia, give back to the community through various service projects, embark on a culinary journey of a lifetime, discover our rich culture, make new friends, and form lifelong friendships. You will be able to see a peek of Indonesia's beauty as you read the following pages. We are eager to provide you with the finest experience possible throughout both physical and virtual AMSEPs in collaboration with our member universities. Sampai bertemu di Indonesia! See you in Indonesia!

WORD Rhagoza Firman Nawwafdana Director of AMSEP AMSA-Indonesia 2021/2022

Greetings, People of Tomorrow! Welcome or Selamat datang in Indonesian! In the ever-changing world, especially in the midst of the pandemic, the Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme (AMSEP) acts as a platform for medical students to enhance their growth as individuals and out of their comfort zones. Moreover, the acceleration of globalization has made AMSEP into an opportunity for medical students to be informed about the healthcare systems in other chapters, gain exposure to a wide range of networking opportunities, and make a positive impact on society. AMSEP is one of AMSA International’s programmes that AMSA-Indonesia members look forward to every year. In correspondence to AMSA’s philosophies (Knowledge, Action, and Friendship) and AMSA-Indonesia 2021/2022 tagline “Amplifying Courage, Advancing Capabilities”, AMSEP is the mirror of the two. This is proven through the enthusiasm of our hundreds of applicants for AMSEP delegates, and their active participation in AMSEP Indonesia. Currently, there are more than 36 universities and hundreds of applicants who have participated actively in AMSEP Indonesia. and with a total of 12 AMSEPs conducted in the tenure of 2021/2022. We are delighted to provide you with an unforgettable experience that has been prepared by our hosting universities, which encompasses the three philosophies of AMSA ahead. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy your journey with AMSEP Indonesia. Let us amplify our courage and advance our capabilities!



ndonesia is the world's largest archipelago with more than 17,500 islands. There are around 300 distinct native ethnic groups in Indonesia, and 742 different languages and dialects. Most Indonesians are descended from Austronesian-speaking people whose languages can be traced to Proto-Austronesian (Pan), possibly originating in Taiwan. Another major group are Melanesians, who inhabit eastern Indonesia. The largest ethnic group is Javanese, who comprise 42% of the population, and are politically and culturally dominant. The Sundanese, ethnic Malays, and Madurese are the largest non- Javanese groups. A sense of Indonesian nationhood exists alongside strong regional identities. Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups, each with cultural identities developed over centuries, and influenced by Indian, Arabic, Chinese, and European sources. Traditional Javanese and Balinese dances, for example, contain aspects of Hindu culture and mythology, as do wayang kulit (shadow puppet) performances. Textiles such as batik, ikat, ulas, and songket are created across Indonesia in styles that vary by region. The most dominant influences on Indonesian architecture have traditionally been Indian; however, Chinese, Arab, and European architectural influences have been significant. Indonesian cuisine varies by region and is based on Chinese, European, Middle Eastern, and Indian precedents. Rice is the main staple food served with side dishes of meat and vegetables. Spices (notably chili), coconut milk, fish, and chicken are fundamental ingredients. Indonesian traditional music includes gamelan and keroncong.


6.000 inhabited

922 settled

20˚- 34˚






3 Time Zones

750 Tribes

Western Central using Eastern


(GMT +7) (GMT +8) (GMT +9)

Bahasa Indonesia as a formal language. And 700 other ethnic languages across the country.

“ Amplifying Courage, Advancing Capabilities.

BACKGROUND Asian Medical Students’ Association Indonesia (AMSA-Indonesia) is the peak representative body for medical students in Indonesia. Founded in Yogyakarta, August 10th 1996. AMSA-Indonesia has been actively participating in plethora of national and international events. Its contribution to AMSA International as the roots of the organization are impressive, having hosted four Asian Medical Students' Conference (AMSC) in 1990,1996, 2003, 2010 and East Asian Medical Students' Conference (EAMSC) in 2006 and 2015.

VISION AMSA-Indonesia as a home for medical students where members could reach their utmost potential through limitless opportunities that align with knowledge, action, and friendship to empower and contribute to society.

Advisory Board Helena Arnetta Putri Tazkiya Qalbi Yusnandar Steven Millenio Greg Faldo David Nugraha

Executive Board Geraldus Sigap Gung Binathara Regional Chairperson Venna Regita Cahyani General Secretary Elsa Diandra Putri Treasurer


Muhammad Raihan R. T. Academic

1. Actualizing members’ potentials by enriching experiences and sharpening skills in order to enhance their competencies as a future doctor.

Aileen Alessandra S. Research

2. Enhancing exposure and subsequent collaborations among AMSA-Indonesia members to work hand-in-hand for a better community. 3. Creating a sustainable impact to society through progressive social activities. 4, Exploring potential collaborations and maintaining existing partnerships with external parties.

Shuffa Chilla Mayhana Community Outreach Adela Tabrizanka Latief Liaison Officer For GO Yolanda Anisa Liaison Officer For NGO Rachmad Pramuda W. Membership & Development Matthew Guillaume Publication & Promotion Sekar Rauda Putri Finance & Partnership Rhagoza Firman N. Director of AMSEP

AMSEP Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme

Focus of AMSEP ACADEMIC AMSEP Indonesia provides academic session in order to fulfill the "knowledge” philosophy of AMSA. We offer various forms of academic sessions: lectures, training, group discussion, workshop, hospital tour, etc. All sessions are conducted an supervised in English by experienced and professional lecturers


Community service well in which t participate in soc activity may var orphanage visit, he many others to f philosophy of AMSA

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


e will be provided as the delegate will cial services. The ry in form e.g. ealth campaign, and fulfill the "action" A

SOCIAL CULTURAL Indonesia is widely known for its richness in cultural heritage. Indonesian culture ranges from historical sites to breathtaking natural wonders. We will provide a special tour of those amazing places, to give you unforgettable memories of AMSEP Indonesia. To enhance your knowledge and interest in Indonesian culture, we will provide cultural workshops (cooking class, dances, batik coloring language class, and many more)

Previous AMSEPs

INBOUND AMSEP Indonesia for India

AMSEP Indonesia for Macau

Host: AMSA-Universitas Diponegoro July 16-18, 23-25, 31, 2021

Host: AMSA-Universitas Brawijaya April 22 - 24, 2022

AMSEP Indonesia for Thailand

FAMSEP Indonesia for Uganda

Host: AMSA-Universitas Indonesia July 7-12, 2021

Host: AMSA-Universitas Palangka Raya June 18-19, 25-26, 2022

AMSEP Indonesia for China

AMSEP Indonesia for Philippines

Host: AMSA-Universitas Hasanuddin September 10-12, 18-19, 2021

Host: AMSA-Universitas Gadjah Mada August 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 2022

AMSEP Indonesia for Thailand Host: AMSA-Universitas Kristen Indonesia January 22-23, 29-30, 2022

AMSEP Indonesia for England Host: AMSA-Universitas Padjadjaran February 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 2022

FAMSEP Indonesia for Kenya Host: AMSA-Universitas Trisakti April 9-10, 16-17, 2022

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme

OUTBOUND AMSEP Scotland x Malaysia

AMSEP Indonesia for Thailand

Host: Multiple Universities August 6-8, 14-15, 2021

Host: Thammasat University & Suranaree University of Technology January 8-9, 15-16, 2022

AMSEP Indonesia for Thailand Host: Multiple Universities July 7-12, 2021

AMSEP Indonesia for India Host: Multiple Universities July 16-18, 23-25, 31, 2021

AMSEP Indonesia for China Host: Shanghai Jiao Tong University October 3-7, 2021

AMSEP Indonesia for China Host: Shanghai Jiao Tong University October 3-7, 2021

AMSEP Indonesia for England Host: King’s College London & Imperial College London February 16, 19, 23 2022

AMSEP Indonesia for Macau Host: Macau University of Science and Technology April 17-19, 2022

FAMSEP Indonesia for Kenya Host: Multiple Universities April 23-24, 30, 2022 & May 1, 2022

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


DST ONE Universitas Syiah Kuala, Universitas Batam, Universitas Jambi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, and Universitas Sriwijaya are the AMSEP Indonesia hosts for District 1. District 1 offers amazing places with deep-rooted culture and remarkable sites to visit!

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Banda Aceh

Museum Tsunami b ²8½ u ½}b ½µÂ 8 ½}8½ }8 b bY ÐOb} ÁÏÏsV ½} µ µb }8µ ² u n ½8ub n ½}b ½µÂ 8 8 Y ½}b 8n½b² 8½}V 8 µ ½}b É8½b²n8 µbO½ µ É} O} 8 ½ O } É ½}b ½ Éb² u É8Èbµ É Â Y }8Èb nb ½¢ Mie Aceh b 8Ob} µ 8 8½}b ½ O Y b n² 8Ob} ²bu ¢ ½ µ µb²ÈbY É ½} u 8½ b8½V µ Obµ n FbbnV ² µb8n YV µÂO} 8µ µ}² ² oµ}¢ Blang Kolam Waterfall ,}b É8½b²n8 ² µbµ  Èb² ¸p b½b²µ 8 Y µ µÂ²²  YbY FË Fb8½ n ²8 n ²bµ½ É ½} µ½Â u µOb b²Ë¢ (b 8 µ O8 O8 8 Y µ½8Ë Èb² u}½

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Belerang Bridge ,}b 8²b 8 u ² Yub µ 8 O}8 n ¹ F² Yubµ n È8² µ ½Ë bµ ½}8½ O bO½µ ½}b µ 8 Yµ n 8½8 V *b 8 uV 8 Y 8 8 uV * 8 µ 8 Yµ F ½ ¸¢ 8²b 8 u 8 µ ²bnb²µ ½ ½}b µ 8 Yµ ½}b µb ÈbµV É} O} 8²b 8 8Y µ½²8½ Èb Ë 8²½ n ½}b  O 8 ½Ë n 8½8 ¢ Bintan Island ½8 µ 8 Y bµ O µb ½ 8½8 8 Y µ É n ² Fb u 8 ÂÊÂ²Ë ²b½²b8½ É ½} 8 Éb8 ½} n Yb u}½n } u} b Y ²bµ ²½µ ½ O} µb n² ¢

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Mount Kerinci  ½ b² O µ ½}b } u}bµ½  ½8 ½}b µ 8 Y n + 8½²8 8 Y ½ µ  8² É ½}  ½8 O Fb²µ¢ Mie Celor b n8È ² ½b n Y 8 F 8 Y Ë Â O8 o Y ½ 8 µ½ bÈb²Ë O ² b² n 8 F ½Ë¢ ½ µ 8 µ8È ²Ë Y b µ  Y µ} ½²8Y ½ 8 Ë n² 8 F ¢ Ð µb²È u n ½ O µ µ½µ n Y bµV O O ½ V Y² bY µ}² F² ½}V buuV 8 Y È8² µ Èbub½8F bµ¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Ampera Bridge ,}b 8 Y 8² n (8 b F8 u ½ËV u ²bu µ +bFb²8 u -  8 Y +bFb²8 u ² µb 8²8½bY FË ½}b µ * Èb²¢ Pempek (b b µ ½}b Éb É (8 b F8 u¯µ Y µ}bµ 8Yb n oµ} 8 Y q ²¢ +b²ÈbY É ½} Ëb É Y b 8 Y Â8} OÂ È bu8² µ8ÂOb V ½} µ Y µ} µ 8 µ½ ½²Ë n Ë Â È µ ½ (8 b F8 u¢ Kemaro Island ,} µ µ 8 Y µ b n (8 b F8 u¯µ ½ ² µ µ ½µ¢ ½ µ 8 µ 8 8 8Yb µ 8 Y n ² ÂYY} µ½ ½ ²8Ë¢ ½ }8µ 8 Fb8½ n 8u Y8 8 Y ½}b² F Y uµ¢

DST T WO Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Universitas Tarumanagara, Universitas Trisakti, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ‘‘Veteran’’ Jakarta, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana and Universitas Pelita Harapan are the AMSEP Indonesia hosts for District 2. District 2 is where the current capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta lies as well as the neighbouring city of Tangerang. Get ready to explore the most populated historical city in Indonesia!

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Kota Tua ¬ Y 8½8È 8­V µ 8 b u}F ²} Y O ² µ u ½}b ² u 8 Y É ½ É 8²b8 n 8 8²½8¢ ,} µ 8²b8 µ ½}b o²µ½ É8 bY µb½½ b b ½ n ½}b ½O} 8 8²½8 8²b8V µ ½}b µ ½b µ½ O ½8 µ ½O} µ½Ë b µ½²ÂO½Â²bµ¢ Soto Betawi b u µ} ½¯µ µ Ë É 8µ 8 8²½8 Fbbn µ  ¢ ,} µ Y µ} O ½8 µ FbbnV µ  ½}8½¯µ 8Yb n² n²bµ} ² O O ½ V É ½} 8 µ b² n µ Obµ 8 Y }b²Fµ µÂO} 8µ u8² OV µ}8 ½V b b8ÈbµV b½O¢ Kepulauan Seribu ² ,} µ8 Y µ 8 Yµ b u µ} ½b² V µ 8 u²  n s µ 8 Yµ 8}Ë8 u8 V Y8Y8² V ²Âµ½V 8 Y b ² µ 8 Y O8½bY ½}b ²½} n 8 8²½8¯µ O 8µ½ ½}8½ nnb² µ bO½8O 8² È bɵ n ½}b n ²bµ½ 8 Y ½}b µb8¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Surabaya Street ½ µ 8 8 ½ §Âb 8² b½ µ½²bb½ O8½bY b ½b uV b ½²8 8 8²½8¢ b²bV +b b²µ µb 8 ½ §Âb ² bÈb bu8 8 O b ½ u Yµ¢ bu ½ 8½ u ½}b ² Ob n u Yµ }b²b µ µ b½} u Y 8F b¢ ,}b n² b Y bµµ n ½}b µb b²µ }b²b µ µ b½} u n8 µ 8 u 8 Ë b b¢ Gado-gado µ µ b µ ²½ n µ8 8Y ½}8½¯µ Èb²Ë n8 µ }b²b Y bµ 8¢ ,}b µ8 8Y O ½8 µ µ½b8 bY Èbub½8F bµV µ ObY }8²Y F bY buuµV n² bY ² F bY ½ nÂV F bY ½8½ V ½ u 8 F8 8 8 b8n ɲ8 bY ² Ob V 8 Y 8 µ8ÂOb n b8 ½ Y²bµµ u¢

DST THR Universitas Padjadjaran, Maranatha Christian University, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani, and Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati are the AMSEP Indonesia hosts for District 3. District 3 is located in the heart of West Java. One of the cities, Bandung happens to be the third largest city in Indonesia. Due to the mountainous area of the city, Bandung has cooler temperature year-round than most Indonesian cities.

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Kebun Teh bF ,b} ² ,b8 8²Yb µ ½}b µ½ ½ ² µ½ O Ybµ½ 8½ u 8 Y uV O8½bY É YbË¢ Siomay Bandung + 8Ë µ 8 Y bµ 8 µ½b8 bY oµ} Y u É ½} Èbub½8F bµ µb²ÈbY b8 ½ µ8ÂOb¢ ½ µ ½²8Y ½ 8 Ë 8Yb n² ½b uu ² É8} oµ} b8½¢ ½}b² O b b ½µ ½ µ 8Ë 8²b µ½b8 bY O8FF8ubV ½8½ bµV F ½½b² u ²YV F bY buuV8 Y ½ n¢ Patenggan Lake ,} µ 8 b µ 8 8½Â²8 8 b 8 8²b8 O8 bY É YbË8½ 8 8 ½ ½ÂYb n ¹ÏÏ b½b²µ 8F Èb µb8 bÈb ¢ ,}b½b b²8½Â²b µ O Yb² É}b O 8²bY ½ ½}b²8²b8µ 8 Y u¢ ,} µ µ 8 Èb²Ë FÂµË 8Ob Èb² ½}b Ébb b Y F½ Y² u ½}b Ébb Y8˵V Ë Â É ² F8F Ë Fb ½}b Ë b ½}b²b¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Floating Market Lembang 8½ u 8² b½ 8Ob b F8 u µ 8 ½ ² µ½ n8È ² ½b Ybµ½ 8½ b F8 uV 8 Y u¢ b²bV Ë Â O8 o Y µ b½²8Y ½ 8 Y bµ 8 n Yµ É} O} Éb²b O bY 8 Y µ Y ½}b F 8½µ¢ Tangkuban Perahu ,8 u ÂF8 (b²8} µ 8 È O8 V Áp b½b²µ ²½} n 8 Y u Ëb½ O µb ² Ê ½Ë ½ b F8 u¢ ,8 u ÂF8 (b²8} µ 8 ½b²bµ½ uYbµ½ 8½ ½}8½ bÈb²Ë b ½}b²b µ 8 É8˵ bb ½ È µ ½¢ 3}b µbb n² 8 Y uV ½¢,8 u ÂF8 (b²8} }8µ 8 Y µ½ O½ Èb µ}8 bV b 8  µ Yb Y É F 8½¢ ,8 u ÂF8 (b²8} b8 µ n8O½ ¬Â ½Â² bYF 8½­¢ ,} µ bO 8² µ}8 b }8µ µ½  8½bY ½}b n8 ½8µË n ½}b + Y8 bµb b b n² b8² Ë ½ bµ8µ bÊ ²bµµbY ½}b bub Y n +8 u ² 8 u¢

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Taman Sari Sunyaragi Cave ,}b + Ë8²8u O8Èb µ 8 O ½Â²8 µ ½b ²bF µ ²8É u Èb² on½bb }bO½8²bµ¢ ,}b O8Èb }8µ 8²½ oO 8 É8½b²n8 µV 8 u É ½} Fb8½ n u8²Yb µ É}b²b b O8 µbb µ½8½Âbµ n ½}b 8²ÂY8V 2 ²u + ½ 3 b 8 Y 8 bµ½ O b b }8 ½µ¢ Tahu Gejrot ,8} ub ² ½ µ 8 b ½Ë ½ n ½}8½ µ n² bY Èb²Ë O² µ ËV ½}b O Èb²bY É ½} È bu8² µ8ÂOb É ½} 8 O F 8½ n µ OË µÉbb½ 8 Y µ ² ½8µ½b¢ ,}b ½8} ub ² ½ µ8ÂOb µ 8Yb n² O²Âµ}bY O8Ëb b b b²V µ}8 ½µV 8 Y F² É µÂu8²¢ ,}b ½ n u É Fb 8µ}bY ² q8½½b bY 8 Y 8 ½}b µ Obµ 8²b O F bY¢ ,} µ Y µ} O8 Fb 8Yb 8½ } b n ² 8 µ 8O É ½} ½}b n8 Ë¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Nasi Jamblang 8µ b8 µ ² Ob 8 Y 8 F 8 u O bµ n² ½}b 8 b n ½}b ²bu ½ ½}b Ébµ½ n ½}b O ½Ë n ²bF V } b n ½}b n Y Èb Y ²µ¢ ,}b O}8²8O½b² µ½ O n ½}bµb n Yµ µ ½}b µ8ub n ½b8 8µ 8 8O n ² Ob b8Èbµ¢ ,}b Y µ} µ µb²ÈbY È 8 8 FÂnnb½¢

DST FOU Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Diponegoro, Universitas Sebelas Maret, and Universitas Palangka Raya are the AMSEP Indonesia hosts for District 4. District 4 is located in Central Java and Central Kalimantan (Borneo), spread throughout for cities including Yogyakarta, Palangka Raya, Semarang, and Solo, this district is rich in Javanese and Bornean culture.

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Keraton Jogjakarta b²8½ µ 8 ½Ë b n ² Ë8 8 8Ob Y bµ 8¢ ½µ Yb² ÈbY n² ½}b 8È8 bµb 8 ²8½Â 8 V b8 u ²bµ Yb Ob n ½}b ²8½ÂV ½}b ½²8Y ½ 8 } ² oO ½ ½ b n ² 8 u ² §Âbb ¢ Gudeg ÂYbu µ 8 ½²8Y ½ 8 8È8 8µb O µ b n² 5 uË8 8²½8 8 Y b ½²8 8È8¢ ÂYbu µ 8Yb n² Ë Â u  ² b 8O F bY n ² µbÈb²8 } ²µ É ½} 8 µÂu8² 8 Y O O ½ ¢ ÐYY ½ 8 µ Obµ O ÂYb u8² OV µ}8 ½V O8 Y b ½VO ² 8 Yb² µbbYV u8 8 u8 V F8Ë b8Èbµ 8 Y ½b8 b8ÈbµV ½}b 8½½b² u È u 8 ²bYY µ} F² É O ² ½ ½}b Y µ}¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Prambanan Temple ,}b ½b b O  YV 8 - + 3 ² Y b² ½8ub + ½bV µ ½}b 8²ubµ½ Y ½b b µ ½b Y bµ 8 8 Y b n ½}b F uubµ½ + ½}b8µ½ е 8¢ ½µ ½8 8 Y ½bY 8²O} ½bO½Â²bV É ½} 8 Ob ½²8 F Y u µ Yb 8 8²ub O bÊV 8²b O}8²8O½b² µ½ Oµ n 8 Y ½b b¢

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Batik Village n Ë Â 8²b u n ² } b 8Yb µ 8 F8½ F ½ §Âbµ¢ ,} µ È 8ub µ µÂ²b Ë 8 8Ob ½ È µ ½¢ ½ µ O8½bY 8 8²² É µ½²bb½ n n O8 8È8 bµb } µbµ¢ Serabi Solo +b²8F + µ 8 µ 8O ² u 8½ u n² + V b ½²8 8È8¢ ,} µ n Y µ 8Yb n² ² Ob q ² ÊbY É ½} O O ½ 8 Y n² bY Èb² O}8²O 8 VÉ} O} 8 bµ ½ Yb O µ¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Lawang Sewu 8É8 u +bÉ ,} µ8 Y ²µ µ 8 8 Y 8² +b 8²8 uV b ½²8 8È8V ½ 8 Ë F ½ 8µ ½}b }b8Y§Â8²½b²µ n ½}b ½O} 8µ½ Y bµ *8 É8Ë 8 Ë¢ ,}b O 8 b²8 F Y u µ É É 8µ 8 }8 ½bY } µbV ½} Âu} ½}b +b 8²8 u u Èb² b ½ }8µ 8½½b ½bY ½ ²bF²8 Y ½¢ Lumpia Semarang  8 +b 8²8 u µ ½}b n Y Fb u bYn ² FË 8 Ë b b FbO8µb ½ }8µ 8 Yb O µ8 Y Y µ½ O½ Èb ½8µ½b¢ ½ µ 8 µ 8O 8Yb ½ n F8 F µ ² ½µ 8 Y ²8É É²8 bY 8µ½²Ë µ ¢ ½ µ O b½bY É ½} µÉbb½ µ8ÂOb 8Yb ½ n O bµVn²bµ} u²bb O} 8 Y n²bµ} O} Èbµ¢

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Kahayan Bridge ,}b F² Yub µ ½}b 8 Y 8² n (8 8 u 8 *8Ë8 ½ËV b ½²8 8 8 ½8 (² È Ob¢ 8}8Ë8 ² Yub O² µµbµ ½}b 8}8Ë8 ² Èb² O bO½ u É ½} ½}b² ²bu µ¢ Bundaran Besar  Y8²8 bµ8² µ O8½bY ½}b }b8²½ n½}b O ½ËV ½}b Ob ½b² n (8 8 u 8 *8Ë8¢  Y8²8 bµ8² µ O²²b ½ Ë 8 8Ob n ² b b ½ u8½}b² 8 Y ½b²8O½ É ½} b 8 ½}b²¢ 8YY ½ V ½} µ 8²b8 µ 8 µ µbY 8µ 8 bÊb²O µ u µ ½V µÂO} 8µ uu u

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DST F I V Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Hang Tuah, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Jember, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Universitas Mataram, and Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang are the AMSEP Indonesia hosts for District 5. Heavenly landscaped and exotic cuisines of Eastern Java and West Nusa Tenggara will definitely give you an unforgettable experience!

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Kampung Warna-Warni Malang ½½ µ ½}b o²µ½ ½ ² µ½ È 8ub ½}b O ½Ë n 8 8 u ½}b n ² n 8 µb² bµ n } µbµ ½}b F8 µ n ½}b ²8 ½8µ * Èb² ½}8½ nb8½Â²b É8 µ É ½} È8² µ 8½½²8O½ Èb O ²µ 8 Y ½ ½ µ¢ Bakso Malang ½ µ 8 8 8 u b8½F8 ² 8 b8½ 8µ½b 8Yb n² u²  Y Fbbn É ½} ½8 O8 q ² 8 Y µ8 ½¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Suramadu Bridge ½ µ 8 O8F b µ½8ËbY F² Yub Fb½Ébb +²8F8Ë8 ½}b µ 8 Y n 8È8 8 Y ½}b ½ É n 8 u 8 8 ½}b µ 8 Y n 8Y²8 Y bµ 8 b bY  b ÁÏÏ V ½}b p¢s F² Yub µ ½}b ubµ½ Y bµ 8 8 Y ½}b µbO Y ubµ½ ½}b µ ½}b² }b µ }b²b¢ Sate Klopo Surabaya µ 8 n Y 8Yb n² b8½ ½}8½ µ O½ ½ µ 8 bObµ 8 Y µ½8FFbY µÂO} 8 É8Ë É ½} 8 µ½ O n O O ½ ² F8 F b8n F bV ½}b u² bY µ u É Y O}8²O 8 O 8 µ¢

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Taman Nasional Meru Betiri ½ µ 8 8½ 8 8² bʽb Y u Èb² 8 8²b8 n pgÏ Á n É} O} 8 µ 8 8²½ µ 8² b¢ ,}b Fb8O}bµ n ½}b 8² ² È Yb bµ½ u u²  Yµ n ² b Y8 ub²bY ½Â²½ b µ bO bµ¢ Jenang Waluh b 8 u µ µÂ8 Ë 8Yb Ob²½8 bÈb ½µ µÂO} 8µ } Y8˵V ² µ8 bÈb ½µV ÉbYY uµV 8 Y b b¯µ 8²½ bµ ² bÈb ½µ ½}8½ O8µb O² ÉYµ¢ ,} µ O 8²Ë b µ 8Yb n²  ²  ¢

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Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme

DST S I X Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Universitas Halu Oleo, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Universitas Bosowa, Universitas Tadulako, Universitas Alkhairaat, Universitas Khairun, and Universitas Pattimura are the AMSEP Indonesia hosts for District 6. Located in Sulawesi and Maluku, be amazed by District 6’s display of crystal-clear seas, stunning views, and vast variety of foods and delicacies!

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme

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Pantai Losari µ8² b8O} µ 8 Fb8O} O8½bY ½ ½}b Ébµ½ n ½}b O ½Ë n 8 8µµ8²¢ ,}b Fb8O} µ 8 8Ob n ² ½}b O ½ Îb µ n 8 8µµ8² ½ µ b Y ½ b ½}b ² uV 8n½b² V 8 Y bÈb uV b Ë u ½}b µOb b²Ë n ½}b Fb8½ n µÂ µb½¢ Es Pisang Ijo ½ µ 8 ½}b² Y bµ 8 Y² ½}8½ µ 8Yb n ObV F8 8 8V 8 Y u²bb ¢ n Ë Â O F b 8 ½}bµb É ²YµV bµ µ8 u u µ} µ O8 bY u²bb F8 8 8 Ob¢ µ ( µ8 u µ b n ½}b µ½  8² Y² µ Y bµ 8¢

AMSEP Official Booklet AMSEP Official Booklet

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Fort Rotterdam ²½ * ½½b²Y8 µ 8 ¸½} Ob ½Â²Ë n ²½ 8 8µµ8² ½}b µ 8 Y n + 8Ébµ Y bµ 8¢ ½ µ 8 ½O} n ²½ F ½ ½ n 8 bÊ µ½ u n ²½ n ½}b É8 uY ¢ ,}b ² u 8 n ²½V  (8 Y8 8 bubY Ë 8 bY 8n½b² ½}b 8 Y8 µ ½²bbµ u² É u ½}b È O ½Ë¢

AMSEP Official Booklet AMSEP Official Booklet


Bokori Island ,}b µ 8 Ï¢ p Á  }8F ½bY 8²8Y µb µ 8 Y ² O8 Fb ²b8O}bY sp n² b Y8² FË O8² 8 Y F 8½¢ *b 8Ê 8 Y ½8 b 8 É8 ½}b É} ½b µ8 YË Fb8O}bµ 8 Y b Ë ½}b ²bµµ Èb 8 ²8 8 n ½}b µb8¢ ²Ëµ½8 O b8²V ½Â²§Â µb µ} u É8½b² ²bµ ½ µÉ 8 Y µ ² b ¢ Labengki Island 8Fb u µ 8 Y µ 8 bÉ 8²8Y µb n 8½Â²b ½ ² µ½ Ybµ½ 8½ 8½ + ½} 8µ½ + 8Ébµ (² È Ob 8 Y O8½bY 8½ ²½} 8Éb¢

AMSEP Official Booklet

AMSEP Official Booklet

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Teluk Palu ,}b F² YubV É ½} ½µ ½É ÁÏ b½b² } u} 8²O}bµVµ 8 µ Èb² ½}b Ob ½b² n + 8Ébµ V Y bµ 8V ²bµµbµ É ½} ½µ ½É ÁÏ } u} 8²O}bµ¢ ,}b F² Yub µ 8 µ Á¹ É ½} É Yb 8 Y 8 ² n ² bYbµ½² 8 É8 É8˵ F ½} µ Ybµ¢ Pusentasi a Beautiful Sink Hole in Donggala (µb ½8µ µ b b b O8 ½ (µb ½8µb ² (µb½ 8½ µ É 8µ 8 µ } b¢ ,}b²b µ 8 µ 8 Fb8½ n É} ½b µ8 Y Fb8O} bʽ ½ ½}b µ } b É}b²b O ²8 ²bbnµ 8²b  Yb²É8½b²¢ (µb ½8µ µ O8½bY , É8 bV uu8 8V b ½²8 + 8Ébµ ¢

AMSEP Official Booklet


Bunaken National Marine Park µ 8 8² b 8² ½}b ²½} n + 8Ébµ µ 8 YV Y bµ 8¢ ,}b 8² µ O8½bY b8² ½}b Ob ½²b n ½}b ²8 ,² 8 u bV ² È Y u }8F ½8½ ½ ¾ µ bO bµ n O ²8 8µ Éb 8µ 8 Ë oµ}V µOV ²b ½ b 8 Y 8² b 8 8 µ bO bµ¢ Tinu’tuan (Manado Porridge) ½ }8µ 8 F8µb n ² Ob ²² Yub ÊbY É ½} µ Obµ n  V µÉbb½ ½8½ bµV µÉbb½ O ² 8 Y Èbub½8F bµ µÂO} 8µ ² u u ²ËV µ 8O} ² É8½b²O²bµµ 8 Y µ bO 8 ubY b8Èbµ 8È8 8F b Ë 8 8Y ¢

AMSEP Official Booklet

AMSEP Official Booklet

AMSEP Official Booklet

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Ngurtavur Beach u²½8Ȳ b8O} µ O8½bY ½}b µ 8 Y n 38}8V ² u}½ n² ½ n 38²F8 µ 8 Y }8µ É} ½b µ8 YË Fb8O}bµ ½}8½ ² ½²ÂYb ² bʽb Y É ½} ½ ½b²²Â ½ µ ½ ½}b µb8 8 u ½}bÁ b½b²µ 8 Y 8 É Y½} n ¸ b½b²µ¢ Mosque Al-Munawwaroh 8µ Y Ð Â 8ÉÉ8² } µ 8 µ§Âb ,b² 8½bV ²½} 8  ¢ ½ µ 8 µ§Âb F ½ FË ½}b Èb² b ½ ½}b Fb8O} ½ É n ½}b O ½Ë n ,b² 8½b¢ ,}b µ§Âb µ µ O8 ½ È8½ u 8 Y O8 Fb µbb n² ½}b µb8V É ½} ½É ½ Éb²µ F ½ ½}b µb8 ² È Y u Fb8½ n µOb b²Ë¢ 8µ Y Ð Â 8ÉÉ8² } µ É 8 O ½Ë 8 Y 8² ¢

AMSEP Official Booklet


Ora Beach ²8 b8O} µ 8 Fb8O} O8½bY ½}b µ 8 Y n +b²8 V b ½²8 8  ¢ ,}b Fb8O} µ O8½bY 8½ ½}b Ébµ½b² b Y n½}b F8ËV bʽ ½ +8É8 +8 b 8 2 8ub 8½ ½}b n ²bµ½ bYub n 8 µb 8 8½ 8 (8² ¢

AMSEP Official Booklet

AMSEP Official Booklet

AMSEP Official Booklet

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


Jikomalamo Beach 8 8 µ ½8 b n² ½}b 8 b n ½}b ½ É µ} ² µ 8 YV 8 µ 8 Y ½}8½ µ O8½bY ² u}½ n² ½ n ½}b F8Ë¢ ,} µ É} ½b µ8 YË Fb8O} ½}8½ µ 8 µ 8 ² Ê 8½b Ë ÏÏ b½b²µ µ O8½bY 8 µ}b ½b²bY F8Ë Y ²bO½ Ë µ ½b ½ ² µ 8 Y¢ Guraka Water ,} µ ,b² 8½b µ bO 8 ½Ë Y² µ 8Yb n² 8 ʽ²b n u²8½bY u ub² 8 Y 8 µÂu8² É} O} µ ½}b ÊbY É ½} É8 ½µ¢ ,}b O F 8½ n ½}b µÉbb½ ½8µ½b n 8 µÂu8² 8 Y ½}b É8² ½} n u ub² n² ½} µ Y² µ 8F b ½ 8OO 8 Ë È8² µ µ 8O µ ½ o 8 ²b 8Ê u ½ b ½}b 8n½b² ¢

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme


CURRENCY Indonesia’s currency is the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) and is abbreviated as Rp. The largest banknote is the red Rp 100,000, although it may only be roughly around 10 USD, this banknote is conveniently large for most purchases. Next in the series are Rp 50,000, Rp 20,000, Rp 10,000, Rp 5,000, Ro 2,000, and Rp 1,000. Payments via card through VISA or Mastercard are also mostly accepted in many establishments, hotels, recreational spots and larger shops. Cash however remains the dominant payment method for smaller shops and souvenier gift shops. Withdrawal of cash through ATMs are also common on most major cities and destinations however these may be harder to come by in the backblocks. Beware of withdrawal limits as low as Rp 500,000 or roughly 55 USD per day in some machines. As a rule of thumb, machines loaded with Rp 50,000 denomination notes do not dispense more than Rp 1,250,000 per transaction and ATMs loaded with Rp 100,00 can result in greater withdrawal limit of up to Rp 2,500,000. Note however that larger bills are harder to be used as payments in rural areas.

VISA Indonesia allows free entry to citizens of the following countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Chile, Ecuador, Hong Kong SAR (Special Administrative Region), Laos, Macau SAR, Malaysia, Morocco, Myanmar, Peru, Phillippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The nationals of these countries who are going for a holiday, attending conventions, or engaging in similar activities are allowed to stay in Indonesia up to 30 days without a visa. This type of visa cannot be extended, transferred, or converted to any other kinds of visa; nor can it be used as a working permit. Those visitors eligible under the visa waiver program have a visa issued at the Indonesian border checkpoints with the issuance subject to the discretion of the visa officer. The visa is not for employment and is not extendable.

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme

Nationals of countries not listed previously are required to apply for visas through the nearest Indonesian Embassy or Consulate. Single entry visas are valid for 60 days and priced around 50-100 USD depending on individual countries and prevailing exchange rates. For futher information on COVID-19 travel restrictions to Indonesia, please visit the link:

ELECTRICITY Electriity voltage in Indonesia is 220V 60Hz with two rounded prong plunge. If your devices have different connector shape, please kindly bring a plug adapter/transformer.

AMSEP Official Booklet

HOME PREPARATION DRESSCODE µ ²½µ 8 Y ½ u}½ o½½ u O ½}bµ 8²b Fbµ½ 8È YbY¢ µÂ² u ½}8½ Ë Â 8²b Éb O Èb²bY n² 8 b ½ bO É Â Y Fb ½}b Fbµ½¢ b u Ybµ½ µ b n Y bµ 8¯µ µ½ 8 ²bO 8½bY O ½Â²b¢ 5  8Ë n É ½b² 8½ 8 ½²b Yµ¢ ÉbÈb²V Éb8² u µ bbÈb bµµ ½ µ 8²b ½ ²bO b YbY ½} Âu} ½ 8 ² ² 8½b¢ 5  Y ½ }8Èb ½ É ²²Ë 8F ½ ½}b Éb8½}b² FbO8µb ½ µ µÂ Ë 8 Ëb8² Y bµ 8V ½} Âu} ½ 8Ë ²8 8½ ½ bµ¢ + V 8 ² ² 8½b O ½½ O ½}bµ 8²b ²bO b YbY¢

THINGS TO BRING • • • • • • • • • •

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AMSEP Official Booklet

ETIQUETTE IN INDONESIA GREETINGS 3}b u²bb½ u ² ½² YÂO u bµb nV µ uV }8 Yµ}8 b µ8 8 8 Y µ u}½ Ë YY u 8²b u Y ubµ½Â²bµ¢ Ð bY  ½ µ n½ }8 Yµ}8 b u² µ µÂnoO b ½V µ Ob u² u ½ }8²Y Students’ O  Y Fb O µ Yb²bY ²ÂYb ² 8 8O½ n 8uu²bµµ ¢

Asian Medical Exchange Programme

HAND GESTURES Y bµ 8V µ b b b 8F} ² ½}b µb n ½}b bn½ }8 Y FbO8µb ½ µ O µ Yb²bY ²ÂYbV µ ½²Ë ½ 8È Y ubµ½Â² u É ½} Ë Â² bn½ }8 Y¢ ( ½ u ½ É8²Yµ µ b b É ½} 8 n ²bo ub² µ O µ Yb²bY ²ÂYb¢ 3} b ½ u É ½} ½}b É} b 8 ² µ½ 8 ½} F É ½} ½}b² o ub²µ n YbY 8²b O µ Yb²bY µ½ ½b¢

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AMSEP Official Booklet

Emma Geerdes Erasmus University Delegate of EAMSEP Indonesia for Rotterdam ² u ½}b É Yb²n Р+ ( bÊO}8 ub Fb½Ébb Ð +Ð Y bµ 8 8 Y +Ð * ½½b²Y8 V ½ Ë b8² bY 8F ½ ½}b Y bµ 8 }b8 ½} O8²b µËµ½b 8 Y ½}b Fb8½ n 8 Y Y Èb²µb O ½Â²b n Y bµ 8V F½ 8 µ 8Yb 8 Ë n² b YµV 8 Y É8µ 8F b ½ b ½ bÉ b²µ bO½ Èbµ¢ е bY O8 µ½ÂYb ½µ Éb 8²b O² ½ O8 ½} b²µV } ÉbÈb² b bÈb²Ë b²µ Éb 8²b qÂb ObY FË ½}b b È ² b ½ 8 Y O ½Â²b Éb u² É Â ¢ ½b² 8½ 8 bÈb ½µ b ½} µ bÊO}8 ub O²b8½b 8 µ8nb b È ² b ½ É} O} µ 8² µ O Èb²µ8½ µ b8Y u ½ bÉ 8 Y Y nnb²b ½ b²µ bO½ ÈbµV 8 Y ²b  Yb²µ½8 Y u n ² b8O} ½}b²¢ ²½}b² ²bV ½ u Èbµ µ ½}b O}8 ub ½ ½} ²b Yb b Yb ½ 8F ½ ²µb Èbµ¢ 8 ËV ½}b bÈb² 8µ½ u n² b Yµ} µ É} O} 8² µb Y² u ½}bµb bÊO}8 ubµ b µÂ²b ½}8½ ½}b bÊO}8 ub É bÈb² b Y¢ 3b É 8 É8˵ O ½ Âb ½ b8² n² b 8 ½}b²¢

AMSEP Official Booklet

Nathaniel Jude “Alil” C. Aglosolos Asian Medical Students’ Adventist University of the Philippines - Medical Missionaries for Social Exchange Programme Responsibilities; Delegate of AMSEP Indonesia x Malaysia (2020); Delegate of AMSEP Indonesia x Taiwan (2021); Delegate of AMSEP Indonesia x Philippines (2021)

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AMSEP Official Booklet

Nichakorn Charoenras Navamindradhiraj University Delegate of AMSEP Indonesia for Thailand ½¯µ µÂO} 8 Èb Ë Ébb l ,}8 Ë Â µ ÂO} Ð + ( Y bµ 8 n ² ½}b ²bO µ bÊ b² b Ob ¢ O  Y µbb ½}8½ Ë Â uÂ˵ ²b8 Ë Â½ 8 ½ n bnn ²½ ½ ½} µ É ² 8 Y ½ O8 b ½ ²b8 Ë u Yl u ½ ½ É µ 8 Ë ½b²bµ½ u Y bµ 8 O ½Â²bµ 8 Y µ}8²bY ²µV 8 Y bÉ 8 ½ n bÉ u Y b b Èb²Ë 8O½ È ½ bµ 8²b 8 µ ²b8 Ë n ll Ð Y Ë Â uÂ˵ 8²b Èb²Ë µÂ ²½ Èb¢ + b² }8 Ël

Efe Donduran Pamukkale University Delegate of EAMSEP Indonesia for Turkey b Ð + ( Y bµ 8 ,² bË É8µ ² o²µ½ ½b² 8½ 8 bÊO}8 ub ² bO½ 8µ +Ð (8  8 b¢ b bÈb²Ë o²µ½ ½ b² Éb }8Y 8 ½ ½ b8² ¢ Ð Y ½}8 nÂ Ë Éb }8Y u²b8½ ½Â½ ²µ b 2b² 8 Y Ð +Ð -( O ½½bb¢ 3b }8Y 8 u²b8½ ²b 8²8½ É ½} ½}b ¢ ² g Y8˵ ² bË Éb b8² ½ 8 ½ 8 Y ub½ ½ É ½}b 8²8Y µb n Y bµ 8¢ 3b 8²b µ ½}8 n n ² ½} µ bÊ b² b Obl

AMSEP Official Booklet

Afia Zahin Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme Mymensingh Medical College Delegate of AMSEP Indonesia for Bangladesh and INFANCY 2021 Ë Â² bË Ð +Ð µ½8²½bY É ½} Ð + ( Y bµ 8 n ² 8 u 8Ybµ}¢ É8µ ²b8 Ë 8 8ÎbY 8½ } É b²nbO½ Ë 8 Y É Yb²nÂ Ë ½}b ² u²8 É8µ 8²²8 ubY FË Ð + ( Y bµ 8¢ bÈb² ½} Âu}½ ½}8½ 8 È ²½Â8 Ð + ( O  Y Fb ½}8½ ÂO} b u8u u 8 Y ½b²8O½ Èb¢ ²b8 Ë nb ½ b É8µ Y bµ 8¢ ² ½}b V 8 8 F u n8 n Ð +Ð Y bµ 8¢ *bOb ½ Ë Ð 5 Á ²u8 ÎbY FË Ð + ( Y bµ 8 }8µ Fbb 8 u²b8½ µÂOObµµ¢ ,}b²b Éb²b ²b ½}8 ÁÏÏ 8²½ O 8 ½µ n² Y nnb²b ½ O}8 ½b²µ n Ð +Ð 8 Y ½}b É8Ë ½}b ²u8 Îb²µ }8 Y bY ½ É8µ 8 8Î u¢ b ËbY b8O} 8 Y bÈb²Ë b ½ n ½}b ² u²8 ¢ ,}b ObF²b8 u µbµµ µV OµbY u²  Y µOµµ V 8 bµV  ½Â²8 µbµµ 8 Y 8 ½}b bÈb ½µ Éb²b q8É bµµ¢ ÈbY ½}8½ ½}bË È ½bY ½} µb Fb8½ n O} Y²b É ½} É +Ë Y² b¢ ,}b Fb8½ n µ b n ½}bµb O} Y²b ²b8 Ë 8Yb Ë Y8Ë 8 Y ½ ½}b ² u²8 ½ 8 Y nnb²b ½ bÈb ¢ ,}b ² u²8 É8µ 8 bY 8 Y bÊbO½bY µÂO} 8 F² 8 ½ É8Ë ½}8½ Éb b8² bY 8 ½ É ½} b Ë b ½ 8 Y }8Y bÈb²Ë ²½Â ½Ë ½ ½b²8O½ 8 Y bʽb Y n² b Yµ} É ½} b Fb²µ n² ½}b² O}8 ½b²µ n Ð +Т É8µ ²b8 Ë 8 8ÎbY 8½ ½}b bÈb n ²bµ µb n² ½}b Yb bu8½bµ¢ ,}bË Éb²b 8O½ Èb Ë 8²½ O 8½ u 8 ½}b bÈb ½µ 8 Y ½}b O}8½ F Ê É8µ o bY É ½} Fb8½ n O b ½µ n² ½}b ¢ ,} µ ½²Â Ë 8² µ } É O²bY F Ë ½}b ²u8 Îb²µ n Ð + ( Y bµ 8 ²u8 ÎbY ½}b ² u²8 ¢ É ²Yµ O8 bÈb² bÊ ²bµµ Ë u²8½ ½ÂYb ½ Ð + ( Y bµ 8 n ² 8²²8 u u µÂO} É Yb²n ² u²8 µ bÈb²Ë ½ b¢ 5  uÂ˵ bÈb² n8 ½ 8 8Îb µ FË Ë Â² É ² µ¢ ,}b bnn ²½ Ë Â b b ½ Ë Â² É ² µ O b8² Ë È µ F b n² ½}b É Yb²n ½O bµ¢ 5 ² É ² µ 8 Y µ µ }8Èb 8 É8˵ Fbb 8É Y² u¢

AMSEP Official Booklet

Felice Universiti Sains Malaysia Delegate of AMSEP Indonesia for Malaysia ,}b O ½½bb n² - Èb²µ ½8µ Â}8 8Y Ë8} 8 8 u Y Y 8 n8 ½8µ½ O F } µ½ u ² È ²½Â8 Ð + (¢ ,}b É} b O ½½bb É8µ O²bY F Ë b ½}µ 8µ½ O 8 Y n² b Y Ë¢ Èb ½} Âu} ½ É8µ 8 È ²½Â8 Ð + (V ½}bË 8 8ubY ½ 8 b 8 ½}b Yb bu8½bµ nbb bʽ²b b Ë Éb O bY 8 Y b8ub² ½ ub½ ½ É Y bµ 8 Fb½½b²¢ 3b u8 bY bÉ É bYub ½}² Âu} ( µbµµ µV bO½Â²bµV 8 Y 8 b Y µOµµ µ É} O} Éb²b Èb²Ë b u8u u 8 Y µ u}½n ¢ ,}b µ½8² n ½} µ Ð + ( É8µ Ybo ½b Ë ½}b µ O O ½Â²8 8O½ È ½ bµ¢ ½ ½² YÂObY µ ½ ½}b n8 µ 8½½²8O½ µ n 8 8 u 8 Y ½}b ² ½} É8½b² u Yb O8O bµ¢ ,}b n Y È uµ 8Yb µ É µ} Éb O  Y O F ½}² Âu} ² µO²bb µ 8 Y Fb 8½ 8 8 uV Y bµ 8¢ ,}b +, u ½Â½ ² 8 É8µ Ybo ½b Ë ½}b } u} u}½ n 8Ë ¾¯µ µ O O ½Â²8 µbµµ ¢ ,}b 8O½ Èb bµµ 8 Y b ½}µ 8µ n ½}b n8O ½8½ ²µ bn½ ² n ² µ b Ob ² 8É É8²Y bµµ¢ 3b O  Y ²b8 Ë nbb ½}b 8½ µ }b²b ½}b²b bÈb ½} Âu} Éb Éb²b ½} µ8 Yµ n bµ 8 8²½¢ p Y8˵ É8µ É8Ë ½ µ} ²½ Ëb½ b ²8F b¢ 8 bʽ²b b Ë u²8½bn n ² ½}b ²½Â ½Ë ½ bÊ b² b Ob µÂO} 8 8 8Î u ² bË¢ 3b } b ½}8½ ½}b n² b Yµ} µ Éb }8Èb 8Yb É 8µ½ 8 Y }8Èb ² o ub²µ O² µµbY ½}8½ Éb O8 È µ ½ Y bµ 8 µ ¢ ,}8 Ë ÂV Ð + ( Y bµ 8¢

AMSEP Official Booklet

Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme



EXECUTIVE BOARD Geraldus Sigap Gung Binathara Regional Chairperson AMSA-Indonesia 2021/2022 Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia Batch 2019 Phone number : +6281210257046 Official E-mail : Personal E-mail : LINE ID : geraldussigap

Rhagoza Firman Nawwafdana Director of AMSEP AMSA-Indonesia 2021/2022 Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Hasanuddin Batch 2019 Phone number : +6287710222910 Official E-mail : Personal E-mail : Line ID : rhagoza Skype : Rhagoza

Head Office Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University, Jalan Kyai Tapa no 260, Jakarta, 11470 Website Google Group m/#forum/AMSA-Indonesia Youtube Channel AMSAIndonesia Twitter @AMSAIndonesia Issuu Facebook AMSA Indonesia (Fan Page) and Facebook Group Instagram @amsaindonesia Line Official Account @amsaindonesia Spotify AMSA-Indonesia

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