Arbor Vitae - Third Edition

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Who will be the next regional chairperson?

Traditional but Luxurious Sights in Solo

Professionalism: Do we really understand what it means? 3rd Edition | April/May 2013



Doctor is perhaps the most coveted yet despicable profession at the same time. It has never been a surprise, really, when high school students compete at such high level of playing field to get into medical schools. Even then, the journey has still got a long way to go, speaking of years of education that will not ever end (yes, we do recall the proverbial clichĂŠ that we shall study until we are life deprived). After we graduate and, hence, are qualified to practice, a greater responsibility is there to bear. There is this huge demand from our society that sometimes pushes off most doctors to the edge. Having said how hard it was to be a doctor, when there's someone publicly shows his patronizing critic on doctors, I could not be nothing but agitated. Apart from the political fiasco on our realm, the inspiration for this edition comes from a plethora of things that doctors are capable of. Some are into music, others may enthuse in photography. It only means that being a doctor doesn't always dictate what we do in our life. There's a lot of passion to catch besides serving the patient, and this edition, or this magazine in broader perspective, wants to unravels this hidden passion medical students have.


Rifan Nugraha Editor-in-Chief












Professionalism: Do We Really Understand It?


by Andrian Setiabakti

Issue of doctor’s professionalism is being brought to surface in Indonesia. Sadly, there is a one-sided coverage from the media where they all critic doctor as a profession. However, if we as a medical student start to reflect upon it, how much do we actually understand the term ‘Professionalism’? I will try to share my views when I am studying in Indonesia with the view I have now while studying on this term of ‘Professionalism’ in Australia. We should start of by defining what professionalism is. A simple definition of professionalism by dictionary is “”the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person”. However, nowhere in the definition there is a statement what are the characteristic expected from a professional person. Bernard Barber, a sociologist, proposes that professionalism consist of 4 main attribute:

High degree of knowledge in their respective field A professional must have the competence in their respective field. Not only must they keep on refining their knowledge and skills, they must also ensure to pursue the ‘uncharted territory’ in their respective field. Moreover, they must also know about their own competency limitation


Primary orientation is in the community Altruism is expected from all professional. Different profession will have a different impact on the community and to the society. Nevertheless, their profession will affect the community and with that in mind whatever they do must put the community above self-interest



Codes of ethics to be undertaken in one behavior Professionals are the one who do their work under codes of ethics made by mutual understanding from its respective profession’s organization with the society. Abiding to codes of ethics will ensure harmony between oneself with the community they serve and fellow professionals

A system of rewards as a symbol of achievement For such tremendous dedication ask from professional, it is humane that one ask for rewards. However, professionals should target more and above monetary reward. There are reward system that are more acknowledged than money, such as honors, titles, prestige that can be acknowledge by the community.


Doctor is one of the oldest professions in the history of mankind. Hippocrates’ Oath is one evident that we are professional and should have characteristic of professionalism. However, society is evolving and so the expected professionalism should also keep up with it. If us, fellow medical student, look and reflect again to Hippocrates’ Oath, you might be intrigued by some of the statement again if you apply it literally in this era. This call for a new, clear and applicable guideline on what is expected from a professional medical doctor.

In 2002, ‘Physician Charter’ was published by the collaboration of America Board of Internal Medicine Foundation, American College of Physicians Foundation and European Federation of Internal Medicine. This mark a new era for medical professionalism definition in this new millennium (1). This definition clearly state out what are the fundamental principle that we should base our work upon as well as what are our professional responsibility as a doctor. Reflecting upon my experience studying pre-clinical medicine in Indonesia, never once I heard about this charter or even the word of professionalism. I always thought that professionalism is someone who does his job well, do no harm to patient, and respect the patient as it was taught in “Ethics and Empathy” module. However, how much does this cover the term ‘professionalism’? More importantly, why does there is much stressed on the term of professionalism for us medical student? Numerous studies done by Papadakis et al. have really outline the importance of developing professionalism in medical student. He show that student who display unprofessional behavior during their study, is more likely to get disciplinary action later in the future by board of medicine (2). Moreover, he highlight three main domains the unprofessional behavior that are usually related with the disciplinary action: 1.poor reliability and responsibility, 2.lack of self-improvement and adaptability and 3.poor initiative and motivation (3). Another study also shows that if student show lack in punctuality during their study are related with unprofessional behavior later on (4, 5).

Although the relation is acknowledge, there is an agreement that to build professionalism is a very hard task and require participation of all party. A review done by Passi et al. shows that there are five methods that are considered effective in delivering professionalism; curriculum design, student selection, teaching and learning methods, role modeling, and assessment method (6). Even though it is considered effective, some challenges are also present. One study done by Feudtner et al. describe that 98% of student hear physician speak in unprofessional manners (7), which impacts the message the role model try to convey to the student for “Professionalism” of a doctor. Another study from a joint Indonesian-American research on medical education have highlighted that Indonesia “Medical Hierarchy” is still high. This have an indirect effect on patient’s care as decision are based on the most senior doctor opinion, and not based on discussion from the medical care team (8). This, again, defy the “Professionalism” that are expected from a doctor. To conclude my article, I want to highlight that it is true that the media has put too much accusation and stereotype doctors based on mistake that might be or might not be intentional done by doctors. There might also be misconception on how actually the health care system work and what is expected from a doctor, but doctors took the blame. However, we, medical student, as future doctor need to reflect upon this fact: “Do we really understand by heart what it meant to be a “Professional Doctor”?”

1. Medical professionalism in the new millennium: a physician charter. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136(3):243-6. 2. Papadakis MA, Hodgson CS, Teherani A, Kohatsu ND. Unprofessional behavior in medical school is associated with subsequent disciplinary action by a state medical board. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 2004;79(3):244-9. 3. Papadakis MA, Teherani A, Banach MA, Knettler TR, Rattner SL, Stern DT, et al. Disciplinary Action by Medical Boards and Prior Behavior in Medical School. New England Journal of Medicine. 2005;353(25):2673-82. 4. Stern DT, Frohna AZ, Gruppen LD. The prediction of professional behaviour. Medical education. 2005;39(1):75-82. Epub 2004/12/23. 5. Wright N, Tanner MS. Medical students' compliance with simple administrative tasks and success in final examinations: retrospective cohort study. Bmj. 2002;324(7353):1554-5. 6. Passi V, Doug M, Peile E, Thistlethwaite J, Johnson N. Developing medical professionalism in future doctors: a systematic review. International Journal of Medical Education. 2010;1:19-29. 7. Feudtner C, Christakis DA, Christakis NA. Do clinical clerks suffer ethical erosion? Students' perceptions of their ethical environment and personal development. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges. 1994;69(8):670-9. 8. Muhaimin A, Mary-Jo DelVecchio G, Yati S, Retna Siwi P. Communication Barriers among Physicians in Care at the End of Life. Asian Bioethics Review. 2012;4(2).

Doctor as



An Artist

by Immanuel Natanael Tarigan

Membaca judul artikel ini, mungkin langsung terlintas dalam pikiran kita beberapa nama dokter yang juga berprofesi sebagai artis. Sebut saja nama-nama beken seperti Lula Kamal, Tompi, dr. Boyke, Nycta Gina atau beberapa nama lainnya. Tentu saja saya tidak akan membahas mereka karena akan dituduh mengambil lapak majalah infotaimen. Dalam artiker ini saya ingin membuka pandangan sejawat bahwa ternyata, dokter, masing-masing kita adalah seorang artis. Salah satu bagian kehidupan sehari-hari manusia adalah komunikasi. Komunikasi adalah sarana untuk berbagai ide, wacana dan pemikirian dengan orang lain. Komunikasi adalah penghubung manusia dengan manusia lainnya. Komunikasi merupakan gabungan antara pengunaan bahasa, biasa disebut komunikasi verbal, dan penggunaan ekspresi wajah dan gerak tubuh, biasa disebut komunikasi nonverbal. Dalam kehidupan dokter, komunikasi adalah salah satu kemampuan penting. Proses komunikasi dokter pasien bertujuan untuk kepentingan pengobatan pasien, termasuk di dalamnya membagi informasi, pengambilan keputusan medis, konseling pasien baik untuk terapi ataupun tidak. Proses komunikasi yang baik meningkatkan keberhasilan pengobatan oleh dokter baik secara biologis maupun sosiopsikologis. Melihat pentingnya kemampuan komunikasi pada seorang dokter, masing-masing pusat pendidikan dokter berlomba-lomba mengajarkan kemampuan komunikasi pada anak didiknya. Metode pengajaran yang disediakan pun bermacam-macam. Mulai dari kuliah oleh ahli komunikasi sampai role play dalam kelompok pun dilakukan demi kemampuan yang satu ini. Berbagai alat bantu seperti daftar tilik wawancara, daftar pertanyaan anamnesis sampai skenario konseling juga disediakan oleh pihak fakultas. Alhasil, masing-masing lulusan dokter beberapa tahun belakangan diperlengkapi oleh kemampuan komunikasi.

Sayang sekali, ketika kita mulai koas, bertemu dengan pasien, terbukalah mata kita dengan kondisi yang sebenarnya. Sering sekali apa yang kita temukan di lapangan jauh berbeda dengan apa yang telah dilatihkan. Seketika daftar tilik wawancara yang kita sudah hapalkan menguap bersama kepanikan kita. Kaidah-kaidah komunikasi juga menjadi sering terlupakan sehingga menimbulkan masalah di kemudian hari. Sebuah kajian menarik dibuat oleh Paul Haidet dalam tulisannya yang berjudul “Jazz and the ‘Art’ of Medicine: Improvisation in the Medical Encounter� menganalogikan seorang dokter dengan seorang penyanyi Jazz. Jazz dipilih sebagai pembanding karena musik ini terkenal dengan improvisasi spontan yang terjadi di panggung oleh penyanyinya. Imporvisasi tersebut membuat lagu tersebut unik pada setiap penampilan dan menyajikan kesan masing-masing pada penontonya. Lagu yang sama, dibawakan oleh penyanyi yang sama, namun dibawakan berbeda-beda dalam tiap penampilannya. Dalam komunikasi dokter pasien hal pertama yang penting adalah bagaimana membangun komunikasi. Membangun komunikasi berarti membagi kepercayaan antara dokter dan pasien. Membangun komunikasi juga berarti membentuk sebuah pertukaran informasi yang tepat sasaran dengan menggunakan metode yang tepat. Dalam membangun komunikasi perlu diperhatikan komponen komunikasi yang kita gunakan. Penilaian terhadap total waktu yag dibutuhkan dokter, jeda antara pernyataan pasien yang terakhir dan pertanyaan dokter selanjutnya serta jumlah kata yang diucapkan dokter dalam hitungan waktu memberikan kita gambaran bagaimana komunikasi itu dibangun. Tidak ada panduan angka pasti untuk hal tersebut, namun semua harus sesuai dengan proporsi yang ada. Hal di atas sama halnya dengan bermain musik Jazz. Kita tidak perlu memainkan semua not untuk menghasilkan lagu yang indah, namun kita hanya memerlukan menekan nada-nada yang tepat. Sebuah alunan lagu Jazz juga memainkan tempo, terkadang cepat, tetapi di beberapa bagian sengaja dibuat lebih lambat, terkadang halus tapi di bagian lain menghentak seakan berteriak. Perpaduan semua ini membuat dengan proporsi yang tepat akan membuat lagu semakin indah.

Hal kedua adalah bagaimana menciptakan komunikasi yang berorientasi pasien. Dalam latihan selama perkuliahan, sering sekali kita menggunakan kiat yang sama untuk semua pasien. Sayangnya, ini didukung oleh metode latihan yang digunakan yang seringnya berupa bermain peran. Akan tetapi, dalam rangka memandang pasien secara holistik, pendekatan komunikasi pun harus dilakukan secara personal sesuai dengan pasiennya. Jadi, apakah kegunaan teori komunikasi yang kita pelajari selama ini? Teori yang selama ini kita pelajari tentu ada gunanya. Belajar cara menyampaikan kabar buruk, cara mengedukasi pasien sejajar kedudukannya dengan belajar tangga nada dan teori musik pada seorang penyanyi Jazz. Sama seperti kita, setiap penyanyi Jazz dibekali oleh pengetahuan yang sama. Bagaimana seorang penyanyi menjadi berbeda dengan penyanyi lainnya adalah bagaimana mereka menggunakan nada dan teori musik tersebut dengan kreatif. Setiap tindakan komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh seorang dokter, mungkin sama dalam konten dan temanya, namun perlu dilakukan pembedaan antara satu pasien dengan pasien yang lain. Ini dilakukan dalam satu bagian terapi berorientasi pasien. Walaupun akan terdapat kesamaan karena kecenderungan seorang dokter, maka perlu dilakukan improvivasi dalam penyampaiannya. Bagian ketiga dalam harmonisasi dalam kelompok. Musik yang dipentaskan dengan satu instrumen akan terdengar indah, namun saat beberapa instrumen dimainkan secara bersamaan dalam harmoni akan terdengar lebih menarik. Harmoni yang indah itu adalah bentuk tantangan yang lebih lanjut. Improvisasi dalam kelompok membutuhkan pemikiran yang koheren. Dalam pembentukan kesamaan pikir tersebut dibutuhkan empati dari masing-masing pemain musik. Dalam komunikasi dokter pasien setidaknya terdapat dua komponen yang saling melengkapi harmoni komunikasi, dokter dan pasien. Pada beberapa keadaan, terdapat komponen lainnya misalnya keluarga pasien atau petugas kesehatan lainnya. Interaksi pada masing-masing komponen tersebut tidak dapat dihindari karena ini adalah tujuan pertemuan dokter pasien ini. Dalam bagian ini improvisasi menjadi sangat penting karena kita tidak bisa mengarahkan pasien untuk menjawab seperti daftar tilik kita. Disinilah kemampuan improvisasi dokter diuji.

Komponen empati juga sangat diperlukan. Komunikasi yang berimprovisasi tanpa empati akan mengurangi efektifitas dari komunikasi itu sendiri. Proses komunikasi mungkin tidak terganggu, namun tujuan dari komunikasi ini tidak tercapai. Sama seperti sebuah orkestra musik Jazz. Ketika piano sudah mulai berimprovisasi, maka akan terdengar janggal ketika perkusi dan saksofon tidak ikut berimprovisasi. Hubungan yang baik dengan “saling mendengarkan� antar tiap pemain instrumen akan menghasilkan musik yang indah. Improvisasi spontan harus terjadi secara berbalasan untuk menjadikan sebuah harmoni. Nah, sudahkah sejawat semakin merasa menjadi seorang artis? Kegiatan temu pasien mirip dengan panggung pementasan. Kita sudah berlatih sekian lama untuk pementasan yang tidak terlalu lama. Pementasan tidak akan selalu mirip dengan latihan. Peran emosi yang bermain dan perubahan dari kompenen lain memaksa kita untuk berimprovisasi. Tujuannya, tak lain untuk kembali menarik atensi penonton dan mengakhiri pentas dengan gemilang. Jadi, selamat berlatih sejawatku, semoga kau memenangkan panggungmu.

Traditional but Luxury Sight in Solo City, House of Danar Hadi

by Reza Yunita Sari




do not know exactly why I start typing now and promote one of sights in Solo, that’s House of Danar Hadi. The most important thing I would share about this place, is that I realize how rich our nation of art and culture when I visited this place several months ago with AMSEP Delegates from Taiwan to UNS, Solo. Named House of Danar Hadi (HDH), it is an integrated tourist heritage complex of batik, which is located in Solo City, Central Java. HDH company founded by PT Hadi Batik Danar in 2008 and specializes cultural batik aspects as well as its main tourist attraction. HDH building consists of nDalem Wuryaningratan, Museum, Show Room, Workshop Room, Sasana Mangunsuka, and Souvenir Shop ad Lounge.


aatik Museum of danar Hadi exhibits a collection of ancient batiks from different periods before and during the Japanese and the Netherlands Government and to the independence of Indonesia. High art batiks on display include Kraton Batik, Batik Dutch, Chinese Batik, Batik Hokokai, Indonesian Batik, Batik Sudagaran, and many others. There, I was so amazed that all batiks at the museum were so beautiful, high art, and historical marked. Indonesia especially Solo is really rich of art and culture.

Aligned with high appreciation of the work of a valuable architectural heritage, nDalem Wuryaningratan which was founded in 1890, is the residence of the FMU. Wuryaningrat, grandson of Pakubuwono IX, and daughter of the King of Surakarta I.SK.S Pakubuwono X. It builded with combination of Europe and traditional (Java) architecture. The place was so great and luxurious. Next, we can see directly the creation work of beautiful batik, born from the hands of high art skilled at the workshop room, HDH. We can enjoy from the start of the process of making motifs on fabrics untill the traditional batik dyeing process. Everything becomes a very rewarding experience for anyone who witnessed. Moreover, we can have a great experience making batik, with the instructor of course. I have tried it, and making batik is really difficult but really funnny and because of it I just realized how expensive actually, art and culture that we have. Not forgetting this one, House Of Danar Hadi also presents showroom and souvenir shop that offers a variety of exclusive products, souvenirs from Solo it is the result of work created through Danar Hadi batik workshop. This showroom is a place where visitors can directly appreciate batik as part of today's lifestyle (lifestyle). The price of the products depends of the quality. Visitors can buy a souvenir with Rp 20.000,00. But, if you want an exclusive products, you can spend millions rupiahs just for one product (many government officials spend much money for their important clothes, I see it for sure). Being a good doctor,I think, not only have to know well Hospital and all about medical world. Sometimes, knowing traditional art, high art products, historical valued products, and recommended sights are really important to live in balance. House of Danar Hadi is one of examples of art sights I find in my beloved city, Solo and for sure, I am satisfied and proud of it. Are you interested in having a new experience and learning many things? Visit Solo!




by Ivonne Phidrian

FERGAR DYDA 1. Who / what is your biggest inspiration?

2. What is your motto in life? 3. If you could be on the cover of any 4. 5. 6. 7.

magazines, which one would you choose and why? Which celebrity would you invite to a dinner party and why? Is history more important than science? What makes you nervous? What will you never do?

1. My biggest inspiration is my brother. He is now working in Singapore, but he has taught me lots of life lessons. He never fails to inspire me. He is a very ambitious person, who always thrives and gives all of his energy and passion on all of the things he does. Never before has he regretted things he has done, for he always enjoys the process rather than the results. “You will learn many things through the process, whatever the results are. If you get what you want, then maintain your work and don’t be arrogant. However, if the opposite happens, be humble and try to do it better the next time. The process is where you will develop and find yourself more.” 2. Totality. When I have decided to do something, I have to do it 100%, no matter what the obstacles are. I believe that when you have passion, when you give your all for a certain thing, you will achieve what is best for you. Moreover, you will definitely learn something during the process of achieving your goal. I am bad at giving up, and I have a tendency to do things until the very end. That is my take in life. 3. I would choose photography magazines, whatever it is. I have passion in photography, and I want to share that fact to people. I do not care about the popularity of the magazine I am featured in. I just want the reader to know when they see the cover that the person they are looking at have this tremendous passion in photography. If they have passion, they, too, can be big enough to get into the cover of a magazine 4. If I could choose, I would invite the governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, to a dinner party. He may not be a celebrity, but he’s not behind in fame, so I hope that’s OK. I choose him because he is my idol. I would like to have a talk with him about his experience, his passion and his life. I’d bet that a lot of other things could be shared during that dinner party, but just meeting him is already a big honor for me. 5. For me, history and science are both important. History lets us know what has been done, and the benefits and the loss of it. On the other hand, science lets us develop new things for the good of humans. Therefore, what we learn from history can be applied to science. You learn to maintain and maximize the benefits. You fix and reduce the loss. 6. I feel nervous when I don’t trust myself or doubt my ability. Once, my friends asked me to be one of the MCs (Master of Ceremony) for an event in which doctors, my seniors and also juniors attended. I had never been an MC before! I started to think what will happen if I failed, if I mispronounce the doctor’s name, etc. I became nervous and when I talked, my voice trembled. When my MC partner and I had to talk synchronously, she pulled a joke on me. She knew I was nervous. We had prepared some funny introduction where she and I would talk alternately, but I ended up awkwardly talking alone and everyone in the room laughed at me, including my own partner. It was an embarrassing experience that taught me to always have confidence in myself. 7. I will never misuse the trust that is given to me. I will respect the fact that people put their trust on me, that they believe I am capable of doing a certain thing. My parents gave me the chance and facilities to be a doctor, and they trust me to become one. Therefore, I’m working hard to become a good doctor. I try to achieve what I can achieve, what is best for them and myself.


1. My biggest inspiration would be my mom and dad. Well, who doesn’t? Every single kid will make his/her parents as heroes. I won’t be a grown-up person like the way I’m supposed to be if it’s not because of them. They are my true inspiration, as I’ve learnt so much how to be a great person, to be inspiring others. 2. Balance is the key to life. No one can deny that everything we do in this world should be in balance. To me, keep everything in balance is the key to act something bigger and greater every single day. Thus, no one, nothing will be completely left behind if I come up with what we call it “togetherness”, only the object is our lives, my life. 3. I imagine I would be with my own family, sitting on a sofa in the resort at a cliff (i.e.: southern part of Bali island, Uluwatu), as it is the cover, e.g.: DESTINASIAN, or any other travelling magazine. I love travelling. Moreover, I love travelling with someone or some people I love. Why the cliff? Cliff portrays some tranquility, yet some will assume it’s extremely dangerous. But right next to the ocean, as I’m relaxing, looking at one point in the distance, watching the dazzling waves, definitely reduces my stress point to zero. 4. Celine Dion. She’s a strong-willed woman. No matter what the obstacles she has, she always nails them. She can prove to the world that her works are meant to inspire. It will be an honor if I have some private time, talking personally about her personality and her success. It’ll be quite cool to be able to sit and chat with a role model during a lunch or dinner. 5. Yes, history is more important than science. Science is not an absolute work, theoretically. From time to time, science is a knowledge that keeps improving. Where is this improvement coming? From history. Soekarno once said, “Jangan sekali-sekali melupakan sejarah”. Why? Because it’s all that matters. We can’t be better or wiser or else without learning our own history, so does science. Experience the mistakes in the past, change them into something good in the future 6. Doing something bigger that I’ve never experienced it before. 7. I will never stop giving thanks to God and will always praise Him.


AM SA events


This year’s World Health Day was held on April 7th, and the World Health Organizations had chosen to bring about Hypertension issues as the WHD 2013 theme. Recently, AMSA had the chance to contribute in Aksi Peduli Hipertensi (Appetency), an event held by Tanyadok,com together with WHO and the Health Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia. The event kicked off right before sunrise on Sunday, April 14th 2013 at Jalan Sudirman’s Car Free Day, Jakarta. That morning, all thirteen volunteers from AMSA worked together with doctors from to raise public awareness towards the risk of hypertension by giving free health consultations and checking blood pressures of the many passing cyclists and joggers .The data collected was then given to the Ministry of Health, with a total close to 170 people on the list! Through out the 4-hour shift, the Appetency stand had attracted a large number of crowds, both old and young. Thanks to the thirteen awesome volunteers who dedicated their time to make the event possible, which were from UKI (Michy, Citta, Vera, Lilaf, Adel), UKRIDA (Adnan), and UI (Ezra, Irene, Albert, Hirzi, Jody, Jenisa). We would also like to thank dr. Bimantoro and his team for giving AMSA the opportunity to take part first hand giving public medical services and knowledge. The overall event was greatly beneficial to the public, as many people who had their blood pressure checked received helpful medical advice on hypertension from both the AMSA members and the doctors from It was both an exciting and busy activity and a great way to spend a beautiful Sunday morning.


Pada Hari Minggu tanggal 10 Maret 2013 lalu, kami dari AMSA UPN “Veteran” Jakarta mengadakan acara training mengenai pembuatan CV dan motivational letter. Sebagaimana kita tahu, CV dan motivatinal letter merupakan dua hal yang penting. Dalam lingkup luas, dua hal tersebut selalu menjadi persyaratan dalam pendaftaran beasiswa dan juga lamaran kerja. Dalam lingkup AMSA, kita dituntut untuk membuat CV dan motivational letter yang baik dan “menjual” bila ingin diterima sebagai delegasi AMSEP, AMSC, EAMSC, dan untuk apply posisi sebagai Executive Board serta National Team AMSA Indonesia. Pemateri acara ini adalah dosen kami sendiri, yaitu dr. Nur Hajriah Brahmi, MHKes. Pada training ini kami dijelaskan tentang apa itu CV, informasi apa saja yang harus ada dalam sebuah CV, dan bagaimanakah caranya membuat CV yang baik sehingga pengajuan aplikasi kita diterima. Setelah materi pembuatan CV selesai, acara langsung dilanjutkan dengan penjelasan mengenai pembuatan motivational letter. Sebelum acara dimulai, terlebih dahulu peserta diminta untuk mengisi lembaran CV dan motivational letter yang diberikan oleh panitia sehingga setelah training ini selesai, mereka tahu apakah CV dan motivational letter yang mereka buat sudah benar atau belum. Training yang diadakan untuk mahasiswa FK UPN khususnya member AMSA UPN ini berlangsung 3 jam, yaitu dari pukul 08.00 WIB hingga pukul 11.00 WIB.

AMPLIFIER AMSA UGM - Lidwina Stefani

Amplifier (AMSA Party of Lively Sport and Entertainment), sebuah acara olahraga bersama yang diselenggarakan dalam rangka memperingati World Health Day yang jatuh pada tanggal 7 April dan dengan tujuan mengakrabkan anggota AMSA UGM. Acara ini dilangsungkan pada hari Minggu, 14 April 2013 di Lapangan Klebengan, Yogyakarta. Peserta dari acara ini adalah seluruh anggota AMSA UGM, terutama anggota AMSA UGM angkatan 2009, 2010, 2011 dan 2012. Amplifier adalah sebuah acara oleh AMSA UGM dan untuk AMSA UGM. Pada hari Minggu pagi pukul 06.00 WIB, kami semua berkumpul di FK UGM. Setelah semuanya berkumpul, kami berdoa dan berangkat bersama-sama menuju lapangan tempat dilangsungkannya acara. Ada 3 jenis olahraga yang akan kami lakukan pada acara ini yaitu lari estafet, kasti dan tarik tambang. Masing-masing jenis olahraga akan dilombakan per divisi, sehingga terdapat 8 tim/divisi, yakni Art and Culture, Delegation, Fundraise, Membership and Development, Social and Environment, Science, Publication and Promotion dan Executive Board ditambah anggota AMSA angkatan 2009 dan 2010. Selain berlomba dalam bidang olahraga, diadakan pula lomba maskot divisi. Masing-masing divisi sudah diminta untuk menyiapkan satu maskot untuk divisinya. Sebelum olahraga dimulai, kami melakukan pemanasan untuk menghindari hal-hal yang bisa membuat celaka. Setelah pemanasan, perlombaan lari estafet dimulai, disusul dengan kasti dan yang terakhir adalah tarik tambang. Semua anggota AMSA UGM tampak antusias dan berjuang agar divisi/timnya dapat meraih kemenangan. Kami juga semakin mengenal satu sama lain dan juga dapat mengenal kakak-kakak AMSA dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Perlombaan lari estafet dimenangkan oleh divisi Delegation dan tarik tambang dimenangkan oleh divisi Art and Culture. Uniknya, anggota divisi Art and Culture sebagian besar adalah perempuan, namun karena kekompakkan serta kegigihan mereka, mereka dapat meraih kemenangan. Untuk perlombaan maskot, dimenangkan oleh divisi Science.

Sampailah di penghujung acara. Amplifier ditutup dengan pembagian hadiah bagi divisi yang menang serta foto bersama. Bagi kami, bukanlah hadiah berupa materi yang penting, namun kenangan, kebersamaan, tawa dan canda adalah hal yang tak dapat digantikan oleh apapun. Lewat acara ini, kami sehat bersama dan semakin mengenal satu sama lain.

AKSARA AMSA UGM - Agatha Tyas “Aksara… Juara… Terus lestarikan budaya… ,” sang Plentong Konslet as the crowd shouted along. People were dancing faster and jumping higher as Plentong Konslet hit their last song, a medley of traditional songs from almost all provinces of Indonesia. It was indeed a cheerfully unforgettable day in AKSARA. AKSARA (Ajang Kreasi Seni Nusantara) is an event held by the division of Art and Culture of AMSA UGM. AKSARA was held in Purnabudaya Building, nearby the campus area. It was not a coincidence that this event held in conjunction with Indonesian national day of Kartini, April 21st 2013, for we had an intention to celebrate the hero day with cultural spirit. Basically, AKSARA was an arrangement contest of folk songs for local bands. Then the event was added by many programs to reach its main goal, which was to present Indonesian cultures and make it known by the young people of Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta. We had cultural exhibition, traditional dancing performances, traditional clothing fashion show, booths for traditional games, and performances by our guest stars: Jono Terbakar and Plentong Konslet. The student community of each provinces of Universitas Gadjah Mada participated in this special event. They competed to show the best displays of arts, pictures, foods, clothing, and many other traditional objects. As the judges judged the performances of the bands, the audiences were welcomed to either watch the competition or come to the exhibition booths to try traditional snacks of Padang province, to play gasing and egrang, to buy some ‘anyaman’ craft of Central Kalimantan, take pictures with Cepot from West Java, and many more. After watching Javanese and Balinese dances, Jono Terbakar took the stage. The duo sang uniquely as usual and they succeeded to cherish the crowd. The result of the arrangement contest was read out. We were approaching the end of the event. Plentong Konslet was the last to perform, yet the main star of the event. People were waiting for them singing about Indonesia and its rich culture. The group attracted the mass and they even made a ditty as an appreciation for the event, the committee, and of course, for AMSA UGM. It was a bright sunny day. The crowd were vibrant. The culture of Indonesia is successfully introduced. This is how we show our love to our culture. How is yours?

YOUR HEALTH START FROM YOUR HANDS AMSA Unhalu - Marsella World Health Day memperingati hari kesehatan sedunia, AMSA Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Haluoleo melakukan rangkaian kegiatan yaitu Penyuluhan Praktek Cuci Tangan yang baik dan benar dengan tema kegiatan “Your Health Start From Your Hands�. Kegiatan ini dilakukan pada tanggal 13 April 2013 dengan target sasaran murid-murid Sekolah Dasar Negeri 06 Kendari Barat. Dimulai dari pukul 08. 00 WITA dan berakhir pada pukul 11.00 WITA. Semua murid SDN 06 Kendari Barat sangat antusias mengikuti seluruh rangkaian acara. Dimulai dari beberapa sambutan dari Ketua Panitia, Representative, Kepala Sekolah sekaligus pemberian materi oleh dr. Abu Haera, Sp. Pd , demo cuci tangan hinggah mempraktekannya secara langsung. Jenis kegiatannya indoor dan outdoor. Kegiatan ini menekankan tentang bagaimana melakukan cuci tangan yang baik dan benar yang seharusnya wajib diajarkan kepada seluruh anak-anak baik dari orang tua maupun guru. Namun pada kenyataannya tidak semua anak melakukan cuci tangan baik sebelum makan maupun sesudah makan. Untuk itu event ini dilakukan dalam hari besar World Health Day untuk menerapkan cuci tangan yang baik dan benar sejak dini, karena hal ini sangatlah penting, hidup sehat bukan hanya karena tidak memiliki penyakit, tetapi bagaimana seseorang dapat menerapkan cara-cara hidup sehat, salah satunya melakukan cuci tangan yang dibiasakan sebelum atau sesudah melakukan sesuatu yang melibatkan kedua tangan kita, terutama pada saat sebelum makan. Pada event ini pula diterapkan kepada seluruh murid-murid untuk menggunakan sarana cuci tangan yang telah disediakan sekolah, meskipun terbatas namun hal ini akan membuat anak-anak terbiasa untuk melakukan cuci tangan. Nah bagian yang paling seru ketika penyerahan plakat untuk Kepala Sekolah dan dokter pemateri kami, beberapa bingkisan untuk murid SDN 06 Kendari Barat, coloring hand, dan photo session.




by Rifa Roazah

Who doesn’t know Google Inc.? This big company that founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin never stop making innovations, one of them is Google Glass. This augmented reality glass can provide a lot of information like smatphone in front of our eye and can do multitasking. The project of this device is led by Babak Amir Parviz, a professor from university in Washington. The frame of this glass is made from titanium that making this glass slight in using. Google Glass consist of battery in the back side, CPU, GPS chip, internal memory, speaker, microphone, a semi-transparent prism, mini projector, dan camera. The user only have to command Google Glass with voice command by first saying “OK Glass”, then the command or they can scroll through the options using a finger along the side of the device. After receive command from the user, the mini projector inside of this glass will project virtual picture and data to semi-transparent prism, that will be pointed directly to retina so the user can see some informations in front of the eye. Google Glass offer many features, they are : • Menu display. The menu appearance is similiar with smartphone’s (such as camera, reminder, setting, music player, and others) • Weather condition in user’s location • Browsing informations • Navigation, to guide us to the location we want to go • Interior map, that can show us direction in a room. This feature is limited for certain buildings. • Capture photos in good quality and record 720 HD video • Receive and make a call • Receive and send messages Google Glass can be connected to android or iPhone via bluetooth. This device is connected with internet through wi-fi or 3G/4G network that utilize smartphone for this device doesn’t have it own mobile network. In Google I/O event that held in 2012, Google Glass have been launched by Google for the developer by price USD 1.500 or about IDR 14,5 million. Google estimated that Google Glass will be marketed globally at the end of 2013 for general community in lower price. Google Glass available in various colors : charcoal, tangerine, shale, cotton, dan sky.

PnP Team

Imam Arief Winarta Ivonne Sonia Phidrian Andrew Lukman Christian Prijana Jacob Bunyamin Chrisandi Yusuf Rizqiansyah Ahmad Aulia RIzaly Nurul Alif Exanisah

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