Anger Management
The Never-Ending Beauty of Yogyakarta
Can You Trust A Chubby Doctor? 5th Edition | November 2013
For the first time in human history, the number of overweight people rivals the number of underweight people. While the world’s underfed population has declined slightly since 1980 to 1.1 billion, the number of overweight people has surged to 1.1 billion. What is not widely known is that the risk of health problems starts when someone is only very slightly overweight, and that the likelihood of problems increases as someone becomes more and more overweight. With obesity comes increasing risk of cardiovascular disease which is already the world’s number one cause of death, Diabetes type 2 which has rapidly become a global epidemic, musculoskeletal disorders, and cancers. As time time goes by, the problem is getting bigger and bigger. The question now is how big the problem really is that obesity causes. In this 5th edition of Arbor Vitae, we will look on how our members expresses their thoughts about obesity in their articles.
Ahmad Aulia Rizaly Editor-in-Chief
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
ILLUSTRATOR Abelina Dini Fitria
PUBLICATION & PROMOTION Publication & Promotion Team AMSA-Indonesia ’13/’14
Narisha Smaradhantia
Adhitya S.R.
Universitas Hasanuddin
Universitas Indonesia
Rahma Herviastuti
Jevonda Edria Bamitha
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Dhia Clarissa Putri
Reza Satria Halim
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret
Lala Dilanny
Rezky Fahnisa
Maranatha Christian University
Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Wismoyo Indra
Annisa Asmiragani
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
Universitas Brawijaya
Murwani Emarissa L.
Benedictus Sanjaya S.
Universitas Sriwijaya
Universitas Airlangga
Christin Dea Martin
Risma Kurniasih
Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
Siti Harisah
Ernestine Vivi Sadeli
Universitas Syiah Kuala
Universitas Pelita Harapan
W H Y W E ’ R E S O F AT : What’s Behind The Latest Obesity Rates? by Narisha Smaradhantia
t used to be that rich and fat were terms associated with people. A portly shape, probably in the middle of their body, signaled the good life. If you ever remember how you grandmother fussed over you on how you should eat more, or on how man prefer their wife chubby because that signaled they feed her well. In the past we used to see that the fatter you are, to the thicker your wallet. Today, however, we often see the reverse scenario: the leaner your wallet, the fatter you are. The usual reason given for people getting fat is that they eat too much and/or exercise too little. The amount of energy you put into a system minus the energy you take out has to be stored somewhere i.e. FAT! This formulation—true though it is—does not entirely explain obesity since some people seem to eat more than fat people and exercise no more than these same fat people, and yet they are not fat (lucky people, I guess.) Chalking this fact up to the general perversity of the universe is not sufficient explanation. Other factors must come into play. I mention below some of the ideas thoughtful people have proposed to explain why fat people become fat: 1. GENETIC It is thought that some people are destined to gain weight because they have inherited “fat genes” from their parents. There can be no doubt that people vary in their genetic makeup and some people are inclined because of genetic reasons to become tall, or broadshouldered or squat or fat. That doesn’t
necessarily mean that they are fat for genetic reasons. They could have learned fat-making behaviors, i.e. eating habits, from their parents when they were growing up. 2. EXERCISE IS RELEVANT A lack of exercise causes obesity; and we are getting better and better at not getting enough exercise, There are exceptions. A whole lot of people are running around, literally, or playing sports, including group sports, at an advanced age. This never used to happen. When I was a kid, if I saw someone running through the streets of Makassar, I knew they were running for a pete-pete (a public transportation in Makassar). In particular, it is socially acceptable now for women to play sports throughout their lives. So, there are a minority who are very active physically. But a greater number are less active than people used to be. Television usually gets blamed. Before that there was radio. When telephones first came in, most people thought the device would never catch on. If they wanted to talk to someone, they said, they could just walk over to that person’s house. Nowadays, if people really have to go somewhere, they drive rather than walk, use an elevator rather than climb stairs and are, in general, passive rather than active. Also: Obesity has been linked to: stress and/or not enough protein in the diet and/or too much fat in the diet and/ or too much carbohydrate in the diet and/or an overly warm house and/or too much light (not enough light causes depression) and/or pollution etc.
3. IMPROPER EATING HABITS learned while growing up, are thought to contribute to excessive weight gain over the course of a life time. The problem is there is no agreement about what constitutes proper or improper eating habits. Finishing eating everything on your plate used to be considered good; now it is considered bad (Remember the first words about how the scenario reverse itself?). You should stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Do not eat that last potato just because it is sitting there on your plate. It is often recommended to dieters that they get in the habit of purposely leaving some food uneaten on their plates. 4. LACK OF SLEEP People who sleep less eat more. Maybe they have nothing better to do. Maybe there are chemical changes that take place in the brain to compensate for inadequate sleep. There is an appetite center in the brain, and it is known to be affected by circumstances, including, possibly, sleep deprivation. (The appetite center in the brain is close to the area that controls sex—which should say something; but I don’t know what, uhm.). 5. THE SUN SPOT CYCLE As far as I know, there is no correlation between sun-spots and weight gain. I mention this here only to keep the reader’s attention. :D 6. CERTAIN HORMONES The usual “glandular conditions” that are mentioned often by lay people as an explanation for obesity include low thyroid and high cortisone levels. The
effects they produce on weight, however, are relatively minor and inconsistent. There are other hormones, however, secreted in the stomach that are known to affect appetite one way or another. Strategies are being developed to control weight using them; but the results so far have been disappointing. The stomach bypass operations that are used currently to treat morbid obesity are known to affect these hormones, and it may be partially through that mechanism that these operations work. 7. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTOR Last, it seems that college students gain an average of one to three pounds during their freshman year. Similarly, men gain a few pounds the first year after they marry. A strategy for avoiding weight gain immediately suggests itself: don’t go to college and don’t marry.
It is evident that there are many causes of obesity. They overlap with each other. Perhaps there is a genetic predisposition to have a particular community of intestinal bacteria; and that might in turn affect those hormones that control appetite in a particular way. Recent evidence suggests that exercise changes the effect of the “fat genes.� The inclination to exercise itself might be controlled genetically. What matters, I think, is the fact that excessive weight is not simply a failure of will power. It is not a moral failing. Dieting has to be approached in a practical way and not with finger wagging. Thank you.
CAN YOU TRUST A CHUBBY DOCTOR? by Adhitya S. Ramadianto
Classifying someone as obese or not takes no more than 5 minutes. Get his height, measure his weight, do some elementary math, and voila! Deconstructing obesity, however, is one messy business. It would take physicians through genetics to metabolism, nutrition, and all the way to public health policies. As if the list of contributing factors is not long enough, now you have to do some concrete introspection: what is your BMI? We all know the adage “don’t trust a skinny cook”; we now have to determine whether patients can (or should) trust a chubby doctor. After all, logic makes you expect dermatologists to have unblemished skin and dentists to have flawless teeth. At least dermatologists can hide their tinea patch - the rest of us cannot disguise the extra pounds on our tummy. And it does make a difference. Although a U.S. research shows that generally it is
or a week in my internal medicine clinical rotation, I was posted in an East Jakarta Puskesmas. There was this particularly offbeat internist who gave one easy advice to his overweight and obese patients: “If you want to lose weight, you may eat everything you want but eat them through your ears.” Well, physiologically speaking, you will not gain weight if you devour your meals through the external acoustic meatus, but this kind of diet is not very practical for the average human being.
quite rare for physicians to seriously advice on weight loss, overweight physicians are even less likely to counsel their patients on shedding their muffin tops. As obesity is risk factor for virtually any condition imaginable, physicians’ initiative to talk about losing weight with their patients is vital. Consequently, consulting with a doctor who does not talk about weight loss because the doctor himself is overweight may be hazardous for the patient’s health. Having said that, I will have to come clean: I am not your most physicallyactive, healthy-living future doctor. My diet consists of big frequent feedings with liberal amount of snacks in between, including late night snacks. My only sport, other than running cluelessly in the hospital like your typical koas, is swimming, which I only do infrequently. Consequently, my BMI is just an Oreo
a w a y f r o m b e i n g c l a s s i fi e d i n t o overweight. While a growing number of medical students are now adopting a healthier, active lifestyle, we still spend most of our times sedentarily. In fact, another study shows that spending more time working up a sweat does not equal reducing the time one spends sitting down. Honestly, as a medical student, how can we avoid the many hours (of pretending) to read a textbook (while actually checking Twitter, Facebook, and 9gag on our laptops)? And do not get me started on “medical school” diet. Preclinical students may have an easier time adhering to a healthy, balanced diet. That is not the case with clinical students. When having any time to eat is a luxury, consuming a proper meal sometimes seems unimaginable. I suppose my metabolism simply does not care about circadian rhythm anymore. Nevertheless, doing it together does not make unhealthy living less of a ‘crime’. We are responsible for our well-being as much as for our patients’, especially when it turns out that the weight we pack under our white coats can affect our patients. While the miserable koas life is an infinite source of comedy, carrying around an increased risk of cardiovascular disease is no laughing matter. Medical students are capable of multitasking. We already juggle so many things at the same time -family,
academics, social life, love life (for some)- I guess it should not be such a hard thing to add another one: our own health. I have not yet succeeded in formulating a medical-school-friendly healthy habits myself; however, I am confident that many of you have your own so-called lifehacks that make your life less unhealthy, if not more healthy. In AMSA, as well as in other organizations, we have done incredible work raising awareness for many diseases and acting towards them. Perhaps it is time to spend a portion of our efforts to remind ourselves, and also our seniors, that eating right and moving more is not just a meaningless mantra we tell our patients just to be a ‘comprehensive and holistic’ doctor. Healthy lifestyle will always remain as a powerful message for everyone on both sides of the doctor’s desk.
One Controv
versial Diet by Rahma Herviastuti
iet, apa yg terpikir ketika mendengar kata tersebut? Menurunkan berat badan? Arti sesungguhnya dari kata diet adalah aturan makanan khusus untuk kesehatan. Diet adalah jalan untuk menangani obesitas. Mengapa perlu ditangani? Tentu kita tahu, bahwa obesitas adalah faktor risiko untuk berbagai penyakit kronis. Sekarang, obesitas bukan hanya permasalahan di negara berpendapatan tinggi, namun juga negara berpendapatan menengah dan rendah. Sebenarnya ada berbagai macam metode diet untuk menangani obesitas, mulai dari yang berefensikan penelitian, ditulis oleh ahli gizi, ataupun yang diiklankan sehari-hari di perhentian traffic light. Namun, yang kita bahas kali ini adalah OCD (dan juga IF). Diet OCD, diet yang sedang booming di Indonesia ini memiliki kepanjangan Obsessive Corbuzier Diet. Sebuah nama yang terdengar cukup narsis. Deddy Corbuzier menyatakan dalam e-booknya sepanjang 82 halaman (bisa diunduh gratis) bahwa diet ini berasal dari kebiasaan kuno para monk. Secara ringkas, OCD bertujuan untuk menurunkan berat badan dengan cara membatasi kalori dan memobilisasi lemak via berpuasa. Dengan berpuasa, maka tubuh tidak mendapat asupan glukosa. Ketika tubuh membutuhkan energi untuk beraktivitas, tubuh memobilisasi glikogen, dan ketika glikogen telah habis, hormon-hormon glukoneogenik dilepaskan untuk memobilisasi lemak dan lain sebagainya.
Metode OCD juga bermaksud untuk mengoptimalkan jumlah dan kerja hormon glukoneogenik hGH. Seperti kita tahu, hGH akan mengontrol sintesis IGF-1 yang mengontrol pertumbuhan sehingga dapat semakin menambah manfaat dari diet ini. Diet ini terdiri dari dua prinsip. Pertama, tidak sarapan. Dalam bukunya, Deddy menyebutkan bahwa sarapan tidak memberikan benefit yang lebih besar ketimbang tidak sarapan, selain itu sarapan mengurangi kesempatan tubuh untuk menggunakan lemak sebagai energi. Prinsip kedua adalah puasa dan jendela makan. Puasa di sini memiliki arti bahwa seseorang tidak boleh makan atau menambah kalori apapun, sementara minum air boleh karena air tidak berkalori. Singkatnya, dalam satu hari, seseorang dapat memilih berapa jam ia ingin berpuasa (bisa 16 jam, 18 jam, 20 jam), kemudian sisa waktunya adalah waktu makan bebas (8 jam, 6 jam, 4 jam). Contohnya bila seseorang ingin puasa 16 jam, maka ia tidak boleh menambah kalori selama 16 jam, lalu sisa 8 jamnya ia bebas makan apapun. Setelah seseorang dapat mengaplikasikan puasa hingga 20 jam, ia dapat mencoba puasa 24 jam. Puasa ini berarti apabila seseorang makan pukul 12 siang hari ini, ia akan berpuasa hingga jam 12 siang di hari berikutnya. OCD diklaim memberikan hasil yang memuaskan dengan usaha yang mudah, namun dengan catatan, seseorang tidak boleh makan secara berlebihan apabila sedang berada di jendela makannya.
Kemudahan adalah kunci ketaatan dalam berdiet, dengan kata lain, kunci kesuksesannya.
hanya sebentar, dan karena diet dipantau maka motivasi untuk taat lebih tinggi, dll).
Bila ditelusur lebih jauh lagi, OCD ini berprinsip dari intermittent fasting (IF). Sesuai namanya, IF adalah puasa yang berjenjang, terdiri dari waktu puasa dan waktu makan. Di Amerika, IF baru-baru ini populer karena ditayangkannya metode diet 5:2 (5 hari makan, 2 hari puasa/asupan kalori tidak lebih dari 600) di BBC dan banyak koran/buku yang membahasnya. Karena popularitasnya, IF juga menjadi sorotan dunia medis dalam usaha untuk menurunkan angka obesitas. IF diklaim dapat menurunkan berat badan, memperpanjang usia, mengurangi penurunan fungsi kognitif, dan mencegah penyakit.
Studi tentang bagaimana IF dapat memperpanjang usia kebanyakan hanya dilakukan pada binatang (tikus atau monyet) sehingga sulit diaplikasikan pada manusia. Hanya ada satu studi yang bersubjek manusia (dilakukan di Spanyol pada tahun 1957). Studi itu menyebutkan bahwa setelah 3 tahun follow up, terjadi 13 kematian di grup control (tidak melakukan IF) dan 6 kematian di grup yang melakukan IF. Namun sayangnya metode pemilihan sampel dalam studi ini kurang jelas.
IF terdengar sangat menjanjikan, namun penelitian untuk IF sendiri masih sangat sedikit. Sebuah artikel PubMed berjudul “Does the intermittent fasting 5:2 work?� membahas mengenai IF lebih lanjut melalui beberapa studi yang telah dilakukan. Dalam sebuah studi yang menguji kemampuan IF untuk menurunkan berat badan, 30 wanita obese yang memiliki faktor risiko penyakit kardiovaskuler menjadi subyek, kemudian diberi makanan rendah kalori selama enam hari dan diminta puasa sehari dalam seminggu. Hal ini dilakukan selama delapan minggu. Hasilnya, ratarata wanita mengalami penurunan berat badan sebanyak 4 kg dan lingkar pinggangnya mengecil 6 cm. Tetapi penelitian ini memiliki kelemahan (yaitu jumlah sampelnya sedikit, follow up
Studi lainnya yang membahas IF dan penurunan fungsi kognitif kebanyakan juga dilakukan pada binatang, hasilnya memang terjadi perlambatan penurunan fungsi kognitif pada tikus. Studi mengenai IF dan pencegahan penyakit memberikan hasil bahwa IF dapat memiliki efek protektif terhadap penyakit jantung, diabetes tipe 2, dan kanker, namun masih membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut. Dari beberapa penelitian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa OCD dan/atau IF sendiri masih merupakan hal baru dalam dunia diet dan obesitas. Kemampuan keduanya dalam menurunkan berat badan masih perlu diteliti lebih lanjut, dan tentu saja penelitian untuk efek sampingnya. Sayangnya, penelitian untuk hal semacam ini sangat sulit dilakukan. Menurut sebuah artikel PubMed, untuk membandingkan metode diet mana yang
terbaik menggunakan gold standard untuk EBM, yaitu Randomized Clinical Trial, sulit dilakukan mengingat masalah utama yang dihadapi, yaitu ketaatan dari subyek itu sendiri. Peneliti tidak bisa mengontrol kapan dan berapa jumlah makanan yang dikonsumsi subyek. Selain itu, metode ini juga hanya bisa digunakan oleh orang sehat (tidak ada komplikasi penyakit seperti diabetes, eating disorder, atau kondisi khusus seperti kehamilan). Tak hanya itu, terdapat pertanyaanpertanyaan mengenai jumlah dan kerja hGH dalam OCD (dalam bukunya, Deddy mencatutkan sebuah studi yang menyebutkan bahwa kadar hGH dapat meningkat 2000% saat puasa). Kita sendiri dapat mempertanyakan, bukankah regulasi hGH normal mencegahnya untuk dapat meningkat secara berlebihan dengan adanya umpan balik negatif? Dan apakah peningkatan sedemikian besar tidak membahayakan bagi tubuh? Kontroversi juga muncul mengenai banyak hal lainnya. Benarkah tanpa sarapan kita dapat menjalankan fungsi normal tubuh dengan tidak menggangu metabolism? Tidakkah kondisi hipoglikemia yang berkepanjangan memacu sesuatu? Apakah produksi benda keton sebagai kompensasi sedikitnya glukosa baik untuk jangka panjang? Hingga seberapa banyak cadangan lemak yang boleh dimobilisasi? Apa efeknya bila terlalu banyak lemak yang hilang? Hal-hal ini tentu saja perlu penelitian lebih lanjut.
Sejatinya, program pengontrolan berat badan harus memperhatikan efeknya terhadap kesehatan secara menyeluruh. Harus kita pahami bahwa menurunkan berat badan bukan hanya agar tampak menarik, namun juga demi menghilangkan berbagai faktor risiko penyakit. Percuma juga apabila berat badan ideal tercapai namun malah mengorbankan kesehatan lainnya, baik kesehatan fisik, psikologis, maupun, ya, finansial. Sebuah pertanyaan penting selain manjur atau tidaknya diet adalah, amankah?
T H E N AT I O N A L S E C U R I T Y A G E N C Y: Overheard? by Jevonda Edria Bamitha
aybe you have heard about the NSA everywhere. Whether it’s in your local TV channels or maybe in news websites? The NSA Leaks issue is probably the hottest issue you can find right now after the Government Shutdown of the United States or the unstable economical condition of the world, and while you were wondering what is this all about, you’re being a part of this big issue!
a big agency; they recruited so many people over the years. It’s security agency magic, if you will. The thing is, we’re being watched for going through our Facebook accounts, maybe our little Google search histories and that may be no big deal if we do no suspicious things what-so-ever, but the main point here is that those sites promised us privacy, and the NSA is obviously crossing the line.
Wait. What is NSA? NSA is National Security Agency, probably one of the biggest intelligence organizations the United States has ever had. The NSA operates under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense and reports to the Director of National Intelligence. You can probably say that they are spies (Yes, those people who butt in other people’s business. We don’t know what on earth they are doing that for)—the people in NSA are tasked with the global monitoring, collection, decoding, translation and analysis of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, including surveillance of targeted individuals on U.S. soil. They are also responsible for the security and protection of the government’s communications and information systems
What are the things NSA spied on? Things? No. They have been spying on people. They tapped every conversation you may have with a U.S. citizen. The chancellor of Germany, the president of the U.S., it has also been revealed that they spied on the Pope, while on the first week of November it is reported that they spied on the secretary general of the United Nations. Those people may or may not mean anything to you and me, but they’ve reportedly also hacked the computer servers of Google and Yahoo. Hacking is criminal no matter who orders it. The surveillance programs they did were warrantless.
Okay, so what’s the problem? This is maybe a general conclusion of the problem: we are being watched, all the time. After 9/11, we’re all probably seen as potential suspects. The Internet activities are monitored constantly for unusual occasions of possible threat towards the U.S. How do they do all those things? No one knows for sure. The NSA is
Alright, so who leaked NSA’s so called ‘warrantless’ surveillance programs? Is the person in trouble for it? Edward Snowden is a former contractor for the National Security Agency and is
the person responsible for the NSA Leaks. He said that his “sole motive” for leaking the documents was “to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them” and even though he did what he think was right, it’s still controversial whether he is right or wrong. He’s considered a fugitive by the American authorities, him living in Russia while charged with espionage and theft of government property. So, what’s next? We wait for further news. It hasn’t ended yet and it’s up to the U.S. Government to maybe give the last sentence on the issue (of course they have to give the explanation though, the leaks didn’t only include their country as a whole, those documents also included many important people of many countries in the world!) Think about it, there’s so little we can do about this. We can debate about it all we want but we probably won’t reach an end.
Actually this leaves a question: would you rather know that what you wrote and posted, even read and talked about are being tapped by a foreign government facility or would you rather not know? Either way, this situation leaves us afloat
with a feeling of insecurity amidst the user-friendly services we’re now served with.
THE NEVER-ENDING B E AU T Y O F YO G YA K A RTA by Dhia Clarissa Putri
Kraton Yogyakarta
Tugu Monument
The number one mustsee is Kraton Ngayogyakarta or the Sultan’s Palace. This elegant Java architect building is located in the center of the city. Sultan’s palace stretches from north to south with Alun-alun Utara as the front yard and Alun-alun Selatan as the back yard. It is believed that the Sultan’s palace, Tugu Monument, and Mount Merapi lie in a line as the sacred axis of the city.
Beside the Sultan’s Palace, there is another notable landmark, Tugu Monument. It is located right in the center of the crossroad between the M a n g k u b u m i , Soedirman, A.M. Sangaji, and Diponegoro roads. Tugu Monument describes the philosophy of the unity of God's creatures that means the spirit of togetherness to fight colonials.
Not far from Tugu Monument, there is a popular shopping promenade, Malioboro. Many goods and handicrafts are available here, especially batik. If you walk along this street, the sidewalks on both side are crowded with small stalls selling variety of goods. There is also a modern mall, several hotels and restaurants.
House of R
House of Ra unique plac Along w traditional in restauran Javanese t menu, suc kucing with or herbs beverages. I place to han friends and reasonable. and waitress traditional costume tha traditional a of Yogyakart
Candi Prambanan
Parangtritis Beach
aminten is a ace to eat. with the interior, this nt offers traditional ch as nasi some jamu s as the It is a cozy ng out with the price is The waiters s also wear Javanese at provides atmosphere ta.
Gudeg is well known as the original food of Yogyakarta. That’s why Yogyakarta is often called ‘City of Gudeg’. It is composed from a boiled jackfruit with palm sugar and coconut milk. Gudeg is usually served with rice, chicken, boiled egg, tofu, spicy tempe, and spicy crispy beef skins called sambal goreng krecek.
Candi Prambanan is the biggest Hindu temple in Central Java which is located on Jl. Jogja-Solo km. 16. This temple is famous for a traditional theater performance called ‘the story of Ramayana’ which is presented in the evening at full moon. This story is performed on an open-air stage to the west of the temple. This performance is often watched not only by domestic tourist, but also tourist from other countries.
Parangtritis beach is located in the south of Yogyakarta. This beach is famous as a recreational spot and meditation. Slope shore, rocky hills, dunes, and white sand enhance the beauty of Parangtritis. Many people come to this beach to see the beautiful view of sunset. Up to now, this area is functioning as a place to perform traditional ceremony.
ANGER MANAGEMENT an interview with Nathania S. Sutisna by Annisa Asmiragani & Murwani Emarissa Latifah
NAME Nathania Sheryl Sutisna NICK NAME Nat DATE OF BIRTH November, 10 1992 EDUCATION HISTORY - SD Katolik Notre Dame - SMP Kristen IPEKA Puri - SMA Kristen IPEKA Puri Indah (jurusan IPA) - FK UPH ORGANIZATION EXPERIENCE IN AMSA - Academic Division AMSA-UPH 2010/2011 - Representative AMSA-UPH 2011/2012 - Regional Chairperson AMSA-Indonesia 2012/2013 - Advisory Board AMSA-UPH 2012/2013 - Advisory Board AMSA-Indonesia 2013/2014 - MnD div. AMSA-UPH 2013/2014 - Sec. of Membership and Development AMSA International 2013/2014 - General Delegate for EAMSC 2011, Singapore - Delegate (RC) for AMSC 2012 Philippines & EAMSC 2013 Japan - Executive Committee for EAMSC 2014, South Korea
Q: Have you ever been in a bad situation, that made you so emotional?
Q: What kind of people you love to work with?
A: It was on January - February 2013,
with are those who can work in a team, and the rest depend on our skill to adapt with other people and how to treat them. If he is a secretary, he should be neat, if he is a treasure, he should be painstaking. And on time and responsible with their job are the main things.
Jakarta got flooding in that time. I got a lot of pressure form every where, they wanted me to do this and many more that made me so emotional Q: How did you solve it? A: I love to share with my friend, I chatted with my friend who knew me and knew my position, and also knew the problem that I had. So It would reduce my anger. And also did something that made me calm such sleeping and eating. Q: How do you manage your anger? A: First, I don't want to show my anger in front of the wrong people that I’m angry and disappointed with, especially for the new member of AMSA. I always think first before act, because we must not hurt other’s feelings, including one that make you angry. We should talk when we are no longer in anger with the one who causes the anger.
A: The people who I really like to work
Q: Do you have any figure that you love on her skill on anger management and leadership? A: If we talk about anger management, I love Kak Victor (AMSA-UPH, batch 2009). When he was the chairman of Rakernas in 2012, he never showed his anger to the public and kept himself calm, and did anything with no anger. In leadership, every one is my inspiration in leadership, I learn from A, and learn from B, but overall, my mentor in leadership is Kak Patricia (AMSA-UPH, batch 2009). Q: What do you think about the leader emotionally shows his anger publicly? A: I think that right now, the leader who
Q: What kind of thing that can make you angry? A: I don't like people who do not stick on schedule and time, I really respect time and deadline.
likes to show his angry will not be respected by other people. The wise leader will have people’s respect. We, as an educated people, should express anger intellectually. We can talk each other without showing our anger in front of many people and I think if he is my boss, it will annoy me when he is angry just because of simple things.
D JA K A RTA WA R E H O U S E PROJECT by Reza Satria Halim
jakarta Warehouse Project 2012 had over 23.000 audiences, with 3 massive stages, 13 International acts, and 23 local heroes. This year, Djakarta Warehouse Project 2013 set the goal even higher, with even bigger lineup, more massive concept production and other surprises. On 13 December 2013 (13.12.13) starting 4pm, Djakarta Warehouse Project 2013 will create an out-of-this-world festival experience with superb excitement for all music lovers like they have never experienced before! Djakarta Warehouse Project 2013 will have two pre-festival events coming up in the next few months. The first is The DJ Hunt. This is where Ismaya Live seeks for potentially great local DJs in Indonesia, new and upcoming, with amazing skills. Winners will have the honor and the
opportunity to show off their amazing talent at Djakarta Warehouse Project 2013 (13.12.13). The second is, Road to DWP13, where we celebrate the liveliness that Djakarta Warehouse Project 2013 is coming! Road To DWP13 will go marching on in 10 big cities in Indonesia, also in Singapore and Malaysia. Continuing to be more successful this year, Djakarta Warehouse Project 2013 will bring the hottest and biggest DJs from all over the world. Names like David Guetta, Alesso, Arty, Breakbot (LIVE), Flight Facilities (LIVE), Gareth Emery, Lemaitre (LIVE), Madeon, Martin Solveig, Seth Troxler, Showtek, Solomun, W&W, and ZEDD announced as the international artists on the line-up. This event will also be supported by our very own local DJs and VJs, such as Angger Dimas, Hizkia, Riri Mestica, WW, Yasmin, and many more. Also, with special performance by Cyberjapan Dancer. Djakarta Warehouse Project 2013 ticket sales start on Saturday 6th of July 2013. Tickets can be purchased online via and OR at offline ticketboxes such as: Pizza E Birra – Jakarta (Plaza Indonesia, Central Park, Gandaria City, Setiabudi); Pizza E Birra – Bandung (Paris Van Java); and Kitchenette (Bali).
LIPOSUCTION S u r g e r y Te c h n o l o g y by Wismoyo Indra
Areas Effected
Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty (fat modeling), liposculpture suction lipectomy (suction-assisted fat removal) or simply lipo, is a cosmetic surgery operation that removes fat from many different sites on the human body.
These procedures can range from the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, to the neck, backs of the arms and elsewhere.
Several factors limit the amount of fat that can be safely removed in one session. Ultimately, the operating physician and the patient make the decision. There are negative aspects to removing too much fat. Unusual "lumpiness" and/or "dents" in the skin can be seen in those patients "over-suctioned". The more fat removed, the higher the surgical risk. History Liposuction evolved from work in the late 1960s from surgeons in Europe using primitive curettage techniques which were largely ignored, as they achieved i r r e g u l a r r e s u l t s w i t h s i g n i fi c a n t morbidity and bleeding. The invention of modern liposuction procedure is linked to the name of two Italian gynecologists, Arpad and Giorgio Fischer, who created the blunt tunneling method in 1974. Overall, the advantages of 30 years of improvements have been that more fat cells can more easily be removed, with less blood loss, less discomfort, and less risk. Recent developments suggest that the recovery period can be shortened as well.
Candidacy Not everyone is a good candidate for liposuction. To be a good candidate, one must usually be over 18 and in good general health, have an ongoing diet and exercise regimen, and have fatty pockets of tissue available in certain body areas. S i g n i fi c a n t d i s e a s e l i m i t i n g r i s k (e.g. Diabetes, any infection, heart or circulation problems) weigh against the eligibility of a person for the procedure. In older people, the skin is usually less elastic, limiting the ability of the skin to readily tighten around the new shape. Liposuction of the abdominal fat should not be combined with simultaneous tummy tuck procedures due to higher risk of complications and mortality. MECHANISM OF LIPOSUCTION • Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL) In this approach, a small cannula (like a straw) is inserted through a small incision. It is attached to a vacuum device. The surgeon pushes and pulls it in a forwards and backwards motion, carefully through the fat layer, breaking up the fat cells and drawing them out of the body by suction. • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) In ultrasound-assisted or ultrasonic liposuction, a specialized cannula is used
which transmits ultrasound vibrations within the body. This vibration bursts the walls of the fat cells, emulsifying the fat and making it easier to suction out. • Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) PAL uses a specialized cannula with mechanized movement, so that the surgeon does not need to make as many manual movements. Otherwise it is similar to traditional SAL. • Twin-cannula (assisted) liposuction (TCAL or TCL) Twin cannula (assisted) liposuction uses a tube-within-a-tube specialized cannula pair, so that the cannula which aspirates fat, the mechanically reciprocated inner cannula, does not impact the patient's tissue or the surgeon's. • External ultrasound-assisted liposuction (XUAL or EUAL) XUAL is a type of UAL where the ultrasonic energy is applied from outside the body, through the skin, making the specialized cannula of the UAL procedure unnecessary. • Water-assisted liposuction (WAL) WAL uses a thin fan-shaped water beam, which loosens the structure of the fat tissue, so that it can be removed by a special cannula. During the liposuction the water is continually added and almost immediately aspirated via the same cannula. • Laser Assisted A laser is used to melt the fat in the target/ area, making it easier to remove. This
laser is administered through a fibre threaded through a microcannula. The premise is similar to UAL. It is believed that these techniques, such as SmartLipo or SlimLipo, can also reduce bruising and bleeding, as it also cauterizes to a certain extent.
W H AT ’ S I N Y O U R FOOD? Te l l S p e c i t ! by Lala Dilanny
hat’s in your food? Are there any glutens, allergens, toxins, dangerous chemicals inside? How many calories in it? It's hardly know what's hidden inside your food, especially packed food,is there any trans fat inside? Can you always trust what's written on the label? TellSpec sees beyond. Created by entrepreneur Isabel Hoffman and Professor Stephen Watson, beam and wave this tiny tracking device on your food. TellSpec scans your food, and in a few seconds tells what it is contained to your smartphone. Inspired by her own daughter who is gluten intolerant, Isabel, an entrepreneur with experiences in healthcare and genetics, entertainment and education business field, explained her vision to Watson, a device as tiny as a flash drive that can scan the air and food and tell what pollution inside. Watson, as a math professor with more than 40 invention patents then bring out together laser spectroscopy and a unique mathematical algorithm to detect chemical compounds inside food. How does TellSpec work? As what we've learnt light is made up of particles called photons. When you beam the lowpowered laser in the TellSpec scanner at the food, some of the photons are absorbed, raising the energy states of the molecules in the food. Lower energy photons are then reflected back. The spectrometer inside the TellSpec scanner
sorts these photons by wavelength and counts them. The resulting numbers, called a spectrum, describe the chemical compounds in the food. This spectrum is uploaded to our analysis engine where it is analyzed and correlated with other reference spectra. Information about the allergens, chemicals, nutrients, calories, and ingredients in the food is then downloaded to you and displayed on your smart phone. TellSpec is a revolutionary discovery in food technology. TellSpec tells not just ingredients and allergens that might hidden inside our food, the smartphone app also provides explanations about them. And good things for people in weight losing program or monitoring their calorie intake. The app also provides calorie calculator, and gives warning when you achieve your daily limit. What else? TellSpec can also identify your food sensitivity based on your feeling after consuming any food.
In the past nine months TellSpec was under development phase. Spectrometer device now in the size of a nanochip. TellSpec is now collecting fund. From the funding they will use to manufacture the TellSpec scanner and get all the regulatory approvals needed to ship it, deploy the food analysis engine on servers that reliably provide quick analysis of the spectra and also develop app for android and iOS platforms. Isabel and Watson believe that their inovation is a revolutionary step into a healthier world. They are ready to put it on the market next year, with price about US$180. Well, let's wait for TellSpec to arrive to our country. And hopefully, it can make a new era of healthier society :D
Smartphone-Based Imaging System Spots Nanoscale Objects by Rezky Fahnisa
martphone companies often boast how much better their devices' cameras are than those of their rivals, but scientists may have them all beat— they can spot single viruses with a new lightweight, portable imaging system that attaches to smartphones. The power to see single molecules with the system might arrive soon, experts added. The entire system, housed in a casing made with a 3-D printer, weighs roughly as much as a cup of uncooked white rice. In experiments, the system could spot particles as small as roughly 100 nanometers. (One nanometer is one billionth of a meter.) The researchers found it could also detect single viruses such as human cytomegalovirus, which can endanger the lives of patients with weakened immune systems and measures about 150 to 300 nanometers in size. HIV, rabies and influenza are similarly large viruses. "It is the first time that single nanoparticles and viruses have been detected using a cellphone-based fieldportable imaging system," says Aydogan Ozcan, an electrical engineer and bioengineer at the University of California, Los Angeles. Ozcan and his colleagues described their setup in the October 22 issue of ACS Nano. Molecules called fluorophores help pinpoint the tiny objects under examination. The fluorophores latch onto specific targets (say, a particular virus) and fluoresce under certain wavelengths of light to reveal the location of their quarry. The imaging system shines a blue laser on the fluorophores to excite them,
then directs the resulting light through a lens and into the phone’s camera. "These results show that you do not necessarily need a sophisticated and expensive microscope to see small objects down to several hundred nanometers in diameter," says physicist Saumyakanti Khatua at Leiden University in the Netherlands, who did not take part in the research. "One very important application could be in detecting viruses in rural areas where laboratory facilities are very limited." Other researchers have already developed sensors that can detect the presence of single molecules. One advantage of the new microscopy system
example, of a geologist identifying minerals within their rocky matrix or of a repair workshop immediately able to choose the proper glue for an unknown polymer part," Khatua and Orrit wrote in their commentary. "The ever-growing popularity of smartphones, with already more than a billion in use, coupled with great technological advances in making faster processors and more sensitive cell phone cameras will certainly extend the reach of such devices in the future." As for Ozcan, his system may soon make the leap from laboratory demonstration to the real world. He has founded a start-up called Holomic to commercialize the device and others like it.
over such single-molecule sensors is that it not only detects the presence of targets, but can also display where they are located, which can be key in analyzing biological and other complex systems, Khatua says. In addition to detecting viruses before the first symptoms of illness might appear, potential applications for the smartphone microscope include detecting bacteria or other impurities in food and water. The potential to detect and identify single molecules could open up an even wider range of applications, such as forensic analysis, pollution monitoring and authentication of goods. "Think, for
AMSA-UA Excalibur Moment 1 Benedictus Hanjaya
AMSA-Airlangga Excalibur Moment – Excalibur is Introductory Event for AMSA-Airlangga newcomers. Ashwin (batch 2011) dip his foot in the lake to take a puzzle piece. In this game, each team has to find puzzle pieces with tied feet to make the AMSA logo.
AMSA-UA Excalibur Moment 2 Benedictus Hanjaya
AMSA-Airlangga Excalibur Moment – Another game in Excalibur. The objective is to relay salt water without touching the glass by hand. Apart from the fun games, the newcomers also get some leadership training.
The Milky Way Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
This picture was taken at Tanjung Bira, one of the most famous beach in South Sulawesi. Located in far south of Makassar, about 5 hours by car, this beach is perfect for stargazing and astrophotography
O P E N R E C RU I T M E N T 2013/2014
It’s about 5 weeks since the first day of Open Recruitment been held & it’s hectic! AMSA UKI Christin Dea Martin
The main target for this year’s Open Recruitment is batch 2013, the newest batch to have stepped in our university. We’re on the third step of open recruitment; we call it ‘the internship step’. We first introduced them to Asian Medical Students’ Association on October 1st 2013; their enthusiasm was so great. They really listened carefully and paid great attention to our presentation. Not only for batch 2013, but we also made our introduction in batch 2011 and 2012. They were just like “wow” every time when we introduced and explained about AMSA and its events. On October 9th 2013 the written test was held and we divided the test into 2 sessions, the first at 3 PM and the second at 5 PM. There were about 80 people who participated in the written test. They really learned about AMSA that’s why they can answer the questions. Assisted by members of AMSA-UKI, the written test was completed and it was run perfectly! The second step – the interview test was held on October 11th 2013 and started at about 5 PM. Unexpectedly, our first representative and one of the founders of AMSA-UKI – dr.Ido Bramantya showed up! He wanted to help us interview some of the applicants. After 30 minutes some of
our seniors from older batches came and help us too, what a pleasant surprise! The interviews were finished at 7.30 PM. After such a long way now we’re on the last step, the internship test. A little bit explanation on this step; this is the first time for AMSA-UKI to include an internship. Every applicant that passed the interview test was made into teams. Each team consists of one mentor and four members, so there are currently 14 teams in internship stage. This internship test will be held during 6 weeks or from October 22nd until December 11th. Each team has to learn about divisions that currently exist in AMSA-UKI’s cabinet and complete the tasks that will be given by each division. It has been going for 2 weeks. As this far, the applicants are still responsive, they completed task after task well. From this internship, we hope we can observe their loyalty and quality. We still have weeks to go, and we believe this new page we’re writing onto will bring us brand new enthusiastic members who will continue AMSA’s visions and missions better and better each time.
Importance of Nutrient AMSA-UMP - Risma Kurniasih AMSA UMP held an event named ION (Importance of Nutrients) at two orphanages in Plaju, Palembang. We donated foods, stationaries, clothes and some money for the children who lived in those orphanages. We splitted the AMSA members into two teams, the first team went to Darul Rahmah Orphanage, and the second team went to Subulussalam Orphanage. When we got there, the children in the orphanage were already waiting for us. As we came in, the children ran towards us and greeted us happily. The first agenda of the event is measuring the children’s height and weight. And then, we calculate the IMT of each child to know their nutrient status. Most of them were still in the normal range, there were only a few children with obesity. After that, we showed the children some videos about “Good and Healthy Snacks”, “Healthy Life”, and “The Importance of Washing Your Hands”. We told them about how the bad bacteries could get into their body if they didn’t keep their hygiene well. We even gave them some quizzes based from the video we showed before, there’re some prizes for those who could answer the questions. It’s really good to share with others, especially those who really need our helps. With this event, we hope that maybe we could help them even if it’s just a bit. And we’d like to hold this kind of event again. We wish you guys will also do :)
B I M AT E R I L AMSA-UNSYIAH - Siti Harisah
On Saturday, October 26th 2013, MemberShip and Development Division (MnD) of AMSA Unsyiah held an event, BIMATERIL (Basic Training and Meeting The Experts for Sharing Experience to Develop Organizing Skill). Hendra Dwitanto as the chief of this event expressed that the purpose of holding BIMATERIL was to increase the abilities of AMSA members in self-developing and organizing especially in leadership field. A series of BIMATERIL programs was held actively and interestingly at 9am till 4.30 pm by a speaker from The Leader team. One of the Leader member is also an AMSA Unsyiah member studying doctor profession eduction. This event began with the registration session at 9 till 9.30 am. The first material was “River of Life” which was held at 9.30 till 11 am. In this first section of the event, approximately 50 of BIMATERIL participants were really excited. They were divided into some groups and created a circle. In each group, the participants were asked to describe their life on a paper started from their childhood till
their future. After that, each participant was asked to present it in that group. According to one of a participant named Orintya Putri Adiyusika, who is usually called as Orin, she really liked the first given material. She told that with “River of Life”, she had known about the journeys of life of her friends. The effect was also pretty good, she got to understand her friends better about how they live. The second material was “Project Management” held at 11am till 12.30 pm. This time, the participants who were still in their groups were asked to solve several complicated problems together. They were taught how to solve problem in several steps systematically. After the second material had fi n i s h e d , B I M A T E R I L w a s continued with ISOMA, in this section, all the participants were given time to break, pray and have lunch from 12.30 till 2 pm. After this section, the event was started again with the next material. This time, it was about Leader Training. The participants were not in groups anymore. This third material began with drawing about how the criterias of an ideal leader are, depends on how the
participants thought. They seemed really creative, there was a participant who drew a people with a lamp over his head, there was also one who drew a character which was looked alike with Teuku Umar, Hitler and many more. The last section was Leader Game began at 3.30 till 4. 30 pm. The participants were divided into several groups again, then they were given a scenario of a case about an area where was isolated and disturbed by disasters. Each group was asked to solve the case in 3D miniature shapes in 15 minutes. In this game, each group tried to make the best solution to be presented. Every idea from each group was impressive enough. They made a moving health care, a multifunctional building, and many others. There were also participants who made a base of helicopter and volunteer miniatures. After the last section, each participant was asked to take Rp. 3000 and gave that money to one of the participant who had and did the biggest role in this event they thought.
AMSEP PHILIPPINES "Kamu sangat berarti, istimewa di hati, selamanya rasa ini Jika tua nanti kita telah hidup masing-masing, ingatlah hari ini" AMSA-UPH - Ernestine Vivi Sadeli
Dear fellow AMSA-Indonesia
Greetings from UPH!!!
In this great opportunity, i would like to share our experiences about hosting AMSEP Philippines on 24th October 2013 – 30th October 2013. We have a lot of fun and amazing stories to make new best friends in only 7 days for a whole time. Do you eager to know more? So let’s check this out, the journey began :D On 24th October 2013, our beloved delegates came to our university, Universitas Pelita Harapan. There are 8 of them who came to our AMSA-UPH family: Kim (as the CoD of AMSEP Phillipines), Sam, Kath, Karen, Wilson, Pants, Milan, and Marcky. For the first time I saw them, they looked so shy to know more about us. But it was just last for a few hours until all of us gather along like a crazy little kids. On the first day, we picked them up at 8.30 am to go to MRIN (Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology). In that place, they were doing the laboratory skills to perform DNA test. After about two hours in the laboratory, they went to the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Pelita Harapan to go for campus tour. We explained to them about the
anatomy room, skills laboratory, helipad on the upper ground, library, computer room, canteen and also lounge for us if take a break after the lectures. By the way, I almost forgot to tell about the accommodation for them as the delegates. We separate them into 2 houses, the girls stay in Dr. Anilla Paul, , MBBS,PGCertHSc,PGDipl.Rehab as the Vice Dean of Student Affair and the boys are stay in Prof. Dr. Dr. dr. Eka Wahjoepramono, SpBs as or Dean for Faculty of Medicine Universitas Pelita Harapan. After that, we were having a lunch in Warung SS (Warung Super Sambal) and also to Es Teler 77.At the night, we were having Welcoming Party in Warung Tekko in collaboration with AMSA-UI to welcome all 16 delegates of AMSEP Philippines. Then we also held UPH Night to also introduce them about the nightlife in Jakarta, Indonesia. On the second day, we held two hours of Problem Base Learning tutorial with dr. Sunanto Sp. JP. We continued our journey to visit the Siloam Hospital Lippo Village and having a tour about hospital and also to Rumah Sakit Umum Siloam – Puskesmas Siloam. While we were doing the hospital visit, we also did the social hour to fulfill the philosophy of action in AMSA-Indonesia. The delegates had chances to do the history taking to the patient and
accompanied by the specialist doctor. We also accompanied them to translate the history taking that had been done by the delegates in guidance of specialist doctor. After we had done the history taking, we give the patient a rose as a symbol of appreciation. We were having a lunch then at Kacamata in Puri Indah area, and continue to Museum Tekstil where they would be experiencing “ngebatik” from the first step until the final step that the batik was stained with colors. The delegates could bring the batik to their hometown in Philippines. We went to Monumen Nasional for nightsightseeing and also try otakotak as the traditional food. That's the end of the second day. On Monday morning, we brought them to join the PBL about Obgyn that is done by Dr. Anilla, MBBS,PGCertHSc,PGDipl.Rehab In the afternoon, we took them to TMII (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah), a recreational park that shown all of Indonesian’s culture including the house, the clothes, etc. Then we just took them to Nury’s Warung and also service them with free massage in the evening. The next day, we picked them up to Dunia Fantasi (Dufan) at Ancol, they tried all of the hillarious games that could increase the adrenaline such as Tornado, Histeria, Halilintar, etc.
We ended this day by closing party in Gado-Gado Boplo that was held by AMSA-UI in collaboration with AMSA-UPH. That was the last night we doing our togetherness, until tomorrow they came back to Phillipines while we brought them some souvenirs from Batik Keris. Friendship, is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learn the meaning about friendship, you really haven't learn anything by Muhammad Ali It was such an great honour that we could be the host for AMSEP Philippines. All of the committee got amazing experiences because we can brought them to explore more about Indonesia, especially in three pillars that has been taught by AMSA-Indonesia : Knowledge (to become a good future doctor), Action (to socialize and make a greater impact to society), and Friendship (communicate with all doctors through the world). Last but not least, VIVA AMSA-INDONESIA!!!
Best Regards, Ernestine Vivi Sadeli Representative AMSA-UPH 2013/2014
A Small Act That Made a Huge Impact AMSA-UNSRI - Almira Zada & Ronaldo Agustian
There’s something different on that particular Saturday dawn, the 9th of November 2013. When traces of sunlight could not be seen just yet, members of the AMSA UNSRI were ready to venture the streets. It’s not for the purpose of a simple leisurely walk, or a simple morning jog, but it’s for a voluntary social service work in regards to TUNICA 2013. Before we get to the real story, it’s better for us to explain first what is TUNICA. It stands for “Together Unite in One Action”, is a yearly work specialized for AMSA UNSRI. This year’s TUNICA was focused in giving out groceries to those who work on the streets as sweepers. Other than giving groceries, we are also giving out sanitary masks and flyers about health issues, as a way for us to remind them of staying safe and healthy while doing their job. This is our realization of the Post Conference Project AMSA UNSRI, or PCP, a project that a particular university’s AMSA has to do after they have attended an international event, such as AMSC or EASMC. You might ask, why did we pick street sweepers as the targets of our 2013 TUNICA and PCP? For us, a street sweeper is such a noble job, but then again, it can be hazardous towards him or her. They’re easily vulnerable to pollution, whether it’s from everyday social interaction, to air pollution; other than that they’re
also at risk of being victims in a traffic accident. Therefore, other than just giving groceries, members of AMSA UNSRI were educating the street sweepers about the risks involved with their jobs and we were also giving them the information on how to minimalize the risks itself; that’s why, we gave them the sanitary masks as a first step of the risk management. Our preparation for TUNICA 2013 started on the 30th of October 2013. It started by the collection of various donations (in forms of rice, instant noodles, vegetable oil, or money) from members of AMSA, no exception as to which graduating year you are from, and also from other medical students who are not members of AMSA. After the collection, the donations are packaged, and in one package, we have 2 Kg of rice, 5 packs of instant noodles, and a liter of vegetable oil. A day before the actual TUNICA, on the 8th of November 2013, we can truly praise and thank the Lord since we have managed to collect 196 packages of groceries, exceeding our target of 100. Other than that, we have several extras of Rp. 416.000, 39 liters of oil and 15 packages of instant noodles. This amount shows how the members of AMSA UNSRI and the medical students who are not particular members of AMSA truly cared about the people who are less fortunate than us.
This program was executed at 5 a.m. sharp, and it was also done simultaneously on 15 highways all around Palembang. No hindrances were met during the execution, and the responses from the sweepers were truly great; for some of them, this program has given them a better understanding on how to do their jobs more safely. The committee also provided time for the members to take some pictures with the sweepers. We have to ask ourselves, how many more chances for us where we are able to share our heart and also to help those who are helpless and less fortunate, even through a small act of kindness? If we have to sum up this action in a sentence, it would be, “A Small Act That Made a Huge Impact”. This doesn’t mean that we’re undermining the fact that the committee of TUNICA 2013 has done a great job in organizing this event, but this would be so small in comparison on the impact of this event has on the society, and especially the sweepers. These actions would also be small in comparison in regards of the smiles on the sweepers faces on that Saturday morning, they are truly the mostly forgotten hero of the society. We do hope that this event would not just stop here, but it would continue to grow in the years to come. Viva AMSA, Viva AMSA UNSRI!
special section by Abelina Dini Fitria
Obese Superman
Obese Tarzan
PnP Team
Murwani Emarissa Latifah Jevonda Edria Bamitha
Abelina Dini Fitria
Narissa Dewi Nursjamsi
Reza Satria Halim
Annisa Ayu Asmiragani
St. Fatimah Zahra
Irwan Munandar