Arbor Vitae - Second Edition

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Regional Coordinator of AMSA Indonesia 2001/2002

Jakarta’s Flood 2013: Have We Learnt Something from the Past?

Flood Hemorrhagic Fever

2nd Edition | February 2013


It is still fresh in my mind the day I noticed an uproar regarding the severe flood in Jakarta, along its notorious picture of Bundaran HI drawn in tremendous height. I don't think flood itself is uncanny in Indonesia—we have gone through the catastrophe multiple times—but this one happened to be in our capital and it paralyzed most of the activity which contributed to its negative impact elsewhere.


AMSA, who just made a pact to help countries in the state of disaster in Tokyo Declaration a month back then, acted pretty quickly to respond in a form of incredible assistance, in a collaboration with AMDA. The conjoined force was, in fact, quite accommodating and we are really thankful for the help. We did take a giant step towards the realization of the world as a better place. This edition, with its major theme of flood, will present another fresh articles that the contributors have shared. Our new column —Photography—is definitely the one you must have been looking forward to. I wish that with this new addition to the magazine, we could reach out to more AMSA members who have that particular interest.

RIFAN NUGRAHA Editor-in-Chief


AHMAD AULIA RIZALY Universitas Hasanuddin

NATHANIA SUTISNA Universitas Pelita Harapan

DEARAINI Universitas Padjadjaran

FERDY ISKANDAR Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

MUHAMMAD RIZKY Universitas Syiah Kuala

JEANNE VIBERTYN Universitas Hasanuddin

IQBAL ANUGRAH Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

AYU WULANSARI Universitas Diponegoro

FADJAR WAHID Universitas Tadulako

REGINA EDA TANJUAN Universitas Tarumanagara


STEFANUS WIJAYA Universitas Airlangga


by Nathania Sheryl Sutisna



Canisius College – Jakarta, Indonesia


Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) – Jakarta, Indonesia


Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) – Leiden, Netherlands (degree earned: PhD – expected June 2013)


Medical practitioner at FKUI Family Medicine Clinic and Nangapanda (Flores) Community Health Center (Puskesmas)


Teaching staff at Department of Parasitology FKUI

ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN AMSA National Scientific Writing Course Organizer 1999 Representative of FKUI 2000/2001 Regional Coordinator of AMSA Indonesia 2001/2002 24th AMSC Organizing Committee Chairperson 2002/2003 Overall Chairperson of AMSA International 2004/2005

degree? And why you chose AMSA? E: I always like to meet people and learn from them! How my father interacted with people from various background always amazes me. My parents also always encourage me to do whatever I like. However, they gave me one condition: "I have to do it 100%." Anyway, when I am selecting an activity of an organization to be involved in, I always choose the one that I can learn many things from it, in addition to have a distraction from my routines.


Q: Why did you choose to be active in medical student organization during your time in undergraduate

means you have to be mindful on what you choose to do. Of course as a student the main duty is studying! It is a common sense, and therefore you have to know what you want to achieve, what you need to understand and how to accomplish it.

To be honest, I did not choose AMSA. I joined AMSA by accident. It was a courtesy of a good friend of mine, Sigit Sulistiyo that informed me at the time, about this organization and to

As a medical student, we have a big responsibility to be an educated physician. We have a responsibility to be adequately qualified, with soft and hard skills for the sake of ourself and people

accompany him to register as a new member. It was also a delegate selection for the Asian Medical Students' Conference (AMSC) in Bangkok 1999. However he changed his mind and has

that need our help. Nobody ever tells, to be a medical student is an easy job. To be a bright student is nice but more important is, it is not allowed to be a “stupid” doctor, in a simple word “Do no

never become an AMSA member. On the other hand, thanks to him, I was growing with AMSA. I fell in love with AMSA and still in love with it until now.

harm!”. We work with human.

Q: How did you manage your time between studying and doing

experienced so many benefits in getting involved in organizations in my life. Or maybe, it is just because I’m an easy person to get bored. Anyway enjoy yourself! Enjoy the privilege of being a

organization work? E: There is one statement that has been told to me: Do not let your academic performance disturb your activity. It

However, despite my “laziness” sitting all day long in a lecture room, I had huge urge to experience many things. This craving may be because I have

human being, self-development!

philosophy: knowledge, action and friendship? E: It is very clear: I have got lots of knowledge and lots of friends through lots of actions.

Q: People said having organization experiences will be useful in the working field. Is it true? What is the benefit of being active in AMSA for your work? E: By just being an AMSA member it is a good step. By being active in AMSA, it is a great step. AMSA gives many opportunities: international exposure, academic competitiveness, creativeness, managerial skills, teamwork experiences, you can name it. You just need to experience it. Explore the potential.

Q: What is the most valuable experience or moment that you had during your time in AMSA? E: Holding the 24th AMSC. It was a three years commitment. It was begun as a spark of dreams of few people after the AMSC Bangkok, which then devoted into a reality. It was an experience on working with many great people, with various ability and skills and perseverance. We have learned together, fight together, hate each other as well as love forever. Many things had happened during that time,

many things could have been better but until now I am very happy for any decisions we have made.

Q: 12 years have passed since your tenure. Even AMSA-Indonesia is still developing and growing up, I believe the current condition is different. Do you have any opinion regarding to the current condition? E: Sometimes ago, I still regularly read emails in the mailing list, but currently not anymore. When I came to the EAMSC in Japan last December, I found so many things have changed. I was quite surprised myself. In any case, I am sure and believe AMSA is still growing. In its 30plus age, AMSA development should be different than decades ago. Before and in the beginning of my time, AMSA has an individual membership type based on people attending the AMSC, where then step by step, more institutionalized, to accommodate people that unable to join the AMSC. I am sure with more members, AMSA facing more challenges.


Q: What are the experiences or lesson that you learned during your time in AMSA, regarding to our



A strong structure of regeneration,

the next generation achievement. One

documentations, as well as way of communications need to be advanced. However, it should be in a way as simple as possible.

challenge may be how to bring the AMSC and the EAMSC to the next level. How about if AMSA International or AMSA Indonesia, challenge themselves to organize the AMSC for 1000 delegates.

Moreover, AMSA should never be in its golden era in anytime. And no committee or name it executive boards member or even AMSA Chair may say their era is the best era of AMSA. Why? So many potential of AMSA has not yet been

Therefore more people can come. Regarding about the golden era I mentioned above. In every history that we learn at school, do you remember that if you read about golden era, it means it

optimized. Not all regions in Asia, has yet become member of AMSA; and not even majority of medical faculties or medical students in current AMSA member regions have experienced benefit from

has been already a history. AMSA is current as well as future. It has a very bright future. AMSA needs to always progress and should always achieve new levels. With this current movement of

AMSA. It has not yet optimized its current collaboration with other medical students's organizations or even not yet expanded collaboration with other medical students' organizations such as

establishing AMSA alumni club, we are hoping to revitalize the continuing potential of AMSA as a platform for friendship, knowledge and also if needed, is to cooperate with AMSA

APSA (MD/PhD student organization in US).

International in advancing itself.

AMSA also needs to build stronger link to more older organization despite the current condition such as with WHO or

Q: Do you have any hope to AMSAIndonesia and/or AMSA International?

UNICEF. People tend to like to be known as a history, a founder, a key person, etc, but a wisdom word says (unfortunately I forgot who told this): more greatness will come if nobody cares who will get the

E: Challenge yourself! Be better everyday! I hope AMSA always be more innovative and agile.

credits. I hope AMSA is not trapped in this circle of twilight zone. Of course one should be proud of every achievement he/she did. In this sense, the achievement should become a stronger foundation for

Q: Lastly, what is "AMSA" for you? E: AMSA is one of love of my life.


Don’t Worry Be Happy Ferdy Iskandar

Despite the heavy flood, kids who lived at the Roxy’s riverside felt grateful that they received assistance from AMSA-AMDA Indonesia.

I’m Starving Ferdy Iskandar

“Sir, do you have any rice for me and my family?” he said. Flood has made his house inaccessible to food source, dwindling food supply.

Prayers Ahmad Aulia Rizaly

This picture was taken in Klenteng Kwan Kong, Chinatown, Makassar, on celebration of Chinese New Year 2564. Every chinese new year, people gather in Klenteng, whether it is to pray or just to visit the temple. This Klenteng has also been visited by tourists from all over the world.

Takapala Waterfall Ahmad Aulia Rizaly

Formerly the holiday resort of the kings. Takapala Waterfall which is located in Malino, offers a heaven from city-life. About 70 km from Makassar and located on the slopes of Mt. Bawakaraeng, it has a cool climate with forests of pine trees making it picturesque.



g n i et e M Up h t i w the s e i Old ayu wulansari

For those who put a greater interest upon anything vintage and historical, or simply to seek an option of peacefully heartwarming city, Semarang will never fail you on this. I've personally been into several cities in Indonesia, but Semarang totally gives me a lot of other things to capture. Semarang has grown somewhat bigger lately, but its special atmosphere remains lovely the same. I thought most of you haven't heard much about this city. But I hope this guide will surprise you a little as you go on reading.

Semarang is definitely reachable; either by plane, trains, or buses. We have an international airport here and two train stations, which one of them (Stasiun Tawang) is considerably one of the oldest train stations in Indonesia and still operating till now. Tawang itself is located in Kota Tua, a specially preserved historic heritage. People usually call this place as Little Netherland. I guess there are also many kinds of Kota Tua in different city besides Semarang, but this one is so far becoming most favorited. The reason is most likely because Kota Tua in Semarang looks quite natural. They still use the old buildings for daily activities, office, even hotel and restaurants. There are old houses, with most families live there from generation to generation. They're the best proof to reveal surprising historical secrets. Entering Kota Tua is like perfectly stepping into the other side of millennium era, thus I'll no need to remind you to bring the camera. Now don't take off your camera as we're going more into the center of the city. Yes, it's the famous Lawang Sewu. I suggest you on visiting by the day as you can clearly see the building or inside to its detail. It's okay to take pictures but beware of some restricted signs.

However, for the sake of adrenaline rush, try

return. To me, going to Semarang won’t be

visiting at night and challenge yourself to get into the underground floor (formerly as a jail). You might see something your eyes can't see in the afternoon, or things you swear to see but your friends didn't see. No, I didn’t

complete without this place.

mean to scare you but that is Lawang Sewu as widely known. Actually some parts of Lawang Sewu, including this underground floor, are still not fully discovered. For a real example, it was my first year in UNDIP when the workers working on the new parking lot of RSUP Kariadi suddenly found a dark long tunnel, which then believed and proved to be heading to this underground floor of Lawang Sewu. A tunnel connecting a jail to a hospital, what would you expect? At that time, I straightly assumed it was one attempt of people escaping. As many people and TV stations were coming to highlight the shocking news, soon the government of Semarang officially announced and secured the place for historic reasons. Later on I knew from my college friends, there are still many places that are believed to be secretly connected to Lawang Sewu and until today the government is still working on related observations. The third you should not miss about the city is Sam Poo Kong. It's a Buddhist temple with extremely magnificent designs. Some people who see the pictures of this temple often mistakenly the place as somewhere in Shanghai. Now why not following them by uploading your pictures in the temple and add a little caption of "Aha! Shanghai time!” Of course remember your hashtags and probably you'll receive so many likes in

I still have several options for your fun trip. Culinary in Semarang is somehow best at night time. It's Simpang Lima, the center of the city. There are various foods stalls surrounding the field of Simpang Lima, starting from Pecel and Sate Kambing (which these two are the most visited and therefore the most recommended of all). There is also Semawis, the oldies night market. Semawis gives an option of foods mostly Chinese, though of course you can find others too. Their light foods like cookies or sweet ice creams are highly recommended due to (very) cheap prices with worthy tastes. But shopping in Semawis takes patience since the place could be quite crowded. At the last night of your trip, you can visit what we usually called as Semarang Atas. There are many restaurants with understandable prices in range. They're mostly offer delicious Western foods with cool atmosphere. And seeing the fascinating view of city lights from your dinner table somehow boost up a little romance. Overall, Semarang won't be disappointing. If only we were encouraged to dig deeper to every possible hidden beauties, I'm so sure we could have a lot of fun and gain a lot more knowledge of our own country as well. Why not putting Semarang into your next plan of visit? I dearly wish you would start marking your calendar as your unforgettable trip starts here. Let’s travel back the time and meet up with the oldies!



KULIT KERING BAHAYA ! o h L by Fadjar Wahid

Kulit adalah bagian terluar pada tubuh manusia. Tidak heran kulit menjadi bagian terpenting dalam kehidupan. Dibutuhkan kulit yang sehat dan terawat untuk menambah rasa percaya diri. Itu membuat banyak orang menempuh berbagai cara untuk mendapatkan kulit sehat,mulus,dan indah. Namun, berbagai keluhan seputar kulit semakin sering dijumpai, mulai dari kelainan pigmentasi, kulit berjerawat hingga penyakit kulit yang disebut dengan dermatitis atopik. Dermatitis atopik adalah suatu dermatitis yang bersifat kronik residif yang dapat terjadi pada bayi, anak dan dewasa dengan riwayat atopi pada penderita atau keluarganya. Dermatitis Atopik atau Eczema Dermatitis atau Eksim adalah peradangan pada lapisan atas kulit yang sifatnya kronis atau menahun. Penderita penyakit ini biasanya mengeluh kulit nya terasa gatal dan kering yang tidak sembuhsembuh atau sering kambuh walaupun sudah diobati. umumnya mengenai bayi dan anak-anak, namun tidak jarang juga dialami oleh orang dewasa. Pada orang dewasa biasanya juga akan menimbulkan gangguan secara kosmetik dikarenakan kulit yang sering digaruk lama kelamaan akan menimbulkan bercak kehitaman (hiperpigmentasi) sehingga mengganggu penampilan. Kondisi ini biasanya muncul pada penderita yang memiliki


kecenderungan atopi, yaitu suatu tendensi gangguan alergi yang diturunkan secara genetik. Penyakit ini memiliki manifestasi klinis yang luas dan sangat bervariasi, tidak ada satupun pengobatan yang ideal untuk semua penderita Eksim. Prinsip pengobatan Eksim yang terutama adalah edukasi, mengurangi gatal, dan menghindari kekambuhan. Edukasi juga mencakup cara merawat kulit yang benar dikarenakan kulit penderita Dermatitis Atopik cenderung kering maka perawatan juga harus disesuaikan dengan kondisi tersebut. Sebisa mungkin hindari produk perawatan yang dapat mengiritasi kulit dan menyebabkan kulit menjadi bertambah kering. Kurangi gatal dengan tujuan agar penderita tidak menggaruk kulit yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi dan memperburuk penyakit. Menggunakan emolien (pelembab kulit) juga dianjurkan untuk mencegah kekeringan dan menghindari gatal, namun gunakan produk yang ringan dan non iritatif.

FLOOD Hemorrhagic FEVER by Dearaini

affecting the daily activity such as transportation, but also has an impact on people’s health. With the contaminated inundate water, many people contracted by post-flooding illness, such as skin disease, diarrhea, yellow fever, also dengue hemorrhagic fever. These illness are related to the condition of environment and people’s habit. Dirty and grubby environment is a favorable location of endemic disease, plus people’s ignorance of cleanliness makes it more preferred. Since the flood that lasted for a few days has worsen the environment sanitation, there are more and more endemic diseases occur in town. Now I’m going to discuss about one of the postflooding disease that has a high incidence rate, also one of the deadliest, in Indonesia. It is Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). DHF is a severe fever caused by viral infection that spreads by the infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. it goes by other names, such as “breakbone” or “dandy fever”. Dengue can affect anyone but tends to be more severe in people with disturbed immune systems. Based on the last five years surveillance in Indonesia, it shows that there’s an increase in the number of case around November to March, which is the rainy season.

Because DHF is caused by virus, there’s no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it

The flood disaster in Jakarta not only

There are four kinds of virus serotypes; DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3, and DENV-4. In Indonesia, it is mostly DENV-3 that causes DHF. Infection by one of these serotypes produce lifelong immunity against reinfection with that certain serotype, but not to others. That’s why people may get DHF more than once in their lifetime. These viruses cause both dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Asymptomatic infection also occurs. Because DHF is caused by virus, there’s no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it. The treatment is purely concerned to relief the symptoms.

The virus is contracted from the bite of a striped female Aedes aegypti mosquito. They flourishes during rainy seasons but can breed in water-filled materials such as plastic bags, pots, and cans. The virus cannot be spread directly from person to person. There must be a person-tomosquito-to-other-person pathway. Infected humans are the main carriers of the virus, serving as a source of the virus for uninfected mosquitoes. People who are infected with the dengue virus can transmit the infection (for 4-5 days) via Aedes mosquitoes after their first symptoms appear. The Aedes aegypti mosquitoes live in urban habitats and breeds mostly in manmade containers. They are a daytime feeder, their peak biting periods are early in the morning and in the evening before dusk. Female Aedes aegypti bites multiple people during each feeding period. Aedes mosquitos typically live indoors and often found in dark, cool places such as closets, under beds, behind curtains, and in bathrooms. After being bitten, the incubation period ranges from three to 15 days before the signs and symptoms of dengue appear in stages. Dengue starts with chills, headache, pain upon moving the eyes, and low backache. Painful aching in legs and joints occurs during first hour of illness. The temperature rises quickly to

more than 39째C with relatively low heart rate and low blood pressure. The eyes become reddened. A flushing or pale pink rash appear on the face and then disappears. The lymph nodes in the neck and groin are often swollen. Fever and other signs of dengue last for two to four days, followed by a rapid drop in body temperature with profuse sweating. This precedes a period with normal body temperature and a sense of well-being that lasts about a day only. Then a second rapid rise in temperature follows. A characteristic rash appears along with fever and spreads from the extremities to cover the entire body, except the face. Palms and soles may be bright red and swollen. There are also possible signs of hemorrhage such as bleeding in the nose or gums, black stools, easily bruised, and petechiae (small red spots or blisters under the skin). This form of dengue fever may be life-threatening and can progress to the most severe form of syndrome, dengue shock syndrome (dengue fever with hypovolemic shock that may cause death).

Because DHF is transmitted through mosquito bites, the most effective way to prevent it is to control the vector. There are some things we can do, such as: • Preventing mosquitoes from accessing egg-laying habitats by environmental management and modification (e.g. fogging, abate) • Disposing of solid waste properly and removing artificial man-made habitats • Covering, emptying and cleaning of domestic water storage containers on a weekly basis • Applying appropriate insecticides to water storage outdoor containers • Using of personal household protection such as window screens, insecticide treated materials, and vaporizers • Improving community participation and mobilization for sustained vector control • Using topical medications (e.g. lotion) frequently to prevent mosquito bites

There, you know a little bit more about Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and how to stay away from it. Let’s improve and maintain the cleanliness of our environment to lower the risk of DHF. As George Bernard Shaw said, “Better keep yourself clean and bright, you are the window through which you must see the world.”


SPINE: Understanding Psychological Interaction of Human and Developing Good Social Responses


by Stefanus Wijaya

SPINE is a seminar with the theme

enthusiastically asking a lot of

about Human Interaction with the purpose to prepare students of medical faculty when facing patients so they will be able deliver excellence services, not just treatment physically


but also physiologically.

After that, the second topic about “Public Speaking Skill” presented by Yose Waluyo, dr., is one of the important things for medical workers

SPINE is begun with opening ceremony and speech by chairman of the committee and representative of AMSA Airlangga University. Next, the first

when they communicate with peoples and community. In the last session, David Suhartono, dr., alumni of AMSA Airlangga

keynote speakers, physiologist and lecturer from Universitas Surabaya, Dr. Setiasih, M.Kes., bring a topic about “Health-Professional and Patient Relationship”. When comes to

University 2003, gives the material about “Electronic Communication

discussion session, participants

Skill” that teach ethics and communication skill through diverse technology that available in this modern age. After discussion session, this event comes to ending and closing session. Hopefully from SPINE, participants get lots of new knowledge to improve their skills to face the challenges ahead.

XPLODE: Extraordinary Professional Action and Debate Competition 2012

AMSA Indonesia National Action Event

short preparation time, finally XPLODE

in 2012 was hosted by AMSA Airlangga University and this big event was named “XPLODE� (Extraordinary Professional Action and Debate Competition) 2012 took a theme in

2012 can successfully held and finished, thanks to everyone that was involved in this event, from comittees and participants. We are honored and grateful for the trust to us to hold such

genetic mutation. XPLODE was held in Surabaya on December, 14th - 16th 2012. Basically, there were 2 major events in XPLODE, Debate Competition and Health Campaign. The Debate

a big event that become one of AMSA Indonesia annual national events.

competition was held on 15th December, and it took a whole day to complete this competition, which in that event together with Lions Club Surabaya and Palang Merah Indonesia, was filled with free medications for people around university neighborhood and blood donors by volunteers. All of three events took place at Medical Faculty Airlangga University Surabaya. Eventhough lots of obstacles and challenges during

First Huge Baby Steps Toward Helping Flood Victims


by Tarathya Bunga Dharmasaputra

AMSA has never dealt with this kind of

while they stay in Jakarta. Some of the

emergency before, not until the bad flood hits Jakarta on last January. It was such a shock how bad the flood was, almost the entire Jakarta was filled with flood. Traffic became worse, people

volunteers were asked to buy boxes of medicine, rice, oil, baby food, instant food, water, pampers, adult diapers, pads, and many more.

had to live somewhere else because their houses were sunk, the electricity was shutdown, food stock and water became limited because it was hard to get out of the house without getting wet, remembering it was impossible for cars to drive through the flood.

Once all the medicine were set, we were ready to go to all the places that needed our help the most. The volunteers during this event were from AMSA TRISAKTI, UI, UKI, UKRIDA, UNTAR, UAJ, UPH, UGM, UNHAS, and

The flood progressively worsen day by day because of the nonstop rain. AMSA Indonesia gathered volunteers from

many more. We gathered on day one to go to Tanggul Roxy to give free medical care for the flood victims in Tomang, Grogol. There were about 215 patients that day and our free medical

AMSA all over Indonesia to help flood victims in Jakarta. I, myself, am one of the volunteers, and this is why I am very much excited to write about this event. AMSA asked AMDA Indonesia

care succeeded to relief some of their sickness. The people there seemed very pleased that AMSA and AMDA came to help them. They appreciated how much AMSA care about humanity

and AMDA Japan to help and work together to help the victims. Once AMDA agreed to help, AMSA began to prepare the accommodation for them

and how eagerly the volunteers were willing to help.

The next free medical care was held in

AMDA, while the rest of the volunteers

Bekasi. Actually, the flood was really bad there. It ruined their furniture especially on the main floor. The electricity was shut down for days and when we arrived the street was really

from younger batch got to help the registration booth, blood pressure measurement booth, pharmacology booth; which the job was to put in the medicine exactly as what the doctors

dirty and covered with mud. Some of the electricity was still completely shut down, and some of the furniture was being dried off outside the house. The hygiene in each house was still very

had written and the right doses and educational booth; which the job was to call out patients’ names and educate about how many times per day the medicine had to be taken, and so on.

poor. The patients there were not as much as the patients we got in Grogol, because that day the rain poured pretty hard but it was still worth our time to be able to help a part of Bekasi. The people there seemed happy also that AMSA came to help.

In conclusion, AMSA “Save Flood Victim” has been a success. Even though it hasn’t been entirely perfect, but we have taken big baby steps toward helping flood victims. It was

Last but not least, our next free medical care was in Pluit. It was really fun, yet a bit terrifying when we did a survey in

such an honor to have been able to work with AMDA and AMSA Indonesia. It was definitely a week to remember for me and I’m sure for all the volunteers . By volunteering in events

the middle of the night and drive through the flood. Because the flood in Pluit was still bad while the flood in other places has subsided. The scary part was that there have been reports

like this, I have gained a lot of experience and have met incredible people from around Indonesia who were willing to fly to Jakarta to help the flood victims. I feel very honored to

about snakes found on the road in the middle of the flood. In the morning, like always the volunteers gathered in one place and went to Pluit altogether. It was such a fun memory no matter

have known them. I hope that AMSA could be known more nationally and internationally by social acts, rising humanity in each of the member because it is very important that we, as

how tired we all were. Each volunteers were given different jobs, such as anamnesis to diagnosing the patients; which were given the rights for batch 2010 and of course the doctors from

future medical doctors, should care more and be more aware about our community. Thank you for giving AMSA people the opportunity to help flood victims, AMSA Indonesia!

First Ever Hosting Experience: AMSEP for Taiwan


by Regina Eda Tanjuan

It’s an honor for us, AMSA Untar, for

The second day, our first destination

being the host of AMSEP for Taiwan. As you all know, AMSEP stands for Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program. From 1st-7th February 2013, we became the host for 3 delegates from

was, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. After arrived, we take them to West Sumatra custom home to learn Tari Piring. The delegates tried very hard to not broke the plate while dance. After

Chung Shan University: Hsiao You Chung (George), Lee Wei Cheng (Wayne), and Tien Yu Kung (Wesley). Within a week we try our best to serve and treat them well.

finished the dance lesson, we showed them the culture of Indonesia with the games amsazing race. We made post in some point and in every post they need to play a game to get the clue for the

Our journey started when the delegates arrived at Soekarno-Hatta Airport on February 1st at 13.35 pm. After changed their clothes, we went to Gado Gado Boplo to had a welcoming party! We welcomed them with Saman dance performance and had fun with some games. Special thanks for Kevin Mozes as the director of AMSEP, AMSA AtmaJaya, AMSA UGM, and AMSA UI for made it there at the welcoming party.

next post. So while playing the game delegates can go around TMII with the bicycle, see Indonesia’s custom home and learn about Indonesia culture. They also try sky cable train and visit some museums. Second destination was, Jamu Mentjos. We introduced them one of Indonesian herbal medicine, Jamu, and let them taste it. Their expression express how the Jamu taste :) After had a dinner, we went to Senen to watch Bharata puppet show.

Third day we had tour to Monas,

Gado. This is the first time for them to

Textile Museum, Bank of Indonesia Museum, Puppet Museum, and Kota Tua. At Textile Museum, delegates learned how to make Batik. They so enthusiast to made it and they love

cook, but their Gado-Gado tasted really good! Next, we went to Sitanala Leprosy hospital for the hospital visit, since leprosy patients may hardly found in most of the other chapters.

Batik. After had some museums tour, we went to Kota Tua to had cycling!

After they had hospital visit and explanation about leprosy, we had a motivation section for the patients there; motivation was one of the important things to be given to the

The Fourth day, we had special academic program for them because Untar wasn't had academic schedule at that day. Delegates had an overview about 7 jump steps for Problem Based Learning (PBL) disscussion, and PBL disscussion about Tropical diseases. After that, we had AMSA sharings by our representative, Rio Alexsandro and had lunch! That day, we had lunch at our canteen. We continue our journey with the city tour. They visited Cathedral church, Istiqlal mosque and Mangga Dua shopping center for shopping. At night, after had dinner, we had karaoke time. Committees and delegates sang and dance together for two hours and it was so fun! Day 5. We had some academic program in the morning, special lecturer about Tropical diseases (cause this is our academic theme for them), pleno, parasitological lab class, and tour campus! And their special program that day was they had cooking class with Chef Atika. They learned how to made Gado-Gado and made us, committees, some plates of Gado-

patient in their treatments. Our fifth day journey ended at Central Park Mall. We went shopping, took photo at the park and dinner at Riung Sunda.

On the sixth we got up earlier today

by one delegates gave us some gift and

because we had to go to Bandung! Four hours time taken from Jakarta to Bandung and the delegates chose to kept on talking with us rather than sleep. We were talking about

so do us. We gave them souvenirs, photo CD and a book that filled by committees testimonies. Their flight was at 14.40. At 12.30 we arrived at the airport. It's time to say good bye to

everything, from their activities back in Taiwan, their hobby, Taiwan’s political issues, until love life. Those 4 hours such a short time for chit chat because it felt like in no time we then arrived at


de Ranch to had lunch, played archery and some shopping. Next, we went to Saung Angklung Udjo to watch angklung performances and learned how to play angklung.

It is our first time to be host for AMSEP and this one week was so amazing for us. We got many new experiences and of course we met great friends from Taiwan! They were so kind, cheerful, funny and love to try something new. Especially their eagerness to learnt and spoke Indonesian language from the simple one like: 'panas banget',

At night, we were having farewell party at Kampoeng Daun to close our AMSEP. As a gift, the delegates prepared some performances for us. George performed some magic show,

'mantap!', 'enak banget' until the more complex one: 'ciyus miapa?!' and 'Terus Aku harus bilang W O W?'.The bond of our friendship makes us hard to move on to the reality. Until now, we

Wayne performed his skill to solve rubric, and Wesley show his talent in singing. It continued with video about our past 6 days journey and performance of the committee. We

as the committee still miss our togetherness with the delegates :'). But no worries, we are ready to feel the post-AMSEP-syndrome again!

then sang together Friends Forever (Graduation) by Vitamin C. Finally the farewell party was closed by delegates and committees testimonies. It was really touching; almost all of us shed our tears. One of delegates said: "we have a new family here. Thank you for treating us like a president". Day 7. The delegates had to back to Taiwan. Before we leave Bandung, one

Open Requirement of AMSA Unsyiah 2013


by Muhammad Rizky

Regeneration is a certainty. So that we,

this exam is to find whoever is want to

AMSA Unsyiah come back to held Open Requirement (OR) to invite our beloved youngest brother and sister from medical students of Universitas Syiah Kuala batch 2012 who want to

join because they are interested with our actions. And other new method is by combining magang section in SWOT Analysis, which is will train our new member (observer) to organize an

join us in AMSA Unsyiah’s big family. This year we put theme “Be famous with AMSA” with state of art is lets join us to make improvement to our society and environment by doing positive

action by thinking every steps in order to held a superb event.

activities as medical students, based on AMSA philosophy; knowledge, action, and friendship, and become famous !

Project officer of this year OR, Tri Utomo, said that there is big attention from new medical student of Unsyiah

Like usual, this year OR will be held in several mechanism, like first

to join in AMSA Unsyiah, proofed with more than 150 applicants in four days registration (February, 4-7th 2013), instead we just accept around 70 new members. there is because AMSA is

registration, interview, welcoming party, and magang section. But, there are several improvement in this year, by adding knowledge test about AMSA itself. The test is formed in multiple

well-known as organization with so many positive actiivities with tight friendship relations. Our Representative, Syarifah Chaula Amrina, hoped that every new member

choice with question area is about AMSA International, AMSA Indonesia, and also AMSA Unsyiah. The aim of

of AMSA Unsyiah will have a big vision and spirit to bring AMSA Unsyiah better next time.

MISOPROSTOL Blok The Cell After being stopped for several month,

order to prepare what must to be

AMSA Unsyiah hold back an outstanding program in improving quality of problem-based learning (PBL) sytems in our campus, MISOPROSTOL for Block The Cell

discussed regarding each given scenario.

(Tutorial simulation with seniors from AMSA Unsyiah’s member). We know that PBL is a system which has aim to create doctor with knowledge based on problems (cases) which happen daily in patients. So, the main requirement of medical student is to have ability do find the causes, discuss it in group, analyse sistematically, and diagnose the problem with the solution. Based on that all things, AMSA Unsyiah hold a program to simulate tutorial/discussion section in

At that time, we made it for The Cell topic which is being learned by medical student batch 2012. We held on Sunday, February 17th 2013 in our canteen. There was more than 50 participant so we divided into 7 groups which each grup consist of 7-8 persons with 2 tutors. We start from the given scenario/case and simulate 7-jump method. In every step, participants were allowed to ask whether he/she doesn’t understand about the topic to the tutor. At the end of discussion, the tutors will explain about the topic in the scenario and tell the step to find the solution.

AMSA Leadership Training (ALT) 2013 AMSA Unsyiah has a program to

with outbond activity. Last year, ALT

improve it’s member ability in leadership and organization, either in academic and no academic, called AMSA Leadership Training (ALT). in this event, all of AMSA Unsyiah

was held in campus FK Unsyiah, Darussalam and at Jantho, Aceh Besar for the outbond. ALT is annual agenda and included in Open Recruitment (OR) agenda for new member.

members, especially new member trained for 2-3 days in seminar wih inspirational trainer, also with simulation in organizing and solving problem in organization, and closed

For this year, AMSA Leadership Training (ALT) will be held on Neuheun, Aceh Besar, on March, 30-31th 2013, so feel free to wait our report next.

PPKN dan Moral

unhas by Jeanne Vibertyn

PPKN (Pelatihan Penulisan Karya

The second lecture was brought by

Nasional) dan Moral (Motivation Letter for All) is the third workplan of Academic Division AMSA Unhas which was held on January 12 2013. This workplan was supervised by Triani

dr.Joko from Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University. The lecture was about epidemiology of geriatric disease and discussion about overview

Dhamayanti and Ditha Fadhilah. The aim of this event is to increase knowledge, skill, and capability of member of AMSA Unhas to compete in academic competition, such as AMSA

of geriatric medicine from various point-of-view, such as clinic, social, psychology, and economy.

Indonesia’s IMSTC and AMSA International’s PCC EAMS or AMSC. PPKN and Moral started at and opened by Representative of AMSA Unhas, Putra Imanullah. The first agenda was geriactric lecture by Prof. Edu Tehupeiory, Sp.PD-KR, Ph.D. We were taught about general overview of geriatric medicine; target, problems, urgency of geriatric medicine as multidisciplinary approach to elder care, and ethics as geriatrician.

The next session was training about basic poster-making by Diza Khairina Mukhlisa. For 30 minutes, Ms.Diza explained us about how to make poster and brought us some sample of good published posters. Next, we had training about how to make scientific paper by Rizna Ariani Said, and Photography training by Tanri Fathky Dasril Last, but not least, MORAL (Motivation Letter for All) session was brought by Fadli Putera. In this session, Mr.Fadli Putera taught us how to make a stunning motivation letter.



by Iqbal Anugrah Fitriyanto

JAKARTA’S Flood 2013

Have we learnt something from the past?

Indonesia has received its full monthly rain average in just half the month in 2013 so far, saturating the ground and easilly over running the rivers & dams whenever there's a strong downpour, causing flood waters in several place in this country. One of them is its capital city, Jakarta. Flood waters have ravaged Jakarta, Indonesia. bringing the megacity of more than 14 million people to a near standstill and killing at least 26 people. The Associated Press reports that torrential rains caused a dike to collapse in the capital's center on January 17, leaving approximately 30 percent of the city's 14 million people overcome by the water. So what is commonly left after the flood water recedes? This Disaster resulting not only life losses and huge damages, but also diseases. What haunts the residents most is the threat of an outbreak of sanitary-related diseases. According to Health Agency chief Dien Emmawati, the most common diseases attributed to floods are skin infection, influenza and muscle aches. The disease occurs as people have contact with floodwater that contains various bacteria from sewers and rivers. Moreover, after the flood is gone, the water consumed by people is often contaminated, which can lead to diarrhea. Considering how serious the impact from flood, the Flood management is becoming more and more important to the society. But what we can actually do? Here’s several thing I want to share to you guys

FLOOD PREVENTION Flood events are a part of nature. They have always existed and will continue to exist. It is a climatological phenomena influenced by the geology, geomorphology, relief, soil, and vegetation conditions. Although it is a natural phenomena, human activities and human interventions into the processes of nature have considerably changed the situation in whole river basins. In the same time, exposition to risk and vulnerability in flood-prone area have been growing constantly. so how to prevent? Firstly, rise the awareness to keep your environment clean. It is the personal responsibility of anyone who lives and works by or on the river, and broader in the potential flooded area. So, every one must know the risk and take it into account appropriately when acting. The Second is, try to make a flood hazard maps. point out areas at risk and are necessary for planning. Maps must be easily readable and show the different hazard levels. They are a planning tool and ascertain that all actors have the same information on spatial extend of a certain hazard. risk maps should include the worstcase scenario as well, it is like a disaster simulation with the people in your neighbourhood, so they will know what to do and where to go when the flood happen based on that flood hazard maps. The third thing is, Family plan. Decide where to meet your family. Choose a meeting place outside your home or in a flood-safe place outside your

neighborhood. Find alternative routes away from any flood prone roads. Make a copy for each family member to keep. Important Family and Emergency Phone numbers List to get help and numbers to contact your family.



When the water begins to rise, being calm will help to save your property and your family. Remember that the most important thing is to keep your family safe; however, if you have time to protect your belongings,

After officials have given the sign that you can return home, follow these tips:

take these flood protection steps:

• Don't use matches or a lighter when entering buildings.

• Turn off utilities at the main power switch. • Move outside items, such as a grill, inside. • Move valuables such as important papers, jewelry and clothing to upper floors − or, if you only have one floor, put items on the top of shelves, tables or countertops. • Sanitize your bathtub and sinks and fill them with fresh, clean water in case the water supply becomes contaminated. As the floodwaters continue to rise, remember that the water is much stronger than you think: • Don't drive through a flood. If you're unfortunate enough to be in your car when a flood occurs, abandon it and move to higher ground. Six inches of water can cause loss of control and possible stalling. • Don't walk through flood areas. Just 6 inches of water can sweep you away. • Stay away from downed power lines. • Evacuate or move to upper floors if waters rise inside your home, and take your emergency kit with you.

• Before entering a building, check for structural damage.

• Listen for reports to see when drinking water is safe again. • Keep power off until an electrician has inspected your system. • Report your claim to your insurance agent or company as soon as possible. • Cleanup should begin as soon as waters recede. Separate damaged from undamaged items, begin making a list of damaged property, and clean and disinfect everything that got wet. • Personal Hygiene and Handwashing After a Disaster or Emergency are critical to help prevent the spread of illness and disease. Clean, safe running water is essential for proper hygiene and handwashing. •

Wound Care. Keeping wounds clean and covered is crucial during an emergency. If you have open cuts or sores, keep them as clean as possible by washing well with soap and clean, safe water to control infection. If a wound develops redness, swelling, or drainage, seek immediate medical attention.

This flood safety information is meant to help you make decisions that may reduce your risk. Be safe and stay alert everyone!



by Ahmad Aulia Rizaly

After all rumours about bankruptcy of Research in Motion (RIM) last year, RIM has finally proven it wrong. This January 2013, Research in Motion has launched new smartphone and OS; Blackberry Z10 and OS Blackberry 10. the Z10's current competitors take the shape of the iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, HTC One X and Nokia Lumia 920. But has it got what it takes to be the best smartphone around?

Z10 uses the latest Blackberry 10 mobile operating system which is based on concept of direct manipulation. Interaction with the Z10 includes gestures such as swipe, tap, pinch, and reverse pinch, all of which have specific definitions within the context of the BB10 operating system and its multi-touch interface. The Z10 comes pre-loaded with: Blackberry Hub, Contacts, Blackberry Remember, Docs To Go, Pictures, Music, Video, Story Maker, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Blackberry Maps, Games, YouTube, Voice Control, Weather, Clock, Calculator, Compass, File Manager, Box, Blackberry Connect for Dropbox, Print To Go, Smart Tags, Settings, Adobe Reader, Phone, Camera / Video Camera / Time Shift, Setup, Help, SIM Toolkit, Search. The phone has a mobile hotspot functionality, which supports up to 8 devices, sharing its internet connection. It accesses the BlackBerry World, that allows users to browse and download applications, games, music, videos from the BlackBerry World store. The new touchscreen BlackBerry keyboard provides an effortless typing experience. It learns the user's writing style and suggests words to help the user type faster, more accurately and with the least amount of effort. "The BlackBerry Z10 has an 8 megapixel camera on the back with autofocus and LED flash capable of shooting 1080p video, while there's a 2 megapixel camera on the front that shoots video at 720p". A unique

feature in the Z10's camera app is TimeShift. "BlackBerry has been showing it off for a while, and it lets users dial back the time on certain pictures so that people aren't making less-than-ideal faces in it (like blinking mid-shot)" The Z10 has Voice Control, that allows the user to operate the phone by spoken commands. Voice Control recognizes natural speech patterns, so that the user can talk naturally and always be understood. It can be used to send messages, compose emails, dictate documents, search the phone just by speaking to the app. To help appease the business users, BlackBerry Balance has been created, essentially splitting your Z10 into two halves. It lets you switch between work and personal with the two being completely cut off from the other, avoiding any potentially disastrous situations involving your holiday snaps and a business presentation. Is this the phone to save BlackBerry? Some would argue that it has to be and in many ways, it is. By creating BlackBerry Balance, the maker has shown that it can still be the smartphone of choice for businesses. For the rest of us all the features that make it such a capable work phone are then focused on making it a social phone.



iTunes TOP 5 1

Harlem Shake Baauer


Thrift Shop (feat. Wanz) Macklemore & Ryan Lewis


When I Was Your Man Bruno Mars


Stay (feat. Mikky Ekko) Rihanna


Scream & Shout (feat Britney Spears)

PnP Team

Imam Arief Winarta Ivonne Sonia Phidrian Andrew Lukman Christian Prijana Jacob Bunyamin Chrisandi Yusuf Rizqiansyah Ahmad Aulia RIzaly Nurul Alif Exanisah

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